ffP THE LANCASTER DAILY INELL1QENCEH, TUEtt . MAY 27, 1890. :& I-" ...i d i m s irrj. i&V. vf - galljj SfnteUt0ncer 4NPREW J. WEINMAN, CHARLKHSTKINMANrOLiTS, nation. ROBERT CLARK Publisher. HE DAILY IXTEU.iaKNCKK.-1'ublUJifa wry day in the year, but Sunday. Served r carrier In UUs clly nd surrounding towns at ten ccn t a wwk. By mat I fl vc del Ian Jres In daue ; SO cents month. WEEKLY INTELUaKNCER One dollar Mid ?xi tRy cents a year. In advance, tit JttJTICOTO HIjBSCRIBElUs-Hemlt "7 or postefllce order, nnd where neither or . UiSOTcan be procured scud lu a registered lHr. , aUrrd at the I'oslefriee, m reennd class mall BAkffUIP. fc-. Addrbh, THBlINTELLIOElCCER, Lancaster, V. WV ! ' . ft LANCASTER. PA., May 27, 1890. U& Line tUtlle Shins. K'd's... rni. rj....l ..ft.- .. ....1. .....! .l.,1.nln n..-. l.. n ....Is. nf tl,lit.w,i In tlllrtv Bgj&sUiwe that the proper ilefciiM of the jieuBuy cans jertiieiiiiineuiaie duuuiuk rJf four line of battle elilps nt a cost or jtiJbur millions each. These nre te be nd- sf-Uditleus te tlie line or smaller wnr Wps .ftfiSI..fr tiliniii.(.rliiil filillthl nllfl tllUV IswfcWe siniiilv n first Installment of n let of &U& seventeen line of battle ships that the 5C5vy department 1ms receeniinemletl ue cousiracueu n aim which tire iu w &i appropriated for In triplet by Ds l leg Congresses. miewed- i-? Senater Cookrell moved te emit these jfe"j5'tlg vessels ns net called for by the slate ,mii pviwaeiij w iiiuu uiv i-iniuiij u.i-?m, u- S- tee unwieldy te be u-cful nml ax net . ..-.. I.. .l.I..l. ,1.. .....,.. .... I..I. n Heeded as meuns of depicting the sur "plue; which he dedans has long ue ' gene where the woodbine twincth, under ' the legislation of this Congress. Senater Cockrell did net siicuk for S$yttie Democratic party, for a netuble &tV number of Icinecratic senators voted for the big ships and Republican sena tors voted against them. It was net a party matter, though thu body of the vote for nnd against wns rciectivcly Republican and Democrat, showing the (m, natural disnosltlen of each party the one te extravagance and the ether te . Yiiinniv. Fer It. w ultiuilv nnneutlfiii or Ps"' . , it .i ,.,, .. . . jjra wueincr me winsiiu js wiiriii us eisi. '.''' cJ.,i.- in.. i- ...l... . i.. .i.ii ..r Ut-jp. . k7Vtlutl 4,ltilt, n Miyr mi-, (I iiuiiii I'l s! taking u position a fur oil' from his colleagues, wns lu fuver of this appre priatien under conditions, ile moved thnt Diviit Itrilnln lx flrMl rraiiiPktptl (n wltb'draw her garrisons from the Amcrl- jcan centinents: upnu bcr fiillurti te "" mm' nfT within n venr nftpr netlrn tlie New Hampshire sage was ready te vete ?y the biggest appropriation for thu biggest BSji hlp te put the country In con- : ditleu te enforce his notions of pMLqJta right te rule the Americas, f etsuHiur uiuirs vtiiieugues iiuui.y iuiu f.A' blni. but Inmiiiipivli'iL luilltrr wnrilu. (lint be was a feel te think that Kugland Bfi would take note of such retpiest nnd te rg;ftypropete wmt Uiu united mates siieuui fer leake It. Mr. Dlair's opinion wusethcr- fci-r rwlse. He held that Knuland would hcu kl ,iht she had no business ever here, and animated uy a uuristiau disposition te promote geed will among jaHU.1 mv uwuiitivti i-iiut niiu iuvuivu I the disarmament of nations, nnd 'huilCMirejl in f.trti .it'll 4li.i mllti.lilnl llrt." G .V 1U. 1M.X ...U ......... ?,$$, daya of poaee. He asked Senater Hale, .mw. Maine, who was net, ler me snips, -f.wncuier uu reuu his itiiiie uuu wuciuer '!C'litfitiAllAV'rl llin iTilllentililm wai rmiilttir t; 3jwitaecured the assurance of the Maine -1 . ' Mum mat iueunv would nr.i come nu ittbe proposed line Of battle ships had had r'vi?:w amnie chance te de their work lu for- a&rdtug It. 3"vBeBeaUt t thu seemlni: felly of Hcnater pS7'BUIr' motion there In a stere of nense. M Te appropriation for the buttle ships is '5 advnemttvl nnnn tlin irrntinil Unit llie 1 ?5j.'eeuntry should be ready. Ne present IP- Baea Is claimed, Ne fee but Kuglaud is r' twaHldered. Collision with her is held & te be ntneiiK the ies.slbllltIei of the -iiiiure, because her flag floats near us ,-i.r suu ucrmuujeuisus. Jicr great, iiuvai armanieut is iieui in terror ever our leg- J jlaters' bends te urge them te build a like one. It is held te be needed only as a precaution ngainst England's awoeping down upon our defenceless coast The result of such assault of her hips would doubtless be great less for the moment, te ha followed, as we all believe, and us we believe Kuglaud te gfeigsv bn believe, by a terrible retribution upon 'MM.- ner auu uy no ultimate galu te Her. ;-: .This bclm; the sense of thu world, it B.A..1.1 CiAnn.lll.l ,1... ua.ic?a .1 ...(( Ll.m ....... ym WVUtU VUI illt,V IklV CU?U Ml uui (?viiaic i ' aheuld find means of Kccurinir the lienoe &r, of our shores, ether than the building i of big ships at grent cost, admittedly never te come lute action and te 11 nd their sole utility lu their show. Net being expert lu naval warfare our opinion as te the lack of value te us of armored liue of buttle ships is held med- Tngg m'vertheleas It see w strong rcaseustiHJJrinvi'L. seenver tt.uccdj 1 iirni nuivie. i.i . .' .n0el fnr tlu.lr lanlU.'"""" "" .v....4H..w .w. ..... -..... t w-.WMI1 and It especially calls for the record of one notable, deed done by one of tlic-c med. era Leviathlnns te thu honor of the class. Talk Ter the Farmers. Governer Gorden, of Georgia, pro claims hlnifcelf us strongly in favor of the Farmers' Alliaucu ami of cooperative effort of every kind te secure fulr treat ment of mauklnd. Governer Gorden is deeply interested iu political move ments and jumps uaturally with the cut. He Is, however, a representative of thu better ckus of politicians uud if he in clines te thu whdem of the beriwut, which prompts a political leader te a quick con ception aud nu eager grasp of epuIar eutimeut, ll is te his credit rather than otherwise. There Is plenty of profession from pol iticians of dovetlon te farmers' Inteieats, aud there always has been. Hut, us aeme ceugreamiuu haid the ether duy, tbe political ett'ert euded with the pro testation and bore no fruit te the farmer. This is clear from the fact that the far mer's .state Is readily growing worae ; while corporations have nourished and monopolies grewu the price of farm luud aud products has steadily fallen. The mineral products of thu laud havu fallen into hands of mull te which tliey have brought great fertuues ; the Calumet 5f , and iiecia cepiwr mine hus re- isr tnriii.il mi in- IImk.u 11. ,i i..,,.llel !,, i.,- . .... ...m... .....b .f.V VUIIIIUI JM T, vested ; and many ether enterprises ,t"? ei iiKe cuaracier uuvu preuted greatly. -tj xt m rigui umv tuey sneuiu nave lieen .k nmfllnlili. l.ii. 11... C. ......... ...1... i I rcMs, f."...-""- , uut uiu luiiuti, niiu uuu sua se many honeyed words, may he es- , imitu f . wiij- tun lining OI 11)0 kOll naa linf lu.n i.mf'.ln.l ..n 11... ...t..i... . ;1 a. mw WVVM I'.UUIWU U. llli; llllllg j U ..quest,ion wnicli It would be iu order for . te gevermng party te ncarund answer. MS.' ' '' r . 5j, iiiE eiviouuiiiaiiecrH are gelling vlo vle J lantlv eicitrxl ever the illKi.alili.n ti,r...... JVby Oreat llritaiii le give the l'rench what nfi ever they want en that coast. The leglsla j tive council and house of assembly have $ Mut a respectful but vigorous address te ;-v Me queen. f TM lliA iirKanl uw...llu..r 1.... ll 1 a.... -" w .',w.v.. .V.J W 4.V f ,- tri V ; tauUUtlug te read of numerous oellUloU:.. Mtweeu ocean ateaiuers and Icebergs. TiAxcAiTiitt can proudly claim possession eftntitl (hat turns te dust and bark again with a rapidity only equalled by the changes of the weather. llvntid by, when lAncaster Brt park and the electric street enrsbcsln te operotu, the doslrnullltyMeC few trces nlenK the sleep nml uiiciilllrnlcd banks of the Cenes. l3g will be generally appreciated. Mn. llnnstt's, In his tariff essay bofnre Congress, quotes the preamble of a tariff art passed by our stale assembly In 1TS4, In which It Is declared that geed policy and a regard le the well being of divers useful ami Industrious cltlrciiN demand that uioderatodutioabolald en i-ertaln manu facture! which de most lutorfcre with, and whleli If no relief lie given, will under mine and destroy the useful manufactures of the llke kind in this country. Then with magnificent alliteration our con cen con gressinnn observes that "In this rulle of tariff antiquity we can discover enough fragments of benes for a scientific stains man of our day te construct a giant, whleh, like a fulthlul sentinel, stands guard ever factory, forge, field and overy fold of American labor." This Is all very grand, but Us value In hlsnrgumentdepcnds uku what the authors of the "rellfi" con sidered "moderate duties." Certainly, the McKlnley bill, with Its net lucrunse of taxation by evor noventy-tlirco million, would net haeheen considered moderate by our frugal forefathers. Ife then pluuKOs Inte an argument le the cflect that the growing of corn and hent for expert must cease, boeause India and Unssla nre ulul t!iu(thn in.irkelsnf the werlil nta inurh chbaper rnle. "The production of cereals has become the advantageous Industry of olher countries, and hasceasodte be ours." This conclusion of our Kepubllcau congressman Is llin result of the high tariff policy which he would have the farmers bolleve Is for their benefit. The fanners have been patiently standing taxation all theso years for the sake of the home market, and new they find the price, of tlielr grain tlxed abroad and their congressman Informing them that they have no show In that market, and that they need net ex poet te make anything out of wheat and mm, lie soeins te feel that the farmei's outlook is gloomy nnd hurrles en te talk about tobacco, pAtis Inir only te iiuote a letter of Oeneral Jack son's favoring a judicious tarllf and urging for It the advantages which few Americans dispute, lu fact llie whele of this essay Is formed te combat the most radical freu trade for which ltepubllcan abuse of pre toctlen has provoked a hearing. 1 In gives the tobacco question exhaustive consideration, quoting elaborate tables of statistics from treasury roertN and reaching conclusions mere comforting te the farmer for whom he has boundless pity, for, says he, "the enemlcs of the farm have coine te be numer ous nnd naught', If net wicked." He waxes eloquent In recital of the Imjierts of agricultural products and gives the Impor tation of breadstufTs at nine millions. The statistical abstract for 18S9 recently Issued gives the importation of breadstufls ns eight millions, nnd nearly all of It wns hurley. IIe places the value of domestic animals Impoited ntflrty-ilve millions; the government report referred le glves a little oversoven millions as thu value of nil ani mals Impoited, dutiable and free, and five millions wero horses, lie notes an annual Importation of sixteen hundred million dezen eggs, whlle the treasury report gives thu value of eggs Imported at less than two and a half millions. As this would be about six hundred nnd forty dozen eggs for a dollar, It Is clear that thore Is some thing bad about these egg figures. Veg etable Imports he places at soven millions ; the report at two and u quarter. In short, the statistical abstract of the United Htates lit net supported by M-. llieslus' Authority, and it appears te be lu uoed of revision. IIe ends with the earnest prayer that "what the canker-worm hath left the cater pillar ball net take," In which delirious sinille thore may be profound wisdom. Van Heutkn's Coia Ceia World. Ijiruenl Hale In the Vliouce (,'emt-M the Nnine Of 80ZO1HJNT t It la derived from two Greek wurda signifying " lopreervo the teeth ;"imd It deaarves lis title, for there In no preparation will de this mere rapidly, aurely, nod pirns anUy. Thu coiituinpllen of BU.ODON'T Is ho he ho nu'ine. Tllll I'OOJlIu AHtdlllHllOlt. Many poepla nre natmiUliixl when they dis cover the wlilnrlrculntlen or Tlwmru' tktrtlric Oil. There la liiintly u druic limisulu thu coun try Hint does net liuve thin remedy upon It khelvei. The pulille have round It l a keikI tlilnu mid allck le II. Held In J.aiicai!r by W. T. lleeli, 1.T7 Hlid 1JI North ijueen street. Hpnrc our loved ones. Hear the plcndtni; Tliat k'wh up from nchliicluiirU. Uut crlm dciilli. euriilen nnliccdlnt', I'lercea Willi the futal dnrl TlKwe who wlin ui lain would tarry, These we Ieiib ke much te latip, AndeinteiiK tlielr rerms we curry Te tlie crave kn ilark nnd deep, rUadinu with death nvalN lielhlnjt. We ilium de iientlliiiuj le ward oil' the dart he alius nt these no love. We must protect tlieni from film. When the linckliu; ciiukIi, the hectic Hush, or u imlii In Hie skloer client kIc Indica tion of h vensiiiuptlvc tciulrncy, cicf promptly. tle te your drunuKt and get a bottle or It. l'lene's (leldcn Medical Dlscuiery. Thla rem edy allaya the lulliiniuiutUiii of the delicate lung tissue.. It heats the Irritated parts. It MreiiKllien tlie bleed and tenea up the debili tated syateiii, and In thla wuy death can lie Curced te rellncjnlsli his held upon our friend. It Is fiiariitifccif te cure. If, taken In lline ami and Klveuu fulr trlul, or luouey paid for ll will Ija3 refunded. M.TtlAM Huh Coiilldciiee.l "In one ease perseunlly known te me (lie auecesaef llunleck Jtloeil tttttert was almost In credible. One ludv described them ns worth humlrcji eilullart. I m)Kvlf lme the Kreatest ceurldeiice In them." K. H. Hcrutch, druicKltt, ItulliMM, Out. Held In ljtncHster by V, T. Ilecli, l.rrand ISV,N'erlli Queen atreet. 7"AN UOUTUN'H COCOA. TUT. TAMED COCOA OK KUHOl'K, Til E COMING ON K OK M KKIOA lluuaeheld W'uidi All Over Uuiepj. Van Heuten's Cocea 11 Best and Gees Farthest." New that its manufacturer:) tire draw lug the attention of the Amerlcaii pub lic te thlsyW aud, ever since its inven tion, the If of all cocoas, It will been be appreciated here us vull us elsewhere nil ever the world. All that thu manu facturers request Is simply one trial, or, atlll better, a comparative test with whatever ether cocoa it may be ; fVicii Van lIeuTKN'd Cocea itefwlll con cen vlnce everyone of Its great superiority. It is because of this that the English paper Wealth, hays: "Once tried, al ways used." -Te avoid llie evil iirecla of Teas and Coffee, ue ceuvUully VAN IIOIJrEN'ii CO COA, which Is a Hl'HU.NuniKNni of the NnitViM aud a refrebln; and iieurl.hlni; eeNerage. (U) gev $(ttc ev ilritt. 17IOU IlKNT-IIANDHOMK KIIONT HOOM ,1 eti'jil iliKir, Ne. 12 Wei Klngatreet; finest hx-iitleulii Ihuilty forelllce or light business. Inquire of W.W.AMM, luSO-tfd Aller'a Oallery. 13ACKlNOH,A.S KOI.U1WH; IJIltlf. I. Hleam and llydniulicl'urkliiv,Abe ueu and Wlek 1'uckliiK, Ileiup Pack ItlOO.KOK ln-st Hepe, II. lu.lflllC. A b ImMUH Mill ItlMnl A.IJ..I.I. eiln.nl lllutn. HI eilliltiif, Ouiu I'ucklmr.Uiim Klnca for Water (auuea, Plumbago l'utkleif, Keed'a 1'utent As i.i!Sl'uIl'il h"'.;tl'"t lile Ceicr, at JOHN I. lil'S, liHEaatFulteD street. in7.lfd fitecevtcm. THUltHK'N. A CARLOAD -OK" Large White Potatoes Wholesale and Retail, AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST. -ttrANrKi.-i:vKiiY iieimkkkki'i:k in V ljuinuterniict vlrliilt te knew Hint no lme willed In our larnu Meck of .Collce u Nn- llnunl, rolled Tim WT-HTMINHTEIl Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order Hint Hits ronVe nets Inlredm-nl In till luM'tnui of Ilia country Me urn Rlvlne niriiy frvn n fine let of Hllvrrwiirp.cninlMlnK or Nankin KIiikh, HtiKitr H"en, Tfttile Hmkjtiii, llntfrr Knives ami jiri;e Knlvne and Kerk, all efHIienirlil inannraclnri'. (Ine 111 eee Willi ear li nnd every h,iiihI. Tills lirand U n delirious Inljle livenKC. It Is ilenliln the strnlnilli of Mecha erJnac(iil'ifanl prepared ex prtsisly for hli;hleiiel trade, and lielne lined lsricely liy nil or the fluent linteln ill New Yerk and ether Inriie elites, nml the price Is mi low that It lirliiKsll In ri'Hcli of every pomen. Ucmi tnlicr, we linve Hie lliient liriuiils of colleen In Die nUilc, nnd our prices nre lower llinn Hie leesl,iiiallly eon- lilcr.Kl. We Imvn nl lV h, 1H, w, Vi, SI, , iT, W, :lneil 40 cents -r pound. llnrKiilus In Dried Krullt I'enclies, AlirlreU Prunes, I'riinellnH, Ac, nl from three te five cenU mt iieiitul l( tlian miiiiii ijuullty can lie leiiilil ut elviwliere. Samuel Clarke. Agt., 'ren.CofTee nml Orecery Ktere, 12 A II Meuth (Jufen HI,, Near Ceutru HiUnre, Lnncuslcr, l'a. ill T UKinr. Flags ! - Flags ! -I'OU- DECORATION DAY. BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. Nothing like It ever offered. Hee Kiamlnrr for mere detailed description. Alse see .Yriu I'.ra for bargains In Canned HmsU nnd Dried ri nils. Always bear In mind Unit we arc HEADQUARTERS K()lt MKATH, SAIrKI) KISII, C'ANNKI) tlOODS AND DltlHI) IMtlMTO. POll rirnlc llniiis He Huimner lloleua . . 9c lirled lt.M UK- Knuckle lleer I5e llenelcss Ham 12c Muckcivl HferUSc Ne. liMnrkerel.. I.VV tli lleepHea lllealcr Mackeri I aieVlh llerrlni; IU for ffie White Klsh !ieyft Midland llerrlni; flOOVkctf. A I1K1 HIT. 'Jlbbl Kvnperated Himar Cern, (1 lts for 2V. Tfildila I'leuli Wnter Crackers nl 4 ft.i for Bic. (Ilni;er Hnnps and Nlcnacs at HIM formic. Hei led Oils, O.it Meal and Wheat (Jertn, (S lbs for 'Z'f. Tun carloads of Hall Just In. Heiul for prices, utatlni; nuieimt of Hall wanted. We liuve a Unmeant! lilt; luirenliia'nnd can't peHslbly write them up. Come take a walk ever our larini slnreroem and you will see uinny IIiIuks te tempt jour iix.kelboek. WIIOl.KHAl.KANlillCTAILiUllOCKl', COUNKIt WKHT KINO ANI) I'ltU'UKHrM. Directly Opposlle J. II. Martin A Ce.'s Dry O00.N Htere, nnd Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel, Da-Loek fnr thu llltf Hl(;n across the pae inent. , .titvitoein. Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Circa I llnrRiilin In Cheap Parasols. Assiirtmeiit of Kine 1'nriiaela. Meiirulni; Parasols. tllerlannd I'lilen Hllli Hun Umbrellas. Umbrellas I - Umbrallasl I'mbrellaa lu (heat Varlellcs and lu All ijunlllles. Iiiicn Coers for Coach ParuseN AIIKIndaef Umbrellas and Parasols Made te Order. Alse Net larnsels. e-Hepalrlnj; and lteceverlnu Neatly IKuieTiS attiii:.maki:iis, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN. 14 East King St. Uud uprl'.' Itlrtchiuevij. TVYlniCl'I.Alt ATTENTION 1'Alll TO and L Medel Maklni;, 1'ntterns, Drawings iitne i-riiiis, 111 prices reaseuaui 11KMVH. SCI Knt Fulton Htreet, at JOHN 1117-tfd A Oi:.NCV KOll CAM J incut te take the p bulk II makes live time: 1.A11AN A COM CK Place of Ited 1-cuil. In tiles the Mtiuiitits' ir ri.il lead and la far xuiu-rler In nuikliinateuin Joints packing mini and hand hole platen en boilers, i, .r, i-ncu ui cenw xt pound, at JU1IN Ur:srH.&UKjklr'ullen street. m7-tfd IF VOU WANT A FIUHTCI.AHH l-OUTAIII.K Km;lne and llelter, en wheels, cheap, ns the lollewlin; prices slum-: U horsn-peer, $l".ri : s hersu-Hmer, $ji"i , 10 hor-peHer, t'i75; 15 horse herse iHiuer, J.S75J 'JU herse-imwer, 51,175, call at JOHN lllinvH.S3Fjit Kulleu street. lu7-lfd STKA.M IIKAT lSTHKCO.MINtl lHUTlOK duellhiKs, cliurches, sihiKil houses etc., tluiUKli siuvessfully used one hundred lears ace. ii lieu ICO. hell loll COIltellltlbllen ibaliifi, rull mi JOHN 1IIXI, wheullluhe leu u Kiillsraclerv Joti, uta fair price. inT-tld fJJ)VtjKj Hull te tt Inch diameter, for tale nta low figure, and thu only house lu the ei i iiu n pieruiiini; luiieinne, euttlnu up te Inch dlamcler, nl JOHN IIIJjT M,:l.U liist Fill- ten atit-et. Iii7-tfd 1 7IOH OIJHKNH AND UI..VB.SWAHI CUT- lery and Hihhiiis, u te UMMIUUUS, 17I0H lltlll.KlOs. H01tl.ONTAI..TAlHhAlt. J Vertical, I'ertuble, Cylinder, Marine, of any sire or e-r, of the best material uud workmanship, te te JOHN IHXI', iiii 1-Jist Ful ton alns-t. m7-trd 1'tIOH DOM'S, 1.ACI hCHKWH, HCTTtTitKWH', H(liare and lleianen Nuts, tliese keikU lu aleck, ul JOHN HISiT . !K1 Iial Fulton Hrwl. Iil7-tfd "lTtOlt l-HAlT t'ADV ASIIKSTOS D1HC V ulves, Jenkins Valvc,llrns (Hobe Val,s, llnissllnte Vnles, Iren Hedy tllelie Vnlics. Uierh.ifely Viile, Tep Safety Vulves, Air Vahes, Itadlater Valies, I'ralt's Hutnulns Check ValMM, ilrass Check Valve,Feet Valies Annie Valves, call at JOHN UDjT'H, AC1 Fiis t ulten Htrtvt. Iii7-trd 1 TUMI'S, lltllT.KIbS.VuNMNarOKNTHrFU . ,...' undHtemn l'umiis. el uny catwclly, at JOHN HUSl-rt, act Hut Fulton atreet. m7-td 17t0ltllOll.r.HTl'IIK I1HUHI1KS, HTI Jl1 I'iih! Wrenches.PHH'uud Menkey W. ...ml. ..1 l!,.... ..II .. UJtON reucheu 1F.IIUI, ,-.!, I ,11-., 1,1, Ulll, tlC. Ul-iST. 5U lUst Fullen tlrift, 1U7-I fd TAplAT0U4 OF ANY MAICK Olt DK A,".'.S,i7luJlurl.,.ul,'.!',trMnaWerlgures. by JOHN llliiT. Xa Fjiat Fulton street. m7-tfii -lTIOlt HTKAM ciA'ucifa, uTeil Oil MW vr .,,r.,r"r';' ater (langes, (iauce Cecka, Weed Wheels or Weigh tt, lilasa Tube Whlnllps, Hyphen for Hteuni Unlives, Cylluder Ollen. I'lulu, Water Uiiuite I'eluiiins, Cocks for Hteain Clsugeiculleu JOHN IJKhT, XU Katt Fulton itreet, mMfd 17-011 C'AHT IltON VirU KITT1.NC1M, 110T11 plain null reducing, up telMuch diameter, alleiible l'lttliiKS, Manxes, Khtiuje Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, Tube HupperlK, HatiiM-rs, Fleer Hint IVIIIur l'lates, te le JOHN 1I1I"H. tin FjwI Fulton street. m7-tfd SJlitnamaHet'r. riltLAOKU'IIIA, TiiCJidny, Msy 27, 18TK). Mere than fifty styles of Brandenburgs new en the coun ters. One of the newest has wlii te figures en garnet ground. Anether has stripes en a blue ground. The line of light colors is again complete and fuller than ever. B e a u t i ful Brandenburgs ! Exquisite in printing, artistic in coloring, but the peculiar charm is in the stuff itself. Touch it : smooth as silk. Net a lump or knot or scraggly place en the delicate surface. But net a hint of weakness I Try te tear a bit warp or woof way, no odds which. Nothing slimpsy there. Just as the polish el culture and geed breeding lilts a man or woman above the common, se the perfect make and finish lifts the Branden burgs above ether cottons. Rivals? Yes about as a " farthing dip " rivals an arc light. '1 he wonder of wonders is that Brandenburgs are only 20 cents a yard. Northwest of cent re. Forty styles of genuine Lans Lans dewne, and just the shades everybody is wanting. Almest zephyr-like for lightness. $1.25. Irridescent Gloriosa is a twin fairy in silk-ancl-woel. $1.50 and $1.75. About Ge styles. Near centre of the store. Forty-inch Jiatisle. An unusual width, but the price I2jc is even farther out of the common. By geed rights it should be 18c. The maker meant it te be iSc or mere. A little slew, tne sea son get ahead of him, and you save at least 6J cents a yard. A sheer, clear, smooth, thor oughly geed stuff. black en while blue en Mhlte cardinal 011 whlte Three neat designs in each. By far the best Batiste we ever had for the money. Northwest of centre. A Serge sensation. 52-inch All-wool C r e a m Serge, with border of gradu ated mixed black stripes, at 60 cents. We never heard of it under $1. Werth $1 as surely as ever a Serge was. Why 60 cents ? say you. Simple as sleep. It's the wind-up of a manufacturers output. We get it at wind-up prices se may you. But when these few pieces go there's an end. Grand stuff for mountain or seashore wear, and say $3.60 for enough for a generous dress ! .Southeast of icntie. Jehn Wanamaker. atrvtnnce. OTANDAItl) CAIUtlAaE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40, , 4! At JIA11KKT HTUKirr. (Hear of the rostetftcc), LANCAMTEIl, l'A. All the latest styles In llupifles. Kninlty Car rlttKCS, I'huiteus, Hurreys, Cabriolet, I'bietens, lluckbenrds, Tretting WiiKOiis.Hhitlen Wngeus, Market Wagons, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A line line of Hccend-1 land Werk. New Is the time te order for Hprliiff. Htrlctly first-class work and all work fully KuarauUiMl My prices are the lowest lu the county for tlu same quality of work, Uh emeu call and ex amine my work. ItepalnllnK and llepalrlne promptly at tended te and done lu a llrst-class manner. One set of workmen especially emplejed for thai puriose, lilioccllnttceito ITlOltTHirillisT IIOTAIIt FlItNACK IN 13 the market, go te JOHN 11K.ST, Ml ljist 1-ulten street. ni7-trd fer. OLD 11UONZK. LIOUIIW AND HIZINO for steam work, at JOHN IH.ST'M.ISH K.ist ten street. in7-tfd Jl N KLLTUKK S 1'OCIC FA UM. STORM KIING (2161) llECOIlD 20. Hired by Happy Medium, sire of SO perferincrs from 2:1IV4 t" -" Dtuii Topsy Tu ler by Alex ander's Ne'iunn, sire of Lulu, -Ml1;, Ac. Ac. Terms for Spring season of 1SW, frill for afoul, Fer tabulated iiedlgree nnd oilier Information, address DANIF.I.U. F.Nlll.1:, uprlJ-lmdAw Marietta, l'a. 100,000. IN 1IONDH AND MOKTOAC1RH FOIt IN VKSTOIW. IN HUMS OF f 100, fJU), 1000, ll.tXU te tMfiOO. lleuds -Ujier cent. Interest, pa) able quarterly. Mortgages fi )er cent. Interest, sij able liaif ) early. Hcnd or call for full Information. JOHN 11. MKT.LFIl, Ne UH DuknHU "I OOlv I 1.1FK lNSt'itANC H A I' COST, HKK King's IiiMinutee nuil litul IMalr .Isrnry, llepresentlug Life, Accident, Fire, Heller, I'late Olavs uud Theft Insurance. OllU-e -10s lUHTKINO.ST.,!!d Fleer Frent. niCS-lm A. T. HALZIOKlt. .Malinger. "T7-AUATION KXCHUSIO.NH. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. AUTraellug Kxwnses Included. A purly will li-ae rhlladelphi.i JULY is, for a Visit te The Oulward Trip will be .Made (ler tbu Picturesque Canadian Pacific Railway, With visit te Montreal. Ilaiitr Hei Hprlngs, Ureal Glacier of the Helklrks, Vanceuier, and Victeria. After visiting Heatllc.Tuceiua, i'orl i'erl lund, the Columbia Ulver, etc., t lie return will be luade enct the NOIU'lir.llV l'AlirtC lt.VIl.UOAl), With n Tour through tlie Yellowstone National Park. DIIHINO JULY ANDAl'UUHT.-A series et excursions te leading Kustirn resorts, JULY' 17. Flret excursion 01 thu season te Yellowstone National l"urk. W. HA YMOND. I. A. WHITCOMU. jrHend for dcscrlptleclrculars, designating the particular trip desired. HAYMOND A WimCQMli, 111 Heulh Ninth Ht, (under CentlneuUii Hetel), l'hlladelphla, l'a. may3l-3td gHu VSeeh; -ttr-AMi imiw cioem. WATT & SHAND, t i Ar.' New Dlsplnvlnx an liinnense Assortment of the talent Tiilngsln Scotch Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams, India Pongees, Wash Challies, Printed Satines, Outing Cleths. SPECIAL BARGrATO. M pieces Hliln Hand Challies, Sea )ard ; never sold for less than l',c. 1(11 pieces Printed '.'halites, dark ground, UJe ; worth lik New I'rlnml Oullmr Clelbs, styles nnd color In K ns the Muesli French llanneU, nt Se, lOu and 1-Jicii ynnl. I'lne 7.phyr (lliiKliatns, latest stjles, 15c a yard ; elty prtci-, av?. Fine India t'ensee, lujje tii'.'Ona yard. a.lMl yards iress(llni;bams,brlcbt atylcs, new combinations, Kk1 a yard; eery day price Ter tills nuiillly, r.'Kc NewTolledii Nerds, 10aud.l2ca yard. Finest French Hatlnes, handsome designs, JSe a yard. llest Amtrlcjin Uutlucs, a great variety, at 12Kcaynrd. New Melanel Bjtlnes, In Illack and lllack nnd Wlilte. are wurmnted absolutely fast lu color and will neither crock, stain nor fade. G. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. gmite itub J?loc. 11HO IX AND H1IOF.S. V 1? 1? 1? (, TO WTAUKHOUHK'S, EEEE AND COMFOIIT OO 10 HTACKIIOUHK'H. EEEE AND HAVINO OO TO HTACKIIOIJSK'H. Ol'K AHHOIITM ENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOUSl'KINO AM) HUMME11HTYLE.SAKE NOWCOMl'LETK. 4..-1 lie Prices nre " FOIt purses, ami iheHtjies are your feet. KAHK" te your KOlt EAHE " te D. P. STACKHOUSE, 23 & 30 EAST KING STREET, nu: LEA DEI! IN. FINE NHOKMAKINQ AND LOU' I'ltlCEH. AltOEST AHIOItTMHNT I The Ijirsest AsBerlinent of Ladles', Misses', Children's and Infants' Ox lords and Hllppers In this city. This statement, te some people, may seem te be an Idle beast, but te our many cus tomers who hae been bnylng tlielr Oxfords and sllpHTS here for the past two seasons, knew hew trutiiml It Is, us then we had the largest Hteck and Assortment In the city, and tills season we have udded ,h grent many of the Litest Hlyles. LA ltd EST AND FINEHT DIHI'LAY IN THE CITY IN OUH WEST WINDOW. Ijulles' Dongola 1'atent leather Tip Oxfords at t3c, 75c, 11 00, SI '.ri mid upwards. Utdles' Deugela l'lalu Tee Oxfords ut 11 00, Jl , Si 60, fj 00 and upwards. Ladles' 1'ntent Leather FteiiI Oxfords at 11 15, tlH),nudK!U. l-idles' llusspt erTnu Oxfords with Tips nnd I'lnlnTecK, UV, 75c. 91 Ul, 11 -Sand upwards. Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers at fide, 75c, J10O, iiij, eiaeand koe. Ijidles' Flue Headed Hllppers, with Iluekles, Hen s, i:te 81 i), II W aud 11' 00. Mlsees' Dongola nnd llnssel, Tip andl'laln Tiw Oxfords, at 75c, ink', II 10 and upwards. Child's Dongola and Kiwsct Oxford altUc, 75c,100,jrirnndl&0. Infant's Dongola nnd Itussct Oxfords at R5c, 50c, 75candl Ul. And ethers net mentioned. In fact we have e cry thing from the cheapest tot lie best, ' The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Hticcessei teFHKY A ECKEIll") the Leader of Lew l'rlces lu BOOTS AND SHOES, M)SI ft EAST KINO HTHKET. I.ANCAHTEH, l'A. CrSInn ('Insist Eery Evening nt (I o'clock Hxccpt Monday aud Satnrdaj. Clilitrtiunvi'. ITIOll .t MAHTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE AT- Cliina Hall. Wk are new opening our Spring Importation of Queens ware and will tie prewired te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware al Isjrest l'rlces. Ileuscstlres rtcehe esjieclal attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. SUtenicije. T UTHEIl a KAUI'FMAN, ATfOHNHY-AT-U W. Hecend Fleer Kttileniau I NerUiDuksUiret. NEW YORK SHE, Oxfords and Slippers. ulidlng. Ne. pr-lydA ClDthtnn. "TMNBTAILOBINO. 1890 -SPRING.- 1896 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Klngai't Assortment or SPRING NOVELTIES New Heady for Your Insp-ctlen. We would al nnuniinrp the purrhsse of a Jeb Let of English Hnltlng nnd Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we will tell at , Astonishingly Lew Prices. -Cnll early te secure a bargain In these goods, H. Gerhart, 4)NLY DIllKUr IMI'OHTlNfl TAILOIl INTItKCirY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dZ7-tfd M YKRHA KAT1IFON. ATTRACTIONS in eun We've many attractions ln our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING KOlt Men's Wear KKOM $15.00 te Almest Any Price' Huch styles as tliese are net efTcred anywiierj In ljuieaster for the price. Huch an assortment you'll find new here else. ELEGANT HTLYUH IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te leek nt. Trices range from SI te Jl:i. We'll tit you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. -1LOTH1NO. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS -1N- MEN'H, HOY'S AND CHILDUEN'.S llKAlHlUAllTMt.S. O. A. It. Indigo Illue Suits with two sets of buttons, nt 17, H, !10. Men's Cheviot Suits at Jl 50, f I, i". Men's All-Weel Cheviot Suits at 73,50, f?, 110. Men's Worsted Suits at tl 50, 51, 53, SO. Men's All-Weel English Worsted Suits at 17, IS, 110, U. Men's Fine Worsted Ceat nnd Vest, Imported, 17 50,58,510,812. Hey's Hul U a 1 12 2.', 52 73, SX Hey's All-Weel Suits at 51, S3, 0, 67, Is. .100 Children's Hulls, coat nni pnnts, 83c, 51, 81 23. 1 hey nre greut value for tlie money. 500 Children's runts. 20c nnd 2f& 430 Men's Working I'anls, 53c, C3c, 73c, 81. All-Weel Cheviot IMnls, II 75nnd 1200. Our Custom lallerlug Department filled with New and Nobby Htyles for Spring and Hummer Suiting at Lew Trices. Write or Call fur Samples. L Gansman & Bre., Tailors nnd Manufacturers or Men's, Hey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 and 68 NORTn QUEEN ST., I. W. CORKER OF 0RANQE, LANCASTER, FA. - Net connected with any oilier Clothing Heuse In the city. fa-He cautious and make 110 mistake se that you get te the right place. M AKT1N HllOs. It Is a plain business fact that our Clothing for .Men and Heys U being distin guished forsuperlerlty. That Is done by Hie wearers. Every day we hear expres And This IsTrne At Every Point. siens from new customers sent here by their friends like this : " We hear your clothing Is the best." We are careful, and shall always be te keep up this superiority. The reach In price Is from the highest uud best te the leiut thai is geed. Men's Suits, ready-made, 53 te 5-5. Heys' Ceat, Leug I'antaudVrst Hulls, IJteSlS. llej.' Knee Hunt Hulls, SI.S5 te 510. Heys' Sailor Hulls nml Klll, iLMleftJ. Hee our CI. A. It. Suits, fust color, tuesets but tons, 810. A column In this imper would net describe lu details of dress lu our Furnishing Uoeds De partment liken visit. Seethe Welch and Cey lon Flannel Shirts, linage enough for any iuste, 11 te 82 and up. Deinet Flannel shirts, 23c nnd S7Jeup. Summer Underwear mid Hosiery all 011 the go. That there Is superiority In Under garment at all prices, seeing ours will prove, llubber Waterproof Coats and Umbrella In large variety. Wearing qualities closely seen after. Lewest prices aluays. The Merchant Tailoring Department 1. scoring new customer, dally. When shaft we mark you and make your Ideal Suit? MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. LNOASTEH, l'A. (Keal. T UMIIEKA1 lj 'lOHACCO EKN HAHD W NHPOA1.. CO HHOOKH AND CASES. WEST- OODS. Wholesale nun KuUll, bv 11. 11. MAHTIN A CO, nl-lyd 421 Watef Street, laincuster. I Custom Department. n AUMUAHDNK1U COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orncra Ne. 129 North Qneen Street, and Ne. X-i North lrtuce street, Yabus North i'rlnce Street, near Heading Depot. nls-tM LANCAaTKB, fA, 9m sQoeb. w ll.tdA.MHO.N A r-lMlKK. A VIC40ROU3 SPECIAL SALE -OF- Dress Ginghams -AT- VERY LOW PRICES. Ladles' HI nek t null. Worsted nnd Cleth Jackets, Headed nnd Hllk Wrais, Embreldsred riwiiw, iiuiu miu niiK unpen. Little Heys' Tunic Hult,l 75 tela. Knee l'a 11 Is. 25e te 12. Calice, Demet and l'crcnle Waists, 25a, GOe ana mc. Ladles' Ready-Made Dresses and Hurah Hllk wnisifl. Ladles' Whllfl Muslin Rklrts, We te 12. Ladles' Night Kobes, tle tet2. Corset Cevers, 23c te 7ec. Underwear, 2Se te II. Children's Leng and Short Dresser, 28 1 te IS. Fer Gentfemen of Fashion.' There is nothing te excel our new Light Col ored Flat llrlmHlltr Hat atH 50. Te close out a let of last season's Light RllfT I Hatswclinvc marked ineui ,'juc. jiiiey weuia 1 be cheap nt 11. J iianusonie ana uuniuie nuiei en-jruir. iw Bey, no. leclncdes and Olrls'Trlcyclesat Very Lew I vein ITICCS. A large variety of l'aper, Zinc, leather aud a T TAIL W'ff tnftlrn n stieelnltv fif Fine CflUVO Trunks. Qents' Tourist Hhlrt.s, In Flaunal.Hilk. Mad ras Cleth, Cheviots, Hatlnes and Deniets. Prices runge from 8S0 te 17 50. . A ttne assortment of Ulnzers and Tsnels Hashes. ' Suits for Corpulent Gentlemen, s, JI0.S12 TOIJO. t.eiiL'nnil Hlmrt Hires te tit nil nroisirtleus. Extra I'unts at nil prices te tit extra sire men. RUBBER COATS. 81 75,,550, ri75,8'l. A (lenuli.e 1'iirc Oum Ceat, 51 50. bcr, 81 W te 82 25. Hey's Hub- Gent's English Mackintosh Coats. Self-Adjusting Wire Window Screens, opera- ted by Cell Springs, only 3sc. (i iiv t -mi Nnrini'M. nniv ;eu. Wire Screen Deers, tlin walnut, 81 23, 81 3.1 mid 81 .'. Wire Screen Deers, three panels. Imitation CHILDHEN'S AND MIHSE3' SPRING HEEL SHOES. New Shapes, In the Finest Leather, with Pat ent Leather Tips or l'lain Tees, fnll assortment or wiutns una sizes, ranging ireni iec ie u. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, l'A., ANU NO. MS MAHKET HT.. HATUUHIIHIUL PA. TJOSTON HTORE. GO TO THE -reii- In llla?k Drc;s Silks. In lllack Dress Goods. In Illack Henriettas. in Black Surah Silks. In lllack Satins. In Colored Henriettas. In Illack and Colored Cashmere. In Illack Lace Flouncing.. In lllack Drapery Notts. In Cream Dress Goods, In Trimming Hilks. In Trimming llraidj. In Head Trimming. In Illack and Colored Velvets. In Ulack Cashmere Shawls. In llerdcred Nun's Veiling for Veil. In Dotted Swisses. Iu l'lalu and Fancy White Goods. In l'lalu, I'lald and Striped Ulack Lawns. In Silk ltibbeus. In Neck Huchings. In Embroideries. In Silk and Cotten l.aees. In Corsets aud Kid (llevcs. In Silk and Cotten Gloves nnd Mitts. In Ladles' and Children's Hosiery. In Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. In iJiceCaps. lu Ijicg Lambrequins. In Flush Halls and Ornament. In Undciwear. IiiHIlk and Gingham Umbrellas. In White Shirts. In Flannel Shirts. In Curtain Lace and Scrims. Iu Dress Ginghams. In ljice Curtains. In Outing Cleths. In Black aud Wlilte French Satlues. Ill White Quilts. In Table Oilcloths. In Muslins and Calicoes. In Table Linens. Our Goods Are the Best. 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. Williamson d Fester, ism TRI Mr es nun, - ,1 --.y I- v. i&??&S