I- ' -v'SSMf ?-- Jfr . KTJ" w-:- r- -v,'. , i '"i!.' --". Til' TffB 1AK0A DAILY -J i 1 - " Hew UTi'mrti StrwbMTlea Frem the Mew Yerk TrlbaM. There Is no berry mera delicious when preserved than the strawberry, and none mere difficult te put up saecessfutly. The ' flavor of the berry is se praaescent that It entirely disappears In cunning. It requlr. a rich sirup te held this Uellcnte flavor, and thcrefore strawberries should nlways be ifeMrrved. Holed perfectly ripe, Ann flavored fruit for this purpose. The most delicious preterves In the world are made of wild strawberries. Hull the strawber ries, and as seen as yen have about a pound ready weigh them and put them with three quarters of their weight of sugar in a por celain llncdTccLtle. Continue till the ket tle is nearly roll, then set them at the back of the stove. When the strawberries are well covered wlthjulcebrlnglhem forward where they will bell up rapidly. Stlrthem enly enough te prevent their burning. After they have boiled rapidly for teu minutes skim them carefully and begin pnltlng them into. bottles which should stand In boiling water te prevent the het preserve cracking them. Seal them up Instantly as tightly as you can. Wlpe off each bottle as It is filled and sealed and stand it en a paper en tee kitchen table till cold. When cold screw np again and set It away. . Thcse preserves will keep mere securely If the bottles are packed in sawdust. Anether method is te preserve the berries exactly, as directed, using a pound of sugar. In plnee of three quarters of n pound, te every pound of ber ries. When the preserves are ready te put Inte bottles, pour Inte tumblers Instead and set the tumblers covered with gloss in a "broiling" het sun for two davs. At the end of this time cover them with brandy papers and seal them up Under a layer of cotton wadding tied or sealed closely ever them, but net In Mich a manner as te rest en the preserve If you prefer seal tin the preserves In paper Instead of wadding, though this Is net the newest inothed. The last preserve Is very rich, but tee candled and sweet te be ugrecable te overy one's taste. The Grumbler. Yes, there are people who live forever, outlive" all their neighbors and grumule every day In the year. If they couldn't growl they'd die. Here Is a picture of one of tbem : Queer el' feller! Alius greanln', Gmntln', vrtilnln', slghln', meanln', Boen te glory he'll be slrayln', 'N' I can fancy him, I vow, Buttonhelln' faint', un' sayln', "Thankee, I'm enj'ytn' peer health new!" Frem the Kew Yerk Stm-ald. A New Industry. Frem the Norrlstewn Herald. " Can't you get anything te de, Lopber J " " Anything te de t Why I am employed sixteen hours a day new. " "What at?" " Guessing for the big prizes offered by several scores of newspapers, for the near est guesses en this, that and the ether. I'm overworked. " Wherever Malaria Exists, The bilious are It certain prey. In Intermit tent and remittent fever, dumb ngS and ague cake, the liver Is always seriously affected, and the bleed contaminates with bile. One of the chief reasons why Heitetter's Stomach Bitters Is such a sure defense ai;ain't chills and fever and every form or malarial disease, Is, tbp.t It does away with liability te the disease, by re forming Irregularity of the hlllnry etvun In ad vance of the arrival of the Masen when the dls dls ease Is prevalent. There Is no flncr fortifying preparative for tho-se about visiting or emigrat ing te a locality where the mtasma-tatnt exists There Is no certain Immunity from dliease In nil endemic or epidemic form, te be secured iby the use of the average tonics and nntl-epiw- meaics. inn wucre quinine raus me miters rncre quinine laus ine imiers i preventing and curing. More Mere i every vestige of dyspepsia, and istlpntlen, rheumatism, mac- euccoeasDeiu in ever. It removes overceiuos censtlui tlvlty of the kidneys and bladder, and tran quilizer und strengthens the nervous system. JclOteH One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the abeve amount if I fall te prove that Klnraplexlim is the best medicine In existence for Dyspepsia, Indigestion or lllllouv llllleuv ness. It Is a certain cure, nnd uflbrds Immedi ate relief, In cases of Kidney and Liver Com plaint, Nervous Debility aud Consumption. Floraplexlen builds up the weak system and cures where ether remedies fall. Ask your druggist for It nnd get well. Valuable book "Things Werth Knewing," also, sample book sent frce ; all charges prepaid. Address, l'ref. Franklin Hart, S Warren street, N. Y. Fer tale by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster Pa. nprl7-l.vd.lw J- gyccial ituticce. llncklen'H Arnlea Salve. Tun Bkht Halve in the world for Cnts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Itlienm, Fever Heres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruption, and positively cures l'lles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by w. T. Hech, Drug gist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lau easter, Pa. luneSMyd Allew Uh te Sny Thatagoeddculofsullerlneln this world can be avoided by purchasing Dr. Tliemtit' Eclcctrlc Oil and using It as per directions. It Is an ln ln fatllble cure for all aches, sprains nnd pains. Held In Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 137 and lS'J North Queen street. A burnp of l'upcr Saves Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but It saved her llle. bhe was In the last stoges of consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than sevenly pounds. Oi a nlece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New DIsceNery, and get a sample bettle: It helped her, she bought a large bottle, It helped her mere, boughtaiiiether-amrgrew better last, continued Its use and Is new strong, healthy, reKy. plump, weighing 11(1 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te W. 11. Cele, Druggist. Fert Hinlth. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at W.T. Hech's drug store, 137 and 13D North Queen street, Luncastcr, l'u. Tulce Your Choice V.. a.. .. ,.n .ir.nl- iin.ifnu. r, at. 1 1 1 , 11 , , r.n.l despondent, d squallllcd for work of head or hand, or J en can enjoy n fair share of health and peace et mlud. Burdock Bleed Bittcrt HI alleviate your misery aud de you n world of feed If you will but have faith te try. Sold In jincaster by W. T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Me thorn! Mothers!! Motliera I ! t Are you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain el cutting teeth T If se, goat once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'H BOOTHINU HVKU1'. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake, about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell ouatence that It will regu late the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te tlie taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 85 cents a bottle. luneSlydAw, A Ilnptlht MlnNtiir'H Kxpoi'li'iice. "1 amanaptisliiiluUtcr.nnd before I thought of being n clergyman 1 graduated In medicine, but lfft n lucmlle practice for my present pro pre pro feislen, forty ears age. I was for many jean a suflcrer from quinsy. Themiu' Jklectiic Oil cured me. I wes ulse troubled w llh hearsened, and nemas' LcUetnc Oil relieved me. My wife and child had diphtheria, nnd Themas' 7.V lectric Oil cured them, and If taken In time It will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am confident It Is a euro for the most obstinate cold or cough, ami If any ene ulll take a small teaspoon and ha, f till It with Oil, nnd then place the end or the spoon In one nostril and draw the Oil out of the spoon into the head, by snlftlug as hard ns they ran. until the Oil falls Inte the threat, nnd practice it twlce a wick, I don't care hew ciffen ciffen slve their head may lie. It will clean It out and cure their utarrh Fer deafness nnd earache It hasdene wonders te my reitaln knowledge. H Is the only inedlclne dubbed patent medicine that I liavoevcr felt like recommending, and I am very anxious te see It In eery place, ler I tell yen that 1 would net be without it In my imiiut for nnv consideration. I am newstiflei- lng with pain like rheumatism In my right limb, nnd nothing relieves incllke nemas' JJc leclric Oil." Dr. li F. Crane. Cerry, l'a. Beld In Lancaster by W.T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street. i Kupeii-j-. Thlsls what en ought te huc. in fact, you must have It. te fully enjoy lire. Thousands are searching for It itally, and mourning because they llnd It net. Thousands upon thousands of aeuars are siieni annuiuij vy our lieuiu in mc hope that they maySUtaln this been. And yet It may be hail by all. We guarantee that Elec tric Hitlers, ir used aiverdlug te directions und the use persisted in, will bring you Geed Diges tion ami oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Kiipcpsy. We recommend Electric Hit ters for Dys'psla, and all diseases et Liver Stomach and Kidneys, held ut SOc and fl i.er bottle by V.T. Hoch,drucglst,!S7andi:9Nerili Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (1) Dr. Tauiier'H Stomach. Dr. Tanner certainly has a great stomach great because of Its strength and endurance. We may err In saylug that the doctor uses Jlunleek Jlloeil Bittrrs, but If he docs, his digestltc pow ers are easily ncceUntcd for Jiuntcek Illoeil ltilltri beluga standard inedlilne are sold ny all druggists. Held in tancaiter by W. T. Hech, 137 aud 1J North Queen street. Tcllntlie Truth. "This medicine I can hlghlj-recemmend. Jlurtl.Kk flood BUlcrt are the best blend purl, tier we have cer used.' Chas. A. Hurl, IS Court hi., lluitale.N. Y. Held In Lancaster by W, T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Quwn itrett. That Tired Feeling Toe. eaaaet always ten what Bay be ltt eaase. ressiMy it'may be due te change et season, cllntate, er.Hfet possibly te overwork or eterstudy, te mental sufle ring, or nervous ailments. Rut tliere Is no mistaking Its rtrecis. Yeit knew you feel "almost tired te cVath," without tttv'ngth te de anything; nmbltlen seems te be rl) "one, and in Its pUce Iiidllfcrrnre te linw tin werld.wags SB hi- Heed's Sarsaparilla descilUable languor and weakness. Yen have tin nrpctlte, de net care about feed, and only cat liecause It Is the hour for eating, or from t ertfe of habit. This must be stepped. Your condition must be charged at once, cr like ashlpdrlrttng with the Inward tide, jeu will seen be dashed upon the rocks et Incurable dlscase and death. Heuse the torrid kidneys and liver, tone the digestive organs, create a new appetite, parity and Itnllta the Impure and sluggish bleed, Makes the Weak Streng cure the headache, and overcemo all the pros. tr.il lug effects el That Tired Feeling, by taking Heed's (Virsarwllla It is Just what you need, iu.il in ilel.iy taking It h unwise. Mnre taking Heed's riarssparllla that ctrcme tltcd feeling has gene, my appetlte returned, and It has toned me up generally." C t.Au W. I'HCLr?. Shirley, Mass. " "Jy wl(. suITercd from tick headacbe and iiCur.ili;iJ, AftcrtaMnc; noed's SarsaparllU din w.s mttrli lellevcd." W. It. Babb, Waihy ten, O. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla E'llbra'l.truptfnts. ft 'sis for as. rrspartdenlyl Beld by all druggists. tslxferC rreparedenly I Seldbyallllnigflsts. flistxferas. rnparsdimly 'i C. t. UO'-'D .t CO Apnthecarles. I-owell, Miss, by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lewell. Mais, by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apethecs.tM, Lewsll, Has. tOO !H"os One Dellar I IOO Deses One Dellar I IOO Deses One Dellar CWl FT'S SPECIFIC. mercurial"meumatlsm. Mr. J. C. Jenes, city marshal of Fulton, Ar kansas, writes : "About ten years age I con tracted a severe case of bleed poison. The lead ing physicians of the city were called In, and they Vrescrlbcd medicine after medicine, which l took without affording me any relief. I also tried mercurial and potash remedies, with the same unsuccessful result, but which brought en an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of untold agony. After suf fering four months, I gave up all former reme dies aud commenced taking Swift's Specific (B. n. h.i Anw t&Kinr several Demes, i was en tlrely cured and able te resume work. I con sider Swirt's Specific (3. S. 8.) the greatest med icine for bleed poisoning te-day en the mar ket." INHERITED SCROFULA. Swift's SpcciflefH. 8. 8.) cured my little boy e hereditary scrofula, which broke out all ever his face. Fer a year he had suffered, and I had f:ln up all hopes of his recovery, when at encth I was Induced te use 8.8.8. After using a ifiw bottles he was entirely cured, tint a symptom new remains of the disease. This was three years age. MRS. T. L. MATHERS, Mathervllle, Miss. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed rree. (2) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. Yl iJndevelefed faktb Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will nay that there is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad. vertlsers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the EltlE MEDICAL, (X)., 6 Swan HL, Bullale, N. X.IkMu Teledo fire. fll-fydAw rpEETUINQ SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAUBNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Will re lieeo Celic, Qriplng In the I towels nnd Promote Difficult Teethliig..Prcpared by Dlt3.D.FAHK NEY A BON, llagcrstewnrMd. FrilgIsTaBell !t;2SeenU. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, lant-lydendftw 1 RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ORAY'jJ SPEOmb MEDICINE. . The Gheat E.nemsh Rkmxdy. An unfltll. lngcure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Hclf-Abuse ; as Ixs of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, l'a In In tbe Hack, Dimness of Vision, i'remnture Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption nnd a l'rcmature Orave. 43- Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we deslre te send free by mall te every one. V The Speclfle Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at 81 per package or six packages for te, or will be sent frce by mall en receipt of Hie money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Uuflale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the e lly genuine. Sold In Ijmcaster, Pa., by W.T. Hech. mar3-lyd f-RTER'H LITTLE LIVER I'l LLH. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain in the Side, Ac While their most emarkable success has becu shown In curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who stiller from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does net end here, nnd these who once try them will find these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of se many lives that here is where we make our greal beast. Our pills euro It while ethers de net.J CARTKR'H LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and donetgrlpo or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use thorn. Li vials at 25 cts; fl e ler it. Beld everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. auglS-lydeed nvci00l0. T3 OSE BROS. 4 nARTMAN. Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! GREAT BARGAINS IN PKRHSOLS, GENT-SHUN UMBRELLAS, WAGON UMHRELLA8. COACH UMBRELLAS. All kinds of Umbrellas and Parasols made te order. ALSO.NET PARASOLS. RKPAIRINO & P.EC0VERINO NEATLY DONE. AT THE MAKERS, ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprl2 Smd VTOriOK TO TKEHPASSEHM AND UU.N LN NEHH. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estate lu Lebanon or Lancaster ueuntles, whether luclesed or unlnclosed, either for the purpose of sheeting or Ashing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all tres passing en said lauds of the undersigned aft Uiis notice WM. COI.KM AN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALUEN. EDW.O, FltKKUAN, Attorneys for K. W, Celeman's Hslrs. Ey biiredleat employed in producing Heed's Sarsaparma la strictly pure, and Is the best of Its kind It Is possible te buy, All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, per sonally examined, and only Jie best retained. All are (round la our own drug-mill, se that from the tlme et purchase until the medicine Is prepared, everything It carefully witched with a view te attaining the best result. Heed's 8arsaparilla "Every spring I take from tnsse te live bottles et Heed's Sarsaparilla, because I knew It pnrlfles the bleed and thoroughly cleanses the system ct all impurities. Thst tired feeling will never visit the system that has been properly cared for by Heed's Bsrss parllla." W. H. Lawrxkcr, Editor Agricul tural Epltemlst, Indianapolis, Ind. "It is a pleasure te sell such goods as Heed's BarsaparllU has proved te be." C. Bltewv, Milten, Fenn. Makes the Weak Streng " My daughter bad an abscess en her neek for lire or six years, being all the tlme under care et physicians, without any perceptible relief. Heed's Sarsaparilla was then recom mended te me for her, and It has entirely cured her." 8. Thoxtben, Hazelwood, Pittsburgh, Fenn. " I highly recommend noed's Barsanarllla as the best remedy for sick headache. I hare been selling this inedlclne e years and net ene bottle proved unsatisfactory." F. J. FnicK, Prick's, Duc'ns Ce., Fenn. Sru -VTETZOER & HAUGHMAN. Metzgrer Sc Haufirlirnaxi., IWASH DRESS G00DS.tx OUTING STRIPES AND PLAIDS, DRESS OrN'GIIAMS, PLAIN CHAMBRAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINQS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.1 N- KXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUBE. A HAPPY CHANCE Has put in our handsja let of Kine Imported French Oasslmcres ; every yard of which cost th Importer ti.CO te Impert. They measure M te 53 Inches lu width and are mad of the finest trad woejsjjind wc are cutting them at the extremely low price of $2.00 a yard. The styles are suitable for Men's HultlTTg-.Ltslit Weight 0erce:iU and Ladles' and Children's Outer Garments of nl kinds. The assortment emliraces' both Light and Dark, Fancy and Plain Effects. Remember the price, S2.00 a yard, and eer 1 yards wlfle AN ITEM-Onr entire stock of Ball's Cersels"arepilea en lb5 COUnterst 75 cents each. FHHNESTOCK'S, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa, TARD ft MCELROY. BARD & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, I1LACK OOODH Extra value In Illack Alt-Wen! Henrietta Cashmere, te In. wide, 8t Me worth (l2Kc : 411 In. w lde at 7Sc, worth S7Ue ; 48 In. wide at II, werl h fl.25. Uargiilns In Black Hen rlettaatvBcanda5c. bilk Warp Illack llenrlettu at II, tl.'i). II.H). Hlack All-Weel Albalret, Me Illack Australian Crepe, double width, 15c. Illack Mohair llrllllanUne, 1 Ne. at Wc, really worth (Ks: 1 Ne. at 75c, really worth K7Jc; 1 Illack Mohair, with pin stripe, atMe, extra wide and quality. Black Nun's Veiling ter Veils at tl and Jl.25 per yard, Special low prices In Illack Thibet Dhawls, single and double. Illack French Hutlne at Sia and :tfc, warranted net te crock or change color from perspiration or acids, and Is net nirectcd by washing or espesure te the light. Black baUiicwltliucatdoterilgure. Plain Illack Plnld Lawn. WHITEOOODS Special Bargains in India Linen and Victeria Lawnat8c, 10c, 12U'c and up. Anether let of Satin Bordered White Goods at Sue and 25c Hemstitched and Embroidered Flounc ing at lowest prices in the city. Bargains In Plaid and Hlrlpe White Dress Goods. QINOHAMS-Dres? Olnghanis at C'fc, worth go; 10c Dress Cllnghnms at 8c; 12Ue quality nt 10c. New Outing Cleths nt 10c and 12e. , WINDOW HIIADES-Cleslng out 1 let of shades, B feet long, spring future, at 25e ; 1 let with fringe, same size, at !Uc. REMNANTS 1 let or 50c Carpets III rcmnnntsnt25c per yard; 1 let of 75c All-Weel Carpets In remnants, nt .lie per yard. UNDERWEAR Ladles', Men's and Children's Underwear, summer nelsht, cheap. ladles' Ribbed Vest at 8c ; elsew here 10c and up, Men's Balhrlggnu from IKc up. Children's at low pi I'.es. BlCYCLLH-Agents for the Premier and Coventry Rival Barely Bicycles. BARDA Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. TT .. KHOADS t BON. Fer the Het "Weather T The Light, Airy, Beautiful Novelties in Jewelry -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St, PEARL, DIAMOND AND OPAL RINGS. THE NEW HEART, IN RINGS, CHARMS AND PENDANTS. -FlNE UEPAIlUNa, IN ALL ITS BRANCHK8.-fc H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. gabU (CrtcviitncB. E UNN UKENEMAN. Little Griaxit Bicycles T We guarantee the Little CJlant Bicycle te be the Bent ilahlnu In the Market. Whiels costing double the money are no better. , VELOCIPEDES, GIRLS' TRICYCLES, EXPRESS WAGONS BHBY CHRRIHGES, FLINN ck BRElSTEIwIAW, NO. 162 N--TH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. Weak The mere sensitive Mtwreet the t m.mIam' .htm --- Will MUM men te these numerous Ills wMefc sprtag tress lack ct harmony In the system. Xuiiiimmi, sick headache and ether albMJMasjwtihWte women causa great sintering. Heed's Barsa parllU It admirably adapted ter saeh eases. It gives great ntrTC, mcntal.bedlry and Ct.es tlve strength, cures headache, !e41ftien, and creates an appetHe. " Fer nine years 1 was hi a state et eetaat suffering, scarcely able at any Usse te walk Heed's Sarsaparilla about the house, and part et the time tmable te be out of bed. By adrlce et lesal physi cians I went te Philadelphia for treatment, which gave me relief for a time, but I was seen worse again and gave up hope et ever getting well. The physicians said I bad a fibroid tumor. I began taking Heed's Sarsa parilla and Its geed effect was seen apparent, I began te Improve In health, and continued taking the medicine till new I feel perfectly well, and can walk six or seven miles a day Makes the Weak Streng without feeling tired. I think Heed's Barsa parllla Is Just the medicine for women and anyone who has bad bleed." JtJTKtx X. Smith, East Bread Tep, Fenn. " I must say noed's Sarsaparilla Is the best medicine I cTer used. Last spring I bad no appetite, nnd the least work I did fatigued m ever se much. I began te take Heed's Barsa partlla, and seen I felt as It I could de aa much In a day as I had formerly done in a week. My appetite Is veracious.' Ms. M. V. Bayard, Atlantic City, N. J. tlSoeli. Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn tUuci'JUrtcc. -KOB- -AND- Fer GO TO P.CSNYDERdBRO., Ne. 14 Wwit King St. ETeiTthingSeId At tntlBelovGest, AH WE ARE POUmVKLY OOINO OUT .. OFBUfUNEHS. mayMmd "VV HITE DHEHH QOODS I WAH & SHAND, Are Making a Qrsat Display of WHITE NAINSOOKS In Checks, Htrlpes and Plaids. White Swiss Muslins In Plaids, Btrlpss and Spot. IndiaLinens and Victeria Lawns At S, 10, UX, l, 20 te 87X Csnt. NEW CHALLIE8. INDIA DIMITYS, FRENCH OROANDIES, ENGLISH NAINSOOKS. tt-Inch EMBROIDEHKD FLOUNCINOH at 3JHc, Ve, Mc, 02Je, 7&e te W 00 a yard JWnch EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGH at 25c, 8.V, S7Xc, Mc, 3He te $i SO yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Real China Figured Silks. U Inehes Wide ; never sold for less that II 00 : nowcelugntMe. ' INDIA PONGEES, ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, FRENCH 8ATINES, At Less Than City Prices. NEW Y01 STORE, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. B ORTON BTORE. NElAi SEASONABLE Crcatn Henriettas, 25, 37, 50, 75c Pink and Blue Henriettas, 37c. Dotted Swisses, 124, 17, 20, te 50c. a yard. Victeria Lawns, 10, i2j, 15, 17, 20, 25c India Linens, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25c. Plaid White Goods, 7, 10, i2, 17, 20, 25c. Plaid and Plain Black Lawns, i2jc. a yard. Outing Cleths, 8, 10, I2jc. a yard, Dress Ginghams, $4$ 6)4, 8, iec. a yard. White Laces, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 te 25c. a yard. Ruchings, 3, 5, 10,' 12, 17, 20, 25c. a yard. Lace Caps, 20, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75c, $1. Summer Corsets, 50c. Silk Mitts, I2, 17, 20, 25, 37. 50c Gloves, 37. 50c 10, !2, 17, 20, 25, 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LAWCAHTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. Charles wnis, FOR BAEOJ IN- White Goods and Embroideries! FOR BARGAINS IN Clothing Made te Order. . Ge whew you can get the Best Cloedii for the Least Meney. THAT PLACE Id THE People's Cash Stere, 26 East King Street, LANCABTEU, PA. meraMydtt s PKC1AL. Special I Twilled Cotten Tewellng,.1Xc, te and 6c per yard. Russia Crash Toweling, 7c, 8c, 10a per yard. Twilled Ltnen Tewellngs, 7c, ie, 10a per yard. Twilled Barnslsy Tewellngs, 12e, 16e per yard. Fine Huek Tewsllngs, 13ie, 15c, 30e per yard. 100 Detsn Huck Linen Towels, te, 10c, 12hfc. 100 Dezen Hack Linen Towels, ISe, 80c, Sic. SO Detsn German Huck Towels, 20c, 25c, 37c. CO Dezen Bleached Damask Towels, 23c, 37c C0. All the above Tewsls in Plain White and with Celsred Borders, and the fluer quality with Knotted Fringe. Extra Values In Cream Linen Table Damasks from 20c in We per yard. Bleached Linen Table Damasks from 37e te 11.00 per yard, In Leaf, Bleck, Spot and Dice Patterns, with Napkins te match. Bleached Linen Damask Table Cleths In M, 1(M, 12-4 and 1H sites, with Napkins te match, In newest deslgnnd all qualities. Special Lew Prices In Marseilles Quilts, Bum mer Weight Marseilles Quilts and Toilet Quilt. GOO Crochet Qtillts at 11.00 and ll.'KS; usual pries 11.25 and f I.W. We Invite the attention of Landlords, Public Institutions, Bearding Hemes and House keepers generally. 25, 27, 295 31 West King St. LANOASTHR. PA. letittt10. TT71INK TAILOKINO. l890--SPRING.-890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment SPRING NOVELTIES New Heady for Your Inspection. We would also unneuiica the purrlniMj of a Jeb Let of Knglldii Kultlriif mill Treusering at a great sncrlflce, which we will sell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. O-Cail early te sccure a bargain lu these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN TUKCITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. m.tfd VrYEIW AIHATHFON. KEEPG00L ! Thcre' Ne Trouble te Keep Coel If YenAall YeurkClf of the Chance Offered Here te Buy Summer Clothing. We Have Every Conceivable Kind aud Celer In COATS AND VESTS FOR MENU WEAR. EVERYTHING LIGHT, COOL AN11 AIRY. Prices Run fromfl.25te7.K). Men's Summer Trousers AND WHITE VESTS, In Great Variety and Style. HAHDSOME STYLES IN FUNNEL SHIRTS AND SUMMER NECKWEAR. Asktebc Oar BLUE AND BLACK SERGE BU1T8 for Men-Just the Thing for Het Weather-910.00. Myers & Rathven, LEADING CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EABT KINO BTREET. wmwm i fmn p,mi miwm -t &i TirrirR-Tir-!5.r ill M li i iiit n "t nut 1 Harrfl stall Frederick . tThe only train On Huntfur the Main Columbia en J. 11. wucm. Genera, I CHAM. E. PUUHTWtiicral Ia LJha?XJdVacahteu Jt" Arrangements of Pamcnter Trains en and ail HUWIiAV.Mnyll.llffln. T KUKTUWABI). 1 Bund KingBlreet, Inc7K 12;e LnncaMer 7.07 12.50 Columbia , jem Mnnt'Slm 7:.'W lau Cornwall. 7:59 i: . . Arrlvent lbanen Ml 1:58 BOUTHWAUl). r ssk'a. m r, 6:21 8.-06 KM t IS 1.' fl.01 8:2S tin (.40 w m Leave a. m. r. 11. r. n. a. m. . Lebanon., Cornwall 7:87 t.i liRJ 7:1V 7M0 t.frs in (wi .-l - - 1 12:41 Ills 1:48 1:55 2.-02 7-2S; B:W. 8:48 :U ": MsnhelirC 7:A8 Lancaster 8:27 Arrive at KlngHtreet, Lane 8:3T, Columbia ta 7:&J 8.18 8.25 ae npt. 0.1 B..NEKK.aupL(j. It. B. pniLADEIJ'HI A , 11KADINU HAILS READING A COLUMBIA DIV18I0K.: . un ana after Hunday, .Miiy 11, lsw, ' Fer Iteedlnir anil Inlrrmmllslji nnlnli. days, 7:40 a. in.. 12: 10, 3:11 p. m.; Sunday. I m., s.asn.m. v -is rerPhlli Fer New Yerk via Allentivn. wnafer t H.Um . ' .? MM.-WV I 111. Fer Allentown, week days, 7:40 sv as 111. nuuuit,, im i ill, t 1 Fer Pettsvllle, week days, 7: Ma. m., & IV I w,"""y ?:""' : Feri Lebanon, week days. 7:00 a.m., IS4Sk i Hunday, ft05 n. in, 3:45 p. m. v7J ' llarriftbtinr. vmk dMa. 7:011 a.imj:SB In. rnr 5.- p. m. i Hunday, 8:05 a. m. e. , Knr OllMrrvvlllf.. vwmlr .lat'a. U-n m rSl 7.M, B.03 p. m.iHnnday, 5:10). m. k TIIAINH FOR LANOAHTRR. vJi Leave Keadlnc. week dun. 7:'JJ. ll:4ar 5M n. m. : Hundnr. 7'JO a. m.: 8:ia n. nt. - -- Leave Philadelphia, week dayj, 4:10,' tUtfJ Ul, IMI l. 111. ,, ?a imivenrw iura vin riiuaaeipaiu, WIMKS 7: a. 111., imp. in. 12:1s night. p--jji iraviiiiiw ierK.via Aiieaiewn, wsw 4.1Wa.m., IKWp. m. Leave Alleulewn, week days, 8:47 a.ttuH P.m. ... . sM . Leav Pettsvllle, week days, B.M a. rnl Leave Lebanon, week days, 7:12 a, atu'"! 7:15 p. m. 1 Hunday, 7M it. in., 8:45 p. re. . ijeave iiarnsuurg, wcck nays, e.- a. se,! 1 w.iMJuailili , '.'ji.r' Iave Quarryvllls, week days, 6M, UM. ATLANTIC CITY DIVIHION. ffiA LMve Philadelphia. Chestnut strati 1 aud Menth street wharf. - Fer Atienue city, week days, M a. m. and 4K n. m.: Aecemn 7:W a. m. and 4:30 p. m. ; Hnndey, 0.00 a. m.. Accommodation. 8.-00 a. p. m. V IWHlllllllumTOAllllllUU LlfcJ, IWUVI. Atlantleand Arkanun Aveuura. Weak r.xprraa i:.u a. ni. anu p. m. inouaiieii.Dnoa. m. uia fiu p. m. a WllillMl, m. . 111. nWUUIUlUIMUUIJl 4V)W and 4i n. in. as Detailed lima tables can ba ebtalnsd S4 1 emees. . A. A. MCLKUD, C. li. HANOC4 Vleo Pre. A Uen'l M'gr. Oen'l PassS ps gamy. IUl ;vf? "T31 -JO-KW LAMPS AND ART GOODS, & i'l Call and Sttflf L HRT COODS1 "5V- ON SECOND FLOOIl &FS JoluiI.Anield'sBiiilc yJ " NORTH QUEEN STREET. "pLUMIUNQ, UAH FITONU, Ac. Jehn P. Scnaum & Sei PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFMl 26 80UTH QUEENT.,., , J-.? v mm,, .nkw 11 iij "r-iUsss- ,K v-SO- AND , LANOARTKR PA. 34 1 , ' , :.j '-' ,' .'. (Eljlnatuavf. XTiail A MARTIN, China, Glass,1 AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wk ara new epcnlwr our Bi'Hnj Imiortatien of Quceusware aud will 1 prepared te supply our cnttoiuers with tbe very best trade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heiueitlrei receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. avvlneca. OCTA NDAIin CAiatlAGE work. 1 O M& EDW. EOUUJKJ-.KX, 0ARRIAQE BUILDER. Ji 40.43,13 440 MARKET STREET. (Rear Of UU)1 ' ' Postemce), LANOAHTER, PA TrJ All the latest styles In Itncirtei, amlly car J.a rlaaca. lluckliertult, Market 1 "? J"A ll .. unn.1.Hinrl Wurlf. New Is the time te order fur Hprlnjr. Strict! rlrt-clav erl and ull work ftiliy KUaiani My prices are uieiewemui i"u """' nv same quality of work. Give uu &tfrj itmlnn mv work ,iir-&r itiim tuTln nnd It lendejl te and teJ&WiJ 0ii set of werkniajnw.w , purpose ,., Tjwiwwa ' 'fe; l'hiuteiu. Surreys. Cabriolet, :Pbloe.- fa TretUns Vgons,Htatlen wajtea,! iVageus, eic, new rvnuy IW ,u rt ,: .- jn "4 jt - iS,.7 . && fi,,-t