!- fc jT-y t BEAT THE COMBINATION, C8MK9NRE ReiKS TELLS I3W II P1CIEI ETEtYWCIMlK. While In Thin City In 1819 He Leam Ol n Novr.JernoyntRn'H Offer of SOO te the IVreu Opening Ilia Safb. Bridgeport, Conn., Dispatch UN. Y. San. Commedore A. 0. llebbs, superintendent of the Unlmi Metalllc Cartridge company, though Hi his 78tti year, Is one of the most expert hick pickers in the world, aud he consented recently te give some of Ms ex perience In n lecture before the Hrldirw bert Hcleiitltlc society. ;Commedoro Hebbs was born In Husten In 1812, and when 10 years old did chores en a farm. In Tour years he had seen oneujrh of farming and get a place In a dry goods Ktore. Then he tried weed carving, carriage painting, and J lass cutting.'aud finally went te soiling ecks and safes. He became acquainted with Day A Newell, the bank lock makers, and took entire charge of the sale of their locks. In ei der te succeed It was necessary te prove that nil otlier Iesks were net secure, and he mule a set of line tools with which he could demonstrate that the vaults and safes of bankers could be easlly opened. He inade his II rat call en a bank at rjtam ford, in this state. In 1817. and round en the doers of the vault a padlock which was ojnsldered p?rfe;tly secure. This padlock held an Iren strap ever the keyhole of un Andrews bank lock which had cost $150, aud In addition there was a wnrded lock, making three lock, any nne of which was supposed te be sufficiently safe. Mr. llebbs held a long con vcrwillen with the directors, Who finally consented te allow him te at tempt te enter the vault, and promUed te buy ene or his new locks if he succeoded v Itheut doing damage te their property. With his Instruments he opened the out side deer and picked the three locks of the vault in twenty-thrce minutes. In 1848, wblle putting a lock en at the bank of Lancaster7 i'a Mr. llebbs' at tention wus called te the odvertisment of a Mr. Woedbridgc.of Perth Ambey. elfering vow te any ene who weuiu open nis ieck, thou en ene of Herring's safes In the Mer chants' Kxcliaugu reading room iu New Yerk. He started for New Yerk, found Mr. Woodbridge, and accepted the offer. The reward was te any ene who would open the lock in thirty days by any instru ment of their own, or he would let them have the use of the key for 81 per hour, first having the movable bit taken out and mixed. Thore being many bits te the key, only ene of about 470,000,000 changes would open the lock. A check for ?500 was placed In the safe, and Mr. llebbs arranged with the janitor te remain at night while he worked. Mr. Woedbridgo had se con structed the Ieck that if any attempt was made te 'withdraw the belt before the tumblers wero all in proper position any key or instrument which might be In the lock would be fastened thore aud made immovable Mr. llebbs began his work ntw o'clock In the evening, and at 11 o'clock had all the tumblers iu position and ready te be withdrawn. He then went te his hotel, and early In the morning sent word te Mr. Woedbridgo te be Btire and coine te" the Kxctiange at 10 o'clock, as something was the mutter with the lock. Mr. Wood Weod Woed bridgo thought, of ceu r se, that Ids trap had caught the picking instrument. lie sent for the directors and the elllcials te accompany him. Wlien the men arrived Mr. llebbs sat by the safeaud Woedbridgo acce&tcd him with: " Holle, llebbs, what is the matter?" "Something is the matter with the lock. " "What is it?" "Why it won't keep the deer shut," and Hebbs threw back the beltnnd opened the safe The cheek was handed evor, aud Woedbridgo had te previde a big supper, which was an oxpcuslve atfalr iu tlioe days. Mr. Hebbs had eften heard of a wonder ful lock In the window of the celebrated lockmaker, Uramah of Londen, and the oll'er of 200 guineas te any ene who hlienkl epen it without the key. He loll in April, lbel, en the steamship Washington for Southampton, with his box of locks te nx hibit, and his chest of tools te test the Eu ropean locks. At the Crystal Palace, the Duke of Wellington was much interested in the exhibition of leeks by Mr. Hebbs, and finally the queen, with Prluce Albert and the Prince of Wales, came te see the great Amerlcan locks. Mr. llebbs spent much time in looking at all the Kramah locks In the oxhlbitien, and also stepped nt the lockmaker's stere window and llgurcd out hew he would open It when the proper time came. A Mr. Chubb 'challenged tlie American te open nne of his locks, and the oll'er was accepted and the feat performed in thirty-iive minutes. Having disposed of the Chubb lock, Mr. Hebb went into the shop where the Hramah lock was en oxhlbitien and asked the attendant If that was a real lock. The man asked the strauger if he was a lock smith, te which a ncgatlve reply was given. Placing the lock iu Mr. llebbs' hands, the attendant turned te wait en a customer. Mr. Hebbs at once began te feel with his penknife, the points et the interior of the lock, wlien the shopkeeper became annoyed and took the lock. One of the proprietors was called, and attention was called te the challenge, which read: "The aitlst that will produceau instrument that will pick this lock shall receive 200 guineas reward the instant it Is produced." Mr. Hebbs then said that it was gouerally iiudoruteod that the eiler was te any ene who would pick the lock witheutlnfuringit, regardless of hew it was done, mm that if they would net submit it te a test they lnnst take it out of the window or he would make It known teJIic public as a fraud. Arrange ments were then tnnde for a trial aud arbi traters wero cliosen. On July 21 Mr. llebbs began his opeialieu, and en Auguxt 2.1 he exhibited the lock, opened, befere the Judges. The number of days he was actu ally at work was sixteen. The key was tried, and the lock was locked and un locked as befere, showing that Mr. Hebbs had doue his work without injuring the mechaulsm, aud the 200 guineas was paid ever. Mr. Hebbs had been In Londen but a short time when he received a lctter from William Ilrewn of Li vorpeol, the head of the banking house of Ilrewn, Shipley ,fc Ce., requesting him le call at the St. James hotel. There Mr. llebbs found that Mr. Ilrewn was the inventor of the lock then iu use en the bank of the company. This lock, he thought, was very secure, aud he expl.ilncd that it had many thousand com binations and only ene way te open It. Mr. Hebbs said he thought it could be easily openeil, whereupon Mr. Brown again pointed out the impossibility et pick ing it. Mr. Hebbs said he would leek at the lock seme time, l'ive months later Mr. llebbs rccvlv ed u ceny of the proceedings of the ArchuKilegicaf society of Liverpool, which; contained a paper en locks, by William lirewii. M. P., iu which the sauie lock was dctcilbcd, and it wound up as fellows : "During the time of the exhibition in Londen I saw Mr. Hebbs, and dcscilbed this lock te him. At llrst he hccined te think he could open it, but alter a mero thorough evplanatinu was inade te him, se that he mero fully underoteod the lock, I again ftsked him, aud his uiiaWPr was se evaslve that I concluded he could net open it, aud I am having another inade like It te t)ut en a new safe new being inade for our lank. " Mr. Hebbs went te Liverpool and was met cordially by Ilrewn. He slid the new safe was just coming In, but the old lock would de as well, if Mr. Hebbs would llke te test it, as it was an exact duplicate of the ene making for the new safe. Call ing in his cashier, Drewn directed him te lock the safe. Mr. llebbs tlicu began te explain what he should de If he should at tempt te pick the lock. There was no key, but a T wrench was put in a hnle te threw the bells when the pointers en the dial were in their proper position. Mr. Hebbs said : " Yeu de net think anything of that wrench, de you?" "Xe," he said, "we put that en lop of the safe ut night." Mr. Hebbs then said; If I wanted te open the sale 1 should take the wrench and put It in se that I could feel Iho belts while turning the pointers en the outer dial. " Just then the cashier called Mr. Ilrewn away. He asked te be excused, uud tiirned te go away, but befere he teiched the deer the belts went back and the safe deer came open. Mr. Hebbs called te Mr. Ilrewn saying; " Don't leave me hore with this safe opeuV Wheu asked hew it was opened the great lock expert said: " I don't knew. I was turning the pointers and Itcamoepcu j perhaps It was net properly locked. " The eashlerjockedjt uga'in, aud te show hew easlly It could be opened Mr. Hebbs turned his back te the deer, aud without looking at the lock opened It in less than ten minutes. Mr. Hebbs was awarded the Telferd medal by the Institution of Civil Engineer, UMMgkMtriatHijvtfvkjrHL M third medal of the klael ever brragM the UBlUd Stataa. A RVSSIAKSOLOMOX. Hew a Jade Ascertained the Truth la Dispute Better Hlra. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Londen Paily Ttltgrapk sends the follow ing Interesting Incident t "That tbe race of Judicial Solomons Is net quite extinct In the nineteenth century, even In Russia, la evldcnt from the following ingenleua ubvice imagined aj ene OI mem te an cover en which side truth and Justice lay la a rather difficult rase that came before him last week. In the university town or Dernat a prosaic, plodding burgher com plained te the 'Judge of the peace' 'that li had been defrauded by the defendant or 10 rubles (2).' 'I bought a cow from him he Is a peasant, your honor.' he explained, 'and I ilrst paid for the animal, and then asked him te drive it from the market place Inte my yard, this he agreed te de. Well, when no had tbe cow close by my heuse he refused te budge a step futher un less I paid him SO ruble, saying that he had received nothing from me. This was an inf , I mean a bare-faced, lie, because I paid him the nioney a few minutes be be be eoeo.' "Where are your witnesses?' asked the judge. Witnesses? I have net a single witness. What are the witnesses for? Doesn't he knew right well, the , that I paid him, the .' 'Yeu must net call film names, Interposed the judge. 'Did he pay you the money ?' asks the Judge of the defendant. 'I never saw the color of it, your honor. I didn't. Why lr I had, de you think' 'That will de,' exclaimed the judge: 'the plaintiff claim, unsup ported by witnesses or evidence or any kind, Is null and void. He soems an honest fellow, though, and has evidently lest his 20 rubles. Let's make up a little subscrip tion for him. I head tbe list with live rubles. Won't you give something, tee?" Inquires the Judge of the defendant, who had wen the suit. 'That I will,' eagerly exclaimed the triumphant suitor, 'With a whele heart. Will three rubles de? Here's the note.' " "The Judge took the three-mile note daintily, examined It critically, looked suspiciously at the donator, and said: 'Yeu dare te utter false meney In an im perial court of Justlcet Ilave you any mero notes of this description? This Is a very serious matter, indeed. Wbore did you get this forged meney?' The peasant turned red and white and yellow, gave a sorles of explanations that contradicted each otlier, muttered and mumbled and iloiinderod about from lie te lie, till at last In dlspair he cried out. 'If you want te knew the whole truth, here it is: Tills here' forged note belongs te the plaintiff. He did pay me 20 rubles for the cow, the rascal, but he paid me in ferged notes, and that's nne of thorn.' It comes te what I said, that be didn't pay me at all, and It's he that must go te Slberla for uttering ferged notes, net I. I am as innocent as the babe unborn,' "The judge condemned then and there that innecent peasant te refund the 20 rubles, for the notes were really as geed as the best that circulate In the empire of the czars. " HOW MEISSUXIEIt PAINTS. At Werk Mounted en a Stuffed Herse en Tep of a Tower. Frem the Philadelphia Press. A correspondent writing of Melssenier ten or twolve years age gave the following anocdeto of the painter while at work en the 1814, which was sold lately In Paris for $170,000. " One cannot imaglne hew much pains his 1814 cost him. In a biting cold winter day the writer had geno te Pelssy togetber with the celebrated art critic, Paul llurty. It was snowing, and thore was a feet of snow en the ground. We found Mols Mels Mols seuler en the turret of his chalet, scated in the war costume of Napeleon I, en a stuffed gi ay herse, and painting the figure of the emperer as It was rendered uy a large mirror that steed at some distance from him. He had been thore three hours, un mindful of the cold, and was porfeetly happy, as he said, because he had found the sinister tones of a Itusslan landscape. Paul llurty ventured te remark that as lie had already finished painting the landscape he might withdraw and continue his work in the studio, without exposing himself te the same disaster that overlook the 'Great Army.' 'Hew could I obtain In the studio,' Melssenier qulte excitedly rojelned, "the light toue and the true cll'ect of Napoloen's gray coat In harmonious contrast with the sembre grays of the sky and the snowy carpet en the ground, and the Just value of the flesh tones of the emperor's ceunte nance darkened bv the dull atmosphero efa winter sky?' It was thore, en the top of that turret, that he completed what Is nnrlians Ills inasterniece. " About a month later the writer found Moissenlor in ills stndle scraping the same llguroef Xupoleou, te paint which he had endured se many hours efa freezing torn tern peraturc. 'What en earth are you doing new?' I asked, almost bowildered. 'An old servunt of the Emperer has been hore,' Melssenier roplled, 'who was with him In Itussta. He liad tears in his oyes, and spent a geed hour In silent contemplation hofero my nicture. After I had ceaxed him for a long' while te tell me whether he found anything inexact In the canvas, the geed old man Anally said: 'During the campaign of Russia his majesty were the uniform of the Chasseurs, net that of thn Grenadiers. Moreover, Ills niajesty nover consented te liave his opaulette uufastoned ler his tunic. That will explain te you why the armholes of his overcoat were se large.' I had painted Napeleon in the uni form of the Grenadiers, and with the epaulettes eutside of his coat. Hew could I holpdelngwhatlainiiowdoing?' Thus, love of truth overbalanced all ether con siderations, and Moissenlor began study ing anew the uniform of the Chasseurs, the ellcct produced by the opaulettes under the overcoat, and se en, until he obtained the same perfection he had reached iu the accessories of his provleus portrait. This conscientiousness, perseverance, and leve of the truth explain the artistic value of Moissenior's werkH. " Melssenier is said te have contracted a sovcre complaint, while at work en his plcture, in making his studies from herses which were led te and fro for hours through depths of snow and mud. His reward was the drawing of a walking group with mero truth of action and movement than can perhaps be found In any ethor plcture ever painted, and almost rivaling the realism of instantaneous photography. The Preventive et n Terrible Disease. Ne disorders excepting the meU deadly form of lung disease, Involve audi a tremen dous destruction of organic tissue as these which fasten upon the kldueys. Huch maladies when they beceme chronic and none are tolln telln ll te Okiume that phrate completely wreck the system. Te pretcnt this terrible discakc, recourse should be had, upon the first manifes tation of trouble, te Hestctter's Stomach Hit ters, which experience has proved te be highly Hteclhoustimeiuuer Imparting tone and rcg ulurity te the organs of urination, ax well as le the liver, stomach and bowels. Anether beno bene llclul result or this medicine, naturally ronsc rensc quunt upon Hh diuretic action. Is the elimina tion rtem the bleed of Impurities which beset rlieumatlain.neuralRla, gout, drepny. und utber maladies. Uy increasing the activity of the kidneys, it augments the depunitlseelllclency of these organs, which are most Important out lets for the escape of ouch Impurities. Ju3-10 Loek Hore, Frlend, Are Yeu Sick f De you suffer from Djspcpsla, Indigestion, Sour Htemach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, llllleusnem, Tired Keel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less et Power, or any form of Consumption? Ifso.ge te your druggist anil purchsse a bottle of Flo Fle Flo rnplcxten, which will quickly restore jeu te sound physical health. Horajilttten Is a highly concentrated fluid extract or the most utluable medicinal root and herbs known te science, und cures where all ether remedies fall. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Kranklln Hart, Warren street, N. Y. Fer sals by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster 1'a. aprl'-tydAw lield It te tlie Lluht. The man who tells ou cenlldentlully Just what will cure your cold Is prescribing Kemp" llalsain this year. In the preparation of this remarkable medicine for roughs and colds no CMi'iise U spared toreiiiblne only the bct Hint purest Ingredient. Held u bottle of Kemp's JUKim te the light und leek through Uj no tice the bright, clear leek ; then compare with ether remedies. Price 50c and II, (i) Thousands Upen Thousands of dollars have Ucn spent In advertising the celebrated JiurJeek nitxxt Hitler, but this fact nci-uunls only Iu part for their enormous alc. Their merit has made them "hat they are the bit bleed medicine eve devised by man. fold In Ijiucji.ter by W. T. Ilech, 17 aud 1 North Queen street. i BKAUTIKUT, I.AWN, IIOWEVKK J small It mar be, Is a creat luxury. I.AN. l.sTHt C1IKMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENIIICHEH Impure Bleed Pennsylvania Railroad Man Talla of a Remarkabla Cure of Scrofulous 1 Humor-Read It. Mr. Ruby, who makes the follewtnf state ment, Is a welt known railroad man, run ning en the rrnntTlranl Railroad between Colombia, renn., and Philadelphia! " I feci that I with te tell what has been done for us and our little boy by Hoed'i Bar. aapariUa. lie I new tut yean et age, and, tint!! a abort time age, baa ever tlaee birth been a terrible aultrer from scrofulous humor. Beres would appear en him and spread until they were at large as a dollar, and then discharge, only te be followed by ethers, se that the larger part of hi body was one mast ct sores all the time. The scrofula was especially aerere en his legs and back et his ears and en his head. UI hair was se matted that combing waa temeUmes Impossible. His ears became se thin that w.e could tee through tlicni, and were actually AriiAtD Tnr.r would uaer enr. Ills legs were se bad that sometimes he could net sit down, and It was Impossible fei him te run about and play like ether children. Fre quently when he tried te walk, his leg would crack open and the bleed start from different places. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, se that at night we had te tie his hands In mlttena or stocking te prevent bis scratching and tearing himself. We cannot tell new that roen nor surrEBED for nearly flvejcars, nor hew his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could te relieve hhn. Tw oer three physicians agreed In calling It scrofulous humor, but did net effect n cure. We tried salves and ointment and ether things but without benefit. At last I decided te elte him Heed's Sarsaparilla, as BV CllUOOIST RECOUMEXDED IT. In about two weeks the Barsaparllla began te hae effect. Tbe sores commenced te heal Take Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold br all dnmglttt. (I six for S. rrepared only I Sold by all drunlsta. (I I six for as. rreparad only I SeM by all drufrgUts. l I sit for . Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mats, ty C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, tewell, Mais. j V. I. HOOD A CO., ApetUecrl, Lewell, Matt. IOO Deses One Dellar ' IOO Deses One Dellar ' IOO Deses One Dellar Sfeweltva, yyATCHKS, CLOCKS, ETC. CLOCKS, ETC. A full graduated OplhnlmlcOptlclitn will eh e careful attention totnecerrcctlonof bad vision, Best repairing. WEBER'S, lSOX North Queen street, Near P. It. B. Depot. ap24-lyd. rEWELEH AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELIYY AND CANES. Examination of Eyes Free 1 Ne Dreps Used I OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING BTIIKET, LANCAHTElt. PA. w ATCHEH AND JEWELHY. Watete and Jewelry. If you wish te a buy a GOOD GOLD WATCH We can show you Elegant Fiitterim In ladles' and Gout's Hlzex at a Wonderfully .Lew l'rlcc. FULLY GUARANTEED. GOLD AND HILVEH DEAD NECKU AND nitACELETS, FOIW, AC. Spectacles Properly Fitted. Walter C. Herr, IOI North Queen St., COU. OK OHANUK. z AHM'HCOItNKlt. Owing le the number of cni.es we lmofer treatment unit adjustment, we hmc determined te open the office en Monday & Wednesday Evenings Fer the accommodation of thew who find tt difficult and expensive te leave their work dur ing the day time. OFFICK-8EC0ND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTHANCK : NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. rW)frice Hours from 7 le 10 p. m. Monday and Wednesday or each weclc. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE ! Ne Fees Charged ! All dlkcutesef the Kve treated and operated en ty (iradunted Oculist of Unquestioned Atilllly, and thorough mtlsfnctleu Guaranteed AFUl.l. MNEOF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, As well n the Novelties of the season, at the Len est Cuh Fluure. A Kcclalty made of Intrirate watch and Jewelry Itepulrlnz. Ernest Zahrn, ZAHM'HCOKNKH, lpr5-3nul LANCAHTElt, I'A. SAWMILM4, I1AIIK MILLS, COU MILLS, Leather ttnllcM.Tan Packer, 'triple llvtue rowers. Milling mid Mlnlnif Machinery, ut JOHN BKsrH.Xll Kast Fulton Mreet. mMfd iJlNOLKTBKKaTOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RIXOHD 2.30. Hired by Happy Medium, sire ef50 performers from 2:H'i te i-). lum Topsy Ta ler by A lex. ander .Nerman, sire of Lulu, 2:1 IK, Ac. e. Term for Hrrlng season of leM, iv) for a foal. Fer tabulated pedljree and ether Information. prLMmdAw Marietta, Fa. Graduation hwite Spectacle Department ! apt the leah begM te leek mere Mtanlaad healthy. Then the scales came eaT and all ever his body new and healthy flesh and skin formed. When be had taken two bottles he was entirely free from sores, baring only the ears te show where they had been. These are gradually disappearing. The tittle fellow was rotaver eEATiTVDa te Reed's Barsaparllla when he fennd It was curing him, and he would call for ' My medi cine' when the time came for hhn te take It. We are enable te express our thanks for the geed Heed's Sarsaparilla has done our little boy," Hamy K. RtJBT , Bex Me, Columbia, Pa. A Later Iietter Frem Mr. Ruby states that Ids son ts new In perfect health, has no trouble from the humor, which Is entirely cured, ne has many Inquiries about the recovery et the boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases te try Heed's Sarsaparilla. What Can be Added Te the above statement te make mere cm cm phatle the evldcnce et the cleansing effect et Heed's Barsaparllla upon the bleed T It would seem te be the positive duty et all who suffer from any disease or affection caused by Impure bleed, te at least gire Heed's Sarsa parilla a fair trial. lis many wonderful cures have wen for it the title of "the greatest bleed putlncvcr discovered." Every Confidence. "Among the few proprietary articles I re commend te customers Heed's Harsaparllta Is one In which I place every confidence. My patrons seem te have the same confidence, Judging from Its sate, which Is mero than all the ether bleed purifiers together." U. II. Little, Druggist, Urecnsburg, Fa. Sru M KTZOBR A IIAUOHMAN. Metjzgrer & IWASH DRESS GOODS.! OUTINQ STHirKS AND PLAIDS, DI112SS QIKQIIAMU, PLAIN CHAMIIUAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINdS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRIORS. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) N KXT DOOH TO THE COUHT 1IOUHE. TWarxxi Weatlier Goods T Nothing has been preduced for several aeusens equal In appearance and cost te th FAHT I1LACK PLAID HndBTItll'EDORUANDlKtl we nre idienlmr at present. Mad of Fine Orade Cotten and Dyed with the Best DRAGON flLACK, they remblnn shecrness, durability and beauty with low cost; 12c. 16c, 17c, 2!c and 23c lu White Organdies, Nainsoek, Dotted and Flgured Mulls, Inde Llnens and Kmbreldeied Flouncing and Edgings you will find the large as sertmcntu and low prices here. Every price ts represented from 8c. te oe and everyene a geed value. Uliallles In great variety etCc, flc, 10c mid Dec. Our Drciuaingham and Chambray Bleck Is the largest shown In the city. ainghnmnt6)Jc, 8e, 10c, 2Jc Chambrayn, 12c, IBc, lie, 30e and 2&9. All Warranted fast colors. BARGAINS IN PEARL BUTTONS AND RMHONH. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. T AKD A McKLIlOY. BARD Sc Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, BLACK GOODS Kxtra value In Black AlLWoel Henrietta Cashmere, 40 In. wlde.atSOe worth tfl'AK ; 46 In. wide at 7.V, worth 87Kc ; i In. wlde at II, worth 11.25. Bargains In lllack Hen rlettaataeandlBc. Hllk Warp Black Henrietta at fl, fl.aj, llO. lllnck AIL Weel Albolres, We Black Australian Crepe, double width, 16c lllack Mohair Jirlll Inn line. 1 Ne. at We, really worth UXrS 1 Ne. nt 7Sc, really wertli OTXe; 1 lllack Mohair, with pin stripe, at&Oc, extra wide and quality. Bluck Nun's VcllliiK for Veils at tl and SI.'A cr yard. Hncclal low prices In lllack Thibet Hliawls, shmle and double. Black French Hatlne ut 'He and Kic, warranted net le crock or chance color from ersplmtloiieraclds,and IsnetuflVcted by washing or esposure te the. light. Black Hatlne with neat dot or figure. 1'laln Black I'lald Lawn. WHITKaOODS-Speclal Bargains lu India Linen and Victeria Lawn alc, )0c, ISUc and up, Anether let or Hutln Bordered White Ooeds nt 20c and 2TK-. Hemstitched and Embroidered Klouno Kleuno Kloune lug at lowest prices In the city. Bargains In I'lald and Hlrlpe White Dress Uoeds. aiNOHAMB-nressOlughaiiuntBJfc, worth 8c ; 10c Dress Cllnghams at Se: 130 nuallly at 10c. New Outing Cleths atlOeand I2jc WINDOW HMADKH Closing out I let of shades, 0 feet long, spring fixture, at 26e ; 1 let with fringe, same size, ut 8,tc 11KMNANTH-1 let of 60c Carpets In remnunUi at IKe per yard j 1 let of 75c AlLWoel Carpels In remnants, at 8jc per yard. UNDEKWKAIl Ladles', Men's and CulIdrcn'H Underwear, summer weight, cheap. Ladles' Illbbcd Vet nt Kc ; cleewherc 10c and up, Men' Bitlbrlggan from 'ic up. Children's at low price. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier and Coventry Illval Mutely Bicycles. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Qui Street. Opposite Fountain Inn ftcfvtncviiter. E LINN HIIKNKMAN. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN ANV REFRIGERATOR WILL ANSWER. RUT TniS SEASON YOU MUST HAVE THE "KLHSKH." THE REST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIOERATOR IN THE MARKET. FXIITI St BREEMAN, OREAT REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER STORE, NO. 152 NORTH QDEEN ST, LANCASTER, PA. (Clothiue TjlINKTAILOItlNO. 1890--SPRING.--1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Mint Klcgant Axxertmcut of SPRING NOVELTIES New iteady for Your Inspection, We would also announce Itin purchase of a Jeb Let of Kngllsh Hulling and Treusering ut a great cicrlflce, which wt will sell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. I J9-( ill early te hcrurc a bargain In these goeas. H. Gerhart, ONLY D1KKCT IMPORTING TAlLOfU.V THE CITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dJMfd FROM FMIJbADCLFHU. Pretty Geed w Maw rfM. The following Is from Mr. Jehn Mines, manufacturer et enameled dies, who has carried en business In Philadelphia since Oct. , late, and whose testimonial In favor of Heed's Sarsaparilla la certainly worthy el consideration. "One year age I was laid up sick with pneumonia for it weeks. When I get ever that, tny feet and legs swelled, were very much Inflamed, and caused me much suffer ing. The doctor said t had gout, which I did net believe. I tried a number et cures, et no avail. Then teme one asked me te try Heed's Barsaparllla. I did te. I took It three times a day, before meals. Before I had taken one bottle I began te Improve. I took In all Are bottles, which cured me and made me feel well otherwise. I have had no return et the affection. Can walk ten miles every day. which li pretty geed for man M years Ud. I leel grateful for the geed Heed's Saraaps rilla has done me, and have used my Influence with a number et people te try It, and se tar with satisfactory results." Jens Hikes, 40 North nth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. -Caaceretta Sere. "About T years age I bad a cancerous sere en my note, which grew te be very trouble tome and offensive. I concluded te try Heed's Barsaparllla, and after using two bottles the sere disappeared and healed up entirely. It has been cured ter two year with no ap pearance et IU Returning. I am new In my eightieth year and enjoying geed health. I feel It my duly te recommend Heed's Barsapa rllla te all persons suffering from similar troubles. Be sure te get Heed's." Joaun Uabvxy, Detment, Westmoreland Ce., Penn. Confirmatory Statement. "The above certificate ts from Jetlah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman elt known throughout Westmoreland county. Ills statement In regard te the tore and cure performed Is correct." Z. Zuimejimak, Druggist, Dclment, Penn. If. a If you decide, from what you have heard or read, te take Heed's Barsaparllla, de net be Induced te buy any ether. QSaeDft, Haughman. Opposite Fountain Ins. iUtUO. v IN1. Fine Wines I I have Just received, direct from Messrs. Car ). Jtrez, Hpaln. per H. H. Zurbaran, via Liverpool, und transferred te H.H. Hervln.ler New erk, Murch lOlh, a fine assortment of Harvey Hherrlc. TIh-mi Winn are among the very Uncut that reach ttn United HUiIcb. CALL AND EXAMINE. Alse Old and Yeung Madeira Wluev, audeii I he HuytbLukwiHeui-hf-Hva and W Cases Hpeclal Omit Western Wine. Tin above Champagnes are the best produced In France and the United Htateael America. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt SiL'AHTKIXU HTIIECT. apl24J,M,Wd l1VrA..rUK",'AKSE,w AND GUN -.l7 NKIIH. AH persons are hereby forbidden Qrr!eedwe,llL,L".,1,aU.(,'' f " wH Daripeeawell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster oeuntles, whether luclesed or unlncleaed either for the purpeM of .hoeUng S? flsWhtgV Si tbi law will be rigidly enforced against l iji SST netSS "" f lu"le"lu"df WM. COLKM AN KREKMAN K. 1'F.ItCY ALDKN? EDW.C. FKKhaiAN. Atterc.y, for k. w. Ofi5lpa' Hr. mtUtn.ry. B AKOAINB BARGAINS -ATTIIK iiur m 13 East King St. Fine Trimmed Hat) at II JO. Fine Trimmed HU atn.00. Fin Trimmed Hats at tUO. Fine Trimmed Hats at W.0O. All the LatMt Bliapts ahd Trimmed with Beat Material, miiy worth double tha money. New Straw Shapes!! BIG BARGAINS!! Black Leghorn Rata at 87c each. Black Leghorn HaU at Me each. Black Leghorn HaU nt 73c each. Beat Quality French Chip Hats at Gtki each. Large Straw Flats In every color, Ke each. Large, Fine Straw FlaU at 23c each, Naweat Shapes In Black Vandyke and Btl grade Straws at 4Se each. Children's Trimmed Ballen at lOe each, lit all color. Children's Trimmed Hats, In alt colors, at 29e each ; worth Se te tl. Children' Laea Caps at !5e andSSe; wertli double. A Great Ribbon Sale ! Evary color of Ribbon, 3, 4 and 6 Inchca wide at I2c. Per Yard, 12c. Per Yard, 12c. Per Yard. Regular price for samt goods, 40e aud Mc. W have only ,0CO yards of these ribbon a They are sailing very nut and wa advise ladles who wish any te call at once, aa this Is without any doubt th greatest Ribbon llargaln ever offered In Lancaster. A NEW LOT OF Flower Wreaths At c, at lie, at XJc, Oelng Very Fait. WEverylhlng In the Millinery at lens than ether stores. THE BONTON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St, mrSMmdBAF LANOAHTKIt, I'A. -- rws pnr i 'ii Slcfvloerittov. H AftDWAHK, dc. GEO, M. 8TEINMAN & CO. Continental Lawn Mowers, Htw Quaker Olty Lawn Mewere, Hydrant Het and Oarden Hese. REFRIGERATORS! JEWKTTH have the lilghestJrepuUtleii, give mere satisfaction with less consumption eflce, than any ether Hcrrlgeruter in the ninrkni, "wett'iWaUr Coelers andrtlteri, Oem Water FUten, i Hammecki, wire Window Bcreeni and Wire BoreenDeon. Hardware ud HensefnrnlSulDg Goods. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO., A 80 AVKSTKINM STUEKT, myl7mdM,W,H LAra'Asrrn, fa. R KFlltUKIlATOllU, Kit'. The Dollars Saved Dy purchasing a Celd Dry-Air Eefrigerater will mere than pay the advance In cost of ice this season ever lust. WATEK COOLKKS, icl'-chkam i'iu:t:i:iw. Hpcclultlcs: BUGGY AND WAGON HARNESS TKNNIH KACKETH, HAMMOCKS. SPREOHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 81 EAST KINO 8 r. eprl7.tfdTu.ThA8 JIM I; VAN'H rLOUH. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread, Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. 0 rWHATMOJifi pg yeuWANTT-c mi. isc? !te0. ',.. ,;., B 00T8 AND ltOE3. Coming, in Daily 1 -AT- D. P. STACKH0USE' 28 ft 30 EABT KING STRUT. Light and Elegant, but Durable for Het Weather Wear, wtv JL tMl MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDAEW, 't! EASE, COM FOHT, IJW PKICE8. , STACK HOU8I LEADKR OF LOW TltlCES IN 8H01 M A 30 EAST KINO BT. TTTIORTIUHBOKTOFWEATHEni ?m M ice 9 jM-" '7"1 IN FINE OALF AND KANGAROO f.EATSI WITH UOlfS FLEXIBLE 8018,53 FOKMYiN'HWEATl '&3 r, ' ji Kniiielhlnff ham. It. iT.am am ..1.11 men's wear, recently arti.! te UiosteoH - !ierc, mans 10 meet lilt, demand. MT iRhter weight flcxiljleseltt footwear.-A lioen for tlie restless feet f businaat ' men. The chief fonture of ibis llMst goods is nentneis and easy fitting Mnsav ertlcs. Mada ever special last far paaV i nw vwwnuu teiiuurL in wear, resvunssK , no " breaklnir In." Donet hiirtiSaBsi veil wnen new. uenieel ioekii ITreAli. fAl'AFnhlA lmnr,ilMt a. The uppers are sort nnd pliable, yet seulnir unusual slrvnath fierlAntlu thin and light, and are warranted give goea service. Trie Mice ar irem careiiiuy sciecua liiaes I flexible and tough. ' These Shoes are net adapted for i reads, nor Iho reueh usaae riven i grade, ihey'renetmada for that peae.. nwa eniy ee given in care that Is bestowed neon reed an or wear te have them prove aatlsflMi Then Is the mener nald for tham clettsly spent and no regret follewa, We have them In different lengths MM S widths. That makes It eaay for ttftfil furnish comferublo nt. whether. tfifcl feet be nllm, medlum or bread tilt wl as wen as me einer. -i; . Vnr fhnf Htimmjkr Btil. Af miimsI. i haven't you theurlit of ilusaetRha necessary tocemnlete voureutnt. right makes In the right shade, at 1 right price you'll find here. Frem! assortment we nave, pieaungeai ism lug II you'll keep your need In mfi krjr lis. SHAUB & BURI 14 Nebtu Queen Htrekt, tkk, ex. i $,', AltOEST AbDOHTMENT I t-A 3S mil.? Oxfords and Sip &na jir,7-rjB The largest Assortment of Ladla Children' and Infant' Oxfords and I this city. This statement, te seman seem te be mi Idle beast, but te enr i temera who have bran buying theirC and Hllpicni here for the past two" f knew hew truthful It is, ns then wal largest dieck ana Assortment in H till season we have added a grecAl iaicsvaiyirs. LARUE8TAND FINEST DISPLAY IK 1 CITV IN OUH WEST WINDOWVh M Ledlea' Dongeln Patent Leather Tip 0n Bte5c.75c.llOU.lt in and upwards. .,iri Ladlea' Dongola I'laln Toe Oxford Ml II 23, II CO. til M and upward. -vJ Ladle' Patent Leather Frent Oxford SJ li in, aim Wi uu. ,!' . uidtns' itusseterTan Oxford with 1 nam j ees, use, 7sc. ii w, ii si ana np ladles' Kid Opera Slipper at 0e,1 li ai, li no ana nw. -,.; I Jidles' Fine Headed Hllnner. with n.... 1. ,M mt trt-.J dttnn r v vfn, j-.u;., ff. , k w nuu f w, ( f , Aiisees uonceia ena iiussei. Tip Tee Oxfords, at Tee, voc, 11 10 und unwa Child's Dongola and Ituaset Oxford 79c, ii w, ii a ami it go, ' - iiimiivH iiniiKeiii anu ivussct. uaivivBis we, ,ae and Ji uu. Ana ethers net me In fact we have everything from th te tue dcsi. ; The One-Price Cash Hi m Jfjih' -i ii r- : urn as. n. rreyr, afSrf w (UucccMOr te FltEV 4 KCKKHT) th 1 Lew l'rlee In boe: NOH.PJ A 6 EABT KINO LANCAHTElt, 1'iCl -Htere CIeed Every Evening ati' f r.xcii jienuiiy anu Buiuriiay. f&avpeXe, ife c AIIPETB! CAlll'ETB m GARRETSI ,AvJ Custom Rag Cai A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyi LANCASTER FANCY HTEAM DYI WORKS 'J Are second le none In Pennsylvania for i el work of all kinds. FeathersDyed AllSh Orders will receive prompt attention. 'fit PHILIP SCHUM, SON I NO. IV) SOUTH WATER STREET,wa Lancaster. I'a. febll GToei. s -- iTintvir ArVTirriAt V5" I . v-i ininulirmLril A VlirtAfiVSl ' EltN HARD WOODS. Whe.ehj and nS-lyd UI WttterHtreet, I Jincastar. ) B AUMQAUUNK1W COMPANY. . g - -yi- COAL DEALER! OrriCKS-Ne. Vlt North QueeuBlreet,j DM norm rniiwi '"ch Yahes North l"rtnte Street, near auit"fi. fd I.NOAHTKV W x ' .-v rrVV.V!V OF FIFK. FJ .-41 I.I II fl I hull te 6 Inch .dlam sale at a low dgure. and the only heue .... . .... ..tai .a i.iiinhliill I11 UnaT city wni a piKj ciiiiiiiK il'l'VU-f J ifiai tt luch diameter, at JOHN MLSf S.MIJ tensiieri. t5aCKINUS,A8 FOLLOWS: DIRI MClIrt Ml"! ii jMiMiv " 'iiT'L Woven iiml Wick ruckliiif, ilemr Tack rfr .i-i'- -....i iVib-ftti-num Hliiirk furl """.'ji'.o'nhe riiksa iiccd'.- iMw ?.... a ... !..! 11 t f.kWI-1' -it J bet2. Lliul svcctlpeiil ripe fr-v w-V - w ) . -.. -t-gte tV J-Ja-yj-iF ,