rrwHttaswsr, rn.q.' he'. fcjpr'-Vi.vjTrn,' v; rZSwT;-- Hlfe LANCASTER DAILY 1J8LLIGENCEB, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1S90. 5 t-i RT-2&. idW s -Ti 6." ! CAGED WOMAN WES. ! .feL KmtiMitf lis. mm nmt ill ?. wa Vf til MR EMM. I v'V r IK jBwvy H.ivwv r J A iMMNt of Columbia Titty Years and WMew of Henry Mann The Cheral : l "" Society's Third Concert. !U i COLUMBIA, May J3.-Mrs. Anna Mann, sjrfstowefthclaUilIoiir.v Mann, died last tatl o'clock, at llie home of beraen, m.Tr. Mann, en Lancaster avenue need GO Eaniim., Her death was caused by general rJltMUtrtlMtng nick for the past two years iwHOennnmiu Ltit iui mu wwfcmu ia. Mrs. Mann is an out resident or baring lived here for tbe past 60 EJriMa. Twe cbildren, ll. t. Maun and Flu, Win. Hinkle, survive Tbe funeral fm&l -ht held en Sunday afternoon at 8 vetoes from Saleme U. It. cbnrcli. J.fffA MkAa ItAilaa aaai 4a !! tuill flllful : iMt avaalna at the third grand concert tff the Columbia Cheral society. The Cheral aMseera about nny voice, unuer the Up of Mr. Walter Oausnian, of m reUnlst. The rendition of each ter of the programme was very credit- aba aeiigiitca tee amiicnce. the Ma were accorded hearty applause. were com nclled In everr instance te iHrMMmnd te encores. The pregramme was follews: fci wiee, " nusuc ueqiicue, " vuoraiaeciciy; Msasole, "Tbe Twe Uronadlera," Mr. . Mauling 5 duet, "Springtide," Mrs. Gocrke and Miss May; a. lalles' trio, "Cradle -BOOB'. " 0. nan reiik. "ine varavan. " ;.Cheral society; tenor sole, "Star of My -jiean, " Air. urennuns laaimv me, -new ha Gondolier. " MUses Heek, l'urple, S'wttit- cj.t..i.. .,... fAM K.lii. C1......1....... f ,and Rebecca Sauber: sole and chorus, 1 A" spirit immortal," Mrs. uturkc, Mr. fDrennan, Dr. Mifflin and Cheral ; jiart en?, "Meeting nna J'arting, " ciierai oeiety: sole, "The Message," Mrs. V3(ricM tuM ln Tlin Oumii'a Hussar, t' -Mrs. Bmallng ; ladles' trio, " In Sprinjr Sprinjr 'Umej"duet1 "On Messy Hanks," Mr. -TlrnnAn nml Mrs. flnirlte 1 irlce. "TIlO ' ACarnevale, " Cheral society. ft Th rnmnln of Miss Annla Elliunlte. of k Marietta, wcre brought te town this inerii-tf-liw and taken te Helv Trlnilv C'nthellc V-nti awli uttierA enrlinta ii'rtTTik lwtlil . Mlir I'-.f Sacred Heart Sodality, of which the de- Er;-: ceased was a tneinber, attonded the funeral ,5 jna oeny. j The Friday nlcht aaaenibiy will meet te- "h sight at the home of Mlsi IaIIUi Sour- '&1eer. t The rumor that Congressman Uresliii fie naasnnt te thn rtlnercnt cnnulilatr.i ter tun glfjBcetrnaster a letter sugtlng that they get W "$ A reception was held-' last night at the r.ft.aeme or Mr. ana .Mrs. .lelin llllgcrt, wnicli fttv-Waa largely attended nml a pleasant nflair. tf!V Un WltlUm Hhrwli nml anil. IVn.ib ,,f W West Va.. are the miesis of Smilre Sainiiel f V: Evans. Hfr lii A Ijirara Wttddlnir In Harrlsluri7. ptf: Tn Harrlaburg last evening HaininendlC. ;iwycr was iziurrieu w nxinn JAiuisa V. L .KUlmr. dntitrhtnr nf Charles !'. Slnhnr. Tim ' ceremony took place at thebrldb's home i vinn wit iwrriirmm nv kuit. iir. n. i. 1111. "X'burt. A lawn liuinher of frlenrls nnd rnln. ,' Vtlves wero present Including Mr, nnd M rs. . Philip lllsslncer. of HcadliiK: Mrs. II. at 'Miller and MlssOnlta Mlller. .Mr. andMre. W$iCiia. Mlllcrund Miss Klizabeth Ilrlinmcr, KSgref LMiieaster, and J!r. Cepp, of Uroeklyn, lii x. xue uappy coupie leu en tun 1:10 'train this ineriilmr en n bridal trln te .S'mv i; Tferk and Bosleu. vw !fl A I'ncknxe Party. M . Last avenlner Kulton Cemwll rif Klnnm r Engineers held n packnge party, for which (vuieynaa neon maxing nrrnnirotnems rer i "3'anmfi tlme ruift. In Jehn I Helnlthh'H hull llati North Queen street. A number of j$ articles were chanced off mid tliu tickets i wwiin voe louewiug ugurcs capiureti liicm : V St with 11,'tr.t Nn "117 Ml.i ri.mifi r2cnll' I'we geld-headed cane, with Ne. 751; Mls4 fdlda Qesell. silver caster, with ticket Xe. :s7. After the drawhu thore was dancing, 'iand It was enjoyed until a late hour. fg - - 1 ttBULr. Ilia A tn lata, ... . .ue .. .... UJB'le Clark, a nlne-vear-eld son of ZZZZMbyM w. Clark, local deliverynmn, wns aewMUi aiecic yaws yosteruav allernoen. 'J-He waaailtlngonnfenceand inadeajump ' inralch tlin llinhnf a Iren. Ifn inlkml liia --jkeld and foil, breaking ene of his armn, vwrnivu rr. , w. uyum nuwiuill. fi ! ' - - . '.'v Her 87th Birthday. ' Mrs. Anna, wife of William Ualtz. nftlm .McQrann beuse, celebralrd lier 37blrlli(lay , .geajnunklay. nor relatives nml a large s- riiumber of frlendH were lumdsomelv euter- vtltained in honor of thoevent. She was the Bit i(ni.wH'isu. mm tuniJjr wubiijt iiin. . iMlnnnl r .... .t..l.. ..!... f ? An Inter-County Bridse. : -i'.'t The coininlsslenhm nf fjtin-jtutnr nml .'.:: Chester counties mnt mi Tlinrmluv nt .Voed'e Fnrdlnir. ever the Ooter.iro. be. tween Llttle Britain tewnsliip, this county, j'f&ghd West Nottingham, Cliester county. fHDviijwiei uie meeiiug was 10 consider the necessity for an liitor-eeniily brldge at jCg,Uls point. It was tlnally docided te build fl WOedAn hrlllcrn UMnnllntn (tilu b,,..,i.a Slfcw ' " -.... - .v.. m Iu Town. James F. Sherrv. ill ftnn Hum mn nf IIia SJ best-known theatrical managers, who has f ninny iriunus in ljancnsier, was liore le- a: ay. e is new couuecieti wim me uutier 'A publishing house, and will shortly start in ue same Kind or iniHlncis for himself. S Mayer Jehn A. I'ritcliey, or llarrlsburg, J'waa In town last evening en n short visit. The Plnhliiir Seasen.,,. The bass nnd salmon Msbluir season com- k,-jnciifes ou May 30. and the fishermen ure Palready malting preparation for the opening .&uiy. Ills beloved that salmon ilsU'ne 1!) 'Z 'l'H ""miner nnd .'.-e'catflsti fcViVwr: ' "i'tu tne rivviia from Ki. Iu nnwnr-lfsliLi Ju ii ....1... V bffi The llunavraya Ird. the Heme. 'ji , lurciui .unuver auu i. j. Ji'iyen wail V4 man Tt-ern i.f.nt. linrnr.. Dim cnn.i tn.,1.... 0A by Alderman Uarr for belnn liu-orriglble. gg The testimony showed thai these boys fCv. ran awav frnm Dm flillil -',, 1l.,,.,n e.,.i were arrestei near the Nlckel Mines. Kjr Conever home te his relatives. The court an i. B -a me uuuiu uiuiiatjuia uruiiiiiii iiiii:i' in Hdiin tv will te-morrow hear Wultmau, with a vlew W' of sendluir him te the IToiike of KeI'iiim. if JJ' the evidence shall warrant It. p.i- w i-' A Mnu 1 alu roil. About neon te-day while Frank Jeseph tSprechnle was riding en n frelght train a near iue Dig bridge, the feet or his left leg crushing it at the tees. Sproeliule is 10 :r. jwiuiuf;i3uiiu uiuu ma w3- 10 l una- P .lnlt..ln IT 11 . rrn .. t 'ft "vliJ1"'. -iiu iivuH rear 01 iuii rairmeuni "tin UVellllO. The inavnr (.nut. Iilnilnllinivinnlv hospital for treatment. A Soldler'N Viiueriil. The funeral of Khihih.1 ll .lmnu I....L- J place this morning from his residence, Ne. S 421 North Cherrv streal. uml uu .iit,.n,l,.,i by representatives of tlin leealGraud Army tjglS Pests. The remains were taken te New gs i"reviuence en me v:j) train. Wti .. . . .. r.coiieuiit'nl J.inlles Ms Oe te Uie Ilou Ten Millinery Stele, 13 lint 53. Jt,D 'reeu inc greai earfnlus in straw -jjr. nuaptw, liunne, icuiiivit liuuuiin ttHU IHCe U j keeping th llouTea very busy Just new. Glve R them a call and leulc ut the new Btjlenjuare- vs.ivu, iityxi'Sui - .. . -. tt wok uenurmen Only. Museum of Anatomy ;-j wm open ni jie. uvntre B'juare, Tuctday, fL May 27. mayae-lmd -. Theoceh coaches aud parlor cars lictirecn i'if wriuure nu uosiea via iicaumg railroad ! . !. and Pouihkecnale Uil Je reule. ('emmcnnini- iU Monday, the JethlnsU, u Uireujh eiprew. ser. I-Sevlce between Barrltburg and Jioslen via the f 'A Beading railroad, Central It. It. of New Jersey. , vi'Ihlxh tt Hudteti. OrauzeCeuntr.Central NVw IVBagland it Weittm, New Yeik, New Haven A ;.-""" anoueuiou a: Maine railroads, will lie ;;iiLiwiw. iurj mm icaviug llarrlabiirg, AMeadtmr railroad station, at 6:2 a. m. week- .irm. tuiA rtni1lriir K-nii n m u-lli i.... A i.- . t tfr T - -- www w., ..u, n.,, ,u viiiuiivii ' jceacbea and fulimau parlor cars te lloten via j: the above named route. Iteturulne train with ' kJ through coaches and ar!or cat will leave Ite. (.' tea (Uoateu A Maine H. It., Cuiuenuy sticet : fjr depot) at fcOO s. m. for HarrUburg. ltd T-,, lutereittlnK te J.udle. f' Til Qreat Trimmed Hat nnd IIeiiiiai sl.i l't Thrt tn TrtM afllllnnw. Ulr ITi t-. 1' .. i .... v-wt .HM u.,...v. J .-..vtc:, .1. va. Cill; .;hjih, is aiiracung great niuullen. 'I lie lien Tn it apt ly and the ladles are drlluhtcd at , ne irgjni tt,ey ure getting and the bmutlful ,avte-u-fiy.4, luyil-Hi Iter. James P. Acker, of Philadelphia, will preach en Bnnday, May th, at Brownttewn at 10 a. m.; at Carpenter's church at 2 p. m. Fnn the latest dealt nsilnKnlthMTereplar and Lu in Temple Cards go te the Ixtkli.ieesct.r Ofneci Bend In orders In time for Leck Haven. mP-tfd Marriarie. Macklkv H AlKRS Mar 2, 1890, at the par- senncn of the Klml ItefermiMt church, lAnrae-tr-r. Vn hy Itev. Jehn M. Tllael, V. D Hcv. Jehn K. irfsckley. M. I)., le Miss Annle li. Haines, tteth of Maytown, Incaster county, 1M. ltd . i Sleuth. Uhuce. May 22, lne, In this city, Amanda H llartholemcw llruce. In her nrty.flrsl year. The relative nnd nlcndi of the family nrc re- pecirtilly Invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence. e. MB Hen in ucen sirrei, en Ksturdayancmoennt.'X o'clock. Interment ul Woedwaid III I cc: hcsKnicr. Ittttfu clty,Ruan K.Itpcdlct, ilsiiBhlctof-Oeerge W. and Muwn ii-nenici, in hpHTfh year. The relatives and friends of the family, also the empleyes of the caramel factory, arc rc spcctrully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Ne. 23S Church street, en Hunday afternoon at two o'clock. In. terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td WIAavhtU HtoeK Mnrketa. Uuotatleus ly Meed, MeUraun A Ce., bankers LAUCJUiier, in. MW YOIIK LIST. 11 A. H AtclilMm,TeriBantaFe Canada I'aclnc. U O. O. A I. Colerado Cecil 12 M. 8 P.M. Uentral l'acinn , Canada Beutlieru.... Chi. HI.L.4 l'bg . Den. A Hln (1. Del. U A W Krle Krle 2ud ........... Jer C ............. K.AT Len. A N K Hhere .... Mlrb.Cen ....... Mlsaenrl l"ncinc fleck. Valley N. 1. - N. 1". l'ref. ..... N.West- -..... N.Y.O ray, (( ID w ivn.i lMU lllJ 76" inf. , imiv? eiH 1W T7J 8.'ii r.i NewKnglanit Kaat Tennessee av,i Omaba...., .......,- . Oregon Tranacentlnental.. t 4W Ontario A W- VI S3 Pacino Mall Richmond Terminal Wi ML Paul TT: Texas l'aclflc art Uiilen Pacific 7U VI? HTJJ HrtJ W AIHMU III1.,........... Wabash l'rr. Western U - WestHbnre llends. rmi.Aiiiti.riiiA list. Ih. Val. .... , -. II. N. Y. A l'liila i! Pa. It. It. x-u, 11. ";) Heading. -. . Klir m Ijkii, rav Htislenv. I'aut I'. A It ..... N.Cent. - Peeples 1'kks. Hdg 4's K, Oil . - K, Philadelphia, rrodiieo Market. I'llII.ADKl.l'UIA, May I.-Noen-Klotir quiet; 1'enn'a supers, 12(Ai2H3: extra. :iOHdM.S5; family, .1UM37J; roller, ft mvdi, fO; pHteut, .r)10C5W. Wheat steady ; Ne. 2 Hed new, lUiiJItla J Ne. 2 Pa. de, Me. Ceruiptlet; Ne. 2, new, ; J He J old, Wii Oats steady S Ne. 2 White Vic.j Ne. 2 mixed, IMiOt-lle. limn dull; Winter IlliWaieOO, HprlngI5(W e,b 2Ti. Iluled hsy dull ; I10MWH (K) as te eimllty ; timothy IiinOenlS HO for rlioleo: mixed, fu ill ; baled rye straw, new, I8C0i2I OJ. Ilutter dull; l'eiiu'a creamery extra HV- 17e : Penn'aflrstseslrH, IRe: Jelililng, l8ia2l. Ijeiallriu; Peiin'a Amis, lljirc; livid lets, llrtir:, as te quality, OhvcM) dull; part skims, (V$?e; hill staluis l2c. Petroleum llrni ; refined In bbls., $7 10. rntatoeiilull : ROrittTia ncr bus. us te quality. drain mm i-rovlsleua FurnlHlied by B. K. Yuudt, Ilreker. CuicAiiu, May 1, liue e clock p.m. Wheal. Cern. OiiU. Perk. Uircl. May June July irn; Aiu;usi.. Kiilcmter.. -. December Yenr - Crude Oil-Julie. lilH Head, lU-cel pis Hogs IlccelKls-C'attlp... 11, 0U0 Closing Prices 2:1ft o'clock p. ni. Wheal Cern Outs, f'era. Lard May - .... June - July-; 'Wi - Aucilil Hepti'inber. October enr , Consels .......:-. Crude oil-March - tujj Jtctu SVtittcvttocmcute. IIKAI,-l'UHK''llYl-:WIIIHKIISi, HI.ACK berry, (linger aud Kummel llrandlts. IIOUHEH'B L1QUOH HTOUK, Ne. 22 Centre Hituare, 7"ANTED-A HUH TUllNEKr)NBTrANT II vmpiu;meni, at Al.KltKI) DILLEIl'B. ltd North Water and Unneii His. rpwe come ctrrTEHH wanted at no. M. sij norm iniiusirici, rnnmu'iiiuia inZ2-2td HAMUKL rn i: tirANTED-A OIIIL WANTB B!luS7 llenua Child's Nurse. Annly at 11 r;iwl. OIlltlrirjAN BT. "VTEW LINEOK PIPEK-UKNIVNKOLIVE, .! Preuch llrlurand Mecrnchtum, freni 2rc te '. All the Ix-adlng HnuMa e( ftmeklng Tobaccos. DEMUTirHCIOAHBTOHE. IHEaHlKlnestreeU als-tfdlt T HIE YOUNU LADIES' MIHSlONAHY BO- clclr of the l'reabyterliiu Church will held Mrawncrry i-rsiivai lu tlin iccture room of .rre church en Thursday nnd r rluay evcuIuks, May 22 aud free. 1. All uru Invited, :d Ailiulshlen, tn2.2tdWdK tTTEIWTEH'H LATEST" HKVIBKD 1)Ic- V tlenary fertl If ordered befere Juiin 1st. HcKtilar prkii will bu $4. This Is the best and largest tiud lltct work of any Dictionary. Per particulars addrea at ouce JOHN O, V.OOK, Lllltx.Pa. iiijSI-lwdAttw B ICCI.ES.-rIIEl'01tK 1IUYINO witni: formvlJitaleiieaiidL'etiiivsei'fiiiil.Iluiitl j.ihi, iiiiviiik ine eeii e.irg.iiu in huh eeuuin. Alae. TypeiWrller and Urnau?. finuilniuln-r 'Inudcm, Reed as new, J7e. and ether barualiu lllie It. JOHNCI, Z.OOK, injIS-OtdAltw Lltltz.I'a. "a'bbienki) e-jtate ok j. ii. Esirr;:j. JX. aliade .t Ben, ei BalUbury township, Lau caster county, Pa. The iindcrilcnwl mull I or, appointed te dlslrlliiite the balance remaining In iholiamUer l'etcr Derslieluu'r, asslunce, te aud aiueni; these irually entitled te Hie same, will sit for that puriHiie en Tuesday, June 17, 1SW, nt lOe'elucI: ti. in., In the Llbnuy ltoem of Hie Court Heuse, lu tbe city of Uuicastcr, where all pcrsuua luter.-sted In said dlstrlbu dlstrlbu tleuiiias ailend. W. II. UOl.AM), luy2J-lliU2tr.' Auditor. HOI KIBHKH.MEN l-THE HASS CAM imlgn ulllsiMin In-kIii. We nre eihmiIiii; up ihu finest let of Tackle, enibriulm; the net bargains In Heds, Lines, Itctls, lliMiks, llasketa uud .Skx)u Trolls In the mat kut. Imk up your old rtxts and ace what meiinlluus you iutiI. 'e have a full variety of Ferrules, Uuldvs, Tips. Heel heats, Hull Cutis, Ac. 1'HAILEV'H KANT END PIIAHMACY, (OpiMHilte latern .Miirlict). 44-Tuke Krulley'HS.irsaparllla CemiHiund for thethubliKMl. SOlmiuiIII, mAv.PAw J7STATE OP NANCY" HUHEH, "LTBOP li UincastiT city, Pa., deeeiiMil. letters of udiiilnlstr.itlen ou mid nlatii lunliiK been Krautrd te tbe underslifued, all M-rsens In deblrtl tlivrcle are requektcd te make linnio linnie dlate payiueut, and llioeo luivlutf chilins or de inanda uKulnst tbe kiiiiic, "111 present them ullliuut delav for M-ulcment te the under sIriuhI. JAMKS lUIlth'lt.I.nii.intcr (,'lly, w.m. m.cenyn6ham, . . Admtnlfctruters. Ciias. I. LANnts, Attorney. jniWl JK rANIKD.-KVEin" iieuhekek"pi:h in V l-nii'utcriiiid Mclultv te knew ilia two hae added te our large sleck or IUeiIits a New llraud, called THE W1TJIINSTEH Gelden Maracaibo Coffee. And In order thai Ibis colfee gets Introduced lu this acctlen of tbe country we are clviim away free a line let of Bllerwar,eiiitlriui: or Napkin Itlugs, Bugar BiKen, Table bpoeiu. Uutter knives and Large Knives and Kerku, all efBheltleld manufacture. One piece with each nnd every pound. This brand Is a delicious table beveruge. It is double the strength of Mecha or Java colfVeand prupairdcxpressly fur blgli-tened trude, nnd belm; used largely by ull of the finest hotels in New ierk aud ether large cities, aud Iho price Is se low that It brings 11 In reach of every )orsen. Kemciiiber, we have the tlneat brands orreirces lu the state, nnd our prices are lower than the lowest, quality con sidered. We have ut 12K, 15, 18,20,22,23, 25, 27, . .: . ...'...-.. ." :r: : V"- r. . -. llargulnt In Dried Krults, Peaches, Aprlretk I'ruiua, I'runcllak, Ac. ul from three te live eents x.r pound lesi than same quality can be bought ni elsewhere, Samuel Clarke, Agt., Tea. Coffee and Grocery Htere. b, ou mm vj L'cuia ijvt lmiuiiu. 1 Laucwler, Pa, . gtrtu bttertlcement. J. II. MAltTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Quecnsware Department 1 Toilet Sets. ice Toilet Sets in English Ware, finely decorated, at $1.98 a set. 50 extra large size English Toilet Sets, decorated, at $3 a set. 1 5 New Decorations of lesse Dean's Toilet Sets, without or without slop jar, from $4.90 te $25 a set. Glass. A novelty in Flower Herns, Crystal Glass, 50c each. Thin Crystal Glass Tumblers, with 5 different patterns of engravings at 60c a dez; regular price 1.25. Japanese Ware. We purchased the sample line of the Kan Sai Trading Ce., New Yerk, and the entire line is en display. Ne two pieces the same shape or decoration. This entire line will be sold at half the regular price. After-Dinner Cups & Saucers. One let French China re duced from 25 and 30c te 17c each. Anether let reduced from 75c te 8c each. New line at from 75c te $5 each, in Royal Worcester, Coalport and Bel leek China. Sterling and Plated After-Dinncr Spoons in rich de signs. 0 J. 13. MARTIN & CO., Cor. J Vest King aud Prince Sts., IjANUAHTKK. pa. 1 KEATIIAIKIAINB. GREAT BARGAINS IN SHOES -AT- HieTvreisz's. CMlldrce'N DongelHHiirlugIIfPllluttonHlio'i, slie 1 te H, IK' ; 7C ll te 11, (Kc. Beys' I.mcciukI lluttonSlieea, T.V.VOe and 11. Iiilles' Opera Hllppers, Vt and W centa. ljullcs' Oxford Ties, Tan or Dongeln, 75 cents Men's Belld leather Mhecs, Ixice or Cengieis, ll.ne. Inranl's Bliecai, 23 cents. Hula r Tl p Hhees for Heys, 75 cents. bluK-s el all kinds ul icduced prices. Jehn Hiemenz, NO. 07 NOVTII UUEEN BT. OTHENUTHI HKAUTYI DUHAIIILITY I Youths' Butten and Lace Shoes. riieK are Shoes or very line gr no knew or no ethers ke line In Lancas ter. Tim nuwent and most failileuable tliapcN. Tliechkf roaturt'Seftliehut;oiU are solidity of uerkumnxlilp, ucatuees and purfccllnu el lit. Tlicyme madueu Illicit impreMMl IiikU, rliapinl In strict conformity with llioeutllno of tbe feet, cnalillni; It te ruutu Its natural form without in nil UK' btinleni, corns or oilier hurl. The uiiH'rs and bottoms ure llrsl cuts from llie skill uud lilili both Icatbcrs or a superior Uinunte. All ucak and teurliu;ioliitsdeiitilyatri'iiKlb'iiril. Wuhuve them In all li'UKlhs uud lu dlf ri'icnt wliltlis iiariew, iiuilliim and wide. Pour dltleri'iit Hum te advertise today. Ne. 1 A liauUkoine Dies Hheu but ton only. Uppers cut from ery flun AiucrlriiuCiiirHklu; lltted.ktlU'licdiind trlmmi'd excellently. Pits snugly, and 111 net tin faulty lu service. Ne. 2 1'lne Kunciiroe Btirlnc Heel Shoes button only, lluttcns sewed by lMn (MMlcnr process neater, nnd asstrenk liTrxvry vvny as the beat band sewed work. itrr Iboreuuhly well made throughout, the tees being ornamented with nrcttr uatent leather tips Tim ltv. These finest Youth Hbees lu the city. nm $.1 a pair. Ne. -The Calf Bklu Bprlng IIwI But But eon Mines at r50. Btlish. attractive. dii say, durable. The weiring qualities of these Justify tbe cost te buyers. They 're icver vtreng in uiui rcsixvi. Ne. 4-Klue Calf Skin Bliees, billion or lace, at 2. Excellcul mrades of leather lu iijiiers uud bottom ateck. Exiimlnii Exiimlnii tlen NUlUcrs te eeuvtnctt ene of this fact. 'Hint's all for the present about hlgb pilccdand tbe finest makes of Youths' Bboe . We have readers who'll want clicaper kinds. We have them, of course. Hew will 7Se a pair answer 7 At that price we Imvean excellent sben for tliu money; can't be mulched an) vvbere. hboe crltlei admit tills. Ami se Hie prices go, 31, tl.23 ui. Many kinds te pick from, loe. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 Neitl'II qilKKN KTHKI5T, IjANCAB TKK. I'A. T HE1BVB. Flags ! - Flags ! -ren- DECORATION DAY. BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA, Nothing like ll ever offered. Bee iUuiiimfr fur mere detailed description. Alse se .Vu LVe for bargains lu Canned Meeds and Dried r'rults. Always bear lu luliul that we are HEADQUARTERS l-'OH MKAT8, SAI.TIU) FISH, CANXIID C100DS AND UKIKI) Fill' I'M. KOH Picnic llama is? Bummer Uuleguu. tsj Dried Heel loe Knuckle llecf... .. i.v Dencien Hum 12U Mackerel hfor'JSe Ne. 1 iMnckc rel lfteptti Deep Bra llleater Mackerel ...... .SOefilb llerrlnc: Blt.sfer'iVi While Klsb. SeV Hullaud Herring Iiwvkeg. AH IO HIT. 20 bbls llvaperalt-d Sugar Cem, lbs for 25c, 75 bbla 1'iesh Watrr Cruckers ul 4 lbs for 2w. llliiKirBniipsaud NleiiuesiitSlbsferSV. llelled Oala, Oat Meal and Wlieut tlerm, ti Ra for 2V. 'iwe carlisidsefBallJUkllu. Bend for prlcei, suiting amount or Ball wanted. We huve u tbeiisandlbig bargiiluslund can't pevilbly write them up. Come take a wnlk ever our large stoiereom and jeu will sie many things te tempt your KX'ketboek. REISTI WH0L12IALE AND HETAIL QHOCEK. COHNEH WEBT KINQ AND PIt'CBHTH. Dlreetly OpixmIU- ' J. II. Martin A Ce.' Dry Ooeds Stere, and Next Doer te Berrel Herse Hetel. u J"u,t",'oek- fur "" '"S alK' the puvt ftttw aibertlnetttrnt PI0R COUNTY COMMI83IONKR, WILLIAM OltTMAN, Of Waahlngten Borough-Lewer Dlatrlct, pub Ject te Democratic Hulcs. apS-tfd tnelt COtWTY COMMl-fNIONKIt fsrvillU tattT &.Ji r nu of IjancnuterCHy HubJccttoDcmecrnllcruicfi. IltJ-ll-lIU V 710H COUNTY AUBITOlt. C. O.AMMON, of Kphrnta (Northern district.) Bnbject U Dem ocratic rule. mayS-lind HKAUTIKUI I.AWN, IIOWF.VKIl small It may be. Is a KTfat luxury. J..AN- MK.lt CHKMlUAlj COMPANY LAWN KNKlCHKlt ClltKAT IMPllOVKMKNT TO OLD OH A. Ne lUAliCi NcwlAwnihyualiigLANCAhTKHCHEM- UJHI'Ani ijAwn r.rrmviir.iv. OH UMKFUL- AHTICLE8 AT fie AND 10c each, gote HKINHOI.D'B, near Penn'n R. It. Depot. 7 Dul KICK rOIt A Mi FOR ONE WKEK-I.AN- caster Employment Ihircau. no. el r.enn ke street. na!-lyd A" I.L (IOOD8 BOLD AT BAUOAIN PKICE8 and polite salespeople te wall en you At HKINIIOI.DH. A Mi OOOD3 PLAINLY MAHKKD WITH il price At ItKINHOLD'B. T710R TINWAKK, KNAMELCD WAHE, ' HKlllets and wame jreus, go te i. gote ilEINHOLDB. GIHLH WANTED TO DOUIOUBEWOHK. Apply I'KNN'A EMPIiOYMKNT 11UUEAU. 12 Hen Hi DukeHtrect. HAT IB TWKNTY-KIVK CENTS TO create a llcantlful Lawn or Ilenew an Old One. J710HMUB1C.BTATIONKHY, BOOKS AND 2 Pocket Heeks, OOTOItEINHOLD'sl. "ITtOH HENT BTOHK, DWELLING AND .1) Btablc, corner North Queen nnd Walnut streets, oppealto Northern Market. Location about the centre of population In our city newly painted and paiwrcd. inlli-lwdll JOELL.HAINEB. TJANTALOON DAY. Pantaleon Day. Just received tbeAcry latest In TROUSER PATTERNS I MtOHANN A NOWLEN, npl2d)d l'Hl North Queen BU -lirATCIIEB, CLOCK B, Etc. 'SiVastclies T CLOCK6, ETC. A full graduated Oplhulmtc Optician will give careful intention te the correction of bad vision, llcsl repairing. WEBER'S, lWKNertliQuecnstrecl.NearP.It, It. Depot. npi-iyu. -1 HAND OPENING MENNERCHOR Summer Theatre ! BATUHDAY, MAV.'H. CONCERT BY IROQUOIS BAND. "-A(lnlleu Free for Opening DateOuly.-a Cenimeiielng MONDAY, MAY 2Uth, Flrnt'CliiKs Vaudevltle Attraction, with the fol fel fol lewtnt; peeple: Jennie and Kntle tloednian, J. II. Tailor, tbe .'I ltonuldes Morten, Hene and .Mack (fernierly with Klralfy Pres.) 4S-Admlsslen, 10 cents. Open Every Night. Ice Cream and Belt Drinks Beld. CHHISUUHUEH, Proprietor nnd Manager. z AUM'BCOHNEH. Owing te the number of cases we have for treatment anil adjustment, we have determined te open tliu elllce en Monday & Wednesday Evenings for Iho accommodation of thwe Mho find It dtfuVultund expensive toleuve their work dur ing the day time. OFFICE-SECOND FLOOR OF Zahm's Cerner ENTRANCE : NO. 3 NORTH QUEEN STREET. eirOillce Hours from 7 te 10 n. in. Monday and Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE ! Ne Fees Charged ! All dlscnscsef the Eye treated and operated en by a Graduated Oculist of Unquestioned Ability, and thorough satisfaction Guaranteed. A FULL LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, As well as the Novelties of Iho season, at the Lewest Cash Flgurei. A Specialty made of lutilcate Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Ernest Zahm, ZAHM'H CORNER, apr5-.lnid LANCASTER. PA. W ABU DRIH GOODS. WATT & SHAND, Are New Displaying an Iminensu Assortment of the Latest Things In Scotch Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams, India Pongees, Wash Challies, Printed Satines, Outing Cleths. SPECIAL BARGAINS. f0 pieces filile Hand Challies, tc n ynrd ; never sold for lesi than l-lie. 100 pieces Printed Challies, dark ground, tu-ie : worth 10V. New Printed Outing Cleths, styles and color lugs as the llnestl French flannels, nt be, 10c aud liXi's yard. Kine Zephyr Ginghams, latest ttjles, 15c u jard; city price, 2A:. Fine India Pongee, 12;c to?0en yaid. a,(U) jnrda Dress Glnghaiiii, bright s'yles, new combinations. 100 u yard; ejerj day irlce for tblsiiuullty, u;ie. Novt'Telledu Nunla, lOand 12jcn )ard, Fluent French Batlncs, handneme designs, 25e a yard. Hest American Hntlnes, a great lurlety, nt 12!junyard. New MeUncia Hitlnf, lu lllack and lllack uud White, are warranted absolutely fust lu color ami vrllliieltber crock, stain nor fade. 0,8 AND 10 EAST KINQ ST, Spectacle Department ! NEW m STORE, item dlhttf riUement. "10MM()N 8UNBK HHOK "TORE. ? 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) WE OFFER 2,396 PAIRS OF OXFORD TIES AND Opera Slippers At 48c., 55c, 69c, 75c, 90c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1,75, $2, $2.25, $2,50, $2.75, $2.90, $3. CALL TO SEE THEM, IT WILL PAY "you. I 40 East King St., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) myl-tfd 1ARRIAOES. Doersom Carriage Works. FINE CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PH.ETONS, MARKET WAGONS, ETC. A Platform Buincss Wagen ! also, Second Hand McCall Wagons, Jniiii-Sciit Carriages and Haggles will be sold at astonishing low prices, at the DOERSOM CARRIAGE WORKS, Cemer of Duke uud Vine Streets (formerly Norbeck & Mlley), KMydftwR GEO. B. NORBECK, Prep. IALACE OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S Pa 115 & 117 N. Queen St., LANCASTER. MILLINERY T The largest stock of Millinery ever veen In tlilb city. This week we linve opened the largest nnd best selected stock of ..Vein Millinery Ooeds every slievvu by us. Our assortment of Triinnied lints coni ceni coni prises between three and four hundred of the latest French uud English Pat tern Hats aud Bonuets. Every imaginable style and color lu lTiitrinnned Hats nnd Uennets at the Lewal 1'rices. Ladles' Black nnd Colored Straw Hats at loc apiece. Ladies' Straw Sailor Hats ut liile, in black aud all colors. lllack Chip Hats nt iOc apiece; actual value, fl. Ladies' large Straw Flats, nil colors, nt 2ee. lllack Leghorn Flats from .'tee up ward; splendid value at Te, !oe, $1.L0, $1.15, $1.70 aud $1.11.5. White Lcgliern Flats from Hec upward. We effr at a Special Bargain Chil dren's Trimmed Hats at 50c. Fine Black Fancy Straw Hats at 25c. Fiue lllack Lace Straw Hats at 4ec. Straw Hats at 09c nml upward. A full line of White Hats, for Ladies aud Children, iu plain straw, fancy aud luce ellect, at i!e, 37, l"i and 70c. Children's Sailors at lie (trimmed). GREAT BARGAINS IN RIBBONS, Xe. 10, Faucy Corded Oiw-graiii llib llib bens, fringed etlges, at liec u yurd; worth 00c. Tlie largest stock of Ne. ii nnd 30 Fancy Colored Itibbeu nt ll'e a yfuil ; worth from 30 te -I0e. Elegant Fancy Oaue Hibbens.strlpfd iu all colors, nt 10 anil lfic a ynrd. Ne. H and 12 All-silk Sntln Millions, plcut edge, all colors, at 0c a yard. Black Moiree Hlbben, satin edge, Ne. 10, only loc a ynrd; Ne. , only I!Hs a yard ; Ne. 30, only !iie a yard. Deuble Faced Satin Mbbetis, extra heavy quality. Ne -1, 9c ; Ne. ii, 10c ; Ne. 7, 12c; Ne. 9, 15 ; Ne. 12, 10c; Ne. Ill, 25 cents. GREAT BARGAINS IN FLOWERS. Large Daisy Wreaths at 12Jc ; Large Violet Wreath at 121c: Fiue Spray Wreaths at 25c ; Leng Fine Meiiturcs, 50 cents. All our Fine Flowers reduced from $1 te 75c; from $1.50 te $1 ; from 52 te $1.50; I mm $2.50, $3 te $2. Large Daisies at 10c a de.en. Special Bargains iu Muck Tips at 50, 75c and $1 ; worth double the money. LACE CAPS. Over one hundred styles, including 'ill tliu latest in .Mull aud Surah Bennets and Caps, from 10c aplcce up te $2. Special Bargaiiib at 17, 25, 35 and 50c. GREAT BARGAINS IN HOSIERY. pit) dozens of the liuest quality Mack Cotten Hese for Ladies, each pair guar anteed royal stainless, worth 37c; only 25c a pair. 50 deens Ladies' Lisle Ilalbriggau Hese, 40 Clause French Heels and Tee, at 25c u pair. Ladies' Bibbed Lisle Vests at 10c apiece; faucy crochet neck, wJiite aud cream. Extra fine Lisle Vests at 12jc; Silk Crochet Neck, worth 25c anlecc." Finest Lisle Balbriggan Vctsts, ribbed, high or low neck, at iJc apiece. C'ent's Utilize Vestn, long or short sleeves, either White or Balbriggan, at 25c apiece. The largest tock of Lll uud Silk Gleve lu the city. Swcial Bnrguins enry day. cxt Friday our second Ciceu Day. Every thiug eeld below regular price. Tie Common Shee mm If (lllllllll w m of FiisIiwii. tcn frbvtvtlmtmtni; TJEXT DOQHTOTUK COURT UOUHB. Special Bargains in Summertime DryGoeds Men's Hernet Flannel BhlrU, 31, 37. 60c. Men's Cheviot Hhlrls, 23, 870. Rendy-Mad Over alls, SO and 73a pair. Heady-Made Pauls,iiO,7ec.l2,L2a pair. Tabic Llnens(13, 18,26,3s, SB, a 35, S7c liume-made German Table Linens, .13, 40,15c Turkey Hed Table Linens, 15, 36,81, ' tOe. Pleached German Table Linens, 50c Towels. fi,G. 10, 12JJ, 15. 17,20, 25e apiece. Crash Taw' ellns,8,,5,6i,s,e, ie,i2Jcayartl. 100doxcuMtn'aBeamlessj;iIev,6ea pair, te dozen Ladles be a tsilr. 75 deicn Ladles' Striped Hese, 4 pairs for 25c Full regular made Hcrc for Men an Women, 12Jc. M Bleached Muslin, S,C;4,g,Pc. 5,000 yards Best Print, fie. Simpsen's Rest Moan Mean ing Prints, 5c. Gilbert's Fast lllack HcarlettaBatccn, 20,25, 87Jc Fast Black Organdies, 19( IS, 17, 28, tee Beautiful While Organdies nnd Nainsoeks, C,', S, 10, JJ te ,15c 3.000 yards Nw Dress Ginghams, 8c ; worth 10c Large assortment Dress Ginghams, 10c ; worth 12c. Big selec tion Best Scotch Gingham, 'JOci worth 2ic Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12e. Figured Mulls, UXc Beat French Bateens, Black and Celers, 25c Deited Bwlss, 12)4,10, 20, 25, 31. 7J, 50c Curtain Scrim, "5, S, 10, 12tl5,23e. Daisy Ribbons, 12'4.apl(Kx. One lel 22 Silk Ribbons, all shades, 36c. Lae Curtains, 75c, II, 11.25, II JO a pair. Plaid Burah Parasols, 12 ; worth 13. 1.1 Inch llemstltche Flouncing, 50, 80, 75c One let Ladles' Aprons, 17c ; worth 25c. Children's Aprons, Metlftr Hub bard style, 26c Crochet Quilts, 75, 87J, II, 11 .23. FHHMESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. "t" . ' . - - . ' J. . . ". - . '-ssasatsssssa Jlctw bttcvttacmcut. 0Y8 WANTED - BOYB OF ABOUT 18, with a geed education, are wanted te learn printing. Apply PENN'A EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 12 Beuth Qnecn Street, OUNTRY CURLS WANTED TODOOEN eral hensewerk In the city. Apply PENN'A EMPLOyJIENT nUllEAU. mO-lmd 12 Seuth Duku Street. OR PULLEYS. BHAFTINO, COLLARS. llnti.tiiM Plnmn llnni PiMllvMnm ilt irn leJ iiiiiiai.in, vjiiiiiiii tmsvi'i vuuiiift"l fc.isf ! JOHN BEST. SI3 East Fulton street. in7-tfd A THOBTER'S CORNER 8ALOON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will be served every morning from 9 te 12:30. Rupperfs Celebrated Beer drawn from the keg. apr30-tfd ALE HELP FURNISHED FREE. ljvneiwter Employment Bureau. Ne. 61 ei tb Duke ntrcct. mayZ-lyd 17UIESH IMPOItTlU) AND KEY W1T CI- gam. Clear Havana Cigar, our own man ufaclure, IniS's.M and 100'n. lir.Aiuixin iviitAiv eiuivr,, Eatahllsbed 1770. altf-tfdft IU East King Street. TTILAGSI FLAGS 1 FLAGS I Jj Fer Decoration Day, At llElNUOLD'S. "IITATEH HENTS-AN ABATEMENT OF TV 5 per cent, will be allowed en all Water ricnta paid en or berore June 2, ISM. oillce bourn :U ii. m. te 12 in. nnd 1 te 3 p. m.. dally. On Monday and Saturday tbe ofllce will be open In tbe evening from 7 te 8. J. II. KATHFON, ap30-2tdR City Treasurer. M AUXIN 1IROS. Every going geed thing In Clothing and Furnishing Goods provided here for men nnd boy. You'll be sur prised te tee hew much new nesH can be put Inte men's E?ery M Thing That Is Geed. furnishings and tailoring. We leave the beaten ruts of what li past enough te tnke up and fur nish every geed thlug that Is new. Have you noticed hew wlde awuke and full of new things the part of the Ktore Is vvhere boys' aud llttle boys' outfits nre? Little boys' baits with all the kink or style and strength and wear lu them, J1.U") te 18 a suit for kuoe pants and Jackels, SJ te tlSusult for coat, long pant nnd vest. Llttle boys' sailor t.ults and kllLs, fl.GOte M. Beys' underwear, hosiery nnd waists of all kinds. Little boys' Knickerbocker underwear. Remember, nil the " Star " wulst-s nre lu stock, 50c, 70c, Jl. Sce these Items In the incn'sdepait ment. Ualbrlggun, summer merino nnd llsle underwear of camel's hair, fine t,puu wool Egyptian cotton. Prices from 25c apiece te 12.50 apiece. Scrlvcn'sclnstleseam underwear, strength aud lightness, A0c uud 25c neckwear. The new hosiery (and thcre nre some, entirely new thlngi), zephyr and ccylen flannel, silk HtrlpeHilrts, 91 tejj. Demct flannel shirts, 23c te "Sc. The new "summer evening dress" shirt (entirely new). Extraordinary values lu men's suits nt $8 te S20. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. H IHMl & HIIOTHKH. MEN'S LIGHT AND MEDIUM-WEIGHT SUITS In Many Deslrable Celers, Cleths and Bljles, Comprising One or Four-Uutteu Sacks, Threo-Bulten Cutaway Sacks, Four-Butten Btrnlghtfreut Backs, Ont-Ilutten Cutaways, Threc-llutlen Cutuvvays, Four-Butten Culawas. The Latest Flgurcsln Casslmeresnud Weraleds. Cheviots, Flannels, Wlde-Wule, Alpines, Corkicieni.,Sllk Stripe, Beiges, Hnlr-Llurs, Etc. See Our $8 & $10 G. A. R. Suits. Twe Sets of Buttens and Warmnted Fust Celers. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS In Iho Handsomest Design and Goods, from SI' W, tJ, tl, e, !, $7 up te !12 u Suit. CHILDREN'S KNEE PANT SUITS Every lmsglnable Design, from 51, 1 1 60, 12. r. 60, JJ, U (0, 51, M te J7 60. Iu MAN'S l'ANTS, YOUTHS FAN'J'S, HOY'S PANTS, KNEK PANTS, Of All Styles, Celers and Price. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Has many Novelties cl, and we can suit aliiuut cvcrjeiielu Fit, Make mid Price. Have Yeu Seen the Shirts In the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT? And the New" Narbelh ' Cellar? Twe for 25c. CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHERS. H. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., JuAN CASTER,, I'A. HIRSH ifeBROTHER, ! wn Stem buct-ttcutcnt TROUT A SHANK, SHIRT MANtlKACTUHiniH AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS, Ne. 140 North Queen Street. Shirts made te order as low as 11,00. Perfect fit guaranteed. al-lrd OUR OKFICE YOU CAN GET AMV amount of NCASTEH CHEMICAL COMPANY uAwn .nivtuiirj.iv. T ANTED-HORSES TO PASTURE. T T Aearess, npr23-tfd W. W. OROSH, Nefftvllle, Pa. IN FIVE, TEN, T WENT Y-FIVE AND FIFTY Pound Package. . LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENHICHEH. Sold everywhere. OR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE, CUT lcry and Spoons, go te REINHOLD'S. -XHGAN LESSONS A FEW MORE PUPILS J wanted te take lcssntu en the Organ, at 39 I cents per lessen, by a competent teacher ; calls- I faction guaranteed. Ajiply at myll-Iwd 73J MARIETTA AVENUE. -ITtlNBTAILOHINel ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WUULKKS. AT P. WEIKEL'B, apHKImdlt Ne. 41 W.est King Street. 17IIRE HHICKB, F1HK CLAY, AT LOW I j figures, go te JOHN BEST, 33.1 East Fult ml street. m7-tfd iriTHONE PRICE AND QUICK SALhSj it vveaivvav's nave new nnu cieau goons. At HEINIIOLD S. f IK1.H WANTED FOR GENERAL H0U8E-I VJ1 work, .we. ill Pierili nuke street, Lancas ter inpieymcni imrcau, inuyz-iya E GUARANTEE OUR GOLDEN LIONl nnd MlaQuenda. tboenly Clear Hnvanal Filler er lianu-inee cigars tee.) in ine city. U1SUU1UH U1UAK MlUlire, IU East King Street. Telephone. alH-tldR "ClOR RENT THAT LARGE CENTRAL BUSINESS STAND,! NO. 20 EAST KING STREET. Inquire within. mlt-tfd -iTT-E EXAMINE EVES FREE. Speotaeles I WE EXAMINE EYES FREE Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed 1 If veu have them examined veu wlllnrebabln (lnd lhat thcre Is something wrong with them I nnu nnu glasses win ee a great neip 10 you. We use Inlmltnble "DlA MANIA lens which nre made only by us, and recemmende uy lenaing ueuusw as ine eesi aias ix aen tlve vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, 90.00 ; usual prlccl gui.uu. Steel Spectacles. GOu.: usual price. Ml .no. Artlticlnl Kycs Inserted, fl ; usual price, 9101 S. ZINEMAN & BRO.I130 S. Ninth Street OPTICIANS. I PHILADELPHIA. Betvreeu Chestnut and Walnut Streets. mvtt-tyq w 1LLIAMSON 4 TOaiER. A VIGOROUS SPECIAL SALI -OF- Dress Ginghams -AT- VERY LOW PRICES Ladles1 Stocklnctte. Werslrd ami ClntH Jackets, Beiided and Hllk Wraps, EmbreldereJ VlAtllm Plnll. .....I (Jill, !.,..,. 1 lllUU'l UIUIU tllltl OlltV VUI'VB. Llttle lles' Tunic Suits, Jl 73 te . Knee I'ant", 25e te!2. Calice, Demct nnd Percale Waists, 25e, aud 7"e. Ladies' Rendy.Made Dresses ami Se rail Sill VV IIISIH Lad'es' Whjte Musllu Sklrt-s, 30e te $2. I mill's' Mght Kebe". 41c te $2. Certct Cever". 23c te 7Jc. Undcrivcar, 25e te 11. Children's Leng nnd Short Dresses, iSe te H. Fer Gentlemen of Fashion! There Is nothing te excel our new Light Cel uiuu r iui iiriiu nun lint in 300. ToelOMieut 11 let of last reason's LiuhtBtlt llHtsvvehave marked them 60c. They weuli be cheap at Si, lliuidsome and Durable Safety Ulcycles fe Velocipedes and Olrls' Tricycles at Very Let irices. A large variety of Paper, Zinc, leather aiirl Canvas. Wfi make a specially of Fine Canvas Trunki-I Gents' Tourist hhlits, In Flunucl, bilk, Madl ras uiein, cuovieis, sail nes ana Deniets. 1'rlce range from IBe te 17 60. I A llnu assortment of Ulnzcrs nnd Tcnnll r-HMies. Suits for Corpulent Gentlemen JM10.H2 TOJJ). Leng and Short Sizes te tit all proportions. Extra Pants nt all prlcts te lit extra size ne RUBBER COATS. J175.S2.H60, .7S.H. A Genuine Pine Gum Ceat, bcr, tiante tl'Jt. !1 60. Rey's Rubl Gent's English Mackintosh Coats. Silt-Adjusting Wire Window Bciecus, opera-l led by Cell Bnrinc. iiuly !5Se. I Wire sciccn Deers, tlirce puueU, liultatienl uiuiiui, tiui, 11 1.1 aim 51 iv. 1 CHILDIIEN'S AND MISSES SPRING HEEL SHOES. New Shapes, In the Finest leather, with p,it-l cut Lcallici llp or Pblii Tuts full U'sertiueutl VI T tutu, uuvi -wr, lilllKU! ireni itC te J, iamsen & Fester, 1 32-38 East Kinsr Street, L.VNCASTi " '- fit street, having a description at the yflakliig promptly at- no. m M.xttBygKatSHttw(i J 1 f nJK '.. iy. 1 "r'Vii- ViWtH '7i-' - i . 'j5-H?2l Ns.