RTjTEiwr-J--f JtSSJ WTTfw (, j ('' a, - -v- 1 . . ..1 AfT-V. E.-I.M-Y THE LANCASTER DAILY IttELttGENCEK. TUESDAY, JUKE 3, 1890. s0 'ft 1 i i-P nj. j Afe ,'WVt- !if t'.Z i' 'k. !'I & &' 4 ' f fc 5fUtUn JftttUl0w r ' AWWUCW 3. HTKtNMAK, ,CARlilBTKIMA PJii-K, Ratie. ununiT ri. ATIIT Publisher. a, -- "Wa, tmnt I tnmintfe t.tnltfttAA U VAIUI ifliWJUiuninuftni ""H f'S a in the mf. lint Htinday. Berrea b curlers In Ihlt city ni am)Uilin ts Mat ten cent week. ymnvuu.. "tan m rttrin aavmnee: M urn us month. ' l ? W-UKI.Y WJTEI.MaKNC'Kll-Oneellr Ul tJ Urcrntiie.rcer, In advance. V marCtVK tO BWSCRIBERS-Hetnlt by check ir potera -order, and where neither or r i1 latter. at the Foctemce, a seoena ciaa mail L F'i lunua, THE nmLLMIROEt. : ' Lancaster. Pa. LAV0ASTE,A., Jum 3, 1890. The Dawecratle Situation. &!?t,The Deipecratic gubernatorial situa- 'HnNYMur uiuereui irem me iu-ijuii- i iMn in that it is well understood that HO one manor set of men rontrel It : "feut that the Issue will be decided upon c the conclusion of (be party represent.!,- . t Uvea aa te tbe strength of the candU '. dates. The result is foreshadowed in the ILsiyddly crystallizing opinion that Mr. SPT 'Sy1 k tue strongest candidate. fefi.-'. important element or the I'lillnilel- C? ."WhtaftrHnn nf tint nnrtv linn tnnvpd nvnp ffe flag.aud this change in the delegn ifpn,.that was declared te be nearly frinlmeus for Pattison, aecms te holt &"'hlm in the race, into which he wim in &.VJ streth Introduced at the lustaiice of Mr. R iSt ArVftfl H1IAM !... 4llM t 1.1.. C-H J( W ",lll,,U" M1UII Of Him. swgwirpeeple. we de net undertake te rturiderstaiul Philadelphia politic or gj& politicians, but we have never been able I &e Mlieve that air. l'atlisetra prcsenta- ..-felnti liniv vn. na linnft v nlnl linnnlnintm irSs II. mratt rn n rtMu.nl p. 1 fn 1m nint vt frml m$ no surprise at the present movement tfftSyaway from hi in. Ki, A number or etuer ciinuHiuti's win i fM:.itrianetl in the convention, who are all r very geed men. The Yerk delegation .', was yesterday Instructed by the county vjjtxmventlen te nomlimte Mr. lilack. Mr. v; Wiick'i icandldscv has bpcii ruerired k'fWwIll. l,nt if Mr t'ntflami Ininmn uiv svs that we fall te comprehend In viev of i4?' the well known fact that the Inte Judse BJfJa'Black dissolved his pentcnul niseclu- Jffi'Wen with uev. I'attlsen in n very tie iceided way. JIe and the ether candl- Sdatcs who linve been presented &stby tuelr county conventions for the con- JVg5 wn niwiwi.uiwii;iiiuwii si . f. mh-i- r Ylsea fails back from the iiremtueut pehI- 1 At liA Itna linl.1 Ariel lw .! 1 1 1 SWlf- iv uuu uv una iiuiu 11114 vuu muu iriit v-- tgtalnly come out ahead who is dictated it by the Democratic sentiment In the de- ciding day. Xcnfeiiudlaiid. r ;- 'lue rewieuuuiaim tangicever i rencu Tjjclalms of flshiug rights is mere intcrcst-i.-nz than serious. The British Nertli !",'. American squadron has arrived in these vs'waitni and a regiment of infantry and v",we batteries of artillery have been or- iMred te Newfoundland but it is evident ;that tliese measures arc only taken with , yiew te reassuring tuc negiecieu Now New i ISjundiandcrs of the Interest of the 2?' MOtner country in tneir troubles, and as fe Mntle hint that loyalty Is the best of BOUcy. jJritlsh uuval elilcers when in- p, urviewed at Halifax declured that the issseu war snip wuicu rcmevcu tbe nets and fishing gear in the Hay Geerge had n perfect right fehave worked themselves into a passion ever this iucideut the arrivnl of protect- I. ort who se appreve the French Is net illkely te reoBsure tljcm greatly. The '$ trouble can all be traced as usuulte an -Sold patchwork treaty which gave te the French rights which have become intel- , 3;niuie, uih uave nevertuciess ucen ex- "ii1 tndl te the iittnnar. Ihiilla nt tumlv r';jlBterpretatIeu. The French have in- -f'?"'2' UfH nn Hielr- fl,rl,( In l.nll.l l,,l10(r i.aallBlle" en iD0 suere, as implied by the : livj iranted right te fish, as the canneries are sfs' absolutely necessary In lobster llshiug. ewieun.iiauuers pretost that lobster Sik'nabmg was net at all contemplated ft.mv In V. ..,.. 1...4 I ttttgttt" 1,4C "--"Jl """ " KtVIWU up since then. Newfoundland prohibited the sale of bait te the French and finally te all foreigners, but Frauce navs n heavy bounty te her fishermen, and they get bait somehow, while the peer people of the Newfoundland coat are warned off the splendid fishing grounds right by their homes and see their ocean harvest reaped by fishermen from fur across the Atlantic ocean. The eo ee pie of Newfoundland have always pas sively resisted tbe treaty, und they hope that publie opinion In England and the lenies will compel the home govern- OaWs? :'h'r local government ml the int ' FrtflU.il. It will be u- 7resiing te watch the fate of this eilbrt t- iu wcure jubilee uy B leul te nubile opinion. Out the Oregon Way. Oregon la reported te buve given the Jtepublican candidate for Congress from four te six thousand majority and te have elected the Democratic governor, with the Legislature in doubt. There is probably a mistake In the report, us it is net very probable tliat there would be se great difference in the party vote en congressman and governor. Oregon has beenaclose state until the hist pros I. dential election, when it gave Harrison a large majority, and seemed te have fcettled itself permanently In the list of ef Kepubllcau states. There is reason te believe hew ever that tills result, like that in ether states, wns secured bv the pow erful Influence of the Wauumaker-Quay bag und we need net be burpribed te see tbe state turning ever new te the Demo cratic column. The tendency of the nelin,.,.i .,n. g,1 ment in this section of the country will uMurnuy ee iemecraiic, as Its Inteiest la quite contrary te the high protective policy, which is the present prominent feature of Republican statesmnubhip. It ia even probable thut the Republican state factory, which has turned four ter ritories into Republican states, will shortly appear te have doue its work for Democratic benefit ; as we have geed reaseu te expect that the new states will make but a temporary fcojeurn in tl.e Republican camp. - the political situation nmy be very s dUTerent two venrs liHnrn i ...., i. i, -u. ... -.:,.. :.. " ""J "sSjuv lue" iew verl- will net be tbe . "" i"J uu mat me iiartlei will li net be ebligwl te telect th.-ir . dldate according te its temper, as they certainly need te de under the present conditions, ft is evi jlmtly useless te (peculate be long in advance us te the strength of presiden tial candidates. The Democratic policy it te Improve the present opportunities te capture states, und te Jeae presideu tll considerations entirely uleue until tbt Urns comes for their weighing, Tae Republican Sltaatien. The Pittsburg Time, which is the or gan of Mr. Magae, declare that the ex perienced editor of the Philadelphia Timet was simply socking te give a cover te Senater Quay under which te demand Dclamatcr's nominntlen, when he caused tbe Time teaay that Magce has assumed the leadership of the nuti Delamatcr forces, and that a surrender of DelamatcrbyQuay will be a surrender te Magec. The Pittsburg Times declares for Magce that he has never doubted or denied the desire of Quay te nominate Delamatcr, that lie might "own a gov ernor Just for once," its It declares him te have said: nor has he denied or doubted Quay's ability te force Delamnter's nomination. " Nobody," says the Time, " who knows anything about Pennsyl vania politics doubts that Senater Quay, with the federal offices absolutely In his hands, can nominate Delamatcr." What Mage has net believed and what bis newspaper has held, is that he would net be se insane as te ferce his nomina tion against the murmurs of dissent and resentment that threaten his election ; and it calls up the defeat of Pelger In New Yerk and of Iteavcr te show hew a big majority may fade away under the weight of a forced and unpopular nomi nation for governor. And Senater Quay is till declaring that he has no candidate. Jlut there In no doubt that the Republican situation is Just as the Pittsburg Timet deucrlbes It ; that Quay wants Dejantatcr and cau nominate him If he will. That he will; Is acurrcntlmpres9lon,due te his repute for dogged determination te fight his battles out en the line lie takes vln starting. Jlut there will be great uncertainty In the result of the convention's work until It is accomplished, depending as It docs entirely upon the will and humor of 0110 man. Mimil furulMiOH a rmnarknbln exninpln of reward of efllclcnt sorvlce In a public ofllee In pplte of party feel Int;. It is net often that n innii Herves Unde Hum with serb distinguished ?unl that Ids fellow cltlrens without regard te party troulde tbcniftelvns te have him continued In olllce, for the routine and red tspe of gevernmetit work soems te loave very little room for individual onterprlse; but In n grent many ways that appear trilling, efllclals cim nnd doremmondorcondumn themselves bofero the public, and It is a pity that the public de net tnore often cut loeso from party bends nod finnkly ceinmnnd IIiobe who sorve them with romarknble Hallsfncllen. The Domecratio postumster of Medln, Mr. JamOH C. Hendersen, lias been glven the complltnent of en unsolicited petition of three hundred names asking for his reten tion In olllce nuil signed by citreus irro irre irro spectlvo of party, two-thirds being ltepub- llcans and one-thlrd Demecrats una Pro hibitionists. l.v these piping limes of (iojce nnd placid neus various luterutillng IT unlikely yarns come bebbiuir sereuely te the surfaee te catch the oye of the uowspaper reader, and loave the Impression that nfter all some thing is happening that Is worth recording. The latest uxample is a tale from l'hillppi, West Virginia, whero uu old German fanner is represented ns residing with sundry corpses artistically pickled by a process peculiar te hlmself, It Is net ex plained what he experts te de with these, or whero he get thorn, but the point of the tale Is that the old man has discovered u new method of embalming by which he claims that he cau in an hour, nnd without any Incision or the use of arsenical llulds, proserve bodies se that tlmy will last ler years In a uonderfiilly llro-llke state. His house Is described ns a miisaum of llfo-llke mummies of rabbits, siinlrrels, cuts nnd many ether animals. A circus with a menagorle of till" kind, each animal pro vided with a phonographic growling nt nt tachmeut, would be very easily and cheaply managed and u decided Improvement en the proseut system. A fresh elephant or Hen without the usual appetlte for peanuts or koepors, and with a drop-n-nickel-In-the-slot-aiul-ho.ir-hltn-roiir attachment would be nt least n pleasing novelty. Our circus elephants nre nil se painfully bald and leathery and the liens nover rear te us te shake the earth In the geed old African story book fashion. All right, old man of Phlllppl, give us pickled menagerles and nover inlud the human larletlcs. A SMAM, oil painting has Just been sold In Paris for ene hundred nnd soenty thousand dollars. It was Meissouier's " Campaign of France," better known as 1814, or the " Uetreat from Moscow," und while the prlcn is undoubtedly far nbove Its money value, as cempared with ether great paintings, thore ero many weuld-be pur pur ehasers who showed a willingness te climb veryne.tr te the llgure ptld forltbylUe retired I'nilslan inercliaut who has KOo'ured It. Moisseuior happens te be the fashion In France just new, und doubtless Ids pic ture 1M)7, new In the New Yerk Metropol itan museum, could be sold ngulu In Paris for a large advance en the sixty-six thou sand dollars paid for II. The huge sums paid for theso pictures have provoked u great deal of sharp criticism, but it is weitli noting that the muu who has tmcccedud in raising bis work te such extnungant valuation Is romarkuble net only for nat ural talent, but for enthusiasm mid tireless, conscientious labor. A man who could put months of hmd weik en nlittle can vas, and thou deliberately destrey all that he had accomplished, because of a dis covery that Nupoleou were a dllVorent coat at the moment chosen; a man who could sit many hours in the freezing cold, trying te catch the exact etlect of a winter land scape, doserved te succeed. It Is said that he took twelve years te paint 1814, and fif teen for 1807, but of ceurse liu was doing ether work as well In this time. an liecrLX't. Cocea -Delicieus-Jladc In stantly. ,7, Though pure and hliuple ami m mild, It luljcht be used by any child. Yet SOZODONT'S e sw Ift und snre That mouth nnd teeth with wondrous jhhhI I'rein tartar and rrem taint nre Treed Till they become eet, while, und pure ... -A Geed Tnlkui' en tliu sluye or platform, In voclely or at home, iniiKt net only porous brulue but u ilear, strong eiee. Oilunh, era e ere cold, It utmost rei tut te Injure the veire, llutthcke reinpUliita mu be completely eradicated wltli u few hi hi ilicntlennf nemai' Jlhctrie OH, unrivaled hi Its Mclaltlcs. 8eld In linciutcr b W. T. Hech, TJT and 139 North Queen btreet. Tim J.lttle geed. A little seed lay In the carter's path ; A little shoe', bowed lu the klruui: winds ratli ; A little Hirub grew, by Its roots held fast ; Iheuukteiit trt.ebraed all the winter's bla.t. A. little couth started twn only llfbt . A JJllle chill lihensl the hours or night : A. little puln cume und begun te (trew, iben coiiKuiuptleu laid ull hlsbraefctreiigth lie wlkeln time. Cheek the llttle couch, cure he little c-lilll. dlMxl the llltle pal .e.'e i Itlle ullmciit become, thu Ureng, uncsinniicm- eie imini ei a mm.c iir. imk'u ii,.t.i.... .... ..i -i.i...... .. . .'-: V......V,. ....in .11- . ... v -vviuj, itintii ill lime. lH U ll'tueil tbCkC illb. .dy ter iiJlw il,l I'm All lliolie l'i ! Till It the unnil oxclamatlen of enn alllleleil with rlieuinutlsni or Imiicnun, Itlieunmtlu lile are Indeed entitled te our tlnceronjiu tlncerenjiu puthy and coininl&erutleii, H-dy relief la offered them In Or. Themat' hltelrlc Oil. It u thesweni remedy of ull aches nnd pubis. Held In Ijincakter by V. T. lletli J7uud lJU.Nerih Queen street. mUE LANU.MJTEIt TItUbT CUMI'A. Y buLIClTS CURRENT ACCOUNTd, TIME UK TOsnfl AM) TUUST ESTATES. Acts as Asilguee, Executer, Uuardlau, Acen t etc. Kent Itexm In Its Klre and Uurglur i'roef HU'tl Vaults. Ntores Valuable at mederute rates. -TT-AN IIOUTBN'M CO0OA. TIIK UltKAT COCOA OK KUHOl'K, THh COMINO ONK OK AMKIttCA MADE 11Y BfKCIAL I'llOCKSd-TIIK I1IMT. Cocea is of supreme Importance ai an article of diet. Van Ueuten's has Jlfty jcr cent, mere flesh forming piejierlles than exist In the Itesl of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." The tissue of the cocoa Ik'hii Is be nofl nefl encd as te render it citsy of dlip-stieii, and, at the same time, the aroma is highly developed. 1-VAN HOUTKN'H COCOA ("once tried, nlHHjd imed") la the Orli;liutl, Tan, Holtihle (.'neon, Invented, ntenled mid made In Hol Hel land, mid Is te-dny better uml mere tuluMr than Buy (ifllie mere ntiineretifi linltnlleni. In fuel, a comparative test will rnslly prove that 110 ofiri-Ceeo.i eiUnlft tills liienlnt'i In Knliilill Ity, ncreenlile tante nnd nnlrllKe iinnllths. Uirgcxt kIb In Hie wnrlil." Auk for VAN HOUTKN'H nnd Uiko n.i ether. (11) DltUNKENNIiS. MQUOHIIAIIIT. In All the World there Is hut One Cure. DU. IIAKNliS OOI.DI'.iV HI'KCIKIO. It can be given In a cup of cetTcaiir ten, or In articles of fiHKl, without the knowledKeoftho patient, If neee.swaiy ; It Is absolutely linnnleNS and will ellect a is;riiianent nnd SKedy euro, whether the patient Is a moderale drinker or uu alcoholic, wreck. IT .NEVKIl FAILS. It operates he quietly and with Mich certainly that the patient niidcrKeea no Inconvenience, mid en he Isiiware, lilscomplelo reformation Is illected, 4S imiie bM)k of niirllculars free. CIIAH. A. UHMIKIt, DrugK'lt, Ne. u lOiht Kill); HU, IjuicjuUt, l'u. nrl!Hpni!-1TlitH Ittrtchincvu. AOENt'V incut I It malt I'OH UAMiAHAN A OJ'rt t'K le take the place of lliil l'iid. Ill ies lle times thu ouiiiitltvef red lend nnd In far superior In making Menm Joints, packluir man and hnnd hnln platcu en hollers. Ac, Ac, I'rlce an cenls tier pound, at JOHN HKS'I-H, IKI liist I'ulteii street. m7-trd TF YOU WANT A FIlUsT-CI.AHH lt)ItTAHI.E JL Eiiglun mid Heller, en wheels, r heap, ns the following prim Mmw: 0 horse-power, JI73; 8 horsiv-pewer, toil ; 10 horso-pewer, V5; 15 lua.o lua.e lua.o pewer, 1S7.1); i horne-lHiwer, 51,175, call at JOHN UIMTH.anEast Fulton street. iu7-trd STEAM IIKAT IHTIIKCOMINd IIEATFOIt dwulllngs, ihurelies, school houses, etc., though suteeHsrully used ene hundred jinrs age. When you contemplate n clianuu cull en JOHN MMl', who will give you u sntlsfaclery Jeb, at a fair price. m7-iiii TTIOIt T'UI.Lr.YH. rUIAFTINO, t'OM.AHH, .13 Hangers, Clamp llexes, Couplings, etc., go eie., go Iii7-tfd in .j vii ci iiii,.t.v, r-iiNi v iiiieu si reel, TTIOIt IIObTS, I.Afl HCIIEWH, HI7l'Hllti:VH, J Hquiirennd llnxngeu Nut, thesegwsls In stock, ut JOHN HEa T'S. :i!.l Iist l'lilten street. in7-trd IjirfieiT.rTits, iioiti7.eN rAi.rXuuiTAiT, 3 Vertical, I'ertnblc, Cylinder, Murine, of' any stze or power, of the best material tti.il werkmniiHhlp, go te JOHN Ul'T,:i.U East Ful ton street. m7-tfd UMI.TtOIhEltM, MININU, UliNTK I KU gnl and Hleuin I'umjis, el nny rnnnelty, at JOHN lllXrH.IHinnst Kill ten slitet. m7-trd Idit iinu.r.u 'i inir, iiuithhem, htim.sen 3 1'ipe WrentheH.l'Ipoiinil.Menkey Wrenches eueiblned, KIIcm, OH Cans, etc , go te JOHN IIK-sr, S.M Fjist Fulton Rtroet. in7-lfd TJAWATOHS Iir slin.eiin be OF ANY MAKI1 Oil Iir. i be furnished iitreusoiiablerlgures. by JOllNlilXl'. I1.U limt Fullen street III17-IKI ITIOIt HTEAM OAlKins, HIGH Oil LOW 13 I'reuri', Wuter Oaiiges, (lungu rocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Olnss Tubes, l lliniien, r piiiuiN nir milllll ttuugfH, j) linuer tineiTi t'laiu, naier unuge t -eiumits, i;ecks for Hleuin (liiUKes,ealI oil .11111 V III.MT. Ul Enxt -v.... ...-v., r tuioiisircei. lii7-tfd OAllllY IN HTOCK IIISsT ClIAItCOAl., Hammered Bur Iren, Deuble ItcMuid Iren, llurden's HUct Iren, ItUets, Het mid Celd Heller linn, Stetl, hhcet Iren !M0 te Ne. 1(1, at JOHN IIErtr'H, all E.ist Fulton street. in'-tlU I NJirierw.'uitB V.i FFi.iTuiaist. iiTvn". cH"k Iii(.ilrnlers nnd Electors, Ebcrninn Heller Fi-eder, I'enberthy luspeeter. Ameileiin Injectors, nil In stock, at JOHN llEsl'H, :VH lmt FiiU'in street. m7-tid 17IOII "HORIZONTAL HI'ATIONAKY en". 1' glues, freiiiU toMUinrn'-pewir, and Verti cal EugtncH from 'J Inte horse-power, you will Und them at JOHN UKS1"H, S.EI Eusl Fulton street. XF INWANT OF Hit ASH Olt I HON HI OF Cis'ks, Asbestos I'acked Cocks, Pet am! Illli fivks,I,eer Cocks, Swing Jelnls, call mid get them, or Keiid your order by mall, te JOHN 1 1 RSI', 3.11 Etiht Fulton street. in7-trd -riIITE COTTON W'AHTE, rel'I'El) 11 Y V the pound. We : lu lets of 1U pounds or UHT, I'C. city Free, All goods ilclltcrrsl te any purl of llie Call en JOHN Ulirr, Ne. S3 Iist Fulton strwl Iii7-ld IACKINOH.AH FOI.I.OWH: IHItldO, FOIt Hteaiiiand Hdniulle I'neMng.Asbest Heis', wemmi and Wick racking, Hemp racking, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asbenles Hheathlng, Uuui I'ueklng.duiii Hlngn fur Water tliiuges, I'lumbiige I'ucklng, Heed's Patent As bestos, l.tiii-il Sts'tleiial I'Ijmi Coytr, at JOHN HlljrH.llUDiht Fulton strict, mT-lfil "IAHTICUI.AH ATTENTION 1'Alll TO I .Medel Making, l'alterus, Drawings i Illne Prints, nt prices rpiu.iiii.tblt, ut JOHN UI--ST'S. S.J liist Fulton street, In7-trd "fTtOltCAHTlNOH, IKON Oil IlltAs, 1.K1H r i.' or iieavy. in Mieri neuic, go te JOHN lir-ll.u.i.1 l.lhl i uiien htrtHt. ln7-tfd ritANKSFOIt WATEIt.OII.S, ACIH OH OAH 1 eraiiv shape or etipacltv, al lulr prices, go teJOHNUINI'.:!.UF.ist Fulton stittit, m7-tld ITteirTTiTrHEsr het'aik fuunaci: in 1 theiiiurkct, go teJOHN 1IES1', :UI Fjist m7-tfd TTtOHAMEHICANHKIHTFEEDC-jLINDEIl AJ i.iinricaiers, mass till s Oil Cups for Hearings, OHN HESl'rt, il Ei ten fnn ...it lln.iii i'ullen Mieet. ut J iiii-iiu OU,UUl ) Inch te il huh diameter, for wilent a lewtlguriMind the only heusti In the city with a pipe, cull lug machine, eullliv; up te 0 Inch dlaineitr, at JOHN 1111-jT s,:ia.1Enst Ful tini street. m7-ird "17011 CAST IKON FIFE FIITINOsTiIeTh A .. I'!ll.ln iind reducing, up te (Inch dlamtter, Malleiible Uttlngv, 1 lauges, I'lane I'lilims, Manlfelits, Ainerrcaii Unions, Tube Huiipnrts Hangers. KliKiruml Celllmr IMnles go te JOHN Hlil".S,U liist Fulton ktrvtit. liiT-tfd CA1.IFOHNIA. special 1'arllCH. Soml-iiientlilv. Tourist sleeping cars. Cheap rates, Hotitlierii'llicltle Ce. Addietss, E. HAWl.EY, Asslstunt .(lenenil Iratlla Malinger, 311 Hre-idwii), New Yeili: It. J. HMIl'll, Agent, tua.8.1 bu, I'lillnJ Jiinlii)dJtnw- TTtNEI.LTIlEE.'sl'OCK FAH.M. STORM KING (2161.) HECOKDI.TO. Hired by Huiipy .Medium, sire of performers from VMll4 te i. A Dam Topsy 'i u ler by Alex- niiiluK'u ..i.i.,i. .1 -. -. t ..(.. .1 lit - " aimers .serinan, sire or I.ulu. a.Hi.. Ac Ac terms for Spring stvisen of 1MO, iV) for a ft her tabulated pedlice and ether iufermatl address DANIEL U. EM1I.E. '', uprllMmdAw Marietta, Fa. -I V'EUCENT DEHF.NTUHKKIXK'ICCEU JLJ tltlcattslu niultlpks of till), earning a gunruntie cih dividend of 10 sr ctnt. periin num. piiMible semlsimiuully, nre Issiieil , the llulIdlngniidUuiiAKsocliitleiiofDakotailiouio OUIce, Aberdeen, heuth Dakota). Ne iiiembtr ship fee or ethtr expense Incident te IssiiHiiee oft lock. Hlnck may boeeinerled lutecashat purehiise prlce after two years. Invester se emed by leal estnte mortgages le double the amount of the linelincnt deHisltcd with a Trustee. Cerresniudeiicn lu lied. C W.hTARI.IN'll Manager I'hllndeliililu Ollli e. Ne, ill Wiiluut sir.i't. latil-1niis $100,000. IN HONDS AND MOUTOARKS FOIt IN- vr-iiviitM, irsi (suits of iioe, rjoe, va, ii.em te 120,0.10. Hends-fl per cent, Interest, p ij uble euaiU il , 1il'fk',80s-(Jptr ct-ul. lutertst, p.i)ublehnif- heud or call hir full Information. JOHN II. METZl.l It. Ne WW Duke HI, 1HE NEW ULOUEttLICElt. i ..,. ,:;. ii " " ni luiiir wife, it will be a limiwheia trJSiurS te all hIie mL.fAT15,WJi' MANUFACTORY CO . mJHfd S ahtruimt St., Lancaster, Fa. letel Kteiiers. lleardlnir li.,,,- nr.., , ull Cutters el Meals uee our Sllcer ' lis a iWr. iessM,,i'11!VVV,VeV!!.'i It II. SPanamaltev'. riHLABELl'ittA, Tuesday. June s tinf) The King is dead, long live the Qlicen Cotten is Queen in the Dress Goods leafy month of commands art tune. Cotten and color, and through them rules in women's dress until the shortening September days tell of the coming equinox. Come along te this frolic of the Cottens : . Braiidcnburgs, imperial in their own almost Oriental realm. Batistes and ether thin things claim kinship. But the Brandcnburgs with 20 cents of price and far greater value, smooth, wide, strong, light, even, in prints of rare patterns and choice colors, are peerless. Ginghams. Enough te scare a census enumerator, te be wilder a buyer, te make a would-be competitor green with envy. Se beautiful as te make Scot and Yankee at once proud and jealous. Here's cheapness tee. Hundreds of styles, colors enough te suit any sort of beauty, from the flaxen haired, blue eyed fraulein te the raven haired, black eyed senorita, at 12 cents the yard, and Scotch Jacquards at 20 cents from Z7xn Ginghams! Only a Dickens could tell their story. Here's a processional of ele gant Summer Dress Fabrics. Miner music. Prices reduced. Grenadine. Navy-blue, satin striped, two designs, $2.50 from $3.50 ; Black with colored silk gres-grain border, at $2 from $2.50 ; Camel's-hair with silk border, at $2 from $3 ; all 46 inches. Grenadine Robes with striped silk borders, at $12.50 from 22 : with silk fijzured ber ders, at $15 from $25 ; Black with border and garniture of contrasting colors, at $18 from $35 ; a large selection. The vastness of this Dress Goods stock needs mere pow ers of description than con tained in one small head. All around the centre. Ladies' Summer Garments. Lounging Coats, Blazers and Keelers : French Flnnnels lilack and white and blue and while, roll cellars, S-i.W; notch cetluis, S-.75. White Yuchtlng Flannels llell cellars, plain. 13 TO; reefers with cardinal or navy trimming, ill. Navy Uliie Cle'hs llell cellars, M. Tennis Flannels Htrlncser plaid", six colorings, roll col cel lars, H.50. Hluck Cheviots llell tellurs, cord and tnstels, silk fac ings, S. Knll cellars, geld cord edging, ceid tas sel silk facings, 910. A complete line of Embroid ered Fichus, black drap d'ete, our own importation, 1.50, $2. $3. $4. $5.50, 53, $10, 15, Jll8, 20. fecend lloer, Chestnut sin el. Jehn Wanamaker. flat a. T J! ATS Ni:V AND FIILTTY. Stauffer & Ce., Lancaster's Leading Hattera, Exhibit the Largest and HeM .Selected Stock of Straw and Summer Hats AT TIIK VF.UYMnVKSTPlXSSllU.F.PKKLM Men's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. ('IlIl.l)ilKN'H at An li Ice ou Name. FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, lu nil the Summer Hhades, at ll.iil te Se. hAWNTENNIHCAFSANDHATS.AIlColers. TIIUNKH AND THAVF.I.INO HAGS Fer llie Vacation Season, at Verj Lew Price sf auffFr & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCA8TF.lt. FA. .laviioelvw lOSi: HHO-. A HAIIT.MAN Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! AT HKDUCr.D PUIflX All Kinds of Umbrellas and Parasols MADKTOOHDlUt. A1.SO Net Parasols. Wagen Umbrellas. KEPAIKItia & RECOVEKIHO NEATLY DONE, AI'THF. MAKF.1H, ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. 1 3md nprl, or rlc or Stent. I rum iiknt-hanfs(i.mi: riiiivr 1,-s.OK ItKNT- HOO.M i1. .0,,,:M X)lMT Ne- '- W'stKlnisfctrifl; tlnest llbtikf lull III I 111 .11. .!. .- T . . . , iii ii-siVr luruiuiviir iikui lilUltlOi. It'll! II I t in.-ird W.W.AMOS. Aller'nli.ilhrr. T Kr F.VhllY MAN L.X.AMINETHU "SNAP" WATFKI'ItOOF rOLLAHS AM) Cl'Fra. At EltLSMAN'S. tllOICK .NECKW KAK I WILLIAMSFOltT Wire Buckle Suspender, AT F.KISMA.N'V. Ull.l'IH USTO.NKjkwiILuYr ' Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT KUISMAN'rt. Ne. 12 Wet King Street. jrttrttHu-vT. TVENHi WOJ.l, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te ltd East Klnc street, having a MUlIne l'est r tided I line of Furniture of every description nt the prices. Alse unaennKing promptly al al eo. Cull and examine enr coo-Is. tx-trdll II. Wdl.K mrjt.t Kln;Htrrt. "VUI!H.fctil!ll!S. SPECIAL OFFERING FOIt JXJ3STET Handsome Parler Suites IN THE LalC3t Coverings. Finely Made, At tlrtntly Iteiluccd I'llces. Ochs 8c Gibbs, .Manufacturers nnd llenlers, CALM A 1th Floer.l Ne -It SOUTH QUF.F.N Hiitiirrr -iriDM r"t:il H CtlltNF.lt MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL! l)-utj's werls Is once tnore done, K nllstrtl men Mhofeuijhl nnd wen, C hant e't r the graves of thne he fell )-n many n Held, 'mid shot anil shell. 11 cmeniberid lire these patriot dead, A nil o'er their giaes llie fiewi rs Me sprejd, T his done, let's turn le these who lite, 11 iiliiiuceeiK h hemenuil bc.mty yhe. W1DMYER, COISNT.U OF i:ast uixn axd inner. sTKHirrs. Tti:initsii'.s fuun! nuti: nfil'er. WIDE AWAKE llmers deslrlm; n tomhlnnllen of Illfihest Quality of the .Miinitfieturer's Alt In all the Newest nnd Ijttest I)i'lsns und the l.ewcl Prices 1 1) Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should he nivnlta te llic-ir own lnterets nnd ctll upon us when their wants will befull sup plied. Wuefli r te-duvn splendid nerltnent of Par Par eor Hulls in T.ipestiles,iud I'luvhes nt (.peclnlly Lew Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street. (Uiivju'te. 0A Hi'IU'SI CAIll'in-rt CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets ABFKCIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTKU FANCY Hl'KVM DYIIINO WUUKM Are second le none In P. imt l:inlu for finish el Mink of nil Kinds Feathers lltetl All Sh.iiles. Ordera will iccelxe prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUmT SON & CO, NO IMKOIU'H WAI'F.ll Sl'llKia', I.ANCVSTHI. I. fllllV T lIIKl.ANCASI'I.KCAlil'KTHOUyK. w Cx. AZt. TAiXXIiNf G- C5 iti:ui;ci:i) in fhicf. Awnings, Oil Cleths, Shades. CKRPETS OF U.L (JKADI, AT HIHI1 1' 1'ltU F. CariH'ts jilted lei.' laid All weilc le Rulisf.it tieu. SHAUB & VONDERSMITII, 18, 20 & 22 Eiist Orange Street. bus'JMmI JU'fviixevntei'u. pi.FItKJLltAIOItS, Ln The Dollars Saved II) p.irihasln.i BHLDMIN Celd Dry-Air Refrigerator will uieie than piv the udvaiu-u In cost of lec thli Kdimn mn laM vati:k coei.Kits, Tcr.-nti:AM yni:i:zi:its. Speel.iltlef BUGGY AND WAGON HARNESS TKNNIS n Clem's, HAMMOCKS. SPREOHER'S Baby Carriage Bas'aar, Ne. 'ii i:si Ki.si, s.r. nprtT-tfdlu.'lliAs 170U I'll IT A- l'HY AllFstTiW nisc l Vultoe, Jenkins nlfs,llruslllobe altes, Hrassd.itt h1mk. iron Uiidv tllelxi nlxs. Ijcxersafet) Vnles. 'op Sufety Vultex, Air ahes, Kadiater ale. Fntlt s hwlnttini: Check nle, Ilnus Cluck VHlt,Fiet alies Aiujle Villus, call ut JpUN llKTci , SH liis Fulton Street. mMfd ffru tOoebm, e I'KK EVKHY EVESISO. 1 Fer Bargains, -OO TO P.&SNMftm Ne. 14 West King St. EverytliingSeld At and Belew Cost, AS WE ARE POSITIVELY (JOINO OUT OF BUSINESS. ma)&-3md N J EW SPHINO HUITINOS. WATT & SHAND, HAVE .MADESPF.CIAL PURCHASE OF FIITY PIECES Sew Spring Suitings. ffl Iiichet Wide Hreken Check and Narrow Strlpi In llrewu, (Irctn, Tan and HlueOreumls, miTMld fur Ies IhaiitiJc, new 15c it ard. NEW FltnvOH STRIPED HENRIETTAS, tn tut lies Mide. New Shades, Haudsenie Qual ity, (i'Ac; north 75c. Even- Desirable Shade lu CA8II.MEHE lIEMtIiriTASntS3c,aJc,'t7JC,50c,7,"K le 1100 a yard. MOHAIR Hill 1,1,1 ANTINE sin lilack. Cream nnd Laiest Shadis ut iie, 7Jc, 00e uud7eca .lrd. HLACi; SATIN STRIPED Elegant ltu.illl,!12eayard. QRENADINIB, HI.ACK SILK DRAPERY NEW nt 7JJ SI W, 51 2j teJIUlajiirtl. 87' ic. HliCK SILK LACK FLOUNC1NOS at ' f."e, 1 W), 1 Z Jl 60 te S) 50 a yard. SILK AND WOOL GLORIAS in rllnck and Colerri, 1i) Irclies wide, S1!!j u jurd ; uuj1 pi lie, 3150. C. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. TOSTON SI ORE. TO-DHY. One Case Apron Ginghams, 5c a yard. 21 Pieces Black and White Challies at 8c. One Case Yard Wide Best Batiste, 2c. a yard. 25 Pieces Light and Dark Challies at Sc. One Case Dress Ginghams, 5jc; usual price, Sc. a yard. 19 Pieces Striped Crape Wash Goods, Light Celers, 7c a yard. ,e Pieces Curtain Lace at 10, 1 ., 15, 17 cents a yard. 7 Pieces of 22 Inch Hm- breidery at 37K- 50 0 JJ cents a yard. 10 Pieces 22 Inch Turkey Red Embroidery at 25c. a yard. One Case Dress Ginghams, 6J..C.; usual price, 10c. a yard. 10 Pieces All Silk Black Dra pery Nett, 75c; usual price, $1.25. See our goods, get our prices, and then let your own judgment decide whether you can de se well anywhere else as at 35 & 37 N. aue en St., LANCASTER. I'.t. BOSTON STOR. in m store, I ME (tote Slam's, veetvtt. TUUKMKU. A CARLOAD LameWhitePotatees u Wholesale and Retail, -AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST. TirANrED. EVEtlY llnltSFk-FRPFR IN yy Lanrejiterand vlclnltv te kneurthhtwa "hvb nuuca 10 our large steck: or ,Ceiree AUtT DIMllU, CUIIU THE WEBTMINSTEIt Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order that thli colTee eeU Introduced lu tula section of the country we are giving away free a fine let of Hlherwnre. consisting el NntiUlll Illtl(.a Miiffni Mnrm.iM nl.la Unnnna Uufter Knhes and Large Knles and Ferks, all of Sbeitleld manufacture. One piece with each and every pound. This brand Is a delicious table beverage. It 1h double the strength eQ .aiociiuurjutucencennti prcparea expressly reri tilgh-tened tradp, and belne uved largely by alii of tbe finest hotels in New Yerk and ether large! clues, ana me price, is se low that It brings It In reach of every person. Remember, we havf the tlnest brands of coffees ln the state, and our prices are lower than tne lowest, quality con! sldered. We have nt 12K. 1 18, 20, S, 21, 25, 271 !W, SO and 40 cents per pound. 1 nurgains in urieu r ruii-t, i-eaenes, ApriceiH Prunes. Fruncllas. Ac. at from three te flvil cents per pound less than same quality can ba ueugiu ui eisewuere. Samuel Clarke, Agt Tea, Cotrce and 0 recery store, 12 A II Seuth Queen St., Near Centre Square Lancaster, fa, SUMMER DRINK-SEASON OP 1890 A OREATER SUCCESS THAN EVER. GENUINE CALIFORNIA ORANGE CIDER Raspberry Nectarine AND French Blackberry Juice We call your attention te our flenulnc Call fernla Oi an jje Cider, Raupberry Nectarine and and French Blackberry Juice, the purest, bcsS most healthful, Uellcleus and rcfresblug drink anon n. They are Indispensable te you If you run soda teuntaln. ou cannot de without thei If you sell drinks otherwise. They will set taster, ti.iv von a better iireflt.nnd clvemer universal satisfaction tn our ctistenfbrs tha nnv drink you baeoerseld, lhey positively contain NO ALCOHOL no ae iney contain anyming injurious. Can be sold any w here without Vlelallntrth Law. Tliey can be sold In almost any fern May be drawn from n fountain, or from th cask, or may be bottled and kept en tee. 'I hey make delicious llaverlni! for lemonade mlllc shakes, etc., und when frozen make del Cleus Mneruei. We pack these goods In six gallon kegs. RUYTHEOENUINE. Den'l be deceived Inte buying cheap artlnj clal trash which will sour en tour hands. It4 member we guarantee ecry caik of our gee te keep. Tliey positively win net sour or ie ment. J. FRANK HEIST, Lancaster, Pa. a-We will send free with each ken. Ihri 0-ounce glasses and one weed faucet. Ihci coed4 nre sueei ler articles, mere delicious thu soda water or ether temperance drinks. Tin w HI sell faster and paj you a belter profit Uni ant thing you cim handle. Order a keg. xc will never regret it. Respectfully, J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND VUIf'CKHIH Directly Opposite J. IJ. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herso Hetel. Loek for the lllg Sign across the pan mem. utmmcv ilcadrte. HOTEL IlRtlNSWK'K, ATI.ANIIU CITY, N..1. xsew, aiencrn, i irst-uius", uempiete. I'cmie, betnicn New Yerk mid T 1'aeii av eunusal ucnues Accommodate ttW apr.ll-.1md JOSEl'H S. DAVISl rplIE OSUORNE. Cor. Arkansas and I'ncitie Aes ATLANTg CITY. N. J. New Heuse. Modern Improvements. Klea ter, Eleclrlc Bells. Terms mtiderute. Juue2-2ind MRS. II. OSBORNE rilHE MINNF.QUA, 1 ATLAN lIC CITY. N.J.. l'adllc Ac., betMeui Arkansas and MUseii Aes; central location; lefurnlklied ; unif newmanagement; eerj thing nrst-t-UiS. Wrl for circular. myltf 2rad e. A. BROWNE -AMURIDGE ATLANTIC CI TV. H.vM'L II LEWIS, l'roiirleler. Wit. E. COCHRAN. MnnagiJ Remnlele Hetel : 100 bed-rooms : ocean freui best bathing greumW; biead piazzas ; elegnl butlet. ni21-annJ A TLANTIC CITY. HOTELCHETWOODi I'aclflc Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic Cltyj New nnd ITrsWIass. Hteam Heat : Call bell Twemluutus wilk front beach. J.M und 8.(1 per day. nowefen. I inltSimd MRS. ANNIE GRUllHj rilHE CHALFONTE, THE CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New JrreEy. blTUATED ON THE BEACH, NORTH CAIt UNA AVENUE. 1 nivMmd E. ROBERTS A SON rruv. MT. GRETNA Narrow Gauge Railway Vlll be opened for the sumcr seusen en MONDAYMAY 5t ti.i rvM pxtenrts from thorntrnnceof I n.rf in Hi,- Mimnilt of the Seuth Meunhi (Ooerner DU'lO, u distance ofabeut four mill Its mlnl.iture trains connect Willi ull tun let ir miksenirer tralni en the Cornwall 11 non Railroad arriving at the ITirk. and rctuj. lug from tue summit in luuuiuiiiiuiiu m tn ....,. ,,.r.t with train lent lllff the Fark. Frem pelntH en 1'etmn. 11. R. nnd Fhilad Phla A Reading K. 11., within 100 miles, the ti tan be accomplished In ene day. It lsthoNARRO'A'F-STGAlluElnthewer' It is the lnestl'ERFECTINlTSCONhTltl1. TION. It lias also uie jtu-t uuJiiur. vmiiPMENT. Its engines are perfect lit. models of the standard engines of the llrst-clu tnd Its ears are eeciaiiyaiiapieii te uuuru unobstructed view of the niagnltlcent scenil Meug tne line, meci mills, diuiib uunum. U one of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the- Jlncsl rtay resort In Centrnl Fennsylvanla CnurchandlM.hoel.JIIlltarvnndCl'.loorga atler.s, Clubs and Tourist F.irlles canbeciJ he exi nsl e ue of Mt. Gretna Park en npi JtlllVICl X-SM. i',?.",A" NEDlRlSIf t.n.. nclia iinr "Jl in, I, ul-amt,' Hup't C. A I Ilallread. U-batien, rJlOHV. J' EVANb X LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ma2s a GOOD Leaf el Bread. Mes a BiG Ljaf of Bread. Hakes a WHITE Leaf of Breai i- HAT MORE DO VOUWANTTt fa OLD BRONZE. LIQUI IDS AND SIZIi: ler steam tteru.ai juu n nnsr'a. -sa r- 'uiMfJ ten street. na-