Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 03, 1890, Image 1

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Laucastfr Leaf Dealers Belt 000 CaMl
Durlnit the Waek-Facklntr About
Concluded Hore -G rower Plant,
The local tobacco market was net as
acllve the past week as the ene previous.
The Kales were confined te old Reeds with
the exception of a Tew lets of tillers bought
rbr expert. Or old goods, Hendersen, of
Maylewn, sold te a New Yerk packer 00
cases of 87 seed, Sklles & Krey sold 100
boxes of all kinds, and ether dealers sold
about 400 cases, making the sales of the
week ever COO cases.
All the crop of '89 tobacco te be had la
new in the warehouses of the packers, and
will be boxed by Saturday, by which time
nearly all the warehouses will have con
eluded their season's wurk. ,
The Leck Haven papers report Lancaster
buyers as scouring that county in search of
the '80 crop, and buying It at prices higher
than asked earlier in the season.
Considerable of the new crop has been
planted, and mere would be It It was net
for a scarcity of plants. The weather the
past week has been faverable for farmers.
In another week all will be planted. Re
ports received indleate a larger acreage of
Havana seed this year than last.
The Sew Yerk Market.
Frem the If. 8. Tobacco Journal.
The rush Is still for the Sumatra. Buyers
are still pouring In from the country oager
te acquire nny and every let of Sumatra
which has as yet net advanced te the 82
duty rate price. Parcels of Sumatra which
have been stored away in cellars and ware
houses for the past two or threo years, and
which were considered by the owner as a
total less, are brought forth into daylight
-again and sold with a profit and no ques
tions asked. And there are seme very
funny stories In circulation in connection
with the sale of these stickers. Net that
they sell at n profit, but that they at nil, Is
the greatest surprise te the owner. Old
sells with the new, dark as well as light,
the broken leaf alike with the sound, and
the burning quality is hardly ever tested
any mere. The busiest peeple afloat are
the.'peramb lUtlng brokers who, chockfull
with orders, have tilmest te tight new te
get samples. It is, in short, the craziest
condition of the market that could eer
have been dreamt or. And if the 82 duty
should be actually enacted, there will be
bloodshed yet for the possession of what
ever Is left of Sumatrn In this market.
Thereis very little left of the old, and the
new is going off as fast ns it is landed. The
crtatistlcs published of the importations of
Sumatra from January 1, up te the clese of
thts mouth, prosent h romarkable exhibit.
The first inscription of the present season
took place en March 21, shortly after the
IT. S. Tobacco Journal revealed tothetredo
the Intention of the ways and means com cem com
mitleo te place a 82 duty en Sumatra. And
slnce March 21 up te ihe present date, i
llttle mere than two months, the enormous
nd unparalleled quantity of 8,500 bales has
teen imported, and what Is mero sigulfi
.cuit, the bulk of this large quantity has al
iretdy been Rold. The single month of May
whews an Importation of 5,900 bales, by far
we largest quantity evor imported in mat
month. And all this has been offeeted by
Is. Follctle's felly. Net a third or thts
quantity would have been Imported and
much less put in the hands of the consumer
if the hayseed statesman of Wisconsin had
net been struck by the insane notion of u
prohibitory duty en the foreign tobacco.
' Only an "incipient ripple of activity has
been noticed In domestic leaf. Besfdes a
considerable let of old, 200 cases of new
Onondaga were sold at 13 cents. And as
wonders will sometimes happen a manu
facturer acluully asked for and bought 10
cases of new state seed wrappers at 17 cents.
This is the extent of the boom the prospec
tive (2 duty has had thus far en the domes
vile leaf market.
VPrem the Tobacco Leaf.
The boom in Sumatra U-.ifi.Ull continues,
and a great number of manufacturers
. and out of town buyers can be seen dally
en our streets. Tnis boom nas nau u goon
effect en domestic leaf, as mere was sold
during the week than the two provleus
weeks combined. It has also enlivened
business in the growing sections, and merj
activity is displayed In tie growing
sections new than ler seme tlme past. The
situation leeks very bright.
The ruiladelphla Market,
f Km the Tobacco Leaf.
Cigar leaf i3 net brisk bj a long shot.
Demestic leaf for the present is overlooked.
The question new asked Is, hew much can
1 buv or the king of wrapping tobacco, that
which yields se much profit te Hollanders?
We must consider the past week an oil'
week for domestic leaf.
.Sumatra Well, it Isjust full of vim and
Havana has fallen back in demand. The
cruid rush for Sumatra has caused Havana
te be overlookeil. Nevertheless sales have
been made at full figures.
Itocelpttnfor the eek -53 cases Connect-
licut, 210 cases Pennsylvania, 27 cases Ohie,
,'l cases Little Dutch, 313 cases Wisconsin,
H cases Yerk state, 310 bales Sumatra, 10S
r Ws Havana, and IbO hhds. Virginia and
ba mami IniflnlntVd.
",? . feet up CO cases
Connecticut, 203
"Vfliisylvunia, 20 eases Ohie, 38 cases
' vh, 2S2 cases Wisconsin, 52 cases
a",1 , .' -1315 bales Sumatra, 211 bales
Yerk statu,-
j l, Cans'" Sen's Ilcpert.
Sales of . iced .f ccorepert l b, J.
uTstreL ? Ne'w Yerk, ter the week end-
'cTcs'l Wisconsin W-f"
300 cases 18. W Pen.wyvar.ta Livana Je
H : 100 cases Jtei.j --, .,
t: : 100 caD8 .!' i ". 2" V" ir;;.
ir :?,.'. ,- it Kintn Havana, id te
n IQ.nnn r.,ia(!S IS3.S Wisconsin "-
5 lcaVeVia .ftH
16 te 37 ; 150 eases sundries . te 3u. totals
1,320 cases. -
Magee'H Waf ntiitf te Quay.
C. L. Mngee's own Jiewspaper, the Pitls-
burg Timet w hleh never publishes a no -
cal editorial that does net directly und im-
euulvoeally espies the sentiments of its
proprietor printed tlie iouewimk
editorial warning te Quay and Delnmater
nMn"ih!6J':very strongholds of Ropub Repub
licanlsm the danger signals are hung out.
Ceuntv leaders as loyal te their party 'as
any in the state give notice that if DoU DeU
mater Is forced upon the ticket he mmtjM
elected without the help of their people.
Jle can only be nominated by the coerc w
jxiweref Federal patronage. The .nailed
liand, raised m futile ostentation against
the Democratic bulldozer In Irglnla,
uiust take the Hepublicau party In Penn
sylvania actually by tlie threat.
jl is eniy t:iH"t j t-rtin d.,4. u .,..,.....-....
forced upon the ticket, as I-olger was then
In New Yerk, he will he beaten as Pelger
was beaten, se overwhelmingly that no
Democrat will ever claim It as a party vic
tory." Fell Twciuy-PIre Feet.
"ell loci.
ilO.TCJr.eld son of Ileuben Hi is-
I, lu-jcar uiu "... vatlenal
til in, me
UlUllv, III -v ,,-.- .T
.. 1 !.. oftiriinen. 110
v' .uuiiii.i ":",,.isjiiii,nfiii
ijU ile of bevs at cast vwi """" ",
S and Una a bird's nest In n tree he the tre te get . .He rfltnmed
the you.. birds and whH.exa.nli.nB
them lest his balance and foil te the ground,
a dUtanee of 20 feet. He was at once
removed te his home, Ne. 215 Last Cl.e.t-
. .t,Anl anr! llr K. It. MctZiier SUUI-
juened. An examination made by the
doctor showed that no Iohes were broken,
but from the statements of the hey as te
where It hurts he is hurt internally. Je
Is pronounced by his physician as being
Jn a very critical condition.
rourteen Were Immersed
A crowd of two thousand peeplu gathered
m the banks of the Conestoga creek near
Hlnkletewn en Sunday. The occasion was
the baptism by Immersion of fourteen can
didate, as prescribed by the ritual of the
candidates for governor were beaten In New
Yerk and Pennsylvania, ene by 200,000,
the ether by 40,(WO. There are net want-
;" .i. ,. i.n 9v Hint If Ilnlninaler is
iiunKira, vus'j"1 "" ""w""'
Matthew Morgan, the popular and widely
known artist, died at his home In New
Yerk en Monday.
Frank Legue, of New Yerk, a newly
appointed local census enumerator, killed
himself Monday evening at the clese of hi
first day's work.
Chauncey F. Black is In the guberna
torial contest, The Democrat of Yerk
county In convention passed resolutions
favoring him.
Themas Oncsby and Charles Sanders
fought a duel Sunday night In a cemetery
near Louisville, Ky.. and Sanders received
two serious but net fatal wounds. A lady
wan the cnuse.
Prince Bismarck will arrive at Yenle en
the 21st Inst., en route te England. The
emperor has infermed Prlnee Bismarck
that If he does net atop his press uttering
the result will be serious.
The city election In Norwich, Conn., en
Monday, resulted In the election of A. A.
Craiidall. Democrat, for mayor. The rest
of the officers, except collector and treas
urer and one councilman, are Republican.
The Owege National bank, In Bingham Bingham
ten, N. Y., was opened for business en
Monday. There was but little money with
drawn, and some of the best business men
in the place made deposits.
The edict of the Emperor William, re
storing knee breeches and silk stockings
as the court costume de rlgueur for civil
ians, has geno into effect, and is treated
with ridicule even by the German press.
The English Women's Liberal Federa
tion will present a memorial te Mr. Glad
stone asking him te Include the granting of
the franchise te women In the pregramme
of lssues te be settled at the next general
election for members of Parliament,
Lewis J. Uaun, cashier of the National
bank, In Washington, N. J en Monday,
fatal I v Injured his wife. He choked her
and threw her down stairs, breaking her
back. The cause of the assault is net
A St. Leuis policeman en Sunday night
tired at and killed a thief whom he had
found robbing a sleeping man in a door
way. The robber had tried te escape. He
was recognized as William How.ird.ef pre
vious geed roputatlen.
Geerge Hayes, a Grand Trunk snitch
man and the only person who positively
Identified Uiircbell, the allegcd murderer
of the young Englishman, Ueiiham, at
Woodstock, Ont,, was killed by the cars at
Windser en Monday.
The state election in Oregon was held
en Monday. Meagre returns indicate the
ro-elecllen of Herman, Republican, te
Congress by from 4,000 te 0,000. Tlie vote
en governor is close, the returns favoring
Penneyer, Democrat. It is believed the
Republicans will have a majority en joint
ballet in the Legislature.
In a few days Citv Commissioner Dlxey,
of Philadelphia, will begin te exhume 0,000
bodies from the Petter's field and Incinerate
them in the new crematory that has been
recently constructed at Lamb Taverr read
and Lehigh avenue. Owing te the growth
of population in the neighborhood Inter
ment is considered dangerous.
Mrs. Kebort Merrow attempted te light
a fire with keroseneat her home In Du Du
raiiffe. Colerado, en Sunday. An explosion
occurred which set tire te the clotbes of
the woman, her 4-year-old son and her
veumr babv. Thev all three porished in
the house, which was burned befere any
assistance could be rendored.
David Fink was arrestcd and jailed In
Harrisburg en Monday night en suspicion
of being the murderer of a young woman,
whose body was found in the river near
Newark, N. J., last Friday Bftorneon.
There was a letter In her pocket addressed
te Fink, who is alleged te be her husband.
They had treuble in Harrisburg a short
time age. Fink was arrested at the home
of his brother-in-law. He had a large re
volver and a watch bearing the drowued
woman's Initials.
Cliarles Stn(t Hires It and Maltreats the
IIerNO He Is Arrested at Intercourse.
Charles Sliir, a young man of this city,
was arrested li-j very late hour last night,
en a charge of crftilty te animals, although
its leeks very much as though there is a
sufficient amount of evidence against
lit m te convict him of herse steal
ing. Ycsterday afternoon he went te
the livery stable of Charles Miller,
In the rear of Excelsior Hall saloon, en
Etst King street. He stated that he wanted
te hlrn a herse te go te llohi'erstown te soil
seme shoes. Mr. Miller did net knew the
young man. but gave him a herse and
buggy, which he premised te return after
he had geno te Itohrerstewn. Mr. Miller
told him he could pay for the team when
he came back, and he drove away. He Is
s.ild te have gene te itohrerstewn with
Jehn Crawford, constable of the Third
ward. Later he dreve around town and
finally turned up at Graeirs Landing.
After remaining there a while he leaded
Adelph Elllnger and Harry Sanderson into
the buggy and dreve back te town. On the
way in Sing said that the team belonged
te him, as he had bought it. They
steppod at Excelsior Hail saloon, but
Slug refused te go Inside. He dreve
away after his companions had gotten
out. At that time the herse was
covered with perspiration and showed
signs of having been driven very hard.
Seme one told Mr. Miller of the horse's
condition and he went In searsh of Sing.
He seen learned that he had been seen at
Winner's bridge and the horse was look leek
ins very badly.
Miller went te Alderman Barr's and
made complaint against Sing, charging
him with cruelty te animals. Miller and
Constable Price started after Sing. They
found that he had passed through the toll tell
Kate at Winner's brldge, the keeper of
which said that he was en his way te Wit
mer'B Station. Tlie men drove out tlie old
Horseshoe read, and near Stamm's old
tannery met Andrew M. Frantz, esq.,
who was en his way te town. He said that
he had met a team answering the descrip
tion of Miller's, and the man who had It
wanted te sell it at a low price te him.
Miller and Price Journeyed en te Blrd-ln-Hand
and found that Hlng had been there
and ollered te sell the team for 875.
Just bofero Miller and Prlce started in
search of Sing, Al. Anne and Jehn Mar
shall, wne nau mreu a leaiii en .r, .uuier
te go te the county, heard of Sing's trans
,.,?,, i! Tlmv cot en his track and followed
him te Intercourse, They found that he
had put up there for the night, at the hotel
or Martin Shaeffer. They routed him out
and started with him and the team back
towards this citv. At Bird-In-Hand they
met Miller and Price, and they turued the
prisoner evor te the constable
Sing could net give much of an explana
tion of Ills queer cenduct.but said It was al 1
ii. r...,ii nrVnunr. He said he L'el drunk
and was then unable te find Mr. Miller's
stablote return the herse. He adniltted
that be tried te sell the horse but did net
say why he had done se. Sing has been
employed at Krnyrt: Brether's shoe factory,
although he is said te haveteld different peo
ple yesterday that he was from lhildol lhildel lhildol
phle. It is fikely that he will sneceed In
settllng the charge against him by paying
something for the damage.
flrunted ny the Reulster.
The fo'.lewlnir letters were granted by tlie
register of wills, for tha week ending Tues
day, June 3:
' . Testamentary. - Am
deceased, Ute of Lphrat.i
Testamentary. Amanda c. tie uier,
hrata township; V.a.
, executer.
deceased, late of Ml.
Jey boreiicli ; Christian I). Simen, Ml.
Jey township, and Jehn Simen, Eait
Hempfield, executers.
Gottlieb Fichtner, decesed, late of Par
adise township ; Geerge Brebit, Eden,
exeuutnr. , ,
ADMisisTntTlev. Christian Selple, de
ceased, late of Columbia borough ; Jeseph
11. .earner, Lemniuia, uuuiiuhhbji.
Esther Bewman, deceased, lite of Stras
burg borough; Ames Bewman, West
Lampeter, administrator.
Uenl Out Fer Ninety Day-.
The only customer before the mayor
this morning was " Baltimore Jee. He
was arrested yesterday while drunk and
behaving very badly, en North Queeq
street, by Officer Frank, Kautz. Ht was
making himself a general nuisance. The
mayor put blin awsy for the summer by
giving Elm W days In Jail,
The gounetaen-Yareln's First Contest
Fer Jamas It. Dennelly'a Prlxe Other
Matches Shet-Score of Each Itlfiemsn
The members or the Lancaster Schuotren
Vereln spent the whole of Monday after
noon at their new range, In the rear of
Berer's hotel, at Graetl's Landlng.and the
opening of the place was one of the most
successful events In the history of the
organization. A great many guests vlslled
the society during the arternoen. ter the
accommodation of the members a good geed
sized frame building has been erocted and
in this an elegant lunch was spread and
was enjoyed by everybody during the
There wcre no less than six sepnrate and
distinct matches during the afternoon.
The first was for the shamrock medal
resented by James B. Dennelly, or the
hamreck hetel. Under the rules govern
ing thts sheeting only members or the
club who are residents the city can take
Cart in It. The person who wins tlie
adge three times is entitled te It. Four
teen gunners shot for the badge, which
was wen bv Goerge Klrcher, of the Gelden
Eagle hetel, who is the eldest momber of
theSchuetzcn Yereln. Belew will be found
the lull scere. The three rows of figures
en the left are scores made In the prelimi
nary or trial sheeting, while these en the
right are the scores of the match proper.
Thisaswellasall or the sheeting was at
200 yards:
Wolfer 0 0 7-710 7 7-21.
Klrcher 0 9 10-19 6 10 10-23
Dlchl ...
Kllck ,
a 1 4-n n e a 9
.. tl 10 7-211 7 4 S-1U
.... 0 0 0-050 10-15
.. .6 0 1-13 4 0 04
0 0 00 0 0 77
0 0 00 0 0 0-0
2 7 10 1U 0 8 4-12
t 1 9-10, 3 7 2-14
0 0 00 0 0 00
0 S 03 4 0 0-11
0 0 0- II 0 4 S 12
0 0 0-0 0 0 00
The secend match was participated In by
members of visiting clubs only. The llrst
seven are from the North End team and
the last four from Columbia. The full
scores, including the trial sheeting, are as
fellows :
W. Cnrpenter 119 11-31(3 4 7-14
Leftover 0 0 0-0, 0 0 0-0
Winters 0 0 0-0
Htebcr - 0 2 C- S, 3 4 B-U
Hlcklcy A 0 0 r. 0 5 00
KenfgiuucUcr 0 0- 8, 1 2 U 11
Wtesi 0 2 7- , 0 4 1-0
Kech 7 6 4-ltl 9 9 0-27
Treble 1 5 00 4 12 7-ai
Hlltz 0 2 ll 3 U 0-11
Heckel 0 0 e 0, 0 5 0 0
The next matches wero for merely nomi
nal prizes, and they were between mom mem mem
be rs of the Schuetzon-Vereln. The score
of the first one was as follews:
Andersen JJ 8 117
ltcst I 4 05
Wolfer 7 0 07
Franelscus 0 0 0-0
Detnley 0 3 0-3
Deratnel 7 1 10-18
FrIIMli 8 8 0-15
W. Carpenter 8 -21
Illehl..... 0 8 5-11
(1. S. KlleU 10 5 2-17
Kllllsn 0 4 2- U
The fourth sheet resulted as fellows :
Demmcl 7 8 0
Kllck 10 8
KlUlan 10 10
Carpenter 9 11
Andersen - 0 II
KrancUcns 4 0
Blchl 8
In this sheet there was a tie for second
place between Illehl and KlUlan, as both
made twenty. They agreed te sheet off
and Illehl made eight and KlUlan teu.
Tlie linn matcu was asiouews:
Andersen 8 3
Deinmel 10
Deislcy 0 0
Hlebl 11 5
Carpenter 10 10
The last match of the day was as fellows :
KlUlan.. ..
0 It)
9 2S
in 10
. 7 3
, 3 1U
The coinmittee who had charue of the
epenlm: sheet consisted of Jumes R. Don Den
nelly, Edward Dcisley, Themas Andersen,
Jehn II. Berger and William J. Smith.
They are deserving of the greatest credit
for the way In which they labored te muke
this affair the great success that it was. The
members of the socletv are delighted with
their new range, which possesses a great
many advantages ever the old ene.
After the sheMlng had been finished last
evening the secIety,wIth the band, marched
back te town and went te Kircher'u hetel,
where a short tlme was spent during which
the band serenaded Mr. Klrcher by playing
several selections. COUNTRY FHIE.
A T.anre Darn In West Lampoter Town
ship Completely Destroyed.
Monday evening a large frnme barn en the
farm or David Miller, which Is In West
Lampeter township, a short distance from
the turnpike leading te Strasburg, was
destreyed by fire. It was about nlne
o'clock when the ilre was discovered. The
light was plainly seen in the southern part
et this city and it led te the striking of an
alarm from box 02 at Green nnd Seuth
Christian streets. The dromen respended
promptly Biid all the apparatus of the dis
trict was seen at tlie above point. It was
then seen the lire was far out or town,
and the eenipanka were sent back te their
The lire breke out In the left or the bam
and It was burning tiercely there when it
was discovered by a member or the family
of Levl S'encr, who Is the farmer en the
filace. The peeple residing In the surround surreund surround
ngceuutly saw the fire quickly,as the barn
steed en a high spot and all ran te the
burning building. They went te work
with a will and did net give up until they
had taken oil the live stock, where they
were safe from the Haines. The farming
implements wcie burned. Twe bbgglcs
and a wagon were saved. It was
found impossible te de anything te
ene the lmrn. as the Humes had unlnad
entirely tee much headway and In a short
time nothing was left of U but the lebula
tien wans.
The ll.unes spread te the wagon shed,
which was near the barn, and It was also
burned, together with a large let of corn
that was in it. There Is in doubt that the
tire was the work of an Incendiary, as no
ene employed about the place was near the
barn clese te the tlme that the Ilre started.
Quite a number of fires liave occurred in
thatsame vicinity recently, aud none of
the Incendlarle have jet been captured.
Mr. Steuer's sieck was insurua iniue reun
Mutual company.
Huse Ball Notes.
EieryLeJy who remembers the Iren-
sldes ball club of 1884 Knew Nick Brad toy,
the dashing left fielder, aud often Inquiries
are made of his whereabeut. A gentle
man of this city who was In Jxmg urancii,
N. J., yesterday, reports that he saw Nick,
who is at that place engaged selling goods
en the instalment plan and playing first
bate for the club of that place. He Is much
stouter than ever and leeks very well.
Nick always had a warm heirt for a high
ha, ant Iho sports ene efthe latest style,
(jibseu w as hit an ugly crack in tlie neck
by a pitched ball yesterday, and was also
spiked, but he plucklly caught the game
KnlcUtsef bt. Jehn l'ulr.
There was a uoed attendance nt the
Knights efSI. Jehn fair en Monday een.
king. Several musical elections were
reuuereu uy me jreqmi iwmi. j'u
following articles were chanced eil: Silver
rskpdlsb, wen by Ne. 401, held by Miss
Palmer: fancy tidy, wen by ticket ISO,
Louisa Schweude.
Prohibition County Convention.
The Prohibition county coinmlttte met
en Monday and fixed .Monday, July 7, fvr
(he county convention, for 'he election of
delegates te the state convention and
nominating a county ticket. Eshlemun's
ball baa been designated as the place for
Via Anvanltnn.
,mv w. , w.-w.-
11 IDS FOB A II 1111)0 F.
Sixteen Iren Brldge Companies Com
petitors Fer the Contract.
The county commissioners received bids
this morning at 10 o'clock for n bridge, 120
reel In length, te be erected ever Mill
Creek, In Lampeter township, at Mrs.
Bates' mill.
Following wcre the bids for masonry!
Oeerge E, Jenes, 1787; X. S. Mllllken, 3
per perch : Light ft Patch, !5, or 11.23 per
perch ? Jacob lvauffnian, 171 1, orffiWper
perch i Jehn Krcckel, f2.f per perch:
Iren superstructure and masonry, E.
MoMcllen, 12,743.
lrmi superstructure, Ml. Vernen Brldge
company, filOO: Columbus Brldge coin
pan v,2,≪Smtth Brldge company,Teledo,
llO.itf per lineal root; Berlin Iren Brldge
company, $2,700: Wrought Iren company,
Canten, 2,100: E. A. Perkins ft Ce., l,
0S7 1 Yonngstewn Bridge company, 12,100 '
Variety iron works, r2,075, 1,W0 and
f!,8e0; King Iren and Brldge company,
$1,000; Jehn Denlthern ft Sen, 2,50J.70 ; J.
C. Morrison ft Ce., !,W3; Indiana
Brldge company, $2,305.80; Groten
Brldge and Manufacturing company,
$2,310 and $l,07fl; Champien Brldge com-
ivnny, $1,075 ; Dean ft Westbioek, $2,100;
ilassillen company, $I,S70and $2,000.
The competition for the abeve brldge
was greater than usual, Ter a brldge or the
si 7.0 for which bids were asked, sixteen
Iren companies being binders for it.
The commissioners awarded the contract
for the masonry te Light ft Patch, at 2.23
per perch. They considered the bids for
Iren suporstructure this afternoon.
The county commissioners awarded the
contract for the Iren superstructure te the
Variety Iren company, Cleveland, Ohie, at
Dtfath or One or New Helland's Well
Known Yeumr Men.
Amid the telling of bells, covered with
floral offerings, escorted by New Helland
Castle, K. G. K., Ne..lf7, and follewod by
an unusually large precession, the remains
or Ira V. Miller were laid te rest en Sun
day artorneon In the Lutheran cemetery.
Mr. Miller was ene or the most proinlnent
or the younger mm. or New Helland, born
thore in 1800, and spent his whole life there.
Ile wasaprliilerand for years the right
hand man of the Ciarieu office, working
there until falling health forced him te
leave eirly in the past wiuter. He was
a momber of the Lulheran church, for years
acllve In its Sunday school, a past grand of
Earl Ledgo, I. O. O. F., a iiiember oritldg eritldg
ley Encampment, and the organlzer and
first past chlef or the home castle of the
K. G. E. As a singer his services wero In
fienunnt demand ; and in the debating
club his veice was often heard. The cause
efhis death, which occurred en Thursday
morning, May 20th, was threat consump
tion and complications. Bev. J. W. llass
lerand Itev. J. F. Morcdithspekofoollngly
of the high csteeni In which he was held,
the Lulheran church being completely
tilled with sympathizing frlends, hetii
from home and from distant ielnts. W.
Charged With Tuklni: Halls.
Jehn Quiim, Edward Dougherty nnd
Cliarles Brockenrldgo have been nrresfed
and held by Alderman Baker te answer
thechargoef larceny. Theso threo men
went Inte Mrs. Nelmer's saloon, at Orange
nnd Wider stroets. They played peel or
bagatolle for a tlme and after they left It
was noticed that ten or the balls that be
longed te the tables wcre missing. The
officers began a search and they found that
Doiigherty had sold the balls te William
Rehm, e West Klngstroet, by telling him
a lie as te the munner In which he came
into possession of them. Qiilnn and
Dougherty were arresteu in ireni et me
iNTKixiUKNCElt office last ovening by Con
stables Pvle and Yelsley, and Brlckonrldge
was locked up by Sergeant this
morning. Dougherty is a stranger here
und says he eomes from Cincinnati. Thore
Is also a charge of drunken and disorderly
conduct against Quinn.
Thore was u hearing., the case this of ef of
ternoon at Alderman B.iker'H office.
Deugherty then made a clean breast
of the matter. He said that he took
the balls whlle drunk, and Breckcnrldge
and Quinn had nothing whatevcr te de
with it. Dougherty was held and the
ethers were discharged. Quinn agreed te
pay the costs in tlie conduct
case and it was arranged satisfactorily.
An Kducnted l'ltf.
When the Wilbur opera company was
hore they left behind ene member. It was
a pig tiiat was used in several of the operas
and Jehn Sherff, or North Prince street,
came into possossien of him. The animal
is very intelligent and performs a number
of tricks. He will fellow Sherff obeut the
streets Uke u deg and If the gontleman
happens te leave the lien se aud the pig
behind Iho animal will be sure te get out
the vardir such a thing Is posslble, and
search until he finds his owner. Tlie pig
is very fend of beer and will take a bnttle
In his mouth and seen empty It. The boys
of the neighborhood, with whom he is n
favorite, delight in having fun with him,
aud he lives en the best of things. He will
llkelv go en the stage again if he premises
te take the plodge. The pig Is called
"Swliws," and he knows his name as well
as any deg,
Death or An Old Citizen.
One or Lancaster county's best known
cltlens, Benjamin Frit, sr., was burled
at Strasburg, en Monday, He was bem
near Lampcter, and was K2 years old. Fer
many years he owned the farm in Stras
burg township, en tlm Green Lane, near
New Providence, en which he lived, and
from which he moved te Quarry vllle, where
he kept the Washington house for sov sev sov
eral yeare. He afterwards went back
te his farm, whero he lived until two years
age, when no returned and moved te Strim.
burg, whero he lived until his death.
Mr. IIiiNslur'H Fnneriil Te-morrow.
The body of Jehn J. Hassler, who died
se suddenly In Roanoke, Virginia, en
Saturday night, or rather early Suudny
morning, reached Mount Jey en At
lantic Express en Monday. It was
brought North by Jehn Snyder and
Oeorge Mcll.ilii, the partner In business of
the deceased. The funeral will take place
te-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, nnd
nultea number of friends of tlie deceased
of this city will attend it.
There Will Hen County I'ulr,
Although tlie gentleiiien who conducted
the fair In this city last fall de net Intend
holding ene this year, there will still be u
fair. A number of well known gentleman
of this city havealreadv secured MlG rami's
park for September Uth, 10th, Uth and
12lh. That will be the week proceeding
the Heed I ni! fair and the week after the
ene at Lebanon. Next week the first
meeting te take seme action In regard te
the matter will be held.
A WoddluuTe-diiy.
Mrs. I rene Trimble (noe Strau u i, daugh
ter of .Mrs. Cathcrine Straw n, was lur
ried nt the residence of her mother this
inerulng, te E. D. Usner, el Peoria.
Illlneii'. The ceromenv was informed
by Rev. Dr. Mitchell, in the pres pres
ence of a few friends and Invlled
gnosis. Afterwards a reception was held
and the newly made man nnd wife left for
l'cnria at 2 o'clock this uftcrntMm. The
groom formerly roslded in this county, but
went West a number of years age. lie is
connected with the Atchison, Tnpcka A
Kansas railroad.
A Muslelnn tenm. Heme.
Otte Therbahn, who has been placing In
the orchestra at Williams' Academy of
Music all season, came home te-day te as
sist In the concert te be given ny his
lather's orchestral school en Frldiy own
ing, June Cth.
Threo Charges Aunlnst Him.
Frank Hubiev has been pnisociiled be
fore Alderman Barr for larceny, malicious
mischief and drunkenness und disorderly
conduct. The allegation is that Hubley
maliciously broke the deer of Alexander
Hudgoeu aud stele a pension voucher.
Prldy Has Many Samuels.
Wasiunote.v, Juue 3. Samuel Menear
has been appointed stere-keeper In the
Ninth Peunsylvaula reveaie district,
JUNE 3. 1890.
A Committee te Consider Whether Aid
Can Be Olveu thaForelen Churches,
Delrcateaaud Committees Repert.
Lkbanen, June 3. At yoslerday's ses
sion of the Reformed Church In the United
States Rev. F. Fernwlck dclcgate te
Reformed Alllauce at Llppn Detmold,
reported his fraternal reception nt the
sessions of the Alliance. Hn belloved Iho
reat difficulty under which the church
lere Is carrying forward the work grow
ing out of the condition of affairs In Ger
many, Is because of lack of denominational
seminary facilities. He reported further
the gratltiule of the German church for the
efforts of our American' church In the
ha. ber mission work at New Yerk. Our
delegate urged the continued fraternal
oxchange of dolcgates with the Reformed.
Alllauce, and that our poeplo should help
them In thelr work nnd aid theni by our
sympathy and moral support.
Frem the discussion It uppenrs that the
firomtses of the government of Germany
.as been faithless In the premises under
which the United church In Germaiiy was
formed. It seems that the customs, forms
and uses el the Reformed church as such
are belug put entirely out efthe way and
the church Is In process of disintegrating,
and the denomination must stiller less un
less seme onceurngoment could be given.
Therofero a coinmittee was raised te con
sider ways nnd means of giving prniier
assistance nnd onceuragomout te the Re
formed brethren In Swltzerlaud and Gor Ger
maiiy, and te correspond with thorn with '
hepe of successfully helplng, and report a
plan by which this can lie doue te the next
general synod, If they are tiuabln te pro pre pro
jiesn ene at this session. Rev. J, I, Geed
Is chairman or this committee.
Rev. Dr. J. S. Kleffer, dolegale te the
goneral synod of the Reformed Church In
America, ropertod that he had attended te
the dut v belonging te him.
Rev. Or. J. 1. Crawford ropertod that he
had presented the cordial greetings of tha
general assembly or the Presbyterian
Rev. D. B. Lady reported his duty as
delegate te the Evangelical Lutheran gen
eral synod at Allegheny, Pa.
Bev. J. B. Hhuinnker lUtendcd the quad quad
rlennlal session of the synod of the Mora
vian church at Bethlehem.
Rev. Dr. II. Rust, delegate te the confer cenfer confer
enco of the Evangelical church of North
Amerlcn, also roiiertcd.
Tlie rejierts nil speke of the most fra
ternal reception by the reverend bodies te
which the dolegato hnd beeu seut, and all
remtosted a continuation of the oxchange
of dolcgates.
The Soclety for the Relief of Disabled
Ministers was commended te the llbemllty
of the district synods nnd (-lasses. This
soclety lias been doing n geed work In the
Refermed church and has bec.i receiving
cniisldoreblo ntlontlen from the church.
They have at prosent a sum of evor $2.',000
invested for the benefit or disabled minis
ters or the church.
The coinmittee appointed te propnre a
hymnal for the whole chit. cli ropertod Its
work In manuscript form. Owing tern,
oversight In the action of tha last meeting
of the general synod (the treasurer net fool feel
ing himself warranted te iidvance the very
considerable moiiey needed te publish the
work) the manuscript was laid bofero the
synod. This was referred te a committee
of two mombers from each synod.
Rev. Dr. Gehr, as chairman of a commit
tee of two te translate the directory or
worship into the German language,
ropertod the work as completod by tiie
coinmittee. Thts work Is n considerable
Improvement en the directory Itself and
will meet the wants of the German Krtien
of the church.
The coininlttce en new formulas reperted
In printed form a complete net of forms for
tlie u se of pastors and churches, hut before
the synod took any action these forms wero
referred te a special committee te icpert
The condition of the Hungarians In the
Connellsvlllo cekn regions have been willed
te the attention of the general synod, A
special commttteo was raised te take this
Inte consideration and te report at this
meeting. ,
The svtied referred te tlie Sundav school
beard liie question of arranging lessens for
festival days in harmony with the days,
nnd Instructed the beard te request the
international Sunday school convention te
take the matter into favorable considera
tion and arruuge the lessens in harmony
with the festivals of the church year.
One of the most Interesting subjects
which will come up befere the synod will
be the Investigation Inte the administration
as missionary te Japan of Rev. Ambrose.
D. Grliig, new of Lancaster. Rev. Mr,
Grlng was ordained a missionary te Japan
nlne years age. Alter soven years' sorvlce
In Japan he returned te this country en a
year's vacation. During this tlme difficul
ties arese, and Rev. Mr. Grlng presented
his resignation. Tliedifllcultius with Mr.
Grlng have new been roferrod te n special
coinmittee en Investigations, with full
power te oiviuilne ull tlie paxrs and
correspeiidonca which passed between
the beard of foreign missions and
Mr. Grlng. This committee held a
three-heurs session te-day, at which Rev.
Mr. I rnu'i siUe of tlie case was neuru.
Te-morrow the commllteo will hear the
charges of the beard of missions. After
both sides are heard the coinmittee will re ro
pert the results of their labors te the gon gen
err.l synod, which body will finally act.
' The evening was devoted te the discus
sion or the report or the coinmittee or mis
sions, ft
Action en the itopert en tlie Orphuus
Heme Thu rtle Defalcation.
Ill the Evangelical Lutheran synod nt
llethlohem en Monday morning the repert
of the ministerial session was handed In,
and the following wero rocelved us mem
bers by vete of synod : Ordained min
isters Rev. J. D. Reth, Indiana synod;
Rev. C. W. Jeffries, Pittsburg syiiedf; Bev.
H. M. Wober.New Yerk Mlnlsterluin; Rev.
J. II. Fishhiirn, East Pennsylvania synod;
Rev. E. llanneman, German lewr. synod :
I tin.-. I.mlewlir Nevlmcskl. Evatiirellcul
Lutheran church; Rev. J. N. Wctzler,
Pittsburg synod. Candidates for ordina
tion Charles F. Dev, LyonsSlatlen, Berks
county; Paul u. J. uinteri, iirenuam,
Texns; Paul O. Klcnger, Butler, Pa. ; Mil Mil
eon J. Kluehner, Slatiolersvlile, Pu.; J. W.
Richards, Allentewn ; Frank M. Help,
Alleutewn ; Henry 1). E. Sealield, Philadel
phia ; PrcHlen 11. Smith, Couever, N. ('. ;
CarlS. Walters, Hamburg, Germany.
At the afternoon's sossleu Henry toll tell
man, president of the beard of trustcosef
the orphans' home, read the beard's report.
The relert gave In detail the standing or
the home sinee Treasurer File's defalcation.
I'h ere are new 71 orphans In the luslltu-
tleu, a boys and 20 girls. The asylum
has 30 Inmates. Total recMpts last year,
80,892.17, expenditures, ?'J,7ti7.U7. A sup
plement te Mr. Lehman's reHrt was read
by Lawyer W. II. Staake, or Philadelphia,
lie first reviewed the fermer standing and
character of Jehn C. File as a trustee ser
vant of the church. The trustees were en
deavoring te rescue us much as possible.
They have new 87,311 or the endowment
fund and 82,45.1 te meet current oxpenso".
They cannot yet tell whether I'lle's
was the result of criminal Intent or
or very careless methods or buslness. The
less, se rar as ascertained, is 810,000.
The following action was taken en the
report :
Jteielved, That the trustees eloetel as
reprosentallvos of synod are Instructed te
place the treasurer or the home under
(wilds equivalent te the money entrusted
te iitm, and te see that bequests are Invested
lu accordance wltli tne laws or tne com
monwealth. The beard of trustees prosentcd thelr
resignation, but synod refused te accept it.
Dr. Mann was ro-clccted a trustee, und
Jeseph A. Drawer, of Philadelphia, was
elected en the beard, te succeed Mr, File.
Pending further dlscnuilen the synod
adjourned until Tuesday.
AplKilnted n Notary.
Silas W. Shirk, city, has been apjieliited
a nniarv nnblie. nia commission was re-
I celved t the recorder's ofllce this morning.
IreifWurkurs lu Conveutlen.
Pirrsnune, June 3. The annual conven
tion or the Amalgamated Association of
Iren and Steel Workers was opened at
Tumor hall, this city, this morning, with
2(10 delegates from all parts of the country.
The most Important matter te he consid
ered will be the adoption of n new scale of
wages. It Is known that many changes
will be made In the scale, and' the uiett
Important of these Is the ndvance te be
asked for In boiling.
There will also be a demand for an nd nd
vaneo In nil departments of steel milts.
The men here want a ten per cent, ndvance
all around In every department. They
will ask for this and will compremlso the
matter en thojideptlnu of a sliding scale
te be governed during the year by tlie
prlce of steel.
Many of the iiianuf.icliirers are already
slacking up lu anticipation of trouble.
Some of the men speken te expressed
themsclvcs ns bcllevlng manufacturers
would net sign the scale nnd are beginning
te talk of dullness In tnulote prevent tlie
ndvance being asked. " But," said ene of
them, " we will make our demands, strlke
or no strike, and what Is mero we
will get nheut everything we ask
for. We lmn no manufacturers'
coinmittee te deal with any mero.
We deal entiiely with firms nnd It Is
much morn satisfactory, I don't bollave
thore will be nny difficulty. The nnnnnl
cry orthe iiinmifarturers Is that they will
net sign the scale, but they always oemo
around In the end."
The convention will be In session 10
tkliuirai'iiic taps.
Junk 3.
Jehn S. Bell, chief of secret sorvlce
division of Iho tre.isiiry, hnvltni failed te
comply with tlie request for his restgiintlnu,
has been dismissed te take effect from
yestcrday. Mr. Bell was nppolnted during
the last administration. His successor
will be chosen In a few days.
Bud Lindsay, deputy U, S. marshal,
shot and killed Distiller Kilts In Campbell
county, Ky., Kilts re fused te
soil him less than tan gallons of whisky,
telling him his license forbid tha sale of a
Montreal coal beavers, numbering ever
400, are out en a strlke. They demand tlie
snme pay for day work as night work 36
cents per hour.
The corenor'H Jury Investigating tlie
railroad drawbridge disaster at Oakland,
Cal ronderod a verdict finding Enginoer
Dunn guilty of manslaughter by cilmlnal
nogllgenco and also censuring the railroad
company for net oxercislng sufficient
caution in signalling trains nt the draw
The Ilre In the Bast colliery, at Ashland,
Pa., has been roached by a shaft, but
workman were overcome by gas and ins
cued wltli difficulty.
A $3,000 Ilre or unknown origin destreyed
the McOurgan and Miner buildings nt
Waynesburg, Pa., early this morning.
The Buffalo team or the International
Base Ball League, has been transferred te
Mentreal, und the regular net Ic of matches
will be played thore.
The overduo stcamcrshlp Bourgeyno
roaciied New Yerk, having been delayid
by overheated machinery, i
The gunboat Bonnltigieu was launched
at Heech's yard at Chester nnd christeued
by Miss Annle Ashton, daughter of Chlof
Enginoer Ashton, who will be attached te
the vessel. This Is the Inst of the Reach
In Chicago, Jeseph KitlHPr, (hn New
Yerk anarchist, held en suspicion of know knew
lug something about tlie bomb found at the
Hayinnrkct monument, was discharged,
the Judge severely denouncing the pelice
practice of locking up peeple without
charging them with crlme.
Senators Allisen, Aldrlch and .Tenos, of
the hub-ceinmlttpe or the lluance com cem com
mlleoo, oxamlned nud passed the worst
scliodule and laid ever the sugar schedule
te await Senators Merrill and Sherman.
Twe fur dcalers, representing a hundred
houses engaged lu the preparation of fur
and manufacture of fur goods, asked an
Incrcase efduty en dressed for and manu
factured articles ever that orthe McKlnley
Four mnmbers of the Cam paw f.millyi
poisoned by eating wild parsnips, neur
Iike Geerge, Out., are new dead, autl It Is
feared that the ether three will dle.
They Must Net Dlvuluu the Information
They Obtutu Frem the People.
Wasiiixoten, Juue 3. The following
order was te-day Issued by
of the census:
Te Kuptrilsera ami Enumerators
The 13th section or the ceusus act makes
it a misdemeanor, punishable by a line of
M0, for any supervisor or enumerator te
couiinunlcate te any person net authorized
te rncoive the same.auy Information gained
by him In the performance of his duties.
It Is net therefere within the discretion of
supervisors or enumerators te muke public
or te give out any part of the Information
obtained by thorn. This applies with equal
fircole local authorities, newspapers nnd
individuals. In no cuse will the superin
tendent grant permission te divulge any
such Information. Ne tabulations what
ever of returns must be made by suporvl supervl
s irs and no rough ostlmates given out.
The schedules should be seut te Washing
ton Immediately after examination has
been made by the supervisor te discover
emissions and errors,"
Ilurvurd Heys lienoiineo the l'nliit nn
dulM neil Employ u Detectlve.
About five hundred students usseuibled
InSevorhallef Harvard In answer te u
call for u mass meeting te take uctlen lu
regard te the oulrage ceniiiillted en the
college property during the "celehratUiu "
en Saturday night. The following roiolu reiolu roielu
tions wero unanimously adopted :
Jteseh'erf, That we express the unani
mous sentiments of the uudoruraduates In
saying that we vlew the wanton defacing
of Harvard's walls and monuments with
the most hearty Indignation; thai, we rcsent
the Imputation that a deed se barbarous
und un-llurvurd-llke could have been done
by our sanction or with our knowledgo;
that we declare It te he the act of ene or two
men ut most.
Iteielied, That, as n stigma or this
vandalism will attach te us us u body, we
therofero make all reparation In our power
by sending te the college money te be
raised by publle subscription among us,
sufficient te repalr, us far as possible, the
damage caused by it and by expressing
our doep regret.
Jleielerd, That the presidents of the
classes be omiewored te appoint a com
mittee te receive and money for
the purposed! repairing Saliirday'sdiiuiage
und employing a detoctive te discover tlie
Sued ihe County.
Audrew Caldwell, formerly an assistant
underUeeiKJr at tlm J-iii.Mster county
prison, has nitered a against the
county before Alderman llershey for
8130 37. This Is the amount or money
wltli interest which he savs Is due him
,, tin, reuntv. Ills side of the caRO Is
that he was hired nt $15 per month und was
te work but six days ir week. After a
time he was put en every ether Sunday for
which he received no compensation. He
asked the lns)octers 10 increase his salary
85 iier mouth, and severul of thorn
premised te de se but never did. This Is
te recover the btlanct alleged te ba du.
The Prosecutor and Defendant te Vmf',
Costs-Dnuiel Herst, of Starvns, Oft' 'Jv
Trial for Larceny of Tobacco. M
ffittilr1il JftiiviiAa.i ... ,
nt2:30 o'clock nnd the false pretense (eSsk'l
'I'lilill.Ti 411111 riliaBBHtlllBBBi i
"""" i'" .'tunny wascaiieu lertnaitJj
The defendant was charged with ebtalnUstf"
uiu HMiimiu vi uuiiu ruugicy 10 a prOBM
sery nete by representing te him that I
ewiicu rent ostnte worth ' ?7, MX), sgsii
which there was a lien or 1 1,600. while 11
Tact was that tha property was llensd Isr
mere than its value. The district atterns , '
stated ttlore could net be a conviction, umet
a verdict or net guilty was entered. Jv .
r reuencK sioner, or Maner tewnsMKV, :"
pleaded guilty te soiling liquor wllfcssii 5
llconse and sentonce was pest pan XL,' v
Charges or soiling liquor te miners and e.
aunuav were uispoaeu et ny vera."". "ii
guilty, the district nttorne Jst I
cases could net be made out. 4Tar tr: -,
Jehu Rnmbe. or Salisbury tewnshln. 1
put en trial for violating the liquor law.
nelllntr without Ucaiiwi and ta minera. .
commonwealth proved that en tbaSsfdt
January Harry Spoils, a miner, went te
Rnmbe1 house and purchased a quart Mr
whisky for fifty cents, Batnne selling- Ijr
nnd taking the nioney for It. Charts
Noithelmerand William Henry, twebsn ,
who went wllh Spotts and drank soma C
the whisky, said It came from lUmbe'f
hoiifie. "
The defonse was that Rambo was Mfi, ;
agenl of Geerge Gelalcy, of New HellaaeV? "
n wholesale liquor dealer enjoying a lletMs '
from the court, and as auch agent he teak; -erders
for whisky among Ihe farmers Urfp
ing lu his neighborhood. These orders ksv,'
took tiv (lelulev's stere where ther wwt!;"
nilod.undHambedellverod the demlJelMssv
containing me wiiiskv eraereu 10 i
who were te iret It. He had fifteen
orders en me ju ei uuuuHrjr, wuicu wsrr '
livered en the next day. It was denied few
Rambo that he hail sold any liquor te Qki",
witnesses called by the commenwealth: S-L.
said Spotts came te his house and wanMsV
te purchase soma whisky. He told blnka.'
could net sell him any, but would Ukftfcl
order. Spotts thou lea and the next
upon examining the demijohns In ,tM
vard he found that a pint had been UkW .
from ene of them. , 'fe.
Suverul nolithbers of Rambo. who DM
nt his heuse when Straits cams theftM
wiusKy, lemiueu iiihiieuiu iiu iiwet -
nt the time he all egos he procured H.i
wan also shown that the prosecutor effstM
te sottie me sun ler siuu rasn. ' .-,
r-tinnirVT tit?a1lc- 'S.
Edward Banks, Nera Breldenbach Mt3
Philip Bence, who sorved terms IB
county Jail for larcenies, were dl
iinitnr llin Insolvent law.
Addison Dyer, recently appointed
stahlu of the Third ward. Msnhelm I has declined te nccent the neslll
and ns vet thore nre no applicants lel
ofllce. . . fj--
Tuesday Afternoon. Court met .
o'clock and the lurv In tbe Rambo UaftCsf
case rendered a verdict of net guUty, TWO
IKISlUg IWO-llliniS Ul HIW UUW uu AmHwm
Nerthvlmer, the prosecutor, and eni fcsfj
en tneueienuaiu. ,
Daniel Herst was called for trial tm
charge of larceny. Tbe racts, as preTM
the coinmenwoalth. wero these : J. Jswl
Kee ft Ce.- are cigar tnannfactUMMI
Sle vens. They occupy psrt of a warWM
for the storageer tobacco, ana xterwil
ether part, with a beard partition Mm
tne upurinienis. wensiuerauip (..
was missed bv McKoe ft Ce.. from I
tlme sluce last rail, and en January
luvontery was ukeu wmen snows
ever twentv-slx hundred pounds wi
accounted for. An examination W I
orthe warehouse and It was feunat
heard between the McKee andHertf I
iiiniifM liml linen mwhI off fileM I
around, se that It could be roeTsd.
allow a norsen te enter tha MeKsi I
watch was set and Herst was seen te
awny seme tobacco In his nanus
Complaint was made and a searck '
Iuu.ia.1 1)t .f t,a InlwnMI 1AJ
rr.un.llM 1 tersi's rIdnend it WSaldSBSS'l
tilled by tbe iecullar manner In whltl W
nau ueeii wrappeu wiui mra. 5i'ij.
The defonse was mat tiers; nTsvfsss ,,
this tobacco; that the tobaejo clUnM w;
the MoKees found en Herst's primMsl ,
was put there ny seme one ter ins par
of getting Herst convicted and sent te.
that iierst is me isiner-in-iaw et esw
MoKees, and seme time age na emu
Kim with ene or his factory alrls a
a suspicious mnnner and when ha i
him with It McKce became vary
and struck Herst, and from that
started the efferts te make It appaarl
Herst had stelen tobacco; tkati
examination made of the partition I
MrKca'b and Herst's armrtments
that the beard had been sawed fremC'l
Kee's side, te which Herst never MM
cess, and lu conclusion, It was shewal
Herst's ropiitaiien ter neneaty seu i
rlty was of the very best, and bad
lier.n ntmittlniind nrler te this charix
Hint liniKer ft Lutz. his backers In
iinu. Inul furnished him all the toliaeettl
needed In his business, en inai.
An Issue was framed te delermlnal
ownership of property levied upon I
slinrill, III WHICH ueorge -. nmimivi
lotto Rudy.Martl-a ltudy and Jehn H.l
gresser were liloue piain-.ius, ana ns
Gedding ft Ce., II. 8. Clumplln, Jg
Meckley, i.ewis a. neweii aji,;
,.iilel liwMayerjT.vW.yVji?
liener Ames W. Uachiuan.lileef
delphia. . C.Va
Jehn H. Chlllns, city, was grantM?!
rnneivnl nf Ills unlillnr'a llcerlBP.
Abraham Sellers, indicted for fereiUgti
detainer, was surrendered by nts de
nan en Meudav aftoriieou. He ltV
ball for his nppoarauue at the present taMj
ei court. '
Tlie Court of Appeals te Doelda.
nuri'Ai.0. June 3. In tha general
of the supreme court te-day the declsieaK
.liuli'A Underwood, of Auburn. In' M
Kommler habeas corpus case, was affirmant
This allows the case te go at once te';tk
..... ..f Ann ..nia M'l I ,. ft,l 1 , 1 1 At I ATI mt. 4A '
I'lJIIIl lil JJ.-,I. A,,V U.,J WV.. ww J.l;!
sue is wimllier ivomiuier ran wm .wmmurr
executed by the warden or Auuurn pnaaav
Wasiu.noten, D. O., Juna V-
r: sllehtly warmei winds.
mlng southeastorly. .,
Iff raid Woather Forecasts! A Wsstaf
depression, new in Nebraska, will prea,
blv move slowly northeast, with raw tac
tile lake region. A small anti-cyclone aai
the Atlantic seaboard will be accempaalam.-
by continued warm weather, growing massif
suitiy vein ponuure was nnj """"!?1
lu the lited States yesterday ; ma
minim re;erled was u ueg. xji
v,,ril.l! rl Vf Ida chief maximum. ML I
El Pase, Texas. In tbe Middle taisi
...... .... in ,jiHit.-cinudv weattaeraam
fresh southerly winds will prevail, fu4 '?A
bv cloudiness ami in ;""' T.jrnT fl
by rain, and In New England fair, slightly .
w armor weather and ight, variable wls44
becemliiR easterly and southerly. WaasMT J&
conditions will coiitluue generally aTatw
able te the growing crops. lT
Dogs Must Be Muzzted.
As will be been by an advertis
nUaulmin. Maver Clark te-dav Isa
rirru-luiiiiitinn erderiuiT all owners of I
te pcu their dogs up or keep them mas
fnr nnatiinnili ufter next Meudar. 1
visions will be made for catching and da
posing of such dogs as are leunu runaa
loose Ull lliu auvuiQ mmwi w".w,.
next Monday.
tr flaliln nfthAlmva hlfih school.
t. n.ini ,! r.inrih rlmieaen a betanll
..:.. .i.u snimii. Their search'
Mowers was along the Conestoga ciaak.!
cim -withdrew the Suit.
Elir-ibeth Breneman te-day wl
drew the suit for assault ami uaitarr aaj
.ef.,rr.-i r.n Menduv amltikt her hu
Nathsnlcl Broneuun, and hs paid the oe