Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 17, 1890, Image 6

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    J 'yil
'jlf!J ' -2,t5 .ft"-' 'vVa V'-Mw ' 'V,"? J" ' r
rAv'A" 'i(f'
till Jilt1 " . .
'r 4
National League
"'. vt-1. r? ...... tTmli-
fcr iwun ns uuuc wuuv..
i J
LMlttKtetM figures Shew Thai the
h.BMttMtttae It Fr In . ad "-
p-TtaWr - Mr- ' WnMnt Teams Are
j'Trbrlnr Werk r ."HvllaaI.
i Tfce rek emllnt- Saturday, May 10, te
fruitful one in Dosceau, miun ,
credited, out wiicn rcsiuceu 10 i
! few happenings 01 importance.
nn thlna that attracted ever much nt-
;enUen waa the conference held by tliu
vrmmtttee en the welfare of the National
lMgutvMessr. Spalding, Day nnd Byrne,
Thin committee was cnneu lei-einer m von
nh."T7lth the officials of the I'iUsbnrKclub
t'tetlcrW in its affair. The Smoky
1 m. whole. It is nllerrrd. were Itchlnil with
CMtetT rent nnd salaries nnd the smnll at
terns -only nueiit , peopie te six
re hull tllseeurnired them. It was ns-
.l flint thev wanted te quit. The facts
that the club Is net wrecked or any
thing like it, MmlcK is well en ana
O'Neill Is rich. There is plenty of money
''back of the cluh-lndeed mere money than
:; courage.
In . I- .... .l.n. Vl..til- find fYVMll ttrftrn
t. Jt.l.A4nmva ! tlm lnplc nf ntiens-intlnll nf
v- Yltli,r lAtiriin tram hv lMLlAlmri-
peple, and It Is true that they were Iwhlud
In their rent. This wns due te lack of
&wieney In tlie club treasury. Personally
g.?the club owners have It, and have slnce
InJd the rent nnd the players' salaries.
$MThey were encettras-ed by the committee,
B:sMid enench "snnil." as It is expressively
ECtermcd among snorting men, was talked
S,into-them te make tliem rciurn iiome
."aheutlnR that they never had the least iio iie iio
Ktlen of Kcttlng out or of transferring their
ISateam. It is generally uenevwi mai urn
rSXeacne will aid the clue It it gets inie rem
W financial straits. Meanwhile the U-ngue
pst; magnates go en regardless of the meagcr
E1-.'.n,!nr nn sonie irreunds. seemlmtlv
'r'aatlsuel that they will gft tliclr share or
tlie patronage w mu !"
S Tim nttendauee Ilirures for the week show
iRttiattlie situation iu New Yerk reninlns
5S unchanged. The Brotherhood team lias
X&tnlllhe best of it. although Saturday's at-
feS.Thegamoet Friday at Brotherheoil jmrk,
f" Unmr Vn.t a1.nnl(l tinf..A11llt AH t llA fill lllta.
Kg-slen, owing te a, peculiar phasoef news
Kpnper advertising, was practically free.
- At Phlladelidila the Jx-ague mnile a
"marked gain, l'er the first week the figures
t& -. ii i.h... ...... ab (mi .ten.
tSstldnume. four cames. 17,30. The first four
KZliV.. " . . ' . - .... ,- .- .1 -
r;i,vgmes lasiwect urew ,iiii is-opie 10 me
FBrotherheod grounds and 0,103 te the
J,T,Ijcague grounds. And en tlie lest two uays
?.Jtli Tninia had the most uconle by u small
s-jf Theppentng clasiint uiucnge snows me
p.llicague In a decided minority. Mr. Spald-
"Jng' team played four games te 0.4SO pee.
,rpe .wltneut opieaiiion, ai lour games
K with nniHisltleii he trot 1.ST7. ncnlnit T.ItUJ
VStar thn Brothcrheoii team, a ratio of flve
sfand threcMiuartcrs te one. Tills would Ju-
ftedicate that lwth teams might draw well
HS;wlth non-ceufllctlng dates.
jiy At tilcyeianu me j-rf'agiieieam urew e,ii
'iVP' turee games wiuimit. opiKisineu.
;Thencame three cenlllcts. The 1'layers
r-?tearacxjt 5.0IG people, against l.SflO. The
SViilieague then had ene day alene and drew
arfiSiir. PnrtliB first davs of the next week
,the weather pennltted play the Brether
; snoea games aiiracieti i,w teiipie, mm i m
,'; League games IfiM. .The announced ut
..tendance must hae been padded at the
Urtart, or eUe the Ix'ague has made n gain ut
, Cleveland.
j-Xne lirst nve uays ei tue cenuici a.
Brooklyn resulted: Brotherhood, 14,670;
2 liBBKue, VJ.lOi, j niu imi COUII1CIII1K
Kr" inmes played there during the week the
&''Jague drew 2.21U and the Brotherhood
pC'IMU The latter played one gamoen n
y jehecrless day, with Bosten for an oppe
,,ent., wtin no opposition, aim lueaiieuu
nce was 251.
r'AU the cities have new hern heard from,
Nfand there is abundant evidence te show
' -..tbat the public feeling Is with the Players'
W ' JjJeague in nil of them except Brooklyn nnd
j. : vwemnau, nuu in iuu miicr iiieru is no
rAMml1lrt tii tel the fCellm In New Yerk
t'-'and Chicago nnd Pittsburg the league has
skiSae far hardly been iu it. At Philadelphia
Kiff and Cleveland the attendance has reached
"via uasia ei etpiai uivisieu, auu in nesum me
rSiXeaciie, while In n minority, has dene well
Sf.V; enough te mera than pay expenses.
The months of Alay and June will settle
i-;pretty definitely Jut what each league is
:U. te'expect if the contest continues. It Is at
ir", ready a generally admitted fact thntvery
Sfew teams will clear exjienies under the
;. ftrcsent system of eenlltctlug dates. It
tnioeks very much as If it was new a qucs-
fi uen ei tne longest purse, i no flayers ure
a, having the best of it nnd show no signs of
..weakening. The lx-jigue, whlle flying slg-
Mjwuvi umiit's-, utmit-3 i,iimi. ib mulling
6ent Its schedule and wage war te the bitter
Lit' New as te ball playing. The Brether-
L . heed teams, whose work during the lirst
K.'f(t., n'Aal'a na vtifv ,tru"i (tiIuti na m
Evwhele, are leglunlug te get into shape and
pfare new playing pretty fair ball, even
Sitlteucrh the scores are for the most
s.5prt very long, and many of' the games
i':U- The Bosten team is still n little weak in
rhe box. but It Is winnimr riiiht nleiu.
t!lffir,'ecaj!se the ether .b.ttllttle
JCj-- UCII.V4 Wl IUI lil--""'l """ "'"I
&?, because Mike hclly is getting geed team
t:S work out of his men, which, mlilinl te their
rt'.v. tutnw nittini nnd tne nase runnini or
!-'IStevey, Kelly and Tem Brown, lias kept
jJ5itbcm in front of the precession. Chicago,
$&m far, Is well up te expectations, but it has
felbeen playing ngainst the weaker teams
s,ana nas mini nurk icjbiny iu me piuce it
U. 11 !..... ...... ill 1 ...1,1. 1... .1
Etr -r Kru' rul l-.-uii i.ii:(iHi-ii uu ut ut uuu.
t. When Cemlskey and his men run up
jtn"6H'"' .OJII .VWB.J II .. A ......Ul ll...!.
';., It will be seen time the team has been
S, some what overrated. If Kelly and his
.r?-' .men can piay vrim tijuui iuuk nuu Nk.ui
against the western teams ns they have
S& against the ea-stern nnd held the gait, they
sj ought te win tne i'leyers' league pennnnt,
BgfJ The New Yeik team lias sadly
f ' pointed Its admirers. The men am batting
tr naru, urn, ine less ei i-iernnn t aru aim
E..f. WaIaIi linn fnnilA n l.lir linla Vn.l'd i.lnrA
&S-M-; trill nni twst lwi fllle.1 Tim mnln tmtiliht
L l .t.l. .l. t...l T1 ... ,
n Klin liiu iniciicin, u ua; , v,runu mill
t Keefe have each pitched one geed game.
'-..but their ether gnmes have been mere or
swless bad. Then ngnlu, the team work
fi& whicli was ence t.e cluiracteriatie of the
fti&.Xilne has almost vanished. "Kvery man
.'ijfffU V.lrt-til f' i.iiAmG tn ).n tlin iib,u .i,t . ,.
ft et the team. Cant. Kwiuir mya that he
?,fewiil oeu have the teain iu sham aud that
pifit will be a winner ct.
bbMtty one se tar, but thvre an no tfoed
Is. iT kift Aiarkii,j tnnm lemlu (lnni-iu.t n.t
- 'a awu m him .i iuu i ai flllti UII
f-adelplila rules in the east. Beth are gelug
! -at a fust pace. The Uosteus are dlsablud by
.u.Iia lrw nt ninrlfKnn Hnnvnl livti. nul
ij' '. Ponevun, and discouraged, tee. This ae-
counts some for the prominence of the
L. Vhtlltfta i&'Vin friV fnnr cilnlf,if frnin Hab.
"$? ion. Tne chances are that the New Yerk
jXjVteam, which is new coming along strong,
5fftnu take advantage e( Bestens weakness
jB.'te win' four games, and se get into the
'uawira. vvnen n uees, wnicage anu inua-
Vfdelphia will have te liuitlc. Neither
"Brooklyn nor Cincinnati has Btruck a gait
r-V-T that need inspire opposing teams with
gBtead. W. L IUitma.
.,3. ,
i amitb. "Alie Hm IfiuiM UnuiM rc...ui
iff Recerd aud Mar De Hetter Yet.
f Gene SuilttMi ablack gelding, by Daunt-
' Um, lUtJn Nelly, by Vermont Here. He
latsan his victorious career in ItiSG. ualnlni'
f ft) - victory that season at North Man-
"IkMts in 2J7,2;Wand 2.37. During that
' aaaanM he ran several geed races, and at
)rer( Werth made a record of 2:23.
la 1887 lie placed only two victories te
ila credit, bit he reduced hbt record te
ftttV. JnlSSM he wen his first victory at
y at
AuurttkrPNe. N. ., en Aug. sa. le
ha (9 wared bU record te S;23. JUr
en at rMiadelpMa he atttttca a nnrt com-
prlsInRsuchr-01""8-??0' K''f K''f K''f
foet. Kit Curry nnrl T. T. a He wen this
wtatteS TitralghthMU In 2:21,2:81
and 8:20.
At the spring meeting nt Wartfenl,
Conn., en June 29, 1880, he wen the 2:19
class ln2:19K, 2:1(1 nd 2.20. At Cleve
land, en Aug. 2, he wen the free for all
trotting class, his only opponent being
Whlle Stockings. The time was 2fllf,
2:19 and 2:15. At Jluffale In the 2:18
class he met Kit Curry, .T. B. llichardsen,
Junement and Newton B. The roce was
extended through flve heats, flcne Smltli
winning the second, third and fifth heats
in 2:10tf, 2:17tf and 2:19.
Gene Smith has net yet reached hisspced
limit nnd his friends confidently expect
that he will place a new record te his credit
before the season of 1890 comes te a close.
The Court Tennis Championship Clnmrs
Soen te lie 1'U-mt.
Very liltle Is known by the general pul pul
Ile nlieu. game of court tennis, for It
is only played In three places Iu the United
Stales, anHerlinps a dozen places In the
world. The same rules govern the game
wherever It Is played. Probably the only
reason why the game has net lieceme pop
ular is that only peopie who nre compara
tively rich can afford te own nnd maintain
courts. Twe et theso in America are lo
cated at Bosten, whlle there are ethers In
Paris, Dublin and Tendmi.
TneMAs rinriTT.
On Slav Ce. 28 and 30 a series of games
will be played In the Dublin court, owned
by Sir Kdwln Guinness, which wilt ileclde
the court championship of the world. The
contestants will Im Themas Pettltt, of Bos Bes Bos
eon, and Charles Saunders, of Kiigland.
The circumstances which hae led up te
this match are peculiar. Mr. Pettitt Is mi
attache of the court built by Mr. If. 11.
llunnewell, In Bosten, in 1870. This was
the first court In the United Slntes. Mr.
Pettltt wns oue of the first men te beceme
connected with the Hiinncwell court.
Pettltt was lsirn In I.ngliind, nnd liegnn
his residence In America In 1 b i , living enn
of the first attaches of the llunnewell
court, lle seen showed his superiority,
and his friends arranged a match for him
with Geerge I-sniberf, the Kngllsh cham
pion. Pettltt wen this match ut llanipteti
court, England, In the Nprlng of 1B8T, and
then defeated nearly every player of nete
In Kurepe.
After he had returned home, Charles
Saunders, n young l.ngllsh player whom
Pettltt had met and defeated Iu Kurepe,
visited America, nnd played n three days'
exhibition mntch with Pettltt, the latter
giving odds of half 15 for n bisque. Bnuud
ers barely wen.
In 1837 Pettltt went te Direpe. lie wns
under contract te play no championship
games elsewhere than Iu Bosten, but hit
tried unsuccessfully te get Saunders te
meet htm for money.
In July last three Americans, nmeng
them a representative of Thn Olosten
Herald, visited Saunders in KiiRlsnd, mid
trid te induce him te pln'y "for the cliam-
iilenslitp with" Pettltt nn American bell,
"roving unsuccessful in this olTert, they
finally nrninged it match lietwceu them
te take place iu Dublin as stated. Pettitt
Is 30 years of age. The portrait which ac
companies this nrtlcle Is from n photo
graph made for The Bosten Herald just
before he salted for Europe.
llo'ten's New l'ilcliir.
Alfred V. Iowsen, the new pitcher
signed recently by Manager Selee for the
Bosten National leugue team, tlll no
doubt prove n valuable actmNltlen te that
aggregation of brawn, muscle and science,
lle Is ., years of age, S feet H inches tall
and weighs 1G1 pounds. His home is in
Detroit, Mich. He began his ImiscIkiII career
in lbS7, when he pitched for the Frankfurt,
Iud.,team. The follewlugsprlngho joined
the Geshen, Ind., nine, nnd preted se suc
cesf ul that he was purchased ly t he Bloom Bleom Bloem
ington, Ills., munngeuicut for thu season of
1889. He plnjed with that organization,
aud the Appleton, Wis., nine all Inst sum
mer, nnd wen SI out of theSS games he
pitched. The Wilmington, Del., manage
ment then secured him, and he has ls'en
with that I'lttbiip te the present time. This
spring h went south and pitched ,t game
for the Brooklyn National league team
ngainst Ansen's colts. The celtB iniuloenly
six hits en" his delivery and Ansen tried te
buy his release. The Wilmington manage
ment refused te soil him. Iitcr en law law
seu became dissatisfied at his treatment in
Wilmington, and the outcome was hi sign
ing w ith the league club.
The great succc of the two billiard
tournaments reieutly held in New Yerk
nnd Chicago has caused prepositions te be
made for the holding of mi International
contest iu Pari nent summer and a return
contest in New Yerk uext winter. When
Maurice Vlgnaux was in America tn 1683
considerable iutcre.-t was shown In the
"gvutleiiian' game." Since then It has
grettu verv inllcll In lx.1 It I'mnra mill
America, and thu ardent patrons of it are
I striving te bring the expert of these two
miinlta trinntl..i.
leutf.rUs together.
UenncU Are Very Various at te Style,
Every One Waul a Different One from
Her Neighbor and Get It, Toe Bern
rialn, Tasletul Gowns for Heme Wear.
IBpccUl Correspondence
Nnw Yeiik, May 15. It In net nn easy
tnnttcr thesedaya te tell n young girl
fremhcT brother nnlesa you happen te
gee her feet, for what with tennis Mazers,
tennis caps and hhert hair there Bccms
llttle dlffertnce In their leeks, and this
season the mannish Btjles hnve net only
advanced from tennis te yachting cos
tumes, hut you will bce women of all
ages in regular dress coats of black, with
a wlde cxpanse of fililrl besom, high cel
lai, whlte neckties nnd llttle Derby hats,
though, te he euro, only a few wear these
horribly unbecoming things. They wear
long coat sleeves with these coats, with
n goodly display of whlte cuffs; hut they
draw the line nt a man's vest, or have up
le date, ami nnhstilnte in its jilnce n
very wlde cash of sill. In uome suiLible
The hnlr is tlivssed high en the head,
ami thus it still niore mascullne effect is
produced. Tlmre nre very few women
te whom such a style fits, hut there nre
always theso who nre hound te fellow
the uewest fad, a mutter where it leads
them. One would think that such a cos ces cos
tume would be inore lu plnce ujien the
top of ene of the great tnlly-he fttngeH
which rumble up and down Fifth avenue
behind four or i.ix hjilpiidlil horses, and
en the members of the Coaching club;
hut no; theso ladies dress In the most
feininine costumes possible) te achleve,
and tliey nre fairly imliethlcil In flowers,
be that the top of the coach leeks like a
let of nutted plants in bloom en the way
te market. S many flowers nre umsI
that I often think thnt if I had my wish
and couldn't he Vandergeuld I would
like te be n florist.
There is absolutely no end te the fash
ionable styles in head wear. Ever' day
you soe a new inncy. une
time It will be nti ener-
m oils nuke,
with a puffed
silk crown
nnd half a
bushel of flew
ers upon it,
6WJWA -."- -
and the
next It will
lm n tir,Hv -5fl
l.e,.1lr -Wl
hat, with uraceftilly
curling brim and lovely
plumes, and then you
will fall head ever heels
in leve with a beautiful
red fulle tmiuc, with
puffed sides, held by bramble branches,
nnd a geld colored pouf of cropeiu front,
nnd then it black lare hat, with a reynl
yellow nasturtium vine growing thriltily
all ever It and twining amongst the lace.
The fact of it is that every woman wants
something different from tiuyliedy olse's
bonnet, and evidently gets it, tee.
Feathers nre just as often seen as flow
ers, and riblHmstilwaysnre worn. Feather
1)0.18 and trimmings nre often seen en
spring garments and with bull dresses,
nnd flower turns in natural aud artificial
flowers are very stylish. Just think of n
lwa four yards long made of American
beauty roses nt a dollar aplecel I think,
en the whele, it is letter te be a florist
than n millleuaitu.
The mesquite net Hading veils nre go
ing te Ik) went again. They draw around
the chili with n flue elastic. They are
chiefly scrvlceable te hide the ravages of
lierspiratieii en the -lewilcr, and are bet
ter than the close veils formerly worn
for that purpese, which often get all
whlte in spots in nn hour en a warm
day. The Hading veil does net touch
the face, and, wen through the dotted
meshes, the color docs net suffer no much.
Bless the girlsl what won't they invent
But don't let us give nil our attention
te frivolous things. Let us, instead,
discuss seme plain and pretty gowns for
home wear. Here is ene en which the
pepnlar Vnndyke points get their innings
te nit unusual extent, but the dress is
very pretty and neat. It can be innde
up in anything, front gingham and satine
te silk or velvet. The Btyle isk siinple
and very easily made np, nnd Is dressy
for se himple a design.
The ether is whlte bunting trimmed
with black velvet ribbon, ami has a sash
of, bunting loosely tied. It is a pretty
gown for it young wearer, and is quite
dressy enough for a tea, gown or imy
ether home afternoon or evening toilet,
and the wearer would leek sweet enough
te eat.
The (link gown for the matrons is of
India silk in dark, rich purple, with
flower pattern in black and cream color.
The vest front and lining te the sash nre
of geld colored satin, which makes it
leek like a morning cloud wliieh the ris
ing sun jiibt edges with geld. This is a
tea gown, but can be worn us a morning
dress if te liked. A secret I Wear it for
n tea gown until your friends have all
seen it, and then wear it mornings for
your awn pleasure. That is what I would
de. Ol.lVK IlAiirEit.
The recent agitation concerning the reor reer reor
gauUatienof the Amateur Athletic union
and the preposition that amateur athletics
of America Ut divided into divisions, Is ox ex
actly t hat the Western Association of Am
ateur Athletes proposed almost a year nge.
The westerners lime refused eter mid ever
again le amalgamate with the A. A. U.,hut
they Ikimi IkH'ii Killing te take euro of ath
letleslu (lie vicinity of thn Mississippi river
Under the name of the Central or Western
association, and Ik) subservient te the main
body, made up of delegates from the vari
ous ether divisions or associations which
would 1st known us Knstcni, Middle, South
ern or Northern. The proposed plan calls
for these four or five sectiuus, combining
into n general body, which would be the
supreme court of athletics. Kach section
will muuage atlalrs In the vicinity It repre
sents, and Imj entitled te three delegates te
the general body.
An athlete named C. I.lttle has lately as
sumed considerable prominence en the Pa
cific coast. He arrived ut San FruncUce
several months age aud Joined the Alpine
Athletic club. Several inquiries front the
Pacific Coast Athletic association hatebevit
inudejii the east, for I.lttle says he cuiue
from Bosten. Ne one luathletie councils
east seems te knew mi) thing ubeut him.
He nill be allowed te start for thel'acill.
U Wj
s "frk .
7 -V3a
KIM& 2-31' ---X-
teas. cnNinptuusnipa en way M, nnu it no
wins any prises they will be withheld pend
ing an Investigation.
It has been noticed of late that amateur
athletics in Chicago were net as prominent
as they were at a corresponding period last
year, when there were apparently halt a
dozen thriving clubs competing for local
supremacy. "The present quietude," a
prominent Chicago athletic efuclal said re
cently, "must net be taken ns n bad sign,
for this city had such n boom several years
age In athletic clubs that It Is quite natural
things appear rather slew at present. We
are en a healthy basis, and when things
shnpe themselves a llttle better you will
find us en deck."
J. 8. Robertsen, of the Montreal Ama
teur Athletic association, the cx-champien
American and Canadian quarter ratio run
ner, may den pumps again this spring nnd
try his speed en the cinder path. He was
Canada's fastest sprinter in 18S0, nnd
showed bis heels during that year te sev
eral American crock athletes. His business
has net allowed hi in in recent years te in
dulge in the healthful pest line he is se
geed nt, but he thinks he Is net yet tee old
te lese his speed. 1 1 U age is 32.
When Victer E. Schlffcrslcin, of the
Olympic Athletic club, Ban Francisce, went
te the southern part of California last fall
for his health, It was thought that his ath
letic days were ever, but word from the
Gelden Gate city is thnt this famous nth
lcta Is stronger and mere nctlve new than
ever, and that at the Pacific coast cham
pionship games en May SO he may beat the
record for the running bread Jump 23 feet
8 Inches, lle has a record of only half nn
inch less than this. It Is also bald that he
will take part atthe regular championship
games at Washington, D.C., next Septem
ber. A nlrl Who Wl-lili the Dew.
Fer many years it was said that no
woman could ever equal the grant mala
performers en the violin, just n.s It Is new
said that no woman will eter playtho-pl-nne
ns did Liszt or ns does Ven Billew.
Doubtless the latter belief will perish be be bo
fero long. Tim former has ulreadygone
the way of many similar superstitions.
Indeed It seemsnslf the greater delicacy
of toueh.ef feellug.whlch Is Justly ascribed
te women may In this em of womanly
progress enable fair fingers nnd delicate
wrists te outrival the stronger but leis
sensitive hnnds nnd arms of mnle perform
ers en all the recognized musical Instru
ments. The latest girl te be recognized as
n great musician Is Miss May Brninmcr, n
violinist. Slie Is only 10 years old, yet she
holds the prlze of the lelpile conservatoire
and plays with n refined tnste and iierfec-
tlen of technique which can hardly full te
win for her even greater laurels thnn slie
has gained already. These hitter nre of no
small lmMirtance, for she has charmed
Bciilu nnd Iinden, and hns been thunder
ously np(lailded lu staid, conservative,
man loving old Kdlnlmrgh something of
wliieh few women musicians can beast.
lie Is thn Klngln SmiII Chnmpli t New
liiKlniid Ills llernrd.
One nf the lsst Icnewn oarsmen through
out the United States is Jehn 1). Hyatt.
He began hi rowing caieer In the spring
uf ISSit, his first rnee being en the Charles
river, Bosten, oii.luue 17, tn a single scull
working InuiU He finished second. After
this race he joined the Hnidfenl Beat club,
et Bosten.
In 1RRI he wen the junior scull event In
the national regattn held en Seneca lake,
Wntkius, N. Y., defeating Ciimming nnd
ethers. During 18M he rowed several races,
defeating Conly, Casey, .T. O'Neill and
ethers. During 1880 his victories and ihv
feats were nearly equally divided. On
Sept. 2.1 he defeated Murphy, then e-
cliiimpleii, in a ene nnd u lutlf mlle
straight away, winning by three lengths lu
U min. 31 sec. The prize was it new shell
valued at I50.
On July 4, 18ST, in the single scull race
for the city of Bosten cup, he again de
feated Conly, Ciiinining, Corcoran and
ethers. On June 18, 1SS8, he rowed stroke
for the Bradford eight, oue and a half
miles, winning in the fast time of 8 min
utes 0 seconds, defeating the Albnnys,
Crescents nnd City Points. On Aug. 13,
he rowed Ne. 3 In the Bradford's tour
eared shell crew in a match ruce with the
Illversldu beat club ever the Charles river
course for the championship of New Kng
land. The Bradferds wen in SO minutes,
1 second.
On June IT, 1SS9, he wen the slngle scull
championship of New Kngluud en I.ike
Qtiiusignmeud, Worcester, Mass., two
miles with a turn, in the fast time of 13
minutes M seconds, defeating Ceirrey,
1 ledgers, Maheney, O'Connell and ethers.
Ills last rnce was iu the Harlem full regatta
en Sept. lift, in the slngle scull e cut for the
diamond sculls, he representing the Union
beat club, which rnce he wen.
Jnreb llwlley, thu Western Wmnler.
Jacob Heckley, the Western Wonder ns
he Is called. Is the hardhitting first base
man of tlie Pittsburg club of the FlnjctV
league. He wus born nt Hannibal, Me.,
about twenty-four years nge and played
lull first in Ids native city, where he gained
quite a reputation as a first Imsemnn. In
18Stl he went te Leavenworth, Kan., and re
mained with that local club until July,
1SST, when he phi) ed with the Lincoln club
during the remainder of that season. The
winter of lSb found lilm playing first base
jaced nncKu.v.
for the Stockton, Cul., club. He made
many friends while en the Pacific slope,
who were leth te see him depart for t ha
east. He started the season et 1SSS with
the St. Leuis Western association team,
but t its dlsbundmcnt was purchased by
the Pittsburg club and his record there
during the remainder et that season and
lss was of the highest order. Beckley is
a clean, hurd batter, a flue fielder and an
axeellsnt base runner, lie ranked, second
in natting anu tnird tn fielding in Ma Brat
season In the National league. Few yenag
men have sprung up from the ranks of em
et the miner organisatiens te that of the
elder lengue and met with the success Beck
ley has. J
A Xl-lng riteher.
Frank Foreman is a prominent profes
sional pitcher, filling that position last
season with the Cincinnati club, and fat at
the old stand this year with Duryea and
ltlilne.s. He has started out well, and If the
M l '
work he did III the first few games of the
present season Is n forerunner of what he
will keep up te, he will rank among the
best pitchers lu the reiintry. He never
seems te lese his (emier.
Whonen Out lllirli Sen,
On Iho rail, en n steamboat, aboard a fishing
Htnaclt, or 3'iirhttnit en the cent, Hosteller's
Kteinnch Hitlers will be found a reliable means
of itvertliu; and relieving aliments te which
travelers, mariners nnd emigrants are pecu
llsrly subject. Hea captains, hlp doctors, voy vey
W?ers or sojourners tn the tropics, nnd nil about
ta encounter unneclltnated, nn unaccustomed
or dunccreus cllmnte should net neglect te
nvsll themselves of this safeguard of well as
certained nnd lenit-trled merit. Constipation,
blllnuMiCH, mnbirlnl fever, Indlsestlen, rhou rheu rhou
matlsntniiiinirectletisnftlie bladder and kid
neys are atneiiKtbn ailments wliieh It enilll
entes. nnd l may tie reerled le net only with
conllitenee in Its remedial efflenry, hut also In
Us tierfeet frei'dem from every objectionable In
creillent, slnce It Is rterlNed front the purest
mid niOKt HHliitnry Miiirees. It eeunteraets the
HrVcU of unit lioleseinc feo) nnd water.
Ask Your VrlcinlH About It.
Your illslicssini; eeiiKh can lie cured. We
knew It because Kemp's llnlsnm within the
iststfew J ears has cured se ninny roughs nnd
colds In this community. It" reuiaiknble snle
has been wen entirely by Its geuulne meilL
Axk Nemn friend who has IimhI It whnt he
thinks of Kemp's llalsam. Tlierc Isnomedl Isnemedl Isnomedl
rlneMipure, none M eireelle. Iirge bottles
m nmt tint all druggists. (-)
IxieU Here, Vrlend, Are Yeu Hick f
De you sutler front l))-.iepsln. Indigestion,
HonrHtemnch, 1,1 ver Complaint, Nervous De
bility, l,rwt Appetite, llllleusness, Tired Keel
ing, Pains lu the Chest, Night Sweats, IjOss of
Power, or any form of Consumption?
te your druggist nnd purchase a bottle of Flo Fle
ifijirrrfnii, which will quickly restore you te
sound physical health. I'lnrtiylejrien Isu highly
concentrated fluid extract or the most valuable
medicinal rents nnd hcrha known te science,
nnd cures where nil ether remedies fall. Yitl li
able bonk, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free.
Address, 1'ref. franklin Hurt, Warren street,
N. V. nprn-lydAw
Wholesale and Retail,
tctT:xt te ti ik iu ni.r.
i no .Most, i.sseniiui laniuy h.mik is
Dictionary !
The Cep; right en the original Webster's tJn
abridged liletlemiry exidred with the year
the iieeple hnve paid a heavy royalty te the
ureal iiubllshlnir llrm who held the monopoly
en Ibis thn most necessary and Important book
In thu Kugll'h language. Ne Amerlean parent
has been jiermltuvt le ediicnte hlsbny erglrl
Utheiil p.ilng lilbiite leihls house wliieh has
literally placed a TUl.UUATi: across the high
way of Inn.
We hnve made special arrangements with the
largest Printing Heuse In Iho world, te furnish
us with this Heek ul n price that ci
aides us te be nble le prevent one of tliem le
each nnd eery purchaser of real) Twenty Dol
lars' worth nl tlrecerles, ami ene dollar and
llftv le one dollar and seent-llvecentsciish.
Ask for our llelialn Card If )u hne net yet
received one. Will gl call nmplu tlnie te buy
out the ii) uerlli of goods.
Samuel Clarke, Agt,
Tea.ColtVe and Grocery Stere,
UJt II Houth turen Ht., Near Centre Bqunre,
lAineniiter, l'u.
A T 11EI8TH.
Yen never stw the like. Hee dtsiiluy In front
nf store en Sntiirihiy. Loek up Aeie V.'ixi nnd
Kttiintner for II g ltargiilns 111 ether goods.
Kine Prunes, lle pounds fer'iV.
Large Prunes, lliree pounds fer'iV.
ljirge Krenrh Prunes, two pounds for Hie.
New Seedless ltalslim, three pounds for S5
New Kngllsh Currents, lhrie pounds for'-V.
New Kvnperated Aprleels. Ihree pounds for
'JV. New ftMiNinited l'eaebes (ipiarlers), tle
leiinds fur '&': New Kvnperated I'e.iehes,
lured, tun pound j f.r'J.Je.
Oue ImmiiiiI Italian l'eaebes pared, He.
Twe pounds IjiirgoOehleit Kgg Plums for 2.V.
One pound l.xtrn Uirge Sweet bllter Prunes
for 'iV,
l'eur pounds New Dates for 23e.
Three iniunds Knsnittsl Apples ferS'ie. One
pound Kvapiirrtled isllced Apiiles, 10, Twe
jxniniU I'lnest New K.MilMiraled Apples ferfflc.
l'MneDrleit Country Apples, G-a quart.
Kstra rineNew iViiiielliisSMen pound. K
Ira Klne New l'riinellns, ls)a pound.
(lixst lrimellasltuupeuuds ferSV.
r.MiHrnted thipared t'eiiehes (halves), 10c a
The iHiuniM Kvaperateil l'lirtsl Peaches for
2c, One pound Kapeaaleil l'ured 1 'caches,
One jMjimd Kvaperateil Pared reaches, extra
line. J.V.
One sund Kxtra Ijirge Fancy California
Peaches, ".
Keur pounds Kne (lrasi Itiilslns for 2.'x
One pound Kxtni Kuuey ll.utlett 1'atist IVurs
fur k-.
One pound Klnct ltartlett Pared Pears, Iie.i
One M)iind Kiiiesl (lelden I'lttisl Plums, 13c.
OneiHiuud I'lnest Dark Pilled Plums, IV.
One Miimd l'llleil Cherries, ery nice, In-.
One jxHiud Lirge. Illue Itnuius, 1VV.
One M)und Whele ltlng Apples, l&e.
V eau save you much money. Come, fee
our Immense stock. Canned UimhI at starve starve
tlen prices. Smoked Meats nt prices that wl 1
eiieii jour eves,
Klne nnd Coarse Suit by the carload.
Sllrlng along jour Acme Seap Tickets and
get ene cake of soap free.
Directly Opposite
J. It. Martin A Ce.' Dry floods Stere, nnd
Next Doer te Herrel Herse Hetel.
t'i Unili for the Ulg Sign ueress the juive
'lllllig Teeth unit Painless Kxtraellen Kis.
chillies. New Sets made, broken ones mended
nnd remodeled. TtsMh Inserted without plates
and piloted, etc. Ve, everything iHTtulnlng
teDetiiUtry will reecho preinpt ntientlen.ut
ery Mislirale Terms. Hemeiiiber that Dr.
NalberstN the ONLY Dentist In IhW county
who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den
tl.try. an advantage that la obvious,
Dr. C. McLane's
Venniftige for Worms !
Andrew Downing of Cranhnir Township, Ve Ve
nsnse County, mtve his etillrt one teaspoenhil
of the cenulnii Dr. C Mclne's Celebrated Vcr-mlnig-e,
anil the isMsed 177 worms. Next morn
ln en repetition of the dose she pemed lis
Japhet C. Allen, of Ambey, gave a dose of the
Sen ii i no nr. v. sicLnne's Celebrated Vernilnigs
i a chlhl six years old, nnd It brought nway s.1
same child, which brought nwnr W mere, male.
Inc IS worms In about 12 hours.
Mrs. linlshy, Ne. 1W Knet Ht., New Yerk,
writes us thatshehad a child which had been
unwell rer better than two months. Hhe pro
cured a bottle of the genuine Ir. C Mcltne's
Verintftiire and administered It. The child
passed a larce quantity of worms, hnd In a few
days was ns hearty its ever It hnd been. I'll rents
with such testimony liefere tliem should net
heltate when there Is any reason te suspect
worms, nnd lese nn time In administering the
?:euutnnl)r.C Mel-me's Vermifuge. It never
nils and Is iierfeetly snfe.
This Is te certify that I wns troubled with a
tape worm or mere than six months. I tried
all the known remedies fur this lerrlble anile anile
tlen, but without being nble te de-trey It. 1 get
a bottle of the trenulne Dr. C. MclJine's Verntl
fujte, prepared by Fleming Hmr., I'lllsburg.ra.,
whlrh 1 took according te directions; and the
rpmilt. mi f (lt(lniri?ptt nnn Inrce tADa worm.
mensurlmr mere than a yard, beside ii nunibcr
of smnll ones.
l'rlce 25 cents n bottle,
Inslnt en havln; the
w-rtu vivirn v a ir a n f i.' nt.'l.
'l'er a year 1 was a 111 I e ted with a horrible
case of bleed poison, and upwards nf Use
months of that time I wns unable te de work of
nny kind. My finger nails canto en and my
hair dropped out, leaving my head as clean
and smooth as If Jl hnd been shaved, I con
sulted the best local physlclniiH, nnd spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicines of illll'ercnt kinds,
but without receiving the slightest lieuellt. 1
wns advised llnnlly te visit Het Hnrlngs. This
I did, but becoming dlxguittcd with the treat
ment, i wns receiving mere, cemmcnccu msing
Hwlfl's Hpeclflc (H. H. ) The eirect that H. H. M.
hnd en me was truly wonderful. I commenced
te recover ener taking the flrst bottle, and by
the time I had taken twelve bottles I was en
tirely cured cured by Hwlrt's Hpcctrle (S. H. H.)
when the world-renowned Het Hnrlncs had
btlled. WM. H. IAKIMlH,
Khroveport, La."
Kernfleen years I wns ntllleled with rheuma
tism, four years of uhlch I wns eemiellel te go
en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express
thesuMerlngsl end u nil during that time. Dur
ing these rUleen years of existence (It was net
living), I tried every known remedy wlUieut
receiving nny benefit. I llnnlly began nn Hwlrt's
Hpecinc (rt. H. H.), which from the first guvnmn
relief, nnd Uwlny I nm enjoying the best of
health, and nm n well man. 1 candidly bo be bo
lknetlmtH. 8. H. Is the best bleed purifier en
the market te-day.
.1. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me.
Treatise en Illoed and Hkln Diseases mailed
rree. HWIFT Hl'EC'IFlC CO.,
(31 Vtlnnta 3a.
DR. MUlirilllKY'H HPECIKICanroselenll HPECIKICanreselenll
cally nnd carefully prepared prescriptions ; used
for many j ears In prluite pruetlen with snci'ess
nnd for eer thirty years used by the eeple.
Kvery single Scllle Is u sh.'c1hI euro for the
disease nuined.
These Swcl lies cure without drugging, purg
ing or reducing the system, nnd are lu tact nnd
1. VEVK11H. Cnnirestlnn. Inllaiiiiiuitlnn
2. WORMS, Werm Kever, Werm Celic.,..,,
3. CRYINUC'OLIC, or Tec thing of Infants,
t. DIAURII(KA,orChlldreuer Adults
5. DYSENTERY, tlrlplng, lillleus Celle
0. CHOLERA MORBUS, Vernltlng
7. COUOHS. Celd, lirenehltls.
8. NEURALOIA, Toothache, Kiiceaehe
0. HKADACIIB,Hlck Headache, Vertlg
10. DYSPEPSIA. nillensHUimiiefi.
12. WHITES, tx Prehise Peihsls.
13. CROtri. Cough, IMIIIeult llreathlng
11. SALT RHEIIM, Erysipelas, Eruptions...
15. RHEUMATISM. Uhenmntla Pains
16. KEVER nnd AGUE, Chills, Mnlnila.
17. I'll,!-..'-, iiiiuti or iiieetniig
It). CATARRH, Influenrn.Celd In the Head,
20. WHfHH'INtlCOlKIH, Violent Coughs...
21. UENERALDEUIL1TY, Physical Weak
30. URINARY' WEAKNESS, Wetting Red,
32. DISE.1
IASES UK Tllli I1EAUT, fulplUl-
Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt
of price. Dn. IIu.uI'IIIIKy'sMamiai, (III pnge-s)
richly bound in cloth and geld, mailed tree.
HUMi'iiitKl h'Mkdicixk Ce., VS)i niten SUN. Y
Tiik Oueat r.snt.isii Rkmkev. An tinnill tinnill Weakness, Spermaterrhea,
Impotency and nil Diseases that fellow ns a se
quence of Self-Abuse ; lis Less of Memery, Unl
ersnl Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness of
Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether
diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption
and a Premature Grave.
- Ker particulars lu our pamphlet, which
we desire te send free by mail te every ene.
7-TheS)ecltle Medicine is sold by all drug
glslsnttl perpnekngnerKix packages for $., or
will be sent -free by mail en receipter the
money, by addressing
Iluttnle, N. Y.
Onnecountef counterfeits, we have adopted
the Yellow WrupiM-r: the only genuine.
Sold In l-itiicasicr, Pa., by V. T. llecii.
y iIndeveixjped parts
Of the Human Uedy Knl.irgeJ, Dcvelepcil,
Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise
ment long run lu our nniwr. In reply le In
quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of
humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad
vertisers are very highly Indorsed, interested
persons may get scaled circulars giving alt par
ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL
CO., 5 tlwnu HU, lluthile, N. Y. Mli 7Weite
7Jer. m-lydAw
Every balss should have n bottle of DR.
safe. NoOplumerMorphiamlxturcs. AVIU re
lieve Celle, Grilling lu Iho llewi Is and Promote
DlttlcultTeethiug. Preiarl by DRS. D.KAHR
NEY4SON, Hngerstewn, Mil. Prugglsls sell
It; 25 rents. Trial bottle seta, by iniill le cents.
Sick Headache nnd relieve nil thn tmuliles Inci
dent te u bilious state of the sj stem, such ns
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
Eating, Pain In the Slde, ,tc. Whlle their most
remarkable success has been shown In curing
PILLS aru equally valuable lu Constipation,
curing nnd preventing this annoying com
plaint, while they also correct all disorders of
Iho stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate
the bowels. Even if they euly cured
Ache they would be almost priceless te these
who suiter from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their gixslness dix-s net enii
here, and theso who ouee try I hem will find
these, ltllle pills valuable 111 wi many ways that
nicy win nei im wining 10 no wiiueui lliem.
Hut after all sick head
Is Hie bane or se jnnny lives thnt here is wlieie
we make our great beast. Our pills cure It while
ethers de net.;
small and very easy te take. One or two pills
make a dose. They nre strictly vegetable and
de net grip) or purge, but by ilielr gentle ac
tion plense nil who uselbem. Li vials ntUacts
five lord. Sold everywhere or sent liy mull.
Small Pill Small Dese. Small Price.
ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale nnd Retail,
uS-lyd 424 Water Street, Lancaster, I'm.
Or went Ne. US North Queen Street, and Ne.
Sftt North 'rluc strcs?l.
Yabix North Prince Street, near Reading
auilMftl lA N0ASTKR, PA.
A large part of the people
knew we have the finest lias
of Clothing for Men and
Heys, nnd Underwear, Ho
sier, Bhlru, Cellars, Cum.,
Keek wear, Hmpcndcrs,
llandkerchlers, Hhlrtwnlsts, and se ea In Oils
market, nt lxiwcsl Prices. The rest can cosily
And It out by seclug oursteck and salesroom, te
which we Invite all te accept the present op
portunity te make acquaintance that will
prove mutually beneficial. A three-story store
full of Orst-class Clothing, Just the clothing
that men, young men and little boys with their
mothers are loekln for, and at satisfactory
prices. You'll de well te see our Men's repular
HulU at 110, 112, $15. 118, tax You'll de Well te
see our Dig Beys Handsome HulU at fd, 17, IS,
110, 112, 15. You'll de well te ace our Utile
Heys' Natty OutnU from t2 te 110. Itey'i Bailer
nigs blonse and pants. You'll be surprised te
see hew Utile these little navy suits cost for
boys 4 te 10 years. And hew much ease anA
comfort go with their visit.
20 and 28 N. Queen St.
L Gansman & Bre.
Men's, Bojs'&Children'sCleihiDg.
Special Barguiut Net Fer Sale tlscwlifrr.
All-Weel Polereil Cheviot HulU nt 13. 87, 19.
Atl-Woel lllue or lllack Cheviot Suits ut JO,
I7,j.s,$10. '
All-Weel Cnsslmcre Bulls, H50, $7 JO, HfcW.
Utisinrss Suits nt f I, S5, 80.
English Wldc-WnloCeut and Vest at W.B0, 17,
Indigo Illue Flannel Rults, with two set of
buttons, ut (0.1JO, fll, $.s. J10.
Heys' Light Colored Cheviot Hulls at 82.75,
MHT, (I, tlA (.
Heys' All-Weel Worsted Hullsntlj, J0,t7,fS.
Ueys' All-Weel Casslmcre Hullsut Jl, JO, W,
Children's Suits, J I, fl.2.",. $l.fsl. J2.
A ll-Woei Children's butts at 12.23, J2.75, 83, ft,
Jj Jtl.
Men's Kine Worsted or Casslmcre Pants nt
82.8.1,81, J-5.
Slen's All-Weel Cheviot Pants, 81.57, 81.75, 82,
Men's Working l'nnts, OOe, 75e, flee, 81.
Heys' Itints, 7,"ic, 1KV, Jl, 81 25, SI 75.
Children's Pant", av, 25c, SSe, 75c, 81.
e-i-iilth isn euanee ler elegant economy.
L Gansman & Bre.,
Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's. Rey's and
Children's Clothing (Exclutlve.)
66 and 68 MOUTH QUEEN ST.,
, " Net ceiiuected with nuy ether Clothing
Heuse In the city.
Jrlle cautious nnd mnke no mistake se that
you get te the right place.
We Are Steadily nnd Surely Making Progress
lu the .Minds or an Appreciative Public.
A Progress Onward " and
" Upvard"
Uunllty, Make-Up and Htyle, while the
I'rlies Arc, If Anything, Lewer.
Substantial Men's Suits, te Order, 812, 815, 810.
Elegant Men's Hulls, te Order, SIS, fJO.
Highly Finished Men's Suits, le Order, J', t-'l.
Rest Quality Men's Hulls, te Order, 825, r, 8W.
Including Many Novelties
Wlde nnd Narrow Wales In Worsteds.
Wlde and Narrow Wales In Chotlets.
Cnsslmereji. Cheviots, Serges, Alpines, Cerk-
seruws. Flannels, HirdVEye, Elc.
Suits and Pants.
In Assortment, Qualities nnd 1'rlces which are'
Ear Ahead of Any Seeu Uefere.
See our Centre Square Windows, 1,2, 4, 5 and ft
for examples.
H. Qaeen St., Centre Square, Market St.,
Beeentt Kleer Eshleman La
Kerta Uiiat-irt.
ulldlDg. Ne. it
CP"&' ' -:. jr,-AV
- x3 -Vf
J.b yJ