WWiJ v"' ;.jir n". ....A' n N waT. v i -i T'.iu;";. t... r-fr'T .vu. ."-.i-. M,j-t H LANCASTER DAILY INTBLLIGENOBR, SATURDAY, MAY 10. 1890. U intclliecuccr. &&. iHWlBW J. 8TKINMAK, CCAKLBHBTKINM AN FUL.TZ, cuiien, BOBBKT OliAtUC Publisher. , Eft DAILY INTELLIGENCER.-Published rrry dy in Uieyer,butljundr. Served kyeftrrlera In UiU city nd nurrenndlnf tewa ftt ten cent ft week. By mall Ave deb Ihi a TMkr In ltd vanee : M eenU month. tl.WBKKLY IWTELLiaKNCER-Oue dellw nd J? K HIT nti k yew. In advance. ;OTICE TO BliBSCRIBERS-nemu aj cneca ' a l. saw Hll1lh It t' ItaMcaa be procured Mnd In a reg litered si at nonemce eraer. ua wnw ........... v.. tMnd at lb. rottemc, m eeceiia cian rami 1ti SMMC 1 iMm, TMIIKTKLLIOBKCKR, -i Lancaster, Fn. LANCASTER, PA., May 10, 1890. The Law Lays Held. '.. A Verv unuiual. but varv oemmoiitlli. hleceur has becutnken In tlie cengrrH- skmal content iu Phllmlelpliifi, where ;lM Court ha been invoked te oeiumnnri Sthe officers of the Dcmocrnlle erguulxa- te certify the properly elected ilMratcs te tbe convention. There was belief that credentials were te be given te these net elected ; under t he party rules which were simpesed te make certain 'officers of ward organ ir.ut Ions Judges of ttie delegate election. 'I he question is ittpen the coDstructlen of the party rulei, 'add the court derives jurisdiction ever it bunder the law which recognizes primary i"t..Al .. f 1KU.I . -It .....1 ..... .VIVUUUUS til IJUIIllUllI Wlllt;9 IIIIU tuuin 'them with IU shield. 'kj llAfnltt tl.la llhtiv . Att.ntnfl .-.filll lj.nl Jt uiuie uiii uin v..e uimivu fuiikivi u-fartie warn a law unto themselves mid 'the conduct of their reprcseiitntlvea was iBet subject te the control of the courts. f Jfew they may be held by tlie court te a ; proper etervauce 01 mormen Beverjunj; the party and te a fair exerci.se or mcir were. It seems te lie a beueilcent Mnilallnn. TCeinllinllnns am na ceiii- tSUlr (vinlrnllcll hv nnrtlM. Mint imr. p ties need te be controlled by the law ; MUU HJiVU lui'jr uinnv iuvii imi .....-? they cannot complain that a Judicial tri bunal should undertake te held them te tbeir observance. It may be humiliating that party representatives havesellttlu 5 fairness as te seek te cheat their own -Brty ; but it it a "demnitleu fact" that 'they de. and Itisagoetl thing that there Erare means provided of checking them p in It. KiL lemrVtt nn rl vf tunim rrfmnn t I lint Sjkeneaty is the best policy In the long jWn, It falls te govern the action even of jpany icnueri in mcir own pany. it sneuia never he necessary, one would thlnk, te eall in the power of a court te I'Wstrain members ei tne same party rretn 'taking unfair advantage of each ether ; iJut experience teaches that it is. This S?jnuladelpuia emergency It one or the tBest discreditable timt we liave MS SSfcSMJh A t Atf I A nAlhW.fl 4 Is Ant..t..l. FVtU JIUIWU. iV -ll'HIOUIIIMU UOHVUII" liten, called te clioeso a successor te KMr. Bandall and te fill u coat vacated vy death, needs the intervention of the L?0ttrt in secure its fair conduct, and this fcliaterventleii seems te have been really eary. tbe evidence of intended palms of power being clear. The Jttcerd, EMViuch we believe in tills case speaks by rtiitt card, declures that the district isttreDgly favors the nomiuailen efMc- Meer ever Gentncr,but that the cenven tien was fixcil te nominate Oentuer Wvnsr McAleer. Tlie utter unlltneHu hsf Gentner for the place and the Sltnt-ss of McAleer for it einnliasbxH rrratly the wrong that was designed i be done. K" Te the people of the whole mat, regardless of party, it would sue very agreeable if a successor te Sttr. Randall should be selected by ids 'party in the district, who would Hhed a fjustre upon Philadelphia aud the btate 'omawliere near te that which Mr. Randall's representation gavn it. The .names of Geerge M. Dallas, Richard &V11UX tind Furiiimi Khonherd lmvn Iiehii Knamcd as such men, and they would k-'a" we uiii vor- wen ; imu iiicre am lwany ethers who would 1111 it quite a jweil, If they could be Induced te accept .n piaccjlt iVIt Is uotcveryeno who wants te be a Bengrcesmau. It Is net a place that has attraction for every taste, or that ellbis Lfanie te all who thiist for it. It ret iu ires peculiar adaptability and much culture I4a tiVa tfft finAIIKullI tlll.alt.. T t. . KJ' ..Mnv a. svi.iirttuk li Jiisi, IUIIV. JunA jweiiiy nnu uei a proniaUle place ite an honest holder of it. This rJPhiladelphla district lias, however, great -arauiuge in securing a strong repre- entative. It has an immense Held te ekct from, aud offers a .seat that 1ms irel twined around it. We have no Hbt that a very ublvgnau ean be had such a one should be property -iihvited totnkeit. Secret Agitatiuu. :.ln a letter begging for funds Senater l,wjr nuutuuLxn lue sinriimg tuscevcry iw secret circulation of tarlll literature jtmd the employment of agltateis by tlie emecracy. ituagiue a Demecrat BfUalthlly approaching a Republican suu giving nuu u ueauiy necuinciit witli -rofeund lecrecy. Awful I Iuuieiiie an gitater producing agitation en the sly Ejrem a piaiterm at tlie top of his voice i,Md drawing pay from a party with no fgeffloebelders or fried manufacturers. R Sublime ! Mr. Quay is tee romantic. The !7aitMaHnri In 1.U y.ii.... III. ...... n.. wm.wi.Hvu .u lull lUKIty lllU9llCn lilt) nwut siaie ei iningi. ine radical ici gJtarifTmen mustering their liurrah boys ia wiiu aiarm te chatter and cheer bout free trade and protection. The thoughtful cltiMns gravely viewing that gsBonsireeuy, tue jicKiuley bill, and its prwiu uremer, me uependeut pension se, auu wouuenng what Is eimiiiL' BXt. As for agitation, the Democrat net fail te seize every geed npimrtu Ay te Impress the need of a cautious thorough revision of tlie tariff, it is the force of tlie nliiln that has brought them into aggressive puMtleu, net tlie foree iuwuic. jich innuers in KansHS WC I..... II. ttl r . . . rn their com and Rusk offers them apathy and tells them te economize. 1 McKluley puts a tux en cabbages.lt jne wonder that Mr. Quay has de- ids for tariff literature. Statesman ad is has broken loose again In Lan- Br county as the leadini: champion the tariff league, but the icsolutlens aptcu by the farmers at Intercourse, tc his harangue show that the leaven r self-interest Is working and the people i m ceuuiy are geuing awake. They tlrst for protection of their sts aud claimed "as full rimf... for the products of the farm I ia given auy ether Industry." Then m wit iu inc Kite tuey endersd Kt McKinlcy bill which raises the tariff Miue anu vegetables, and also neon rkiultural macliiuery. Cattle are ex- and, If they were net the live ; business Is largely in the hands of rejatcrn grazers and has become a bus!- li distiuct from farming. As the vetr- d'jte features of the bill are rather de al te boom a few truck farms ou the . the delight of tlie farmers with the measure must be based upon the ma chinery tax. An effect of the duty of 4e per cent, en two-horse steel plows Is shown In the quotation of an American made article at $9.45 for sale te foreign ers and f 10.60 for sale te the farmers of America, and many ether tools aud machines show a similar consideration for the tax-paying farmer. Crisp Talk. If Mr. Carlisle is translated hi the' Senate, Democratic leadership In (he Heuse will fall into the able hands of Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, who is In fact by the force of his charactcn already the real leader of the Heuse. Mr. Carlisle wilt fit the Senate (Ud belter than that of thcJkiVV, which calls for Heniewhal mera alertness and vim than he always lias at command, Mr. Crisp is never found lacking. Wherever there Is a head te be hit, his shllallah Is out and does Its work iu the very highest style of the art. It was exercised yesterday en the Mo Me Klnlcy tariff bill; aud battered that de crepit concern in a way that was almost savage. The tiling is advertised by its sponsors as especlallykind te the farmers; but. Mr. Crisp suggested that If Mr. Mc Mc Klnley's object was te benefit the farmer he would better show It by tiiklngthe tariff tax off the things that tie Uses largely, such as salt, bugging, linplo linple nicnta and the like, instead of keeping up the duty upon everything lie buys and leaving it off nearly everything he Feils, save tobacco and a thing or tne that are put iu the Republican bill le delude tlie far mer into the opinion that It Is a bag full of such things. There is net much chauce that there will Imj a farmer who docs net knew, by the tlme tlie November election comes,; just what Ills deceitful Republican friends have given him In satisfaction of their abundant premises, and what burthens they have saddled ou him. M i The city of Dsltimore Is tanking a great fuss ever lier crulser namesake, and she Is a ship te be proud of, but it will net de te uiiike tee much eflier speed and slrengtli, or our builders may be oneeurnRed te rest content with this beginning of navy build ing and net try te surpass it. The Jlultl Jlultl umrehaHit record of 'J). 1 knots an hour, but tlie Urltlsh admiralty Is about te artk bids for a ship that must mnketwouty-uve knots. This vesicl will be llirae tlmes the slzoef the Multlmore. Thern urn soveral ships In foreign navies which lmve beaten tlie Itiiltlmere's record, although the con ditions of trial are said te liavn been less severe, and in a long ruce tlie Ainerlrau ship might beat tlinui canity. The Italinns will lituneh ut Venice, in .luly, a lingo lut lut tleship called the Hardegna, which will have ougities of twenty theUMind home power, and will carry four ruiih weighing one hundred and twonty-llve Ions each. We are linppy ever our squadron of evo lution, but oer old 8ahi has Just drtiiileil n squadieu of evolution, consisting of one ironclad, Ave vrulbars, two giiuhuuls ami hevim torpedo beat. Klve yenis iigeHpain appieprintud forty-llve mill ion dollars Ter a new navy. The) activity of loielgu na tions in utilizing new Ideas in war-nhlp building, is shown by a icpert from Stet tin, published In tlie Journal rc.i Delmti, te the effect that tlie flerman go eminent has given ordeis for the building of a crul crul eor en the plan of our dynnuiiie thrower, Vesuvius. Tlie report Miystliiil tlie Zalin ski guns have been used in the (Unman coast dofeiiho, but thev de net seem te have given results altogether satisfactory. Ho He ceutly, howevor, they liiueliueu medllUsl by an efllcrr of the imperial navy nud adnpted te the government t-ervlce. The new crulser will carry threo of them) gun". Tiih Xew Yerk 7'nir.i publishes aletter from M. H. tuay, locelved by a leading Republican of Detroit. Mr. tinny an nounces that It has been dlMcoverrdth.it for mouths Democrats h.ivu been ougageil In ageucr.il and secret distiibutleu ofauti efauti ofauti ptetcctiou lltcniture, and lmve employed a corps of agitators and oiganlzers te travel among thu fanners aud working men; demands for docuuieutM, pertaining te thu tariff, daily reach thi ltepublle.ui na tional cemmittee, particularly fiem the West, and tills is made llie oxcuse for mi appeal for funds. Tlie senator pathetically observes : " Yeu knew hew dilllcult it is te raise money for campaign purposes, " but adds that a plan has been adopted which, If vigoieiihly piusheil, cannot fail. Inclesed were a iiuin iiuin ber of luiudsotne certillcates, Hiiggesth e of the most artistic bank paper, decorated with a neat ten dollar mark and having a coujieu attached. The loiter lofersto theiu and centinues: " I trust you may he able at an early day te place them with seme of the zealous Republicans of your neigh borhood. Please till up the coupons with full uauie uud addiess, cut them off and return them te us with the 10 ler each. All checks, money outers, etc, should be made payable te V. V. Lcirh, assistant secretary, who has charge of this branch of the werK. A ruce id will bokepl of all thu subscribers, who will be known as registered contributors te the Republi can national committee." The senator con cludes with Mattering allusions te the stand ing and luuuouce of the gentleman ad ad ad drossed. It Is evident that the "(iraud Old Parly" is iu u veiy had way that Mr. Quay flnds It nocessary le beg se hard. It Is the party iu power, Hushed with vio vie vio teryaud arrogant, but lids letler shows timt its noteiioiis leader thinks only of taking a defensive position, and docs" net hesitate le repieseut tlie Democracy as dangerously nggresshe. The Democratic paity Is out of power and lelivtively peer, but no such appeal is heard from Its leaders. They are net pieced w ith frantic demands for documents pertaining te tlie tariff. Tlmy de net stilvote find excuses for collecting hoedie. .Senater tjuay Is right about the nggiosslve position of tlie Democrats, but the talk about general and secret distribution, or anti protection 1 Herat u re, and the employment of a corps of agllateis, is bosh mul h0 knows il? Hew could such a distribution be secret T Thk yew J.'i-ti Is distres'.i.Hl at the apathy oftlie Itcpul'llcan juipers of this country with regard te the McKluley 1111. It do" de" clares w ith truth that ' but a low of thorn have perslstently ail vocal ed llie measure. and observes w 1th evident sorrow that "the poeplo theinselves appear te hike inote lu torest in the question tliau thu news papers. " The Jira cracks the whip of " party pledges, presumably the pledges given by Messrs. Quay and Waniuuaker In oxebnnge for rash used lu the purchase of voters In "blocks of live." Tlie ;, plalntlvelyasks: " If we cannot pass a protective bill when we have both Hemes of Congress and the administration en our side, when will we be nlile te de se?" Eche answers "de se," and reason adds "H will be your mrty's death blew." When the papersefa fanning county need te he appealed te In tills way te sustain a " se. called" farmers' measure, the formers may conclude timt the hill needs their per sonal examination. I'EltSONAI.. I'RKuiliK.vr ItenitmuEz, of Cesta Mica, Mas inaugurated at neon en Thursdav. 11. J. McGuan.v, of Lancaster, says the Hurrisbnrg Telegraph or I'rldav, was among tlis handsome visitors iu the citv te-day. , .!': I2-!15, DVB0."'' "eSre- ,ias been awarded one of the tirn prlzes for the Harvard slndents' Uoylsten declamations at Cambridge. Austin Hudsen, the poet, new filly years of age, Intended te bi an ougluuer, He .relinquished the lever for tbe ion after a low years. l'litt.ir DnienT, youngest son of the late Jehn llrlght, has lea the rsnks of the Liberal Unionists and allied himself with the Heme Rulers. tin. C. T. PiTk7:s, a Chicago physician! him receh efla fee of fi5,000 for less than a innnlh'tyXitDudancoena patient who was BlllleUyf with a cancer Iu the face. lksini:NT Diaz, of Mexico. Is a man about liav years of aire, efa dark, swarthy omplexlon, of engnglng address, and has always a pleasant greeting ier an 110 mucin. ArriNa Oovi:jxen Tawmiit. of ?feW llampshlre, who was born In 1838 and graduated from Harvard iu 1878, Is the veungest elder executive Iu llie United hjtates. T. I'. O'Comneu says he has Irarned from Gladstone's hnllcr that a ronteur or the Grand Old Man's head transrerred te paper inakes a very ralr outline map or Ireland. r.ASTKH AT .li:HUHAI.H.M. riisriins n-eui Jtvery liimrler of the (llelie. letler of President Olhiisne of Jehns Hepkins University, hi the UnlllliioreHun.l Ourlourneyto Jerusidem was planned se Hint we might see l'aUistine lu its most beautiful aspect, and we were net disap pointed. The Haiti of .Sharen was covered wltli tlie richest verdure. 1'era mile te the oust of Jaffa tlie read passes through greves or orange trees, ou which llie blossoms wero us thick as the opple blossoms at home in the month ufMny. Their delight ful fragrance might he tierce! ved far be fi em! the limits of the orchard, berne In iv the hreoze of llie sea. iiinuuier- ablu wild Hew urs were growing ou the hill- sides, and the roeky mountain tops ware mere, or less doeeralod with the Iresli colors of the spring. Our visit was also planned se that we might hee seme or llie great religious ob servances which bring te tills sacred clly at Knstoitlde Innumerable pilgrims from Euroiie, Asia and Africa, Jews, Moham Meham medans, Oreeks, I.iillns, fonts, .Syrians, Anglicans, Lutherans, and 1 knew net hew many ether sorts of worshipers, here assembled ut this time. .Some et them en camp without the walls; ethors are wel comed at the hospices and convents which tliolrveinllglonlslsliavo established. The hotels are crowded, and doubtless ptlvate hospitality is freely bestowed. Yesterday, while all who fellow the Reman calendar, llie Keple ofthe Occident, wero observing ICaster, these who ndhnre te the Eastern usage the Greeks, the Russians, the Hyriuns, the Armenians and the Copts were keeping Palm Sunday. The Jews wero commemorating tlie Passover, and the Moslems were lu tlie midst of u Moses rolebratloii. The streets of the city were consequently llllcd with the most varied and brilliant costumes. Piocesslons large and small moved from point le point. The .Sultan's birthday also fell en .Sunday, se that guns and military music added te the excitement ofthe day, mid Hags and Illum inations Increased the pictuiosqtienoss of tlie scene. Emir of tlie ceremonies that I saw stand out above all the ethers. The Mohamme dan procesalon en Friday last was especi ally brilliant. An Immense company of the faithful, men, women and children, came out el the area which surreunded the mosque of Oiniir, passed through .St. Stephen's gate, went down the steup hill side and took llie read toward Jericho, up on which there lsashrlne couimetnenitivo of Moses, and called by tlie multitude "Moses'h grave." Thore was a military escort, with Its brass baud, and thore were two or threo carriages llllcd with the civle digiillarles, hut the Interesting features or the scene w crc groups of people dressed in turbans and (lowing robes, preceded by lines erdruimiiers, and elleu accompanied by dervishes with long hair, bare hieast, and tlie Incessant motions or the men possessed ei devils. A mera striking pageant is larely te be seen iu eiiental lauds. We wero told, upon what scorned geed aiitheilty, that lids festival is an in novation, mid is intended by the Moslems In ut 1 1 act large companies of their faith at the eiy time when the Chiistlaus aie wonted te assemble. The Tnrhs are In lear lest their sacred places shall seme dav be taken from them, and hence tills pre caution. Frem the Moslems we turn te the .lows, and alter looking at a pitiable company or Israelites waiting ut llie Inundation stones of the temple urea, from which they are llgiilly excluded, we worn received lu the house of a rabbi and allowed te witness llie eating of tlie passever. We heaid the pnixer of thanksgiving for deliverance iieiu Egypt, and we saw the simple ceio ceie ceio menies by which tlie exodus is coni ceni coni lueuinraloil. Later lu tlie evening, lasting until nearly midnight, thu last scenes of the passion were hieught te mind by thu Latins lu the Chinch el llie Hely .Sepulchre. A pro pre cession meed from one station or the eiess te uuether until it l cached the spot which has been hallowed for many cen turies as the tomb of Christ. At each station attention was vividly directed te oneot the transactions recorded by tlie evangelists, and u short d Ischium) preached. We listened te llie sermons In 1'iencli, (or, man uud Arabic, and these who followed the entire scene heard nddiessus iu eend ether 'languages. Worshipers aie here from every country or Fiuepe, peihaps of Christendom, and thu use el many tongues enables the church te impress upon the en tile multitude the lessens ofthe hour and place. Early en .Sunday morning the Greek church began the celebration or their l'.dm .Sunday. Alter mass u piocessleu was formed, Including several bishops and a large number of the clergy, bearing lu their hands the palms that had been blessed, and they went tluce times around the holy sepulchre and once around the church. After their service was concluded the Ai medians and the Copts had a similar precession. Till: VAI.l'K OF ETIIJL'UTn:. What Ilut'Miiullelil l-ews Mean II i'rop i'rep trly Obwrwil. Frem tlie Uulles' Heme Journal. Tlie foolish gill who laughs at eticUette, mul saysshe will net be bound by its rules, Is the olio you may be certain who does net posess the viilue of consideration and w he makes fiiends only le lese them. The laws of etiquette an the best and Mildest lu the weild, for (hey were arranged by hundreds of wise heads dining huiidieds efycius te maku life run moie smoothie and te uiiike each persen mere comlorf cemlorf comlerf n bio. Yeu aie iu sorrow because someone dear loyeu lias died some friend who is loving, but Injudicious, calls and wants te' insist upon seeing veu. Yeu knew that the sym pathy she eilers will only reopen the old wounds j you cannot hear te be nide te her, but Madame Etiquette steps lu, an nounces that you must net see isiters be cause you me In mourning, and se you aie net harassed, your friend's feelings are net mitt, unit u is tne law of geed society that has protected you. Yeu haye been te u large pu ty w here a nouse was decorated with many llewcrs; you lcnicjnhcr us you left thu supper room that it looked ii scene of confusion, uud you wondered when it would ever return le its normal condition. It is demanded that you shall make a call and tell your hostess ofthe pleasure she has given you. Again, etiquette respects comfort ami claims that your call must be made within two weeks ofthe dav utter tlie dauce; se that by this rule the household has tlme te return te lis usual statu before theie is an inllux of visitors. Yeu havejust told Dick that you will bu his wllu; uud thu oue thing you dre.id Is the giggling and staring te which veu will have le submit because iu tlie small vitilige in which you live the kindly thought iff the dignified lady, Madame Etiquette, is either forgotten or net appreciated. New, be wise mid take seme married friend In In eo your conlldence; let herglveatea or u luncheon, and invite your girl friends, and at it she will say, putting her arm mound you, "1 want veu te wish Lillian all thu happiness possible, because iu a er.y short tlme she is going te be married te Mr. Richard Stoelo." Se the story is told ut ence, and all thu littie embarrass embarrass mellis, the iuuenilees and tlie embarras sing w eiiderment urn dene away with. Sorrow or baine, because of seme oue ll lug, lnwides your home. Yeu feel your cheeks redden hoeause of the conduct of nwieuuiiu near auu near le veu. And veu maKOS VOU ICGl cniixclaiiM ,(. I.... i i. pened. ThW is net luirdlieartodness , It 'js consideration. Te utterly Ignore a ills grace for which the Innocent suffer is he kliulett loxseu that Madame Ettquctte has ever taught. ' u .She Is even wlse lu dictating the hours for making visits; te your girlfriends she suggests any tlme between threo und six o'clock which gives you un opportunity "uimurwiiaiine weilil will My te you. My peer girl, tlie woll.trulned world says nothing j your friends eome te see you. .VOU rocclve venr Invll!. !!,,, ..., ....,...! '. ''", l.llll iiuoeov te have entirely finished np whatever yea wish te de In the morning, te have had your luncheon or dinner, and te be busy only with book or fancy work after three o'clock. Toyeurmenfrlonds, from eight tonlnelsthoproporhoiirat which le ap pear) then tlie cares of the day are ever and you ero at liberty te entertain In the way you think best. Te shrug your shoulders at what eti quette demands Is simply te antiotince veursclf very ignorant, for lier, laws, properly observed, mean protection for the innocent, consideration for the young, consolation for the suffering aud congratu lation for the happy. Oot Fair Way Foru Unrkey Hey. Frem the Cincinnati Commercial Osxetle. An interesting story Is current In Wash ington nbeut Mr. Heck lu tbe early days erhls llfeln Lexington. He was always keen te take the shle of the weak against the strong. On ene occasion he offered te thrash n whele circus company, lu the slavery days, when, In a circus a call was made for volunteers te rlde n trick mule. Fifty dollars was offered te any body who would stick en. A littie darkey came forward and mounted the mute's back. After going around the ring a few times the mate began a sories or tactics te dlstodge his rider. Hut the littie dsrkey stuck like wax and It seen became pretty plain that the mule unaided could net get him off. The ringmaster, thinking himself safe iu maltreating a friendless nogre boy, came up and gave his collciigue, the mule, soveral sharp cuts with his whip that sent darkey und inula rolling evor In the sawdust. Mr. beck saw the fraud. He Jumped down from his seat, dashed Inte the ring, and catching the ringmaster with a vary pcrsuaslve grip, administered seme Jack Jack senkin language te him, mid demanded the money Ter the boy. The ringmaster showed fight. This wns an easy matter, but It did net leek se easy when the whele circus company took sides with the ringmaster. The spectators Immediately sided with the man who had championed the frlendless littie dsrkey. The money was paid ever te tlie boy. TIIR HltAVKST MAN. Tlie lira vent man Is he who wears, ItrurdleM of remarks and stare, The First Htraw Hall J-Yem the A". 1". Herald. Ask for VAN IIOUTEN'H COCOA-Tske no ether. (I) Sprlnir Mwllelue. The druggists claim that people call dslly for tlin new cure fur constipation and sick head head nelle, discovered by Dr. HUas Ijme tn Hie llecky Mountains. It Is said t be Oregon urape rcet (a (rent remedy In the far Wed rer these com plaints) combined with simple herha, and Is made for use. by pouring en boiling water te draw out the strength. HstIIh ntM cents u pack pack ngeuud Is called Lane's Family Medicine. (I) Truth Crushed te Knrth Is bound te rise. Crowd down and smother Hie truth as you may concerning Tltemn' Kteelrle Oil, yet the TaetH wlllrlseup that ItlsniioeMhe best, remedies for lichen, sprains and pains that liasi'ver jet lieen Imented. Held In linriisler by V. T. llech, 117 and 1311 North Ipiu-n street. iU'lifticntn. T-JKIJOIOUH SKHVlCliS WILL IIK HKM) 'V lu the following churches en Holiday, In the morning ut 10:., In the evening at T:f. Hun day school nt 1:13 p. in. When the hour Indif ferent It Is csiieclallr noted : NKW CuiiKCU. Services und Sunday school te-morrow meriilngnt the usual hour, In Leng's building. Ne. 10 North Quern street. Divinp. service en Hundjy morning In the Rockland street school building ut 10 o'clock, buiiilay school ut'-' p. m. KVANttKMCAl. First Church. Rev. P. F. I.clir, pastor. Herman hi the morning. Humbly school at U a. in. Hvaniikmcai. Ciiimcn. Itev. II. 1 1. Allirlglit, pastor, hiuiiday school nt 2 p. in. I'rajcrund praise service ill 7:00 p. in. Preaching 111 the morning liv lie v. U. P. Miller, of llalli, Ph. Uniti.u ilRKTimr..N in Cuius r, Cevk.nant. West Orange and Concord streets. Itev. C. W. lIuMer, piiKler. Praise service ut 7:15 p. in. OMVirr IlAlTisr Cuuacil East Vine near lluke street. Itev. M. Fravne, pastor. Pkutsciif. Hr.reitM St. Jen annus KlRCIIhlt Cerner iifUrauge and Mulberry streets. Service In Iho Herman Iniiguiige from:10 le 10: ft a. m. mid from 0 te 7:15 p. m. Sunday selioel from i2::miei:i'ip. m. Wkstku.s M. E. Cuur.cn. Itev. C. C. Clark, pastor. Clas meeting nt U.S0 n. in. .Sunday school at lift p. in, Mr. HritrilKN's College Cluiiel. Servient nt 10:.'a. in. Sermon by Itev. Dr. J. H. Htulir. Ht. Paul's UKtuiiMan Itev. J. W.Memlnger, pastor. I'rnjcr servlce en Weitne-duy nt 7:15 1. m. Fuist Ki:fekmeii.-Hcv. J. JL Tlt7el. II. D., pastor. Services te-morrow iiiurning and even ing. Holiday tehoel at 1:15. Meiiavian. Itev.J. Max Hark, D. I)., pastor. 'i n. m. Sunday school, Ciikist LuiilKitAN. Itev. V.. It. Heed, pastor. Sunday kchoel nt 1:15 p. in. llmuiMhii Ht. LUKn's Marietta avenue, Itev. Win. F. Llcblltcr, puster. Sunday school at 'J p. in. PiiisnitTuniAK Mkmerial Ciiukcii Heutli Quien streetTlieinns Thompson, 1). 1)., pastor. Sunday school at 1M", p, in. Munnenitk. Cerner of lUst Chestnut and Hheriuan streets, l'uacliliig at'-' p. in. In both laugtiagei. Oilmen of GnuCerner of Prince unit Or ange. Itev. .1. II. Ksterlinc, pastor, Sunday school lit 1:15 p. in, Hr. Jehn's Luthkiian Itev. II. F. Alleiiuui, . I pastor. Services nt II a.m. In German Itcrenucd church, corner of Orange and Mul ticrry street. Sunday school nt Ht. Jehn's at 2 p. in., uudat Getwuld Memerial Mission at i p. in Fuist M. K. CitDRClt -ftev H. M. Vernen, D. I)., pastor. Class meetings at Un. in, Sunday school ul 1:15 p. m. tliiAci; I.UTUEitAN. Itev. C.C Iliiupt, pastor. Services morning and ernlng. Holiday school at Up. in. Paster's Male lllble eluss uttla. m. ("lunch scbenl us iisuul during the week. levell ing service at 1:"S0 p. in. LVANOKUI'AI. LirillKltAN SUNDAT SCHOOL or F.mmanukl North Plnu near Walnut at 2 p. m. hervlceseu Thursday eenbig iiex(,ni iiex(,ni lireprhite te Ascension Day. Ht. Paul's M. E. council Itev. II C. Yerkes, p.ister. l) a. m. class. Sunday school at 1:15 p. in. Conversation meeting ul(J::i0 p. in. V. M. C. A.- Yeung men's uuetlngut 3.10 p. m. Address liv Itev. 11. F. F. Alleinuu, D. I)., en "1'he Teung Man and his Duly le Hie Church." TiiKsnvTKRtAN. Itev. J. Y. Mitchell, I). 1). pastor. -ITAJJ HOUTEN'H COCOA. Till: POI'UL.YIl COCOA OF EOltOI'i:, THU COMING ONK OF AMLHICA. MOST Al'l'ETIZINO-E.VHILY D1UEHTKD. The Van lretTKN's process lenders tliclr cocoa easy of digestion nnd de velops iu tbe highest degree itstlolicieus nniiiiii. It is mi excellent llesli-feimer, flSUl l'er ''"' greater than tlie best of ether cocoas. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." Si-VAN IIOPTEN'S COCOA ("once tried, always used ") In the original, pure, soluble Cocea, Invented, iiuule and patented lu Hoi Hei land, and Is te-day hotter and mere soluble than any of the luunereus imitation.- In fact' Il Is generally admitted all ever Europe and a comparative test will easily preve Hint rin ether Cocea equnls tills Inventor's In solubility, agreeable tatOHiulnutrlUeipull tits. "Iairgest s-ile In the world." Ask for Van Heutk.n's ANHTAKK NO erlini. 43 00 K I LIFE INHUIt ANCE AT COST, KEK KIns'x Iiisiimnrc nml Iirnl Kstatc Apinry, Kepiiscnlliig Life. Accident, Fire, Heller, l'ln le Ulass and Theft Iiisuruucc. Olllce-tOsJJ EAST KINO HT.,:M Flisir Frent. sp'-lmd A. T. HAL'.IOEH, Manager. DllUNKENNKSS. LPlUOil UA11IT. In All tbe World there Is but One Cure. Hit. HAl.VKS' aOLDKX SI'KCIFIC. It can be given In n cup of eolleeor tea, or In articles of feed, wltlio'illlie knew ledge of tlie IMtlent. If necessary ; It U absolutely harmless and will cited a mrinaiiciil and speedy cure, whether the patient U a inodenile drinker or nn alcoliello wreck. IT NEVElt FAILS. It operate se quietly and with such certainty tluil thu patient undergoes no Inconvenience, uud era be Is aware, hi complete reformation Is ettcctcd. 43 page book of particulars free. CIIAH. A.lA)ClU;it. Druggist, Ne. 1) East Klug tit., Lancaster, Pa. ocUS-ced-TTIi&M B (TOWN'S HARSAPARILLA. Dees Backache with a Drawing-down Pain, Weary, Tired Kcellnc, Disinclination te Laber, Beauty and High Colored Urlnef If you have any of these troubles you may be sure you have Kid l,ey DUeasfl. Are you bilious T Have you jaundice T le you have a sallow complexion T Are yen troubled with constitution T Ife, you have Liver Complaint aud should read the ful. lowing testlmcnlals: Back Ache Mas. Cbas. ITATneRN.M Icarl Ht, Banger, has betn very low with Kidney Disease ! she ha been confined te her bed for ein time. Had a constant and Intense backache with all olhcrsymptems of Kidney Dlssass. Her hus band bought Brown's 8araarllla ; she was cured by It, and Is new In better health than for years. Her friends say Brown's Sarsaparllla saved her life. Jehn Phillim, of Taylorstown, Washing ton Ce., Pa., says : I had suffered dreadfully from Stomach and Liver trouble and was re duced te 117 pounds, when I commenced te use Brown's Barsapnrllla, and new weigh HO pounds. I consider It the belt Meittetne T exer uted, nnd bad tried a great many, without relief before taking Brown's Sarsaparllla. Yeu may refer te me whomever you please The railroad men of the United Htates are among the' meit capable, Industrious and faithful of her citizens. Te them Brown's Sarsaparilla All at Druggists 9 1 .OO. 6 bottles for fi.OO. DON'T take Bemthlng else "Just as geed," IT IS NOT. Aka Warrkn A Ce., Hele Proprietors, Banger, Me. ( .Ul ! II (rH N KXT DOOKTOTHK COURT HOUSE. Mattings ! - Mattings ! A New Importation of China Mattlngsjust In. Plain White, 10, 12i, IS, 20, 25, 31, 37ic. Fancies I2J, 15, 20, 31, 37Jic Stair Oilcloths. Fleer Oilcloths. BtalrCrahe, all widths. Window Shades. Lace Curtains, 75c te M a pair. Scrims and Laces, 5c te Zc. Htnlr Reds, 00c, 75c and 11.25 Psr Dezen. New Tapestry Carpets, 45 le 06c. New Ingrain Cnrnsts, 25c te COc. New Itng Carpets, 20c te SOc. New Stair Carpets, 10c te 45c. Best Feathers, Warranted Pure. SVJutt opeiied a New Assortmeut of Ladles' nnd Misses' Jackets, Capes nnd Embroidered Flrhues. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. TAltD A. McELItOV. bard Sc Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. CAltFKTH Having cut down our profits en our Uemc-innde Raw, Ingrain, Chain and Stair Carpets, In order te Increase our sales, we hae sold mom than nny season sliice we opened, would be pleated te ae you call, see and Judge for yeui self. Carpel lings taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest prlce In Lancaster. A lower grade at 60c. HUGH Smyrna Rugs lit a bargain : SI sl70 at 75c, $1.25 lre at Jl, J3 size at K,?l size at J2.50' Cocea Hugs at 25c, :)5c and 50c. OIL CLOTH Fleer OH Cleth, Hie largest line, tbe best seasoned, nnd the best goods for tbe money In Hie city, all widths from L te 2i yards wlde. Table Oil Cleth, I feet wlde,'12JM per yard. Stair and Shelf Oil Cleth. WINDOW SHADES Bargains In Window Shades. ANcwnumber In Dade at. 17c. Blinding by the yard In Paper, Helland nnd Oil. Alse Spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS GOODS The best Ilneef Outlinr ClnHinln Hie ell v. Dress Ginghams In elegant styles atfl'.fc, 8c. 10c and W&. Men's Shitting nt5Jc,6fc and 8c. The best stjlcs In panting for men and boys at the price ever ortered. NAVY BLUE CALICO-One Cnse Navy Blue Calice ut 0,'c ; never befere sold for less than 8c One let of Skirting at 20c ; reduced from 25c. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier Hnfutv Bicycles for ladles, men nnd children. Alseagcnts for thu Sweeting Cycle Ce., of Philadelphia, Pa., rer the Cwlebratcd Rival Safeties. High Grade Cycles nt cut prices. See the 75c and 85c Coventry Rival Safety, bull bearing te parts. Beys' Rival Sufcty at friO. See It, ceinparu It with any at J!5, und If any dlllcrence lu favor of tlie Itlnl. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn lCfvi)CVlttOVQ. pi LIN LINN A BHENEMAN. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN' ANY KEFRIOERATOH WILL ANSWER. HUT THIS SEASON YOU MUST HAVE THE 44 HLKSKK." THE REST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. FLINN St BRENEOTJLI, GREAT REFRIOERATOR AN NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN HAT IS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO crcute a Uejutimi Lawn or uencw an uiu One. rrillOS. F. PEHRETT. X PRACTICAL HATTKR, All kinds of Huts Cleaned, Re-Trimmed and Remodeled te leek like, new. Silk Hats n biieclalty. Hals called for bv addressing iiiL-J-lmd li COURT AVENUE, lincnster. Pa. MMIE LANCASTER TP.UBT COMPANY bULIClTS CURRENT ACCOUNTS, TIME DE POSITS AND TRUST ESTATES. Actsas Ahilgnce, Executer, Uuardla n, Agent elc. Rents Bexes lull. Fire and Burglar Proof Steel Vaults. Stores Valuables at moderate rates. Ne. M and 3.S NORTH QUEEN ST. apl2-lnuleed N JOT1CKTO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Ulitf for Hie crpetlen of an Iren llrldce. with a Itt-feet roadway and lis feet and inches le tuceu the faces of tlie masonry, across Mill 1'ieck. In ICast ljniieler township, ul Mrs. Ilatik'inlll, will be received ut the elllee of tbe County Commissioners until 10 o'clock en Tuesday morning, June 3, lsw. Proposals for iron suicrstriicturu and tun tun senry will berccelxeil cp.iralcly or combined. SecltlcatIens for masonry may be bud at the Commissioners' Oltlcc. Forfeited bend for JUKI iniisl accompany bid. By order of THE COMMISSIONERS. Attest : w. W. Giur-sr, Clerk. m-Cld-ltw TTINCO CHEWING TtlBACCt). YINCO EXTRA FINK) CHEWING TOBACCO. Till ShiudHrd Brand of Plu Tobacco ac knowledged le he the best chew nud Hie hirgctt piece for the money lu the market. I'iicym tag en each lte,ij. IIm extensive Hilc fur many yeam ha established lis reputation. There Is uethlug better. Try It. Fer tale by dealeisnud grocers. 1S90. uprllvVlt-vHl-ceiuAHlw , ;6ur Immense Interests are Intrusted, and without them we should make little or no prefres. In their dally tell, there Is called geed Judgment, honesty, ndellly, quickness of thought, hand nnd eye, and ceupb d with these, they are re quired te de an Immense amount or labor. There Is Utile or no work connected with the building and maintaining or a railroad that does net bear heavily en the Kidneys. On the track, In laying rails nnd In grading; In the shops where the marvelous engines, and psla" tlal cars are put together ; In the baggage room, at the desk, en the engines, or wherever the railroad men may be, his .work opens a path far Kidney trouble. Railroad men therefore cannot fall lobe Interested In the statement efa man, who, for 40 years, tins been a readmaster en the big Bosten & Maine railroad, and new having charge of ever 800 miles of roadbed. Head the following : Use Orsat Falls, N! H., May 10, 18S7. Gentlemen I have used Brown's Sarsapa rllla for Kidney and Liver trouble, and can trnly say It has done mere for me than all the doctors I out employed, and I have had occa sion te require the services of the best physi cians In Ui state. My wife has also been greatly benefitted by its use. Rcspectrully, E. A, SMITH, Iteadmaster Bosten & Maine R. R. i, i i. ,. , , ,.u,s C00fe0. I WATER COOLER STORE, ST., LANCASTER, PA. WIctlttnn. M VERS 4 RATHFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We'e many attractions lu our Custom De partment. We nr showing tbe Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $15,00 te Almest Any Price' Biich tylc as thea are net ellcrcu any wliere lu l.'iniiisler for the Vrlce. Hucli an assortment j eu'll find nowhere cue. ELUOANT VIIA-US IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll euro le leek at. Prices range from I tells. Wu'll lit 3011, tee. Myers & Rathvpn, 1 Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANOASTKH. PA. TTKNKtf WOld", ' FURNITURE STORE, ban removed te 138 East Klnif itreet. havliie a full line of Furniture of every defccrlptieu at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods, stf-lfdll . WOLF. ISO Kant KhurHtreet. OUSHW. 110ILU11H, MININO.CENTIIIFU. I irul and Strain Pumps. l uny caiuiclty, at JOHN HKHT'H, 3SI Kat Fulteu ulrceU Iiv7-tfd Custom Department 9atimther' Kulakem-hia, Saturday, May 10, I8W. When the Brandenburgs vaulted into the trade arena and made their bow as the choicest light cotton of weave and style like Shanghai silks, tne wnele trade, was "astounded. Competition ceased there was nothing te compete with. 20 cents a yard would nowhere buy such quality in cotton cloth. equal strength and lightness, or beauty ei design and perfection in printing. Trade hath its victories. In Dress Goods we have been winning rapidly and constantly. ueside tiie repeltne and Bran denburgs there are ether, greater successes in cottons. Witness the Ginghams. Like the war-horse of Cyrus, our Dress Goods leader scented Ginghams from afar, and with prophetic prescience and un daunted nerve has seized and held them. it is tne aateen experience repeated. Five years age they were in the air. We saw them ceminjr, as a creat tidal trade-wave. And se with an in finitude of Sateens, a world wide gathering, .we caught and led the market until they re ceded. When the Sateen tide went out our Dress Goods De partment was net found weep ing and wringing its hands ever the trade corpses en the sands. Its Sateens were safe in the possession of customers. Just se new with Ginghams. While many merchants are rue fully contriving hew te get the passe Sateens and ether old printed cottons out of stock, we arc in the hev-day of a glorious Gingham success. Search the world ever. Ran sack the Leuvre or the Ben JNlarche, scour the Londen shops, ferret out all America, and such a collection of Ging hams you will nowhere find as you can see here new. Scotch and American 12 cents, and upward te the top but the top is low for the stuffs. The Lansdowne, Gloriosa, and Silk-warp Henrietta. The triumvirate of silk-and-wool Summer successes. Each per fect and beautiful till the ether is seen, all equal in attractions. Loek along the Lansdowne line and see the colors. Gray, two each of brown, navy and garnet, old-rose, ashes-of-roses; and cream-; all these at $1.25. With them another trepy of success, cream with satin stripes, some single, ethers cluster stripes, at $1.50. If there is music in the soul of a Dress Goods man, the Lans downe should make him sing. And se should the Gloriesas of many colors which vary with every motion, trembling as moonbeams en the rippling water of a lake. $1.50 and $1.75. We took great risks en both, and of them offer the only perfect stocks. Mere or there elsewhere a stray few pieces of things called by the same names, but the only worthy ones are here. Jehn Wanamaker. (Uitltittn E INE TAILOIUNH. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest uud Jle.t Elegiint Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would nKe nniiounre the purchase of a Jeb I.et or KnglUh hnltliiK and Trninerlug at a ureal sacrltlce, which we will tell nt Astonishingly Lew Prices, J-Call early te secure a bargain lu these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPOUTINU TA1I.ORINTHECITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d27-tfd WHITE COTTON WASTE, COITEI) II Y the pound, 10c; lu lets of 10 pounds or ever, Ue. All goods delivered te nnv part of the eltvFree. C'nlleu JUHN HErtT, Ne, SB East Fulton street. m"-td rilHECHAI.FONTE, THE CHALFONTE, ATI-AMJC CITV, New Jeikey. H1TUATKD ON THE lir.ACIl. NORTH CAItO- 1.1 NA AVENUE. inyMind U.ROIli:UTSAhONH. sToe,o(X). IN "ONlWMMOHTtJAOKg-OB IN- 1100, r.w, j.ve, ti,oue te j),oeo. Ilends li per vent. Interest, payable quarterly. Mortgages 8er cent. Interest, pajaulu linlf- Beiid'er call for full Information. JOHN II. MET.l.Klt. N'e UM. DtlkuHU tTTVi'KK CENT. iTKIlENTURE'KTOClTcETt. ,1U nitrates In multiples of J HO, earning n tuarantee each dividend or 10ler cuut. ih-tiui-iiurii. payublpwinUiunuiilly, are lssuel ly the lliilfjfng anil lxiauAi-siK'intien oil akotn(IIeine eniwt. Aberdeen, (Seuth Dakota). Ne incniler ship lee or ether expense Incident te Issuance of stec'k. Weck may be converted Inte cash at purchnve price after two years. Invester se cured My leal estate mortgages te iloubleibe nineunt of the linestment deposited with a Trustee. fCorrCiixindcn.'e Invllnt. V. W.HTAItl.INO, ilanuger Philadelphia Olllw, Jaulinced Ne. ill Walnut WrucU 1 . , ra ' -?rV, r',.'.A. y"'.'