Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 05, 1890, Image 1

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Adequate Water Supply and Kqultable
Assessment of Heal E.tnte Itccem-
meuded-Needs of the Departments.
The June meeting of city councils was
held en Wednesday evening. In select
councils there were present: Messrs. Kris
man, Kverts, McComsey, Riddle, Kehrer,
Schutn, White, Wise and Leng, president.
Tlie reading of the minutes of the May
meeting was dlspen sod with.
Mr. Kverts presented the following an
nual message from ills Hener Mayer
Clark : '
Te the Honorable, the flelcct ami Common Own-
ell of Ixineaiter Viti:
Okntlkmkn The chartoreftho city pro pre
scribes ns a duty of Us mayor that " ha
shall communicate te councils at the first
stated meeting in tlie month of June of
each year tlie condition of the city In
relation te Its government, finances and
improvements, and shall recommend the
adoption of nil such measures as the busl
neas and iuterests of the city may, in his
opinion, require"
In obedience te that direction, I beg
leave te submit the following exhibitor
tbe finanelnl condition of the city with
regard te Its bended debt:
funded debt of the city bearing 0 per
cent. Interest K1,U8 00
Funded debt of the city bearing S per
cent. Interest 41,400 00
Funded debt of t lie city bearing 4 per
cent. Interest - 001,000 00
$$'U,9iS 00
Of which the Committee of Klinuce
and Account ns Commissioners of
Minklng Fund held
Bends bearing U per cent.
Interest $-J0S,5'i8 03
Bends bearing 6 per cent.
Interest 41,1110 00
llemls bearing 4 per cent.
Interest 90,000 00
twyiM 08
Total amount of debt outstanding... 54,000 00
Total amount of bends In Hlnklng
Fund, June 1, 1SH0 laM.OM 00
Total Hiueuut or bends In linking
Fund, June 1, 1SKI 31R,9.3 00
Increase In Sinking Fund for the
fiscal year lss'J and IS) 20,000 00
It it Interesting and satisfactory te note
that almost tlie entire Indebtedness of the
city bcirlng a higher rate of Interest than
four per cent, has been covered Inte the
sinking fund ; and net only has the perma
nent bended debt of the city gradually
decreased, but the drain upon the current
revenue te pay Intercst en the municipal
bends has steadily diminished. Although
812.1,000 was voted threo years nge ler
needed water works improvements, the
actual net increase in the bended city debt
within that period has been only JTiS.OOO.
tjii: WATEB suri'i.v.
In view of this showing it is worth con
sideration whether the great body of our
citizens are net ready te consider the
expediency of approving, by popular vote,
the expenditure necessary te provide that
ample and increased water storage capacity
which seems te be the natural supplement
te adequate pumping facilities.
Of all the subjects which ongage the at
tention of tlie municipal governmeut, that
of chief concern and general interest is the
water supply. Ne otlier Is se closely ro
uted te our financial condition, our physi
cal comfort ami business prosperity. The
present revenues from water rents net
only pay all expense of maintenance and
operation, n large Interest en Improve
ments, but besides, far mere than the In
terest en the entire city delit. These
revenues are contributed directly and in
directly by the whole people. Though
assessed directly upon real estate,
they nre actually borne alike by
land owner and router, and all classes and
conditions et citiens are entitled te a re
turn for their contiibtitleus. It has been
the common experience and testimony of
my predecessors that well considerod
water works improvements always piy
u most abundant return upon their cost.
As indicated in my previous communica
tions te councils, ft is none tee early, In
nir judgment, te consider tbe questions of
raising the stand pipe, or of erecting a new
storage reset veir en the high ground in
the west end, and of making such altera
tions In tlie connections of the distributing
mains as will furnish au unfailing and
copious supply of water te oery part of
the city. It will at least cost llttle te pro
cure plans and est' 'utes mid te devlse
ways und means te iiUct a question that is
pressing with cerluinty upon tbe munici
pality. With the pumping power new
provided, Mid the necessity for running
it continuously, an increase of storage
capacity would be atteuded with boneli beneli
cent results far in excess of its proportion
ate cost.
Tlir. nraiT.
While the condition of the bended In
debtedness of tlie city is, upon the whole,
se satisfactory. I feel bound te call the at
tention of ceuirclis ten considerable amount
of floating Indebtedness which must be
provided for. I'pen examination of the
approved bills of the several departments
whose appiopriatiens for the fiscal year
ending June 1, lb'.Ki, nre exhausted, I find
that the following amounts remain unpaid:
Uradlng and guttering .
Itepalrs of Htnets ,
Water works general
Fire eepartineut general...
Printing and stationery.
Assessors lulls.
Htreet work (estimated)
21 U)
111 01
l) W)
. sun 4t
1,047 M
W 00
l,"i(J0 0U
Total Se,S01 3D
The deficiencies T ostimnte will make a
total of net les-t than $l,uoe. Ne prevision
is made therefer in the eiidiiig ordluance
making appiopriatiens ler the fiscal year
1890-1B!U. Iain firmly orthe opinion that
they must be met by a distinct appropria
tion te cover deficiencies; and under the
law, I have no authority te draw warrants
for expenses of the year of 18-30-1800 upon
appropriations made te meet the oxpenses
of 1890-18U1. Whatever appropriations
councils soe fit te make for the present
fiscal year I shall regard as limited te tbe
expenses of the scvcial departments for
tbis year only; and It will &ave future
embarrassments for councils te meet these
deficiencies at ence.
The large sums of money required te be
annually spent for street repairs ought te
have impressed upon the city government
the superiority et durable street linprovo linprevo linprove
rdVnts. I ronew my previous recommen
dations that some equitable system of ap
portioning the street appropriations based
en the tax contributed by ditlercnt sections
of the city should guide and govern tlie ex
penditures of the afreet department. As
much as possible of the extraordinary reve
nues derived from liquor licenses ought te
be applied te pormauent street Improve
ments, ami whllotherels urgent demand
from nianv quarters for work of various
kiiids I shall steadily reUt every attempt
te increase expenditures in encessef the
amounts appropriated for the several
classes of street work for the coming year.
Council cannot tee closely supervise the
character of the work done.
I have had recent occasion te commend
the fidelity nd efficiency of the present
fire department, and te recommend te
councils that Its iiimlis be uniformed.
In consideiatien of thlsaPde-rihc necessity
of Its members being en duty day and
night, eveiy day of, a inoderate
increase et their eoinpeiiwtlen is jietan
unreasonable expectation. Councils have
ordered tbe muiiiac of an additional en
gine heuse; but until the prent dellclen.
cies arising from tbe ex 11 lug floating debt
of the city are provided for and the strin
gency of municipal finances Is relieved,
the expense of organizing an additional
tire company might net, in mv judgment,
be ventured upon.
uuiiTiNu or thu crrv.
The lighting or the city has upon the
whole been satisfactory j but with the
power at the city's command at its pump
ing stations tlie preposition that It be em
ployed at night Jn furnishing tbe light for
the streets should net be lest sight of.
The law department of the city ha, becn
efficient and diligent, as little vexatious or
expensive litigation has been engaged
upon. The demand of the county for the
payment te It of a large claim in behalf of
street damages has been referred te the
courts for adjudication and le net likely te
be settled for some years.
Tlie police force manlfests a geed stale of
discipline and of efficiency : and the sta
tion house, City hall and ether municipal
property are in excellent condition. An
ambulance the gift of private charity la
seen te be added te the city's appliances for
useful public work ; and at no distant day
a patrol wagon, te be put at the service
of the police department, may be found
te be a valuable adjunct.
The various relief funds within control of
the city authorities are intact, and the geed
uses they serve ought te stimulate ether
simitar benefactions.
l-tinLic rARK.
The necessity and advantage of a public
park occupying and opening te thepeople
some of the eligible sites near the city ha v e
come te be subjects of Increasing popular
interests. While mere immediate practical
concerns for the preient must absorb all
the available revenues from taxation, It is
net tee much te hope that private generos
ity may be supplemented by public aid and
co-operation te tbe end that an object ae
esseutlal te the moral elevatien and mate
rial welfare of Lancaster's citizens, as a
spacious pleasure ground, may be realized.
The prospective establishment of a beard
of health meets with popular favor.
A mere equ liable assessment of property
for city taxation Is a subject that should
have the early attention et councils.
livery consideration of convenience and
a just regard for political morality demand
a districting of the city wards Inte voting
precincts. Experience proves that from 250
te 350 lu an ample number of votes te be
accommodated at one poll, and yet In this
city as many as 1,000 votes are cast at one
window In some of the larger wards, and
in none of them less than 450. Council
should take measures te precinct the city
at as early a period as possible.
In connection witli every project for the
liberal Improvement of our city must be
berne steadily In mind the necessity for
close attention te the policy of making no
permanent debts te meet current oxpenses,
and no expenditures in excess of the ap
propriations. The total budget of expenses
for the year must be kept within the certain
inceme j and every outlay of public money
must be made with au eye te tbe public
advantage. Te meet the perplexing re
sponsibilities of city government and te
discliarge them faithfully is no mean task ;
and in the effort te this end councils may
be continually assured of my hearty co
operation. Bebkiit Clark, Mayer.
The reports of the water,preperty,fiiiance
nnu nre commiiieos ier tue inenui ei .uay
were presented. The report of the water
cemmittee was approved, after striking
out the recommendation directing the re
moval of a lathe Irem the old te the new
waterworks. The recommendation of the
preperty committee te rent part of the
City hall te Newsdealer Maulgan was
approved. These were all the recommen
dations contained In the above report.
Mr. Krlsman presented a a petition, nu
merously signed, praying councils te pass
an ordinance Increasing the salary of the
drivers in the 11 re department.
Mr. Erisman introduced the following
erdinance :
An ordinance for the purpose of obtaining
the assent of the electors et the city of Lancas
ter te the Increase of the Indebtedness of said
city of Ianeaster for the permanent Improve
ment of certain streets In said city.
HFCTIOKI. He It ordained by the select and
common councils of the city of 1-ancuster, that
for the purpose of paving with Belgian blocks
the foUewluir streets lu said city, viz: l'rlnce
street, from Frederick teOerman; Heutli Uueen
street, from Centre Square te Vine ; North
Queen, from Chestnut te James ; James, from
North Queen te Prince, and Chestnut street,
from Prince te Duke, and ethers, If practicable,
the Indebtedness or the city of Lancaster be in
creased lu the sum of one hundred and twenty
live thousand dollars.
Hue. 'J. That for the purpese of obtaining the
assent of the electors of said city of Lancaster
for such Increase of Indebtedness an election
shall be held at the places a'ud between the
hours of holding the municipal election lu suld
"" en the third Tuesday lu February, A. 1).
bk.c.3. Tnnt theiniyoref said city shall give
30 days notice by weekly advert Iseuientx lu the
Lancaster Ummlner, intelliciekckii, .; a
of the time of holding such election, and wild
notice shall also contain such ether matters as
are required by the uctef assembly passedAprll
20, 1874, in such cases uiadeand provided.
Mr.L'risman,Iu support of the erdinance,
said the money could be borrowed at 4 per
cent., which would tnake the annual inter
est the first year $5,000, and it would be
less each year. Thore Is $15,000 annually
appropriated for street purpose. He would
firopeso te pay off f 15,000 each year, less
be interest, and in eleven years the city
would bave excellent pormauent stroels
and the lean paid. Under the present
Hvhtem ? 15,000 are spent each year and
there Is scarcely anything te show for the
money expended.
The report of the city treasmer for the
month showed the receipts te be $0.2,737.69;
payments, $0,072.74; balance In treasury,
Select council erdinance Ne. C, appropri
ating the public moneys for the ensuing
your, was called up.
When the item appropriating $1,000 te
tlie beard of health was reached Mr. Me
Comsey offered an amendment reducing
the amount te $500 and appropriating the
remaining $500 te street repairs. IIe said
no council had before appropriated se large
a sum and with a city se healthy as Lan
caster he large an amount as $1,000 is net
Mr. Wise felt like Mr. McComsey, that
$1,000 was tee large a sum, but an amend
ment of the ordinance te-night meant de
lay, when it was important that the appro
priation erdinance should be a law ; at any
tlme hereafter $500 can be taken from the
beard of health appropriation and trans
ferred te some ether.
Mr. McCemsey said he would rather de
lay the ordinance a month than piss it If it
was iinpre)er in his judgment. The ap
propriation te the beard of health was net
se piessing as ether city matters.
Mr. Middle said that a yoarage tbe daily
papers sat down en councils because they
refused te make au appropriation te the
beard of health. The pcople of the city,
through tbe press, Insisted that a certain
annronriatlen should be mode te the health
department. The sum of $1,000 is tee small
for the duties of a beard of health. It may
net spend half of $1,000 but he did net
think $1,000 would cover its expenses. If
we have no epidemic It is very easy te
transfer part of tliis appropriation te seme
otlier. The public demand a beard of
health and ll Is useless te etnhlish it with
out giving It funds. Afailurote give the
beard a sufficient apntepriut en Is a stroke
at tlie health of the city.
Mr. McComsey said he did net want te
be considered as opposing the beard of
health. The city ought te have one, but he
considered $00 a reasonable sum.
The amendment reducing tlie appropria
tion te $500 was defeated and the ordinance,
as reported by the finance commute-, wjs
adopted. Common council concurred.
Tbe ordinance introduced at the May
meeting, increasing the salary of drhers
lu the fire department te $50 per month,
was culled up.
Mr. Krlsman offered au amendment
refcrrlng the erdinance te the finance com cem cem
mitteo, te report an erdinance Increasing
tbe pay of the members of the fire depart
ment, restricting the total amount el in
crease te $1,500.
The amendment was adepted, and that
dorenei; itirtiier consideration or the ordi
nance for the present.
An ordinance providing for the refund
ing of $(1,500 of the city lean and placing
tlie bends in the Kinking fund, aud one
apprepriatini:$l,4ItI, premium received en
h.HO Ol uuiiu), HI IM iij(iiijinaiiiiu m pay
intureit an tbe city debt was considered
and adepted by select council. Common
council concurred.
Mr. Hehrer called tbeattontien of coun
cils te a member efthe branch occupying a
seat as the representative of a ward In
which he does net live.
Mr. Kverts said he w as the party referred
te. IIe moved out of the Seventh ward
temporarily and wan still out, but he had
bought a let and lutended te build as seen
as be could make bis arrangements. If
there was a doubt a te the legality of bit
holding his neat, he would resign andjie
presented his resignation.
Mr. Hlddle moved that action en the re
signation be deferred.
Mr. Riddle referred te child's play In
common council in adjourning while thore
was business bofero sclect council which
required their sanction. IIe favored a
change in the rules se that adjournment
under these circumstances could net be
had, but council took no action.
common ceuxen..
Common council met at half-past seven
o'clock and tbe following members wcre
B resent: Altlck, Auxer, llalz, Ultner,
eardman, Bradel, Burger, Crcsbaugh,
Cummlngs, Diuan, Flery, Freeh, Krltseb,
Gerstley, Uambright, Helss, Henry,
Kautz, Kulp, Meser, Sing, Sleinwandel,
Trout, Zeek, Uaumgardner, president.
The following petitions were presenlcd
and referred te the different committees.
By Mr. Sing: Fer the paving with
asphalt blocks of Mlfllln street from
Prince te Beaver, for which property
holders bave subscribed $300.
By Mr. Freeh: Fer macadamizing
Chester street, from I.lme te Freiberg.
By Mr. Hambrlght : Frem the citlcns
of the western part of town asking for a
better water supply for that section of the
By Mr. Bradel: Fer raising a crossing at
West King and Mary streets and laying n
pipe at the same point.
By Mr. Bltner: Laying sidewalks en
North Water street, abeve Walnut, und a
crossing at Lemen and Water streets.
By Air. Frltsch : Fer a gutter en Poplar
street, from Laurel 20(1 feet, and a crossing
at Third and Ceral streets.
The street cemmittee rcpert.with Humor
ous recomendatlens, was prcscnted bv Mr.
Cummlngs and read. On motion of Mr.
Hambllght it was agreed te consider the
recommendations scpurutely.
When the recommendation in regard te
the bridge at Iteigart's Lauding anne, Mr.
Auxer moved council disapprove of
the recommondatien, which whs dene.
Mr. Freeh presented an ordinance In re
gard te the bridge, and the question will
again come up en its rmssace. The erdi
nance was referred te tlie street committee
The adoption of the recommondatien te
pave Grant street from lmke te Court
avenue, was opposed by Mr. Altlck, who
thought that te pave only that part of the
street would be merely iwtch work. He
thought the wbole square should be paved
and there worn ethers that need much mero,
for instance the first square of North Prince
street. The motion te disapprove was lest.
The ordinance authorizing the issuing of
a llconse te Christ Burger, ter the Mtonner Mtenner Mtonner
cher summer theatre, was returned by the
finance commltteo without net! en.
On motion of Mr. Altlck, It was ordered
te be printed.
Select council, ordlnnnceXo. 1, In regard
te the apiwlntment of a beard of health,
was read for the first and second
tlme. Before It was read a third
time, en motion of Mr. Altlck.
soveral amendments were made. In sec
tion 3, after the words " they shall bave
power te appoint a health e 111 cer, " Insert
the words "who shall be a physician and
also serve as clerk of the commltteo." Afler
the words "care of the sick peer" shall
come "members of the fire department nnd
pollce who may bocemo disabled in dis
charge of their duties." Theso amend
ments were agreed te.
Mr. Altlck also moved te Insert the fol
lowing In place of section C, which becemes
section 7: "The said beard of health shall
create and maintain a complete and accurate
system for the registration of nil births and
deaths, which may occur within the city
and te compel obedience te the same upon
the part of all physicians and ether modl medl
cal practittoners, magistrates, undertakers,
sextons and all persons fromtwhem inl'oi inl'ei inl'oi
matlen for such purposes mav properly
be required."
This motion wa agreed te and Mr,
Altlck fnrtber moved that in the soveuth
section, Instead of the words, "third, if any
police officer or tlie stroet commissioner
shall refuse or neglect tbe duties Imposed
upon him by the preceding section," the
following be Insorted, " third, if any pollce
officer, btrcct commissioner, physician,
magistrate, undertaker or soxteu shall
remsn or neglect the duties imposed upon
them by the preceding sections."
This amendment was agreed te and the
erdinance was laid ever te be reprinted.
When tbe erdinance In regard te the pro
hibition of tbe sale of goods by mer
chants net ongaged in pormauent busi
ness here, without obtaining a license,
was read, tlie question was raised
whether a non-residont could ceme te
the city, under thU ordinance, and
offer te sell goods by sample or installment
plan, without taking out a llconse. As the
niembers were net certain in regard te this
matter the ordinance was referred te the
city solicitor.
IIe Is Trylwr te (Jet Select Councilman
Everts Out.
Some tlme age a communication appoared
In the iVcw i.'u, which made tlie startling
announcement that Select Councilman
Everts is new residing in the Second ward,
although serving as a roprusentative of the
Seventh. This was known te many of tlie
councilman, as well as Mr. Everts' friends,
and the man who wrote the communica
tion knew as well as anybody olse that
Mr. Everts Is only temporarily residing lu
the Second ward, and will go back us seen
as possible te tbe Seventh. Last night Jere
Itohrer, of the solect branch, brought the
matter up and M r. Kverts at ence tendered
his resignation, and made a straightfor
ward ex planattieu of his situation, which
was satisfactory te everybedy but Itohrer.
Ne action was taken en the resignation.
Mr. Everts has made an excellent coun
cilman, and is popular, net only with the
people of his ward, whose interests he
leeks after closely, but with cotincllmen of
both parties. Many people would llke te
knew why Majer llelirer has been se
anxious about Mr. Kverts' scat, and we
will tell them, llelirer has n friend in
William lleitshue, a Republican, who
lives In the Seventh ward, and
in case of a vacancy by Mr.
Everts' resignation he wants te work a
scheme te get his friend in. Tlie major
thinks that select council would electa new
momber.and he slated I IcHsdui, for tlie posi
tion. If Mr. Everts were te be displaced
te make room for lleitshue, it would net be
a partlcle of advantage te the Republican
who have new a large large majority In
both branches, and an experienced and
tried councilman, who has served with
credit for years, would only be put out for
a new and inexporlencod man.
The National Rama.
The games of base ball yesterday resulted
as fellow s :
Players' League- Brooklyn 12, Philadel
phia it ; llntlale 7, Pittsburg 4 ; Chicago I,
Cleveland 1: New Yerk 0, Bosten 4.
National League Philadelphia 7, Bosten
0; Chicago 5, Pittsburg 1 : New Yerk 4,
Brooklyn 1 ; Cleveland 3, Cincinnati 1.
American Association Rochester 5,
Brooklyn 2; St. Leuis 9, Loulsvllle 2;
Columbus 11, Teledo 0 ; Syraeuse-Alhlctlc,
Interstate League llarrisburg 12, Eas Eas
teu 5; Lebanon C, AHoeua 3.
A Fashionable Wedding.
A large and fashionable home wedding
took nlace en Wednesday, at the residence
of Prison Inspector Jehn X. Weeds. Mr,
Weeds' daughter, Curolltie Cooper, was
united lu marriage te Ueorge II, Urintnn,
of West Chebter. Itev. William Work
man, of the Paradlse Presbyteriau church,
was the officiating clergyman, and
ltev. Timlew, of Cap, assUted him. The
knot was tled at 7 o'clock, In Mr. Weeds
Fiarler, In the presence of many friends aud
nvlted guests. The maid of honor was
Miss Lizzie Weeds, sister of the bride.
Arthur T. Parke, of West Chester, and Dr.
Lewis Brinten, of Philadelphia, were tbe
ushers. Quests were presaut from New
Yerk, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Yerk, Ma-
fiuiH uu eiuer places.
In Nevy Uniforms.
1h3lH er.carriers yesterday denned their
new summer suits or grey, which are much
mere cotnferUblo for warm weather than
these that have been laid aside. Tbey have
also put en new light derby hats instead of
The men who leek red warm In their
unlfer.ns are the pelh e, who are w curing a
frock coat buttenid clessly te the neck.
These are te be discarded for an open frock
coat in a short time,
Memliera of the Various Heards nnd
Dolegntcit toltellgtous llodlea Chesen,
,9'iSOO Fer the Harber Mission.
Lehanen, June 0. At Tuesday even
ing's session of the lteformed synod Uie
Imurd of home missions were directed te
leek after the Protestant Hungarians In
this country.
The work of the Women's Misstenarv
societies was cemmended and the roquest
of general synod's Wemen's Missionary
soclety asking for direction in their work
was referred te the goneral lieard.
The synod resolved that It Is lu sympathy
with the Auierlcan Sabbath Union nnd
commeudod It te the church, and that the
general synod elect a representative te the
union. Itev. Br. B. Bailsman Is the dele
gate. The minutes of Potomac synod were re
viewed, and the following items found te
have becn taken.
The rules of elder of the general synods
wcre adopted.
Faverable action was taken en publica
tion of Sunday scIiebI literature and publi
cation of the Sunday Scheel beard's fosseu
book helps.
A resolution en Intomperanco, setting
forth the evils of the vlce, was adopted.
The synod onterod pretty fully into a
discussion of the Sunday school lessens as
given by the International convention, nnd
as a result a resolution was had directing
the beard te bring te the attention of the
intcmaturui cemmittee me questien or ar
ranging the Sunday school lessens lu har
mony with the Christian year.
The consideration of tlie abeve questien
dovelopod a long discussion en the church
year by Drs. Geed and Botnbergor.
The discussion began en Tuesday even
ing was continued Wednesday morning by
Drs. KuclllngandTilrel.
Tlie election of monibers of the beards
nnd delegates te corresponding bodies was
then held and resulted as fellows :
Beard of foreign missions Ministers, J.
II. Priigh, S. G. Wegucr. A. It. Baitholo Baithelo Baithole
mow, P. U reding ; elders, Benjamlu Kulitip,
J. L. Lemberger.
Beard of home missions Mlnlslers, K.H.
i-.scnuacii, J. a. rotors, J. ll. Hechlor, .1.
Bachniau ; elders, II. C. Hoevor, C. M.
Delegates te otlier religious bodies Gen Gen Gon
oral assembly of the Prosbyterlan church,
Jeseph II, Ditbbs ; goneral synod of the
Dutch Reformed church, C. Clever; general
synod of the Lutheran church, 1). E. Klepn;
provincial synod of the Moravian church,
S. U. Wagner j synod of the Evangelical
church, I. W. Berleman.
Alliance of the Reformed churches hold
ing the Prosbyterlan system Ministers.
Themas O. Apple, C. S. Gerhard, C. G.
Fisher, C. Z.Weiser, E. It. Esclibucli, J. O.
Mlller, J. H. Prugb. 1). Van Horne, II. J.
Buotenlk, D. S. Feuso, .Tames I. Geed, J.
II. A. Beuibcrgcr, B. Bailsman, II. M.
Kietler, 1). E. Klepp, J. II. Sechler, S. G.
Wogner, J. C. Bewman, O. W. Wllllard;
elders. Jehn W. Blckel, Benjamln KuIiiih,
Daniel Mlller, V. M. Beuscb, Daniel S. Kel
ler, Charles Santee. -
Boaidef orphans' home Itev. Ell Kel
ler ; elders, Jaieb Ilader, Honire A nko nke nko
ney. Sabbath school beard, for six vears C.
S. Gerhard, C. Clevor, A. E. Buichly, C. F.
Krlete, A. E. Dalilman ; for tlueoyears, I).
W. Ebbert, J, S. Klefrer, J. II. Bombergor,
Fred. Strassner, D. B. Lady.
The harbor mission at New Tork was
ordered te be continued and 2,500 was ap
propriated te the work.
Tlie consistories are directed te make
especial efforts te bring the mutter of mis
sions te the attention of tlie individual
The classes aie directed te assess flve
cents per year for church building pur
poses te be leaned en small Intercst.
Tbe beard was Instructed te Jein with
the Sunday school beard In organization of
Sunday schools In the thickly settled por
tions of the country.
The openlng of the aflorueou session
was takeu up with a complaint of Messrs.
Walk and Kuhn ugalust the I'otemao
synod. The complaint was net sus
tained. The remainder of the session was occu
pied with a complaint of ltev. Dr. O. B.
Russell against tlie synod of the Potomac.
At the hour of adjournment the case was
net concluded.
The Itofbrmed Church tn Aiimrlcu.
The annual meeting of the goneral synod
of the Reformed Church In Amerlca was
begun in Asbury Park, N. J., en Wed
nesday afternoon, and will be continued
about eight days. Thore wcre 132 delegates
present and deuble that number are ex
pected. Tlie synod is made up of three
lay delegates and three ministers from each
classls in the United States.
In the absonce of Dr. Yun Dyke, the
president, who is In Europe, the meeting
was called te order by ltev. Dr. Vandor Vander
vcer. of Detroit. The first business trans
acted was the election of a new president.
There were neveral candidates, but en the
third ballet ltev. Dr. J. llomeyn Berrv, of
lthliicbcck, N. Y., was chosen. The ether
olllcers elected were : Vlce president, It,
Dr. Winter, of Philadelphia; stated dark,
llev. Dr. Vancleef; permanent clerk, Hev.
Dr. Toneyck.
At the evening session a large congrega
tion listoned te the annual Mermen which
was preached by Itev. Dr. Vundorveor, of
Killed nt a Cressing.
Pour men In a surrey attempted te cress
tbe Pennsylvania railroad tracks nt Market
street, Newark, N. J., en Wednesday night,
In spltM of the warning of the flagman, us
the Washington limited train was going
through. The surrey In which they were
eitcd was struck and carried 150 yards
through Market street station. Jamns
Ceylo escaped by jumping, William Mc
Ginuess, was instantly killed, and Prank
Iliiuck and Jehn Kinney wcre he mangled
that tbey cannot recover.
The herse was net struck nnd was caught
by a policeman. Deons of persons saw the
accident and say the driver was entirely
te blame. There nre no gates at the cross
ing and fully titty Jives have been lest there
siucothe tracks weie laid half :i century
age. llautk Is the only marrled man In
the trio.
A lies of I'orter Ciuikes Kvcltoment ut
tbe King .Street Stutlen,
This morning cople who 11 ve lu tlie
neighborhood of the King street railroad
station, or had business in that section,
were Martled by a nolse which hounded
llke cannonading.
Among tlie goods that came In en the
train from Lebanon was a half barrel of
(Kirter, which was consigned te Charles
ech and came from New Yerk. It was
placed u (Kin the platform and lu a few min
utes a hissing nolse was heard coming Irem
it. In an Instant a terrific oxpleniui oc
curred. The head was blown from tbe
half barrel and porter w as seut Hying In all
A boy who was sta tiling en the keg had
his clothing soaked and he wus frightened
almost out of his wits.
Twe bums, who were standing mar by,
almost cried when they haw the Ktulf going
te waste, and they only wished for half
that the boy get.
The nolse of the explosion attracted a
large crowd te the station, us limy thought
something terrible had taken place.
The New- Venclblcs.
Tlie new military company held a meet
ing last eveulng, which was well attended.
A constitution and by-laws were adopted.
It was resolved te call the new company
"The Iincafcter Fenclbles," w hich was the
name of ene of Lancaster's crack military
organizations years age. A number of
new members wero elected last evening,
but the company Is going slew In making
their selections, se that they can he sure te
bocure geed men. As hoeu as sixty-two,
the required number, are gotten, applica
tion will be made for admission te the Na
tional quard.
Net a Building Left Standing In Brad.
haw, Neb.-Twelve Killed aud
WO Injured, 8 Mortally.
The Lincoln Atate Journal party ret u med
from the sceno of the tornado in Brad
shaw, Yerk county, Neb., en Wednesday
evening, and brought a confirmation efthe
worst reports reeoived of the destructive
ness of the storm en Tuesday night. Brad
shaw is a town of 500 people situated en the
Nebraska railway, about 00 tnlles west of
The aterm slruek the town at 8:30 Tues
day eTetllng, coming from tlie aouthwest.
Scarcely a tnoment's warning was given,
the rear of the whirlwind being the flrat
notice that the terrified people heard. It
struck the town fairly, and there was net
lea a alngle building. Every business
heuse was made a total wreck and the
principal street was filled with ruins. In
the extreme western part of the village a
few houses are left with a semblance of
thelr fermer appearance, but they are with
out windows and doers, and their contents
were scattered broadcast ever the prairie.
The depot building was crushed Inte
kindling weed and overy car standing
there was wrecked, oxcept ene that was
leaded with stock, and which was blown,
without leaving the track, te Yerk, a dls dls
tance of nine miles. Tlie telegraph lines
were prostrated, and when the car arrived
at Yerk it was feared that some dlsasler
had occurred. A mosseiigor went up the
urn.., uuu in, iiuuiiigiii, ruiuruiHi wun Hie
hews efthe disaster.
The tire bells were rung and In a short
tlme large numbers of the poeplo wero en
their way te give assistance. At the same
tlme a special train lea Lincoln with physi
cians and otlier roll of. It was found that a
Russian settlement near the town was
struck, and the report Is that ulue persons
wero killed thore outright. The physicians
say that In nil 12 nre dead, 8 mortally
wounded and perhnps 21 hurt mere or less
seriously. The killed are : Jehn Mlller:
child of J. Bremsoy; wlfe and child of
Isaac Pennor, living In the country : child
of Mr. Chaplu: two niembers of Mr.
Shaw's family, living In tlie country ; wlle
aud child of Mr. Mltike nnd hired man,
3..n n .PI.....AH l.n ..!....., .1 V 1.
militia te the sceno te assist In caring for
preperty. He also sent 00 tents and sup
plies en n special train. The State Journal
has opened a subscription list for the suffer suffor suffer
ers, and the contributions nre very liberal.
m i
But Directed Knmiiel A. Wolfte Puy the
Costs or J'roseoutlon.
Court met nt 2:30 o'clock en Wednesday
afternoon and the Jury lu the assault and
bnttery case ngnlnst Samuel A. Wolf, en
complaint of Martha E. Motrger. returned
a verdict of net guilty, but directed the de
fondant te pay the costs of prosecution.
Harry Strieker was trled for lniceuy en
complaint of Charles Green. The testi
mony for the commonwealth showed that
Stricker was In the empley of Mr. Green,
who has a saddlery store nt Columbia. A
harneHs knife, sole leather, rings, pocket
book and a number of articles wero missed
nt the store, and Mr. Green put n watch en
Strieker. He was seen te take some of the
nrtlcles. A search warrant whs taken out
and a constable found nearly all the stelen
articles In Strieker's possesslou.
The defendant altempted te account for
the possesslou by testifying that he had
bought theni, seme from Charles Itougler
aud ethers at the stere new kept by Mr,
Green, from his predecessor lu business.
The jury after a short deliberation rendored
a vordlet of guilty. Sonteuco was doferred
until Saturday.
Thore wero no olherjury trials ready, the
jurors were discharged aim court adjourned
until Saturday morning,
i At the lest term efthe court Thoe. Kllng Kllng
ler was dlrocted te pay costs In a suit he
brought against Annie Setirbeer for keep
ing n disorderly heuse. His friends ralsed
$20 and Kllngler made no efforts te raise
thobalnnce due, pre for ring te spend his
money for rum. He was called for son sen son
tenco en Wednesday afternoon and at
tempted te explain why the costs had net
been Mld. The explanation was net satis
factory and he will spend thirty days lu
Jail, In default of payment.
Death of nn Old Lmly.
Mrc. Martha E. It. Kelin died Wednesday
morning ut the residence of horseu-lii-law,
A. K. Stiiulfcr, Hill read, lu Beading, aued
711 years. Mrs. Kelm was born April 0,
1818, en the family hemestead lit Cumber
land county,. Virginia. Her father was Cel.
Themas Boverloy Randelph, a descendant
of Jehn Randelph, n member of the first
familiosef Virginia, and n lineal descendant
of Pocahontas. Her mother was Miss
Mary B. Mayer, of Lnncaster. 8I10 was
the widow of the late Jehn II. Kelm, whom
she met while en n visit te friends at Lnn Lnn
caseor. Her husband was n wetl known
business man of Beading, having been
engaged with his brother, Goneral William
II. Kelm and De Bounevillo Kelm, In the
hardware business.
Was KofiiHed Her Child.
Judge Patterson en Wednesday nftor nfter nftor
neon heard the application of Sarah Yeung,
who doslred the custody of her child, Bar
bara Yeung. The testimony showed that
the child was placed lu the Children's
Heme by her fatlier, and by the manager
of that Institution indentured, tn Edward
Parmer, efSallsbury township. Witnesses
examined by the court testified that Mrs.
Yeung was net 11 proper orseii te have the
care of her child en iiccmmt of her habits
and Inability te support her, nnd that the
child hud a geed home with Mr. Parmer.
The child, when questioned, said she
wanted te return te Mr. Parmer's home,
and the court made an order remanding
the child te the custody of Mr. Parmer.
The Doetora Meet.
The June meeting of the Lancaster City
and County Medical society was held en
Wednesday afternoon, with a lurge num
ber of members present.
The reports presented shewed that thore
was llttle sickness prevailing In the city or
Dr. Harrison Allen, of Philadelphia, who
was en the programme for a lecture en
nasal diseases, was tinable te ceme te Lan
caster en account of slckness.
Ciiuse of the Dulloleiiey,
It Is ftlated at the pension office that tbe
deficiency in the amount of funds lu the
hands of the dltlerent pension agents,
which has resulted in the announcement
by the agent ut Indianapolis that a large
number of ponsienurs will be compelled te
wait until July 1st for tbe payment of their
pensions, lias been caused by the unusually
large number of allowances made by tbe
pension ofllce uiider the present adminis
tration, and particularly fcluce Guueral
Rail m's term began,
MtibhauleH Going te Church.
Conestoga Council, Ne. 22, Jr. O. U. A.
Al., will attend Trinity Lutheran church
lu a body en Sunday evening te listen te
a sermon by Rev. C. L. Pry. Tbey will be
accompanied by members of Empire aud
Gcerge fehllllcr councils.
A Very Old Deed.
Among the dceds left for record at tlie
recorder's office te-day was ene oxecuted
lu 1785. It Is lua geed state of preserva
tion, and was for laud recently purchased
by the Pennsylvania Railroad company
for the use et the Iiucuster eV New Hol Hel
land railroad.
One Dcmecmt lit Congress.
McDufile, a sorry-looking fellow, was en
Wednesday elected by a Republican
majority in the Heuso te the scat te which
Turpin, of Alabama, had been clioseu bv
a majority of 1,000 votes in his district.
' m
Clirln Mageo's Itullwuy Victory.
By a decision rendered en Wednesday
by tlie supreme court the Dumiesne Rail
way company, headed by C. It. Magee, Is
given the right te occupy nearly all the
streets of Pittsburg te the exclusleu of the
Pittsburg traction company.
Jimmy Qutnn Sent Out.
Jimmy Qulnn came te town en Wednes
day te have Ids pension papers fixed. He
celebrated the event by getting very drunk.
Constable Crawford arrested him at the
request of au East King htreet resident.
Alderman Iiarr sent him te Jail for ten
Hew the Warm Wcntber nnd Trouble Treuble Trouble
emo Uuslnesa Opcrntes Mnuy
These poeplo who have nover atteuded a
het weather meeting of city councils de net
have au Idea of the picnic that the mom bers
and reporters bave. Last night was tlie
nrat real warm session of the season, and
when the meeting was called te order at
pOthe thermometer was dancing about
the nineties in the two chambers. Te add
te it the obliging Janitor had the gas
lighted long before the meeting began.
The session was the lengest that councils
have had In a long tlme, and It was
considerably after nlue o'clock bofero the
common branch had concluded thelr busi
ness. It soems that everything came en
the het night, nnd Ctcrk lieeit was obtiged
te read n number or ordinances evor nnd
ever again until he looked ns though aome
ene had painted his face red nnd thrown a
bucket or water upon him. The reporters
wero In the same beat with hint nnd aome
or .,. '"ember felt ns though they were
puddlers before n het furnace. Everything
seemed te crawl along sle.vly, nnd soveral
tlniosReinooflliomoiubors wero tempted
Je loave the place en account of the intense
heat and delay. Te ndd te the pleasures
orthe occasion n brass band kept marching
about the building playing Ilvely nlri;
which compelled the suspension of bus!
nc,at times, and n hand organ for ene
whploheur played "chestnut" selections
under pne window without molestatlon.
A singing elms near by entertalned the
niombers, and thelr music was much mero
pleasing te tlie members than the tiresome
burneus. They were obliged te remain
and sweat it out, howevor, in order te
"earn thelr salnrles" and be ubused by
their constituents. It is aw fully funny te
be a councilman.
M. Bombennol, tlie famous panther
killer, died te-day nt DIJeu, France.
Result of I terse' Unces.
Londen, June 5. The racofer the Iteynl
stakes nt Epsom te-day was wen by
The race for the Epsom grand prUe was
wen by St. Serf, Oruatu second, nnd Ben
The race for the great Surrey broeders'
fenl stakes was wen byMnrdI-Grns.
At Mount Ferest, Ontario, a grain eleva
tor with fllloeu thousand bushels of gralu
was struck by lightning and burned.
At Cleveland yesterday tlie temperature
was 89 and William Dlomer, at Fremont,
explred, overcome by beat.
Judge West, of the U. 8. district court at
Ft. Scott, Kansas, lms declined te enferce
the state prohibitory law. The decision
was in a case of two men arrested for sell
ing liquor in original packages. He held
that In view of the United States supreme
court's decision they were belng unconsti
tutionally doprlved of 'thelr liberty and
discharged thorn.
There was a lieavy thunder storm at
Leck pert, N. Y., last night and two barns
were destroyed by lightning.
Engineer Keith was running n train at
45 miles an hour iotweon Murray and
Albien, New Yerk, when he discovered
that a culvert ahead was dangoreua by
reason of a '.washout. He had net time te
slop and se put en a full head of steam.
The engine and two coaches passed ever
safely, but a sleeper and three coachea were
ditched. Ne ene was hurt.
The famous French nionastery of La
Grand Chnrtrouse was damaged by a
dynamite explosion, bollevcd te have been
the work of partles who hsve fulled in
attempts te blackmail the monks.
A mill near Providone?, It. I., was struck
by lightning and burned.
In New Yerk Alphense J. Stophanle, who
killed lawyer Reynolds in his ofllce a
month nge, was Indicted for murder. He
pleadrd net guilty.
The steamer Nacoecho arrived nt New
Yerk from Savannah, nnd the captain re
ported that 011 the third Instant be fell In
with the fctoamer Louts Buckle en tire and
burned te the water'a odge. AU hands,
thlrteeu men and ene woman, wero found
In an open beat and loscued.
Whlle riding te-day Chancellor Caprlvl
was thrown from his horse and slightly
hurt. Rumors of aorleus Injury disturbed
the bourse until It was announced that he
had walked te 11 cabinet meeting.
The gtcutii Kiiiilnoera.
The Grand Council of this state of the
Ordoref American Steam Englnoers will
meet lu the hall pf Fulton Council, in
llelultsh's building, en Tuesday and Wed
nesday next. They will held three sessions
each day in the morning, aftorueon aud
evening. Delcgatus will be present from
all evor the state nnd many will arrive en
Monday evenlng. On Tuesday eveulng a
publle meeting will be held te which all
the ougltieers of the county will be Invited.
At the first meeting of the Grand Council
en Tuesday morning, Mayer Clark will
make a speech of welceme. llarrv Khaub
will represent Fulton Council of thlselty
at Ihe.tlrst meeting.
Cnrpontern Quit Werk.
Twe of the carpenters of Jehn Adam
lluiger ebjected to-werklug with Carpen
ter Speccu at the Snyder building en
Wednesday afternoon. Spoecn belongs
te the Union, but these men claimed
that he does net pay his dues.
Mr. Burger discharged theso two
and the two remaining carpenters at
work en this building quit work. A com
mittee of the Carpenters' Union called 011
Mr. Burger later In the day. It Is probable
that tbe trouble will be speedily adjusted,
Hack te High Hut eh.
In March last, owing te the cutting of
rates uy me westeni reads, jarus irem tills
place te the fur West were lowerod. After
the fifteenth of this month the old rutes
will be resumed. Te show hew great the
Increase will be 1111 Instance is given. Te
points lu Colerado the rate from lnncaster
will be$ltU.'. hiKlierthan before.
Scheel Heard Meeting.
The school beard will meet statedly this
evenlng. The annual report of the finance
committee, Uinwlug the ussetH nnd liabili
ties efthe beard, will be presonted, arrange arrange
meets will be made for the high school
commencement and a tlme designated for
the annual election of teachers.
Teuchcrx' ICxuinlniUlen.
An examination of teachers for the pub
lic schools of Salisbury was held at the
White Horiie hotel yesterday. There wero
fourteen toachers in the class mid oleven of
them were given certificates. There nre
twenty-ene schools in the township, se that
a BUllleient uumber or teachers was net
The Truck te tlie Creek,
Workmen are new engaged extending
the tracks of the street car line from ex ex
Mayer Morten's Seuth Queen
street, down the hill te GnielPs Landing,
en the Conestoga. Tim track has been
almost finished te Winner's bridge, and
the cars will be running te both places be be bo
eoro a great whlle.
Will Build u Muohliie Shep.
Te-day A. C. Welchans began tearing
down the three one-story hoiifces at Water
and James streets, w Licit he purchased
front 11. B. Martin. He will erect a new
machine shop of brick and two stories in
height. The houses that are belng tern
down te inake way for the Improvement
are supposed te be evor one hundred years
old. '
Writ or Replevin fbr Legs.
Geergo Nauman and Win. B. Given, for
Charlus W. Henry aud James Streng,
Issued a writ of replbvln te-day for 300
pine, hemlock and oak legs, of tue value
of $500, new In the possesslou of Casper
Hartumu aud William Spauglcr, ou Hart
man's Island.
Nut u Cltlicu.
The B. F. Kline who was sent te Jail U a
A Probability That the Sekedulea
tue Heuso Bill Will B Ami
The silver Measure In the HeMi"
WASHINGTON. Junn 5. Timi
pressure la being brought te bMrnrjeai
Uv.iu uiiniii-e committee, wnich M i
i Vi 1"" -""."' " - ""Kid
Hiuerinir inn lai-iir iiiii , am.- - - i -
" i.Biin uAiug ins amy
.., iuuuccu uusoie rer cigar wra
pers at 2 per neund if 2'
stemmed and izse per pound If aUmaaaaTL '
It is believed the committee will unaii M
an amendment which, while
adoquate protection te native
win ai me name time enabla
of Havana clgara in this country t
t.uiie tuvir uustcess, wnicii haa
great proportions.
ine llcpublleana Ventur te Tut Tkattl
11111 On the Itead te "--tngt. v I
Washington, June 5. In the Hetuwta
day Mr. McKluley, of Ohie, from UcemkP
mm) ou ruies, report a resolutles tw.
Vldltig that the Houae shall nnJ tJZll
tliately te tbe consideration nr Ik .n.u ' t
bill and that consideration shall eentiMaal' I
""me"ul)i ", wnen tn M
vleua question shall be considered Mi-1
Mr. Blount, of Georgia, had no etJtaav;
tien te tlie time limited fbr lilutt
lint l. ..... I .. . .. . -T-"---'.
..... .,v na iitturmeu mat ut eIMKW
....... 11.- ... -a
....... m vuu committee en oelMMavi
weights and measures would be allowed!
efi'er alt amendments which were nflwl&ir
uiu uuuer me ruies or the Heuse. WmbV
... nviu uunreu iitere weuta M MAM
opportunity te the minority te effsraafrv
ameudment, Tbere would be givam -,?
te ask the Heuso te vote ea ttM'fJM j
comage et stiver. At the rlepubllesa t
cus last nigui tnore had been much dli
aien anu it was necessary te whip la M
of free silver by means of thia reeelu
It was u wlcked, shameful outmost tv
minority. There were many men ea(
ether aide of tlie chamber who would i
for free stiver but for fear of the p mill Wat ;
me president was in accord with Mai
lecretary of tbe treasury, and both
in accord with Wall atnutt
Mr. McKlnley mid that the nmAmUid
was intended te give the Houae ODMrtal;
nlly te pass aome silver leglalatleh Mat-.
give the country silver bill whleb wetjf.i
be In perfect response te tbe general, mtttt
ma,,) nt ll... ....!... tt Ji
...v.l v lUVWUHII,
Otber apeechea were made and tbe i
tlen making the silver bill the apedal 4
was auopieu yea lae, naya H7.u
Blount voted in tbe affirmative and i
a reconsideration, which motion
tabled yeaa 121, naya 118.
Peeple Killed and Mueh Pfeaerir 1
atrored la Mlauoaeta. t;j ,
St. Paul, June e. Over one laeh af
fell yesterday, thla city roeelvloa the i
ll.rtnnf.l. J.,nAl.lH-l- --. U.1
iiw,iigu iiieMuitiig tn uuau mnnaffi I
eriuus uuinugu um neon reported aerat
llallrends, however, art sufferera,
Milwaukee train were all delayed i
heu rs by waaheuta,and ether raada alatl
fered. Siieclala from Minnesota i
Dakota are te the same effect. TweMaUMfStJ
nre reported from near Janes vllle,aClBB4-Cl
'P 'lttvlnf anrl tutt ll,n,i. .. -lt. 3
-,-.", -. m... .nii IMI,qTI,Um
were instantly aiiied by lightning.
were standing in the deer of a larfe
nam auu tne nam waa totally i
by fire, Including a large amount
and nine horses. Beth bodies were
from cremation bv a small daaahter.l
eniy moniDer 01 lamny at a
dragged them from the buralaar
.... . r
I. . tmm V.. ..a --. '
" uiwwivuaw fwianfi ,
i.aste.v, ra., june e. tue rain
here last night caused tw.OOO das
goods In basements of stores, by thai
overflowing the pavements where I
sewers are being constructed, UgMshH
damaged three houses In south
and conslderablo damage was dena la Mel :
surrounding country byllghtnlnr.ClewelTa .
undertaking establishment, at Naaareem,.
was uesiroyeu anu me reaiaenee Off Maa-.
Jehn Altemus, at the same plaee. waa'
damaged. Themas Altemus' bera. .!
iteaa tewuanip, Menree county, with I
llve stock, was destroyed. The bam
Insured 'or $0,000.
Ilu Asl-a the Army te Save Him a
Near the flee;.
dhussmij.-- june ",-yun or unTT.4
1.. Kranc-. Teefli-l'"JSb!2st m$
the Swiss frontier, arrived In
morning. He was met at the railway i
by ene of the royal carriages and ceaveyai 1
te the palace, where he took breekfcstwiMi i
King Leepold. l.
The Duke of Orleans has sent te the
Duke Dccazea, roipiestlng him te publish 1
IliA fivllnulncp . H
" Te CeNHcniiTH op mv Class :
" Dkah CeMnADts I bad asked te l
mv threo years as a soldier. The
reply has been te condemn me te two ys
Imnrlsoiinient. I did net cemnl
Before the end of my term oflmprlseameaa
i nave uceu lateen te tue irenuer. JCyV
pardon restores te me the sorrows of exlM.-'
The only tbangn Is in the nature of sev.1' !
captivity. --!fe?S
.My resolution remains unbrekesvi''
routing win mane me renounce my arOMps,--
nope ei MurvtiiK our country, ikeep ier BM-.S
the place which l desired in tbe ranks, leu
your miust, near tne nag, ana t will east
ami occupy it. t
" Yeu rs, for Oed and for France. . '.
" l'niLii-i'K, Due d'Orleaaa.'Vinri
wabuinotek, D. C, June 6. ft
Fair; no change
in temperature i j 83
r southerly winds.
Utrahi Weather Forecasts The stresw.',
dopression new central near Lake THbaf
gnu win prenaniy move eastward, p.'
ceded by a " het wave" tn the Central eadU
Atlantic states and attended by severe.
lrull ktnrlitu linuw lnHil rain mnA ktlftk
winds near the iake regions to-merroaviJvS
um weaiuur win pruunutjr eunuBSHtt'
L'eneraliv in this section till Sesaa 'a
day at least, except ou the coast liae.yV ;
Toiuperatuie rose in the United States yea-' '
terdayj the chief minimum reported WaeV'
30 degrees, F., at Cheyenne; the eadefX'l
maximum reported was vi, at new YerKt-. ,
In the Middle states aud New Englaaiv -fair
te partly cloudy weather wlfl':
prenauiy jirevan, wun sngni taar-"
mal chanees and mostly fresh -la.
light southerly and southeasterly wlaeav 1
procedod by light rain near the New Kae$-
land coasts and followed by rain la tha' J
westeni parts of this section On Friday te -5
this section fulr te partly cloudy weathers
unit Heiiiueriy wuius will preDSDlr
vail, followed by rain and thunder tenaatf$
in hiiu nt-aiuiii aim taibu uuruvriusj lv
aud en Saturday slightly warmer, partly
ciniiity weatuer ami erlsic seutneriy :'
southwesterly winds (becoming high est
the coasts) followed by rain and lese!
Hiiin.lni. ulnviii. Wiialhai rUMirtltlnnft rtltl
the coasts) followed by rain and
thunder storms. Weather condition!
be favorable te the crops In almost ail
tllHItllV, n.V.IM.O .VV.MV. VWMM.V.WV ... ,
liens, te-day anu te-morrow.
Tim Ktiwt Car Track Tllil It. Tf
A unintll tT .ChuAlkSl ,P. lttTTi lrtslflaThif V rt
with weed, caught in the street car tracks l
ttb eiuiaf anu ua "" vu e-uafl r.
&09U. One Yrhet'l vtm wrckl