--vtr. "VS. THB LANCASTER DAILY IKWStjLlGBNOEH, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1890. AN AI.AUMIXO OUTLOOK. Strikes are Increasing every day At very rapid paces) Even th lightning , no tby My, 11m (truck at several place. Frem Ihc Calcfljre Petf. Wholraate Suicide ofCels. Frem the N.Y. Star. Fer thn txut taw ilava the laborers fill" pleyed around Mount Merria hotel, One Unmlnvl ami Tirantv-Alffh'.h Street and Third avenue, have been busy picking dead caU out of a tub of lime which bta. hem placed In the cellar for me usb workmen who were rrplaaterlng soma or the walla, After water had been put In with the llme the laborer left It, bnt within fifteen, minutes they heard startling noise, which they took te be an ordinary feline concert. After t burning te the lime, how ever, they found In It the dead bodles of three cats. The fu r wiu-burnt off each of fie bodles, and the lime had eaten Inte the a'cln. One of the cata was a beautiful white one with pink oyes. It had been around the place since me newi upuuuu, nume alx years bro. This cat the proprietor valued at 1200, and a few years age when the animal was stelen a lnnte reward was offered for It. .... The proprietor aocused tbe laborers or throwing the cats Inte the lime, and was about te have each of the empleyes ar- rosted en the following day, wuen, ut ins anrnrisn. the men. who had been absent from the place all night, brought up two mere dead bodies or cats Durnea jusias me ethers were. That evening one of the pre- Iirleters, Mr. Jerry Mullln. saw a cat de Iberately lump into the lime. The men were called, anu tne cai was nsneu uui. it died a few hours later. The laborers took tleks and felt around in the lime for mere cats. They round two, making seven dead bodies found In the lime and one cat res cued. Than tlm ninn InvnntiMl a kind of life preserver for ether cats who might be at tracted te the place. Pieces of wool weie thrown into the lime, anu ewer wmrus were placed from the edge of the tub te tne bottom, se mat, cats iuiuek m i"'i"b Inin ihe lima wnnlll hlVD SOmelhlnaT tO catch held of and climb out. Through these preserves ene old cat and a kitten, about five months old, managed te escape death. What attraction mere is ier cam m me lime cannot be learned, but it is certain that the cats went into the tub of their own accord. When en the II lull Sens, On the rail, en a steamboat, aboard a flitting mack, or yachting en the coast, Hestettcr'a Bteuiach Bittern will be found n rcllable means of averting and relieving allmenU te which travcleni, murine and emigrants are pecu liarly sublcct. 8ea captains, ship doctors, vey agers or sojourners In the tropics, and all about ta encounter unaccllmated, an unaccustomed or dangerous climate should net neglect te avail themselves of this safeguard or well as certalned and long-tried merit, Constipation, MllnieHABU M.ln.lnl fn.tn , t ! I imlI lf. ,hAII. UIIIUIIBIlVan. IIIIIWI Ml .u.l.., ...u.mve..u.., ......- matlsm and affections of the bladder and kid neys are among the aliments wiucn u eraai- catcs, ana it may oercsertcaio net eniy witn commence in lis rcmcaiai cmcaey, uuinisein 1U ierfect freedom from every objectionable In gredient, slnce It Is derived from the purest and most salutary sources. It counteracts the euecui or unwneii sonic loeaanu water. m!3te20 lA Cure for Constipation aud Slek-llcad- nclie. Dr.Rllas Lnne, while In the Heck y Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with ether herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for onstlpatlen. It Is In the form or dry roots and leaves, and Is known ns Lane's Family Medi cine. It will cure sicK-nenaacne in one night. IKer the bleed, liver and kidneys, and for clear- ling up the complexion It docs wonders. Drug gists sell it at SO cents n iackage. (3) Loek ITore, Friend, Are Ten dick f De you sufler from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, I.I vcr Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel- Sng, Fains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of ewer, or any form of Consumption ? If se, go i your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo- taplezlen, Which will quickly restore you te eund physical health, tleraplenun Is a highly concentrated tluui extract or tne most valuable aedlclnal roots and herbs known te science. Laid cures where all ether remedies fall. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. tddress, Prof. Franklin Hurt, Warren street, . y. nprl7-tydsw Special itetic0. llneklen'u Arolea salve. Tua II CHTHALVKintbe world for Cuts, Bruises leres. Ulcers. Bait Rheum. Fever Heres, Tetter, 'hnmwMt Hands. Chilblains. Cerns, and all Skill Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed teglveper- et satisfaction, or money rfiunnea. nice w ents per box. Fer sale by w. T. Much, Drug gist, Niw. 137 and ISO North queen street, Lau- aier, re. iuumi-iju - AYellliiff llitfiy Is something te be avoided. Babies with colds, uaules Wltn croup, uuuie-, wuu niinis, minis, bites, aches, sprains, or p.tln, are bound te be- Leme noisy tenants of the household. Dr. WThetnat' Eclectrie Oil will euro all these com plaints. Sela in uitieakier ey vt . i. iiecn, i;j kind 139 North Queen street. A Sound I-e(rnl Opinion. E. Balnbrldge Munday, Esq., County Atty. Ilay Ce.,Tex.,ka8! "Hae used Electric lllt- TS Willi IIIUHl 11U1M ICUiin. wj vi yiitvx u.av, wiervlnwwlth Malarial Fever and Jaundice. ut was cured by timely use of this medicine. m satlKlled Kiectnc iiuiers saveu ins we." Mr. D. I, Wllcoxsen, of Herso Cave, Ky., adds 111. ...... l...n...r inwlnn. Tift luul , i Vl V Im1 1. VA, he would have died, had It net been for Electric Hitters. , . rrhlH rrrent rpmerlv will ward off. as well as ture all Malarial Dlsea-ses, and for all Kidney, Liver aim Stomach iiiseraers suinus uiicquaieu. Mce50c.andSI.iil W. T. llech's Drug btere, U37 and 1JS N. tuecn Ht., Lancaster, 1. (0) " The Itosiirrectlon of Tjizartts Was a miraculous operation. Ne one thinks of Leiuincr tlm ilpiid these times, theuch some des- Derately close te death's deer have been com- lalue and lasting health. Held In Lancaster by Iw. T. Ilech, 1J7 and Utf North Queen street. unthnral Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! I Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of mnrrHtbvailck child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain e cutting Ueth T If se. go at once and get a bottle of MWS. WIN8 LOW'B BOOTHINO SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend neon It : there li no mistake about It There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te Uie mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases arid nleuant te the taste, and Is the prescription of oneef the eldest and bestfemale physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, i cents a betue. iuunruw Teu Can Dopeud On It. "Forsevero toothache and neuralgia of the Ineadlused Themas JXlcctrlc un. inisiscer Itllnlv the bst thin? I ever knew of for relief of Inaiiiefany kind. The house Is never without ft." Mrs. A. M.Frank, 177 Tuptwr street, iiutt- lale. N. Y. Held In Lancaster by W. T. iiecu llfl ttUU HB,1WHISHIS"""VVM "" The New Discovery. Vnu liave heard your friends and neighbors talking about It. Yeu may eurseir be one or trie many who knew from personal experience lust hew geed a tiling H is. n cm nave eer tried It, you are one of Its staunch mends, be cause tne wenaeriui iiiiiik nuuuv u m, mat when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dis cevery ever alter neius a piuce m uiv uuube. ii you have neer used It and should be atQtcted Willi W"K.., vw.. v. ""J ...x., -..' - Chest trouble, secure a bottle nt once and give It a fair trial. Ills guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bettles Free at W.T. Hecls Drug Stere, Ne. 1J9 N, Queen street, LAUCOSier, r. TTOOD-8 EABBAPAiULLA. 8PBIMO mDIOHfl Ii a icsestty with early reryb-ir. The run down, tired eanaUMea " this season is due te ImpurlUes la the bleed which have accumula ted during lbs wlater, and which must he ex pelled If you wish te feci well. Heed's Barsa. parllla thoroughly purines and vitalises the bleed, creates a geed appetite, cures biliousness and headache, gives healthy action te the kid neys and liver, and Imparts te the whole body a feeling of health and strength. This spring try HOODtl 8AIWAPA1ULLA "I lake Heed's Rarsaparllla every year as a spring tonic, with most satisfactory results." c, Fakmelkc, 349 Brldgeatreet, Brooklyn, N, Y. ' Heed's Barsaparllta punBed my bleed, gave me strength, and overcame the headache and dlislneaa, se that t am able te work again. 1 recommend Heed's Banaparllla te ethers whose bleed Is thin or Impure, and who feel worn out or ran down." Lvtuer Nasex, Lewell, Mass. CHEATKB AN APPETITE With the first bottle of Heed's Barsaparllta my headache entirely disappeared, and where before I could net muster up an appetite for my meals, I cannot new get enough meals te satisfy my appetite. I am at present taking my second bottle and feel-like a different per son." William Laxsihe, Pest s, O. A. K,, Neenah Wis. N.B. If you decide te take Heed's Banapa rllla de net be Induced te buy any ether. Heed ' Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggists. It ; sis ter 95. Prepared only by U. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONK DOLLAR (1) piS FINGER NAILS CAME OFF. for a year I was afflicted with horrible case of bleed oelson. and UDwards or Ave months of that time I was unable te de work of any kind, and smooth as If It had been shaved. I con v kind. Mr nncer nails came off and mr hair dropped out, leaving my head as clean suited the best local physicians, and spent hun dreds of dollars for medicines of different kinds, but without receiving the slightest benefit. I was advised finally te visit Het Springs. This I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, commenced taking Hwlft's Specific (8. 8. S) The effect that B. B. H. bad en me was truly wonderful. I commenced te recover after taking the first bottle, and by the time I had taken twelve bottles I was en tirely cured cured by Bwlft's Specific (H. B. B.) when the world-renowned Het Springs bad failed. WM. B. LOOM1H. Hhrevepert, La." FOUR YEARS ON CRUTCHES. FerfirteenyearsI was afflicted with rheuma tism, four years of which I was compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express the sufferings I endured during that time. Dur ing these fifteen years or existence (It was net living), I tried every known remedy without receiving any benefit. I finally began en Swift's Specific (S. B. B.), which from the first gave me relief, and today I am enjoying the best of health, and am a well man. I candidly be be eove that B. B. 8. Is lha best bleed purifier en the market te-day. J. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Treatise en Bleed and Bkln Diseases mailed free. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO., (31 Vtlauta 'J a. M OTHERS READ! Dr. C. McLane's CELEBRATED Vermifuge for Worms ! MOTHERS READ. Andrew Downing of Cranburg Township, Ve nango County, ga e his child ene teospeonful of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Ver mifuge, and she passed 177 worms. Next morn ing en repetition of the dese she passed 113 mere. Japhct C. Allen, of Ambey, rave a dose of the genuine Dr. C. McUme's Celebrated Vermifuge te a child six years old, and It brought away 83 worms. He seen after gave another dose te the same child, which brought away 60 mere, mak ing 133 worms In about 12 hours. Mrs. Uulebr. Ne. 182 Essex HI,. New Yerk. writes us that she had a child which had been i unwell rer better than two months. She pro cured a bottle of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Vermifuge and administered It, The child passed a large quantity of worms, and in a few days was as hearty as ever It bad been. Parents with such testimony before them should net hesitate when there Is any reason te suspect worms, and lese no time In administering the ?;enulneDr.C. McLane's Vermifuge. It never alls and Is perfectly safe. This Is te certify that I was troubled with a tape worm for mere than six months. I tried all the known remedies for this terrible afflic tien, hut without being able te destroy it, I get a bottle of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Vermi fuge, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pn., which I took according te directiens: and the result was I discharged one large tape worm, measuring mera man a yarn, oesiaes a number of small ones. Price 23 cents a bottle, cnulne. k(, uniui'i u iiuiuui MRS. M. SCOTT. Insist en having the (Oil H UMPIIREY'3 DR. HUIIPHREY'S SPECIFICS are sclcntl cully and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with success und for ever thirty j ears used by the people. Every single Specific Is a special euro for the disease named. These Specifics euro without drngglnjr, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the SOVEREIGN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. LISTOr PltlNCII'AL N03. CUBES. fKICES 1. FEVERS, Congestion, Inflammation 2S li. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic IS S. CRYING COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .25 4. DIARRHUSA. of Children or Adults .25 5. DYSENTERY, drlplng. Bilious Celic .25 6. CHOLERA MORBUS. Vomiting .25 7. COUGHS, Celd, Bronchitis. 25 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache, Faceache 25 0. HEADACHE, Sick Headache, Vertigo... .26 10. DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach .25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .25 12. WHITES, tee Profuse Periods .25 U. CROUP, Cough, Difficult Breathing 25 14. SALT RHEUM. Erysipelas, Eruptions... .25 15. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic Pains .26 A. FEVER and AGUE, Chills, Malaria. GO 17. PILES, blind or Bleeding GO 1, C.VTAHUH,lnfluenia,Celd in the Head, .60 20. WHOOPING COUGH, Violent Coughs... .60 24. GENERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak ness .60 27. KIDNEYDISEAHE 60 28. NERVOUS DEBILITY .11.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS. Wetting Bed, .50 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, PalplUv Uen 41.00 Beld by drngglsU. or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Dr. HUMiMlRBY's Manual (144 pages) richly hound in cloth and geld, mailed free. HUHI'IIREYS' MEDICINE Ce., 1UU F UltOllSt. N. Y Clethttta 1KB TAILORINU. F 1890--SPRING.--1890 m- Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We wenld also announce the purchase of a Jeb Let of English Bulling and .Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we will sell st Astonishingly Lew Prices. 9-Cnll early te secure a bargain In these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THE CITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dZMfd M TICRS RATHFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR Mm DepawDt We've many attractions ln our Custom De partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING t FOR Men's Wear FROM $15.00 te Almest Any Price ' Such styles as these are net efferee) anywnere In Lancaster for the price. Such an assortment you'll And nowhere else, ELEOANT 8TLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te leek at. Prices range from fl te 813. We'll ill you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12EASTKING STREET LANCASTER. PA. M ART1N BROS. BEFORE the JUDGES. (2) SPECIFICS. Tu,Th.Siw T lEETUtNU BYRUF. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly sare. NoOplumerMorpblamlxtures. Wlllre Wlllre Wlllre Colle. UrlDlmr In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DRS.D.FAHR- Ueve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. NEY 4 SON, Hagerstown, Md. TrugglsU sell lant-lvdeed&w "OruutItOiit.' The above Is an old saw ns snvaae as It Is senseless. Yeu cant "grunt out- upepia, nnr liver complaint, nor nervousness fr they once get a geed held, i ney aeni reinove inem- 5t,c" . ... 1 nut... la l.ettn 1111 Drmiflnir r: ..... i'i, 1 ua pan cure let s net endure. Held In Lancaster by W. T. Hecii, 137 and Utf Nerm iueen .11. pt ARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Our Ready-Made Clothing Department for Men and Beys was en test and trial before geed J udges en Satur day. The lively way Suits' were fit en and carried away gave the verdict of the best Clothing at Lewest Prices. Stock full and complete. These who could net be watted en In the rush en Sat urday evening we will be pleased te give extra attention new. Bey's Kilt Pant Suits, f 1 lf te 18. Selection from geed te perfect fitting te fine and elegant. Bey's Sailor Bulls, tlGO, 2 SO, 3 60. Fer all the little boys who would Jein the navy new the suits are ready. Children's Kilts, 1 50, t2, 2 60 te $5. A hand some choice. Bey's Leng Pant Bulls, tl, It, te te 115. In these we are placing before you what we be lieve te be tbe greatest values ever nflered. All the etceteras of men's and boy's dress In the Furnishing Goods Department. Under wear, hosiery, shirts, suspenders, cellars, cuffs, neckwear, gloves, and every detail. Values away above prices. Our handsome 25e Nock Neck wear (worth double) still continues. The be ginning of the week Is a geed time te order suits te be finished by Saturday. We show a large cbolce of Cleths and Casslmeres, and em ploy the best skill and workpeople. Of course there can be but one result the art of tailoring In its finest possible development. A trial will show you what we can de. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SUITS TO ORDER, $15 te $40. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. "tLOTIHNO. L. Gansman & Bre. SPECIAL BARGAINS Net for Sale Elsewhere. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nauwa, Drowsiness. Distress after Eating, Pain In the Side, tfe, while their most remarkable success has been shown In curlug fy RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Utt&Z D erXiUiXiu muuiiu. ....... n..c.i. vvniimi rtEUPDY. An unfall- i...n r,.r ueminni Weakness. Spermaterrhea. Impoteney and nil Diseases that fellow as a. se quence of Self-Abuse j as Les of Memery, Unl- venuti tiisiiiuue, am tit - ' 7k Viiien, Premature Old Ate, and many ether dLiie iimt ieaa te insanity or iuuuuiimuu nLK,?.,""L".r.?vf- ..,, ,.,.k fin n, iivumi. i, uui ifiii'ii.v., .....b.. we desire tii send fne by mall te en ry one. W- Th6 Specific Medicine is sold by all drug lats at tl perpockageerslx packages for 5, or S'"'.?' V, Vhui liv mull nil r.-attit nf tlm Will "".". J'r".!' .v..r. -. ...- money, ey suum.nn flicunAi AicuiuinKi.u., BuOale, N. Y. nn account of counterfeits, we luue adopted theVeUew WraPr- theenulne. rieiu in iiiui.'i -, - .....wv. mar3-lyd Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com- filalnt, while they also correct all dlsordersef he stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured 9u 00 JOLT OOOKTOTHB COURT HOUBB. Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sillier from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who once try them will find these Utile pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all ilck head & OTICK TO "ntB.Sl'ASaF.ltS AND HUM ri!m)-'11 jttTBuii.wie uciruj lurumueii trespass en any of the lands of the Xrnwali A Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster uu ties, whether inclesed or uninclesed, either ad veau fbrtt lawwi: Ibis notles tbr the purpose of sheeting or Ashing, as the imw Will W il.iulf wm.w.v .... w. vi passing en said lands of the undersigned arts WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN U. PKItCY ALDEN. juiw.ariytMs.er, .. ssTtjWiWIIIs is the bane of se many lives that here is where we make our great beast. Our pills cure It while ethers de net.! Vaiiteii'S 'LITTLE LIVER PILLS are erv small and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. I.i vials at 25 eta ; Ave ler 11. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small PilL Small Dese. Small Price. augl2-lydeed "undeveloped parts ih Human Hndv Enlarged. Developed. Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run in our paper, iu rci'iy w iu qutrles we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, ey writing w tne cmc mluivau ., BWM Sit., USJWO, , I, imp IWH V4flHSW NJ Mattings ! - Mattings ! A New Importation of China Mattings Just In. risln White, 10, Htf, 15, 90, , SI. s?),c. Fancies 12X,1S,,M,87,C Stair Oilcloths. Fleer Oilcloths. Stair Crashes, all widths. Window Shades. Lacs Curtains, 75e teW a pair. Scrims and Laces, 6c te 25c. Stair Reds, flOc, 75c and 11.25 Per Dezen. New Tapcslry Carpets, 45 te Sc. New Ingrain Carpets, 85et" fee. .New Rag Carpets.Sud teGOc New Stair Carpets, 10c te tic. Best Feathers, 'Warranted Pure. cr-Jnrt opened ji New Assortment or Ladles' and Misses' Jackets, Cape and Embroidered Ficbues. " . F K H N feST O b K ' S!, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, P. . lltitltncvu 1&oeb &ttvtltv. "Wr-ATCUES, CLOCKS, Etc. M ETZOER A IIAUQIIMAN. MLetzgGY Sc ULeLMglnmatim xlWASH DRESS G00DS.lx OUTINQ STRIPES AND PLAIDS, DKESSaiNailAMS, PLAIN CHAMUUAYS, SEEuSUCKKIUS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED VIXIUNCINOH, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) B ARD MCELROY. bard Sc Mcelrey, Neii. 33 and 35 Seuth Qneen Street, Opposite FeuaUln Inn. CARPETS Having cut down our profits en our Home-mnde Rag, Ingrain, Chain and Stair Carpets, In order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere than any season since we eeued, weaid be pleased te have you call, see and Judgs for yeursslf. Carpet Rags taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest prlce in Lancaster, A lower grade at 60c RUas-Ninyrna Rugs at a bargain: fl sire at 75c, 11.25 slite Bill, flslre at f2,u site at W.M' Cocea Rugs at 25c, 35c and Seu. OIL CLOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the money In the city, all widths from U te 2W yards w ide. Table Oil Cleth, 4 feat wldu.l2ie per yard. Stair and Shelf Oil Cleth. WINDOW RHADRH-Dargalns In Window Shades, ey tne yam in raper, jieuana ana en. A New number In Dade at arc. Shading Alse Spring Fixtures, WASH DRESS QOODR The best llneef Oiitlnu- Cleths In the ell v. Dress (llnsbains In decant ... ... - ... - ....... . . .. ..7..... ... .j:.- . . . . " . . . - styles at vytc, sc, iw ana c men s nniriing at dkc, o;.e ana sc. in jiiui, uiiu uuj. N. luu yriw aver uusmii fhe best styles In panting (Or NAVY I1LIIE CALICO One Cass Navr lllnn Pnllrn nt fiUn imver bnTiirfl sold for less than 8e One let of Skirling at c ; reduced from 25c. HICYCLES Agents for the Premier Safety Bicycles for ladles, men and children, Atseagcnts for the Sweeting Cycle Ce., of Philadelphia. Pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High (Irade Cycles at cut prices. See the (75 and 185 Coventry Rival Safety, ball bearing te purls. Heys' Rival Safety atsm See It, compare It with anyat f35, and If any difference In favor of the Rival. bard & Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Qneen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn iJPatchc. 9 CLOCKS, RPKCTACLES, Ac, SOLD AND REPAIRED, 159K NORTH QUEEN ST.-WEIIER'S. jrWatches carefully selected rer Farmrrs and Railroaders. aprU-lyd JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! JK WKLKIl &OUAD UA TE OPTWIA JV. fKyavtltv' elttihts AT In effect from Nnr. in. usa. -5 -.i!1.nJLJ',T" LAHOASTsm and Umra atsd 'j r.Ti m. s-niianeipnia as roilewsi LsaTs tWHSTWARD. Paclde Rzpresst..,, w mtjLpwmj. wav Passennrt MantralnvlaMUeyt Niagara Express Hanover Aoeom.... Fast Llnf......... Frederick Aneent.. lAucaster Accem....... Lancaster Aoeom.... HarrlsburgAesem. Columbia Accem. ..M. HarrUbunr Ei preas., Western Kxpresst..... Lancaster Acce ... .. Ijsavs. Philadelphia. iisnp, m. aea. m. Mil, m. TMlsu sn. via Oelumblal s:ae a. m. via Columbia 11:K) a. m. via Celarabla ii! a. m. rlaMtJsy- Kp. IB. 4:40 p. m. 5:80 p. m. M0 p. n. W mi llsORsk. sjj. kteRaSl) !tlO tv tn. " MB "p. in. &1 mema b. l. ",i Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Kyes thst Ache, Ryes that (1 row Tired, Eyes that are Dim, E)es that Hum or I loll, coma tinder this head and should hae immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free 1 Ne Dreps Used ! OHAS.. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. w ALTER 0. HKHlt. REPAIRING! De you have a FJne Wnlcu that needs repairing V By leav ing it with us It will be In cuve ful hauds and can premise you snlendld results from work we de. All Cleck, Jewelry and Spec tacle work dene promptly. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANUK. nrAHM'B CORNER. BASTWARD, Phils, Kxpresst-, FastLlnef. - Lancaster Aiwa Harrlsburg Express... Lancaster Accem....... Columbia Aceein... Atlantla RzDreiut Seashore Kseress. Phlladslphla Accem. Honeay Mau....n. Day Bxpressf. Harrlsburg Acoem.. Mall Tralnt........... Frederick Accem..... Leave Lancaster. fta. m. 4:a.m. a. m 1:10 a. m. ttti. se, tMOa. m. I1MB.IB. VtMp. m. MM p. m. 8M)p.m, 4;p. m. 6:45 p. m. S:8Sp, m lzip. m. FJf ssu M sAt.tss.v ' M6 a, a, , ts1t i, fm-i vullU', 'r h, fell b. as. f. Swai tThe only trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train west raw Columbia. J. It. WOOD, neneral haani' CHAB. K. 1'UOH. General Managat tn WalUtct, &Mm -T KB ANON LANCASTER .HandM Ktt JLi RAILROAD. 1. Arrangements of Passenger TralnsfWH.?a..r nuRDAT, nay ii,- issu. : KU . NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. p.m. t., King Street, Lane 7.-00 l2:.e fc Lancaster 7OT 12:60 KJt Columbia 12:!W tM Msnhetm. 7:M 1.-30 lM Cornwall ...... 7:58 1:46 s: Arrive at Lebanon ..Ml M tM BUUTHWAUU. Leave a.m. f. st. f. st, Lebanon. ..,. .7:16 HJ0 7:16 Cornwall 737 1X41 7i ManhelmV . 7:H 1:16 71 Lancaster......... . 837 1:16 6:18 Arrive at King Street, Lane Sjtd 1:56 836 Columbia . S:Zi 2.D2 A. M. WILSON, Supt. R. AC. Railroad, a st. NEFF, HupL 0. R. R. Saaeay. 7 (fci6 tmc KM ; a t' a.M. r.st, 7J6 fcl ...' 8:W !,''. 601 SmL 9-.K fcia. n sue ..,' A': H. 7.. R1IOADS A SON. SILVER-MOUNTED LEATHER GOODS -AT- H. Z. Rhoads 8c Sen's, 4 West King St. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM ? They Are Werthy of Your Cleso Inspection ! We knew you will be Interested, as yen will also be In tbe STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. Have yen anything Intricate, In Watch, Cleck or Music Bex, that needs repairing? Consult us. Our skilled workmen can make the needed icpulrs. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. &efriacrat0r. F LINN & BRENEMAN. ii CHEAP ICE!" TIIEN ANY REFRIGERATOR WILL ANSWER. MUST HAVE THE 66 RUT THIS SEASON YOIT t THE IH"ST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. SPECTACLES I A NEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT Ul'lSNEU ZAHM'SCORNER. We have opened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connection with our retail busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this branch, and have placed It In charge of a Regular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In the best hospitals et the country, and rocemmendud by the best medical authority In the state, Ws de net propeeo te simply adjust correctly all ceses or defective sight, and lit them with the correct lenses, but te perform all HUHOI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and te place under treatment thorn) who by proper atten tien! need only treatment of the eye te restore their sight without tbe use of spectacles. At the same time we de net propeso te mase me adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from the ad vautage el a proper exami nation, and will make.all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only these that repilrn spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Being sole agent for the celebrated ABUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lenss for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at a price within the reach of all, there will be no necessity for any one using: glasses that are uncomfortable or Unsulted te tlielr eyes. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with any trouble of the eye, In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, PHILADELPHIA A READINO RAILROAD .i REAPING COLUMBIA DIVISION. ,.f , On and after Sunday, May 11, He, teats r: leave Lancaster (King street), as fellows! .u'3 Fer Kettdln and Intermediate oelnta. wesSKJS days, 7:49 a. in., 12:40, 8:4s p, m.j Sunday, Ma : m..lXip.m. J ruri-iuimucimiiB, wniuji. y;tj a. ssu, 11,, : 8:46 n. m.t Snndars. IkM D. tn. fe, j Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week day,; 'Fer New Yerk vis. Allentown, ws dsvy,',;' ' w;tu p. in. tv Fer Allentown, week days, 7:49 m. ,; tfe ITeln(fawllla wmI, iI.h V.iA M SkJS M A V Sunday, 6:65 p. m. ' - Fer Lebanon, week days. 7.-00 a.alM.lifJI n. m. t Sunday, 6.-06 a. tn, 8:54 p. m. -! Fer Harrlsburg, week days, 7.00 t. m 4:36 n. m. : Snndav. 8.46 a. m. Ferttuarryvllle, week days, W, m- IU 7.M, 6.00 p. m. i Sunday, 6:10 p. m. ; TRAINS FOR LAMCASTER. L"-; ueave stnuiina, wee-, uayv., ,:wu stnesb SS. , Leave Philadelphia, week days. 4:10. MaTt.-M m.,4)p.m. Jt36 jieavenew ietktii juiiaeeipaus, sissjaesiystt , Leave New Yerk via Allentown, week dn. : .-O0a.m..lKMp.m. (ii Leave Allentown, week days, 6:47 a.aB.1 Mf p.m. .. .. . . '4 lieave reiuviue, week aays, mm sn., ssk P. SB. Lear Lebanon, week days, 7:13 a, rsu, 7:15 p. m. : Sunday, TM a. m. :4Sp, nt. Leave Harrlsburg, week days. 6.-36 a. as.; dav. a;Rn a. m. Leave Quarry vllle, week days, 6:69, U a, w tUV a nuuwsi .svs esse TTkj ATLANTtniirTYDivntrnif. &$? . Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street 'wsWtV! aud Seuth street whart .'-'- Fer Atlantic city, week aays, ttswaajy - ww a, in. sum wj p. in.; Amns 730 a. ra. aud 4:30 p. m. ; Sunday, wet a. m., Aoeommooauou, saw p. m. Retnrnlnsr leave Atlantis City. AUanUcand Arkansas Avenues. Minnas 7J0 a. m. and 6 d modaUen.Sflia.m. and 4:80 p. m. iaisdays. . Kipress, t p. ra. AocemmoaauoB, im sw as. , and 4:30 p. in. i Detailed Ume tables can be ctsiiisslMMakt, emces.. Lf-i&i ji",; 4 p. SB, sast, p. m. mdays A. A. McLEOD. Vlee Pres. Uen'l M'tr. C. O. HANCOCK, gi Oen'lPassrtAit.1 m Cl)ittanftrr. 5SU l H lOUA MARTIN, &t - ' nS Mm c China, Glass, -AND QUEENSWARE -AT- ZAHM'S CORNER, apriWuid LANCASTER, PA. FT-IISTH & BRENEMAN, GREAT REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER STORE, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. Qatm. UR LEADING HATTERS. Why net take advantage of thH opportunity and helect jour patterns new while the prices are low and the assortment full. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Black and Blue All-Weel Cheviot Suits te Order, at 115. Ecetch AH-Weel Suits te Order, at 810, 117, 118. Flne All-Weel Cassluiere Suits te Order, J1.1, 114,115,116. English Worsted Wide Wa'e Worsted Ceat and Vest te Order, at f 10, 12, Sit, JIG, Sis. lilacs: and Blue Wlile Wala diet let Suits te Order, at 111, I1U, IIS, ?J0. TROUSERS TO ORDER. All-Weel Trousers te Order, at tJW, HOO. si&O.tfOU. All-Weel EiiflUh Trousers In Worsted and Casslmeres te Order, at tiW, MOi), 87 00, itW, JUUU.11000. SVliargest Assortment, latest Styles at Lewest Prices. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, ney's and Children's doming (exclusive.) and 68 H0RTH QUEEN IT., I. W. CORVEE OF ORAMOE, LANCASTER, PA. SO- Net connected with any ether CJetlilug Heuse In the city. SWlte cautious and make no mistake se that you get te the right place. O STRAW HATS, ALL STYLES 1 ALL PRICES I S- Our Stock Is new Full and Complete and We have a hat that will please you. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX " BOSTON BEAUTIES ' All liave made their appearance. Only place In tbe tlty where you can get them. Rest 81 00 .and 8200 STIFF FUR HATS ever shown. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S Nobby Goods and Fancy Styles a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. IPJtoteflratthB. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KoBnigsteg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Rust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. f se 1-2 North Queen St., Nsxt Doer Ul the PostefMoe. an74md V Of th( (Ceat. I- UMHKK AND COAL. J TOBACCO SHOOKSANDCABES. WEST r.UNUARD WOODS. WheUal aud Rtall. by B. B. MARTIN A CO.. nJ-lyd 424 Water Street. Incaster. Pa. T AUMQARDNEIU1 COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Offices Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne, 561 North Prince street. Yards North Prince Street, ecas Heading Depot MCLMM LAJiUAsWIM,pA, QTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40,l2,nA MARKET STREET, (Rear of tbe Poslelilce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest styles Iu Buggies. Faintly Car rlaues, l'lni'teiiH, Surreys, Ciibrielet, Phicteiw, lluckbeards, Tretting Wagmw.SUtlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc., new ready ter the Spring Trade. A line line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly flrstrclass work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county for tin same quality of work. Glyvmeapall and ex amine my work. Repainting und Repairing promptly at tended te and dene In a first-lass manner. One set of workmen especially nupleyed for that purpewe. m gltterttcB. -r UTIIKK S. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-I W. TEAM 11 EAT ISTHECOMINO HEAT FOR .IihaII l.iM flllll .lllbil LS.I-1 fj- I llllllHSU 1 , . uncilliill,, i.miii.iir., uw iiuu-, .v, though successfully used one hundred years L.fi. When veu eentemnlate a chainre call en JOHN BIXT, who will give you a satisfactory Jeb, at a fair price. m7-ttd -piNELETREE STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 230. Sired by Happy Medium, sire of 60 performers from 2.H i te 2.30. Dam Topsy Tayler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire or Lulu, 'i.HH, Ac., dc. Terms for Spring season of IW0, t-'iO for a foal. Fer tabulated pedigree and ether luforniatlen, address DANIEL U. KNOLE, aprl2-lrad&w MarletU, Pa. rpHEMT. GRETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumer season en MONDAyjVlAY 5th This read extends from the entranee of the Park te the summit of tha Seuth Mountain (Governer Dick), a distance of about four mllrs. I&avpct: flAHPETH I CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing! Dyeing I Dyeing I LANCASTER FANCY STEAM wimivn DYEING Its miniature trains connect with all the regu lar passenger trains uu iu. cutiiwhii a u;us nonltallreud airlvlng at the Park, and return- Second Fleer Ksbleeaaa La iferthDas-agseat, ulldlng. Ne. 41 sprt-lTOw lug from the summit of the mountain In lime te rennecl with trains leaving the fark. Frem points en Penna. R. R. and Phlladel phla A Heading R. R.. within 100 miles, the trip can be accomplished in one day. It Is the NARROWEST GAUGE In the world, It Is the most PERFECT I NITS CONSTRUC TION, It has also the MOST COMPLETE EQUIPMENT. IU engines are perfect Utile models of the standard englnesef the Urstrclas, and Its cars are especially adapted te aderdau unobstructed view of tbe magnificent scenery along the Hue. Steel Ralls. Stene Ballast. It Is one of tbe features of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church aud Scheel, Military and Clvloerganl. rations, Clubs and Tourist Parties can secure the exclusive use of ML Gretna Park en appll. catien te NED IRISH, aHwd Hup'tP,! Railroad, Uusuen, Pa, Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish nt work of all kinds. FeathersDycd All Shades. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUMr SON & CO,, NO. 150 SOUTH WATEIt STREET, LANCASTKR, 1'A. feblWmd r-r-r- Pavaaela. TARASOIAND UMBRELLAS 1 FOR BARGAINS IN Umbrellas and Parasols -GO TO- Rese Bres. & Hartman. Gleria Cleth In Great Varieties. Umbrellas aud FaruxeW Made te Order. AHe Net Para, sels. 3-Repairing and Recovering Neatly Dene. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprrZHmiT We are new opening our Spring Importation of Queeruware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of wan .at Lewest Prices. Iteusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, vJB Easyjng Street -..:. i. -, - &0. N EW LAMIS AND ART OOODS. 7a SSfl 9 CallandSee M -THE FINE NEW LAMPS -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JohnL.lrneld'sBuildiiig," NORTH QUEEN STREET. 4-tM UMUINO, GAS FITTINO, Ac. Jehn P. Schanm & Sen J !ttUtrt; Tlt.NATI10RST. DENTIST. J) CENTRE SQUARE. , u Filling Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New Sets made,broken ones mended and remodeled. Tveth liikerted I theut plates aud pivoted, etc. Yea, everything pertaining teDtntlstry will receive prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Nalberstls the ONLY Dentist In this county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well us of Den tistry, an advantage that Is obvious. mar3-lyditw TnHREBRICK8rFIRECLAy,AT LOW Jj figures, go te JOHN BEST, SJJ East Fulton iwest. wT-tm PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFING,1 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., A LANCASTER PA.SJ , -srii- IN WANT OF RRASS OR IRON STOP.-! I Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Blevi Cocks, Lever Cocks. Swing Joints, call and jet ul them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN SS Uk-ai ft:n V.Ht CillAn street. BaT-tiiSl .-Ii ,"' -- - " T ET EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE - SS1VT ZS 113 If WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFFs At BKI8MANH. pt UOICE N ECKWEAR I WILLIAMSPORTl Wire Buckle Suipender, AT ERIBMANtT. fel s ULI'UUR STONE JEtYLRV 1 Complete Line of Emblematic Marks i AT VBTUU AITSL'V" sWlfc Wsl t W ssH BssHP li.11... ... '4.1&. &S S&H-arie' -P.. It Li ". V . rj . y --.