Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 11, 1890, Image 4
'A ' 855gR?E S?w 'swrww' W"' "" T- -. i est .t; r.' "liT1 TJ 1 i.rV IWJ J' ' - - "Hi T . 1" - if KTAJUL a. "". - i 'Mr1 " ' M.MXIU 3jAIXJA&i:rjX UAM.MJ. mJ JLMXAJMJJLWMUCJJCJK TT jaji,lJa. w x KUMfifr COUNCILS. 4r IV. 1 miis , VI BM IIMIMB, Merchants la Luck Expiring fJNwMM efUui Skirt Factory, and ft - .; ... . ...- -a smvrry jnarniiMV ! 0MMA, June 11. Council met in Mlen lMteTSnlnxin tee council All (numbers nreicnt. Mmrce committee) reported ssfel- i at test revolt...... s me as -as te , ieuiu 4000 , 1,767 no . 230 61 . (M8KI . 40167 . ltt 8.1 IM lfO 100 I market rents........ Ml market rents..... (IIUB......-.... i of note-..-...-. .-... Br wiiwVli'.lV.'.3.V.'."'.r.!!!" I wujactb..... .......(..4.... ) Nrml.Hdln.nn.iiiitNW.iii iyv4 6.3801J .. H6 m lpaia.. .......-......-.... ........ ...-........ ........137S 40 thlfthway cemintUee roperlod ene littg permit granted, Mevcral streets I ana repaired, contractor nave con ' work en KraaiiiK Hocenu Bireet i Cieetnut te walnut, tlie brlilge ever kwnee ran needs repium, agreement IttMCwlU) tbe Columbia Iren company bUdk tbein the right te construct a iC across and along Union street te the wrlrent. . . . i oreperty commltlee reported bavins I the online and boiler or healing apua- tMoleaned, and general repairs inadu te lira box. TlMlawand ordinance eommlttee pre- au erdinance nreiiibmutc tua run- r of bicycles and trlcycles en tbe pave- ordinance wan adopted opening I atreet stralcht tbreuuu from Chest- it te WalnuL g IXb ordinance providing for protection alnat tramp merchants was lest. An ordinance was adopted striking cer- tm streets irem tue uoreucu nians. An Invitation was received from the twnee fire company te attend their fair. council decided te uttteud lu a betly i Friday evening. i oerouen souciier was insiructcu te Lniisb a written opinion as te the legality le vote of a inember of council grant- os te the Celuniblu Iren com- ny wbe is alleged te be an liiteroNted i contract was awarded te E. D. Mound- le, Baltimore, for painting the oxterior Be opera nouse at kwu. lie grading of Ninth struct from an'a laie te udu a street, was awarded . W. Udii. I h regulator was Instructed te furnish i and cost of bridgtner Bhawnee creek '. paying bills council adjourued. i leeung et tne eiu stocKiieuiers or me nbla abhl factory was held last even- Jin' the chief burgess.' room. It lias h aald bv a director that tbore waa a LdT time, and much of the talk had the ref personalities attached. The result meeting is mat me Columbia Milrt iVy Is defunct. A cltlxen'a meeting f.Hbe old stockholders. rtnx van Amuurg's circus raarte us arance in town this morning and Is tying tbe grounds at Eighth street. A was made this morning which was LfawMi. Thn Hrfiln (n tvill rnrntn Ir.'sd as given a geed show. any ei iiwiies anu gontiemcn irem i dreve te Lancaster Inut nleht and .a pleasant time at tbe home of Miss if nan. Infant son of Jehn Welsh, en Sixth uiea irsi evening, the ruucrui win (3 en Friday at 2 p. in. . Jehn A. wltmer and Miss Carrle r were married this morning at tbe ,'of Mr. Gee. A. Pell, en locust Tbe coremeuv was norfermod bv EDO. Gaul and was witnessed by the iei inetviupie. r nft- Sent te tu Heme. ..TEffng, Jr., who Is only 8 years old, jre tne court tuts aitorneou en ceui- liis parents who alloge that he , a s 1.-H.,- r,i nuu iiiciirrigiuiu. n Tuev wantfHl L. Ht IO I1IO lllllll hnt te the heuse, of refuge. pdneny taken showed ihut the boy an angel bet It also devolepod the . mere win a siopmetiier in the caw. fi reiuKeu te senu tne uey te me Itefwre. but commit ted him te Iren'a Heme. 'Thn llnnd 1liinlnn. ptlrnd reunion at l'enryn, en Sat- re'O following temporary or- . was oireoted : rrosldent. 11. jy, of Myerstewn, ccrutary ; llrv. Kichlaiid ; treasurer, l'ref. C. sinking spring. Tiiree dele- it each of the sixteen bauds were who will meet at Winking June 16, at 10 o'clock a. m. irpese of forming a permanent fS adopting n constitution and I'd te arrange for a grand band tc)ut Pcnryn park, later en In It rebablv in Sentember. idt . elaisxcurslen Te-morrow. Is Mints ar? cemplete In every detail ledy 't and piauure of the Junier l is. te Jty's cxeumlelf ever tlie Mt. 1'enn lltnd at Itcttdlnir, to-merro-r. The orfcatlens ere alie very fntornble. ag Je are going may confidently n ti ng Igntlul time. The train will lenvu irajoute depot at 7;,and the 4r .00, Including the Hwltehback and I (pens. ' Clreua To-ineri-ow. itetr Is us line te-morrow as It has DlLCPast few days there Is no doubt l,i-van AmecrK chew, which ap- ltnranll park, will draw n lerue 0 f r. Main, tne proprietor or Irfie of the inekt enterprUlnK ynmij He uiwnnij, and he ha u show iiioiei wu xiarnum ana i ere- geed one and well worth the TA. which laenlv hnlf of lhi nf rfl'nselldated shorn " that travel ulpJi a great nourish. The show ihMatber or geed performers and VAi.aiiiujniii in nuia la ue Aery I 4.v hiv ,it vviumuiu unit ult i Quarry vllle. "MIT . V-fi. glnttlte. I. this eltr. June 10. 18ft). An. Itbi 'n we M year of nl ng0 qi menus ei iun juniiiy nre rc- 10 nuena me lunerai, irem lihT. -QU T...U .A. r--l FMl; o'clock. Ulnh JIaM at Ht. Iuj.P o'clock. Interment tit Ht. inn. Ctd ltr rtn 4hl0th Ititt FlMirat. 1 Vftlth vearefhli aea. ftf Trlciuls of the ramlly, nlie "& Ne. 8, American Mechaulcs, lulrtdcnee He. 3 Kist German P, v afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1 n-l'a-ard Hill cemetery. '. -,elty, Jnne V, 18W, Ttewllnda 1 a' 'ray. In the Gut vear t.r hrr nil In 1vatc. :t Ht . 1K, In l'hlladelphla, ll'ite'r of Jehn and Mary Der- .it.iutnl t ilayk. L fiends of the family arc re vr-4 tfii ifriends of the family arc te- : v niKitu U4 IU1.1IUI irOlll e n,t&., 1 1. 1. ii.ul . , Irandparcnta, Gee. Derwart, niD Btreet, en Thursday ufter- i hi terment at Lancaster win- Bg. ty r VHl iij3 rltt. ' TrT. Tll i:rrer.ii -ma uirwr. "?MCA8T"'ni June 11, 1830. ttttll was abundant ut this rJuJf butter there win an "ubll"1 offered ai low as 11 cents . iim. miiHutiuii ntrc nmjlfc price. ft ...... ...M... .....M....MV , , (, , , , , .mii ou ft Sif. r-, ,urai. Ck G0370 10 .....1'illO lilu rpwrBi UX-JM L, ,..,,, ,,, ..,..11 III- ,....51 I , ,,.11(31.1 th0t A,...,,,, VlflU .6 .&V7S ....3.4 'lil IZ&lf 15 axsa . .uteec. , kTtf',""' t" - , SS,.!.'........,,..., b-i"'k '4,. .....-A41 ".i'JJ AI0 If.1! v&iw Dne Apples, per" ... J. l).t,.L.Mll Potatoes, par bushel..i . J0 l-otateesper r.u.r.i. .,...,... rr Potatoes (NewJ perKpk ,U.V . . per 4 P"..- .' -uxs'fi t'rtrtdlnr. nvr Ih ..IS Rhubarb, per bnnch.... Strawberries, per box Cherries per qt .............. Hsuer Kraut, per e.t Hausafte fresh I, per lt. . , Sausage (Smoked) y lb..., Scrapple, per lb I.. Trip, per ft.. .. Tomatoes, per box- ....... Veal Steaks, ft lb .......... vSftS :::x'.Tr.'..3.r.'-ie $? .. ".iv!? ....... ... 'IS ..( Mie I............... 10 1&16 stock Markets. HhoIMIemh bjr Reed, MeUrann A Ce., banker UUnUUTt IT. KKW TOKk LIST. Atchison. Tep., SnhtA Fe uauaea racinc. U. CU. a !..... IVilorade Geal., Oentral racinc .......... Canada Benthern Chl.HUI..kHr pen. m bio u.... uti.ij.mYi, Erie....- :rla axida. Jer O...... K.4I bon. N u. HDere Mich. Oen... Missouri Ifwiino Ifwiine Ifwiino Kerk. Valley N. V. Pref ... N. WmI N. Y. O New England East Tennessee Omaha ... Oregon Trncentlncutal.. unianes v, r'aolOe Mall... HlrbmendTennlnal.......... Wi 8U Iaul ........ 77 2 Texas 1'aclflc Ztl? Union I'aeinc...... Wabash Cem Wabash I'reU..... Western U WestHhere Ilends.. rutr.aDxt.FuiA list, fah. Val.. M it M. v. A lh I In Pa.R.R. Wi MM Reading.. W,i Xi Leb. War - - Uestenv. Pass mi H V. A K - " - N. Cent. Peeples I'aas. Rdg I'a ..... Oil... .- - vc Grnln ana l'ruvuteiM. rurulihed by H. K. Yundt, Breker. CmcAae, June II, 1:00 o'clock p.m. Wheat. Cern. OaU, Perk. Uird. June 2H' - July mx 3IK j 6W Auguu y tyi -ail 8eptmbcr. R8JJ l 20lJ 6 UK October , -. ...- ..... December WX Year Crude Oil July. 11 -" - - ' jjteu glbutrttBCiru'WttB, OIIEAP-I'IJIIE HYR WI1IHKIE. I1LACK berry, til nger and Kummcl UrnudlcN. UOUllEU'H LlUOIl HTOKK, Ne. 22 Centre Hqnnre. 1 OHT-ON TUESDAY, A PAIR OF OOLD JU Eyt-glMws wltli Oeld Chain atlached. Finder suitably regarded by leaving them at Ne. Ill Knit Chestnut street. ltd A T HOSTEIfH CO UN El t HALOON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will be served every mernlnc from 0 te 12:30. lluppcrl' Celebrated llccr drawn from the keg. nprJO-trd IjlORTIIK BEST HOT AMI FUltNACE IN j the market, go te JOHN 1I1XT, sa East Fulton Htirct. m7-tfd BIOYCLKH. Cetnmbla, Vlilnr, Premier and nthnr (1.15 Hafctles sold for Iludy'n Bicycle Itldln rpuiring, Kiiameimg an Nlekellng done promptly. Hend forentaleEiie. Jull-21 LOCllKlKs HANK ItUII.DIN?). IOUHALE CllIUP A Twe-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, 20 by 2H feet, with two-story brick bsek build- Inir i2Liliv2ltfn-l. Hall itnil soven rooms. Ixit 20 by W, feet. JOHN 11. MET.I.KIt, Ne.tiH. OuknHt. TTEHAVETI1EBEHT AKHOIITMKNT OF fV Plic and Cigar Helders. Krencli Brlnr Tlpes In rases, Wlcraclu All the tine Brands of Hmeklug TebnrenN. DEMUTH'H CIO All HTOItE, als-lfdH 114 East King xtreeU milK ONLY CIOAU HTOHE WHERE YOU X. call purrhane Imported and Key Went C'lgars.nntlB. K.Oniveley'iiHitperlerCacndl)ih. DEMUTU'H OIUAIt Hl'OllK. Ill lCest King MlreeU Telephone. altt-tfdR TA Air X BAIT CHUBS. Flmt-claiis Halt can be had at nil times nt OEO. KHEINEIl'H, JuMwd Ne. 20 North Water Street. 3JIOH HALE- THE HTOCK, OOOD WILL i and fixtures oraflnt-elaMUreceryHtoro; one of the bent iind mnl central Im-ntleiH lu llierlty; large trade rtabllthril. A bargain If applied for een. ALLAN A. ilK.lUt, Keal Estate and Inturauee Aent, JcMtd lt Kant King Street. OUMMWl D1IINKH. summerTdrinks. The .Most lU'trethlng Beverage last year, this year, next jear, every jcar. BED MESSINA OIIANOE J1CE CREAM SODA and MILK SHAKE. Royal Choeelato and fruit flavors. JOHN C. LONG, Driigglitnud ClirmlM. ClieHtuut and MaryHtrrels. Pine Deineittc and Imported Cigars. It Ttt VeNNEltCHOItSUMMEIt THEATRE. Week Cnmmenelng MONDAY, JUNE P. MISH EDNA MELVILLE, PETE Mct;U)UD. HAUUV and II.OIIA ltl.AKK, HAMMOND and DALY. Admthlen, 10 cents, which entitles j-nu te Ice Cream or Sert Drink, I'eifermniu'n miner shine. CHRIS, myZMind Proprietor and Muuager. TprtOPOSALS FOR IRON FOOTIIRlDai. Scaled pioneaaW will be ici-ehi.l by the Street Committee up te June 17, 1!), ntft p. m for Cast-Iren Knet Urldgen, et such tlilrkiiCM and sites and shapn ais may be needed, by w eight KVi and 1 Inch In tlilckms-bidden, te furntKli pnUeriiK, Propesala te be mldrened te the Street Cem. mlttce nnd detHwIted In the Stieet Committee Bex In the Mayer's elllcc. EDWIN H.SMELTZ, Jcll,H,lC.l Street CommlHslencr. GO TO HEADQUARTEB8 I We are llcndnunrtcit for Plhlng Tackle, l'ellthed llrahs Reels. IV. Three-Jointed Reds, with braw Icrrulcs, 12. I.lncs, Iloelth, Sinkers, Leaders, Mounting, tc. FRAILEY'S EAST END PHARMACY, .. . . (Opposite Eastern Market). -rralley's Sarsaparllla Compound will prctrntPrlcKly Henl, I'lmplesund llelUby pu. rlfvlng the bleed. l'rlce.&Oe and $1. M.W.F4W M AUXIN iiltOn. THE LIOHTNESS OK THE MATERIAL. THESTRbNOril OF THE FIBRES AND WEAVES. THE SMOOTHNESS Or THE FINISH, And the Way we Tailor Them, Makes Our $10, $12 and $14 Serge Suits nlen of Geed l,euk. Comfert and Wear. Skelrten llack. Patch PeckeU, Seft Rell and all the Kliul iitHtylcs. Shadcs-liluek, Blue and Grey, OURTHINCLOTHING AND UNDERAAEAR, Neglige Shirts and Summer Neckwear, Are .Marvels of Chiiipntsa and Choice. The way they're wiling W bust proof of It. A QUARTER. THRhEU LEVIES or a Dellar wll de much for you lu tticne Coel Garments. Theflucit are here lu profusion ai writ. See the Cleth we Make te Measure at FMaSull In the Custom Tailoring Department. Beit Work manship, Peifsct Fit. Clay Serges te Measure. t21a Suit. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. 11 a.m. 13 at. ar.k. , 47H T; 47i MIIWIHtHtMl WH BJ &M C ...A , MU turn liiiu 46Z ! - ..................... ..... " IIS IUH 'UW 7x . 76 lt 70 '.T.".'.'.'.T. sew mi H iH i2H M?; iie2 neji ins 4)J 49 W ilin Ei SB - " "s rp Z.L -e 2IJ Six f ...... A Union 01 Leeks Comfert and Wear. tfttv itriU.mtnl BOTH WANTED TO LEAR N Tit ADW. LANCASTER EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 61 North Duke street. V -llfANTED-APrUCATIOlvS OF (XIMPK- v t tent men and women for all kinds of skilled labor. Apply rENN'AKHPliOYMENTnUnF,AU, , 12 Henth nke Htreet. A 'UEAXJTIFUI, , I,AWW, HOWFjVKB V amall It may be. Isajrrrntluxurjr. IAN CAHTKK chemiuAl company lawn EN RICHER SCHOOI, TAX, lWO-THEJIOPIJCATE IB new In the bands of the TrraJiiirer, Three per cent, off If paid before August 1. Office 'hours from a.m. till 4 n-m,.. W. O. M AIWII ATX, Treaurer. JcSlauldTt Ne. 12 Centre fsqnare. HEAT IIAItUAINH IN AUCTION OOODS T1IIH WKKK ai REINHOt.U'H.Near Depot. rprtOUT A HI1 ANK, PLAMEL SHI11TS. al-lvd UR CIGARS. GOLDEN LION AND MIA ,.,ahm m , llAvanA Alter a cent cigars, hand-made, In boxes of K.U) and 100. cigars, nanu DKUTJH ci0AR HTORE, Established 1770. 114 East King Street alWfdlt , -rrNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, FOR HOT WEATHER, AtEKIHMAN'S. IO CARIUAOE AND WAOON MAKERS. tlHfltho"Cex A Andersen Fifth Wheels. mi will like them. Aremnda of bestnuallty oflren. Will turn very short and every wheel Is guaranteed. Slres are 1H, ID and lllnches. NATIONAL MANUKACTURINU (XJMPANY, Ne. Zl" Sherman Street, lincaster, I'a. June 2wd y 1VEBAITI Live Bait for Baas Fishing, And 14 Window Awnings for sale at Southern Mjun7.1wl ED. RANSINO. rune Jiiwisivr,. rjnn. i.i.rt i . .jv Jj ngurts,goteJOHNflnsT,aMEastFull)n .... ...?., .,tt fr .V AT 1JOW t Full) m7-tfd street. G REAT BARGAINS IN AUCTION GOODS THIS WEEK nl REINIIOLDM, NearDejiet. TJANTAIAION DAY. Pantaleon Day. Just received the very latest In TROUSER PATTERNS. MrGRANN A NOWLEN, apl2-lyd 180 North Queen Ht CLIPPERS. TAKE A LOOK AT THE Ladies' Lew Oxfords and Slippers AT STACKHOUSE'S, NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO BTREET. THE FIN1CST EVEIl SKKN IN LANCASTKR, AN DAT Extremely Lew Prices. -Htere ilees every evening at 0 o'clock, except en Monday and Saturday, until Septein bcrl. A GREAT JUNE SALE. -THE 111 13 East King St. A Great June Sale REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS -IN- TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, PRICES CUT IN HAM'. Fer the Balance of the Menth We Have Made Sweeping Reductions i Trimmed Hats, Straw Hats, ... Leghorn Flats, Chip Flats, Children's Hats, OF ALL DEDCRirriONN. Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons AND IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL GOODS AT HALF USUAL PRICE THE BONTON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St., Uif.7-SuillHAF LANCAfltEU, PA. UQABT MI -C1ARRIAOEB. a Docrtem Carriage Works. . FINE CAnniAtJES, HOOOIES, riICT0N8, MAKKET WAOON8, ETC A Platform Bamms Wagen ! also, Hocond Hecond Hocend Hand MrCall Wagons, . Jump-Heal Carriages and litigates will be ketd at attenlihlng low priers, at the DOER80M QAKRIAQE WORKS, Cerner of Dnke and Vine Htreeu (formerly Nerbcck a Mlley), dft-lydawR UEO. B. NORBECK, Prep. WTilNETAILOHlNUt AlX THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENB. AT I: WEIKEL'H, splMmdK Ne.41 West King Htreet. G REAT BARGAINS IN AUCTION OOODS THIS WEEK at KEINHOLD'B, Near Depot. G REAT nAUOAINH IN AUCTION OOOD3 THIH WEEK at REINHOLD'H, Near Depot. xxni 1AT 1H TWENTY-FIVE CENTH TO W create a Beautiful Lawn or Renew an Old one. mil E OLD RELIABLE I , ALWAYS GOOD I NOW I1IOOER AND I1ETTER THAN EVER COMING SOON I WAIT FOR IT I AtMcORANN'S PARK, en Thursday, June 12. walterI.. main AND Van Amburg's MASTODON SHOWS' COXSOLIDA TED. THE LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH FOR 6 CENTH ADMIB9I0N. CIRCUS, MU8EUM, MENAOERIE, THUIL- LINO WILD WEST, CARAVAN, AQUARIUM, ANIl FREE HORSE FAIR I NO OAMULINOI NO SWINDLING DE- V1CKH I A FIRHT-CLASS ESTARLIHIIMENT I Conducted en (limine Principles, with no Ob jectionable HurreundlngK. Altliensb Hits Hhnw has been Consolidated with the (treat Van Aniburg Bbew, the General Admission, 25c, WILL REMAIN UNALTERL1). A Gelden Oiler. In the afternoon, clillilrnn under t) years of aE will beadmlltitl ler 10 cents, butntnlulil the p'lce will be 2.'ccntHfer all. FREE, GRAND AND OLORIOUS STREET PARADE I Wild West CnvnlcnOe. Dnns and Cages. Home Heme men, lleautlfnl lndles. Onlden Chariots and 'I brce Hands of Music, will start from the Hhew (Ireiiuds at 12 o'clock, neon, en the day of ex hibition. Free Outside Exhibition at (2:45 Dally. DOORS OPEN AT I AND 7. Performances Commence One Heur Lnter. Positively for One Day Only, Jiinee,7,0,H AI,ACE OF KAHHION. ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion 115 & 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. WILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY, JUNE 13. Ibr thin Dai Only we efl'eras fellows : ISO. 1. One let of Plain anil Fancy llibbens, cemprUliiR the following : Is'es. 5, 7 anil U Satin Ribbon, plain null gres-graln cilj;e satin ; also e. 12 flrouailliie lUbbens. witln strineil, Ne, 0 lUeeUert llibbens. ISeh. 1 anil &, All-silk, Satin anil Gros Gres graln Ribbons, heavy nuality. All the above arc geed clwlnfble colors, for tills ilny, at ."ic a yanl. ISO. 'J. One let of Ribbons as fellows : Xes. 12, IB nnii 22, Deuble-faccil Satin Rib bon, tiure llk. Nes. 12nnd 10, Orena Orena illne Ribbon, satin Mtrlpcil. Sen, 10 anil 22, Satin Ribbon, picot cil'c. Xes. 10 anil 12, Fancy htriieil nibbeiia, uNe Rlaln Gre8-(3riiln, with ilouble batin cilge. All of the above for this day at l(K) a yanl. XO. 8. One let of RlbbensTas follewH : Nes. 12, 10 anil 20, Deuble-Faced Satin Rib bons, some two-toned. Ne. SO, Fancy Grenadine Ribbon. Fer this day at 15c n yard. NO. 1. One let of Ribbons as fellows : Ne. 22, TureSilk Gres-Uralu. satin oerdod, fringed edges, In the leading colors. Nes. 10, 22, HO and 40, Fancy Sntln Gros Gres Grain and Greuadine Ribbons. Ne. 10, extra heavy quality, Donblc-FaeedSatin Ribbon. Ne. 10, all Silk Gres-graln Satin Fdge. Ne. lfi, Mnlree, witln edge. All of the above for this day at ldc a yard. NO. 5. One let of our Finest Fancy Ribbons, lu Nes. 22, 30, 10 and 50. Fer this dav at20caynnl. UL-ACK GROS-GRAIN RIRRONS, all silk, satin edge, will be sold for this day. Ne. 0, at l'c a yard. Ne. 12, at llea yanl. Ne. 10, at Me a yard. Ne. 22, at 10c a yard. Ne. r0, at 22c a yurd. Ne. 10, at 20c a yard. Nlue-iuch Moiree Sash Ribbon, at ltfe a yard. The choice of these Ribbons will be picked In the morning. Come curly ! Besides the above Special Sale of Rib bons, Friday 18 as always our Cheap Day. hvurytlilng will be sold at lew than regular price. Great Ribbon Sale &tt.3itttiipemtniB,k k OREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OR A. NewlAwnshyuslnKLANCAHTERCUEM ICAb COMPANY LAWN ENIUCHER. G1 RF.AT BARGAINS IN AUCTION OOODS r THUS WEEK at itKINHOl.trm, Near Depot. GREAT MAROAtNU IN AUCTION OOODS THIS WEEK at , REI NHOLD'fl, Near Depot. G REAT IIAROAINS IM AUCTION OOOD8 THIS WEEK at RElNltOLD'H, Near DepeL WANTED-OIRI.S FOR GENERAL Housework I geed situations furnished Tree of charge. Apply . PENN'A EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 12 Seuth Duke Street. REAT BARGAINS IN AUCHON GOODS THIS WEEK at , ... KEINHOLDS.Near Depot L A PARRIHIENNE Negligee Shirt, AT ERISMAN'H. ANTED-HORHEM TO PASTURE. W a. .( . . . epr23-tfd Sv W. OKOBU, HeffsTllle, Pa. COLLKCTOR TWO OOOD, HMAKT MEN wanted ; one ter lncatcr and one Ter Columbia ; geel alary te rlsht men. W.J, UARNETT. Je6-tfd HO East King Ht., Lancaster, Pa. G HEAT HARGAINH IN AUCTION GOODS Tllltt WKIIKll REINHOLD'H, Near Depot. "ty E EXAMINE EVEM FREE. Speotaeles I WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you wilt probably nnd that there is semetbini wrong wun them. and that elawes will be a great help u you. we into iniiniuieie "via. aiArtiw" lenses, which are made only by us, and reenmmended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. Hei Id Geld Bpcclacles, tU.OO usual price, n.(M). Hteel Htiectacles, fSOn.i usual price, 91. DO. Artificial Eyes lusertcd, 9 1 ; usual price, 910. M. ZIRENAN & BRO.I130 S. Hlnth Street, OPTIC1ANH. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. rnvs-tyd e PEN EVERY EVENING. Fer Bargains, -GO TO P.C.SNYDER&BRO., Ne. 14 West King St. EverythingSeld At andBelowCest, AH WE ARE POHITIVELY GOING OUT OK BUSINESS. mayS-3md piINE TAILORING. l890"SPRING.--890 Fine Tailoring? The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce Ihfi purchase of a Jeb Let of English HultliiK and Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we will m11 at Astonishingly Lew Prices. yC(Ul early te (ecure n bargain In these goods, H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THE CITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dW-tfd J.B MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. A month of cut prices in every department, and a money saving month te purchasers. Dry Goods sold at the Low Lew est Prices ever known. Visitors are requested te leek carefully ever the stock and examine the numerous Bargains Displayed. One let of Figured Swiss Dress Patterns, in boxes, at yz former price. Summer Dress Silks reduced te 25c a yard. Every yard of French and American Satines reduced in price. Dotted Swiss, in large and small dots, reduced in price. The entire line of White Goods reduced in price. Cor. Prince & W. King Sis., LANCASTER, I'A. JTEAM HEAT 18 TIIKCOMING HEAT FOR j iiwt'iunxx, enurenvs, n-noei iiouke, etc., the UUgll VMI-VV4MIIII3 used one hundred eara When ynu contemplate a change call en JOII r HKhT, who will ule you a saturactery Jeb, at a fair price. m7-tiU PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel Maklnp, Patterns, Drawings and lllue Prints, at prices reasonable, at JOHN RESTS, SCI i'Mtl Pulton street. mT-tfil I TOIl AMERICANHIOHTKEED CYLINDER ; Lubrtcalent, ilia Oil Cuiw fr llrurlngs, eitcungi't them at JOHN BEbT'H, 3-ti ljiB June Clearing Sale ! J. B. Martin is Ce., ruuuunreeu .lucim Vcm 3Dttertttmenl. F UNN BRENEMAN. Little Griant We ananintee the Little Olant Bicycle te be the double the money are no better. - FOR VELOCIPEDES, GIRLS' TRICYCLES, EXPRESS WAGONS AND BHBY CHRRITSOES. dc NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN Stem 3MtcrtiBCtttcnte. u hKAT IUIU1A1NH LS AUCTION GOuM Til IB WEEK at REINHOLDS, Near Depot. CITY TAX. THE CITY TAX DUPLICATE Is new In tbe hands of the City Treasurer rer collection. An abatement of three percent. will be allowed for prompt payment. Ornce hours from 9 a. m. te 12 m. nnd 1 te 3 p. m. On Monday nnd Saturday evenings the office will ee open irem 7 10 5 e cieck. J.ILRATHFON, Treasurer. Junc5le30R AITH1TE DRESS OOODS I WATT & SHAND, Are Making a Great Display of WHITE NAINSOOKS In Checks, Btrlpcs nnd Plaids. "White Swiss Muslins In Plntds, Stripes and Spots. India Linens and Victeria Lawns At 8, 10, 12$, 15, 20 te 37H Cents. NEW CHALLIES, INDIA DIM1TYS, FltENCII ORGANDIES, ENGLISH NAINSOOKS. Inch EMBROIDERED KL0UNCIN03 nt 87Xc, e, 60c, 25c, 75e te 52 00 u yard. 22-lnch EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINOS at 25c, :13c, 37Kc, fOc, 2)c le Jl SO ft ynrd. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Real China Figured Silks, 21 Inches Wide ; never sold for less that II 00 ; new going at SOc. INDIA PONGEES, ZEPHYR- GINGHAMS, FRENCH SATINES, At Less Than City Prices. NEW YORK STORE, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. B OSTON STORE. NEW SEASONABLE GOODS. Cream Henriettas, 25, 37, 50, 75C Pink and Blue Henriettas, Dotted Swisses, 24, 17, 20, te 50c a yard. Victeria Lawns, ie, 123, 15, 17, 20, 25c India Linens, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25c. Plaid White Goods, 7, 10, I2, 17, 20, 25c. Plaid and Plain Black Lawns, I2c. a yard. Outing Cleths, 8, ie, i2c, a yard, Dress Ginghams, 5, 64, S, 10c. a yard. White Laces, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 te 25c. a yard. Ruchings, 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 20, 25c. a yard. Lace Caps, 20, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75c, $1. Summer Corsets, 50c. Silk Mitts, I2L, 17, 20, 25, 37lA. 50c. Gloves, 10, i2y3, 17, 20, 25. s. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON SJQEL Gnaries Sam Bicycles T Bett Machine In the Market Wheels coating - ST. LANCASTER, PA. Stent buerzUcment. "POR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WIL.LIAM ORTMAN, Of Washington Borough-Lewer District. lect te Democratic Rules. anz-tfd piOR COUNTY AUDITOR. ' C.O.AMMON, of Ephratn (Northern district.) Subject te Dem ecratic ruie. mayx-ima E OR COUNTY AUDITOR. W. B. SCHNEITMAN, Of Ellinbcthlewn borough. Subject te Demo cratic Rules. m29-3wdw pOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JAME9 B. BEST, of Lancaster city, Subject te DemeeratlcrulM. mj2Mwd4w fOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. L. WINTERS, of Providence township. Subject te Democratic rules. marl2-tfwAmr26tfd T OUR OFFICE YOU CAN OET ANY amount of XiANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENR1CHER. GREAT BARGAINS IN AUCTION GOODS THIS WEEK at REINHOLD'8, Near Depot. ITtREE FOR ALL FOR ONE WEEK-LAN-3 caster Employment Bureau, Ne. 61 North uke street, ma2-lyd TpOR RENT THAT LARUE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND, NO. 28 EAST KINQ STREET. Inquire within. mlt-tfd f REAT BARGAINS IN AUCTION GOODS J llll WJiUK. at REINHOLD'H, Near Depot. COUNTRY GIRLS WANTED TO DO OEN eral housework In the city. Apply PENN'A EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. m9-lmcl 12 Seuth Duku Street. ISTEW Neckties and Fins, AT ERISMAN'Sj rN FIVE, TEN.T WENTY-K1VE AND FIFTY Pound Pnckee. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPAMY LAWN ENRICHER. Sold everywhere. fTlHE PEOPLES CASH STORE, FOR BARGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRY GOOD! FOR BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear FOR BARGAINS IN White Goods and Embroideries, FOR BARGAINS IN Clothing UTade te Order -Qe where you can get the Best Goods foil me ijeusi jieney. THAT PLACE IS THE ) id 26 East King Street, LANCVSTEK, PA. mBrSO-lydll H AGERi BROTHER. Men's and Beys' FURNISHINGS! Outing and Negligee Sbirts. Tliebeauty and variety of this season's styles nnd fabrics far surpasses any showing hereto fore made. Cejlniib, Zephyrs, Cashmere, Satlnce, Madras, Cheviejn, Scotch and English Flannels, Silk btrlpcs, Silk Welts and Purs Silks are. thn lending fabrics. They are all her nnd nl Inn est prices. we HHVE Excellent Cheviot HhlrU, with neckband and yoke (uiulirlukab!e),at 50c. Excellent Quality Flannel Shirts, at 87i cents. English CheMet shirts (unshrinkable), at fl, ll.r and 1 A Flue Imported Madras Shirts, beautiful fab ric (unshrinkable), ut 51.75. Engllih riaiunl Shlrt, special qualitle, at 11.51 nnd,f ljp. Beautiful Stles In Best Scotch Flannels, Cevlen Flannels (very light cilt')ii and wool fabric) and bilk Stripe Flannel, at f.'.W and S2.75. Neckwear. Lirgc Amertments, Beautiful Styles, Newest Summer Shapes, at 23c and Sfc. Tue UiU-3t In Club H-JUkC Tlei, Bews and WIndwn for Outing shlrK Hager & Brether, 25, 27, 29, 31 West KingiL People Ouk Stere S'l J I X X