t' Y'Si ttUjfl JniclUflCttceir. . MDRtwi.nniniAn, .., JCHARIJWBTBnniANreirra, miwh. B08KRT OLARKrnumnw. ft DA1LV IXTKLLlaEKCBn.--Publisher i enrr tn tue rear, Bin uuneay. eervra r entln te UiU city and surrounding S'MttlMiraniiua win ejiiiiu"' .'MHUIWO aayaneej oeeenwamoniu. FMKlr'iNTKI.iTeRkcRK-On dollar and W witt r in advance. riCK TO BliBSCIUUKKS Itenui iiy -"- I '- - - 1.. nt wl and where neiMiir ut tfaMeaa be procured eend lu a registered 4 iiiPotece,aaicondelaaall THunmaufincKi. Lancaster, Pa. ITSK.PA., May 28, 1890. State ini FHeral Power. CtagreWts trying te rwtere te tlie Mate power or declaring what biieii de aeiu hln their border, which was taken ay W uie Mpretne court, and which Hm court Invited Congress te confer. It the necessity for this action by K that the states (I Hi net nave a Which It thought they ought te it. This necu or me siaics, se mmm- te exist, aflbnls a fttreng suspicion in f that the supreme court imacen- the roustitutieu in taking u v The constitution prcstimp- vmy leaves le tue states an nccen- i powers, and it expressly taites them only such as are necessary feltt ''the 'federal union. It reserves te Igress the right te regulate commerce between the states : and the court con- ateve this into a power te require the .te, permit the sale or the eomiue- inai ,tue general government it- te he carried into it. Tills Is wild fellow hy necessary implication the lit te introduce sueii commodities) taw otherwise the right of introduetloii iWeuld avail nothing j which Is true. '-But It does net fellow that the ricut 'should avail anything te the importersof Meds which the state forbids the sale or. ' is undoubtedly the right of a state te rsmiUte the sale of commetiitics witinn rKlimiU, and te prohibit such sale ,'wbeu it deems It injurious. It fellows ithatwhntmay he forbidden te comme- y'JMHw produced in tbe state tuny be pre- "Mbtu-d te tboe imported into it. ft'' will net de te held that a fcfelirner lias ttreater nrlvilriccs In fi'ataje ttinu Its citizen pohhesh. ., seems te ie very ciear ttiai n u state mmjl JJJUU1UII. UK IUUUUIill.iUH; "" eivi flntexlcatius llouer it may prohibit Its importation and sale ; and that no act (IH congress is ueccnuury ui i-uiuur w n oevious power, ine suiireinu court, in tevitlegthe passage of sucli an act con demns its own decision. ? Judge Ewiug, of riltsburg, declares ;.-tht lu any cese involving tills question inatiua FiheUuit( comes befere him, he will deckle In the right of the state ami give United States court a chauce te re- :JMt its decision in overruling his judg ,nt,; that he has lived tee long enter ing a jealous opinion of the rights of lUm states te ncqulcse In this decision ileli takes away what seems te he an tlal slate power. A question has n raised In Pittsburg ever the right import game for sale lu Pennsylvania ei season, according le tue laws et $ate, which is a case net dibtlugush- irem llie rigui te Ben uuimriuu In a state where litiuer sellintt is wdden. rie doctrine of the supreme fVteaseBluaiiy uesireys me pouee Ofithe.aute. 10 conierming us tte the laws of ether states -'IvqwriBjr unanimity ui ucueu in Mite legislation te declare a sale of any MMi'te be, a nuisance. It may be said ItAtlf the' federal power does net suffice teaaedrethesalc of goods that maybe ffmly imported into the states uudcr nil iws,tuu siauv win ue vuuuiru ui Date against tbe products of Inte. lint If Hiav iln u-IMiln 'iwW " j , -. .m r,ewn territory, no wrong is deue tkt another state may very loudly iMaplaln . of or that It may Nt correct by retaliatory legislation ; Mbntdea this is a discrimination wfcJek the constitution maybe fairly otutreedHe prohibit. That question is et an'lssue In a case where the comme- ... . .i .. . i. . . , . . . . . . sy aeugnt te ue torceu te sine m a state L'! L.A.J.I..Lfu t.ll. A Al. I- ... aivuuiiHiviu wiiiuu intui'j i luruiuucu toil own cltzeus. It does net seem ttuU there Is any real difficulty in hold held big that while the federal power of con polling interstate legislation will so se jape the entrance of goods iute any state; thai resale is possible there when tbe JMra of the state permit suuh artlcU-s ' t be sold, and net otherwise. n S Lancaster As a Hummer Itesurl. ,; These are the days when city people laa their summer pleasure trim or ut Aby rate enjoy the anticipation of mere i'' r.laas time in the meuiitsius. at the sea usant cou"'".!lace fjunir '. iWUreT .. aside the cares . . ' . WiUfe at Aiucii'iiealth und vigor from i air and change of scene. Summer Morts nil ever the ceutitry ure new ad- wrMiilini fliutr nttrnntlmiu In fivurv "nn. 'Kelvable way, and many a desolate and aiwry scene is paiutea in glowing colors la the circular or tue netei-Keeer eager ,tot guests, or in the local patMirs of the jlrstert where tbe .innocent uutives may Cj -.ly iff iuiuh. uicir Bixuviy uunruiieu v)'-aMA their climate super b. The frequent fjieilure of the successful pleasure resorts LU atlAlv nm unlicitnnttnl na4nr.il nlaltti tt tractlveuess provokes Inquiry as te wnat may be tue causes of success, and ,jUie answer beems te rest partly upon Jtte whims of fashion, partly upon K Aba skill of the managers of hotels and f : Dearuing ueiues. .-TOur ewucity of Laucuster, ferexamplc, j ,'blU natural advautaues lu its ikU1eu S:c;lad aurreuudlngs which might be used -jemaue it as popular us Saratoga under afcillful and liberal management. It is true that we have no mineral springs, tat people de net new find auy excuse necessary te Justify summer leUure, aud Use "proportion of genuine Invalids Whs visit mineral springs for the water !!? mall. The drives, races and aewal gayety make the prime at at teietleus of Saratoga. Lancaster has Ef (be most beautiful drives within an easy etWttlt or an hour or two from tlieccutre tt the city; Our county is admitted by invelled experts te own lierhes of a average duality und In greater MUBbers than any ether cemmunilv of tfcf 'lze iu this part of the .verld. Coin- with the average of summer our Hvery charges are wonder- ' cheap, aud the street ter and hack HMIVkse make delightful country walks tMUy accessible te these who prefer rs afoot. Along the bauks or the nOeaestega, Mill Creek and the Little (toga may be found stretches of aape aud bits of scenery uusur- , and ever all this fertile count v. i the haunts of the Buzzards iu the i mountains n the homes of the fckers iu tbe river hills of the lower there are many scenes of mere natural and romantic beauty than some that people of our own city travel miles te see. With a little hotel enterprise and wholesale advertising Lancaster might grew te a first-claas summer rt sort, aud the dull summer season Would be brightened for our merchants by the custom of a crew d of het weather guests. The Senate aad the TarlfT. The finance committee of the Senate lias decided that the preparation of a trrlfi'shall be made by the full com mittee. The fe'ennte has directed that in preparing such bill the committee shall show the rates new levied, these made by the Heuse hill and these pro posed by the Benntc measure, and that the reasons shall be given lu each case where a change is made. Senater Aldrich declared that this In volved an all summer's labor by the committee and might make the presen tation of a bill at this session Impossi ble. This will probably be thoconcc theconcc thocencc quenceof the deliberation with which the Senate bill will nave te be prcpareu under the order of the committee and the Senate ; hut thnt surely Is no proper objection te the wlse course that has been adopted. Certainly all tbe consid eration needed should 1 given te the preparation of a tariff bill that Is ex tected te be a law for ninny years. Certainly the whole committee, te whom tbe subject is ceulltled, should consider It ; and should prepare ltflelf te give reasons for all changes made in the present duties. A tnrlll'hlll prepared as the Heuse measure has Ikhmi cannot be a goed"oue. It was net only hastily knocked together by a committee, whose chairman could net glve te tbe Heuse the tenseiis for the changes It made, but It wus passed by a Heube which was net even offered opportunity le take a vote en the amend ments proposed te it, much less te freely discuss them. The Senate is vindicat ing the character for wisdom and con servatism which mice belonged te It pre-eminently, In refusing te fellow the bad lead of the Heuse In Its hasty tnrlll' legislation for what has lcen very dis tinctly nothing but a paitlsau purpose. The country has reason te hope that when the Benntc has completed the con sideration of the tarlll' rates and bus fur nished reasons for each chnnge mnde In them, a law will be piissed which may come somewhere near te meeting with public nppreval ; for there Is, nfter nil, no such difference in intelligent opinion upon the proper turiirra(es,asls Implied lu the heated talk or party orators, talk ing for buncombe and net for the bust uens Interests of the country. On Tuesday evening the lNrt:i.t.niKM'Kii published a special dispatch en thu result of Franklin county's Uepuhlluin ceuveiillnn, stating that Messrs. Helders and NnUely, Ueliiuintcrcnndldntes, were elected by large majorltles. The l'lillodelplila Jteceiil, Pitts burg J.ratlcr and ethor leading impiirs pub lish the snme dispatch, hut It proves te hit ontlrely wrong. Messrs. Wclstllng nnd Uritten, llsstliigs nud fjtone caiHllilates, were elected. We can only say that v. e are at a less te account for this 'deception of press aud puhlle upon any ethor theory than that the party who rurnlshed the news from Franklin county simply guossed at it. He will net have en opportunity te de se again. A Houekijn Jowelor UiuIihI from a Kurn pean steamur at New Yerk en Tuesday with throegold wutchosnndsevou diamond rings in his shoes, also his feet. Mka the famous old woman or the nursery rhyme, lie probably were the rings eivhls Iech, hut dUpatches rail te explain hew he managed the watches. The customs nfllcers con cen cludnd that his corns were qulle ten Hu morous and large, mid Insisted upon an examination, which revealed the smug gler's tricks. The Jowelry round upon him was valued at flve thousand dollars. Every new and then the country is troated te Heme story or this kind, which sorves te illustrate the cleverness of the officials, but everyone who has pnhsed through the cus tom house hss stories te tell of the ease with which the law lsevadcd by wealthy travel lers who loe the inspectors. The little tewu or Dracut, near Lew oil, Masaachuselts, rurulslies an Incident iltuu tratlng Yankoe shrewdness and the pecu liar workings of prohibition. A liquor lloense was glven te one Jehn l.cnunn ler the sum or eight theuMind dolIars,he being witling te pay that figure bera u se It would glve him the monopoly of all the country round. The result was ralher tee much of a geed thing, for the rush of ponple te Lenneu's bar from Lewoll and ethor tow ns completely overwhelmotl the thrifty but pious Dracut people, and the bar was closed by the pollce. The solectmon were author auther ised by the Legislature te glve back the money aud cancel the license, hut as n strong seutlincnt fuvpred heldlug en te the money, bocnuse It roduced tuxes, they do de do termlncd te call it tewu meeting. The oters is assembled at the old meeting house, whero the rollgleus mottoes en the walls seemed te have no pacifying ellect upon the turbulent crowd. The vete was a hundred le ten against refunding the money, ami it is explained that this was because it is believed that the holder of the Uconse w ill net attempt te use it for rear eragulu caus ing the riotous scenes that have made the place notorious. In ether words, the great majority of these stmplo-minded villagers are quite willing te swindle the liquor dealer out of his thousands, although they would reel greatly outraged if he should contluue te curry en the disorderly busi ness. Tin: grinding out of Ainerlrau citbeus at the naturalization bureau of the court of common pleasef Xew Yerk.n rather rarclcul process, as many of the applicants cannot speak Ungllsh aud are tuught the row slmple answers they have te mnke by several old men who ofterwards sell them Raudychroiue certificates of iiatunillrutleu. Perhaps a row meutliH later seme of these iiew-tnade citizens will return te thulr Uurepcau homes aud glve the state depart ment lets or trouble by resisting draft for military service. X.wiei'Ni)l.AMii:iis threaten te take euro of themselves IT the mother country does net step favoring the I'reneli, hut IT I'nland should calmly stand nslde and tell them te de se the peer little IhIjiiU would lu e a hard tlme eflt. I'EllOXAI.. Walt VlllT.MA, who will be soeutv enu years old en Saturday, Is s.ild te be railing rapidly In health. "He lu no mere seen en the streets of Camden In his w heel chair, but Is confined te his modest home. BisiieellUBST, of the Methodist church, inteuds making a trip te Kuroiie, rur the purpoKOer Uslting the prlnclit.il uuiver sities or Great Hritaln and thu continent, and the securing or plans and Ideas for the proposed Methodist lnleilty at Wash ington. Kewin rioeiii Is accredited byhUrriends with being the lazlcnt man en earth when eirthe stsge. If he gees six blocks en root he says he Is tired. He w ill go te his place in Newport shortly, aud when Liiwrenee llarrett returns he will meet him lu t'ohus t'ehus set, aud they will go up aud down thu coast together In a jaeht. Jeun Van Mktri:, a KIeux Indian, who received his first lessens lu civilization iu this city and has sluce studied law In Plerre, S. D hss been admitted te practlce In the circuit court at that place. The Philadelphia Ltthjtr concludes he will haie the exclusive business or his rullevv Indians when they want te feieux each ether. CesantssjiAN Scjunte.v, it Is reported, has determined te join Datcell, fecull and ether kickers In the Pennsylvania con- ?;resslensl delegation who have cut loose rem Henster Quay's leadership. Mr. Hcranten thinks ha rsn de mere for Quay thsn Quay can de for him, and he will thnrerere submit te dictation from him lu pellllntl matters no lenger. Horanten bss a great deal of Influence in Lackawanna. ThemAs Latimfh, aged 87, the venerable lawyer and philanthropist, efl'hlladetnlila, Is (low). He wns presldnnt of the tinlen llonpvelont sssoclstlen, and or the Phila delphia Tract society, and prominently Identified with the Ilishep Whlte Prayer Heek society. Per ever a half century he visited the pensl aud corrective Institutions In the interest el the Inmates, lie was in strumental In erganising the colored Church of the Cruclllxlenand St.Tinielhy's church. Van IteurrN's ISktia Largest , Male In the World. Whence Cemcn the Nema Of HOZODO.NT? It In derived from tweUrftk TTerdaiilKiiirylnir " te prewne tlia twlh ;" and It dewrvi-i lt title, for there U no preparation will de tlila inore rapidly, mircly, slid plen nntlr. Theri.iitiiiiillonef HO.ODONT In lm incline. ThoIeeplo Atenllul, Msny people ere nuteiilslird when they dis cover llie wide clrenlatlen of Thenuu' tklecliic (ht. There l hardly a drmj heiiM In the coun try tlinl doe net nave litis remedy upon lt helve. The nubile have found It In a Reed tiling nnd xtlck le It. Held In lincnutet- by W. T, llecli, 137 and I3 North Uueeu ilrvet. tVH Itewnrd furun liieurnble case nf Chrnnlc Niil rnlurrh Is offered by the manufacturers el Ilr.Hiigtt'H Catarrh Itemed, S','lhAw Has Conflilenco.l "In one ensn iersenally known te me the micii'mi or unlock. IHewl ttlttrrt wnv atmewt In credible. One lndr descrlbiil them eh worth huntlrrtlt i,lullan, I myself have the greateiit confidence In Ihem." r'. H. Scratch, druggist, lluthvcn, Ont. Meld In l.nMCrfKtcr by V. T. llecli, 1.17 aud 13) North Queen stnvt. lnrrrKit THAN ti:a andcowuukek TllllNKHVKH. Van Heuten's Coeoa "I.AIIUKT HAI.K IN Till: WOULD" Ask our Grocer for If, lake no ether. IM Qlveccvtea, rANiKi).-i:vEiiY iietmnKKr.i'Kit in IJincHslernnd vlclnltv te knew that we have nildcd te our large utix'k of X'etlecs u New Ilruud, calleil THK V1TMINHTKK Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order Hint this coffee gets Introduced hi this secltei, of the country we are giving nnny free a line let of Hllvcrwaro.cetmliillitg of Naiiklu Itlngs, Hugar Hkmii. Tnbln Hmhiiiii. Ilulter Kiilvisaud latrge Knives nnd Kerku, all efHIietneld manufacture. One plcce Willi euch nud every Hund, This brand Is a delicious table bev erage. It Is double the strength of MmliivorJuvnceireonnd preparedexpriiiNly for hlgh-Uined trade, and being lined largely by nil of the finest hotel in New ierk and ether large cltUs, and the price I se low that It brings It in reacn ei evtry ersnu. itememner, we nave Die llnet brands of coffees In tbeKtnte, and our prices are tower I loin tlia lewenl, niiHllty coii ceii ulileretl. Wehaveall2K. IS.ls.UU.U.Zl, it, Iff, W,:)nhcl W cent M.r pound. bargains In Dried Krults, Peaches, Apricots rrunes. Prunella, An., at from three te llve cents (ht pound le than same quality can bs bought nt linen here. Samuel Clarke, Agt, TcijOiircnand (Irecery Stere, 12,1 II Heulli tiueen Ht., Near Centre Square, Lnncnsler, l'u. A UKI.Hl-M. Flags ! - Flags ! -KOIt- DECORATION DAY. BLOOKER'8 DUTCH COCOA. Nothing tike II ever offered. Hee A'jeuifurr for mere detailed description. Alse kcv.Vhii .'mi for bargains In Canned Meed nnd Dried Krulls. Always iH'ur In mind thut we are HEADQUARTERS von muats, 8Ain:n risn, canxi:d tlOOUS AND I)HIi:i) FltlMTH. reit l'lcnle lliuni M.. no Hummer llolegnn lc Driest Heel .. . . 10c Knuckle lleef . rc IIeneiei.ii Hum ....... . ...... I'.'e Muckerel K rer arm Ne. 1 i.Maekerel . . Ijalb lcep Hen HIiMiler Mackerel . .. atcjilb Herring ... U ll.s ler i"e White Pli.li .IppH llellund Herring lleuykeg. A 1110 HIT. DDbbls Kvnperated Hngar Cern, 0 Ids for iKe. 75 bhls KichIi Wuler Crackers ut 4 ftt for '. (linger Hiiiiih nnd NIcnncsntSltMrer'ic, I tolled Oats, Oat Mini ami Wheat Genu, lifts for-V ttie carloads erHall Just lu. Heud for prices, stating uiiieuut of Halt wanted. We have a thnufcand.blg burgnlns'nnd can't pnnntbly write them up. Come taka u wulk ever our Inrge storeroom and )en will me many things lu tempt) our px.kclhoek. WII0I.KSAI.KANDHKTA1L.U110UKH, UOKNKH WKST KINU AND l'lllfCKHPH. DlrectlvOiMwlte J. II. Martin .t Ce.'h Dry Heeds Htere, and Next Doer toHerrel Herse Hetel. fiM,xjli for the Dig Hlgu acresn the iuivi meiit. S'uittiitcv itcoerto. "tAMiiKiDai-atiT-vnTTc cm.""" WM. K. COCIIUAN, Manager. Complete Hetel ; KXI bed-room ; ectnii front j Ixsl h.itliliig gruuuiU; tuead pluiias; i ligaut bullet. mj'JIiiiiil mliKM!NNl'O.U., 1. AlI.NJlCCirY,N..I., l'aeltle Ave., between ArkiuiKas and Missouri Ave; central location ; rerurnlnhed ; under new manugemeiit; ev trj thing llmt-class. Write for circular. in) 19 gnul V. A.UUOWNK. HOIKLIIUIINHWK'K, ATLANTIC Cll'Y. N.J. New, Medem, l''irst-t;iuBs, Coiuplete. I'arltle nvenue, tietwecu New urlj und Teiineee uveiuieN, will iqien MnySl. npr.H-Sind JOSIU'II H. DAVls. TLANTICCITY. HOTELCHETWOODE raclltc Avenue, near Illlneli, Atlantic City, New mill I'lrst-Clii, Hteam Heat , Call bell. lueniluutes walk from beach. JiSO uud H lO 1ST it IV. l)H'll Jein1 1. mllKliiid -MILS. ANNIIUUtllllll. I siiKciiAi.teNn:, THE CHALFONTE, Athntic Citv, New- Jtiur. huijati:de.nthi:iikach, NOHTHCAKO- 1.1NA AVKM'U 111) Mind K. KOIIUUTS A hO.NH. riiiu: mi. uitiriNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be 0(vned for the sutucr season en MONDAYjJVIAY 5th 'Mils read extends from the entrance of the l'ark te the miinmlt of the Houth Mountain (Governer Dick), a distance of uOeut four miles. Its miniature tmlu connect with all the regu lar juiksengir trains oil the Cornwall A Ub. non Itallread nrrlv Ing nt the lurk, und return ing from the summit of the mountain In time te connect with train leaving the l'ark. rreill IHVlllt Oil IVtllUL. U. it ntwl l.hllnaal. I'MIlt IX JVl'Ulllll can ee nccen It Is the It I the '"....!! ,mB nUe the MOST COMl'LlTl'K Kituu-MbNi'. It engines nre iwrfect little model of the standard tiiglnesefthe(lriUctai, uud It airaiiruediH-elully adapted te ulterd an linebhtructeil v lev of the magnificent HOenery along the line. Htetl UulU. bteueliallasl. if wuv ui -.mc iiuiuri ui Mt. Gretna Park, !.avK"yfXn"' tlie flneKt ....""".a'-V'-iM'lltaryaiidt-UloergBiil. jatlen. flubs and TeurUt Vartle caunceure uiBBjciiuiveuseer ill. uretnu Park en nppll. catien te NKDllilsir al-tiud Hup't ft A 1 lUillreud. U-bane'i,' Pa. JOKAMKllieANHiaTlTrKI'DCYUNDKIl ? Lubricator. Ulauil cups for llearlnas seu can get them at JOHN IIEhth, ittl yii' Kulton street. niT-tfd B ROWMH HAMAPAR1LUA. Are Yeu Nervous? I Next te bleed, kidney and liver micll(i, I nervoueieM and nerve Irregulnrllles ere the nievt roininen. Within the Icwt twenty.five jears the number of nervous dlseanes hss Inereewd largely, nnd thctnedlcnl fraternity have g I veil Until 0 great dm! of attention. As te the caunes of nervous affections, their mine Is legion ; high II vlng,dlMliatlen, Irregu larttles of diet, late hours, overwork, great grief, the high-pressure meds of life, with Its ceaseless round of activity and exertion, call Ing for constant expenditure of nerve force, all tend te depress and cxhauit the nervous sys tem. The merchants bend for hours ever their books, or are whirled at lightning pecd ever a Use the Best Tonic country unknown te their fathers ; the student burns freely the "midnight oil," whlle the housewife, In her efforts le keep pace with the requirements of modern society, calls Inte ac tive piny every fibre of the nerve ) stem. What Isthe result? All ever the land medical men are battling with nervous dyspepsia, nervous weakness and In many cases with general ner vous prostration, oftentimes developing Inte panilVKK Te regain health )ou must correct nl! tlintU wrong In the nerve centies, nud then nil the various troubles arising from their dlwased condition will dlaappcar. In llrewn's Harsaparllla you have a nerve tonic and nerve feed which supplies the waste tlnsues, ltemcmber thut the bleed, taking up Brown's Sarsaparilla All at Druggist! .00. II bottles rer S.OO. DONTtakeBometbliigcle"Jnsta geed," IT 18 NOT. Ah 1 Wariikn A Ce.. Hele Proprietors, ILiuger, Me. (i) iUititrtmrtltcv'e. Puil.AtiKl.i'UtA, Wednesday, May SM, 1S90. $3.60 for a dress pattern of 52-inch All-wool Cream Serge with border of mixed graduated black stripes. We never heard of the like under $6. The stuff is 6ec a yard. It has a right tebe$i. It would be $i but for a happy trade turn happy for you. A couple of bright days ought te make an end of the let. Setitheitt of centre. 40-inch All-wool Challis with deep cluster stripe border, 35c. Levely quality, and fairly worth 50c. Ten choice shades, in cluding cream. Southeast of centre. The mere we see of that 40 inch Batiste the mere surprising it appears. Yeu can tell at a glance that it was never meant te sell at 12 14c The width is unusual, and the quality isn't pinched in the least. Frem the spinning te the printing every step has been just right. Three neat designs in each combination black, blue, car dinal en white. By long odds the best Batiste we ever had at I2C. Northwest of centre. Gauze Blankets te take the chill from cool Summer nights. Warmth enough, and the weight don't count. Fine goods at modest prices. Deuble bed size, $3-75 te $7 a pair; extra large sizes, $8.50. Pique Bed Spreads are the newest and most popular. $1 each, double bed size. Nmr Women's Wulllng Roem. If you doubt that smooth, de licious ice cream is easy te make sec what the " Gem " Ice Cream Freezer is doing every day in the Basement. Nothing could well be simpler. A very little ice, a very little crank work, and there you have it cream, fruit, pudding, what net, thoroughly, evenly frozen. " Gem " prices: "quarttlfl fi quart HOO 3 quart ILIO KcimrtSHM 4 iiiurt I.Vi3 10 qiiHrt SVOJ II quart JC'JJ lluittucnt, near centre. A stock of Rugs, Mauds, and Traveling Shawls such as we knew of nowhere else in this country. Fer steamer, seashore, suburban and mountain use. And all the extravagance out of the prices. See what we have at $6, $7, $S, $9, and $12. With Men's KurnUhlug, Chevtnut itiecl cu truuee. Jehn Wanamaker. (favrinrtce. STANDARD CAH1UAC1E WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, l, U.'lAtS MARKET BTREirr, (Hear of the Postelnce), LANUABTEH, PA. All the latest style lu Uuggles. Family Cur rlagts, PliieteiiH, Hiirrey, Cabriolet, Plueteni., lluckbimnls, 1 retting Wagous.HtJVtleii Wagons, Market Wugens, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A tine Hue of Bccand-lland Werk. New Is the lime te order for Hprlng. Htrlctly rirsvcliu work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county for tlia same quality of work. Give me a call and ex amine my work. Repainting aud Repairing promptly at tended te aud deue In a tlrst-clus manner. One set of workmen especially empleied for tliut purpose, iUiiice. yiNES. Fine Wines T 1 have Jiut received, direct from Messrs. Our jej. Jirez, rinln, per H. H. Zurbar.in, via Liverpool, unit transferred te 8. H.ervlu, ter New "iirk, March leth, n fine us.ertmmt of Harvey Sherries. '1 hew Wine nre among the vtry Iluet that reach the United Htutes. CALL AND EXAMINE. Ale Old and Yeung Madeira Wlues.audeu the w-iy X Case llouche Hee and W Cases Mpeclal Ureal Wesiirii Wine. Tlis above Ciiatniwgnes are the bust produced lu France and the United Stale et America. H. E. SLAYMAKEB, Agt., i EAST KINU STREET. apl3-S,M,Wd the miuihI materia) from the healthy ttemath, feed every nerve aud fibre of the human body, and In no ether waycaTi reconstruction and Improvements In the nyttetii goon. Brown's Harmip-nllls will deliver the feed pure aud healthy te the bleed. .Mns. DoiicasKtenk, wife of the well-known railroad contractor, who has operated all ever New Kngland, became afflicted with that dis ease se very common among women. Hbe sa)s t ' Yes, 1 de knew what nervousness means. I have had It in Its worst forms. 1 could net fellow any line of work j the cry efmybsbe struck harshly upon my ear, the shutting of a deer quick or the fall or a book or any unusual nolse upon the street wenld glve me a start. It seems te me, new that 1 leek back te It, as though 1 lived rer )car ns some hunted anl mnl might live. 1 mistrusted everyone and was pesccd of a constant and nameless fear Pliytlctans told metlicnervecentre was affected and when my feed would net digest ; when It soured en my Memach J when my appetite be. came capricious, they said! had nervous dys, pepsin, I tried several physicians and adopted everything uggelcd by friend, yet my nights were vviikerut ones, nnd my days these of ter. tu re. One day llrewn's Harsaparllla fell under my notice; I began the use of II, and as a re mit the nerves were returned te thelr normal condition, n were ulse the digestive organs, nnd n perfect and permanent cure was the re sult." y-Uitcc of eCaeliiett. L CK OK KAHH10.N. ASTRICH'S Pake of Fashion 115 & 117 N. Queen St., i. .vNCAsrr.it. TRIMMED HATS! The flrcntest Snle of Trimmed lints en or held In this city commences te-tluy. HEAD WHAT WE OFFKH. STYLE XO 1. Large Trimmed Hats, fancy colored Htrnw, trimmed with Ne. 12 Ureuadlne itibben, In nil colors, satin striped, ulse with spray of Hewcrs, ut 08c apiece. STYLJJXO.S. Large line Black Leghorn Hats), fancy straw edge trimmed with elegant pure Silk Ores-graln JUbben, corded uud fringe edges, In all the latest colors, at $1.11). STYLE XO. 3. Fancy lCdge, Large Stinw Hats, tjimnit'it with Ne. L'".' Fancy Striped Itlbbens, in all the leading colera and long Daisy Sprays, at 51.10. STYLE aVO. 4. Ijiulies' Straw Sailor Hals, trimmed with Ne. IU Fancy fouled Itibben, fringed sides, in all colors, only $1.10. STYLE XO. 5. Fancy Straw Hats, large, trimmed with Ne, 111 two-toned Deuble-faced Satin Itibben, extra heavy, also Spray of Flowers, only f 1.30. STYLE XO. 7. Mack Leghorn Hats, lurge. tiinimed with Ne. HO Gres-grain Hlbbeu, satlu edge, and line spray, only $l.G9. STYLE XO. a. Laige fine Mack Leghorn, fancy edge, trimmed with Fancy Corded ('res-gralu Hibben, fringed edges, in all the leading colors, only J1.0S. STYLE XO. 9. Large fine lllack Leghorn, with fancy straw edge, ti limned with Hue Leng Stemmed Spray of Fleweis, only $1.08. STYLE XO. 10. Ladies' Sailor, trimmed lu the back with large loops of Faucy Greuadiue Hlbbeu, iu Ne. ', iu all the leading colors, only $1.03. STYLE XO. 1. Large line Hlack Leghorn, trimmed with Ne. ISO Ores grain Ulbben, line long sprays, only $2.us. STYLE XO. 9. .Black Chip Huts, large, trimmed with Ceided Hlbbeu, Ne. i", fringed sides, euly$i03. STYLE XO. 3. White Large Leghorn, trimmed with Ne. 7 Deuble-faced Satlu Ribbons, in loops nud peluts aud large loop rosette, only $a.0S. STYLE XO. 4. Fine White Leghorn, fancy edge, faced with Whlte Orleutal Lace uud trimmed with Ne. lUOreuadine Hiboeu, sntin striped, in all colors, only $'..3S, STYLE XO. S. Large Lace Straw Hats, trimmed with Ne. 30 Deuble-faced Satin Hibben, extra heavy quality, lu all colors, and tine large spray, euly $2.03. Besides these special styles we con stantly originate new designs at sjieclal low prices, combination of New and Leading Styles of Hats, Itibben and Flower which we purchased ut jobbing pricis, aud which enable us te trim a New and Stylish Hut at le-wj than half of its real value. Clethiun II.Ni: lAll.eTtl.NU. i8ge --SPRING.--1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Mtvtt Elegant Assortment or SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection, We would nUn announce tlie purchae of a Jeb Ixil of Kngllxh .suiting and Treusering at a grtat Miirltlce, ulilili we villi kill at Astonishingly Lew Prlces. ?-Cull early te oecure a bargain In these geed. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMl'OltriNU T.VIM'R IN '1 HECITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dzr.tfd goofs mtfr fhetm. B OOTS AND aUOKS. "ITT'TT'T? AND COMKOIIT (HI 10 I7" IT" -IT" -171 and HAViNfi no TO llilUlltllt HTACKIIOIJ3EM. OUlt ARSOItrMKNTOP BOOTS AND SHOES rOBBPIUNO AND RUMMER RTYLB) AllE NOW COMPLETE. a-The Price are " FOll KAHE " te your purses, nnd the Htylea are "J-OH CAMl'" te your feet. D. P. STACKHOUSE, 23 & 30 EAST KINO STREET, THE LEADER IN FINE HHOKMAKINO AND LOW PRICES. I1UE PIlETOEHT FOR VINE DRESS. r FOR GENTLEMEN. Patent Leather Rhees are the correct thing Ter wedding nnd social events. Just the kind et Footwear gentlemen, old or young, et fmtldleus taMe, ought U wear for light walking andflnadress (iin there be anything handsomer ? We Imve dltrercnt llnet or Patent Leather Mhees. We buy from the best makers only de net take chances with every Tem, Dick nnd Harry sort. We leek for and get the bent there Is for the money. Our patrons expect and get them thnt way. tee. The makes here nre made ever the latest nnd most fashiona bly shaped lasts with moderately pointed tees. The making and the finish is or n superior character the) '11 bear the clexcst examination by competent judges. They cannot be better made. We have them In Ijice nnd Congress, widths O nnd D, ranging In price Irem 12.50 te M. Frem the assortment here It Is an easy matter te make selections, tee. Yeu couldn't de hair se well any where else. As Patent Leather Is n verydellcate leather, and requires extra care In bundling, we cannot warrant them, lu our line grades the best nnd llncst French Calf Patent Leaiher only Is used, but no maker In America will warrant Patent leather net te crack en the sur face. It will all de no, but It does net hurt Uie wear nnd detracts but little from the leeks of the shoe. Putcnt leather Hhees will be extensively worn this summer In all the fashionable cen tres. Hew many Lancastrians will want te be In the swim? Wccan help them get there, sure, whenever their thought Inclines that way. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. AliaESl' ASSORTMENT 1 Oxfords and Slippers. I he largest Assortment of Ladles'. Misses', Children's und Infants' Oxfords and Nllpptrs In this city. '1 his Ntntcment, te mine people, may seem te be an Idle beast, but te our uiuny cus tomers who have been buying their Oxfords and Slippers here for the past two seasons, knew hew truthful It Is, ns then we had the Ijirgcst Stock and Assortment In the city, and thU season we have added .a gteat munyuf the Latest SI) les, LAItailSTANn FINEST DISPLAY IN THK CITY IN OUR WKSr WINDOW. Indies' Deugela Patent Leather 'Up Ovferds ut Use, 75c, 1100, it 23 and upwurds. Ladles' Dongola Plain Toe Oxfords at 1 00, tl 25, II M, tl OOnnd upwards. Ladles' Patent Leather Frent Oxfords nt il 25, II 60, nnd 5-2 00. Ladles' Russet erTnn Oiferds with Tins nnd Plain Tees, (fie, 75c. II tti, II 25 and upwards. Ladles' Kid Opera Slippers at tOc, 75c, 11 00, II 25. 11 60 nnd 12 00. Ladles' Fine Beaded Slippers, with Ruckles, Hews, Ktc II 2", 11 50 und U 00. Mlsccs' Dengnln nnd Russet, Tip nnd Plain Tee Oxfords, ut 75c, UOc, 11 10 aud upwards. Child's Dongola and Russet Oxfords at 00c, 75c. II 00,1125 and SI 50. Infant's Dongola and Ruset Oxfords at5c, 50c, 75c and 11 00. And ethers net mentioned. In fact we have everything from the cheapest te the bcit. ; The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A KCKERT) the leader el Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 A 5 EAST KINU STREET, LANCASTER, PA. O-Stere Closed Every Evening ut 6 o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. rtvycte. piARP AKPKTHI C'ARPEIS Paten Leathe Slees CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WORKS Arc second te none In IVunsvlvnnla for flnlsli et vv erk of all kinds. Feathers 1) eil All Shades. Orders will receive prompt atlintlen. PHILIP SGHDmT SON & CO,, NO. l.'l HOUTH WATER STREET, LAxrASTtK, Pa. febl5-3md milK LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. "" S. St l. Furniture Cevers, Chandelier Cevers, Summer Curtains, Awnings. SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street an3-lyd Clothing. M riCKti RATUreR. ATTRACTIONS in eun We've many attractions Iln our Custom De partment. We nre showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $15,00 te Almest Any Price' Btieh styles as these are net offered anywberj In LancesW for the price. Hitch an assortment you'll Und nowhere else. ELECWNT 8TLYEH IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll cam te leek at. Prices range from SI le J 13. We'll tit )OU, loe. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STBEST LANCASTER. PA. flLOTlIlNU. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS MEN'S, HOY'S AND CHILDREN'S 11K. IDQUAR TER8. Q. A.R. IndlzoBltie Suits with two sets of buttons, at 15, 17, S3, 110. Men's Cheviot Suits tt 1 50, It, t- Men's All-Weel Cheviot Bulls nt $5 75, !0, 8, 110. Met.'s Worsted Suits at tt 50, II, Se, 10. Men's All-Weel English Worsted Suits at 17, IS, 110. Hi. Men's Fine Worsted Ceat and Vest, Imported, 17 tO, 13. 110, 112. Hey's Suits at 12 25, 12 75, 1 1. Uey's All-Weel Butts at 11, 15, ttf, 17, H. ISOO Children's Suits, coat nud pants, 85c, 11, tl 25. They nre great value for the money. 600 Children's Pants, 20c and 25c. 4 JO Men's Working Pants, 55c, C5c, 75c. II. All-Weel Cheviot Pants, II 75 nnd 1200. Our Custom Tailoring Department filled with New and Nobby St) les for Spring and Summer Suiting nt Lew Prlies. Wrlte or Call for Samples. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Manufacturers or Men's. Ray'i and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN BT., . W. CORNER OF ORANGE, LANCASTER, PA. S- Net connected with auy ether Clothing Heuse In the city. -!"e cautious nnd make no mistake se that you get Ui the rlirhtplncc. H IIWII s UROJUER. PRICES TALK. Honeyed words may draw te stores some who like te be flattered, but the werklngman and almost every ether man gees where he gets Uoed, Substantial Clothing at the Lewest, Rea sonable Prices. Thut Is what woefTertothe people of Lancaster city and county. Ready-Made dotting. Men's Streng Suits Our Own Make It 50, 15, te, 17, 87 50. Men's All-Weel Worsted Suits, 17, IS, 110, 112, 111,115,110,113. Men's lllack Chev let Suits S3 (sold elsewhere for 110) nnd II I. Men's Cassluaeru Suits from 10, 17, , 110 up te Men's Fancy Chev lets nnd Cnsflmcres, light colors, the talk of the town, II). OO. Same pat terns sold elsevv here at 110. SILK MIXTURES from 110 a suit upwards. All conceivable Stjlcs, iPattcrus and Quali ties In Stock all et Rotk-1'ettom Prices. BOYS READY-MADE LONG PAST SUITS. Streng Suits, Light and Dark Celers, from 1250, 5.1. t-160 II te 15 suitable for hard wear. Make geed Suits for Sunday nnd afterwards ler ev er) Jay. OUR OWN MAKE. LIGHT COLORED SUITS. Casslmeres nud Cheviots, elegant patterns, 15, $0, 17 up te 110. Ill and 112. All c lers aud patterns. Prices undoubtedly the lowest In the county, quality censldertd. Children's Suits Prem SI 25, II 60. II 75,12, 1250 upwards. Solid Ciu.-liucre suits. S-i, 1.150, Sl.fl W, $5. Silk Mix tures nud beautiful ellects. Solid wearers, -i 50 up te li a suit. Light Colored Suits a Specialty. Merchant Tailoring Dapartment. SIIU ullveund bustling, with scores of orders. Yeu are the next one we nre ready teenclicle with the tnpe nnd for whom vve will turn out the pretty suit of the town. CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAIL0K3 AND OENTS' FURNISHERS. H. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., 1 ANCASTF.R, PA. Ceal. Ui Department. HIRSH (I BROTHER, JUMHL'RANDCOAI J TOHACCOSHOOKSANDCASEH. WEST. citN UARU WOODS. Wholesale aud Retail, by 11. B. MARTIN CO., nS-lyd 121 Water Street, 1 jncuKter. Pa, -nAUMUARDNERH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OfFiris Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. Stl North Prince street. YAUis North lrluc-9 Street, near Reading Depot. ' tagU-UU LANOAHTKB, PA. i 4jvv,j,-