W7 r'Brir-vRTii ,w't.s,?:fi?:a , ' ftiU jCT" t; . i " 't - ir ." t v : " vv- f--i ? irwji .'"Vx, , THE IiANOASTEfc AlLT iBLLlOBNOEB. TUESDAY MAY 2t, i8&0. &- WPIiBiwWiiW ON TUB FENCE. Twe women leaned ever the backyard fence (The tame old fence) a tlje tun went down, While each fold the ether, In confidence, The scandals she'd gathered uriiund the town. Fer women must giwilp.er they can't sleep! Their Idea U Hint xvnln wercn'lniade In keep; rkl they lean en Hie fence In llic glmunhu'. Twe women rat out en the front-deer steep, In the evening glow, an the sun went down. They told hew their children had (kipped the croup, And tbey sneered at the minister's wire new gown, Fer women delight In a friendly chat, Without It their lives would I stale and flat; H j they lit en the sleep In the gleaming. Twohut'eandi came home from the baeball game (Frem Hi) office, lliey sail), as the mn went down, Ui ready and eaifr te hear the ame Hweel scandals their wl ve lmd hunted down. Fer men, though they work, love gossip tee A they meet and talk In Iho gleaming. Frem the Semerrllle Journal. The stelen Meney Net Found. Cashier Harry Otlis, of the Klrat Na llnnal barric, of Donver.Cel., returned home from Olaytim, Me., wliure lie went te Irion Irien tlfly Mansfield K I lift, the mnli who held up Bank President Mellut. "I asked King it iiumlier of uosllens bout Iho relaltvn positions the different empleyes occupied In the bank whbii he was there," Mid Mr. Oltln, "all of which he answered correctly and explained hew be managed te eicape. King told where the money whs hurled, together with $18,000 that he had stolen. He said It could be found buried in n Jar four lout deep under a peach tree In the garden of hit Iioiike t.t Clayten. The gurden wasting up without finding treasure. King admitted that he had been a member of a gang that had held up train and robbed express earn. He also confessed te stealing horsea. " It wea net until he had received absolu tion from the priest and the assurance from a phyalcian that he would net live two hours longer that he made a full breast of his past and confessed te murder. He said he had killed a man in Holle county about Ave years age, and also that Kelley, his partner in the Moffat rebbery, had fallen by his hand." King Is much improved in health and the prospects for his recovery are geed. He new refuses te niake known the hiding place of the money uuless he is allowed te go free for the rebbery. Proteet the System from Malaria. It U possible te de this even In regions of country where miasma Is' ineit rife, and where the periodic fevers which It causes assume their most formidable types. The Immense popu larity of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters Is very largely attributable te the fact of Its efficacy as a remedy for chills and fever, bilious remit tents, and ns a preventive of the various forms of malarial disease. In these portions of the West and Seuth where complaints of this na ture prevail, and In the Treplcs.lt Is particu larly esteemed for the protective Influence which It exerts; and It has been very widely adopted as a substitute for the dangerous and comparatively Ineffective alkaloid, sulphate of Jiulnlne. Physicians have net been among the ast te concede Its merits, and the emphatic professional endorsements which It has re ceived hate added te the reputation It ha ob tained ai neine enu nnreau. my-iiejunej Ask Your Friend About It. Your distressing cough can be cured. We knew It because Kemp's linlsam within the past few years hns cured se many coughs and colds In this community. Its remarkable sale has been wen entirely by lis genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used It what he thinks of Kemp's Ilalsam. There Is no medi cine se pure, none se effective. Large bottles 1 60c and Slat all druggists. (2) Loek Here, Friend, Are Yeu Hick f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Ullleusne&s, Tired Feel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of Power, or any form of Consumption T If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo raplexien, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. J?loraiteiten Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valunble medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies fall. Valu able book, " Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N. Y. Fer .sale by tiee. W. Hull, Lancaster l'a. aprl7-lydw gipccinl Jtoticce, Of'Mntchlcss Merit. 'Fer the nose and threat, externally or Intcr- nallv ii.i'it. Themas' Klretrte Oil Is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat atlertlens nrequlckly amenable te this efficient remedy. meki in iincisier uy w. l. Jiecn, ui ami m North Queen direct. Jtuokleu'H Arulcn Salve. Thk BESTSALVKinthowerld ferCnts.nrnlseB Beres, Ulcers, Halt Ilhcum, Fever Boies, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln KruptleiiK, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. 11 Is guarnnteed te glva per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Drug gist, Nes. 1S7 and L6) North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. luneZMyd " Over the Hills le the Poerlioiiso." A ncrsen with Impaired or Impoverished Ihlnna Is en the rnad te nhvslcul b.inkruutCY. IjJurcfeck Jlloeil Hitters strengthen and enrich the I circulation, repair tne ii.ss.ucs, ami uuua no me entire svstem. Held In Lancaster by V. T. Hecb, 137 and IS) North Queen street. a, Wemnn'H DIseoveiy. Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by-a lady In this county. Disease, fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its secrest tests, but her vital organs were undermlnd and death i-ccmed Imminent. Fer Ibree months she ceutihed in cessantly and could net sleep. Hhe bought of us nmptleuatid was se much relieved en taking first dose that she slept all night anil with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lilts." Thus write W. C. Hum rick i Ce., ershrlby, N. O. Get a free trial but tle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, 137 A139N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Tells What IIe Known. " Best thine for bums I have ever tried. I Heals un erandlv.". L. 1. Fullctt. Marlen. Ohie. I speaking of Themas' Eelectria Oil. Held In Lull caster by W. T. Hech, 137 and 1.11 North Queen street. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Drupglst, lllppus, Ind., testifies " I can reeeniniend Electric Hitters us the very best remedy. Kvery bottle, sold has given relief in every ease. One man took six bottles and cured of Rheumatism of ID years standing." Abraham llare, druggUt, Ilcllvllle, Ohie, af- nrms:"jie ecm selling meuu-inui uaveever handled ill my 'JO years experience, Is Klcctile Hitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the erdlet Is unanimous that Electric Hitters de cure nil discuses or the Liver. Kidneys or Weed. Only a half dollar a bottle at W. T. linen's Drug Stere, 137 4 13U N. Queen St., Lanciutcr, l'a. Let Vh Tell Yeu. Tj.1 liw tell mil llial n tiprsmi ulin Is hlllens or Iceusllpated fs net a well cneii, and further. iinat nearly everyone is suujeei 10 iucmj irreg utarltles. It us tell you also that Jliirtleck Uloeil Jlllleri are one of the finest diuretics and aperients ever yet. devised. Meld In Ijincuster by W. T. llech, l.'!7 mid l'Sl North Queen street. ilotliernr Mether! ! Methera?! I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINB- LOW'H BOUTIIINH hykup. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It, There la DOl s muuict un wiim mm ,iu4 ever usea ii, who will net tell you n I one that H will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic 11 Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses lu the United Slates. Sold everywhere, tH cents a bottle. lunfCMvdAw jjluur. It EVAN'S r lour. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. -WIIAT MORE DOVOUWA.NT IClAH JIIUA 1IAHK 3111,1.1, toil Alll.lv. I IT Jjcainr lieuer, 4mii rncuri. jriiiie nurse iCurera. Milling and Mining Machinery, at IjOHN BEST'S, 333 East Fulleu street. ni7-tfd That Tired Feeling Ten cannot always ten what nay be lu cause. rVJMlbly It nay be due te change of season, climate, or life; possibly te oierwerk or errrstudy, te mental suffering, or nervous allBicut. But thera Is no mlsUklng lu effects. Ten knew yen feel "almost tired te death," without strength te de anything) ambition teems te be all gene, and In Its plsee lndlfcrence te hew the world wagsan In- Heed's Sartaparilla descrlbable langoer and weakness. Ten have no appetite, de net care about feed, and only eat because It Is U hour for eating, or from t otte et habit. This most be stepped. Tear condition must be chanced at once, or Uke a ship drifting with the Inward tide, yen wilt seen be dashed upon the rocks et Incurable dlseasa and death. Ketue the torpid kidneys and liver, tone tbe digestive organs, create a atw appetite, purify and vltallie the impure andiufgiah bleed, Makes the Weak Streng cure the headache, and overcome all the pros tratlng effecU et That Tired Feeling, by taking Heed's Barsaparllla. It Is Juit what you need, and te delay taking It fauinwlse. "Since taking Heed's Barsaparllla that extreme tired feeling has gene, my appetite returned, and It has toned me up generally." Claba W. PtrxLfs, Shirley, Mass. "My wife suffered from sick headache and neuralgia. After taking Heed's Barsaparllla she was much relieved." w, it, babii, Wilmington, O. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla BeldbyaltdragghlU. flIiferl5. Prcparedenly Iseld by allilruggttts.'flislzfartu. rrcpsredenly I Rel J by all druggists. flisUferfS. Prspsredenlj by O. I. IIOOD A CO., Apetheearlss, LewsU, Uui. by C. t. IIOOO 4 CO., A pellu-carlei, lAivell, Shu. ly C. I. HOOD CO., Apethsea.ts, Lewslt, Mats. 100 Deses One Dellar I IOO Deses One Dellar I IOO Deses One Dellar JVTCLANE'S LIVEK PILLS. THF. UF.NULNE DR. C. -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! Intemperance a Disease When the celebrated Dr. Hush declared that drunkenness was a disease, he enunciated u truth which the experience and observation of medical men Is eery day confirming. The many apparently Insane excesses of thoie-who Indulge In the use of spirituous liquors may thusbencceuntcd for. The truecauw of con duct, which Is taken for Infatuation, lsery frequently a diseased state of the Liver. Ne or gan In the human system when deranged, pro duces a mere frightful catalogue or dlseaM-sl And If, Instead of applying remedies te the manifestations of the disease, as Is tee often the case physicians would prescribe with a view te the original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases Induced by a deranged state of the Liver. Three-fourths of the diseases enumer ated under the bend of Consumption hnvethetr seat In a diseased Liver. The genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, l'a., are a siire cure. Mr. Jonathan Heu)ininn, of West Union, Park Ceu Illinois, writes te the proprietors. Fleming Brethers, of Pittsburg, Fn.,ihathe had suffered from a severe and protracted attack et fever and ague, and was completely restored te healthby the use of the gcnunle Dr. C. Mrt Lane's Liver Pills alone. These Pills unques tionably possess great properties, and Can he taken wlthdecldedlndvanbige for many diseases requiring Invigorating remedies, but the Liver I'llis stand pre-eminent as the means of restor ing a disorganized liver te healthy nctleu ; lience the great celebrity they have attained. Insist en having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa. All druggists keep them. Price 25 cents a box. l-'l H IS FINGKIt NAILS CAME OFF. Fer a year I was nttllcted with a horrible case of bleed poison, and upwards or flve months of that time I was unable te de work of any kind. My linger nulls came ptr and my hair dropped out, leaving my head ns clean and smooth us If It had eceii shaved, icon suited the best local physicians, mid spent hun dreds of dollars for medicines of different kinds, but without receiving the slightest benefit. I was advised finally te visit Het Hprlngs. This I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, commenced taking Hwlft's Speclflc (8. S. H ) The effect that 8. H. 8. had en me was truly wonderful. I commenced te recover after taking the first bottle, and by the tlme I had taken twelve bottles I wns en tirely cured cured by Swift's Specific (8. 8. H.) when the world-renowned Het Springs had failed. WM. 8. LOOMI9, Bhrevcpert, La." FOUK YEA1H ON CRUTCHES. Fer fl ft en years I was atUlcted with rheuma tism, four years of which I was compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express the sufferings I endured during that time. Dur ing these fifteen years of existence (it was net living), I tried every known remedy without receiving any benefit. I finally began en Swift's Specific (S. S. S.J, which from the first gave me relief, and te-day I am enjoying the tics! of health, and am a well man. 1 candidly be lieve that S.S.S. Is the best bleed purifier en the market te-day. J. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Treatise ou Bleed and Hkln Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., (3) Vtlauta a. H UMFHREY'B DR. HUHPHREY'B (SPECIFICS arosclentl aresclentl eally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with success and for ever thirty years used by the people Kvery single Specific Is a special cute for the disease named. These Specifics euro without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and ere In fuel mid deed the SOVEREIGN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. MHTOPnilNCfl'AI. NOS. CUItKS. 1-HICKM 1. FEVERS, Congestion, Inflammation ... :a 2. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic -J3 3. CRYINU COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .'.3 4. DIARRIKEA. of Children or Adults... .. AS 5. DYSENTERY, Griping. Bilious Celic . .25 8. CHOLERA MORBUS. Vomiting.. .i", 7. COUGHS, Celd, Bronchitis 25 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache, Fucciiche ,"S 9. HEADACHE, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10. DYSI'KI'SIA, Bilious Stomach 25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .23 12. WHITES, tee Prefusa Peileds .25 13. CROUP, Cough, Difficult Breathing .. .. .23 14. BALTRHKUM, Erysipelas, Eruptions .. .25 15. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic Pains .25 16. FEVER and AGUE, Chills, Malurla. .SO 17. PILES. Blind or Bleeding m ID. CATARRH, lntluenza.Celd In the Head, .50 20. -WHOOPINtH'OUUH. Violent Coughs . .50 21. GENERAL DEBILITY, Ph) sical Weak- liefis SO 27. kidnf.V'diskask " ..'."". . . '. !se IB. NERVOUS DEBILITY 11.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed, .50 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palpita tion 41.00 Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Dit. HUMiMlitKY's Manual (HI pages) richly hound In cloth ami geld, mulled fnv. lIUMiMIltKV.s' Mkdici.nk Ce., UU 1-uHenHt.N. Y (2) SPECIFICS. Tu,Tii.H.f.w pi RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ORAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tin: Giikat English Remedy. An untun ing euro for Seminal WeakneKS.SpcrmaterrheH, Iiupeuncy and all Diseases that fellow us a se quence efSeir-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain lu the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, 4)3- Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te e cry one. 4-Tlie Specific Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at f 1 per package erslx packages for 3, or will be sent free by mall en receipter the money, by addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO., ... Hutlale, N. Y. On account or counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine, sold lu I-ancnsier, Pa., by W.T. IIecn. mar3-lyd mEETUINQ HYKUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'B TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOpluraerMurphlamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared byDRS.D.FAHR NF.Y t SON, Hiigeratewn, Md. Prugelsts sell It; '.Scents. Trial bottle sent by mall lu cents. UnHvdcedAw "YrKA,ljNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting uderlise ment long run In our paier. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no e (deuce et humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertlsers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., ft Bwaa BU, Buffalo, N. t,-Dally Teledo Every Ingredient employed In producing noed's Barsaparllla Is strictly pure, and Is the best et Its kind It Is possible te buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, per sonally examined, and only the best retained. All are ground In our own drug-mill, se that from the time of purchase until the medicine Is prepared, everything Is carefully watched with a view te attaining the best result. Heed's " Every spring t take from tlisM te flve bottles of Heed's Barsaparllla, because I knew It purities Uie bleed and thoroughly cleanses the system of all Impurities. That tired feeling will never visit the system that has been properly cared for by Heed's Barsa parllla." W. 11. Lawkkscc, Editor Agricul tural Kpltemlst, Indianapolis, Ind. "It Is a pleasure te sell such goods as Heed's Barsaparllla has proved te be." C. Bbewk, Milten, renn. Makes the Weak Streng "My daughter had an abscess en her neck ter flve or six years, being all the tlme under care et physicians, without any pcrccptllile relief. Heed's Barsaparllla was then recom mended te me for her, and It has entirely cured her." 8. Thompson, Hardwood, Pittsburgh, Pcnn. " I highly recommend Heed's SarsaparMla as the best remedy for sick headache. I have been selling this mcdiclne 0 years and net one bottle proved unsatisfactory." F. J. Frick, Frlck's, Bucks Ce., Pcnn. nvHltttvc. VITIDM i ER'S CORNER. Oldest 1 Largest! Bestl WIDMYER'S FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT, Cor. East King and Duke Sts. The Sleck Was Never Before Se Large ! The Prices Ycre Never Before Se Lew ! WIDMYER, EAST TC1NCI AND DUKE STItni'TTH. XT EINITSH'S FUllNlTuTlE DEPOP. WIDE AWAKE lluicrs desiring n combination of Highest Quality or the .Mniiurncturer'H Art In all the Ncuest mill L'ltett Designs nnd the Lewest Prices In Furniture, Curtains, Parler Suits, &c, Should lie awake te their own Interests and call upon us when their wants will be fully su piled. We offer te-day a splendid assortment of Par Par eor Stiltti lu TiiHistrlea and Plushes at specially Lew Prices. HEIMTSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street VCHSAOIBIH. The Geed Housekeeper WILL FIRST SEE Ol'R IMMENSE STOCK OF PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, PARLOR, FURNITURE! And Get Our Extremely LOW PRICES for NEW STYLES. Ochs 8c Gibbs, CM, .Id A lib Fleer,) Ne. ill SOUTH QlJKKNHfHKKT. i'late. "UR LEADING HATTERS. STRAW" HATS, ALU.STyi.r-SI ALU I'HIOr-S! i er Our Stuck H ,, I'till and Complete and we ljuve a hat lh.it will please you. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES ' All have mndf their appearance. Only place In the city u here ou can ect them. Best HO) and 2 W STIFF FUR HATH ever shown. BO 'S ANDCIMLDItEN'S Nethy Goedn and Fancy Stylus a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street I.A NCASTF.lt. PA. Utititxu. XILNATHORSP, DENTIST. " Jim -P '" J'KNTH.K SQUARE. I llllug Teeth and I'elnlesn Kxtrarllnn Hiic clullles. New Set made, broken linen mended and reinndclcd. Teeth Inserted without plate anil pivotal, etc, Ye,eerythliii pcrtMliiliiK te Dentistry wll reeeUe prompt iitlciitlen.at ery Mcsltrute Terum. Reineiiiher lhat Dr. Nallierstla Iho ONLY Deutlst In this county who U a uruduate of Medicine n well as of Den tistry, an advantage that U obvieui. mara-lyditw WukWimn. . The mere seaslUte aMM et the Nntlt m renders women mcl'MM snseefSieH than men te these nnnseraaa Mte which Sfrtat trew lack et harmony In the system, HetrewsMias, sick headache and ether ailments peculiar te women cause great suffering. Heed's Barss parllla Is admirably adapted ter such canes. It gives great nerve, mental, bodily and diges tive strength, cures headache, tadJgsttien, and creates an appetite. " Fer nine years I was In a state et constant suffering, scarcely able at any time te walk Heed's Sarsaparilla about the house, and part et the time unable te be out et bed. Uy advice of local physi cians I went te Philadelphia for treatment, which gave me relief for a time, but I was seen worse again and gave up hope et ever getting well. The physicians said I had a fibroid tumor. I began taking Heed's Barsa parllla and Its geed effect waa seen apparent. I began te Improve In health, and continued taking the medicine till new I feet perfectly well, and can walk six or seven miles a day Makes the Weak Streng without feeling tired. I think Heed's Sarsa pat Ilia Is Just the medicine for women and anyene wlie has bad bleed." Jkxxik E. Smith, East Bread Tep, Penn. " I must say Heed's Barsaparllla Is the best mcdiclne I ever used. Last spring I had no appetite, and the least work I did fatigued roe ever se much. I began 19 take Heed's Barsa parllla, and seen I felt as It I could de as much In a day as I had formerly done In a week. My appetite Is veracious." Ms. M. V. Bavakd, Atlantic City, N. J, SfCXVtltVB, rATCHES, CLOCKS, ETC CLOCK, ETC. A full Krndualed OiithalmlcOpllclnuwtllKlve carcrul nltentten te the correction of had vialen. Beat repalrlni;. WEBER'S, 1&D; North Queen street, Near P. H. It. Depot. ap2I-lyd. rEWELER AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL! JK WJiLKIl it- all A D UA TJC OPTICIAN. Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Ponies. If neglected the result Is iwrleui and often prove fatal. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that OrewTlred, Eyes Unit n rn Dim, Eyes that Burn or Itch, come under thli head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free 1 Ne Dreps Used 1 CHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 XVF-ST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. H A'E OUR EYES EXAMINED I PROF. LITTLE, Graduate Optician, -WILL BE AT MY STORE AGAIN MAYlOth le'JIth. That wn treat all correctable defect of vision and troubles of the eye for which lenses are worn, und save you the OCULISTS examina tion fee. This Is a rare opportunity te have your eye examined. Muku au engagement new and avoid walling. Walter C. Herr, (JEWELER,) Ne. 101 N. Queen St. Z AIIM'S CORNER. Owing te the number of eau we have for trcatiucntuiid ailjuslmuiit.we have determined te open the elllce en Monday & Wednesday Evenings Ker the arcoriiinediUlou or lhoe who find It (lllllcultnnd cxpcniilve te leave their vterk Uur Ingtheduy time. OI'FICK -SIX'ONI) I'LOOROK Zahm's Cerner KNTRANCK : NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. 0SOIIicn Hours from 7 te 10 p. in. Meuday and WeitueHiluy of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE I Ne Fees Charged ! All dUeateserihc Eye treated nnd operated en Uy a Graduated Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, and thorough katlnructleu (iuurauteed A PULL LINE OP Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, An well ok the Noteltlesef thokuaneu, at the LeucAlCukh KlgunS. A HiK'clulty iiiude et Intricate Watch and Jewelry Hipulrlui;. Ernest Zahm, ZAIIM'H CORNER, HprMmd INUASTEIl,PA. w 1S PER CENT. IIKIIENTURKKTOCK CWt 1 f llflent.i III ,iiiiIII,iImu it! lim liiirnlti ... ... v.. , H. ull .1 1 ,.1..lil lt lfl.AV .u.n, . .UV .. .. fj liuuimi v..' ..t. ............ ... v)a., Lvtin . r iiuiii.payublukemUinuually, uru Iwiued by the j juiuuini;auiiiuiiviuMiciuiiuiioijiuKeia(iiume Olllce, Aberdeen, Houth Dakota). Ne member khlp lee or ether exen0 Incident te luuauce ottteck. Hteck may be converted Intecathat purchaMi price arier two yearx. Inventor se cured by Mill entata mortgage te double the Hineiinl of the Investment depuulted with a Trustee. uorreJUenaenceinviUHi. . C. W.HTARLINO, Mininr Philadelphia ORlr. Janlmeed Ne. 411 WVlnut HtreeL Tcitclies I Spectacle Department ! Orit KTZOKIl ft HAUOHMAN. Metzsger A Haughman. eWASH DRESS GOODS.t OUTINO STim'l--S AND I'UAHW, DRESS Q I NU If AMU, PLAIN eilAMnUAYeJ, 8KEKSUCKEU.S. VLTHIXE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWKS, VICTORIA LAWKS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED VL0UKCINOS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. Metzger& Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THK COOPER nOUSK.) N1 KXTIXXHt TO THK COURT H0U8K. Special Bargains in Summertime Dry Goods Men's Pemel Flaunel Shtrla, 31, S7J,50e. Men's Cheviot Shirts, r, 37e. Hearty-Made Over alls, 60 and 75e a pair. Ready-MailorenU, 50, Tie. 12,111", it pair. Tahle Lliiem, 15, 18, 3), 2., 23,31' a5,S70. Honie-uuule German Table Linens, U, 40, 45c. Turkey Red Tahle I.lncnv 15, 25, 31, Sil Mte. llleachcd (lermen Table Linens, 50c, Towels, 0, OJf, 10, lSJf , 15, IT, SO, 25e apiece. Crash Tew ellug, S, 4, 5, UK, 8, 9, 10, l'JKc, a yard. lOOderctv Men's Seamless J Hoxe.Se a pair, V) ileien Ladles' 5e'a pair. 75 dejeu Ladles' Slrlped Hese, 4 pairs ferak'. Full regular made Ileie for Mcu and Women, 12H Bleaeheil Muslin, 5, e;; S, 9e, 5,0011 yards Uest Print, 5c Simpsen' Rest Mourn. Ing PrtnU, byie. Ollberl's Past Illack HearlettaSaleeti,U0,M,S7ic. Past Ulack Organdies, I2H. 15,17,25,350, lleautlful Whlle Organdies and Nainsoeks, e;r, 8, 10. IJ4 te .Tjc, 3,000 yards New DreMUInhams,8e; worthier. Large assortment Dress (Unchains, 10c j worth 12c. Ulir selec tion Rett Scotch UlliRham, 30a ; worth Sic. Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12e. Figured Mulls, IJJe. Hcst French Sateens, Illack and Celers, 23c. Hetted Swiss, 12K, 10,20,25, SI, 74, Wc. Curtain Scrims, 5,8, lMat", 15,25e. Daisy Ribbons, 12)c apiece. One let 2i Silk Ribbons, all shades, 25c. Laes Curtains, 75c, II, 11.25, lliO a pair, i'lald Surah l'anuels, 12; worth 13. 45 Inch Hemstitched Flouncing, 60, 00, 75c One let Laities' Aprons, 17c l worth 25c. Children's Aprons, Mether Hub bard style, 5e. Crochet Quilts, 75, 87, II, $1.25. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. T AHD MCELROY. bard Sc Mcelrey, Mn, S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. RLACK fJOODS-Kxtra value In Illack All-Weel Henrietta Cashmere, 40 In. wlde.atfiOe worth tUXa 41 In. wide at 75c, worth K7c ; 4(1 In. wide at f I, worth f 1.25. RarKalns In Illack Hen rleltaatSicandiUc. Silk Warp Illack Henrietta at II, 11.25. 1 1 .All. Illack All-Weel Allmlnvi, Den Illack Australian Crepe, double width, 15c Black Mohair ilrlllluiillne, 1 Ne. at 60c, really worth Me: 1 Ne. at 75c, really werlh 87Ke; I Illack Mohair, with pin stripe, at&Oc, extra wlde nnd quality. Illack Nun's Veiling for Veils atll and l.lTi per yard. Seclnl low prlci'slullliick Thibet Shawls, single anil double. Illack French Saline at 22a ami 5e, warranted net te creek or chaugn color from iiersplratlen or acids, and Is net atlecUnt by washing or oiixwiure te the light. Illack Saline with neat dot or figure. Plain Illack I'lald Lawn. WHITK GOODS Special Bargains In India Linen and Victeria Lawn at Re, 10c, 12'e and up, Anether let or Satin Bordered White Goods at 20e and 25c Hemstitched and ICinhreldered 1- loune leune Ing at lowest prices lu the city. Bargains In I'lald and Strlpu While DrcM Goods. GINGHAMS Dreialiighaiiisat6)a, worth 8e; 10a Dress Gingham at He; 12Ue nunllty at 10c. New Outing Cleths at Ifte and 12JC . i WINDOW SHADES Cloning out I let or Rhadcs, 11 feet long, uprlng nxtiires, at S5a : 1 let with fringe, same le, at H3c RKMNANTH-1 let of 60ci Carpets 111 remnants at 25e per ynrd ; 1 let of 72a All-Weel Carpets In remnants, at 85c per yard, I1NDKHWKAR Ladles', Men's and Children's tlnderwenr, summer welulit, rhenp. Ladles' Ribbed Vest at 8a ; elsewhere 10a und up, Men's Uulhriggau from 25c up. Children' allow prices, BICYCLES Agents for the Premier nnd Coventry Hlvnl Befety Bicycles. BARIDcSc Mm. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. TT .. BUOADB Jt SON. YOUR ATTENTION IS -TO- The Many New Styles -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. A PARTICULARLY FINE LINE OP WATCHES. FULL LINE SILVER BRACE LETS AND HANDLES. DIFFICULT REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. gtcfVinerater. F LINN BRENKMAN. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN ANY REFRIGERATOR WILL ANSWER. HUT THIS SEASON YOU MUST HAVE THE m r tt THE BEST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET, FLINN 5c BRENEMAN, REAT REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER .STORE, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCASTER, PA. (Davpcta c VRl'KTHI CAIH'KTH CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets AHl'ECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCAHTBR PANOV HTKA.M UYKINU WORKH Arenecend te none In l'eiuutylvuiila for llnluli et work of all kind. KeutlicmDyid All HIiuiIuh. Ordera will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO, NO. lMHOUTIi WATER HTREE1', LANrABTKii. 1'a. febl.Wmd rrUIE LANCAHrER OAIH'ET HOUHK.' " S. St M. Furniture Cevers, Chandelier Cevers, Summer Curtains, 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street. ''0u3-lyd e. '., "tCK TO 'fl S'f., JIH. All perneim are hereby forbidden lb lKLSaaa en any of the land! of the Cornwall nd Hpeedwell entatea In Lebanon or Lancaster ixmntlea, whether Inclesed or unlncleaed, either for the purpe of ihoetliiK or rinhlnif, aa the law will be rlytdly enfurct-d airaliitt all trek. KmIek or. midland or the underulgued arte la uotleo WM. COLEMAN KRKKMAN H. V KROY AI.DKN. KUW. C. KRKKMAN, Atkmayalar R. W, Oelamau'f Haln. 0600. Opposite Fountain Inn giUllCCtUrtCt. SPECIALLY INVITED of Jewelry (or Ladies . rr gumutrv icBert, "tAMlllUUaE- ATLANTIC CITV. W.M. E. COCHRAN, Manajer. Complete Hetel ; 100 bcd-roernn ; ocean front : lBt biituinif ground . bread plazzai : elevaut buflet. iiiyUI-'uid rnilEMINNKQlJA, JL ATLANTIC CITV. N. J., I'acine Ave., Ixitweeu Arkunwn and MlhHeurl Avc ; central location ; rerurnlthed ; under iiewmauaKcmeiit; everythlli;llriiU:laM. Write fur circular. inylt-2md C. A. BROWNE. HOTEL UHUNHWICK, ATLANIIC CITV, N.J. Wew, Meilern, KlmMJIan", Cemplute. l'Aclrle avenue, between New Yerk and TenneHM'e uvenucH, will eiien May 31. aprtWind JOHIU'II H. DAVIH. TLANTIO CITY. HOTEL CHETWOODE l'acltle Avenue, near lllluela, Atluntlc City. Newand KlniW'laM. Hteiiiu Heut ; Cull belli. Twemliiuh'H uiilk fruni bisich, tiMuniXfS.W iieriluy. OiiiHJune I. inleJind .MRS. ANNIE URU11II. T HECHALKONTE, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic City, New Junier. HITIJATEI) ON THE REACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. myS-Smd E. ROUERTHAHONH. rplIE MT.ORETNA ----- Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the turner Hcnsen ou MONDAYJMLAY 5th ThU reed extends from thoentranreof the Park te the nuiumit or the Hiiuth Mountain (Ooverner Dick), u ilUtnnce erutHiut four inllen. Itamliitatura trulim connect with all the reuu lur pUMeiijer train en the Cornwall A th.i. non Railroad airlvtiiK at tlie Park, and return lug from Iho summit or the mountain in tlme te rennect with train leaving the Park. Prem point en l'cuiiu. R. R. und Philadel phia A Readlni: R. It., within 100 mile, the trip can lie acceiuplUlied lu one day. It 17 the NARROWKSl' O AlAlEIn the world, It I the niMll'ERPECTINITSCONrtTHlJC TION, It hu ale the MOST COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. It engine are perfect little model of tliHitnndunl enulnexefthutlrst-clans, and ltcararBeieclally udupted te utterduu iiuebtitriicted view or the mugiilncent scenery aleiitf the line. Hteel Rail, bteue Balliut, it 1 one of the feature of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church and Hchoel, Military and CI vlcortfaui vlcertfaui vlcortfaui tatlen, Club und Tourist Parties can secure theexrliisUouseef Mt. Uretna Park en appll appll catien te NEOIRlHlf, si-Hind Bup't C. A L. Railroad, Ubaneu, Pa. -m III i . PENNHYLVAWIA RAILROADBCHED In effect from Nev. 10, Vm. Trains lbavb LAXCAaTCn nd bve and rive at Philadelphia a follewit Eevw Tsm" WESTWARD, Philadelphia. Lueaaiar Newt KxprctM... War Pascn(ert . Mall train vlaMLJeyt SlJD P. CO- 4-30 a. m. ISO a. m. 7.-00 a. m. a-JOa. m iw. eiaii sTainr-.." Niagara Kzpres..., Hanover Accem........ KMt Llnef , Krederlek Aeoem..., I jincaster Accem-.... lncater Accem...... Harrlsburg Accem, Columbia Accem... Harrlsburg Exprcm.. Western Kxpresiit... lAncaslcr Acce.J...... ... .fSTWARD. ("hlla. KxprcMt... Past Llnef J.. LancASler Am Via Columbia M A- Hi J K-.50 a. m. via Columbia 11:40 a. m. rraatt. "V " fcv via Columbia 3:10p.,H ii:i. m. vlaMUJey. p. m. tre , x: p. m. 4:11 p. m. k22p. ta. Kap p. m. w J".. 7:JI ou m. , , 1.7:30 9.m.t-':' H:lf p. m. .Mgyi; Ar.(3aUdt r. LiT Incastr. l-aea. ta. 4:45 a. m. A.-30 a. m MO a. m. Ra. m. -03a. m. ll a. m. 12-jm p. m. t-Mp. m. r-oep. m. 4:&p. m. :. p, m. 8:40 p. m. 12AI p. m. ".. ,&-''2 ifiSsK. & kills Harrlsburg Kxpreaa.! a.ncir wccein.M, Columbia Amn.. UVaX Atlantic Kxpressf Seashore Express....... l'! its ir . i-c TS P ,'iK I'uuanripiiia ACoem Hunday Mali.......... inyEipressf. Harrlsburg Accem... Mall TrUnt...........-,, Prederlck Accem...,., p.m JR twtwp, 4Tbe enlr tnilnii whlru run niiv. J. R. woeT), mtum Pawner Agct. $yf$ Kiit jrs r, t-umi. enerai ianagr. f -T .KB ANON I LANCAHTKR JOIMT JUUiaA J J UAILIlOAn. i . ' ' x . vr- ArrmnKcxnenui or fAMengerTnin MUdlWr eunwAi, aimj 11, tevu ' NORTHWARD. X&. King Htrect, Ine 7.-00 Lancaster , .. 7ff Columbia Manhelm ..m 7:1S Cornwall 7:St Arrlve at Lebanon....... Ml SOUTHWARD. lava a. m, p. k. Lebanon ............... 7:12 12:80 Cornwall .... 737 12:41 Manhelm,. 7:5 1:1(1 Lancaster. 837 1:44 Arrive at King Htrect, Lane, 8:35 VM Columbia.. 9-3S 2KB A. M. Wl IJ)UN, BupL K. A C. Railroad, e, wh n.r r , nuiiu v. n. it. p. w. v. r. j 10 MR M ' imp M liM ttM fcw SBt'a 1:30 Ml J .j2' J8 1:4 KX f-.1T fM.i M 1:40 M a.-st'Kf-? r.. A.v. p.L$-? Ti I'M Ml PJ 7asj!ii 5S: 7i4j &&; M -ia5,i) J pHILADELPUIABKADIWaBAlXBOA,! READING A OOLUMllIADrVraiOW., ua sua snr nunasy, stay n, m, U(Umro&M Ker Rradlna- and Intermedials txrinta. asia-7' "j days, 7: te a. m., 12;W. 8:4 p. m.: BuBdav. .; ni.,B.Mp. m. , 'V. Fer Philadelphia, weekdays, 7:40 a, u., U4LV 2:48 n. m.: Mnndavi! 8:5 n. m. ' ' T!iT KerNaw Yerk via Philadelphia, wttl isVTTZ V 7:40 a. m., 12:8ft, 8:48 p. re. irf j rer iw I or a via Aiieniewn, for Allentown, week dayi, 7:40 a. m. ; Hunday, 9M p. m. Fer Pettayllle, weak day, 7:40a. m Hundav. 8:M n. m. .M :..,.',. Ter Lebanon, week, dan, 7K a. m tliU, g4l Ker Harrlsburg, weei daye, 7.-09 .mtm&& 5:25 n. m. : Hundav. 1-OA a. in. -.& Ker Unarry villa, week dayi, M0 a, B4U I;W"UJ 7:M. B.00 d. m. ! Hundav. &10 i m. T'Sff tk TRAINS KOR LANCASTER. ?' iava Heading, week days, 7.-20, UJIa. fM..-X i 5:Mp. m.tHundy,7:30a.m.; B,-10p.ra. ,ia Leave Philadelphia, week dayi, 4:18, MM iW";S Ul.. 1,W UlUi Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, i 7:ta.m,, i:uu,p. m. iku night. , .jfvjl Leave SewYerk via Allentown, WMsit ayt- M 4M)a.m..lK)0ri.m. "EitfcS Leave Allentown, week aay, R47 gwM.4klS-,. Leave PetUvllle, week dayi, 5:80 a. m- IMK-'-Z V. Ula ueave ixusnen, wiwk nays, t:u ; ,va. T. a. .. laa',' 7:15 p. m. ; Hunday, 7:55 a. m.. 8:4J p. m. .- ,-- Leave Harrisburs. wriik davs. At9R a. ws.f fAMa fl day,8Jb0,m. -$-$ Leave Uuanyvllle, week daye, 149, lljttl sVltWF i B.-00; Sunday, 7:10a.m. ( ,, e ATLANTIC CITY DIVIBIOK. 1, U& iH Iave Philadelphia, Chestnut atetat wag, and Meuth street whart ,V-i Ker Atlantla City, week daye, 4MMg4V?V vmi a. in. ana imi d. re.: AoeoBaaaaaaiaaau 7:30 a. m. and 4:0 p. m. Bunday, wmu m. m., Accuuiuiuuauun, eiw Returning leave Atlantic City, AUantle and Arkansas Avenuee. Kxpreas 7::n a. m. ana Is, a, AaiassV modatlen,8Kxi a. m. and 4J0 p. m. Urnaftm Kxpress, p. m. Aoeomaoodatloa, 7M.a,g4W Detailed time Ublta eaa ba eaUlaag tit A. A. MCIJCOD. C O.HAKCrJ".) VIeePrea.AtJea'IM'gr. OmniuSetllkV, gamp. jfc "YJ k. -p -M jj lurr uAraAHUAi.J.uwi. 4wr vt -i- - 3rt1W J Call ATid mt,m'm -- , '; riTlvTll liinilT lsTTkJnir mm m mm 4fg& ; AND itf. KRT COODS M ON BECOND FLOOR -r 3ri- JolmLAmeld'slMdlJig, NORTH QUEEN STROT. .'1 - " . WKtJi- ' UMI1INO. UAH FITTINO, Ac. Jelui P. Scliauin & Sen3i PLUMBING, GAS -IWJGfflMllte 28 SOUTH QUEEN 8T., M LANCAHTKB PA, A THI'RECHER'B. WE SELL THE FOLLOWING INSECTICIDES Fer KILLINU UUOS en Trees and Plant : SLUdSHOT, LONDON: PURPLE, PAIU3 OUKEN, WHALE OIL SOAP. av-Pumps, Hyrtnifes and Dusters for putting ,1 uu iuv uuu.e. Screen Deers and Window Screens. Cheupcr than Elsewhere. REFRIGEjRATORS. SOPEN EVENINUS.- QDDCUprD'S J ur iL, v nun ,w .- Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KINO ST. aprl7-tfdTu,Thiit tyhotaevaplt. TpVERY PERSON 13 ANXIOUS TO HAVE , iiir.ui iiuuuE. Among the Daisies IstheLatetSIyleef PHOTOGRAPHS MADE. Cull and see them, at ROTE'S, 50 N. Queen Bt., -J LANCASTER, PA., Jan7-6md NexttoPeslofflce, '-T-' K?. A &: !; ifiE ""isr'l i"-. - tftvj yu 6V', 1 w CP '. rP rf& -fe?" -i' ":', & . ft.v ?' 1 f-1 m : 4i Mi efii 'f.ttvi m 7S, "Z-,1 M ' i . -vtjtfifWysjsjr-,