Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 31, 1890, Image 2

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v tST
TSj-iwjk :
mnr day in the rear, but Sunday. Bcnred
'f, feycarrlen In IhU city and urreundln
'V tewaa at ten cenU a week. By mall five del-,-v
MUBUjT INTELLiaENCER-One dollar and
ttartyceut a year. In advance.
UtrriCK TO BDBSCiUBKIUI-ncnilt by check
3 , poatefflco order, and where uclllier et
iW'HuH'Mk 1 tiroenred wmd In a regUUred
r ut
;fetnd at the Poetofflee, as second claaa mall
tn Lancaster, i
' LAKOABTErTpA., May 31, 1890.
Tariff MancHTering.
L VdJt'mt. HtaHAllH.lHia I a itmA tijnt n
t-VU i.aL. .. !. 111 I. Ill I.. l.l In
.HllllCC UpOD till! till ill Ulll la mil "
i'a'h&W it disposition upon the part or
?tLJlklL? .. T..1.1ln.. r.,-M I., imt
j c Rruuu utu Aw.iuutii;iiu mw i bv"
it-1 f.Wy.frem the passuire or i tarlll ulll at
''iLl. ..u.l. .! .l..ln...l.,uf Intl Ifflltl
'MiniOIIUU, UUI1U w.-M.-iuwuf --
'ihe aide of the Democratic rucinbcra te
IJbreeaWll toenectiuent. Wben tlie com-
fBUttM took bold of the Heuiu bill,
'tttnater Sherman nropewdthat It should
be considered by tliotillcernnilttce.riiiil,
firlth the Votcsef llie Democratic mem
wjim and Senater Merrell, bin motion
F '), W UUll.ll.
llKWlIu.!.. t.--i (I.,. ....... iIIUi ..,. In
Jt.i?k however, wben Mr. Carlisle
Ameved the Democratic vote ever te the
-u mvuriv ajmi iiiii i:iiiiiiiiiitt. nut aw
;. -Lether aide, nud tbe bill baa Icen sent te
J Wirt. i.i i. .. i.tii-
t)UU-tIIllUllUa:a Ul I'UCII Illtlty III IBI'IH-
fmte lta preparation for tbe oeusHlcrntloti
'-,-. nf lh HenntA. Mr. PnrlUln ileclunnl
fc !that the people wanted the tarlO' te be
SSfjmmmtiAthil nn.l Iiji t.tvuu-han.1 Hint. then
LfJi'aheuld be no needles delay In lirliiKliiL'
mf$ bill te passage.
(BftiV- tun tiitratimi i
tfi'.W fill for llin Hpnillillcilll alile. llllVilll? tllC
taajorityef both housed, and tbe pmil-
yM dent, tbe tnrill hill mum be or meir tu
Ij BCimcui. Dill nicy 1II1U HIL'ir ikisuiuii
fejF tebe counter te the run of public Hcutl-
EMS meut. Their wisest lenders hce very
i !clearlv thnt tarifl' reduction I the nep-
-S ttlav ilitMtnlitl Ti tj ,rt LinnllDAllill lill&if-
tku.At- UA UCIUUUMt It 19 PW UUUIU0VIIIU uuei"
IgWM Interest of tbe country clearly lies
kin this direction. The daya when nil our
.industries needed nrotectleu from fereljrn
.jproductlen have passed away for many
&ti!-int thnm nml fur nenrlv nil thi lnonsiire
lp5 !of proteetien needed lias been reduced.
KWliThe Republican party Is founded upon
ir5wthe high protective tariff idea,
and is ftunnerted bv tbe old
Mistime demand of the Infant industries
.".-.i nrtlin nntlmi l.ilt It u-111 lui lnft lileli mill
Liry by tbe new conditions, if it cannot,uiin.l.i,l II...... 'IV .In
;ei 1UIUV lucuuin. iw iiiwh lui-iii. .v
k"te this it will have te turn towards the
tgwf position that has been preoccupied by
K$iJt political opponents, in favor of a
-? MMMlinml Inriir that will c-nnli e our
&'' factories te cheapen their raw muterlals
lmnd lessen the cost of their product. Xe
f'Jf .disposition or ability te turn in this ill-
v, rectlen has been shown In the bill that
itSf ,nt eeen msui ie me tscnaie uy me Jte-
f publican Heuse; but there are Hepub-
llcan senators wne want te make me
.iiSssav. There la n struucle imnendiui;
Hbetween their Inclinations and the force
&' of the party momentum tbe ether way.
miklt Will be fortunate for their parly if it
.;esB be made te answer te their helm;
''"rbet tbe probabilities de net lie this wav.
bandit at the wheel are net likely te
strong enough for the work, uotwlth uetwlth
indlnir the clear Indications neintlnir
3i.t!V ."" ... . . . . . '. . ."
yias party e me aecauence ei me nigu
II- ftlnASMiA tnrlir mtiitlinniit In tlin nr.itn.
-,. MVKVMI W ... VMfr.M.VUW .M ft..V 1. V M U "
r ',&$ ' The Sparrow Polut Sign.
$p mere was a garnering en rriuuy at
:parrew reiut or the friends of tbe
Piansylvanla Steel company, whose
"ytvsldent, Mr. Bent, Is well kuewu for
' Thlsls tbe plain Interest of his Industry,
Mfuid iu a speech which he made te his
tspv Wests be declared tbatit was bound te
t ipe-me. It was in cenildent anticipation
"A- ? at It that the works nt Rnnrrnw 1'nlnt
vi"5'. .; . ". . .::: : r :
Syf'' BBa ueen erected, xue parent plant
i'Aaiwaa put up en me susqucuauna, net
m . . .
?".'.. . hii vpn nirfi null ir. irraw in irmiir
; proportions through the immense pro pre
J fits obtained from Its protected Indus
1 try. But their profits were se great that
Bessemer steel plants of great size
' were erected in different parts of the
country, notwithstanding their number
t .was checked by the monopoly tw
, .cured by their patent. The profits
&A .of each of the original nlants was
V mn mW tlial !.... .........!...! 11...I-
u4 v givnv luni iiicjr CAfJUlillcu iiiril
3? spreauctive caaeity le a .imeuial
maaetuem tierce coinpetitetz'cri,
:?ftuS full demand came, for tbe bus.. .?,
the country. Before many years passed
p the price of steel rails was put down here
$"J, w nBurt' as iew as ruieu in i-jurope and
t vui ivbviiL-9 nuiu uiivuii iiuuuwiur nutu
$ZZZZVii, ialtlng wuy.t Kereigu
fkS: comnetitien in euf,mtlrkMVK,
a thing of the past iindthcti.!biuS!.ie con
gfc, meut would clearly be te enter 'VllClu
w rnrpiati ninrui.r
,, . .0 .. ......
,i Majer Bent says that lie and his usse-
aIIaiI 11. 111 t-TUil ill.. ....... ...v.. .11 I I ......
t wma iiw,iuib lue nun I.U11UI Lllllin
ana went te tue seaboard te meet tlicm.
By going there they get nearer te the
ere which they purchased iu Cuba, and
they stand ready te ship ut the least
cost their products by water te home
and foreign ports. They found them
selves at Steelteu tee fur uway from the
Bessemer ores of tbe Northwest te
compete with the Western plants
that were nearer both te this ere
te their market. Chlgage threat
ened even Pittsburg ns n point of manu
facture, despite Pennsylvania's fuel.
Pennsylvania factories fail te receive the
heueflt of their natural advantage be
cause the iieliey of the railroad direction
favors the far off plants. The Pennsyl
vania Steel company, in going tlile
water, avoided railroad imposition uud
secured the free highway of the wm for
iirw IU Income uud outgo, saving eulv the
??H carriage of her fuel; and there she k-
tfj'r m . i . . ...
curea tue compctiiieu or several lines of
It new needs but the ubolltleu of the
duty en ores te give its positleu all the
benefit that nature has conferred upon
it, and which seems te have fully justi
fied tbe selection which has been made
of a site for a manufacture that uses for
clgu raw material uud that can enter its
markets by tbe way of the sea.
Perter's Apologies.
Superintendent Perter has attempted
te excuse hlmbclf for devising se remark
able a set of census queatieu by clnlm
lag that in some form the ment objec
tionable of them have ltn iu,Ued lu
everj ceusus from tlie fifth te the tenth.
He neglects te state that where ques ques
tlens were asked concerning maladies,
tsy were treated only as u euube of
'.5'-. death, while he had undertaken toque-
lien me living us te tneir own com
plaints, lie has wisely decided net te
-. pilau tbls branch of bis lnvcutlizatleuri.
.-J 1L. - - . ...11 . " . '
aa tue Kuumeruiers will merely put
rwrWi.. sS
flV Wife1
'a - v
the questions and note the refusal
or reply. He has also protested that
the law compels him te obtain the Infor
mation for which he asks, and that If
the questions arc Impertinent he is net
te blame. Tbe Icw Yerk &'un points
out that the act ordering the eleventh
census Indicates tbe schedules tebe used,
but v i 1 1 1 such changes, emendations
and modifications as may lie approved
by the secretary of the Interior " it be
ing the intent of this section te give tbe
said secretary full discretion ever the
schedules of snchinqulries." AsSujier
Intcmlent Perter acts for the secretary,
and could have that gentleman's sanc
tien for any change that he might want,
his plea that the law compelled him is
net geed.
The New Yerk Herald pretends te
fear that the questioning of the right of
the government te demand this Inform
ation of citizens Imperils the right te de
ere than make the si in ple enumeration
which is conceded te be necessary nnd
constitutional. " Ne person is bound te
give his age te a census enumerator ; te
tell whether he Is married or unmar
ried ; what his occupation or business is,
or whether he can read or write."
It will be tline enough te face this
difficulty when It arises, and there Is
little reason te fear that any consider
able number of people will ever refuse te
answer questions se eiuiple ; but the
Herald gees en expresses a fear that
what it calls " the great Industrial, agri
cultural, cemmerulal and financial
branches of the census " may lie im
perilled. Kxactly ; these nie Just the
branches that add te the cost and bulk,
have proved of little or no value and
should Ix) lopped oil".
F110M tlie disposition of (Jimy's particu
lar organ, tlie l'lillndelpliln Inquirer, te at
tack Mr. Wallace's candidacy for the gov
ernorship, It limy be fairly suspected that
such candidacy will net baagieeablu te the
ltepulillcan boss, notwithstanding his re ro re
perted words te the contrary. It Ishard te
liide a cloven feet.
A colim:si'e.Nlr..NTof the Londen 7Vwict
publishes some alleged extracts from tlie
niomelrs of Talleyrand which he claimed
te Imve been allewed te read, ami tliroaleus
te make public further ex tracts Ir the pub
lication of the book I much longer delayud.
He quotes the following as Tnlleyraud'H
final opinion of N'apoleou : "This mauls
thou a very great intollectual ferce ; hut lin
lias net reached true glory; his moral ferce
s very lillle or nothing."
Tin: stars are very bright Just new. uud
the sun is hardly out of night before Veuus
gleams in the west unci Mars glares oarller
from thodarkeiilng east, whlle Jupiter gets
up after midnight, und Astronomer Korsch Kersch Korsch
ner,atlhocollcgoobHorvatory,liidUKtrlouhly stures at these star performances with all
his astronomical machinery.
Oki.amem poeplo enthusiastically pie
diet that their territory will be a state with
in threo or four years. They beast that
there are poeplo enough new te claim
statehood, but that It will lake a few years
te strnlghten out laud claim snarls nnd
Hcttle nllulrs generally te n proper slmpe
for state nmbitten. The negre immlurn immlurn
lien te the new territory Is roinarkuble,
and most of the colored Immigrants nie
well-to-de. This movement has been
oppesod by Kepubtlcau papers r.f Kansas.
The blacks are also disappointed that
President Harrison did net appoint enu of
thelr number governor of the torrltery, ns
they had been led te boltevo that K. 1.
McCabe, colored, state auditor in Kansas,
would receive the appointment. Prespni Is
are said te be strong that Oklahoma will be
(Irmly Democratic.
Tim Philadelphia I'rets starts out te
publish the oration delivered by Senater
Ingalls at (Jettyttburg, but Is "evidently
very .much ashamed of It, for In the midst
of a fierce Inflammatory argument te the
effect that the war Is net ever he Is cut
short uud steppod up In the following
abrupt intnner: "If we wero net right,
then the war for the Union wasthgroatest
crime of all thocentwles. If we wero net
right, then the soldiers of the republic,
instead of being associated with the horeos
ofevery history and the martyrs of overy
religion, should talte rank only with the
Huecessful p;tgUUts in a slugging match
for thoehamplenshlp belt efthe world. If
there was no moral quality in the contest,
if the Ideas and ebjects and principles for
will ;!t wocentondod wero net right, then
the docaleguo should be ropealed and the
distinction between truth and falsehood
Bheuld be obliterated. If we wero net
right, then national morality is u Held for
a background ugalu the visitors embarked
and returned te Hadcock's Station." This
peroration Is surprising even from Ingalls,
who studies surprise
I.N Dublin en Friday, Themas Pett II, of
Dostou, captured the tenuis championship
of tlie uerld fiein Saunders, the KiikIIsIi
1 i
1 jy:
.('IjampUm and thouableil accounts of the
i,,f are harder te read than it court epln-
e.' railroad law. Of all courts the ten-
Pf ' '' ls "l0st onciiinberod with tcchnl-
uttt, ;'tz
' tlir" l'ieui " Herse,
Te tiiV'ej, '"i'i, or -iiik. i"sri:M.iiu:.v-
riuientiu ..
S'V iiea ,, o-e te pretost ticaliist the
Vrt vvnifi railway. Although it may
w'iidanger life by an elcclrle shock, it is
ecklngly Iinpieper. It Is against all flt-
nevsainl decency that a vehicle should pro pre
coed without a horse; tin iron horse Is bad
enough, but no herse is dreadful, for Im
agine, If you can, hew shocked you men
would be if suits of clothes should be al
lowed te promeimdo u round without uny uny uny
oue Inside of them. It was against the
equally scandalous Innovation of vehicles
proceeding without horses thai I kicked se
vigorously, as described iu your enterpris
ing luiper, and I urn gratified te find
that my kicking was considered some
thing extraordinary. I Intended te argue
that if cars are te be allowed te tra vel with
out horses, we horses should be allowed te
travel without carriages. Ofcourse, 1 sup sup
pese we will have te get used te it, Just as
we havo'te bad reads and telltales and
stroet car tracks. My belf-respect demanded
that I should net submit without u pretc.t,
and I can only hope that us every Journey
has a stable at the ether end of it, se the
end of all these strange proceedings may
be that we horse will byo-and-bje, have
nothing at all te de, for carriages, curls and
ploughs will proceed about thelr buslnevi
without us, and gentlemen and ladles will
go horseback riding without any horses
under them. With a horse-laugh.
Ne elites In Jeliy.
Frem the JcwtHurV Weekly,
A wish buckle that premises te become
popular this season is about three Inches
long and consists only of plain twisted
silver wire.
An exceedingly attractlve silver ll.isk
lias a plum bough with blossoms cubed en
the exterior. Seeral plums lu gilt are
shown among the leaves.
An ostentatious Parisian thatclalue orna
ment which will undoubtedly llud ad
mirers In this country is a silver postal
card recolverelttboratoly engraved.
The hair hands of geld, studded with
precious stones, which were se ixipular
during the winter season, are being imitated
In plain silver for fceaxide wear.
A wonderful sfwi'imen of deposit work
is seen in a scent bettle, which lias scenes
from liunyaii's "Pilgrim's Progress"
wrought In open work ever tlie thick gluss.
A strawberry is almost perfectly simu
lated In a needle cushion et recent make.
The top of the berry Is of bright silver,
while the cushion Is of red chamois skin
with white spots.
Originality efdeulgn is shown In a lto lte
man geld colored chased vinaigrette
ruASTK dailx;
shaped llke a sea-horse. Tbe head, which
forms the top of the ornament, contains
diamonds nud rubles artistically arranged,
as it cellnr.
Their Exciting EfTbrta te cuw and
Iteakles Use of Weapons.
Following are the details of the fatal
struggle nt Tacony between convicts nnd
police, neted In Friday's tolegraphle news:
Policemen Harber and Ueorge MIIHgan
were italloned te watch for the negre des des des
porudec along n read. I'ellrninan MIIH
gan says that ihey saw two negrees who
nplKtnred te be the nien wanted Coming
towards iiiem auu wnen about ten root
away they each sprang for one.
"Quick ns n Hash," continued Mr. Mil
llgan. "both negrees drew their rovelvors
and II red at us, hut In the excltement they
mlssed us. 1 threw my arm around the
big fellow (Themas), behlnd him, when he
pointed his rovelverovor his shoulder ami
11 red at, but nilssed, me. I then knocked
him down with my club."
" Moantlme, Harber and his man, Jack Jack
eon, were struggling, and llarber cried eut:
' Ueorge, I am shut I' I ran Ui his aid,
leaving Themas, who Immediately started
up unci ran away. As I approached the
struggling men Jacksen was In the act of
raising his hand te sheet llarber again, but
I II rel two shots te disconcert hlm.and
olio took effect In Ills shoulder. Jacksen
than ran llke n deer through the fields to
ward the weeds."
Mr. MilllKati, who is a large, stout man,
was unable le gain upon Jacksen, who dis
appoints!. 1'eilceman llarber was found te
Im dniigoieusly wounded and the negre
Themas had escaped. Mounted pelice were
in pursuit nud all the reads wero guarded.
About nil hour nud a half after the II rst
light Policemen Grand ami Smith canie
upon the fugltlve convicts. After a short
cbase Themas disappeared. He was after
wards captured in hilling. The chase of
Jacksen continued and he turned and 11 roil
twice en the pollceineu. Policeman (I rand
says that he was about n hundred yards of his companion nud quickly
returned the shots and claims that
Jacksen Klnggercd. Grand stumbled
uud fell ami being exhausted threw
his revolver te it young man named
St. Clair, who had Joined lu the cliase. St.
Clair ran behlnd an apple tree lu the
orchard unci 11 red nt him. The negre
turned completely nreitnd, and fell ever
en Ids back (lead, with his empty revolver
in his hand. St. Clair, who is foreman of
n quarry near by, wild: "Knewing that
something was wrong, I ran across the
Ileitis te head the ftigitlvoelf, when Police
man Grand called te me, gave his revolver
and told me te sheet him dead. I pur
sued, uud u heu within about twenty feel
of the luglllve, called en him te step or I
would lire. The policeman was calling en
nie te sheet lilin and kill him. wlieu
within twenty feet of him 1 11 red nshet and
he seemed te stagger, when he turned and
tired two shots at nie. He continued run
ning, and 1 II ml again, when he turned
nrnuiiii and fell forward en his face."
The pilsener Themas, blames the dead
convict for everything, and says that he
did net lire a shot. He was considered an
exemplary prisoner and it moveinout for
his pardon win contemplated. He says
that when he ran from the pelice Jacks ju
II red at him.
lletrnyed Ills Trust.
A highly respected Philadelphia!), Mr.
Jehn ('. File, late treasurer of the Lutheran
Orphans' home, at Goriuantewn, confessed
te the beard of tluancn oftheliistltution, at
Its meeting In the early part of the week,
that he had made away with
nearly all the endowment fund, ?I3,000.
Air. Hie, madeastatement, showing securl-
uosrepiosoiuiiignnouifvuiu, una premised
te hand ever besides a reputed cns'i bal
unt e or M.WK3.
Semetiniu age tlie 111 m of Kile, Derr,
Huuley it Ce., of which the dofaulter Is
senior member, became embarrassed, and
Henry I.elimati, the president of the home,
asked Mr. Flle te submit a completo repert
showing hew the endewment funds wero
iiivnsled. It was with great difficulty that
managers could get Mr. Flle boferothom,
nnd when he did ceme his stntomeut was
net se complete as was dnslred.
When he was asked te prodnce the se
curities he said they were in his brother-in-law's
safe and that he ceuid net get nt
them. Tlie managers insisted mi seeing
the socuilties, and then Mr. Flle brnke
down completely and w Ith tears In his eyes
admitted that he bad nothing te show for
most of the money, lle liiade a statement
showing that the only socurltles he pos
sessed worn worth about ?S,000, and that
he had a casli balauce of ever $.l,U0U. Tills
he premised te hand ever te President
Lehman, who has been temporarily ap
pointed trnaurer; but the lilouey lias net
vet been received. A repert was submitted
t ) the Lutheran sy nod, In session nt llelhlo llelhle llelhlo
hem, nud the matter will ue takeu up uud
considered en Monday.
liiareu It. Deir, of "File, Derr, ll.iney it
Ce., staled that Mr. File was no longer n
memboref the firm. Mr. Kile had charge
of the counting room, ami his books aie
being examined. Mr. File gave largely te
charities and leaned money te Irieiuls
without security,
a Dit.Ywuitmm: accidkxt.
An litiitiie n nil it Punseuuer Cat- l'lunge
Inte the ltlvur Thirty Said te lle
Oue of the 'most horrible railway uc uc
cldent ever known lu California occurred at
1:10 o'clock Friday afternoon when the
local train connecting at Oakland with the
ferry-beats from San' Francisce ran through
an open drawbridge ever the Sail Antonie
creek tit Webster street, Oakland.
The yacht Juaiiltn had just passed
through the draw when the train appeared
going lu the direction of Alameda. The
drawbridge keeper endeavored at ence te
close the bridge, but it was tee iale, Biid
the engine with Us tender and tlrst car,
which was tilled with passongers, plunged
Inte the river, which was here quite deep.
The engineer, Sam Dunn, and Fiiemcu
O'llrieu went down with the engine; the
former, when he saw that the bridge did
net close, reversed the lever, but the mo
mentum of the engine was tee great te be
stepped lu time. The weight of the engine
and the tlrst car broke the couplings and
loll the ether two cars of the train standing
tin the track. The second car run out a
third of the way aciess the bridge and
stepped, but the weight was sutllcieiil te
bleak open the front, and lunnvpiisseugers
were tliiewu Inte the water. The tlrst car
which followed the engine te the bottom
of the muddy estuary seen rose and such
ef(lhi) pissengeis as had escaped wero
picked up by the yachts ami ethor beats
which gathered at the scene.
It Is estimated that twentv-live persons
were drowned j thirteen bodies have been
Decoration Day Huse Hall.
The afternoon games of the Players'
liCitgaie yesterday resulted as follews:
Philadelphia 1), Chicago !!; Plttsburir 0,
New Yerk 8; ilroeklyn H, Cleveland 10;
Uosten 10, Hufl'ale 3.
American Association - Columbus 8,
Athletic 2; Teledo 11, Syracuse 2; St.
lyOuls3, Ilroeklyn 1.
National League Cleveland I, Philadel
phia I ; Chicago II, Brooklyn 7; Bosten 3,
Pittsburg U; Cincinnati 1, New Yeilc 0.
The Alteena club did well yesterday, in
thellrst game they shut llarrisbufg out
easily by 12 te 0, ami they wen the second
game by 3 te 1. Uusteu defeated Lebanon
by 12 te 5, hut Lobauen took the ether
game by 0 te 5.
lu the tlrst game at Alteena vesterday
Harrisburg had hut live hits en Jenes, and
they had only two oil Hudsen iu the utter,
OverW.OOU people witnessed the tweuty tweuty
three principal ball games played yester
day. The Players' League teams drew
3y,102 spectators, against 2U.017 for the Na
tional League teams mid 22.010 for the
American Association clubs. Philadelphia
was the host hall town in the country yes
terday, the four games plaved there draw
lug 22,011' people.
Total's 1 1 lull salary.
The folleuing Mexican story was told
by a Tnxas drygoeds merchant. It seems
that a noted bandit. Cortina, had lieeu the
terror of Northern Mexico for years. Fail
ing te subdue him, the Mexican govern
ment made him a major-general In the
army, mid put him iu charge of the Itie
Grande border. He was furnished with a
full stall' ami headquarters ferce and started
out lu lull enjoyment of Ids dignity. At
the end efthe tlrst mouth of his service ids
military secretary brought the pav roll for
his approval, it was headed by tlie name
of Major-Ueneral Cortina and continued
w 1th tlie names and pav el the ether mem
bers of his military family, and ending up
with the total for the entire amount te be
se disbursed. Cortina examined the docu decu
meut carefully and laboriously. But
reaching the end he burst into an expres
sion of wrath, drew his revolver and held
Itattheterrllied sectetary's head, shriek-
tag With
Mh Villain 1 What la this?
Who 1st
this Total who receives mere than
fertius ?'
VA: IIecikk's Cocea Lorget .Hale In the
Wlience Comoa the Xante
Of HOZODOKT ? It Is derived from two Orrtk
words nlfiiirjrlng" te prrwrte lite tectli;"unt
ItdMcrvcs IU tltlt, for tlire Is no prepurollen
will de thl mere rapidly, surel. and plea
anUy. Tlie consumption of SOZODONT Is hit
meme. A Dish et New l"s. ,
P ntatuls for PuMillne, for Punch and for Pear,
And llkewlne ler Poetry nnd 1'rose ;
Tim Parrot, Ilia I'leeen that lf In thenlr,
'Ilm I'lfc with arltifi III lilsnme;
Fer Taper nnd Pen, ler TrlnUir niul Press,
Fur I'hynlc, and People who sell It;
Hut w lien you nre tick, te relieve your dlitreni,
Take t ence Pierce's Piimitlve Pellet.
Oh, yes, Indeed I Tltfae nre the l" for you,
Kmr, tick man or woman. Nethlne llke them
r keeping the benelt and stomach reitulnted
and In order tiny, tii gar-con led granule,
scarcely lancer man mu&iara bccu. iney werK
gently t
1...I I.I.H....M. l.'Ufe
XV 111 the following churches en Biinrtnv, In
the merales at 10-30. In tlincvcnlnirnl 7; IV Men
day school ul l:fi p. in. When the hour Is illf-
fercnl It Is MiKclallv noted :
aiw ciiuKcii. services ana Hiinaav
te-morrow morning at the usual hour, in Leng's
uuiiuiiih, nu. iu Aunn iureit sirecu
Divine service en Holiday morning In the
Rockland street school building at 10t o'clock.
Hunday school at 2 p. m.
KVANOKi.icAi.-Klrt Church. Ilcv. P. F.
Lchr.pusler. Uenuan liithuiuernliig. Hunday
schuefutUn. m.
l.llirtr It VWklfftfln 1tm 1 t rril.Al n 11
pastor. Hervlces Nvmorrew morning mid e en
lug. Hunday school at l:t&.
Ol.tvrr IUitibt Ciliritrii fjist Vine near
Duke street. Ilev. M. Krnyne, pastor.
IlKreHMKii-HT. bUKK's-Marlctni avenue,
Ilev. Wm. K. Llchlller, pastor. Hunday school
at 2 p. m.
The prater meellnir of the W. c. T. 17. to
morrow anernoen, will be held nt.1:H0 o'clock lu
the tinleu llethel corner of rrlnce and Orange
Uiiac'r LcmiKnAN, Itev. C.E. Haupt, pastor.
Bervlccs morning uud evening. Huiulav school
ut 2 p. in. Divine services emitted during this
week. Church school ns usual durlngthe week.
or Kmmanuki. Xerlh l'lne near Wulmit ul2
p.m. Festival en Thursday evening next.
CHURCH or Ueu Cerner or Prince and Or
ange, Ilev. J, II. Interline, pastor, Huuduy
school at 9:15 u. in.
Kvaneki.icai. (.'nuiirii. Itnv. n.l). Albright,
pastor, Hunday school ut v.IS a. m. Prayer
and praise service ut 7 p. m.
Mebavian. Ilev. J. Max Hark, I). D., pastor.
Lltauy and sermon ; 2 p. in. Hunday school.
Wesl Oninge mid C'oncenl streets. Hev. C. W,
It nt-sler, pastor. Children's Day. Hunday school
ul U u. m. Music, recitations, addresses, Ac, in
the evening.
HT. Paul s ItF.reiiMKn Key. J. V, MeuilngcTr
pastor. Hunitay schisit ut D h. lu.
WfjtTEitN M. V.. Oilmen. Ilcv. C. C. Chirk,
pastor. Class meeting at V.30 u. in. Sunday
school ut 1:4s v. in.
Deutsche IIkfeiim -Hr. Jeuan.vks Kincnun
Cerner or Orange and Mulherry streets. Hcrvlcc
lu the Uerman langiince from ft.'W te 10.15a. in.
and front 0 te 7:15 p. m. Hunday school from
12:'Wtel:Mp. m.
Hr. Jehn's I.utukiiav Ilev. n. V. Alleman,
D. I)., pastor. Services at 11 a.m. In Ueriiinii
ilcferined church, corner of Orungennd Mul
berry street. Hunday school at St. Jehn's nl2
p. in., andut Oetwsld Jtemerlul Mlsileu ul2 p.
Christ LUTlir.RAM. Her. K. L. Itced, pastor.
Hunday school ut l:4."p. in.
HT. HTKi'HEN's I.t'TiiEitAN Cerner of Diike
and Chlircti streets, Ilev. K. Melster, pastor.
HT. HTKrilKS's Collece Chapel. Services at
10:30 n. m. Heriueu by Hev. U. 0. HcliclJI.
Queen street, Themas Thompson, D, I)., pastor.
Hunday school at lis, in.
First M. K. Oiuiicii ltev. H. M. Vernen, D.
P., pastor. Class meetings ut Ha. in. Hunday
school nt 1: 11 p. in.
V. M.C. A. Yeung men's meeting nt 3:10 p.
m. Address by ltev. K. C Yerkes en " The
Yeung Man, aim ins uuideiioek."
Hr. Paul's M. K. Ciiuitcii-ltav. K.C. Yerkes,
pastor. 9 a. in. class. Hunday school at il a.
m. Conversation meeting ut GM p. m.
PjiEsnvTKitiAN. Ilev. J. v. Mitchell, I). I),
pastor. The sucraiueiit of the Lord's Hupier In
the morning.
Trinity Lutheran. Ilev. C. L. Fry. pastor.
Ne church service en account of mcuiliig of
synod. Hystcmutlc bcncllceiice postpone 1.
(Nettiitllc Mauiulne.)
lle careful or your diet. Yeu de net need
heavy feed such us you require during the
Hprlng my be beaiitirul, but It Is treacherous
De net let It deceit e you Inte n cold, a rover,
mularla or pncunienla.
De net threw eir your Winter flannels tee
early. It Is better te sufTerS.i little Incenvenl taku cold.
Ifyeufeel tired, fevcrlsli or overheated, de
net rush eirmid take"Hnrlng inedlclnes." Ctwl
yourself down nud In this wuy help your sys
tem and purify your bleed.
If yen feel het und thirsty, de net drink large
quantities of water or ether" long" di Inks. It
Is much hotter te take a llttle pure whiskey
and water which wilt quench the thirst, tone
the system nnd mrtiry against illseuse.
Itemember thnt only jnre whiskey should
ever be taken Inte tlie system, and that the
lending chemists and scientists of the present
uny mum m iiecinrmgtiiai unity's I'ureMalt Is
absolutely the purest und best.
i)cl(cteii, fSrengthtning te the Xcrirt.
Tea uud cetlce cheer but de net nour
ish. They even leave an injurious oM'ect
upon the nervous system. Indeed,
there Is ue beverage like
Van Heuten's
" Best and Gees Farthest."
It tstiimilutes and nuurhhn in none
ether, leaves no hud effects und is ti Ilesli
former of t lie most approved type.
i-V.N HOUTKNH COCOA ("ence tiled,
ulwas used.") The strong may lake It with
pleasure and the weak with Impunity, The
exciting cttVcU of tea and cedec uiu ebt lated by
Its steady use, and nervous dlseidcrs ure re
lieved and prevented. Delicious te the tntu
" Largest sale In the world.' ASIC l'Oll VAN
Ill All the World there Is but One Cure.
It enn be given In a cup of coffee or tea, or In
articles of feed, without the knowledge of the
patient, tf necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless
and will effect a permanent and sjicedy cure,
whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or
nn alcoholic wreck. IT N'lIVElt FAILS. It
operates se quietly and with such certainty
that Hie patient undergoes ue Inconvenience,
and ere he Is aware, hiscemplete reformation Is
effected. 4S pace book or particulars tree.
CIIAH. A. l.OCllKlt. Druggist,
Ne. V Eat I King BL, Lancaster. Pa.
ectlS eed-TTh&a '
This Standard lliuud of Plug Tobacco Is ac
knowledged te Us tlie bet chew and the largest
piece rer the money In the market, rfiireffri
tag en tuch lump. Its extensive sale rer many
years bas established Its reputation. There Is
nothing bettei. Try It. Fer sale by dealers and
Are Yeu lNeWeus?
Next te bleed, kidney and liver afflictions, I
nerveutnes and nerve Irregularities are the
mjt common.
Within the litat twenty-five years the number
of nervous dleases ha Increased largely, and
the medical fraternity have glren them a great
deal of attention.
As te the causes of nervous affliction, their
name Is legion ; high llvliig,dUtlpnllen, Irregu
larities of diet, late hours, overwork, great
Brief, the lilgh-presiure mode of life, with Its
ccawk'M round of activity and exertion, call
ing for constant expenditure of nerve force, all
tend te depress and exhautt the nervous sys
tem. The merchants bend for hours ever their
books, or are whirled at lightning speed ever a
Use the Best Tonic
country unknown te their fathers ; the student
burns froely the "midnight oil," while the
housewife, In her efforts le keep pace with the
requirements of modern society, calls Intene
tlve play every fibre of the nervesystem. What
Is the result? All ever tlie land medical men
are battling with nervous dyspepsia, nervous
weakness and In many cases with general ner
vous prostration, efU-nthncs developing Inte
Te regain health you must correct all that Is
wrong In the nerve centres, and then all the
various troubles arising from their diseased
roudttlen will disappear.
In llrewn's Harsnparlllu you have a nerve
tonic and nrve reed which supplies the waste
tissues, llemcuiber that the bleed, taking up
Brown's Sarsaparilla
Alt at Druggists 91.00. 0 bottles for S.OO.
DON'T takoHemetblng else "Just as geed," IT IS NOT.
A K A Wakkkv A Ce., Hele Proprietors, llanger, Me. (5)
rilll.AUGi.i-HM, Saturday, May 3I.1S.I0.
We make no pretense of
naming all the seasonable
Dress Stuffs. The two or three
picked out new and then from
this counter and that stand for
hundreds that never get a word
in the papers. Yeu knew
they're here anything that
ought te be in the biggest, full
est, most popular gathering of
Dress Fabrics in America.
These for illustration :
Three of the popular Scotch
Cottens for het weather wear
Madras, Oxford, Cambridge.
Sturdy stuffs. Pull a thread
from either : strong enough te
sew with almost. Each has
goodness peculiar te itself, and
the color is woven into the
fabric every time.
Madras is the stuff that has
driven out that old-time favor
ite, Printed Penang. Coeler,
lighter, pleasanter te wear, and
prettier withal. 32 styles at
40c, 28 styles at 30c.
Fer hard knockabout the
Oxford. Loek of linen, wears
like linen ; solid, substantial.
23 styles, 30c
Cambridge is a twin brother
of Oxford, only that it is a twill
instead of a plain weave. 24
styles, 30c
Any of these stuffs are excel
cellent for women's dresses,
men's skirts, or for children's
wear. Styles that are as bright
and breezy as a May morning.
We believe our $9.75 Baby
Carriage the best ever offered
for that money. Shellacked
reed body, silk plush upholstery
five colors te cheese from),
satin parasol, Richmond brake.
Nothing slighted.
A strong, neat, serviceable
Carriage for $5. That's the
one for least. Most that you
pay above that gees for pretty
ing but you get your money's
worth every time.
Basement, northeast or centre.
You'll hear that Mexican
Grass Hammocks are scarce.
are in some stores.
here. 14 feet,
Macrame Cord Mammecks,
strong, clean, handsome, $1.75,
$2.50 and $3.
Palmer Pillow I lammecks,
75c te $3.75.
" Union Web " Hammocks,
$1 te 53.25 ; "Baby," 50c.
Hiucmcnt, northeast or centre.
Jehn Wanamaker.
AN i 1.0 till.
Hakes a GOOD Leaf of Bread.
Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread.
Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread.
Npcclttl t'urtlcs.
Senil-mnnlhly. Tourist
sleeping cars. Cheap rales. Heutheru raclflcCe.
Addrevi. K. 1IAW1.KV, AMdstanl General
Traffic Manager, 3IJ llratduay. New Yerk
It. J. HMITH,Ageut,l'JM.Jd bll. 1'lilla.
STORM KiNG (2161.)
IlECOUD 2:30,
i.- - . V .i . .' 'J7 -v""i "i i', lern ieai,
horiubuluteaiiedlgieeaud ether Information,
address DANIEL U. ENULE,
aprlJ-lmdJlw Marleiu.l'a.
JJ''iVf" VaW !eJ,u.m' Ue efM Performers
from 2.ll; te iif. Dam Topsy Tayler by Alex
ander s .Ne-iuun. sire or Lulu. 2:1 1, c Ac.
T..riiiti fur .i.rl,i.. ......... .V 1.1.. .. " ..
the sound material from the healthy stomach,
eeda arerjr nerve and fibre of the human body.
and In no ether way can reconstruction and
Improvements 'In tlie system go en. Brown's
Kanaparllla win deliver the" reed pure and
healthy te the bleed.
Miw. Dorcas Htexe, wife W the well-known
railroad contractor, who has operated oil ever
New England, became afflicted with that dis
ease 10 very common among women. She sajy :
" Yes, I de knew what nervousness means. I
have had It In It worst forms. I could net
fellow any line or work; the cry of my babe
struck harshly upon my ear, the shutting of a
deer quick or the fall or a book or any unusual
nelle upon the street would give me a start
It seems te me, new that I leek back te It, as
though 1 lived rer years as tome hunted ani
mal might live. I mistrusted every ene and
was possessed or a constant and nameless fear.
Physicians told methenerve centre was affected
and when my feed would net digest ; when It
soured en my stomach ; when my appetite be
came capricious, they said I had nervous dys
pepsia. I tried several physicians and adopted
everything suggested by friends, yet my nights
were wakeful ones, and my days these et ter.
turc. One day llrewn's Harsaparllla fell under
my notice; I began the use of It, and as a re
sult the nerves were returned te their normal
condition, as were also the digestive organs,
and a perfect and permanent cure was the re
sult." Sru (Doefeo.
Fer Bargains.
Ne. 14 West King St.
EverythingSeld At andBelowCest,
In Ulack Dress Hllks.
In Ulack Dress doedi,
Iu Ulack Henriettas.
In Black Burah Silks.
lu Ulack Hatlnc
In Colored Henriettas.
In lllack and Colored Cashmere.
In lllack Ijice flouncing.
In lllack Drapery Notts.
In Cream Dress floods.
lu Trimming .Silks.
In Trimming Urulds.
Iu llead Trimming.
In lllack and Colored Velvets.
Iu Iiluck Cashmere Shawls.
In Uerdercd Nun's Veiling rer Veils.
In Dotted Hwlsies.
In Plain and Fancy White Geed.
In Plain, Plaid and Htrled Pluck I.awns.
In Silk lllbbens.
In Neck Iluchlugs.
In Embroideries.
In Hllk and Cotten Uicch.
Iu Corsets uud Kid flletes.
In Hllk and Cotten Ulnvus nud Milts.
Iu Ladles' and Children's Hosiery.
In Bilk nnd Linen Iluudkerclnefs.
In Lace Caps.
In Lace Lambrequins.
In Plush HdlW und Ornaments.
Iu UnderHcar.
In Silk and Gingham Umbrellas.
In White Shirts.
In Flannel Shirts.
Iu Curtain Lace and Scrims.
In Dress Ginghams.
IuLace Curtains.
In Outing Cleths.
In Black and White French Satlnes.
In White Quilts.
In Table Oilcloths.
Iu Muslins and Cullcets.
In Table Linens,
Our Goods Are tha Best.-
35 & 37 N. Queen St.
LAKi-'AbTEll, PA.
I" plain tindieUuelng, up te O-lucli diameter,
MalletibM Fittings, hhingci , Flange Unions,
.Manifolds, American ITnlem , Tube Supports,
Handera. Fleer and Cclllnir 1 lutes, te te JOHN
BliMt'S,3Sl East Fulton ureal. rn'-tfd
Charles Stan,
, HUccllat!C0it4)
-- 1 ul i ..
WA.?"rEUrf,niL-,) pOn GENERAL
. T . Housework ; geed situations furnished
free of charge. Apply
12 Hnutli Duke Hire t,
lery and Hpoeus, go te
Acta as AMlgnf, Kxm-u ter, Muardlan, Agent
etc. Itents Hese In IU Klrennd llnrglar lroer
Hlcel VaiilU. Stores Valuables at moderate
" "' Nes. 33 and IW NOHTH O.OEEN HT.
tent men nnd women for all kinds el
skilled labor. Apply
12 Beuth L'uke Htrcet.
tincntm In multiples or f 100, earning a
guarantee cash dividend of 10 per cent, per an.
num. payable scml-nniiniillr, are Issued by tha
IlulldfnKnnd Lean Association or Dakota! It nme
Ofllce, Aberdeen, Henth Dakota). Ne member
ship res or ether expense Incident te Issuance
of stock. Bleck may be converted Inte cash at
purchase price after two years. Inventor so se
cured by teal estate, mortgage te double the
mneunt et the Investment deposited with a
Trustee. Correspondence Invited.
u. w.nt Aiicimj,
Manager Philadelphia Office.
Ne. 411 Walnut Htreet.
1100, 1200, $.100, f 1,000 te 120,000.
Bends 6 per cent. Interest, payable qtinrterly.
Mortgages 8 per cent. Interest, payable half
yearly. Bend or call for full Information.
"e bh Duke HI.
small It may be, Is it great luxury. LAN.
Hetel Kecjiers, Bearding Houses, Grocers and
nil Cutters of Meats ii'e our Sllccr. It Is a per
fect one. Will slice Bread, Fruits nnd all Bene
less ilea is, etc., etc, il will nil n wunt long icu,
nnd Its construction makes IU use ncrieetly
safe. It will be a household treasure te all who
m2l-tfd 215 Sherman St., Lancaster. Pa.
I" each. co le
REIN HOLD'S, near Pcnu'n R. R. DepeL
XJ with blocking extension of VO Inches, 14
root bed engine lathe, geed ns new. Heed's
manufacture with gearing, counter ahaR,
chucks, face plntes. Rests and audi tools as
belong te n lathe. Can be. seen. at old water
works. Enclose nrlce In sealed envelermand
address le chairman water committee en or be be
rere JuneS, 1090. Committee reserve the right
te reject tiny or an eners.
niyaMitdeed ROBERT CL A UK, Mnyer.
Pound Packages.
Sold everywhere.
Wire Buckle Suspender,
Emblematic Marks
Ne. 42 West King Street.
IX that an application will be made te the
Governer or Pennsylvania en Wednesday, June
11, 18U0, at 10 o'clock a. m by E. K. Martin,
Eugene O. Smith, Ames Zelgler, Jehn H. Lan
dls. Waller M. Franklin, under the Act or As
sembly, entitled "An net le provide rer the In
corporation and regulation of certain corpora
tions," approved April 2!, 1S7I, and the supple
ments morcie, ier ine cnarier et an inicuuea
corporation, te be called "The Morning News
Owipany," the character and object of which
In the transaction of n Prlntlnir and Publishing
Business; nnd for these purposes te have, pos
sess nnaeniev an tue riuuis. dciicuisuiiu nrivi-
leges or suld Act of Assembly and supplements
t. IS. ItUL..llAI,
a.' I'ecaei uoek,
Sealed proposals will be received by the Street
Committee up te Tuesday, June :l, lsne. ntH
o'clock p. in., for the construction of the fellow
lug tit scribed sewers and bridge :
Fer it llirec-fcel brick sewer, with Inlets. Ac,
en Straw berry street, from Water street te Ht
Jeseph street.
Fent three-feet brick sewer, with Inlets, man
Hele, ilc, en coral street, irem Hccenu ie leuru
Fer a two-feet brick sewer, with Inlets, ei
New street, from ijuke te norm nuecn street.
Fer a three nnd four-feet brick sewer, will
Inlets, Ac., en Ann street, from Chestnut street
terunncar W'.ilmit street.
Fer a two-feet brick sewer, en nlley north e
walnut street, from Lancaster svcniie leaiarj
Fer an 18-Inch sewer, from Columbia nvenui
ie me uiiey exienuiug irem .Murieuu uveuue ti
College avenue.
Fent bridge across the run at thnliitersectlei
of North Franklin and Lemen streets.
All bids must be uccumpanlcd with the slg
natures of two or meie responsible parlies will
lug te become security; also, tilth a ccrtltlei
cliHck te Hie amount of ten ier cent, or the bid
which will lie forfeited te tlie city iu case e
fallurele accept the contract, iritwarded.
The committee roerre the right te reject nn
nr nil bids.
Plans unit sneclftcatlens can be seen nt tin
efllce or A. A. ilerr, City Regulator, Ne. 10S Eus
llntr Rlrent.
Propesiils te be addressed te the Street Cem
mlttco'Ter Constriiclleu of Sewers, Ac." eni
airectea te Ulerks emce, uuy nun.
By order of
Gee. W. Eaiiy, Clerk. uiay'JSAJl
haa removed te 1S6 East King street, having il
ftillllncef Furniture ofevery description at thtj
lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at
tended te. uall nnu examine our goons.
arf-tfdll 11. WOLF. IM East King Htreet.
Buyers deslrln
Oualltv or the 1
ig a combination or inputs.
ufacturer's Ar
of the .Manufacturers Art tnailtn
Newest and Latest
Prices In
Deiigns and the Lewes I
) Furniture, Curtains,
Parler Suits, &c.
Slteiild benwake te their own Interests am
call upon us when their wants will be fully sup
u'n ntTfr twlav n cnlpmllil iiKsnrlinent of Par
lerHulu In Tupestrlcs and Plushes at sieclallj(i
low trices.
27 & 20 Seuth Queen Street
Fine iVinesT
I haejustrecelted, direct from Messrs. Qar-jJ
vej s, Jtrez, rpuu, per r. n, .uiunrnii, 'Jv
LIverfM01 anil ir.uisierreu in e. e, rH-rni, ,"'J
New tern, .iiircii luui, ii one uMKiiiinn wi
Gurvey Sherries. Tliet,e Wines ure among t''ftl
very nuesi tput reucii mi? uuuiu rwhe.
AlseOld and Yeung Madeira Wines, and eii J
the vi -i aCaeslIouiheSeeaudMCueafpectardi
ureal v esiera tue. i.ia nw"" "'M. .. Jfni
are the best produced In France and tbe Unltedj ,1
h tales et America.
ff. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt.t
aplWJ,M,a fj