( l THE LAKCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1890. i& f. ?3 '& r 1 I. 'K tut aH IUPHRTANT ARGUMENT i"" ""'w' (ERE Hi lE.ERAt THOCSMB MUMS JsrLTF,f 15 THE RESULT. e Court .la llane te Vn Upen Lciral ' QHMttens In tht repper-Watta Suit $ Or a MortKAice Tried Iteecntly. f: Oenrt wet t It o'clock mis inerninn 10 hear argument en u.e.u.. e. .--. Aima Watt and Maltlia Walt V pen the : trtaYoftbe case, en April 29, a verdict wa wrtn BaMittAr. iiprfiaiwi' n -.? m - ' MMrM DV direction in iue nnin in '" ?" ?.. nuintlrr. for 110.718. reserving the rlithl r'te enter the Judgment for the defendant. -nl..llhtimUnir ttin verdict. If tinen full ir .'""" rv." irT .zr. .' - i. btmnanv uereni me oeon. in uane ui iue s. - i.u.i..j Ua MAhllnJ Ia r.ttitiil su'i- RI points IBHIIW "" 'ui- ." la, Ase u cejurarr w ism. ";' ,,,,, ii rV.'pW M't H. M. North and Oeorge M. f- A JiiMi, rer wa uhieiiunuiii, imim ...... ", v SKMSntt ueur je .sum .. ...-- V- t.... ..! I,.lr tin I in IrrAtitAf rtart Hy MuailllB, aim iw !' " e" " " I tOJOL rtinnl-CT litTMtNKHA. 'that sXDerlter, city, was granted a ael ).,.. Ktiu tn neddle, and Abraham Far- IIIU.M eYest Lampeter, a peddler license imam bi w Dycr wna n,,pented eon irepe te pU Third wnrd.Manhelm boreimh, tb celebratJehn Miller, roineveri from the 'WUbelml. As . ,,i -, T . 0. &11SI21-& Prlscllla Snyder, wife of Levi Snyder, Kast Cocallce, worn granted me Deneniset iue net ei stpru , iei., hi.iiir .? te married women me ucnciu 01 wmir ."is "".""..:". . ...... .... . ' rnm rwinu ni irwtii 11. cstuinier. icuur ui the Elliabcthtewn bank, In tlie sum of in Ann tpllh Pitnia 11 ftttlirnr nlld ffalllllfil fl&K. Btauffer as sureties, was approved. s9 Wm. II. Sureul. or Chcster county, was tkappelnted guanlian of Dera 8. fipreul, k VI ln in.1nl.l1H anil n Imrntiwi nf HlllUtiel fe k Slekum, dcceaseil : Jehn N. Icman, of tr Maner, ei iue iniuur uhm ........ jj lmsn: Jenn z.. i.ipp, ia-i;, " " ' t' miner granucnim eijuiiii iii;i. i Ania.ua wn fntninil le ueteriiiliiu Iho ft'?! ewnnrshln of nersennl property levled WS' - uPn y ,'"' lierin; ,n M ,ilcu J"'"0'' lf Hear was innue piainuu enu u a r inner ;' defendant, and a sluiilnr Usue wllh tlie snnie defendant mid Aaren II. llntter as plainlltr. TIIK ANNUAL. MCETINI1. Keoley Offlcera ItoeleottMl an the Com pany lloitertod i'rospereiii Tlie Seldlurs' Itoiiulen. CeMTMniA, Mny 13. The stockheldors of KeelevHtovecomnnuv held their annual i$$? meeting at the cemiiany's odlee yostenlny iCT M .. A tM I..u.r.l.. rxft ! ..Irutlr l& KIH-TUIKJII. A tBiHB jriuwi nun ui iiiw mw. jfs? was ropresouieu, evor ,ws eui ei ii,wni ra ' aharea being voted. Tlie following lienril Z.J ofdlraclers weroeJsetcd: H. H. Uetwller. m H,3VKf5n;X II. Herr, S. Kllbert, II. V. V.Hruner. 1 A. Uennett. W. U. Olveii. 1 L'4t Buclier and W. Merris. Thore was no 'W change in the beard. Cloe. W. llaUlemnu ,w was re-elected troaaurer. The prexldenl, J wi aecretary and treasurer tnade detailed re- j1- perta, showing the works te be very pros- nereua. The Fifth Fenu'n Reserves will held their annual minion in town en Wednes day. The citizens will recolve the sur vivors of this regiment in geed style and give them a royal welcome. The pro pre gramme will be a parade in the morning, '&$ followed by an address of welceme bv '2g? Chief Burgess llloeinlleld. IIuhIiicss meet- rvt 1DU1 V ui., unit tkiiiiJ-iiru in iiiu uvuu 'C luir. Many distinguished eucsts are ex- - V Psc' t0 )0 present. The iiarade will j?jfcrmat 10 o'clock, and go evor tlie fellow rj&i- ing reute: form en seceim, rigiu resting Sgen iecusi, up Liecusi te nixin, 10 v auuu, ...le oecona, 10 union, te r inn, ie merry, te '0 'iniru.te i.ocusi,uewn i.ecust te pest room tK1 . A tM at I W- f n a Fj TliA nlrtrml ,,lnn U'lir. tFI Htn linnnllnr tAji houseof Ann Dunmere yostenlny morn i '-:P Ins returned last evenlnir. When thev t ' ,, Jband that Stewell llrewn, who seciirntl &A&; their clothes, did net turn up they oiine te e, uk, town, xney were seen ami arresieii uy $', Officer Wittlck. Squlre Evans gnve them &-.,'' Tayler Barksdale and Henry Jirnxten, of rjj, uaiumore. -rnoywero cominiiteu te jaw ,,,:;$. entne cnarge ei ucirauuiug a uearuing P'k. house keeper. '" The joint missionary societies of the Method ut church be d a uiectitttf last eve- L'&t ntng te ruuke nrrangements for an "all "tfS8 day missionary moetini;" en May 29tli. jeiesaies irem huh uihiiici nnu oiucers ei the parent society are oxpectod te be pros cut. Jehn Barr, an eight-year-old son of W. XT. Barr, was badly bitten about the legs lastevening by a vicious cur. 11a was distributing papers and get in the way of the deg. Mr. ltedgers, thobulliler of the Canadian fishway in the Columbia dam, has beeu in town ler isnie time watching tbe run of bad through his fish ladders. It is said that mere fish pass through the raft chute than tbreugli the tishway. The stockholders' meeting of the Colum bia shirt Jactery was net held last evunlug and will beheld atthocullefthopresldoul. Ernest Kochew and Miss Amelia Rcller were married this aflorueon at Salem Lu theran church, ltev. II. Heller, brother of the bride, officiated. The ceuple will loave this eveuiug fur a trip te Milteiisburg, Ohie. Isaoe M. Bryseu, brakeman ou Xe. i! crew, had his right elbow badly mashed last evening while coupling curs ut Vrazers. Be was brought te his home, en North (Second street, where Dr. Craig attended te Mrt aim injuries, me injury is quiie serious fi . and will most likely cause a stiff arm. -j. Council will meet stated lv this evening. .j The funeral of Edward Ituehlas held thlslmernlng ut 10 o'clock, from Saleni ieran cniujxiiA.,fJju:eiy altsaOed. A nihlrbeT of Susnueliamm rtifinir mill empleyes attended the funeral of thuir lute M? - fellow workman. yfe The Farmera' club, conixseil of a num- Der or well known gentlemen of town and country, enjoyed a rock llsli dinner te-day at the American lioute. The dinner was prepared inexcellent style by D. K.IIiukle. The World IsCtiulleiiKtHl. I challenge any meJ Id no of u uy wlioel pruct I cal or auy ether applluiu-ea te produce reiill qual. te these of Hoke's Klectrlc Muuuetlc Medicated Appllunce In fi'iuuleweukui .,)). ,peptla, IlheumutUiu, Clireulc UUrrlnva, Kid aey Trouble, Neuraljila, l'uraly.lH, etc. C. U. Meke at llerr's furniture (tore, 311 North Quceu Street, Lancaster, eery Wednesday, und utlil North Sd street Columbia, every Monday. Heme eftlceSjU Ner Hi Dili street, lteadlin;, J'u. 11112-Jtd A New l'boteifi'itph Oullery. Lease, the phetOKrapber, lm opened u new Battery at Ne. 21 North Queen itrvet. It lias Men entirely leaned aud refuruUlied und the proprietor Intends offering people Inducements t have their work doue by lilin. Fer seven years Mr. Lease was with Uubley and Kete, and he has a thorough knewleJe of lilt bunl Hess. 1'eople In need or .oed picture, should give him a call. .... AWcll-kiiuwii Ludy In I.iiucunter 8ays: I have tMu a kullvrer for llie lat ten years from a female weakness, lattly could net de my housework, a few mouth nye I applied one of Hoke's Electric supporters und new 1 can de my housework with eae. myl2-2td Fer the latest deslensiluKnlk'hUTemplar uud LuLu Temple Carls go te the Imli mue.m-i.k Office. Bend In crJers In time for Leck llun mw-lfd .KlnKlntr Werd from it arutunil Heart. Mrs. Harry Butcher, lesldlncat Nn.i'UMur. ket street, Yerk, iu., tays; llmve u-eu a .ur (erer for three years from a female complaint and constant pain In the back aud tides, belng- iVZiS "U"B te sleep at night, often having te .Hull it. ! Blchtlnbed. Fer six ninnlli. I lit.,1 , ,.. M?- tlen performed twice a week, but It did net j(Visettim. a last j applied one of Hoke's Bui- 4!',,et, Rnd the flr,t ,S-t 1 -lept an unbroken 'iT'eieep till morning. I could de no hnnuu,.-ir nr saBy.klndjnew Ideallmy work. I foci like a , fsrpersen. Anyone doubting thegenulnencu fS" ?J rove can cal1 or write te the above lady i and Bud out for himself. uil2-sid FOBEPAUOU'S CIHCU-J. Th Monster Affair Will Apar In J,,. l,,,.Tr T-"-orrew Aniruoen. , Ths small boys of this city will be happy te. morrow when Fercpaugh's big clrcu. wlllVime te town. Andatanisrlyheur they win be ou Ue streets te see the big parade. Thai., U full of country people and It will be like a holiday. A feature of the big show Is yeunir : Adam rerepaugh's big troupe of performing " etephauU. In order te Illustrate te what per. L IteUen elephanU can be trained, yeuug Fere- y"11 h selected elsbt mammoth trumpet- 16 pachyderms, four nisle and four female. H all answerlug te Bhakesperlau names, and te '-.. ssake the uusartlle mnr. Iiriiw. ...i. ....... . i- ,' IhtMt has -lady "partnsr. Tli.re Is Othelle id riewlrmena, Itomee and Juliet, llamtct and Ophelia and Antony and Cleopatra. Theae EinM elepbnnUce threnjh a pretty iiadrllle with the same rase and crace as de the most klllful lever of Trrjwleliere. These tnsrveleus elephanU, tefether with Adam Ferepauah, Jr.'s, VAfiin troupe of trained bronche horses ; " Eclipse," the equine aerlallst thecreat Porr Perr paugh arenle exhibition of sensations, and ths hlitery-deplctlnt and seul-itlrrtuf reprodito repredito reprodite tlon of lire upon the plains, with Captain Be csrdus, thefamens traveler and rifle shot, and two hundred scouts, soldiers, cowboys and In dians, w!l be seen with the Ferepaiih shows. geath. l)All.r.-Msy II, IS80. In this city, Patrick Bally, In the sixty-ninth year or his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectrally Invited te attend the funeral, from tlie residence of J. F. Ixwg, Ne. 411 Meuth tlueeu street, en Wednesday at 8:30 o'clock. Ktqnlem Mass at 9 o'clock atBL Mary's Church. ltd Biieww. May th, IBM, Catharine, widow or the late Daniel Brown, In her f th year. The relatives and friends or the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law, Martin Dor Der wart, Ne. 5X1 North Queen street, en Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lan raster cemetery. (Columbia papers please copy.) NKarkct. Philadelphia L'rcjnoe Market. Pnit.Ann.riti, May W.-Noen-Flour firm; Penn'a, supers, 2 2WM75: extra. 275 I ; family, nj.V3 :t"J roller, t 7504 U; patent, Wheat 'scarce; Ne. 2 Hed new, UVMc ; Ne. 2 Cern qiilet ; Ne. 2, new, !(H W ! ld. OsU steady; Ne.2 White Si;tfM7J,c.; Ne, 3 "uranstei'dy ; WlnterIO(lOal060lHprliigll57ri eliied hsy dull ; IIOfiftaH 00 as te finality ; timothy 10 .WHl for cheice: mixed, lutfliu); baled rye straw, new, IIS 0021 . Itntter dull; Peim'a creamery sstra 17i18e; Pcnn'aflrsUextra,20r; Jobbing, 2IV. Eggstlrnicr; Penn'a firsts, He; held lets, Hal.v?. as te quality. . .... Cheese dull; part skims, 37),ei mil skims Petroleum dull, refined In bbls., 1731. Potatoes dull ; :7ie nerhua. as te quality. m nrnln nun previsions Furnished by H. K. Yundt, broker. CHIOAOe, May 1:1,1KB o'clock P.m. Wheat, Cern. Oats. Perk. lrd. Mar. 311. ... J one . v 1 l'i July W 'aii """;" E'; nepieiuucr.w. , nif". no iiccemuer 'i Year ... Crude Oil June.. Closing Prices 2:15 o'clock p. m Wheal mini iiais. i-era l.ard May June July August September. 3I 27 J s ; 12 HO U 10 111.' 2TIJJ W)4 sm a:,l iiccemuer ... Vear Consels Crude Oil-March ., .... sv. Htoeu MarkiiiH. Quotations by Meed, McUrauu A Laueister, Pa. NKW YOKK LIST. 11 A. M. Atchison, Tep.,Huntit Fc Canada Paclnc. U.U.C I. Colerado Cenl Ce., bankers 12 M. IP, M, Central Pacific Canada Heuthcrn.. Chi. HU L A Pbg... M'. ,'! iwn. a me u... Del. L A W "V" H0! 2S 117'. 111 2!. 2SJJ Krle Krln 2nss . JerC K.AT - Leu. A N. I. Hbnre M Icb. Cen Missouri Pncluc. Heck. Valley N. P. N. P. Prtf. N.Weat- N. Y. O NewKnglsnd , Kast Teuuessee. , Omaha , Oregon Transceullueutal.. Ontario A W. Pacllte Mall iS" m" 'ivi K2V? IHi liit 7i" Il'ii'j Hill 110, 'i'h'i :&i 82' ll M'i 21!. 41! 2Ui 711 till Uii anil ma Richmond Terminal -uy hu Paul 7.7 IR1BI rHClIll. 4m 22JI ft")',J Onion Pacine llri Wabash Cem HVi Wabash Prof. .stfj Western U K,'.)? West Shere llends fBIUAOSLFUIA LIST. ben. vai , II. N. Y. A Phlla. Pa. It. it. Beading - Leh. Nav Hestenv. l'ass P. A It N. Cent. .... Peeples I'awi.. Ildgs'a Oil ... ixii 2IJ ...- aril Jlctu bt-ctticmcut0. R OVAL UAKINO POWDKIt. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. A cream of tartar baking powder. HlghexUj nr ui iiii...it....i.... ...... ...i. S. .. ., .' -r i ,"" "r'iBM--r.jjywv7imeir upniviyutf w c HEAP-PUBE HYE WHIHKlEa. III.ACK- eerry, uiiigerana Kummel UrandteH. BOUHEK'H LIQUOR HTOKE, Ne. 22 Centre Square, pURNISHKI) ROOM FOB LODUER, AT inl0-2t 220NOI.THDUKEHT. TANTEB - AN EXPERIENCED HAND tO SUW Oil Ctl.tlltll-lllUilti "imtu A,..lv Ut thO lNTKLLUlKNOtH eltlcs. lTl WANTKD-A tURL TO TAKE CARK OF children. Apply at Ne. 22 North Queeu street. Apply at euee. r V"aS"teit; "i"Te "lievs at NeTlaT TV North Water Ht,, ljmcii.ler, Pu. ltd riu ktevp-s fbem tucen-m dTs At UEINIIOLD'r). WHAT IS TWENTY.l'iVK CENTO TO T cuute a lleuutlful Ijiwii or Renew an Old pOMPS, HOILERS, MINING, CKNTKIFU fV....fa'.",,l,h,BU,u Puuipj.et any caiuiclty. si JOHN JJEsrH. a East Fiiltuu streeU in7-tfa TORTHE nEiT HOT AIR FURNACE IN JP the market, go te JOHN BUST, S.S.I East hul ten street. m7-tfd JanlS-lyditaw' RAM AWAY FROM THE HOME FOR rrlendlCM Children, at Lancaster, l"a., Oeerge Sinelttvr, a white boy, aged 15 years! and Jeseph Oreeii, a Ughtcolen-d toy. aged li jeurs. Any Information us te their where f" .Y"1.;'6 thankfully receUed by the Ma Ma teon of the Heme. ' " MIH.SKIEFFER, Matren. DIBUOLUTION OF PAItTNEIWHII'-THE i . .partnership heretofero existing U-twevn iii i. M"iirt.?"iUi ,"' '"-the restaurant bust. .li!,,,1'i"iayVtl,.,.elv.,,1 b" muiu.t consent All debts owing te the late tlnn will be receUed by Israel Kuuti, who will continue thebusl. ness. Hoping that the patronage heretofore existing wlllbj. extended te my late SJrTnSr? my ardent wish. ALUEKT KAUTZ Lascastuu, May H.imer""""' KAU fe B BOWN'd DRUO ai'ORE. Brown's liver Pi CURE TORPID LIVER. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE AT- BROWN'S DRUG STORE, ui-lM ' Allers Gallery, IIALIFORNIA. y HMtcJal Purtlca. Hcml-menthly. Tourist sirenlng cars. Cliean rates. Heulheru Pacific Ce. Addiess. E. 1IAWLEY, AssUtunt 'Ueneral ,,.r",.,1?,,.,i!'.Ret'r' MS HroedHuy, New Yerk: It. J. HMITH, AgenL 4DS. 3d U. Phlla. item HlttHlMmtttsf A OIIKAT lMl'UOVKMENT TO OI.IJ OR new lAwnsny using I.ANCAHTEHCHEM UALCOMl'ANY LAWN ENItIUIIF.ll. JJIIthE TO ALL FOB ONK WKRK-LAN ". caster Employment Bureau, Ne. eiNeilh uke street msa-lyd THKN YOU AHK HHOPPINO DON'T TV forgetternll at REINHOLIis, and ex amine the Immense Hleck of Bargains. OOMETIIINONEWt SOMETHING NEW! THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. (OI'KNINO DAY) MAY If, will be the first day ut the New Photegrnph.Htudlo, Ne. 22 North Queen Street, (Msrble Frent building.) a-Kiitrancc f-'eoend deer from Hhaub A Burns' Hhee Htnre. Hee llanncr Whlle Elephant, Ne. 22 North Qurs-n street. Cull en the above itatcand get Special Induce ments. . LEASE. Photographer. ltd e can emits. The Geed Housekeeper WILL FIRST HEE OHIt IMMENHE STOCK PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, PARLOR, FURNITURE! And Oct Our Extremely LOW FKICE8 for NliV'HTVLi:.i. Ochs & Gibbs, (.M,:M A fill Fleer,) Ne. at HOUTIl QUEEN HIItEKT. VPEN E V KR Y EVENING. CLOSING OUT ! CLOSING OUT ! Eutlie Hleck Held at u (Ircat Sacrifice tn Clee business. P.CJYDEMil, Ne. 14 West King St. Hosiery, Notions, White Goods AND MILLINERY. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. OPEN EVERY EVENING. iimjfKlmil -1300TO AND HIIOEH. STILL COMING IN DAILY, -AT- D. P. Stack he use's, 28 & 30 EAST KING STREET, The Latest and Best -IN- FOOTWEAR. JK'r'rtcesiind One Price le All. CullauiXiO uurnpring novelties. STACK HOUSE 28 and 30 East King Street, I.ANCAHTER. PA. TvJKW YORK HTOKE. Piles of Dress Goods IN EVERY DESIRABLE COLOR AT THE NEW YORK SHE. CASH M l.l.K II KKBI ITTTAS, In Heliotrope, drejs, Old Rese. Ac. Ac, at 25. J, :t7K, JO le 70 cen la a urd. MOIIAIlt I1HIIJ.IANTINRS, In ull the popular colorings, 'M Inches wide, 25c j ki-liu-h, We ; M-luch, 75e u ) srd. XKW 1'I.AII) MOIIAIBS, Uwautlful colerlugs, 25ca )ard. ALL WOOL SlMtlNU SUITIXCJ.S, Yard wide, 20c a yard, 36-INCH CASIIMUItK STltll'KS, Spring shades, 37Jc u yard. I'UIU:.SII.K SATIN HHADAMUS, All colors, 73c u yard J worth II 00. Fiauaun china silks, 2t Inches wldc.COca yard. KLl'.OANT BLACKUUAH SILKS, Fully urrunted, at 00c, IHc, 70e te II 00 a yard. LA MIS' SHOULDKU CAI'KS, Cleth, tl 00, 12 00, 2 40, fi 00 te K) 00 Each. LAMPS' BKADED CAPES, !10O.20O,ri0O,tlO0,UO) Each. . LAUIEM' SPIUNO JACKETS, v K 00, H 00, 1 1 00 ten 00. Each. CKEAM CASHMERE SHAWLS, 1100,1125,1100 Each. WATT; & SHAND, 6, 8 ANET10 EAST UNO ST, tin unutT Stctw eflbtftrtUemcnt. WHITE COTTON WAHTE, COPPEI) BY thex)und, ion' In lets of 10 pound or ever, Dc. All goods delivered te any wrt of the city Free. Call en JOHN BEOT, Ne. 333 East Fulton streeU m7-ul T UK CHALKONTK, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic Citv, Nitw Jkihrt. HITUATED ON TIIK BEACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. my2-Smd K.BOHKItTHAH0N8. r& inviuriu .u Lvit I nii'u . ntt,,rk titll Hteam and Ht-draiillc Packlns-.Astieiitlteiie. woven and Wick Parklnr. llpnin Pscklns. As bestes Mill Heard. Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Hhealhlnjr, Uuni Packing ,Oum Kings rnr Water Oauges, Pliiinbsgn Pecking, Iteed's Patent As best., Lined Hrctlenal Pipe Ceyer, at JOHN BEHTH, 8X1 Kast Fulton street. m7-tfd F We. OR HTEAM OAUUKM, 1IIOII Oil UW l'ITiire. Water natures. Uauce f'ecks. oed Wheels or Wslshted. Olass Tubes. Whistles, Hyphens for Hteam Usages, Cylinder flll.M M.ln AAf.A 1H llnll.mn. .,nl. fm Hteam Uauges, call en JOHN BEST, ST1 FJist Fultenstreet, m7-tfd riUE LANCAHTEIt TBUMT COMPAN Y HOL1CITS CURRENT ACCOUNTfl, TIMF. Dh I"OSITH AND TBUHT K3TATIX Acts as Assignee, Executer,Ouardlan, Agent etc. Kent Bexes In Its Fire and Burglar Proof Hlecl Vaults. Hteres Valuables at modcrate rules. Ne.. s and .'M NORTH QUEEN HT. aplMmdeed "T (K)K I L1FK1NHUBANCE AT COST, HEE ling'i Insuranrt anil Rral Estate Agrnt)', Ileprcsen ting Life, Accident, Fire, Heller, Plate- Glass and Theft Insurance. Olfli-e-lOH KAHT KINO BT., 3l Fleer Frent. ap2S-!md A. T. HALZIOER, Manager. JJ'OlllCAHT IRON PIPE FITTINOH IIOTH plain and reducing, up teO-tnch diameter, alleable Fittings, h lunges, Flange Unions, Manifold., American Unions, Tube Support., Hangers, Fleer und Celling Plates, go te JOHN BBHT'H, SCI East Fultenstreet. m7-tfd fJlUEK FOR ALL FOR ONE WEEK-LAN-V canter Emple) mcnl Dureuu, Ne. ill North Duke street. mu2-ld ROUTAHHANK, HUIHT MANUFACTUREIWAN1) Ml'8 OUTFITTEIW, Ne. 110 North Queen Htrcct. Hhlrls made te order as low us II.UJ. Perfect fit guuruiitced. nl-lyd BEHT TWO FOR FIVECKNT.CKIAItH the city, at III LLY WA IT.'H, Nes. 5 A 10C1 North Queen Ht. dec&6mdM,Til,TliJ4 fJIOIt CAHT1NOH, IRON OR URAHH, I.IOIIT 1; or heavy, at short notice, go le JOHN lSEHT, :tCI East Fulton street. ui7-tfd CJOFTI FLEXIIII.EI VERY COM PORTA O BLKI Aged Ladies' Shoes. This sort of weather brlnirs nged ladles te the shoe store ferllicculctuud immt comfortable shapes In footwear, Antlcl- I luting their needs we're fully prepared e supply every want. They are here in ull grade, of course cheap, meilluui and finest makes. Made In various se rial shapes mid of leathers soft aud plia ble, specially tanned for the purpose r Hiving the best possible results for )osl )esl live case and comfort tn wear. A most excellent shoe that Muds many buyers Is here lu Hinoeth, soft, pliable French (lout leather, with what the manufacturer terms adjustable bottoms. We huve them liiHl7cMiiud halfsl7cs i te H's-aud In widths It., C. D E. xseai, aressy nun ery liny in npHar-Hue-. The uppers and botleins readily adjust theuiHeles te all forms of the (uet und are very comfortable. The making, trimming and finish of n nucrler char acter. The excellence of tlie material used In them Is n guarantee that thcie cau be no fault us te sers ice, A companion low shoe te the above sllcwe have in Paris Kid Leather, at 12 er isilr. Very light, easy and soft. Tills low shoe come up ou tlie feet a ery little higher thuu the regular low (he. Just high enough te give support te the ankle. The soles ere light, ilexible und noiseless. Makes an elegant shoe ferngetlludles. or for nurses nnd moth ers huving the care of children. Ne trouble te slip In ; no trouble te the feel when within. The upper and soles are of geed wearing substance, which makes these shoes economical tn buy as they wear long nud will for either dress or evcry-duy. And the cheaper kinds have many points of excellence te recommend them In a price sense In a senKO of comfort for feet troubles. $1 00 grades, tt 00 grndes, tl 70 grades, ljulics who cannot be milted fiem these cannot be suited auyu here else, Thul's sure. SHAUB& BURNS, 11 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. I'a. XTIKSH BROTHER. CLOTHIERS! MERCHANT TAILORS ! MEWS FURNISHERS' SH1IITS: In Flannel. Percale, Deniet, Calice C.issl mere, Mllk-Hlrlpe. Prices, 2JclufJUl. Men's and Hey's Hires. WHITE SHIUTS: Hurt's ImpreMHt .Shield, $100 each, nil laundered, or SO 10 per half dereu. Hurt's Standard, pOc iiuluundcrvd ; ulse laundered at f 1 ue. The Fumous-eur LVlebraied 00c Hhlrt, reinforced back und from. NECKWEAR : Twe elegant lines nt 3V and 00.-. IVck, I'll tt und Feiir-lu-IIauil Hhupes. Huus und Hpring 'lies, Windsors aud Wash bcurfs. UNDER WEAK : All weights In Hulbrlggsii, Flannel, Jean, Etc. All sites und coleis. Frem 17c te II 00 each. FOOTWEAR: Bleckings In black, colors and stripes, or plain cotton, suH-r-Htuiil and Hulbrlg gun. Kwryduy, Se, !0e, lie. lletter qualities, l.ic, If, ISc, 2iV. 25.', Illc, '.ixc. COLLARS AND CUFFS : Linen, Celluloid, Aillugten nnd Paper, I.lnen In Arrew aud Coen Ilrumls. SEE THE NEW COLLAR ! Tlie " N.VRIIEI'H," two for SSc. Huve a Loek Through Our MADE-TO-ORDER DEPARTMENT, Pauts-te-Order, If 00 te 10 00. Hnlts-le-Onler, 112 00 te r 00. READY-MADE SUITS AND PANTALOONS FOIl Men. Youth, Beys and Children, In the Finest Assortment We Have Ever tthuuu. Men's Hulls, 1100 te 8 IS 00. Bey's Hulls, f2 00 te 112 00. Children's Hulls, II 00 te i 00. CLOTHIERS, MEHCHANT TAIL0H9 AND HffiSH d BROTHER, HENTS' FUKNISHERH. I. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER, PA. tets 3lfcterttfmtni. ARRIAOKdC DOIXaOMOAJsJUAOIWOlO, Cerner of Duke and Vina Htreete (formerly Nerbegk A Mlleyt, . IW. KNOKBeXnCJ-rm. 0,000 Over Blx Thousand Dollars M.OOO In Fine Uugglcs, Carriages. Ac, new en Ex Ex hlbltlen, of my Own Manakrture, And also agent for the Columbus Baggy Ce.'s ftnn vehicles at prices that astonish every body. All snsrnnleed finest vehlelss In the world for thn money. Nene but the beat me chanics employed, Hpeclal attention given te repairing, iteud Carts at almost any price at the Doersom Carriage Works, corner of Duke and Vine streets. dMraAwK F LAOH rOK DECORATION DAY AT HEINHOLD'8, vnr Depot. BKMT On HAVANA FILLER CIO All IN the city, at HILLY WAITZ'M, Nns. S 101 North Queen Ht, dccMmdM.Tu.Tli.S K'INKTAILORINUI ALL THE LATEST NOVELT1KH IN FINE WOOLENH. AT P. WE1KELH, HplMmdlt NaH West King HtreeU "VTELLIE IILY GAME, "ABOUND THE a. w iVerld," At RKINHOLD'8. HOTEL HKUNHWICK, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. New, Medem, Klrst-Clens, Complete. Pacific avenue, telween New Yerk and Tennessee avenues, will open May 31. aprtl-lmd JOSEPH H. DAVIH. -TKW LINEOF PIPEH-OENUINEOLIVK, .131 French llrlar and Meerschaum, from 20c te Je. All the Leading Brands of Broeking Tobaccos. DKMUTH'H CIGAR HTOHE. al8-tfdlt HI East King street. F IlKHH IMPORTED AND KEY WEHT CI .1; gars. Clear Havana Cigars, our own man ufecture, Iu2rrs,fi0'saiid 100 s. ur.Muiun tiuAit biuhe, Established 1770. HI East King Street, alS-tfdtt 1 T"E aifAKANTEB OUH QOLDEN LION himi nun uenua, ineuniy uicarxiavana Filler Hand-Made Cigars (Oc.l In the cltv, DKMUT11-H CIUAK HTOKE, 114 East King HtreeU Telephone. ais-tfdK CARRY IN HTOCK BEST CHARCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren, Hurdcn's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, meet, Hheet Iren S-16 toNe. 10, at JOHN BESTS. SOT East Fulton street. m7-tfd TF YOU WANT A FIRHT-CLAHH PORTAI1LE Engine and Heller, en wheels, cheap, as the following prices shew: S horse-power, $475 ; 8 horse-power, f.Vi ; 10 horse-power, t075; 15 horse power, t75; 20 horne-power, $1,175, call at JOHN UEHTH, XU East Fulton street. In7tfd INJECTORS, HUE l.tlTLE UlArsT, HAN . cock Inspiraters and Electors, Ebermun Heller Feeder, Pcnbertliy Inspector, American Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN BEHT'H, it&J ijist Knlten street. ni.-tld TIOR HORIZONTAL HTATIONARY EN. .' nines, from 2 te GO heme-newer. and Vertl- al KiiL'Ines from 2 te 40 hnrse-newer. veu will find them at JOHN HKMT.S, 3.a East Fulton street. A UENCY FOIl CALLAHAN A COB CK J incut te take the place or Bed Iced. In iiulklt make fle times the quantity of red lead and Is far superior In making steum Joints, packing man and hand hole plates en boilers. Ac.. Ac, Price 20 cents per pound, at JOHN BEST'S, Sl East Fulton street. m7-tfd ri'IIOS. F. PERHETT, J. PRACTICAL HATTER, All kinds of Hats Cleaned. Ke-Trlmmed nnd Remodeled te leek like new. Bilk Hats a sH?cliilty. Hats called for bv addressing iii2U-liiid U COURT AVENUE, Lancaster, Pa. A NNOUNCEMENT I en the 15th Inst, the well-known Pennsylva nia Employment Bureau or Reading, formerly known as the Reading Employment Hureau, will establish a branch eltlce in this city at Ne. l2Heulli Duke street, under the personal man agement of Mr. T. Q. Helm, n gentleman who t well mid favorably known throughout the en tire city and county. The same "justness prin ciples and excellent management that have se eminently distinguished the home olllce at Reading will be maintained ut this olllce. Ileperttally, ine-lmd PENN'A EMPLOYMENTBUREAU. ATLANTIC CITY. .HOTEL CHETWOODE lliclflc Avenue, near Illinois, Atlantic City. New and Flrsl-Clas. Hteam Heat; Call bells! Twe minutes wulk from beach. 12.00 and $1.00 perilay. OiiensJuncl. mlOind MRS. ANNIE URUBB. IALACE OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S 115 & 117 N. Queen St. MORE BARGAINS DAILY. One let of Fancy Hese at 'myZ d pair ; regular cut goods worth from iS te 20c One let of Ladles' extra fine Cotten, full regular made, tan and slate stripes, 29c a pair ; worth 37c One let of Ladies' Fancy Hese, drop stitch, lisle, in new est colors, at 39c a pair. Ladies' Fancy Striped Hese, full regular made, 15c a pair. Black Silk Jersey Mitts at iSc a pair ; worth 25c Black Silk Lace Mitts at I2j a pair. A Big Bargain in Ladies' fine Embroidered and Open worked Handkerchiefs at I2jc. One let of very fine Em broidered Handkerchiefs at 25c New Bargans in Fancy Gauze Ribbon at 10c a yard. One let of Fancy Satin Para sols, elegant handles in best col orings, only $ 1. 69 ; former price $2.50. New let of Window Shades, dado border, complete with fix tures, 50c New Fancy Painted and Chrome Fans, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50c Ladies' Chemisette Cellars, 10, 12, 15 te 75c Ladies' Linen Chemisettes, plain and pleated. Ladies' Embroidered Lawn Fedoras at 45 and 75c Large Caps, Large Surah Caps, in all colors, at gi. Bargains in Embroidered Flouncing at 25, 37 and 50c. Hemstitched Lawns and India Linens. New Ruchings, 10, 12; 15 and 25c a yard. Tourist Ruchings, iec a box ; 6 yards in a box. One let of Writing Paper and Envelopes, in a fancy box, at 5c a box, Palace of Fashion, yen 9lctrrilemnt. TTAUEtl A BKOTHEB. HAGER Sc Men's and Beys' Furnishings, Outing and Negligee Shirts. The largely Increased manufacture and sale or Outing and Negligee Bhlrts, each succerdlng year, Is proof positive that these Comfortable Mummer Garments ere no longer regarded as a luxury, but as a necessary part of a Hummer Outfit. The beauty and vaYlctyef thlsscasen's styles ire insue. ueyiens, zephyrs, Cashmeres, Batlns, Madras Clelhs. Cheviots, Hcelch and English Flannels, Bilk 8 tripes, Bilk aud Milk Wins are the leading fabrics. They urenll here and at Lewest nuung rnces. We Name a Few Popular Values. Excellent Cheviot Bhlrts, with neck-band yoke, at SO cents ; worth or, cents. Excellent Flannel Bhlrts (net Deme!) at 00 cents ; a erlh 65 cents. New Styles In Imported Flannel Bhlrts at ILOOand 11.23. Fine Imported Flannel Bhlrts at 11.00 ; usually sold at 11.75. Fine Imported Madras BblrU (unshrinkable) at tl.73. Uoed Demct Bhlrts at 23 cents ; better grades at 37) cents. Nes. 25, 27, 29, 31 Strut Slfexterttecmcute. "VlTATEIl RENTS-THIS WATER DUPLI TT rate Is new In the hands orthe 'Jlly Treas urer for collection or Water Bents. An abate ment of five per cent, will be made for prompt payment. Oirtce heurs: Is, m. tn 12 m. and 1 te 8 p. in., dally. On Monday and Saturday the office will be open In the evening from 7 te 8. J. 11. KATHFON, ap30-2StdR City Treasurer. TUBOES HAVE LONG BINCE DECIDED that Billy Waltz's Cigar Is the Best in the State. Fer sale at NOB. 6 A Ml NORTH QUEEN BT. dec5-CmdM,Tu,Th.H F OK BENT. NO. 28 KAHT KINO STREET. Inquire within. m'Mwdlt POCKET KNIVES FROM 5 CENTS TO 50 cents, At REINUOLD'8. XN FIVK, TEN, TWENTY-FIVE AND F11TY Pound Packages. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICHElt. Beld everywhere. THEY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN Equal Hilly Waltx's Havnna Filler Cltrnr. at NOS. 5 A KB NORTH QuEEN T. dee5-UmdM,Tu.Th.H THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF 5 AND 10 cents Music In Iincaster. AtREINUOLD'S. OUNQ MEN AND LADIrB I Te prove the great sucees achieved by the KEYSTONE BUSINESS COLLEGE In 14 months, visit the College nnd leek nl our regis ter; besides, our course Is rar superior and bet ter adapted te attain te a geed position. W. D. MOSHEK, Prln., 18 North Queen Bt.,2d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. tfdAw " pT AND 10 CENT GOODS IN ENDLESS VA J rlety. At REINHOLD'S. rpiIETAILORH, Special Patterns In Suitings. Latest Novelties lu Ceat 11 nd Vest Patterns. The Most Stylish Treuser Put terns. The Newest Uosten Spring Overcoats. McORANN & NOWLEN, ep!2-lyd 130 North Queen St. T E. LANT HAS OPEnED THE FINEST 1 Quarry about Ijincnster, and Is new fircparcd te furnish builders und ethers with lie most beautiful Blue or Light Grey Stene of any shape or size desired. Leave your orders at once at hi residence, may3-2wd NO. 219 EAST KINO BT. "T ASE BALL GOODS AND HAMMOCKS AtKEINHOLDB. W"' LIAMSON FOSTER. The Pink of Fashion ! M0US DE LAINE! The New Summer Fabrics In nil the New nnd Favorite Shades are new 11 poll our ceunteis for your acceptlen or rejection. If ou nre net disposed te purchase, accept a cordial Invita tion teexamine these New Summer Fabrics. Ladles' Jackets and Ready-Made Dresses In sljles (hat arc eriglunl ami at prices that will command attention. Lawn Tennis Bulls and Wrappers, tl nnd Heys' Knee-Punt Dress Suits, $ ', S3.50 und ft. GENTS FINK UU1XS CUTAWAY COAT SUITS, "Fancy Worsteds and Plain Chc let, Light nnd Dark Celers, 113 ter.'t. Gent's Stylish Dress Sack Suits, Thibet Cleths and Cassl meres. Dark Ceat aud Vest and Light Trousers, f 12 te 120. GENT'S SILK NECKWEAR Bilk Teck Scarfs, lOe Embroidered Ties aud Windser Bews, 25c. Sailor Knets and leeks, -V'. Handsome Putterus lu Flowing-End Tecks, uOe. SUMMER UNDERWEAR, 21c. and 50c, THe Ne:w 1D6H Fer Fashionable Yeung tlents-the Light-Colored Sllll Hat, with Flat Urlui. Cull and see It. Ill CHILDREN'S STRAW SAILOR HATS We huve the most complete and finest assort ment te be found uuj where, ut the universal Srlce, We. Colers: Brown, Navy, White and Hied. Children's White Embroidered Caps and Bon Ben nets, 23e te J2. Infant's Leng Dresses, Sk-. te fl.00. Children's White Dresses, llc te tisi A complete range of slics und widths In E. C. Burt's aud J. A F. Cousins' High Grade Low Lew Cut Bhees for Ladles' Hummer ear. ladies' low-Out Shoes, Oxford Tie or Uutten, Tip and Plain Tees, Munitien Sense or Opera Heels, 7Jc, $1,11.23 and II.kAX A Meat Cutting Machine That Is unexcelled for family use price, 11.23. The beUMuchlneeser Introduced for Mincing Meat. Trtpe of Clams. Easily adjusted by means of thumb screws that clamp it lethe tuble. THE CHICAGO SEWING MACHINE Will de work equal te any ether Pewlng Ma chine made. Price, 1 13.M. W. d. F. Caramels, ltkr. V tb. ej-Mnke your purchases from the Rellable Stere, where satisfaction Is Insured 011 etery purchase made. Williamson & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, iA., AND Ma m MARKET BTT HARRIBBVRa, PA, BROTHER, and Fabric far surpasses any showing hereto. West King Street. Slew Slbttertfscmeut. BILLY WAIT7. HAH THE BEST TWO FOS 6c aud 5c Cigars In the State, at .. ., NOH.8 AIM NORTH QUEEN HT. decWmdM,Tu,Th,8 A T OUR OFFICE YOU CAN GET AN1 u:. amount or AutnUA131E.il Ijlll'.MIUAU LSJSlt"AnX tl ujiwa i-.n rtiuiicit. i7-ANTED-HORBES TO PA8TUBE. W Address. apr23-tfd W. W. OR08H. Neflsvllle, Pa. FOR BOILER 1UIIK URUHHES, BTlLLBONl Pipe Wrenchcs.Plpeand Menkey Wrenches! i-umeinca, rues, ull uans, etc, go 10 JUtin BEST, 3X1 East Fulton streeU m7-tfd -RADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE Oil DEI JLV sign, can be furnished ntreaseiiahleflguresl IT7r inilWIlLSIT QV 1.-.. a. I.. ....... ... r.T 4i UJ v... uwj.,iMU.a.kf uuvil.limi. .llf-t.U OAW MILLS, BARIC MILLS. COR MILLS J i.euicr 1101 ters, 1 an ruexers. rri pie xiersq ewers. Milling and Mining Machinery, al juiin Mi e, e.i cjisi ruuen sireei. m7-ira ATI OLD BIIONF.K. MdUlllS ANfl HIZISr IT for steam work, at JOHN HEST'rt, 233 Easi r uiiun sirtwi. 1U7-IK1 T7IOR BOLTS, LAO SCREWS, BET SCREWS! ..' nciunn. nun uexngnn rsuis, incse goeas iu stock, at JOHN BESTS, 333 K.ist Fulton street m7-tra F lOU COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM OHTjfAN, Of Washington Borough Lewer DIslrlcL Hubl lOR COUNTY AUDITOR. C.Q.AMMOS. of Ephrula (Northern illstrlcL) Sulijcct te Demi wcikiic ruies. ma-imu T7IOR BOILER'S, HORIZONTAL, TABULA! 1 CuvMniil lA-..l.ln ... Iln...... .!.. . . ...(.,, .IIMUWir. W""SCI, 0.111 111V, U. any size or power, of Iho best material and workmanship, go te JOHN UEST, S3J East Fun ion street. In7-lia '-" OrkTs '-"KT OP I'lVK. FROM '1 i tJJfJJJ Inch le 0 Inch diameter, fel kiie 111. n low iigiire, anci iue only Heuse in tni rny Aviin a pipcciuiinir maciiitie, culling up te II Inch diameter, nt JOHN BEST M, 333 East Ful ten sircvt. ni.-lla rtSA wt'OCOII u.liei nnu . fim nil ., . J . 1.... .j .v... .. t 1 i.iv, I tlr.t iWJU. 1V UAa X efnnv shape or capacity, nt fair prices, gl te JOHN BEST. 3.) ICusl Fulton street. m7-tf R UPPERT'H. RUrPCUT'S CELEBRATED HEER AtCHAS. E. HCsTEIfB CORNER SALOOh E.very way una evening. nprSO-tfd Wt; EXAMINE EYES FREE. Spectaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you wlllprebabll mm aiut mere is snmeiiung wrong WIU1 then ana nun glasses win ue a great help te you. We use Inimitable "1)1 A HAKTAi'ln. which are made only by us, and recemmendel uy leauuig ucuusts as iue best aias te aere. live vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, 93.00 ; nsnal prle 9..ei. ArlindalKyes Inserted, 51 ; usual i trice, 9 1( H. ZINEHAK & BRO.I130 S. Ninth Street OPTICIANS. PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. mvtt-lyl SEALED PROIOSALS WILL HE RH ecUcdittthe Maer'sOtllcu until TIIIIRil DAY, MAY 22d. ut 5 o'clock p. in., for thl best clean Hard Pea Ceal, cress ten J i,ivi puiuiu, te ee ciiner delivered let com uin lecniea at renna icniireau urldg Manheim township. Bald contract tn tall effect June 1. lftO. and exnlrn Dcwinlipr I. isu Any coal inferior In duality at ant-time tlJ water committee reserve the right te rejecl Tliey also reserve the right le rejecl an)" und al uius 11 uittciutt is nut suiisiuciury. jiie nam of coal must be mentioned In bid and tiamn security given. By order of the water cenl muiee. iiiincur i;l,auk, Mayer. I litest; jai'eii iiAi.uAt;ii, uicrK. miz-eiai T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. s. st"ii. ELECTED BY A LARGE HAJ0RIT1 TO Clean and Relay Carpets, FURNISH CA HTI.T8, CURTAINS, ItUOS, SIIAD1 . OILCLOTHS, Ac, lleciiiKc they Deal Fairly, have One Price, hav Onu Business, und Knew All About It. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street aug29-lyd F erepa rail's SHOW. Adam Forepaugh's GREAT ALL-FEATURE SHOW AN1 WILD-WEST COMBINED. Will Exhlhiblt Hie Colossal, Remedelel Arenle Zoological and Hlppodreniatic AggrJ gallon absolutely three times the greatest e .-ui,.. nnu ijijw iii.iijuiuceiiiiy rcimerccu WH me iiiuivu, itisturicui SHERIDAN'S RIDE Supplemented with the HISTORIC CUBTEI ii.V4Ai.E;unauie muuntain MEADOW MAMIAL'Itt; LANCASTER. WEDNESDAY', MAY 4j AT MCQRANN'S PARK. 1' Positively and Most Emphatically the Out lenicu 1.XI1IU1UOII ei any importance that wll msii mis niate aim uity nns season. 00 SCOUTS, bOLDIERS AN D HAVAOES Are brought into requisition In the life liken production ei tue worm s sauuest trugeay, CUSTER'S LAST RALLY: Or. the Battle of the Little Big Hern 1 Greatest gathering of Scouts, Cowboys, Ceal girls, Crack Shots, aquere and Real Blankel juaiun? overseen tuissiua ui tne juwuun riven 4VJr-Th rilling tthurp.hoetlng Contests betweed the Jnternauenai t,racK-"oet nerees. t'Arr, U. B0OARDU8 and his THREE SONB. ALL THE FAMOUS FEATURES OF Till GREAT FOREPAUGH SHOW. The Splendid Triple Circus The Mammetll Deuble MenagerieThe Seul-Btlrring HI peel dreme Races The Tcrilfle Gladiatorial Ceml nais juowarvrieusiy AiTtinea Mguilng, Dami Ing and Clown Elephants, together with all of 1 ADAM fOKEPAUGH, JR'S Astounding Sensations, lncludtnir nl svir Trou ne of Educated Ranch-Bred hmiirlim iiwl Quadrille Dancing Elephants ; theBemersaull Degs: " Blendln." the only Equine ever tsugbl te walk a High Repe ; " Ecltpre," the Trapeze nurse, unu tne truwning cumax, Driving 1 Fiery Thoroughbreds at IleudlenirSneed I aHee. the Combined Feretnuch and Wild West (street Parade at 10 a. in., en the Day e r.xmumen in mis city. Aoseiuieiy ineuesi Nevel. Brilliant. Romantic and btunendeu 1'rocesslenul Dltplayeer Witnessed Auywher. Ull Aurtii i 4U-TwoCemplete Exhibitions Dally, at Usua Heurs: Admission, We; Children under 9, 24c. iteserveu uumeereu seats, extra, lueap neunc Trie Excursions ou all railroads. Bee Lecsil Agents for particulars. Fer the accommeilaUoi ei me puenc who weuiu aveia me cruua si uii greunus, Tickets and Reserved Seats cau be ob tainea ai uenrt urug tiiere, .-se. u rerit uueen street, at tne usual slight advance, msylJ,l.,U iJl TwH' a '-jE.