Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 10, 1890, Image 1

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fit 8TIBET 1011)10.
Decatur, Illinois, Hu Tried end Found
Them Satlstfcctery- An Engineer
Taper On the Vlrtuea of Bricks.
One efthe best articles upon the subject
of brick roadways 1. a paper read before
the Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and
Surveyors at their meeting held in the city
of Des Moines last rammer by Win, Steyb,
city engineer of Burlington, la., and he
gives some data which are original and
valuable. The article is as fellows :
There has been se much written and said
about street pavemeuta that it seems super
fluous te discuss this subject further, but
se long as the better classes even of streets
pavements are open te objections se long
will this subject furnish material for dis
cussion by the profession. Without going
into lengthy details about the various
street pavements new in use I will conilne
myself te a general statement of tliel r geed
and bnd features. The main questions te
be considered In the selection of the
material for street pavements are comfort,
healtlifulneas, safely and economy, and
the merits of the different kinds may be
summed up as fellows :
Oraulte block pavement Service very
geed, durable, needing little repair, but
very noisy and slippery when worn, es
pecially ou steep grades, and ilrst cost ex
pensive. Aspbaltum Servlce very geed, free from
noise and dust, but slippery en steep
grades, expensive te repair and first cost
Brick Service very geed, free from
noise and dust, durable, very easily re
paired, and first cost moderate if brick can
be procured in the iinmedtate vicinity,
thereby saving freight charges.
Weed block Service very geed during
the first few years, free from noise and
dust, but unhealthy and offensive after the
weed begins te decay; first cost moderate.
Macadam Sorvice reasonably geed, but
very muddy In wet and dusty in dry
weather needing constant repairs; first
cost moderate.
Tbere are various ether pavements in
use In different parts of the country, sand
stone block, limestone block, cobble stone,
etc., but having no experience with any of
them lean net say anything for or against
Frem the foregoing it will be seen that
the brick pavement has become known
outside of a few cities in this country and
consequently Is as yet in lis infancy, but I
am justified in saying that whorevor it has
been Introduced it has made friends faster
than most of tlie ether pavement.
After describing the limestone macadam
pavements of Burlington, with their mud
and dust and the efforts te give brick a fair
trial, Knglneer Sleyh says ;
In tbe sering of 1888 a ceed many of our
citizens were alive te the all-absorbing j
uucbuuu ui uuw vii improve uur mrtwis mill
thereby enhnnre the value of real estate.
The city council wan urged te order streets
paved regardless of the uumuruus' remon remen
strances and threats of contesting the as
Kessuienls. Finally Jeffersen' street, bo be
tween. Frent and Seventh streets, was
'Ordered paved, and although nearly half of
the property owners remonstrated against
belng assessed for the same, net a slngle
one contested the assessment, and te-day
property owners In every locality are
anxious te get tbelr streets paved. Bur
lington new has about 60,000 square yards
of brick pavement, which will undoubtedly
be doubled the coming season. We also
laid about 3,000 square yards of granite
block pavement last spring, which gives
Soed satisfaction se far, but I de net think
lurllngten will lay any mero granite in
the near future, as our citizens are all de
cidedly in favor of brick.
In order te find out the strength for re
sistance of the brick used In our pavement,
I sent six amples te the United States
arsenal at Reck Island, 111., te be tested.
The following table shows the result :
s . i L- 1 -
Is 1 IIMJI!!!
Vt 8J'2i Vfiati 40.000 81.S0O 9.2HI
n. 8 xitkr$j8,i
s xsiix'elu:
nejru en iwi .a .Wirt . un .
xSlix'Al IVXWI ' JO.000 4700 S.12S.7
TMXHliX-Mi,K;i ilfHO 31.HUU O IS.Z
-.lixStixiVt, 8.1502, 17,700 46,500 5,0172
Taking the weakest of the samples whiah
commenced te spaul at 30,000 pounds for an
area of a little- ever 9 square inches, which
would equal very nearly that portion of
the four wheels of a heavy farm wagon
resting en the pavement at any one time,
it snows mat it wnuiu require exiremeiy
heavy leads te injure the pavements. As
the brick .pavement presents a very smooth
surface the wear is net nearly as great as en
granite and ether stone block pavements.
Se far brick pavements have been con
structed mostly in small cities en account
itin erroneous opinion that It would net
8Und the heavy traffic of the large places ;
but the time is undoubtedly near when
brick paving will be adopted for the
heaviest traillc. Of course, It will require
the very best brick, thoroughly vitrified
and made of clay which has enough Iren
in It te make the brick tough in addition
te being hard. The foundation ler a
geed street pavement can net be made
rith tee much care, as a peer founda
tion will bring the best of paving ma
terial into disfavor en account of making
the wearing surface irregular. But se
Jeng as our streets are dug up for sewer,
-water, gas or steam connections, he long
will there be defective foundations for
pavements, no matter hew well they may
have been constructed originally.
The Engineering A'ews of March 20, 1880,
reproduces from en artlcle by M. A.
CJeuvy, published lu Memoirs de la Necxete
des Jngcnieurs liigils: "At this tlme
rlSTO), tbe ritv of Budapest was seeking
ieuie imaterla'l better than granlte for its
cltv paveuients, and made a trial of the
ceramili en one of Its streets. This pave
ment wa Iliade in two distinct beds, first
a lower bed or layer, which was simply a
completo walling in of the material soil by
means of ordinary, bard-burned brick laid
en the Hat, and second, and upper or wear
ing surface, of concrete blocks 4x8x4 Inches
thick. In laying this pavement the natural
soil was first dressed te conferni
te tbe profile of the streets and carefully
rammed ; upon this were placed the hard-
burned bricks en their flat, having
dimensions of 111x4x3 Inches. Betwpen
the joints in this brlck.bed was poured a
grout of cement mortar, and en top was
piaceu a eeuuisauu e-v ww uwi.
under brick were placed with their long
- axis parallel with the street, breakingjeints
with each ether ; the ceremite blocks were
put en the sand diagonally te tbe axis of
the street and laid dry. Inte the joints-of
this upper surface was then poured a mix
ture mode of one part of het coal tar, four
parts of ordinary pitch and fifteen te twenty
parts of saud, according te the size of the
sand grains.
The width of joints In this pavement is
nerelly 4-20 Inches, varying with the size
of sand used. This pavement since 1881,
has been used quite extensively In Buda
pest aome 20,000 square metres being thus
ceve'red." One square metre equal te 10J
square feet.) . ...
In comparing tbe various systems this
article further wy s:
"The ceramlte give a smooth surface
finalogeus te that of asphalt and weed, but
t s harder; the diagonal lay of the blocks,
whlte avoiding the slipping and affording a
better foothold for horse, is the caune or a
certain amount of nelsp, much lei than
with Kranlte. The objections te granite
are already well known, etc., etc. Frem a
hvirienlc point of view the ceramlte is prno prne
tlcally next te asphalt as a street paving
material, and the dust arising from It Is a
minimum. The experiments at Budapest
hew that while the ceramlte costs mere
than asphalt te lay, it costs less te maintain
it In geed condition, slipping Is completely
By adopting the manner of laying tbe
brick pavements as in use in Budapest as
above described, but using clay brick burnt
T- m.l hx-Hnea. Iniieui Of DOttOrS ClSV
Hiuu. -.------- ., ,,, ,-
On Ol IUU UOlltWM, wwm. w
lUnceef5.300DOUBdsDr aaaareineB
found by Dr. Beehm, of the Academy of
Berlin, recent tests by the Chicago Ferge
and Belt company of twenty-nine samples
of pressed building brick show a maximum
resisting strength or from 4,000 te 19,900
pounds tier square Inch, which, by boning
te flint hardness, would be se materially
increased as te make It equal in strength te
any known material.
A circular from the Decatur Tile Ce.,
Decatur, III., gives Information of much
value lu relation te the uae of brick as
paving material for publle roadway.
Brick for street paving Is be longer an
experiment. Scores of cities In the United
States new use nothing else. In some cities
brick bss been used lu the streets for
nearly twenty years, and the paving, with
little repair, premises te last as long again.
Decatur, III., was one of the first cities te
adept brick exclusively for street paving,
and new has about ten miles of paved
streets, with many blocks under contract.
The purpose Is te push the work as fast as
the finances will permit until the entire city
Is paved. Decatur has gene through the
experimental process, trying brick of
various makes, and her experience is a
valuable guide te cities contemplating pav
ing with brick. After much experiment
ing the Decatur Tile Ce. has produced a
virtrlfled brick almost impervious te water
and equal te granite In wear. By the baking
process the surface is glazed and
the Inside Is rendered flint-like te
the centre. The brick rings like
metal, and brlttleness, which characterizes
"bard burned brick" from up-draught
kilns, Is avoided. The test In Decatur
demonstrated the vast superiority of these
brick ever all ethers, and In 1889 all ordi
nances for paving speclfled"dewn draught"
brick. Nothing else can new be used. The
first experimental block of Tile company
brick was laid by Jehn Grass, contractor,
en Seuth Water street, Decatur, in May,
1875, under a guaranty for five years. Net
a dollar of repairs has .been' required,
though exposed continuously te the
heaviest trafllc. The paving Is as smooth
as a fleer, and a guaranty of twenty years
would have been safe.
In 1880 four specimens of Tile company
brick, nicked up at random, were tested by
the Chicago Ferge and BoltcOmpan.shew
Ing the ultimate crushing resistances of the
samples te be 252,000, 229,000, 210,000 arid
218,000 pounds respectively. The brick
measured 7Jx2Jx4 inches. The method lu
Decatur for paving Is te bring the earth
ounuaiien 10 a proper graue, tne last turee
Inches of grading being finished with the
pick and shovel, The surface la then rolled,
ustnir a six te ten ten roller. Over this
surface is spread four Inches of gravel, or
sand andvgravel. carefully tamped. A
course of hard brick is then laid flat,
lengthwise with the street, also tamped ;
en this course Is spread an inch and a
hair of screened sand, gauged and properly
smoothed off. On this la laid tbe top course
of extra hard brick en edge, crosswise with
tbe street. Care Is taken te break Joints In
each' course. The top ceurse Is also
taiuped. In tamping a two-Inch plank is
Uld en the brick and a forty-pound rammer
in the bands of two stout men Is used.
Kxperlence taught the superiority of tamp
ing ever using a roller. After being
thoroughly tamped se as te secure a smooth
surface, fine screened sand is spread and
swept into the crevices an inch of sand
being left en the top after throwing the
paving open te travel.
' Te secure the best results and protect the
paving in its life and even surface, the
street should be drained by laying drain
tile at each side, outside the curbing.
Horses de net slip or fall en brick pave
eont as they de en granite blocks, owing
te the small surface between the same. The
advantages of brick paving are :
1. Kconemy In construction.
2. Smoothness of surface.
3. Noiseless almost as weed.
4. Ne slipping by horses.
5. Freedom from all Impurities.
0. Durability next, ir net equal, te granite.
7. Kconemy and convenience in repairs.
Clen. A. O 111 mere, In bis work en "Reads,
Streets and Pavements," says :
"The object of a pavement being te se
cure a bard, even and durable surface, and
net te any considerable extent, nor neces
sarily, te support the weight of heavy
leads, It Is evident that the surface will
boeh subslde unequally, forming ruts and
depressions, unless it rests upon a firm
and solid foundation. A geed foundation
is as necessary for the stability of a pave
ment as for that of any ether construction.
Bad foundations invariably produce bad
pavements sooner or later, while with a
geed foundation the quality of tbe surface
upon which the wear takes place depends
upon the material used for paving and the
manner of laying it down.
"Among the suitable foundations for
a pavement, provided the thickness
be adapted te tbe character of the
sub-soil and the nature of the traf-,
flu nre the following; 1. hvdraullc
concrete six te eight inches in thick nesa;
2, rubble stones set en edge, but net in con
tact, with the interstices filled with con
crete ; 3, rubble stones set In contact like
the sub-pavement of a Telferd reed ; 4,
cobble stones firmly set in a form of sand
or gravel ; u, smaii runuie stones or ran
dom sizes in a well compacted layer ; or 0,
a layer of broken stone laid In the manner
of a macadamized read."
In speaking .of concrete foundations he
" Though the most costly, it is the best
stree: foundation, all things considered, tuat
has yet been devised. In a few weeks after
laying It becomes a strong, solid monolith,
and, even If It should crack In many places
in consequence of the great and varying
leads upon it, or from unequal powers of
resistance, and therefere unequal subsi
dence or the underlying soil, its superior
ity te any ether kind of bottoming can
scarcely be doubted." "
Gillespie, In his works en reads, refer
ring tocencroto foundations, savs :
" This is perhaps the most efficient of all
the foundations, but athe the most costly at
first, though this would be balanced by Its
permanence and saving of repairs. .It ad
mits of access te subterraneous pipes with
less injury te the neighboring pavement
than any ether, for the conereto may be
broken through at any point without un
settling the foundation for a considerable
distance around, as Is the case with founda
tions of sand or broken stones; and when
the conereto is replaced the pavement can
be at once reset at Its proper level, without
the uncertain allowance of setting which Is
necessary in etner cases."
Mr. F. Ij. Iloge, city engineer of Wheel
ing, W, Va., says;
" In a large cltv, with heavy and con
tinuous hauling, I Bheuld prefer a founda
tion six inches of concrete and use the
brick as a wearing surface. We ought te
pay mero and get better work."
Uiike Ball Nutes,
The games of base ball played yesterday
resulted as follews:
l'lavers' League Philadelphia 14, New
Yerk2; Bosten 9, Brooklyn 4 : Cleveland
14, Buffalo 7; Pittsburg 0, Chicago 0.
National league Philadelphia 0, New
Yerk 1; Brooklyn 7, Bo.ten3; Cincinnati
8, Pittsburg 2.
American Association Rochester 9, Ath
letlc3; Brooklyn 13, Syracuse 7.
Interstate League Ilarrlsburg 9, Yerk
5 ; Altoeua 4, Kasteu 1.
A Glimpse of the Seuth.
Frederick D. Orth, a young man, of
Mni-lplLa. lias fni.1 raturnful from fSnnrffta.
I unci In rospenso te an inquiry, writes as
follews: " I must Inform you hew kindly
the wliite residents of the Seuth received
me and de receive all Nertherners: while
the negrees referred te me as a 'uamued
"It proved te me beyond a doubt that the
bloedy.ablrt-waving newspapers of the
North are sadly misrepresenting tbe people
or the Seuth ; and furtber that the negrees,
who are the very ones whom tbe Republi
can organs represent as being 'outraged
and abused.' actually hate a Northern man
who may find blmsslf In their immediate
"Consequently affairs are exactly tbe re
verse of what the Republican papers rep
resent. I further found that lu many in
stances tbe negrees are treated by far better
than the peer whites. In fact they have
nothing te complain of and their threaten
ing renllessneas is all caused by the Re
publican papers, whose sole object appears
te in name a net aiuuugvi iuviu, nu
A Dealer Thinks the Venal Acreage Will
Be Reduced Owing te the Seed Fam
ine Trade Dnll In Cased !.
The past week was another dull one In
old goods In tbe leaf tobacco market. Only a
fewliundred cases changed, hands. The
New Yerk dealers appear te be giving all
their attention te Sumatra aud until the
boom Is ever In that goods, very Utile at
tention will be paid te Lancaster county
cigar leaf. , ,
Farmers were busy the past week in
planting the '90 crop and the weather was
favorable for the work. In some sections
of the county there Is a scarcity of plants,
and for that reason a large dealer, who baa
had reports from all sections of tbe county,
believes the acreage will be leu this than
last year. . ,
Tobacco seed was set at the usual tlme
this apring, but the cool wcather retarded
Its growth. The plants for the late crops
are considered In geed condition.
J. 8. Dans' Sen's Repert.
Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J.
8. Gans' son, tobacco' broker, Ne. 131
Water street, New Yerk, for the week end
ing June 10, 1890:
250 cases 1889 Pennsylvania Havana, p.
t. : 140 cases 188S state Havana. 13 te 15;
235 cases 1888 Pennsylvania Havana. 13 te I
14 ; 276 cases 16S7-88 Pennsylvania seed lear,
81 te 13 ; 200 cases 18SH Ohie, p. t, ; 200 cases
1888 Wisconsin Havana, 11 te 13; 100 cases
1888 New England Havana, 10 te 37. Total,
1,350 cases.
The Philadelphia Market.
Frem the Tobacco Leaf.
Trade Is quiet. Occasionally a sale of
binders and fillers is reported. Tbe king
of wrappers Just new requlres tee much
attention te leek alter domestic leaf, but it
will be needed, for Sumatra won't de for
every purpose. I'rlces are unsettled.
Sumatra is tbe talk, first, last and all the
time. Net only talk, but sales quick
Havana has impreved in sales ever last
Receipts for the week 32 cases Connecti
cut, 285 cases Pennsylvania, 74 cases Kittle
Dutch, 310 cases Wisconsin, 105 cases Yerk
state, GC4 bales Sumatra, 211 bates Havana
and 11 bhds. Virginia aud Western leaf
Sales show 29 cases Connecticut, 295
caaes Pennsylvania, 10 cases Ohie, 23 cases
Little Dutch, 234 cases Wisconsin, 33 cases
Yerk state, 458 bales Sumatra, 201 bales
Tlie New Yerk Market.
Frem tlie U. 8. Tobacco Journal.
The Sumatra boom is still holding out.
The extent of purchases Is restricted only
by the limited quantities of imports and
the old stock en band. Goods are taken as
quickly as they are landed, and they ate
shipped ever here as seen as they are
bought at an inscription. Kxtra steamers
are pressed Inte the service of transporta
tion. Tbe inscriptions at Bremen, Amster
dam and Rotterdam, which followed each
ether closely since the last of last month,
yielded about 7,000 bales for the Amerlcan
market, and they will all be In before July
1. Last week's importation or Sumatra
amounted te 2,307 bales, which is one or
tbe largest importations en record for a
single week. And mere than half of this
importation has changed band, already.
The total sales for the week amount te
1,000 bales.
At tbe beginning of the week buyers
were Inclined te go a little slew en account
of (by the Mugwump papers) ropeited op-
eosltien against the MeICInley bill by the
euate finance committee. Tbe sieed,
however, with which the Senate committee
is passing tbe dillerent items of the tariff
bill, tbe tew insignificant changes the com
mittee is making in the original schedules,
and the cold reception the New Yerk busi
ness men's delegation received at tlie
bands of the committee, seem to'havehad
tbe effect of dampening any sanguine hepe
or any radical rovlslen of the McKlnley
bill by the Senate Hence tlie continuance
of the Sumatra boom.
The Importations of Havana have also
been exceedingly large the past week.
They amounted te 3,400 bales. This large
Importation reveals the intontlen of our
Havana Importers of net taking any
chances en the " every part" clause of the
tobacco schedule. Tbev want te be en the
safe side when the tariff bill passes. Thoro Thero Thore
foro all the goods which are kept lu the
watebouses at Havana en account of the
mere favorable climatic Influences en them,
are speedily orderod Inte their ewners'
possession en this side.
Frem the Tobacco Leaf.
Business has been rather brisk during
the week, and all kinds of old tobacco wero
disposed of. B goods were eagerly sought
for. This class of tobacco Is very scarce,
and te-day commands a geed figure.
In 1889 tobacco a few hundred cases were
sold, and the Indications are that bofero
many days have passed a large business
will ue dene in new packings.
The buying of the new crop in the grow
ing section Is fast growing te a close, and
the amount in farmers' hands at present Is
very small Indeed less than for many
years for the same period of tbe year.
Congressman McAdoo's Spwcli.
In Congressman McAdoo's spoech at the
creat tariff reform meetlng In Philadelphia
appears the following : " New, in this bill,
outside of this feature of the tin, there Is
anether matter which Interests you poeplo
of Philadelphia. Tbe Netherlands Is
possessed of an island called Sumatra. Its
climate and Its soil are exceedingly favor
able te tbe raising of a certain quality of
tobacco. It is a thin lear without much
vein te It. It Is the covering, I should say,
of eleven-twelfths of the cigars or the peer
men of the land, When It Is delivered In
the tobacco factory It costs, I should think,
about fl.bO, duty and all, a pound. They
iropese te raise a wall ngalnbt this tobacco
y making the duty JJand $2.75 per iKund.
What will be tbe result of thlsT The first
result will be the raising of the price of the
peer man's cigars. The next result will
be a decrease In the number or cigars
smoked, and the last result will be the
discharge of thousands of men lu Philadel
phia anu in me umieii niaieu who mane
cigars fur employment."
G ranted 'Uy the Iteuluter.
The following letters were granted by tbe
register of wills, for the week eudjng Tues
day, June 10:
Apmininthatiev. Frederick O. Seltli,
deceased, late of taucaster city ; David L.
Dcen, city, administrator.
Paschall Moere, deceased, late of Sada
bury township; A. W. Moere, Salisbury,
Heury Gerfln, deceased, late of Colum
bia borough; Catherine Gurfin, Columbia,
Susan Cooper, deceased, late of Celninbla
borough ; Themas W. Huldeuian, Colum
bia, administrator.
Jobu Harry, deceased, late efKaat Hoinp Heinp
field township; Jeseph C. Buck waiter,
Warwick, and Ames F. Harry, East
Uempfield, administrator.
Tkstamentaby Emanuel Greff, de
ceased, late of Strasburg township; Ellas,
Henry L. and Jehn L. Oroff, Strasburg
township, executers.
J-.llzauetn urauin.ueceasee, iaiei upper
Leacock township; J. U. Grabill, Upper
Leacock, administrator.
Samuel S. High, deceasf-d, late of iJin
caster city ; Catbeiiue A. High, city, execu execu
eor. Samuel O. Bolnner, deceased, late of
Lancaster city; Eltle II. Behmer, city,
Au Old J.ady'sDunth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Risk, widow of the late
James Rink, died very suddenly at her
home near Quarryvllle, en Sunday morn
ing, of heart disease. Sha was i3 years
of egei and a sister of Jacob M. Eckinan.
Her funeral took place te-day, and the
Interment was made at Octoraro church.
Sale or Real Estate.
Jacob B. Leng, real estate agent, sold
yeHterday at private sale for Isoae Dlller.
the large three-story frame dwelling and
two acres or land en the Maner turnpike,
this side of Millersville,adjelnlng the Men-
nenite meeting neuae en tne west, te u.
Census Investigations te IBe Pushed
Threuiih Physicians.
The following baa been issued by tbe
State Beard of Health t
7 Pfiitklani in Tenntyliiinia .'
An opportunity Is afforded In connection
with the taking of the census by the United
State government, of obtaining statistical
information which cannot Ml te be of ex
treme value te tbe state, as regards the
physically defective classes which compose
a portion of Its population. The State
Beard of Health, te which has been con
fided the duty of superintending the col
lection of vital statistics In this common
wealth doslreus tbat these returns should
be aa full as possible The medical profes
sion, of all ethers, should be the first te
appi eclat e the Importance of such Informa
tion. It has been found, howevor, lu con
versation with physicians, that many of
them entertain the apprehension that the
Information which they thus Impart, may
1m used in seme manner detrimental te
the patient, or individual, te whom It
refers. In order te remove such ebstacle
te obtaining complete returns, communi
cations were addrossed te the Hen. Rebert
P. Perter, superlntondent cf census, and
Dr. J. S. Billings, surgeon U. S. A., in
charge of vital statistics and statistics of
special classes, asking for a guarantce in
addition te tbat already given, "that all
information furnished en their schedules
would be considered, and treated aa st.-lctly
confidential, no names being published."
Te this communication the following
replies bave been receive. I :
Ckxhus Om6n, Washington, )
June 4th, 1890.
Sir: Permit tne te acknowledgo your
favor of the 2d Instant, and in reply te
state that the only object in obtaining theso
returns from physicians Is te correct the
enumerator's return, and under no cir
cumstances will the Information received
from physicians be nsed against an Indi
vidual, but as seen as cempared, and
enumerator's report corrected, the physi
cian's schedule will be destroyed. They
are te be used simply te supplement the
Information glven te enumerators, and In
no case will anv patient ever knew through
this ofllce that a physician ever made a
report of his case. The superintendent
communicated with you en this subject
yesterday, and Dr. Billings, new absent, is
fully in accord with him in assuring you
that no physician noed fear that the infor
mation given will be used save In the most
confidential manner.
In tbe absence of Dr. J. S. Billings,
special agent. Very roapeetfully,
Acting Chief of Division of Special Classes.
Ce.nsi's Orricx, Wasiiinoten,
June a, 1800.
Sin : I beg te acknowledgo your favor of
the 2d Instant and in reply te say that ;you
can assure every physician in your state
that whatever information they uive te this
ofllce will be strictly confidential, se far as
names and residences are concerned. That
physicians' returns are te be used only te
correct Information received from enumera
tors and Immediately destreyed as seen as
compared : only a few selected clerks will
ever see thorn, and it will be Impossible
that any Information should reach tbelr
Permit me te express my appreciation of
your Interest In this work, and te assure
you that you may pledge this ofllce te fully
guard against any personal information
elng obtained en account of the returns
of the pbvslclans;
Very respectfully,
Reiikiit P. Pehtku,
Superintendent of Census.
There ran, therefere, be no ground for
hesltancy en the part of the tirofesslon, en
the score of professional delicacy, te fur
nish the information called for in every
particular. Respectfully,
Bkniamin Lkk, M. 1).,
Superintendent Vital Statistics of the
Common wealth of Pennsylvania.
A Well Known Expert en the Value of
City Property.
Gcerge II. Leman, a well-known resi
dent el this city, died en Monday night, at
his residence, Ne. 38 East German street,
aged CO years. He was a natl ve of Lancas
ter and lived here all his life. He learned
the trade of stove making, and that busi
ness he folio wed a number or years. He
was better known as a contractor and
builder, and in the past twenty years he
erected a uuniber of houses. He was also
for a tlme a collocter of taxes.
Last winter he was attacked with the grip
and he never fully recovered from that
Illness. He began falling In health three
months agb, but his death was net ex pocted
se seen. In politics be was a Republican,
but In city matters was Independcnt.
He was couslderod an oxcellont Judge of
the value of preperty and was frequently
called upon as an expert lu the courts.
The only beneficial organization te which
he belonged was Conestoga Council, Ne. 8,
O. U. A. M. He was a momber of the
Duke street M. E. church and was for
some years an ofllcer. He leaves a widow
but no children. His survlng brether Is
ex-Pellcernan B. Frank Leman and his
sisters are Mrs. Philip Dolcbler, or this
city, and Mrs. Rebecca Beys, of Wilming
ton, Delaware.
A Hey Who Get Toe Fur Away Frem Ufa
On Sunday a llttle boy, who gave his
naine as Geerge Noader, called at the sta
tion beuse while tbe chief of police was en
duty. He was crying bltterly and said
that be wanted te go te his home in Brook
lyn. He said that he bad coma te Lancas
ter with another boy and they had brought
horses te Lancaster. He expected te come
here and go right baek te Brooklyn, but the
man for whom he had brought the horses
was out of town. I.ater the boy who had
ceme with young Noader, and was elder,
went te the station heuse. He said that
C revision had been made at a hotel for the
ey and he could step there comfortably
until the owner of the horses returned ;
Noader was very homesick, however, he
kept saying that he wanted te go home te
his mother. Finally he lea with his com
panion, who premised te take him home.
Chief of Police Bergor wrete a letter te
the boy's father and received a reply this
morning, thanking him. The boy hail
left home without permission and they had
been telegraphing for him everywhere. At
last they gave up and concluded that the
boy was drowned. When they found out
tbat he was safe there was great rejoicing
In the family. He has ue doubt reached
home ere this.
An Assault una Battery Case.
M. T. Cermeny was heard by Alderman
Barr this morning en a charge of assault
aud battery. William Klnstry, a stranger,
was the prosecutor, and said that he went
Inte Ceruieuy'w hotel en Saturday nlgbl
and ate some oysters. While he and
Harry Care were eating tbe oysters they
made some remarks net very flattering te
Mr. Cormeny, and he and Henry Nelsen,
oue of his colored empleyes, assaulted
them. He was unable te positively Iden
tify Nelsen as ene of the assailants, and tbe
case against him was dismissed. Care,
who also made a complaint ter assault and
battery against tbese parties, failed te ap
pear te prosecute, and tb'e supposition Is
that he skipped away from town.
Mr. Cormeny's side of the story Is that
tlicse men came te his place anil used In
sulting langURge In the presence of his wife,
and when remonstrated with tliny refiihed
te desist and wero then put out. The case
against Mr. Cormeny was returned te
court, and he gave ball for trial.
llcmoeriitlo l'rlmiirles.
The Democratle nominating meeting
will be held te-morrow evening at tlie
usual places In this city, when candidates
for delegates and members Of the county
commlttce will be piaceu in nomination.
The election will be held en Saturday
etenlng and the county convention ou
Wedueday of next week. In the county
districts the nomination and election of
'delegates w HI be held ou Saturday.
Knlgbta of St. Jobu Fair.
The fair eftbe Knights or St. Jehn was
brought te a cljse en Monday evening
when the articles te be disposed of by vote
were awarded te the lucky winners. There
still remain several articles te be Chanced
off this evening. Tbe managers are pleated
with tbe result, the profit being beyond
tusir expjsuuiQaK
JUNE 10, 1890
ruTEB n mm im
The Yeung Republicans Uav a Flne
Exhibition-The Opening en Monday
Evealng-Gen. Hasting' Add
The art lean exhibit, for which the
Yeuug Republicans have been making
preparations for months, was formally
opened en Monday evening, with a large
audience present. The opera house has
been se changed In appoarance that one
would scarcely recognize It, Great taste
has been exercised In the decorations and
arrangement of the exhibits, and the hall
presents a beautiful appearance.
The lobby decorations were bv Hager A
lira, under the direction of Walter C.
Hager. and they are very fine. The walls
and celling have been covered with rich dra-
.perles, tastefully arianged. As one passes
iiuui iuu muuy iu iiia uiiivuriuin iiie view
Is a grand ene. The decorations of this
apartment was In charge of a oemmltteo of
the Yeung Republicans. FromHhe centre
of the celling te the sides are stroamera of
red. white and blue bunting; from the
centra chandelier bangs the handsome
silk bannoref thoelnbt around the gallery
la a drapery of bunting, ernameuted with
the caribou, elk and antelepe heads leaned
for the occasion by Mr. H. T. Davis; at
all tbe supporting pests are groups of
small flags and each of the small
chandeliers under the gallery has
Its group of Amerlcan flags nicely
arranged. The stairway leading te the
second fleer Is covered with flags and
bunting. In the opera house proper the
alceves have been Illled with rare plants
from Schroyer's hothouses. The tops of
the cases lu which the exhlblts are were
doceratod by llohrer A Bre. aud around
the onclesuro en the stage, roserved for the
orchestra, are flowers and plants In profu
sion, but se arranged aa te odd te the
beauty of the room. Are eloctrle lights
Imve been placed in the room and a plear
ant temperature Is kept up at all times by
rotary ventilating fans.
Eight o'clock was the henr designated
for the opening, and Governer Beaver was
en the pregramme for the e polling address.
He disappointed the managers by net com
ing, and did net even netlty the committee
that he would net be bere, after accepting
the Invitation. Secretary Stene, Edwin
Stuart and Majer Monteoth wero also ex
pected te be present, but they, tee, disap
pointed the committee. Or all the Invited
?;uests only one, Adjutant General Hast
ngs, put In an appoarance, and the com cem com
mitteo called upeu hlm te make the open epon epen
Ing address.
He was Introduced by Prosldent Jehn B.
Rehm and after telling his audlence hew
he had been pressed Inte sorvice, with only
a few minutes' notice, be said he waa glad
new that the ethor fellows did net come,
bocause be had all tbe glory te himself.
He reforred te the Important part Lancas
eor city had taken in tbe history of the
country. Nhe had sent ene of her favorite
sons Buchanan te occupy the greatest
position en the face of the earth.
Anether man, prominent lu the councils
of the nation, a brave, courageous
man, who always battled for tbe
truth as he believed it Stovens
came from the beautiful city of Lancaster.
In an Important period of the war, when
your homes were about being invaded by
rebel hordes, a gallant soldier en the battle
field of Gettysburg burled thorn back,
and history loves te tell of the great
achlovemont of Jehn Fulton Reynelds, a
Lancaster man. In this present axhlblt
can be seen what art can de. Tbere Is a
most dellghtful exhibit of the fine arts and
relics, ana In conclusion, after wishing the
young Republicans success, he formally
declared the exhibit open. After his
spoech, Gen. Hastings waa Introduced te
all who presented tbomselvos, after which
he viewed the exhibits.
It would be a great task te attempt a de
scription of the hundreds of articles en ex
hibition. Thore are 821 catalogued articles
aud many ethers net numbered. Among
thorn are works of the old masters, and tbe
handsemest pictures or which the parlors
of Lancaster's residents can beast.
Among the oxhlblters of many articles
nre Charles Steigerwult. Leen Ven Osske,
II. C. Demiitb, Mrs. F. Shreder, Mayer
Clark, Geergo M. Stelnman, H. II. Zahm,
Mrs. C. J. Swarr. S. C. Slaymaker and J.
B. Martin A Ce. Mr. Steigerwalt'a exhlblts
consist of autographs archieoleglcal
Idels, arms, books, engraving?, his
toric china plates, coins, medals and curies :
Mr. Yen Osske exhibits many flne paint
ings ; Mr. Demiitb, relics of the
old 11 re department j Mrs. Shreder,
old china; Mayer Clark, old city
documents ; Mr. Stelnman, records and
photographs of old buildings; Mr. Zahm,
relics; Mrs. Swarr, old china and glass
ware; Mr. Slaymaker, revolutionary rellcs,
ami j. is. jm aril n & ue., nne enma.
The exhibit will be kept open until the
21st, and In no place In the city can an hour
be mere mere pleasantly spent than in tbe
etmra nouse ler ine nexi iwe weexs.
Tlie committees In charge of the work
bad arduous labors te perferin, but they
?;et through thein with credit te themselves,
or such a collection or art aud curies has
nover before been galhored In this city.
The general coiuinlttce appointed last
April Is: C. L. Durban, chairman; H. I.
Spencer, A. B. HaHslor.Jne. B, Rehm, C.
A. Westhaofler, Gee. II. DeIIaven, E. E.
Stolgerwall, C. O. Strlckler, Chas W.
Heltkhu, J. B. Reth, jr., Chas. T. Stolgor Stelgor Stolger
wall, Merris Zeek, W. W. Oriel. Sub
committees Reception and art, Mrs. Loen
Ven Osske, chairman ; Mrs. J, E. Baker,
Mrs. Marriett Breslus, Mrs. B. Frank
Eshleman, Mrs. Chas. J. Swarr. Mrs. J.
Hareld Wlckerhham, Mrs. Tlies. C.
Wiley, Mrs. F. A. Muhlenbergi decora
tion, Cbas. W. Heltshu. chairman;
Chas. 8. Heffmeler, Jehn N. Het rick, Mrs.
C. S. Hoft'melnr, Miss Mary E. Sharp, Miss
Martha 11. Davis, Miss Iua C. Getz, Miss
Ella Grelucr; curie. Chas. T. Stolgerwalt,
chairman; M. 11. Hartman, Win. Slay
maker, Wni. L. Marshall. W. S. Martin. J,
Geerge Kainm, Jehn C. Carter, M. B. Rlfu,
J, Hareld Wlckersham, II. C. Deuiuth;
arrangemont'ef exhibits, K. E. Stelserwalt,
chairman; H. M. Herr, James Rese, Mrs.
J. J. Smallng, Mrs. James Koxe, Miss
Annle G. Reth, Mis Bertha Amer, Mrs.
E. E. Stolgerwalt; music, Harry I.
Sponcer, chairman; Harry E. Stener,
P. Eek. Slaymaker, Mrs. 0. E. Notscher,
Miss Ella Musser, Miss Daisy Smal
lng, Miss Marguerite K. llelnltsh ;
pictures, Gee. II. DeIIaven, chairman;
Jehn Relst, II. M. Shreder, Mrs. S. E.
Bally, Miss Esther Metzger, Miss Kate
Elcheltz, MlssSallle DeIIaven, Mrs. II. T.
Natherst; miscellaneous, W. W. Oriel,
chairman; II. M. Uriel, Miss Kate D.
Shirk, Miss Jesephine Franklin, Ml us
Mary Wade, Miss Ella Shirk; mercautlle
exhibits, C, G. Strlckler:' privileges, Jehn
B. ilchm : floors and tables. Jehn
B. Reth, jr. ; show cases, C. A. West
baclliir; Insurance, A. B. Hassler;
attendants, Merris Zeek, chairman; Mrs.
J. Harry Rathfon, Mrs. Frank B. McClaln,
Mrs. Llllle Rathfon, Mrs. J. K. Barr, Mrs.
Ellle Rine, Mrs. Walter C. Herr, Mrs.
Harry L. Zeek, Mrs. Laura Rathfon,
Misses Mlnnle Zortman, Nanule Levan,
Ora Miller, Mamie Miller, Leu Martin,
Blanchn Fahucsteck, Alice Fahnusterk,
Kute Fahnesteck, B'Jrtha Bllckenderfer,
lZdllh Brady, K.illle Huiuphroville, Menu
Wolf. Laura DeIIaven, Ida Smith, Margie
Guudaker, Annle Knulfmiin, Annie ltltncr,
Leu MacNeal, JAtiie lllnkley, Sue Bursk,
Hattle Bursk, KatloZeok, I tin Hull, Emma
Geist, Mary Hurst, Marien Dennelly,
Helen Wiley, Lllible Hurtman, Ida
Yocker, Katle Corcoran, Edith Bully, Mary
Hanrahan, Ella Keenan, Tesxlu .Malum,
Emily Mexsonkep, JunuieHattmaii, Llziie
Yecker, BohmIe Cast, Annle Wolf, Alice
liarnlsh, Llda V. Kcndlg, Ida Celby,
Mamle Borner, Sadle MuMelleu, Bettle
Carter, Gertrude Breslus, Helena Hech,
Emma Hech, Jonnle Potts, Llllle Marshall,
Mary Bewman, Llllie Hcrr, Deljihlue Mes Mes Mes
sonkep, Llllle Merrow ; H. I. Sponcer,
secretary; C. A. Westhaeffer, treasurer.
The following will assist in the concerts
te be given each ovenlng during the con cen
tlnuaucn of the lean exhibitien: Walter
Bausman, musical conductor; Chas. L.
Bewman, leader of orchestra.
Hnlntits Mrs. Almea Uesrke. Celumbia:
Mr. Alice Ellas, Mm. C. E. Netscher ;
Misses Mae Emery, Mlllersvllle; Mame K.
Werley, Ilarrlsburg ; Leila Baer, Gussle
Diasnderfer, Mary E. Lecher, Margie
Myers, Ella Musser. Kate Shirk, Dafsy
Smallng, M. Grace Wylle, Gee, V. Ham
brlght, Walter W. Zellinger, Dr.
E. Ti. llyus, Alten Kelb, C. G. Lan
dls, Frank b. McClaln, D. H. Sensenlg,
Henry M, Shreder, Jehn J. Smallng t
Instrumentalists, Mlssea Westlake, Mlllers
vllle (Bertha Amer, Ina C. Gets, Lula M.
GeU, Etta Ilerr, Katharlne Knapp, Louise
Knapp, Edith Metzger, Callle Sbaeffer,
Mra. Harry L. Zeek, Wni. II. Hager,
Harry D. Hepkins, Clarence Reyer, Frank
Shreder, J. K. Small, Ambrose Stain, Wni.
Tobias; ladles' chorus, Misses Amy Ball,
Ella Ball, Lillian Beoh ringer, Stella Car Car
penter, Mary E. Lecher, Ella Mus
ser, Sue Martin, Mr. C. E. Notacuer,
Gussle Dlffonderfer, Mame E. Etchells,
Anna C. He, Emma Hatz, Clara Hech,
Marguerite K. nelnltah, Ka'harlne Knapp,
Mary A. Krelder, Annle Lewoll, Harriet
R. Qulnn, M. Leu Rohrer, Margaret
Hellly, Daisy SmaUug, Kate Ryan, Kate
Shirk, Esther Hpludler, Annie 8 wart z z
welder, M. Grace Wylle; men's chorus,
Pau I Dougherty, Gee. F. Hambrlght, Chaa.
W. Heltshu, Chas. S. Hoffiueler, TJr. E. B.
iiyus, Aiien iveiu, v. u. lsnnis, ur. Wm.
II. Lewell, F. B. McClaln, Wni E,
Powell, James Prangley, D, It. Sense
nlir. P. Eck. Slavmaker. H. K. Htnnnr.
Harry I. Speneer; High Scheel orchestra,
Carl Therbahn, leader; Mlllersvllle Nor Ner
mal Scheel Glen club, D. A. Overhelser,
leader: Yeung Men's Democratle Society
erchestra, Fref. F. W.'Haas. leaden Frank
lin and Marshall College Mandelin club,
E. G. Eby, leader; The Yeung Republican
orchestra, Chas. L. Bewman, leader.
In addition te the concerts given each
ovenlng thore will be nuisle furnished by
a special orchestra, tinder the leadershlp of
Charles L. Bewman.
Following was the programnie of the
concert last evening : Mixed chorus, "Te
Thee, O, Country," Elchberg ; tener sole,
"My Queen." lilunimenthai, Henry M.
Shreder i ladles' chorus, " Hunting Seng,"
Hummel ; bass sole, " Thy Sontlnel Am
I." Watsen, Jehn J. Smallng; mixed
chorus, " Bridal Chorus, from Rese Mai
den, Cowen ; trombeno sole Adam Stark.
As before ueted.theexhlbtt Is well worth
a visit. Many articles are publicly en ex
hibition for the first time, and thore may
net be another opportunity te see them.
They (are se arranged that they can be
readily seen and with tbe catalogue Issued
all about tbe article can be learned from It.
for the explanation and desert ptlen of each
article la full.
Mr. and Mrs. Wanamaker Praised and
the Prosldent Censured.
At Monday's session In New .Yerk of the
Reformed Presbyterian ayned tbe report
of the commltteo en temperance was
read. It provided for tbe total aboli
tion of the liquor traffic and that only
unformented wine be allowed at the Lord's
supticr. In regard te tobacco the report
declared that no young man should be
eligible te the ministry who used tobacco
In any form. The report says t "We note
with special satisfaction theexamp'a act by
Mr. and Mrs. Wanamaker in giving their
splendid entertainments without wine.
They have set a noble example." Tbe re
port touches upon tbe discussion In Con
gress en the temperance question and tbe
Sact tbat a special commission la new de
liberating upon the effects of the liquor
The recent decision of the supreme court
respecting " original packages,'' the report
says, has Its favorable slde, In that It
makes national legislation upon the liquor
tralDe necessary. Speaking of the Influ
ence and power of the liquor Interest, It
says: " On state occasions liquors welgbt
the table presided ever by our Christian
president and his lady. The vice president
gees in this respect te a greater excess, and
besides this, derives a profit from tbe sale
or liquors en preperty which he owns and
Some frlenda at Epbrata sent a box of a
hundred frogs te J. L. Slelnmetz, esq.
It was reported in Yerk en Monday tbat
Walker Philips, of tbat city, formerly of
Lancaster, had bis legs cut off by tbe car
at Marsh Run. He was net injured.
Charles Krunlz, who was prosecuted
yesterday before Alderman Uersbey by
Geerge Elbel, roturned tbe compliment
te-day by aulng Elbel before the aam
magistrate for drunkenness aud disorderly
Mrs. Ltphart, who keeps a grecery store
in the northern end, tripped and fell whan
crossing North Queen street near the
Washington hotel, this morning, and broke
six dozen eggs she was carrying In a
Iat ovenlng the Lloderkranz held a con cen cen
cert and sociable. The attendance was
qulte large. The Iroquois baud played In
the Berden odielnimr 'the society's hall.
Tbe music was excellent and the dancing
waa kept up until a late hour.
The Pennsylvania railroad company to
day began selling excursion ticket down
the Columbia it Pert Deposit railroad te
parties of llvoer moregeod for three days.
The ticket are sold for as far down' as
Fishing Creek Station.
At a meeting of the Turn-Vereln last
oyenlng it was decided te celebrate the
second anniversary of the society by hold
ing a plcnie at Tell' Ualn en August 25.
The following commltteo will make all
arrangements: Frederick Scbreeder, Alex
ander Geerge and Jehn Graham.
Aldermau Barr, representing the Grand
Army, asks for information a te th
relative of Isaae Pepper, a soldier, whose
remains are burled In St. Jeseph's ceme
tery. Ills grave Is en a Hue of th proposed
opening or Filbert street, which takes part
of the cemetery. If hla friends sre net
heard from the G. A. R. commlttee will
have tbe body re Interred.
Jacob G, Simpsen appeared bofero Alder
man Barr this morning and made com
plaint against his son, Jehn K. Simpsen,
for assault and battery. The prosecutor did
notenter Inte details as te tun occurrence,
but bis blackeued eyes nnd bruised face
Indicated tbat some ene had tbrashed blui.
The accused gave ball for a hearing,
i Tbe members of the water committee
went out te-day te mnke an Inspection of
the water works. They wero accompanied
by tbe superintendent and clerk.
A Ilulf-Deiun Animals Gobbled TlilM
This morning at an early hour Deg
Catcher lllnkley bad soveu dogs in the pen
at the station heuse. There were animals
of all kinds, shapes, forms and colors, aud
they ranged In size from the beardyard
bull deg down te tbe little rat terrier. They
all looked very tired and worried. There
is a Dig winew ires ui wiu pen anu up mis
a llttle terrier tbat had probably grown
tired erthe place crawled, no then man
aged te make his escar,lmt was afterwards
caught by a little boy, who bought a muz
zle for hlm and took him home.
There are quite a number or dogs run
nlug around loose without muzzles en
their races. Three or that kind were seen
together en North Queen street, comparing
notes, this morning. It is said that a num
ber of liad boys are engaged stealing muz
zles off dogs. Some of them bad hopes of
turning dogs without muzzles overto tbe
city, but the mayor will net allow any oue
net authorized tei-utch.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon there were
ten dogs In the pmi. Among these brought
lu at the last haul, about neon, were ten
very pretty terriers. Quite a let of Inter
ested tioeplo speud much of their time
about the deg pen.
A Illrthduy burprlse.
Yesterday was tbe slxty-nluth birthday
of the wlre of Geerge Kircher, the well
known proprietor of the Gelden Eagle
hotel, at Llme and East King streets. In
the evening her children, grandchildren
and numerous rolatlves and friends met at
the residences of Henry Wolf and Geerge
Klehl aud went In a body te Mr. Klrcbers.
The Iroquois baud was also present and
iilayed several selections. The venerable
hostess was greatly surprised. The visi
tors brought with them all kinds of luxu
ries, and a splendid supper was a feature
of the evening's entertainment. Mrs.
Klrcber received a number of floral and
ethr prtMnts.
Mayer Clark Wale
te the city In a Brief!
of These Atteadia Mm I
The Grand Council of
American Order of BUa
In annual session In this city I
In Helnltsh's balldlna-. tha hai
Fulton Council, of thUelty. Tai
in iue urana council aret ..
jieury w. Cenner, Jenn a:
Fowler. Harrv Rhinh. TV W 1
Olmstead. Wm. Cenner. V.
Christopher C. Kuhn, Charles a 1
merries cewies. xiie Visitor 1
me Pennsylvania railroad en '
from Philadelphia en Uimi
and. headed bv tha Iroeuala I
escorted te the Stevens house bi
tiers or raiten Council.
The first session waa held
and the deleeatea wars wah
city by Mayer Clark In that i
ukntt.xmkn: On behalf oft
our city i tender yen their oerd
Lancaster la the rantra of an
distrlet aud la leas distinguish
ether cities of the stale for .au
Industries. But you will find, 1
Interests here such aa la aaldeAi a
In any place of Ita size. It Is ewri
wnaiever is done her is wen i
point witn pride te an average et
and comfort that no community
iry ever can excel. The manlfl
which steam power Is upU i
main, represented by the tne
dustrles of Lancaster ; and ym
vurernsiuBD ana nteonaniea i
liuit7iHUT anu ympauivua.ji
in enens or nenast labor te
terests and te lmprev It
citizens of this Breed tewni
accord. We trust yeurdUfa
promote the best Intrrssts ar
tlen, and that It commandant
de speeuny attained. Ne
lacking te mak your stay u
ant, and I volee the feeling of I
ten a well as publle ofBelal
ay welcome, engineer, wltl
ei em .Lancaster, laaaar.
hospitality la at your d
The response en th Dart
waa mad hv Grand Ch!
thanked th mayor for hla
come. He and hla fMlasr
sldered It B-reat honor te faa i
Lancaster1 hospitality bxltefl
tlve and they appreciated th1
th mayor and th Interest hd
organisatien. rvl
Tiie urana council wen wt
tlve session, with th follewij
ineir places: urana outer, l
first assistant te a-rand "ehti
Cenner) treasurer, Jehn'H.i
ciai engineer, W. H. Fowl
ing engineer, Harry bm
engineer. D.' W. Field i"
mechanic, Merris OlmsteM
mocnanie, wm. vennaci ;
j. weiusnert cnspiain,
Kuhn ; outside sentinel, C
ller. l
Committees were anrjelnli
tleu and by-tew, geed efj
anu mes oemmiiie -
report at 10 o'clock... , A1U
was eccupiM in mm
reports. There it net
at Dressnt in th reneH.
lhls evening publstl
iinia .vnicn wm e aaara
Cawles, manager of th
neer, w. u. Hensw. w.
Grand Chief PeUlt. .
Th Grand Council jl
wke the preliminary tM
law that will compel tbj
an engineer and the isssn
te permit the occupation
eniy te tuese who ar i
Michael Conlan, i
probably fatally wiind
Francisce, yesteray. JJ
Colored people of Pit
yesterday. Beer ami wt
Frank Morrison killed!
asledge, anda inani
girl In tbe thigh. Man)
Rev, Yeung, of M
is missing alne sab
he met withfeul ptaT
u tiumiyi -vt vg
were run ever by a 1
All were hurt, B. A.
and O. J. Luthla, pretMtj
President Harrison te
custom administrative
Th Republican i
night te select a sue
Arm Canaday, i
Ex-boedl Aid
James Plersen was
train at Jersey City leatj
nensier Merrni je
tnlttee in consider
wool snd silk ehed
have net received any
A construction tr
freight near Hannlb
day and Firemen Ar
Nelsen were scalded I
injured and twelve caa
The interstate
day heard tbe
of Trade anL
Pennsylvania audtl
Ing railroads. The
violations of the '
in charging their
preperty delivered
phla and New Yerk, j
Western pelnU,whlf
son much lower ral
tomperaneous servle
is delivered te tbl
through bills of Isdl
Tbe state convention
vened In Reading
they wllb visit the i
tewnkbip,wber Dr.
the founder of Unlva
tbelr faith In Amer
churches en the roll.
Rev. Geerge C. '
nuil conference of j
pal church, died
at Ocean Greve, J
aged 77 years. II
,' Sailor Preacher."
I 1 Washing
' easterly wlj
JfcraUl Weathe
wea ern deDressieu
keta, will prebabl
centre passing ova
row, proceaeu vy,i
subsidiary storm
Miui-cycione new
win uei de rap
facilitate the for
wave te-day In th
with increasing I
Temperatura ral
yesterday. Thel
ed was 4(1
Kan.; the chM
Buferd. N. D.
fair te eartl v
sniitharlv aud
prevail, 'followed!
ness te the east
fair weather, wli
ana rresn, var
westerly and i
and southerly .1
ature. Cendll
favorable for
(with temper
put nw inter
Vvs' t-Ai