Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 11, 1890, Image 3
- ir r ?v- s r f-' wywjiT5i J .f e )Pr V J Vf 3 r lUk.Aj -tfl . ' X TH LAKOABTEB DAILY INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11, 1890. I.?. 9 in Ik 1 L-V x THE BIRTH OF LOVE. Hew, I questioned, m love flrst bera, Leve that ha wrought e much and aorrew T Vu It conceived by Prince forlorn, WhttreTe tome heavenly Jey W borrow 1 Tainting It MI with an earthly tear Of human weakness and human fear Or did a shepherd dream IU joy, In day ere the poet tang IU power Bern In the steep of a Mrl-bern boy, Te become the world's most cherished flower t Or did an angel bewail man's mop, And a lear-drep nil) en a heart below T Perchance a heathen Owl or old, In an empty hour of hours ne'er ending, Fashioned a heart out of purest geld A bitter thought In Ha brightness blending, AndTlaughtng, hurled It down te the earth, Where a poet found It and lore had birth. What de you say with pouting lips Your eyes half hid from my fend Inquiring? K The bee that kisses the rose, and sips, Huch bootless knowledge Is net desiring? And you think that Ged, Hie world and man, Were bem of love, and In love began? t'elU X. Ocrmn in Philadelphia Ledger TO JAIL FOIl UIS FATHER. An Iustauce of Modern Chivalry In the Goergla Mountains. Last March Deputy Collector Jehn Ware and a pofwe were In White county search ing for Illicit distilleries. Tliey came te the farm of Mr. Alexander, an old man who has passed the eightieth mile pest en the read of life The officers, going ever his land, found a blockade still In full blast, but no ene was visible They went te work, chopped up the still and poured the becr aud slops out en the ground. The law presumes the ovvner of the land en which a blockade still is running knows til about it, nnd lience It holds ill in re sponsible unless be can prove himself Innocent. After destroying the still the offlcers went te the hoiiHe of old man Alexander and arrested biin en a charge of Illicit dis tilling, ills nged wife took his arrest very much te heart, but the old man bore It stoically, and wus marched off with the officers. They had net proceeded far be fore a young man, almost a beardless boy, overtook thorn, breathless with running te catch up with the men who were carrying the old man aw av as u prisener. On reach ing them lie said Ills name was Rebert A. Alexander, and that he was the old man's son. He begged the olllcera net te take his father te Atlanta, for tbe old man, he said, knew nothing about the still ; It was his property j lie had been running It without the knowledL'o of his father, and he did net want'his father te sutler for what he had done. At this statement the Unlted Stales offi cers released the old man and brought the son te Atlanta and put him In Jail. After bjing there a day or two he went befeie Judge Newman and pleaded guilty te the charge of illicit distilling, repealing tbe story told te the officer. Judge Newman sentenced him te pay a line of $100 and te serve two months in jail. Ills two months have lust expired, but according te law he hud another month te serve In lleu of the 8100. Judge Newman has determined te modify the sentence en account of the young man's chivalrous conduct, mid has written an erder setting him at liberty. He will return te his old parents lu While county te help them work the farm. He says he Is dene with .illicit whisky, and will never uiakoauethor drop as long as he lives. Wherever Malaria Exists, The bilious ara Its certain prey. In Intermix tent and remittent fever, dumb ague and ague cake, the liver Is always seriously affected, and the bleed contaminates with bile. One of the chlcr reasons why Hosteller's Stomach Bitters lssuchasura defense against chills and fever and every form or malarial dluuisc, is, that It deesaway with liability lothe disease, by re forming irregularity or the biliary organ In ad ad nuce of the arrival of the season when the dis ease Is prevalent. There Is no finer fortifying preparative for these about visiting or emigrat ing te a locality where the mlasma-tulnt exists There Is no certain Immunity from disease In an endemic or epidemic form, te be secured ,by the u se of the average ienics nnd antl-spus-meillcs. lint where quinine fails the Bitters succeeds both In preventing nnd curing. More over, It removes every vestige of dyspepsia, nnd overcomes constipation, rheumatism. Inac tivity or the kidneys and bladder, and tran qulllies nnd strengthens the nervous system. Jcl0lel7 One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the nbove amount if I fall te prove that Floraplexlen Is the best medicine. In existence for Djspcp-la, Indigestion or Bilious ness. It Is a certain cure, and affords Immedi ate relief, In cases of Kidney nnd Llver Com plaint, Nervous Debility nnd Consumption. Floraplexlen builds up the weak system and cures vvhere ether remedies fall. Ask jour druggist for It nnd get well. Valuable book "Tilings Werth Knewing," also, sample book sent free; nil charges prepaid. Address, 1'ref. Franklin Hart, F8 Warren street, N. Y. Fer sale by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster Pa. aprl7-lyd&vv gwrcial Jtetfcce. Hueklen's Arnica Sal ve. Tmt Dkst Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Bait Ilbeum, Fever Beres, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 ennts per box. Fer sale by W. T. Huch, Drug gist, Neb. 137 and l'-W North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. luueZMyd Allew Us te Sny Thatirgoed deal of suffering In this world can be avoided by purchasing Dr. Themas' Ecleitrtc OU nnd using It as per directions. It Is nn In fallible cure for all aches, sprains and pains. Beld In Lancaster by W. T. ileeh, M7 and UO North Queen street. A Scrap of Paper Saven Her Lll'u. It was lust an ordinary scran of wrannlnr paper, but It saved her lire. She was In the last stages or consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and ceuldllve only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece or wrapping paper she read or Dr. King's New Discovery, and get a sample bottle; It helped her, she bough la large bottle, ltlielpcd her mere, bought another aim grew better fast, continued Its use and Is new strung, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing HO pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te W. II. Cele, Druggist, Fert Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free nt V. T. Hech's drug store, 137 nnd 130 North Queen street, Ijineaster, Pu. Tali ii Your Choice. Yeu can be weak, nervous, debilitated, and despondent, d'Fciialltled rer work of head or hand, or you cm enjoy a fair sham of health and peace et mind. llurtleek Jllaed titters will alleviule jour misery and de you a world or goedlf you will but linvn faith te try. Held In Ijincastcr by W. T. Hech, 1.17 and 130 North street. Mothers! Motliern t ! Methui-H ! I t Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINK LOW'B SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It, There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at euce that It will regu late the bowels, aud give rest te the mother, and relief and health te tbe child, operating like magic It Is perfectly sure te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Held everywhere, 2$ cents a bottle. lune2Slyd4w A KtiptlntMliilstiu-'b Experience. "I am a Baptist minister, and before I thought of b;lngn clergyman 1 grudunled In medicine, but left a luirHtlve practice for my present pro pre pro relen,foriv.vcars asje. I was fur many )cars a sufferer from quinsy. 77iuuu' telectrie Oil cured me. I was ulse troubled with hoarseness, and Thenms' J-kleelrle Oil relieved me. My wife and child had diphtheria, und Themas' i lectric Oil cured them, and IT taken In time It will euro seven timet out of ten. I am confident it Is a cure for the met obstinate cold or cough, andlfnny oue will take a small teaspoon anil hUif nil II with Oil. and then place the end or the siKxm in one nostril and draw the Off out or the spoon Inte ibe, by sniffing as hard as they can, until the OU falls Inte the thre-it, and practice It twice a week, 1 don't care hew offen sive their head may le. it will clean It out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and ciraihe it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medicine dubbed patent nxdlclne that I huvecver felt like recommending, and I am very anxious te see It In every plice, for I tell jeu that I would net he without It In my house for any consideration. I nm new suffer ing with pain llku rheumatism In my right limb, and nothing relieves me like Themas' .' Itclrle Oil." Dr. K. F. Crane, Cerry, I'a. Held In Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. Eupepsy. This Is what you ought te have, In fact, you must have It, te fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for It dully, and mourning becauM they find it nut. Thousand upon thousands of dellur are iH.nt annually by our people lu the JiOw that they mavTatliiln tills been. And vet It may be had by all. We guarantee that Eleo Elee trie 111 tier-, If used according te direction and the u-e persisted In, will bring you Geed Diges tion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Eupepy. We recommend Electric Bit ters ler 1J spepMH, aim an uiwaw 01 i.ivrr htemteh and Kidnejs. bold at We nnd tl per bottle by W. T. Hech, druggist, 137and 1AI North drucgls cr, Pa. Queen street, Lancaster, W Dr. Tnnncr'H stemucli. Dr. Tanner certainly has a great stomach- eat because outs strengiu aim endurance. v e uivn; inn doctor uses JIurtiacK citive pew- Impure B I oed PtniMyhranla Railroad Man Tails Ramarkabla Oura of Scrofulous Humer-Raad It. Mr. Baby, who makes the ferkrwhw state ment, is ft well known railroad man, run ning en the Pennsylvania Railroad between Columbia, renn., and Philadelphia! "I feel that I wish te tell what has been done for us and our little boy by Heed's Bar aaparilU. He la new six years et ate, and, until a abort time age, has ever since birth been a terrible infferer from acrefukwa humor. Seres would appear en htm and spread until they were aa large at a dollar, and then discharge, only te be followed by ether, te that the larger part of his body waa one matt of teres all the time. The scrofula waa especially severe en hit legs and back of bta ears and en his head. lilt hair waa te matted that combing was sometimes Impossible. Bit ears became te thin that we could ace through them, and were actually AFTUID TUKV WOCI-D DHOP OFT. ITIb legs were te bad that sometimes he could net sit down, and It was Impossible fei him te tun about and play like ether children. Fre quently when be tried te walk, hit leg would crack open and the bleed start from different places. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused lutense Itching, te that at bight w e had te tie his bands In mittens or stockings te prevent tits scratching and tearing himself. We cannot tell new that peer bet suffered for nearly Are years, nor hew his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could te relieve lilm. Tn oer three physicians agreed In calling It scrofulous humor, but did net effect a cure. We tried salves and ointments and ether things but without benefit. At last I decided te give him Heed's Sarsaparilla, as , MY UIIUGOIST ItECOMMEKDKD IT. In about two weeks the Sarsaparilla began le have effect. The sores commenced te heal Take Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by tit druggists. 1 tliferfV. rrtptredenly I by C. I. HOOD ft CO , Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. IOO Deses One Dellar s WIFT8PECIFI0CO. Lingered Between Life and Death. Mrs. Uee. P. Hmoete, a highly cultivated and estimable lady of Prcscett, Ark,, writes under date or April 29, 1889: "During the summer of 1887 my eyes became Inflamed, and my sto mach and liver almost hopelessly disordered. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chronic diarrheea, and for some time my life was de spaired or by my family. The leading physi cians or the country were consulted, and the medicines administered by them never did any permanent geed, and I lingered between llfe and death, the later beluc preferable te the agonies 1 was enduring. In May, 18SR, I be came disgusted with physlclaus and their medicines. I dropped them all, and depended solely en Hwltt's Specific . B. 8.), a rew bottles or which made me permanently well well rrem then until new." MADE HIH LIFE A BUHDEN. I have had scrofula until It made my tire a burden. I was inexpressibly miserable, sick, weak, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring that tbe short time which seemed te have been allotted te me oil this earth would hasten te nn end. 1 tried doctors' treatment nnd medlclne, and travel, but none or these did nny geed, for thelscrefula gradually grew worse. Onephysl clan, who I traveled far te see, and te whom 1 paid tlSO, gave up the case as hopeless. I then gave -up all ether medicines, and took only Swift s Specific (H. s. H.) Four bottles or that medicine cured me, and rer the past reur years I have had as excellent health and I am as free rrem disease as anybody living " Z. Meijien, Fremont, Neb. Treatise en Bleed and Hkin Diseases mailed "Te SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ge. Y UNDEVELOPF,D PAKTH Of the Human Iledy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is nn interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is ue evidence of humbag about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te tbe EUIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan BL, Buffalo, N. X.DaUu Teledo Her. fll-lydAw rTtKETHlNCI BYKUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have n bottle or DR, FAHKNEY'B TEETHING 8YIIUF. Perfectly tare. NoOptumerMorphlamlxtureR. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DltH. D. FAIUt NEY&SON, Hagerstnwn, Mil. PrugglsU sell It; IS cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. lant-lvdeedAw f-1 HAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English remedy. An untun ing cure rer Bemlnal Weakness, Hpermaterrhci, Impotency nnd all Diseases that fellow as a se quence or Beir-Abuse ; as Less or Memery, Unl ersal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dlmneksef Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. - Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall le every one. W The Specific Medicine Is sold by nil drug gists at II per package or six packages rer te. or will be sent free by mull en receipt or ihe money, by addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. On account or ceunterrelts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. Beld In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Hech. mar3-lyd -WTEK'B LITTLE L1VE11 P1LLH. GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state et the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain In the Hide, tc While their most emarkable success has been shown In curing Headache, yet CAIlTEll'H LITTLE LIVER PILUS are equally vuluable In Constipation, curing' and preventing this annoying com- flalni, while they also correct all disorders or lie stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even ir they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler rrem this distressful: cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness docs net end here, and these who euca try them will find these little pills valuable In se inuny ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of se many 1 1 vet that here is where we make our great beast. Our pills euro It while ethers de net.! CARTKIt'M LITTLE LIVER PILLS are v try small and very easy te take. One or tnepllu makeadee. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use Ihcm. i.l vials stScts; five for SI. Beld everywhere or tent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Fill Small Dese. Small Price. augl2-Iydeed ' ie-i -i lavaoelo. T 09EB I tOS. AH A RTM Alfi Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! GREAT BARGAINH1N PHRKSOLS, GENTS BUN UMBKELLAH, WAGON UMBRELLAS, COACH UMBRELLAS. All kinds of Umbrellas and Parasols made te order. ALSO.NET PARAHOLS. REPAIRING & RECOVERING NEATLY DONE. ATTHE MAKERS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprtfXmd fF IN WANT OK BRAhW OR IRON HTOP eks, AH'CMe I'McKca ieck. ret anu liiu of ap i the flesh began te leek mere natural and healthy. Then tbe Kales came off and all ever hit body new and healthy flesh and skin formed. W.hen he had taken two bottles he waa entirely tree from sores, having only tr-e tears te show where they had been. These ara gradually dUappearleg. The Utile fellow was TILL or OHATttCDB te Heed's BartaparlUWhtn he found It was curing hlre, and he would call for ' My medi cine' when the time came for him te take II. We are unable te express cur thanks ter the geed Heed's Sarsaparilla has done our little boy." HabbtK. near, Bex 38, Columbia, ra. A Latter Letter , Frem Mr. Ruby states that bit ten Is new In perfect health, has no trouble from the humor, which Is entirely cured. He has many Inquiries about the recovery et the boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases te try Heed's Sarsaparilla. What Can be Added Te the above statement te make mero em phatic the evidence et the cleansing effect et Heed's Sarsaparilla upon the bleed? It would seem te be the positive duty et all who suffer from any disease or affection caused by Impure bleed, te at least give Heed's Sarsa parilla a fair trial, lis many wonderful cures have wen for It the title of "the greatest bleed purifier ever dlscerered." Every Confidence. "Among the few proprietary articles I re commend te customers Heed's Sarsaparilla Is oue In which I place every confidence. My patrons seem te have the tame confidence, judging from Ita sale, which Is mere than, all the ether bleed purifiers together." O. 11. Little, Druggist, urcensburg, Fa. Beld by all druggists. (lSlxferf. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. IOO Deses One Dellar 5rtt Vj-ETZOEK ft IIAUGIIMAN. IWASH DRESS G00DS.I OUTING 8TKIPES AND PLAIDS, DltESS GINGHAMS, TI..AIN lUIAMHKAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINGS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere. 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) N EXT DOOHTOTUK COUUT 1IOUHE. Warm Weather Goods T Nothing has been produced rer several seasons equal lu appearance and cost te the FAST BLACK PLAID und 8TIUPED ORGANDIE8 we arc showing nt present. Made or Fine Grade Cotten and Dyed with the Best DRAGON BLACK, they cemblnii sbcerness, durability and beauty with low cost; 12c. 15c, 17c, 23c and 23c In Wlilte Organdies, Nnlnsoeks, Dotted and Figured Mulls, Indc Llnens and Embroidered Fleunclngsniid Edgings you will find the large as sertments and low prices here. Every price Is represented from 8e, te M)c., and everyone a geed value, challlcs in great variety ntfx;, Oc, 10c and arv. Our Dress Gingham and Chambray Bteck Is the lnrgcsl shown In the city. Ginghams at 0c, 8c, 10c, 11k. Cham Ij rajs, 12c, 16c, lc, 20c and 25c. All wan anted rust colors. 11AUOAINS IN PEARL BUTTONS AND RIBBONS. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. TAUD A MCELROY. BARD & Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, BLACK GOODS-Extra value In Black All-Weel Henrietta Cashmere, 40 in. wldr, at SOc worth 2Ua; 4 In. wlde at 75c, worth 87Kp ; Iflln. wide attl. worth 11.25. Bargains In Black Hen rlettaati&cnnd.'W, Hllk Warp Black Henrietta at II. 11.2j, 11.50. Black All-Weel Albatres. Mta Black Australian Crepe, double width, 15c. Black Mohair Brllllantlne, 1 Ne. at 60c, really worth 62c: 1 Ne. at 75c, really worth 87Mc; 1 Black Mohair, vrlth pin stripe, attiOc, extra wide and iiullty. Black Nun's Velllnp for Veils utfl and SI. in per yard, Special low prices In Black Thibet hhawls, single and double. Black French Hatlnonl22e mid 35c, warranted net te crock or change color from perspiration or uclds. and Is net aflected by washing or exposure te the light. Black Hatlne with neat dot or figure. Plain Black Plaid Lawn. WHITE GOODS-Hpeclul Bargains In India Linen and Victeria Lawn ntc, 10c, 12e and up. Anether let or Hatln Bordered White Goods nt 20c and 25c. Hemstitched and Embroidered Flounc ing at lowest prices In the city. Bargains lu Plaid and Htripc White Dress Goods. GINGHAMH DressGlngliamsatCUc, worth 8c; 10c Dress Ginghams at go; 12Kc quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths al 10c and I2c. WINDOW BHADE.S-Cle.lng out 1 let of shades, reel long, spring fixtures, al 25c ; 1 let with fringe, sameslze, at3.k ' REMNANTS I let or 50c Curpets In remnants nt 2"ie wr yard ; 1 let or T5c All-Weel Carpets In remnants, al 35c per j urd. UNDERWEAR Ladles', Men's nnd Children's Underwear, summer wclicht, cheap. Ladles' Ribbed VesiutKc; elsewhere 10c and up, Men's Balhrlggan from 25c up. Children's at low prices. BICVCLEH Agents for the Premier and Coventry Rival Safety Bicycles. Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Quaen Street. H. Z. HH0AD3 A HON. Fer tlie Het i The Light, Airy, Beautiful H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. PEARL, DIAMOND AND OPAL RINGS. THE NEW HEART, IN RLNOS, CHARMS AND PENDANTS. JWPINE REPAIRING. IN ALL ITS liRANCHKH.-ftc H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Mtet0ru:ath0. TTIVERY PERSON 18 ANXIOUHTO HAVE THEIR PICTURE. Among the Daisies Is tbe Latest Btyle of PHOTOGRAPHS MADE, Call and see them, at ROTE'S, 50 N. Queen St., LAN CASTER, PA.. JanT-dmd Next te Ptwtelllce. TTENUj" WOLI", FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East King street, having a full line or Furniture or every description at the mm3fc.ii .r uaesrusing promptly ri lW from rniLArast.PiriA. Pteirr 0ed fW Mtu?e M. The teHewug la from Mr. Jean timet, taasJaetwer et enameled diet, 'who bat carried en tmtmets in rMMeipM tlnce Get. e, itat, and whose testimonial In favor et Hoed't BaraapariUa la certainly worthy of consideration. "Oae year age 1 was laid p tick with pneumonia ter 14 weeks. When I get ever that, my feet and legs swelled, were very much Inflamed, and caused me twach suffer ing. The doctor said I had gout, which I did net believe. 1 tried a number et caret, et no avail. Then tome one asked me te try Hoed't 8arsaparina. I did te. I took It three timet a day, before meats. Before I had taken one bottle I began te Improve. I took In all Ave bottles, which cured me and mad me feel well otherwise. 1 have had no return of the affection. Can walk ten miles every day, which Is pretty geed for a man as year old. I feci grateful for the geed Hoed't Sarsapa rilla has done me, and have used my Influence with a number et people te try It, aud re far with satisfactory results." Jehn Hikes, 40 North 30th Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn. Cancerous Bere. " About T )rars age 1 had a cancerous tore en my nose, which grew te be very trouble some and offensive. I concluded le try Hoed't Sarsaparilla, and after using two bottles the tore disappeared and heated up entirely. It has been cured ter two years with no ap pearance et Its returning. 1 am new In my eightieth year and enjoying geed health. I feel It my duty te recommend Hoed't Sarsapa rilla te all persona suffering from similar troubles. Be sure te get Heed's." Jet Mil IUnvEV, Delmont, Westmoreland Ce., Penn. ' Confirmatory Statement. "The above certificate It from Jeslah Harvey, insurance agent, a gentleman welt known throughout Westmoreland county. His statement In regard le the sere and cute performed Is correct." Z. Zmixebmak, Druggist, Delmont, Pcnn. N. II, If you decide, from what you have heard or read, te take Heed's Haisaparilla, de net be Induced te buy any ether. Sold by all druggists, fl six for fs. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD ft CO , ApethecarlM, Lewell, Mass. IOO Deses One Dellar QSoetom, Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn Uuccuctcr. Weather T Novelties in Jewelry AT- &avviaae S" STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDVS. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40, 12, 13 AH MARKET STREET, (Rear of th Postemce), LANCASTER, PA. All the lab-si styles In Buggies, Family Cr rluges, PhUis, Hurreys, Cabriolet, Phetens, liuckbeurds, Tretting vagou,Statlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc, new ready ter the fsprlng Trade. A fine line or Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order rer Spring. Rtrktly Mrstclass work and all work fully guaranteed My price are tbe lowest In the county for tha same quality or work. Glve men call and ex amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done in a flrnKlexs manner. One ml of workmen especially employed for that urpe-e VTUTIUK TO TKESPASSE11S AND HUM L N EllS. All ix-rsem are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Xiruwall nd Speedwell estate tn Iebaoen or Lancusler ueuullea, whether luclused or uulnclesed, either rer tbe purpose or sheeting or nshlng, a the law will be rigidly enforced against all tres passing en said land of tbe undersigned afle this notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN lUI'EllOE Al.UKN, JULIUS ATI, taauu. rn eeefett. w lIXtAMVON rOSTCR. CALICO WRAPPERS, s Lawn Tennis Suits. GINGHAM SKIRTS, Surah Silk Waists, -AND Outing Cleth Blouse Waisti. Ladlss' callee Wrappers, Nsw Patterns, II te 11.35. Lawn Tennh Suits, 11.25. Outing Cleth Blouse Waists, M)e,75c,tl. Gingham Skirts, 75c and II. little Beys' Knee Pant Suits, Ths Cambric Tunte Suit. In Chariet, Cassl. meres and Worsteds, 11.75 te I7.U. Hsparate Knee Pants. 2V, COe, 75c, II, 11 75. PUnnel and Demet Shirt Waists, c, 60c, 75c, Calice and rerrale WalsU, 20c, 2&c, Me, (Oc GENTS' AND BOYS' Summer Coats and Vests, In Seersucker, Demet Flannel, French Flannel Mohair, II, 11.35, 11.60. 11.76, 12. 1X60, 13. Bilk Pengta and Drap d'Ete, Fancy Alpaca and ether Fabrics, 17. Men's Offlea Coats, lu Wash Materials, 50c, 5c, 75e, B4c and II. Gents' Hummer Dress Vests, In Plane, Flannel and Duck. Beys' Thin Coats and Vests, II. English Serge Suits, In Navy Blue, Light and Dark Htena Celer, Skeleton Coats and Vests, Full Hulls, 110. LADIES' PARASOLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Straw Hats Fer Gents, Beys and Children. Gent's Fine White Straw Hats, Uc. Beys' Dress Straw Het. 35c. Children's Sailor Hal. White and Mlxtd. lee. Twe cases of Men's Straw Hats, tbls season's goods, 25c saeh. Light Fell Derby Hat reduced te 60a. Light-Colored Befl Felt Hat reduced te ISc. Our Summer ISTeekwear comprise all the Latest Style, Including the New King Teek. SummerGauzc Underwear, 25c. te 11.60. Comfortable Summer Shirts FOR GENTS AND BOYS. Perfeel-nttlng Garment. In all the most relia ble materials, from the cheap Demet Flannel at 35e te a Fine Hllk Hhlrt at tlM. Cheviot rrem 60c te II M. French Flannels, II te 12.60. Medra Cleth Hhlrt, 11.76 le 1X50. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is new ready with the 8ECOND SPECIAL 8ALE OF Wash Ginghams. The third Invoice or these goods Is nowen the counters, te which have been added 150 pieces, Our Specie! at 15c Is the tegular 30e quality. Our 12S" ! a regular 15c quality. Our 10c I a regular 12Kc quality. One whole caw of special styles and quality at Re per yard Is decidedly the bit ever offered at that price. LADIES' AND MISSES' Kid, Silk and Silk Taffeta Gloves, Ladles' Silk Mitts, In Cream, Black and Tan, 12kc,'26eand&0c Ladles' and Misses' Silk and Hllk Taffeta Gloves, Black and Celers, 30c,' S8c, 60c, 75c. II. Ladles' and Misses' Kid Gleve, Black and Celers. SSc. 60c, 75c, II, 11.25, 11.60. Saede Mrwiuetulrrs, lu Black nnd Celers, ll.aandll.CS. Ladies' Lace Oxfords, Fer Hummer, In all the Popular Styles, and Summer Dress Shoes for Gents, both Luce and Congress, In Seft Kangaroo Up pers, price, II and Upcr pair. Gossamer CaH Shoes, Lace and Congress, Tips and Plain Tees, KM and 13. The HayQueen Ice Cream Freezer, 2 quarts, ll-tt. 3 riusrU, II M. t quarts, 1 1-M. S quarts, Ii37. Japanned Deuble BleckTIn Sprinkling Cans -0 quart. 39c ; K quarts, Mc. Extra Deuble Bleck Tin Sprinkling Cans-8 quarts, 87cj 9 quarts, 13c : 12quarts,8Se. Garden Hese In all grades. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., LADIE8' Ready-MadeDresses Williamson & Fester, MU, 3U MARKET ST.. HA1UUHBUJW, PA. Glethhtg. c LOTH1NO. L Gansman & Bre. A BIG HARVESrFOnTIIE BARGAIN HUNTERH. Wher a Doller Gees the Fartherst and the Most Is Get ter It. MKNg, BOY'S AND CIIILDRKNS AT REDUCED PRICES. H1 Children' Suit at 75c, Me, II, II 25. 1(2 Children's Suit at II 35, 11 00, II 75, 12. 22 Children's Suit at R 25, R 60, 13, M 60. Men's Suit at R 75, 15 25, H. Men's All-WoelHult at 13, 10, $7. Men' All-Weel Worsted Suit at 17 50, , 110. Men's Fine Chev let Suits, 1550, 16, H. Men's All-Weel CasslmereSnIUat W, 17, H, 10. 609 Children's Pants at 20e a pair. Bey's Suit at R 10, R 35, R 60. Bey's Woolen Suits at 13 25, 13 60, M 75. Bey's Suit, All-Weel, at II 50. 13, 10. Oar assortment Is still complete. New styles added Immediately; the only things missing are the prices, old prlees are replaced by new, about one-half In sire, Yeu cannot match our value. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailor and Manufacturer of Men', Bey' and Children' Clothing (Exclusive.) u WORTH QITIIX IT., .W.OOftKlKOrOBAXai. LAKCAITM, Ti. -Net connect! with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. B caution and make no mistake se that you get te the rightplacc. M YKTIH AIRATHFON. KEEP COOL ! There's Ke Trouble te Keep Coel If Yeu Avail Yourself or the Chance Offered Here te Buy Summer Clothing. We Have Every Conceivable Kind and Celer In G0ATB AND VESTS FOfl MEN'S WEAR. EVERYTHING LIGHT, COOL AND AIRY. Prices Itun from 11.55 te 17.50. Men's Summer Trousers AND WHITE VESTS, In Great Variety and Style. HAHDS01E STILES II FLAIREL SHIRTS t AND -SUMMER NECKWEAR. Ask te See Our BLUE AND BLACK SERGE SUITS ferdten-Just the Thing for Het Veather-tia.OO. Myers & Rathven, LEADING CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. TTIRSH A BROTHER. Men and Bey. Ceat or Ceat and Vests in Alpaca, Drap d' Ete, Mebalr, Silk Stripe. Seersucker, Flannel, Linen and elher fabrics. Vests In Alpaca. Pique, Marseilles, Figured Duck, Linen and Flannel. Pantaloeous In Plain and Strlpsd Linen. Duster In Linen and Mohair. Tli. Prlcus en theabeiare without doubt th Lewest In the city. Men's Light-Weight Suits In Light Celer Calmerei and Worsteds, It 60, 15, t. 17, 17 60, 18, 19, 110, Etc. In Black Cheviot and Dark Mixtures, M, 17 50, r,ll0,ll3andiu. WIDE-WALE SUITS and COATS AND VESTS. MANY NEW STYLES OF PANTALOONS. In Beys' Suits-Sizes 10 te 19. All Styles, Celers, Fabric and Make at!.' SO, If, Ft le, If, 15, 14,17, f and upwards. Children's Knee-Pant Suits, Sizes 4 te 14, In Fancy Casslmeres, Cheviots and Worsteds, at II,1 W, 12, J50, 13, 13 50. Extraordinary Values at ft, ti 50, $5, 15 50 aud 14. Special Values and NewStyles lu Summer Neckwear at 25 & 60c. New Goods In Silk and Sallu Grenadines Flowing End Tecks, Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has been reinforced by u number or new and deslrnhle styles In Paulaloenlngs and Suitings. The Fit, the Make, the Trimmings are such as rtrtKls houses ONLY use. fc CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FfJRNIBHERB. I.Qqmq St., Centre Square, Market St., LANOAKTKR. PA. filcnttettrtjJ R.NATIIOItHT. DENTIST. 2) CENTRE SQUARE. Ullnir Teeth and Pulnless Extraction Sue. dailies. New Sets made, broken ones mended aud remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes, everything pertaining le Dentistry will receive prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naiberstls the ONLY Dentist in this county who Is a graduate of Medlclne as well a of Den tistry, an adv an tag that 1 obvious. mart-lydAw Vlid-Sunimer Clothing FOR fflRSH BROTHER Vraectcri' YtKTafcmvr.VAitff ua' iTIn effect from Ner. lt Trains lsivs Lisrism Hre at Philadelphia fellow 1 1 I Levl Paclfle Express...., News Express War Pawcnrcrt...., MailtralnvlaMUeyt . kmi rainr.. Niagara Eipre Hanover Accorn Fat Llnef Frederick Aeeern... aiiK-naier Aocem..,.. Lancaier Aoeotn...... Ji!r r,.u.1". Accorn-..-. Columbia A worn. llarrUburg Expra.. Western Expreait Lancaster Acce.L., Pblla, Exprcst.'.. Fast Llnef .. ,. -, ""C1 T,WM,MM, HumRbuncKxprMM. I.aiiraaii Iamm Columbia Acceml") Altanll. t. 7 f ES,'tC!?M ThX,'"" - ....m.v.i,ii wccein. Sunday Mall......., lmv KrnrwM IjarTlsburg Aceem. Mall Tralnt Frederick Accem.... tTbe only trains which run nnltimhla ni. . t llfuih . CHAH. E. PUGH. General Ia -TEBANON A LANCA ju ruuiaiuAD. Arraniemenl of Paasenne 1 Sdnday, May U,1 NOHTHWARn. Leave a. v. r. sr. King street, LaneTKn 13:401 nneaster 7,-cy lfeM Columbia ih I Manhelm .... TM l2B ' Cornwall. rM 1M Arrive at Lebanon - R:ll 1-M SOUTHWARD. . Leva a.m. p.k, sjeoanen ..... 7:12 Cornwall 737 Manhelm:........ 7J8 Lancaster.... 8437 . Arrive at King Street, Lane. 8.-3S Columbia b-m 1:11 L'- l-ac ana A. M. WIION, Hunt. R, ( e. b. ncr r, aupi. c H. H. "PHILADELPHIA A 1 READING A OOLU1 sTm a Has tl . a M. leave Lancaster (King sire) Fer HMritnv nit lnniwifl day. 7:10 , m., law, I: pi Fer Philadelnhla, week t csh p. m.i nnnasys, icw p, Fer New Yerk vfa ptfO 715 a. m., wan, am p. m. . iw nw i oral via 19 n. m. Fer Allentown, week i y Buoeay, bus p. m. or rvniaviu, WC C Bnndav. 8:96 n. ra. Fer Lebanon, week dav p. m. j Sunday, (.-OS a. m, I Fer Harrlsbnr. wnalt i i35p.ra.; 8unday,5a.i Fer (inamrvllle. weak ( 7.55,IU)0p.m.i8unday,5tl( tkaijmu feh b fjaava Readlna. weak i 5:65 p. m. ! Sunday, 7a0 a, I Leave Philadelphia, w m., Miwg sh uu Leave New Yerk rta I 7:16 a. m.., p. m. UIS i . ueave wewjterk via . .ta,m.ti.'urp.m. Leave Ailanlewa. B.M. Laava PetUvUl, WMk lam Lebanon, weak i MlM M. Umi. .U Laava Harrliburc, WMk I wy, ran . uu Leave Uuarryvlll, i KM i Sundav. 7:10 B atLamtie or Leava Philadelphia, ltd Seuth rtreet whart Fer Auanue city, Mat, m. and. iMl-m 100 m. m. and tn 'jsj fwi a. m., ad num. Rturnlng.lav At AuanueanaAri Kxnraaa 7: a raodallen. 8:06 a.m. i Kxprna, t p. m. Ae and iM d. in. Detailed time tables omee. A.A. MeLEOD. i VleePres.Adn'lMl 4 Sc N: KW LAMPS AN j Call HI HRET n, en si JehnL. NORTH QE XJLUMBlNG.Gl Jehn P. PLI GAS HTTB 26 801 K3 CI TTIGH A MAR1 Chin, QUI Wi i Impert tlJ be preparj with tlie, Lewest PI eseclal i HIGH IB El liriNES. Y Fix! I have I us J vcji, Jcrei.l l.lYCritM!!, Ml New Yerk, I Garvcy Sheq very nuesi i Alse Old all the wiyiSCJ liten wee'eri are the beM I State el AV H. Bf, MHtHHiam, LaneasurJ aae a, m. . - Wl xm svisa ,' aw .v i O'J - mI .. 12:55 p. 3 Ml .V' 'rft f