-S Wine Is like rain, which; when tenia en sake, bat make It Uit foeler, Bat when it strike the reed tell, wake It te bsauty sad bloom. When yen break up housekeeping, TOO learn the extensor your treasures : Till he begins te reform, no one am number his sins. Maidens! why should you worry In cheesing whom you shall tnarry 1 ChoeMi whom you nmy, you will And you have get somebody else, , Break net the rows! It fragrance and beauty i arc surely luRlelcnt: Resting contented with theae, ne var a thorn hall you feri. Unto each man comes a day when his Ikvertte tins all forsake him. And he complacently thlnkt be has forsaken bis sins. Who would succeed In the world should be wise In the use of his pronouns ; Utter the Yeu twenty limes where you once utter the I. The best-loved man or maid In the town would perish with anguish Could they hear all that their friends say In the course of a der. True luck consists net In holding the best of the cards at the table; Luckiest he who knows Just when te rise and go home. Make all geed men your well-wishers ; and then, In the years' steady silling Berne of them grew Inte friends. Friends are the sunshine of life. Try net te beat back the current, yet be net drowned In IU wntcrs; Speak with the speech of the world, think with the thought of the few. Pleasant enough It Is te hear the world speak of your virtues ; But In your secret heart, 'tis of your faults you are proud. Be net tee anxious te gain your next-deer neighbor's approval ; Live your own life, and let him strive your approval te gain. Jehn Hay in May Scribnett. llather Exettlnir Matrimony. Harry Goodwin ami Cera Skinner, of LawrcuceburK, Inil., ran nwav en Monday te get tnarrled. They found 'Squire Ster ling was at Elizabcthtewn, Ohie, just 200 yarcls ever the elate line. As they reached the 'squire the girl's father could be seen in the distance pursuing en horseback. Sterling, grasping the situation, told the levers te grasp hands and run for Indiana, as the licence was net geed in Ohie. The three scrambled evor fences. Cressing the line the Viulre stumbled and foil, but lind just sufficient breath te pronounce the words as the angrv fiither galloped up tee late. A large crowd witnessed the race and cheored the bridal con pi e. The father left without bestowing his blessing. Xhe Preventive or a Terrible Disease. Me disorders, excepting the most deadly forms of lung disease, liwehe such u tremen dous destruction of organic tissue as these which fasten upon the kidneys. Huch maladies when they become chronic and none are se lia ble te assume thai phrase completely wreck the system. Te prevent litis terrible disease, recourse should be had, upon the first manifes tation or trouble, te Hosteller's Htemnch Bit ters, which experience has proved te be highly effective as a means of Imparting lone and reg ularity te the organs of urination, as well as te the liver, stomach and bowels. Anether bene ficial result of this medicine, naturally conse quent upon lis diuretic action. Is the elimina tion from the bleed of Impurities which beget rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, dropsy, and ether maladies. By Increasing the activity of the kidneys, It augments the depuratlvc efficiency of these organs, which nre most Important out lets for the escape of such Impurities, Ju3-10 Loek Here, Friend, Are Yeu Sick f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less el Power, or any, form of Consumption T If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo rapltzien, which will quickly restore you te teund'physlcal health. Sloraplczten Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies fall. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N.Y. Fer sale by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster Pa. nprl7-lyd&w A Cure for Constipation and SIck-Haad-nche. Dr.Sllas Lane, while In the Recky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with ether herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for constipation. It Is In the form of dry roots and leaves, and Is known as Lane's Family Medi cine. It will cure slck-headache In one night. Fer the bleed, liver and kidneys, and for clear ing up the complexion It does wonders. Drug gists sell It at SO cents a package. (3) Special Notices. Uueklen'tt Arulen Salve. Tne BESTBALVKinthewerld for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt lUiemn, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per per feetsatlsfactlen, or meuey refunded, Price IS eeuta per box. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Drug gist, New. 137 and VII North queen street, Lan caster. Pa. luncZ7-tyd A Postal Card from Mrs. Dennis Smith, Louisville, Ky sa s : " Fer bleed Impurities Burdock Bleed iBltteri seem particularly adapted. Never before had complexion ke clear. Use all the time," Held in Lancaster by W.T. Uech,U7 and 130 North 0.ueen street. Epoeli. The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickness te robust health murks an epoch In the life of the Individual, fiucli a remarkable event Is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has been at tained Is gratefully blessed. Hence. It U that se much Is heard In praise of Klectrle Bitters. Ke many feel they ewe their restoration te health, te the use of the CI rent Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, 3 en will surely find relief by use of Klectrle Bit ters. Sold at 500 and il per bottle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (1 Impure Bleed PMH.tytvM.la Railroad Man Ttllt 6t a Ramarkabla Our of Scrofulous Humor-Read It. ' Mr. Beby, who make the foUewiaf state meat, U a well known railroad man, mn nlng en the Ptaaijlraala Ballread between Columbia, Perm., and Philadelphia! "I feel Oat I wish te tell wait baa been feee for ui and our little boy by Heed' Bar saparlua. Re Is new six years of ace, and, until a abort lime age, has ever atace birth been a terrible tuSerer from scrofulous humor. Bere would appear ea him and spread until they were u Urea a a dollar, and then discharge, only te be followed by ether, se that the larger part of hi body was one mat of sere all the time. The scrofula was especially leTere ea hi legs and back of hi ear and ea hi head. His hair was e matted that ecsblng was sometimes Impossible. HI ears became se this that we could see through them, and were actually afraid thzt would dkep eit. Ills leg were se bad that sometime be could net tit down, and It was impossible ter him te run about and play Ilka ether children. Fre quently when he tried te walk, hi lee would crack open and the bleed start from different place. The humor had a very offensive odor, and caused Intense Itching, se that at night we had te tie hi hand In mittens or stock Ings te prevent his scratching and tearing himself. Wc cannot tell IIOW THAT POOR BOT lUrTEBXD for nearly five yean, nor hew his terrible con dition distressed us. We did all we could te relieve him. Twoer three physicians agreed In calling It scrotuleus humor, but did net effect a cure. We tried salve and ointments and ether things but without benefit. At last I decided te give him II cod's Bartaparllla, a MY DBUOQIIT RECOMMEMDED IT. In about two weeks the Banaparllla began te have effect The tore commenced te heal up i the flesh began te leek mere natural and healthy. Then the scale e.vrae off and all ever his body new and healthy flesh and skin formed. When he hed taken two bottles he was entirely free from sores, having only the ear te aliew where they had been. These are gradually disappearing. The llttle fellow was full or GRATITUDE te Heed's Sarsaparllla when he found It was curing him, and he would call ter ' My medi cine ' when the time came, ter blm te take it We are unable te express our thanks for the geed Heed's Sarsaparllla has dose our little boy." Habbt K. Kcbt, Bex Me, Columbia, ra. A Later Letter Frem Mr. Ruby states that his son Is new In perfect health, has no trouble from the humor, which Is entirely cured. He has many Inquiries about the recovery of the boy, and advises all who suffer with such diseases te try Heed's Sarsaparllla. What Can be Added Te the above statement te niake mero em phatic the evidence of the cleansing effect of Heed's Barsaparllla upon the bleed? It would seem te be the positive duty of all who suffer from any disease or affection caused by Impure bleed, te at least give Heed's Sarsa parllla a fair trial. Its many wonderful cures have wen for It the title of "the greatest bleed purifier ever discovered." Every Confidence. "Among the few proprietary articles I re commend te customers Floed's Sarsaparllla Is one In which I place e ery confidence. My patrons seem te have the same confidence, Judging from Its sale, which Is mere than nil the ether bleed purifiers together." O. B. Little, Druggist, Urcensburg, Pa. meat raibAMftaiA. Pretty Geed for Maa of M. The following 1 from Mr. Jehn Hints, mantttactarer of enameled dies, who ha carried en business In Philadelphia since Oct 9, 1890, and whose testimonial In favor of Heed' SarsaparlUa Is certainly worthy of consideration, "One year age I was laid up sick with pneumonia ter II weeks. When I get ever that, my teet and legs welled, were very much inflamed, and caused me much suffer ing.) The doctor said I had gout, which I did net believe. I tried a number of cure, of be avail. '"Then some one asked me te try Heed's Sarsaparllt.. I did se. I took it three times a day, before meals. Before I had taken one bottle I began te Improve. I leek In alt Are bottles, which cured me and mads me feel well otherwise. I have had no return of the affection. Can walk ten miles every day, which Is pretty geed ter a man M years old. I (eel grateful ter the geed Heed's Barsapa rllla has done me, and have nsed my Influence wllh a number et peeple te try It, and te tar with sailstacteiy results." Jehn Hikes, 40 North seth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. Cancerous Bere. "About 7 years age I had a cancerous sere en my nose, which grew te be very trouble some and offensive. I concluded te try Heed's Sarsaparllla, and after using two bottles the sere disappeared and healed up entirely. It has been cured for two years with no ap pearance et Its returning. I am new In my eightieth year and enjoying geed health. I feel It my duty te recommend Heed's Sarsapa rllla ie nil persons suffering from similar troubles. Be sure te get Heed's." JestAR Hauvev, Delmont, Westmoreland Ce., Penn. Confirmatory Statement. "The above certificate Is from Jeslah Harvey, Insurance agent, a gentleman well known throughout Westmoreland county. Ills statement In regard te the sere and cure performed Is correct." Z. ZniMK&MAN, Druggist, Delmont, Penn. N. B. If jeu decide, from what you have heard or read, te lake Heed's Sarsaparllla, de net be Induced te buy any ether. Take Heed's Sarsaparllla Beld by all druggists. ftttxfergJ. Prepared only I ReldbyaUdrugglita. 'IttttferM. rrepered only Seldliyallriruggttt.. f Is ill for f 5 rrepsrsil only by C. I. HOOD CO., Apethtcsrlei, Lewell, Ms.t. I by C. I. HOOD & CO , Apotliecarles, Len ell, Man. I by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., ApotliecsrlM, Lewell, Mat.. IOO Dotes One Dellar ' IOO Deses One Dellar ipe Deses One Dellar QWIFT'S SPECIFIC. MER(miUALRHEUMATISM. Mr. J. C. Jenes, city marshal of Fulton, Ar kanses, writes : "About ten years nee I con tracted a severe case of bleed poison. The lead ing physicians of the city were called In. ni.d they prescribed medicine after medicine, which 1 took without affording me any relief. I alfe tried mercurial and potash remedies, with the same unsuccessful result, but which brought en an attack or mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of untold agony. After suf fering fourmenihs, I gave np nil formcrreme fermcrreme formcrreme dles and commenced taking Swift's Specific (S. 8. S.) After taking several bottles, I was en tirely cured and able te resume work. I con sider Swift's Specific (S. S. B.) the greatest med icine for bleed poisoning te-day en the market-" INHERITED SCROFULA. B win's Specific (H. S. 8.) cured my little boy e hereditary scrofula, which broke out all ever bis face. Fer a year he had suffered, and I had f riven up all hopes of his recovery, when at ength I was Induced te use S. S. S. After using nlfew bottles he was entirely cured. Net a symptom new remains of Uie disease. This was Ihrce years age. MBS. T. L. MATnEKS. Mathcrvllle, Miss. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed (2)' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oku 1 KAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. CRAY'S BPEOlllb MBDI01NE. TrtE Oiikat Enelisii IlEHEnr. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetcncy and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Self-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Beck, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Orav e. SW Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. - The Specific Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at f 1 per package or six packages for 15, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. BuOale, N. Y. On account tf counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the enl y genuine. Sold In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Uecu, mart-lyd rTIEETHlNO BYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DK, FAHRNEY'S TEETHING BYRUP. Perfectly safe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Will re lieve Celic, Oriplng In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DBS. D. FAHR NKY 4 SON, Hagerstown, Md. Prugglsts soil It; 26 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, lani-lvdeed&w BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te n bilious state or the system, such as Dirtiness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain In the Side. dc. Whlle their most remarkable success has been shown lij curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILI.H are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint, while they also correct nil dlsordcrser the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured JlfU "3oeb. -yj-ETZOEH A HAUGIIMAN. AXetz&er St Ha.isrlixxia.xi. KIWASH DRESS G00DS.I OUTING feTUIl'liS AND PLAIDS, DltESS GINGHAMS, 1'l.AIN CUAMHKAYS, SECRSUCKKHS. WHITE DRESS GrOODST INDIA LAWNS, VICTOIUA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINGS, ALL AT Till: LOWEST PRICES. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) B ARD MeELROY. bard Sc Mcelrey, Km. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Ins, BLACK GOODS Extra value In lllnclc Alt-Went Henrietta Caahmere, 40 In. wide, at 60c worth Kjic; 6 in. wide nt 7Sc, worth 87c ; IB In. wldent Jl, worth SI.25. Bargains In Black Hen rlettn at 25c and USc. Silk Warp Black Henrietta nl l.t:a,tlJM. Black All. Weel Albatres, 60c Black Australian Crepe, double w Idth, 15c. Black Mohair Brllllantlne, INe.at 60c, really worth 61iie 1 Ne. at "5c, really worth 87c; 1 Black Mohair, with pin strlpn, atSOc, extra wide and quality. Black Nun's Veiling for Veils at 11 and S1.25 per yard. Special low prices In Black Thibet Shawls, single nnd double. Black French Satlnn at '.'Je and 35c, warranted net te crock or change color from perspiration erucldR.andls netnllected by washing or exposure te the light. Black Saline with neat dot or figure. Plain Black l'luhl Lawn. WH1TEGOODS Hpexlal BaikiiIhs in India Linen nnd Victeria LannutSc, 10c, lilJic and up. Anether let of Satin Bordered White Goods at W: mid 5c. llemMilrlicd and Embroidered Flounc ing at lowest prices In the city. Bargains In Plaid and Strlpe Wblte Dress Goods. GINGHAMS Dress Ginghams nt OJc, worth 8c; 10c Dress Ginghams at 6a; 12kc quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths allec and lc. WINDOW SHADES Closing out 1 let of hhades, 6 feet long, (.prlng fixtures, at 2Se ; 1 let with fringe, same size, at tUc. REMNANTS 1 let of 60c Carpets In remnants nt 23e per ynrd ; 1 let of 73c All-Weel Cariietl In remnants, at 35c per yaid. UNDERWEAR Ladles', Men's and Children's Underwear, summer ucluht, cheap. Ladles' Ribbed Vest at 8c; elsewhere 10c and up, Min's lialbrlggaii from "x: up. Children's at low prices. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier and Coventry Rival Bufety Bicycles. 3jlrd & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn cTtiluccutiicc. TTT Z. RHOADS & SON. YOUR ATTENTION IS SPECIALLY INVITED -TO- Tie Many New Styles of Jewelry for Ladies Ache they wenld be almost priceless te these who sutler from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who once try tbem will find these little pills valuable in se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head Pull for the Shere. Let us all pull out of this sea of sickness and despondency and net en te a rock foundation of feed, strung health. Jlurileck Jlloed Jllttert are he only lliliig te pull for. They are or.e of the most renowned health rcsteruthes ever manu factured. Held In lJineastcr by W. T. Hech, 1J7 ami liiiijseriu i(uecu street. MetUerat Mothers I I Mothers 1 1 I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sulTerlng and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING 8VRUP. It will relieve the peer llttle sutlerer Immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about IU There is net a mother en earth who has ever nsed It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and glv e rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, 35 cents a bottle, I uue25lyd A w Evidence of the Best Kind. Richard T. Robinson Is a druggist living In Racine, Wis. llcrels what he says: "Afflicted with larvngltls 1 was unable te articulate a word dlktlnctlv for fully two months. A liberal application of Themat' JCclectric Oil completely cured me. Am pleased te recommend It. Held In Lancaster by W. T..Mech, 137 and 139.Nerth yueen strceu Their liuliits Deeming. Probably no one thing has caused such u gen eral revival of trade at II. li. Cochran's Drug Stere us their giving us ay te their custemerx of se many free trial bottles of Dr. KIiik's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fact that It alwajs cures and never disappoints Cough", Coldi, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all threat Hiid lunc diseases quickly cured. Yeu can test It before buying by gcttlngatrlal bottle free, lar;e sUc II. Every bottle warranted at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, IS! and IS) North Queen street. Lancaster, I'u. )3) Thousands L'peu Tlieuhniidt of dollars have been spent In advertising the celebrated Burdock Meed Bitten, but this fact etveuut only In part for their enormous sal. Their merit has made them what they are the best bleed medl6ineever devised by man. bold In I-aucuster by W. T. Hech, ld7 uud I.S) North Queen street. &OCll, ; UMBER AND COAL. J TOBACCO SHOOKSANDCABES. WEST UN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by B.B.MARTIN4CO., nVlyd CI Water Street. Lancaster. Pa, -: AUMOAHDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricx Ne. 13 North QueenSlreet, and Ne. 6t4 North Prince street, S.ARJ North Prince Street, uear Reeding Depot SUgli-tM LANCASTER, PA, Is the bane of se many lives that here is where we make our creal boost. Our pills cure It while ethers de net.! CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PI LIJ, nre very small and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly v egetuble and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. 1.1 vials at Si cts ; Ave ler fl. Sold everywhere or tent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. auKl2-Iydeed ante. -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. A PAHTICULAIU.Y FINK LINK OF WATCH IX. FULL LINK SILVER nilACE- Lirrs axd iiasems. ' DIFFICULT lU.PAIlUNG A SPECIALTY". H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. itcfvincviitev. F LINN BKENEMAN. T.rATS NEW AND PRETTY". Stauffer & Ce., Lancaster's Leading Hatters, Exhibit the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Straw and Summer Hats AT THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLEPKICES Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. CHILDREN'S at Any Price you Name. FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, In all the Summer Shades, at ll.'JStet5. LAWNTENN1S CAPS AMI HATS, All Celer. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS Fer the Vacation Season, at Very Lew Prices stauffFr & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, liANOAHTER. PA. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN ANY HKFIUOEIIATOR WILL ANSWKIt. HUT THIS SEASON YOU iMUST HAVE Til K si HL-HSKK." THK BEST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. FiLIITJSr Sl bheneman, GREAT REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER STORK, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. lis utr. hJUS TN ELUTKEE STOCK FARM. STORM MNG (21610 RECORD 20. Sired by Happy Medium, slreefM performer from ailit te iM Dam Tepy Tayler by Alex ander's Nerman, tire of Lulu, 1!:1IK, Ac,. 4e. Terms for Spring "easeii of ISO, t-'A for a foal. Fer tubulated pedigree mid ether Information, addrewt DANIEL O. ENULE, aprM-luid&w Marietta, Pa. y EVAN' r l.OUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Hakes a GOOD Leaf et Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. -WIIATSIt)ltE DO YOUWANTT-VS JUternctja. TT UTHER 8. KAUKKMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-L W. Seucl Fleer Eslileiean La ulldtug. Ne, North Dui4tu sptfi-ly dd w JsttMl TyATCHas, clocks, tc. Watch T CLOCKS, ETC. A full graduated Opthalmlc Optician will give careful attention te thecorreetlen of bad vision. Best repairing, WEBER'S, 1X North Queen street. Near P. R, R. Depot. apat-lyd. TKWELER AND UUADUATB OPTICIAN, GILL! yoatienPnts! GOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND CANES. Examination of Eyes Free 1 Ne Dreps Used 1 CHAS.S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. z ArtM'H CORNER. Speckle Department ! Owlnt te the number of eases vr have for treatteentand adjustment, we have determined te open the office en Monday & Wednesday Evenings Fer the accommodation of these who find It difficult and expensUe te leavs thslr work dur ing the day time. OFFICE-SECOND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTRANCE: NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. sOfnee Hours from 7 te 10 p. m. Monday and Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE I Ne Fees Charged I All diseases of the Eye treated and operated en Ly a Qruduated Oculist or Unquestioned Ability, aud thorough satisfaction Guaranteed A FULL LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, As well as the Novelties of the season, at the Lewest Cash Figures. A specialty made of Intricate Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ernest Zahm, ZAIIM'B CORNER, npr54md i n- LAN0A8TER.PA. Jrerevtctt. TBURSK.'B. A CARLOAD or- LargeWhitePotatees Wholesale and Retail, AT BURSK'S, 17 E. KING 8T. -irANTED.-EVERY flOUHEKEEPER IN TV Lancaster and vlclnltv te knew that we hae added te our large stock of iCeffees a New llrand, called THE WESTMINSTER Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order that this coffee gets Introduced lu this section of the country we are giving away free a fine, let of Silverware, consisting of Napkin Rings, Sugar Spoons, Table Spoons, liulter Knives and Largs Knives and Perks, all of Sheffield manufacture. One piece with each and every pound. This brand Is a delicious table beverage. It Is double the strength of Mecha or Java coffee mid prepared expressly for high-toned trade, and being used largely by all of the finest hotels in New Yerk and ether large cities, and the price Is se low that It brlngslt In reach of every person. Remember, we have the finest brands of coffees In the state, and our prices are lower than the lowest, quality con. sldered. We have at 12K, 15, 18. W, , 23, -, 27, 2V,90and te cents per pound, llargalns In Dried Fruits, Peaches, Apricots Prunes, Prunellas, Ac., at from three te five cents er pound less than same quality can b bought at elsewhere, Samuel Clarke, Agt, Tea, Coffee and Grocery Stere, 12 A II Seuth Queen St., Near Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa, (JDarviaijca. fTANUARU CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, ID, U, lift H MARKET HTREirr. (Rear of the Pestumce), LANCASTER, PA, All the latest styh sin llueglcs, Family Car. rlugcs, Phietuns, Hurrejs, Cul'rlelet, I'liatenn, Huckbeard,1 retting Wagons.Statlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc., new rendy ler the Spring Trade. A Hue line of Second-Hand Werk. NewU the time loonier for Spring. Strictly flrst-cluwi erk and all work fully guaranteed My prleiit are the luwit In ttie county fur tha hamequallty of work. Oil vc. me a call and ex. amine my uerk. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done lu u tlrst-clas manner. One m.1 "f workmen especially employed for that puriMv N'O I h, TO TRESPASSERS AND UN KRS. All persons are hereby forbidden lu trn en any of tbe lauds of the Jeruwall ndS. eeduell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster uiuntlus, ljuther Inclesed or uuluclesed, either for lliu nurpexe of sheeting or fishing, as the luwulll be rigidly enforced against all Ires. p.iMiii -iin said lands of the undersigned afte this u tlce WM.TOLKMAN FREEMAN It. PERCY ALDEN. KllW.U FREEMAN, AlUimeys for U. W, Ueltmau's Hslis, eifttttne. VfTKM HATHren. ATTRACTIONS m our Gush Hutment We've many attractions ln our Custom De psulrasnl. Wa are showing the Handsomest Line or SUITING ter Men's Wear FROM $16.00 te Almest Any Price ' Such styles as these are net offered anywhere In lAtieaster Ter the price. Such an assortment you'll find nowhere else. ELEOANT STLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te leek at. Prices range from $4 te 113. We'll fit you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12EASTKING STREET LANCASTER. PA. LOTH1NO. G L. Gansman & Bre. A BIO HARVEST FOR TUE IIAROAIN nUNTEIW. Where n Dellar Oess the Farthtrst and the Most Is dot for It. MENS, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S -AT- REDU0ED PRICES. Its Children's SulU at 78c, Me, f 1, II 25. KQ Children's Suits at II W, II 60, II 76, 13. 221 Children's SulU at 13 25, 12 SO, 13, t SO. Men's SulU at 12 75, 3 25, U. Men's All-Weel Suit at 15, W, 17. Men's All-Weel Worsted SulU air SO, W, 110. Men's Fine Cheviot SulU, IS 60, W, W. Men's All-Weel CasslmereBulUat tfl, 17, M, fO. 600 Children's PnnU at 20e a pair. Hey's BulU at 12 10, 1225, 1350. Bey's Woelsn SulU at IS 25, 13 SO, 13 75. Bey's SulU, All-Weel, at H W. 15, IS. Our assortment Is still complete. New styles added Immediately; the only things missing are the prices. Old prleas are replaced by new, about one-half In site, Yeu eannel match our values. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) I aad VOETH QUHX IT., .w.oeBnftorosUxai. lahcaiti. r a. 4V Net connected with any ether Clothing Ileuseln theclLv. 4 Be cautious and make no mlstake se that you (it te the right place. H 1R8H BROTHER. WARM WEATHER Sf MAKES THE PRICES MELT. -IN THE- igttttftttrsV sjttti. ;- ENNS TLVANIA RAILROAD se ones iron nor. a, MS. STSsSBSSt ValiM r tArm . a sMnsasm rlveatPblladslBhuias fellows i Isstva fWEBTWARD. Paclne Expresst... Way Passenaerf. S"'etff'?.TS",Myt Niagara Express.. Hanover Accem.., Fast Llnet........ Frederick Accem Lancaster Acrem...., LaneaaUr Accem... Hamsburg Aoeom... Celumbht A scorn...... Harrlsbura; Express.. Western Kzprcawt...... Lancaster Aoce..., EASTWARD. Phlla, Kxpretwf ...., FastLlnef I Lancaster Aeee Harrlsburg Express- Columbia Accem....... nviaiiue Kxprcast, Seashore ExnrMa. Philadelphia AccenJ miuu.j nau,..,. lay Expresat ., Harrlsburg Acceuu Frederick Accem.. Philadelphia, nasi p. Bb , SB. una. ml 7.4 a. as. 15&i KSIS, SB. via Oelamblsv ii.. via Ootunbtel ii;a,ra. la.Mt.Jt7. lapt IB. : p. ssa. 5:8 p. as. 1-JOp.SB. "LBaviT' t:i0a.sm, Mi'n. Mi sua .am. dea.SB.il IM8 p; te, , 1 MA p. IB.' 10 p. m. -.. a mm P.m. p. m. :- S i m uuij (.miusj which run uauj, - rt .-......... .....j. ,f .... . ruuu,mBsrsi rassssunr CHAH.E.PUOH. Ueneral .lanacer. T.KBANON A LANCASTER JOUST JLA HAJiaiUAU. -iif Arrangements of Passenger Trains ea ai HCNdat, May U, UK. i : NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. r. m. f, skins eireei, ijuje. 7 Uincaster... ........... 7.-0T Columbia . Manhelm.... T:Si Ceniwall....,....... 7J8 Arrive at lh.nni, K.tl 'heuthVami.' . .. Leave a.m. p.m, unmnen 7:ia Cornwall. 737 Mauhelmi..... TS Lancaster...... 837 Arrlvnal King Htraet, Lane, :S9 I Columbia.. v:a na MM 12JQ 1MB iji m fit we Kill 11 l: . M. ea MS Elf UP. tNfl laa J A. u WMJinv umm. n An .i!mj a, H..NEFF.upt.dR.B. J& "PHILADELPHIA ft READINU1 READ1NU A COLUMBIA DIVMIO., On and after Hnnday, May 11. ISM, HM leave Laiicaster (King itreet). as fcUewst '.' tut iwwuiug ana luiermeaiavs peinss. ' days, 7:40 a. m., law, Ms p. m.; Bunilay.1 m., s:wp.m. ),'.' Fer Pblladalnhla, week days, 7:st a, SB. 1 .an iil.I nuillutTP, aJO H m. Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, ' Fer New Yerk ! AlltntewB, V 1. Hi. Fer Allentown, week days, 7: a, am., I an. i nuaasr, koe p. m. i, Fer Petuvuis, week days, 7:40a. am., Mi s, K.WMU, U.W LP. US. Fer Lebanon, week stars. T p. m. Hnnday, .-05a.m,Wp.Ba. , 77. Fer Harrls6ur, we, days, TM'sVamsi Fejquim-yvlWwes dy. Ml,, mj1! 7:U,S.00p.ra.; Hunday,6:10p,Bl. ' I2 TRAINS FOR LANCARTMH. '? '-it. Leava Reading, week days. 7, Ujsltvj ej p. in. i nauesT, tua a. m.1 viih 1h SB. , Leava Philadelphia, week suLys? biML m., 4aju p. in. jr ? ueave new xer- via rniuvaeiptua,l iv.M. ill,, i.w.ik in, aaiu iiisnu Leave New Yerk via Allsatewa, Wsk ( 4.-09 a. in., I .de p. m. v Leava Allentown, week days, M7 atm,ll p. m. &. 3j Leava PetUTllls, week day, Ml a, .sstsjl 7:15 p. m. : Hunday, 75 a. m.. 3-1"b. bs. TX- Ijeave Harrlsburg, week days, Mla,am,tl dsv. A'fiO a- m. , : ... Leava Ouarryvllle, weak days. Ma lUMsbl 8.-00; Bundar, 7:10a.m. . , ,f ubbvb rniiaasipnia, unastBBS I ana Beurn sireav wnan. Fer AUanUe City, weak M0 a. m. and 4.-00 n. m.i As tim 1. . KM A,9tk M Mb tl.AV lima w .... ub. n. an., nn, ra, M0 a. m., Aoeomruodatloo, gWsV,i p. m. 'ir ivsiarning leave ausdue miy. jSJ. Atlantle and Arkansas Avanusa. 1 Express 7:ae a. ra. and a a.' modaUen,S.-05a.m. and 4: n. as. I Bxpraaa, 1p.m. AecammeiMmm, anil itfln t. in. t. r Detailed Urns tables can be ebUtasta a41 emeea. A. A.MCLEOD, O.Qm VlesPrs.Oen'lM'gr. ami rLHLL Hantpm. ,"J AND ART tMOm., 11 Wr A T HEI8TH. SUMMER DRINKSEASON OF 1890. A GREATER HUCCEHSTHAN EVER. GENUINE CALIFORNIA ORANGE CIDER. Raspberry Nectarine AND French Blackberry Juice. We call jour attention la our flenulne Cali fornia Oranna Cider. Rasiiberry Nectarine and and French lllackberry Juice, the purest, best, most healthful, delicious and refreshing drinks known. They are indlspensahle te you If ye'iruna soda fountain. m rannel an without them If you sell drinks otherwise. They will soil raster, pjy you a better prellt, and give mere universal satisfaction tn your customers thnu any drink you lnoeerol(l. They positively contain NO ALCOHOL nor de they contain any thing Injurious. Can be sold any where without Violating the Ijiw. 'llicv ran be sold lu almost auvfurin. May be druwn from a fountain, or from the cask, or may be lietilcd and kept ou Ice. 'Ihey make (lelliteus flavoring for,lcmenades, milk kliakcN, etc., and wlien frozen make dell cleusHberbel, We pack thee goods lu six gallon kegt. nUYTHEOENUINE. Don't be deceived Inte buying cheap artlfl clal iratli which will tour en your hands. Re member we guarantee every euk of our goods te keep. Thy iesllUely will net sour or fer ment. J. FRANK RE1ST, Lancaster, Pa. sraWe wilt send free with each keg, three 0-eum-fl glasses and one weed faucet. These goods are supeiler articles, mere delicious than soda watar or ether temperance drinks. They III sell faster and pav you u belter prellt than anything you can htfendle. Order a keg. Yeu will never regret It. Respectfully, J. FR AIwK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEHT KINU AND PIlirCEBTH. DlrecUy Opposite J. B. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Hters, and Next Doer te Herrel Herse Hetel. nlAeW fur the Big Hlgn across the pavement. T-EW LAMPS Call FINE Ml L and Sim IM "'3&ii - . ,.L t.. . vS!E'- ''$ i I , vVJt- M J V-J HRT COODSl ON SECOND FLOOB 4 $ JoLmLArnelQ's. NORTH QUEEN Merchant Tailoring Department ARE MANY ENDS, Consisting or PanU.PanU and Vests. Ces U nnd Vesu, Etc., which w have marked at Clearing Out Prices. Artcran UNPRECEDENTED Successful Season In the history of this department, we find nulla a number of tbe above Odds and Ends, and we will make Ihem up te your order at re markably Lew Prices. Meanwhile we bain laid lnn entirely new line or NeveltlM In this Hummer's Latest Styles, and we will make them up at our" Rock-Beltom " prices In Hulls, Coats and Vests and Pauls. IN THE Children's Department The pruning knife has been at work and has den lis work thoroughly, iireken lets and brektn sites ar the main causes of this reduc tion. Iletter-Made floods, Flner-Trlinmrd and Mera I'trfMUFlttlng werx never sn In this county. Theprlcesfrem tl te 17 for Hull slies 4 te II ; from 'Jee te II W for Pants-slses 4 te 14. MEN'H AND BOY'H Suits and Pants Are here In all Qualities, Htyles and Makes. SEE THE SHIRTS IN OUR Furnishing Department. hirsh fwm, CLOTIIIERB, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNIHHERH. I. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER. PA. UMBINQ. GAB FITTING, ste. Jehn P. Sehanm & m Af 1 K PLUMBIN . j! anifTbre--., nlvcS gas nniiwp1 'it; & no em itu ni ictraj et k?l . 'ffl uAciuAsiaa ri Cljiuawatr. m H lOll A MARTIM. China, Glass AND QUEENSWARE -AT- SAW MILLS, HARK MILIl, ("OH M1LMJ, Ix-ather Rellers, Tan Packers. Triple Herse l'uwers. Milling and Mining Ms'-mnery, at JOHN UlOiru.SU East Kulton s(reet, mf-lfd ffcutlBtrjt. TTilLNATHOIlST, DENTIST. Ii UJ CENTRE HO.UARE. "Tilling Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New Sets made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining teDentUtry will reccle prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Nafhenlls tha ONLY Dentist luthlsceuuty who is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den tistry, an advi.nWige llmt Is obvfeui, marS-lydixw - 5 Wc are new opening our Spring imperiaiiuu ei 4ueciisnjwu ... A be prepared te supply our customers g in. ii, ,n iiet L'mda of war at jMria lowest lMces. Ueusesttre recelva especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, . .-. . 15 East King atreei. photegvayhm. ....ntr nc-nanvr in AKVinilSTOHAl rw "i.r.7- m lUUn S"ll u . v H 4? Amena the Daisif I.theLatestStylsef PHOTOGRAPHS MADE, 'j Call and see them, at ROTE'S, BO' N. Queen atl LANCASTER. PA., lanfmd NXt W rOlOet. ' T
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