sf-..vjrirq a-nx-OKs iviwnA i ivmj k-v t:- KB''a--ETi. W?WRSi3f Jppf.W' :-4rf 7s3WKJ'wv " e sBBPsWr3--Ws-Pi-Wsy'naFTT',"i 'V-tJi THE IiANOASTER DAILY IKELMGENCER, THUHSDAY, MAY 29, 1890. raa? Ei??fe ftalltt 9nicUiflcnc0ir &w w , UnORKW J.TKINMAW. , Mi i CHARLES HTKI.-xma.-s ". . 'Vs ROBERT CLARK Publisher. :-' tah daily itrrKLMOENCEu.-Published v tjrerr day in uie year, uui eunuay. en ' "T - 4m in hfa flit Amt anrrnundlng ie-Bt ten cralit week. Bymallflvodel. a 5 nr j-mi m auiuwj w -.- . VfcKKLY INTRLLIUKNCKlt-One dollar anl j C 1. it . 1 aiMI kvilWTlCKTO SbBSCiUIlKH-llmlt by heck P ;t :T pottefflce order, mid where neither of letter Hmd at the Pteffle( m second eUm mall -utUr. i www nmtt v tnC-lffW -3 tktlf-jr. 1L. --..--..-. f-V.WOfOABTER.PA.. Mty 29. 1890. w r : j..c The Democratic Seminatien. jfraggeeta that the growing warmth of tb contest between the advocate or t.w-iwefl ana raiiisen ier me jjeme- 'XW i.l- t !.. II.. f.. .1... .lt. lsjcwug iiumiuuiieii Vitus nn me iuiiiv- iiedtef both, nud the making of nu- . ether select leu le lead tbe Democratic .Jwat. i'i' IVn nirrpn with c.iir content twirarv Hint ' .Hue couventleii Is net canllncil te tlie riKjMmiea''&'f Wallace ntid l'attlwn for ?ih ttplorlleti. but we cntuiet iiizree I'-that tliclr nainet need te be drop-tied KvyllMumiiaA tlifv linvn tlowlenoil ft na well i TLfM friends in their consideration for the fawjuomluatlen. Tliere never was n geed Jman who hud net plenty of eucmlpn, ms. ftuu u me convent ion slep1 te ioek ier a K&i candidate whom everyone will be pleased gewllli it will have task Iwyend it &ctaeagth. Ner de we object te a measure $8ef heat in the can van for a nomination. KK M la an agrceuble Indication or lllu ami fcSaIgu of strong virility. If the heat gv4 kept within reasonable bounds,-! a te Imbe readily turned toward aiding the huc IM Icessef the convention's choice, no ill, but X - Krwl nnniAa frrtiii It CrCeiiccrnini; thoclie!cunf ilu cenvtMi- UnJ .. . ' -i.... ii ...in I2y? lien, t we ioek unuu uiu iiiuikt, ii win tvrj. ; 1 tlnfililfitil nltlutlif Iti ilm out tuiiidi mtulc r-7 J MV UVVIUI.K V.il,.J Ml . vnllliw fMJet the relative atrcueth of the names JLs VtnnAi-u3u1 ft Htn imln 1 it n 4 tntt it1ittt t Itftv UIUIV- VIIV, tlUllllllMlllMI . IHV .J . ..e li.fiitin IliA .nr.tjk I'm. nlfLnliiiii We the W?FX tmvn lifinnl nf tin Mill viintlf Ifillnil tif tef-i neiiiliitttinti wliniii wn iln net consider iiSf, At 4n viftfilln II ntifl r.filinlil.i f timVlltir a.-rrj! . ' tCV'diirerencc in their runnlnc newcr.- Ab Sj.tittwccn the chief contestants, Mcmhi. :tWallace and l'attlsen, our judgment ikli that Mr. Wallace has the .greater racing strength. Mr. l'attlsen Sf.HUMle a geed record as governor, ErtkMd this in cited as tin basis of S'-lils strength as a candidate ; at and truly It hu. U a (reed foundation : but it must be VD0ted mat ills aumiuislratleu railed te &' kivc his party In condition te put lis fiRgfi representative in his place, Ills colleague, H Lieutenant Governer lllack, having JA been defeated for election te the gover gever Kj uerelilp; and it i net open te question .A: that finvrnnr T'nlHftnn wnntil linie tuwii s"- beaten as badly If the constitution had 3nennitted him te have been then made t'fc'Athe candidate. Governer l'attlsen, with -,- U the honesty and merit of hW admin- Ftotratien, developed a lack of political tuct Sg vumv uuueuuicuiy weaKeucu ins party ',7& . Mr. AVallace would have been ant. in JptbJtJ place, te have left his party stronger thkn he get it. He has a great deal or ".Lmjantal fnnu. ntnl ntunt. if.llllnnl . t ,.4? -T l " vw .. mukii friivi(.UI UV.ll- vf Ml " " "" i-iipfCVl IUI tuilliufll tJt i j . t- iirn ii, i, ,i. (,t i, .......ii S" " . ( UU 11 UUIU nuuu a strong candidate The story M-rwa, tnat uts canaiaacy is in liestillly fite ex-President Cleveland, is vervaillv. - 3!"1X WnllnftA'a eatlillfliin.. lnul.lln.ii la r..H 5if himself and his party, and he will keep tjfhla record clear of ull such foolish en. Unalements. Is. The oenrention can hardly go wrong, ,igfwleevcr it selecta ; tind these, us we Jve,aidf arc net the only names re o e o Sennneudcd telt. Fer illustration, Mr. feVaux, by his recent public apjiearancc, is has) obtained a very eligible rcceid for tanner noners at tne bauds or the jco jce ple; and, us a representative of Mr. CUvslnrxl'd ndmlnlatrntlnii nn mnni ;L brilliant figure could be found than cx- -' -, BnllnHnp rniinrnl T.,..l-e Solicitor General Jenks. ' lllalr And the Navul Hill. SEk" The chief opposition te the naval an- m, proprUtieu bill came from senator of R ; Mississippi Valley states, who appear te ESj Imagine thnt a navy is a useless luxury. rrss: Air. Vrvirliivw u-ill ll.nl 1,.. .Ir.nl. I. ..I fcs,'". - -: .: " ; v. . " r.".:. pSy.?-- uciucr live men ceuiu ee leuuu in uiui 3''iS .. 1 . . . . . "'"' " "'l"""" f uen ier nattie snips, and no doubt he S, was right, for the average western man gS7 i uuis xe appreciate uie possible damage iffy te seaboard cities by a fereiKii Heel. Hut J(g?'blowen the coast would be felt severely mWi even lu the Mississippi valley, and as gjss weakness invites wnr. and war is un- i bsaltbv for the whele nntlen. It Ik le feib Interest of the inland states that e -la V2I-1,-;?f.ru-"r-'"-' stn.-n-"&n uw. lllu ll..lmH ... ,. , IK J" . .- ...... Miciileut of thu KM 2nd ..... .. -onciien tiy senator l?? -that the money etcd boa. A Wr7.L"7:iluule "until the govern- ItletaOe'n "rltalu shall have been Mltaearl jScTthe president te withdraw Heck. V&VT7.....1 r..r...... r..... . . i .. S.'K4'' M. I.... ""' iiuiu .iiiiifrieuii CX n! p."iirTaud te dlsniantlu htr imvnl ulu. WrJiTU iietn rertn America and Seuth America, and In adjacent islands, unri hall have declined, or shall hae ne glected for one year &e te de." The seuater gravely defended this pre position en the ground that if there is te be a 'millennium, when war shall cease, the way te bring It about Is by disarma ment. Mr. HIair's Idea would net b altogether strauge If advanced by Great Britain herself towards the rest of the world, but for the u eakest of naval .powers te calmly Invite the strongest te retire from this hemsphere with ail her el,y armament is likely te make JirS!... Tdlllal. II..., ...!.. tl-i . .i.e. .tun 1:1 ill. 11V lliriil. m- meut of the kind should have a. Mt'lmU of mutual sacrifice, but while m$Mi(,klng England te dismantle her rift. Ilvi verrla nnil f,.rlin,..,(lr,.,., ... i. ftmudaandethbr ieInts, and withdraw t-?T ..k ...m .!.!.. .. .l.n 1 .. . t .. pV" bhijs jjuiu iuw waters or sertli pftJted Seuth America, we could only rtre net te build our battle shlps.whlch Kit', will take some years te llnish. Mi ---- fx. Rebel Flaj,-s and Statue. Ep& Tll llllvAllltlrr nf .Iia T .r. ..I.,.... I.. frr --- ....w.... v.. fci.v j.v; niiliuu 111 vT, v","," wimneu Ciusu 10 iccoratieii Jy tUut th'' 11, wl)0 delight in 3' FOK'iS b tterues towards the Seuth ,l delighted with the opportunity. i.J;JSverybedy knows that the Seuth is S,: iHOurmug evertlie lest cauw?. ami lm LMOhODe Or wlull in lirtnr. II I.. Ilr.. I.. UtJ "P110 r their terrible exiK;ricnce since ,t war ttlH llAnnl.. i.T II. . , I... . r. .1 -- 1 - jltiu ui liiul ni-i'i inn urn 1 u 1 loyal te-day as any, and their waving of Ah rcuei wags, meugu m-wlvleed, Is etthe expression of nuv fw-lln.ni,,,. r-Vabeuld provekejust resentment from old & aeiuurs or sailors of the North. Thuttluir Xia the Southerner the emblem of the 'lMg buried is.uw for which theiisumU lift brave and coiiBcicntieus meu fought " Jlld,r Le, autl lljy "ev- honor tliclr nery without dreaming of rebellleu. It is as though a cavalier of the days of King Charles should be honored by his republican descendants for Ills blind but gallant loyalty te that stubborn prince. The nation has nothing te fear from the spirit that leads Southerners te build monuments te their famous lead ers; even the waving of what was otice their ilag may be tolerated with unrc unrc sentful disapproval. They will get ever that little weakness long before Northern fauatlcs have been cured of bloody shirt nightmares, and the steady growth of better feeling is shown all along the old border line by the attention given en Decoration Day te the graves of both frletid nud fee. The General Freight Agent. The members of the Preduce Kx change, of Philadelphia, have taken very proper action in issuing n circular letter te the produce producers of the Seuth, asking them net te ship by the Pennsylvania railroad route, lx;caue that company Insists en collecting the full freight rate en damaged carloads of produce, and refuses te be con tent with receiving all the pro ceeds of the sale of such car contents. People who de net knew the ways of high railroad freight officials and the infinite hardness of cheek with which they squcc70 the last cent of freight front the shipper, may Iw surprised that a man should 1k found In a railroad office who would want mere than the entire value of the contents of a car for bringing that car te market. Hut these who are went te meet this elassef rullreud lieasls will net be greatly nsteulshud ; still even te them It will In illcale an abnormally pig-headed devel opment of freight ugent. This Is the kind the Pennsylvania seems te have new, scaled In highest authority. He relolees In the name of Joyce. Tite 'Heading lias u man In like place of like .stamp who calls hlmseir Jiall ; and between the two the (drippers en their respective systems are robbed remark ably. The Produce Exchange have taken the only menus te bring such fellows te their senses. They ure arrogant te the lust degree when they think they have power te enforce their demands, but llke nil such weak creatures they wilt at onee when they arc severely kicked. It is n constant experience of the railroad shipper that he can expect neiiieicy from thu railroad freight agent when he Is in iris power ; nud the wife man asks for none, but leeks around for a club. The Produce Exchange lias made a geed one. 1 1 m Ma. William Asteii Is going te build a two million dollar ten-story hotel nl tlie cerner of Thirty-third street and Tilth avenue, New Yerk. It will have many novel features, ene of which "III Im tlie arrangoment of rooms te necomineilutn fiiiiillies. The corridors will be sliiitnnd the rooms will open from tliem. Tlioie will he acqntriil court garden, which will be reefed with glass In w Inter, and Mr. Afctnr brags Hint It will be tlie bust holel in the world. It is rumered In I'hll.ulelplil.i that .Inhu Wutmmaker is he.vrtlly sick of the wholo whelo whole snln dry goods branch of his btislness which he started about two years age by securing control of the famous old linn or Heed, lienbright A. Ce., w Ith an niiiuml business of from eight te ten millions. The story runs that the firm found they needed mere capital and Jehn Witn amukcr quickly made an agicc agicc ment with thorn by which he assumed the obllgillens of the house, Insisting that the mciubers of the firm should for a terni of three years remain as salaried empleyes under the same firm iiauie, he taking all the profits anil agree ing at the end of tlie term te pnytethn members of the old concern a certulu amount for thouse of the linn lmmeaud the stock en hand at the tlme tbe risk was assumed. He then began efforts te boom the busi ness en an extensive scale, establishing branches In New Yerk and Chicago, nnd largely Increasing the foree with a special vlew te Beuthern and Wcstern trade. He " corraled" a crowd of buyers lu Chicago and took thorn te Philadelphia and back at his own expense, but they are said te lme bought inore of rival iiouses oveu en this trip. The postmaster goneral of the United States Is said te have concluded te stick te the retail business. In Legally 11 ratlmr. A very unusiiiil proceeding was con tinned by Judge White lu Pittsburg en Wednesday. Durlin; tlie morning sosslen or ceint Frank W. .Snillh, esii,, appeared lu court with lMward V. Walter, aged ; years, ap ap luireiltlv net inore tlmn 18 vnurs nlil lii.';int,i ofhlshiueotli raee and beylsli appennuice. Tlie young niiiu led In Auule Harvey. a very pretty Utile child or 0 years. The court was asked te allow young Walter, who is a slugle man and, accord ing te his own hUtouient, has no notion of changing his condition, te adept Hits child. Judge White asked young Ir. Waller a few questions about Ids tlrmnvlnl condition. He said : "I H"ve 011 Ml. Washington with my mother, who Is very foeblo. 1 have no property, but my mother has. I want te adept this child In order te take care of her." The court allowed him te adept the child without blither testimony, thus making 11 man a legal father who has net or been mirrled. cei.i.r.cii: vrt'uisx'iv nitrT.u.trv. I'he rrenliinuii or I.iira.vctte Act us Vu luiillnhuil ItuniilliN. l'erty or the ftvolmieu or Uifiiyclte college, with lit bottles or beer and a basket of saiululcliCM, went up the Kehigh river te a jKitnt abe 0 Ulenden en Tuesday night luhacksdrawn by Mx horses, fu leading en a lawn uleni; the rlvorlhe rich men began te liiltiute Ih e students Inte the mvsturlus or 0110 or thulr orders by blind folding them, tying them with repes and then emptying bottles of beer 011 their heads j and ule pouring the be orage den n their backs, holding tiiti mouth of each bettle iusidu the btudenlh' high choker cellars. After this deluge and u war diuceall hands luiichrd en the beer and sand w iclies. Mho llve students were again blindfolded, inarched te the water's edge and thrown ovorbeard. While they went scrambling toward shore the freshmen leaned into the hacks and returned te the college, leaving the wateraud beet-soaked candidates te walk home, a distance or oer two miles. They reached the cellege ut 2 o'clock en Wednesday morn ing, boveral Waterbury watches, and pieces or cellars, neckties and culls woie ?"... "Jaesdy found ut the scene or the initiation. WurM ll0l'T,EVH l'ew-'nit .ule lu the n, ;r, ,,f,, l'li' the Nnniu OrsOODU.Nrt It U derived from two (Jrk words.lKiiirjIiiR'Meiirckcne the teeth ;" and It dekcneklUllilcrer there U no preiwiratlim will de ihU mere ruindl). nurily. mid puns uutly. ThecousiunplIenorhO.ODONT la im. menkc. Tlie l'oejilo Aileiilklii'il, Many people are ailenMieil when they dl. 5er the wlileclrculalltmer Tliemnt' Jkltctrie Oil. I here 1 hardly a drug lieusu In ihociiuii iheciiuii trytliHl does net have tliU remed) uinili lit Tlie public have round It U a ceed thill and tlek u It. Beld In Ijinculcr by W. 1. Huvh, Ii7 und 1311 North Hiiecnurcel. ..5"i Jtenard for an Incurable com) of Chronic uwil Catarrh Ueirerid by the Tjianufaituiers 01 Dr. bale's L'uuirrh llviuedy W.'liUw Has Coiill.Ieiice.l "In one can personally known te me the .rufL"' iur,1fmT,i"t" "" hill e,t II. hTl r.,V'ieludv I,1"s",'l limn u worth huitilrtilt cicHurr. I ni) wlf hav e Hie Kivjlmt niiiildeiicvlntheiu." K. H. hcratdi. druyKUl. llech, 13T uad 138 Werth (Jueeii tret. -CTAN HOUTKN'M COtX)A. THi:,ei,uLA it cocoa oKEunerc, TIincOMINO ONE OK AMKittCA. MOST Ari'CTlZINO-EASIbY I1IOEMTKU. The Van Heittkn's process renders their cocoa cesy of digestion and de velops in the highest degree its delicious aroma. It is nn excellent flesh-former, fifty per cent, greater than the licst of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." fVAN HOtrrKN'H COCOA ("once tried, Klwnya imfd ") l the original, pure, soluble Cocea, Invented, made and patented In Jfot Jfet land, and M Pxlny better aud mere soluble than any of the numerous Imitations. In fuel Illauencrutly admitted all eer Kurepe (and a comparative tent will easily prove that na .icr Cocea npials this Inventor's In solubility, asrwablotaiiteatid 1111 trill vequalllleii. "ljiriet mile In the world." Ask for VAN Heutkn's ANIITAKK NOOTIIFn. fl 05treccrtc. irANfhll.-i:VKIlY IIOUHKKKi:i'Ktl IN V ljiicntcr anil Irlnltv le knew Hint we have added le our large stetk of .Ceirucs a New llriiiid,callitl TIM". WtSTMINHTKIl Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order that thin cotree Kf't Introduced In Hits mi-1 1 en of thu country we are KlvlntC away free 11 Mac let of Hllwrwiiro,cenltlnif or Napkin HIiik. HUKnr Kk)iih, Tslile Hpeuiih, HiilUr KnlM'Kanil Ijirce Knives and Kerku, nil of Mliellleld iiinnufneUire. One piece with each and ecry eiuid. This brand Is a delicious table bc enice. It In double the strength of Mecha or.laacetrettiid prcpareile'xpreiiHiy for lihih-teiicd trade, and belnir iiMd largely by ull or the finest Imlcls 111 New erk and ether lariie cities, and the price. Is se low that It bring It ln reach of every iiemeu. Iteinember, we have Ilia Mnet brands ofeeirees lu the state, and our prices aru lower than tbe lowest, quality con sidered. Weliaveat 12K.il8,UI,U,ZI, li, 17, UV.flO Mid W cents per pound. llnrcalns lu Dried Krutts, Peaches, Apricots Prunes, Prumllas, Ac, nt from three te llva cimiIs r iMiiuid leti thuii same iuullly can be bought at el0H here. Samuel Clarke, Agt, Tca.Cetlce and Grocery Hterc, 12 A II Henth (luecn Ht., Near Centra Suuarr, laiucastcr, Pa. "niu7wK'5! " A CARLOAD Lai'gcWIiitePotatees "Wholesale and Retail, BURSK'S, 17 E. KING 8T. ATKhlHIs, Flags! - Flags! reit DECORATION DAY. BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. Nethlnit like It ever nflcreit. 8ee Rimnlncr for inore debilUd descrlpllen. Alse ie AVie J.'.d for baritalim In fniimd UimhIs and Dried I-r u Us. AlMiiyn Uur In mind that we ure HEADQUARTERS l'eit mi:ats, sai.thd fish, eanxkd GOODS A-N'D l)HIi:i) FltLTtU I'Olt- Picnic llnms Hummer lloleipia I tried lleef Knuckle Itief lleneiesi Hum Muckerel ...... Ne, 1 iMuekeril I let p Sen llleuter Mae Herring White T'luli Helland HerrliiK .... e Vc lOe IV! .12c S for 2Se . iteym JIV- II tb li Itm for 'J.V .'k! V lb llUiy kCK. kenl -A 1110 HIT.- 'JlbbN Kvnperuted Hiutar Cern, 0 IM for -jv. T.'ibbN Kiesli Water t'ruckirs at 4 IM for i5K (iliiecr Snaps and NleiiaeHatailiirer-J,ic. Kelltd O its, O it Meal and Wheat (ierin, II tM for 2'c. Twe carloads erSult Just lu. Mend for prices, klnllnu' ameuiit of halt wauuil. We have 11 tlietiNind.bltf lurKalns'and can't lM)lblJ write them up. Ceinu tnke a wulk exer our larne htonreom and ou win m-v liiuuy thliifn tnteuit jour pm killxxjk. WHOI.rAI.K AND UOTAII. UHOL'KH, COHNUIl WUST KINO AND 1'HI.s'CKHlU Dlredly 0)H)slle J. 11. Martin A Ce.'h Ilry Goedi Htere, and Next D.Hir te Serrel Hori-e Holel. K-IKik for the Ills Sign iicim the pave iiieul, A'latu. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. i-Wlt.vr MOKE DO YOUW.UM'fua SUtoi'ttcite. t utiikh h. kaukkman, attehn:cy-at.ij w. Harnnd KliKir Kahleiuan lA North llukMHir.. ulldlntr, Ne. g iir-tvd. rtiu: LANc.Hn:u 'i hum- cemV.va " hubll'l IN C1MIHKNT ACCOUNTS, TIMK Di:. l'OSl IS A N 1) 1'ltUST lTATlW. Act.asAksljnie. Eioenter.duardlan, Aiienl etc. Ut-iitk HiixiIii 1M Kire and llurclar Proof HUel N mills. Stertk Valuables ut moderate rule. al2.l,d,-58a,Ul M N0U "BKN ' DUUNKr.NNrS. J.IliUOIl I1A11IT. Ill Air the World there Is but One Cure. Dlt. HALVES' GOhDKN SPKCIKIC. It can beKlven Inn cup or eollraer t.m or in "IS'VJ '' ,f"J. wHUeul the ki""edie 'ofe'," ,M,Llc"!l,r s.vmiry ; It absolutely harmless and will etlect a permanent "iKjspelill cirt whether the patient u a 1110.I1 MteUrli?ker or 1111 alcoholic wreck. IT NEVlUl ffl 1 eiwrutes ke quietly and wlUi such T certa uty that the patient m.derK no InconvTnleuce and ere he U aware, hlstoinplete ri'feriiui tleu fli cllcvtcd. ii paire book of particular rret" CilAri. A. L0C1IKU. Druinlst c, eed&hdS4" Ki" "'-.'-"-teVi'a. StfanamaHev'c. rtltbADELrRtA, Thursday. Msy M.ISOO. Three of the popular Scotch Cottens for het weather wear Madras, Oxford, Cambridge. Sturdy stuffs. Pull a thread from cither: strong enough te sew with almost. Each . has goodness peculiar te itself, and the color is woven into the fabric every time. Madras is the stuff that has driven out that old-time favor ite, Printed Penang. Coeler, lighter, plcasantcr te wear, and prettier withal. 32 styles and 40c, 28 styles at 30c Fer hard knockabout the Oxford. Loek of linen, wears like linen ; solid, substantial. 23 styles, 30c Cambridge is a twin brother of Oxford, only that it is a twill instead of a plain weave. 24 styles, 30c Any of these stuffs are excel lent for women's dresses, men's shirts, or for children's wear. Styles that are as bright and breezy as a May morning. North of centre. English weavers are just as wide-awake in similar cottons. Cunard and Galatea Stripes show it. Tough and as sightly styles as need be for all sorts of sporting and vacation wear. Cunard 30 and 35c, Galatea 25 and 40c. Northeaster centre. An Oxford Tie is about as cool and comfortable a Sum mer Shee as anyone can get. Your own thought in shade and shape. We name a few from forty sorts of Women's Black and Colored Oxferds: At $5 Patent leather, tipped with same. Patent leather KoxIiire, black cloth top. Patent leather I'exIiiks, Bray ncrKO lops. IliKsIa Leather I'exlni?, oeo calf tepi. xirewii eeat r exuiff, ooze can lops. A- Patent Leather Vamps, mahogany Clout lt quarter. $, Urarel Chuvreau, common sense or opera 4 tee. Itrsiel Chevrciiu, patent leather dpi. lied UiMit, tipped with same. Ar Mahogany Geat, tipped or plain. l ClioceluloGoat, tipped or plain. ji , llrewn (leat, tipped with same. PO llraxel Chevreau, tipped or plain, llrazel Chevreau, black cloth tops. Ar CofTcetloal. tipped. r1 Tan Gout, tlpied. tf En I'UKseKJeal. tipped. J'D,J Doiigela Khl, tipiieilnr plain. Ar if ItUNK'1 float, HpiN'd. rl J.. Dongelu Khi, tipjKKler plain. Children's Oxfords : Kine Kid, Patent Leather, and Oe.it. Hed, black, tan, chocolate, mahogany. Tennis Shoes for all feet : Men's from II tefil. Women's from II le !4. Heys' and Mlse' from II te IJ. Special Shoes for games and sports and outing use. Seme of them can be had nowhere else. Market "treat front, weil of .Main Aisle Jehn Wanamaker. Sttt (Soetto. "WPKN KVKHVKVENINO. Fer Bargains, -GO TO- P.aSNYDERABRO., Ne. 14 West King St. EyerythingSeld At and Belew Cost, AsWKAUK P0S1TIVK1.V 00IM1OIT OK HUblNEhS. inajMiin) v rAsu miEss oeons. WATT & SHAND, Are Nun DWpluvIn an linmeie-u As-ertuieiit or the Ijilest I liln, lu Scotch Ginghams. Zephyr Ginghams. India Pongees. Wash Challies, Printed Satines, Outing Cleths. SPECIAL BARGAINS. .lnd&siH!ha,V7!:,u,IIU'' " ""w werti'lOct l,rlU,M -'"'"".dark ereund,il),c ; New Printed Oullni; Cleth, ttvles aud color- i"Kc"ju?d!"t'"1 ' ri'"U """"lU' Ml " "d yiA7c,Plir7ce,aK,,"m'' ta,Mt """'' ,5C " Fine India 1'ensiv, l'.,e te'.Wa yard. 3,a) yards l)ri ssUliiKliauis, brlubt stjles. new ffiuqu."flS?'fcil" ,,rU eKr' J"f NcwTelledu Nerds, 10 and i:c a yanl. a yard' Fre,,ch Sa,lnt'. haud.omedislsn, ki uliel AVd1""1 8alll,M' tt reai variety, ut ,Ni'vi-?,1fltt"eU H,ln"'. In Hlack and lllack and While, ure warranted obselultly fast In color and will neither crock, nuiln nor lade. 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. NEW YiK STORE, ffrr 90k. B 0HT0N HTOHK. y GO TO THE -FOB In lllack UressHllks. In Hlack Dress Goods. In lllack Henriettas. ln Hlack Hurah Hllks. In lllack Ball en. In Colored Henriettas. In Hlack and Colored Cashmere. In Hlack Lace Flouncing. In Hlack Drapery Notts. In Cream Dress Geed. In Trimming Hllks. In Trimming Hralds. In Head Trlmmliifr, In Hlack and Colored Velvets. In Hlack Cashmcra Hhnwls. In Herdered Nun's Veiling for Veils, In Dotted Hwlsscs. In Plain and Fancy White Goods. In Plain, I'lald and Htrlped Hlack Lawns. In Bilk Klbbnns. In Neck Hitching. In Embroideries. In Hllk and Cotten Laces. In Corsets and Kid Gloves. Ill Hllk and Cotten Gloves aud Mitts. ln Ladles' and Children's Hosiery. In Kllk and Linen Handkerchiefs. In Lace Caps. In Ijicc Lambrequins. In Plush Halls and Ornaments. lu Underwear. In Kllk and Gingham Umbrellas. In White Hhlrts. In Flannel Hhlrts. In Curtain Lace and Hcrlms. In Dress Ginghams. In Lace Curtains. In Outing Cleths. In Pluck and White French Hatlnet. In White Quilt. In Table Oilcloths. In Muslins and Calicoes. lu Table Linens. Our Goods Are the Best. 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. riLLlAMHO MHON 4FOS1KK. with our Gent's Hack Ceat Suits, In Cheviot unit Casslmerc, twenty dlllercut styles te select nem.utlin. Twelve dltTercnt stv les te select from at 112. Eight dIUcrent styles te select from at 115. Ladies' Cleth Jackets -AND- READY-MADE DRESSES! AT VERY LOW PRICKS. MernliiK Wrappers, SI .23. Calice WrapierK, Light and Dark Celers, II. Beys' K nee-Punt Hulls. 11.75 te U. Kuee Pauls and Hhtrt Wulsts, 2jc tefi 1 jiwii Tenuis Hulls, 11 2. 1-dlei' White Muslin Skirls. 30e te 12. I-dlcV Night Robes, 4tc te li. Corset Cov ers. Sic te 75c. Underwear, Sic te 75c. Infants' Leng Dresses, ic te 33. Dress Ginghams, New Patterns, 7c. Se.lOe and 12lc. India Pengets, the very Ijilcit Patterns for Summer V ear. av. Gentlemen will II nd upon cxamluatleu that our New Light Colored F lat llrlm Htltr Hat at SJ.MI.S luieieelled. Hovs'Hafety Ulcjcles, Hundseme and Dura ble, tM. Te clesn out one let of last seuscn's stjles Light Still Hats.aic, uerthll. TRUNKS. A large variety of Trunks, lu Paper, Zluc, Leather aud Cuumih. A specialty made of Fine Can as Trunks. UculV Tourist Hhlrts, lu Flunnel, Hllk. Mad ras Cleth, Chuvlels,Hatlncaiid Deiuets, :Uu te 87 iW. A Flue nKnertment of Blazers and Tennis Sasbes, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SPRING HEEL SHOES. New Miais, In the Finest leather, tt Ith Pat cut Leather Tips or Plain Tees, full assertiueut of widths unil sizes, runglng from 75c tell. The Yicter Buffet Refrigerator, PeiCLlaln Coeler nnd Ice Tanks, made or sea soiled poplar, oak grained, luuteled In Imllu Imllu lleu walnul, lliitlel Hack, with Miner, price, S10.G0, 111.73,114 &u and m. ICE CR!AM FREEZERS, H.TS. 11.13, H.S-S and 12. V. BOSTON TR Cliw stun. Every One P eased Williamson Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCA8TER, FA., NU SIS MARKET HT.. HAIUUHBURO. PA. oet att h0. XJOOTt! AND SHOES. Tn?TPT? 00 TO 8TACKU0U8EU "l?T?"I?T? AND COMFOItT GO TO Hi 111 Hi 111 HTACKHOUSE-8. T?T7,TPTr' AND HAVINO GO TO OUH ASSORTMENT OF, BOOTS AND SHOES FORBFItlNO AND HUMMER STYLE ARE NOW COMPLETE. WTbe I'rlces ere " FOR EASE " le your purses, and tbe Htyles are " FOR EAHE " te your feet. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 28 & 30 EAST KLNCJ STREET, THE LEADER IN FINE HtlOEMAKINO ANDLOWFRICE3. rriiiE PRErn est for fink dress. Patent Leather Shoes FOR "GENTLEMEN. Patent Leather Shoes are the correct thing for weddings and social events. Just the kind or Footwear gentlemen, old or young, of fastldleuslaste, ought te wear for light walking and fine, diess, Su there be anything handsomer T We have different lines or Patent Leather Hliees. We buy from the best makers only de net take chnucei with every Tem. Dick and Harry sort. We leek for and get the best there Is for the money. Our patrons expect and get them that way. tee. The makes here are made ever the latest and most fashiona bly sbnped lasts with moderately pointed tees, lhe making and the finish Is of a superior character they'll bear the closest examination by competent Judges. They cannot be belter made, we have them In Ijice and Congress, widths O nnd D, ranging In price Ireni 12.60 told. Frem the assortment here It Is an easy matter te make selections, tee. Yeu couldn't de hair se well any where else. As Patent Leather Is a verydellcate leather, and requires extra core lu handling, we cannot warrant them, ln our nne grades the best and finest French Calf Patent Leather only Is used, but no maker In America will warrant Patent Leather net te crack en the sur face. It will all de se, but It doe net hurt the wear and detracts but little from the leeks of the shoe. Patent Leather Hliees will be extensively worn this summer ln all the fashionable cen tres. Hew many Lancastrians will want te be ln the swim? We can help them fet there, sure, whenever their thought ncllnes that way. SHAUB& BURNS, 14 NeRrn Queen Street, Lancas tf.k. Pa. J" AHOEsr ASSORTMENT I The largest Assortment of Ladles'. Misses', Children's and Infanta' Oxfords and slippers In this city. This statement, te some people, may seem te be an idle beast, hut te our many cus tomers who have been buying their Oxfords and Slippers here for the past tne seasons, knew hew truthful It Is, as then we had the largest Stock and Assortment ln the city, and this season we have added .a great many of the Latest Styles. LARGEST AND FINEST DISPLAY IN THE CITY IN OUR WEST WINDOW. Ijidles' Dongola Talent Leather Tip Oxfords at USc, 75c, It 00, II 25 and upwards. Ladles' Dongola Plain Tee Oxfords at II 00, 11 25, II 50, U 00 and upwards. Ladles' Patent Leather Frent Oxfords ut tl 23, f 1 SO, and tl 00. Ladles' Russet or Tan Oxfords with Tins and Plain Tees, 65c, 75c. $1 00, II 25 aud upwards. Ladles' Kid Opera Slippers at 60c, 75c, 81 00, II 25. 11 50 and K 00. Ladles' Fine Headed Slippers, with Ruckles, Hews, Etc., II 2i, II 60 and t 00. Ml sees' Dongola and Russet, Tip nnd Plain Toe Oxfords, ut 75c, UOc, II 10 aud upwards. Child's Dongola and Russet Oxfords ntGOc, 75c, II 00, 1125 and 1150. Infant's Dongola and Russet Oxfords at 35c, 60c, 75c and. 81 00. And ethers net mentioned. In fact we have everything from the cheapest te thebist. ? The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.13 & 5 EAHT KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -8tere Closed Every Evening at (1 o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. avycte. G VRPErsi CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing I LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Are second le none In Pennsylvania for finish el work or all kinds. Feathers Dyed All Shades. Order will receive prompt attention, PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO,, NO. IW SOUTH WATER STREET, I.A.vcAsrtu, Pa. feblWmd &arvian?0 STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40,12,i3A4S MARKET KTRKET.(Reir of the Fostettlce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest styles lu Buggies, Family Car riages, Phieteus, Surreys, cabriolet, Phuitens, Huckbeards, Tretting Wagons.Htatlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A fine line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly first-class work and all work fully guaranteed My prlres aru the lowest lu tlie county for tbe same quality of work. Glvomencall and ex santneniy work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a first-class inunuer. One set of workmen especially emplej ed for that purpose. ev &rtlc or iTU'ut. 1TIOR RENT-HANDSOME FRONT ROOM J oil 2d fleer. Ne. 12 West KUigstreet; finest location In the illy for eltlw or light busluess. Inquire of W. W. AMOS, xuM-Ud Allcr s Gallery. Oxfords and Slippers. Cleihing. JrrERB HATHFON. ATTRACTIONS IM OUR We've many attractions ln our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's "Wear FROM .00 te Almest Any Price' Such styles as these are net offered anywhen In Lancastf-r for the price. Huch an twerlmant you'll find nowhere else. ELEGANT HTLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te took at. Prices range from II le SI i. We'll nt you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET IiA.NdA8TEK.PA. c LOTU1NO. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- MEN'H, HOY'S AND CHILDREN'S UKADQUMtTJSRS. G. A.R. IndlcoHlue Hulls with two sets of buttons, at 15, 17, SI, 110. Men's Cheviot Suits at II 50, II, t". Men's All-Weel Cheviot Suits at $575, M,H, Men's Worsted Hulls nt 13 50, II. tl, IB. Men's All-Weel English Worsted Suits at 17, IS, $10, 112. Men's Fine Worsted Ceat and Vest, Imported, 17 SO, S3. 110. SI2. Bey's Suits nt S2 25, 12 75, tX Hey's Ail-Weel Suits at 1 1, 15, !, 17, $. 300 Children's Bulls, coat and punts, S5c, L II 25. They ere great alne for the money. 500 Children's Pauls, 20e nnd 25c 1J0 Men's Working Pants, 55c, 0.V, 7.V, 11. All-Weel Chovlet Pant, SI 75 and 1200. Our Custom Tailoring Dciartmcut filled with New and Nobby Htj les for Spring and Hummer Suiting at Lew Prices. . Write or Call for Samples. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, ney's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 ind68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B.W. CORNER OF 0BANQB. LANCA8TEE, PA. - Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse ln the city, S-I!e cuutlnus and mike nn mistake se that you get te tlie rlghtplucc. H IRSH t URO'JHER. PRICES TALK. Honeyed words may draw te stores soma who like te be fluttered, out the uerkliigmanand almost every ether man gees where he gets Geed, Substantial Clothing at the Lewest, Rea sonable Prices. That Is what We elTer te the people of Lancaster city and county. Men's Streng HulU-Our Onn Makc-tl 50, 15, SO, 17, S7 50. Men's All-Weel Worsted Suits, 17. 83, 810, 112, 111,115,11(1,118. Men's Black Chovlet Suits 19 (sold elsew here for 110 and IH. Men's Cascliuere Hulls from 16, 87, H, 110 up te 110. Men's Fancy Cliev lets nnd Cnsslmercs, light colors, the talk of the town, SO. Od. Same pat terns sold elsewhere at 110. HILIC MIXTURES from !10a suit upwards. All conceivable Htvles, ll'atterns and Quali ties lu Stock-all at Huck-llottem Prices. BOYS' READY-MADE LONG PAST SUITS. Streng Hulls, Light nnd Dark Celers, from 1260, ii. 1160 SI te t5-siiltnble for hard cur. Make geed Suits for Sunday and afterwards ler everjduy. OUR OWN MAKE. LIGHT COLORED SUITS. Cnsslineres and Cheviots, elegant patterns, 15, 0, S7up te$10. 111 and 112. All c lers and patterns. I'rlces undoubtedly the luuestlu thu county, quality censldeied. Children's Suits Frem II 25, SI 60. 11 75, 2, 8260 upwards. Solid Casslmcre Suits, $.!, SJ60, 81,8160, S5. Silk Mix tures and beautllul itrects. Solid wearers, SI 60 up te 3 it suit. Light Colored Suits a HH?clrflty. Merchant Tailoring Dapartment. Still nllve nnd bustling, with scores el orders. Yeu nre the next ene we ere readv te encircle with the tape and for whom ue will turn out the pretty suit of the town. & CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. H. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., I.ANCASTKK. 1. Custom Department. Rcady-Made 110 HUtSH BROTHER T UMBER AND COAL. J TOHACCOSUOOKHANDCA8EH. WEST. ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by U. II. MARTIN A CO.. n3-lyd 2l Water Street. Lancaster. Pa. XJAUMGARDNER3 COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Offices Ne. 13 North QueenHtrect, and Ne. tM North Prluce street, Vakdh North Prime Street, near Reading Depot- auil5.U4 LANCASTKB, FA. ,...... -wJSr' v I