Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 23, 1890, Image 1

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HhhhMi HEWB " B i
the Cheeapaaka and Bay Clubs te Ge
la July and August The Algonquin
Elect Officer Fer the Beaten.
There la no town In the state that has
mere fishing and camping clubs than Lan
caster, for Its size. Large numbers of the
Meat prominent citizens are members or
ue organizations, which are kept up the
t..V . . .ue. uaKO el one or two
weeks geed fun In llie summer. As the
siimmer and fishing season approaches
the clubs are getting themselves Inte shape
and they are new making propatatlens for
thelr annual outing.
Among these which spend thelr va
cation, pleasautl y are the Chesapeake and
the May clubs. The fermcrsent a commit cemmit
lW.iU ,,2.ore teuXv te leek at a beat for
S'.'3r V.'ft ,TtW w"1 llkcl4' K" "'own East
and will take 35 members hesldes the full
Iroquois band. They start In July. TheBny
club Is unusually slew this year, and they
have inade no arrangement as yet for their
,trlp. They Intend going In August, how
ever, and their crulse will be ever the
Chesapeake bay, the same as they hate
taken for years. This club prefer this trip
pn account of the geed crabbing and fish
ing they can have en the bay. As the
members are acquainted in the cities they
have beeu visiting, they think the old trip
is the best or all. The club will meet te
elect officers and make all urrangements
"Jf;'he trip In the coikse efn few days.
The Tucnuaii club will take thelr annual
outing ut Yerk Furnace, where for many
years Uey have had such splendid times.
They lnke Arrunucmenu Fer Thelr
Annual Kueampment at V'erk
The aunual meeting of the Algonquin
Camping club wns held last eveniiig
at the home of President II. O.
Moere, when the following efllcers were
leoted te serve the ensuing year: Pres!-
ueni, ii. u. Moere; vice president, Ilov.
Dr. Hark; treasurer, Ed. II. Garvin; sec
retary, Jehn lllack. It was decided te
held the camp during the week, beginning
Monday, Aug. -I, at Yerk Furnace, and the
Usual ladles' and club davs will be, us
last year, en Wednesday anil Friday or the
week. The follawlng.wcre olectod regular
numbers of the club: Hev. J. L. Sibele,
elPh ladelphla; Prer. II. A. Brlckensteln,
eTLItltz; Jacob A. llolliiiger and Jehn E.
Snyder, or Lancaster. Jehn II. Urenner
wai elected an annual member. The ox ex ox
cctitire coiiunlttce, who will have charge
orthe detalls,wlll boappeluted by the pros
Ident iua row davs.
.An. luvllallen " from Mr. Galbralth, or
Batnbridge, this county, inviting the club
te spend a day with him in that vicinity
was accepted, and nn early day will be
fixed by the executive committee for the
Anethor meeting or the club will be held
In June, when annuals will be elected te
the places or theso incniberH who may be
uuable te attend the camp.
The club is in excellent condition for
camping, eeing limy equipped with the
needful kitchen and table ware, cots, tables,
chairs, Ac. Thelr quarters are In the large
pavilion at Yerk Furnace Springs, and in
addition they have threo tents for the ac
commodation of theso who prefer occupy
ing thorn. The culinary dcrtment will
be in charge of Thad Henry and two as
sistants, and careful bo.ittnen will attend
these who wish te speud their tlme In boat beat
ing or fishing.
The Commlttce itcjiert FuverliiK Ilovl Ilevl Ilovl
hten Is Adopted by rrcsbyterlnus.
The Presbyterian geucral assenibly at
Saratoga, N. Y., en Thursday, adopted th
coiiunlttce' h rcpeit favoring revision of
the confession of faith.
Tboeomnilttco en methodHef effecting
changes in the confession of fultli and the
constitution of the cluircli, considered care
fully the entire matter entrusted te It and
reached the following conclusions, as pre
liminary te Its recommendatiens:
"Fikst. That this church has always
emphasized doctrine as belng the vital olo elo ole
mont In the body ecclesiastical; that,
therefore, changes or alterations in tlie con
fession of Taith and the larger and shorter
catechism should be made under greater
restrictions than changes or alterations in
the form of government, the book of disci
pline and the directory of worship.
"Second. That the previsions for the
amendment or alteration of the several
standards should be Included within the
form of government in deflnite terms.
" The committee rocemmouds that an
overture be transmitted te the presbyteries
asking if a chapter shall be added te the
form of government making previsions for
the amendment und alteration or the con cen con
fehsieuof laithT-the larger and Kherter cat
echisms, the form of goverumont, the book
of discipline and the directory or wor
ship." The vote was then called for, and when
these In favor of such a mcasure were re
quested te say " aye," thore was a mighty
rear. Then the "nays" were called for,
and there was but ene dissenting voice,
the Rev. T. F. White, of Summit, N. J.,
casting the only negative vote
Great anplause followed the announce
ment, and the question of revision which
has se long been pending had received the
first dcllnite answer. It was certainly a
victory for the revisionists. Of course 'the
decision is no final solution of the prob
lem, but It is a long step forward. Great
joy was oxpiessod ut the happy termina
tion of the ceutcst. Oue delegate, in a loud
veice, called for the singing of the " Dnx Dnx Dnx
olegy. " He was net heard by the moder
ator, howevor, but Dr. Heward Cresby
was requested te lead the assembly .in a
prayer of tllaiikhgivlug te Ged for hit
fmidunce te a happy solution of the prob preb
em which scorned te portend such great
and insurmountable difficulties.
A Preacher Marries.
Frem the Utltz Kccerd.
Rev. A. Lincoln Shannen, pastor of
Paradise U. II. church, was married en
Wednesday te Miss Liniiie Krb, daughter
or Hiram L. Krb, esq., of Clay. The wed.
ding ceremony took place ut'7.30 p. in. at
the residence of the bride'a parents, in the
iirescnce of about tlllcen invited guests,
'residing Elder Doner, of Lancaster, tied
the knot.
After the wedding ceremeny the guests
were invited te the dining room, wliore a
table was spread with all the delicacies or
the soaseii, and of which all heartily par
took. ' '
The bride was the recipient of many use
ful and valuble presents from her many
Reverslng the Highest Court.
Judge Hindman, of the district court, in
Nevada, Iowa, in hi; charge te the grand
Jury at the opening of the ceuit en Wed
nesday, took the ground that, notwith
standing the late decision of the United
States supiouie court, no porhen has a right
in the stutote keep a place for the s.ile of
Intoxicating llqueis of any kind, either in
erigiml packages or otherwise, and that
it was the nweru duty of the Juiers te ro re ro
Ieit te the coin t by indictment any such
person as n nutancb under the law.
Restored te Its Puranta.
Willie CoeJhart was found wandering
en West King street this morning by
Olllcer Derwart und taken te the station
heuse, There it was learned ihut the child
licd at thocernorof Maner and Derwart
streets. It was restored te Its parcuti., who
w ere anxiously Marching for it.
A Flue Shad. .
Probably the largest shad caught in the
Susquehanna river this year has been re
ceived by Jeseph Haotlner. It weighed
eight pounds anJ was presented bv Gcerge
Uamalcer, baggagcmstpr en the train
between Lancaster and Cel unit. la.
Oelns te Europe.
U. J. McQrenn and R. M. Rellly, of this
city, nnd D. McN. Stauffer, of New Yerk,
will Mil for "urope en June 18. The tint
two will remain for uliimt bIx weeks, hut
Mr. Ktaup'er wtll su le Asia ttud make au
eateuded trip.
lJ.V ... Jx'jj-V. . - jjaAiioLi - jjaAiieLi
Fregramme Fer the
Meettuc en
College Campus la August.
The Reformed Church Mestcngtr prints
the following as the pregramme for the
spiritual conference te convene en Frank
lin and Marshall college campus en the
"vehlnger Auguste, IWWj A paper en
"The Intermediate State In Its Relation te
Salvation," by Hev. Dr. J. M. Tltscl. "The
Historic Origin or the New Testament
Scriptures," By Rev. Dr. T. O. Apple "1 he
Influence efthe Chrlstoleglcal Principle en
the Doctrines ofGed.orMan.and or Grace,"
by Rev. Dr. Wm. Rupp. "The Reforma
tion In the Light or the Nineteenth Cen
tury," by Rev. Dr. II. iHust, "Thelto "Thelte "Thelto
unien or Christendom," by Rer. Dr. S. N.
Cullender. "On-What Ground can the
Reformed Church still continue Its Claim
te Separate Existence!" by Rev. Dr. II.
W. Super. " The New Birth," by Rev. C.
S. Gerhard. "Church Werk for the
Laity i Whnt should It be and Hew can it
be Secured," by Rev. D. R. Lady. "The
Ideal Minister or the Gespel, or the Stu
dent, the Preacher and the Paster, each In
due Proportion," by Rev. Dr. E. V. Gcr
Bible study en Epheslans, at 8:30 o'clock
in the morning, conducted by Hev.Dr. Wil
liam C. Schalfer.
Evening devotions at 4 o'clock, at which
soine brother will deliver an address. Last
year there were present 02 ministers orthe
Reformed church.
The second annual sosslen or a summer
school el languages at Franklin A Marshall
college, under the direction or Prer. R. C.
Schiedt, M. A., will open en Monday, July
7th, 'and continue for six weeks. Prof.
Schledt will be assisted by Madame M. C.
Guorllllen In Kronen. Mrs. R. 0. Schiedt In
who will have charge or the academic de
partment. The alumni of Franklin and Marshall
cellege in western Pennsylvania will meet
at Seventh Avenue hotel, Pittsburg, en
June 5, for the purpose of organizing an
The Arrnngementn Mude by the Lecal
Pests for Its Observnnce.
The Memerial Day committee or Geerge
II. Themas and Admiral Royuelds Pests
met en Thursday oveulug and inade seme
orthe final arrangements for the observauco
or Memerial Day en Friday next.
At 0 o'clock in the morning details or the
pests will docerato the graves In the out
lying comcterios and theso of Thaddeus
Stevens, in Shrolner's, and Govorner
Thes. Mifflin, at Trinity Lutheran church.
The paratle of the G. A. R. Pests, Sens of
Vcterans, several secret societies and the
Lancaster cadets will be In the afternoon,
starting at 2 o'clock. Lancaster cemotery
will be first visited and the coremonles
hore will be conducted by Admiral Rey
nolds Pest. The greve or the comrade
where they will be held has net yet been
decided. Comtnander Isonbergor, or Pest
405, will deliver the principal address, and
short addresscs will be dollverod by Dr.
B. F. W, Urban. David Uartman and
James E. Crawftird. The choir will sing
"With Memories Dear," aud Chaplain
Leennrd will odor prayer. "
The line or parade will next move te
Woodward Hill coinetery, which will be
reached at 4 o'clock. There the services
will be held by Pest 81 at the grave or
Oliver J. Diekev. The address here will
be delivered by Dr. J. 1. Wickersham,
past commander, the choir will sing "Ged
Save the Natien." Tfce Iroquois band will
play dirges at each of the cemeteries.
In the evening the exercises will be held
at the opera heuse. The orator will be
Majer Isaac Brown, or Pest 70, Cerry. In
addition te the oration there will be reel.
I tatlens by Miss Amanda Landes, prayer
uy jiuv.e. ii. onion, u. u., aim Ringing
by thn clfelr under the leadership or Tties.
J., Gilgere.
MujerC. II. Fasnacht has beeu selected
as the chief marshal of the parade. lle has
nnpeinled as his aids: J. K. Jlarr and
Martin N. Stark, or Pest 81, and S. Clav
Miller and Jehn E. Sebum, ori'est 405.
The German Uupttsts' Iovefeust,
The two days' annual Iovefuast of the
German Baptist or Dunkards, as they are
mero commonly called, in session in
Zlcgler's meeting heuse, near Rehrersbilrg,
Berks county, came te a clese en Thursday.
Among the well known officials of the
church who took part In these interesting
coremonles were Bishop David Etter, of
Union l)epesit,Berks county; Bishop Jehn
Hartzlor.ef Big Swatani, Lebanon county ;
Elder Henry S. Kllne, or ShartlosvIUe.
Berks ceunty: Elder Gcorfie Biicher, or
Klclnfoltersvlllo, Lebanon county ; Elder
Jehn Myer, of Lincoln, Lancaster county ;
Elder Cyrus Glbbel, or Briiiiiiursvllle,
Lancaster county, and ethors. Thore were
large attendances at all the services. The
bishops and olders who conducted the
services sat at a long table en a platform.
Along the southern slde or the church
the most interesting exercises took place
Wednesday night and Thursday. First or
theso was soir-examlnatloii, when all the
members were oxhertod te fergive each
ethor ir they had any dilloieuce. Feet
washing was next ebserved. The men
orfermcd this servlce for the male moni
tors, while the wemen did the same for
their own sex. All the members tlien par
took orthe Lord's supper. They all sat at
long narrow tables, aud overy set or four
brothers and. every set of four sisters ate
soup out of ene dish ; the Implanting or the
holy kiss en each ether's lips followed.
Next came the communion servlce, the
breaking or unloavened. bread and the
drinking or untormented wine. The bread
was broken into pieces and handed around,
and the wlne was drunk rrem small cups.
A Sonate Substitute Probable.
An Associated Press dispatch from Wash
ington says: "It Is the present intention
of members of thoSenato finance committee
te report a siibstitute for the McKlnley
tariff hill when thelr consideration or that
mcasure shall have been completed. This
ceurse is deemed te be better than te rojtert
the bill as it came from the Heuso, with
amendments, for, when It gees Inte con
ference, there will be but oue questien te
be settled, Instead of a myriad ofdlll'erences
upon points In detail. This ceurse was
pursued with the tariir bill of 1&S3, and It
was found te result inn saving of tlme.
Tite linance commlttce will oudeavor te
maintain its determination net te give oral
bearings te any interested parties, but it
was ropeitcd that Imperters or several
cities, te the number or 2,000, will ceme te
Washington next week demanding te be
heard. Ir any such number, or even a
much bmaller oue, appears in a body it is
prebable that the commlttce will epen its
dners te the representatives."
Twe Luucastrtaiib Graduate.
Association hall, Philadelphia,
was I
packed te the doers Thursday evening Willi
interested spectators who liau ceme te
witness the annual exhibition and com
mencement exerclses or the Pennsylvania
Institution for the Deaf aud Dumb. In the
lobby were displayed frue-hand drawings,
crayon w erk and designs of various de
scriptions, all the work of pupils.
Inside the auditorium and en the stage
were still mero wonderful exhibitions.
Hore the pupils themselves were drilled
and gavoexamples of their knowledge. The
graduating class numbers 12. Laura V,
Frederick und Charles J. Buchter, Litltr,
are in the class .mil they have completed
the ten-year course. Among theso honor
ably discharged was David A. Charles, of
Red Men In Council.
At Thursday's sosslen of the Great Coun
cil or the Improved Order or Red Men, In
Scrauten, the committee indorsed ull the
rulings or the great Kaehein, except that
with rcfercuce te Insanity. Thecommittee
en charters recommended that charters be
granted te twenty-two tribes and niue
councils or the degree or Pocahontas, also
te the two tribes at Johnstown. The coun
cil refused te change the time for the an
nual session from the third te the second
Tuesday in May. An amendment llxiug
the salary of the great chlef or records at
JI.200 was adopted.
The council decided te reduce the initia
tion fee at the institution or a new tribe
rrem f5 te $3. This cencerns overy section
efthe state aud will result in lbs Institu
tion of many new camps. The reduction
was accomplished alter a waiui reduction,
The next convention will be held lu Uar
rliburg. Lancaster wns uet vettd. for,
- .a.t. - .a.t. n
. rr-
Alteena Dees Lancaster Up and Don't
Half Try Harrlsburc Te-day.
At Alteena yesterday tbe Lancaster club
was net In the game at all. They could net
hit Hudsen, while their fielding was but
fair. Kllne and Snyder pitched, and
neither one distinguished himself, as they
were both bit hard. The full score was t
K, B. O. A. K. K. II. O. A. K.
QUI... 0
O'llsra. I... 0
ODen'g'uc, 1 1
i Beramcrs, c i
OKIbaen.m. 1
Ollalin.l 1
OOttcrsen, if 2
0Alcett,3.. I
0 Zecbrr, .... 3
llllcsm.Jp e
'llod.en, p. 1
Kline, r.pi. 0
Ooedh't, e 0
Enas.ii. 2-. 0
J!lKy,:m. 0
Kox, 3... 0
Hnyder, p 0
Totals..... 0 S 21 12 S Totals 10 II 27 IS 1
lancastcr 0 000000000
Alteena. . . 0 4 0 S 0 I 0 0 x-10
Earned runs, Altoens5. U1U, Hom
ers. O'llrlen, Hntin, Zccher, O'Hara. Bases
stolen, Dnneghue Soiners, Hnlin, Otttraen,
!Secher2,iIodseti,GIII'A EairunS. Uft en bsses,
Alteena 1, Lancaster 4. Hlrurk out, by Kilns
1, by Ileum 1, by Hudsen S. First base en called
balls, efTHnydfr 4, off Bram 2, orTlIetsona.
Passel balls, Uoedlmrt. Tune of game, 1:40,
Umpire, Hudsen.
The games yesterday throughout the
country resulted as follews: National
League Philadelphia 4, Chicago 6; New
Yerk 14, Pittsburg 2; Brooklyn 0, Cincin
nati ft; Bosten 4, Cleveland 8. Players'
League Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 12;
Bosten 7, Pittsburg 4; New Yerk 10, Chi
cago 8 ; Brooklyn 0, Bullale 12. Ameri
can Association Rochester 4, St. Leuis 3;
Syracuse 6, Columbus 3; Athletic 12, To Te
ledo 3 : Brooklyn 8, Louisville 15.
The Lancaster Actives play In Harris
burg te-day,
Uarrlsburg soema te be en the decline
when they allow Eusten te down them.
Toinney hit the ball in Brooklyn yester
day. Meiklejnhn Is bslug knocked out or the
box right often this year.
Eutertaliinicnt Given Lust Night
Fer u Werthy Charity.
Last evenlng at Fulton opera heuse a
large audience gathered te hear a concert,
which was ene of the best or the season. It
was for the bonefltnf St. Jeseph's hospital
and te no better charity could any ene con
tribute. The house was well filled, al
though a great many terseus who had
purchased tlckets were unable te at
tend. Tbe pregramme was an ex
cellent ene, and the roudltlen or it
brought round after round or applause.
The cnterUilnment was conducted by
Father Graff, of the Catholic university at
Washington, D. C. Among these who
took part were Miss Mellie Byrne, soprano,
who has u remarkablv swoet volce. Ner
singing was very creditable, and her sole
"Spring Flowers" elicited the greatest
applause. Henri Xauder played well upon
the piano aud especially line was the
Mazeurka by Gedart. Herman Rakemaii
was tltoselo violinist and he did splendidly.
The soles of Paul Miersch en the vlolln vlelln vlolln
celle were anether decidedly geed
feature of the cutortuinment. These
people are from Baltimore aud Washing
ton, which cities annually furnish talent
Ter au ontertaimnent for St. Jeseph's. The
choir of St, Mary's church sang the "Agnus
Del" from Father Gauss' First Mass, and
concluded the pregramme with the
"GlorIa,'Trem the same composition. Beth
were well rendered. The chorus was di
rected by Prer. Carl Matz, Lancaster's
talented musician, who also presided at the
Tha tVuter Mains te He Extended
DlfTwrcnt Secttens orthe City.
At the meeting or the water committee
en Thuisday evening it was decided te lay
a six-inch water main en Marlen street,
rrem Franklin stiect te new houses re
cently erected by Adam Pentz ; te extend
tbe water maiu en Madisen alley from
Lime street, 200 feet easlwanl ; te extend
the wuter main ene hundred feet en Poplar
street, beyond Laurel; te extend the water
pipes te Graeffs hotel, Mr. Engte, the
e nor, agreeing te pay six pur cant, inter
est en the cost of the work, which will
make his water rent about f.J0 per year.
The bids for the furnishing of coal for
the water works for six months were: G.
Sener k Sens, Lee mine coal, $2.45 per ten ;
C.J.SwarrrtCe., Pennsylvania, $2.30; Penn
sylvania protected, 2.35; Black Creek,
$2.30: protected, ?2.35; Lee iiiine pretected,
$2.40; hard Wllkesbarre, $2.fi0. The quo que quo
tatlens marked pretected mean that in
casoef strike or accident at the mlne or
from any ether can he beyond the control
orthe company, they will supply the host
quality obtainable at the same prlce, dur
ing the centinuance or such interruption.
The commlttce awarded the contract for
Lee mlne coal protected at $2.40 per ten.
Democratic Society Oflleera.
EruitATA, May 23. The Democratic soci
ety have organized by electing Jeseph Mc Mc
Vey, president : Daniel Hicks, vlce presi
dent ; It. W. Blckley, secretary, aud W.
D. Winters, treasurer. On June 7 they will
meet again te fix a date te held a primary
election for delegates te the county conven
tion. Black, Paulsen and Wullaoe have
many friends bore, and the fuvorite or the
society cannot be named new.
There will be a running race for $2Aaside
at Munheim next Monday by Hurry Shirk
and Daniel Deiin, both or I'nbrata. The
distance will be 100 yards, anil Mr. Shirk
is te have a start or 6 yards.
On Saturday evenlng Camp Ne. 31. P. O.
or T. A. (Daughters of America) will have
their first anniversary in Baud hall. It
will be u literary and musical entertain
ment. A special feature will be a play en
titled " Peggy Green," a broom drill.
T. C. Cox and wife, Mrs. II. Musser, Mrs.
Tl. R. Reycr, of I'phr.itu, left yesterday for
California. They w 111 step a few days at
Wurreusburg, Me., te attend the aunual
lovefeast or the German Baptists. D. M.
Hoever left ut the same tlme ter a ten days'
trip te Missouri, and Mrs. W. Carter and
children for Kansas City.
Dr. Leng's lllrthduy.
Dr. Jacob Leng, who for many years has
been keeping a drug store at" Alaner and
Went King street, is oue of Lancaster's old eld
est and best-known citizeus. Each year
he (olebrates his biithday by holding a
party for ids friends. Yesterday he was
bovcnly-ulne years of age, und In the oven even
lng qulte a number of Ids friends called.
Including Drs. Aug. Killer, Compteu, M.
L. Herr, Vatgley, Nnlcher, Messrs. C. N.
Sprowl, B. F. Dais, Patrick Donuelly,
Jes. Snyder, J. W. Jenes. Tlie evenlng
was very wellsent, and the entertainment
Included a splendid supper. Thore was
geed instrumental mimic, singing and story
telling, and at Iho late hour that thn t.nriv
adjourned everybody wlshed the host
iiiuiijr ii,ifiu - uajjjij- uivurruiicus.
nrlukmiikern' Elitet Ontcers,
The Drit'kmakers Union was organized
permanently en Thursday evening und the
following elllcers elected: Provident, Henl.
F. Heuscr; vlce president, William Schill
ing; recording secretary, Jeseph H. Cause;
corresponding secretary, Peter Zeiglcr, Jr.;
financial secretary, Adam Demmol ;
trustces, Rebert Teinplcten, Frank Fex
and Jehn Hegarth: Inner guard, Jehn
Kehlcr; outside guard. Max Hogarth.
James Mcl'cely, of Philadelphia, oue or
Die general organizers, was present and
addressed the members Thn l.'nlen has
auplied te the Federation or Laber for a
ch trier und it Is expected befere the next
meeting of the Union en Thursday, May
Many CIcnrmuUei-H Strike.
The ompleyes of U cigar factories, num
bering l.euO hands, are new en strike In
New Yetk for au Increase of from SO cents
te 81.00 or thousand.
The strike committee of the International
Cigarmakers Union h.fve directed strikes
In four raeterles employing 2,000 hands te
take place oil Monday next. The names
orthe factories at which the strikes ure te
be ordered are kept secret.
A Heavy lllew ut 'IVniperunce.
Mr. Gladstone, In a lettereu the licensing
questien, says that the mero Introduction
In Parliament or the license bill, which
provides for compensation for lesi or
Ilcenses has already Increased the value
or publicum.' proiterty by nearly i:5,(Xlo,OOe.
The mcasure, he says, Is the heaviest blew
ever stiuck at the came of Uiupeiajice,
s v flrftN-T'
Chief Justice Fuller Dell vera the Opln-
len-The Murtlerer te lie Killed By
Electricity In the Anburn Jail.
Washihotex, May 23. The supreme
court of tbe United Statea te-day denled
the application for a writ of error lit the
casoef Kemmlcr, under sontencoof death
by electricity.
The opinion was delivered by Chief Jus
tice Fuller.
The opinion first recites the proceedings
In the lower courts leading up te the bring
ing of the case te this court, The court
says that It Is urged hi Kemmler's behalf
that the 14th amendment Is a prohibition
en the state efthe Imposition of cruel and
uuusual punishment, this being Included
in the term "due process or law." The
origin or the phrsse "cruel and unusual
punishment" the cxnirt said was In the
English act or the settlement or 1088 and
means that barbarous ' methods or punish
ment should net be Inflicted. It meant
that man should net be sontenccd te death
by terture, but did net mean that the death
penalty itself was cruel. 'The court or
apiteals, the opinion says, held that the
punishment Inflicted en Kemmler was
unusual, but that there was no evidence te
show that It was cruel. The Legislature
or New Yerk had the facts bearing upon
this questien and the court must presume
that the Legislature had devised a
punishment thought less cruel than the
former mode. That decision, the court
says, was net against any special privilege
set up by the prisener and was se plainly
right that the court would net be Justified
in overruling It.
The fourteenth amendment did net ma
terially change the whole theory of govern
ment. Citizens still remain citizens, both
ofstate and of the United States. The only
change is that the amendment furnishes
an additional guarantee against encroach
ment by the state upon the fundamental
rights of citizens. The privileges and Im
munities or cittzens of the Unlted States
are, Indeed, protected by thorn. Theso are
tbe privileges arising out or the essential
nature and character or national govern
ment. The court quotes the opinion In the
Hurt ado case en the meaning orthe phrase
" due process or law." The ciiange In the
form or death was within the logitlmale
sphere orthe legislative powerof tbe state.
The legal featitre or the state or New Yerk
doterminod that It did net inflict cruel and
unusual puuUhment, and Its courts have
sustained that determination.
This court cannot see that the prisoner
has been deprived or due process or law.
In erder te re verse the Judgment this court
should be compellod te held that tbe, court
of appeals had committed au error se gross
as te doprlve the prisoner of his constitu
tional rights. The court has no hesitation
in saying It cannot de this.
A Paster Who Hays tbe Church
Ileinanlzlng and Resigns.
Rev. Sainuel Twcodale.asslstant rector of
St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal church.
Frankford, and for thlity years connectod
with that parish, caused u sensation en
Thursday by resigning his iKisltlen en the
ground that the Episcopal clmrch Is drift
ing te Romanism, and announcing that he
would outer the Rofennod Episcopal
Addresses were made, and at the request
of Mr. Twoedide theso present willing te
fellow him in the Reformed movement
were requested te stand up. Olie hundred
and flfty-nine persons responded and gave
their names.
The movement is independent of three
vestryment, whp a row months age re
signed. In Mr. Twccdale's letter wero the fol
lowing statements:
"I have been forced te the conclusion that
the church Is drifting toward ltemanlsm.
Especially Is tills true In connection with
the Lord's supper. After the elements
h.we been consecrated the view has gained
ground thst Christ Is present In a manner
that he was uotbefoVc'-Thla-ls shown by
the officiating clergy and choir turning te
the altar, thus conveying the Impression
that Christ is in the bread aud wine, aud
that theso should be worshiped. The cup
was formerly given te the cemmunicant:
new it must be held by the minister. It
has become tee holy for ordinary poeplo
te touch.
" The sacrament or baptism has new a
very different construction put upon it In
St. Mark's rrem what it had in tlme past.
1 knew that the servlce in the prayer book
has net becu changed, but the Interpreta
tion put upon It certainly has changed.
New we are required te bolievo that a nor
mal and spiritual change takes place In the
child at its baptism.
"The precessions, gestures, turning te
the altar, Hie change In the minister's vest
ments nnd the Instruction Imparted te the
children are all, in my Judgment, tending
toward Romanism.
" Bellevlitg that the Protestant Episcopal
church is only in name pretectant, and
that she iu,drlft!ng every day nearer te
Keine, while being satisfied that thn Ito Ite
formed Episcopal church represents the
principles of the pretectant reformation
and Is destined te forward the evangelical
truth, I resign the position I have held for
evor thirty years In St. Mark's church."
ftememljtirtxl Their Paster.
That the relations existing between the
pastor aud members el the Church of Ged,
at Orunge and Water streets, are pleasant,
was practically Illustrated en Thursday
evenlng. The members or the church as
sembled in the lecture room and summoned
Rev. J. 11. listoriine and his wife. They
were greatly surprised at seeing se many
of the members gathered togethor, and
mero se when J. P. Abraham, as the
siekcsmaii for the members, called their
attention te a roll or fine Brussels carpet,
containing 40 yards, a large pile or small
packages aud severai large cakes, and pre
sented them te the p.n-ter and his wife en
behalf or the congregation, as an evidence
or their love and esteem. Kev. Esterllne
responded with a reeling address, In which
he thanked the members for their appreci
ation of his efforts as their pastor, and he
hoped he would nevur forfeit their leve
aud esteem. After the presentation a
pleasant social tlme was hau.
a '
rjincaster's New Military Company.
aucastcr will have a soldier ceiuiiauy
In the new future that will boa member of
the National Guard. Thore Is room at
present for another remsiuy aud Goneral
Hustings will take a baud In having 1,-in-caster
admitted. A number of prominent
gentlemen or tills city have Uikcn held of
the mutter and they will de everything
they are able te make the i-emiMiiy u big
success, which Is something mero than
theso in the past have been. Last ove eve
nlng a meetlng was held at which W. W.
Franklin presided and Stuurt Orifllth was
secretary. Committees en rules und reg
ulations and applicants were appointed.
About forty men have nlieidy signified
thelr Intention ofjeluing the company.
Plug' rrem btanUy.
Henry M. Stanley, the African explerer,
has i resented te the Manhattan club, of
Ne Yerk, threo flags which were carried
at th head of the column or hi expedition
for the rollef of Emlii Pasha. They were
gieu te Mr. Stanley J(it as he was starting
ter Africa en his last trip, aud were brought
back safely by hiiii aud ferwarded te the
club by his direction. The flags were re
ceived In New Yerk en 'Ihursday and will
be displayed conspicuously in the old Stew
art mansion when the club mevei into Its
new home. One or tliem is the national
ensign and the ethers am flags of the New
Yeik Yacht eluLt,
MAY 28, 1890.
An Old Resident nnd American Official
In Russia Contradicts) Htm,
Mr. William II, Dunsteu, a resident or
Russia for thirty years and present Ameri
can vice consul general at St. Petersburg,
takes decided Issue with Geerge Kennan,
whom he calls a sensationalist glven te
exaggeration. He said te en Inter vie wer:
"I heard Mr. Keeuan recently in his lec
ture en the Siberian exiles. Seme of his
portraits thrown en canvas were or wemen
who had plotted against the government
and who were exiled In consequenco. He
made no mention orthe fact that they were
Anarchists, as inuch se as Spies, Parsons
and tbe ethers. Mr. Kennan Is utterly
wrong In his attempt te Influence the
American mind by exaggerating the evils
and criticising the methods of the Russian
government for Its protection. Why, he
has get Americans nervous about going te
St, Petersburg or travelling through Rus
sia. " St, Potersburg is a safe, admirably gev-
nreiiMl nlli. Tim ,nn in..A ti.A ...
ou have get an Idea hore that the emperor
never appears in publle unless he Is
guarded by troops or that his carrlage geos
rushing through the drools surrounded by
galloping troepors and Is geno before you
realize what has happened. That Is net
true. I tell you the Russian poeplo are
loyal te thelr ruler.
"Why almost overy day, In the after aftor aftor
noen, thoemperorand empress can be seen
taking a drive through the streets, with
only a soldier en the seat with the driver,
and he does footman duties. Or he may
have two mounted Cossacks immediately
In rrent and two In the rear, and se he Is
driven leisurely through the thorough thorough
fares." "And about the prisons? "
" I will say that they stand en an equal
ilane with any In our own country,
'rlseners are well treated and well Ted.
Yes, I can say that In many rospects the
prison systeni Is better than our own. The
Amerlcan colony In 8t. Petersburg, I tell
you, utterly doprecate the abuse or the
Russians and de net appreve any ene or
Keunan's lectures, and I shall de all In my
pewer te ceunteract his inflitance In this
Women Slay Yet Vele.
Fer the first tlme in the hlsterv or thn
Heuso judiciary committee a majority or
the members en Thursday agreed te a f f f
vorable report upon a Joint resolution In
troduced by Roprcsentatlve Baker, or New
Yerk, providing for a constitutional
amendment te grant the right of suffrage te
women. Twice bofero a minority of the
commute has reported favorably en simi
lar prepositions, and one of these reports
was drawn by the present speaker, Mr.
Reed, but a majority could net be Induced
te take favorable action.
The commltteu also directed faverable
reports te be inade upon n bill prescribing
a penalty of line or imprisonment for the
oflensoof uslnutbe United Stales flair for
advertising purpeses, and a bill te punish
election officers and custodians of election
returns for Illegally changing results. The
latter bill Is Inteuded te correct the omis emis
sion In the exlstlug general law te cover
the case or an offending county clerk, as
rovealed In ene orthe West Virginia con
tests. a
Itacfug Notes.
The Arst race meeting in the Midway
circuit is te be held at Waverly, New
Jersoy. The entries have already closed
and they are or the best, The following
are the number or herses In each class :
2:21, ten; 2:20, ten; 2:40, fourteon; 2:60,
slxteeu. Thore are also soven in the special
races. Among the abeve are seme or the
flnest horses In their class In this cenn try.
Heme of thorn will be seen at the meeting
in Lancaster. The indications point te a
great success for the Midway circuit.
Early In June Arbutus and Billy Butten,
two noted horses, will trot In Pnttstewn
and ICd II. McGenlgle, of this city, will
drive Arbutus.
A Seventy-flvQ Days' Fast.
The 40 days' rast or Dr. Tanner Is outdeno
by Themas F. Sutten, a 14-year-old son or
Patrick Sutten, or Dubuque, Iowa. His
splue wub hurt flve years age, and he has
been an invalid ever since. Eloven wecks
age his right slde was paralyzed. Since
that tlme 76 days and ever net a partlcle
or feed has passed his lips. Thore is no
longer a pound or flesh en the emaciated
body of the unfortunste boy. His death Is
momentarily oxpected.
A Freight- Wreck,
Iast night the doadwoed or a frelght car
attached te n train drawn by ongtiie Ne.
1,3M dropped off Just west or Falmouth
station, ou the Pennsylvania rail lead. It
can sod qulte an extensive wreck, and no
less than nlnucars wen) thrown rrem the
track and very badly brokeu. The north
and south tracks were blocked for aeon aeen aeon
siderablo distance. It was found ueccssary
te send te Columbia and Middlctewn for
the wreck crews, and they worked until au
early hour this morning.
Strawberry Festival.
A strawberry festival for the boneflt of
the Yeung Ladles' Missionary society, of.
the Presbyterian church, .vas opened oil'
Thursday evening. Everything is nicely
arranged, and while the attendance last
evening was net se lurge as oxpected, In
dications point te a geed itlteiidancn this
evenlng. The cause is a geed one, and
doHerves the patrenage of the public.
A Herse Stelon.
Chief Berger received a telegram rrem
Constable Glnter, or Yerk, te-day, ask
ing him te be en the lookout for a dark
bay herse, 10 hands high, lame In rrent
feet. The thief also took a saddle and
bridle. The theft was committed last
Escuped Frem the Reformatory.
William Plersen, alias Gcerge Ceates,
aud Geerge Laperte, inmates el tlie Refor
matory at Huntingdon, escaiied from that
Institution en Thurnday. Chief Berger re
ceived word te-day te be ou the lookout
for these young men. A description and
photographs of theso runaways can be
seeu ut the mayor's olllce.
Will Preach te Ills New Charge.
Rev. Setli 1). W. Smith, tlie pastor of the
Strawberry street church, will assume the
duties of bis new cliarce ut Atlantic Citv.
N, J,, at once, lle will preach thore en
Sunday and will move his family te that
city in a week or two.
Ijitrceny Cuse Withdrawn.
The larceny case against William Marlen,
charged with stealing articles from Geerge
S. Ilrady, was withdrawn en Thursday
night at Alderman Burr's upon the pay
ment of costs. Mr. Brady Is satisfied that
Frank Marien, the brother or William,
who is a fugitive from Jitstlce, was the
A Supper te Goutlemeii Friends.
Elmer E. Stener, who was married re
centlv. irave a nurtv te about twniitv.Mvn
of his friends at Ills home, Ne, 1 15 East
James street, lust evening. They had an
elegant siipitor.prepared by Caterer ICckert,
and a splendid time during the ovenlng.
A Birthday Party.
Miss Annie Gechenauer, who lives ou
Poplar street, was given a pirty last even
ing by her friends. Thore were about
tiventy-lhe young folks present and they
liau a spieuciiu iime until a laie ueur.
liroke an Arm.
Gcerge Fitzgerald, five years old, erfdl
Woodward street, while playlngln they ard
in tlie rear or his home, ou Thursday after
noon, foil and breke au arm. Dr. J. E.
Bukeweudered the necessary surgical aid.
Itcitiinied Prem Tucemii.
Sai.unea, May 23. Jacob B. Hershny,
formerly or this place, but who had been
engaged Tn the cigar buhluess In Tacoma,
Washington, returned home yosterday,
' '
Air. Howdeth.
Prem the New Orleans Picayune.
Tlie lay bootblack docs net Impreve
each shining hour. He should take lessens
rrem Howdeth, the llltle busy bee.
Sent Out.
Ed. Spear, ene orthe host known drunks,
wheut ene tlme belonged te a icspectuble
family but is new a wnvk, was arroMed
yeMeiday by Cenktuble lUje;gh. Ut vafc
Impressive Speech Addressed te Sbclleu
Iterxer Before Seutoneo Is Pronounced.
J. M. Shellonberger, the forger and em
bezzler, who was sentoncedte22 years' Im
prisonment by Judge Ycrkes, when
brought Inte court en Thursday morning,
appeared haggard and careworn, and dur
ing the centinuance of Ids trial wept almost
constantly, As seen as he took his seat In
the deck he bowed his head and held a
hnndkorchlerto hlsface until called upon
by the Judge te stand up and receive his
sentence. He recognized nene of his
old-time associates among the raembers
or the bar, and tried te keep his Tace
concealed as much as possible, The pris
oner's groans could be distinctly heard in
overy part or the court room, and the un
fortunate man's condition was pitiable te
uoheld. Among the audience were many
ladles and manv or his former nolghliers,
mends and clients. Dlstiict Attorney
Stout read the bills or liidlctment te Shcl Shcl Shcl
Jenborger, and he pleaded guilty te the 18
bills, charging him with fergery, embez
zlement and false nrntntisn. Aftr.r limrrlm.
the testimony of about 18 wltnosses, and
an eloqtteni jtlea by Shollenbergor's coun
sel for a light eutence, the prisoner was
commanded te stand up befere the pro
nouncing of the sentence,
The Judge said: "In this case we only
soe the distress and hear the pathetic ap
peals or one who Is solely responslble for
his own misery and for se much that is
net brought te our attontlen. Under a
merciiut custom observed In the courts
when the penalty orthe law Is te be pro pre pro
neuncod in the hour or supreme perll only
the appeals or the condemned for mercy
are heard. Whatever he may urgoln'mitf urgeln'mitf urgoln'mitf
gallen or punishment, his sufferlng,
anguish, protestations and peril are all
presented te the court. It would be use-'
less for me new te remlnd you of
the baseuess and grave criminality of
your acts. Fer 20 years, during three of
which you held tlie responslble office of
district atlorney, and as such prosecuted
many offendors, you wit In this court, te
the bar of which you are new brought te
answer, and have constantly heard words
or warning administered te malefactors,
which must have soumled te you like the
knell of your own condemnation, for it
new appears that you have long been a
criminal; that, in ull probability, than,
when you held the office of publle prosecu
tor, and en ethor occasions when you as
sisted in prosecuting criminals, you were
equally guilty with theso whose condem
nation you asked. The facts that for
years you have pursued a criminal career
under the circumstances I have monllened
aud that your offences have been se
numereus and Invelve se much ruin
and sufferlng te ethors, call for the severest
punishment. I am unable te see any rea
sonable excuse for your conduct. Such has
been the success and audacity or your con
duct that confldenco in the honesty or men
has been most rudely disturbed. Neigh
bors leek each ether In the face and oak
who can be trusted new. Evan the cer
tainty aud Integrity or theludlclal tribunal
has been msde liable te distrust through
bold and vllllaneus botraynient by one
whose profession aud duly it was te assist
In upholding right against wrong. Over
this outire country and beyend there hangs
n cloud of distrust that only the assertion
or the just vongeanoo or the law van dlssl dlssl
pate. I regret that the appeal en behalf of
his children and parents had te be
made. I had hoped it would net be,
but while olsewhere and under any
ethor clrcumstances the roference ought net
te have been made, It Is oxcusable In Ibis
hour or extreme peril te the prlsoner. I
have consldercd as far as I could be per
mitted thelr confiding Innocence, their
honerablo f ml rospectablo positions, and
their trust and faith In his future, These
are tlie honerablo attributes or kinship.
Rut It must net be forgotten that ene who
has done se wrong must suffer punishment,
and that for such torrlble effences distress
and anguish must be endured. Hew much
better would it new be If he bad thought
of these ties which must new be broken
bofero hn plunged Inte bis terrlble career I
A plain duty confronts me, and requires,,
notwithstanding theso palhetlu appeals,
that a punishment shall be meted out In
soma degree commenstirato with his
numereus and Inoxcusable crime." The
prisoner was then sentenced.
During tbe reading te the court or the
various charges contained In the several
bills or liidlctment, which occupied oue
full hour, Sbollenberger sobbed, sighed
aud groaned, and when the seutonee of
twouty-twe years ut hard labor In tbe
ponltentlary wasannounced, his exclama
tions of grief were pit la bio. lle cried eut:
"Oh, my Ged J"
James Meurne Shollenborgor Is about 45
years of age. He was admitted te the bar
or Bucks county October 10, 1SC0. since
when he has resided and practiced the law
In Doylostewn. When he applied for ad
mission te the bar thecommittee appointed
te examine him determined te reject him
ou the ground or his failure te pass the
requisite examination, but upon his
premise te louie the county and net
practice thore the commlttce certified te his
competency and recommended his ad
mission te the bar, and he was admitted.
In accordance with a part or his premise,
he went te Raclne, Wisconsin, wliore he
lemalned about two weeks and then re
turned te Bucks county mid opened a law
olllce In Doylostewn, disregarding the jtart
or his premise net te practice law In Bucks
county, In 1870 he was elected district
attorney, which olllce he filled three year.
The Htaule of Hubert MuFmi',
Others Destroyed By lucendUr
The town of Mt. Jey was greatly exu
Thursday eveiilng ever a flre which eV
eur red thore ubeut half-mist ten o'clock
It breke out In a stable belonging te Squlre
Rebert McFuddeu, which was entirely de
stroyed with its contents. An Ice heuse
that al loins It was also burned, as were
several ether small stables near by be bo be
lenging te a man unmed Dysart. The reef
of the Exchange htte'.kept by Jehn Pentz,
formerly or Lancaster, which Is clese te
where the flre was, was en fire several
limes. It was only saved by the almost
constant application of water, which had
te be taken up te the attic. Hew tbe fire
originated is net known, but the supposi
tion is that it was started by an incendiary,
Mr. McFoddeu's property whs insured.
Te Itcsti-let Census Questions.
Representative McAdoo, of New Jersoy,
en Thursday proseutod In the Heuso a pre
amble and resolution In relation te ques
tions te be asked by census enumerators.
The paper recites the fact that as complaint
is being muds of the alleged luriulsiteri.U
character of the questions, which are de
clared te be Incompatible with the rights of
freemen und unwarranted and unconstitu
tional exercise of pewer by the fcderal gov
ernment, It would be well te have a com cem com
mltteo make Inquiry Inte the questions
propesod und te report by a bill looking. If
found necessary, te the proper restriction
of tlie same.
Bued for 81, OOO Damages,
B. F. Lshleiuau, for Samuel Gruel,
entered a suit for damages in the court of
common ideas te-day against the Philadel
phia k Redding railroad company. The
Ice wagon in charge of u son el Mr. Gruel
was struck by a train at the Conestoga
street crossing of the Quarry llle branch
several months age. The young man was
serieusly injured and the wagon wrecked.
The accident, It is claimed, was caused by
thn negligence of the railroad company's
Tlie amount of damages laid Is
A l.arg Membership.
The Catholle Total Ahstlnonce Union, of
Scrauten ilioeeno, In annual convention in
Wllkesbarre, elected the following numed
efllcers: President, Rev. P. J. McManns;
vlce presldeut, I). J. McCarthy; secretary,
Jehn Cellier; treasurer, C. C. Donevan.
The union lias a mombershlp ef8,l00 tem tem
iHirunce men.
Cume Hank te Seei Old Friends.
Pat Bunts, who was u sneelal pollceman
under Mayer Morten und left Lancaster
about two years age, Is In town. He ar
rived here ou Atlaiitia Express at 11:30.
Hels engaged in the saloon buslness at
Findlay, Ohie, whom he Is doing u fiue
buslness, and he, U also connected with a
Cincinnati doUietlve agency. He is the
same jolly.geml-imtuivU l'at slid almost as
The Cashier Involved In Tr
With An Agent Of a Saw Ttfc:'
Grain and stock Exchaaev
1IINOUAMTON, N. Y. May 28. 1
Oswege National bank, of Oswego, la
doing business te-dav. On the
doers is posted the following nete: !
lug an examination of its affairs this
Is teuitKirarlly closed. Depositors
nuve no icur. ' rr;,
The cashier of the bank la C. A. Themi
a)ti who Is charged by C. H. Plait, pitMeJ
uent or tee public Gram ana
Exchange of New Yerk, with acting 1
concert with James F. Dee te at
the oxcliange or 130,000. Dm
the correspondent of the esc
at Oswego. Poenlo who have been de
business with the bank de net appear te I
at all alarmed. Thsre la an imprest:
mat tue suspension aud lUe alleged.'
spiruey are in sumo way connected.
A later dispatch from Oswego sera: '
ausponsien is uue te the late develop
in the " Big Four" collapse. One .
the directors or the bank said this tnerail
that thelr deposits amounted te but 162,(1
casiiier Thompson is out of town, preaaa
ably at Nowperi news, va., Where nu:
has been staying for several month.
Mr. Thompson is also treasurer of
Will Cotui, or Waterbury, Vera
aged feurteen, has been missing alnea
3, when his father accused his amnie
Jehn Thompson, or lll-treatlng the)
Thompson has lied and foul play la I
The Heuso committee en elections In I
cases or Langsten vs. Venable, 4th Virgil
district ; .Miner vs. Elliet, 7th Seuth (
Una district, and Chalmers va. Morgan;
Mississippi district, win report in laver
l-angsteii and Miller, Keputtllcane,
Morgan. Democrat. '?.
The Washington court of claim
elded that the government la aatag. la I
Springfield rifle, thn ejector InvtetM i
patented by Berdan. Thla question.
been befere the court In varleaa lerau'
olehtecn years. ' $
The crown prlnce and prince of 1
mark huva a daughter.
Hhoemnkors or Wostbore, Ma
struck bocause or the employment of, i
leged " scabs." - "$
The McKinley tariff bill was received
the Sonate from the Heuso and referred'
tbe commlttce en finance. j. ,
n... -.-!. . . -ll . , - J-"
mho siriKe anne .national me
at McKeesport, Involving several I
men, ha been onded by a eomprealattV
Hen. w. I Scott's miner at
and most of the Youahlevhanv i
miners have accepted one cent lee Ui
Columbus scale and the strike la ever,-,
In the New Jersey Senate then
elevated railroad bill wa defeated
resolution for final adjournment'!
The -Assembly bill en the
was carried off by Chairman Trier, 'of I
corporation cemmiiieevaaa n
rnenvnrnd. A resolution frv-vnat
was dofeutod, ..X
The supreme court or tbeUntt!
ha rondered an opinion which will I
the ex trad It ion by Spain eTLtaift
Oteyzuy Certez for trial in' Havaattv
embezzlliig public fund. lie U W JaJlil
New Yerk. ., ''tfl&tSl
Ex-Senater McDonald mad ambHt
the Unlted States supreme court ,mt m :
hearing of the Mermen cam mmum i
the mandate. The court relMM;;
bearing but allowed the vaeatiag-'ef 1
mandate. The court wa aatlafladtl!
conclusions were correct but net.'
form .of tbe decree and .would Uk
matter under advisement. It,lfl
iusi me uiijcet is hi mm a.-wj
return tbe money of the Mormeail te;.
seurce that will net use it te
polygamy, them being reluotanee t4M
lutelv coitllscate IL "'"'
Receiver Jehn Heed, of the M 1. fidl nl Aflnnftrt rllft.v'
,. w.. ,...n, w. .... W.V.v
sued Charles L. Werk, eV-(
wrecked Gloucester bank and1
Trust for f 20,000. The action I
Werk' protected nete for f 10.6
among the assets, Evidence, of
ness abounds.
Aund IOS aud SDry.
Chicago. May 21. Apparently the I
plcst woman In Chicago, yesterday, K
Mrs. Sarah Rothschild, exactly 102;
old, Sbe wa holding a birthday i
at her daughter's residence,
urceted by' huudred of friend.
Whachlld seemed a spry aa a wenuajj
Iiid affectionately welcome
rMie was bericT'Oraberan, aermany.l
roslded In Chicago 39 year and baa i
Known wnat sickness is. "
. . . iu
Aouiiltted of Murder.
I... .,
San FnANcwce, May 23. D. H. Ar
a prominent citlzeu of Colusa county, i
yesterday acquitted of the murder or 8."
Harness. A number of anonyrueu CIl
Urs were distributed last fall In
county, containing a vile calumny i
members of Arneld's family, and t
ularly against Mrs. Arneld. Arneld
covered that Garness was the author oft
circular, and In au altercation ever
affair, Gnrncss was about te draw a"
volver when Arneld shot him dead. K'J
' M
Window Glass Prices te Inere )...
Firrmiuiie, May 23. The Western Wfc
dew Glass Manufacturers association I
Iiore yesterday and declded te abut de
all factories In the country forth aamn
en or befere June 14. A combine
also made with lubbers bv which the 1
of elas is te be made uniform breaftri
all ellln. s'-ll
m sxi
Fair '
ers i
AsiiiNOTON. D. C Mar SS.ii
r weather during the day. &bi
te-u gut. warmer eeuu
winds. . . 3'':
fernWWKATitKiiSErtvicK. TUeNOi
westernand Western depression wiu
bably unite In the lake regieu una u
lng and move eastward, with wa
weather, followed by ruin Iu i the Ce
states and Atlanth) states. Teuijer
,. hi the Unlted Mates yett
,.-... ..i.i.,i- minimum re nor ted wa
decrees Fahrenheit, at Nprtfatleld. VM
the chief maximum, bs, at l.l Pase, tm
In the .Middle Mates warmer, fair w
..i., .i.. ue.ithttr will nrevail. with
.,,,. i. ..aUfi-K- winds, followed III the i
neon by rain In the western portion, I
rain extending te the coast in me
mwi in V.nv lliiulaiid slightly wa
r.iirin imiilv cloudy weather, fellow
...i,. (..!, mrrew morning. 'Oil Satur
New Yerk and section and In New
!,..,,! til.. I, llv warmer, cloud V te
,.i., ,,n- u'lKitfmr will nrebablv nrevatC
rain and Miutherly te southwesterly w
for Sunday partly cieuuy w
.i .....,l.l l.i. mill OQ tha
SSY'r'l Kl.. VV.&H Ien. favorable' 1
tlie growing crops will MUtliiuateMlw.l
all Mictiens excepi iw .". " ?-
r mipiitier Contractor.
,.et inn ciiy, wbh
,-iii.,.d. 'Hie work! in uiejwww
l uMidiurue. Bucks county. J. B. Kt
buildllJg let UliU) ttCIOH W Kf
-tt '
T.'allnr.t- (TrOSSOn.
eroding the New Helland railroad,,!
C?r..l.;i, ., enntraet of seven mll
""".' " '. . "". ;..r 7,r n, in