''"'U'.n wmmwymmm . rT&Fyr.'u.'zw -n-rt- "w,s5T,T-'H( p.v fcv ".V r t T fe "W L'vi t. LviT ev . 6s Efcv L-w 7 ' . k ttiltt MnttlUatncev ' V;. v , , 4JTMKW j.'RimtA)r, : " cARU sraentAN FOUK, BdKen. ? BOUHT CLARK FnbUstMr. J-4 'M DAILY lHTKLLlaENCKR.-Pnblltied rtvy m the yew, bnt Bunday. Served ljr earrlers la this eltjr and arreaadlnf tow-sat ten cents ft sreek. Bymollflvedel. Ihi trw la advance ! SO cents month. fmKLT INTKLLIOKNCKR-One dollar and h' I i SUSsr Mk. a .. In BAvaluw. hmt T- --..-.-.- e-vrcvai TO HbHH,lUBna-iKnm ey mcu 't l?mme order, and where neither of il4 SBSSSWIBSSH piWUIW VUUU .U IflMMMVU , tfctwrt at the Postefflce, as Moend class malt '8 -TV- MU. ,ATdum, TBI nmxueiB, Lancaster. Pa. 'LAHOAtTia.PA., June 4, 1890. A Geed OKccr. '.JBeUnt ni-Mtrient nf ilia Yniinrr Mrn ;' DmboctaUe club, dcellncd te be a 1j MMMate for re-clccllen when he : weald be required te go into a jeeatet for the place; and he noted, : m any gentleman would be dls- W'f peMd te de, who wrs scrviug a club far I&& It advantage, and net liln own. Mr. $ 'i.t' Revnnlda rll.l tint fel nl1lrH In jntnr T into a contort te secure the iiriviletre of Vlvitw his further services te the club ,- w . . . ----- ana there was no nbllsrat en unan him ve ae u. The Democratic club has never been ae vigorous as since It has been under Mr. Reynolds' enre. He Rave It his aealeus and Intelligent nl tout Ien and the fruit of his labor was very plain. Itglvca us pleasure, and we consider It .our duty, when a public official scrres well the Interests in his charge, that we KraiM invim Aa tirpftlrlnnf nf thla Huh. 4!?4 MV. Ppvnnlrta hits riominlefl a rpanenallilft V.C f tlw u.?b, auv. ,v ivuivv fc J .....v be has done all that he should linve done, and lms left nothing undone for Its advantage that he knew hew te de ; and we de net suppose that a contrary opinion is held In the club. naync'n Sensible Act. "" "Congressman Btiync lms thrown the mlncPef the avcrnge Pennsylvania poli tician Inte convulsion; by declining te accept a rcnomiuatlen for Congress after he had secured a large majority of the delegates in the nominating convention. The politicians cannot understand that a sane man would refuse a sure scat in Congress ; and the newspapers are busily engaged in devising reasons for se extra ordinary a course, being quite unwilling ti'fik m te aCMint. Mr. llnvn'n KYnlatiattnn ai satisfactory. He says that he is tired of !' Congressional life, nfter fourteen years' y service, and wants rest. ,- This Is the reason and the action of a man of sense ; Hnd it it a sovere rclltc i tlen upon the sort of sense iwllticlans ? are credited with that one of them Is k thought te be eraz.v wlicn he nets seusl. fX bly. Mr. Iiayne is a nuin of wealth, anl need net work for his livelihood lAw-ner at any business that 1m net ntrrnlilrx iyii.i , l lava a ..! .... I l. Ui&i " """ uuu eurwy e may re nunnoseu ; te knew whether the life of a congress- f'.f.""" " ,K'UKau"' i mm nuer leiineun Sa,-years' experience of it. r Te some men it would bean uurnd. i-.HK'.lng delight. Thov are men wJm levn Fvltebe In crowds aud turmoil nud who Tpfrve tough skins that are Insensible te iVajHiee ; who are able te move along, :'.: Pleasing themselves and rpirnrillauu aa n fe."f ether people are pleased, however w'rfelbay dissemble such concern. And SK-lt!,er class of men, who will make Ntyaaerince for renown, love te be cou ceu jSireatman. And there ere still ether Ejwrta, who,from divers lnfluences.hnnker f t.-:.l-'afUr eonerressional life nml nemr imn i&Jlk alllln1 ' if)? """"v ?:, Bt nevertheless ltremntiiH flint ., tjef independent disposltleu needs some SJln acting as the servant of the people, iM aui fhall nnnimuamun n..l ..l.t..I Sj,lT blmself te certnln r.rlMnlam nml .hnn. ?& 'At aK.iba A ...1 ...I.... - 1 I i wu.auuec, auu "ueu a man uas sioeu r the raaket for fourteen years he may be readily believed when he says that he te tired and wants te quit aud go out te wander at his will upon the pleasant fields of the earth, whither his ample fortune will take him, aud be free from accountability te constituents who have failed te appreciate his labors or reuder him due thanks for his ardent service in their behalf. Mr. IJuyne dragged himself through the mire of high tariff advocacy, aguiust which we hope his eul revolted, because the Iren manu facturers of his district were tariff liewl- t ars, Still they were net satisfied with him, and he told his wife that he would quit their service; but net befere he hud brought them te their knees and had ir jes lilm te UCCCP-tt uomluntten -"T'v. " iie then had it t?rni .lunlnf nlena. CABurkholeJ'ln'nB' His reasons were geed -- action is wise. We have the (."olenles8,"' apTmuidlng-Wi: llsyne, we li irtf t iirt firet i..m i. l.t.. r.it.i..i ps. . .w. .uv Him nun.- in ii in iiuilllUHl vami. Our Summer lVniits. The advantages of Lancaster as n sum. mer resort have lieen urged In these columns, aud it is At that the disadvan tages should also be indicated and with even mere emphasis because they can be easily overcome. Without consider ing summer visitors the citizens need for themselves a public park aleug the Conestoga, te which rapid nud cheap transport may be hud by the street car lines. They need water that will be pure at all times, a iien-partlsuu, ener getic beard of health, and most of all, they need te be awakened te the beauties of the country all around them. Tills last end cau only be achieved by niakiug it easy end cheap te reach the country or te ride ever the pleturt-sque but hilly reads within u short radius of the town. The failure of a recent effort towards cheap pleasure drives seems te have been due te a ml-tnkc in the time of day chosen and the use of carriages net well Milted te the enterprise. A four-hen-e carry all, with NJHts for about ten.sturtingeut of an afternoon te the ringing, cheery euud of a bugle, would unruly be templ ing te many, mid, with pemeverauce, should succeed. And a little stretch of laud along the Conestoga planted with shade treei, and threwu freely open te all, would be qulle as popular us Phila delphia's Fairmeuut park. The trees will be slew ingrewing, but tbut is oil the mere reason for hustling in this pttrk matter. The tellgutes may bumper travel, but that Is all the mere reason for tempting stuy-at-hemes out upon the highways where they cau appreciate tee trouble. Wheu Lancastrians Hew a due tern of the summer beauties of their situation, stranRen may think It worth while te step and taken leek ut it, aud then our builders may have work in.plantiug all the hills with summer cottages te let, cud the mammoth uum ruer hotel, with bread perches uud wealthy patrons, may some day rise upon one of the commanding bluffs that leek toward tbte calm old town, ever many a fcrtlWreHiBg hill aitd water-hiding valley. , A Geed Street CwtmrHleatr. The report of Mr. BnelU, street com mlsslener, te the street committee, heads the work of by far the most Intelligent and efficient street commissioner that the city has ever had. The streets, which were fuller of dirt this spring than ever before, are new cleaner than they ever have been. The commissioner says that the work en all of them has been finished. He has cleaned all the gutters also, which work heretofore has never been done at all by the city ; aud he proposes te have another cleaning before winter comes ou. He proposes also te keep the streets In repair upon the principle that a stitch in time saves nine. Mr. Smeltz evidently has com mon sense ; which Is a novelty in n street official. Stock Diiekkr Quini.an, who muldenly and mysteriously dlssppeared from the New Yerk oxebangea month sge, bna been heard from, offering te pay nil claims with Interest. It is said that he was very sick. Okiimany's laws and profuanlennl men are peculiarly cautious. I)r. Iicliuseii, a (trad unto of tlie medlcal department of tlie University of Pennsylvania, lias been lined 200 murks In llcrlln for using tlie tltle of doctor, American degrees net being recognlzed In (Jermany. This is tlie natural result of the rocklesu policy prevailing In many states, but par ticularly In the Wost.ef permitting medical degrees te be granted by Insignificant In stitutions which have llttle of the collego about them but the name and amount te nothing but diploma factories. It Is nat ural aud right that Germany should refuse te recognlze American degrees when se discredited, and we should net think of retaliating but of remeving the disgraceful rause of this German protective measure Americans thomselves need te he protected from poeplo using the tltle of doctor with out the training of which It should be the guarantee, and whlle the diplomas of our great medlcal schools de glve that iismir iismir nnce as well as it can be given, we cau net oxpeet forelguorsto discriminate betwepn the many varieties and qualities of our medical diplomas. The American doctor who was fined for using Hint tltle in Ger many may hnve been the equal or superior of German prnitltluners, but If his own country did net care te guard the value of his tltle a foreign nation can hardly be blamed for refusing te recegnl.e it. Tnc internal revenue collections for May were greater than for any mouth since 1870. They amounted te $10,837,772, and showed an increase en every object nf taxation oxcept olpeinargarluo. The nation seems te be drinking mero whisky and bserln spite of Piohlbltleulsts and tomperance unions. Itcssi:i.i. I). IIauhinen linppoued te be present at the burning of the spring pnlnce at Fert Werth, Texas, nud wns active In the work of rescuing the audience. He wrltes a lurid account or it te tlie New Yerk H'ecW, nud the lingo wooden build ing appears from his denerlptlnn te have been a perfect flie trap, the decorations being of dried grnsses aud grain, mes and hardwoods. The curtains woie of stiaw hung ou threads, and tlie lloeis wure tiled in goemelrlcal designs made of colored grains of corn. The palace seeuis te Imve been built and decorated with great taste, aud skill and a wonderful amount or tedious labor, but with llttle or no atten tion te the danger of tire. As It steed alone thore wus no ronsen why it should net have been se arranged thai poeplo within could 11 ml exlt fromnllsldesincaso of suddeu danger. All public buildings mndofer crowds should be constructed te permit people le move out iu a mass at a moment's warning. Thk Inventer of tlie Galling gun, Alfied T. Perrlne, died iu tiie Cincinnati city hos pital in dostltute circumstances en Tues day. If e had made a fortune by his patents, but lest it in speculation. Van ileuiKN's CoceA-Dollcloiu-Mucle In stnutly. (7) Though pure and simple nml e mild, Untight be lurd by eny child, Yet 80ZODONT'ae swift and sure That mouth mid treth with wondrous speed Pmtn tartar und from taint are freed Till llirjr beceme sweet, w hltc, and pure. ' A Geed Tnlker en tlie stage or platform, In society or nt home, mukt net only pewtens bmliis but n clenr, streuc veie. Cntiirrli,oriiKOcrei-olil, In almost ror rer tl u te liijure the veire. Hut tlicne remplatiitH nmy be completely eradicated with u lew hih nitration, or Themtn' Ktrctrtc Oil, unrlvnled tiv ItnaiicclnKlrii. Held In Lancuttrr by Y. T. Ilech, 137 and 1U North Queen street, TllEcleaii.lne, nutUeplle and healing iualU tlei or Dr. HtiKe's Catarrh Kemedyare tino tine quale.1. VV.ThJtw ... " I'm All llroke Up !' This lx the uhuiiI exclamulleii et one allllrted Willi rheumalUm or lainpiiu.s, lUieumntlc people are Indeed entitled te our .tiioere sym pathy nud rommlkeratleii. Sp'ely relief Is errrred them Iu Dr. Tiemat' Kictne Oil. Ills thuswern remedy of all nchcH and imiIiih. Held 111 Lnnrn.ter by W. T. Ilech 117 and IS) North Queen street. B ETTEU THAN TKA AM) COKKKK FOIl me crra. VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA. THE ORiaiNAL-MOBT SOLUBLE. Ak your Oreeer for It, take noethor, 05 .ll.VUBUle. R0HU HHOS. A HAKTAt AN. Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! at ju-:i)uci:n Pincris. All Kinds or Umbrellas and Parasols MADKTOOIlDK.lt. A MO Net Parasols, Wagen Umbrellas. REPAIRING; & RECOVERING NEATLY DONE, ATTHKMAKKHX. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprll'Smd MUitcvi. yiNKs. Fine yTines T J luuejuht iecglel, direct from Mcurs. Oar jeys, Jercr, Spain, per H. H. Zurbaran, Ma Uvernoel, and tram.krred te H. H. Kervlii, ler New erk, .Murch lutti. it Hue auerluiriit of Garvey Hlicrrle. Tbene Wines nre auieuc the very llnett that resell the UitiU'd Stati. OALIiAND EXAMINE. AKe Old uud Veune Mudelra Wines, nml en the way a Case Ueuclic rtec and 60 Caws ibwclal Ureal Western Wine. Tlienboie CliameitKneH are the best produced in Krunce uiid the United Hlatesul America. H. . SLAYMAKER, Agt., tSJEASTKINU 8TIIKET. aulS.M.Wd QTKAM HEATIBTlIKCOMINOUEATFOIt ip dwellKuft, cliuivhii. Kchoel heustw, etc.. Uieusli 1 kuuvtaafully Ufcrd eue hundred ears lJi'.h.;.'.',y,uce",'l"l'Iateu ehauKB cull en JOHN mijt; who will Klve you a iWuctery Jeb, nt a fair price, ni7-tm limmAk'fK rniLAxLraiA, Wedaeadsy.JaM i.vm. Twe of the very fine and very pretty Scotch Gingham have gene down from 50 cents te 37J? cents a yard. Ne reason for it in the stuffs themselves : they're just as high in Fashion's favor as ever. Patterns and qualities that you may see where only the choicest is worn. But they've come under the Dress Goods man's blue pencil just the same. Twe beauties. je-inch yacquard, finished in ten rich colorings. 2 Rich Plaid Ginghams in tieelve colorings. The plaids are formed of " satin " lines made of cotton of course, but se fine and lus trous that it might easily pass for silk. Either of them are most un likely Ginghams te be had this time of year at 37 cents. Northeast of centre. "" Billowy all-wool Printed Challis have lest no grace. 37 5 antl e cents. Southwest of centre, 40-inch pure Mohair in fancy stripes, go te 50 cents from 75. A new invoice of Printed Mehairs. Pretty figures en cream grounds, at 37 cents. Heuthwest of centre. Even if Llama and Ceylon Flannels were like the rest of the flannel fleck and shrunk from careless washing, they'd still have hosts of friends. But they're unshrinkable. Wet or dry, all's one for them se far as size gees. The hidden cotton that neither eye nor touch tells you of is what does it. Of course they're the favorite stuffs for misty, meisty times. Tep and bottom prices : Ceylon Flannels 25 te 75c. Llama Flannels 50 te 75c. A great gathering of Flan nels Ter outing wear, neat stripes, 10 and 2ic. 30-inch silk plaid and striped Yephyr Flannel gees from 50 te 37c. Northeast of centre. Anether chapter in that Mus lin Underwear serial. Facts that will fascinate any thrifty buyer : Gowns : Vine MmkIIi), ihleld front, 2 rows of Inser tion mid 34 plaits en front or yoke, rows nHiiHcrllen mid M plullaen back of yoke, trimint. I with llnmuuri; edge und bead lii(r,jl.. Geed Mulln. 2 rows heavy wheel embroid ery, 4S plaits en yoke, neck, yoke and ulcavfw trimmed Willi Hamburg eitcctl. 1 1 no Cnmbrlr. Mether liubbnrd yoke trimmed with 2 rows lnre and :t2 line plaits, neck, yoke aud sleeves trimmed with snme, SI. Chemise : Cambric, surplice bark and front, trimmed with Valenciennes lare mid ribbon, !5 cenli. Skirts: I'lne MUhllu, with whin blind embieldered rutllft amis plaIN, 11.2.'.. I'lneMunllu.riimbrla ruffle Willi iilnll. VII plaits abeve,3l; llietl.25klnd. Fine Muslin, cambric. ruUlc ed'ed with Vandyke embroidery, A plaits en rutlle mid & above, tl.r. Drawers : Kine Muslin, hem and 0 plait, Vi cent. Klne Cambric, camtnlr rurrte cc!cd with iorehen lace. 4 plulu en rutlle and IS above. tiO cents. Heavy Muslin, wldu ITumbure rutrie and 7 pint l, 60 cen is. Second fleer, Juniper street side. Jehn Wanamaker. gmmmcr gUevt. HOTEL IIHUNHWIOK, ( ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Nvw, Modern, Klrst-Claia, Completc. I'ncltlc nveuue, between New Yerk aud Tennai.su nvriiUHs. Accommodate 2ue. aprSt-Siiid JOSCl'H B. DAVIS. T 1UE OSUOHNK. Cor. Arkansas uud Pacific Arcs., ATLANTIC , ,, CITY, N.J. New Heuse. Modern Improvements. Klevn! ler, Klectrle Bellk. Terms moderate. June2-2md MIlM.ll.OWIIOKNU. riMIEMINNKQUA, JL . ATLA NJ'lC CITY, N.J., I'ncltlc Ave., between Arkansas and Mlnenrl Avcs; eentrnl location; refurnished; under liewinanaceinciit; esurythlngnrnt-clanj. Write for circular. inylD-Vind c. A. UKOWNK. lAMDlUDQK-ATLANTICcTf Y." SAM'L II. I.KWIB, Proprietor. WM. E. COCHRAN, .Manager. Complete Hetel ; 100 bed-rooms ; ocean front : best buthlui; Ereuuds ; bread plastss; slvcant biilTeU ni)2l.2nid A TLANTIO CITY. HOTELCHETWOODE l"acine Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New nnd First-Claim, Hteam Heat : Call belU. Twe minutes wnlk from bench. J2.50mid W.ft) per day. NOWOl'KN. lillMuiit MIW. ANNlK Oil I'll 11. T 1IIECIIALKONTK, THE CHALFONTE, ATINTIO ClTr, Nkw JKiisr.v. H1TUATKD ON THK 11EACH. NOIITH C.VHO- LINA AVENUK. myMmd K. ltODERTH A SONS. rpilEMr.CHlETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumcr sensoneii MONDAYMAY 5th This read extendi from the entrance of the I'nrk te the mninilt of the Meuth .Mountain (Cle erner Dick), h dlhlaiiee ofatieut four iiillen. Its miniature trains ceiiutvt with all the rrcu l.ir piiktcuKer tnilus en the Cornwall A lba lba neu llullreiid nirlvlng; nt the l'nrk, mid return return liiKfrem tliemiminllnf the mountain In time te connect with train leavlm; the l'nrk. Frem points en IVnna. It II. nnd l'hll.ulel. phl.wv. ltcadlnu It. It., within 100 inllcs, thetrln can he accomplished lueiindar. .ItlstheNAItllOWlTtlAllOKInlheHerld. It Is the mestl'EHFKOTlNlTSCONSTlUic! THIN, II has also the MOST COMPLETE LQUII'MENT. Its endues uni nerfiH't little models of the standard ciiKlnekertlicllrtt-clnts, and its cars ure esvclallyadapteil te arlerd an oiiebitructcd vluw of the luaKiilllceut scvurry aleiiKthellue. Hleel Halls. Hteue llallusL It Is eue of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central l'eunsyhaula. Church and Bchoel, Military nndCUleorL-anl-zatlens, Clubs and Tourist Parties can secure UieexclujUe unjef ,lt. Urctiui Park ou nnpll. catien te r.ti) uiiMll, Hup t C. A L. Itallrend. Lebanon, l'a. alnid yjfJJJ Inch te U Inch diameter, f.ir salealalewflsiire.and the only houvelu the clly with a ptpe cuttlne inaehliie, cutting up te 0 Inch diameter, nt JOHN llEtfPH.SU East rul-t""ft- uiT-lfd EOH( phi leiib II OABT IKON PIPE FITTINOH, 1IOTH philn ntid re-luclnp, uji te e-lnch disineter. able riltlinfk. KtnnkrAu lriat.A rrt..1 ,. I.,.,. .. r ' --"-, .u.t.i v.,(ii.ii. ..lunuuitix, aihiticuii I'liieiik, 'lube HiiniK.rU. U$ilV;S'&Vr'il& !'"""! ViMr te JOIll HfchT'S. (S3 Last Fulton trcl, m7.fd jtchtnf ry A OKHOT FOR CALLAHAN VO CK A nMt te toke the pUea of Kd Lead. In bulk It iuIm flva tines the qnsnUty of red ibset ana is ssr SBPener in rancini i'"J""" PMklfnrmnjlhnd bole plsles en i boner, i ., e. Price 3D cent per pound, t JOHNVt HEMTH, an East Fulton slreef. mT-tfd TF YOU WANT A KI IIHT-CLAHH ItMlTA Bl .fc I Engine and Ik.tler, en wheels, rbeap, a Hie follewlnir prices shewi 6 hrl'S.rt.,iL5 horse-power J2i J 10 hone-perer, IW5; IS iwye iwye pewer, fS75j a horsc-pesrer, II.1TS, call nl. JOHN limrH.SBKast Fulton street. mMM T5eil rlfLLEYHr H IIAFTI NO, COLLAKH, IJ Hansen, damn Hese. Ceiipltuirs, etc., go ie JOHN BE'r. sa East Fulton street. m7-tfd Oft nOLTH, LAO BCnEWH, HET HCHEWH, Honare and Hesaien Nuts, these (toetln In stock, nt JOHN BEHT8. 551 East Fulton street. Ui7-tfd 1"OHI10ILKriH,JIeniZONTAL,TAnULAB. 5 Vertical, IVirtablc. Cylinder, Marine, of any sire or power, of the beat material nnd workmanship, go te JOHN UEUT, KU East Fill Fill ten street. m7-tfd JDUMI-H, UOILEIW. SIININU.CENTKIFIJ. L gal and Hteam Puiiiiw, el any capacity, at OUN MEHT8, S East Fulton street. m7-tfd FOR IlOILEK 1UME IlllUSIIEH, 8TILL80N Pipe Wrencbes.llpe and Menkey Wrenches combined. Files. Oil Cans, etc, go te JOHN BEST, 3.11 East Fulton street. m7-tfd fJADIATOIW. OF ANY MAKE OH DE XV slsn, can be furnlshedalreaimnable figures. by JOHN I1EHT. 833 East Fulton streeL Im7-tfd JTIOK HTEAM OAUOEH, 11101! Oil LOW ' Pressure, Water Manges, Uauge Cocks, roeil Wheels or Weighted, Ulnss Tillies, Whistles, Hyphens for Htcain Uauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Unmre Columns, Cocks rer Hteam (Jauges, call en JOHN 11EHT, :m East Fulton street, Iii7-tf(l AHKY IN HTOCK DEHT CHARCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Helloed Iren. llurden's Hlvet Iren, III vets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, Htcel, Hhect Iren 3-18 toNe. 18, at JOHN IIEHTH. il.il East Fulton street. m7.tfd TNJECTOHH, HUE LlTrLE UIANT. HAN 1 cock Inspiraters and Electors, Ebermnn Ikillcr Feeder, Penlwrthy Inspeetir, American Injectors, all In stock, at j6lIN llEST'H, SU East Fullen street, m7-Ud 171011 TnEllEST HOT AIR FURNACE IN V the market, go te JOHN IIEHT, XM Enst Fulton street. In7-tfd ITJORAMERICANHIflHTFEED CYLINDER J Lubricators. OlassOll Cups for Hearings, you can get them at JOHN IlEUT'H, ail Ens Fulton street. m7-tfd SltOCB. B OOTH AND B1IOEH. Coming in Daily ! -AT- D. P. STACKHOUSE'S, 28 ft 30 EAST KINO STREET. Light and Elegant, bnt Durable Goods, for Het Weather Wear, reii MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. EAHE, COMFORT, LOW PRICES. STAOKHOUSE LEADER OF LOW PRICES IN sJHOES, 2S i .10 EABT KING ST. rilHESE WIN MANY ADMIRERS ! Ladies' Kid Shoes. Wk've many nctvntut beautiful shapes Iu Ladles' Shots adapted for this sea sea seu's wear. Here's an excellent Hue of goods from n leading American maker. We advertise It this week the first lime. The words of the manufacturer will suffice tetell thosteryof thelrcoodqual thelrceodqual thelrcoedqual Hies, viz: The ottlcleucy nnd stylish cllect of this line or sheca depends en the perfect construction of the linpre cd lasts ou which they nre made. The shoes nrc of n speclnl shape, showy, sly. lli.li nnd pleasing. The amps nre cut from nn excellent grude of Bright Don Den cola Kid, Frem the vamp all around the heel (or quarters) Is a piece of patent leather, highly ornamental In HsifTict, nnd which does net become rough nor unsightly from the wear occasioned by the friction et the skirts. Have neat, taihlen.ibla narrow tem, tipped with patent leather; heels of fair height pret tily shaped. These shoes are wry at tractive In appearance, fit excellently, and when en the feet win might hut words of prnlsc. There Is JusteiieUEh patent lenther about them te m.ike ihem m-ut und showy without overdo lug." Vehne them tn Butten or Lace, and marked te sell at M.D0 n pair. That's reasonable, tee, for shoes se high In grade as these. They are strongly made nnd will prove le be very servfcmble. .Many mero pretty shapes with patent leather trimmings are here as well, Jirlced topleasethepursothal paya-Sl.tB, L'iO,tJ,liM,n. All oft lain well made. OuUtde this store It Is ditlleult te llnd shoe values equalling these, we adver tise. Examinations solicited. A great assortment te select from. That makes shoe shopping easy and pleasant. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Fa. L AROE3T ASSORTMENT ! Oxfords and Slippers. The leirgest Assortment of ladles', Misses', Children's and Infants' Oxfords und Nlippcrs In this city. This statement, te some people, may seem te be an Idle beast, hut te our many cus tnmers who have leen buying their Oxfords and Hllppcrs here for the past two seasons, knew hew truthful it Is, as then we had the largest Hteek and Assortment In the city, and Hits season we have added la greit many of the latest Styles. LARGEST AND FINEST DISPLAY IN THE CITY IN OUR WEST WINDOW. I.adles' Doiigeln Patent Leather Tip Oxfords at tUc, 75c, fll), J 1 25 and upwards. Ladles' Dongola Plain Toe Oxfords utllOO, tl , 1 50. f.'OOand upwards. I-adlcs' Patent Leather Frent Oxfords at f 1 5, f 1 .', and -' It). Ladles' Russet or Tan Oxfords with Tips and Plain Tees, IW, 75c. tl 00, (1 25 and upwards. I-adlcs' Kid 0iern Slippers at Mc, 75c, tl 00, tl -J5.fi SO and K OU. Ladles' Fine Beaded Slippers, with Buckles, Bews, Etc., fl IS, 1 1 50 and 1 1 00. Ml sees' Dongola nnd Himct, Tip and Plain Toe Oxfords, at 75c, We, fl 10 and upwards. Child's Dnngeln and Russet Oxfords atrtV, 7V,fl00,fl25andfli0. Inraut's Dnnseln and Russet Oxfords at Sic, 50c, 75enndtUU. And ethers net mtutlencd. In fad we have everything from the chenpett te the best. ! The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor le KICKY A ECKERT) the Lender et I.ew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 A 5 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. sr-Store Closed Kery Eteuiug at 0 O'sleck J.xcept Monday and Saturday, l . fltlsTlttttWst jjmywei. RNITURE 8TOREi ": . w.. f hxrewured te DM ftut Ktaf trs)et,lMTta;s fall Use of rstfaltura of every esCTlpej atlisj Icnresl nrtraa. Alse UndertjiklrMr tfrnmBil (. tended te. Call and examine our gpeaa. a-IMfi H. WOl.r. IM ITjwt Ring Htfssst. e CHMAOIRBH. SPECIAL OFFERING -FOR- JUNE! Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Orcatly Reduced Prices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, (2d, 3d A 4th Fleer,) Ne. ill BOUTU QUEEN KlHEKT. w 1DM iEK'H CORNKK. MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL! D uty's work Is once mere done, E nltsted men who fought and wen, C uant o'er the graves of these who fell O n many a field, 'mid shot nnd shell. n emembcred are these, patriot dead, A nd o'er their graves the flowers we spread. T his done, let's turn te these who live, E nhance each home nnd beauty give. WIDMYER, CORNER OF EAST KING AND DUKE STREETS. H EINlTStTS FURNITURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE lluyers desiring n combination of Highest Quality or the Manufacturer's Art In all the Newest aud Latett Designs and the Lewest Prices In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should he awake te their own Interests and call upon us wrhsii their wants will be fully sup piled. We offer te-day a splendid assortment of Par. ler Suits In Tapestrlts and Plushes at specially Lew Prices. HEIMTSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street CEitviJcie. tARP ET8I CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing I LANCASTER FANCY 8TEAM DYEING WORKS Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish et work of all kinds. FcathersDycd All Shades. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUM, SON ft JJO., NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET', LANCASTER. PA. febl5-3ffid rpHE LANCABTER CARPET HOUSE. S. & V. MATTINGS REDUCED IN PRICE. Awnings, Oil Gleths, Shades. CHRPETS OF ALL GRADES, AT RIGHT TRICES. Carpets Cleaned and Relald. All work warranted teglxe satisfaction. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Omnge Street auifJMyd -J . I ! Hcfvim'Vttttfva. TrARDWARE,Ac. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO. Continental Lawn Mowers, New Quaker City Lawn Mowers, Hydrant Hese and Oarden Hese. R E F R IGER ATORS ! JEWET1"S haie the hlghest;rcputatleu, give mero satisfaction with less consumption eilce, than any ether Refrigerator In the market. Jewett's Water Coelers and niters, Gem Water Filters, i Hammocks, Wire Window Screens and Wire Screen Doer. Hardware and Housefureishlng Goods. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., JO A -JO WESTKIXO STREET, inyI7-SnidM,W,S Lancaster, Pa. "PS.OR PRATT A CADY ASHESTflS DISC 1 al es, Jenkins Vulves.llniv. Glebe Vn , itrasi (into Vahes, iron Reily Glebe Valves. ljeyerfcJfely Valves, Pep Surety Valves, Air Valves. Rmllater Villus, Pratt's Swinging Check Vulves, llrassChMk Vales,Feet Vnles Allele Valves, csll at JQUN REST'S, XH Fis ruitea Street, n7-tfd IALACC OT FASHION. ASTRICH'S 115 117 N. Queen St.. LANCASTER. EARLY REDUCTION IN MILLINERY. We hrive this day made the Qreatnl Reduction In the price of ever made by tin nt this eoaseu of the year. We nrc dosing out our whole fteck of Untriramed HaU aHhofelloioinff prices. This Reduction Sale cotnmeuccs en WEDNESDA Y, JUNE 4th. Full two hundred dozens of Hats nud Tecques, Flats Bennets, nnd Turbans, tn fancy straw, lace straw nud line milan, fermerly sold nil the way from 60c te $1.25, nt the low price- of JO cents apiece. Anether let of Black and Colored Jiicm Jfats of nieit desirable shapes, at 40c apiece. All our finest Black Milan Hats nt the uniform price of 98c apiece. All our Children's Trimmed Colored Htraw Hats at 30c apiece. AVe advise you te call early, as of n great many styles there nre but very few, and they lielng the most desirable shapes will be sold at once. ON FRIDAY we inaugurate the Biggest Sale of Ladies' Musliu UNDERWEAR ever held in this city. ' Never were rnich Bargains offered in this city. Positively the cheapest ever seen in Lancaster. Don't miss it. Three Lets Let 1, at 25c apiece. Ladles' Night gowns, Ladles' Chemise, Lndies' Skirts, Ladies' Drawers, Ladies' Corset Cevers, Aprons, Children's Dresses, &c, all at 25c npiece. Let 2, at 50c apiece ; seme of these nre cheap at $1. Let 3, at 76c apiece. Extra fine Gar ments worth from $1 te $1.60 apiece. Call or send for Printed nnd Illus trated Catalogue. Our Three-Day Twenty-Three Cent Bale continues till Thursday cveuin&r. Friday besides. This Great Sale of vnaerwear is u ur Jtcguiar vncap JJay. On this day ererjnrf7cteln the store will be sold below the regular price. )rtj (Goobe. e PEN EVERY EVENING. Fer Bargains, -GO TO- P.GSNMABRO., Ne. 14 West King St. EyerythingSeld At andBelowCest, AS WE ARE POSITIVELY GOING OUT OFHU8INLS3. mRjMmd N- E W SPRING HUITINflS. WATT & SHAND, HAVE MADE8PECIAL PURCHASE OF FIFTY F1ECE8 M Spring Suitings. St Inrhes Wide Urekcu Clieek and Narrow Stripes In Drewn, Green, Tan and Ulue Grounds, ne er sold for less than 53c, new 26c a yard. NEW FRENCH STRIPED HENRIETTAS, 40 inches wide. New shades, HamUeme Qual ity, 6;;c; worth 73c. F.very Desirable Shade lu CASHMERE HENRIETTAS at J5c, S5c, 7,c, 60, 7Se te 1100 a yard. MOHAIRRRILLlANTINEsin Black. Cream and Latest Shades at :5c, ti7(c, fi0cand7Sea jard. 11LACK SATIN STRIPED ORENAD1NE8. Elegant Quality, tl 25 a yard. HLACIC BILK DRAPERY NE1S at 7. 67c, BLACK SILK LACE FLOUNCINOS at 73c. tue, II ft), II a, II M te 13 CO a yard. SILK AND WOOL GLORIAS InBlacJcand Celers. i Inches wide, 1133 a yard: ususl price, II SO, C. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. TRACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS! DIRIGO.FOR 1 Htcain and HydraulioPacUlns.AsbestRene, Woven and Wlctc Packlmr, Hemp I'acUlDB, As As bestes Mill Heard, Asbente. Cement, Asbestos Sheathlnif, Gum reeljIiic.Ouiii UIekk for Water GiuiKes, PluinbuKeP.ickini.', Reed's Patent As bestos, Llnwl bettlenal Vl Ceyer, at JOHN BEST'S, a East Fulton staet. m7-tfd hm of Fashion, NEW YORK STORE, . vyH-LiAMseN resren. THE NEW DRBSS GOODS ! rtuurtiuunssTiiu iiuui jrrnill rKBrML 1 nnlv mtttrt. In Ihnelttf wIumm ...t.. .: Is for sale. Width, 40 and II Inches. PrlMuf per yard. CbildriD's Eitireldend Caps Alittl White and Colored Mull flats, 47e. WhIU) Ktnhreldered TatnO'Shanters, I1.7S.I ,reaui uuu uiisck eurau xsjtu, vt.ee. INFANTS AND CHILDREN LONG AND SHORT Ladles' White Shirts, See te H. Ladies' Ready-Made Dren And MORN1NO WRAPPERS. SILK and LACE SHOULDER OAPM, CLOTH JACKETS And BEADED WRAPS. LltUe Beys' Cambridge Tunic Baits, I1.7S1 Indies' and Girls' Blouse Waist. Surah Silk Waists. Lawn Tenuis Rutin nnd Rlrlrls Children's Kilt Skirt Salts and Little Qw ureases. Infants' Leng and Short Coats. MEN'S AND BOYS' Summer Shirts and Undent Demet Shirts. 25c, SSc and 80c. Satlnc and Cheviot shirts. Flannel Shirts from SI. Gents' Summer Undershirts and Drawers, j icr irarment. 1 Colored Balbrlgean Underwear, 3Se per gl meui, er&sipcr snii. s The Elghtnle White Dress Shirt, fl each,! a su -cr iihii uuxeu, GENTS AND BOYS Summer Suits In Sack and Cutaway Coats. Beys' Dress Sack-Ceat Hulls, W, tl. 17 M te i Gent's Dress Coats and Vests. S10 te f IS. Gent's Llitht-Colered Dress Trousers, S3 te i inn ueiix ana vests, ana Mingle ana ueun creusieu uhck ana r ancy r lannei vesis. LADIES' AND GENTS' Flat-Brim Straw Hal And GIRLS' SAILOR HATS. Ladles' Flat-Urlm Straw Hats, 25c and 47c leunjr uenis lai-unm straw Mais, BU t uiiuuuu wavy, wc. Qlrls' Sailor liati, 25c, 50c, 75c and tl. PATENT-SEAT BABY CARRIAG At ClesIng)ut Prlces. BOYS' SAFETY BICYCLE, tWM. SHOES. Our Bright Dongola Flexible Sele PerfJ iiuief iauies onees, nil wiatns, AAlel upera aim pquare xees, price K.oe, is tne 1 vuisui iitveriie. Carlten's Blended Tea! An unadulterated article. Sample pack free te all. This tea Is from cholce picking iuuiu mm uiiim leas, ana is guaranie Strictly Pure Tea. Send for trial package. A Ladies' Cleth Jacket Bargaii Three Dollars Out en Every Garment. 110.00 Jacket cut te $7.00. 0.00 Jacket cut te 6 00. s.w Jacket cut te CEO. 8.00Jackctcutte 6.00. All fresh, new stvlci. lhrht nnd dArlr coin nit made full sleeves nnd puff shoulders, ael viiu itijii-s mut ure uujuaiuui. Gent's Thin Underwear. Gesumerand BalbriRgan Shirts and Drawl eue per garment or ii per suit. Lisle Thread and Mlk Underwear. Dr. Warner's Light Weight WoeiUnderwJ Summer Shirts In Silk, Flannel and Deml iruuiuuc lOQl.MJ. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESS GOOD! 12Jc Sutlnes, 10c, I2 Ginghams, 10c. V.'usli llelgeSjlc. Novelty Suitings, 6tt In.. 13c. Weel Suitings, 40 in., 10c. Chnlllpg. Ac. ThebltNew Weel Dres.sG00ds,42ln.,37icj And Many More Bargains. YOU SHOULD CALL AND SEE SOME HI CIAL VALUES IN EMBROIDERIES, Ic te 12.00 Per Yard. Embieldered Allexer and Hemstitch Meuueiiizs, eue. Rlack Net und Silk Lnrn Kleiinctnei- TUrM $2.ii. Net, 75c per yard. I COLORED MULL HATS FOR CHILDRE HUMMER OUTING CLOTHING. BICYCLE SUITS! In Navy Blue and Oxford Brown at M.S0. Heys' Leng Pants, made of strong and dul uiu material, jnsi me garment ier werK senoei wear, 70c, we, si, si.'j, jie. Fer Fine Dress We Our Giant Assortment of Neat and Stylish Pi icrus is nuiTU. Prices Range-12, 50, 13, S3 50 te 5. Gents' Comfortable iFoetwear. The (Joedyrar Hand-Hewed Shee, $3 00. An llxtm Finn Cnlfskln Shnr. mndA In ivlflt tia a nrl Its all t Ii a nnn nsi sUa s.ea v.. comely Pitched with hllk, full rnnge of sizes. I UlllCOlUI AJSSW ItUllL Flower Garden Implement Sprinkling Cnns extra double Bleck tln-l nt-.37c: 'Jeu. I3c:12nt..3c. I Deublo Bleck tin, Japanned, 6 qt., 39e ; 8 ql Garden Heio in nil grades. Baby Carriage Bargains. Prices Cut le Cost te Clese Them Out. fJ .... vein.... nl kl . 0-t.l I ... ..!... .. . W CarrhiKe at f.M: !J) Curriaze atflS:SlgCa rlneSt.l; 110 Carriage nt!'.'; 114 Carriage 11(1 ?i;iarnagein j,i ; jiucuinageai i ; tcurnaa a i m. CARRIAGE HARNESS. n We nre nircrlmr at excecdlnElv low prices. A full set vtltb breast band, Je.W. A full s with cellaruua names, to.ie. Beys' Safety Bicycles I10,W AND 180.00. Williamson (fe Fester 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., AND NO. 813 MARKET BT HAJU.I9BUR9, FArl v- Kst&efi ..i JLliasatiCtfefe.' nsBsA5sA.kin- ' t