t f. ' X .. 71 ll THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEILIGENCEK, THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1890. . pMt pet tumbles. VrMM mi A LIBBF.R AM STRIIE8 W. F. UUIIR, A PA1STEI. kCMr CaTr Him and lflnre -Bers Drenched Br wfl" hhiitt ST Th !. DUwemlbrt. t " ;J- .. . r n.lnian anil zssSkS; h .. Fourth treet jwwixwy. a MTaMaMd from it lAdder ami tue .a .lilt lha naltiL The hnusO of Miller fM also disfigured by the ilrvdnml laflre enitltie was letted last iwn Third and Locust street, in Srisotefths Art committee) of council. MtaKnUas as In go-d weiklng order. EST ait nriv fren he Demen h ld- lit. and result .tva.ul boys were Tenne; People's society e' St. Jehn's . tiiin'i will held a sociable this tine: at the home of Miss Annie Petr, (North Sixth street. A musical and lit- y pregramme ! de rmut. iVbuilding committee have awarded contract for frescoing the Interior r the new Fresbj terisn cuurcu. smanfthe artists, the foreman of whom a Kalian, arrived In town yesterday. rresceing Will DO iroe uaiiu worn aiiu i Karmnnv with Interior decorations. fhs Wrlgbtsvllle fire company have a laid watch en exhibition In Yergey'sshew Sew. The watch ana oilier vaiuauie ilea will be chanoed etf at the coming Ir efthat company. General D. IT. Hastings has written te I committee in cnarge 01 me rimi jto jte wnt reunion that he will be nresent at at occasion, and will address the veterans. ',-A nartv frnm Yerk. consisting Of tile bJMyer, inembera of both branches of conn cenn SSl and city officials, wero In town this nlfigen their way iejunrfiua usniug nn,l. Ths nartv numbered about Mrtr. and wcre tlie guests of J. Schall WltKalm. nf Yerk. I SMlm Amelia Wilsen Ira te-day for an pfxtended trip te Syrncuseand otlier New BTbrk cities. ...... t i'Bhad are very scarce, owing te me ingu Stiate of the river. !'Tj. W. F. Nowlen Is nbla te be out. after a l.sjtvere Illness. tfiserge jjainoreit, iron inerciiam ui .u Kirk, was in town yesterday, tlie guest of KVwnen Ellis. "jiTTie axle or a cinuer uuctf.V ai me nnaw rurnnce broke tnis morning. cniiHing het cinder te be scattered about tliu racks. ?Kev. Geerge uaul is en a vihii 10 menus i Philadelphia. r$ ACLOSINO MUSICAL!!. 1 1 Enterpcniil Monitions Kntei'tnln , JTIeuds at Mr. lliiUHninn's Itoem. The Erternean club, the eblect of which was te study the higher classes cf music, r lesed their season last evening. In Mr. Busman's rooms the members of the club : fare a closing tnusicaie te tneir mentis. The program me was Impromptu and the leas, madrigals and pari songs were ren dered with nicety of finish. Tlicre was auite a large number of cople prosent, in aadinir many from a distance. Al.These who took part In the muslcale ware Messrs. raui ueiigiicriy, i . r.. amy Mur,a.Besi Eahlemnn, U.U. I-amlis, win. nnsn, Alten tieiu, in.- iiyus, u. k. ler. Misses ltohrer. Carpenter, lteilly. Dwell, Bwartzwelder, I less, Smallng, iMrincer. Quinn and Ktclie"". '. t nrOTrnmn was flu fe!liws: Pn t (i- menm: " The Volce of Hnriurf :" Honrane ' !lfl tl.nlltn.1iMi Tiinirr..l.li. ce:" alto sole. "Night Similes Arn tiling;" prt songs, a "Ruitle Coiiqaette," '. "Mectina- and Vartliiit:" ninne sole. Concert Waltz :" senir. " Uail v Chant the tBumtr Birds;" part song, "Daylight Is ffkdlng;" sole, ''I Leve Theej" glee, rwypale Lire ;" song, "It Came in the Marry Menth of Mnv. Leve:" chenm. t M March of UmlM ml it Harlnch. s ! " '. ' A VALUABLE WAIt RELIC , si the Possession Oi n Lnuonster Man Sir. Since the War. K Daring the warn gentleman who came nom iticuinetid prcfonteu William J. : Oeeper, tben of the Cooper house, with the original muster roll of cemnauv I). f;. Twelfth battalion Virginia Light Artillery, 5 -ae wheu he theuitht that theru mluht be f-Zfonent In the Seuth who would like te isirished te bestow It where It hnlenirpil. nm I ryiwrote a letter te a llichmend novvspaper ,;j which came Inte possession of the Times. rThe editor wrote te Mr. Coepor and the f flatter at ence sent ipaoplewhe recelv J y a there Is no deut :uauii. iiiiii iiiutieciiiiiuiii. 1110 received it prize It very high) v. 30 doubt that it is ccnuine. It SWlll be deposited witli the state librarian t" T'idp nrAutrvatlnn St'iftf The document Is two fect ten inches long tiwu uiie ivul ieii menus wiuu. ii is en very iApoer paper, made of stiaw nnd very ceui- "son rags, it is primcu aim wriuen en both sldes. The unities only run un as far 'j;e "M" as It was evidently removed rrem , .Richmond borero It could be countersigned. H'LThe cemmander of the Twelltli Uattalien g.Xflraa Majer 1'rauk J. Ueegs, new a premt- ftmni minister or suirelk, Virginia. The ; ;' niuuu vi vuiuuiij- u wus livms 11. w eun. f-, iu wjiupaiiy wm ruiupeMxi ei men irein h'f .Richmond county, lticiimeud city and the Li'Xaetera part of North Carolina. This erning Mr. Cooper secured cepies of the J?ennrW his relic, which the Hlchinend Kj folks v ere glad te roech e. II1, ft'i' An Outlnr Huns n Town. , ----. I ai - e cieck nit i iicsuny morning me no torious Lee White rode Inte Lamlnu, N. M.. with one confedernto nnd hail thinirH EVtAlsewn wav aslemrns he remaned. He flint visited Saylen' store nnd secured Bjatels ami ammunition. He then paid his ;;;vrepcis 10 me nuireau siutien empleyes '.'Ba train crews. Frem lha omrater he g;jteta geld watch and f5; from tne tram E crews no get six wniciic, turee geld and SJ Uiree silver, and 810 In iiieniv. l.nn W'lilin Kgs. was arrested four weeks ngenml brought tt.t M Na.ilti I. a frtr unlTi tiuin nn ..... .. . ax leased from Jai?a fewdavs nire en bends 8 lurnls'ied by his uuut. A noae U new Kjjergsulrliig te puisue him. j. sermon 10 aiuueiiiH, .The annual sonnen te the irraduateq of y the seminary was praclied by Kev. Ur. U, rf( b. uam.in. ei -lyrone. in collego " chapel en Wedresd .y evening. Ills text was Acts Iv. a): "Fer we can Hfiet but speak the things which we have f.Caeen and heard." Bssldes the students i "?" lAS-a sf am a In nvn n u ah 1.1 r . " .. t Kfcem this city. p xnis evening the regular commencement K exercises of the seminary will be held iu tarn veuege cnapei, wnen sixteen students f, will graduate. K. r Meeting of Trustees. $ The beard or the theological seminary of W-J "" .v..mw t,uuaw inc. .UIFJ I11U1U1I1K Ul ts. eleven o'clock in Dr. Titzel's Ktndv- Tlmw UjerganUed by the election of the following ?S'eacars: President. D. W. Orn lTr,i. feburgj vice president, O. W. Hcni.cl,Quary C.vUlei treasurer, Jehn B. Ileth, Lancaster : T m TC-..'. , -VW.B . AkMun.v. ..mii.uui. s r xecuiivoieuiiuiHUB, i. tv. uress, ueerue kW. Hensel, Jehn B. Reth, Oeerge Z. & Knnkle and Jehn D. Sklles. W-X 1'. r Clttinsr tn Vnrnnn. , On Saturday. Jehn Mergner a yeuni: man jjfebn Wagner, of Columbia, will return te -yjLm nauvecuy, uer, iiavarie, en me rseru- t WW.OT.MV WIVJM MIVI11VI i.lUUI. V. Anether veunir man. Peter Itewhel. of -' Bl. Jncenh street, tbla fllr. will ail I nn tlm & i-IUd Star Line steamer Westernland, next "' "J t . .w.w... w ... uuiiig iiuai s aisersiamern, itiienun uavaria, alter an Aeeece of five' years. Tiie tickets were aeeured from Cee. Heur, this city. 1 1.. i : The Express Sale. K.?. The package sale by the United States HA. - . . " . .. . .Esprees company, at North Queen aud jyf aiuui iievv, jciciuj , wuuuueu until v evrntmr. A vreat deal of stuff was din. Aliased or and the majority of it brought far i kUrber nrices than It as worth. Censld. Rl eteble money was rrallied by the sale. v 5? ' JIe Is Incorrigible. Charles Uelman, son of SopbluHelman, as arrssted te-day en a charge of belmr tueewtgltil i preferred by his mother. Bad faMeredferihe boy's appearance at a mm uieuivr m geamasnug we : wr'f ' ir A Birthday Party. Yesterday was the birthday of Mrs. Koehler, wife nf Casper Keehlor, proprietor or I be Excelsior Hall saloon, en East King street. A great number of friends of the lady, both ladlea and gentle men, called In the evening, passing a jery pleasant time for several hours. Mrs. Keehler entertained them at an elegant supper, te which a large number of people sat down. Therewere two Immense tables, one In the dining room and the ether In the room next te the barroom. They were covered with geed things all evening, and full Justice was done te them by all. It was a late hour bclere the pleasant party adjourned. Will Itoture te Scotland. SamiieN Clarke Neble, a nephew of Samuel Clarke, grocer, who has been living In this country ter six years, nearly all or the time In Lancaster, will retnru te Scot land, his birthplace, en the 10th. He leaves for New Yerk en Wednesday. Death or Miss Lldle Nevln. Miss Lldle Nevln, daughter of the latoThce. 11. Nevln. of Sewlckley, Pa , dled of typhoid fover en Wednes day. Her mother, a sister and four brothers survive. The runaral will be held en Friday. She was well known In this city and has relatives here. Granted a Itohearlnir. The supreme court has granted a rohear- Ing In the Ulrd-ln-Hand turnp ke ca-e. Argument will be heard In Philadelphia en May 19th. A Johnstown Itelln. A. A. Shcaffer, llnuer dealer. lias re ceived a relle or the Johnstown flood. It is part of the stained glass window of the Methodist church swept away In that dis aster. Ittcurviancc. il'iuii v. Uivm.Miiv May 7, 1", lit llie rr. it.nn.uf ilm bride's wrciits. en Krultvllla nlke, nrar Incntr. by Rev. Jan. Y. Mltclicll, 1. AlllCllfTII, . . William K. WlMler, M. 1)., and MIm Ueaue, daughter of Mr. Jacob il.Majcr. ietth. Mll.l.KH.- May 7. 1KH0, In this city, ltnrhcl Miller, wife of the late Henry Miller, renneriy nf llrvllle. In her seventy-second year, The relatives and friends of the mimly are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the resldeuee or her son, Ocorce 8. Miller, Ne C North Lime street, en Hntunluy morning nt U o'clock, and at 12 'clock at lteluud's Church. Inlcrmcnt nt Heland's cemetery. llm.t.. May A. ISM, In thin city, William II. Hull, In the 41th year or til iick. The relatives nnd frlenda or the family, aim) Monterey Ledge, Ne. 212, 1. O. O. K., Wanhllig Wanhllig ten Encampment, Ne. II, I. O. O. V., ljincaster Ixxlge, Ne.fcS, K. iiri'.,are reiectrnlly lnlteil te attend the funeral, from his Inte retildciiee, Ne.:6M Kail King street, en Friday morning nt 10 o'clock. Iiitcrmenl at Woodward IUU cemetery. UAniMAN. May 4, IW, In New Yerk, llenja mln C. llacliumn, aged nlxty thrtc years. It' l'lillHdelphla l'rodnce Mnrket. Pnit.Al)Ki.PiilA, May H.-Noen-Klour firm: Penn'a supers, 2 2"i(i2 7J: estra. 27j.'i;i5i family, asj-aiej roller, H 7il 60; patenl, WheaV'tlull; Ne. 2 lied new, Ole ; Ne. 2 Cern steady; Ne. 2, liewtlJiOlle; old, 40 41c Oats cafy: Ne. 2 White 3l)4c; Ne. 2 "Bran dulll Winter 1102391075; BprliiKll57S eioeo. Baled hay steady ; tlOHVall 00ns te quality ; timothy 10 UXtHOJter cheice: mixed, IJM1IU0; buled rye straw, uew, tlSOXIUu). Hatter weak; Penn'a creamery estra lSn; Penn'anrsU extra, av-; Jobbing, 2taal. Kkks steady; l'cnn'a flrsUt, 12c; held lets, 14al5c, us te quality. Cheese dull; part skims, 03Se; full skims Petroleum steady ; refined In bbls.. 17 20. Potatoes .Teak ; SijATOe eer bus. as le quality. Grain ana j-rovislen Furnished by H. K. Yundt, Urnker. Cihcaoe, May S, 1:00 e rleck p.m. Wheat. Cern. Oats. Perk. lJird. May 2" June .VI SIW 20 U 10 IU July T; m 2S 13 25 U 45 August WJ 3.r. Beplember " Xti 00 October ...... Year ,.- , Crude Oil-June . .. 81,'J Cousels ........, Head. Receipts Hogs... - Receipts -t.'nttle 15.UM Closing Price 2:1a o'clock p. m. Wheat Oiirn Oau. 1'nrK. iJird May .Ill SOS 27J4 12 W 27 June. WJJ 84'i wSi 111 te : July.. U2 .14? 26J? 13 25 0 45 Ainut in ivtl zyl .. era Hvptemtivr. U0JJ &iK Ocieber Year Consels , .. Crude Oil-March ..... 8l4 ' ' Mtoeit MnrkntH, Quotations by Reed, Mcdrauu A Ce., bankers Lancaster, Pa. KKW YOIIK LIST. 11 A. M. 12 M. 3 I', M Alchlson.Tep., Bantu F Canada Paeldc U. a C A L Colerado Ceal Central Pacific tanada Heuthern foil Uhl. Bt. L. A Pbg Den. AHleU Del. U A W 145'i I li UVi Kre-y S7 27?i 27JJ Erie 2nds JerO V AT Leu. W.17."y."""r.'."!'. i'ivi be", iiji U Bhore HU.'J H03J 111 Mich. Cen ...'." Missouri Prtcinc li'A 7A: 7'r)i Heck. Valley .. ' .. ... 25 N. P. SSJi Mi Sil N. P. Prof... te s;vJ hi N.WesU I141J Ui'l 115 N. Y. O W' KNJJ llttk New England..... 4i,JJ w 6054 East Teuueske Oraahs Oregon J lanseentlnental.. 4212 -ii". 4 HI OnlarleA W i!UJ? 20' J 20) j Paclfie Mall.. '. .. Richmond Terminal ZP', !, tttji HUPanl 71U 7VJ VM Texas Pacldc. 2lJ 21J 2I'J Onion Pnclflc ii? iwj i&y. Wabash Cem . " 1' Wabash I'ref. VJJ V) 21IJJ Western U .-. 8i)J hi hljj West Bhore Uends ...... . . rillLADEM'lUA IJ8T. Leli. Val Ml. H.N.Y.4Plilla. 10?; 10Ji lOj' PS.R.R. ' . ' 5 a' Reading. -i iy .! a-ij leh. Nuv...... . Hestenv. Pat &ftr w a'ii ' fl.LVQI. ........ , , .. Peeples 1'ftM.. Rdg 's... . . en . n .. .. ;. ;; :....: ew glbucvtlpcmcnte. TJ30YAL UAKINU 1K1WDEIL ROYAL BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. . ..'. ".'" "' "'"Br nsiKiug pe of ull lulHui'iilnc trniBtU.-t. J!eierl, A til. 17, JW. . .w... .. .. . . lewdtr. Highest 8. Ueierninent eprli-lydAw CllKAP-PURE IlYK WHIHKIES. HLACK. berry, Ulnjer and Kummel llrandlrs. ROURER'B LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 22 Centre Bijuare, TT EINHOLUa WHITE FRONT UAHQAIN STOKE, Opposite Penn'a It. It. Hlallen. A (IHEAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OR V NewljtwnsbyuitlngLANCAbTERCllEM ICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRIUHER. CTEAM HEAT 1H THECOMINU HEAT FOR O dwelllugs, churches, school houses, etc., though succeufully ued eue hundred years l(S,iiWi.ULS?J'0,l0O,,V??nVute change cull en meet at the Ledge Roem en Friday at 10 aTiii!. &.r V.,A,??P0,ef f ilng the funeral orilre 'Ai V.mV ? or HUler Ledge, are re spectfully invited te nieet with them. By or- Jtctw Slberrtfccment. r OltltKNT-NO.IISUEAHTKIN(iKTltKRT. 3 room formerly occupied hy Jehn A, UeTtc. myR-Tu.ThAHtfd ALLAN A. 1IERR. TTIBrail IMTOHTKD ANU KEY WEST CL, X; Ksrs. Clrar Havana IMcara, our own man- uracture, in 25 s, Mrs and loe . ... BKMUTH'H CIOAtt H HTOtlH RsUblUhedim. lUEastKlucHtrsst. ais-tfdh IOIl COUNTY AUUITUIt. I'.ri. AMMnv. of Epliratn (Northern district.) Hul.Jcet In Detn- ecmllc rules. 11VIJ .i..u -nEINIIOLU'B WHITE FRONT IIAUOA1N BTORK, Opposite Penn'a It. IU Hint Ien, XTKW I.INKOF I'IPEB-OENUINEOLIVK, JX French ilrlar and Meerschaum, from 25e te .". All the leading Ursnds of Bmeklng DKMUTH'H CIOAIt BTORK, alS-tfdlt 114 East King street -lITi: OtIARANTEK OUR OOLUEN LION V nnd Mia uuenda, the only Clear Havana Filler Hand-Made Cigars (5c.) In Hie city. DKMUTH'H CIUAK BTOHE, 114 Kasi Kinc nireei. Telephone. alB-UdK TjKlNHOLirB WHITE FRONT HARUAIN BTORE, Opposite Penn'a It. U. Htatlen. CARRY IN HTOCK HF34T CHARCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren. Burden's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, Hleel, Bhecl Iren 3-10 te Ne. 16, at JOHN HEBTB.8.H East Fulton street. In7-lfd Tl' YOU WANT A FIR8T-CI.ABB PORTABLE X Engine nnd Belter, en wheels, cheap, as the following prices shew: 8 honte-jiowcr, W75; 8 horso-pewer, 5ii ; 10 horso-pewer, 1575; 15 horse power, $K75 : 20 horse-Kiwer, $1,175, call at JOH N BESTW, SCI East Fulton street. m7-tfd J34T TWO FOR FIVE CENT. OIOAUH the clly, at IIIIJ.Y WAIT'B, Nes. 5 KB North Queen Ht. decVflmdM.Tu.Th 3"7IBTATi: OF CAROLINE IIENNF.lt, LATE li of the Clly of Ijiincflstcr. deceased, let ters nf administration en wild estate having been granted te the undersigned, nil persons In debted thereto are requested te make Immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands ngulnst the same, will present them without delny for settlement te the under signed, residing In the City of Iincnster. OKOHUKHMlTH, Administrator. Jehn A. Covle, Attorney. inyl-AtdTh TT STATE OF FREDERICK IIIIEFF.L, LATE Jlj of the City of 1 jiucuster, deceased, letters iestnnienUiryeiisaldestale having U'eu grauled te the underHlgnel,nll persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, nnd theMi hnvlng claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing at 1X1 East Walnut street, l.ttucnMer, Pe. Elil.AIIETH IIOKFKL, Eieculrlx, Or te f). U. Esiii.kma.v, her utterney. Ne. 48 North Duke slreel, Ijinrustcr. apr.'l OlilTIi E XKCUTOR'H PUBLIC HALE OF AN EAHT JJ King street Dwelling aud Htore Preiierty en Thursday, May ift.ircw, hi ine iepara neui, tlie one ana u iintr story nricK Hiere ami Dwell ing, N(H. IS aud aw East King street, fronting en East King street 45 feet, thence along Jehn street 110 feel, tlience north 22 feet, thence north west 45 feet, tlience west 1 feet, thence nor III HO feel. This preiicrly Is located In a neighbor hood Improving rapidly Iu flue stores unci dwellings. Bale te begin at 7:50 p. tn. L.C. KILL! AN, Executer of Ahrnm M. Kllllun, deceased, Johi. L. HAi.Nr, Auctioneer. iip'JOO.my.V.IO.Ud CiHERIFFH BALI irrn nni.i.. HATURDAY, MAY 17, MM. nt one i. tn., by virtue of an order Issued out plnuis' Court of ljincnuler county, Ph., O On HATURDAY e clock p. in., of thcOrnhiiii win uesiiiu aipuuue sate, in ine cenn iieusu Iu Iiuciister clly, the following dcscrlbeu real rahitv, ti: All Hint certain let or piece of luud, situated en the cast side of North Mulberry street, between West Chestnut and West Wal nut streets. In the city of Ijincuster aforesaid nnd numbered 2:17 nnd 2:ffl en snld North Mul berry street, en Hhleh Is created two two-story frnme dwelling helmes, ceutnlnlng Iu front en said North Mulberry street 32 feet and one Inch, mere or less, te n ten-feel wlde common nllev, together with the right te a 2H feet wlde com mon nlley en the north from North Mulberry st reel for a dlstuuce or 42 feet, ndjelnlng lauds of Mary Ferrler en the south nnd Andrew M. Frantzeu the north, late the estate of Careline Ouiiulen, deceased. Terms, $50 nnd lOiier cent, of purchase money te bn paid cash and the bal ance te be paid before May 2llh, 1800. D. K. BURKHOLDER, Sheriff. a p23,20,'IO,ma3.7.IO,14,18d TJALACE OF FASHION. .... ....... . ... .. ... ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. Special Bargains. Our entire stock of Black Corkscrew and Diagonal Jackets at $2.98. All our Silk Wraps ac the unferm price of 5. Ladies' Beaded Wraps re duced from $3 te $2.50; 5 te 3-5p; $6.50 te $4.50; gie te $6. Ladies' Colored Capes, pinked and rufiled, at $1.75. Ladies' Capes, with three ruffles and pinked edge, at $2.50. Ladies' Capes, yoke V shape, velvet centre, reduced from $5 te $3. Acordeen Pleated Capes at J4, $4.50 and $5. Our entire stock of Black Steckinette Jackets at reduced prices : Let i, at $i.e,S ; let 2, at $2.50 ; let 3, at $2.98 ; let 4, at $3.9S ; let 5, at $5 ; let 6, at $6.50 ; tot 7, at $7.50. A full line of Infant's Leng and Short Coats from $1.25 up wards. Three lets of Infant's fineWhite Embroidered Dresses at 50c, $1 and $1.50 apiece; former price from $1 te $3.50. Millinery. We have opened this day 100 dozens Fine Lace Milan Wats, with fancy and lace effects, reg ular value 1, which we offer at the extremely low prices of 45c. New shapes of Ladies' and Children's Hats, with fancy edges, at 19c; large Flats at 19c. Large Black Chip Flats at 95c. A full line of Black and White LeghernFlats from 95c upwards. A Special Bargain. Children's Trimmed Hats at 50c, worth from $1 te $1.50. Children's and Misses Jockey Caps at 49c. Flexvcrs. Daisy Wreaths at 10c. Large Wreaths at I2lc. Violets, 5c a bunch. Large Daisies at 15c a dozen. Violet Wreaths at 12 yic Extra large Violet Wreaths at 25c. Corsage Bouquets at 10c. Large Bouquets at 15c. A Special Bargain. An elegant bouquet of Reses at 25c. We have closed out from a manufacturer his entire stock of Leng Sprays and Wreaths which we offer at the ridiculous price of 50 and 75c, worth from $1.50 te 53. A full line of fine Bouquets, Garnitures, Mentures, Coronets, Sprays, from 25c up te $5. Black and Steel Flowers in full variety. Colored and Black Laces, Nets and Crepes in complete assort ment.. Black Crepes and Nun's Veilingat extremely low prices. yew glbturtteemcttts. lAiirtiAaKac. D0ES8OM OAJIRIAGZ WORKS, Cerner of Duke and Vine Htrecu (formerly Nerbcra A Ml ley), uae. a NOKBECltiPrep. $0,000 OrrrBlx'lhenaand Dollars 9U.OUO tn Fine Unfiles, Carrlaces, 4c, new en Ex hibition, or my Own Manufacture, And also agent for the Columbus Dnggy Ce.'s fine vehicles at price that astonish every body. All guaranteed finest vehicles In the world for the money. Nene but the best me chanics employed, (special attention given te repairing. Heed Carts nt almost any price at theDnersetn Carriage Works, corner of Duke and Vine street. . dMvdAwil IHORAMERICANHiaHTFEEDCYLINDF.lt 2 Lubricators. Ulasslill Unix rer Bearings, you can get them nt JOHN BHHT'H, Ml Ens Fulton street. mT-lfd O YOU WANT 1IKL!" OF ANY KINDT ' Annly at Lancaster EmDleyment Bureau, e. 01 North Duke street. rna2-lyd TJHINIIOLD'H WHITE FRONT HARUAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a It. It, Htatlen. T3KINH0LDB WHITE FRONT BAHOAIN BTORE. Opposite Penn'a R. It. Htatlen OltOAHTINUH.lRONOR BRASH, LlOHT or ueavy, ai suerv nonce, go le juun I Vn Vn.I Vllll..n .1.U.1 l?.IM 1ST, !KI East Fulton street. ln7-l fd J3 KINHOLD'B WHITE FRONTBARUAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a It. 11. Station HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ATLANTIC CITY, N..I. New, Modern, First-Class, Complete. Paclfle avenue, between New Yerk aud Tennessee avenues, will open May 31. aprtl-lmd JOSEPH S. DAVIS. irANTED-0lRLS FROM THE COUNTRY TV for (lencral lloueweric. Apply at Ne. 01 Net lb Duke street. ma2-lyd EOR PULLEYH, HIIAFTINU, COLLARS, Hangers, damn Bexes, Couplings, etc., go OHN BEST, 3.W East Fulton strccU m7-tld AnEAUTlFUL UWN, HOWEVER small It may lie, Is a great lnxnry. LAN C'AHTKIl CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN EN RICHER 1710R PRATT CADY ASBESTOS DISC 1 Valves, Jenkins Vnlvcs.llrass Ulebe Valves, Brass (late Valves, Iren Bedy Ulebe Valves. Lever Safety ViiUen, Pep Surety Valve, Air Valves, Radiator Valve, Pratt's swinging Cheek Valves, Brass Cheek Valves.Foet Valves Angle Valves, cull at JOHN BEST'S, XEI Ens Fulton Street, m7-tfd JJ"ORlCAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, BOTH " plain and reducing, up tell-Inch diameter, iilleatile Fittings, Flanges, Flange Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, Tutie Supports, Hangers, Fleer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BEST'S, KM East Fulton street. m7-tfd 17ATER RENTS-THE WATER DUPLI TY cute I new In the hands of ths'JIly Treas urer for collection of Water Rents. An abate ment of five per cent, will be made for prompt payment, Oillee heurs: 9a. m. tn 12m. audi tell p, hi., chilly. On Monday and Saturday the office will be own In the evening frnm 7 te 8. J.H. RATHFON. Bp.t0-2si.dR City Treasurer. T HECHAI.FONTK, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic Citv, Nkw Jerskv. SITUATED ON THE BEACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE. my2 3md E. ROBERTS A SONS. y OOICI LIKE INSURANCE AT COST, SEE King's Iimimure ami Real L'Mnte Agciu-y, Representing Life, Accident, Fire, Beiler, Plale aiu'a and Theft Insurance. Otllre 1CMJS EAST KINU ST., !ld Fleer Frent, ap28-lmd A. T. SAL.tOER, Malinger. -M CORANN'S PARK" Orenlng Clmmphinihlp (lames. Harrisburg vs. Lancaster, MAY 8, 11, 10. ADMISSION 15 and 25 Cents. MeuduyandTuesday.May 12and U-Alt'eim. my7-2ld BEST 6c HAVANA FILLER CIOAR IN the city, at BILLY WAIT.'S, Nes. 54 101 North Queen St. dec5-l)indM,Tu.Th'.S rpHE LANCASTER TRUST COMPANY SOLICITS CURRENT ACCOUNTS, TIME DE POSITS AND TRUST ESTATE. Acts as Assignee, Executer, Uunrdlan, Agent etc. Rents Bexes In Its Fire and Burglar 1'ioef Steel Vmiltx. Stores Valuables at moderate rates. Nes. :iu and 38 NORTH QUEEN ST. npUMmdeed E OT1CETO BR1DME BUILDERS. Bids for the erci-tlen of an Iren Bridge, with a 10-rccl re.idnay und 111) reel and 8 niches be tween the faces of the masonry, across Mill Creek, In East ljimpetcr teHiishlp, nt Mrs. Bates' mill, will be received at the elllee of the County Commissioners until 10 o'clock oil Tuesday morning, June 3, 1 KM). Proposals for Iren suiwrstmcture and ma sonry will be received separately or combined. Secttlcullens for masonry muy be had at the Commissioners' Olllee. 1'erfelled bend for $tS0O must aceempanv bid. By order of THE COMMISSIONERS. Attest : W. W. OitlEsr, Clerk. mtWltd-ltw TJ EILLY BROS. 4 HAUliT" FISHINGTACKLE. In this department of our business we have met with remarkable success. Our aim at nil times has been te net only keep our regular Meck full and complete, but also te have Odd Things net usually kept In this line In Lancas ter. This year we have udded many Novelties le our ulreudy large line, and we can new Fullsfy the tnstt's of the most fastidious angler. In Reds we start with the 15 Cent Jointed, und go up te the Bent Qualities of Split Hum Hum bee, running through Three und Four-Joint Calcutta and Jnpnucbe Bamboo ; Three-Joint Asli and I-unce Weed. All Imported Ijuicu Weed with Extra Tips. Split Bamboos in sov sev erulsulcs; Light Reds rer Fly Fishing : Mo Me di iuu Reds for Bass: Heavy Reds for Salmen. Among our Specialties In this line arc All Lance Weed Trunk Reds for Summer Tour ists, and the Latest Invention In Tackle; the All-Wrought Steel Red, gunranteed iigalntt breaking, und the most convenient Red ever placed upon the market. Lines are Iu grout variety. Braided Cotten for Outlines ; all styles of Linen. Twisted and Braided; Lisle) Thread, lhalded Haw Silk. Braided Silk, Oiled Silk, Enumek-d, ull lengths aud sizes. Almest Every Style of Heek Made Cincin nati. Edgar barbless. New Yerk Trout, Spieul, Carlisle, Klrby, Ringed and Flatted, mi Single or lloubleUutand (limp. Reels from 25 cents te $1.(0. Almest every thing made represented here. A full Hue of Red Mountings, both Brass nnd Nickel; Butts, Reel Seats, Ferrules, Tips. Uulde Rings, Ac Files, Floats, Speen Baits, Dligergers, Land ing Nets, creels. Leaders, Bait Kettles, Tuckle Beeks, Red Helders, Flasks. We are Sele Agents In Lancaster for the CEL EBRATED PASTEUR WATER FILTER. Wherever this has been sold, It has run all ether Filters out of the market. Take a leek at the one en exhibition In our window, REILLYBROS. &MUB, (Hardware and Heuse Furnishing Goods,) 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te PostelTlcc. apl2-lmd e PEN EVERY EVENING. P.C.SNYDER&BRO., Ne. 14 West King St. Stere Own Kvcty Evening. Black Lace Nets und Flouncing ut the Very Lewest Prices. Black Uice N.-t, is Inches Wide, Sue. Blark Silk Uce Nets Inches Wide, ut1.25, U.'j0,t2.C0 perjtird; Prices Guaranteed. Vaudyke Points and (limps, All Widths and Prices. Swiss Fleuuctugs In Hamburg Elge und Hem stitched, Uwautlrut and New Patterns, Prlcei Lew. All THE POPULAR MIKES OF CORSETS r f t- lii EVERY BIZE. Vet 3esimni. TANKS FOR WATER.01LI, ACID OR OAS . "Tanyshapaerrsipacltjr, at alrpfteea,re te JOHN BE4T. an East Fulton street. m7-tM TilOR RENT. NO. 26 EAHT KINO BTRF.ET. Inquire within. m24wdR R UlTEKTri. RUPPERT-fl CELEBRATED BEKH AtCIIAH. B. HOSTER'H CORNER SALOON, . .very uay aim r.Yeninj. wprae-tfd " WHITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY the pound, 10c; In lets of 10 pounds or ever, tte. All goods delivered te any part of the city Free. Call en JOHN BEHT, Ne. East Fulton street. m7-td IN FIVE, TEN, TWENTY-FIVE AND FIFTY Pound Package. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENIUCIIEK. Sold everywhere. V K- LANT HAS Ol'EnED THE FINEST V V Quarry about Lancaster, and Is new prepared te furnish builders and ethers with Hie most beautiful Blue or Light Grey Stene of any shape or size desired. Leave your orders at once at his residence. mayS-lwd NO. 21$ EAST KINO HT. H AUER A BROTHER. CARPETS AND- China Mattings. Fancy China Mattings, 12c. Fancy China Mattings, 15c. Fancy China Mailings, 20c. Jelntless Fancy Mattings, 25e te 7c, 100 Rell Japanese Mattings, 100 Rolls Damask Mattings. All the Newest Patterns and Fresji Uoedtol This Season's Importation. A Liberal Discount Will be Allowed te Buyers by the Rell or Forty Yards. LINEN DAMASKS-New Designs rer Reems, Halls and Stairs. STANDARD HAKES OF CARPETS Iu All Qualities or Axmlnstcr, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Ply aud Ingrain. All ut the Present Very Lew Prlees. LINOLEUM and OILCLOTHS, RUOS and DOOHMATTH, COCOA and NAPIER MATTINGS. 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St, LANCASTER. PA. Besr ON STORE. NEW -AT THE- While Shirts, 25, 37;, t0. 75c, 81. Flannel Shirts, 7, 60c, f 1. Uauze Underwear, 1C, 12, 17. 20, 25, 37;, 60c. Umbrellas, 25, 60, 75c, II te tl. Plush Albums, 60, 75, tl, tl 25 te 15. White Quilts, 75c, tl, tl 25 te ft. Curtain Lace, 10, 12$, 17, 20, 25e a yard. Scrim, 5, 8, 10, 12J a yard. Best Curtain Poles, 25c Ijice Curtains, 75c, tl up te 810 a pair. Linen Towels, 6, 8, 10, 12c up te 60c. Black and White French Satins. Remnants or Unbleached Muslin, 6c u yard. Torchon Laces, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10c. 1 .ace Pillow Shams, 123-J, 17, 20, 25 te 50c. Pillow I.acc, 1, 2, 3, , 6c a yard. I)rcs Buckles, 10, 12X, 17 te 50c. Silk Mills, Viyit 17, 20, 2'., 87. 60c. HllkOleies,25,37J,S0c. Cotten Olevcs, 10, 12e. Corsets, 25, S7;,60, 75c, tl. Ladles' Striped Hosiery, 5, 8, 10c up te 50c FOR BARGAINS -IN Dry Goods -OO TO- 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER. PA. BOSTON STORE. Summer Fleer Coverings HMUiil BOSTON Tl Charles Stw, j,Xew ttrttnncnt TrtOCTAHIIANK, BUIUT MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S k. OUTF1TTIR8, e. . . N5- 'f N?rth Qeeeu Street. Shirts made te order a low a $!). rerrect fit guaranteed. nl-lyd Tf OR COUNTY COMM18310NER, WIl.UAM ORTMAN, St.Y'ft' nKon.,.,re'h-Lowcr District, flub Jeet te Democratic Rules. ap2-Ud FOKIIOILEK1UIIG BltUHIIES, STILLSON V!Vynnt:he,Vlpean& Menkey Wrenches SU2bJnrd,..K,,c"t " V' etc go te JOHN BEOT, xa East Fulton street. ni7-tfd HAT. 18 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO create a Beautiful Lstwn or Renew an Old One. B,y,Y'YAI.T.!6 ,IAH TIIKBE8TTWOFOU 6e and Ge Cigar In the state, at j, -. . NOSlMNORTH(iUEEN8T. deeMmdM.Tu.TliJi pApIATOItS, OF ANY JIAKE Oil DE ja!S"j K3,!J? jrjir"thel at reasonable ngnrcs, by JOHN BEST. 833 East Fulton ttrcct. Im7-tfj C1AW MILLS, BARK MI LIB, COB MILLS, 11 lialhn I(fs1lni Tan Inntma ip.ia.1. tu. Powers, Milling and Mining Machinery, nt JOHN BEST'S, 33.1 East Fulton street, mitrd flOLD BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZING IT for steam work, at JOHN BEST'S, ZR East r uiien sireei, nu-ua FOR BOLTS, LAO SCREWS, SET SCREWS, Square nnd Hexagon Nuts, tliese goods In lock, at JOHN BESTS, 333 East Fulton street. m7-trd HEY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN Equal Billy Waltz's Havana Filler Cigar, at NOS. 6 4 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. decM)mdM,Tu.Th.B XUDQES HAVE LONU H1NCE DECIDED fj that .Billy Walls's Cigar Is the Best In the State. Fer sate at .. . NOS. 6 A 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. dec5-CmdM,Tu,Th,S T3UMP8, BOILERS, MINING, CENTRIFU ... Sl and Steam Pumps, et any capacity, at JOHN BESTS. 3SI East Fulton streeL Tn7-tfd "OEINHOLD'8 WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a R, R, Station FOR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TABULAR, Vertical, Portable. Cylinder, Marine, of any lr.e or power, or the best material nnd workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 833 East Ful ton street. m7-trd Qfi tfinO ,KEET K PIPE. FROM K OUjUUV Inch te 0 Inch diameter, ter ale nt a low figure, nnd the only house In the city with a pipe cutting machine, cutting up te 6 Inch diameter, nt JOHN BESTS, 33.1 East Ful Ful ten street. m7-tfd T EINIIOLD'B " WHITE FRONT BAROAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a R. It. Station. "VrOUNG MEN AND LADIF8 1 JL Te prove the great success nchlcred by the KEYSTONE BUSINESS COLLEGE lull month, visit the College nnd leek nt our regis ter; besides, our course Is far superior and bet ter adapted te attain tn a geed position. .- , w- n- MUSSKR, rnn., 18 North Queen SU,2d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. tfdAw VTOTICE. OFFICII St'HQUPltANNA COAL COMPANY. 1 1ULT1MOUK, April 28, 1890. Netice Is hereby given that a genera! meeting or the Stock holders of this com puny will beheld ut the eillee of the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company, Ne. 227 Meuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, en Monday the 12th day of Mav, 1(W0, at 1:J0 o'clock p. m for the election of Olil cers and Managers for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed from Mon day, the 6th of May, until utter the election. By order lOld ROBERT D. BROWN, Treasurer. TTUNETAILOHINU J ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS. AT P. WEIKEL'S, apKWiirdlt Ne. 41 West King Street, T HE TAILORS. Special Patterns In Sultlns?. Latest Novelties In Ceat and Vest Patterns. The Most Stylish Trousers Patterns. The Newest Bosten Spring Overcoats. McGRANN A-NOWLEN, apl2-lyd 130 North Queen 8L ESTATE OF MRS. REBECCA CAMERON, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate huvlng been Slanted te the undersigned, nil persons In ebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them wiiuuul ueuiy nir beiiicineni ui uie unuer- slgncd.resldlng In Lancaster city. i&is.vi . nil 1 iu31-6tdM a. u. itt-i.Mi.HL,, Kxecuter. fTlRUST ESTATE OF LYDI.Y A.STAUFFEIt, X or Earl township, Lnucuster county, Pn., deceased. The undersigned auditor ajv pointed te puss en exceptions te account, and le distribute the bulnnee remalulng In the hands of A. W.Snader, committee efsuld Lydla A.Stautler, deceased, tennd among these Iegnll3' entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Friday, May 10, ISM, nt 10 o'clock a. m., In the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Ijincaster, where nil persons Interested In said distribution mav attend. REDMOND CONYNQHAM, ap2t-CtdTh Auditor. "iy EXAMINE EYES FREE. Spectaeles I WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed ! If you have them examined you will probably nd that there Is something wruiicr with th,m. And that there Is something wrong wl and that glasses will be u great heln te you. in 2H We use Inimitable "DlA MANTA1' leuses. which are made enlv bv iih. nnd rprnmtnpnriert by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. Solid Ueld Spectacles, 93.OO ; usual price, Steel Spectacles, 6O0.: usual price, Sl.OO. Artificial Kyes Inserted, 91 ; usual price, tIO. N. ZIHEMAH & BR0.130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. m.s-Iyd B ROWN'S DRUG STORE. Brown's Liver Pills CURE TORPID LIVER. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE, COR. DUKE LEMON STREETS. lanlS-lyTti,Th,s-R rriH E PEOPLE'S CASH HrOKK. The Choicest Stock -OK- IN THE CITY, Ranging In price fiem 10c a yard up In the flnest goods Imported at IWc. The regular price of these Imported goods being te-duy from b5c te 'Se In the larger cities. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- White Quilts! The best 11, tl.25, and tl.50 Domestle White Quilts In this city. The best Marseilles Quilts from $1.50 te (8.50. These Quilts have lust been purchased from a manufacturer and Importer and are the best goods for the money ever offered anywhere. es 25 East King Street, LANCAmB, PA. . T I II PeeDl Cash Stere Wctu fcteHemtn. AT.n,Uo,u:nl,er,r,CE YOU OCT ANCASTERCHCAtMPAV WANTED-HOH8ES TO PASTURE. Addre, apr23-trd V. W. PROSIT, NrtTsvllle, Tm. 1JIIRE BRICKS, FIRK CLAY. AT LOW ? figure, gote JOHN BEST, aai Eas t F uUe treet. ca7-tM N' OTICE TO TOBACCO TRADE. New Yerk. Anrll at. IMS. On and after May 1, 1W0, the Una of Cha. Fluke A Ce., tobacco Inspector, will be known under the uame or Ruscher A Meller. RUSCUER A MELLOR, Successors te Cha. Flnke A Ce. apr30-2wd , OPEUAL ATTENTION OR BAROAIN8 O Will sell cheap the remalulng stock a Family Carriage, Phiotens and Tep Bnggle, THE NORUECK ROAD CART, ALL Mi OWN MANUFACTURE. I have located temporarily my office and Warerepm at the BeuUiern Market, corner of Seuth Queen and Vine utrect. !eb28-trd 1. 1L NORBECK. Agent. tJZavpetm. J.B MARTIN A CO. I B. Marl & Ce. CARPET DEPARTMENT. A special offering 10 Pieces All Weel, extra Super Car pet, elegant patterns (all new), were 70c ; new 50c. 50 pieces best 10 weave Tap estries, usual price, 90c, all new patterns, new 72jc. The above are Special Value and Stock Limited, and we ad vise an early selection. Large let of Remnants 10 te 30 yards all the Season's Patterns. Mequettes, $1.10. Brussels, 75c te $1. Velvets, 85c. Tapestry, 40 te 50c. Ingrain about one-half price. J. B. Martin. & Ce., Cor. PrinceS W. KingSts., LANCASTER, PA. JtUUincry 03oeb rjyuu HIS WEEK AT -THE- BONTON MILLINERY STORE. rgams -IN- Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Hats, Trimmed Bennets, , Trimmed Bennets, ' Trimmed Bennets, At Half Price. At Half Price. At Half Price. If you are in want of a Trimmed Hat or Bennet it will pay you te give us a call before buying elsewhere. We can save fully one-half. -THE- 13 East King St., rZMnidSF LANCASTER, PA. . imntense Ba hum mm - -"'w ,1 i K. - J"jV,I-,."S.