IgkililrSmi w?m. ls: A.(Vf.'' T "r r i " '. s . ' THE LANOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, MAY 13. 1890. ;. IrtllB aHttUi0ttcr. MWtttUiW FY'SJARLBBBTKINMAN FOLTX. Edllm. B ft anaKHT CLARK Publisher. ? r IUl'AtLtnrrKLLiaKNCKK.-PuWIbd rtf t in the year, bnl Sunday. Bef yra fc mLm l kl Allw Anil surrounding v"lMiiuivnliw)r. 11rmIIOvdel- 1 ,.-1 mi , AdvuiM i go cent, med III. Mnjfi. ' ... . BMCt.Y INTRUJOBHCKW-un ""r nu fljrcniti a year, In advance. Mna en lat.tMruttdKIlM Itamlt liT cheek ryeateMM order, and where neither of ('MM M) precaraa aeua in m ni s Vt latlai. at the Foiitinic,MMceiiaciMinuui : v. aimh, m inmxiientcnt, . , lecMir.u LA0A1T,PA.. May 13, 1890. & A MW1UU7 ucruncam vRleh&rd Croker, who is cblcf of Tam my Hall una a very excellent succes r te Jehn Kellv who were himself out Lethal bervlce, was In danger of n like it) wheu be Ieek counsel 01 ms ineiiu, llllam Stclnway, and went away te u'rene te nut himself under the care of Iflbe celebrated "sanitary counseller" jL"WHlieluil. As seen as he had gene uway rJMtata alert enemies of Tatnuiany Hall, Waded by an arch scamp known lis L William II. Grace, who lias necii -mayor -of New Yerk city, conspired ltd,, get the Republican Senate of the Kate te appoint a committee 10 an iijkjii the) city; which committee appointed Ives, who is Grace's right Iianu yawn te, conduct iU inquiry; with the Hisequonce or a great coninietion smmeug the Tammany people, who held f-tbe county efllces. The sheriff's elllce, p'whlch has ever been a rich plum te the rtv aud the faithful henchman who eld It. aud which was lately held by Maver Grant, was turned upside down, Epftad ilually handed ever te General ncKlcs; alter wuicu a savage assault was 'ade en Grant In his olllce of niayer.Tlie firing seems te have been all with i powder, no evidence of wrong-doing !- , ing presented against the mayor, who Km Richard broker's pretege and selec- A brother-in-law of Croker was 'Anally turned up, who has just lest a tavern stand in the park, and who In Us auger has been ready te swear l.yengeance against the mayor. Werth- Wm , t. . . i . t : mm as tue icuew's testimony cicariy 11, t It Las made a Bcnsatieu ; and cablegrams letters and newspaper repertera hbmve been seeking out Croker in his re- itiwuent at Wiesbaden until his health mciller has been obliged te issue the ?fcHewlng bulletin through the New j? Yerk newspapers : p;4Mr. Crocker catne liore for medical treat KclMnt, tutrering from iileurltle exomlallen .d a nlftR decree ofcerobral netiraHtliculii. fV'Walch latter lias resulted from leiifr con- KiiNMUed and excessive mental oxertlou. Although uncler proper treatment the & yitnirilia exomlatleu 1ms til Happen red, llie l awraitncnia absolutely demands that the J jsetleut for a long UnienljHtaln from overy ''Mental exertion and excitement, otherwlso si-MH&tilote euro of the saine Is Impossible. p, H-" tin. Wjmiklmi, Sanitary Councillor. 5' ST IfcHUADfcS, April ZB, JOVU. ;.:.We print this statement as interest- ('testimony ei tue way in wuicn a tbful public servant may be worried i Illness by bis scvere mental exer- aj and may then be worried te death fttie 'conspiracy of rascally fees and le buzzing of uewsnaner rcnertcrs: M with the further miruoae of callimr .ttehtleu ie the unfailing habit of the aea ana unlearned physician, of tpreaslng his simple cemmauds lu gjtknplex words. .;iThIs expression of Dr. Wilhclml is a wmparatlvely mild inaulfcstatleu of the onreulc habit, as we can come pretty "mer te gucsslug what lie means te suv. B Hasays directly that Mr. Croker Is suf- tftneg front long continued aud execs ffftVsly mental exertion, This has tre- -4ced cerebral neurasthenia and trltle excudatien ; aud theujjh we de Dtknew what these diseases are.lt Is net .iwntlal that we shall knew, their cause KlNtng quite sumcieut te inuicatc tne ne- MHlty of absolute rest te Mr. Crekcr's aMhlal .faculties, which is what the Cter enjeius. And he might lust i' well have emitted their mighty "terms from his direction ; if he did net rant te gratify our curiosity as te the else enert en Mr. Croker's censtltu- i of his excessive mental worry, he 'Med net have told us what had hap- opened te him ; but when he did under tte te tell us he might have deue It iu is mat we can understand without Durse toamedicaldlctleuury. SVftThe doctor gees te Latin as the sparks y upward. It was se he gathered in his iree, which Is in Latin. Ne earthly wiHnrevent hist 'vi;!! lug his pre- uSf'l!.ge,p'5'nUu- lf Me 1V0jw11h' t totter, he writes It aqua. 1'esslbly ) result Is a great impression of his sing upon the ignorant patient; but iwttether this is u sutllcleut offset tue suspicion that no is a lMk, caused his intelligent patient, SM tt nlloeilmi fri filiil.. tt Id .il.ilti ili.i " -""." .w.M.j ., inuiii IUI Luglisb. language should be sulll- Ktent for the doctor's needs, and thai its would teud te the simnliflcatleu of r'Wimunlcatlen aud the correetlen of j-teUke all around between doctor, aaethecarv and natient. 1$ Which is the lessen we draw from jfcPf. Wllhelml's letter; the ether MBennar llie nutv imimseil mwn lh 'Meple te be merciful te ever ly worked servants; te give them a uce te uc neuest auu laltlilul I still live. Mr. Croker Is wellreceg- a as a man or strict integrity, who taken charge of the Tammauy ty witu an eye single te IU houerablo ucccssful direction. It is this ety which furnishes the ellleials te ierk city and which is netentlul I naming the officers and policy of state ajnaiionaigeverumout. Tlie respousl respeusl Uiy of Ita direction is great. Its power rjropderevll is Immense. When then it I known te be directed by honest hands, i j til . ,. . ' ma uauus sueuiu ue streugtiiened by M public aud the ncwspacrs ; and ma they fall in physical weakness, it Jt command of the most ordinary hu- ity. te give them iwace ; aud ncud- ' their disability te call oft' the dexs of IT aud dogs of the press. $r -- W Ingalls lu Trouble. Jfcnater Ingalls has been caught in arum uuu muKcs un eminently icterlstlc defense bv nractleniiv mi. Ing the charge and making a M.-1-uwiiieu et uiackiuull. A City leurnal ntnlnl tlm ti. i ttrlklng part of a eulogy delivered iMUMumu iuuiuu! congressman i wan taken almost bodily from a ii uy .liaasuieu. inuaiH sava (li eexild have Buppressei his accuser nve nuuureu aenars, and explains e purases reicrrea te were In part m irem an em f reueh exereiw ilM copied years atre when leurnlmr eh, and which he for the first time wuauartofasermenofMnaxlllnii ays that lw used the tame line of lit and laneuaire a liumimi tii... I will oe&tluu te de se whanever ec- caslen acrves : that the language Is his own whlte the Ideaa are the pricelem heritage of the race. He then pictur esquely denounces his assailants for re sorting te the green grave of the con gressman aud coutcmpteiisly leaves them te the Judgment of the living and contempt of the dead. This bold attempt te Justify plagiarism after admitting and denying It In the same sentence Is very Interesting. He first admits that the phrases he used were, in part at leasl, copied, and It makes no difference whether they were stolen front Massllleu or any ene else, the fact remains that he gave them as his, own wheu he knew they were an other. He Bays he has used the same line of thought and language a hundred times, and theu calmly adds that the language Is his own, the Ideas the her itage of the race. This statement does net agree with the admission of phrases copied. The public will await with Interest the application of the deadly paralell te Mr. Ingalls' case. He says that he was impressed with the stately and snmbre eloquence of the passage, and believed that the man who repeats and preserves such thoughts nud rescues them from the dusty oblivion of forgotten centuries confers an Inestimable benefit upon mankind, rie he docs ; but when he In cidentally takes credit for them te his own little poll-parrot mind he deserves contempt. Mr. Ingalls has often ad mitted that he was proud of this eulegy: "Jackdaw's strut lu peacock's featheis." m Mn. Oi.amte.nk talked gloomily te llie Celxlcn club en Monday of the ground lest by fice traders, particularly lu America, but be was hopeful of their eventual tri umph; and no wender, when he sees the party new lu power hore abusing protec tion te such great extremes. A rush te one extreme provokes recoil te the ether, and the worst enemies of protection ure tliose rabid high tariff moil who make It the end rather than the means of taxation, Tin: Orltlainine, published by the class of '01 of Franklin and Marshall cellege, Is at bright as a spring blue bird lu Its brilliant coat loltered with stiver and tied with satin cord. The fronttsplcce is n Ufollke portrait of I'rofTcsser Jeffersen K. Korsliner, I'll, v., after a photograph by tlutckimst. It is a neatly and artistically printed sllvor sllver sllvor edgod book, fully up te the high standard offermor publications and surpassing lu several ways all previous efforts. As this Is the eighth velume and each class has striven te Impreve en all Hint went before, the Orillauime has grown te be an Imposing memento of college dnys and lu the eyes of the college moil even Its few faults must seem virtues. Heme of the pmi and ink skoU'lieH,fbr exnmpln,may lack the dollcate finish and rollnement of uiodern schools of art, but they have llie spirit ami power of old musters, of their kind. The sketch of a monument commemorating the football victories of IKS!) Is particularly ilue,nud the engraving representing the eutastroplie te the collrge gymnasium Is a powerful and thrilling work of art. The literary work seems te be welt dene. A sketch entitled " Leeking liackward " refers te the found ing of a gymnasium In 18S9,but, as sarcasm of the kind was peked at the Hchell obser vatory by the students a few months befere it was built, the gymnasium project may thrlve In a similar way. The class histories and club pnges and the eugravlngs of fra ternity emblems and of the balls of the literary socletios unlte te make this Ori Ori llauieo a success. The book is of the flnest productions of the iNTCt.l.iur.Ncmt job room. The binding work, which is faultless, was dene by Win. II. Hey. Otm Imports from Ilni7.ll in 1889 were valued at j(W, 103,80 1 ; our domesllo experts te Dru7.il In the sumo year were worth f!,270,Ml. It Is high tlme that seme offeit was mnde te even up these figures. A reuent travcler says that most of the rail way cars, engines, machlnery aud carriages In Uru7.il nre of Kngllsh make. Tun physicians of the Franklin Itefonn Itefenn Itefonn atery llome for inebrlates rcjKirt that dur ing the past year two hundred itleuts have been treated lu tlielnfirnmrles; many of these were daugureiiHly slek, but thoie were no deaths and but oue was discharged, Sluce the foundation of the home mere than nlnoty-flve porcent. of all admitted have been discharged, In a medical souse, cured, but the statistics show a large pro portion of relapses, which the physicians allribute te the lack of restraining iutlu iutlu iutlu onces In the home. They say : " A great deal Is said at the present day of the Inllu Inllu ence of horedlty, but much mero potent Is the liilliience of the mother ever her boy." This Franklin Heme, of Philadel phia, Is managed as a beuovelont Institu tion, and the management declare that It will never be allowed te be a place wljere a mau may straighten up with an ilr ()f re spectability alter a.il'Aauea, hilt theso who gi ve ovldeneq Ci sincere efforts te reform are h,eljH?l- as much as possible. Of the 'whele number received Blnce 6Ti forty r cent, bocaine permanently seber men. Of the two huudred and ninety-seven inmates In the past your oue hundred nnd thirty four were free, sixty three paying and a huudred part paying. One hundred and forty-six were married nud only nlne divorced or separated, which scorns te show that women stand by their drunkeu husbands with wouderful persistence. Kighty-tlve wero slngle and twenty-uve widowers aud en huudred aud six were botween thirty and forty yea of age. Of the two hundred aud sixty-live discharged during the year only fifty are classed as failures or doubtful. It cost twolve thou sand live huudred dollars for the year, an average of sixty dollars for each man cured or beuoutted. Very cheap. A nibrATCit from Australia Miys that owing te Heeds en the lllver Imrling the tewu of liourke is iu the midst efan Inland sea forty miles wide. 1'iopertlon is every thing In these matters and that Inland sea of Australia would be a trltle lu another cuuutry. We talk of the lordly Hudsen and seme maintain that the Su&qiiehauua Is agrauder stream, but the Amazen Is four feur four teon miles wider at Us mouth than the nivlgable length of the Hudsen. Mu. II. J. McGiiann says that he is net an owner of the Merniiiy Xewi. Tin: tariff collected In 18S amounted te e20,&7u,0s). The total tariff revenuu for the three war years '&, &, and '01 was only 5J0O(7OI,371. The llgures for ISs'J show a larger tarill revenue than ever be be be fere collected and the llguies have been climbing steadily lne0 1SS5. This enor mous volume of money taken from the people is net only a drain upeu them but a stimulus, te reckless oxtravagauce like the pension legislation of this Congress. Ask for VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA-Takeno ether. mi I.uek, li a word which heuld have no place In any vocabulary. A man must haeiiblllty tetuc coed, and a medical preparation, merit. Thcre Is no luck about HOZODONT. It uosturcte succeed from the first, because It wa geed, aud did all that was claimed for IU "Wliiit AVeWuut. Oh Homeopath In pllcU, AllejMjth lu pl ; but for rheumatism, ler lU'lies, for pains aud snraliu. Thern;.' Ktettrte Oil Is Inelfably "upVi us It bus had purchasers.. All drusitUu keli it . llrierilenUen. i n'.'1 ll?x." u.'cd. OurUeek llluwl Mint i III, triMil tei.W."?' S!i'' ?" itlKllo!,eMI e ueiis." l.UKUUiu.llamlllen. out. Held in qSSuunS! W'T'". w'WliAlil A Voting flirt' drier at Mlni linr ehsrmser Het and form depart ing, and her health Imperiled br funeUonmllr funeUenmllr reniilsrlUee. at her erl Ileal period of lite, wm tnrnrd te Jey and trail tede aner a brief rnir treatment with Dr. Fierce'! rsverlbi rYeacrlp rYeacrlp tlen. It purified and enriched her bleed, save n healthy activity te the kldner. stomach, beTCeli and ether enrann. and her retern te re built health ipeedllr followed. It I Uieenlr medicine for women, sold bjr drmrglnU, under a positive Riiarnntra from the manufacturers, that It will give ntlnfhctlen In every cam. or money will be refunded; Thl guarantee has born printed en the bottle-wrappera, and faith fully carried out for many yearn. M,Tul w "XTAS HOUTKN'H COCOA. THKOllKAT COCOA OK RUUOI'K, TlthCOMINUONKOKAMKIttCA tMlclautfSlrrngthtntng la Ihf AVriri. Tea aud coffee cheer but de net nour ish. They even leave an Injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed, there Is no beverage Uke Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." It tlimiilatrx and neur'mhc as lioue ether, leaves no bad effects and Is a flesh former of the most approved type. WVAN IIOUTKNH COCOA (" enre tried, nlu-eyn uteri.") The atrnng may Inke It with plcanura nnd the weak with Impunity. The exciting cOccU of tea and coffee are obviated by Its tcndy use, and nervous disorders ara ro re ro llevcd and prevented. Delicious te the tasle " Ijri?est sale In the world." AHK KOH VAN IIOUTKNH ANDTAKK NO OTHER. (II) lililliitcvit. riililn WKI'.K AT -THE- BONTON MILLINERY STORE. BIG BARGAINS -IN- Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Bennets, Trimmed Bennets, Trimmed Bennets. TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. At Half Price. At Half Price, . -A'f Half Price. It will pay you te give us a call before buying elsewhere. THE- M1MI SM 13 East King St., inr.T.liiidS.tK l.ANOASI'i:it, PA. "XTINCO C'Hi:VINO TOHACCe. VINCO KXTIIA FIX CHEWING TOBACCO. This btaudard llrund of l'liig Tobacco Is ac knowledged te be the best chew and the larecst plcce for the money In the market. Hncemi lag en eacMump, Its cxtcuilve aale formally cars has eMablUhed Its reputation. There Is nethlnt better. Try It. 1W sale by dealers aud grocers. 1890. aprlU'tutcod-eeuiilUtw 171011 PULLKVH. HHAKTINa, COLLA1W -. J J a itf.-r. CTI am i Ueies, Coui Itiie, etc i.1 JPNBEfe fjtsl Fulton ilreu ' mi-'ud 411i:AUTIKUi, IWjj; HOWKVKIt small It mar be, Is a urea luxury W SPatiamiirtcf'. raiLADEi.rnU, Tuesday, May 13, ISO. There they lie in a double sense three Huck Towels, all in a row, one each from three different houses, each one sold under a positive assurance that it was "all linen." What is the fact ? Each one is cotton warp. It Would surprise you te knew who sold them it would surprise the sellers just as much. They were honestly but ignorantly sold. Such things don't happen here. Our Linen experts can not be blinded with cotton. Our old saw, ' Linen is Linen here," still saws its truthful way through shams and frauds and. keeps our Linen true te llax. It's a tough pull. There are people among us that argue for " union " handkerchiefs and towels. As yet vainly as a pea shooter's missiles against an ironclad. Surrender te sophis tical shams is an experience that is yet te be with us. Just for illustration : A few honest items in Linens cheap, tee. Towels. Full bleached I luck Towels of clean, well-spun yarns, blue or red borders, 12 cents each. Extra weight Cream Huck Towels, excellent for bath or ether common use, 22x45 inches, at 15 cents each, would be cheap at 20 cents. Large stzed, beautiful, snow white Huck Towels, white damask border, 25 cents each, reduced te-day from 30 cents. Damask Towels, geed qual ity, knotted fringe, seven va rieties of novel colored borders, at 14 cents each. Other extra attractive prices are like this : a pieces German Itnrnsley Illenrlicd Table l.lueiis, 57 InrliiM wide, ! u jnrd. Anether importation of the " llest Deublo Damask ?J-lneh Table l.lnen," l u yard. 50 deen extra fine Deuble Damask (Irish) ?4 Napkins, S,", a ditteu, fully one-thlril under value. 3) pieces line Krench Blieetlnf. V0 Inches wide, Uien yard. 10 pieces pure white lllearhed Irish I.lnen mieeiniK, m in lies wine, 7Jiea jaru. SIM pairs l.lncn Hheuta, exlru sire, hand hemstitched both cnds,fj.' a shoe!. 800 1'lllew Cases, made In Ireland from Irish linen, hand hemstitched, ie each. Near Women's Waiting ltoem. The Shee trade grows. Why does it grew ? The goods and the prices tell why. 1 Iere are specimens : Chocolate Geat Butten Shoes, best made, Misses' S1.75, Children's $1.25 and $1.50. Each pair worth a half dollar mere. Canvas Shoes, leather trimmed, Misses' $1, were $2 ; Children's 75 cents, were $1.50. Shoes for all the population willing te buy geed Shoes are here. Slai ket street front, Must of Main Alsle. Jehn Wanamaker. jruvuituvf, TTKNRf WOIJe, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te ins East King street, havliw a full line of Furniture of every description nt the lowest prices. Alse Undertaklm; promptly at tended Je. Call and examine our goads. aa-tfdK II. VrOLK.UWKaktKliigHlreet. w il)U IKlt'B COHNKK. Ninety Marriage Licenses inApril! BIG FIGURES, HUT NOT BIGGER THAN THE BARGAINS AT WIDMYER'S, Cerner East King and Duke Streets. BOMETHINO IN FURNITURE TO PLEASE EVERY ONE OF THESE C0UPLE3 S-Call ami Inspect the Iirge and Varied Meck. WIDMYER, V.AHV KINO AND Dl'KT. STUKU'l'S, IiANCASTER. l'A. H EINITSH'U FUHN1TUBE DEl'Of. Wk show Ihls week lu our win dows our New Line of Chair in XVI. Century Finish. Handsome, dura ble and cheap. Don't mint seeing them and Kettinz the Special Lew l'rlces en them. This sale will last for one wees;, from 12th te Will of May, and J en should take advantage of It. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street DIIUNKENNKSS. LKlUOUHAUlT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. 1)U. HAINES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. Itcunbeglvenlna cup of cnfU-cer tea, or In articles of feed, without the knowledge of thu patient, If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will etrect a permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEVElt FAILS. It operates te quietly and with such certainty that the patleut uudergee no lueenvculeiiee, and ere he Is aware, hit complete reformation l eUected, 48 page book of particulars free. CIIArt. A. LOCHElt. Drugg'st, JiSx? J34"1 K,u Bt-t tauc-tcr, i'4. ocUMed-TTaM Shecial Chair Sale ! Wivecevttmt Ithceminq, Awnwmtn it gets here Everybody will Kaah te sec It, '4PAWSIIHOW. f In the meantime. rln the bell, bent the dram, toot thehern nnd Jelnlh crowd and come te CI.AHKK'S Ker your leas, coffees and groceries. The quality, quantity nud prices are Just what will suit you. VOVVKKSl COFFEES! COFFEES I Tim poet l'le pays tribute te cefTee la the fel lowing lines) Frem silver seuU the crncefut liquor elides While China's enrih rci-rlv. the smoking tide ; At once they gratify their souse nod taste, And rrcqticulcups prolong their rich repast. Cullee, which makes the politician wise. And sees through all things with his htlfshut eyes. We have Just received a flne line of pnre cof fees, and It will pay you te give them a fair trial. New te convince all levers of geed coffee that we are offering the brat values In the mar ket, we will sell It te-morrow, Saturday. May 10, nt the 'following price t 25fl coffee will be seldatztc; tWcatUUc: aee at 27c j 6c at Me ; Me ntSic And If the coffee It net what we claim It te be, we will Uike It back cheerfully and re fund you the money. A new list of bargains In Dried Beef, Ham and llolegna. Come and ask te see Uiem. HAMUKI.CI.AHKE, At., 12 A II Beeth Queen HI., Tea, Coffee and Grocery Mtere. Telephone. A' T HOltSK-'H. A CARLOAD OF- LargoWliitePetatoes Wholesale and Retail, -AT- BURSK'S, 17 E. KING ST. T UEISTW. a-l!rndauarters rer Illoeker'a Dutch Cocea. Ask for Hmnplc. It has no Equal. TrylU Mee Xrnmlner. for lllggest Itargalns In Fruits ever ellered. Alse Nete Display m Frent of Htere (Saturday. Theutnkeup the.VtuJAVaaud,see what we eiler there. l'UAt'KEItH-4 lbs Fresh Nlc-Nacs rer 2Ge. .1 tbs Fresh (linger Himps for 25c 3HsFresh Water Crackers for 25c, DIIIED COItN-SO bbls. Flne Evaporated Dried Cern at I! tbs for 2Jc This Is a big bargain. It cost some one much mere money te evapo rate II. Hut their less will le your gain. COItALINE ComllneatSand 10ua pack Isn bargain. Wheat Oerm, Oat Meal nud Itelled Oats, 6 lbs feraie.i Klce at 0. 8 nnd 10c V lb. Jelly lu burkets, n bargain, II. Kine natural colored l'lektes, He. s der. Eight tubs geed sweet Butter at 15c V lb by the tub. Tea nnd Cellee nt prices that will cause you te wonder, ltemember, wcare agents for Chase A Hanbern's famous roasted coffees. Ask ler them ami you will alw a) s have a uniform cof fee as well as roast. Cuustlc Heda Cc V h boxes nnd Tc In ket tles. Gulden's Finest llorse lladlsh Flavored Mill tanl, l.V fit. Finn Foreign Coeen Nuts ntfl and He. OirUsid Flne and Coarse Halt nt wholesale prices, l'lled en side pavement, convenient for leading, Ac. Wall Brushes, Hnnd Scrubs and Uroeinsnt nil prices. (Inrilen and Flower Heeds fresh and all war ranted te be new. Flake and I'earl Tapleen, new, 3 lbs for 25c Candy at 8 and V2e ii lb. Large beans, 8c -p it. Urcenl'eas.-c'Pnl. lentils, Hpllt Teas, Hern-. Iny nnd Finest llenns. Olives. Mushrooms, I'lckled Oysters, French Mustard, High Grade Catsup, French Teas In bottles, Drlsy and Dur kee'sHalad Dressing, Mushroom Catsup, Bot tled Htrnw berries, (jiiprcs, Hatford ami IjCa 4 I'errln's Hauii", Deviled Crabs and Hhells, Hplecd Clams, Hhrlmns and Oysters, Clam Juice, Oyster Bouillon, Clam Chowder, Bottled Lebster, Maple Hyrup, Anchovies In Oil, Sal Sal eon Bleck, (extract of Beef, Fruit Juices, Fruit Jains, Hpanish nud French Pickles, dc, Ac. Anchovy nnd Bloater I'aste, l'etted and Dev iled Meats, l'armesan Cheese and all kinds of rUrdlues. WHOLESALE AND 11ETAIL UKOCEK, COItNEIl WEST KINO AND FHIFCEHTO., Directly Opposite J. II. Martin .t Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, nud Next Doer toSerrtl Herse Hetel. blimtcra. 1" HILLY BltOS.A KAUB. "BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWNS." Hew eally It can be done when you may buy u Lawn IvIe,uurer FOIl $5X)0. The GoeJ Werk Can be Much Helped by the Judicious Usuef LAWN GRASS SEED. It Is time te begin thinking about REFRIGERATORS 1 Ice being very high this yenr, the point I te get the Refrigerator that will glve the greatest anieuul of cold air with the least consumption of Ice. We have lu the LEON AUD. Our prices will Mirprls-e j en. We are Headquarters for Bicycles, Tricycles, Veleclisdes, Tennis Goods and FishlugTuikle. REILLTBROS. &MUB, (Hardware and Heuse Furnishing Goods,) 40 and 42 North Queen Street, NoxtDeorto 1'ostefflce. apl2-lmd -jCTOW IS THK TIME TO HOW OUK FINE MIXED LAWN GRASS SEED AND Lawn Fertilizer. Themas' Lawn Mowers Are the Cheapest First-Class Mewcis Sold. Lawn Settees, Tree Guard, 1'l.int Sticks, Wire TrellWes, Rubber He.c, Hese Keels. Rustic & Terra Cetta Vases. REFRIGERATORS. AtVOl'EN EVENINOS.-Ca SPRECHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KING ST. nprlf-tMTii.ThiS "VTOTICETO BIUDOE BOILDEItS. Bids for the erection efan Iren Bridge, with a 16-feet readuay and 110 leet aud 8 Unties be tween the faces of the masonry, across Mill Creek, In East Lametcr township, at Mrs. Bates' mill, will be received nt the elllce of the County Commissioners until 10 o'clock en Tuctday morning, June 3, IW, l'roeals for Iren surtructure and ma sonry w 111 be received .eparately or combined. Hcc!tlcatleus for masonry may be had ut the Commh'Sienera' Olllce. Fertelted bend for itiM mint accompany bid. By order ei THE COMMISSIONERS. Attest : W. V. UuiEaT, Cleik. ii.l-eidltw TTOH l'UATT & CADV ASBESTOS DISC Valves, Jenkins Vali,Brass Glebe Valves, Brass Gate Vales, Iren Bedy Gleli Valves, leverhafety Vulvrs, Pep hafetv Valves, Air Valves, Radiator ViiHts, Pratt's Swliiglna; Check Valves, Brass Check Valves.Foet Valves Angle Valves, call at JOHN BEhT'S. 38a Eat ydltenHtret. !7'tM Htet. reBLOTS. ? ? "4 : 1m. LADIES' AND MISSES' $2.00 Shoes -Fert- $ 1 .75. 1 have Jnst purchased another Large Let of Ladles' aud Misses Diamond Tip Butten Bhees, which were made te Retail at 12, but by taking the Whole Let I wu enabled te bay them at uch a price a te enable me te sell th. mat 11.75 per pair. The Ladles run 2 te 8 In Slue. The Diamond Tips are made out of same material (Dongola) aa the uppers. The Mlssea run 11 te 2 In sire. The Tip are made out e! Patent Leather and makes a neat and beautiful contrast with the uppers, which are made of Bright Dongola. They cannot last long at these prices. Only a few or these 12 Ladles' Bright Don gola Butten Square Plain Tee Shoes left which I advertised ashert time age as selling at f 1.75. All of these Shoes were Positively 12 per pair. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FUEY A ECKEP.T) the Leader el Lew Price In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 A 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. V-Stern Closed Every Evening at 0 o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. "lOMMON SENSE SHOE STOKE. 3. 3. 3. LADIES, LADIES, LADIES. Shee Bargains TO-DAY. HAHOAIN'N'e. 1- A Ladles' Dress Shee.Open-; Square and Common Sense worth f 2.2.), at 31. IS. Come te see us, The Common Sense, W East King street. UAROAIXXe. '1 -Ladles' Scotch Sele IJutten Shoes with 1'atteut Leather Tips or without, and sold elsewhere at 12.00 aud S2.S0. Twe grades.tl.Ztaudf 1.43. HAltOAIN Ne. :i-Mlxed Let or Ladles' Dress, Ijice and Butten Shoes, worth !1.2, SI. &0 and 91.73, ut DSe. Come te see us. Tie Common Sense Slee Stere, 40 EAST KING ST. Best Goods! Lewest Prices! myl-tfil . UM OjOO&b. T HE PEOPLE'S CASH STOKE. The Choicest Stock -OF- IN THE CITY, Manning In prlce from 10e n yard up te the finest goods luiMirtid ntSUc. The regular price of these Imported goods helng te-day from 05c te Tm lu the larger cities. SPECIAL DRIVES White Quilts! The best II, fl.SS, and 110 Demestic Whlte Quilts In this city. The best Marseilles Quilts from II M te M. These Quills hwe lust been purchased from a manufacturer and Importer and are the best goods for the money ever offered anywhere. s 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. marSO-lydlt -I f 1'EIl CENT. DKHENTUHESTOCK CElt JLVJ llfieales In multiples off 100, earning u guarantee cash dividend of 10 per cent, per an- num. tueauie semiannually, are issueu uy tee llulldlugand Lean Association ofDaketadlome Otltee. Aberdeen, Seuth Dakota). Ne member ship fee or ether ezpense Incident te Issuance of stock. Stock may be converted Inte cash at purchase prlee after two years. Invester se cured by leal estate mortgages te double the amount of the linestment deposited with a Trustee. Conespendenco Invited. C. W.STAIILINO, Manager Philadelphia Otrtce, lauNlmeed Ne. 411 Waluut Street, $100,000. IX "ONDS AND MOUTCMOpFOt IN- iioe. ta, tcoe, 11,000 te tJ),oeo. Bends per ceut-lntcrest, payable quarterl Mortgages per ceuu luiirivai, imjuuie iiu 3 eany. Send or call for fall Information. JOHN H. METZLKR Me,a.OuluSi M AWS People Casli Stere, 9ry V 0?. -T B. MARTIN IX). J. B. MARTIN & CO! DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. J. HAHHV STAMM, Manager. HOSIERY. Special let Ne. 1100 dozens Tte'k Hem at 25c guaranteed net te fade. Breclal let Ne. 2 Balbrlggan Het', all alzea, full regular made, at 12Je ; for mer price 22c. PARASOLS. A Great Bargain In Paraaela, 20-inca beat quality Gleria Bilk, Paragon Frame, guaranteed for one year net te cut or fade, silver plated and natural weed bandies, $1.25 each ; worth $2. One let of Parasols of last season at half price. CHILDREN'S LACE CAPS. Oue let slightly soiled that sold at 60c, 75c aud (1, at 25c each. CORSETS Cut Price. Dr. Warner's, Ball's, aud all promi nent makes at less than regular prices. WHITE SHIRTS. All sizes in an Unlauudered White, deuble lined en besom and ever back, liucn besom and wristbands, 60c. A month age this Shirt was our 75c leader. MEN'S LINEN COLLARS. One let of Earl and Wilsen's 25e brand at 10c each ; all sizes. Celluloid Cellars and Cuff at reduced prices. FLANNEL SHIRTS. Outing and Negligee Shifts, with pockets, at 25, 35 aud 60c ; every eue ex tra value. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis., LANCASTER, PA. B OSTON STORE. NO BARGAINS Like Ours. While Dotted Swlisej, 12f, 17, 30, Uj, tl, 80c '.2-Iuch Embroideries, 25, 33, 87Jc. a yard. 45-Inch Embroideries, 37f, SO, 73c te 1J0 a yard. Lace Caps, 10, 12, 17. 20. e te I1.G0. 46 Inches Wide Colored Henrietta, :13c a yard. Ulack Lace Fleunclngsand Nets, SO, 02$, 70c, $1, 11.25, tlJM, 11.75 a yard. llest 21-Inch Silk Plushes, 75c a yard. Ulack and White Summer Silks, 60c. Ulack Henriettas, 37JJ, -50, 75e, 31 te 2M. X One Case Dark Challles, 8c a yard. Allover Laces, 17 and 25c n yard. leather Belts, 6, 10, 12H. 17, 25c. Corsets, 25, S7& 50, 75c. rrlnted Mulls, VZYfi a yard. Corded Piques, Colored Figures, lOe a yard. Beet Outing Cleths, 8 and 10c a yard. Dress Ginghams, 5;, 0, , 10c. ltuchlngs, 5, 10, 12i, 17, 20, 25, :i7Jc a ard. Turkkh Tidies, 10 and 12 Je. Silk Ribbons, 2, S, 5, 10, 12i, 17, 20, 23c. Lace Curtains cheap te close out. lllack Shawls, 81.25, 11.60, 12 te f 12. BE3T AND CHEAPEST Dry Goods. 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. Sletiv. T EVAN'n rLOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf el Bread. Hikes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. 9-W1IAT MOKE DO YOU WANT ?-C F ORAMEIUCANSIQHTFEEDCYLINDER i.uuricaters, uuusuu cups ferUcarlUKS, ' von can Rf t them at JOHN iffiultea street. iiiusi n, sti uis m7-tfd ARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel Uaklnr. Patterns. Dratrlnm and aePrlnu, at Brteea rMaeiiabla, at JOHN TW,MIMtniWt1sM, HI, , Charles Stamra . ,-.. . . '"--"'- - ri ' ra,f.-ui . t ,w '"