wwA! ?j I- IVi.y r.aj iM' f ,- -- f'V'ailH J(wtelll0ttcr '4NDRKW J.BTKIKMAK, , J.-C CHA1UWtnT.INMA!fFOtTZ,BdlWra. BOBBRT CLARK Publisher. ft. DAILY IMTKLMOKNCKn. Published mn day in the year, but Sunday. Berved . r farriers In thli city and nurreundtng f'y. jHiMMunmiHimra. Bjniwinmuw r jy iHiKTNriHiKiTiiuniwRiuuiiiuwiu. si. ?ricieiH.v ttrrv! .f .invMrRR-Jiui dollar and f- AftmnliaM InailfAnM. a-flOTlOBTO BL-B80HIHKH8-ltemK by check ,,i--jf''?"i E 'V- nrtxiMaillM order, and when neither or Hmnmb be procured wed In a rt-jlsterad r . at the Posteffloe, m second class malt & .tier. AbbBM, THI.JXTSUIOBIIOU, Lamcaster, Pa. LAKOASTER.PA., Jmw 2, IMP. Mm Deg ni Ba! Defi. m. i..iu.i..i.i. ..- i ... , AUV UVUIUUUUUIK ClilHIU UUn t'UItla. tteucedln terrible earnest with a fatal V OMe in tUU oeunty, while at tlie Pasteur V-t- hesnlUl. in Mew Yerk, a dozen patients. 'N trader treatment by the much crltl- VMd qnum of Inoculations. Early in 'JIM tpring s mad deg wag killed iu Dru Dru fl(ere fewiub.D. and there seeim te be 1 ftmeaA reason for caution, although none i3 irt" elf for alarm, u-iileh In ntu-ava tlin 'Athlug te be avoided In connection with "V? maladies of the kind. Death in tliat form aeems. ae horrible that there la '" tw-umt in rwdlAVi. iltftf tnnnv niiM nf .lit., '&ra-w MM nfYltnf Iaii nM at Uiifel iinnntl. L. .& 1 . - . - - , .I':.-..... Maaaaa.aua . av aa.w..' VUWHI" Mgftgcd by continual breeding en the tent i.'nui RW1IITB n nriiar might be a trifling trwcw .uaa w. . uat. i wound. It Is important that the ronten : bitten should avoid tormenting himself .tffwiLii u-rrerizinD- LiimiiTiiia nr iiviirn :St phobia, and if cotifUleneo can be ilrmlv MUbllahed, whether by "inmlstone" or tefr-jlnoculatlen, half the battle Is wen. ?Xi'-Meanwhile It would be well te leek te '' the dogs. The weather has been se mild I that it is a little surnrlsliur that tnnd ferden should be heard of at nil, and It gijjKJ. must be ceucluded that although usually s$ nearu ei in very net weather, Hydro- K-Kf phobia has little te de with the statu of ravtue thermometer. People- who own Ss. aS should pay particular attention te sK tneir general health, and If mere cases IXfef mad dogs develop in this neighbor- V llaVafl It. SVOtllft tit. tdrnll i .,W.va..f1. nhl.p K.th miUzUng of all dogs. yvnu wnne we are en iue dogs It may be remarked that there nm n iintn1irnf H&" them in this city that may be said te gs we-, iue unit instincts or eivillty. aud ?-'??. Are allowed bv'their nurtlera tn .Invalnn LlJr llm tinlllfa rkf tinflrtan n linMAH .....I tjj --. -.-... b t uuinva uuu " ' " ueu OI peuestrians. Stft?5 s v MwMa .Mat v UaJJWjr illlB UUU VU1I1C tip pedestrians object te it, but the dogs and SStbelr, owners are net troubled, aud It J might be well for the general peace If an f'JSL . . w. - s,, example weromaucer a rew or them, ?&Jastat this time when them Is little dis dis dis positien te be merciful In matters fArVyCanine. It Is net altoirether n trlllA fur JM birkiug at horses may cause a futel run. -;:-... n...l II,. I,1,li r I .. vSr'T' "uuu ui suujjijug muy uu S - ' fK By Kail across Asia. kAA dispatch from St. Petersburg renresent. it : -.a... . . .. .f .7,, ingtuai ineczarisaispeseu te encourage p American capitalists wlie are anxious . $TU push the bu lid I ng of t he great 81 berlau Miroed te the Pacific, which read the iriSJPtcla explains, new runs beyond SMcrv. ucuerai iiuttcrtleld is said te represent the American capitalists In v-iiDenfertM.iVt with nminrnl A tmet.lnfr ' ?41-111J l-.l ill ... ,. . .'. ,,;Vuv maimer uiiiiu irau-.'liniHIC rOHU." $pw tee-narrow gauge military rail- rv4-- " "- j vvMvssaa nuucuikuii UUL V'iaepljr runs beyond Merv, but en through v4tn atAaa.W n.l ..nM.... al... .... ..... lj,',"" ""S" " utiuae luu IHIIIOUS OIU tSOxus river Jte Bekhara, and theucu te E'VBamarkaud. Fer ever a vmir thu linn ."Jua'beei Jn, steady operation te tliat p- ,vwonueriui.em j-astcm capital, aud the VcUtestadvJeeu were te the elTect that Its ;.' f extension uerth te Tashkent had been ' AomeMnccd. This Is net the centemuln- f'fajsUd'TeiA id the Pacific, although it will ?:i probably be extended te the north te '. '.connect with that line when built. Oeu- u-.avaI lnnnnlrn(l7a nnfl Itha.i... . .1.. !r,W mmwmvm A IVHU, AUUttU UN II1U "vtnaspUui route, can only be reached ffpy crossing the Caspian sea, and it Ik9'!?. la.rt. Ii,n . ..n1,.,l I.. . I... . . gmlhe y&lley of the Zarafshan, whence -isciurmer progress te ttie cast is impossible p,-xeepi ey iue most iierole aud costly Jr an art nckifl ti i "ik ! "t natural euteusieu would bu I by a branch Hue te Herat, in Afirliauli- Q.t&n. and thpnra. avdhIhuII.. n Tn.n.. . 1...1 J.lawrilightest rumor of uny move in that tlen would set Kuglaud aud all nl.c ,, .. ...in. . .e" vuuiivuiig wiiu luar 01 war, tiPbrW dispatch Is really from If jM'burg the corrcsiJendeut Is te Us riatu,a,ed ou "aving made a most npiin(IuE 1,,ess of 't 1'he projiescd eBaPfutmeuta, liue has been ther- M!,psurveyed and starts far te the instkst of the Oasnlau. travellnu- ijjicw.a level but desolate -rUderuess and the valley of the Ameer rlvef; which is te be followed te Alexandrevsk, the Russian naval station en the Pacific. When arallread has been built up the coast te Alaska the trans-Kiberlau lead te Europe may become a favorite route of travel for Amerlcaus who dread the iea slckuess of the long Atlantic voyage, and it may be that American railroad schemers have an agent nosing around In St. Petersburg with n view te train ing Yaukee euterpr.se te profit by the Russian project. The Alliance Experience. The Formers' Alliance Is beginning te find itself treated with less deference in WllUllllllrtnil Ltlina. lint,aa... I.!I r Ifi'tV il -" "i.kii;is -.'Ulll-lHIIl OI Kl'fi the warehouse Hub.trennri. .,.1, .,,.. 1..,. fea.' fcreughj. ridicule upon the meinbersef te ways ana means committee for wast. Inir IItiia llnnn e. ...Il.l J B --i v mm u iiieuhure. jir. -7-w.taM.8ae, in an eijcu letter, luu n,,..i.. KE, yy Plain the mauy duutereus aiul lm. l&'FTWtlcable features of the plan of Alliance for fcecurlug government -Usui en crens. ana it w nm ...i.i.. n.. L&:ftbe Alliance itself will abandon it very yai l lue e5jerieuce premises te &4$,srve as Ane eye opener for the Western ?4j? armerswhe hunger for seme mere ani,. sfc Untlal encpurgemeut for their bram-h ""'iudusry. Matters appear te be drlft- hf!?. inir rnnldlv Imrnnly tl.xn ...l.n.. (i... M fuMMAMa ...til ..r.1- ...1... 11 1 .a I,- "" i" uy muy sueuiil ire en H Tetln8 ter taxation in excess of govern-K- ment needs when the urii-.if iiieir r.,t 'Uplesmustbc llxed infereigu markets. and can net be raised for them by the . 1. BWUM1 KM M.. -. L '.- mviciuiucui. X' It Is hardlv Hurnriklnir il.ni ..ci... ?WUiv vears of wuitim. f..r n, .. ft i ,,0," mark-'t. some farmers wimpaueuuy given their influence 'rll support of the sub-treasuuy scheme mn mey win new be driven square "A-""' uv ""jiciuiug lact tnat no . s nation can uflerd te 1hh uu,, gat betut itsrkt sslune, aud that the tar- y,mm ib me hts 1. aim most severe sufferer S; ftem the abuse of the protective prlucl- pk. That the Itcpubllcan leaders appre- ftsic i3e uanger efa revolt of the farmers "V ppetmpi 'tv,v.ii'i-v':j.--w-r'j ", . from party control Is shown by the gin gerly handling of the sub treasury bill by their most tmsica ana ciear-Drainca con gressmen ou the committee of ways and means. True statesmanship demanded the prompt rejection of the measure, In dicating its glaring faults, but they knew that their party had nothing te eflcr the peer farmer. Tin: amount of damage tliat may be dene by a very few undisciplined feels lias Just been lllnstrated at Uarvnrd, for strangely enough It Is In great colleges Dial the feel Is most frettinntly allowed te develep without discipline. On Saturday Harvard wen a base ball victory ever Tale, and that seme night a small squad of half a dozen of these peculiarly noxious feels bought sev eral gallons red paint and with much labor daubed It ever the statuary and costly stonework of the college buildings. The mosaic pavement of Memerial hall was se ruined tbat.lt will have te be. relald and a status of Jehn Harvard was damaged be yond thorough repair. Tbs paint can only be removed in most cases by chiseling, snd the total dsnisge Is estimated al eight tbensand dollars. Of course, the students and faculty are equally Indignant, whlle the undisciplined feels are, no doubt, as tonished that their outrage is net consid ered a geed Joke. It Is rumored In Ionden that Sir Meroll Mackonzle, the famous expert who treated the late Kmporer Frederick of Germany, Is coming te this country with Professer Jamns llryce and Henry M. Stanley, and that the trio will lo:tureat$50a night for twenty nights under ene management. It is net explained whother they nre all te sneak In one evening or each te speak for twenty ovenlngs. ItOMAXCE FltOM ALASKA. A Mlwwinrlnn Unj-a nu Indian Weimtn and Makes Iter Ills Wife. C. 8. Harvey, of Hickory county, Me., an iutelllgent-loeklng wlilte man, 35 years of age, has been visiting Hu Leuis with liln wife, who is an Alaska Indian. While nt the Alaska diggings he concluded te as cend the Yuken river, and get a woman te pole his beat, as a woman would be faith ful, while any man he could get would, perhaps, desert ormunler him. HornAtlve husband etlnred elthnr her nr his mother- In-law ferf20a month, and Harvny leek the wife along. Her aid was vuliinlilii. While returning home she said te Harvey with tears: "I wlnh you would buy 1110 from my husband aud 1 will work the geld out of your claim after regular hours of work. I don't want te go bnek te I1I111." Her hUHband decided that $20 and a pair of beets thnt Harvey bsd would be a projer consideration aud Harvey accepted the bargain at once. The Indian went nu a spree and three days lster was drowned In the Yuken. Harvey and the woman wero tnarrled by a minister as seen as they reached the states. " She has imide me a faithful wlfe and I love her devntedly," he said. Her npponrance attracts attention en the stroets. Van Heutkn'h CoreA-Dollclmu-.MiiJe In stantly. (7) TIieiikIi pure aud simple mid nu iuIIJ, Jt inlntit be med by any child, YctHOZODONT'H no BWltt and nuru That mouth and teeth with wotidreut wtn! Frem tartar and from taint are freed Till they become sweet, white, and pure. - A Cloed 'in 1 her en the lage or platform, In unclely nr nt hiiinr, mint nut only paivuui bruins but u clear, Mrmitf voice. Cktarrh. or a ae ere cold, la iiltuest cer tain te Injure the voice. Hut these ceniiilntnts may he completely eradicated with afevrnii afevrnii pllcatlem of JTiemat' Kltctria Oil, unrivaled In Its x.'ClaHli;. Held In Lnncantdr by W. T. liech, 137 aud M North Queen atreuU Tlie I.lttle Heeil. A Utile teed lay In the carter's path ; A little nhoet bowed In the ntreiiK wlnu'i wrath : A little ahrub STCW, by Its roots held rant : Then a stout tree braved all the winter's blunt. A llltle ceukIi Marled 'twiu only llirhl ; A little chill uhlvercd the hmirn or iilelil ; A little patu ennie unit lircHii te kiew, Thtit consumption luld all lil bnu utrcngtli low. lie wlte In time. Check the little cough, cure the lltllu chill, dlel the Utile aln,ei the Utile ailment becemen the ulreni;, uncoiiqucrii unceiiqucrii uncoiiqucrii blei(lniitefrtli.ciii.r. Ur. I'lercn's (leliten Mi-dt-cal IJIiuxivery, taken In time, In u remedy for these 111. M.Tuiw ' I'm All llroke Up I" This Is the usual exclamation of one uttiretrd with rheumatism or lameuess. Kheiimutln pe ple are Indeed entitled te our slnccre nvin puthy unci ciimmlsenitlen. Hpei-dy relief Is offered them Iu Dr. Thomm' L'lrctilc Oil. Ills the sworn remedy of all aches and pains. Held In 1-ancaster by Wa T. Uecli 1X7 uud IM Nurtli Huecn street. -nrAN HOUT. KN'S COCOA. letter than Tea and Coffee for the Nerve. Van Heuten's Cocea, ONOKTUIKDAtWAYN USK1)." Ask your Cireccr fur It, take no ether. (it f rtt. 1 I ATS Ni:W AND PHETl'V. Stauffer & Ce., Lancaster!. Leading Hatters, Kxhlblt luv lircest and Heat MeUcted Meck of Straw and Summer Hats AT TUG VEUY I.OWEHT 1'OSHlllI.KlMlll Ki Ken's Fine Dress Straw Hats at 25 Cents. CltlLDHEN'H at Any l'rlcc you Nmue. FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT STIFF HATS, In ull the Hummer Blmiles, nt tl.'r. tu $i. LAWN TENNIS CAttt ANU HATS, All Celers. 'IllUNKH ANOTUAVKL1NO 1IAOS Ker the Vacation bi-aseu, at Very Lew I 'rice STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANOAHTKlt. l'A. iL'tuce. -tyiNKs. Fine 'WTines T 1 havejust receUed, direct from Mcxirs. (liir veys, Jerez, Spain, per H. H. Zurlmniu, via Liverpool, and trunslerred te 8. W. hertlu, ler New Yerk, .Mureh letli, u line UHsertmeut of Oarvey Hherrlcs. These Wines arc umenc the ery Ilnesttbut reach the United Ntales. C'ALLANk) EXAMJNU Ale Old and Yeung Muclelni Wlnes.uuden the way IS Cases llouehe Kee and &0 Ibises Hihk-IhI Mie tlllL'l ureal Wenleru Wine. Tlieubee Cliiiuipaiues are 111 best produced In Krunee uud the United hUteiel Amerlcu. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt., W EAST l.'INO HTUEI-rr. uiU'S,SI,Wd A cm UEAUTIKL'L LAWN. UUWEVEIt Small It tllllV La. In n i'r.il lnvurv l.t V. HTKIt CUKMll'Al. ftinn-v'i.iu'v ENHJCHEH T ETEVtKY MAN EXAMINE THE "SNAP" WATEltl'HOOF COLIVIW AND t'UI'-H, At EIUSMAN'H. "U10ICE NECK WEAK I WILLIAMHI'OUTi Wire Buckle Suspender, AT EUIHMAN'B. OULl'JlUlt UTONE JEWELUY I Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT EUISMAN'B. Ne. 42 West Kieictitreet. Uttnttnutttltct'e. ruiLAUELrniA, Monday, June 2,H). Reduced Satin Dtichesse. Very beautiful, 24 shades dowager browns te youthful pearls. All silk. The. price gees off 25 cents a yard, f.t.25 from $t.5e, and that's $3 en a dress of 12 yards. Werth sav ing. We! Transept. The Philadelphia centre of gravity in Small Heys' Clethes is right here. Yeu want your boys picturesque as they play en the beach. Artists would be sadly left in seaside sketch ing if the baby midshipinite and the girl with the jaunty blazer were net in the scene. Therefore the Sailor Suits of the Galatea Stripes, some with Dungarecn cellars and some without, at $3 and $4.75 ; or the Royal Middies are ready and waiting for you, rakish, jaunty, natty. The Sailor Suits are various you can ship them at $2.50 te $6. The range of Small Heys Suits is from $2.50 te $10, the Hnrgains numerous, the assortment great. Elegant and fine many of them. We permit no competition in prices invariably the best chance en price is here. The large Heys' Suits with long trousers running away past the smaller point of young men's sizes, 14 te 18 years, range from $6.50 te $20. Hew much of a Hnrgain is found here in Men's Suits ap pears in the range from $7 te $12 ; hew elegant ready-made can be is shown in the range from $15 te 28. Remember all this Clothing business rests upon our one solid principle of cheap selling. Yeu gel all the advantages di rectly in the prices. The savings arc your own. Market street utile. Our Mat store is the world werld centre for Mats. England, New Yerk, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania are represented in the present Spring session of the Mat Congress. The agency for Heath and Knox is here, and between the Hats with the great names and the great Hats that arc nameless the sorts are complete. Light weight Dcrbys in blacks and many colors are the sensation of the hour upward from $2, but all at the least. Thirteenth unil Market Mucin. Jehn Wanamaker. Itlacltini'vit. A UENI'T l-'eil'llAI.LA'llAN ".v fOMi:t J.V meut te (like tlieplueoef Itetl lnil. In hulk It miikea live times tlm iuuntll) erit-il loud unci Is fur Ktit'orler In mnkliitcRleum Jein In, piickliiKmnn nml hand hole pliites nu hollers .c., r, aTiee m it-nis iwr pound, tu HKSTri, IKI li.st .-niten street. 1 JOHN Ifil TV VOU WANT A KIHHTCLAHH I'OI.TAIII.I. EiiKlnu unit Heller, en wheeli, elieup, nu the lullewlnn prices khnw: II horse-power, ?IT5i M horse-power, SJi'i ; 10 horse-power, f 75; 1,", her-..-pewer, J?5; -J) horse-pewcr, 11,175, cull ill ,11111 N lIKSr H.3.U Knst Pulton street. m? IM STEAM llKATIHTIll.COMI.VaHI.ATI'Oll dwellings, churches, Mhoel houses, etc., though successfully used nun huuilinl vcars bke. Whenyuucenteiiniliitun elinuee enll en JOHN UKHT, who High e )ou it Miuniclurr Jeb, at it fair price. m7-tlil I.Seil l'UI.fjEYH, "rtllAhTINtl, COl.l.AllS, .1' HaiiL'ers, Clumiillexi'i., t'eupltiiKk, eleKi te JOHN AEHT.S.U East Kulton slreel. itiT-lltl "IJIOH llOLTtl, LAOHCKKWH, M7I' SCIU.WH. I1 HiUiirenml HesiiKOii Nuts, lliio-eKeixli In stiK-k, lit JOHN lllXT.s, ;tO l'jisl l-'ullenstrert. 1117-tfd '171011 1'UAIT A ('AI)Y AHIIIXIVS 1HSO 1 Vnlves, Jenkins VuleH.llmsa lllelw 'iile, llniss Unto Vnles, Hen lleilv (llolie Vii1m-s. Uernfely Vulvus, Pep Hnfely VitUes, Air Vnlves, ltudliiler Vnlves, 1'iiitl's H liming Check Valves, llniss Check ViilM's.roet Viiles Annie Valves, call nt JOHN HlisT'H, .U Tjis Kulteu Hlrei-t. inT-llil TJUMl-H, HOILEItx, MININO.CICNTItll'l! tiil and (Steam l'uiups, nt uny eapaelt, al JOHN HKSmail FjiI Kulliui sti.-eU m7-tl.l 17IOH 1101 LElfHMIi:ilUHlI lis, SI'ILLVON I'iihj WreiK-hes.l'Ipeand Menkey Wn-iiehf s cemlilneil, l'lles. Oil Cans, etc, ve te JOHN Ul-.ST,:';U llisl rulleu stieel. iii7-I11 RA1HATOIPS, OI-' ANY MAKE Oil 1)E sIkii, can IwfiiriilKlieiliitrcuheuuhlellKiinw, by JOHNlllr.untl-'ulleuAtreet. m;-liil -I7IOH HTEAM OAIIOES, 111(111 Oil I.OW I; l'resMire, Water iliiuties (luu(, I'ts-k-., Weed WhiH-U or Weluhled, (ll.is TiiIk-k, Whistles, Syphens for Steam (JniiKi-s, Cjllmter Oilers J'lulii. Water tiauce t'lilumns, Cis-ks for HIumOiiUKeK,ealleu JOHN llliil', ;UI East EultenslrceU mT-tfil c AllllY IN KrOCIC-lllNl" CIIAIUOAI , III. .,,.! .Mil lln Ihim lljt,.li.1, ..,,..... a ...... V llllllllltll VI. .. I IIUII. IMfUUlD llfllliril llllll, llnnlnit1. tfl..,( In,., 1,1. ... II, I r,.i.; .,.,vt. n ...... .,n, ...,.-r, .(in illll, ,,,l Heller Iren, Sled, Sheet Iren 3-ltl In .Ne. lit, at JOHN Hixr.-S.aci VmA rulteuMrett. mT-tfil TNJiilrririwrtiUK i.rrri.B"ui.iT, han- JL cock lusplniters and Llei'len., KlHrinuu Heller I'ceder, I'enlierlhy Insiss-ter, Amerle.ui Injectors, ull In stock, at JOHN JllaS.'H, .'CCI lji.t l-'ull'iu street. niT-thl TfTlOll ! .B".' eal I.ukI HOIlIZONrAL STATIONAUY i:. lues, from -J low) hnrM-imu er tnul V'.rii. eat i.UKinesrrein 'Jlelu luirse-imntr, ou will niutiiieni at Jehn Hi-sTs. :wi riiBt i'i . street. T l"' IN WANI' 01' HUAKS Oil lltO.N hlet' Cocks, Asheste-s Packed rh'ks, 1VI um! lllti Ce-ks, IerCeckh, HuIiik Jelui, call and net them, or send jnur order hi in. ill, teJOHN Hl-Sl'.aCll-ast Kulleu street. m7-lf.l r-Hiri: rorreN wahti:, rei'ii:i) nv thopeuuil, 11V, In leti, of 10 pounds nr eer,Pe. All KtHklsdellM-reil teunv luuler the rltyl'ree. I'alleu JOHN lll,r. Ne. SU Kiht Fulton street. uiT-td rAl'KI.M,AS rOLLOWis- DlHIOO, lOil L Steuuiand Ildraulle I'ai-kliu.Ahlio-lUene, Ween and Wkk Packlns, lL-inp lliekliur, As As hestes Mill lleitrd. Asbestos Ciinent, Ai.l.i-i.tes Sheathlm.', (lum I'acklUK.Oum HIiiKsfer Witlir (iituues. I'lumbaiin l'acklinf. itis-il'i. P.ituni .v.. Ih-sIiw, Lined tw-etlennl 1'Ihi fitter, utJOHN llll'S.M.lllll.l rulten street. luMId 1"5AitflCtILAll TVTTIINTION I'AII) le Medel Muklne, l'utterns, Uriiuinirs ami lllue Prints, at prices reasonable, ut JiHIN llKHTlS.&UK:utl'Ultenstiiel. In7-tld TTIOll CASTIMIS, UtONOll IIUA8S, I. Kill r X' or heavy, at short net Ice, no in JOHN IlliST, SO liisl Fulton street, m7-tfd rp.VN"KH l-irNVATKliTmLS.Afll'Mm UAH X "fanr h!i.ipenr rapacity, nt fair prlrt-s, trn te JOHN MiT.!UJK.ist Fulton street. m7-t(d TTIOIlTHFaTlIZST HOT AIll kFiTnaTiT IN JP the market, go te JOHN HliSI", S.l Disl Fulton street. ni7-tfd 17IOII AMKllIfANHlTlU I'FLLnrVl.lNDKIt Lubricators, (ilu-sdll Cup for lli-jirlntts. ou cancel tut-m at JOHN llll'S, a:i lit r ulteit street. ,;... UA fn( h'W '"' '"'K, FHOM 'l tjyJiVJKjyj Inch te a inch illamcler, for sale alu low llsutv. unit the only house In the clly with a plpe euttlmr machine, ciitlliiL- an In 8 iuch dlanater, ut JOHN UCVP ,.1B 1-ji.t Fnl Fnl tenstreet. mT-IIit Feil cjmv iuen Pif'B FirirNiTsTitepTr n l'hl"V.l'l,.1ri',luf',,"F"l'"-luchillninet.r, Malleitble Httiues, HitiiBes, Flan.-e Fuleus Manifolds, American I'nlens, TuIm. Supi-erls Jiauifers. Fleer and Celllnic I'lulcs, Be te JOHN UEtiTH,aJ3KaJ-ulten street. k inMM rein, HONDA? lUmiuevii. .110 AIMS Bargain SalcThis Week ATTIIF Boxi-Ten 13 East King St. We AUK HCLI.INO Trimmed Hats & Bennets Al Hciiinrkaldy Lew l'rlcei This Week. Trimmed HiilsntK.OOj worth JI.OP. Trlmtutsl lints al 52..V); worth &M. Trimmed Hats at !.!));; worth hlOn. Trimmed Hatsnt M.W1; worth 17.01. Trimmed ltiitsiitli.ne; werih JS.0O. Trimmed Hatsnt II.M; worth !!.(). 'Irliiiiiu-d Hatsntr.0O: werlh'tlO.OO. 'J'lifH! lints nrr nil the cry latest, llest Quality Straws and Ijicis. New 1'iesli Uetuls, and Just made. Ne old or sluivwern kimjiIk. Straw Shapes. Kvery shae, every color and every quality of straw eau iiluuys lie found en our Hat Coun ters. We place ou sale this week 60 dozen China II linn Hals, In all shapes, at 15c each. "5 deen Swiss Milan Hats ut:W, 4Se nnil Goe iicli. every eolerand uvery shaie ; Small Hats or Iitre IIhIs, W dozen l-'lne Vanilyke Straws, every new shape, at He each. BS iloen Ijitre Leghorn Flats nt Heencli; worth 81 ut whelcKiile. Mdnin Ijii gn llliirk Chip Flats al 7;!c each; worth (Hi!). Wl dozen lllaelt laeglmrn Flats at S7c each ; worth J1.S0. Children's llnls, Trluimed and Unlrlnimfil, ut prices far below what j en hae luen In the haliltef paying. French Flowers. Flue Imported Flowers, In spraj s and Ieur wreaths, al 10, 12, Lirt, .".7, s,(M,7:i, STiimlVde inch, much Km IIuiii what tjin yoeits cost te Impert, We wish te Impress tHn nur patrons that no iiieiinluin-ilugiiuy or last j em's styles or any old or soiled goods as bargains. Our goods nre all new and fnsh, lalest stjlcs iilnl licslipuilllles. i:irj thing In the Millinery Line below Regu lar Price, AT TIIK RONTON MILLINERY STORE, Ne. 13 East King St., iiirL'MnulS.lF LANCASTI.lt. l'A. 4? ev ,Crtle ex itcut. JTIOIl HHNT-HANIIMIMK FHONT HOOM I" ou ill ihMir, Ne. 12 West Klngstreet; llnest I'X'.'it lull In thuelly forellleo or llcht business. Imiulreer W. W. AMOS, liiXU-lld Aller's Gallery. s 4i:cillll. A HO.Ml; l-Oll YtlUK FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, VOW SAI.U ON' tiu: MOST I.tlliniAIi ti:hmh. Twivstniy brick dwelling Iieum-s, lets ICO feel deep, en Ijuiravter neuue. between Wal nut and fiCiiimi stieets. Twe-story lulck duelling lieuseH with mnii-s-ird loer, perches In limit, lets ll"ifeelilep, en North I'lne, betwiH-n Chestnut nnd . Walnut slu els. Twe-story hrlrk dwelling hniisps with f-nnt yards, lien fences, lets ITm l,s-t deei, ou Wtsl Walnut, between Maiy uud l'lueseieets. Twivslery hi Irk dwelling heunes, lets 115 feet deep, en West Lemen street, betwei n Charlette uud Mary streets, Threi-stery brick dwell lug houses, lets l.Wfeet deep, Willi all Hie modern liiiireveii-euts, front Minis en West Chestnul strut, belw celt I'lne and Nevln sit eels. Alse houses en Fist Walnut, North I, line North Mary, between Walnut unit Union, and Is moo, between Mitryuiid 1'iunstrei Is. All the above hooves me In gissl order, newly papered, gns lltures In nil the rooms, water in ilieklichi n, and I he cellars wiirrauud te be dry. (ill and see for juursrlf, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. nillF.L.) ,, JACOIK1IUF.L, ,w,1,nrM- HpOld M.W.S. !TJI North MarvStleet. Vlni'in'tn. c iMU'inSI CAttl'KIrl CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets ASPKCIALT Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LAN'i'AS'l Kit FANCY STKV.M DYKING WOltK-s Are second le none In l'emm Iv-uil-i Ter Mulsh el work id all Minis. Fcttbeis )ed All .shades, Onleis will lecelte preuiit attention. PHILIP SCHUM. SON & CO,, NO. l'.ISDl'TH WATHIl M'ULKP, LtNC-vsint. I'.v. fchLVslmil cpilKLANL'XsrKUCAItl'l-rr UOliSK. S. St l. IVSIXXIISTGrS HI'l'l'l H IN 1-ItllF Awnings, Oil Cleths, Shades. CKRPETS OF ALL (iltADKs, AT HIGH T THICKS. fi Cirims t-i.Mi-nd unit Hi laid. All work W.llianled t-iglM s itlil.ii'lni'i. 8HAUB ft VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street, aii(XM)'d TN FIVFTIIN.TW FN ll'I HANDFIITY 1 Found I'm k..t, LAM Ifi'l'm IIFMICM, COMPANY LAWN LNK1CHLH. Keld everywhere MILLINERY STORE, Xle. Gvecevtt; TIJUrtdKts. i 4- A CARLOAD or- LargoWlntePotatoos Wholesale and Retail, -AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST. TrANrEI.-F.VHHY HOUHKKKKI'Elt JN TV iJtneaslcrnnd vlclnltv te knewthatwe have ndded tu our large stts-k of .Coffees it New llrand, called THE WKHTMINMTmi Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order Hint this reflen iriW Ititredueed Iu this section of the country we me Klvlnit uwny freea line let of Hllvcrwnre, consist Iiik of Nupkln IHiiks, Hnear Hpneus, Table H peel is. lluller Knives and I Jtrge Knhes nnd Ferks, ull of Hlicllleld manufacture. One piece with each nnd every pound. This brand Is a delicious tabic beverage. It Is double the strenclh of Mecha orJavucetreonnd prepnrede-iprcssly for high-toned trade, nnd helns used largely by all of the finest hotels In NeW erk nnd ether large cities, and the prlce Is se low thnt It brimts tt In reach of every person. Hununber, welnive the llnest brnnds of eeirees In rlie slate, nnd our prices nre lower than the lowest, qtinlltv con sidered. We have nt 12!. lr, H. , ", S', -, 27, 2i), SO nnd 40 cents per pound. liitrKiilns In Ilrled Fruits, l'enches. Apricots Prunes, Prunellas, Ac., at from three te live cents per pound less than name tjiu.llly can be bought ut clsen hen-. Samuel Clarke, Agt., Ten, Coffee and Grocery Htere, 12 Al I Seuth Queen Ht., Near Cenlre Hquare, lAUcaster, l'a. A'1 T HHlSTn. SUMMER DRINK-SEASON OP 181)0. A UIU.ATI.U HUCCIXSIILVN LVF.lt. GENUINE CALIFORNIA ORANGE CIDER, Raspberry Nectarine AND French Blackberry Juice. W'c call your nttentleu le our Oenulnc Cali fornia Orange Cider, Ituspberry Nectarine mid and French lllackberry Juice, the purest, bent, most heullhful, delicious and relresliluj; drluKs known, They are Indispensable le you If you run a soda leuntaln. A ou ennuel de without Ilium If you sell drinks otherwise. They will sell faster, pay you a better profit, hud rIvb mera universal satisfaction te your customers than uny drink you have ever sold. They positively ceutnlu NO ALLOlIOLner de they contain iiuythlus Injurious. Can be sold anywhere without Violation the Law. They can be sold In almost any form. May be drawn from u fountain, or from the cusk, or may be bottled nnd kept en lee. They make ucllcloiisllnverlnc for.leinemiles, milk shakes, etc., nnd when frozen maku deli cious aherbet. We pack these Reeds In six irallnu kegs. UUYTHE GENUINE. Don't be deceived Inte haying cheap artifi cial i rush which will sour en your hands. He member we Kiiarnnteeevcr.v cask of our t,'oeds te keep, 'ihey positively villi net sour or fer lucnt. J. FHANIC 1IE1BT, Lancaster, l'a. ir-We will send free with each keg, thiee IVounce Klasses nnd one weed fnuceL 'lhee goods nre suik?i ler articles, niore delleleusthan soda water or ether temperance drinks. They will sell faster and pay you n better pielll than nuvthlnKyeu can handle. Ordcrnkct;. Yeu will never regret It. llespectfully, J. FRANK REIST, WHOLESALE AND 1U7TAIL OUOCKIl, COHNEIl WEST KINO ANI) I'HLvCi:KI'S. Directly Opposite J. It. Martin & Ce.' Dry flood Htere, uud Next Doer te .Serrel Herse Hetel. AtTLoek for the lllg Hlgn across the p.iM--Inenl. tummcv 4'icoevto. HOTEL nitlJNHWICIC, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. New, Modern, First-Class, Cemiilcte. I'jcille nvenue, between New Yerk and Tfainiessee avenue. Accommodate VOU aprtlOllld .lOSEI'H H. DAVIS. T HEOdllOKNE. Ler. Arkansas nnd Pacltle Aves., ATLANTIC ijii 1,1. ..I. Nowlleuse. Modern I ntprevemeiils. ElnvnJ ter, Elcctrle HelU. 'Jerms imHlerate. June2-'.'iud MUH, II. OsllOKNK. 3"1 I'uc HIEMINNKQUA. ATLAN I ICt 111 ,S, .1., 'aclllc Ave., betvreen Arkansas and Mlstniul Aves; central locutien: reliiiuNhed ; under licwiuauuKeiuenl; evei.vthliighinl-el.iiM.. Write for circular, myltt-'.'ind C. A. HHOWNI.. c AMHltllKJE-ATLANTICCirV. Ha.M'1. II. LEWIS, Proprietor. WM. l COOHHAN, Man.ujer. Complete Hetel ; 100 bed-roeins ; e-ean fieul j best bathing gteumls; bread pluzas; eltguut bullet, niv2l--Jmil A TLA NTIC CITY. HOTELCHETWOODE l'acine Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic Clly. Neve and First-Class. Steam neat; Call bells. Twe minutes walk from beach, f.',50 uud &I.0U per day. NOW OPEN. mlO-Jmd Mils. ANNIE (1HF11II. rpiIECHALFONTE, "" THE CHALFONTE. ATLAxrir Cn-v, New J-usk . SITUATED ON THE IIEACH, NOHTII CAHO l.INA AVENl'Ii myS-Siuil E. KOIIEUTS .1 SONS. ritiii: JiTTaftmNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be nicneil for the sinner season en MONDAYMAY 5 th Tills read extends from the entrance or the I'ark te the summit of the Seuth .Mountain (Governer Dlckt, a distance of about four miles. Its miniature trains connect with nil the it-mi-lar passenger trains ou the Cornwall A Ia-Ii.i-nnn Hallre-idnirlvlngut the Park, and return ing from the summit of the mountain In time te connect with trains leaving the Faik. Frent iMilnts ou I'enun. It. 11. and Phlladel. lOiln i Heading IL It., within 100 miles, tlietilii can be iiceempllshed In one day. ltlstheNAHHOWEsrG M'GElnthewerld, It Is the most l'EHFKCT IN ITSCONsntl'C TION, It has ulse the MOmI' COMI'LF.I'E E(Jl'll'MENT. Its engines are peifwt utile mislelser the standard engines of the llrst-el.iss, nnd Its ears are essclally udaptisl te atterdau unebsiructeit view or tlin miignltledit scenery nleiig the Hue. Sleel Halls, htene Utllest. It Is one of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the llnest day resort In Central l'enns Ivanla. Church and Scheel, Military and Civ Icei guut guut ratiens. Clubs uud Tourist Parties can secure thcexcluslveuseef Mt. Gretna Park en apnli apnli apnli ctlloute NEDIIU.-sll, itUlnnt Sup't C. I.. Hnlliead, Ubaueu, l'a. flour. TT EVAN'S rl-OUIl. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a B!G Leaf of Bread. Hakes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. -WHAT MOHK IK) Y0UWA.T?-&3 ( lOl-i) ime.NZE. LUU IDS .M) MZ1NU V I for steam work, ut JOHN HEiTri, Wl bast 1- ultea street. ni7-tfd T JBfBhmt e 1'EN EVEKY EVENtNO. '4 t , k Fer Bargains. -i-GO TO- RCSNYDER&BRO., Ne. 14 West King St. EverythingSeld At andBelovGest, AS WC AltE POSITIVELY OOINO OUT 0FUUSINE8.S. mayS-lnul mHE people's cash store, FOR BARGAINS ' IN SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. FOR BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. FOR BARGAINS IN White Goods and Embroideries. FOR BARGAINS IN Clothing lade te Order. aje-Oe vv here you can net the Best Goods for thelacust .Meney, , THAT PLACE IS THE People's Cash Stere, 25 East King Street, LANCASTER. l'A. mnr-JMvdlt 1X7"I LLI AMSON FOSTf3l. Willi nur (lent' Saelt Ceat Suits, In Cheviot and Cui-dinere, twenty dltrerent stj les teueleet fiimi.nl 10. Twelve dltrerent stles teseleet from atfl2. Kight dlllerent st.v les te scltet from at f 15. Ladies' Cleth Jackets -AND- READY-MADE DRESSES! AT LHY LOW PRICED. Mnrnlnt; Wrappers, SI.-.5. Cullee WmpiH'is, Llichtitnd Dark Colen, SI. Heys' Knee-Pant Suits, J1.75 letD. Knce Pauls nnd Shirt Walstn, ije te J2. Ijven Tennis suits ji si. Ladles' White Muslin Skirts, SOc teR. Ladles' Night Hobes, 41c te tt. ( 'erset C'ev ers. Bie te ,ec. Hndervrear, 15)e te 75e. Infants' Leng Dresses, !ile te J I. Dress Ginghams, New Pattern, 7've.IOe nnd I2Wc. India PeiiKues. the Very Latest Patterns for Hummer Wf.ir. tOe. Oeiitlenien will llnd upon examination Hi t our New Light Colored Hat llrim btlll Hat nt J-'.MIs unaxeelled. , llev ', uafety llleyeles, Handsome and Dura hie, S1. i'e cliwe nut one let of last season' styles Light still Huls.rrfV, w-erthjl. XRXJJSTKLS. A large vurlety or TrunUs, lu Paper, Zinc, Lejtlitr and Canvas. A sm-laltr made of Fine Canvas Trunk. dents- Tourist shirts. In Phtunel.Hlllc.Mad Phtunel.Hlllc.Mad Phtunel.Hlllc.Mad raCIolh,Chcvlels,Sallnesund Demets, SSe te -V l-'ltie iissertmeut of Blazers and Tennis Sashes. childiii-:n' and misses- SPRING HEEL SHOES. New shapes, In the Finest leather. v Ith Pot ent Leather I'lpsur Plain Tots, lull assortment of vv idths and size-, raiigliiv from TSe te S-l. The Victer Buffet Refrigerator, Porcelain 1'iHiler nnd lee Timkv made of seu seu seiled poplar, aU pnilned, paurled Inliultn 1I.,!IJ,,.,!,,I1, "ellet lhtek, with Miner, price, SI0..SI, Sll 7j, SiaiOund H5. ICE CREAM FUEEZERS, !!.!. 51.(3, Li and fiS7. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTEIWA., ni HMvHKinsT. 'flAimisntrna. pa. irvOlt Hill LEI S. HOIUONTAL.XAM'LAIl. i1 Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, of any sire or isivver, of u,e bust iu merlal unit Merkm.iiisliip, Kit te JOHN UKfT.3 a P-ast Fill Fill tenslri.t. inMfd V0.M..,'A,'10. .llESPASHEIls'" ANIHIN L N I-alttJ. All in-rsens ere here! ey forbidden Ui trespass en any ttf the lands of t he Jernwall ndSiveedvvellutiUteiilu lbanen or Lnncaster txumtles, whelhvr luelesed or unli closed, either ferthenunxtsu or sheeting ur d shlug, as the law will tie rlirldli- t.nfi,r aK' nst ull trpju passim; en said lauds of th anvli -rslinied arte tins nonce WM. l"OLFJ4AN IT? EEMAN H.I'EHOYALDEi, . EDW.(XKKEEMJl,'N, Attorney! fox u. W, Colw nan'i Haln, Every One Pleased Williamson & Fester, rvxiTs AKb HUOEs. "FJEEE e0 T" sTACKU0U8E'a- TrTpT7vT7 AND COMrOBT OO TO JliJjiJjjlii STACK HOUHKT1. 7,7,7'7, and havine oe te lialliJliJii STACKHOCSK'H. OUR AKSOHTAIKNTOr BOOTS AND SHOES FOUSPHINO AND SU.MMEH STYLES ARE NOW COMPLETE. a-Tbs Prices nre " FOH EASE " te yenr purses, and the Styles are " Feil EASE " te your feet. D. P. STACKH0USE, 28 & 30 EAST KINa STREET, THE LEADER IN FINE HHOEMAKINU AND LOW PRICKS. "V'OUBY LOOKING 1 DUHADLE I CHEAP I Men's (1.50 Shoes. New Spring Styles for Men's Wear, the nebbiest looking cheap shoe Imagina ble ; clean, smooth, sleek, strong wear ing sorts. As near right In every way as geed shoemakers can make them for se little money. We knew of no makes elsewhere te equal ours at the figures. We find a great many Lancastrians no wiser. That accounts for the many In quiries here lately for the best made $1.50 shoes. Ilnve you wen here te see thorn T Knet, why net T Te see them Is te like them. Te wear them Is te bring you here again for the same sort. We have many dltrerent lines in the going shapes. That makes It easy tocheose the style that pleases the fancy. Here Is an excellent make of shoes le tell of Congress or Hals, with plain tees or tips ; a superior grade of stock In uppers nnd bottoms seamless vamps, ralr stitched soles : tits the average feet snugly aud neatly. They will wear strongly the grade of the material In them Is a guuruntie of this. And the sheemnklng well, there's nothing "Hum "about It; It's nil right. Anether line of shoes worthy of men tion a light weight summer shoe for dress. Have calfskin uppers, fitted, llnedand trimmed much belter than Is usual In 91.50 shoes. Helld leather throughout. Put together strongly, acd will be found te be us geed as It leeks. Oxfords, same make, and the same geed material as above, with pretty lips, utll GO. Hussct Oxfords, tee, for these who'll want them. 'J he latest style this sea son's make. '1 hesc go for the same money 11.50. If the warm days tempt you te buy Ilusaet Oxfords, remember we've the kinds te suit you. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 North queen Htkeet, Lancab- ' TKK. l'A. AHOEST ASSORTMENT I The L-trgest Assortment of Ladles' Misses', Children's nnd Infants' Oxfords and 811pers lu una cuy. mis smicmeui, 10 some jieepie, may seem tu be ait Idle beast, but te our lnniiv cus temers who liuve been buying their Oxfords nnd Hllnrjers here for the mist two seasons. , knew hew truthful It Is, as then we hud the Largest bteck and Assortment In the city, nnd this season we have added ,u great many of the Latest styles. LAItai-ST.YND FINEST DISPLAY' IN THE CITY IN OUH WEST WINDOW. Ltdles' Dongola Patent Leather Tip Oxfords at Vie, 75c, SI UT, SI -'1 and upwards. Indies' Dongola Plain Toe Oxfords nt fl 00, !1 -., SI 60, (2 00 and upwards. Indies' Patent Leather Frent Oxfords at SI 2, II 00, and S2 00. Ladles' Russet or Tan Oxfords with Tips and Plain Tees, 65c, 75c. SI O), SI 25 nnd upwards. Indies' Kid Opera Slippers at 60c, 75c, fl 00, SlK.SlMnnd rJOO. Ladles' Fine Bended Slippers, with Duckies, flews, Etc., Jl 25, SI SO and U CO. Mlsees' Dongola aud Ilusset, Tin and Plain Tee Oxfords, at 73c, VOc, SI 10 and upwards. Child's Dongola and ltusset Oxfords atlOc, Tie, SI 00, II 25 uud SI 00. Infant's Dongelu and Ilussct Oxfords at Sue, 60c, 75c nnd SI 00. And ethers net mentioned. In fact we have everything from the cheapest te the best. ; The One-Price Cash Heuse,' Chas. H. Frey, (Successor le FllEY A ECKEUT) the Leader el Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.F3 A 5 EAST KINO STREET, laANCABTKil. PA. V-Stere Closed Every Evening al 6 o'clock Evccpl Monday and Saturday. iUfx'iiKvntc.re. H TTAHDWAHE, dr. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO. Continental Lawn Mowers, .Vaw Quaker City Lawn Mowers, Hydrant Hese and Oarden Hese. REFR IGER ATORS ! JEWElT'.SItJtvethelilghefctlrepHtallen.glve mere satisfaction with less consumption of Ice, than any ether Jteniguroterlu the market. Jewett's Water Coelers and Filters, Gem Water Filters, 1 Hanmeefcs, Wire Window Screens and Wtra Screen Deers. Hardware and HensefarDlsblng Goods. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., 0 At 80 "WEST KINO STREET, myl7-SmdM,W,ft Ixcaster, Pa. ALIFOHN1A I 1 special larlles. Semi-monthly. Tourist sleeping cars. Cheap rates, rjeuthern l'acltloce. Address, E. HaWLEY, Assistant ;Ueneral Tratue Manager, 3M Hreadway, New Yerk; H. J. SMITH, Agent, WS.'Jd St.. Phlla. JanlB-lydltaw -TNELirritLK fTOCK FAHM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2:30. Sired by Happy Medium, sire of SO performers from 'A Hi; teAM. Ham Tty Tayler by Alex ander's Sunn n, slre of Lulu, 2:11).. e -0- , Terms for Spring season of ISO, ISO for a foal. Fer tabulated pedigree nnd ether Information, address DANIEL O. ENQLE, aprtiMraddw Marietta, Pa, Oxfords and Slippers. :-. v