' ,.... k JBB. FRIDAY, JUNE. 13, 1800. TiUwVi vp ' m ?' fe Tr- 9.i rrfi Sat bw rene, we i the Idea that 5t tbe net weather for it. and doubtless it leral principles, politicians 13 te low their beads as well .Marat's when they get towards lut days of their light. Upen both rKJKftpuDiicnn ami Democratic sides mcre ta very diverse statement as te the mnti Who is going (e be nominated for gev- ,mer. S-Vi. Delamntcr Rets knocked out every r4t "Other day by sonie untoward occur- b'Seience reported te have happened, only te be knocked In again by its deulul. 'Just new we have him killed entirely liv & rnnnrt. frnrn Wnaliliifrfmi Mint. PJ$"Quay refuses te sny whether he shall l ana en the ether hnuu it is Pjkleclarcd that there Is no doubt about it, vlAm.....t m tnnx.l.lliM nf TJ. .!. I I m . 1)1. tl fv VQVnUIVUJUll(JDlllll(( 11 All'JJIIUUUail 4 nil- aaeipma voiere sny uim uiey are some Wfify? in favor of him : and among these one Baa?.! declared te be eld-time Independents nd men naturally inclined te he ?T kickers. We arc told that thcc spirits S.sf are all quiet new, that blue uud cray & ud all colors of Itcpublicaus Hre ready '.' t illnnert the! mirtvmiicildnte' nml Hint wff about all of them are ready te take the tAiv man inni uuay seis out ler them. Hint Tttrt A ! 1 js . I .a fteSl TMkt. (Wttprul. n'lill nml' uilllrl.ifr In fkW Washington ever his overthrows lit the nv Donate, is expected te gnu his loins & About lilm and te tippcar in i.m!S Fennsvlvantu before thu llenublicnu Lw'conveutioti with a het effulgence that Pwtll 4am1, !.. !".... tl.ll.... .1.1 41. .4 1 . - BV&llves and rules and that will muke ,Lthe contemptuous Republican wnaters rvf. quake lu their scats. Who he will jtT -name for governor is uncertain, and it Svfemay be himself, but whoever he names i"jjfby that ect nominated, elected and s4 consecrated. pfpubllcan side ; and when we turn te the 8f,t t ""wivvtmiv .Aivniiiuii uu Jiiiu upturn L'wmoue lde nemlnutlng I'ntti.wn be- EV2 vnnd rlniiht.. nnrl 1mr.11 Mia .tlu.p tuml. ..nattiig Wallace. The intelligent render -Oin tell hew the lists are made up by $jfe considering their closeness te truth In uib own recimn ; auu upon tins ft basis Lancaster Democrats will huve no ti .imilhlA 111 rtnnnlllflltirr iluif lin EA'Pnttiseu bow Is a lone eue. slnce it B"X elalms pretty near everything hereabout. ' TMi imposition or men te ovcistate the i iRtRBiltU of their fiiverltu cmifliilntn In n jt. natural one and doubtless it would be J7K',toe narsb te say that till theso who de it -fa llnl laHHKAn ..4 rill 1. I..I. I- si i"w w iiiiDiuiuvnviii. nivir WISH is &?fcther te their thought and their eutuu- rf4&alMm runs away with their Judgment. lf Ne doubt the. originators of the llgures ty&mxB u iiiniiciuiin purpeta 10 ueip llieir .JS mmm a.n.1 Kn.4 II... ...I.... I...4 I. f -l.t.J p,,?&", nwu ami inn i iiiu uum, uui ii. ib cuua- :' lll Still lll.-irpptll-c U'lirfiil'.. Mini luliur-.ll.. .lhf eran amuslnir. But by great odds the funniest thing that has se far hunDcned is the mm. fesjlalut ortuTAiJentewn Dvmecrut that ivg? ex-Congressniaii8ewdcn IsnetaDcm- gg? ecrat, theuehJiB lias been nelected by ?:? .. .r..iBBBmj ...... .ii. i... .. ii.. the mdldnte of the e head the dele- count te tmnMiHieni the oetinty convention dlrccied ATrTitiShTteTi?" Jcct. Here is u Democratic newspaper, supposed te be edited bv a man and net K k UlOIlkeV. reilinlulnltlrr tlnit ilin lllinn. iY lmeusly chosen candidate for governor w y tH0 Dcmocrey of tlie county has $2$i - atnccieu us uis cuiei among iiipciciegntcs ei tuc county te the nominating conven tion a man who iu net a Democrat ; and that niau cx-Cengrcssman Sewdeu, known all ever thu state us one of the most stalwart and sensible Democrats lu It, one of t lie dyed-in-the-wool, Ure-pioef aert, who can be relied upon te blew the Democratic bugle uudcr all circum stances and conditions, aud who has al ways done it. And when such a nittn k appointed by unother Democrat of like distinction, who has been made by his pceplq their choice for governor, te be the ene who shall propose his nomination te the Democratic Btnte con vention, It is clear that any man who undertake te deny that man's Democracy writes himself down very distinctly te be an ass of the first wider. ,-SVts presume thh entanglement of the Alleutewn inlnd,whlch has caused such evidence of bralu seftculng, Is due te the fact that Congressman gewden steed along with Congressman lhiudull against the advanced tariff reform posi tion of President Clevelnnd ami the majority of Democratic congressmen ; which caused Mr. Sewdcn te lese the Alleutewn iiostefllco and the continued representation of his people ; but Congressman Sew den had plenty of Democrats te think with him, and there would be ji. sparse Democratic fold iu Pepjimvaula should they be excluded .from it; for which action furthermore Uhere Is no longer pretense of excuse isince the Democratic party of Iho ceun try bes come well together by the level ing up una down of individual tariff sentiment te a commeu plain. The President's Kconemj. President Harrison has vetoed a bill for a public building en the ground thut in the present uncertain state of the public revenues nud expenditures, re sulting from pending and probable legislation, there is an absolute necessi ty that expenditures for public build- lugs should be limited te cities where - public needs ure very evldcut nnd very iniMratlvc. The president will de well te atteud te the waste of public funds at the bung holes of "peudlng and probable legisla tion." Ills economy is very strik ingly lu contrast with the almost imultuueeus announcement of an appropriation of vast sums by Congress for pensions, by a bill which no ene for a moment imagines that the pieel rteiit will dream of vetoing. An appro priation of forty thousand dollars for a posteffloe lu it hoH.'!essly Democratic city strikes him as extravagant, but he muv easily see the 'absolute necessity" for yug u forty million pension bill even jnay involve an expenditure K sum. A Itcuubll- boasted lu the per ccut- U er three these pen- 1UO IWUIIHIBOl""- Ann.HII44ini lncnitx claim agents Train tit consideration " of The president has amnie and provocation for a fine lit of neiny if he is se disposed. The noisy flourish of his veto axe against that peer little Southern pottefflcc only serves te remind people of the vigorous swing of the same weapon in the hadtls of Presi dent Cleveland. TiiKcotnmltteeou the judiciary has re ported te the Iloilse a bill te prohibit aliens from acquiring laud In the United States, and BcueinpitulcH it nllli an elaborate and Interesting reK)it. Ne ene micstlens Iho power el Iho government te oxclndeMlotiK, as, fur example, tlie C'hlnevs lire escludcd, and this surely Includes the lesser power eC defining Iho property rights of tlionllens who may be admitted te the country. We de net want te clmne away foreign capital, for we need It te dovclep our vast naturul resources, but In some fields of Investment It seems te throateti harm, and when the capitalists live- abroad and have no thought of evor becoming Ameri can citizens and no ether Inte rent In our peepleand Institutions, It would seem both wUe and Just te leglslate against tliem. The commlttee rojiert tliat " cerlnln noble neble neble men of Kuiope, principally Englishmen, have acquired ami new own In tlie aggro aggre aggro gate about twontj-enii million acres of land In tlie United Ntntes." Ilesldus, this Uud Is held by untltled aliens, but In smaller tracts. "This alien non-resident ownership will, In the courne of llme, lend te a system of landlerdism liu'omp.itlble with the Intoresls and free Institutions or the United Slutpi," They have also in vested millions "iu American rnllrend and land bends, covering purlmps a hundred million acres, part or which, under foro fero fore cloMiro sales, will most likely, before many years, become the properlv el these foreign bondholders In addition te their present princely possesslotm." As much of the liind new held by foreign capitalists in the West is iu alternate section with government land, they have fallen In with tlie Illegal prnetieoefinany big landowners, and se fenced their domains that thelr cat tle, practically have the use of the public domain, and the settler is crewded out. Ah that uhnsn requires uoparate attention the report only alludes te It briefly. The bill declares all foreign-born persens who have net been naturalised incapable of taking tlie title te lands, except a leasehold for flve yours. It will compel alien landowners te ccae te be Mich or te become cltleus of the United Ktntei within ten yearN. A sample of alien landlerdism i sthocase of Mr. Sculley, who llves lu England and awes allegiance te the queen but has nine, thousand acres in Illinois occupied by tenants who are chlefly Ignorant foreigners and pay htm an annual rental of two luin luin luin drodtheiiH.iud dollars. TlioNclienlcyenlato of about two theiiHand acres, within thu city limits of 1'lltshurg and Allegheny, from the routs of which the Scheuleys, who are HtiliJecU of the llrltlsli queen, draw annually net less than a hundred thousand dollars Is another nmtanen of alien land land eordism. Jeu.n C. Dr.i.ANKV, state librarian of Pennsylvania, is te be appointed revolver of public moneys at Oklahoma, This posi tion curies with It a salary of fcWXi, be" sides, it la h.iUI by thu Philadelphia J'rew, certain legitimate perqulslteti. T1ioImi:i. T1ieImi:i. MOENCKit Hoveral years age referred te tlie psrquisltes of his presnnt olllce, and they I lliey word net all legitimate, lie serv ,'i'H Jrfh Quay's scavonger. -' OENCnAi, Ituncit. In eimniiiaml of llm ,nlUUiry dopartmenioffiakotu, has no fear 'Jrlsliig r ui" Northern Cheyennes, BjpwjTrnriTl tlie alnrmlng rumors Irem the neighborhood of thelr reservation lu South ern Mentana. Ue ex plains that settlers have strongly objectod te the Cheyeuue reservation, and thore have been frcqueut taunts made that the Indians would seen be cleaned off. The result has been te keep lh IndtSus uud settlers at daggers' jieluts, and te foment any trivial dilUculty. The report that a pesse of cowboys has left ltosebud with the avewwl Intention of driving the Indians buck en their reserva tion, without regard te the troops, is rather curious under the circumstances, as the Cheyennes number some iiine thousand aud are the most vturllke of savages. It seems probable that the disturbance Is the work of a few of the reckless and worthless Indians or the tilbe, aud that whites are magnifying ltiu the liope that the result may be the removal of the Clioyetiuos, whose presence is a constant menace. It Is also said that the Indians are lu an ox ex ox clted frame of mind, because of the Kc.ircity of feed, and It Is possible that a collision with cowboys might bring the whole trlbe out en the warpath ; but even in that oveut the troops could probably crush them bofero much duntuge could be done, ns ene-third of our little army Is up lu that part of the country, aud the Northern Pa cific railroad could bring thciu quickly te the scene. ri:itei)N'Ai4. Tub Cimiikwiicii will start en a tetu of the world en Aug I. He will return te Itussla by way or the United Suites. PlllNCi: i: ClllMW, who is Vi. OOO.OUO richer by his marriage with Miss Ward, or Detroit, Is a geed musician and plays the violin especially well. lluv. Dr. U. !:. lless, Iho new editor or The Stiihvitle Vhnsluin Uhecatc, Is a genial man and is net at all ell'eiuled Ifau an old clerical filend slups him en the back nud return Kh : " Well, old lless, hew aie you litis morning?" CAliniNAl, Mannish, iu Louden oil Thuisday, addruased udopiilutien bringing bun gifts en the occasion or his Jubilee. Ue Hiiid he desired te die as n priest ought tu die, without iiiuuey and wllhutit debts. He mentioned in detail the vaileus chari table objects en which lie intended (e be bo stew his jublloe glfls. Loellnu ItonectteiiH. Keep Coel. hhut thu deer! Is this cold oueugli for you ? Ileal thejluglcer the bell, merry belU, Aktliet-lclghsge by with clU, screamy j ells, Of Hie drardcllghirut belles, And thelr swell.. K ei y here, i crj wheie la the crisp ami fro ty air Don't forget te feed the birds while the snow Is en the ground. What weather this Is for a house-warin-Ing. Upen a thou, and bare, brown limbs Of grrul deciduous tns;s, Kind nut ure puts her pnuts of les Which bag net ut the Luces, tikute, skate, skate, On the Ice which Is tule uud thin ; IJut the tender boy, ntIie tried It Urn, Will mcrcome back iig'in, tiie the jioer freezing Iraiup your old overcoat. The snow-ball lunch is popular in some circles. Witsliiiiiten Star. Van IIuurK.v.s soluble. Cocea The erigluul, most , J.adles Ai-e the Ilt-st Judges Oa nil matters connected with the toilet. They hu e decided thut M)ZODONT li whut they will have. " When u woman will, he will, you may de(tviiit en't; and when she w en't khe en't, there's im end en't." This accounts for the popularity of H07.0DONT. le ne rerlw ri.eiTrN lUtulns din- nllnrlv aublecU Vit wnfnftii rrnm the .nnl r.nniilfntlnn Willi Hie I'rcucrlptlim " l Dm rr.mun'1 IMOullnr wcakiicuM Tielrt by ilrutxUI. iimcIet iH- rniy, from ilia ninniiriiriurers. insi u ivn.nii.fnninn in every dine, or menv 1 be refunded. Hcogiisrsntee en beltln wrnjH pr. r,fiw Instructive Tteadlnir. Horaeerihetoollmontsli from illlTerrnt ptu ple relative U Thrnnat' JJectrtc Oil. nnd the r hrf It lias ntven them when dlnlre-ncil by heait aclir, carsche and Umlhache am in Intrraillnir re artmn as you will nnd. This being a tnnclnl medlclne, Is Held everywhere by drinrRtts. Held In Ijuicaiitcr by W. T. llech, 1.17 una 13U Nerlli Clueeii street. . Ask Your Frlsmls About It. Your dlttreiiKlnK cough tn be cured. We knew It beoaune Kcinp't linlsam within the past few years lis cured e many coughs and colds In this community. IU rcmarknbla unto has been wen entirely by Its genulne tncilt. Ask soma friend who has ued It what lie thinks of Kemp's Jtalsnm. There In no medi cine no pure, none te cfTcctlve. Iirge bottles Me and 1 at all druggists. (2) T UK hll'K IU A OLAHH. It Dees Met Ssent te bu Very Much but It Is Often Hueuuli te be thelSeutuiilns or Death. Did you ever held a class el drlnklnn water up te the light nnd notice hevr completely fllted It was with little particles of matter? HloeUed perfectly clear and pure, when you poured It out, but yet was reel:lni( with animal or vrge table matter. De jeu lmsglne It ran bn heal thy 7 De you wonder why. In' little Mlillc, your mouth tastes bud, your npietlte Is peer and you feel a general dlngual with the world, Hut If water Is se Impure, what shall we de? Ilelt It? Ne, that may kill the germs, but does net remeyc them. A fur better way Is te use purenhlskcy wlUi It. The best physicians In Amerlct, uuticsltatliigty ilcelnre this new, but and bear thlsmnjtcurcrulty In mind-It must beurc whiskey, for Impure whiskey is worm than Impure water. Doctors, chemists, scientists nnd professe', re new hilly agreed that no whiskey used ii America te-day Is se chemically pure or free, from fusel oil, as Dulfy's Pure Malt. It bus suc cessfully withstood tlie enmity or all ether whiskies, the prejudlee of wcak-mlndr-d and the bigotry of narrow-minded people. Why? Ilecause It has produced results, restored health, prolonged life, awakened the lugging faculties and counteracted tins evil efli-eis of poisonous nter. Indeed It Is a pure, meillcliiiil whlskev. De net, however, allow any unscru pulous dealer te I in pone upon you by declaring he has sonic concoction or hts own that Is "Juit us geed," or nunc bottled whlnkvy that Is much better." It l tlie very popularity or Delly's l'ure Mall that hns caused iIicmi un worthy decoctions te conic Inte the market. (I) -pUlTKU THAN TEA AND C01TKK TOil TllliXIKIlVKIS. Van Heuten's Cocea " DKST AND OOEH FAUTHIMT." Ask your Oreccr for It, tuke no oilier. ftl JHtnccllrtuceue. XpOll IIOIUZONTAIi HTATIONAIIV HIV Jl; glues, fromSteROIiorso-pmver, und Verti cal Rnglurs from 210 4(1 home-power, you will llnd them at JOHN IIKHTK, fl.C) Kust rultuu street. r1ANKHKl)llVATJ:it,0ll4M,AUUI0llUAM A eiiiiiyiiH teJOUNrittJl' of nuy sliHpceraipacity, at fair prices, go .ki.i uisir iiiieii sirici. m.-viii TNJt:aieiiH. mm i.uti.k idaist, iian- I cork Inspiraters and Klccters, I.bennan iieuer rt't'iHT, i eneeriiiy IiiHiM-cler. Aincrlcaii iiijcriers, mi in n ICast Kulton street. Injectors, nil lu sleck, at JOHN Jlt-HP'S, H.U II17-IKI 1 f VV.U l3i:NT.DUIir.NTlJKi:HTOCK (.'Hit J 7 llllcules lu multiples ofillie, eurnlnga giiaritiiK ii i'.isIi dividend of 10 per cent, periin. num. iiayalilCkiMnl-aiiiiually, ure lssuet by tlie lltilldhig uud Lean Asswlatlonefliakotudlouio Olllce, Aberdeen, Heiith Dakota). Ne member ship fts or ether exiiense Incident te Ishiianre of stock. Hteck may be convened Inte cash at purchase price artcr two years. InveMer sc. cured by rcut estate mortgages te double tlie amount of tlie Investment lc)HMtcd with a Trustee. Correspondence Invited. " C.W.STAItMNtJ, Munnger I'lilladelnliiVs'Olllce, JauUlmced Ne. JILWriluiitHtrcel. yt ITISTATK OF NANJCT 1IU11KII. I.ATIO OF Jli ijinciiKlcr cUti,r'n dccciised. Letters of adniliilstniUjcn-eii raid istuln having been grunted te.Ufie uudcrslgiicd, all iktmiiib In In debualyfinfrete lire piichlisl te uiake linnin linnin lUmle uiivinrnl. aiul tliem ha luir claims or ih- Jr"maedn ugiilnst tlie same, Mill preM'iit tliein "iiueui iieniy for w'tlleineiit te Iho under- tLvt signed. ......... J II...,.,,!.,........!., ,,J, I A l I'U 11 Itlll l, I nn...ln.,.t.. Admlnlslralers. Chan. I. IiANius, Attorney. mSI-t.tdF Estatk efkI,izaiii.vi'H vi:avii. iiA'rTi of buncastur clly.di censed letters testa iiientar) en said estate ha lug been granted te tlie undersigned, all pT-ens Indebted thereto are rifiiieiteit te muke luimedlute puyuient, and tliose having claims or ileuiaudsagalnht tlie same, will prevent them without delay for settlement te tlie undersigned. WILLIAM WKAVKK, Kieculer. Bmitii A KK.Nr.uv, Atlternejs. inuyP-btdF V t-hith AT r.ltlHMAN'ls, Ne. 4J West KlngHt.,OppoHlte Cener Heuse. 1JS.011 8A1.1S U1IUAF- ' A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, a) by IS feet, with two-story brick back build lug 12U by txi feet. nail aim kecii looms. Let M by VIJ feet. JOHN II. MKTZbl.U, Nu.ua. nit ii hu J. II. MARTIN A. CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. China Toe large a stock en hand, and every yard reduced in price. 30c China Mattings reduced te 1 6c a yard. Damask China Mattings, in Blue, Red and Olive, at 35c a yard ; reduced from 50c. Japanese Straw Mattings, Inlaid Patterns, at 25c a yard ; reduced from 40c. Remnants of Straw Mattings, 5c a yard up. J. 11 Martin it' Ce.. Cor. Prince & W. King Sts., U.lN'UA.VrUK, FA. stm Minus tmmmktt': MltABBLrau, Friday. June 13, IflW. Take the blue in this 30 inch Dress .Cheviot : real in digo. Grews brighter with washing. That's the sort of gebds they are. Honest in every thread. As fair a 15c quality as you'll firid ; our price i2ltc. One of the best wearing fabrics we ever sold at the price. 5-cent Figured Lawn I Blue, black, brown, and red figures en white ground. The price seems absurdly small when you sec what a worthy stuff it is and hew pretty. Se of the 5-cent Challis artistic printing en colored grounds. Northwest of centre. The long line of 25c Scotch Ginghams stripes and plaids is bright with attractions. You'd stare were we te say hew many thousand yards melt away from these counters every day. A big heap of 30-inch Scotch Damasse Ginghams just here. Regular 37c kind, the price 25c Nerllmant of centre. Heavy Cotten Skirt Patterns 40c. One scam and a band and you've a Skirt worth 75c. Dezen styles stripes with borders : black und white brown nnd wlilte navy and wlilte Nerthtteiit or centre. Coel, easy, neat, and the prices right. We say that of our Summer Shoes ail of them, for big feet and little. The few sorts we tell of are only te set you thinking. Fer the Men : Drewn Heat llluchers and Halt, Mahogany Itussla falf Laced Hhees, nil hand made, JO. Tumpice Kuksct float Laced Hhecg and Oxford, 1 1. Mcn'HlllackHlieei In the best of falf, from SI te 57.00 ; In Patent Leather liem M te Hi. Fer the Beys . Mahogany and Chocolate float and drain i.arcii mines nnu uieru. iitke nircn, 2'4te6i, I2and t.'.K); lilall(T slre, 11 te '.', 8 1.60 nud tl. Fer the Women : Wlne Uuimla Calf nnd flrenn .Seal Oxford', OrjyOere, Patent Leather, nnd O070 nnd fleth Tep Patent leather Foxed Oxfords, Se. Muhegnny Tumpice Oent Oxford", 1.1. IIIiicIciiihI t'oiered Oxfords nt 2, S2J0, 13. JS.10, 51 nml 15 te suit nny funcy. Fer the Big Girls : Mhscs' Finest Chocolate Oent Foxed But But eon nml Luccd Hhecs, 11 te 2. all width", KM Tan (leat. whole quarter, J.'. MIkkcv Cliocelato Tamplce Oent ilutlen Hhecs, II te 2. widths A top. J1.73. A ery Npcclal Imrcaln. Mlw.es' Cum a Ijieed ftllees at II Hint were VM nnd SB. Ouly 13J te 2, A nnd 11. Fer CJitldrcn: Oliorelato Tamplce Oent Butten Hhecs, 8K telUJ. 8I.W; uteS, I1.2A. CaiiMiH l.sccd Hliees nt 75c that werefl.23 uud 11.00; 0 te 10S A, (1 te 8 II. Market street side, west of malnuUl. Jehn Wanamaker. ilrtcitiucry. A UF.NC'V FOIt CALLAHAN A CO'S OK V meiit te tnke the plnce of Hed liead. In iitillc It makes He times Ilin u,uautity of red lead and Isfarsupeilerln makliii:8t.uun Joints, packing man ami hand hole plates en boilers, Ac, Ac, I'rlre 20 cenla per pound, at JOHN lll'Xr'H.SSI Uist Fiiltonslreet. mT-tfd 171011 IIOLTS.TaU HCKEWH, Hiri'HCItRWH, Sqiiure nnd Hcxnuen Nuta, thc.e Reeds In stock, ul JOHN BUST'S. IHUiibt 1-ulten street. m7-tfd 1710H IIOILKIIM, HOIlIZONTAL.TAUULAIt. ' Vertical, l'ertnblc. C Under, Marine, of uny slre or power, of ilie best material and hoi kmanshlp, ye te JOHN llhttT, Ml Last Ful ton street. m7-tfd T7OH l'ULLKYH, HIIAFTINO, COLLAIW, llnncers Clump Bexes, CenplhiKs, etc., k te JOHN BEST, ill! East Fulton street. iu7-tlil TTlOItBOlLKinUIIKIlHlIHHl-X.hi'ILI.SON ! Fipu Wrenchcs.l'IpeiinilMeukey Wrenches cmiihlneil, Flics. Oil Cans, etc, ke te JOHN HliM', XU ljist Fulton street. m7-tfd T-Al)IATOHS OF ANY MAKE Oil 1)K V kIkii, can lie fHrnlshedntrcnsenablellKUres, by JOHN' BIiT. HU liist Fulton street. Im7-tfd SVV MILIC HAUlTMil.lis". COB MILLS, I'.iIIht Itelleis, Tan Puckers, Trlple 1 terse Powers, Mlllliie uud Mlnlui; .viachinery, nt JOHN illisT'H, AM Kust Fulton strts t. in7-tfd -10LD BBONZi;, LIOUIDS AND HIKING T rerstrnni werk,ut JOUNlllira,SH tnst 1-iiltmi street. m7-tfd 1JOll OAST IKON 1'11'K FI'ITINOH, BOTH 1 plain and reducliiir, up ter-Inch diameter, Malleable FlttliiKS, l-lauges, Fluuge Unions, Manifolds, Aniericau Unions, Tulie Hupperts, HaiiKers, noerauil Ccllleir Plates, go te JOHN 11 f'.S. SCI Fast Fulton street. ni7-tfd ITAOIt HIKAM (1AUOIX, IlIQIt OK LOW ; l'ri'xsure. Water Huiireh, Oiiure Cocks, Weed Winds or WelKhted, Ulass Tubes, Wlilslles.HyphonsferHtc.un (iaiiKcs, Cjlhuler Oilers Plain, water Gauge Columns .Cocks for Meain UauceK.cult en JOHN lllf, XU l-jist Fultenstrts't. iu7-tfd 17W1K PllATT A CADY ASIIFiTOS DlbO ' Valves, Jenkins Vnle, Bruss (Hobe Valves, Brass (lutu Valves, Iren Ilisly Ololie Valves. LevcrMib'ty Vulxes, Pep Nifcly Vahes, Air ViiIncs, Itiidlater Valves, Pratt's HwIukIik; ChtH'k ViiIncs, Brass Check Valoi, Feet Vnlxes Aniile ViiUes, mil nt JOHN BLOT'S, an liis Fulton Street. m7-tfd ."IOU CASTINGS, IKON OK BltAbS, LIGHT ' or heavy, nt short notice, ke te JOHN US r. Sll Kust Fulton slrivL m7-tfd 111 Tl' YOU WANT A Filth I'-CLASS 1'OltTABLH 1. KiikIiic nud Beiler, en wheels, cheap, us the follenlnt; prices shew: U horso-pewer, 175; S hone-pener, J.'iij ; 10 horse-pett er, ?S75; 15 horse herse horse peiicr, JS75; a) liorse-pott er, f 1,175, call ut JOHN braT H. SU hiist Fulton fctreet. in7-tfd 1 BACKINGS, AH FOLLOWS: D1KIGO, FOK Steam and H ilnuille I'aeklii',Ahhet Iteiv, Woven und Wick l'acklni;, Hemp Packing, As As bestes Mill Biurd, Asbestos Ccuitnt, Asbestos Slicatlilnit, Oiun I'acklni;,Gum Hlngs for Water OiuiKts, PlumbiiKel'uckliii;, Heed's Patent As- uesuis, i.iueii sectional ripe cecr, ulJllllN Blrs,;ui 1-iist Fulton striH-t UI7-IIU -i7-Hiri. COITON WAHTK, COPPEI) BY the pound, lis.' ; lu leu of 10 pounds or eer, IV. All poeds delivered te unv part of Hie city Fixe. Call en JOHN BLsr, Ne. SM liist Fulton street. in7.td CAKKY IN STOCK- BKST CHAKCOAL, IlaiuuiereilB.irlren, Deuble Kellnett Iren, Burden's Klet Iren, ltlxcts, Het nnd Celd Beiler Iren, steel, shtet Iren !Vlli tu Ne. pi, at JOHN BlisT'.S.irf.! Fust FullenHreet. niT-llil 1" bUMlS. lielLF.IlS. mTning. JhiNTitlFul cat and steiini Puuijis, el tut) capacity, at JOHN lir.sT'S.SS! Eal Fulton strceL ni7-ifd LiTKAM HKAl'ISTHKCOSllNGllKAThOK iO itMlllliiKS, ctiiinhis. (.choel houses, tic, though kiicce.v,fiilly usml ene hundred sours ni;e. When ouceiileinnlaleii clinuiie call en JOHN lllr, who will tslve you a satisfactory Jeb, ut n fair prhv. iu7-lld I ak i hTTla kfFkntTen faih IO Mislel Making, t'littrrns, Drawings uud lllne Prints, at prices reasonable, ut JOHN HOTS, ti.lt Fast Fulton slrst. m7-tfd ItuJkamfkicansigiitfkedeylindek Lubricators. Glass OH Cups for Beurlugs, eucaiiKet them ul JOHN HFbTK, Sil Fjis Fulton street. m7.lfd IF IN WANT OF BRASS OK IKON Hl'OF Cocks, Asbeiles Packed Cocks, Pet and Bin Cocks, Leer Cocks, Sttlni; Joints, cull und tit them, or tend jour order by mall, te JOHN UES1', at East Fulton street. rej-tfd i ?SrA FEI71' OF FIFE, FROM OU) Ul Inch te U Inch diameter, for sale ut u low Suture, and the only house In the city m lilt u pisj culllui; machine cutting up te li inch dleaivler, Ht JOHN BES1' 8,353 East Fill, teu street. m7-tfd 9ntUvm. ATCBES, CLOCKS, Ctc atclie T CLOCKS, ETC. A rnll graduated OnthahiilcOptlclsn wilt civs rare fill attention te the correction of bad vlileii. Rest repairing. WEBER'S. ' IWyi North Uueen street. Near V. It, R. Depot. pM-lyd. TKWKLEIt AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL! GOLD WATCHES, HltiVEK WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELUY AND 0ANE8. Examination of Eyes Free 1 Ne Dreps Used I OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. w ATOHE-S AND JEWELRY, Watches and Jewelry. If you wish te a buy a GOOD GOLD WATCH We can show you Elccant Tnttcrns In Ladles' nnd acnt's Sires nt a Wonderfully Lew Price. FULLY GUARANTEED. GOLD ik.NI) BILVER BF.AD NECKS AND BRACELETS, FOBS, tc. Speotaeles Properly Fitted. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., COIl. OF ORANGE. Z AlIM'S CORNER. OhIhk te the number of cases ue haiofer treatment and ndjuslincnt. we have determined te open the otllce ou Monday & Wednesday Evenings Fer the accommodation of theso who And It dinicult nud expensive te leave their work dur ing the day time. OFFICESECOND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTRANCE : NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. -Oillce Hours from 7 te 10 p. m. Monday and Wednesday of ouch week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE ! Ne Fees Charged 1 All diseases of the Eye treated nnd operated en bv a Graduated Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, and thorough satisfaction Guaranteed A FULL LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, As well ns the Novellies of the season, nt the Lewest Cub Figures. A Hpeclulty made of Intricate Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ernest Zahm, ZAHM'H CORNER, upr5-:lmd LANCASTER, FA. QSVOCCYtCtt. TBURHK'H. Geed Old Potatoes WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fresh Strawberries DailY SCO cuns of Cern at Cc a can. FINE OLD CREAM CHEESE. Canned BInekberrles, te close out stock, nt fie. put up with Sueur. Alse, Raspberries and Whortleberries. Dried Apples. Feachcs, Cher rles, etc., cheap te close out stock. AT BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. tlUtotetltrniilte. rlVERY FERbON lb ANXIOUS TO HAVE THEIR PICTURE. Among the Daisies Is the Latest Style of PHOTOGRAPHS MADE. Call und see them, nt ROTE'S, 50 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA.. Jnn7-fimd Next te FoUemw. OEeal. "ToirAt-eVSANDCAShS. WEST EKN nARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by U.K. MARTIN CO.. uS-lj d CI Water Street. I.ancaalr. Fa, B AUMOAKDNKIUS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orrit'Es Ne. IS) North Queen Street, nnd Ne, 861 North Prluce street, YABl North Prince Street, near iteadlui; tniVs-l M I A NO TKK. H A "Slcntletru. 1-Mt.NATlIOKST, DENTIST. Filling Teeth nnd Painless Kxtrnrtien Siie clnltles. New Sets made, broken ones mended nnd remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates und pivoted, etc Yes, even thine pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, nt ery Motlemte Terms. Remember that Dr. NuilierstU the ONLY Dentist in thU courtly who Is a Kniduute of Medicine us veil as of Den tlslry. uu udvuulace that Is obvious. inarS-lyd&w XT Graduation Presents! Spectacle Depailiiient ! ttuve. ff IHf WO FURNI URE STORE, bM restored te IM esst Kin street, hsvlet full Dm of Furniture efsvery description t the lowetprteca. Alse Undertaking promptly l toudedte. Call and examine our goods. ssVtMR II. WOLF. IS Reet Kins Slre TyiDMt'lCHlXlRNEK. ABIO MAEK-DOWN J -AT Wjdmycr's Cerner, EAST KINO AND DUKE STS., LANCASTER, PA. Te Redticu Stock Be'ere Making Improve ments, Including a New Frent, Every Grade el FURNITURE WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES Never Before Known in Lancaster, We Must llae the Roem, and the Stock Mint Be Reduced. Call while these Bargains nrete be had. WIDMYER, CORNER OF EAST KINO AND DUKE STREETS. -CHB A GIBBS. SPECIAL OFFERING FOR JTXJNET Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Greatly Reduced Prices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers nnd Dealers, (2d, 8d A. 4th Fleer.) Ne. 81 BOUTU QUEEN ' HlRKKT. H EINlTdH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE Uuyers deslrtni; n combination of Highest Suallty of the Manufacturer's Art in nit the ewest and Lutes t Delgus and the Lewest Prices In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be awake te thelr own Interests and call upon us wheu their wants will be fully sup plied. We offer te-day a splendid assortment of Par. ler Hulls In Tapestries and Plushes at specially Lew Prices. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street ffiavvcte. c AHPETSI CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish et work of ull kinds. Feathers Dyed All Shades. Orders will rocclve prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO., NO. ISO SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCASTER. PA. fctjlMllld rinllE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S. S V. All Goods at Reduced Prices ANC Always One Price te All. AWNINGS, MATTINGS, SHADES, CUR. TAINS, FURNITURE COVERS, AC, Ac. Carpets Cleaned and Relaid. SHAUB & V0( O'iRSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East t J ge Street BUifOMyd !uu-e. CLIPPERS. TAKE A LOOK AT THE Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers STACKHOUSE'S, N0S. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STREET. THE FINEST EVER SEEX IN LANCASTER, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. .?-Stere times every cenln; ut 0 o'clock, except im Monday nnd Saturday, until Septem ber 1. Sltterucua, -T UTHER 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKV-AT-M W. Second Fluer Estilenum t Nerlli Du-trfcu ulldlu-. Ne. U rrt-lj-d4T L7j s INUtltttrit mh OKfiAT JCMe MALE. 13 East King St A Great June Sal REMABKABLE REDUOnONS -IN- TRIMMED HATS AND BONNE! PRICES CUT IN HALF. Fer the Balance of the Mer We Have Made Sweeping Reductions IN Trimmed Hats, Straw Hats, Leghorn Flatp, . Chip Flats, Children's Hal OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Flowers, Feathers, Ribbei AND IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL GOODS AT HALF USUAL FRH -TUE BON TO MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King S mr27-3mdSAF LANCASTER.' ."utmmct.- ii;a0vt0. CT. CHARLES, ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. Ocean Knd Dclnware-Ave. Opens Jnne 21.1 JiinclO-Znid JONAH WOOTTON.JI HOTEL IJKUN8WIOK, ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. New, Modern, FIrst-Clusi, Complete. Pad nvenue, ueiween jnew verK una mune axenues. Accommodate seu npr31-3md JOSEPH B. DAVIl T HE 03RORNE. Cor. Arkunsex nnd Pacific Aves., ATLAN1 U111,.".J. New Heuse. Modern Improvements. Ele ter. Electric Dells. Terms moderate. Jtinc2-2md MR3.H.0SB0RN1 rpiIEMINNEQUA, I ATLAN'lICCITY.N.J.. PiTcinc Ave., Iietwcen Arkansas and Mlssi Avci ; central location ; refiirnlshed mil newniiiiiiiKcinent; eerytlilugflrstclass. Wl lur cireuiur. j myltf-iimd C. A. RROWN1 -AMRRIDQE-ATLANTIO CITi'. MAM'L II. LEU'IB. Pronrleter. W.M. E. COCHRAN, Manad Complete Hetel ; 100 bed-rooms ; ecein frel best bt.llilni; ureundb : bread piazzas : eleci bullet. myZl-Sml A TLANTIO CITY. HOTEL CHETWOOD Pacific Acnne, near Illinois, Atlantic City New nud First-Class. Steam Heat ; Call bel ihe inimiK's nunc irem tx'ncu. jieuunai ler day. NOW open. mKMnid MRS. ANNIE OP.UB11 nnUE CHALFONTE, THE CHALFONTEl ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JEKSEY. SITUATED ON THE REACH, NORTH CAI1 UNA AVENUE. myS-Smd E. ROIlintTS SONH rpiiE MT.aitirrNA Narrow Gauge Railway IU lie opened for tlie sinner season en MONDAY, MAY 5tl TIiIk rtinil extends from the entrance of tl Park te the summit of the Heutli Meuntjil (Ooerner ijickj, uoisuinceoinnmii lour mri; its mluliiture trntns connect witli all the rel ir nnsseneer trains ou the Cornwall A Lei lien lUillre.nl nrrlvlns at the Park, and retud lug from inesuminii ei inomeiintuin in ill TO eenneci wuu iraius iciiving ine t'ara. i Frem iMilnts en Penna. II. H. aud 1'hllad puta x Hcunniir u. h., witniu iuu mites, me t can be accemnllslied lu ene day. It Is the NARROWEST GAUGE In the werl It Is the most PERFECT IN ITS CONCTKUI 'HON. It has uli.li thn JlOSf COMPLE-! EOIIIPMENT. Its cniMnrs are perfect lltl nuHlels of theHtandard encluesef ttietlrst-clai and Its ears aru enneelallv udanted te atlerd unobstructed view of tlie magnificent scene! nnniK tlie line. Mieei nans, oieno iiuhuau Is one of the features of Mt ftrptnn Parle. ..... - w.. . - . .-, , uie uuest uuy rcM.ri in ucuirai -t.-iiii',j4,i44(t4j Church nudachoel. Military nud Clvlcergaii zatlenx. Clubs nnd Tourist Parties cu aecul theezelustcuseef Mt Oretnn Park en tippl citlonte , NEI)IKI8ir,J uNlind Bnp't C. 4 U Railroad, lbunen, Pi d?liM EVAK'BrLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Hakes a B G Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread WWHAI MORE, DO YOUWANT.T warn m i .-in .. ,fc-"r,A