Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 06, 1890, Image 1
., .T W sfi)t 'jii'-jfv"jsS? .0 fT . w t v at- j 4 Ssej fceasa sse gh- nwss? -v -'-j"j- .. ia.1 vj w. v.wr r v w . - 'vKMSMlflfflafllK' sassa-a u u n-s SJje I VOLUME XXVI-NO. IN GOOD CONDITION. Tift FMAMEIIITIIICIIOL BOIII liT 1SFACTHIIT IlUfiED. The Assets Hearty DmMi the Ltablll- tf ee-Teaehere Fa tk aekoele m Be Sleeted ea tks ltth of Juae. Tbe June meeting of the Lancaster city school beard wu held en Thursday avea Ins, In common council chamber, with tka following members present i Messrs. Brsnsman, Bressy, Brown. Ceekraa, Darrastetter, Oriest, Judith, Jehnsen, Up bold, McCoraseyTMcDenel, MoKlligett, Fonts, Raub. Reynolds, Reland, Sohreyer, Shirk StauttV, arM, White, Wicker sham, VInewar, Wohlesn, Wolf aud Dr. McCormiek, president. The reading of the minutes of tha May meeting wss dispensed with. Mr. Cochran, of tha flaanet commit tea, rapertad tha fallowing bllla for supplies farnUhad daring tha month, and en bla motion the treasurer waa autherised te par the aama : Wm. C. Wetzel, labor and materials, t Har per Bra, 8e copies of Yeung JPtepU.M cents; Chas. H. Berr, supplies, $2.3.5; Christian B. Esbenshade, oern cebe. f : 3. H, Brown, labor, 12; Geerge Ruth, bricklaying, $160 ; D. Appleton & Ce., en cyclopedia, 9; Jehn Themas, labor, $1 ; Jehn 11. Leuvks, mesaenger, 110 ; Jehn R, Jeffrie, brleklaylng, 17.50 ; Lancaster Gas Light- and Fuel company, gaa for high school building, W.CO; R. 8.. KaufTman, prlntlug tax receipts, 1.50 1 Gee. Shul inyer, coal, tie. .... Mr. Coehran also presented the annual report of the receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 1, with the as sets add liabilities of the beard. It is as fellows : Te U Beard tf Dirtctert of tftt Common DehoeU eftlit City of Lancaittr: Your committee en finance and accounts aa required by law respectfully present the annual statement of receipts and expendi tures or lbs beard for the year ending with June 1st, together with the liabilities and assets. RECEIPTS. W. O. Marshall, taxes for WW 412,70 M Jehn Itexe. collector 1SS7 and HM.... Chas. Llppeld, collector law Htete appropriation .. Tuition K. K. Buehrle Unpaid taxes received. Interest en deposit Lean Premium en lean Total-. KXPKKDITtJBlCT. Salaries for teachers and janitors-.... Interest en lean Heeks and supplies Malarias of secretary and .treasurer.. rrlntlnx -.. Mchnii journal Water rant - Utu bllla. cant aud ,lclndhu- - ........ Tress ......... ..-. Hepalrs, Furniture - Hlf h echoe! oemmenuem.ut Duplicates - Cutnmlstleu en UxoeileoUd Chestnut Street school Sundry bills paid Valance In treasury - ... I,U1 U ... 5,071 til ,7H2I .- 270 80 111 109 7 ... S27 40 .. 20,000 00 ... JW w,iii ei ...l,ou m .., 8,WJ00 .... 291 11 .... JUU 00 ... UK 71 25 m w Id aa ... J.OjS' ..... 7 UV 2.I1S31 1W M W 11 .... 300 00 .... l.iSI 2i ..... 2i,OM m ..... 784 70 mi Ot f,H 04 TeUll AMft-rs or scaoei. BOitnixes axb rcajiitcaa. Htfb school f JTO 00 lAtnen street school w James street school W w Prtuce street school 10.000 00 Mew street soheol - J Maner street school lf0 Ann street soheol - . W south Prince street school M 00 Walnut street school...... . Htrawbcrry street scboel 30 00 Uuke Rtrcet school - fW W Vine street school 1VM 00 Heckland street school - . 00 Chestnut street school iWoe Total .T27,000 00 LIABILITIES, Le in May S, 1881 1 per cent .... 10,000 00 10, 00 00 " iwpi. e, iiwa per wuv " Juu. 4. 183-1 4 per cent " Kept. 8, li l per cent " Uec. 6, nwi-t per cent. Jan. 6, 1U87 I per cent....... ' Jan. 1, 18M per cent " Der. 5. WW 4 per cent " Murcb 0, H9-l per cent. ... 1U.UUU VJ 10,001) t . U.OOObO ll.WJ 00 1100 00 10,001)00 10.000 00 e"ivoeo . ITS.tKW 00 Sxcess of assets TeU, 27ftO0 ' Mr. Breneman. of the visiting committee of the Northeast ward, reported tbe Ann street primary schools as being very much crowded, the attendance being 74 and 79 respectively. Something aheuld be done te relieve the pressure at the beginning or the next scboel term. THK JKW SCaOOL BU1LPJNO. The following was reported by the spe cial committee or thirteen en new build ing : Lancaster, June C, WOO. Tte A Beard of Scheel Dirtcteri . Oxntlkmen : TbeTcemmlttee of thirteen, appointed te consider the question or new achoel buildings, beg leave respectrully te make the following repert: The committee has held four meetings, the city superintendent being present at all of thorn. , ., At the first meeting an organization wa enacted by electing Mr. McKilllpaaa chair man and Mr. Brlnten as secretary. At this meeting the committee decided te recom mend te the beard the erection at an earlv day or two buildings, each te oeutain 12 rooms and te be three stories in heljrht, one te replace the old buildings en Mul berry street aud the ether te replace these en Duke street. At the second meeting plans for the new buildings were considered, especially one presented and explained by the city super intendent, 'i'ne cuainnan uas airocveu w appoint three sub-committees of three members each, one en beating and ventila tion, one en general plan and one en light ing. TUe following persons constitute the cemmittee: On the first named aubject, Messrs. McCemsey, Warfel, and Wlcker abam : en the second, Jehnsen, Raub and Breneman, and en the third, Beleuius Mo Me Mullen and Reynolds. At the third meeting of the committee Mr. McKlllipa resigned the chairmanship owing te a pressure or ether duties and J. P.- Wickersnam was elected te supply the vacancy. All the cemmltteas reported pre gress ana plane ei scnoei neuses f""" with appropriate drawings, were caremlly discussed. Jie quorum was present at the last meet ing or the committee and consequently no formal buslness was discussed. A final report en the aubject submitted te teelr consideration will net be made te the beard by the oemtnlltee until they have given it the most carerul examination in their power. Respectfully submitted, ' J. P. WlClCXRSH AM. the crrr superintendcnt's report. Folie wing is the report of the city super intendent let May : Lancaster, Pa.. June 5, 1890. Te fA CWctri anil .Vtmltrt of Iht Beard of .sWieel Mrictert: n.TituEV-Yeut cltv superintendent submits the following report et tbe public schools for tbe month of May: Tbe whole uuinber of pupils was 257 in tbe high schools, 318 In the grammar, 13 in the secondary, 11 in the ungraded, H70 in the Intermediate and 1.139 In the pri mary, making a total of 3,7i. Tbe average attendance was 211 In the high achoela, 310 In the grammar. in the eecendary, Sain the ungraded, 713 in tbe Intermediate, and 1,3J In the primary, making a total or 3,123. Tbe average percentage waa 81. The number or pupils never absent was 431. Tbe meeting or teaehers of the blgb and grammar grades were emitted because of he press of work Incident te tbe close of tbe term, tbe examination In history being held en tbe Saturday en which tbe gram mar grade usually meet. Tbe number or teachers present at tbe ether grade meet ing we en. Tbe following were absent : Misses M. Ktchells, Daley 8 mating, S. King, L. O. Marshall and Lela Zug. The nunber of visits made by the super intendent was 108; these made bv direc tors numbered 109, as follews: w. John John Jehn eon 24. Br. O, ReUnd 21. C. Llppld 15, J. MaKMJpe 14, H. R. Breeeman 11, Hen. J, f, WWW rtbaui ft, O, Keaelat ft, W. 238. W. Ories i, R. G McDenitel ft, Wm. Me Oumeay ft, Br. R. M. Belealus ft, P. Judith X.H.X.Bohreyerl. The "circus day" la quite a disturbing tles&Mt la our achoeta, te what extent nay be) eeen from the reperte of tsaahsra en eUIekeatreet,aaaettea el Ueeltyby M maana meetexpeed te lie wfiuevee, se ur aa prexlaalty te the greanda la cob ceb eeraed. It aeema te me that aemethlng aaoeM be done looking tewarda regnlating the evil aad IntredaetBC order into the ayatem, at least aa far aa ragarda keeping the achoela epea at each tlmee la eon een eeraed. At preeant ae one aeema te be autherised te cleaa the achoela, no matter hew email the attendane. aad the conse quence. Is general discontent, If net tha unautherised closing or the achoela. The annual examination la reading of the claesea In the Intermediate achoela be- sr. i en the M Inst,, and will continue unui Mb Inst, when the prim'n grade will be examined uauitaaiau. iruim ganeial examinations la .the eecendary and grammar gradee will be held. All the membera or the beard are lavlted te attend these examinations. ,.,..,, The teachers' examination will be held en the 7lh Inst., In the girls' high school room, beginning at 6 a m. TheSTtb Inst, will be the two hundredth day of our school term, Jtnd unleae other wise ordered the schools will be oleaed for vacation from that day forward, as re quired by section 125 or our rales. Your city superintendent desires te call your attention te the efforts made else where te create in the public achoela, organ ergan organ IreUens providing for depealta or meuey by pupils with a view te forming bablta of economy. Should such an organisatien be deemed advisable by y ear honorable body, steps looking te its formation should be taken new se that the machinery may be prepared during the vacation. Ytrr respectfully your obedient servant, M. K. Bubiirlk. THK KLECTION OF TEACHERS. Mr. WarM moved that the beard meet specially en the third Thursday of this month for the election of teachers. Mr. Warfel moved the appointment of a committee or five te make arrangements at the high school en Friday, June 27. The motion waa adopted and tbe chair ap pointed aa the committee William O. Marshall, H. A. Schroyer, W. W: driest, Dr. M. W. Raub and Thes. F. McElllgett. Mr. MrComsey,meved that the action or the beard appropriating' an additional $100 tewarda the expense or building a sewer en Cherry alley, with which It la proposed te connect the Lemen street reconsidered. He took the posltleu that the sewer connection would be or no prac tical benefit, as It was a private aewer and tee email. The motion te reconsider was adopted. Mr. Cecbraa held tbat the sewer connec tion waa a neaesslty te carry off the surface water. j A motion was rasda and adopted refer ring the matter te the property committee te act at their discretion, but the amount te be expended, If it la decided te connect with the sewer, is net te exceed $200, the amount already appropriated by tha beard. BASE BAliIi AT PKSRrN.. Billy Zecher'a Team Defeated a. geoend Time by Hlgby'a Men. At Penryn park, yesterday afternoon, a Urge and delighted crowd or Lebanenttes saw their team defeat. the Alteena club for the second time. This was very pleas ing te the home people, who well remem ber tbedlsastreus results te the Lebanonser their vialt te the Mountain city. In vaster day'a contest Hedson pitched for Alteena, and he waa bit bard, especially by Oraullch and Cress. Smith, a long-legged and strong pitcher, who waa formerly with Charley Masen, waa In the box for Leba non. He did very clever work and tlie Altoenas, made but three hits, Gibsen doing tbe best stick work. Had the Al Al Al teonas been able te bat just a little heavier they oeuld have wen, as the Lebanon did, net secure the number of runs tbey should have had off the bits. The full score Is as folio wa: i LiaAXON. ALTOONA.' h. e. A. r. K.II. e. A. K. Graham, 8. e M'Caffr'y.c 1 Cress, ....... I Kelly, 2. 0 Oraullch, 1 2 Mersn, in.. 0 Fester, I.... 1 Ks;an, r... 0 builth.p..... 0 0 3 2 o.Den'c'ue, 1 e 0 Hern 'em. m I I 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 I ll 3 2 0 OJ.O'Brlee.rO 2 lllbsen, c. 0 lHahn,l 0 OZecher.s.... 1 0 Alcott, 3..... 0 0 Otterseu, 2 0 0 Uedseu, p. 0 0 8 5 1 2 0 3 3 0 2 0 1 1 Totals .... 6 12 27 8 3 Totals..... 2 3 27 10 2 Lebanon,- - t 0 0 10 2 0 0 06 Alteena J) 110 0 0 0 0 02 Earned runs, Lebanon 4. Twe base hit, alb son. Three base WU, Cress, Oraullch 2. Fester. ttecriOce hit, Kakan. Base stolen, Meran 2, Cress, Hemuiera, uttersen, Denaabue. Bases en ball, elTSinllh,4. Struck out, by Smith 7. by Hodseu4. Left en bases, Lebanon , Alteena 6. Ult by pitched ball, Habn. Umpire, Camp bell. DIAMOND NOTES. Tbe games of ball yesterday resulted as follews: Players' League : Bosten 0, Philadelphia 4; New Yerk 11, Brooklyn 6; Chicago 0, Pittsburg 12. National League: Philadelphia 0, Brook lyn 5; Bosten li, New Yerk 2 ; Cincinnati 0, Pittsburg 1. American Association : AthletleS, Syra cuse 2, (12 innings) ; St. Leuis , Louisville 3; Teledo u, Columbus 3; Brooklyn 6, Rochester 5. Tbe Altoenas play at Pentyn te-day and Tuesday or next week. On account et the big band picnic at Penryn en Saturday the Frankford club will play tbe Labatiena there. " Wbltey " Gibsen la putting up the same steady game for Alteena right alone. Tbe Brotherhood and National League fight Is giving base ball a set-back. A crowd of men from Manbelm, who could yell like Indians, were just back of right field at Penryn yesterdsy. They came up te see Habn and whenever tbe Altoenas made a geed play the Comanche war whoop was given, much te tbe dls ceu'fiiura of the Lebanon enthusiasts. Harrlsburg defeated Kasteu by IH te 8 yesterday. Cress is a great favorite in Lebanon of late, but it is a town te spoil ball players. Eagan, late of Lancaster, played In right field for Lebanon yesterday and made a nne impression. ... ReserveH Want n Memerial Hall. The Gettysburg monument commission met In Iltrrlsburg en Thursday , te consult with representatives from the Pennsylva nia Reserve regiments, wbicb participated in tne battle or Gettysburg, aa te me pro priety or fixing a day, te be known aa Pennsylvania Reserve Day, en the occa sion of tbe dedication or monuments en tha battleObld this year. There was net much interest manifested in tbe erection or individual monuments, as tbe Reserves favored tbe eroctleu of a memorial hall, which Governer Beaver prevented by a veto of a bill having tbat gurpese In view. Ex-Governer Curtin, aptain C. K. Chamberlain, Captain Jehn Tayler, Captain James McCermlck, W. Hayes drier and Colonel Taggart repre sented the Reaerres at tbe meeting, and General Gebln and Cel. Tayler the Gettys burg commission. The representatives of tbe Reserves at the meeting were of opinion that the commis sion abenld net be interfered with in tbe erection of monuments and tbat no part be taken in the ceremonies by the regiments, but that tbey make appllcitlen te tha next Legislature for an appropriation te erect a memorial hall, allowing the monuments te remain as markers. It was decided te communicate with each regiment and organization as te the location or each monument. Te Erect a Monument. Tbe Survivors' Veteran association of the Third Pennsylvania artillery, and 188th regiment Pa. Vels., will erect a bronze tablet of beautiful design, te tbe memory of their fallen comrades. Tbe tablet will coat $300, and will be dedl rated and placed In position at Fortress Menreo, Virginia, tbe headquarters of regiment, In tbe lsst week in July next. Comrades and ethers who wish te contribute for the purchase of the memorial can de se by calling en Dr. J. S. Smith, 246 West Orange street, vice president of the association. Appointed Medical Eaamluer. Dr. J. W. Kiuard, of this city, bas beeu appointed medical examiner of the Manu facturers' leiurmnfte company, of Geneva, Kew Yerk, A .GREAT LAWN FETE. IE& WMEX Ml CIHLHEJI E1U0Y THE SEMES IT WIEATLMB. Maste and Ecfreshments Fer the Throne;, Wbtea Numbered Mere Than a Thousand-Ladles in Charge. At Wheatland, the famous old home or President Buehanan, en the Marietta pike, there were gay and busy scenes en Thurs day. Tbe bread lawn, with Its fine old trees, velvety sod and masses of shrubbery, could net have looked mero thrifty in the daya,when their owner was a power in the laud, the trusted leader te whom millions looked for statesmanship that should save them from darkly threatening calamities. Tbe ladles of St. James' Kplscepal church had placed tables leaded with refreshments at the upper end of the gently sloping la w n, and guests ad vanclug by the paths or across the sward found a scene or sylvan beauty oqnaledenly In the'mlsty visions of dreamy, "tabled Arcadle." Tbe line old matmleu eeemed te smile with benign dignity upon the Invading hosts, and when the eve ning shadows Tell and all the great colored lanterns were glowing from the trees, even tbe veIcch of the freas, far dewu at the bid spring by tbe entrance, bed n decided accent of sur prised pleasure In thelr cre.tks. Perhans one of them was James Buchanan I fle waa very fend of that aame old spring, and of a pleasant afternoon be would take a book or a Mend down thore te Rlt lit the shade by tbe water ; and he uxed te say, with a humorous twinkle In bis eye, that irtberewas any transmigration of souls and If spirits could ceme back te earth, be would return te Wheatland and occupy the body or one of theso happy looking frogs by the margin of that old spring. If be waa there en Thursday night he must have felt sorry that ' he did net choeso te be a cominennlnco story book ghost, se that he could mingle with the tlireng and be convinced that Lancaster is holding well Its anclent repu tation for pretty girls and geed cheer. He may have coased his creaking for rain te listen te tbe music wafted evor the bushes and above the bum of voices by tbe or- .chestra of the Yeung Men's Democratic club, ie-nigui lie may ue as wen pieaseu, In a simple, frog-like way, with the musle of the Yeung Republicans, and If hair or tbe people who were en tbe grounds last night tell tbelr friends hair or the pleasure te de found theru the crowd of twelve or fifteen hundred of Thursday will be doubled. Tbe 'buses ran nil afternoon, at short In In tervnls,frem St. James' Sunday school, but it waa net until evening that people began te crowd into the lawn. They came from tbe city en feet and In carriages, and 'buses, and by the West Hnd street car line. Theuars stepped oppeslto The Maples, and passengers crossed the fence tewurds Wheatland by a slile, and by a pleasunt walk across tbe fields reached the grounds. Although the night was dark, and distant lightning; seemed te threaten rain, tblsdid notpreveuta rush of visitors that was en tirely beyond the expectation of the man agers, and as the skies cleared, many re mained until ft late hour. The oiUerpriso Is an assured auccess. Following is a list or tbe cemmittees: Executive committee MIm Henrietta Briuten, chairman; Mrs. McMullen and Misses Anus Nauman, Ida M. Hall, Blanche Franklin, Frances Grilllts and Mlrs Burrowes. Flower table Miss Mary Reynolds in charge or flower table with Miss Katie Lecber, Mary Calder aud Maud lloyuelds as assistants. Candy- table Miss Katle DUler with Misses Frances QrlfultB, Ma M. Hall, Katle Lecherand Mrs!' Thes. Wiley as assistants. Caramel table Misa McCaskey. v Leufonade table M Us Mary Wilsen, in charge with Misses Mar' Calder and Blanche Shackelford asHUtlug. Icecream Mrs. B. Frank Fslileman; as sistants, Mrs. Henry Franklin and Miss Anna Nauman, Cake table Misses Ida M. Ilitll aud Frances GriflUts. Strawberry table Mrs. Mlddleten nnd Miss Uuddlesen. These ladles had bard work all evening with a ruHhlng business which they handled with dlstlnguUhed ability. Tea table Mrs. D. McMullen, Mrs. Bates Mrs. Alttck, Misses Llllie DUler, Henrietta Ilrluten, Jenule Laue and Mary Wilsen. Refreshment tickets Miss Slaymaker. Many ether ladles assisted. East Denegal Teaohern. Tbe school directors of Fast Denegal met en Tuesday, and organized by electlng S. B. Lenbart, president ; S. S. Krayblll, secretary j C. N. Terroy, treasurer. On Friday they met and appointed toachers as fellows : Maytown, high, vacant ; high as sistant, Miss Ella Weaver ; grammar, Kzra Bryner; second primary, Miss May Loa Lea ger: llrst,Miss Belle. Slietter; Union graded, A. H. Burkhelder; Union, usslstaut. Mrs. Snyder; Washington, graded, B. F. Herges; assistant contested; Franklin, graded, Mr. Hunter; assistant, Miss Emily Warren ; Lincoln high, O. I. Fry; Lincoln, Laura Beck; Fulrview, J. C. Burkhelder; Denegal. Gabriel Reet; Cur tin, Miss Inlckle; Reck Point, J. H. Strlckier; Furnace, J. Furney Engle. The term Is 7 mouths and salury ?51. Life and Property Dustroj'ed. An explosion occurred Thursday after noon en tbe German steamer Huns it Kurt, which was leading oil at the decks of the Atlantic Refining company, Point Breeze. The vessel (was seen In llitmes. and before tbey were extinguished the ship and ber cargo bad sustained damage estimated at fl!e,000. The lire also spread te the shore and did considerable damage te the prop erty of the Atlantic Untitling company. Jeseph H. Qulnn, 34 years old, a shipping clerk, was fatally burned and scalded, and eleven ethers were injured. A Mill te He FitttKl t'p. The mill of H. R. Greff, at Fertility, en the Htrasburg turnpike, was destroyed by fire a year or mero age. The building was re-erected but has beeu standing Idle because Mr. Greff had net docldeu upon tbe kind of machinery be would purchase. Last evening E. F. Shatzer, ngent of the Richmond City Mill works, of Richmond, Ind., made a contract with Mr. Greff for a complete fifty barrel outfit of the Rich mond Mawboed rellsand Richmond round belting system of milling. It will be a very complete mill when finished. In Needy ClruumslnnceM. Rebert Leuis Little, the brakeman v he was se seriously Injured by being thrown from a train atGraeffs Lauding, was the sole support of bis fatber and mother. The family Is In needy circumstances, although since tbe accident occurred the nolghbers have been kindly looking after them. It Is a case worthy of charity. The railroad company, in whose employ the man was hurt, might also leek the matter up. m A Tbree Uttudred Mile Fly. All arrangements have been made for the plgoen fly from Danville, Virginia, te this cltv, a distance of 300 miles, en Sunday, June 15. A silver cup, which will be the prize, was purcbased yesterday. It Is very handsome. Trank It. Hewell has been selected as judge. The owners of the birds that will start are William Paulsen, C. Shane. Themas HumphreyvlUe and II. It. Greff. Picnicker Poisoned. It Is reported thutGO people were pois oned ataplcnle near Union City, Mich., last Tuesday, by drlnklnc milk from Im properly cleaned cans. Fer u time it was feared that seven of thein would die, but all are new reported te be recovering. Much Music at l'eiiryn. It U believed that there will be about thirty different bands at the big reunion of musical organizations at Pennryn park to morrow. Extenslve preparations have beeu made for the afialr. which Is expected te eclipse anything of the kind ever bed there. A. game or eau win aise ue an attraction, The Franklin Literary Society. This evening the oleslng exercises of the Franklin Literary society will be held In LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, THE LANCASTER HOUSE j WEnE IX. McQontgle's Ilcruied Wins at Potts town Sherman Bashaw Welt Up. Yesterday was the third ahd last day el the Pottstewu races and the attendance was only fair. Twe Lancaster horses dis tinguished themselves. In the 2:15 race, for trotters and pneers Michael McGonlgle's Uermed was driven by II. F, McGenTglc The horse'teok the three straight beats In 2:311, 2:33 and 2:31 J. The purse waa 9230. The 2:30 race was net Antxhed. There were Ave starters. Including Fiss & Deerr's Sherman Bashaw. 11. Humer's Diligent was given the first heat, although Bashaw came in first, and was set buek for breaklng. The Lancaster herse took the next two beats, aud Aaren Xelss' Buck skin Dick the two next. The sixth was a dead heat between Dick and Diligent, and the soveulh was taken by the latterr The time was 2:31, 2:2Sl, 2:231, 2:30, 2:291, 2:231. The race will be finished te-day, and It Is believed that Bashaw has a geed cluncoje take tbe race. Cel. E. H. Edwards, of, was ene or the Judges. A telegiam, received In this city before neon te-day, brings the tin wh that the un finished race uas concluded this morning. Buckskin Dick took the wltlnliig beat In 2:291. IVstlvnl-nt Emiuanuel Chapel. Last evettlng a two tilghls strawberry festival begun In the Emumuuel chapel at Pine and Walnut street. The room Is handsomely decerated nnd festooned, and it present a flne appearance. The attend ance was large, making-the opening very successful. The ceneral commltteo hiving clnrge of the affair Is composed of the following ladles: Mrs. Drepperd, Mrx. J. F. Oriel, Mrs. J. W. Helman, Miss A. Kantr, Miss MaySalzIger. Fancy tnble, Mrs. Welduer, Mrs. McGlynn, Mrs. Cutnmlngs. The tables were In the care el the follow fellow follew ing: Confectionery, Misses A. Kautz and C. Woernor; cakes, Mrs. Bertzlleld, Mrs. Barten, Mrs. J. W. Helman; lce cream nnd berries, Mr. and Mr.s, J. A. Kautz, Mrs. Hellar, Charles Saner, aids, M. Hump, G. Weldner, F. Garden, M. Nehr, A. Myers. Miss L. Bertzfluld personated Rebecca at the well, D. K. Dropperd bad charge of the museum nnd Ira K. Barten nttended te the deer. The festival coutlnues this ovenlng. Surveyor MiiHMiui-cd by Indians. J. II. Helt, n caltle dealer of Wyoming, arrived in Denvor, Cel., en Thursday morning, and gives an account of an Indian massacre, uhlch occurred In the upper Green river country several days age. He says that n party of Indians that had bocemo intoxicated with whisky furnished by the ranchmen came te the camp of the government surveyors and demanded moie ''llro ''llre ''llro water." It being refused the Indians at tacked the party, kllliujr Chlcl Euglnoer Crittenden, inchurgoef the third division of the urovernmonl survey, and ehnln ehnln benrers D. W. Tlmborluke, Geergo Weeds and Henry Ovormnyer. Josse Loe assis tant engineer, waa left en the Held ler dead, but recovered sulllclently te get te n neigh boring ranch, whure he lies In a precarious condition. Mr. Crittenden was llie engineer who constructed the Hails briilue at .St. Loul. His family new roslde at Paris, Ky. The Maln-Vau Ambers' Circus. On Thursday next the Main-Van Ambers circus will exhibit at McOnnm's nark, and en the following day at Quarry vllle. The show Is a geed ene and the price is low, se that It hhetild draw well. Among the attractions are Madame Pauline Dubois, styled "The Fomelo lloreuleH, " and who is said te be ene of the htrongest women living; the trained riding pug doss and pigs; the man who lilts n borse with bis teeth ; Colerado Joe and Wild Burt, with thelr trained ponies, "Whirlwind" nnd Flrelly ; " trained dogs, hoi box, olephants, donkeys, nnd n host of riderti, acrobat! and gymnasts, tnsuther wltlut nuiiilelte of clowns. A Ntreet parade will liiku place at neon. Tell Twenty-flve Feet. Frem the Lllltz ltccerJ. 1ist Friday Israel Weidniau and Wayne Habecker were engaged In painting the reef of the Llme Reck steam mill. A ladder was placed down ene side of the reef, en which they routed. This bocame loosened from its fjsteiilng and ullnped. Weldmau foil te the ground, a distunce of about twenty-five feet, spraining his back and receiving ethor Inlurles, while Habecker escaped injury by Jumping en the reef of a lietiBO car stauuing near ty. Tbe KulghtH of bt. Jehn Fair. The Knights or SU Jehn fair was well attended last evcnlng, and the Iroquois baud furnished delightful music. A Hilver caster that was chanced off was wen by MIssAnnle lloikenroller. This evenlug the Couestega Specialty company will be present Te-morrow ovenlng Reading Cemmandery of Knights of St. Jehn will ceme te Lancaxtcr te attend the fair. They will arrlve hpie ut 8 o'clock and will be met by the Lancuster knights. They will then make a shett street parade In which the Laueaster Cadets will take part. Tbe Water Department. The Wrtter commltteo of city councils met en Thurrd.iy ovenlng In select council chamber. It wasdoclded te visit the works en next Tuesday afternoon. The following bids were received for the latbe at the old water werks: Henry Martin, $575; Jehn Wlant, ?JW); Walter Cox, $303. All these bids were rejected because the commltteo thought the prices were tee low. It was dcvliled te remove the lathe te the new water works. Mayer Clark, the chairman of the coinmitte, and Superintendent I'ralley woreautliorlrod te purihase un engine te run the lathe at u cost net te exceed $123. Servlfca Held by Mutbedlslx. Voeanvim.e, June 0. The lepert that the Dunkards bold baptism at the Cones Cenes toga en Sunday last, and that ltev. Jeueph Martin conducted the ceroineiiios, Is In In In correct.aslt was net held by the Dunkards, but by the Methodists, ltevs. Letitz and Hartrler, of Browmttewu and Lincoln, officiated. The Dunkards will have bap tism at tbe same place en Sunday, the 15th Inst. A mad deg running threush this place en Sunday evening caused excitement. Mr. Winner Is busy ut taktiu the census and finds mera labor couueuod with It than he was awn re of. The recent drought has retarded the planting of tobacco. Rev. Tobias will pre ich hore en Satur day evening In the Genu tu language. . Cbaraed With Malicious TrespuKS.. Uofero Aldennan Ilersliey Mrs. Kate Steuer lias brought suits iiK.tliihl Harry Hinilen and William Andersen, two boys whom hhe chargOM witu in tiiciuus irespass. She sayh that the boys went en her premises, stelo her cherries and did ether dam.iKO, and hIie has been annoyed by them he tint she U determined te puiiixb thorn. The parlies till reside in thu western part of town. Methor and Seiih Drewn oil In a 1'end. The wife and two sons of Jehn Smith, a fanner, who lives en tbe shore of Abbett's pond, Mlddlebury, Conn., were drowned en Thursday. The boys, .dward, nged 13, and Geerge, aged 10, pushed out en the pond en a raft. The raft lipped, throwing them Inte the pond. Heme children en the bank set up an alarm and the uiother, run ning out or the Heuse, saiv nor boys Mrug gling In the water 100 feet uuay. Wie ruhhed into the water, get beyond her depth and all thrce were drowned. The bodies were seen after recovered. A Commltteo, At Hie annual nossIeu of the Grand Lode en. O. Q. P., held et Pittsburg, the grand master appointed the following committee en transportation : Henry Stcurnagle, of Ne. 211," Allegheny; K. J. Erlsuian, of Monterey I.odge, Ne. 212, and W. F. Ham brlght, of Lancaster Ixlge, Ne. B7. The Oxford l'nlr. With the thermemeter away up In tbe nineties vesterday there was a geed sized crendat the Oxford fair. The 3:00 race was wen by Harry Magan'a Minnie Ilevls, getting the first heat. Time 2:13), 2:l0i. 2:53, 10j. E. J. D. wen the 2:10 race, and Helen Lexington was second, taking the second beat. Time 2:43,2:331, 2;37 1:30), JUNE 6, 1890. REV. GRING'S COMPLAINT. l cflHiTTin unit cm Til iimi n m iiniiu iymp, He Disobeyed the Foreign Miseiea Beard. a Statement of the Coedttle of the Charch-Bnelneee Concluded. Lkbaken, June C At the Wednesday afternoon seeelen of the Reformed synod thfl committee en orphans' home reported end tbe report covered Bethany, St. Paul's, Ft. Wayne and Zear orphan asylums. The Influence end usefulness) of these homes have Increased during the peat three years. In these home attention le paid eepeelally te the moral and religious training of the erphsns without neglecting the temporal benefit which these homes offer. The synod asked stated contributions fee the support of these homes from the congre gations and Sunday schools of tbe church. Tbe committee en foreign missions re ported that since the last meet Ins of gen gen eral synod largely Increased Interest and contributions Is notleed, and yet the amount contributed has net fully met tbe needs of the church beard la the work. Tbe synod approved the policy or the beard in trying te make tbe work In Japan take permanent form end establishment In the way of schools, Ac, Synod also requested the beard te make every effort te keep their expenses within tbe Income from the church. Rev.l A. D. Qrlng'e manual, for the use of missionaries, was also favorably com mended te the favorable consideration of tbe beard. The district synods and classes ere di rected te bring the subect of foreign mis sions prominently! before the oengrezatlons se that the receipts rrem the church may ceme mere nearly te the wants or the cause. Rev. Dr. J. A. Peters, or Danville, Pa., read the report et the state or tbe church during the past tbree years. This report was made the order or the day for Thurs day afternoon. First or all tbe report rocegntzed the bleeeed reign or peace in the church. The Influence or the word or Ged for the salvation or men wax set forth aa evidenced In the lire and work or the church. The favorable state or the church was inferred from tbe flourishing and prosperous work and Increase In Us useful ness. Tbecateohlzatlenof the youth was commended, and rrem the reports of the classes It appears that tbe blessing or Ged attended the Instruction. Tbe Institutions of the church all mark Increased activity, and both In number of students and en dowments indicate progress of tbe church. The missionary activity was set forth as a geed Indication of the Christian life In tbe church. Tbe union with the Reformed In America was referred te In the report and the hepe ex pressed that the federal union proposed might early be consummated. The report closed with a touching tribute te tbe 40 ministers who have died aluee the last session of the generai synod. Following are the statlallstles of the, church: Ministers, 835: congregations. 1,554: members, 230,498; unconfirmed menibera, 112,480; baptized, 47,875; con cen con llrined, 31,485; received by letter, 18,558; communed, 155,188 ; Sunday achoela 1,613 ; Sunday scboel scholars, 158,016; students ter ministry, 235; benevolent contribu tions, 1170.025: congregational contribu tions. 12,580,015; total contributions. $3, 000,570. WEDKESDAT KVBNIXO. The complaint of Dr. Ruesel was taken up and the trial completed. Theoemplalnt was ausuunea ey m vote ainie is.-. Tbe committee appointed te Investigate the complaint of Rev. A.D. Grlng, respect ing tbe published report or open letter pnbllshed evor the signature of tbe beard of foreign missions, reported that the com mittee finds that Rev. A. D. Grlng pre sented his resignation te the beard and the beard accepted; tbat after the resigna tion had been accepted there was a pretest going up from the churebt tbet In response thereto waa tbe publication of the letter complained of; that Rev. Grlng did spend larger sums of money than the beard anticipated, and that tbe beard cemnlalued of tbe fact, and tbat Rev. Grlng made a detailed report; that they found that Rev. Grins spent only such money as be belloveute bein tbe lineef bis work : that Rev. Gnng did show In subordination, in being unwilling te sub mit te the orders or tbe beard, especially In claiming the right te differ with the beard en tbe ground that he understood the situation better than tbe beard. This led te the dissolution, as staled, as It was apparent that the parties could net work together In harmony, The committee did net pass any Judg ment upon the charges made, nor did It consider tbat tbe differences between tbe beard and the missionary reflected upon bis Integrity as a Christian, and closed tbe report with a prayer tbat the chureh unite mero beartlly lu carrying forward tbe work in Japan. The committee, te whom the hymnal was committed reported tbelr approval or the work, and advised that the old commlt cemmlt commlt eoo be continued and Instructed te publish the work lu two editions with raw alter ations. Permission te use the book was' granted te the churches. This will Insure au early Issue and it is a very general hope tbat this will proveto be acceptable and come Inte general use In tbe church. THunseAY KeniriNa. The officers or synod were authorized te fill any vacancies in tbe number or dele gates te the Reformed alliance at Terente. The committee en the Sunday school beard's rejiert advised that the Sun- sty school beard be Instructed te carry ferwatU the editing and management or the lessen helps aud Sunday school publications for the church; and tbe Sunday schools or the ciiurcn wero asxeu te iiuroauee me litera ture furnished by the beard of tbe general synod that tbe publishers pay an addi tional (100 salary te the editorial manage ment ; tbat the German loasen help be con tinued te be nubllshed at the German pub lishing beuse at Cleveland aud the English helpsat Philadelphia and Dayton. Rev. J.M. Schick and Elders Jacob Hoy Hey nor and C. M. Boush are appointed a com mittee te give a deliverance ou the consti tutional points Involved In tbe question of tbe Christ's chnrcfa, Bethlehem, appeal against the Eastern synod. The records or the vsrleus eyneds were then revlewed and routine business occu pied the greater portion or tbe forenoon. A committee waa authorized te be ap pointed te confer and correspond with rep resentative pontens or synods In Germany with a view te bringing about a nearer relation between the church In this country and In Germany. This committee. In con sultation with the beard of missions, is te learn the condition or the fureiatu cnurch with a view of turtherlng the Interest of the Reformed church en the-continent of Eurepe; and, If this committee can Hnd It practicable, te ask tbe beard te send a dolegateln furthoraneeof thoebject named. The officers of synod are authorized te place the seal of synod te decumeuts in nut correspenueuce. The new constitution of tha church has been referred te the classes and tbe reports of the classes leave tbe matter In doubt. A new committee te revise tbe constitution and report te tbe next session of general synod was appointed. The committee en finance reported that the treasurer's report bad been audited and found correct, and assessed 95,500 en tbe district synods for contingent expenses aim naruer missions. C. G. Gress, of Philadelphia, was re elected treasurer of the general synod for three years. Synod was invlted te meet at Reading, Pa., aud the invitation was unanimously accepted. Synod accordingly adeurnsd te meet In St. Paul's Reformed church, Read ing, Pa., May 24, 1H9J, at 7:30 o'clock p. re. Ninth Cavalry Reunion. The twenty-first annual reunion of tbe Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry association will be held at Wllkesbarre en Thursday of next week. Twe full companies or tbe regiment recruited In Lancaster. Indica tions point te a large attendance at tbls annual meeting. Tbe state encampment of Sens of Veterans will be in session at Wllkesbarre at the same time. Kacurslen tickets ever all railroad will be sold end orders for tbe same can be bad from A. F, ejhenck, U secretary pfihe awsutloe. FOR OOVKttSOR. W. V. Hansel rropeaed Aa the Meat .. 7uDie xr tkeomee. Frem the Columbia Herald. It Is proposed that the Democracy of Lancaster county absU present te the Scran Scran ten convention the name or Hen. William Ul.S???l,l.u,ole,eroerBor. This will t dose, if mell, Het at !hesuaesUen of the gentlemen named, hut In aoeordanoe with the unanimous voice and sentiment of tbe party. The office of governor of the common wealth of Pennsylvania Is position that may well serve the highest tereenal em em MtleB end presents a field or labor te which any man may proudly devote the beet en ergies or his life. Te be the chief execa live or five millions or people peeeeaelng the wealth end Intelligence of the people ei Pennsylvania end te serve their verted Interests with wisdom end unselflshnees, requires the highest type of statesmanship. Frem this point of vfew we present the name of Mr. Ileneel, knowing well tbat he possesses lu a full measure the attributes required. Learned In the law, a scholar of high literary attainments, eloquent of speech, pure In hie private life, unimpeachable In l?Jp'r,tytJ,.Pemec,t tra ni sound William U. Henset Is thoroughly equipped te be governor of Pennsylvania. Frem a party standpoint he le the most available man named. Ills unselfish aad constant work for the party baa made him known from Erie tte tbe Delaware and wherever known he has warm personal and political friends. He laSn full ill open sympathy with the doctrines or tee party as set forth in the last national plat form. He la a Democrat note faotlenallet ; while aa a campaigner he has no equal In tbe party. In view of hie personal fitness and his availability Lancaster county confidently commends him as the right man te nomi nate and te that end will send a solid dele gation te represent her views. e i . A CARRION LILY. Its Effluvia Causes Nausea and la Ad mired by Judge Livingston and inhere. Jeseph Snyder, crier of the countyceurt, has a very peculiar flower In hie yard at present. Ilia called a carrion Illy. It la very large laud the flower is of maroeu color. Right out or the middle or tbe Illy grows a stick or elem about as thick aa an ear or oern. The amell or the flower at tlmee le very rank, Indeed la foul, and ex aetly like tbat or a dead animal. It is from the smell that the flower gets Its name. Mr. Snyder's flower waa lu lull bloom yes terday and a number or people were fooled by it, aa It la really very pretty. When tbey set a whltT or It they are completely knocked nut. Te-day the flower waa net ae foul. Mr. Bnyder haa the flower planted at a safe distance rrem tbe house and he keeps It for the novelty. Mr. Snyder obtained the flower rrem Judge Living ston several years age. The judge, aa is well known, la one or tbe greatest loversefflnweralntheclty. Seme years age an old German gave his honor a number or flower bulbs. In banding him one or them he said, with a twinkle In hie eye, I bet you have fun nilt dat one. Judge." It was a carrion lily, but the Judge did net knew It, He planted tbe bulb and a fine plant waa the result. It waa standing In his library and finally It bloomed. When tbe Judge entered the room, be supposed there waa a dead rat or something else about from tbe fearful smell, and a number ef ethera were attracted te It, It waa finally found that tbe pretty flower waa tbe cause or all tbe trouble, and the Judge saw tbat It was located further back en tbe premises. Indian :Deperadeee. San Francisce, June 0. It Is thought tbat Hardies' murderers have creeeed the Mexican border, and troepi who tare changing positions along tbe line have been Instructed te sheet the murderers at sight. Permission la expected from tbe secretary of war for troops te enter Mexico. Rebert Hardle, a lawyer, waa murdered by hostile Apaches near Tombstone, Arizona, en tbe 24th of May. Themurderara were said te be a email band under Indian Kid, who escaped from Jail In November by killing tbe sheriff, they being nnder sentence of death. Eds. Intkluekn cxr, e Married Fifty Years. Frem tbe Mt. Jey Star. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hergelretli, aged and esteemed residents or this place, wlU celebrate their golden wedding anniversary en Saturday, June 14th. Tbey have re sided In Mount Jey for forty years. Mr. Herselreth was born below Lltitx, en April 12, 1810, and Catharine Peters, his wire, waa born December 22, 1810. Tbey were nnlted in marriage en Sunday, June 14tb, 1810. Tbey have four children living, one dead t fourteen grandchildren living, ten dead, and four sreat-srandcblldren. Mr. and Mrs. Hergelretli are vigorous and In the enjoyment of excellent health and spirits. KnlshU of Laber Mectlns. At a meeting of Hamilton Assembly, Knights or Laber, held last evening, a com mittee en organization, te assist tbe organ izer In work In tbe county, waa appointed. It waa agreed te ask the candidates for aseembly and delegates te the state conven tion te pledge themselves te vote for the Australian ballet system. It waa an nounced that a public meeting wilt be held In the court beuse en June 14, when A. Wright, eARjreftbe Canadian Laber lit former, Jehn W. Haye and Themas O'Reilly will speak. The Gambling Suite Withdrawn. William A. Relst.whe prosecuted Goerge Bewman and A. R. Houseal for keeping a gambling house, Dr. J. A. Fitzpatrlek for enticing him Inte a gambling beuse and Charles M. Htrine for assault and battery, withdrew tbe prosecutions at Alderman Ban's at neon te-day. Relst was aocem- 6 anted by his oeunsol,O.ReosoEabr,and A. :. Houseal, when the alderman's office was visited and Reist formally withdrew tbe sult.and tbe records shows that he paid the costs. A Rougher Burned. William Kegel, who lives en Locust street, and Is employed In tbe Peun rolling mill, was badly burned this morning. Ha Is employed as a rougher lu the bar mill, and lie waa struck en tbe side bye flask. ills Injuries were such that he bad te be removed te bis home, where be received medleal attention. Attend te Your Taxes. June 22d Is the last dsy en which stats and county taxes can be paid te save tbe abatement, July 1st the last day for tbe payment or city tax, aud August 1st for tbe payment or school tax. These who desire te avoid tbe great crowd which la always en hand tbe last days will save themselves Inconvenience by attending te tbe payment or tbelr tax before that time. Pensions Granted. A pension bas been granted Wm. D. Mnsser, or this city, Samuel W. Lantz, city, has been granted an Inerease of pension through Alderman Barra pension agency. Found a Kettle. There is a tin kettle at tbe station beuse which was found by one of tbe police offi cers. Itcentalneda knife and fork, buttbe person who lest it took tbe precaution te eat tbe dinner first. The police don't want the kettle and tbe ewuer can have It by calling. Bricklayers Fall. Tiita mnrninir aeferal men In the employ of Bess Ilrlcklayer Jehn Delsley were at work putting In a boiler at tbe brewery of J. A. Sprenaer. William Leenard and two ether meu were en a scaffold, about ten feet from tbe ground, which suddenly broke. Tbe men fell te tbe ground and a let of bricks and water were spilled ever them. All were mere or leas t cut and bruised, Released Frem Prison. James F. Cunningham, who was com mitted yesterday for raise pretense and surety or tbe peace, was released rrem prison te-dsy, ball having been entered for bla sppesrsace. PRICE TWO CENTS' EXCEEDED THEIR AUTftORITtJ tii mpEinm iriMtyicu nesTus mi turn. They Sad Se Right te Ssetsste MM rttae-A Jtsege'e relate) Xa Wa alea en the Big Charek Vlsmt. CncAoe, Jnee e.Jadge fteasik, Ottawa, Ilte., has readere deeleS the Evangelical ehnrek dlanata eat of the trouble at Hspervllle, whet irueteee lecxen tee enure anU-Beher ministers. In It 1m taat tha legal eteps In m with the ehureh dleeiallM resulted 1b aUaaep Xeher'e Mepaaeiaa. Ik , view or this the Judm tktaka . had no right te preetde everthellUsisil nawms, sea uuw mm peajr strict oenwrmlty te tit dleeipline 1 i pelntias a preeidlar elHeer.aad I UtMstl ceedlngs ,tbereta wart regular alt neuaa ey lie acta, arkl ir tM eat out with tha seal of that c tasked te their oertlfleatee wars thai M ministers seat te their districts, he doss set sss any te doubt their authority. " But ss peas the action of ths Hlluels oea was Improper, did tks mere feet the kaVi-; Esher, went off aad est up a nnnfiriassv: somewhere else, make It a legal oeafafte eueer u ue oeuia saaaiw msmnsrs .asssnsi se off and set un a aaanwatMaTlM aeatld ass? si It with any kind of a minority. ftirettNO net make any dlffereoee hew there were. Caa It be peaelsls a minority can set up a esalsrsai transact business without any majority i aen-t ibiBK any sensible maa we make any suck claim. If he eeakl with twenty or thirty hs could, da U a ve or ten. ir the minority rules H rule Just aa wall with three. ThS.s ineery or government u taat tfes i must rule' In tks ckaxek aad sister I majority asuss rule. Oemlag dawa ta tks NsaervtUs'' I Judge Smltk says r "Wklleitfartraa I under the atatute of thle stase tha have control of ths eharsa, te took aits J property for the eoBgregauea, taa- eaiy auea control aa us law (irss- ana nave no rtsht te Shut an the ska aoeouat of the mere met that they" charge of the church property. It net give them any right te leek aa; eanrcB. Whether a majority an they had be right te exelade tks from performing his duty. His datf' te go mere te minister ta passes sag i ths trustees interfere they violate duty under the law of the shassk.. Thai Junction stands against tks trasHst.'l TZLXOKAFaUC TAN, SSack T. Bandley, editor aad . of the Huren. Dak.. Ktrt4. waa killed last mkrai by Fred, ale it- son, daring a quarrel. Tha asa la Handlay was ehalrmaa ef tks stats central eemmtUee. 1 !'; tbs Ames urasasr In Oeweae, N. Y wars strask ky -. nltur last nbrkt and totally deetrerseV PV"ll"J siwuraut -- -.i -- . - -- - !& Among ths trills signed ey as Hill, te-day, wasoae exempting and reporters of newspapers fres. duty In New Yerk city. Mm? This morning Jehn Larry, of shot his wlfs la ths right eksraV passing out under tks ear. Ha Mats himself la ths need. Beth will die. Lallv'a IkmUvaavke la ii Is new thought that both Lelly asaikss wm recover. Tks Parte A'ecte says taat IC formerly prime minister of Secvki, la te bring action against bis win mr Milan, tks ex-king eraervia, ts co-rsepenosnt ta tee eaee. jjt Tue Aaeeetetea rises resort or ass of tbe greet Derby reee ran en wi which appeared la ths aflarasea that day. waa delivered by wlrsU ths Associated Frees emee la Wee- by WeeternUaloneableewltklaf ends from ths urns or fuiag la una is uiv u iius uu iiwiu, tfr.-. The New xeric suprsms asarv terra, te-day affirmed ths ceavlrtlsa; sentence or ex-Sheriff FUck. Vv Fifteen Hungarians, who arrived ta Yerk thle morning la tks eta land rrem Hamburg, wars examination en nospleloa of bela, tract laborers. Thar were beaad Mr mlnaa nt Pannavlvaala. ftB At sins o'clock this morning 111 struck the bam of ths Pioneer Ceal near Charleston, West Virginia, aad k Stable Bess Tem Hleks aad Stephenson, a colored boy. Anether and boy wars partially paralyjBsd, bat recover. Stephe''-r,"''r. ." . nre,W k.' mill. !,, . ..I. j!--"v ""a" m Tdscoe ventlen at mmnt nmated AasocUtleeas' Iren aaaakasV"' era reached no conclusion as te tks I scale, but It la net likely that It wlttl changed. Tbe seals will net be eftefM tbe manufacturers until the aad of WSSk. , ytfili At Elmlrs. during a terrlfle storm, tbe house of James A. Ward; struck by lightning snd burned. , j storms and cloud bursts are reported : towns of that section. At LereysvlUs, ten cows standing under s tree were I by lightning. Near Niohels, N. X.i mer Silas Regg waa killed by Bj while standing under a tree. m At Reck Point the annual reualea ' be held en Saturday and 20,000 are sxi te be present. ;? . ... fr. A janrae rer esi atisi. T.vmvnw. Juns fl. Andrew L. charged with the murder of Chief et1 Aaren McCord en the night of but. was placed ou trial yesterday. general opinion prevails that Shirk, be convicted of murder In the first B "VI White Oek'e Peetmaeter. . v. WasniNOTey. June 6 E. H. Breast 1 te-dav anrtel nted neetmeeter at WbMe , --. "..- . M- &i lAucaauir tvumy, r, WBAT1UU. WOMWCMam'tf&t Pi WaXBUKOTOX. v. v., VISUM Fair: except showers te-ala winds becoming seuthWS cooler eaiuruay maut. ,. -g . .. ...j fa.. -" Jltrald Weather For8caats.rA!smae,i scure depression passing rrem we Pennsylvania eastward, attended by 1 ,lar alnrma. will nrebablv CaUSaaB a mmt of tbe beat te-dav. But theWa oyclene, new near Lake Mlchigeav probably advance slowly eaatwasa. ceded by a " het wave" and foUewaft 1 " cool wave." ueinpersiure waa stationary In the United States xcent in the Northwest and where it foil : the chief minimum was 42 degrees F.f at CbsysBast cblef maximum, 91, st Nsw Yerk In the Middle states, cooler, partly te fair weather will prevail, praaM vain nn tha Vaar - T " and In tbe Hudsen valley, with freak, rlabls winds. meeUy westerly and m erlysndfollewsd by rising tsmpan snd In Nsw England cooler, partly Si mostly southerly and seumwestarty, nnmliTir warmer. Severe local atensM 1 unbahlysusiidths Wtsttgt) Maa aa bam east. ' - t- . i . . -.W AsAt