tm l-i-MBi? fWfmWTJ '?'if A CHEAP MOXKBY WOW. Hew the McKlaler Bit! Leeks SeatkwoHera BapnbUeaa Papar. TheWlcklta (Kansas) JCdptc, dlUd br Match M. Maniec, tba leading Republl can papar Jb southwestern Kansas, Uaa this te nay in doable-leaded editorial : The McKltiley bill is an outrageous per formance. It is bat a cheap monkey show In the Taoe of high heaven and of the Amer- It Is an attempt te make an angel of the devil without abbreviating bis tall or saw ing off his horns. It takes dollars front the farmers and returns them dimes. It does net Impese a single duty which will help a Kansas farmer. What de we care about the duty en eggs and en hsyT This suggestion ought te render the average Kansas rooster Impo tent, and start the hens of evr-rv barnyard west of the Mississippi te crewing. The Lord preserve us I But what with the McKlntey bill, the supineness of the Roed-Cannen lel crowd In the lower house et Congress, and hypocritical prohibition. If the Kepetll am party In Kansas does net hear something drop next November then 27 years in the editorial service has only fltted us for an Insane asylum. The additional duty en wool is but water gruel of the weakest sort for the Kansas farmer, upon whose heart's bleed the gold geld It of wall street and thecembinlte of New England and the East fatten te full-eyed paucity. As the As the stars In their course feuehtaffalm t Slseria, se the civilization of the closing neurs or tne nineteeniu century nam against the hide-bound tariff burdens with which the West is being saddled by the Incorporated bleats of Eastern manufactur ing and Atlantic money centres. Saddled, tee, by the men, by the political parties which 'the peeple themselves sustain and keep in power. This Is the position which the people of Kansas will held nud maintain, in spite of the 82,000 machine majority thai was rolled, up by the state a few months since for Ben Harrison and protection. - Protect the System from Malaria. It fa possible te de this even In regions of country where miasma li most rift, and where the periodic revert which it causes assume their most formidable types. The Immense popu larity of Hestettcr's Stomach Bitters is very largely attributable te the fact of its efflcacy as a remedy for chilli and fever, bilious remit tent, and as a preventive of Uie various forms of malarial disease. In these portions of the West and Seuth where cemplaluta of this na ture prevail, and In the Tropics, it Is particu larly esteemed for the protective Influence which It exerts ; and It has been very widely adopted ns a substitute for the dangerous and comparatively IncflectUe alkaloid, sulphate of quinine. Physicians have net been among the last te concede Its merits, and the emphatic professional endorsements which It has re ceived hae added te the reputation it ha ob tained nt home and abroad, my'.tftejune.'l Loek Hore, Friend, Are Yeu Sick f De you surfer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nerteus De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Keel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less et Power, or any form of Consumption? If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle or Flo Fle Flo raplexien, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. FlorapUzien Is a highly concentrated fluid extract or the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies fail. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N. Y. Fer sale by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster lis. npr!7-lyddw A Spring Modlelne. The druggists claim that people call dally for the new euro for constipation nud sick head ache, discovered by Dr. Hllas Lnne in the Recky Mountains. It Is said te bf Oregon grape root (a great remedy In the far West for theso com plaints) combined with slmple herbs, and Is made for use by pouring en boiling water te draw out the strength. It sells at 50 cents a pack age and Is called Lane's Family Medicine. (1) Special Jlottcce. Jinoklen'n Arnica Salve. Tn Best Sat.vb in the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Khenm, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkin Kruptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per per feetsaUsfactleu, or money refunded. Price 25 eenia per dex. rer saie uy w. i. iiucn, vrug vrug s:Ut.Ne. 1,17 and IV North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. Iune27-lyd A Postal Card from Mrs. Dennis Smith, Louisville, Ky., says : " Fer bleed Impurities liurdeek Bleed Hitter) seem particularly adapted. Never before hud complexion se clear. Use all the time." Held In Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 1S7 and ls North Queen street. Kpecli. The trnnsltlen from long, lingering and pain ful sickness te robust health marks an vnecb In the Ufe of the Individual. Such n remarkable event Is treasured In the memory and the agenLV whereby the geed health has been nt- liitnea is graicniuy uieK-seu. ueiice it is iuab se much Is heard lu praise of Blcctrle Hitters. Se many reel they ewe their restoration te health, te the use of the Great Alleratlxe mid Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease or moneys, Liver or Stomach, or long or short standing, liter Mr rMMiuni:", ui i""K u vuui. bvuiiuiiiiji ou will surely find relief by use or Klcctrle Hit era. Sold at 60c anil II per bottle at W. T. I llech's Druir Stere. 1J7 and 138 North Queen street, Lancaster, ra. (1 Pull Ter the Shere. Let us all null out or this sea or sickness and despondency and get en te a rock foundation or he only thing te pull for. They are one or the most renowned health restoratives eer manu factured, fold In I.anca8ter by W. T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Motliem I Mether t ! Mether i t t Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING HYBUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it J there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother ou earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, K cents a bottle. luneaUydAw Kvlilonceottho Hest Kind. Ttirhnrri T. Robinson Is a druggist living In Baclne, Wis. Here Is what he nays: "Afflicted Wltn luryngllis 1 win uimuiu iiiHriiiumiui word distinctly for fully two months. A liberal application of 1'hemat' Eclectrla Oil completely cured me. Am pleased te recommend It. Sold In Lancaster by V.T.,Hecb, U7and 129,North Queen street. Thelr IIuhIiiphs Ilneintuir. Pvniuihli nn one thine has caused such a tten- l.rai ravlMil of trude ut II. li. Cochran's Drug IHlere as thelr giving aw uy te their customers of I se many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dl Dl Icevery for Consumption. Thelr trade Is simply enormous In this ery ulu able article from the I fact that It alw uj s cures and never disappoints Iceughs, Colds, Asthma, llrenchltls, Croup, and all threat and lung diseases quickly cured. ou lean test It before buj ing by gtttlngutrlal bottle tree, large sue i. suwiy wii:mnin;n. IL B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1J7 aud W North Queen street, Lancaster, Pu. W ri'f,.i,uniif1a TTtinti TlinilHjindH I of dollars have been spent In advertising the selebrated Burdock nioed Jhtteri, but this fact accounts only In pirt for their enormous snle. rhelr merit has made them what they are the best UIOOU JIieui-iuu r.v ucti'niu; ,.iii. .j.m lln Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 1S7 and 1J9 North IQueen street. i&awiaaea. s TANDAltD CABUIAQE WOUK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 41.4315 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the ' yostefhes), LANCASTER, PA, stales In Ilnggles, Family Car- Irlive. Phiutens, surrevs, cuurieut, riueieus, Market Wagons, etc, uew ready ler the Spring Trade. .......nnmi i'ir New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly,. mirk mill n wen IiiliV ttuaraniceu Imv prices are the lowest In the county for the liame quality or work. Give me a call aud ex ex lamlnemywerlc. I IteiMIUtlllg "I'U ivciiiuia ,.!.....,.. .- Iteuded te and done u a tlrst-cfass manner. One Let of workmen especially employed rer that Ipurpeas . &eal. B- UMUER AND COAL. J TOUACCOSHOOKSANDCA8EH. WEST itN HAUU WOODS. Wholesale and Betall, I by Jl. II. MAUI IN S IA( niyu st v aicr quwi, j,auc4tsu:r, rs T AUUUAUDNK1UJ COMPANY. CUAL JJ1S ALER5. OmcT-Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. H norm ran sirrcu Yards North Prince Street, near Beading IPOt. .... ... nSI1111 '" .-.ri, in. f-ft. I 1 AW MILLS, 11AHK. MILLS, COH MILLS. O Leather Hellers, Tan Packer. Triple Herse Powers, Milling and Mining Machinery, at I lyiUi ilfrai D, H4 & uiiua sireei. mj-na Heed's Sarsaparilla Is tcfittessny ererhig Its merit as a valuable medicine, by lite Many cures It li accomplish ing. This posture merit is the secret et Its weBdertslaa4 unparalleled success. All we stk et any one needing a geed medicine is that Reed's BarMparUU be given a fair trial. We knew that It Is prepared with the grestett care from tba test Ingredients It ia possible te obtain, that Its Pccullsr Combination, Propor tion sad Precets de give It superior curative Heed's Sarsaparilla power, and that for all diseases or affections caused by Impure bleed or low state of the system, It Is absolutely unequalled. It will cure, hen In the power of medicine, Scrofula, Bait Rheum, Beres, Bells, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blck neadsche. Indigestion, Catarrh, Kidney and Liver Complaints, etc. Heed's Sarsaparilla " I suffered a great while with dyspepsia. I was urged te try Heed's Sartsparilla, and have taken two bottles. It has entirely cured me et dyspepsia, and a scrofulous affection has also entirely disappeared. Iran hardly find words te express my high appre ciation et Heed's Sarsaparilla." At txa II. HiLUOLM, City Hetel, Lancaster, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla naldbysltdrngglits flSlxferU. trepsredby U. 1. HOOD & CO , Apothecaries Lunell, lmi. IOO Deses One Dellar s WIFT SPECIFIC CO. Lingered Between Life and Death. Mrs Gee. P. Smoote, a highly cultivated and estimable lady of I'rescett, Ark,, writes under date or April 29, 18S9: "During the summer or 1887 my eyes became Inflamed, and my sto mach and liver almost hopelessly disordered. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chronic dlarrhwa, and for some time my life was de spaired or by my family. The leading physi cians of the country were consulted, and the medtclnes administered by them never did any permanent geed, and I lingered between life and death, the later being preferable te the agonies 1 was enduring. In May, 1888. I be came disgusted with physicians and their medicines. I dropped them all, and depended solely en Swift's Specific (S.S. S.), a few bottles or which made me permanently well well from then until new." MADE HIS LIFE A BUBDEN. I have had scrofula until It made my lire a burden. I was Inexpressibly miserable, sick, weak, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring thai the snort time which seemed te have been allotted te me en this earth would hasten te an end. I tried doctors' treatment and medicine, and travel, but none or these did any geed, rer thelscrefula gradually grew worst, unephyslj clan, who 1 traveled far te see, and te whom 1 paid f ISO, gave up the case as hopeless. I then gave 'tip all ether medicines, and took only Swifts Specific (S. 8. S.) Four bottles of that medicine cured me, and rer the pest four years I have had ns excellent health and I am as froe from disease as anybody l'vlng " Z. NKiteN, Fremont, Neb. Trcatlse en Bleed and Sklu Diseases mailed r(T) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ge, rf"1 KAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. (KAY'S BPEOIFia MEDICINE. Tur Ohbat EMOMsn Bbmkdt. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Self-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. 49 Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te ev ery one. -The Speclfle Medicine Is sold by all drug gists attl per package erslx packages for S3, or will be sent free by mall en receipter the meuey, by addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO., Huftale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. Sold In I-anauter, Pa., by W. T. Hecu. mar3-lyd Yf UNDEVELOPED PABTS Of the Kuman Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the EKIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan SL, Buffalo, N. Y. Daily Tblede lire. ' fll-fyd&w rpEETUINQ BVHOP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DK. FAHUNEVS TEETHING SYKUP. Perfectly ate. NoOplumerMorpblaralxtures. will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Dowels and Promote DlHlcult Teething. Prepared by DltS.D. FAHIl NF.Y4SON, Uagerstewn, Md. Druggists sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mail 10 cents. lant-lvdeedAw tAKTEB'B LITTLE LIVEK PILLS. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state or the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain In the Side, ic While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing nendache, yet CABTEB'H LITTLE LIVEK PILLS are equully valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com- filalnt, while they also correct all disorders of he stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suffer from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and the who once try them will And these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be wllllug te de without them. Hut after all sick head Is the bane or se many lives that here is where we make our great beast, Our pills cure It while ethers de net. CAKTEIl'S LITTLE LIVEB PILLS are very small and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and donetgrlpo or purge, but b their gentle ac tion please all who use them, l.l vials at 25 cU ; Ave ter f 1. Sold everywhere or tent by mall. CABTEB MEDICINE CO., NEW Y0UK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. augl2-ljdeed QDlothine F INK TA1LOUING. l890--SPRING."l890 Fine Tailoring. The largest and Most Elegant Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES New Beady for Your Inspection, We would also announce the purchase et a Jeb IUer English Suiting ami Treustrlug at a great sacrifice, which we will tell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. SJ-Ch11 early te secure a bargain In these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIltECT ISirOUTINO TAlLOItlNTHECITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dTMfd Heed's Sarsaparilla The marked benefit which people in run down or weakened state et health derive from Heed's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves 6.V claim that this medicine "makes the weak strong." It does net set like a stimulant. Im parting fictitious strength from which there must fellow a reaction et greater weakness than before, but possessing Just these elements which the system needs snd readily selxe, Bced's Sarsaparilla bmllds up lu a per- Heed's Sarsaparilla fectly natural way, all the weakened parts, acts upon the bleed as a purifier and vltaliter, assists te healthy action the kidneys and liver. "I have sold three times as much Heed's SarsapsrlUa as et all ethers combined, In my 17 years in business." W. D. Mkuck, Sunbury, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla " I have used Heed's Barssparllla and find that It accomplishes all that Is claimed. I was troubled with a breaking out of the skin, commonly called 'Lives.' Heed's Barsspa rllla gave Ine Immediate relief. I can cheerfully recommend It te sll these similarly troubled." Wm., Wclghmaster Vtti Ward G Works, Philadelphia, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla yaldhyalldruggUtt. J?l lifer;5. Preurtdb; I SuM C.l.llOODJt(.,.V.itieturla Lunell, Mait. I C. I. IOO Deses One Dellar 5ru lrEl'ZaEB HAUailMAN. OWASH DRESSIGOODS. OUTING STRIPES AVD PLAIDS, DRESS OINGHAMS, TLAIN CHAMDRAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, UEMSTITCIIEDFLOUNCINQS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, 3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) JkTEXT DOOKTOTHE COURT HOUSE. Special Bargains in Summertime Dry Goods Men's Deraet Flannel Shirts, SI, 37. 60c. Men's Cheviot Shirts, 25, T,s. Ready-Mads Over alls, GO and 75c a pair. Ready.Made Pants, GO, 75c, S2, 11.25 a pair. Table Linens, 15, IS, , a, 26, 31 36, 37c. Heme-made German Table Linens, 35, 40, tic. Turkey Red Table Linens, IS, 25, SI, 85 60s. Uleachcd German Table Linens, 50c. Towels, 5, OH. 10, 1, 15,17, 30, S5e apiece. Crash Tew ellng, s, 4, 5, ex, 8, S, 10, Ki a yard, loe dezeu Men's Seamless Hese, (0 a pair. 60 decen Ladles' Se a pair. 75 dozen Lndles' Striped Hese, 4 pairs for 25c. Full regular made Hese for Msn and Women, 12Hc Bleached Muslin, 5, 6;, 8, Sc. 6,000 yards Best Print, 60. Simpsen's Best Mourn lng Prints, 6Hc. Gilbert's Fast Black Henrietta Sateen, 30,25, 37Jc, Fast Black Organdies, lSii 15,17,25,85c Beautiful White Organdies and Nainsoeks, Of, 8, 10, 12) te 85c 8,000 yards New Dress Ginghams, 80 ; worth 10c Large assortment Dress Ginghams, 10c ; worth l2Kc. Big selec tion Best Scotch Gingham, 'Jee; worth 2Sc. Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12c Figured Mulls, 12Jc Best French Sateens, Black and Celers, 23c Deited Swiss, 12, 10, 20, 25, SI, S7K, tOc Curtain Scrims 6,8,10, 12K, 15, 25c Daisy Ribbons, 12e apiece. One let 22 Silk Ribbons, all shades, 25c Laca Curtains, 75c, SI, S1.25, 11.60 a pair. Plaid Surnh Parasols, 82; worth S3. 4S Inch Hemstitched Flouncing, 50, 00, 75c One let Ladles' Aprons, 17ej worth 25c. Children's Aprons, Mether Hub bard stj le, 26c. Crochet Quilts, 76, tr 81,81.25. FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ard Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, BLACK GOODS-Extra value In Black All-Weel Henrietta Cashmere, 40 in. wlds.atSOe worth (ay.a ; is lu. wide at 75c, worth 87Kp ; 48 In. wide at SI. worth 81.25. Bargains In lllaak Usn rletta at 25c and 85e. Silk Warp Black Henrietta at SI. 81.25, SI 50. Black All-Weel Albatres, 60a Black Australian Crepe, double width, 15c Black Mohair Brllltantlne, 1 Ne. at 60c, really worth "w;.i i.;. i uv, rcuy wmuiiiwj i sati nuuiur, wiui pin sinps, aioue, extra wiae ana Quality. Black Nun's Veiling for Veils at 81 and 81.25 per yard. Special low prices In Black Thibet Shawls, single and double. Black French Satins at 22c and Sic, warranted net te crock or change color from perspiration or acids, and Is net affected by washing or exposure te the light. Black eaune wun neai aei or ngure. nam uiaca riaia LAwn WniTE GOODS Special Bargains In India Linen and Victeria Lawn at 8c. 10c, 12Vc and up. Anether let or Satin Bordered White Goods at 20c and 25c Hemstitched and Embroidered Flounc ing at lowest prices In the city. Bargains In Plaid and Stripe White Dress Goods. GINGHAMS Dress Ginghams at 6c, worth Se; 10c Dress Ginghams at 8e: 12ie quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths at loe and 12Hc WINDOW SIIADEB-CIeklng out 1 let of shades, 8 feet long, spring fixtures, at 25c : 1 let with fringe, same size, at S3c. REMNANTS 1 let of 50c Carpets in remnants at 23c per yard ; 1 let of 75c All-Weel Carpets In remnants, at 85c per ard. UNDERWEAR Ladles', Men's and Children's Underwear, summer weight, chesp. Ladles' Ribbed Vest at 8c; elsewhere 10c and up, Men's Balbrlggan from 25c up, Children's ut low prices. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier and Coventry Rival Bufety Bicycles. BARD& Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. SHluccwacc. TT .. RUOADS Jt SON. YOUR ATTENTION IS - TO The Many New Styles - AT H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. A PAKTJCULAW.Y FINE LINE OF WATCHES. FULL LINK SILVER BRACE LETS AND UANC-LUS. DIFFICULT HEP AIRING A SPECIALTY. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. &cfri0rctte;. F LINN BRCNEMAN. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN ANY BEFUIOKUATOn WILL ANSWER. HUT THIS SEASON YOU MUST HAVE THE "KLASKH." THE HEhT AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIOEIJATOR IN THE MAItKET. FLINN & BRENEMAK, OREATREFRIOERATOR AND WATER COOLER STOItr; NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN 8T., LANCASTER, PA. Heed's Sarsaparilla 'Seven years age, my little boy was kitten by a spider. The poison entered his bleed, and sores seen broke out about his body they Itched terribly snd eaused Mm iatense suffering. Finally we tried Heed's Sarsapa rilla, and he took one bottle and OBe-thtrd of another, when the sores disappeared. He has net a sere spot en him new, and Is per fectly cured." Wst. U. B. waud, Downlag Dewnlag Downlag ten, Fcnu. Heed's Sarsaparilla " I have taken two bottles of Heed's Sarsa parilla for salt rheusa and dyspepsia, with which I was troubled very much. After biking this medicine I am feeling as well as ever In my life. I consider and advertise te ethers that Heed's Sarsaparilla Is the best bleed purUer." Q.W. Rees, FetUvllle, Penn. Heed's Sarsaparilla " Fer three years I suffered with dyspepsia, growing se bad that I was at one time com', pletely broken down In health. I began taking Heed's Sarsaparilla en trial, and see ing that it was doing me geed, continued with It. After taking six bottles I gained strength and appetite and was restored te my former health." Jehn B. Bessell, Broekvllle, Penu. Heed's Sarsaparilla by all drugglati. f 1 1 six f or r. Prspiredby UIXJD CO , Apothecaries txmsll,Maii. IOO Dese One Dellar doefew. Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn SPECIALLY INVITED - of Jewelry for Lais - fsnttflv. TITATCM1, CLOCKSJETC. Watches I CLOCKS. ETC. A full graduated Opthalmle Optician will slve careful attention te the correction of bad V isloe. Best repairing. WEBER'S. 158H North Qunn street. Near P. R. R. Depot, apH-lyd. H AVE xOUR EYES EXAMINED I PROF. LITTLE, Graduate Optician, -WILT. BR AT MY STORK AOAIN ItAYMth te 21th. That ws treat alt correctable defects or vision and troubles of the eye for which lenses are worn, and say you the OUULIsrS examina tion ft. This Is a rare opportunity te have your eyes sxamlned. Make an engagement new and avoid walling. Walter C. Heir, (JEWELER,) Ne. 101 N. Queen St. z AIIM'S CORNER. Owing te the number of cases we have for treatment ami adjustment, we have dateruilned te open the office ou Monday & Wednesday Evenings Fer the accommodation of these who find It difficult and expansive te lravn their work dur ing the day lime. OFFICK-SECOND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTRANCE J NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. SKfOfflce Hours from ? te 10 p. m. Monday aud Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE I Ne Fees Charged I All diseases of the Kye treated and operated en by a Graduated Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, and thorough satisfaction Guaranteed A FULL LINE OK Watches, desks, Jewelry and Silverware, As well as the Novelties of the season, at the Lewest Cash Figures. A Hpeclalty made of Intricate Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ernest Zahm, ZAIIM'H CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. aprMmd jfuvnttuvt. -VCUHAG1UBS. SPECIAL OFFERING FOR .JUNE! Handsome Parler Suites IN THE Latest Coverings. Finely Made, At Greatly Reduced Prices. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, (2d,sd A 4th Fleer.) Ne. M BOUT1I QUEEN w IUM fEK'H CORNER. MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL! D uty's work Is once mere done, E ntlsted men who fought and wen, C bant o'er the graves of thene who fell O n many a field, 'mid shot and shell. It emembcred are these patriot dead, A nd o'er their graves the flowers we spread. T-hls dene, let's turn te these who live, E nuance each home snd beauty give. WIDMYER, CORNER OF EAST KING AND DUKE STREETS. TTJCNUl' WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 1311 Kast Klnr street, having a full line of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. aA-tfdH II. WOLF. IWlKMlKlncHtrMit. H KIN1THUT! FURNITURE DEPOT. WIDE AWAKE Iluyers desiring a combination of Ulchest e uallly of the Msuuiuciurers An. man .11 the Newest and Latest Dc.tgus unil the Lewest j'rtces in Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Hbeuld be awake te their euu Interests and rail upon us wheu their wants will be fully up- We'etfer Uwlay a splendid assortment of lur lur ler BulU In Taix-itrlci uud Pluhi.H alspictully Ixjw Prices. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 1 29 Seuth Queen Street. Spectacle Department ! Clethtttrj Mr: KR8RATIirON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We've many attractions ln our Custom De partment. Wears shoving the Handsomest Line SUITING -FOR- Men's "Wear -FROM- $15,00 te Almest Any Price' Bitch styles as these are net offered anywnere In Lancaster for the price. Much an assortment you'll flud nowhere else. EI.EQANT STLYK8 IN Men's Treusering ! c Mere than you'll care te leek nt. Prices range from H te 113. We'll at you, loe, Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER, PA. -lumiiNe. L Gansman & Bre. AUIO UARVLHrFOIlTIlK UAROAIN HUNTKllH. Whcre a Dellar does the Karllicrxt and the Most Is Get for It. MEN'S, UOY'H AND CIIILDRKN'H -AT REDUCED PRI0ES. 1W Children's Hulls al7Sc, 85c, 11,11 M. 10! Children's Hulls at tl , II 00, f 1 TS. . 224 Children's RulU at N 3R, U CO, U. H W. Men's BulU at W 75, 13 3S, M. Men's AU-WoelSult st K, M, 17. Men's All-Weel Worsted Hulls nl 17 SO, t8, 110. Men's Flne Cheviot Suits, !3 CO, U, IS. Men's All-Weel CasslmereBultsat 10, 17, M, 10. tOO Children's Pants at 20e a pair. Rey's Bulls at W 10, tl M, SO. Rey's Woolen Hulls at U S3, 13 GO, U 7X lley's Hulls, All-Weel, at II 60. 15, 6. Our assortment Is still complete. New st lee added immediately ; the only things missing are the prices. Old prices are replaced by new, about ens-bslf In aire, Yeu cannot match our values. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Rey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) ftftd IS XOKTK QUEEN ST., .w.oetxnoroBANai. lahcastm. pa. SsV Net connected with any ether Clothing Ueuseln the city. SKTBernnt Ions snd make no mistake se that you get te the right place. H irmn a niieTiiErt. PRICES TALK. Honeyed words may draw te stores some who like te be flattered, but the werktngman and almost every ether man gees where he gets (feed, Substantial Clothing at tbs Lewest. Rea sonable Prices. Thut Is what we offer te the peeple of Lancaster city and county. Ready-Made Clothing. Men's ntreng Hulls Our Own Slake 14 GO, K.I,I7, 7. Men's AII-Woel Worsted BulU, 17, 13, 110, 112, 111, 115, 118, 118. Men's Black Cheviot Hulls 19 (sold elsewhere for 110) and 114. Men's Caastmere Mulls from fO, 17, IS, 110 up te DO. Men's Fancy Cheviots and Cnsslmerrs, light colors, the talk of the town, I0.OO. Maine put terns sold elsewhere at 110. BILK MIXTURES from 110 a suit upwards. All conceivable Styles, ll'attcrus and Quali ties In Hleck-allnt Rock-Ueltoui Prices. BOYS' READY-HADE LONG PANT SUITS. Htreng Bulls, Light and Dark Celers, from flU, ), 1360 II te K-sultable for hard near. Make geed Hult for Humluy and afterwards ler everyday. OUR OWN MARK. LIGHT COLORED SUITS. Casstmeres and Cheviots, elegant patterns, tA.f.S7uptellO, 111 and IU. All c lers and patterns. Prices undoubtedly the lewist In the county, quality leusldcred. Children's Suits Frem II IB, II W. II 7S.I2. IJM upwards. Belld Cekslmere Hulls, U, 13 Ml, II, II SO, . Hllk Mix tures and brautirul erlictn. Hellilrarers,l3fi0 up te a suit. Light Colored Bulls u Upeclulty, Mercbant Tailoring Dapartment. Htlll alive mid bustling, with scores el order'. Yeu ure the next one we uru rrudy teeuelrclu with Urn tape and for whom we will turn out theprelt) null of the town. HIRSH fe BROTHER, CLOTiUKRH, MERCHANT TAII.OUS AND QENTH' FURNIBHKIW. K, Qeeen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANOASTKIU PA. JicntieH-ij. J) H.NATHOIWT, UKNTIHT. iSt Kr Ar hiuaiCm Filling Teth and Painlem Extraction Bje- dallies. New Sets made, breKeu ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining teDentUtry will rcec!tf prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naiherstls the ONLY Drutlst In this county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Dou Deu tlstry. an advantage that li obvious, mart-lydftw Med mm. drtfUv Oftttbt. -PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BCUB . J 7Trains uun Lsjrcsjsrim and lsavs sal v nvaai rnuaasipiiutM roiiewsi -v Leave? . i " isssv A, fWKRTWARD. PaeincKspresst... News Expreaat-.., Way Passengert..., Philadelphia. LanesMMT V? simp. se. 430a. fa. ftima. m. 7-00 a. . ir,ff'n.Ti?Vrt M a U via Oelutakl Niagara Ei press, Hanover Aoeom... Fast Llnet .... ...... rredsrtck Aeeera... Laueaster Aocem..... Lancaster Aocem. Harrlsburg Acoem.. Columbia Aceesn...... sju a. m. via Columbia MM -i. L1S8 ft. SSt.j' 0 9. SB. '( u: a. in, via Columbia IliM sum. S i- -Ti vUMtJey. KM p. HI. t -t p. ra. fcMp. na. dtfj. m. set s ee esj set Lsavs Lancaster, 240 a. Se. . m. a. m s:l0B.m. MS a. m. t-oea. m. lliSAa. m. l2Mp.m. IiEBp, m. S.-WP.B1. Stfn p. sn, eAp. m, S.40p.m, ltM p. m. tSi liarnsDurg jcxpr Western Kxpreswf, KAjrrWARD. Philfc Kspreest-.. rastLlnef........, IssncasUr Aim Jlarrlsburg Kxpreas.. OolnmbUAeeen. AUanUe Kxpnsat,..,. Beashers Kxprass... PhlladslphlaAeceen' Hunday Mall......... ssKueuuir Jirrnm Jy Ksprsssw.....M. Harrlsburg Accem... Mall Train Frederiek Accem..,.. ti us oeiy uaiuawnicn run aany. v m r- KBD M. BBUJ m nSSSBraiC""u - "" an J. R. WOOD, nnnirii riMMiiir Inn ftv OH AH. S. PUOU, Oeneral atanagar. TWnfrf"08 i0tln " W ArnwitnHMui J-HSSSJIIgtl atbibs suiiur, stay 11, last j. NORTHWARD. Ijsavs a. w. p. sr. King Btreet, Lane. 7-00 I2:0 LncMter...... 7.-0T 13M Columbia.. , MM ManhelmM . 7:M 1-30 OernwalU... 1-M 1:M . . Arrive at Lebanon Ml M BOUTUWARD. . t Lsavs a.m. r.n. liSbanen ........., 7iU 1JJ0 Cornwall... ............ 77 12:41 Manhslm;....-.. 1M 1:11 Lancaster.......... . 137 l: Arrive at Xing Street, Lane, 8.SS I. AS Columbia . KB 8KB A. M. WILSON, Bupt. R. C. RsUlraM. a H. NEFF, BllJJU d R. H. -pniLADKUHIA RftADmORAlXmOAB I tZm 1mm SS .m.3 sMB MB Jli?iy tag km ';- : RKAntNn Ami.irusira nrvtain. ,. i.J . On and after Hnndar. May 11. vm. ImImI'.I leave I Ancaster (King street), as fellows! s ?' Fer Rmdlng and lntermedlaU petass, wsMfVIl ' days, 7:40 a. m., Uite, S.-M p. m.; BuadayiSIS.?x h Fer I'hilsrtelnhta, week days, 7;40 a. n., UH'IJ a.4S n. m.; Hnndsvi. SJH n. m ' 'if-:; rer New Yerk via Philadelphia, was sW&n 7.40svm..l2:M.s-4RD.m. 7M .Fer New Yerk via AUentewn, wsk al5 J-1' ix:j p. m. i Fer Alieetawn, week days, 7:40 sv afesX -'s:. m. : Rnnda v. IfcBft n. m. "i ,V Fer Pettsvllle. weak days, 7:40a. mtmp. a,f i Sunday, 8.55 p. m. . Fer Lebanon, weak days. 7.-00 a. m Vm,9m ,, Lebanon, week days.7.-00 a.aslJI Knndar, 8.-05 a. m.Me p. sa. Itarrlsburg, weak days, 7.-8S a. ml. n. m Fer ftic. 5.3S p. m. 5 Monday, B.-0S a. vr Ferttnamnriiis,' vrssk days. M a. m, IM, 65, 8.00 p. m. t Sunday, 5:10 p. m. T TKAINB FOR LANOA8TXR. K Iavs Reading, weak days. 7-10, U4Sa. 5ft p. m. t Bunday. IM a. m.j 8:10 p. sa. Leave Philadelphia, week days :1, m., 4-00 p. m, irave 7:a.m New Yerk Yin PhlladslpaU, wMk dan, ft ., 1:30. p. m. 1115 night. ij 4 New Yerk via Allenlewa, wssk aayaS. ' iav. DO a. m.. 1-00 li. m. -'?'? Lea v Alien town, week days, Sc47 a.M. lm P,.H1 ....... , . J2W. ufjm reiisvuie, weea nays, atsw a. sau. p.m. liBva TAhannn. wAk dava. Till a. sl. 1 7:11 p. m. t Hnnday, 7.55 a. m.,il5j. sa. ,-;; rt 1av itarrlsburg, week days, sill a. aa. ) M8K v ri Us JT g fs,4jt fa Ul Lsavs Quarryvllls, wssk days, MS, 1141 . av saM Dunear, 7.iuB.m. t ATLANTIC CITY Dl VIBIOIT. uir tS Leave riitiaaeipma. chesuut ant Hsnth street wha nan; Kjt Atlantis Oltv. weak Ayt, Bin a. m. and 4-00 n. tn.i Ae Taw a. m. ana tan p. m. j tjunaajrj an B-oe a. m., Aeoemmodatloa, tm a. aa n. m. Retnrnlng leave AUanlle City, dapet fig r Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues, wssk eaussva. -; Kipress TM a. m. and 4 p. as. Assjs Vimwi. S n. mi. A MnnmnlsUfw. VSlS bI sSkM -T.'S!.-.'' " " ""T sun sjw p, m. . . w : Detailed Ume Ubles can bs eblaiaaaMlMML ' A.A.MCLKOD. O.a.BAKOQOK.' VleePrscAOsn'lM'gr. QmfirmftSit,, m ri-v Santp. $- N1 KW LAMPH ANDARTOOODS. - wa xj.. ji -. .' ' rap Call and. FINE Nl LUHWi AND '"Ai ,(j xrcanp' rrrrc ;J "" vwwww rtu Bvnniirn nuns -"'v'l. ' " . vw . ww , , JoLmLArneld'slMdiiiir. NORTH QUEEN STKX0. m UMUINa.OAS si -n n m am . : TOM . nnn w Nnnflnm at .snn-ii , - . -'T- m -- - - " bbW " ------- -- -- - bub-js rmr .v. , PLUMBING, GAS -PITTING HMiK. 26 80UTH QUEEN 8T., LANOArTTKR PA. Cljittatwar. H 1UI1 A MARTIN. Qlass.H China, " -- 'S -AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wi are new opening our Spring Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade or wars at ' Lewest Price. HousesUres receive csptcUl attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East Kinff Street. ' i PUoteavaphm. -.i.if- iL.i(.nv ru ivYiriirHTnirive A H ' " -- -ii, TitEIll I'ICTUHH. Among the Daisies U the Latest Style of PHOTOGRAPHS MADE. Call and sea them, at ,, ROTE'S, 50 N. Queen St., J LANCASTER, PA., 4 Janimml NiUQ roateQjj r.i w mi '3 M?.?. :j Jii' 4Si- m '! -- iK m: '4i i 'A M iZ 1