t?rvMiS -r.?i(-Yyf ,,-iOvWr W-?? TftB LAK0A8TKR DAILY INTEliLIGEKCER, THUBSDAY, . i-.. IiAWl 'I T .'- :T Tl J"iT 'j VI' JUNE 12, 1800. W ,4 j i. kerns'. . i rn.-j "w? f m v r:-; j.. ... i -.- , fnttUtaencer. iMrjLtmurMAM, LBUBI Knit MAN VOLTE, Bdltert. OtTOMWC Pablinwr. A . 1 , EBuult urrKLLiaKNCKa-PuMnhwJ m$ in the year, bat Sunday. Berrea Merc In uu eity ana surrounding I M ten cents a Week. By mall Are del- ft your In advance: MccnUa month. it INTKLLIGENCER-One dollar and mat a rear, In advance. TO 8tiB8CRUJER3-IUmlt by check ea order, and when neither or M be procured vend In a registered at Mm FoitetHce, ai second cIam mall Tfl DrrsxxtameKx, Lancaster. Fa. 3A8TUI, PA., June 12, 1890. ; Hurt Fall of Quay. la sad, but true, that these truly men, Jehn Sherman mid Matthew 'i bave fallen out. Shermnn was ' man at Chicago, and after that Mt that he had a lien upon lilin. u ia net one oft he warm-blooded (that is readily linked lu friend- chain, aud the tie 'twlxt himnnd jlwiw rudely tern when an Ohie oek me piacc inai wuny una ac tor his Pennsylvania niun, Gllke- herman however. nliuteml Oiibv'r Miby the assurance thnt it was a Ohie congressman who had put I Ohie man in, "unbeknownst' te ijMOhle ncuater; and Quay (1-bo-he for lm xr-"Tl ' U..T", '.: rseunted en Sherman's vote an Bally for rcrircant-nt-nrms. He Jbet get it, nml ngnin charges his 3 brother with treachery. This time Jttonet hear that Sherman seeks te ;w back te the Quny besom. It is that the old friends meet without joking. Apparently Jehn Sherman concluded that the power of Quay political agent has departed. nth Indeed are the signs of tlie times. raHenate by a very declded vote has Jd te give him the eftlce he asked te man Bally, and has said in Utlnct langunge that Quay li net here nor the senator's boss nnv- His organ, the Philadelphia er, sftjra that Quay uever uasunied of the Senate and that therefore .it has no Blguitlcauec In show- Waning power. It is unable te fact that he does net boss the i; and, however, true this may ! IVVA fan. If linu wf lwriKt Im..hi 'JJstfatcd; new it is known that i uay is ei me Honalo no m, influential lu it. It has ub 1 i --... rr wueiucueus nici Hint ne is sei ijftthe Senate chamber, and that he ,-& ncara punuciy in it. When he in been fishing he has been Impex- "jjjeirupen tne country as tlie Ito Ite ft w,pelitlcaI leader; aud we de cerrstand that he Jnin ever been d !e disclose the fact that he Is a ii'-the Beuate In lnlluence as well . rvery and in statesmanship. we fullness of time the oppertu- " mis iiemonstratien has come. rtOClU in treL nnuaj.ablftll .f tlin J4t executive onlce of the Senate, Wd wntilil li ruilenHfil In lib, ha. L,0Jd'elnlng. re he piuked out Bully for the lea fltarteil in te sujiplaut Scr- )xta Cunaduy, who wus ?5Lir laneu ie pui nun jre tKnmenccment of this Cen- K;auadav nfterwunl ileliliil CJ'jf his own accord, and the op- A.Biiiu iu vu:iy ie icsi IKS ran- the Senate. He Ihim itenn LHtbejompletely that holadeubt- u file te see the nilstake lie made BAUie venture. It acenn hlirhlv j tue light of the event, that ptL- JU,U ier """ le ureaK ins ctuujit luat guuu man jenu w wining in see nun lall V.llnir te HOHllll Ilia llllltl Pnn. IIIX rWrlltllia On,lUlltl, .Inn....l . g'-iMyc VWIIUVIIIJ lllll,lfVll KJJay drop down. -ts uc hus ureppcu, uiui every 3 heard the sound. He I'lrpeM se distinctly personal t'd te J10"00 for 1,Is MOilr'"K Mat wytiiing was ordered te r trfAlV'M fletllildil flint llntl.. Ift .1, ' . 1. """"V eiiLJJue piaee. it was urhtd Mfintr b . ieunpw -v.... .,hu8i "u,u Hy ; te must tO.'(vlllinS(lf. Anil tn In .11,1 . L'id la did net vote fur llnllw! 'Matin frleiwlull.nl, (.,.. iirhtii-l'idced has fallen : at pleuty in seeming. That he V.lu ract this result clearly lpVe has never bwn miv ' h VLien for Quay's newer. It itefclf UIHIIl his helllllKW lily PJPiie mid tl.,. ...... .. r i-V ' " "'" '""uey e' nPVaiianiakcrs, who were tee f. j tiiemseivcs te get wliat Iflfjat they wauteduud who ,rfjuu u mcir nutru- B ready te use it where r-miuBi. ijuuu wiineut our- a . , ...I,. . . LnTvhite fceuls with the He .ji i, ,, , Jyjmibcre ll "u eune. w.ua a procurer. Bbus failed reverenil him as uu Iiepublicau , pctypdy heem te have '.Li .ISlnll Hint thorn I. til tr$ t0 fresh autl Wsky. ni nun me prcbeni icnuer rn..uJ'' They utter aloud rnCf'irlth Sneaker Ite.-il tlU). ,opesscMlou of (he y Uus taken charge i 'j8e,art of lue iePblicau riV tT,kla iil Un ifl.nl a r Ne.Jall lxs and te what L,hies dance tt llvey va. wsuuiura ue net g-arfjptlen, the agility or m-.wciure uiat Speaker h(i uein lu ins ellbrt te In ind force his hipms. if-iifi-80 lwcr of hit etllte. V , v-.in" .. i j . a im" i"tu9ui uuu ue liliJfrt The light is falrlv ent,fwet'" the M,,le" ihlbi" i'""y. auu as bj. terui.KwsllJle doubt ty .- ue rlL'ht nf iim JDJKIews that if tlipv if? pull their party Jrairebable result. Ne Jar iltd-il nml On,... . Cibl2$'rtyhns rjuitoteo RnVtfe4?'lk'9UJHtl' te ",ak g i thcy wi" be made me assault of the pains of their In. teatli. Irophebla in New Bd In the dearth " DUbllsheil lllnvul. )""rf Ills death flirnea .1 . Lftniifl, i. i. .i... I by UW ""- "iua- y Knew no mera of tne ract that It A about three In "-n""v w" Mvii from hydrophobia. It can de no geed te magnify the horrors of this strange malady, aud may de a great deal of harm. A nervous horror of the fate seems te have a great deal te de 'with bringing it te pass, and in fact it Is claimed by lemc-cxiierta that hydropho bia patients are often simply frightened te death. As a direct consequence of the publl citleu of graphic accounts of fearful dtaths from deg bite, news comes from Cincinnati of the death of n young tele phone operator who was bitten by a deg lu April. He had recently been rend ing alieut hydrophobia aud its symp symp symp tomseo doubt In the dally news, and he Imagined that he found signs of It In his own feelings. On Tuesday he told the family te strap him te his bedi and half an hour later he went Inte convulsions, dying that same night. Ills doctors declare that thcre were no Indications whatever of rabies and Hint his death was caused by mania en the subject. In some of the widely varying accounts of the death in New Yerk, Dr. Glbler, the expert in Pasteur's system, Is represented as bluntly telling the man he was tee late aud must die of hydro phobia. It is net at all probable that thedocter gave him any such Informa tion, as it would only hasten his ex pected fate. Such a statement would be almost enough te at once scare into spntn a man who had allowed his mind te dwell for many hours upon the horrors of his threatening deem. And, nflernll,ltls by no menus certain thnt the death Is se terrible as it aptieara te be. Science can only theorize about It, but thcre are plnuslble arguments te the efTect Hint much apparent sinTcrlng Is net real, (lint nature has kindly limited human capacity for pain, and muscular contortion niny go en long after the senses are dendsned and thcsuHcrcr free from misery. The ancients had a say lug that the gods have made death ter rible in order that mortals may he con tent te live. It hns remained for the reckless sensationalists of the modern prc te strive te make men mere afrnid te die. Tin: cracker iiianiifiiclurei.M cunililne Is nniiomiced complcle with a capllnl of clglitoen millions. New lookout fur saw dust mid Mind. Tun owners el tliaeccun stciiiiiers thnt Imve recently been liiiiiglng lielui In tliotn tlietn halves are making a great deal of noise ever the fact that tlielr ninny com part inenU Hiived thorn from sinking, and that llm old eld eld style of hlcaniHlilp would Imve geno te tlie bottom with similar holes. All tlie same, we profer te take our steamers without tlie holes, mid would Miggnil that a neme of comparutlve safety lias made tlie enptnlns of theHO com part men t sliljis a lit tl e tee reekless. Tnr. HUgar tru-thiiH declared a dividend mid nilvaiivetl prlceH lu vluvv of tlie approaching demand for smear ler prcaorv prcaerv ing fruit. Hkahcii for llm Hiinketi Ilrltlsli treasme ship De llriiak Is te he at ouce ictiiiiied by the wrecking companion that tried It laht suiiimer. Slie sank in 171)3 near Cape Hen Hen Hen lopeu with about ten million dollars en board,iuulageod iiiatiy tlieiiNaud have buuu spout at various tllnel In ell'ertH te llml hr. Last Hiimmer tlie spaichers thought they had plaecd the wreck wheu heavy storms compelled a suspension of operations. It Isa fascinating but net olteu suceestful btiHl li'jsi, nltheugh lu this case the risk seems Iebs than In the famous Vige Hay lieamre su.irch. FnANCi: nml Kiiglaml meanwhile de a deal of .sullen growling ever Kgypl and Newfoundland. In tlie calinnem of the Kniopenii filia filia teon Illsmarck Is u Ced-send te the foreign correspondent. Ue talks te suit himself insjiitoef thomaiilreit dlMplcimire of llie emperor, and lie In tee big a deg te muz zle. It Is probable, tee, that the cntorpris cnterpris lug correspondent doei a geed deal of his talking for him, and many remarks attri buted le the ox-cliuncellnr miiHt be taken "with salt." In mi lntordew published In the Louden Tflryrnjth mid, prob ably genuine, he takes .tt.v?lioor .tt.v?lieor .tt.v?lioer ful vlew of nllalrs, and fj y:- I"" predien that his ""- " the plninest of hi' lliol-reneli government state In peaer"-v n,K' ,,r the French people Tlie attl-llellB', restoration of the lest was ,l1" ,vnl, utterly Impossible. Xe. jiiy was inoie earmwt for peace than was Kuiporer William, he, bent upon Inter nal rofeinis forUerniany, liad no idea or nggrossieu. UolatleiiH with Itussla, he Bald, wcre (Kinnlly geed, and shu ceitalnly would net attack Oermauy. The czar was averse, te ceiiipicst and he disliked physical exer tion. The tilple alliance was hlieng oneugli te preserve poaee in the llalkan states. He believed It imposhlble that Liiglaud and Oeriiinny tdieuld ever go le war or should even quairel berleusly, but if they did, leek out for a continental wnr. TheAfiican dispute was a trilling matter, The moiiey Inveh cd was less than a single day's expenditure when preparing for a great wnr. " Few trustworthy Europeans," said Ills marck, " knew or care about these mys terious legions. Fer my own p.ut, I bolleve that Leid Salisbury's touiperato words are mere te Liiglaud's taste than Stanley's lleive onen. We are both falr falr deallng ieople and respect one another sincerely. We can eahlly coine ten proper understanding. Thore has been pleuty of arrant nonsciise talked and written about this paltry allalr. A few plain words dic tated by common reason de no Inn in." In contrast with lllsuurck's xaccful talk Chancellor Cnprlvl Insists upon a nioasure for the increase of the army, and declares that it was planned by lll.smaick and that the Mifety el the nation demands It. He also announces that O'ermany can net relax tlie llrmness of her grasp upon Alsace Alsace Lerraine, even te the extent or a trilling modification of the passport system. luntNO.VAi,. n !',V K lA(",:,;. of Pittsburg, was lu tills city thla morning. Ciiaiu.imJ . llAiman, who died In Phila delphia recently, lull alieut J'OOO.IW. He t3(Ue.illiKsU,lieu te beveral hospitals Wii.umO'11iiii:n, tbe Insli leader and editor, was man led lu Louden en Wed nesday te Mllr.Se.hic ltallalevlch,daugliU.r efailchltuhsiau Hebrew, lu buMness lu Paris as a banker. Mas. Jau:s UnewN Peitkii will lme te pay for tlioe stage dresses which she exiKx-ted that her ox-niannger, Ilarrv Miner, would luy ler. Mr. Miner obtained MriTpeUer" lu0Ml"y for ?'-'',K0 'Klut Dr. FitA.Mt It. IvKia'kit, known in I.1U I.1U caster, was the lirst of ll e w he mused the very rigid examination's for admission te the medical corps ofthe r.S.uunv. JIMitv w-ere examliKMl. He was given the choice or vilcntioleu iKi.l el...... I,,, .l.i.. r. , ... i .. v ,, ,:,'" "'i ibiuiiu, ruw ierk, te which jxist he has been ordered. I). J. Q in iti i ii, of Taeema, Washl ugten, aud Miss Hamile It. Ker.ey, of Honey Heney brook, Pa., weie married in Taeema en luesday. J he groom was a resident of Marietta until three yeais age. He laugh u 'T " lVl L,,."",t' mul later Kra.luate.1 in law. He Is low practicing law in Taeema. Thebrldewas a school teach " and Is well known in iu eastern part of this county. ' Gk.v. Hahtinus has asked the secretary ofwarandOeueralSclietlold te carry out the terms of their lPtler remicstine tlmtthe summer eneainpuieiit of the regular troops In the department of the Atlantic be located at Mount t.rctna, in tomiectlon with the division encampment of tlie National Guard of Pennsylvania, en Jnlr 10. The two officers named and the president have been Invited te attend the encampment. Va Heutks's Cocea The original, rnent elnlile. Iidles Are the ltt-st .Tudsm On nil mutters connected with the toilet. They hM n decided that BOZODONT U what they will have. " NVhen a woman will, nhe will, you may decml en't; and when the won't the won't, thrre's an end en't," Thin neieutiU for the IHipulnrlty of BOZOIlONT. Jack and Jill each took n lll, OM-riuhlimcd klud-ftill grown ; Jack's went down hut wlih n frown Jill died fnim " rauwi unknown." Bm He will nuperMdemnuy treiTns.nnd many rtlnromrert will l.e uiikniiwn when, when Dr. ricrce' ricaxnnt I'lirgntlve lvllcls entirely n iiemede.nn lliny hid fair tde, the large mid leu rfllclenl r'U of nurferefatheni. Kvery day they unlii new Inurrln I Meil pejiulnr when mml llfi abound! WIhAw Instructive IteiullnR. Heme of thelellinetilals from different peo ple rclnllve te thntmvi' IZrctrle Oil, anil the re lief tt lififiKlvcn them whendlnlro-eed hy henil nche, carsche and toetlmclionro n InlcrcKtlnff ren.llim ns you will find. This hoi en a Ntandnrd medicine, In cold everywhere hv driiKKl'l'.Held In Kincanltr hy W.T. lleeh, 1J7 and I.JO North Queen street. A 8irnt Medicine, The driiKnlnU claim that people call dally for tlie new cure for constipation nod lck hend ache, discovered by llr. Hlla Iino In the Itecky Meimlnlnn. It In nald te be Oregon grape root (r Krent remedy In the far Wct for these com plaint) combined with simple herlm, and Is niadn for iihu hy peurlni; en boiling water le draw out the strenEth. ItselUHtSOreiitanpnck a je n nd Is called Lane's Family Medltlne. (I) XTANllOOTKN'MCOCOA. TUE'STANDAUU COCOA OF I'.UHOPK THE COMING ONE OF AMERICA. Van Heuten's hasjfy )rr cent, mere of the ficsh-fermliig elements of cocoa than Is obtained by the best processes of ether manufncttirers. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." Doctors and analysis of the highest standing all ever the world, certify le this immense saving, and by Van Hoti Heti tkn'h sicclal preccw imli can this lie attained. -Van IIoetkn's Cocea ("enie trlcd.nl wnys used ") jMissesses Hie Krcat ndviuiliiKc of leaving no Injurious cllccls en the ncn out sys tem. Ne wonder, therefore, Hint In all parts of the world, this m furor' Cocea Is recommended by medical men, Instead of lea and coffee, or ether cocoas or chocolates, for dally ut.e hy rblldreu or adults, hnlenud side, rich and peer Ask for Van Iteui en's nnd tttkr no elhrr. tiiiit'jn-1) dH,Tii,H (11) jmuincvn ojiue A (IHKAT JUNKHA1.K, -Tllr-- 13 East King St. A Great June Sale RF.M AHKAm RF.nilCTIONS TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, PRICES CUT IX HALF. Fer the Halance of the Menth Wc I lave Made Sweeping Reductions Trimmed Hats, Straw Hats, Leghorn Flats, Chip Flats, Children's Hats, of am. nnsciuraeNs. Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons AND IN AM. UKPAUT.MUNTM AM, tlOOIW AT HALF USUAL PRICE TUB BONTON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St., iiirW-aiudSitK t.A.Nt:.HTi:H, 1'A. I xllUNKKN.VKKS. A J uqvim hahit. In All the World there l hut One Cure nu. halms' gei.dh.v kpix-ific. It can lmceu In n cup or roltceer tea, or In Hrtlclcjef finxl, without the kumrlcdee of the in i i! l.'Vlr"0' : ll " '"""'hitely hum He"; and will ellect a lierniaiiciit and siicedy cure, whether tie patient Is a me-lerale drinker or nn aleohello wreck. IT .NKVKIt KAIlS it thai the patk-nt undergoes no Ineeinenleuc ellkVA '"UV? tt' ' yniplele reformation is' eirected. page book of iiartlculars free. v u1I,IAri-A,..LO-'l,K"' WrujBlst, mm m ytttntrihrt,. rILABKt.FKlA, Thursday, Jnne 12, 1KI0. Xfrc Jersey sensation of the season. Broken sizes in some lets, and but what care you why the choicest goods of their grades are half, third, or even quarter of yesterday prices? If you arc thinking of a Jersey, even for a year ahead, the, money saving time is new. Cream Jerseys, hralded !.. kind fur 50c 12.00 kind for 11.00 H.00 kind lern 00 tfl.ei kind for ri.00 Mixed let tilack and colors flralded nd Kancy Jcrceys (nil wool, cashmere ftnlsli), that imve been n.M, -10, 11, nur II .2j, Il..,r2. Perfect In shape, and with latest style trim- tmperld Illnck Hllk Jerseys, perfectly llllllKS. plain, exact ilmr lanes, .ntsi me iiunK ier II Irem 118. Ijirtic sices Just llm t nun miner wear, only. Heeend fleer, Chcstuut street. Mere at 80 cents a yard is precisely the same grade of Barnsley Table Linen that we used te sell at $1.25. I7inc Full Damask Dinner or Tea Set cloth 2x2 yards, dozen Sn Napkins $375 We've yet te see their match at Extra heavy full bleached German Table Linen, mellow, smooth, honest, 65c. We thought it cheap at 75c. Hoetliwest of centre. Fer the convenience of an glers wc have arranged te re ceive frequent word from the near-by fishing grounds. If you care te knew what fish arc biting and where some big catches are being made, come and read the pestals en the Bulletin Beard near Sporting Goods in Basement. The Tackle man can tell you of trains and hotels and beats and necessary costs. llaxcment, northeast of ccntie. Jehn Wanamaker. intmmer llcoertt. r. CIIAHI.KS, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Ocean Kud Delaware, Ae. t)ciis June 21. jimelO-l'ind JONAH WOOTTUN.Jlt. J'TOTKlilllllINHWlRK, L ATI. AN IK-' CI I'V, N. .1. New, Medem, Kind-Class, Complete I'acltlc imutic, belmiii New Yerk and Tennc.sce avenues. Acioiiimedatc 200 apr.ii-;imd jesupii s. davih. T un ohiiehni:. Cor. Arkansas and I'mllle Avcs., ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. New Heuse. Modern lmrecmciitiH. Kleva! ler, Klectrle lklls. Terms meilcrate. JillieZ-'Jiud MllS. II. 04I10UNK. rplIUMINNKQUA. 1 A'lliAN'llCCITY.N.J., l'aclflu Ave., hetweeii Arkansas and Missouri Avcs ; central location j refurnished ; under newmanncement; ecrj thliiKllrsUcUss. Write for circular. niym-Ziiid CA. IlltOWNK. 1AMUUIDar.-ATI,ANTlC ClFF. HAM'li II. I.EWIH. Proprietor. WM. li COCHIIAN, Manager. Complcle Hetel ; 100 bed-rooms ; ocean hent j bcsllmtliliig grounds J bread plaras ; elegant bullet. inyj-2nid A TliANTICCITY; " " HOTELCHETWOODE raclllc Acmie, near Illinois, Atlantic City. Vn... l CI.., r.,.uu LJ, ....... If 1 . ....,,,... . ,t,iv. .,, n,-,, ,-., rll-(,lll lirttl , llll UVII1. 1'wemiuutcH walk from bench. S2.50iiiid$.llW pei day. NOW OI'UN iiiluliiid MHS.ANNIi:(lltUIIII. rpilKCHAMONTi;, THE CHALFONTE, ATLANrtc City, New- Jeiuky. ",' -""eiiMiUJATM, NOUTI1CA110 rilllK MT. Oltiri'NA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened fei the Mitncr season en MONDAYMAY 5th This read extends rrein thoeiitrauceof the Park le Hie summit or the booth Meiiulnlii ((le emer l)lck, a illntame ornheut four miles. IlHiululatiiru trains renneel with all the regu lar passeiiKer trains en the Cornwall A Leba non Itallread mrl Ini; at the Park, and relurn relurn lUKrrem the summit of the meiuiialii lu time te connect with trains lca Im: llie I'urk. Krem points en I'eiiiui. It. K. and 1'hlladcl phla ,V Itcaitlm: It. It., within 1011 miles, the trip can be accomplished In one dii v. ltlslhoNAItUOWKHTUAlhir.liithewoild, It Is the nietl'KllKlXTlN nXCONKTIttlt:! THIN. It has also the MOST COMPLKTK i:e.UIPMKNI Hh eiiKlncH aie iwrrecl little model of the standard eiiKlncsef the first-class, and Its cars are especially adapted te nllerd an unobstructed vlew of tlie miiKnlllccut scenery aleUKtliellue. Hleelltalls. Hteue llallasl. It imuiiuui iuu icuiures ei Mt. Gretna Park. the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church nudBchoel, Military audClsleereiuil- tstvrne, Winn idtu tuuriNi ijiriies nut bocure liOMxrliiHluusei)r .Mt.Uictnu l'urk en apiU. Mtlmite NKUIIUSir. ..l-'1....1 U...., , .f.T. IP.. , , .... ., , '... al-auid v?,,. . v.. . xj. lutiiimiu, lA'Ultlleu, I a. rSlOUV. KVAN'ur l,OUH. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf or Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. WWH.VTMUHK DO YOUWANTr-Sa (LUntl. rUMlir.UANDCOAU J TOHACCOHIIOOKHANDOAHW. WKHT. KKS HAItll WlldlkS U'li.,1.,.,,1.. .,.,, i..,n hy .. . . II. II. MAHTIN A CO.. ' us-1 J d Ul Water Htn-et. Ijiiu-.isler, Pa. TjAUMOAHDNEIlM COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orriciw-Ne. ia North HueenHtreet, and Ne. 5M North Prince street. Vahim North 1'rlnce Htreet, ucar Headlns Depot. nclS-tM IAN(1AHTKH.HA. ttoviu'iie. JT UTHKIl H. KAUKKMAN, ATTOUNUY-AT-L W. Hoeeud Fleer Ksbleman Ia North l.llkxHtrwM. ulldlnjr, Ne. 3 ir"t.lrt.,' A UK.NCY KOIt OAI.1.A11AN A I'Oh I'K V iiieut te take tboplnieef Itcsl Lead. In bulk It iiiakes tle tlmiM llie uautlt of red lend mid is far superior In makliic ste.nn Joints, packing man and hand hele plates en boilers, S7,La.cj !? '.' per i-eund, at JOHN Hr-SrH.SBliwtKulteiietreel. mT-tfu en riinri",'i:CT oK"i,iTKiKiteM h JJfjyjJ Inch te tl Inch diameter, for caleMalnwTlKurr.aiid the only house lu the city with a plimcuttlni: machine, cutting up te iihu uiiiiiivicr, hi jwiirt jui-b,;jj uhji mii. teiiktreet. Jctuelcr. yATCHKS, CI.OCK8, Btc. atclies T CLOCKa, ETC. ' A full Kradunted OnthalmlcOptlclan will aire en reful attention tothecerrcctlouof bad vision, licit repairing. WEBER'S, 1MJ North tiuecn street. Near P. It. It. IlepeU ap2l-lyd. TF.WKI.KIl AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! OOLD WATCHES, .SIIjVKH WATCIII3, DIAMONDH, JKWELHY AND CANES. Examination of Eyes Free 1 Ne Dreps Used 1 OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING BTltEET, LANCASTER. PA. -IITATCIIES AND JEWELHY. Watches and Jewelry. If jen wish te a buy u GOOD GOLD WATCH Wecan show yen KlcK'aiit Patterns In 1-nrtles' nnd Oenl'sHIes nt a Wonderfully Lew l'rlce. FULLY GUARANTEED. GOLD AND HILVEH BEAD NECKH AND IlltACELElB,KOUH,Ac. Spectacles Properly Fitted. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., con. or okanei:. ryAIIM'HCOUNEIl. Oivlmc te the number or cases wojiaiefer tieatmeiitnnil adjiislmeut. we have determined te open the eltlce en Monday & Wednesday Evenings Fer the accommodation of thoee. who find It dllllcultnudcxpeusle tolcne their work dur ing the day time. OKFICIJ-SECOND KLOOHOF Zahm's Cerner ENTKANOE: NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. aS-Ofllce Hours from 7 te 10 p. in. Monday and Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE ! Ne Fees Charged ! All diseases of the Ee treated and operated en h- a Ur.uluated Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, aud thorough satisfaction Guaranteed A FULL LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, A Sptclllnj , Jewelry Repairing. ' Ernest Zahm, ZAIIM'HCOUNEIt, npr5iuid LANOA.STEH, I'A, JU'fvlrit'VrtterB. 1 EFIUOEUATOIW, ETC. The Dollars Saved Ily purchasing a BHLDMIN Celd Ery-Air Refrigerator will meie than pay the Advance lu coil of Ice this reason eer last. V WATER COOLERS, ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. Hpeeialllci. : BUGGY AND WAGON HARNESS TENNIS HAl'KETH, HAMMOCKS. SPRECHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KINCi ST. aprl7-tfdTu,Th4.S ilrttO. II ATlj NEW AND I'UETTY. Stauffer & Ce., Lancaster's Leading Hatters, Inhibit the largest and Hest heleclnd hteck of Straw and Summer Hats ATTIIE VKHV LOWEST rOSSHILEl'HICES Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. CIIILIJHENS at Any l'rlce you Name. GiuduatienPresents! Spectacle Department ! FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, In all the Summer Shades, at SI.'JTi te 5. LAWN TENNIS (WSANU HATS, AUColers. TUUNKS AND TUAVELINQ HAGS Fer the Vacation Seasen, nt Very Iajw- l'rlet s STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, liANUABTEK. FA. irurnttttre. Ty IDM t BH'S OORNEK. - A BIO MARK-DOWN f -AT Widmyer's Cerner, EASt KING AND DUKE STS., LANCAMTElt, I'A. Te Iteduc Hteck llerbre Making Inipnne ments, Including a New Frent, Every Uradeel FURNITURE WILL BE HOLD AT I'llICES Never Before Known in Lancaster. We Must lIae the Itoem, and the Hteck Mint He llcduced. Call while these Ilargalns are te be had. WIDMYER, cenNn or EAST KINO AND DUKE 8TKEETS. e C1ISAU1IIUS. SPECIAL OFFERING FOIl JUNE! Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Urently lleduccd l'rlccs. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, pd,M A 1th Fleer,) Ne. .11 SOUTH QUKEN SlIlEKT. H TEtNlTbll'H FUHNlTOItE DEI'Of. WIDE AWAKE Iluers dcslrlnc a comblniitlen of Highest Suallty of the Manuructurcr's Art lualltliq ewcl aud I-ateit Ileilgus aud the Lewest l'rlccs In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should be awake te their own Interests and call upon us wheu their waiiU will be fully sup plied. We etlcr te-day n splendid assortment of l'ar l'ar ler Halt in Tapestries and Flushes at specially Lew l'rlccs. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street. C5treccvtc. A T CLAIUCE'H Teas, Coffees and Groceries That Can Talk. Let your eyes and palate Judge. Come and try our l'ure Teas, Selected Cedecs and Standard Sugars. Fancy Grades or OLD COUNTRY TEAS. If ou want a pound or lttal Old Country Tea gleClarke's Famous Tea a trial. Hllver-l'latcd WarcRhcn nnnv with Gelden Maracatbe Ceilee mid our New Halting I'ewder. The ware has te be seen le be appreciated. Ilargalns lu Dried L'ccf, Ham and llolegna. Ceine and sec our Cheese snap for tlie next SON CM (1.1 s. Flue Yerk County Strawberries. i .H v.ui,vu iiM ui iM.t i ) niute, 12 A 11 Seuth Queen St., Near Centre Squnie, Lancaster, Fa. Welophene. AT llUllSK'S. Geed Old Potatoes WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. Fresh Strawberries DailY Mi.im of Cern at (te a can. l'INi: OLD CREAM CIIKHSK. Canned Hlackbcrrles, te clese out stock, at Is', put up "Ith siuar. Alse, Hapberrics and Whortleberries. Dried Apples. Fetches, Cher ries, etc., cheiip te i)u-e out stm k. AT BURSK'S, 17 E. KING 81, LANCASTER, I'A. A T HEIST'S. The Glorious Fourth Dawns Upen Us REIST, WlIOI.KSAIiKAND UKTAII. UHOCKlt, Has a Whole Carload of Eerj thing In the works LINE COMING IN. fend for our l)cscriptle Frlcc List. Elia Ijirge Exhibition Flere of All De signs, Garden and Lann Ehlliitlen Flwcs, Water Fireworks, llembhclls. Floral llomb llemb sbells, htar and scrH?ul .Mlnc, Il.iltcries of t'oleitsl Stars, Coleictl SaucUsens. FrUmatlc Fountains, Floral Fountains, .Krelllcs, rieucr 1'etx, tieiscr. Deuble Triangle Wheels, Verti cal Win els, Itosclte Wheels, TruuiH'l Win,, Is. Jeweled .Ids, Serpent Eggs. Illue Lights, Fin Wheels, lleinhsliell Salutes, Whislllng llembs. Colored Fire l'ets, llcimal Lights, Club Fucs, Ciilered Fire, Colei id Torches, 1'iiradn Lights, Fllug Flgeens, Cannen Keckcts, I'aracliulc lteckets, sky lteckits. Hemnn Candles, Tour billions, .Mines, Mine llatterles, star lljtlerle. Cannen Crackers, Dn unite Crackers, Torpe does, niniiniiK, l'Utnls, Hlank Cartridges, nnd a hundred miner specialties. TOTHEHETAIL TllADE. File Crackers are iidinnclnL. Wa i,.iii un euilieiier b) far than wliut New Yerk par lies wanttiMbi). WehaeoirlWbexcsbougrit at lowest prices Ufore thcy ccr adaiutd. en w III fi t the henellt. We ha e no old trash te work eir. See our lllg Window Dlspla next week and send for prlu. We w ill always protect ou. J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND UETAILGHOCElt, COUNEIt WEST KINO AND FKIJ'CESTS. Directly Opposite J. 11. .Martin A Ce.' Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel lleiut llelil. Loek for the Il'.g Slgu across the uic-menu ltec. CLin-Eiw. TAKE A LOOK AT THE Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers AT STACKHOUSE'S, NOB. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO STREET. i THE FINEST EVER SEEN- IN LANCASTER, AND AT Extremely Lew Prices. ffi-Hterc closes every evening at 6 o'clock, except en Monday and Saturday, until Septem- bcrl- L -VTEW 8II0ES lilDOINU FOlt FAVOR 1 Ladies' $2 Sheel imiGHT DONGOLA KID, MACHINE SEWED I STYLISH I ATTHACTIVE I DURABLE! The notion that nil ready-made shoes are about the same grade Is a mistake. Frem a reliable maker from a reliable dealer elthcr-shecs cannot be bought In which dependence ean be placed without paying a price In proportion te the cost or manufacture. The three dif ferent makes of Ladies' Shoes we adver tise te-day come from geed American makers, and are as thoroughly honest In every way its 12 shoes can possibly be made. Ne hidden shoemaker's tricks In them ; nothing " cribbed " from them that ought te tic part of them. The first line constitute handsome shaped shoes, desirable walking weight, with flexible soles, adapted for oil pur poses where 11 neul wnlklmr shed Is re ml I red. Tlie uppers are cut fromeare fremeare rullly selected line Bright DongelaKId, made lu the best manner possible In iiiai'iiiiiu scweu wers. uan ee worn with comfort nnd service In all ordinary wear and tear. Their fitting properties arc excellent and show the feet te the ticst posslble advantage. Attractive and pleasing te the cye In stj le nnd fin ish. Oulsldethls store we're sure their like cannot be found be reasonable In cost. Anether new bright looking shoe sliajie te see. We'll be mistaken In our Judumcnt If net mere than a few ladles w HI be found wanting It, These come In Opera Tee styles, button, handsomely tlppud with patent leather. Are thor oughly well made nnd finished. Here in D and E widths. Square Toe Shecs-thls Is the third line. The uppers are cut from llaggor llagger ty's celebrated " Mikade " Dongola sleck. 'I hcie's no tougher, better wear ing grade of Dongola leather In nny B 60 grade or shoes In the market. The making, the tilting, the finishing meas ures quite ns strongly the same way. J.euk pretty, fit snugly, wear acceptably. Either one of tlieabei e makes, fj a pair. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Htrekt, Lancab tkr. 1a. AUGUST ASSORTMENT ! Oxfords and The lirgest Assortment or Ladles', Misses', Children's and Infants' Oxfords and Slipper In this city. 'Ihlsslatemrut, te some people, may seem te be an Idle beast, but te our many out eut out temers who hae been buying their Oxford! and Sllpiiers here for the past two seasons, knew hew truthrul It Is, ns then wc had the Ijugest hteck and Assortment lu the city, and this season we hae added a great many of the LatestStyles. LARGEST AND FINEST DISFLAY IN THE CITY IN OUR WEST WINDOW. ljidles' Dongola Fatent leather Tip Oxford! nt b5c, 73c, 1 ("J, 81 2 nnd upwards. tjidles- Dongola Fl.iln Toe Oxrerds nt 11 00. II 2, il 60, tl Wand upwards. Ladies' Fatent Leather Frent Oxfords at 11 25. II CO, and ii W. Indies' Russet erTan Oxfords with Tlp and ,,ii,,n';X''W:!l'M5M1 "'Jtl.-ilanit ujiwards.. Ladle- I iuu ImmiVhi tfllppera, virtu uuckiei Hews, Etc., $1 2i, 81 60 and l 00. Mlsces' Dongola and Russet, Tip andFlaln Toe Oxfords, at 75e, Wc, 81 10 and upwards. , Child's Dongola and Russet Oxrerds at 80c. TGc. 31 00, II 23 and 81 00. ' Iurant'H Dongola and Russet Oxfords at S5c. jOe, T5e and 81 Oil. Aud ethers net mentioned. In fact we have everything from the cheapest 4othebest. ; The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Frices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 6 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. S-Sterc Closed Eery Evening at (j o'clock Except .Monday and Saturday. (Crtvpcte. c RFLTS! CARFETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A 8FECIALTY Dyeing! Dyeing! Dyeing I LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYKING WORKS Are second te none In Fennsvlvanla for finish el work of nil kinds. Feathers Dyed All Shades. Orders will reetle prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO., NO. IM SOUTH WATER STREET, LA.NCAfcTEH, Fa. febl5-3md T HE LANCASTER CARFET' HOUSE. S. St V. All Goods at Reduced Prices AND, Always One Price te All. AWNINGS, MATTING!!, SHADES, CUR. TAIN", FURNITURE COVERS, &C, Ac. Carpets Cleaned and Relaid. Slippers. SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street. auiriMjd l .3 wi tfl V h mMfd V ' Js , t " '