'7??rwF!T'FT5Z?7!W71"PSWPflHPinCW "Sws KrXTTTjWl i-"ff.r 'r9.s.sm Lml H lanLfnaaW fc rl HrMeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaV77y ' !& QPje jLrofegto? fnMlxgetxM ea VOl.UME XXVI-NO. 236. LANCA&ITEK, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUKE A, 1890. PRICE TWO CE , t -"' .---,-,s. v .--.- rvw-WTi7V!"l lA''Tr'1 u;W Wil-C.''ILVfl JU vv - W""'V' THE CITY'S STREETS. PMWSED IHPROVKXKSfTS TO THES COX MltKBKD BV COMMITTEE. Contracts fbr Sewers Awarded-The Street Commissioner Makes 9uggci- tlena Ills Views Are Indorsed. Lest evening the regular meeting of the street commlttce of city councils was held in select council cliamber mill all of the members were present. Crossings were erdered nt the following places, upon the application of dlfferent members: Mulberry and Fulton streets, Walnut and Vut, Rockland and Church, Church, Vine mid Llme, Chestnut and Market, Grant nnd North Queen, and Ann and Chester streets, at the Children's Heme. A plpe was ordered te be laid In the But ter across Cherry alley, at the Presbyterian church, en llnst Orange street. This has been a dangerous place for years nnd the city has paid considerable nioney for dam ages en account of 1U Wm. II. Brown, chlef engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad, appeared before the cotnmll(ee,and President Cummings stated that he came te cenfer with them In regard te the proposed brldge ever or under the railroad tracks at Franklin street. Mr. Brown said that the railroad .company Is oppesod te nil grade crossings and they are anxious te de away with them. Tncre are tee many everywhere and at this late day he did net think anybody was favorable te them. As far as Franklin street was con cerned the railroad company Is willing te run a brldge ever or under the trucks If the city will grade up or down te It. It would be far better and cheaper for the city, If net for the company, te have nu overhead brldge (under the tracks) for ninny differ ent reasons. If they run u brldge ever the tracks high embankments would have te be made which might cause damages te adjoining properties. The engineer thought n move towards having the brldge com pleted should be made at once. He showed plans for different kinds of bridges. The city solicitor, who was present, said that if a bridge was made under the tracks, which the members of the committee seemed te favor, the first thing te de would be te have the court change the grade of the stroet, se that kind of n bridge can be made. The solicitor was erdered te take steps te have the court change the grade at ence, as well as that of Hamilton street, which will cress Franklin. The street commissioner was ordcred te put in geed condition the remainder of Franklin street. The committee agreed te recommend the laying of asphalt blocks en East King street, from Llme te Duke, provided tin property ewneis raise a sum equal te $3 per lineal feet. On the sumo conditions they will recommend the paving of Duke street, from Grant te Orange, nnd en Grant street, from Duke te Court aveuue. The county commissioners are expected te pay one-half of the cost of the last named work. J. L. Stelnmctz, ose,., appeared befere the committee and asked that they take into consideration the lowering of the grade of Christian street at Grant. The committee agreed te meet Mr. Stclumetz en the grounds and leek Inte the mall or. Mr. Selium complained that the pole en Jeseph Derwarl's pi emlses.en Seuth Quecn street, had net been romevod by the electric light company, ns the street com cem com miltce had ordered. The street commis sioner stated that the light people told him that they had moved the pole three times for Mr. Derwart and he finally told them he 'warned it off his premises entirely. A sub-committee, consisting of the chair man, street commissioner and Mr. Selium, was appointed te see what could be done in the matter. The street commissioner was ordered te make repairs te the gutters en New Helland avenue east of Shlppcn street. The proposals ler the sewers were next taken and they aie horn given : Fer n twu-foet sewer In an alley north of Walnut street, from Lancaster avenue te Marv street: D. M. Hunter, ?200.IO: Jehn Keudig, 8270; Dusel A Oause, J2S5 ; Charles Kraye, f J0J.1O: Schwebel fc Bre., $.170. Mr. Bitner stated that ?1W had already been subscribed by the citizens for this work. The work was erdered te be done en con dition that the citizens pay in their sub scriptions bofero It Is commenced. The contract was awarded te Krnye. Fer a sewer en Columbia avouue, te the alley extending from Marietta te Collcge avonueB, the bids wore: Daniel M. Hunter, fcililO: Jehn Kuudig, 8175; DuseKfc Ganse, S105; Charles Kiaye, S'J9; Schwebel k Bre., ?1D9. The contract was awarded te Kraye. Fer the brldge across the runat Franklin and Loiueu btrccts the bids weie: Jehn Heidig, jr., $533.30; Jehn W. Mussor.?u80. Musser.?u80. 60; Francis Aucamy, $e'J0. The contract was awarded te Aucanip. There wero bids for four ether scwers, ns follews: New street from Duke te North Qneen, Stiawberry street from Water te St. Jeseph, Ceral stroet from Second te Fourth, Ann stieet from Chestnut te the run near Walnut. The chairman said that te construct all of theso bowers it would require 3,000. In regard te Hjo last four he did net think sufllcicut money had been subscribed by the citizens. It was llnnlly agreed te recemmcnC te councils the building of these sewers only en condition that the citizens pay one-half of the cost. The bids for these sewers wero as fellows : New strect: Daniel M. Hunter, $091 ; Jehn Keudig, 8701; Chnrles Krnye, S755.2.1. Strawberry street : Daniel M. Hunter, $I,2S0.10, and te make extousieii, $117.10 ; Jehn Kcndig, 81,125.00; Chariet Kraye, $1,351.81, te inake oxtensieu. $020.45. coral street : uaniei .m. uuuicr 91,-juv.e., by new route, $1,413.50; Jehn Kendig, $1,303, by new route, $1,601.50 ; Chariet Kraye, 81,611, extra in Maner stieet, 85M.41; Shwebel fc Bre., Sl,3-.0. Anu street: Daniel M. Uuuter, $1,161.00; Jehn Kendig, $1,000; Kclr.vebel .t Bre., $035. The following was read from the street commissioner ; Te the Committee en Mreett, (V City 0 .mi raster Gestlkmes: I beg leave te respectfully submit the following suggestions and ro re ro cemmondatious for your consideration : 1. Numerous complaints have been made te 1110 that the frequent use of the street sprinkler 011 our streets Is Injurious te the roadway; and from my own observation I find that in seme parts of the city, par ticularly whero shade trees are nuiiioieiiH and the feliage dense, the streets are sel dom dry, and thoreforo niore liable te be cut up than If only occasionally made wet : but as an offset te tills objectlon the public demand seems te favor the sprinkling rather than be anneved w ith the dust. 2. I have a list prepared of from sixty te sevonty-flve new feet-bridges, of differ ent forms and sizes, thnt nre needed, and would suggest that thoybe made of Iren, In sizes and thickness adapted te the ro-spcr-tlve locations. The wooden bildgcs new In use seen decay, are easily broken, and are elten stumbling blocks Instead of a benefit te pedestrians. 3. I tlnd from personal observation that about two-thirds of our street crossings need raising. While te de this would bu attended with considerable expense, the gcneral public w he use them daily would be greatly benefitted and gratified. 4. I have about llnUhed the work of cleaning the streets. I made' it a point net only net te clean every macadamized street, but also all cutters, bridges and sewer Inlets en said streets and many ethers which were in a filthy or obstructed condition. I feel justified in saying that a mere thorough cleaning never was made; In fact, seme of thew streets had never ben cleaned. It will net ue miesiinuee. that this thorough cleaning of the stieets net only- conduces te the eomtert of the lesidents by reducing the anneyanre of dust, but thnt It is of vast advautage in a tnnltary point of view. I would thoreforo suggest that prevision be made te have all cur streets cleaned, net ence In many years, but twice overy year, and the cross ings as often ns they may roqulre It. 5. My attontlen has frequently been called, and my own observation has con firmed it, that many of the city line and grade stones are out of place, seme as much ns eight or leu menus uuuvu 1110 jrjveiiieui, often eauslriir pcople in nuuiuieaiiu inn, and therebv subicctlni: the city te the uen- timjenuy of suits being instituted for dam uges. At ether places these stones are en tirely tee low, and ttt Others net- In place it all, but lying In the gutter. This is an Important matter, Involving street lines and grades, and should be neglocted no longer. 0. And last, but of great Importance te the city. In the maintenance of the streets in geed condition after they are once macada mized or repaired. The streets should te frequently Inspected and when cut, or hole, or ether defect appears 11 should at onto be repaired and net left year after year until it becomes a great annoyance te the travelling public and requires a large quantity of stene and much labor te put It in geed condition; whereas, a few stene applied Irt the beginning would have saved the annoyance and most of the labor and oxpeuso. Te de this I suggest that ene or mere depositories be provided in dlfferent sections of the city whero stene could be stored, se that when a cart lead or part of a lead is needed for miner repairs it can be had conveniently. I make this sug gestion en the presumption that the con tract for furnishing the city with breken stone does net require the contractor te deliver a lead of stone te a half dozen different places and perhaps that ninny different parts of the city. The great distance or the location of the crusher trem the cltyef ceurse renders Itlmpracticable for this te be done by one of the city carts. This Is a jKilut en which I desire instruc tions befere the stene Is ready for use, se that I can arrange my work accordingly. Anethor Important matter Is that some suitable building should be erected where that valuahle piece of machinery, the read roller, could be placed while being used en the strcetR. At prosent, by the kindness of Mr. B. J. McGrann, It Is kept at the Park grounds under cover, but this could net be deue when being used dally. The gum cover that was In use Is worn out, and It should net be left exposed te all kinds of weather; something should be done, and that speedily. Hoping, gentlemen, that you will glve the foregoing suggestions your consideration in the near future. I re main, yours respectfully, L'dwinS. Smkliz, Street Commissioner. The street commissioner was Instructed te notify the proprietors of the street sprinkling line te be careful and net use mera water than Is necessary In such locations whero shade trees nre lo cated. The stroet commissioner was also instructed toadvertlseferirnu feet-bridges, of such thickness and design as he deems best. In regard te the raising of crossings they thought the work should be done, but they have net get sufllcient funds te have thorn all lalsed. They agreed te raise theso that needed It very badly. The committee were unanimous In the opinion that the streets wero better cleaned than ever be be bo eoro and they thought the results would be beneficial. They could net autherize anether cleaning en account of the shoit sheit shoit ness of funaV. The commissioner and regulator wero In struct oil te replace grade stones where they are out, and lewer or ralse them whero necessary. The commissioner was glven permission teue his own Judgment in the matter of storing supply stones at different places. The commlttce think a building should be provided for the read roller and they will Uiko seme action In the near future iu that direction. Proposing ft Lancastrian Fer Goveuer. Frem the Columbia Independent. The fight for the Domecratlo nomination for governor gees bravely en between the adherents of ox-Governer Paltlsen and ox ex ox Senater Wallace. One day the ex-governor gets n boom, the next day the ex-senator is heard from, but amidBt It all couies a streak of daylight In the announcement that Wllllam'U. llcnsel, esq., of Lancaster, will be a probable candidate. In tills movement the Independent can heartily and earnestly respond, and de all in its power te advance the interests of Mr. Ileusel as a candidnte for governor, and In se doing advauce the best interests of the Domecratlo party. Mr. Hcnsel Is the peer of nny man men tioned for the place, in ability, Integrity and in nil that geos te mnke an acceptable candidate He Is young, active and energetic, nnd would mnke such a campaign us the stute nover beheld. Let Ijiucaster county back hi in by giving him a set of delegates that will command attontlen and respect In the state conven tion. CLUOl'ATItiY'S BOXES FOB SOO.OOO. Imperial Ilenuty Turned te Clay May Help te Mnke the World' Fair Pay. A Chicago dispatch says Aloxauder Tagliaforre, of Alexandria, Kgypt, wrltes te the directors of the world's fair that he Is in a position te furnish thorn an Interest ing exhibit. He has scut the officials a photograph of a fcaicephugus -which he bclleves and claims Is that of Cleopatra. It was recently discovered In Cicsar's camp near Alexandria, by archieoleglsts. After paying the Egyptian government Its dues, the writer says, he sold It te a friend for speculation. When the sarcophagus was opened the contents wero in ashes, with the oxceptlon of the skeleton, which Is still preserved. Tagliaforre says he Is prempted te nego tiate with the exposition authorities from notices which he has scen In newspapers fieiu the United States announcing that the khedlvoef Kgypt has been asked by the directors of the exposition for the mummy of Itaineses. Ills prlce Is $00,000. I'rothenotiiry Mentzer's Ituuiiwuy. On Tuesday afternoon Prothenotary Jehn W. Mentzer loll his horse hitched te a buggy, standing en Chcstuut street, near the P. It. K. station. The animal frightened at something and ran out Chestnut street and down Dukn. He passed along at a rather rapid rate and n number of peeple tried te step him. At the corner of Fast King nnd Duke street he ran the buggy against a telegraph pole and then ran out Fast King. Adam Finger was working at paper hanging inn house en the second square of the street and he lau out, with ethers when he saw theherse coming. He caught the animal by the head, at the risk of Ills own llle and held te him until he stepped. All the SK)kes worn broken from the wheel nnd the harness was tern, but that was the only damage. Ill-ethers Din Clese Teeethei. The family of Jehn Sigmaii, a well known resident of West Willow, have been greatly alllicled. Yesterday Mr. Sigmau'a son Geergo, aged 18 years, who died soveial days nge, was burled at Behm's. Last ovo evo ove nlng Franklin, anether son, whose nge was 21 years, died. The cnuse of the death of both young men wasconsumptlen.Hiid they took their beds about the same tlme several weeks nge. Franklin was the agent or the Heading railroad company at West Willow station for about n year past and Geerge worked for his lather, rietn were nigniy respected young imn and thelr deaths se close together ureiigm great erruw .euicir famllyand friends. Ant'd ia nud Has Whiskers. At Clear Springs, W. Va., Ilves a veri table natural phenomenon iu the form of n boy barely 13 years or nge, who has a luxuiiant beard reaching te his breast. It began te appear in the boy's 10th year, and has continued te grew rapidly. The boy Is small and stunted, and the beard gics him a remarkable appearance. Curved Twe Years Fer Ten Ciltn. Gov. Fleming has pardoned Jeseph I'ax I'ax ten, who was two years age sentenced rrem Mineral county, W. Va., te live years lu the penitentiary rer stealing ten cents rreni i companion with whom he waH en a spree. The charge was robbery, ler v. hlch five years Is the minimum sentence iu that state. The ledge, prosecuting attorney and Jury all united in asking the pardon. ' ( nuiilit mi 0eMiin. While Otllcer Jacob Kautz was walking along Charlette street, at about il o'clock this morning, he discovered an ekssuiii rimniriL- ahead of him en the mveinent. He gave chase and captured the animal nn Maner street opposite Oast's jwittcry. The animal may have been a jct belonging te seme one In the city. obstructions lu the Streot. The police have reixjrted a large number of obstructions which are lying lu the street In different parts of the town. Many 01 theso have no lights at night, and the enictrs were Instructed te inform the OMiiem te light upwi that person driving will no! be iu such i wt danger, THE REFORMED MISSIONS.! REieiSE.8ATI0S OP THE COMMITTEE A1)6(TED BV THE SYNOD. Over Hnndrtxl Missions Maintained By the Church-A Unification or Werk Expected Revision Proposed. IiKBANey, June 4. At yesterday morn ing's session of the Befermed synod sev eral classes In the far West Hiked that a part of the the traveling cxponses of their delegates be paid, which was granted by synod. In response te an overture of Philadel phia classls an overture was sent up te the Presbyterian Alliance te formulate n plan of united mission work by which a system shall become established through which the danger of waste of men -and money in the establishing the churches In the West can be obviated. A long discussion of Iho question of prayer meeting occupied the whole fore fero fere 110011 and finally a resolution committing the prayer meeting te the congregations as alicudy Is directed in the constitution orthe church was ofl'eied, and the matter was submitted te the classes of the church. A number of amendments te the new constitution of the church wcte proposed. It scems that this Instrument does net meet the wants of all the church, and His be coming apparent that almost nil the church Is ready for an early revision of Its organic law. A number of classes wcre called te ac count for net sending reiterts te general synod fur supervision. In the afternoon the election had te be postponed en account of the imperfect con dition of the election tickets. A communication wns received from the Moravian provincial conference, announc ing Huv. II. J. KurUlng as the delegate te this general synod. The publication of the directory of wor ship wns committed te n committee of which Hen. 11. F. Kelker Ischulrmnn. The balance of the afternoon was taken up with hearing complaints against the notion of Potomac synod. THE MISSION INTJjnKSIS. The commlttce en home missions re- Forted at the Monday evening session that 14 missions are under the care of the beards orthe church, and Hint 8111,350 In the amount of Iniroase of expenditure ever the three previous years. Further that the work of the sevcral beards was being con centrated under the care of the beard. After reviewing the prosperous work of the beard the committee recommended the actions taken by synod. Theso ombrace : That the beard of foreign missions tuke under consideration the appointment of an additional missionary te the Neith Amer ican Indians, te be under the care and I my of the Weman's National Indian associa tion. The discussion of this question de veloped considerable enthusiasm for the Indian. Thore were counter statements ns te the practicability of the plan, and the unavailability efa man for the work. The German missiousen the Pacitle wero erdered. te be tnken under the care of the home mission beard of the general synod. The discussion preceding the ndoptleu of this question elicited soveral very Im portant nddrosses by German members of the synod. In these thcre was a spirit of deep interest In the German question, and It really leeks as if the unification or the mission work of the whole church under the care of the gcneral beard was some thing certain toTe coming te pass much earlier than even the best friends of the movement had ever hoped. That the efforts or Trinity congregation nt Washington te build a church be com mended te the church at large with the hope that It may meet with a liberal ro re ro spenso by the members or the denomina tion. The mecting closed with the adoption of the abeve resolutions. It was a meat en joyable meeting aud 0110 iu which net only the business transacted, but also the dis cussions, wero full of intense Interest. THH LUTHERAN MINISTKIUUM. It Adjourns te Meet Next Ycnr In Potts town Financial Iteperta Presented. At Tuesday's session of the Lutheran niinlsterium, iu Bctlilehem, Itev. A.Cerdes, rector of the Mary J. Drexel Heme rer Deaconesses, at Philadelphia, reported that thore are new 31 inmates, 22 regular doacenosses and 10 ethers, seme of whom are In training. In the chlldren'H dopait depait ment of the hospital last year 150 patieuls weie troated, of whom mere thnu 00 per cent, wero restered te health. Iu the motlier liouse about two dozen Inmates were cared for. On motion $5,000 wns appropriated for general synod home mission work. The commlttce appointed te secure plodges of money for ihe orectlon efa pro fessor's houve lit Mt. Airy madotlie follow ing repert: Received from the llrst con ference. 81. COS : second conferonco, $370.21 : third conference, $300; fourth conference, $.130 ; fifth conference $1H5: German con ference, $14. Total, $2,013.21. On motion the report, was adopted and handed te ltnv. Mr. Hill, the agent orthe seminary, te act ns he sees fit, aud the tlme of building was left te the discretion or the building com cem com mltteo. The Tollewlug publication beard was elected: llevn. J. K. Plitt, L. Lnlrd, F. Wlschau, II. Graliu, W. A. Schaetl'er and Messrs. W. II. Stnake. J. W. Miller, J. N. Mehn audi:. W. Kuhlcmeicr. At 0 o'clock In the afternoon synod ad jeurned. In the evening Salem Lutheran church was crowded te the doers te witness the ordination of deacons. Dr. Kietel, presi dent of the mliilKtcrium, presided. The candidates rer ordination were: Charles F. Dry, Lyens Station, Berks county; Paul 0. J. Ulatzcrt, Drenhaui, Tex. ; Paul J Kllngler, Butler, Pa. ; Milten J. Kuoh Kueh ner, Steltlers ille, Pa. ; J. W. Richards nnd Friink M. Selp, Allentown, Pa. ; Henry D. K. Slebele, Philadelphia; Preston 11. Smith, Conever, N. C. ; Carl L. Walters, Hamburg, Germany. The mlnihteriuiii will meet next year In Pottstev. n. llasu Hall Hifers. The games or base ball yesterday re sulted ns follews: Flavers' League Brooklyn 0, Philadel phia 5; Bosten 14, New Yerk 5; Pittsburg 1, l!unale3; Chicago 1, Cleveland 0. National League Philadelphia 0, Bosten 4; Cincinnati f, Cleveland 2; Brooklyn 'JO, New Yerk 7; Chicago 8, Pittsburg 7. American Association Athletlu 8, Syra cuse? (13 Innings); Brooklyn 0; Roches ter 1 ; Louisville 5, St. Leuis 2; Columbus 0, Teledo 3. Interstate League--Harrlsburg 3, Leb anon 2; Yerk 10, Alteena 0. In Harrlsburg yesterday the Lebanon club wns defeated by (I te 2 Davis, Inte of Lancaster, pitched 'for Harrlsburg nnd he was hit eight times. Neither Alcott nor Ottcrsen are playing the ball they should for Alteena. .Manager teener, 01 1110 Alteena citie, wns In town te-day, as his team plays at Penryn thin and te-morrow afternoons. Mr. Zecher feels very badly iibeut the re flection cast upon htm by the lancaster paners when Catcher Geed hart left this city with him recently. He gives his side of his story In a very straightforward way. He says he has been in the base ball business tee long te try te de anything dirty, and that Is what the Isii:u.uii.NCi:ii said at the time. Mr. Zecher says that when his club was here MiinagerGoedliiirt kept urging him te take Catcher Ooedhart. The former said that his club would have te go under, but said nothing about want ing any meney for the catcher. After the catcher had made all arrangements te go te Alteena the Lancaster manager concluded te play two games iu Yerk and wanted him te stay here. The catcher would net stny but went te Alteena, whero every thing was made all right with Manager Goedhart, who was treated In the most lenient manner by the Alteena pcople when he was unable te pay guarantee meney here. Thore Is two shies te all stories and Mr. Zecher Is entitled te have his sav, a his many friends here did net think he would de an Intended wrong. .Sent te .lull. 11. F. Kline, arrested by Coustable Craw Craw Craw lonlfer drunkenness and disorderly con duct, w sent te jH for live days te-iUr by Aldermuii Burr. ItOAD IlV.FOHM QUEUIES. ilJU?KllOn-J AAKIHI BT II1W CHWIV Hwmi WUU1- s mission. V We have received the following list of A .. A --- .. U.... ftA.t .'..Ma- question which will be distributed throughout the state, and should be re turned when nnswered te Charles F. Lit la, secretary of the oemtnlsslou, 1,305 Locust street, Philadelphia: The read commission belng anxious te ascertain the views or the citizens of the commonwealth upon subject suggested, the commission submit and respectfully request answers te the following interro gatories : First Are you In favor of abolishing the present system of working out read taxes and imylug n cash tax Instead T, Second De you favor state aid te public reads? Third If se, hew shall It be distributed, te the townships or counties T Hew shall the amount be ascertained, by valuation of assessable property, number of Inhabitants, read mlloage or otherwise T Fourth Are you In favor of supervisors servlng without compensation, the same as school directors, whose duty shall be the assessment of taxes and iipiHilntment of read evprseers te have charge of the work T Fifth Hew shall reads be superintended and controlled by state, county or town ship supervisors or engineers T And shall the state aid, if any, be handled the Rnino as local taxes? Sixth Is your county nn agricultural, manufacturing or milling county ? Sevcnth is the stene In your county suitable for read building? Eighth Are you In favor of authorizing townships te borrow meney for read pur poses? Ninth Are you in favor of convict labor 011 public reads? Glve your vlowsupen any ethor points you den!ro pertaining te read laws and read construction nnd maintenance. CIIIF.F KNOINKKlt IIHOWX. Tills Well-Knnwn .Man Cemes Frem n Lancaster County Fumlly. W. II. Brown, the chief engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad, who was befere the street committee last evening, In regard te the bridge of Franklin stroet, springs from the Drowns, of Nottingham, te whom Wil liam Penn deeded forty acres of ground for mcetlng-heURO purxises alone the Octoraro creek. The Philadelphia Jniju irer says of him: 'Ills great grand rather, Jeremlah Brown, owned exteuslve slate quarries at Poach Peach bottom, en the Susquehanna rlycr, and furnished the slnte which yet revers the state capltel at Harrlsburg. Ills grand father, whose name was also Jeremiali Brown, representcd Lancaster county iu the Legislature In 1820, was a member or the constitutional convention or 1637 and from 1810 until 1S14 was n representative iu Congress from the Imcaster district. Whlle lu Congress he was actlvely Inden Inden tlfled with the enactment of the eelebrated "tariff of 181." He rounded out his pub lic career by sitting as an ussoclate Judge en the Lancaster bench from 1850 te 1855. Ills eldest surviving son, the father of the chlcfcnglnoer, Is levl K. Brown, a well well knew 11 man or affairs iu the Conewlngo Valley, whero his nncosters ter four gener ations hnve lived. It was thore, just north of the Maryland line, that the chief en gineer of the Pennsylvania railroad was born and spout tils boyhood days." I'AVO RAIIIJSTO HUN I EltS. Judge Clayten Haj-n Ne OnVnse Wai Committed nt 11 Big I'ex Cluise. When the big fox hunt nt the Black Herso hotel, near Media, was given last wlnter 11s a compliment te General Hast ings, Jessn J. Hiekmau, a veteran hunter, dropped the Tex. He was afterwards ar rested fur cruelty te animals at the Instance of the women's branch of the cruelty so ciety. Judge Clayten, or Media, quashed the indictment against Hickman yesterday. It was shown by counsel thnt the trans script or allldavil en the justice's docket alleged no cruelty and charged no ciimlnal offense. It merely said that Mr. Hickman had let loeso a fox, te be chased by lieundK, nnd this was ttlgned by nn officerofthe Women's Branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty te Animals, who at tended the hunt for tlie purpose of getting testimony te arrest theso who took nn active part In the hunt. Judge Clayten doclded that as no offenso was charged It would be a useless expense en the county te allow the case te go any fin ther In the manner the indictment was drawn, and he eidered the bill quashed nud the defendant discharged. Finished the SU-out Scraping;. Te-day Street Commissioner Smeltz fin ished the wink of bcraplug the streets of tills city, which was begun en April 21st. The Hcraplng was the beat the stroets have ever been given. At seme places mud was round te the depth of six or eight Inches. All the piked streets In this city wero scraped, mid the gutters, sewers nnd in lets wero cleaned. The total cost te the city was about $1,000. Kllleil Soveral Turkeys. Twe weeks uge Geerge Neuiiiucller, of this city, went te the farm of Jacob Stencr, in West Lnmpeter township. Ncumuoller had n deg with him, nud this deg chased and killed several turkeys bolenglng te Mr. Steuer. The matter was reported te Alderman Halbach nnd Detective Barn Barn held was put en the case. Mr. Stener did net thou knew who the man wns, but from the description given of him the detective fixed the offense upon Neumucller. He admitted having been en Mr. Stouer's rami and gave ball rer a hearing. T'eilny's riiiuinilM. The funeral et'S. 8. High took place this morning at 10:30 o'clock, rrem his late p-sl-deuce, Ne. 140 Fast Walnut stroet. Itev. Dr. B. F. AUcmnu conducted Iho services. The nall-bcarers were Henry Bewman. Millersvllle; Henry B. llendel, Beading; U.S. Bursk, A. F. llosletter, J. II. Fester, nud Jehn De Haven, city. Iritoriuent was made at I .ancaster cemetery. The funeral of Miss Maria T. Trlsslcr, this afternoon from her residence, Ne. 130 Fast King street, wns largely attention. In the abcnce or ltev. Chns. L. Fry, nt synod, the services at the heuse nud Krnve wcre conducted by ltev. Dr. I Max Hnrk. 1'rliitein strike. The printers 011 the lhuhj Tuntx and Evening A'i('. in Chattanooga, Tenn., went en strike en Tuesday because a demand Ter Inern.isml nav was refused. The editors. reporters and a few friends nre at the cases and the papers will be issued ns usual, but with short reading matter. The printers were'gcttlng 83 J centa per thousand en the VYwet and making rrem $20 te $2' a week. They demanded mi Increase te 371 cents. Net te Illiune for Killing Jacksen. The Philadelphia coroner held nu Inquest In the case of Henry Jacksen, the Trenten CHeacd convict, who was shot by pursuing ellleers. The Jury returned 11 verdict that Jacksen ai!iie te his death from a gunshot wound at the hands efOlllcer Grand nlillu lu discharge of his duty. The Oxford Fair. The spring fair at Oxford commences to morrow morning and will continue ever Friday. Thcre are twoiity-five herses cn terisl'i n the races. Already a quantity el' machinery Is en the ground and the ex hibition in this department premises te be esKsclally fine. Settled the Ciise. W. J. Patterson, ngalust whom complaint had been made befere Alderman A. I'. Dennelly for raise pretense, has settled the cae. Ile made n satisfactory settlement with Jehn W. Keller, who was defrauded out or a herse by Patterson's lalse repre sentatiens, ami paid the costs or prosecu tion. The Cm ItumiliiicAlt llluht, The meter car of the lUst King street line egau running this morning aud has beet making the same trips as the herse cars lid. The car has been provided with elei ic bells, which are sounded at the cres mgs te warn people of its appreanh. Illtteu by a hiiake. Wesley Bickhart, a miller, while packing teba co near MII!ors llle en Tuesday, was bitten by n copperhead snake. The reptile unk his laugs in one of his arms, nud thnt member Is terribly swollen end tiUcol-eieil, SIXTEEN GRADUATES. EIGHTEENTH COMMENCEMENT OP THE COL UMBIA HIGH SCHOOL. Twelve Orations anil Fent Iteottatlens Delivered By the Class Musto Ity the Mrcunorcher Orchestra. Columbia, June 4. The eighteenth an nual commencement exerclses of the high school were held In the epera house last evenlng. The building was packed te overflowing with frlends, and many were unable te gain admittance. On the stage were seated the graduating class of '00, six teen in number, Superintendent 8. II. Heffman, Mlsses Welsh and Saurbcr, teachers, and the school directors. The exercises opened with nn overture by the Miennorcher orchestra, followed by prayerby Itev. J, II. Pannebecker. Oration, "Electricity," Jehn J. Frank. After welcoming the audlonce te the exor exer cises of the class of 1SO0, the young student started en his theme, electricity. He gave an Interesting account of the discovery nnd progress of tills agency and the many uses te which It has been put. It was a practical talk en thlssubJecU "Laber Omnia Vlncil" was the subjeet of the oration or Miss Lulu L Smith, who showed hew houerablo labor Is and that It conquers all things. Man has made the earth, ence full of thorns aud thistles, by his labor te bring forth Trulls and flowers. The conquests or church and state, the dlscoverles and Inventions, were only ac complished by tell. The essay was of con cen con slderahlo merit. Recitation, "The Schoolmaster's Guest," Miss Sara It. Kernor, was very appropriate and pleasing. The spoaker has n charm ing delivery, nnd wen hearty applause by her work. Oration, "Oil and Vinegar," Miss Eliza beth Velght. Sbe made a practical appli cation of this homely thome, and spoke of the smooth and rough places of life. Oil and friction Is necessary for machinery, and n life must have suushlne and shadows. Oration, "Drifting," Miss Alice J. Felk. Men often allow thomselves te drift along the stream of life without any doflnlte pur pose iu vlew. We can soe this in school life and later en In public life. When once acquired It is hard te break off the. habits ofllfe. Peeple drift morally, socially and politically, following precedent rather than Judgmenl. She believed that all should fellow thelr own conviction and net fear te glve an exhibition of it at the proper time. Oration, "Charles Sumner," William L. Bucher. The subject of this oration was thought by the speaker te be one of the freatest statosmeu America evor knew, le gove a short sketch or his life and brought out some of the promlnent fea tures of his publle career. Recitation "The Old Man Goes te Scheel," Miss Mary K. Greor. This wns 0110 of the most pleasing feat tires or the piogrnmme and the rendering or the ploce wen fur the fair elocutionist the most hearty applause. Oration "Tyranny of Custom," Miss Mary 1C. Bewers. Thore are many peeple who still bow at the shrlne of custom, but education has done much te advauce the Ideas or pcople. She roferrod te theso peeple In all conditions ofllfe who fellow custom rather than new Ideas. They rarely orig inate new plans, but fellow the old cus toms. Music. " Snrlmr Greetluir." orchestra. which was rendered In a fine ninnner. Oration, "Ambition," William O. Clark. The dlcttenury meaning of this word Is an Insatiable longing for temporal weallh nnd pewer. True ambition Is a proper quality which enables man te occupy the oxalted position te which he aspires. It Is the loadstone which draws htm out of the com mon rut. He gave a number of Illustra tions or laudable ambition. There Is no such thing as luck, but It Is ambition te conquer which results In success. Oration, The Old-Fashloned Girl," Miss Katharlne Strlckler. This subjeet was handled In geed style and theold-'l'ashlenod girl and her ways wero warmly dorended. She Is otie who knows hew te haudle a broom or bake u geed lear or bread. A comparison was drawn te the modern Slrl with her ways aud Ideas built en a lmsy foundation. Recitation, "The Obstinate Music Bex." Miss Flsle M. Phoneger. The recitation was delivered lu a very pleasing manner, which wen hearty niiplause for the spoaker. Oration, "Dees It Pay," Mian Ilenn II. Melllngcr. The question which Is naturally asked jiersenK entering Inte new plans Is, "Dees It Pay?" There must be a union of forces te clear up the dlfllultlei of life. The lack of education, dhhonesty and questionable methods, In any walk of life or pursuit, does net pay. Trie subject was uaiiuieu 111 a manner ivnicii tnewcu mat 11 had been given study ami thought. Oration. "Our Forests." Frank Cain. Fnrests must be protected If we wish te keep our health. Forests had te glve way te the march or civilization, but we should keep up some of thorn. Theureit Heeds of recent years are the result of lack or forests, and they regulute the climate. He warmly defended the protection of the forests of this euntry. Oration. "Graduation Day," Mls Edith M. Heffman, This marks an Important eKch In the llfe or the pupil. We new tuke our places lu practical lire. Edu cation does net end with graduation day. We de net appear te show what we knew but te awaken an interest In public schools. Recitation, "The Women of Mumbles Head," Miss Gertrude M. Illnkle. This iccitallen was delivered In nnable manner, and was well received bv the audience. Oration, "The True Education," Miss Sarlsa J. Heffor. The object or true cduca tien Is te make geed citizens, and for them toenloy this geed goveruineut.Trun educa tion Is that which develops man morally, socially and physically. It makes him all that Ged Intended him le he. Iach man was put lu the world te make it better, and this cannot he doue unless man Is truly educated. The speaker bade farew ell te all prosent In the iinine or the class. Music, " Hippodrome," Mieiinercher or chestra. Presentation or diplomas, Prof. S. II. Heffman. Music, "SprllCH of Spring," orchestra This closed ene eff the most successful commencement exercises In the history of the school. riti:siiii:.sr tavi.eh'k iia.nqui:t. At lluicloseof the exercises, Dr. W. G. Tayler, presldent or the beard, tendered a banquet at his homc.en Ixcust stroet. Thcre were present the beard or directors, teuchers, members or the press and u few rriends. They wero entertained In a hos pitable manner. I'ref. Gipe's Juvenlle or chCstra rendered seme geed music during the evening. The Grofr-meroll Nuptial. Miss Orella Grefl, of this city, and Mr. IMward Dlerelf, rormerly of Mount Jey. new of this city, were this afternoon united lu uiarrlage by Rev. Dr. Vernen, of the First Methodist church, at the bride's home. Ne. 318 North Mulberry street. The wedding was private, only the parents be ing present. Charles Stamut acted as groomsman and Frances Dlerelf, sister of the groom, was bridesmald. After the cere mony was performed the bridal party sat down te an elegant dinner. Many presents wero given the happy couple. They left 011 the 1:15 train rer Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Cape May and New Yerk city. Upen their return te tills city they will occupy n newly luriiishbd house 011 West Lemen street. Mr. Dlerelf is a salesmaii in the Bosten stere. MissGreir was a saleslady at the same place. . He Paid tin. Costs. Geergo Ilunler was heard by Alderman Hal bad i last evening en a charge or drunk enness and disorderly conduct, preferred by Fd. Wilsen. Geerge was given the op tion of paying the costs or going te Jail. Ile chese the former. Quarterly Pension Day. Te-day Is quarterly pension day, and the offices of the magistrates aud notaries were thronged with pensioners buying their papers attested. Council Meeting;, The June meeting of city councils will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mayer Claik'n annual message y)jl be presented, THE COSTS DIVIDED. Abraham Sellers nnd Or. M. L. Herr te Pay Tham-IIerst Acquitted or lArceny. Tiuttlay Afternoon Upen the reassem bling of court at 'i:30 o'clock the trial of Daniel Iterst, for the larceny of 2,625 pounds of tobacco from MeKee A CeT, or Stevens, was resnmed. Twenty-one wit nesses who knew Ilerst well, tontMed that his reputation for honesty and lnteirrltv was of the Tery best. The commonwealth In rebuttal called a number of wllnesses who examined the sawed beard between the apartments of Herst and McKoe and they testlllcxl that the beard Indicated thnt It had been sawed from Herat's slde. The Jury after adellbor adellber adellbor atlen of less than 20 minutes rendered a verdict of net guilty. Abraham Sellers was put en trial for forellilo detalner. The complainant was Dr. M. L. Herr and according te his testi mony he employed Sellers te leek after his horses. Sellers was te occupy part of the stable as a residence. Sellers was dis charged In February last and was notified te vacate the premises le make way for the man employed te take his place. Sellers refused te vncate and re tat tied possession forcibly, although repeatcdly warned te loave and he only left en March 7, after lie wns prosecuted for this effense. On trtal. The libel suit against S. M. Paschal, et al, publishers of the Columbia A7ir, was continued en account of the inability of H. M. North, ene of the counsellu the cane, te be In court this week, Wednesday Merninp.Tht trial of Abra ham Sellers, for forcible detalner, was re sumed when court met at 0 o'clock. The dofense was that Sellers rentcd Iho promi premi ses from Dr. Herr and $1.25 per woek de ducted from his wages for the rent of the house, that no legal notlce was sorved en Sellers te vacate the premlses, and his counsel argued that nut having received such notlce he could net be convicted of the effense charged. The jury rendered a ver dict of net guilty nud divided the costs equally between the prosecutor, Dr. M. L. Herr, and the defendant. Samuel WelT, orMllleisvllle, was put 011 trial Ter committing an assault and battery en Mrs. Martha E. Mctzger, oil April 0. According te the presecutrix' stntement, Wolf told her boy that he would net be allowed te play en the school ground, nud she went te soe hltn te ask hlin the reason. He became very angry, picked up a hatchet, thrcfttoned her aud followed up the threats by kicking her. The dofense was that Mrs. Mctzger was Tery angry when she called at Wolfs heuse and threatened te put a ball In him and called him vile names. Wolf denied having struck, threatened or kicked Mrs. Moizger, On trial. The case against Frank A. Dlffonderflsr, embezzlement as trtuloe, was continued le the August term. TELEOUAl'IlIC TAPS. Junk 4. Bernard lTeeney, the llfe convict who received word n few days age 4hat his sentence had been commuted and that he would be free next October, dropped dead yesterday iu the Jeliet, Illinois, peniten tiary, while telling his geed fortune te Noebe, the Anarchist. Ills excessive Jey undoubtedly produced heart disease On his marriage day he and a number of com panions were boisterously celebrntlng and lu an altercation with the pollce captain the offleor was killed. It Is reported that Bradshaw, Neb., was swept away by a cyclene last night and that 0 persons were killed and 25 Injured, loiter reports say that ene llfe was lest and that but two heuses remain. Turner hall, three dwellings, a ware house and several stables en the Seuth Side, Pittsburg, were burned this morning. Lest, $30,000. Conductors, drivers and stablemen of the Columbus, O., street railway are en strike for inore wages. Judge Dantel Watigh .has been nomi nated fur Congress by the Republicans of Kokomo, Ind., dofentlng J. B. Chcadle, the present congressman. About a hundred ImportersofNew Yerk and ether cities wero before the Senile finance commlttce te-day. They oppose the proposed tariff bill. A commlttce of Baltimore's council te-day voted te soil the city's B. it O. rail road stock at net less than par. The negre conference at Mohawk Lake, N. Y,, openod this morning, distinguished inen attending. The questinn of Christian izing and educattng colerod peeple will be considered. It. B, Hayes proiided and delivered a long address. About 120 Mormons arrived in the New Yerk pert te-day, The inspector will as certain whother they have been brought here in violation of the alien contract law. The foreigners wero allowed le go te Utah. If it Is decided they are contract laborers lhy will be returned te Europe. Four farmers were in a barn at Care, Mich., last night, when two of them Ed ward Goedchlld and Wm. Helmes wero killed by lightning and the ethers .stunned. Senater Sherman proposed and had referred te the linance commlttce as a tariff bill amendment the wool schedule prepared by the growers' association. Senater Washburn proposed te put white pine timber 011 the Tree list. Stock llroker Douglass Green, whose marriage te Mrs. McCrea at Old Point Comfert In February, and sudden de parture with her for Europe, caused a sen sation, was te-day suspended by the New Yerk exchange en complaint of weary creditors. Diinknrd l.ove Feasts, Hkapine, June 4. A two days love feast of the Dunkard denomination came te- a clese near Hchcafferstewn, Lebanon county, te-day. The Interesting and quaint servlce of feet washing, Lord's supper, greeting wllh the holy kiss nnd communion were observod,and 3,000 ioeple were prosont.ln presont.ln prosent.ln eluding half n dozen bishops nnd u dozen preachers. Last night 200 men and women from n distance slept In separate apart ments en the second fleer of the meeting heuse. Similar leve feasts, ench attonded by sevcral thousands, wcre also held te-day at the Chlckies meeting heuse at Mount Meunt Meunt ville and en Rev. Samuel (-Brain's farm, near HuimneWtewii. Many ministers from a dlstance attonded. The Derby Winner. IOMmin, June 1. The greut race for the Derby stakos,the principal oventef tlieycar In theF.ngllsh sporting world, took place to day and was wen by J. Perter's Sainfein, with Mr. lxifovre's colt Nerd second. There worn eltsht started. Sure feet, who was a strong favorite, did net get a place. Hand Reunion nt Penryn. A reunion of bands of Lebanon, Dauphin, Iicrkn. lancaster aud ether counties will be held at Penryn en Saturdey. A great many flne organizations will Uke part, and a large crowd will be in attendance. The Reading railroad eilers very low rates te the aftair. Prosecutions Withdrawn. The suits for malicious mischief and cruelty te animals egalnst CharlesSIng, at Alderman Barr's, preferred by Ames Greff, llveryman, wcre withdrawn en Tuesday. It was shown that there was no Intontleu ou the part of Sing te steal the team, and he wld the damages dene and all costs. A Receiver Wanted. Iu court of common pleas Ne. 3, of Phil adelphia, en Tuesday, application was made by Lewis Cooper and Abraham!. Prince for an lnluncllen te restrain JlTii McDonald as asslgnce e( tlie Keystbne Watch Club company from Interfering with Its allalrx, aud for tlie appointment of n receiver. Plaintiff g argument was that the kllegwl assigns ,(,ut was Illegally made, Tl court ieerf 4 decision, A VIGOROUS PR0T1 BUSINESS MEW OF FlILilllflU TIE M'EINUT BILL J;? Congressmen Address the trgt', .. ence In the Walnut StrMt' ' T.xtlte Workers In Maw Ma fttlflM phla, en Tuesday, lu opposition te Kiniey larirt bill, were ntlrslr 1 demonstrations. That at the Wain theatre in the afternoon attracted! JWKu uiiuiuer 01 uiinmnss reeiif thorn well-known Republicans a cates or nrntectlen. 1 11 the absence i Governer Rebert K. Patttsen ColeMli McClure presided, and the Ions llati presidents Included such well-knew! ness men as William F. Potts. ! Brill. Jehn Wroth. Henry D. We Ham M. Singerly, Themas C. Kit, 1 E. Napheys, Alan II. Reed. Jamaa 1 man. Phil J. Walsh. Qeers B."l Jehn C. Bullitt. William J. Latta; Coxe. Alexander K. McClure. A Conway, William M. Ayrea and J uusiiue mompten. The speakers were Congressmen 01 is ew Jersey; springer, or hum num. of Indiana, and Brecklnr Kentucky. Mr. Springer made tfc" ing speech, nenllnlng himself te Us Rchoduie or the bill and Its effect 1 carpet and ether woolen goods la of the city. He said the remedy le Increase the duties, but toleWWI en manufactured products ana te wool nn the free list. Messrs. McAdoo and Brnum speaking In general against the bllL; uite closing address wasueurerMl iirocKinriuge. ills s pooch was I voted te a description of the which the bill was censldtred Heuso of Representatives. Ha that sufficient tlme was net all debate t that schedules were 1 out beliur read and that manti wero allowed by the committee. tej various schedules In such a war aal thelr own Intmest. Much enlfca was manifested by these present. ajH telling points made br each speaJMM loudly applauded. i'v ; At nluht a mass meeting of -I workers called for the same purpeM nuerii.ien meeting, was new asy hall, lu Kenslneten. a auburb of Pfc phis, In which most of the larta': nuns are located, me tneeung wm un under the ausnlces eflhe Tana club, the niDniburshtn of whlffh'S mostly of workmen in the milks 1 opposed te the proposed Increas duty en imported wools. Meaan.'M nrecKinriuge, .mcaoeo ana uynui the nrlncltml sneakers at this inMtll The demons! ration In KanalnatABI troinendous affair. It ia estlnutadi from seven te ten thousand peep them worklnsinen. Darttclnated. Hen te the meeting at Textile halL evor two thousand people listened:. spoechos of Messrs. Springer, Bi McAdoo and Bvnum. three ova lugs were nocessary In order that. desired 10 near ana see me ataui sneakers inluht be urnllned. evening a parade of werklni nlace. The Una formed at tnend streets, and between threa. thousand men marcnea rrem seeue of the evenlutra d Jehn Moero, a carpet wearer,' 1110 Textile nan meeting, iwe new or these meetings were open air. At both of these the was very isrse. ms ultra eti ing assembled at Enterprise .hatt., 1110 lour apeaKern aaareasea au, meetings, iiicir reaiaras enthusiasm. The following preamble aad were adopted ; v (M "Whi:uea both peiitici. premised te correct tha Inaa discriminations of tha eraaaM which bv nlaciua undue burdens raw uiaterlals of our Industrial necessarle of life, destroy ear ties for enlaraed markets, raati nertunltlea for work and tadaaa tt or laoer; anu wuereas tee fanar control in congress, instead or 1 Its pledges and keeping km werkluginen, ia attempting te the American doedIs a meat measure, commonly knewn.aa tha ley bill, which, by ineressingw lies and discriminations, will monopoly, destroy enr iaai crush labor. Therefere we. 1 of Kensington, in mass meeting! "Jtetelve, That we cannot we denounce the McKlnler bill at ad measure, nor tee earnestly pretaat its naasaire by the United Mataa and that we horeby glve notice that net be satisfied with anytning raw materials and such 'a es reduction of ceneral tariff rate make living cheaper and give IMS te enter lereigti luarxets wun our as well as te keen ana control oaf knowing full well that only by by means can the tollers secure stead? anil ceed waires." When Chairman Moere anneni he had a letter from ex-President Cleveland regretting bis Inability te the demonstration me great nail cheers. When quiet bad been n loiter was red, as fellows k . r New YenK, May i), 1880.-J f: esq., nwiuuirjr, .jr imim mm through you te thank the ,-i!v-' & My I'earu 4 ntiiFi rtiiirlt lriiftui -iJ2" yuu u wjeun ww ..sj (w .-. ' JlalJB WMUi J form club, formerly kiimr i .. nitt?-- ":""".. '.n m ij. z- - r legmen s luqi 'UmWiKiS Lthe LoViteeui mvfuttlbn W atienu a mass meeunir en the 3d of June. The terms In the Invitation Is expressed com ms thnt the nuostlen of tariff form is receiving tbe attention 5 It 1 serveu from theso most vitally imam In Its lust and fair solution. I knew with the feeling new abroad In our. 1 and with Iho intonse existence ana 1 or such clubs as yours, tbe claim 1 tnntmlv made that the people at election finally passed upon the SUB tarlll ailjusthietit win ee rmpu denied, and that our werkinitrneai farmers will contlnue te agitate thtarl all ether questions involving their we with increased zeal, and In the Hal Increased know-ledge and experience, 1 tlmv urn determined finally and In aet ance with the American sentiment of I nUv. v. "I use no Idle form of word when I a that I regret my engagement ana 1 ulim.il fu'i-nnatleiis will net Dcrmlt meet the members of your club en tkej caslen of their mass meeting. Hoping 1 theso who are fortunate eueugn 10 n onto will Hud It te their profit, and u lncetlnir will In all respects be a great l cess, I am yours, very truly, jJL J GnevEit CLKVxaMf( ', WEATIIEU JTOBJECASTS. 1 1 Washington. D. C, June. Fair, warmer southerly wlnds J . .. ;? Herald Weather Fercasts-A presslen uew near Lake Ontario will m ! i...!.. -,.i..,.,,,i wiih rain en and nearl lower lakes, and thence east totnelff Kugland coast. iu " -.,".,. -1 -...,,. I.nhean nearlvstatlO Its centre, newlu Kansas, w)PtJV vauce slowly noriu-iienuair Tl'"m'm12 sovere local storms near uu. ...' ..Mrlvlnt enarv In the Vu siiMns vnsierdav: the chief mlnimnnl ported was30degrees, Fahr., at NertW Vt, 1 the chier maximuni. 92, at RleOr niTJ Tntas. In the Middle sUtea te nurtly cloudy weather, will pre; with fresh seutherly winds ana 1 ti.nnmii rimiiL'es and rain near me ,.,! in 1 lie lTnner Hudsen Valley; New Lngland partly cloudy te weather, with rain, nearly "p". Lhwlu&crnfJ coasts. Tlicre nre """""Vviihar ji.i.,.uk west of Cuba, weainsri tlena will be favorably te the crepa In almost all sections Tim nuUe efOrleans Pari Presldent Carnet has graxted pr leu in Feb ua ry lt for yMing priseu "?,,' , ,.,,.,i,,i thn luflinti 'eTluT iTmlly. ' The dSke was cendu, te thelrontiareii uv ", 'W i f""-i tHC