Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 11, 1890, Image 1

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Addresses by Grand Chief Pettlt, Editor
Merrick Cowles, W. U. Ueusel, Esq.,
and Others The Age of Stenm.
Evtrywit la the hall of the Fulton
Council, in the handsomely furnished new
three story building or Jno. P. Hclnluh,
North Queen street, was occtipted last eve
ning during the public meeting held in
connection w Itb the session of tlie Grand
Council of the American enlcr of steam cu
Blneerr. Uce. Overdeer, or PulUm Coun
cil, Lancaster, presided, and the first
speaker Introduced was Grand Chief Engi
neer Petit.
In dlrect phrase and with no attempt at
rhetoric, Mr. Petit set forth the history and
character of the order and traced Ha
growth from Its Institution lu 18S0
until new. Starting with soven engineers
iU membership had grown te thousands
and In Pennsylvnuta nlone there were
nearly 600 members. They must all be
citizens of the United States, of geed moral
character, sound health and limb, and
have at least one year's active service s
engineers, and where a ltcotise Is required
hey must held such license. He thou gave
u. lucid exposition of the objects efthe order,
viz. : Te protneton mere thorough knowl
edge In Its members of theoretical and
practical engineering; te assist nietnbera
te obtain employment; te. help the sick,
Injured and distressed, and bury the dead ;
te establish u widow &' and orphans' fund ;
te help the meuthers who shall becotne In
capacitated from following the profession
te obtain empleyment suited te thelr
affliction ; te de their utmost te oxtetid the
liconse law throughout the Unlled Stales;
and te establish schools In which the mem
bers may study the highest branches of
steam engineering. In conclusion he ex
pressed greatgrailftentleti at the hospitality
tbeGraud Council had received In Lan
caster and with the flourishing condition
et tl6 local council.
The mr-ager of the organ of the order,
the American Engineer, Mr. Merrick
Cowles, or Chicago, then read a brief ad
dress, in which alter paying a high compli
ment te the principles or the erder, and te
Lancaster and Its people, he sketched the
practical operation of the bonellcial fea
tures of the Engineer's association. He
spoke from practical experience and wide
observation, and his addr03s was pointed
and well lecelvcd.
W. W. Franklin, esq., made an Interest
ing address, tracing the history of the
steam ougine from the first experiments,
B. C, through the rudimentary stages te
the successful application of steam power
by Watt, Fulton and ethor great inventors.
He praised the principles and objects of the
present erder and favored a law regulating
the licensing of these who were put In
ebarge of them.
IlliMAtlKS 11V MR. HhNSLX.
W. U. Hensel being introduced, arose in
the rear end of, the room, and said he f'ilt
that he ought te take the feet of this class.
He belonged te no secret society and no
beneficial erder, and knew nothing of their
inner life and spirit, but had noticed that
most of tbeiti when they wanted a man te
talk about something he knew nothing
about sent for a lawyer or a politician,
The speaker had never directed any mere
difficult machine, than n political commit
tee, nor held the throttle of anything mera
dangereus than a county convention;
but, seriously speaking, he had been much
impressed during the previous speeches
with the universality or the use or the
steam engine and its wlde beneficence.
Nearly everything about us that con
tributes te our moral wcirare or material
c'.evutlen is the product of steam power.
The history or the steam engine is the his
tory or our civilization, our country and
our century, for the steam onglne of the
pagans wero only toys, and there really
was no perfected steam engine until near
the close of the last century. On Indo Inde Indo
pendence Day, 1770, there wbre only two
steam engines in all the United States, and
new our steam pewer Is nearly doublethat
ei cngiana, me worssnep ei tne worm, u
took the toil or 100,000 inen Ter twenty
years te rear the Great Pyramid of Egypt ;
60,000 Americans directing the steam
pewer of their country could perform the
name amount of labor between the rising of
the sun and its going down en n winter
Mr. Hensel extolled that passage, in the
avowed principles of the erder which de
clared that it "shall at no time pait'cipst)
in strikes, nor intorfero iu any way be
tween employer and empleye,"aud which
pledges that, "recognizing their identity
or Interests, it shall take no part In any pre
ject or euterprise that shall Interfere with
perfect harmony between thorn ; neither
shall it be used for political or religious
purposes." He pronounced a great deal of
the clamor about a " conflict between labor
and capitol " as mere " ret ;" social condit
ions in this country chnnge se rapidly that
the laborer of te-day is te-morrow's capi
talist. Associations of men who work with
their hands, forcemmou benefits, were his
torical ; and never could become unpopular
se long as they were wisely dlrccteJ.
Ah Ui state regulation and license, euro
must be taken net te ask nor te expect the
state te de tee much. Hut in Pennsylvania
the principle of license and bisection as
a proper oxerclso of the police power had
long been recognized. The Inspection of
petroleum and of boilers was provided for
bylaw; the sale of Kisens, explosives,
deadly weapons and cigarettes; and the
practice of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
and even of "boss docterin'. " It did net
seem unreasonable, therefore, that the
stute should be asked te protect the
lives of Its citizens by enforcing effic
iency und ample qualifications en
the part of theso who nre in
chargoef thodcllcute and dangerous en
gines in crowded centres of population,
whose ill-working might at any time deal
death and disaster te life and pioperty.
Harry Hhaub, of this city, an engineer,
and J. K. Sklrk, the well known manufac
turer, concluded the meeting with some
well-timed remarks in eulogy of the erder,
its principles und practical operations,
ernemts KLCPi ki.
At the business session of the Grand
Council te-day the following officers were
elected: Grand chief oindiieor. II. l. Cen
ner; first assistant, Frank Weldner;
grand recording engineer, H. F. Pettlt;
grand corresponding engineer, Merris
Umstead; grand treasurer, Jno. Penn;
grand senior master mccb'inic, William
Cenner; grand junior master mechanic,
Jno. Petersen ; grand luslde sentinel,
David W. Field ; grand eutside tentiuel,
Chas. C. Huusbiirger; grand chaplain,
Harry Shaub ; trustee for three years, Wil
liam H. Feuler.
As the candidates have no opposition
they will be olected at this morning's
A special meeting of the Grand Council
will beheld in Philadelphia in a few weeks
when the tliue and place for the next an
nual session will be determined upon.
The Supreme Council of the order will
meet iu Philadelphia en June H, which
will be attended by delegates from every
state iu which the I'liieu exists.
Catfish Plenty.
Catfishlng has been very poed in the
Susquehanna of late, although the water
has grown quite muddy again. Yesterday
Daniel Fry, hotelkeeperof this city, went
down te ShenU's Ferry, where his lather-in-law,
dipt. Jehu P. Wise. has an island.
He spent the forenoon fishing w ith a man
who lite near by, and they caught II cat
fish and a "sunny." Snum of the fish are
of great Mze. In the afternoon the river
begun raising and the fishing wa net geed.
ShoSpuuked ix Man.
A lsrge, well-dressed woman was ob
served spanking an elderly mail en the
streets lu New Yerk en Tuesday. The
man proved te be Charles W. Butler, man
ager of the Buffalo Blind and Sash com
pany, ana ue nan me woman urruigneu in
the "Harlem court for assault. The woman
wasMrs.Kate Astrlch. Her lawyer said
in leut te ner nnsiianii. and
Twe small boy named Hansen and
Lundell were killed In Sioux Falls, Seuth
Dakota, en .Monday, while stealing a ride
Under a heavily leaded lumber wagon.
The grand Juiy at Jacksen, Mississippi ;
en Monday indicted ex-Slate Treasurer
W. L. Hemingway for emboszleiuent or
31fi,012. lie waa arraigned, and pleaded
netgulltv. The Judge ordered new bends
in each of the two Indictments In the sum
erfS5,000 each.
The Pennsylvania railroad company has
voluntarily advanced the wages of all Its
empleyes en the Southwestern Pennsyl
vania branch 10 te IS per cent. This equal
Ices the wages or the Pennsylvania rail
read en all tlie branches.
Jehn Ah Sum. a Chlnose laundrvman,
was immersed iu Stmkane Falls, Wash
ington, en Sunday, by Hev. M. C. Jenes,
pastor of the Flret Ilaptlst church, Jehu
Ah Sum oxnects te study far the ministry
and return te China aH a missionary.
Sixty-oue dealers In, manufacturers and
users of tin plate in Rhede Island, have
sent a memorial te Senater Aldrlch pro
testing against the proposed incroase of
the duty en tin plate, and urging 'seme
A monument te the Confederate dead,
representing an Infantry man, was unveiled
en Monday evening, lu Rlaokferd ceme
tery, at Petersburg, Virginia. Atter the
ceremonies the graves of the Confederate
dead nearly 20,000 lu the cemelery were
dece rated.
A telegram was received at the treasury
dopartment en Tuesday saying that the
United States marshal for the southern dis
trict of California had turned evor te the
collector of customs at San Francisce, for
immediate deportation te China, 10 Chinese
laborers, smuggled Inte this country from
Treasury Agent McCoy, who has been en
the trail of a number of Chlnose landed in
Guaymas, Mexico, a month age, followed
them Inte Arizona aud arrested SI, over
taking them en the desert, where they had
nearly perished for want of water. They
were taken before the United States com
missioner In Tucson. There are four boys
among the captives.
The party of glass blowers who arrlved
at New Yerk recently and who were found
te be contract laborers were returned te
Liverpool en Tuesday by tbe steamer
Wisconsin, of the Guien Line, at tha
expense or the Cunard Line, which
brought them ever. They all said they
would return as seen as possible.
An unknown man jumped off Geat
Island bridge, at Niagara Falls, en Tues
day, and deliberately swam te the brink
of the American rails and disappeared.
He was dressed In black cloth os, and had n
full black beard. Shortly alter two bodies
appeared below the falls ; the body of the
mail in DiacK ana anetuer neany nuue.
Owen Hamilton, 12 or 13 years old, dled
at Pottstown, from the offectsef an Injury
received whlle playing base ball. The boy
and anotber named Jehn Klrby, collided
iu running for a foul ball, Hamilton re
ceiving an accidental kick In the stomach,
causing rupture. Frem this peritonitis re
sulted, which terminated fatally. He was
a grandson or Colonel Owen Hamilton, a
well known labor advocate and speaker.
Three men were emptying a grain bin
containing 80,000 pounds of wheat In Wil
liam P. Harvey A Ce.'s olevator In Chicago
en Monday. The bin in which they wero
at work, was almost empty, and the weight
of the grain in the adjoining bin caused the
ftartltlen te break, aud the broken partl partl
ietW crashed down upon the men in tbe
empty bin. and the 60.000 pounds or wheat
coverou mom up. simen i-urman ami
Timethy Lynch were killed.
A dispatch from Magdalena, Senera,
Mexico, says that the propnsed tax of 10
per head en Mexlcan cattle Is leading te
serieus complications. The Mexican
authorities refuse toallew American stock
men te ret urn cattle which stray Inte
Mexico, and have ordered all American
caltle hereafter found across the line te be
taken up and sold. There are many thou
sands of head of American cattle which
stray from the Gulf or California te the Hlo
Grande, which will be confiscated, unless
the erder is revoked.
' Themas Sutten died in Dnbuque, Iowa,
en Monday. He had lived for 00 days
without sold feed. During all his fust his
only sustenance was soda water. Previous
te the death of the boy a council of physi
cians was held and all united In pronoun
cing it a case or paralysis or the stomach
and bowels. Some years age the lad tuf
fered a fall and was uever In perfect health
thereafter. Ninety-six days age his
stomach refused all solid feeds and soda
water was the only liquid he could retain.
Postmaster General Wanamaker iu order
te incroase the efficiency of the free dolivery
service, desires te secure a cheap device for
a lotter box for the doers or dwellings. A
letter box at each bouse would save much
or the carriers' time whlle increasing the
securlty or the mail. The government has,
of course, no right te comel people te get
boxes, but it Is thought that an official
recommendation by the department would
inducea great many poeplo te get thorn.
He has appointed the Kstuiasters of New New
Yerk, SL Leuis, Washington, New Orleans
and Halt imorencommltteo te report as te
the style of box best suited for the purpose.
At Oswego, N. Y., en Tuesday a herse
attached te a carriage In which wero Miss
Bolle Mitchell, daughter nf Mayer Mitchell,
and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Kdward V.
Mitchell, becaiue rrightened and dashed
down East First street at frightful speed.
They turned a corner upsetting the car
rlasre and throwing the women te the
pivoment. Miss Mitchell struck en the
odge of the curbstone and her skull was
crushed. Mr?. Mitchell was badly injured,
bin net fatally. The physicians say that
Miss Mitchell cannot II ve until morning.
She was te have been mariled In two
weeks te Dr. Deluney, or Eric, Pa. Mrs.
Mitchell had just returned from her wed
ding trip.
The Klntt Hutch et AulmulH Killed,
Maktns It Warm ter Canines.
Deg Catcher Blnkley and the men he has
working for him are hustlers and they are
giving tne dogs efthe city that de uet wear
muzzles a very lively shaking up at present.
There have been several lively collisions
between angry owners of dogs and
Blnkley's men, but nothing serieus has yet
occurred. This morning ene of the men
attempted te take a big sheperd deg belong
ing te a countryman in Centra Square. A
quarrel almost resulted but the deg get
awav. Jjitoraneiner neg noieuging te a
prominent gentleman of the town was
cornered and an attempt was made te take
him. The man succ-ceded, hewever, In
getting the deg away without any treuble
and he Is new wearing a muzzle. A little
girl, whose home is In the western part of
the tow n, came te the station heuse this
morning for her deg which was captured
yesterdav. He was a pretty little terrier
and the girl declared that oneol the catchers
ran alter her Inte the yard and took tbe deg
mitnf lmrnrms. Prien hearinu her state
ment Mayer Clark allowed the girl te take
the dot; home.
The first batch or dogs was killed lust
night. They wpre taken eui te the estab
incnt or Jehn Walten, near the old city
waterworks, where they wtre disposed
or. Tliey wero all mongrel curs that the
owners wished te get rid of. AtO o'clock
this morning there were ten dogs iu the
pen, witli the indication that there would
lie mere before night. If the pen Is uet
full it will be because the law is being
pretty well ebeyed, and most or the dogs
ure wearing muzzles, for he catchers are
active enough, and they don't allow a deg
much chance.
A Dangerous Place.
One of tbe most dangerous places for
vehicles and especially light carriages and
buggies is at East King und Duke streets.
At this place the street car tracks branch
out iu three different directions, and the
diamond is almost filled with tracks. The
earth has washed away from botween aud
along the sides of the tracks leaving them
several Inches hlgnerthaii the ground. Sev
eral accidents have happened there whlle
there have been a number of narrow escapes
About a year age the axle of one of the
cnglues of tbe city tire department was
broken at the place and the firemen new
keep very shy of it. Beth the city and flie
car com panics are te blame for tne cendi
tie tracks at this point and the nil-
ThrttllnK Experience of Trainmen and
Passengers) In Arkansas The Ban
dits Escape With Little Beety.
Express train Ne. t, of the St. Ixnils.
Arkansas A Texas railway, was wrecked
by six masked robbers near Texarkana,
Arkansas, at midnight en Monday night.
The onglne, tender and oxpress cars left
tbe track, and an unknown tramp, who
was stealing a rlde was Instantly killed.
The robbers attacked the express car, but
the messenger repulsed them with a Win
chester. Nene et the robbers wero hit and
they returned the lire. Olie of the band
vtafked up and down beside the train with
a Winchester at full cock agalust his
shoulder and shouted, "nobody en this
train will be hurt unless they resist ; keep
your heads in and don't go te firing toy
pistols or you'll get kllled." It Is needless
te say that the passongers ebeyed the In
structions. The messenger, was told that he would
be cremated In the car unless he sur
rendered and he promptly gave In. The
safe woseponed but the robbers only so se
cured about $200. Six masked men went
through tbe trains but molested no ene
Nevlln, the express mossengor, and the
fireman and engineer wero taken into the
weeds by the robbers and tied te trees.
Thevthen proceeded te rovenge thomselvos
en the messenger by sheeting him in the
hand, the arm and car, and threatening
death te all throelf they evor roslsted an
other train robbery or made an outcry.
The robbers rodeolVand nn hour later the
frightened passongers rescued the trainmen
and gave the alarm.
The bandits had just six hours' start of
the sheriff and Ills esse, who are new out
hunting the rnbbers, but no trace or them
can be round. The leader or the gang Is
supposed te be ene or the celebrated bur
rows' gang, as this particular read has
spoilt thousands nf dollars hunting the gang,
and the leaders have threatened te be ro re ro
tenged. An express train en the Cotten
Belt was robbed about two yours age. Twe
of the robbers, Stevo and Hube Burrows,
wero afterwanls captured. Steve escaped
aud Rube died In the ponltentlary while
awaiting trial.
Plenty of l.overs of the Gnme in Lancas
ter, It It Is Free.
One would suppese rrein the way that
the young men of the city have beceme
directed by the bane ball craze, that it was
ene efthe best towns in the country for the
great sport. That is net the case, hewever,
for It seems that a professional team cannot
be kept together ler ever a month, the prin
cipal reason being that the poeplo will net
go te soe the game. They prefer te dedge
about the outskirts of the city und leek at
games that cost nothing. If any ene will
take the treuble te go around the town In
the evenings they will sea lets or ball.
There are numerous grounds about the
town and they are filled each evening.
Seme geed playing is seen at times aud
frequent lights enliven the sort. The west west
ern part or town Is tbe ravorlte section its
there seems te be mere " base ball bleed "
out there and the excitement Is high each
Columbia has a base bail club which will
leave en Thursday for Duncaunen, whero
they will play the Harvey Flshers. They
go thence te Lowlstewn and Sunbnry for
games. Harry Hush, el this city, is te de
the catching.
The Susquehanna and Columbia rolling
mills have a base ball team and they are
anxious te play games.
The games of ball of Tuesday resulted
likethis: National League, Philadelphia
0, New Yeik 1; Brooklyn 0, Bosten 4;
Chicago 5, Cleveland 4; Cincinnati 9, Pitts
burgh Players League, Philadelphia 3, New
Yerk 2: Pittsburg 10, Chicago 4; Buffalo
8, Cleveland 1 ; Brooklyn 5, Bosten 2.
American Association, St. Leuis 0,
Teledo 8 ; LoiiisvilleO, Columbus 1; Ro Re Ro
chester 0, Athletic! 2.
Interstate Leaguo, Lobuueu B, Alteena 4;
Yerk 7, Harrlsburg 8.
The new Ironsides, of lincaster, aud
theShlbes, el Philadelphia, will play a
game en the old Ironsides grounds en
next Saturday afternoon.
The Special Itiice te Have Pour Horses
Instead of Twe.
On the first day of the meeting of the
Midway Circuit In this city. Friday, July
4, there will be three trots with three nurses,
2:21 claps, purse 8100; 2:31 class, 250; 2:Ul
class, 8200. On Saturday, July 6, there will
be three trots. The first will be In the
2:2i class, for 8-100, and the second in the
2:10 class, for ?250. The last race will be
u nKc!al trot. It was first the intention of
the managers of the races te have the
match between two horses only, Cleeu,
owned by C. H. Hedden, or Fast Orunge.
New Jersey, and Charlie Gibsen, owned
by H. J. Cook, or Jersoy City. The purse
waH te have been ? 10 with the winner te
take all. Different arrangements have new
been made, hewever. and four horses will
start in tbe race. In addition te these
named there will be T. J. Middagh's
Newton U, and Billy Butten, owned by
Sterns, el Newark. The four horses have
records from 2:17 te 2:22, and they will be
the fastest quurtette ever seen en a half
mile truck In interior Pennsylvania. The
purse will be $700, the winner te take all.
The list of entries for the races will be
very large and seme great herses will take
part. There Is no doubt that the races will
be very succusstul.
He Whs Very Drunk.
WosIeyGreou is a colored man, who
fermerly resided In this city, but of late
has been living out of town, lu the custom
part of the county. Hocameto l-ancaster
yesterday and after drawing his pension
meney he left his wlfe te go and get a
teeth pulled. The iniln must have been tee
great for him, for he proceeded te get
drunk. He next turned up en tbe deer
step of Dr. Knight, deutlst,nn North Queen
street. He was se full that he could de
nothing end a number of small boys steed
and guyed him. At last Constable Nehr
came along und took lilm te the station
house. He paid the costs afterwards and
was dischiugcd.
Must Net Lenf There.
There has been considerable complaint
about tbe number ofbeotblacks who make
their headquarters at Chestnut and North
(Jueen streets. One or two of them have
jvermisslen te eland en the corner and ene
or them has a chair. There area iiumber
of ethers who have no right there and are a
nuslaiice te people living iu the vicinity as
well as te passers by. William Green, ene
of the number was arrested by Officer King
last ovenlng and the mayor Imposed the
costs upon him this morning. He was
also warned that If he Insisted upon loaf leaf
ing about that cerner he .would be locked
Ninth Cavnlry Reunion.
The 21st annual reunion of the Ninth
Pennsylvania Cavalry association, will be
held at Wllkesbarre. te-morrow. Twe full
companies of tbe regimeut were recruited
ill this city. Tlie following laincastrlans
will attend the reunien: A. F. Shenck,
Harry C. .Shenck. Emanuel S. Well, Jacob
Hebble, 1). I Moeuey, Jehn Cresbaugb,
cltv : Daniel W. Mftzler, Petersburg ; A.
A. Staulfer, Mnuhelm : Jehn Fcuster
inacher and H. L. Moenoy, Ml. Jey.
e -A
Reef oil Tire.
Yesterday the reef or a jmrt or the bakery
or C. Bocttner, en Pine street, took fire.
An alarm was given te tbe people residing
In tbe vicinity, and they ran te the heuse.
With buckets or water they succcedtd In
Axiliiculsliliii? tbe flames. There was con-
sldorable'of a hole burned in the reef,
which Is of shingles.
Ixst 85.
Miss Sue CharleB lest a $5 bill en North
Queen strcet this morning. A party pass
im? u moment afterwards nickeu it mi and
walked away witltJI.Jf he leaves It at the
tjfcW.i; rsiurueu te me
They Petition the Senate Finance Com
mittee te Chance the TnrllTBUl.
The following petition, signed by 1,575
citizens or Derks county, Mas been sent te
the Senate finance cemmittee:
We, the undersigned, cigar manufac
turers and empleyes or the city of Heading,
Pa., beg te submit te your most favorable
consideration the following!
The McKlnley tariff bill as new framed.
Imposing a two-dollar duty en Imported
wrapper tobacco, would crlpple our busi
ness. It is a certainly, the quantity of do
mestic wrappers new produced Is entirely
Inadequate and of a very Inferior quality.
Whenever the farmer produees a crop
that is at all available for wrappers, he will
find ready sale for same and at better
prices than auy ether product he raises.
If the manufacturers are obliged te dis
card the line quality and line appearing
Sumatra wrappers, and are compelled te
place before our people cigars inade out of
domestic tobacco, which gives atastone
ene can acquire after being accustomed te
smoking goods made out or line quality
domestic tllller and Imported Sumatra
wrappers. There has been mera domestic
tobacco raised and prices obtained ler
same have been mere prolltable te the far
mer than before the Introduction of Suma
tra. Wlien we already pay a duty of 35 te
75 cents per pound Ter Sumatra tobacco, It
is self-evident it is an article we cannot de
without even If we are compelled te pay a
duty or fi per pound.
But we will simply compel the censumer
who would be able te ay llve cents Ter a
mixed cigar te go down Inte his )ecket
and draw u dime te buy ene that would net
under any circumstances suit his taste.
Through this a great many smokers will
de without and tliore iv doereaso tue con
sumptien of cigars te such an extent that
we will be eoniiKslled te clese our plants
and discnntiiitie a business which te-day
gives empleyment te thousands or people.
We are well satisfied that the farmer
will net have the ready sale for his domes
tic filler that he new has, having a to
bacco (In the Sumatra leaf) sultable te
wrap his filler.
If space would permit we would lllus lllus
trnte by statistics the enormeuso incroase
of the manufacture and consumption of
domestic cigars.
Tlie manufacturers have produced such
a line cigar out of domestie tobacco and
Sumatra wrappers that u great majority of
the smekers accustomed te imported are
new smoking domestie cigars.
We bolleve It an abselute necesslty te
haeSumutra tobacco, and from the facts
set forth your honerablo coramlttee can
see that an Incroase of duty will net In
crease the demand for domestic tobacco.
Thoreforo we horebV1 vigorously pretest
against the passage of said bill and earn
estly pray It te be se amended te give us a
uniform duty en Imported wrapper tobac
co net te oxcecd 50 cents a pound.
What the Oxford Press Pound Out Over
the Line.
Whlle S. T. Wilsen, or Little Britain,
was taking a machliioeut or his wagon
heuse, a low days age, a heavy roller, en
top or which a wheat drill was stand I tig,
relled backwards upon ene of his feet,
smashing the great tee.
Alexander Fergusen Is building a new
bam en his pluceat Union, Coleraiuo town
ship. Whilst helping the carponters put a
large login position last Thursday it relled
buck und catiaht Mr. Fergusen against
auother leg behind him, Injuring his legs
below the knees se soverely that he has
net bceu able te go about since the accl accl
dent. Ilov. James T. MacLean, who has ac
cepted the call te Little Drlttuln Presby
terian church, will preach his first sermon
since accepting en next Sabbath morning.
Little Britain school beard met en Mon
day and settled their account for the year
endlng June, 1890. The new beard was
organized as follews: Prestdeut, William
Black ; secretary. Ferest Preston ; treas
urer, dames Wright; ether mombers,
James T. Clendenln, Ellis P. Gib Gib
eon, V. K. Alexander. Teachers wero
uppeluted for the schools us follews:
Kustland, Ada P. Brown; Oak Hill. Fmlly
Whitseu ; Falrvlew, Blauche Puttorsen ;
Cedar Grove, Lcnle Swlsher ; Poplar
Greve, LoltlnPaxsen; Hickory Hill, Clius.
Whitseu; Falrmeunt te be supplied.
Schools will commeiico September 1, terms
8 months; salary 931 tef35 per month. The
rate ei lux was nxeu in. u miiis en
dollar or last adjusted valuation, which
Is the lowest rate for many years.
The Art Lonu Exhibit.
The art lean exhibit of the Yeung Re
publicans, at the opera house, en Tuesday
eveulng, was visited by a large number.
All who were present ex pressed themselves
us well pleased with the collection and the
tasteful manner in which the exhibits have
been arranged. Following wasthemuslcal
pregramme last eveulng: Instrumental
duct, " II Trovatero," (Verdl-Molnetlo),
Misses Katharine and Loulse Kuapp;
soprano sole, "Tell Her I LoveHorbo,"
(De Fuyo), Miss Mary I". Ixcher; tenor
sole, "The Answer." (Kebyn), Mr. Frank
II, .MeClaln; violin sole, "Berceuse,"
(Itunard), Mr. Clarmice Hever.
The musical attraction this eveulng will
be a selected program me te be rendered by
the erchestra of the Yeung Men's Demo
cratic society.
A itemtirkitble Ktutemnnt.
A most remarkable phenomenon Is re
ported by a farmer named Jasper Bacen
and his family, near Lockperl, N. Y.
During the recent severe rain storm the
heuse seemed te 1J aiivcloped In a bluish,
hazy light. The ulr was pregnant wl'h the
electric fluid and balls nf fire danced ulnn
the tops or chairs and slid ever mantels or
chased ouch ether up und down u hanging hanging
Iampsliade. it waatoirlble sight te tbe
members or the household. There wero
no lights in the heuse, aud the terror of
tbe Inmates was greatly Increased by the
teu.1 paralysis of their muscles. They
were unable te meve, and sal like mum
mies, fearing that their end was near. The
storm lasted four hours, and as it departed
ilia electricity vanlshedand thouse of their
limbs and arms returned.
Heys, HeatH mill Drowning.
Three French boys aged 0, f, and l(i
years, were diewucd at Illddoferd, Maine.
Four boys were out in a beat, and tlie
youngest, whiln reaching out te grasp a
floating Mtick, fell ovorbeard. His brother
tbe eldest boy In tbe company, jumped In
nfler him. and lu se doing knocked the
ether boy into the water. All threo went
te tbe bottom. The remaining boy paddled
the beat ashore.
Maggie Baker, aged 10 years, Lela, Al Al
fred and Charles I.clb, aged respectively 0,
7 cud 3 years, wero drowned al Rapids
City, Illinois, en Sunduy. Their beat was
A BlrtlnliiyHiu-prlKe.
Yesterday was tbe birthday of A. M., photographer en North (Jiicen
street, and Ills wlfe mive him a surprise.
She had lnvlted quite u number of his ac
quaintances who drepicd In one uftar au au au
oteor during the eveulng. The Iroquois
band was also present and played several
selections. A fine supper was partaken of
during the evening.
Miule mi Olllelal Visit.
The water committee paid an official visit
te the water works en 'I uesday afternoon.
It was decided te have a place prepared for
the turning lathe remnwsi irem me eui
works and te ask J. G. Gulbratth and Oster
it Bre. for bids for cementing tlie fleer of
the boiler house. The Miiriiiteiuleul was
instructed te clear and le el the grounds at
the water works.
CeimnlUwj Appulilted.
Last etching Washington Encampment
Ne. 11, I. O. O. F., met te appoint a com
mittee te confer with the similar com
mittees of ether ledges uud encampments
tomH'.eurrangciucnls for the Grand En
camp ueut t" be held here liext year, Tbe
iMiiiin it tee will consist of A. M. Basch, J.
M. 1 rfiuan and Jehn F. Hilten.
Y.M.C. A. Llurury Douutteii.
The Yeung Men's Christian Association
has rocel veil a gift of fifty dollars rrein N.
F.llmaker, esq., te be added te tbe Lltrnry
rund already in the treasury for the pur
chase of new books. Nearly UOO new books
have been purchased and as many mere
wlUJe secured as yiM"j(hu selections
18,000 HOMELESS.
A Thousand Dwellings, Iren Works and
Hospitals, Hchoels aad Churches
Swept Away Uy the Flames.
St. PirrEnsntme, June 11. Reports have
been received hore of a disastrous confla
gration and great less of llfe and property
In tbe mining districts of the Ural moun
tains. The iron works at Ufalelsk
and Ncwjanck, a thousand dwelling
houses, four school houses, three ehurchet,
the hospitals and the magazines were com
pletely destroyed. Forty persons were
burned te death and 18,000 were made
hometcss by the destruction efthe town.
He Discusses the Situation and Thinks
the ex-Govorner Fits It Exactly.
FunNiss, Lan. Ce., Pa., June 10.
Knnens lNri:i.i.tORNci:n : Who will be
the Democratic candidate for governor Is
an absorbing question In the minds of
many Democrats as well as many conser
vative Republicans throughout the
state of Pennsylvania te-day. There
are elements entering into the guber
natorial contest Iu the coming election
which It b well for our Domeoratlc load lead
ers te consider. The unsavory record
or Dolamater, te whom Indications point
conclusively as the Republican candidate
Ter governor, as well as the methods being
ompteyed te brlug about this nomination,
willcause many Intelligent, conservative
Republicans te support the Democratle
candldate If said candidate Is at all ac
ceptable te thorn. They de net ask
us te nominate anyene In whom we
as Democrats have net entire confi
dence as te their Demecracy, but they
simply ask that we nominate ene who will
be "no mans man" and who when
elected will be govorner of the state and
work for the best Interests of the whole
people The man who abeve all ethers
satisfies the conditions Is Rebert E.
Pattlsen. We may speak as highly as we
llke of the availability and qualifications
of ether candidates, but it remains a fact
Itidlsputable that wtille no ene ei an tun
prominent names mentioned can poll mero
Demouratle votes than Rebert K. Pattlsen;
there Is no ene who can poll nearly an
many Republican votes as he. He retired
from the governorship or Pennsylvania
popular and honored because or his fidelity
te duty, and he would outer the contest
again with a prestige unoqtialed by any
ethor moiitlenod. A goldeu opportunity
awaits the Democracy or this state. Can
we as a party rise abeve the petty personal
jealousies which te often endanger success?
lr we can and de the next Democratic state
convention wilt nonilnate the next gev
orner of Pennsylvania and his name will
be Rebert K. Pattlsen.
Business Transacted at the Annual
Meeting el the Stute llmly.
The thirteenth annual meeting of tbe
Pennsylvania State Pharmaceutical asso
ciation met in Yerk en Tuesday, J. W.
Mlller, of Allegheny, presiding. Mayer
D. K. Meelil made a welcoming address.
It was replied te by Jeseph L. Lemberger,
el Lebanon,
The chair appointed the following com cem
mittees: Credentials, W. L. Turner and
Alouze Rebblns, Philadelphia, and H. II,
Cochran, Lancaster; committee en Intro
duction and wolcemo, James A. Dale,
Yerk: James Prltehard, Tyrene: O. J.
Hillegan and M.N. Kllue, Philadelphia;
Jehn F. Patten, Yerk.
The presldent In his annual address,
advocated the offering or prizes te the
tnemhers for writing appropriate papers.
The treasurer's report showed a most
healthy condition, and was referred te an
auditing cnmintttce consisting of J. B.
Duble, Willlamspert; 8. W. Helultsb,
Lancaster, and D. S. Bleem, Philadelphia.
The following officers were elected)
President, J. II. Stein, Reading: first vlce
presldent, J. F. Patten, Yerk ; second vlce
president, W. II. McGarrab, Scranton;
treasurer, J. L. Lemberger, Lebanon; sec
retary, J. A. Mlller.Uarrlsbtirg; oxecutlvo
committee, J. II. Rcdsecker, Lebanon; C.
T. Goerge, Harrlsburg; William Harris,
The sessions efthe association will clese
en Wednesday evening, and en Thursday
the delegates will enjoy an excursion fe
the Gettysburg battle-field. About two
hundred deleeates are expected te be
present at themectlngs.
Ne Keen ter Detectives.
An opinion was dollverod by Judge Hr Hr Hr
monlreut In the Berks county court en
Tuesday lu the case stated by Detective
Korshner against the county or Berks, as
te the right or private detectives te recover
fees from the county. Jt was bold that
they are net the same as constables, and
are only engaged ferhlreand reward which
must be nakl tliem bv the persons who se
licit thelr ciuplevment. The act of 1887
under which they are appointed newhere
clothes them with the powers orcenstablos,
clothes them with tlie nowcrseiconsiauios.
They are simply licensed te de business,
as a storekeeper does business. Judgment
was entered in favor of the defedant and
Ibis decision Is te govern nil canes brought
under this net.
Four Bud Heys.
Constnble Crawford has had his attention
called te four small boys who are
lu the the habit of sneaking Inte
the stehm and stealing wheu an op
portunity ollers. The boys aie net
mere than ten years old. Tue constable
notified the parents net te allow the beya
te run tbe streets and tr this notice has no
effect the boys will be arrested and soul te
the Heuso of Rofuge. Twe orthe boys are
named Gllgore, a third Brlnkman and the
fourth Kltiner.
Hahl te Be a Nuisance.
.. V- 1. Anlf..n.l IIeau nn Vftrlll .IrAAl
1SHUC .1USII, UlllUIUM, 1 1, il. W ..w. i.,.uuv
and Is the owner ei a large uumler of
begs. The stench from the pens Is mere
than tbe neighbors can stand, and they
have united in an effort te have the mils mils
ance abated. Jehn Kirch, as the represen
tative or the neighbors, entered suit te-day
against Nash for maintaining a nuisance
He gave ball for a hearing before Alder
man A. F. Dennelly.
ht. Jeliti'aFuIrn Success.
A wlne set en St. Jeseph's table at f he
Knights of St. Jehn Fair chanced off last
evening, was wen by Frank A. Relkcr,
Cupon Ne. 1,513 wen the silver watch for
which each purchaser of a tlcket hud a
chance. The holder "HI by presenting It
at the Heffman bouse will secure the watch.
Tbe fair was a financial success, tbe amount
realized being obeut JO0O.
A Colored (Jump Meeting.
A camp nicotine will be held from July
10 te 'Jl. lu (.arbor's Greve, near May
town. It will be under the auspices of
Simpsen M. E. church of this city, and
Rev. Fenteu M. Harris will haocharge of
things. A number of prominent members
from dlflcrent places are booked, le lie
Mechanics Excursion te Ititrrlsbnrg.
Coneslegn Council, Ne. 22, Junier Ameri
can Mechanics, are making great prejiara prejiara
tlens te go te Harrlsburg am) take part In
the parade In that city en July 4th. Last
evening the committee in ebarge of the
trip held a meeting and appointed sub
committees en railroad fare and a band.
Shinier and Empire members will also go
en tbe trip.
Will Ge te Rending.
A. J. Rioker, W. It. BrlnUiu and Jaiues
C. I-cumuii, a committee or the euiig
Men's Democratle society, will go le Read
ing te-morrow for the purpose of seeing
what thevcan de in the way or securing
grounds ter the annual picnic.
Democratle Nominations.
The Democratic nominating; meetings
should net be overlooked litis evening.
The candidates placed lu noifllustlen will
be voted ler en uexi eaiurutur veqing,
Berired the Bullet Inte Ills Head Whlle
Standing at a Mirror.
Jere M. Halm, the man who shot him
self at Manhetm en Tuesday, died from the
effects of the tcrrlble wound at 0:30 last
evenlng. Drs. J. Francis Dunlap and C J.
Suavely wero the physicians that wero
summoned after the d Isco very or the shoot sheet
ing had been made. They saw at once
that the man could net possibly llve and
made no effort te probe for the ball.
Halm never recovered consciousness, nor
did he speak a word from the time of the
sheeting until be died.
When llahn fired the shot he steed be
fore a large mirror that hangs In the office,
for the purpose, It Is supposed, of seeing
what he was doing. The belief is thai he
tried te put the ball Inte his tomple but It
ontered an Inch higher, causing a wound
or the kind that did net at once terminate
his life. .
Mr. Hahn had been In lewBplrlts for
seme time past, and the bcllef is that It was
caused by an attack of la grippe, from
which he suffered for seme time. He re-
iieatedly said that he would take his life,
fust a row days age he told a friend, in a
conversation, that he Intended te kill
himself. Ills frleud tried te cheer
him up and drive the Idea from
his mind, but he seems te have been
unsuccessful. Hahn ate very little dinner
at home yesterday but seemed te be very
dospendont and restless. Ue left his home
seme tlme after dinner and then said that
he would sheet himself. He went at once
te his office and carrled out his threat before
anyone had tlme te Intorfero te save lilm.
After Hahn's death Deputy Cerenor Gib
bio summoned a Jury te the heuse and
held an inquest, The verdict waa In ac
cordance with the fact. The Jury waa
composed of Heward O. Clair, It. S.
Datiner, W. F. Olbble, P. C. M. Sharpe,
Christian F. Fisher aud II. M. Way.
Mr. Hahn was born near Uahnatnwn,
aud afterwards lived al Unlenvllle, Penn
township. After his marrlaae be moved
te Manlielm. Bosldes serving as iost iest
master he was ence a Justice of the peace
and a momber or council.
Main's circus, which will exhibit here
te-morrow, Is traveling by wagon and tbey
will oemo te 1-ancaster by the Columbia
turnpike at an early hour. It Is sale te say
that a goodly nutnber or the boys residing
In the western part et town will go out
ih&turnplke te meet and osceit the show
Danlel Webster Styer, of Churchtown,
was registered as a physician en Tuesday.
He Is a graduate of JoHersen Medical wl wl wl
loge in the class of 18S7,
It. C. llrubaker, for the executers of Jehn
M. Shcaffer. deceased, Issued an oxecutlon
te-day against Jehn It. Burkheldor, of
West Earl, for 3,000.
Rev. H. T. W. Smith, who for two years
has been pastor of the Slrawberry A. M. li.
church, left this morning for Atlautle City,
te which place be has been transferred by
the conference. He left In the 8:10 train
and a large number of colored poeplo gaih
red rA the P. R. It. Mr. Smith was very
popular hore and did much geed.
Fred. W. Huas. Jr., son of Prof. F. W,
Haas, who has been traveling with the
Guy Bres, minstrel show in Pennsylvania.
New Jersey and New Yerk, returned last
nleht for a short vacation. lie Is booked
te play with Stubbloblne'a orchestra at
Richfield Springs, N'. Y., during the season
beginning June 28. He will play with the
Y. M. D. 8. orchestra thU oveoing at the
opera bouse. L
Said te Be IladlrSTreated.
There baa been great cemprint among
people who .roslde In the Eighth ward
about the treatment of a girl who Is the
daughter or a man named Hpangler, resid
ing at Ne. OI0 St. Jeseph street. The neigh
bois say that the girl is kept locked in one
room In the house and that she Is eften
beateu and otherwlso abused. This Is the
same girl who was said te have been
assaulted out the Mlllersvllle turn-
filke some Sundays age. At that
line the father did net even soe
fit te presecute the man who was said
te have committed the crime. If all storles
are true the girl was net treated much
wcrse en that day than she often
is at home. Complaint has been
made le the mayor In regard te this
ouse quite frequently, and te-day he re
ceived a letter about it. The en volepe was
oddressod te " Mr. Clark, tnaru of .Lancas
ter," and It told a blle or wee. The mayor
has beceme tired of the complaints, and he
will new have the officers investigate the
Moravian Theological Seminary,
The coinineiicumont oxerclses of tne
Moravian theological seminary were held
In the Moravian church, at Rethlchem, en
Tuesday. There were nine graduates. C.
F. Lelmbach. of Betblebem, dollverod the
satualery and Jehn S. Remlg, of Berthols Berthels Berthols
derf, Germany, the valldlctery. The ethor
graduates were ; It. S. Welnlmid, of Blalrs Blalrs
tewn, Iowa; A. E. Abel, Nazareth, Pa.; II.
J. Mlurtinan. Moraviuntewn, Canada;
Christian Weber, Grace Hill, la.; William
Wantzall, Philadelphia; Karl Muoller.
Velhynla, Russia, and William Allen,
Jamaica, W. I.
Junk 11.
Captain J. B. Westen, Hth U. S. In
fantry, died suddenly of apoplexy at Van
couver, Washington.
Al Denver, Clerk Reberl Nlckle pleaded
guilty te embezzlement of l 1,000 from
ilerkey A Ce., brekers.
Stockdealor Jehn IJurk, el Youngstewii,
was found unconscious en the street in
Chicago. He had been terrlbly beaten and
robbed and may die. .
Michael Davltt, the well-known Irish
agitator, Is seriously ill lu Louden.
Rev. Jehn Oakley, deun or Manchester,
is dead.
A vlolent shock or earthquake has oc ec oc
eared In Frauce at Pellgny aud oilier towns
In the department of Jura.
Tbe Heuse committee en buildings unan
imeusly reported In faverer a?CO,000 pub
lic building at I'ettsvlllc, Pa.
The situation at Columbus ever the
street car strlke Is threatening, and mllltla
may be summoned.
Near Mt. Carmul, Pa , Rebert Lawlets, a
worthless character had a rifle ball put
through him while trying te outer a house.
He will dle.
A Mether's Fruitiest Heroism.
Levni.AM), Ohie, June .11. Information
has been received here of a sad drowning
at Seutli Lebanon. A young girl named
Clcmmens was fishing iu the Little Miami
river at that point. She foil into the river.
Her mother was an oye-wltncss of the
accident, and plunged Iu and succeeded In
bringing her daughter te the shore. The
daughter was beyond resuscltutlun. Sud
den excitement and dcep grief was tee
much for the mether, and she, tee, died
shortly afterward. They were both resi
dents of this place, whero one of the sons
was drowned about two ycers age.
Riots In Silesia,
Vienna, June II. Strikers at Bennlsch,
Silesla, areactlng lu riotous manner. They
attacked the factories yesterday, and with
clubs and stones smashed all the window s
In sixteen of them. Several factories were
otherwise damaged.
Lancaster Geld Miners,
J. II. B. Wagner, president of the Lan
caster Mining and Milling cempauy, will
start for Durange, Colerado, next week for
the purpose of letting contracts for drilling
uud tuiinellng iu tlie Westerd Bolle Mine,"
te opeu up the chamber of the higu
f;ruae geiu ere sirucic in inu nuuiv
ast fall. The usays show the re
spective value of f0,C'-, $3,000.
$5,118, JI,388 and $515, te the ten. The ox ex ox
pectation I that a considerable body will
lmnnaned un bv the proposed operations
of this summer, which Is entertained by
parties resident near the property, who
liave made proposals le loase the mine.
But, the company, knowing it has a geed
property, will work It " ler all it Is worth,"
UUUOr lis own luauagviuvui,
$35,000,000 MORE M
i . L
Republican Members Cj
is .-xec .neugu, um
...-. . niuiw-
.maIa Ma
. .- .-.,... v ......;,
WAsniseTON, June lWi
te-day Meri ill, of (Kansas!
conference report en the Sens
pension bill. In explanation i
he stated that in court
committee had stricken
dependent feature of the Sena!
the service feature of the
The measure as delerni
ra nrtt nvafMe what '
deslre, but It was the bestu
obtain. It would dlstrlbut
among the peer soldiers efthe
Yeder, (Ohie,) protested I
ference report holding that. IIBl
demands of the soldier, left hlH
answered and burled In the;
the capital his petitions for rr
of potisiens.
Mr. Sawyer, of New Yerk.
the proposed hill was for tH
taking care of the needy and
Mr. Illinois favd
en the ground that it would!
pension rolls 250,000 names se
crease the (tensions of 60,000
the rolls.
McComas, of Indiana, elicit
applause by his reference te 1
the best friend the soldier
the Heuse for many yea; I
was net all that be
wished feri but It was the
be obtained. Republicans
Democrats talked. Hepai
while Democrats declaimed. J
ence report was agreed te, sQ
Wltt-M Ik t.tiA f!amm nd l
Net Drink PM
Nkw Yenu, June It,
Temperance Congress epeu
Umadway tabernacle. It '
erder by Cel. Alexander' 8."
Dr. Chas. F. Deems waa ele
aud Jeseph A. BegardUeej
iJOVlII ailllUlllltWU hUV UUO
sress te be the promotion i
lerauce with no dlvsrganc
or sectarianism.
After prayer by Rer.
work of Congress epenstl
cuss en en. "Is state
prohibition desirable and.'
first speaker wan ine vees
rlau. Gen. Neal Dew en I
whether prohibition Is da
a ploture of Maine as It wai
Hen laws were ens
It 1 new, the
standpoint being
of the present eead
as te Its feasibility the sp
can set anything they
ters ifthey show unity III
The assertion that p
net prohibit he stigma
Advocates of high
steed between prohibit!
truffle. Rebert Graham,1
duoed as the reprcsentati j
inevsmenv in uenuu u. ,
ground that Iho national
Hen was neither deslr
Total prohibition of sale
wlnesand fermented of
would, he said, be an extf
have an Itnpregnable basil
Impregnable basis' te be fJ
(Scriptures! wnera wa
ment "Theu shall net dr
Drunkenness was for
Ingwas a matter betwa
science and Ged. Pr
was net effective. Ini
liquor gees en openly il
and ether towns or 1
In favor or high license.'
Dickinsen, N. D.,
Hayes et the county ha
tbe participants In the i
em pacific train at New C
was captured by the sua
for the Black H Ills en
prisoner gives his name
He says there were uvi
robbed the train aud I
completed they seperati
ent directions.
Remanded for 1
SrnxcusK, N. Y Jua
lace, en motion of .Attel
te-day vacated and
of habeas corpus in the!
mler under sentence
and Kemmler Is reuir'l
of the warden of Auufcl
Riots U J
Vienna, June ll.
Silesla, are acting
They attacked tui
day and with
emashed all the
of them. Sovenvl fac
damaged. A numberl
rested and tbelr cc
pelice lu their attempt
trouble became se ser
were called upon and!
the rioting.
A Murder
Nkw YenK, June J
buiim. sixty-two jt
neck or was strangedl
night in a fight with
has been arrested enfc
was at least twenty ;
husband and nelgll
frequently tried te i
She was his second
Burglars, Gi
Burglars breke info 1
stare last night
worth of jewelry,
taken were seven
silver watches, cba
nieces of solid gen
rings. The sate was
Fair till Fi
I ' southerly wfc
IltraUl Weather
slnn lu Kansas wH
.ally high temper
eaat-tienueasi. w
humidity. TI17J
morning in Minn
lakes, with heavy!
fallen east of the!
ture rose In the If
tbe chief maxiiuj
grees Fahrenheit,!
tun cuier maximal
at El Pase, Texaa
and Ml ut Dedge '
State, warmer,
weather will pr
u,ii!itv,wii.ri v 1
ruins or thunder
laud tiartly cleua
fair intervals
followed by
allsectleis wl