Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Clitl SVeetttlltrtf!
l"is.Hrtmwir t BTttvuiw
H . im.vfnn iwiuimium
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tTry day in the year, but Sunday, served
fey carrier, in thl city and .urreundlng
towns Hi ten cent a week. By mall Ave del
tar. year In advance 60 cent a month.
ir-'WMIKl.Y Tm-nt.l.triKNrKR One dollar and
'Sm.Jv ! eenla a year, in advance.
JTMMIIIiHi III! Illl .! . tAW
Sij r poatefflee order, and where neither of
i .711 :
, ttntArtel at th lVnlnfflrr. u(y.iir1 rUu mkll
j sMLtter
Lancaster, Fa.
LAK0A8TEK, PA., Hay 21, 1890.
The Stat MayJDe-Wr"""
There li net Ukclyie be much dhwent
from tbe opinion of the Uuitcd Stales
WiWIHCM Court, that th. TTnlleri Ktnl
Ji .y - --
" no BUKinena te interfere with the
kj4elre of the tat of New Yerk te exe-
'.eute her murderers by electricity. 1'ro 1're
siybbly no such rennet t would have
fepbeen made of the United States court
yg'-but for its well established repute for
PynK1 ktltnnnnttt ftf a 4nln ....
."". uwuuuij v. n wituv. lnjllie lWIIIC till-
ggK, dertake te defend this disposition, and
Wjfa there may besome who will sny that the
Of. i UnltAri Ktalnt hmll.l l.... II. -Ill
WM. ....I....U .3..WM.U OI.J .!.? HO JH-
tens should be put te death ; but there
ragi w' i e many likely te tie tliat, in
vms support, ei me iaca tuat tne irencrni
Bi. :-i . i ....... ..."..
gvti'ruuituit, is everyunuganu ineninies
nihlncr. Tllll ntlll' ftfifuHBA nf 4lia ntnlM
S Against federal aggression lies iu the
?ffj t waeral court, for there is nhvnys
$3 A rtinnnn nf lnLiiir.ill,iir Hm win.
irf&ttltutien te a slate's undeing: : no
Clearer Illustration of which could lie
ffiltif'wl fllfltl In it. A ilftnlfclnti llm
P . power of the general government te con
trel interstate commerce nullifies a state
law forbidding the sale within the state
of thai which its own citizens nre for fer
bidded te cither make or seli j a decision
which results In opening the state te
ferelcn manufacturers tvlilrli am fur.
?MTbldden te its citizens ; than which netb-
f' ing could be mere unjust.
Hm There was adav when iinlvpniat ism.
fidence was felt in the federal supreme
court. It was a day when its decisions
tf vuaai...i.i.u .vejtvi.b IUI 11IO RllUIJglll Ul
, tdcir logic, and net merely for the power
rwbich they exercise, as is often the case
j,,-' iiuw. li was a uay wuen illustrious
'men made an illustrious court, rather
than when an Illustrious court under-
Bgf takes te make Its niemlwrs ilUmtrleus.
That Flerida IVar.
The war of the treasury department iu
the state of Flerida, is something quite
novel In our experience as a nation. As
we understand the situation the mayor
of a Flerida town has threatened dire
harm te the United States collector of
with the aid of a United States mar
slial, or the marshal with the aid of
& ,he cu"cri 1 hunting for the mayor
Nr u iuu iHiriuu, swamps: no nuv-
'SW u8 .fled the place upon the appear-
iince or the vef(.el, which new lies with
g$ guns trained upon the town ; whlle Its
men cover thn lnnd. We minivim ll.,,t
&.4he theory of this Invasion Is that the
."Sr-.Tl..j l..i. ...... :
fji'uiini eiuus marsuai may arrest a
IftclWHan for an offense against a United
States officer. But the war would cer
tainly leek better If there
were some
I S state efflcers aud troops engaged iu It.
rM ' The atate of Flerida is taking no
ses " i uui luiiaiug en ciuiesccniiy
&VwUHe the United States conducts tlie
WJauch for ou offender, wlie is an
Seflender agalntit the state laws, and
ligwhem the stnte should be zealous
s-'64 w pumsn u ne nas none Hair tlie
latawless things charged te him. If the
eMte is willing that the United States
S?e eneum aiscuarge Its own dutv. nrebab v
MM oe else has a right te complain, but
igeC ln a weu eruerea state government,
SB3E there certainly would be inerellvellneaa
W "' .
ever in searcu or a revenue crew for the
sxaf1 jnayerci a town man prevails in Flerida.
S.i'Y tt la nnl iiiH.r.nn... l.cun 1... ..r n..
i4"Ci. ' ""f " VH.ininwtui J UAIJ1U1UUU "I "0
lack of state pride aud the abundance of
y'rz, ira trjairnra
as ' -
The Tariff ln The Sennte.
Mr. Carlisle, prominent as has been
bis figure In the Heuse, is likely te be
till mere distinguished as a souater ; it
has always secmed te us that his force
i 'would be better developed and displayed
fln a chamber M'here calmer moments
prevail than are the habit of the Heuse.
Hl nature Is of the philosophical
character well suited te the Seuate, aud
MM tllAfc Iwlv itt Tint. lutltAV..! Ifief ..... in
' be overwhelmed with imllvirlnul .rrxnt
m... c r.-ir..i. i . . . '
k, salt. v,ui nsie is aure 10 cut,(jrgreat
lfiwSl.i,7 I'tinThe members t-aiu in mni.
ize this, anu-. ZftWCi's have already
practically resigned te him the pest of
leader, placiug him In position te con
duct their side of the tariff controversy
that Is new en.
There is much speculation us te what
will be the result of the Senate's treat
ment of the McKlnley bill. The He
publican organs seem te think that it
will go t li rough pretty much as it
stands ; but this is net at all likely.
The senators will be rather gratified at
the epjwrtuulty afforded them of better
ing the work of the Heu&e, and of
remedying the well based objections te
Its measure. The Heuse bill will net
command their support cither by its
logic or by the fact that It Is tlie
deliberate Judgment of the lletiw, which
passed It In a hurry as a party measure.
All its force In the Senate will come from
the same fact ; but it is likely te be the
opinion of many of the Republican sena
tors that even as a party measure it is
capable of great amendment. The sena
tors are net very lively people mid their
deliberation and mutual Indisposition te
be dictated te by the Heme aud by llttle
political leaders, premise that the jMc
Klnley bill will lw born again befere it
leaves th eir hands.
The PresbrterJans.
Our Presbyterian friends are te have
a happy deliverance ever their troubles
cencerulngthelrdlll'erences. We de net
pretend te understand Just what tills
difference is te be, any mere than we
undertake te comprehend what these
differences are ; but we are content te
knew that the Presbyterian authorities,
in convention assembled, have agreed
upon apian by which they think that
their churches will be able te agree to
gether, or if net, that the minority
thereof will be content te knock under
te the majority. We trust that this will
net be u vain ejqect.itieu, though there
would s'in te bd wiu-e for trembling In
the well established ritual-of certain
classes of Presbyterian te strong dls
' inclination te the surrender of
their opinions. We undertand that
the proposed way te a universal
accommodation lies Iu arranging te
secure with great deliberation the
real sentiment of the ledy of the church
en the matters upon which iU members
are at variance ; with the expectation
that this opinion of the majority will
obtain acquiescence from all.
Our Imports of merchandise in April
nearly reached a value of seventy-two mil
lions) our experts, sixty-three and a half
millions. Counting the transfers of coin
and bullion the excess of imports ever ox ex
ports for the month was 2,218,7W, but for
the twelve months ending April 80th the
excess orexperts ever imports of merchan
dise and geld land silver was 941,203,380.
In April 01,212 Immigrants landed In the
United States, but this dees net Include
lliose who came evor thn Canadian and
Mexican borders. About 18,000 of thein
came from Ureat Britain and 13,000 from
Germany, whlle Italy sent 10,000.
"' m i
Thk H rlmtut"pl ensure drive Idea is a
gecHljuueiind should be liesrtlly encour
aged. About Ihreo-feitrths of the cllizens
of Lancaster have no idea uf the pletur pletur pletur
ovpie beauty of the drives within a two
hours circuit of this city, aud thoeo out
lined are among thn best.
TnK American Weel Jltjxtrter says that
thorearo many Republicans whobellovo
In free wool but will vote for higher duties
rather than abandon tlielr party. "And
there are still ether ltepulillcaus (and IIicmj
are far inore numerous) who nre net In
favor of froe wool, but who urc hi favor of
arovMen or the tarlir In the direction of
reduced duties. New, whlle these IhM. IhM. IhM.
montleuod Vetera admit that tliey will
eventually reach tlie forks of the reiid
whero tlie Republican party must either
acccde te Ihelr wishes or be abandoned by
tlietn for a tlme, yet tliey are net willing
te be prematurely carried Inte the Demo
cratic camp."
Ills then, In the opinion of this non-partisan
trade joiirual,enly a (juostien of tlme,
and the McKlulny bill and extravagant
legislation uf this Congress ought te con
vince ninny thnt tliey have arrived at the
forks and must abandon tlie parly of
high taxes, lavish oxpendlturo and the
bloody shirt.
Censul Jehnsen, of Hamburg, reKrtH
Hint tlie beard of chendral exnmlucrH of
Kiel liuve found that large quantities of
Amerlcnn dried sliced apples contained
oxlde of 7lnc, froe from water, ln such pro
portions as te be pernicious te health. The
8nle of tlit apples was at ouce stepped.
Tub 1'euiisylvanla I-ThIi 1'iotcctlve associ
ation se ikIn out a circular calling attention
te the new fishery Ian n of Pennsylvania,
approved In May 1S8!I. fishing with any
kind of a net ' at any time, iu any your,
In any rivers, streams or waters," Is pro
hibited, but tlie prohibition dees net ox ex
tond te shad, herring or sturgeon (lulling.
It Is unlawful te erect or use any kind of
net or fishing basket, or any permanently
set means of taking tlih, and wing walls or
walls of any kind can net be built.
" Any Huh commissioner, flub warden,
deputy warden, sheriff, deputy sheriff,
constable, policeman or any special oflleer
of tills commonwealth In hereby authorized
te destroy any fish b.iskut, eol-welr, fyke
net, pound net, sliore net, drill net, dip
net, wing walls, or any Illegal dovice
naiiied iu any soctieu of this net, and they
arohnieby authorized te arrest feithwlth,
any person or poisons placing, erecting,
using or fastening llieni, or any person or
persons Interfering with any of the above
olllcers In the discharge of their duties.
Any of thn abeve named olllcerH are here
by authnrii'.cd te apprehend, arrest and Im
mediately take any person who may be
guilty of the violation of any of the pre
visions or sections of this act, or the viola
tion of any of the laws of this common
wealth, iu reference te illegal llshlng, be
fore anyjustice of the peae, magistrate, or
elher.legally eonstltuted aulhnrity,Vc. (Rx
traet Section 1, 2, 7 and 8 P. L. 18h!t, p. 207,
" Penult! for infractions! of any above
laws, one hundred dollars line, or six
months imprisonment or both, one-h.ilf of
the flne shall be for the bonetlt or the
prosecutor and balance shall be paid te the
treasurer of the county, etc. (Rx tract Bec Bec
tlen 0 P. L., 1580, p. 270.)
" It shall net be lawiul te catch or kill by
any menus whatover, any rock bass, wall
eyed plke, (otherwise called Husipielmuna
salmon, species recently Introduced Inte
the Delaware river), within two years from
the passage of this act, under a penalty
et ten dollars for every such flsh caught or
had in possession. (Soctieu 5 P. li., 18S9,
p. 202.) "
Thin law is extremely sovero and In
spitoef tlie reward of lifty dollars offered
for the apprehension of each elleuder It Is
net likely that It can be rigidly eufeiced.
Se long as Maryland refuses te lake simi
lar pains te protect the fish It Is tee much
te oxpect that our Siisqueliaiiiiii llshermen
will appreciate the beauties of an nr
rangeiuunt that compels them te re
frain from using nets for the bon ben bon
ellt of thelr neighbor n few miles
down tlie ilyer.aud Us saveis of oppression
aud the spirit of the old iieacblffg laws te
threaten tlie peer inaiivhe mav catch a
few llsh in a net, fUw feet north of the
Maryland IUvOn.7 six months In prison
or a hmiiVfea dollars line, or both. A man
inav.JRLftal a liersn. Inirti iv ftarti .it limnlr n
ASifnk and get oil' with punishment llttle
worse than this. The law forbidding sal
mon llshlng for two yearb under a line of
leu dollars a llsh did net prevent large
numbers of thein from being caught Inst
season by worthy citizeus who were prob
ably unaware of the costly nature of their
outertalnmcnt from a legal point of view.
A I'rlfconer Crouton n Sensation by Seme
I.euil I.iuiKiiauu.
Jehn Celeman, who with ethers was Im
plicated In the robbery of Mockeridge's
Jewelry shop, iu Newark, and who con
fessed his crime was sentenced in that city
yesterday te seven years in statu prison by
Judge Klikpatrick. Alter his confession
he wrote a letter te his In ether. The lotter
fell into the hands of the Judge, ami he
spokeofllto Celeman iu delivering the
sentence. Celeman was quiet until the
sontenou wasileliveied, aud then lie launch
ed out at thejiulge, saying:
" I'll get oveu with you, you siicker. Yeu
are a blsukcty blankety blank of a Judge.
Wall until I come out, and 1 will fix you."
In Celeman's letter te his brother was the
following matter: The jurymen had hay
seed in thelr hair. Rail et'tliem don't knew
that thpy're alive. Ileaglaud was a thief
three yeats age. 1 am supposed te lie a
dead man. I will show them 1 will get my
rights. I hud u kickup with Ward, and
I'll kill him when I gel out. Pm.a gentle
man, and that Is mere than any man iu the
court house Is. 1 hail siws ami knives iu
my eel). 1 get thein en the ether side, but
threw them away. I am serrv new, as 1
could have broken out. Tell my father
and mother nut te fret about me new. Uo Ue Uo
fure I am out a month I wijl be woithJSO, weithJSO,
0M enough te keep me all my lite. 1 will
Heudaiuaii te you. tllve him a bunch of
keys, a Jeweller's saw, and u knire, and
I'll seen be out and kill them all. I) n
the whele let ; I'll get oveu, and thore'll
bs minder dene." Ills irtner, Williams,
was bouteuced te llveyeais' Imprisonment,
Celeman is nothing but an oveigrewn bev
who has had a dime novel education. Ward
lithe chief of the detectives.
A Tandem CeiirUlilii's liuiqiy Itusiilt.
Miss Vermont Foreman, daughter of ex
Sherilf Foreman, and Klmcr Wagner were
married iu Carlisle, Pa., by the Itev. Dr.
Kvaus, of the Methodist church. The
ceuple met under peculiar circumstances.
Wagner owns a tandem tricycle, and Miss
Vermont expressed a desire te ride It.
Wagner heard of her desire and granted
her wishes. Alter that they could be seen
dally en the tandem courting. They left
ou an extended tour en their tandem, ex
poet lug te visit New Yerk, llroeklvn,
Bosten, Baltimore, Washington aud Phila
delphia. Gue. Se.
" Oh, every deg lias his day. "
" Probably that is the reason why se
much of our time gees te the dogs."
vm Chatter.
The Master or the Maeiciass, by
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and Herbert D.
Ward. Houghten, Mifllln A Ce., llosten
and New Yerk.
This joint effort of two tllstlmmlahml
llllinfa liai. I.aa. ...1 ...Ul. ....
The book is charming; the descriptions
are exquisite, and the jierlrayal of the
character of Ranlel, a delicate work of art.
We are naturally only likely te think of
Danlel In connection with the lien's dun,
usually the llrst Ulble story told te child
ish cars; but here we feel that Danlel was
a man : a geed man, nue who Ued thought
worthy te be Ills prophet. We meet him
first turning with loathing from the wiles
of the vile, though beautiful qiioen ofthe
Babylonians; we soe his true humility yet
mnnliucfts with which he accepts his pro
motion, after being proclaimed by Nebu
chadnezzar, Master of the Magicians. We
fellow, captive even If high In pewer, far
from his dear Jerusalem, always homo home
sick, utterly alene as he Is, he steers his
daugoreus course through the midst of thn
depraved Babylonians. Ills very life held
at tlie pleasure of a tyrant, he makes his
enemies leve him. Kven the queen, with
her almost unlimited pewer evor the king,
does net succeed in using it against this
Danlel, who hits spurned her. Het leve,
leve most beautiful, as It comes but ouce te
all men, comes te Danlel, aud then this
neble character rises te Its full height. Just
at the tlme when he seems te have all in
his pewer, the father of his awcetheart
dles and leaves him her guardian, she
being by birth n Jewess. Re, ln self solf self
renunciatien, gives Ids rival opportunities
te win her. Re, Daniel, docs this, although
I.alltha dees net yet realize that she loves
Allit. The ether characters In the book
are strongly drawn, each one standing out
distinctly befere us.
Mr. Ward's deep knowledge of ancient
historical subjects has been abundantly
preved by tlie (Inscription he furnishes,
whlle hlswlfe skilfully filled up his out
lines of character aud events. "The Master
of (he Magicians" desnrves a place en
our shelves very near "lien Rur," and that
is saying a very great deal.
The French vorslen of Henry M. Ktan Ktan
ley's new book will be entitled " R. M.
Stanley In tlie Shadows of Africa," aud will
cost only $.', whlle the FugUsli will have
te pay ?I0,50 for their vorslen or " In Dark
est Africa."
liirn.i: Saint Ku.,uii:iii and ether
stories by Frances Hodgsen llurnett. Chas.
Scrlbner's Hens, New Yerk.
Mrs. Frances Hodgsen llurnett occupies
the loreiuest place te-day among all living
authors of children's literature; she gives
us in " Llttle Saint Elizabeth," another of
her quaint and pathetic stories of child-life,
which we are all glad te receive. This story,
although sherter, is a lit companion for
"LittloLerdKiuintloroy"and "Sara Crewo."
The children of the day ewo Mrs. llurnett
a debt el gratitude, anil her
te thelr hearts as seen as te their Imaglna
tlens. If overy person was In leve with
" I.itlle Lord Fiiuntlerey" every person
must be In leve with " Utile Saint Kllza
belli," for she appeals te our pity Iu her
loneliness aud we ure told "pity Is akin
te leve."
The oilier stories Iu the book are fairy
tales, of which Mrs. lluriielt developed an
outline from the lomembiance of readlm;
in ciuiiiuoeci. Tlie llrst, "The Story of
Prluce Palryfoet," is charming ; ofceurso
llke most fairy tales It has its moral.
"Tim Pieud LittleUraln of Wheat" does
net strike us as being as happy u tale as
the rest, even If " pride must ceme befere
a fall." We de net llke tlie Idea of the llrtn
whlle teeth munching up our peer llttle
proud grain, ultlieugli It may be, it is for
the nourishment of a Danlel Websler of a
few years hence.
The following story of Ititskln, told by
en Kngllsh girl, is said te be strongly
acteristie : Uue of thn classes at Gliteu hail
Just completed Kuskin's "Stories of
Venlee," and, te show their appreciation
et the author's work, wrete him a " round
robin," thanking him for the pleasure his
book had given them. In a short tlme
each signer of the letter received a note
from Mr. Riibkiu, telling her that her
writing was a disgraceful exhibition of
girlish Ignorance, mid that she must write
three verses from the Ulble overy day for
a month, and then send her mamisciipt te
him; and the girls were geese enough te
Tin: FeiistiCKX I.v.v, by Anna Katharlne
Qreeu, author of "The Leavenworth Case."
"Ilehind Closed Deers," etc Itobert P I
nor's Sens, New Yerk. '
We de net Intend te tell the plot of " The
Fersaken Rin.U by Anna KatharlnoOreon,
for tliat means destroying the interest in It
for the reader. There are no flne rlddlesef
the human heart te read ; no portrayal of
diameter, but the whele pith of tlie book Is
eentied iu (he slew and gradual binding
of link te link in the chain or evidence
which solved the mystery that surrounded
the "Huppy-Ge-Lucky."
Anna Katharine lircen's description of
the inn tallies well with what the ancient
hostelry which Longfellow lias made se
famous might have been
,.,. ,, ': In the old colonial thus.
When mini lived In a cranilcr way
With ampler hospitality,"
Fnllke most of the authoress' femer books,
she plainly shows her hand it little tee
early In tlie giime, and if one lias net
already surmised the truth there would be
no doubt in the mind of the reader alter a
glance at a long, mysterious box, which Is
shown In one ofthe llrst Illustrations; this
In luymlud Is the greatest faults Iu an other
wise admirable book, but ethers might
claim that it is net as e.citlng a story as
the " Leavenworth Cae," etc., because
there is less of the shadowing detective
work, but one must remember that iu the
eighteenth century he had no Iuspecter
ltyrnes, and the people were often forced
te content themselves with the thought of
the old adage, " Murder will out."
Professer W. Preston Johnsten wrltes as
fellows of Oonejal Lee, as a cellege presi
dent nt Lexington. Re was "courteous,
kind and often rather playful iu manner.
We all thought he dofened entirely tee
much te the expression of opinion ou the
pait of the faculty, when we would have
profened that he should simply Indicate
his own view or desire. Olie character
istic of (leueml Lee I noted then and have
often recalled j I never saw him take an
ungraceful posture. Ne matter hew long
and fatiguing a faculty meeting might be,
he always preserved an attitude In which
dignity, decorum and grace were united.
Re was a very well-built man. with
rounded body and limbs, aud scorned,
without the slightest atl'ectatieu or effort,
te sit, or stand, or walk just as u gentle
man should. Re was noter iu a hurry,
and all his gestures were eusy and slgnlll
eaut. llogae a minute attention te tlie
details of his olllce, and llked te talk about
them. I seen perceived Unit he did net
like te discuss the events or incidents of
tlie war."
Suuiiniih'sMahazini: publishes extracts!
from the journal of ene William Hrisbaue,
"Ills stature," wrote llrls
bnie, " Is something below the middle slze
his complexion of a yellow, sickly hue, a
prominent chin, and his eyes a llttle tunk.
His countenance lias a melancholy, sorleus
cast. Yet, notwithstanding these disad
vantages, his face Is by no means liomely.
Re was burreundwl by a group of generals
whose brilliant uniforms rendered his plain
dress the mere conspicuous. Rxcept his
epaulets, his whele dress was perfectly
plain, without either loco or embroidery
He were his hair cut short, without peVder'
and a plain, cocked hat with a national
cockade. As seen aa he descended into the
courtyard be mounted a handseme white
teed, and Immediately set oft" full gallop,
Inspecting every corps, passina through
the lines, and receiving petitions, a num
bc'r or which were preented by the sol
diers. He is a very bold rider, but net a
very oed, and certainly an ungraceful
one. Frem his bad horsemanship (by Im
properly checking) he brought himself and
horse te the ground. He then dismounted
whlle the mud was washed off the peer
afilinul, but he dlsdalned changing his own
dress, and appeared at the levee after the
parade in his muddy uniform, where the
diplomatic corps and a number of sprucely
attired strangers Had the honor of being
thus received by him."
Tn k Cosmopolitan for June holds Us
high standard. Miss liisland's account of
the third stage of her Journey around the
world gives a charming glimpse of Japan
and proves that lady an easy master of
graceful prese. Very few magazine writers
can compare with her In descrlptive
Tin: AniA has many articles worth
careful reading and Us range of topics and
the dlversity of views advanced Is remark
able. It is a wide leap from Most te
Philips ISroeks, but the Arena takes It.
Fiiank'aMeNTni.T shows an ad
vance in quality and very careful editing.
There Is a grout deal of interest iu tills
bulky and profusely Illustrated popular
Why 1'lewliitf In Dlnlcult.
I'rein an Exchange.
The fanners llnd plowing very hard
work this spring. Three and four horses
are required te de the work ordinarily
dene by two. The reason undoubtedly Is,
that the ground lias net been frozen as
deeply as in ethor winters, aid thawing
failed te disintegrate the self te the depth
ern furrow. Instead of being pulverized,
tlie seli has been packed.
Van Heutf.n'b Cocea Pure, Heltihle Eco
nomical, fi)
Mark all the belles thnt grace the hall,
lllnndoer liruncttr, nili-fennixl or slight,
Anil slip, you'll find, traiiweiirtu them all,
Whose teeth nretlie most pnreiiml white
Whose toilet nuver knows tlie want,
Of the lctorleusHOZODONT.
' That Miss Jenes Is a nlce looking Rlrl, ln't
" Vs, and slmM bn tlie hello of th town If it
witsn't for ene tiling."
" What' that 7"
" Mho lias catarrh se Imil It lit unpleasant te
be near her. Hhe has tried n dozen things and
nothing hdcU her. 1 am nerry, for I like lmr,
but that doesn't make It any lcs disagreeable
for etic te he around lu-r."
New If she had lined Dr. Sage's Cutarrh item
ed', there would have liren nothing or the kind
sitfd, for it will cure catarrh every tlme
Would Have lluuu 8t Upen.
Had net Ilurdeck llloeil lliltera been a remedy
oriiiiqiietlenatilo merit they would have been
set down u lien by the nubile us th nisands or
iiinllcliics have been when their weilhlcssncis
wrs discovered. JJurtleck llloeil Hitlers have
received unquestioned praises from the sick,
thus establishing their merit beyond dispute.
Held Iu Ijincaster by W. T. Hech, 137 and 139
North Queen itree.t.
What In It Geed Ter
lAst us tell you what Dr. Themua' Electric Ol
Is geed for. It Is death te rheumatism and nun
ralgla. Itwlll curea burn, bite, or pain, and Is
equally geed rer sprains. Held In Umcaster by
V. T. Hech, 137 and l.'fi) North Queen street.
U' lift Unto.
Ti:i.ioieim Hicitviutw will be held
ki In tlie following churches euHiindnr, In
the morning at 10.30, iu the evening at 7:4". Hun
day school at 1:43 li. hi. When the Ueur Is dif
ferent it Is espeelully noted :
Nitw Ci I uitcM. Services and Sunday school
te-morrow morning at the usual hour, Iu Leng's
building. Ne. 10 North Queen street.
Divinh scrvlce en Heminy morning In the
Heckland street school building at 10 o'clock.
Huuduy tchoel at 2 p.m.
Kvanciklicai First Church. Ilev. 1. I'.
Lchr, pastor. Herman In the morning. Sunday
Bclioel atO b. in.
United Urktiirkn in Christ, Covenant.
West Orange and Concord streets. Itev. C. W.
HuUlrr, pastor. Praise service at 7:15 p. in,
Oi.ivkt IIaitist Church East vine near
Duke street. Ilev. M. Frayne, pastor, lllh
annltcrsary of Sunday school In the evening.
Instruct a exercises by the pupils.
Evangelical ciiukch. Itev. II.I). Albright,
pastor. Holiday school at 2 p. m. l'rayer and
praUu service at 7 p. in.
Hr. SrKniKN'H College Chapel. Services at
10:30 a. in. Hely Communion i III be ebtenrd,
Heriuen by Itev. Dr. J. It. Diibbs.
Ubiiirhku-Ht. LCKn'a Marietta avenue,
Ilev. Win. F. I.tchlltrr, pastor. Uiinday school
nt i: p. in. Hely Communion Iu the morning,
with sermon by Itev. T. (.1. IleLvre.
Ht. I'aui.'s lltFORMKn Itev. J. W.Mcmlnger,
pastor. Hely Communion lit the morning.
Hornien te Grand Army In the evening.
Grace Lutheran. Ilev. C.K. llaupt, pastor.
Herv Ices morning andevcnliig. Huiuluy school
nt 2 p. in. l'uster's Mate lllble class ntllii. in.
Chinch school as usual durlngthe week liven
ing svrvlce nt 0:30 p. m. Hely Communion
morning and evening.
Evangelical l.urnniiAN Sunday school
of Esuianui:!. North I'lne near Walnut ut2
p. m. Ne services en Thursday evening.
l'KESnvl BRIAN ilKJIOUIAL ClIUIU'll ftelltll
Queen street, Tliemas Thompseii, D. I)., pastor.
Sunday school nt 1:13 p. in.
Fliusr ltEt-ORMED. Itev. J. M. Tltzcl. D. D.,
pastor. Services te-morrow morning and eteii
Inc. Huy.'ay Fchoel at 1:15. The Comnmtileu
." '"iilnlsleretl both morning aifil ete-
Kir'iEitN.M. E. Church. Ilev. C. C. Clnrk,
pastor. Class meeting ut 9.30 it, in. Sunday
sclioel at 1:13 p. iu.
Cerucr of Orange and Mulberry streets. Service
In tlie German lunguage from 9:M te 10.15 a, in.
and from 0 te 7:15 p. in. Sunday school from
U::iOtel:45p. in.
Church or Gnu Cerner of Pilnce and Or
ange. Itev. J. II. Estarllne, puster, Sunday
school at 1:45 p. in.
ST. Jehn's Lutheran Itev. II. F. Alleman,
I). 1)., paster. Services at 11 a. in. In German
llefermed church, comer of Orange and Mul
berry street. Sunday school nt St. Jehn's ut2
p. in., andat Getwuld Memerlul Mission ut 2 p.
First M. K. Church Rev. S. M. Vernen. I).
P., pastor. Class meetings at t) u. in. Sunday
school ut 1:45 p. in. Trenching Iu Iho evening
bv tlie pastofKsen, Kev. 11. 1C. Vernen.
I ICiirist Lutheran. Ilev. E. L. Heed, pastor.
Suuduy school at 1:15 p. in. Communion ser
vice lu the morning; children's service tn the
Hr. SrEriiEN's Lutiifran Cemer of Duke
and Church street", Itev. E. Melster, juster.
Hely Communion lu the morning and evening.
Biuuiay scnoei;ai. n. iu.
I'nfcsnvTBitiAK. Ilev. J. Y. Mitchell, D. I).
Trimtt Lutheran. Itev. C. 1. Frv. imstnr.
Hely .'oiumunlen morning and etenlng. .Mis
sionary day In Sunday school, Synod begins
this week.
st. I'aui.'s M.- II Church Itev. E.C. Verkes,
pastor. U a. in. class. Sunday school nt 1:15 p.
in. Conversation meeting at il.MO p. in.
V M. C. A. Yeung men's meeting at 3:30 p.
in. Address by Ilev. J. Y. Mitchell, P. I)., en
"The Yeung Man, his Duty as a Follower of
Moravian. Rev. J. Max Hark, D. I)., pastor.
Whil-Munday Utility and sermon ; 2 p. m. bun
day school j ;U0 p, m. Hely Communion. Ne
evening service.
Vnn Heuten's haa Jlfty ptr cent, mere
of tlie flcsb-ferniitnj clemeuta of cocoa
tlitin is obtained liy tlie best processes of
etlier nianufacturers.
Van Heuten's
" Best and Gees Farthest."
Doctors ami analysts of tlie highest
HtiuHlitig all ever tb world, certify te
tills inimense Mtving, aud by Van Ilou Ileu
trn's special process only can tills lie
-Van HevtIiN'm Cocea i"once tried, al
wiys used ") lesjee the great udvnutage of
leaving no Injurious effects en Iho nervous sys
tem. Ne wonder, therefore, that lu all parts of
the wei Id, this inrtnter'i Cocea Is reconinieuded
bjynedlcttl men, Instead of leu and coffee or
e'ticr cocoas or chocolates, for dally use by
children or adults, haleaud sick, rich and peer
Ask rer VAXHecrcx'k and take no ether.
iuar2a-idd,Tu 4b
' or hiavy. ut short notice, l-e te JOHN
BEST. $U Kast Fulton elrccL W7-tfa
A NdwiWeman."
it has been said the body of & human being
li renewed once In cven years, but, strange te
nay, any foreign nibitance en It, suchaspim
jifrt, Mti, tumor; canetrt, etc., remain. The
reason Is that they arc diseases and are fed and
kept alive by Impure matter In the bleed, it
will lie seen at once that a cure can only be ac
complished by purifying the bleed. This be
ing done they die for want of support. Many
of the herbs te Ire found In the vegetable king
dom pessets the power te se cleansa the bleed,
and, when combined with certain vitalizing
chemicals nre a power for geed. That Brown's
Harsaparltla I such a combination none can
doubt after reading the following :
Meridex, Cerk., May P. 'S9.
Brown's Hariapnrllla Is unetpinled as a puri
fier, having used It In our own family. Very
Anna Richmond,
85 Newton 8t Merlden, Conn.
IIevkki.v, Mass., March 28, '89.
I will state te you that I have used Brown's
Pnrsaparllls und find It very beneficial as a
iprlng medicine, and have Just commenced
with It ngaln this spring, and most cordially
Brown's Sarsaparilla
All at Druggist! 91 .00. fl bottles for S.OO.
DON'T take Henicthlng else "Just a geed," IT M NOT.
Aha Wakrkn A Ce., SoleVreprletors, Banger, Me. (5)
rJULADEl.rHlA, Saturday, May 24, 1890.
Have you noticed hew wide
awake and full of new thought
every corner of our Misses'
and Children's Clothing store
is? When the season started
we told you something of the
doings there. Only the begin
ning. Every week since there's
been fresh brightness and
sparkle. The things you see
are net weak echoes of ether
people's thoughts : they're in
the forefront of the Fashion
precession novel, original, and
never with the use side lest
sight of.
Graduation and Confirma
tion Dresses are in delightful
These of White Lawn with
plain tucked skirt, plaited
waist, Hamburg trimmed, with
full sleeves, are 4.2 5 14 and
6 year sizes.
Better, richer, finer, in ex
quisite styles, up te as dainty,
filmy, dream-like creations as
you'll care te see.
The Gretchen groups were
never mere graceful. Novel
ties by the dozen. Here's one
with a dashing zeuave jacket ;
another has a shirred yoke,
neck and sleeves ; another has
accordion skirt, draped sleeves
and plated waist front ; yet
another has the waist trimmed
with rosettes of ribbon velvet.
Guimpe Dresses are legion,
and something prettily out of
the common about every one.
Sailor Suits of course, and in
lovelier makeup than you've
been used te seeing. Fast
bljues run from $3 for 4 year
sizes te $5.50 for 16 years.
One of the cutest of the sim
pler styles has waist of solid
color, striped skirt, with cellar
and cuffs te match the skirt.
Half an hour, or even ten
minutes, among these pretty
things would surprise and de
light almost any mother.
Second fleer, Chestnut street.
All the Summertime Dresses
for women : Black Net, White
Net, Printed Indias, Surahs,
Cleths, Ginghams, Challis, and
a charming selection for outing
wear mountain, seaside, or
quiet rural nooks. Ne worry,
no fret ready te put right en.
Tea Gowns and Wrappers.
Pretty stuffs, comfort-coaxing
shapes. Assortment complete,
from neat chintz at $1 te lux
urious cashmere beauty-dyed
and lavishly bedecked.
Second fleer, Chestnut street.
Jehn Wanamaker.
J Special Ilirtles.
Seinl-inentblv. TeurUl
in'piugcurK. 1 neaprnies. Meuineru riicincce.
Address, K. HAWLKY, AsslstuM :Oenerat
Trallle Manager, 3W Broadway, New Yerk :
It. J. SMITH, Agent, III S. 3d St., l'hlla.
J Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren,
Burden's Rivet iron, Hivcls, Het and Celd
Heller Iren, steel. Sheet Iren 3-10 te Ne. ltl, at
JOHN BESTS. KB East Fulton street. iiVMfd
cock Inspiraters und Electors, Ebermaii
Heller Feeder, I'enbei thy Inspector. American
Lijecters, all lu stock, nt JOHN IlhST'S, SH
ljislFulteiiktrect. mT-tld
T S6Tt" "horizontal STATIONARY KN
" glues, from 'J te b0 herse-pen er, and Verti
cal Kiigtucs from 'J te 40 horse-power, you will
find them at JOHN litis TH, 3JS Fust Fulton
Acts as Assignee, Exccutjr,Guardlaii,Agen t
etc. Rents Reses In Its Fin) and Burglar l'roef
Steel-Vault. Stores Valuables at moderate
"' "' Nes. SO aud SS NORTH QUEEN ST.
11 that an application trill be made te the
Gov erner of Penusylv aula ou Wednesday, J line
II, IS'K), at 10 e clock a. m by tl. K, .Murtlu,
Eugene G, Smith, Ames Zelgler, Jehn II. Um
die, Walter it. Frauklln, under the Act of As
sembly, entitled "An act te provide for the In
corporation nud regulation of certain corpora corpora
liens." npproted April JO, 171, and the supple
ments thereto, for the charter of an intended
corporation, te lis culled " The Morning News
Company," the character aud object el which
Is the transaction of a 1'rliitlug und Publishing
Business ; and ler these purposes te have, pos
sess and enjoy nil the riglits. benefits unit pilvl
leges of said Act of A winlily und supplements
thereto. T.B. HOLAIIAN,
m yl7,!!l.3IJe7d Solicitor.
JY NewljiwiislyiislniiLANOASTKRUlKi!.
recommend It te all people having any disease
of the bleed.
Mas. Radar (1 Btevbss,
Ne. 40 Hlene St., Beverly, Maw.
Mr. Geerge W.. Llttlefleld, of Orrlngten
Maine, says t
By Using
Every woman may have new lire and vigor by
using Brown's Baaaparllla.
Me Weman having Kidney trouble, accem.
panted with theso deep pains ncreu the back,
drawing down pains, dizziness, restless sleep,
etc., can expect eomfert In this life until the
canto be removed.
This cause U disease of the Kidneys, and can
only be reached through these organs. Mrs. W
P. Herrlck, or Olenburn, Me., was se afflicted,
and sought various channels for help. Hear
lng of Brown's Baraaparllla she tried It, began
te rally at once, and te-day enjoys geed health.
Brown's Harsaparllla Is peculiarly adapted te
Kidney Disease.
Opera Slippers
At 48c, 55c, 69c, 75c, 90c, $1, $1.25,
$1.50, $1,75, $2, $2.25, $2,50,
$2.75, $2.90, $3.
40 East King St.,
Large White Potatoes
Wholesale and Retail,
'8, 17 E. KING ST.
The Geed Housekeeper
And Get Our Extremely LOW PRICES for
Ochs & Gibbs,
(2d, M A. Ith Fleer,)
will be kerted every mernlnc from OtelifO.
JltiPiHTt'K Celebrated Beer drawn from the lire.
Te iroe tlie Kivnl sneeem achieved by
it'eiitha, v islt the Cellece and Uxik at our reclo recle
ler; lx'Ulf,ourceinM' is rnr kiieilnr and bet
ter ud.inted te attain leiifixHl ihi-UIeii.
W. I). MOSSER, Prill.,
1(1 North tjueen HU.'At fleer, Laueafcter, Pa.
In All the World there li but One Cure.
It ean bu given in a cup of coffee or tea, or In
artleleaef finxl, without the knowledge or the
patient, ir nece'.wiry ; It U absolutely harmless
ami will eileet a pennauent and speedy cure,
whether the patient U a mrKlerate drinker or
an aleohello wtccIc. IT NEVER FAILS. It
operates te quietly and with such certainty
liint the patient undergoes no Inconvenience,
and ere he ta aware, hU complete reformation Is
effected, ii pate book or particulars Tree.
(II A. A. LOCHER. Uriiklfltt,
Ne. 9 1-Jibt King St., Laucaklcr, Pa.
The Common Sense
The Common Sense,
Bargain SaleThis Week
13 East King St.
Trimmed Hats A Benni
At Remarkably Lew Prleei Tbli Week.
HaU at $2.00;
Had at 18.60;
Hats at tt.00 ;
worth HOP.
worth UM.
worth Mm
worth r.00.
worth 18.00.
worth 10.00.
worth 110.00.
These hals are all the very latest, Bnt Qnalitl
straws and l.acx.
New Fresh Ooedn, and Just made. Ne old i
shop-worn goods.
Straw Shapes.
Every shape, every color and every quality
straw can always be found en enr Hat Coun
We place en sale this week fiO doten Chlnl
Milan Hats, ln all shapes, at lac each.
75 dozen Swiss Milan Hat at S8c, 48c and
each, every color and every shape ; Small HaU
or Large Hats.
M dozen Flne Vandyke Straws, every nvi
shape, at isc cacn.
25 dezen Large Leghorn Flats at 4Sc eachl
north 51 at wholesale.
60 dozen Large Black Chip Flats nt 73e eachl
worm !..
GO dozen Black Leghorn Flats at 87c eaenl
worm li.oe.
Children's Hats, Trimmed and Untrlmm
at price far below what you have been ln
habit or paying.
Freneh Flowers.
Fine Imported Flowers, In sprays and lenl
wreatns, at. iu, iz, 15, S3, S7, , 0'J, 73, 87 and M
each, much less than what tbe goods cestt
We wish te Impress upon our patrons that t
are net ettering any of last year's styles or anl
eid or sol lea goods ns bargains. . I
Our goods are all new and fresh, latest style
and bestquallttcs. 1
Everything ln the Millinery Line below Reg J
lar rrice,
Ne. 13 East King St
mr27-3md8AF LANCASTER, 1A
fPvu (GdObB.
Fer Bargains.
Ne. 14 West King St.
EverythingSeld At andBelowGesl
at(15c,75e,l,ll.,tl.75,t.',2.S'')iip le 110 pel
Cream and Colored Scrim Curtain MaterhJ
iiuiu uu w mv per uiu.
One let Summer Silk reduced fremGScaiil
7&e te 40c- I
One let Summer Silk reduced from fl anJ
ji.i iu me iiiiiieriii price ei 70c per yarn.
One let Solid Colored Hllks, regular prlee, 761
uuu ci, leuueeu 10 uue anu tee
All uur 81 Colored Satlucs reduced te 65c.
All our 75e Colored fc'atlncs reduced te 10c.
Full llncnf WhllitUeiKlx In LInen De Indel
Checks, Stripes, PlnliU, Figured and Cordeil
Piques, etc, Irum fie te 50c fcr yaid, I
Financings mid KmbreMcrles gsnerally in all
u miiis, ireni te jjixryitiu.
Blnck Silk Ijh-e FIiiuiicIiick. Nets. Bruinluhl
1'reiich ami Eheurlal lances, lu Cream und Hindi
ul an prices.
25 East King Street,
Steam and Hydraulic Packtng,AtbestRepe I
Woven anil Wlclt Packing, Hemp Packing, Ab'l
teles Mill Rnanl. Acbestes Cement, Asbestei.l
niiruiiiiiiK.iiuin i-acKincr.uum lungs lervvaieii
Gauges, PlumluKePacklin;, Heed's Patent AklJ
ni'kuw, j.iiuii .suciieimi iiiw cover, euuiira
-:?. .Mh