SZGENOER TSATtJRDiLlr, JUKE, 14, 1890 1 & aia l.fe. f.f "ler l?Sitlleu nlttniftinr "fn'iwllilnfA ter elfet te sy, cxpeKs ainemewhat short of r coveruerslilp; the story leOMf Delamatcr, new thnt he can Mh raec without Lancaster, in- Wattes te ride with him. Friend Martin, tf this is true, may be cotiieletl by the thought thnt he docs net lese much, since Delutrmter will never be governor; and he saves the malodor of running iu the polecat company that he had set himself out te enjoy. We incline te think of Brether Martin that it would have been a font beyond hk.strength.UIe used te have very decent Instinct and uutll nmbltleu swerved him in among the wretched benitdef the Republlcau ring kcntiel, lie wus free from their mange, tt will be a geed thing for him if Providence aves him from tlielr cempnny. Wliat rascals they are te be sure 1 The effrontery of their chief Quay Is even amazing in its magnitude. Ills publi cation that lie had no hntul in the gubernatorial contest and thnt he can net be expected te call oil Delnmnter, who has been playing a loue baud In the game, Is a sninple of bold lying, done under circumstances which strongly disceurngc such an essay te hoodwink the people. It poems te have been dene from the mcre love of lying. Fer the Democratic nomination Mr. Wallace seems clearly In the lead, with the field against him. Mr. Pnttl Pnttl beb has dropped back, and it is no doubt true, as Mr. McGewau, of Philadelphia, ays, iu announcing that he has gene ever te Wallace, that Pattlseu has sim ply beeu intended by his starters te l make the running for their dark horse ; w which use .ucuuwaii ticciurca mm, uu declines te lend himself. 'm It is interesting te sec the animation with which the Democratic nomination & is pursued, when It might rather have fy been suspected that It would be shunued A as a Dead Ben apple. Clearly there is a l' strong idea en the Democratic side that 0.. a properly chosen and heartily sun- -' nerted candldnte mnv be clieann. Ami & there Is geed greu nd for the ex peetatlen , g if Delamatcr is nominated, against a eireng ljcuiecraiic opponent. EM mm Indian Hefernicrs. The education of Indians has been 'i uiurc or less of n hebbv with rertnln pggfled jieople for many years, and it S wertnier nebby would le bard te dls- is cove r, but somehow the nuble snvage m8Um net given very startling results. 1 tHta-it-Va nA rimnnniil nnmA. nf t.HAml.lii.. i, pi AUblH MIU uvjurui VOUCH Mi I'lUiiiiai Um gv young men, or pure Indian bleed, who SVbklnnLli llmltt !.. ...I I... ... .1.1.... ... w mwuuil lUCil .HUMUS vy UVIUUUUU III I Ve ability and easily acquire a tine educa te tlen, but with rare exceptions the edu tj&i eated Indian fulls te fulfill the premise ;H' and hone that he would bu n klml nf ESS. kleata for bis rnei. or viii mi liillnmitlnl fe? ' man with his tribu. tew ceoueyah. the famous Inventor of the fllinmltoe nliilifilii.t htutwlu ntitwtal .il.m vv. ..-"":";, ..v."" """"""" ,k tw u greui muinu civuizer or minims. 3- JUKI. lintV IL lfll fnnl la eiltl itrplinflAn W- AfTllniW rTlctlllilll , vminn Blraiv ivl.n -i'. boa irraduatcd from tbe ncd.lenl Kelinnl jjg&ef the uuiverslty of Bosten, having irst kf tvaural thrnllP-li Tlnrtiiiniilli nlbi n.lll. j& dtslingulshcd honors, lfe hus'alse read iJity luUT uml Iflfllnwu, llinl ..!. I.. lift. ...Ill W ... .u., UIZ9 IUUI IU tllU Will 6iA, be three fold : te Improve the sanltnrv -$; enndlilnn nf t.lm S.jhiv in ,,f iinr. SS -prefer In their dealing with the whites Wp and te teach them their legal rights se jyj -- .-,7 - ."v w e imutu. IX in ? innr. innv tnnv tint iw lit.. : muinu umiiu is uuiywn, or "ine win. KJr ncr," ami he may bucccciI in win. TyiM Wllntv Ilia iun.1fi tr lau u. ....... 111.. I... f remains a thorough Indian In appear- &$ ance anu spirit, auu is net nuely te cx- 5K, cite enmity by haughty airs, as de most F." 0f IKn li,itj, fty.i (iwtii It will net de te count nu anv wonder- i ful reform of Indian character, even by $ this premising young cuthuslast, for a AlX lew SrrUUts from U stolid old wnrrlnr nr Brt?" mysterious incantations by some cun ning medicine man, will have mere weight than his btreugest logic or best law. Like many of the students re turned from the Carlisle school, he may be powerless against the sentimuut thnt fob makes educated Indians luiixinuiar : a Mt sentiment based en the knowledge that K jcjuir-ern iraiuiug lenus le maUe tlieni i. desnise their old savnire rniiu.imlitiia -r His best card will be his knowledge of W& medicine and Burcerv. for tlie art nf 6V-' heallnir commands resnect-'ninl Mir.t. WSi ens discomfiture te the medicine men &$; who arc the worst fees of all rcfeim. vra' iib eug(iui iuu. buiiiii lusirucuen in K'iftt simple remedies, uud training In a couree Kp of action iu emergencies, would be of 7 incalculable value te a part of the ceun-e Krlet Indian trnlnlni' trlwinli, ?-- "' A College Llhrarj. lifir The Reformed Church Mescnyer pub 4 llsbes a communion. dm rmm I'rf.,-... Esi'. Tnlm n xri,.nv. lll... ......... . .. ,fe library of Irauklln and Marshall college or rather te tlie need of n llbrarv for timi j .4 Institution, for It Is a singular fact that gwe college is wuueut a collection of v books worthy of its standing as an linti- miien or learning, a card en the same 2 topic appears In our columns-te-day. ' Th fnur Ivmlru tlm .M-..... I, .. t 7a . ""' ""s ere : CTlft.3 llflPla) lll-ltll PMCMen. Tl-1- ief his own motion, undertook the tu-ik of , putting them In order mid "..actively assumed tbe duties of lihrnriim and te. new aj)i)eals for assist- 5? ance iu developing the uucleua thus formed into a llhrrv i. our future leaders in busliunuiid affairs, w mac preparing ler tlieugUtful pro-if-'lenal life may have some opportu epportu oppertu . '.ly te learn le read. Dr. Kieiler well illlnfaUl Purlibln l 11. n nl-... .11 .. . .. .?tht the university or final highest acboel can de for us is still but what the jftnt school began delug, teacli iu te -V4d, ' In the wilderness of leeks it Is ' ftard enough for the trained thinker te sua wuai no necus witu little waste of line, but cla after elaw is rawlm? ;b our college without the least acquire this art, or even te i readlur and kuewl. hlcU Is the t. OT.. .i. v T' . KJH1 11UW i. .j6mfer"a steady liUbT books as have been S-ffln final, nr itv.trlti1 in be '"Vm I llila rim-if mlllnilfin .. niiu ti. !-. mvi. .... of the college should heartily r rout It ! cheerfully hoped that the ,w.1hic Is ntar when the cel lege campus will have at least two new bulldlngs.tbe one devoted te physical and the ether te mental gymnastics, a cellege library and a gymnasium. A Jfcw Interpretation Needed. A Pennsylvania state judge has new directed the acquittal of a man who sold at licechburg, as agent of the Cincinnati brewing company, birr that he received from them lu the original kegs, which had been scut in n carload te Pittsburg, and had thence been distributed te the points of consumption. The seller In this case hud no stale license and sold tbe beer lu a prohibition town. Manifestly, if this construction holds, there will be no need of taking out liquor licenses hereafter In Pennsylvania or any ether state. The Pennsylvania breweries and distilleries, while unable te sell their product iu their own state, can freely expert it for sale lu ether states ; and the biewcrs and distillers of ether slates can Hud a inaikcl lu Penn sylvania thnt they caunet get at home, where their own customers have te pay a license, also, no doubt, as Pennsylva nia retailers de for selling Pennsylvania besr and whisky. This condition of the law is favorable te the increase of railroad Inter-ettatc traffic ; but It Is doubtful whether any one can see anything but alwurdlty In a law thnt shuts out home product and lets iu foreign ones te tnku their place. A mere conspicuous .eductien of the law te absurdity was never exemplified. And the supreme court of the United Btntes needs te promptly reform, restrict and bound its decision, which Is construed te permit the froe snle of foreign products lu a state, that the state ferbjds te be manufactured or demands a llcense fee fur permitting te be sold. Otherwise the supreme court of tbe United Btates is iu danger of being deemed imbecile. hi m TnnoxpeiiilUurcs, ns shown In appropri ation bills, stand ns fellows : lVrinanent an mini Appropriation, tirlnit ItilereU en the public debt. al lit collection, etr 8 (2,S00,C00 lenitunr nnu uipiuuiuiiu unison ate committee) - ljlnlatlvu (Bcaiitu cemmlttfl) HIvpi and Imrbur (benutc coininlt ceininlt tce' m Korllllrallen (liraim tlin Hcnale)... . l'cniliin, rrunlnr (In ceiifcrciicii) Dlntrlct ofreliiintiln (la centvrcncp)., Naval (In oenriTt'iiro) I.4M.WS 'JI.SI.MIH OT.POO.OilO 7,110XJO lb.i'i,IIH 0,0M,7 llll.GS.'i Army (in remcrcurv) zi,itu,i,i Military nmilrmy (In oetifcrcncc) 4 Vi.vsm Indian (In IIeums cominltlec) (l.WII.SW Hnndry rlll 37,SIU,MJ Ucneral (tendency (In Heiinu coin- inlltt ) A,(i00,n) Agrleitlturnl (reported te Heme).... l,7.'fl,cae I'uuue nMiiciinun.., , H... iu,miiitmiu Hlnklnir fluid.. (U')0.073 lCxlru iiciiBlim Ijlll (In conference).... Direct tilll (paMHl) tlie r'eimte , I'rebublp execu of lulen mj meniH eer I lie rennlar nppro nppre nppro prlntlen, linsnl en ttiln jrnr'H ex- WhH MM 4(1,(3 1, WU 19,0J0,(IC3 !IIJ,SW,0I3 Tlie onllemtoil roeiinn for tlie year, no-eordlujr.toHL-crotniy Vludein,ls tliruelitiu-(Iredantlclghty-tlva mlllleni.HO that a doll dell I'luncy of llltv-iiine millions Is In sight. The Vitlabury ISitt rem rks : " Uluvelautl hntidixl ever te lUrrlsen a surplus lu Iho treasitry of ?l3,7ti,8ri-'J. Less than two your of llartlseu and this surplus In B(umulere.l, uud thnre Is a ddlcleucv iu sight or tj,"'0,oeo,oon 1 i IN Scptoiuher, ISba, Cengress autherised tlie construction of artnored crulHcr Ne. 2, te cost net mere than tlirce millions and n bulf, and H is this ship, new known at thu doparttneut as "Tracy's pet,1' for which bids wero lecnutly leculveil. The delay Is ascribed te iltlUculty lu designing n ship under the conditions Imposed of cost mid teunnge, and Congress was nuked te In In In croase her slut. Sjhe istwlce the Md of thol!altliuero, and is the largest vessel ever designed for the navy, and dlllciN from the ethor eiuUers cldelly iuueaiiiig a light armor varying from two and a quarter te ten Inches in thickness. Her llk'ht diaught will onulile her te enter Maters Inaocesslblo te most ships of her pewer, and great xpeed Is eiieitcl of her. l'KltSON'.M.. llAiinu.T lli:i:ciii:ii Siewk Is sovonty sevonty soventy oicht years old te-day. ItODKiii' AnJis, jit., of Philadelphia, has resigned as minister le llnull. Sn.NATOH VoeitiiLi.s, of Indiana, will del!cr the oration at the Valley Perge eelobratlen, June 1!). ItKV. i;ewAiiuT. Deanj;. a missionary te (he Philippine and ether .Seuth Sea Islands, died at Honolulu, where he had beeu taken iu a lck condition. I.lEUTKXANf C. J. Cium: liaM been granted leave of absence until August 15, lu anny onlers lest jmbllslieil. Mrs. Crune MasMiHn Alnrtfia Mitchell, of Lancister. Un. 1). 1Iavi:s Axi.w, of Philadelphia, thinks the clliuatiu clinnges which ure ink ing plnce will lu time bring tlie Mera and animals of the tropics te nourish in this locality. Mit. (.l.XnsreNi:, In the Heuso of (.'oiii (.'eiii (.'oiii meni, declaieil that Iho compensation il.uoeln the licensing bill; red nil hope of elVectltiga retiirm lu the nttiuber of public houses without ruinous cost te the count ry. Ituv. Vinnii.,ii uophew of Kx Uulteil Status Senater .Maxey, el Texas, Is ref erlcd le have planned a conibinatien of theatricals and theology. He will act en the stat'e week-days, aiui preach sJuiidnvs. A Maxey nium in either brauih will doubt less be reached bofero the elose of tlie season. Tlie JteHiilt efuti Kloutrle Helt. A strange sleiy from New Hepe, Pa., opposite Trenten, X. J was told en Pri day by a member of Iho Union Paper Mill company or that place. Lightning struck their works en 'Ihursday. Oeo. Pidcock, an empleye, was standing en a large cyl inder at the lime, and te the great amuse meat of Kdwurd McCuue, another urn urn urn plove, he began te jump up and down ani duuoe about iu a veiy grotusiiue inanner. He then suddenly made a dash through h deer le the open air. McCuue laughed heartily at what he theuirht was u funny prank, and attempted te lollew, but le his constornatien found he could net move a limb. The shock had rendeied ene man cray and paralyzed the ethor. lleth were removed te their homes. McCuue. who was paralyzed, had lccoverod yestor yester day. with the exception of n nevoie pain In the head, while Piilceck was Mill In a pre carious condition. Aflerthe men had been removed te Ihelr homesthe mill was round le be en Qre lu a plae 200 feet aw ay from where the men were shocked. All Iteeertls lleatcn. The steamship Columbia, of the Haui-burg-Aiuerlcan packet line, nrrheil at Saudy Heek at 2:W a. m. en Friday, after completing a record-breaking passaolreiu Southampton, England, alie made the trip from tort te pert lu six da; s, sixteen hours and twenly-three minutes, eorrecfeJ time, and six days, Hftnen hours and liny liny ene minutes actual time. This smashes all axisung rererus between Southampton and bandy Heek, aud also does away with the bwt-on-re;ord performance for the dis tance (3,K0 miles) or six days, eighteen hours aud thirty mlnutes made hy the Columbia lat WJ, ' alm, s-fntt. ivurLh- AwSfew Yerk. r5T3r recommendation mer', ' reir1" V. Davis en its tr . slater. Knch liuguage lias ems, which mskait almost lin- el for a translator te preserve the Ht even If he maintains a strict fldellty te the title of tlie original. Mrs. J, W. Davis ovldeetly Is a perfect mistress of the Idioms of the Ocrmim lnngiinge; In " Bella's Ulue nook," by Marie Calm, she has faithfully maintained her former repu tation. "Ulue Heek" U the name given te the diary of a woman who seems te have uurred nil her happiness In her girlhood with tlie Idea that because she had wealth and no beauty no ene would leve her for horself alone. Her marrlage te a man who loved her devotedly acorns only te have cast mere clouds en her horizon, and brought again disaster and tears, but hap pily at the clese a rainbow arlses. Tlie authoress preseuts her horelno te us as a very Interesting person, though net Interesting lu pursen, for according te her own account, she Is hideously ugly. Hella's knowledge or soclety and the humorous way she depicts the tsxiple mid the events that have impressed her, are remarkably well written j while her seir analysis Is especially entertaining. It Is net tliatox tliatex tliatox haustlve and exhausting self analysis which has such a wonderful charm for the novel writers of the prcsent day. On the contrary, Ilella'a diary is what ene would Imaglue the avorage girl or woman would have kept, net that they would he able te express their ideas In the easy aud grace ful style ofMnrle Calm's horelno, lu which the chief charm of her narrative lies. Tlie whole story has a wonderml freshness nnd cannot fall te please all persons who enjoy a bright or wholesome book. According te Oeorge Makepeace Towle whose name, by the way, nheuld be stnlTud the habits or Tennyson nre steady and Industrious for a man or eighty. Hodeos the greater part or his literary work In the morning hours, botweon and luncheon, nnd sometimes breaks the back or his work bofero breakfast. Ills In variable habit is te take a long stieli boure luncheon, accompanied ofteu by a friend, and always by two of his dogs. The aliei neon and evening are given up te rest and social recreations. Mr. Tewle w rltes about Whlttler, Helmes and Tennyson lu i'Yn.M i.f jjiV Monthly, and quotes Miss Thackeray as thus describing Tonuysen's roadlngef his own poems, a pastlme or whch hels very fend. "It Is n sort of mystical Incantation, a chant In which every nole rises and falls and reverberates again. As we sit around Iho twilight room at Farrlngrerd, with Its great oriel window looking le the garden, across Holds or hya cinth and solf-sewod dntTedlls toward the sea, where the wnves wash against the rock, we scem carried by a tlde net unllke the ocean's sound ; It tills tlie loom, It ebbs and Hews away; and when we leave, Ills Willi a Hlrange uiusie In the oil's, foelin,i that we hiivu fur the first Itme, perhaps, heard what wamayh.mj leada bundled times befoie." Tin: Hisienv or Utah, by Hubert Huwe Bancroft. The History company, 72.1 Market slioet, .San Francisce, Oil. This volume has provoked a great donlersovero criticism because or the whlte washing which It scems te glve te Iho Mormons and lUertaluly gives the impression or an ola ela ola beralo dolcnse rather than n history. This may only be bocause the historian 1ms found that the goneral dotestatlnn of Mer- menlsm has foslercd orrenoous vIewn as te the poeplo and Ihelr history, aud lf he has eourageotisly doclded te set feith the facta regardless or public opinion he Is worthy of all praise. The story he tells of the early struggles and misfortunes of the Mermen", Is a won derful, and would be an Inspiring, tale lr every page of tlie locerd did net scem te cairyn biead, black mourning hurder for a murdoied rollglen-tho mangled Chils llanity that Imssorved te Inspire the Ignor Igner nnt rollewors or Sinlfh aud Yeung with fervent but fanatical aud degrading zeal. Mr. U-uicrefl gives anappiieutly thorough nnd fair consideration te the famous Mountain Meadow innssacre, and InstW'i that the Mormons cannot be Justly blamed for that horribleaU'dr, rthlch has usuallv been cjiarg;d te their direct Instigation. He cannot, however, lomnve the Im pression thnt the attitude of the Mermen leaders was se openly hostile, and tlielr lutliience ever the Indians se completo that they must be held responsible for the massacre even If they did netdlicctly order It. That Is a black spot in tlielr story, and irthe history orthewostward sweep of our civilization should evor be well written, no doubt many auolher benkr tale or Mermen scheming would be found le support the natural theory that the Mormons sought te check thondvnuce,and hoped te imu.iln an Independent nation. Whatoxer may be their vlrtues and It must be lemcmbered that a very large faction oppose polygamy they woie in a position of hostility te tlie United States aud wero only prexented from opeu dortanceaud Independent action by tlielr hopeloss weakness. Mr. Uancrell i;les a ileal nf niuipd in mi ..ii.a- pnipeu " ihe gontlles," us ihe followers of Iirlgliam ieung aie went te call tlie rest or the people or this country. Tills seems le be entirely uuwairanted and Is certainly net history. Morinenlsm must stand or fall by Us own merits regardless or the fallings or the votnries of ethor creeds, and It is cerlalnly falling. Tin: KiiKtmxn Senata. This book de mands notice because It bus been adver tised by tlie piohlbltlen or Iho Itussian goveinment. It would iioverlinve received this distinction IT It had net borne the name of Count Tolstoi as Its author, nnd tlie fact of hisautherbhip is tlie only Important thing about It. It shows that If Tolstoi's mind Is net tottering It at least knew-H how-te totter, for the weik might have bcen well Inscribed "the autobiog raphy of a lunatic." The vlew of life thore taken is se cearse that It could only be en tertained by ene whose mind had been un balanced, and if the picture of Russian society Is tiue, it Is worse than barbarous. Savages aud polar bears are cnebled by leve for Ihelr. children, but the wife murderer, who Is the here of this mlseiable novel, can net even appre appre ulutethat elevating Influence He finds hu manity se degrading that he recommends extermination, find leve a myth, ;nrt a snaroeftliodovll, sclence a villainous im im im pesture. Instead of stonily arraigning llfe ns It Is he se distorts it that the cllect must be te make his readers ijuite content with the reality ; content that there are yet hnuor hnuer hnuor able and true men and women and happy families. We need mero cheerful writers who can wero the evil as Charles Dickens did with many a merry laugh and Willi hearty smypathy for the geed. . IIlack Ukauiv, His Grooms aud Com panions. The "Unde Te in' a Cabin" of the Herse. Published In America by the Humane Kducatienal society, offices 10 Milk street, Ilosteu, The piesldenl of this society, Mr. Goe, T, Augcll, for years he has' been looking for a book that "shall have as widespread and ieverful Inlluenee In abolishing cruelly te herses as Uncle Tem's Cabin' had iu tlie abolition of human slavery." At last one has bcen written bynnllnglMi woman, AnuaSowell, which according te his idea will In this sphere accomplish what Mrs. Stewe's novel did in Its own. While it Is hardly peeslble te nccept the enlhusl astlu opinion of Mr. AugelJ aud nJs whom he quotes regarding the 7sngu6ek, It Is easy te pralse it as an lnipor lniper "f,n tant step in the right direction. It is doubtful If It will be as widely read as the friends of these dumb creatures would wish. Net often Is a book found fault with because It Is tee retlned, but such Is the case with "Black Ileauty." Mr. Augell's wish Is that every cab driver and teamster would have a copy lu his possesslon. Hut the question Is, if he had It, would he read It? I believe net. In the first place, It Is tee lady-llke te suit his taste J lu the second place, 11 Is tee long. The man of education w 111 at once appre clate Miss Hewell's story nnd thus, Indi rectly, through his Influence, the better treatment of our animals may be accom plished i but it Is net a book tliaf would attract the masscs'.ns is Mr. AugcU'H desire, nor will these dumb friends of ours sectire mero consideration from mnn until the standard of the human race Is raised. Van ileDTKn's Cocea The original, most soluble. Tadles Are the Beat Judges On all matters connected with the toilet. They have decided that POZODONT is what they will have. " When n woman will, she will, you may depnnd en't; and when she won't she won't, there's an end en't." Tills accounts for the popularity of HOZODONT. Weman' Modesty. Many women lire preveutxslliy ferllnus of del lrary bem cennultlnnpliyslclnn In llime dis orders nrlRlni; from functional dcranitenient of her pecncullarly delicate, nnd the most srleus results are ellcn cntise! by this re nted, 'le such pontens Dr. Tierce's Fnorlte Prescription Is un rseclal been, as It offers a sum and safe euro for all these dlttiesslm; ills, orders te widen women nre peculiarly subject, while It saves a modest girl or woman from the cmtiarrassmcnt nrn pergenal consultation with n I'lijulclan. " Kaverlte I'rcscrliillen " Is the only incdlclnefur veuinn's peculiar weaknesses niidnllmcnUi, sold by druiiilsls, unilcr a posl pesl II ve guarantee from the manufacturers, tlmt It will Klve satisfaction lu every case, or money will he refunded. Hee guarantee en bottle wrn per. F,H&.m Iustructfve ItaailliiB Heme of tlie testimonials from different peo ple relatlve le Themttt' Klectrlc Oil, nnd the re lief It lias Rtvcu tlicm when dlstre seil by bend iirlie, rnriiclie nail toetliaclioiiro as Inlercstlnc rea.lliiL' ns von will llud. This bcins a standard medicine, Is sold evei y whom by dnnrijlsts. Held in Miticnsipr ey vv. l. iiecu, is ami IX) North .iiccii sireci. jU'iinioue. 15i:i.iaieus hijuvicix wiu, m: iiui.d Li In the following churches enHundnr, In the mnrnliiKat le.mi, In tlinpMnlueut 7:1'). bun day srlioelnt 1:1 n. in. When the hour Indif ferent It Is especially neted: Nbw (.'liuncil. Services and Sunday school te-morrow morning at tlie usual hour. In Leng's iMiililliiK, Ne, 10 North timen street. Divink service en Hiiudav mernlnir In Hie , Itecklund street school building at le; J o'clock. nunti'iy nciioei ui i. in. Uvamiklicai First Church. Hcv, 1". !'. Lelir, pusler. German lu the morning. Sunday school at On. in. OLIVET IIAitlST Clinncn Iiist Vine ncer Duke street. Kev. M. 1'rnyhe, pastor. Sunday school at U a. in. UVANORi.irAij CHUKcn. flev. Il.D. AlhrlRht, pasUir. Hunday school at Mr a. m. Triadilng niernliiK aud evening by Itcv. II. U. h.neer, I1. 1a, of thu district. Commnnlen servfus In ihe evening. KKHiiiMicn St. Luke's Marietta avenue, lluv. Win. K.LIchlller, pastor. Hunday s-lioel at I) a. in. . Kiiist M. H. Cnuncu llcv. 8. Jl. Vernen, 1). 1)., pastor. Hunday school at 0 u in. Class ineetlUKK fit m, rilKSUVTEWAN MKMOIUAI. UltlTllCK Heutll Quis'n street, 1 nemas Thompson, I). pastor, hunday mIhhiI at Da. in. Hi. Jehn's Lutiiiuian Kev. B. 1'. Alleman, I). I)., pasUir. Hervlcen at lu German Kereriucd church, corner of Orange and Mul berry street. Sunday school at Ht. .lehn's at 8:13 n. m aud at (Jelwuld Memerial Mltslennt 2 p. in. PncTsriiE Uefeiiu-rt. JnnANKia Kirciikh Cemer of Orange and Mulberry streets. Hervlie In tliuOcriiiau lancuage from II.JO te lOISii. in. and bem (I te 7:13 p. m, Sunday school Irem l'i 10 te l:Ci p. in. Fliisr Hkfekmrd. Hev. J. M. Tltrel, D. D pastor. Hervlces te-morrow morning and ovin evin lug. Hunday echoel at On. m. 'Iho morning servlce will be a Children's Day service. Cnuncu ok OoD-Cerner of 1'ilncc and Or ange. lluv. J. 11. L'slsrlluc, pastor, Hunday school at 0:15 a. in. Hr. HrEi'iiKv's LOTilcnAN Cerner or Duke and Church strtiet', llev. L". .Melster, pastor. Hr. Hrri'iiEN's College Chapel. baccalau reate, sermon bofero the graduating class hy ltev. Dr. J.H. Stahr. president or Franklin and Marshall cellege at 10 M) a.m. UitAC'K liUTIIKUAN. Hcv. U.K. Haunt, pastor. Hervlces morning and evening. Hunday school nt II a. m. Kvtnlngdervlcenttf.SOi). m. Church hc'lKKil as usual dm big the wick. l,Ur MUt AN HUNDAY BfUOOL ok Kmmanuel North 1'lne near Wiilnul uttf a. in. Mei'.AVl.VN. rtev. J. .Mut Hurlt. D. I)., pastor. Litany and sermon ; 1) a. in. Holiday school. Wlmteiin M. 12.CiiUKi'il. Itcv. O. U. Clarlt, pastor. L'lait meeting at IU0 a. m. Sunday school at 1:1') p. in. U.nitkii llftr.ninF.N in CnniST, Covenant. West tlrange nnd Coneeid streets. llcv. V. W. Hutsler, pastor. Hunday school at 0 a. in. Preaching morning and evening by the I'. K. ltev. Ml. Dehucr. l'ralse K-rvlce i.t 7:15 p.m. Communion services morning and evening. Cnuisr Lutheran. ltev. K. L. Ilecd, pastor. Sunday school ntsilju, in. Kvcnlng service cml'tel, Hr. Paul's M. E. Cnuncu nev. K.C. Ycrkes, pastor. 0 n. m. class, hundny school at 0 . m. li ly pnij cr service at 0 p. in. I'lihsuviuniAN. llev. J. Y. .Mitchell, D. D. pastor. Hr. Paul's ItEreav-un ltev. .1. W. Jlenilnger, pastor. Hunday reboot at 0 a.m. Y. M. C. A. Yeung men's meeting at 3:10 p. iu. Address by ltev. J. W Mcmltigoren "'Iho nuug Mnn'k l.xnmple." Tiiinity LnriiEUAN. llcv. C. L. Try, pastor, Hunday school at Da, m. T7-AN neiiri:N'H cocoa. TIIC FAMUI) COCOA OF KUUOl'K, TUBCOMINO ONKOF MUIII0A. Household Words All Over niuepe. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." Xew that its mamifacttircrs aie draw ing the attention of the American pub lic te thlsi'f and, ever since its Inven tion, the rW of nil cocoas, It will soeu be nppiccinted here us vell as elsewhere all ever the world. All that the manu factutcrs request is simply eik trial, or, still better, a coiupariitlve test with whatever ether cocoa it may be j then Van Hei'TKN's Cocea il? will con vince everyone of Its great superiority. It is because of this that the I'luglish paper Jhulth, says : " Onee tried, al ways used." -Te avoid the evil etlccts of Tins and Cedec, like constantly VAN IIOUTKK'd CO COA, which Is 1 81'Ki:NUrUKNi:it of the NLUVia nnd a refnhlng aud nourishing beverage. iiii TllU I'OPULAlt COCOA OF EOllOl'i:, (enl. TUM1IKU AND COAL. J TOIIACCOMIOOKHANDUAHEH. WKHr KIIN 11AUD WOODH. Whelewile and Hetall. by H. 1). MARTIN A CO., u-l d l Walcr Htreet, Ijiucauter. Pa. OAUMOAKDNKIW COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orru-ES Ne. lii North (Juccntitri-ct, and Ne, Wl North Prlucu street, Yaiii North l'rlnce Htreet, ucar Heading l)eet. UIS.I" I VNCAHTIJH. HA iViiopeHAUs ran iitoNVeoTniiiDaus. Healed preiKisals will be received by the Htn-et Cniiimlttceup te June 17, ivi, etS p.m., for Cast-iron Kiwt bridge, el uch llilcltntM and sires and shaiw as may he needed, by vi eight H.'and 1 Inch in thtcKiiChs blddcra te furnish iatttrus. I'repn-jiN te boaddressed tethe htreet Ce-n-mlltee and deposited iu the btrcet Committee Hest In the Majer's otllce. LDWINKHMKLTZ. Jell.t l.lht Htreet Commissioner. rOTIChTO Tllhl'A&rtKlW AND ul)N .IX NK1US. All iersens are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of tbe lands of the Cornwall lidHitecdwell estates lu Iartianeu or Lancaster ueuntles, whether luchwet or uulnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or dshlug, as the law will be rigidly enforced against till trts passing en said lands of the undersigned arte thlsuotlce WM. COLEMAN KUEEM AN It. PKIICY ALDKN, KDW.O. KJIKEMAN, Attern; for II, W. Ouleman'i Heirs. Itfimamfikc'. rniLABELrHtA, Bsturday. June ll.UM). It is a breezy call that brings men in such numbers te the Clothing store at Thirteenth and Market streets. The rapid rolling of the stock, the most quickly changing stock in town, keeps the novelties at the fore. Loek this morning at the Suits with skeleton Sack Coats of stylish cashmere at fii2. If you don't call them Bargains you need te be told what is cheap. Others at $15; we knew where you'd pay $20 for the same, and ethers at $16.50 that some folks tell you are cheap at $22.50. Merchant Tailoring. Om nibus prices, but net omnibus styles. Choice selections at $20 and $25. Quick deliveries. Wise people are always wisest when they watch what our Clothing store will de for them. Market street front, esst of main alle. Anether let of the Shepherd Plaids in the breezy Branden burgs. 20c. North of centre. We wouldn't keep the Puri tan Refrigerator at the top if we knew of a better. It's still in the lead every time, no mat ter what the test. And a child can keep it clean net a corner that is hard te get at. Upright, $10 te $60. Sideboard, 512 te $40. ISascment, iierthvvest of centre. Thirty-Jive cents for an Ad justable Screen 25 inches high that will fit any window between 1 7 and 38 inches wide ! The price seems absurd. Dnscmcnt, north of centre. Be the Summer night het or cold, a light - weight Gauze Blanket fits in just right : Orlt)M7C. 2a nalr. Hbigle-bcu sl7c, K.50a pair. Deuble-bed size, JJ.75 te 13.60 n pair. All the het-weather Bed Cloth ing is ready with a cool-warm welcome : Dainty llght-nelght Cotten I'nngen or pretty figured Hcrlm Comfertables, ailed wllh clean, flufry white cotton, 51. CO te Si75eacb. Dimity or old-favhlened Allendale lied Hpreads arc old favorites for warm vicather; iiIIsIzch.SOe te Jl.a) each. French Linen Hheellng, famous for Its round thread and full W Inches of width, is but 03c a yard. Wears. equal te tuevt geudHci6llng double. rrench l.lnen Sheet.", hemstitched nt both ends bv hand; a sheet that will be the .better for six months viear; 12.25 each, tl.S3np.ilr. Hemstitched Linen Pillow Cntcs, J1.30 a pair, (Uc each. Linen Bolster Cares, $1.40 teli.'Ji each. Near Women's Waiting lloem. Jehn Wanamaker. lilrtchinctu. A OENCY FOK CALLAHAN Jt COH CE J. incut te lake the place of Itcd Lead. In bulk It makes live times the quantity of red lend and Is far superior In inuklng steam Joints, pucklng man nnd hand hole plates en boilers, Ac, Ac, 1'rlee 1 cents per pound, ut JOHN IIEHrH.XEl liist Killleu street. Iii7-lfu TIOK PULLEYH. SHAFTING, COLLARS, llaimers. Clauiii llexe. Ceunlliiirs. etc.. cu te JOHN Illisr, a lUist Fulton street. lnT-tld ITtOlt HOLTS, LAO HCIIEWH, HKTHCRKWS. J Hojiiareend Hexagon Nuts, thesegoedsln stock, utJOHN Uljr, ail Kist Fulton street. mT-tfd T6irpiLEli,7i()iii,ern'ALrATTuLAir. Vertical, Portable, C Under, Marine, of liny sliu or power, of the uet inaUrlal nnd workmanship, go te JOHN UhST, Kit liist Ful ton street. m7-tfd If Oil HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN- clnr.M ii U liiwta.iinu n .i,..! V,.., I. Engines from 2le4D horse-iecr, ion will llud them nt JOHN UEsra, SJ:) Eust Fulton street. rpANKH FOR WATER, OILS, ACID OR UAH A. of anv shape or capacity, at fair prices, go leJOHNIIESI'.AB IJist Fulton street. Iiu7-tld TNJEcreiis, hue i.tri'Li: uiant, ran cock Inspiraters and Electors, Kberiunn Heller Feeder, IVnbertby Insneeter. Ann rleun Inleeters, all lu stock, ut JOHN REST'S. MB East Fult'iustreet. mT-tld 8AWMILUS, 1IAUK MILLS, COH MILLS, Leather Hellers, Tnn Packers. Triple llorte Powers, Milling and Mining Maehlucry, at JOHN IlUHP'S, J.W FjisI Fulton street. iii7-tfd f OLD 11HONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZING X forHeamvverl:,atJOHNlllijr'H,2:a l-ist Fulton strict. m7-tfd 17011 CAbr IHON l'll'E FITTINGS, 110TH 1 plain and reducing, up te G-inch diameter, Malleable, Fittings, Flanges, Flange Unions, Muulfelds, American Unions, Tube Supports, Hamrers, Fleer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN HKM"S, sa Fust Fulton street. mT-tfd FOR HTEAM GAUGES, HIOH OR LOW Pressiiie, Water Gauges, Gauge Cocks, WeikI Wheels or Weighted, Glass lubes, Whistles, Syphens for HUain Gauges, Cylinder Oilers l'luln, vVuter Gauge Columns, Cocks for .SIcaiuGnuges.culleu JOHN HESf, 3.1) Fast FultenstreeL mT.tfd FOR Pit ATT A CADY ASllUSTas DISC Valves, Jenkins Vales,Hr.iss Glebe Valvis, Itfns Onte Valves, iron Uedy Glelie Villus, Leverbafyty Valves, Pep Safety Valves, Air Valves, Kadliiter Valves, Pratt's Hvvlnglng Cheek Valves, llrass Cheek Valves,Feet Valves Angle Vnlvc, call at JOHN HUsT'S, 3.11 Iiis Fulton Street. mT-tfil 171011 CASl'INGS, IHON OR IIHASS.'I.IOHT ' or heavy, nt short notice, go te JOHN HEM". SB Fulton street. m7-lfd SF YOU WANT A PIHVT-CLASS PORTABLE Engine and Heller, en V7beels, cheap, as the lewbrg prices shew: U horse-power, $175; b horse-ieer, li-i j 10 herse-ewer, fe75; 15 horse- Cmver, !S73; 'Jd hor.e-iewer, 31,175, call at JOHN i;si' H, 3.U I'-ust Fulton streel. inT-tfd J3CKINGS,AB FOLLOWS: DIRIGO, FOR strain nnd Hjdmullc Packing, Asbest Repe, 'even and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos bheatlilnc. Gum Packlug.Uum Rings for Water Ganges, Plumbago Packing, Reed's Patent As As lse, Lined sectional Pliu Cever, at JOHN HKs rs. Mt Kst Fulton street, ii)7-tfJ "WT'lIITi: COTTON WASTE, COPPED HY the pound, 10c; In lets of 10 pounds or ever, lie. All goods delivered te any part of tbe ltv Free. Call en JOHN UESP, Ne. 33.1 East 1 ul ten street. in7-td CARRY IN STOCK-REST CHARCOAL, Hammered Iren, Deuble Reilned Iren, Hurden's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, steel, Sheet Iren J-lfl te Ne. IB, nt JOHN HKsl'H.tEll East Fultenstreet. iiiT-trd 1 TUMI'S, HOILERS. MININO, CENTRIFU enl and steam Pumps, el any capacity, at JOHN HEsrs. ii i-ist Fulton street. in7-tid STEAM HEAT ISTHECO.MINGHEATIXIR dwellings, churches, school houses, etc., though successfully usttl ene hundred jean, Whenyoucentemplnton chauge call en JOHN RKsr, who will glve ou a satisfactory Jeb, at a fair price. luT-tld IlARIICUIVR ATTENTION T'AlD A) Meitel Milking. Patterns, Drawings nnd lilue Prints, at prices reasonable, nt JOHN 1H--STS. 3S3 East Fulton street. m7-tfd I7j0R"AlTEiUCANBiaHTl'EEI)l"iLlNDER J Lubricators, Glass oil Cups for Hearings, v en can get them nt JOHN REST'S, JKI Fas Fulton street. m7-tfd TF IN WANT OF 11RAKS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and lilli L'ocks.lverCeclis.Swing Joints, call and tit them, or send jour erdir by iniill, te JOI1.N UFl', 3.11 East Fulteu sUcet. iu7-tfd A ruiTi: SHIRTS ATERISMAN'rt. Ne, U Vct Kluxbt,, Opposite Cooper Heuse. 9W Gee"b: O PEN EVERY EVENING. Fer Bargains. J GO TO Ne. 14 West King, St. EverytbingSeld At andBelovGest, AH WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OK UimiNKHS. mnyMrnd pHK l'KOPLE'8 CAHH HTOKK, FOB BARGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. FOB BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Gloves and Undfrwear. FOB BARGAINS IN White Goods and Embroideries. FOB BARGAINS IN Clothing Made te Order. 3-Oe where you can get the Dcst Goods for the Least Meney. THAT PLACE IB THE s 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA, marHVIydR J. li. MARTIN CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. China Toe large a stock en hand, and every yard reduced in price. 30c China Mattings reduced te 1 6c a yard. Damask China Mattings, in Blue, Red and Olive, at 35c a yard ; reduced from 50c. Japanese Straw Mattings, Inlaid Patterns, at 25c a yard ; reduced from 40c. Remnants of Straw Mattings, 5c a yard up. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor, Prince & W, King Sis., LANCASTER, PA. dhtvntturc. TTESllf WOLt, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 138 East Klnc street, bavlne a full line of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call nnd examine our goods. a4-tfdlt H. WOLF. 11K FjiM kln Street. H EINIT81PS FURNITURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE Hevers desiring a combination of Highest Quality of the Mannf icturer'. Art In nil the. Newest and Latest Delus and the Lewest Prices lu Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be nivuke te their own IntereHs nnd mil upon us when their wants will be fully sup plied. VV e otter te-day a splendid assortment of lar lar ler. tults liiTupeHlrUsand Plushes at specially Lew Prlci . HEIMTSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street "OADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OR DE IV si 11. can l furnlshedatrcusennblcflKiires, by JOHN UE1 333 Easl Fulteu btreel. Im7-Ud ?.C.SNIDER(6B1, People Cash Stere STRAW ATMS yic of SnttMenl TA LACK Or FAHHIOr.. ASTRICH'S Palace of Fasl 115 & 117 N. Queen LANCASTER, PA. OF- Ribbons WILL BE CONTINUED ALL SATURDAY AND SATURDAY EVEN. Te make it mere interel we have added the follewir 300 pieces of Ne. 5 Dc Faced Satin Ribbon, twe-tq extra heavy quality, in combinations, at 9c a yard 500 pieces of same goec Ne. 7, at uc a yard. 500 pieces of Ne. 9 at yard. 100 pieces of Ne. 12 at yard. 200 pieces of Ne. 16 at yard. These Ribbons, as wel the ones advertised Friday, be seen with prices afhxei our Shew Window all day urday. We furthermore offer case of Ladies' Fine Rit Lisle Vests, we will sell at apiece, or 3 for 25 c. One case of Fine Lisle crochet neck, 2 for 25c. One case of Extra Fine crochet neck, and Silk Dj Ribbon, at 25c apiece. Qtavycte. -CARPETS! CARPET'S CARPETS Custom Rag Carp A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing I Dyei LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYB WORKH Are second te none In Pennsylvania for I el werlc of nil kinds. FeathersDycd All Shi orders win receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & NO. IM SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancasteh. Pa, feblWil T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S. St V. All Goods at Reduced Fric AND Always One Price te All. AWNINGy, MATTINOS, HIIADES, CO TAIN8, FURNITURE COVEKS, AC, AC. Carpets Cleaned and Belaid. 8HAUB & V0NDER8MIT 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street aiurJMvd Seoul itnttcca. 4 SHI a NED ESTATE OP nARHAI V Krtder. of East lumpier tewnshl I illll.lkln. A.,,,,.,.. lln.linhi l.'u.l.ln. I .M...VMO.V. lUUIIIj, .I.ILMtlt JWOUU1, East Lampeter teunshlp, iJincaster ceu tv. havlnz bv deed of vnluntnrv usiltr merit dated the btb day of May, lue, assign and transferred all her estate and effects le t undersigned, fur the benefit of the creditors the said ll.irbara Kre'der. he therefore glv notice te nil nersens Indebted te said asshrni te make navment te tlie undersigned wlthe delay, mill tbee havlncr claims te present the lu .1.1 I'. .11 I' ...1.1 A ., n.BIKHC, Resldlui; lu Lancaster city. i ji. iv. tv iuse.n, Ait y. iniueiua A SMONKD ESTATE Ol-TOUIAS 1I.KRE dernml ilfe. or Kast lAlnlieter tewnsllt Liinrnster iviuiily, Tobias II. Krelderaud wife, i:nsttuninetrrti'n..hiiln'; bv deed of VOluntai nsslijnmeiit, dated tlie Ulb day of May, lbJO.a slentd uud transferred all tlitlr csbite hi i fleets te the undersigned, for the benefit of 11 creditors of tbe said jenias u, Krciucr. I ilirrrfernclut notlce te all persons Indebted t said nsslKiier, le make, payment te tlie node slKiiea iiiieui ueiay, nnu luese uav ing ciuln te present inein m AND. Jl. I'ltANTZ, Assignee, Residing In Lancaster Cltv. VV'R. Wilsen, Atlerne. inKMJtiW I Ccntieti'U. DR.NATIIOIIHT, DENTIST. H' CENTRE SQUARE. Killing Teeth und Painless KxtracUeu Sp chilllis. New Set made, broken niieitlicndi nud remedelcl. Ti eth Inserted without platel and lllveled. etc. Wa nvprvthln? KertslnlnJ toDentlste will neclve prompt very Jloilrrale Terms. Remember that DrI ..iiueriis me ONLY Dentist in tills ceuniw n he Is u Kr.iduale of Medicine as well at of Den J lisiry an i ivj.ihmje that Is obvious. mart-lydAw SVttomcue, T UTHER 8. KAUFFJIAN, ATTORNliY-AT-U W. Second Fleer EsbleiAau L ulldlng, Ne. al nwwDuisnueev pri-lJQW -OUR Great Special .''-AtiJSvHJ f-