w ' TH1 LANCASTER DAILY 1NTEJ l: I! -i i i 5 i it r li J 80XQ OF THE TALKER. Sweeter than Kellan breathing en tee tense and trembling wire, Made by flower-burdened zephyrs from ths perfume-recking Beulh : Sweeter than the heavenly harping of the rapt angelic choir. Is the music, endless mnslc,ef my eversonnd eversennd Ing mouth I Hew I lore It giddy gurgle I Hew I leve Its nuent flew I Hew I lore te wind my mouth up : Hew I leve te hear It get Sweeter than the bulbnl tinging hid In Oriental it sallfl,e Hie hunger of my wide, vora vera cious ear, I Ihtteu te Its music and no longer disbelieve The Pythagorean f iney of the mulc of the spheres t Sweeter far than shawms' and cymbals, harps And psaltery te me; Sweeter than the Hew of water through sun smitten land of dreuth t Sweeter than the sunrise music of Memnenlan raoledy I the ttntlnabiUalten of my automatic moethl Rew I love It giddy gurgle I Hew t love It fluent flew! Hew I love le wind my mouth up I Hew I love te hear It go ! -0. II. Fata. CASH GOING ABROAD. The European Kxedns Vlewcd Frem a Financial standpoint It Makes V 900,000,000 Poorer. New Yerk Cerr, PHUburg Dispatch. Thennmiul European exodus of Ameri can clllzens has fairly began. The steam ships Hailing from tills pert last Satmday carried ever 1,000 .saloon passengers. Ther'e were qulte us nuny second cabin and steoruge who accompanied tlieni. While most of these sumtner wiindcrers nre from New Yerk and Immediate vicinity they really ceme from nil sections of the country. New Yerk at tills season of the year Is a creat clearing house of pleasuro-seckots iepartlng for new scenes and new coun tries. This dimple statement does net fully con vey the idea. Te qulte understand the slg slg iiitlcaiice ofthe spring stnmpede a visit te the great decks vvhere lie the Etiropean nteattiera would le necessary. These en Saturday and Wednesday morning, which nre the two great Hailing ilay, present the liveliest scenes liu iiluauln. The roadways nppreiiclilng the decks Hivnrm with trunks and triinkuieii bearing supplies for the ships, and umld this swarm excited passou passeu passou gers liud their way te the piers. Tliose piers seein at first sight te be a diserdeily mass of workmen, passongers, visitors, boxes, crates, trunks and every conceivable sort of luggage entangled in oue chaotic mass. As n matter of fact, liowevor, thore is u system underlying the whole, mid this Bysten is the ene wlilch experience has demonstrated the best adaptation of condi tions te the desired end. The clese ob server will note that the mevements of every gang of inounie regulated se ns te "get there" in the shortest posslble npace oftlnie. If ytm are a strunger leafing en the pier out of idlocmleslty, or for the pur pose of seeiug friends off en the departing sieamer, you had het ter leek out for your shins ami your bodily belongings gener ally. Truck leads of baggage and truck man ure no respecteis et persons. The long line of them that crowd upon the pier must be constantly lestraincd by polleeniou and ships' olllcers te provent an inuxtricable jam of matter nud Willy In jury te these 011 feet. Uhe huge swinging crnnes that grasp their truck with lien hands creak merrlly te the time of the donkey engines as they dump their leads down the hatclies. The crowds of passongers und visitors creeping slowly up the gangways are greeted by ether crowds already in possession of the decks. A llttle bit of pasteboard is neces sary in 01 der te allow you te go aboard. A petty officer in uniform at the feet ofthe gangplank collects tills and glowers upon you as il you wero an inconsiderate bere and better be some place else. Trout the decks ofthe ship, however, is a finer view of this pler pandemonium. On Saturday the sime Bcone may bn wit nessed from a half deen ships, which will prosently steam slde by side or one ufter another down the harbor. Five hundred te 1,000 people will wave their handket handket chlefs from eauh pier, and thousands of tears will udd thelrquotatetlio briny deep. A tleet of tugs and ethor small vessels will accompany eaih ship te the lower bay. ThflRA will I'-nntnlti thn iimnv fYintuls nf tlm Zea101"0 for'unate or mere notorious of the ! Doe,'l'8passengers. J m Last Saturday was but a connterpait of J niiany Saturday s jet te come. It is esti- rlllUiUVl UliU illU U UJilLU IIOOIMUI "1 IIUlSUIl who go abiead ut tills soaseu of the year will reach at least 1,000 per day. This means that from the middle of May te the middle of Julv upward of 60,000 Americans will have departed from their uative shores in quest of pleasure and health of foreign seli. Wlille the uxedus will continue during the sumniei thore will be n considerable fall ing oil from the middle of July, De you realize what all this means from a financial point of vlevv? rrem the peer steerage jiassonger who will blew in a couple of hundred dollars in a visit te Ills fatherland te the millionaire and his family w heMi ex penses mean that much oveiy day of ab sence, it is a modHr.ite ostimate te place the average expenditure at ?"00 each for the trip. Fer 00,000 this means $30,000,000. Fer the ontire summer's ciewd $60,000 ',000 will boa inore accurate estlniate. Ami this is for New Yerk alene. All of tills money, mind you, geu into foreign p ckets ami should be carefully set down in llguiiug the balance of trade bctwecu tlie United States and foieign governments. There is enough expended en foreign pleasures every year by Americans te crcate u re spectable nnvy and sea cetst defonses, If spent et home for that purpose. It would soem wmth the vvlilluef American .states manship te provide seme means by vv Iiieli, through an Amerlc 111 merchant marine, a large portion of this annual expenditure might be retained at home. The annual exedus lrem New Yerk docs net simply-mean that put of our popula tion which gees te Kurepe. It is the most objectlenablo feature. Hut that portion which leaes the city en pleasure bent within our own domain is a much larger oue. It is a greit pity that seme statistic! can't be had as le nearly the e:itt number of peeple who loave the United btates overy su miner ler foreign tiavel. It would also he interesting te knew just hew many people leave our gieat city te spoudlheir time in the mountains and ut fashion ible watering places. Se far as New Yerk is concerned the number is simply marvelous; Ifthe empty houses of these iieople could be collected in a single neighborhood, they would form a vast and silent city el themselves. THE ANNUAL MOTH AVAIL Things Should he Rolled Up and Pasted Up te Eicnpe the Hnveeren. Frem the New Yerk World New Is the time of jcar when a great number of women can find it in their heart te deulaie that housekeeping is tt failure of the most dismal kind. The cares that loom in the spring are (te lliemi inore numerous than the tloweis that bloom, nud well te the fere among the exigencies or the sea son conies the nted of waging deadly war against the merry llttle moth that Is sure te get in lier due w erk and her eggs w her ever igilance Is relaxed ler an instant. The knowing wemui begins as seen as the da h grew warm le pick up her Reeds. Furs and clothing go first. The lermer should 1)0 care fully shaken, beaten with a rattan wand, then combed with a rather cearse new comb, and tlnnllv rubbed both ways with a dump linen cloth. Then bang in a sunny window fern few inlmites, und afterwards wrap them In several thick nesses of newspaper. The oue thing that a moth absolutely detests is printer's ink, se an Illustrated shell that is veiy inky is especially cemmended. Put your new s papcr package Inte a jlean box and pate strips of thick brew 11 paper along the edges. Clothing must be absolutely clean when put an ay. If it can bn washed se much the better. If net, brush and sponge it the roughly, thou wrap and jut up In thosime iniuner ns the furs Yeu can surround the klieh os, draw ers and plaee whero these packHL'Cs are stored with any ofthe aw lul siiielllng "exterminators" which jeu m.tv select te Realtor through your liouse, mid If there are no moths Inside these boxes when you seal them up thore won't anv get there later. Small rugsund fur mats may be similarly dealt with, but carptts und hangings pre sent greater diniculties. It Is best te have the former thoroughly cleansed und rolled with tar paper In the fold. Then wiap them first in newspapers and then sew or pin secarcly in stout unbleached muslin. A like treatment is recommended for dra peries. If you can dovetea room in your he ti se te the storage of the geed which are especially toothsome te (he mellis, have it thoroughly cleaited, the walls and cor cer cor nlee especially, and then use the campherct plentifully nil abdnt. It will make the place smell like a morgue or as If the drain age was meet for the interference of the Heard or Health. It toil live In a flat the occupants of the ether apartments will Erebably complain and mere out. If your usband bas arranged te sleep in the house during the summer be will un doubtedly get a room at the ctub and sleep there, but the moths will slay away. WaRCtUudnr High and Lew Terlrrs. Frem the Bprlngflctd (Mess.) ltepubllcan. If any oue should leek through the latt part of the state bureau of labor statistics report In the expectation of tracing seme connection between the wages paid in tnanufa"turlug Industries and the tariff he would be very much dlsapxlntcd. It Is impossible te iiuu any sucu connection. Upen no ethor industry, for example, has tariff been lavished with se liberal a hand as upon woolens. We should naturally expect that here a high rate of wages would rule. And yet It ap-ietirs that 22 per cent, of the empleyes who are included in the wage returns rocelve less than 3, inore than one-half receive less than $7, and mere than three-fourths less thau flO a week. As 74 per cent of the total number employed in this industry are represented in the wages returns, these results no doubt give the average situation. Worsteds are another product upon which inmh tariffh is been Imposed. Uuthvercn) fourth et the empleyes represented get less than $." a week, and ever three-fourths' get less than JS. Cotten goods, again, enjoy a very liberal protection, the tariff here ranging from 40 'to7.uer cent., and the leading mills ure paying dividends of from 0 te a) per cent. II the rate of wages in any way depends upon the tarlll, one would expect te find very geed wages prevailing ,here. And yetef the 48,17b cm ploy os represented in the wage-tables, or 80 per cent, ofthe whele number engaged In the Industry, ever 10, 000, or eer40per cent., receive less than $5 a week or less than til cents a day. Mere than three-fourths receive less than $7 a week and mere than 81 per cent, less than (3. That cannot be called large pay. Tuko new the paper Industry. Tills on en on Jeys the least protection of any great manufacturing business of Massachusetts. Thrco-feurthsof the total number of em em peoyes are represented In the wage tables, and It appears that less than 13.0 per cent, of these rocelve less than $5 a w eek, and less than 40 per cent. get under $3; wlille nearly ene half get f8 und ever and quite oue-tourth get ever $10. Nearly nne-half the men In this manufacture get $10 and inore a week, und nearly oue-fourth re re ceive ever $10. In woelou goods, en the ether hand, only about "1 per cent. of the men get $10 and ever, nud only about 5 per cent., or one-twentieth, get e or $15. Heets and shoes are protected by a tariff of no per cent., which is a llttle above that laid upon piper, but much less than the average levied upon cotton and woeleti goods. About 00 per cent, of the total number of empleyes in this great indus try nre represented In the wage tables. Ot this number only G.5 per cent, receive less than $e a week which couiures with 22 per cent. in woelons, 25 per cent. In wersteds und 40 per cent, in cottons. Only about one-third of them rcceive less than $0, nearly one-hali get ?12 and ever and 0110 llfth get $15 and inore. Ofthe males niore than ene-half receive $12 and ever a week. If these great Industries represented the whele situation vv 0 .should be obliged te conclude that high wages wero inore apt te be found in lightly protected than in the inore highly protected industries. And this is generally the case. Certaiu It is, in any event, that high tariffs de net make high wages. They ere based upon con ditions very different from the tariff enact ments of Congress. Congress may heap up duties ou woolens, or vveisteds, or cot ton goods, or linens, or what net, hut the empleyes in fhese industries will go right en telling for less than $8 a week Just the same. Tills is made se ovident from the facts presented in the statistical report re ferred te as te need no further demonstra tion. INVENTOR KOISON OUTDONE Scientific Cli'cltM Stirred Up By An Iu Iu Iu vontlve Genius lu Cincinnati. A Cincinnati dispatch says: Harry Cox, the young man w he has created such a stir In scientific circles by the announce ment that he has discovered a method of producing a working current of electricity of any desired power directly from beat, thus obviating the tisoel'u boiler or dynamo or anv of the costly and intricate machinery tised fer'that purpose, is an Ohie boy. Cox is a smooth-faced lyeung man, who possesses 11 tacial expression lcmurkubly likn that of Harrison, the boy preacher. Until two j ears age Harry Cox lived nt the llttle suburb of Fernbank. At that time he was residing in this quiet place, and had a little workshop burled bick in the weeds for the purpese of pursuing Ills studies and oxperimonts in a way that would guarantce protection fiem molestathm by the anions outslde world. The peeple out thore regarded him as "a queer seit of a duck." His den Is connected with the rosldenco with electrical connections that de all sorts of tricks. Ills brether David, who is new with the Hell Telephone company, of New Yerk, was his assistant. Among the brlc-a-brae scattercd about the rooms, all of his Invention, Is n self-winding clock, a soiv seiv nut call, a patent lighter designed te de away with matches, aiccoider of supplies of water and an electric whistle. Yeung l'ex is backed by a company with a capital et $1,000,000, and has arranged le put his latest discovery Inte pruMictl operation with w oil-known I' istern capita lists as olllcers: Francis A. Pratt, presi dent j H.N.Pratt, vice prcoideut; I'rnest Cedy, treasurer. The discovery Is said te produce electricity directly from heat as readily as stcitn lrem water. Cox was for a time messenger boy in the telegraphic department et thn Little Miami railroad and is un expert tclcgraphei. IIUU HONES GltOWING. AAVeuinn In New Yerk Afflicted With Acromegely. At the Montctlere lieine for chronic inv a lids in New Yerk there is a patient sutler ing from a peculiar und incurable disease, the llke or which is mrely met with, and nuver before In such u perlectly hopeless mid completely developed state as In this instance It is cailed acremegaly, but the 11.11110 conveys no information of the hor rible uatuie of the discise, which is oue that bailies medical skill. The bones of the frame and cranium of a victim et acro acre megaly iiev or eease te grew, but add bone tlssue te bone tissue, lartllagu le curtilage, until thn individual is distended te un enormous size. A Prussian woman, thirty-five years old, is afiliclcd with this dlsease and has been at the Montctinre home for the past year. ene was nise 111 1110 ucrman Hospital ler leurtecn months. The bouts of both the lraineimd head have been steadily grew ing, the dise ise first dev eloping when she was twcnly-soven jears old. Ne case of a similai nature, se complete in every detail, lias bofero been met with by phy-icians either in tills country or in L'urepc, though the disease lias been ebserved bofero in u partly developed form. A case te which the public had their attention called was that of the "freik" at 0110 time oxhibited at tlie museums rj the alleged big-footed girl. The disease in its fully developed form is ene that attacks the hones ofthe extremi ties first. The hands and leet begin te de velop onerinously. Then the extremities el each individual bone take 011 bouetissiio nud increase in size. At about the same time the bones of thn cranium und the cartilages or the ears also develep. Wlille this prm ess of development in bone tissue is continuing uu atrepuy ernmscular tlssile is going en und cerlalu gl mds that remain almost rudimentary in the healthy adult are developed. The medical fiaternity Is at a less te account for Ihls curious phe nomenon. Tlie peer victim at the Montefioro home new weighs 131 pounds, which is almost entirely due te bone tissue. Her hands, feet and head are enormous. Her face Is pale and ber features are distorted. Hhe sutlers little pain from the iiuiiatuiul ills order. Strange te say that w ith the growth of her bones the joints rein iln tree and ac tive and ure nsllexibieas ever. a di:pavi:i coon. He detK llciittly Ili'iiuk mid In Hustled Inte .lull. A pet raccoon w he lives when he is at home in Central Park, New Yerk, climbed his fence Wednesday night and began te wander ever that wicked rlty. This fence is well calculated te restraln ut home any but u very depraved 'coon. Yeung J. Proeyeu loter that Is the litlu for 'coon felt v cry dry after Wednesday even tug's tbuuder stirm. Willi mallie Hfnro Hfnre Hfnro theugh' mid thn help of li's lung claws he slly climbed the wire leuce at 10 o'clock Impure Pennsylvania Railroad Man Tails Ramarkabla Oura of Scrofulous Humer-Raad It. Mr. Ruby, who makes the following state ment, Is a well known railroad min, run ning en the Pennsylvania Itallread between Columbia, rcnu., and Philadelphia! " I feci that I wish te tell what has been done for uj and our llttle boy by Heed's Sar saparllla. He Is new six years of age, and, until a short time age, has ever tlnee birth been a terrible sufferer from scrofulous humor. Beres would appear en him and spread until they were as large as a dollar, and then discharge, only te be followed by ether, se that the larger part of his body was one mass of sores all the time. The scrofula was especially severe en his legs and back et lit ears and en his head. HI hair was se matted that combing was sometimes Impossible. His cars became se thin that w 0 could see through them, and were actually AriutD Titer would drop err. His legs were se bad that sometimes he could net sit down, and It was Impossible fei him te run about and play like ether children. Fre quently when lie tried te walk, hi teg would crack open and the bleed start from different places. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, se that at night we had te tlehls hands In mittens or stockings te prevent his scratching and tearing himself. Vj cannot tell new that roeit nor surrEntD for nearly flv c ) cars, nor hew his terriole con dition distressed us. We did alt we could te rehev 0 I1I111. Tw oer three physicians agreed In railing It scrofulous humef, but did net effect a cure. We tried salves and ointments and ether things but without benefit. At last I dtclded te give htm Heed's Sarsaparllla, as tr cnuaaisr recoumekdee it. In about two weeks the Sarsaparllla began te have effect. The sores commenced te heal Take Heed's Sarsaparilla Se'dbTtlldruggliti. SI ; six for f s. Prepared only I Seldbyalldrngglits. Ill ttxferfs. rrepartd only I Sold by all druggist. fl tut for as. Frtparedealy by C. I. HOOD & CO , Apothecaries, Lewell, Mii. by 0. 1. HOOD A CO , apothecaries, Lewell, Mass, by O. I. HOOD CO.,aB0tberlt,UwU, Mass. IOO Deses One Dellar nnd ran cautiously out of the park. He snllfbd beer te tlie southward nud trotted down Killh avcniie until he came te it plle of" empty" beer kegs In fient of n saloon. Care fully he rolled n keg en Its elde until n stream or strong old lager began te run from the bung-hole. Tlien he xwigged away joyfully utitil he could swlsgle no mero. With the extreme jiroclslen of a habitual drunkard he tried te And his way home. In n confiiHed way he halted In front of Ne. 55 lint Sity-soventli Ktrect. stroked Ills vvhlskers with an air of great solemnity, nud then began te climb the fence. lie thought it vvai the same old fence he had climbed half an hour bofeio, nnd therein he deceived himself greatly. He lurched across the dooryard, and "then, feeling iv happy idcolinlie inspiration, lay down and beg-in te sing a song. At this fuueture a policeman liappcned along and ordered young J. Procyen Letor te quit. Tliobeiigstorielusod. Tlie edlcnr climbed the fencu mid arretted him. IjOter fought, bit, and scratched all the way te the station-heuw, but bin nanie nnd pedigree wero successfully taken, and he was held for disorderly conduit. The park watch man took him home in a cage yesterday. Oue Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount If f fall te prnv e that Flera plexten Is the best mrdlcliie In oxlstence for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Bilious ness. It Is u certain cure, and urTerds Immedi ate relief. Incuses or Kidney and Liver Com plaint, Nervous Debility und Consumption. Ploraplexleu builds up the weak system and cures where ether remedies full. Ask your dnurglst ler It nnd get well. Valuable book "Things Werth Knewing," also, sample book sent free; nil chaigcs prepaid. Addrcsn, I'ref. I-'ranklln Hart, hS Warren street, N, Y, Per sule by Gee. W. Hull, .Lancaster Pa. uprl7-lydw Virtl Jlotiece. Ilucklcn'H Aruten Salve. This II kmtSai.vkiii ttie world for Cut, Bruises Seres, Uliem, Halt Illieuin, Kever hercs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clitlblalun, Cerns, nnd all Hkln Eruptions, und positively curcn I'llua.ur no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglvejwr teglvejwr toglvejwr fectisatlsfuctleu, or ineuy refunded, l'rlcc 23 cents per ber. Fer Rale by W. T. llech, Drug gist, Nes. 1J7 und 19 North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. luncZ7-lyd Allew Us te Say Thata geed deal of Millcrlng In this world can be avoided by purchasing Dr. Themas' Kcltctrlc (hi and using Huh per directions. Ills nil In In ralllble cure for all achex. Miming and nalns. Sold In J-ancaster by W. 'i. Jfech,U7 and UU North Queen street. Ih CoiiHuniplen lutcimiblef Head the follewing: .Mr.C. ll.Merrls, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down w 1th Abscess of Lungs, und friends mid plivIclaiiK pronounced me tin Incurable Consumptive. Ilcgan taklmr Dr. King's New Dlfccevery for Consumption, nm new en my llrtli bottle, mid uble le overeeothe work en my funn. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse MUUllcten, Decatur, Ohie, rajs: "Und It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Trou bles Wuh given up by doctors. Am new In boglef health." Trj It. Sumple bottles free at W. T. llech'H Drug Hteie, Nes. 137 und 13:1 N, Queen Ht.. Lancaster, Pa. (0) Tuko Your Choice. Yeu can be weak, nervous, debilitated, mid despondent, d tqunlltled ter work of head or hand, or jen can eiijeyafulr Miure e'lienltli and peace et mind. HurdeeL Jlloetl lldteri will ullevlatn jour ti.li.cry and de jeu a world et coetllfjou will but liuve fjlth te te. Held In Lancaster by S T. Hech, W and 13 North Queen street. Motherat Mether ! I .Mothers t t ! Are you disturbed nt night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutler lug und crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, goat once and get a bottle of .MILS. WINB LOW'H HOOriUNO BYltUP. It will relieve the peer little tmtlerer Immediately depend upon 11; there Is no mtsluke about It. There I net u mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell ou ateuee that It will regu late the bowels, and gl v e rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, eperatliit; like limbic It 1 perfectly safe te use In all caswi and pleasant le the taRt. nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eldest und best female physicians and nurses In the Unites Htules. Beld everywhere, 2acentKu bettle. InneZilvdAw A ll.iptNt Minister' I'xporlcuce. "1 umalisptUtinliilstci.nnd before I thniik'ht efbeluga cleruimau 1 iiniduuted In medicine, tmt left u lucrative, practbofer my present pro fession, forty ear nge. I was for ninny years u sullercr from Ulusy. Themas' J-klcctrie Oil cured me I was alie troubled with liearscuesi, und Themas' tXltctrie Oil lelleved me. .My wlfe and child had diphtheria, and 'lhentas' J-X-learr Oil cured them, and If taken In time, tt will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am confident It Is a euro for the most ebitln ite i old or cough, undlfnny one will tuke a small teaspoeuanu li.i.f nil It with OK, and then place thn end or the spoon In ene ne-irll and draw tlie Oil out or the spoon Inte tlie head, by snllllni: as hard as the) i.in, until the Oi lulls Inte tliu tlireit. and practice- It twlre a week, 1 don't uire hew ullen ullen slve their head may be, It will clean It out und cure their (iitarrh. Ker deafness and earache It has done wonders te my certain IcmmledKe. It Is the only medicine tlublieil patent incdlclun that I have ever felt like rieenimcudlnif, and I am very unxlens t see It In every pluce, for I tell you that I would net be without It In my house for any consideration. I am nowsullcr newsullcr liu; with p iln like rheumatism In rny rlxht limb, mm uethlmr rellevis mellke 'Jliemat' A lectrte Oil " Dr I'. K. Cmue, Cerry, Pa. Held In Lancaster by W. T. Ilech, 137 and 1W North Queen street Kloctrle Hitter. This remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular as le need no special mention. All who have used Llectrle lllttersslnir the same song of praise. A purer medicine does net ex ist and it Is guaranteed te de all that Is claimed, Klectrle Hitlers will r lire nil diseases e! the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples-, liells, halt ltiicum and ether nllectlens caused by Im pure bleed. -Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent us well as cure all Malarial fevers, Ker euro of lloadache. Constipation nnd Indigestion try Klectrle llltters. Kntlre satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded PrUe.'jOennd ll.ui per beltle ut V T. Ilech's Iiru.-Hlere, 137 und 13!) N. Queen ht., laineuin r. Pa. te) Dr. Tiinni-r'H stomach. Dr. Tanner rertululy has a great stomach great because erits strength nuit endurance. V' may err In suyiiu that the doctor ue JIuulecK JIUihI Ilillert, but If he does his digestive pow ers urn easily accounted for llunleck Illoed 7iu7-rjbelngu standard medicine are sold byull drugsc-lnts. Held In Lancaster by V. i Hech, 137 nud iw North Queen street. TelU tlie Truth. "This medicine i I uin highly recommend. lluritetk Jlloetl Hitlers are the best bleed purl Her we have ever used." Clus. A. Hurt. 13 Court Ht., IIuiIhIe, N Y. Kehl fn l,uncatcr by W.T. Hech. mund 1IU North Queen street. lOllllOILIIIl'It'lIKIlltPHIIIhTILlEirjN 1' Pipe S'rciichcii.PiHundMeukey Wicnches euniblncd, riles. Oil Cans, etc, go te JOHN UBT,33.iliut Pulton street. in7-tfd Bleed of tip t the flesh began te took mere nataral and healthy. Then the scales came of and all ever his body new and healthy flesh and akin formed. When he had taken two bottles he was entirely free tram sores, having only the sears te show where they had been. These are gradually disappearing. The little fellow was nru. oMTUTrreBi te Heed's Sanaparb X when he found It was curing him, and be y kid call for ' My medi cine ' when the time came for him te take It. We are unable te express our thanks ter the geed Heed's Sarsaparllla has dose our little boy." Hakbt K. Ruby, Bex 8M, Columbia, Pa. A Later letter Frem Mr. Ruby states that his son is new In perfect health, has no trouble lrem the humor, which Is entirety cured. He has many Inquiries about tlie recev cry et tbe boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases te try Heed's Sarsaparllla. What Can be Added Te the above statement te make mere em phatic thi evidence of the cleansing effect of Heed's Sarsaparllla upon the bleed? It would seem te be the positive duty of all who suffer from any disease or affection caused by Impure bleed, te at least give Heed's Sarsa parllla a fair trial, lis many wonderful cures have wen for It the title of "the greatest bleed purifier ever discovered." Every Confidence. "Among the tew proprietary articles I re commend te customers Heed's Sarsaparllla Is ene In which I place every confidence. My patrons seem te have the same confidence, judging from Its sale, which Is mere than all the ether bleed purifiers together." a. 13. Utile, Druggist, Oreensburg, Pa. 100 Deses One Dellar ' fftrtt M ETZQER & HAUQUMAN. Metzger & IWA3H DRESS G00DS.I OUTING STRIPES AND PLAIDS, DRESS GINGHAMS, PLAIN CHAMHRAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINGS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger&Haugh man's Cheap Stere. 3840 West King St., Lancaster. Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.1 N- EXT DOOHTOTHK COURT HOUHK. A HAPPY CHANCE Has put In our hnudslalotef Flne Imported French Cosslmeres; every yard of which cost th Importer $3.50 te Impert. 1 hey measure GO te 58 Inches In width und are made of the finest trad wools, and vie nre cutting them nt the extremely low price of ti.CO a jard. The styles are suitable for Men's Hulling, Light Weight Overcoats and Ladles' and Children's Outer Garments of all kinds. The assortment embraces both Light and Dark, Fancy and Plain Effects, nemembcr the price, 92.00 a yard, and ever IJ4 yards wide. AN ITEM Our entlre stock of Bull's Corsets ure piled en the counter at 75 cents each. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B AHD A MCELKOY. bard & Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, BLACK GOODS-Kxtre value In lllack All-Weel Henrietta reshniere, 10 In. wide. st&Oc worth C2Ke; 40 In. wide ut7V, vierth 87Ke: 40 In. wide at II, wen h f I 2J. Uaritnlns In Hlack Hen rlcttaut&eanda'jc. Hllk Warp Hlack Henrietta at II, 51.25. II JkO. lllack All-Weel Albatres. Mc lllack Australian Crepe, double width, 15c. lllack Mohair lirlllluntliic, t Ne. nt 600, really worth OZ'Ac: 1 Ne. nt 75e-, really worth 87ke: I lllack .Mohair, with pin stripe, at 60c, extra wide and quality. Black Nun's Veiling for Veils ut II nnd ll.U'Micr jard. Mpeclal low prices In Black Thibet Hhawls, single mid double. Black French Uatlneal22e und 15e, warranted net te crock or change color from irspnitlen eruclds.nnd Is nelarTucted by washliiKer expomire te the llKht. Black f allec with neat dot or tlgure. Plain Black Plaid Lawn. WHITE GOOD Heelal BarenlnH lu India Linen and Victeria Lawn at Kc, 10c, 12c and up, Anether lel of Hutlu Herde ml Will (e Goods nt Seu and 25c. Hemstitched und Embroidered Flounc Fleunc liu; nt lowest prices In the city. Barvalus lu Plaid and Htrlpe Whlte Dress Goods. aiNUHAMH Dress aiPKhamsutilKt worth 8e; 10u Dress Qlnghams at Se; Ke quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths nt 10c nnd 12c. WINDOW 8UADIS-CI0.U1K out I let of shades, fl feet long, spring fl xtures, at 25c ; 1 let with fringe, same size, at 33c. UEMNANTH 1 let or GOc Carpets In remnants at 25c per nrd ; I let of 75c All-Weel Carpets lu remnants, at 35e per yard. UNDEHWEAlt Ludlcs', Men's end Children's Underwear, summer wiUht, cheap. Ladles' Itlbbed Vest at 8c; elsewheielOcund up, Men's Balbrlggan from 25c up. Children's ut low prices. BICYCLEH Agents for the Premier and Coventry lllval Safety Blcyeles. BARD& Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. TT Z. UHOAIHi A KON. Fer the Het lAT eatrier T The Light, Airy, Beautilul Novelties in Jewelry H. Z. Rhoads St Sen's, 4 West King St. PEARL, DIAMOND AND OPAL RINGS. THE NEW HEART, IN RINGS, CHARMS AND PENDANTS. WFINE ltL'PAIIUNO, IN ALL IW URANCHEM.- H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. nbu B 71LINN I1KKNKMA.N. Little Giant Bicycles I We guarantee the Little Glunt Ilicjele te lie. the Dest Machine in the Market. Wheels cestlOK deublu the money ure no better. -FOR- VEI 0CIPEDE8, GIRLS' TRICYCLES, EXPRESS WAGONS - BHBY CARRIAGES. FLIIvTX A BRENEMAN, NO, 162 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. maaata carried en t t, IMS, and wh Heed's Sarsaparllla consideration. "One year age I was laid up peetanenU for M weeks. Whea I that, my feet and lees swelled, were vtf much Inflamed, and caused me much suffer ing. The doctor said I had tout, which I did net believe. I tried a number et cure, et no avail. Then some one asked me te try Heed's Baruparllla. I did se. I took It three times a day, before meal. Before t had taken one bettle I began te Improve. I took In all fire bottles, which cured me and mads me feel well otherwise. I have had no return et the affection. Can walk ten mites every day. which Is pretty geed ter a man M years t4d. I feel grateful for tbe geed Heed's sarsspa- rllla has done me, and bare used my Influence with a number et people te try It, and te far with satisfactory results." Jenx Hixas, 40 North 90th Street, Philadelphia, renn. Caaerrens Bere " About 7 years age I bad a cancerous tore en my nose, which grew te be very-trouble some and offensive. I concluded te try Heed's Sarsaparllla, and after using two bottles the sere disappeared and heated up entirely. It has been cured for two years with no ap pearance et Its returning. I am new In my eightieth year and enjoying geed health. I feel it my duty te recommend Heed's Sarsapa rllla te all persons suffering from similar troubles. Be sure te get Heed's." Jesiah Habvbv, Delmont, Westmoreland Ce., Penn. Confirmatory Statement. "The above certificate is from' Jesiah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman welt known throughout Westmoreland county. HI statement In regard te the sere and cure performed Is correct" Z. ZnuunKAK, Drugglst,Belment, Penn. N. B. If you decide, from what you have heard or read, te take noed's Sarsaparllla, de net be Induced te buy any ether. IOO Deses On Dellar 03ett, Haizglixriaii. Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Ian. Opposite Fountain Inn tiluct;uaci. -AT- Cacvlrtiu'D. AND - Canned Slaekb ftc, put up with sulM Whortleberries. Dried: rles, etc., cheap te close out! W AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING 81 LANCASTER, TA. T CLARKE'S ! SOMETHING NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE WHAT? A Masen ql. Jar, complete, given away with around or Cortee. In order te have OUR 07.AMI1KK Ilrandef Collea mere fully Introduced, we ar giving a flint glass qt. Masen Jar tree with ene pound orihlsCeRta. Price. 0c per pound and f he Isr free. This brand of CeflVe Is warranted te be the best Coffee In the world at the price. Great Bargains In Baking Pejvders. Silver ware given with each ;B. can or Ferest city Raking Powder. The original Webster's Unabridged Diction ary for II n cash, and as seen as you have bought 130 worth of Groceries you are entitled te a dictionary for II 75. Remembet, we are headquarters for Plcnie Goods. Fishing Clubs, let me make you a hid, I can save ou money. " Bargains In Teas, Coffees, Hugnrs, Spices, Marvin's Huperler Cakes and Crackers, Dried nd Evaporated Fruits, Canned nnd Bottled Goods. We sell the besteilve Oil In the world. Samuel Clarke. Aat. Tea, CotTee and Grocery Stere, ,. ,u ... .. ....' iai. puuui Hima nu, near uenire DOuare, Lancaster, Pa. -Telephone. A TREISrtJ. Fireworks! Fireworks! Fireworks! TO THE RETAILER I ONE CARLOAD STRICTLY EW FIRE WORKS AT LOWEST BOTTOM FRICEH I See Display In reur Windows-West Side. Summer Drink! GENUINE CALIFORNIA ORANGE CIDER, RASPBERRY NECTARINE And FRENCH BLACKBERRY JUICE. They positively contain no alcohol, nor de they contain anything Injurious. Put up In six-gallon kegs. Ne charge for kegs. fauceU and glasses. We are sole A gouts for Lancaster county. Just the thing fir Hotels, Restau rants, Confectioners, and any one wishing te fell a strictly Temperunee Drink. Bleeker's Dutch Cocea, made from thoCbelcestandltlpcstCocou Beans. All the Indigestible, fully and ether substances have been carefully separated from the Cocea. Most easily prepared Cocea en the market. -INBTRUCTIOtB FOR USE. Puts, spoonful of granulated sugar Inte your cupandadflaJ4orKteapeonrulorcocoa; mix "'S"? T."11, 'J.'!'' tJ'u pour en boiling water or milk, stir well, and you have a cup or this un rivaled cocoa. The SOe can will make te cups of cocoa. The 60e can will make 70 cups of oecou. SEASONABLE GOODS. A full line of Htene Butter Jars, from 'i gal lon up te U gallons. A lull line of Stene Cream Crocks and Milk Creeks and Pans, mono Jugs from K gallon up te 8 gallons. Jelly Creeks at 3c, 4c. Se and de each, Jelly Glasses with covers, and Jelly Tumbles, Pint, Quart and Half gal lon Masen Fruit Jars and Kings. Best Sticky y l'apsr In tbe world. MIxedHplees and Best Pickling Vinegar. Beef, Plcnie Hams, Bologna, Boneless Hams, Summer Bologna and a hun dred Big Bargains. J. PRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OIIOCKR, CORNER WEST KING AND PRII'CESTS. Directly Opposite J. B. Martin dc Ca'a Dry Goods Stere, and. Next Doer te Serrel Herce Hetel. V-Loek for the Big Sign across ths pave- QCIethiit0 E INE TAILORING, 1890 -SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce the purchase of a Jeb I,et of English Suiting and Treusering ut a great sarrlftce, which we wilt sell at AHtoniehingly Lew Prices. ir-Cull curly te secure a barguln lu these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILORINTHECITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dZ7.tfd M YERB AIHATHKON. KEEPG00L ! There's Ne Trouble te Keep Coel If Yeu AtbII Yourself of the Chanee OITered Here te Buy Summer Clothing. We Have Every Conceivable Klud and Celer In COATS AND VESTS FOR MENS WEAR. EVERYTHING LIGHT, COOL AND AIRY. Prices Run from 11.23 te 17.60. Men's Summer Trousers AND WHITEVESTS, In Gnat Variety and Style. HANDSOME STYLES IN FLANNEL SHIRTS AND SUMMER NECKWEAR. Ask te See Our BLUE AND BLACK SEROE HU1TB for Men-Just the Thing for Het Weather-91U.OO. Myers & Rathven, LEADINO CLOTHIERS, "NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. TTjIOH BALK CHEAP A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 30 by feet, with two-story brick back build ing 12X by M feet, Jlall and sev en rooms. Let aODjr '.'IS feet, JOHN II. METZLER, Nu.Vtf. Ouks8t. REMARKABLE -IN TRIMMED HATS AND B01 pmcr.s cut in haxf.sI J Fer the-Balance of the We Have Made Swcepii Reductions IN- isis? - "i Trimmed Hats, Straw Hats, Leghorn Flats, j v Chip Fiats, . iSM Children's H 11 Of ALL DESCRIPTION!. gS im Flowers, ZS1 ' , Feathers M Ril 4 . fti Anum ALL UKrAHTHKHTH A 000m at eys HALF USUAL PI U :J -THE Kfi. LOjStl ! BONT MX tJ i MILLINERY 8T0 Ne. 13 East King' 1 ?V5 ,k A Of. fir. mrWindBAK LANOAHTal 'J, wtnmcv Qlemevtmii SiT. CHARLIE, ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. WK' Ocean End Delaware Ave. Opens JnjsjkH JunelO-Smd, JONAH WOOTTOl)r,l H OTEL BRDNHWICK, V ATI. AN fl O Oil' V.K.J. new, aieurrn, r irei-t;iail uempiei avenue, between New Yerk and wi j.zr-it.- : ... r'-r.-" - .- " iA. avenues. AfwimmnriMfA'jnn, x aprawmd JOUEPHaPAl T HIE OMBORNE. 'aclf TW.i-Jiiw. NeW He.lliA SffVlJirn ImnMmimM ter, Electric Bells. Terms moderate. mlir Ufuupni,. JL, . ATLANllcCITY.N.J., f Pucllle Ave., between Arkansas nud If W Avcij ccnirui location; reruraisiiea t 1 new management j everything rlrsl-cutssv,! or viiumnr. myl2nid C. A. BROI AMIlKIDOE-ATLANTIOCITir. U. HaM'1. If. I.KWIH. Prnnrlelne. .tt WM. E. COCHRAN, MsVJM complete Hetel ; leg bed-rooms ;veeeea I Ijestbutblns ereunds: bread nUxxasiel bufTuU tej3l4 A' TLANTIO CITY. w -ejl HOTEL CHETWOODl Pacific Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantle Ct New and Klrst-Claxs. Hteam Heat j Call til Twe minutes walk from bcuch, fi-SOandl per day. NOW OPEN. ' " muWmd MR8. ANNIE ORUWsVl T HE CHALFONTE, ; ' THE CHALFONTB1 Atlantic cm', New Jersey. ' SITUATED ON THE BFCH, NORTH CA LINAAVENUli injJSiinl E. ROBERTS A SOU J i " -m a rTUIEMT.ailETNA Jrj Narrow Gauge Railway; will be opened ler the sumcr season 00 , MONDAY, MAY 5tH This read extends rrem the entrance of Park te the summit of the Houth Mount (f Joverner Dick), a dlstauce of about four mil us miuioiureirains connect wiin, an tee lur rtes.Heni;er trains en the Cornwall A lien Hiillread arriving at the Park, and rel ing irem me summit or 1110 mountain in te connect with trains leavlnr Him lark. Frem neluU en Penna. R. U 11111I I'hllsiisli plilu Jt Iteudtng H. H., within 1C0 miles, thelrljr, caubouccempllshcil In one day. "" v 111s uienAuiiuwr-ii uAueiiiuiiiBwy It Is the mestl'ERKhtrriNITHCONHTBI TlflN. It lull nlin thn MOST CO MPLS EUU1PMKNT. IU engines ure perfect III tiimlpia nr thn stjindard ensrtuesef thellrstk and Its cars are csiecially adapted te aflerd unebslructeil view of the iimguincent scerverjr.ii along the line. Hteel Halls. Htone Ballast, ft Is oue or tue icttturcs 01 4 Mt. Uretna KarK, ' the linen uay rwuri 111 treinii reuiisyivaBHU Lliuri.ll iinuecuuni, Jinivaryuiuiwivweri zutleus, cuius alie leurui ruriies ean 1 the exclusive use or Ml. uretna farsr en miinn in NED HUH nliud Hup't C. A L. Railroad. Lobauea, 1 llhotenvaplt. T71VERY PERSON 18 ANXIOUS TO HAV THEIR PICTURE. t Among the DaisieCl l the LaUst Style or PHOTOGRAPHS MADE. Call and see them, at y iV,3 ROTJS'B,0Uvijv.,yej; WVWU IWUMI T" ? .?, i- VrM'S' jiTtt 'ii'iU iiiw tj fcj3iaftsfeifa.. vb'-tteu.A um I j fen vt aMiv. -