sw vw' v,. it TffiB LANCASTER DAILY PrnBLUGEKOEB, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890, A -Vn du m CLIPPED WINGS. I The time for th ilng lag of bird Ml come, and with ptnlee eread, I la arrewy flights, te unknown height. Theyclrtled the vault e'eraead, I A I r from fires of celestial choir Their fluttering breast were fed. I Th lark from 1U nest upaearcd, The nlshtlnnle leek flic til. I Ana the robin aad thrnsh outpoured Their canticle or delliht t I Acd the woedi along were vocal with oeg, Though the singers were out or signt. I There were carol and hymn and song, Sole and tweet duet. Lay aad ditties and lullabies Aad whlatle and cansenet. Par aad away, like the tinkle and play or myriad rivulet. Bat there, In the feathered throng, Wu one that mlht have outstripped The ret In their upward course, And his wine In the ether dipped. That floated nlgher the celestial choir, Had these pinion never Men cuppea i I A rift through a burnished cteud Te him was an open fleer. I And he longed te rise te the clearer skies And balhe in the blue once mere : I But all in vain, the stress and the strain ; He could sing, but he could net sear I I Did he then In sullen mood Te a leafy nook retreat. I Afar from the haunt of birds that vaunt The orewew of pinions fleet. I And en lowly bush forever hush The song that was once se sweet T I Ah net Fer a prayer and a song Will heavenward take their flight. I Impelled like a dart from thoweundod heart That thns would its wee recite ; I And en mystic wings the ene who sings Is borne te a wondrous height. I And the sweetest and clearest notes, That rise te the ether shore. I Where cherubim and seraphim Continually adore. I Ascend, 1 knew, from these below, Who sing though they cannot sear. JetepMnt Pollard. Tenants Harass Landlords. Frem Puck. Thin la thn hnnnv tlme of Year when the tenant asks for a new reef, a larger cellar, a hundred dollars' worth of wall paper, a mere commodious kitchen range, an acre morn nf trrnnnri. and a dining room exten- len, In the hope of getting a reduction of nve dollars a mentn en nis reuu The Clamrer of an Alarm Bell Clese by, In the stillness of the night, could scarcely startle the ordinary Individual mere than de trifling noises the nervous invaua. uui once the nerves are braced and the system In vigorated with Hosteller's Btemach Bitters, this abnormal sensitiveness Is succeeded by a tranquility net te be disturbed by trivial causes. Impaired digestion Is a fertile cause of nerve weakness and unnatural mental gloom, and a vigorous renewal of the action of the stomach Is ene of the surest means of Invlgora Invlgera Hug and quieting .the nercs. Insomnia, or sleeplessness, a form of nervous disease, Is un questionably benefited by sedatives, when It Is prolonged, or ui iretiuem uwutreiiw, uu, .u. twrmnnpnt. remnrnl la Hen effectually achieved with the Hitters. This medicine Is also signally emcacieus rer maiaria, rneuma tlsm, constipation, liver complaint and torpid ity of the kidneys and bladder. iu6tel3 m A Larue Estate. A hrrvirt lnnii la this In which we live, dotted Ise thickly with thrifty cities, towns and vil lages I Amid them all, with e er-lucreaslng sepmariiy ana iiripiuinens, is ur. iictm ie.iAn lniiivil THiwntprv. alvtnir hnrje and cheer where there Is disease and despair. Wher ever there Is humanity there Is suffering: wherever mere is suncring mere is uie eesi nem for this greatest American remedy. Consump tion (whirl, li inn scrofula). Yields te It. If em- Sleyed in the early stage of the disease ; hrenle. Nasal Catarrh yields le 11; Kidney and Lilver aisceses yieia in nyeu wbuvwiu tuwtbtinwn remedy for all diseases of the bleed. ask for Dr. Pierce's Oelden Medl jal Dlscovery, and take no ether. 1 1 Is guaranteed te cure In all canes or diseases ler wuicn ii is rccum mended, or money refunded. W,Thw Loek Here, Friend, Are Teu Sick f De teu suffer from Dysiiepsla, Indigestion, BourHtemach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, uiueusness, urea reel ing, fains in tne. unesi, i ignv sweats, uesa 01 Power, or any form of Consumption T If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo raplexten, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health, tloraplezlen Is a highly concentrated nuid extract or me mesi vaiuaoie medicinal roots and. herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies full. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Fianklln Hart, Warren street, N. Y. apr!7-lydAw gtycctal jfrettcce. Ilueklen's Arnica Selve. Ttt nnTMii.vunUie world for Cuts. Bruise Beres, Ulcers, Bait Itheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, unappea nanas, tuuuiuiui, wm, uu u BKIU r.ruiiuuun, no pay required. tf mti f I .fuM Inn. s, and positively cures Piles, or d. It Is guaranteed te give per n, or money refunded. Price 26 iVn. rnl- h V T 1ftf.h TlrtlfT. cents uer box. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Drug gist, Nes. 137 ana IW norm viueen sireei, una caster, Pa. une27-lyd Tlrst Revived nud Then Cured. " Was troubled for a year with torpid liver land Indigestion, and after trying everything llmaglnnulc useu Jiuraec. uumi jimert. uib lArtl bottle revived me and the teeend cured m Wentlrelv. J. S. Wllllumseii. Itechesler, N. Y. Beld in Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 1J7 and 13 I Nerm nueen street. Is Consumplen Iutourablef Read the following : Mr. C. H.Merris, Newark, Ark., saj s : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me uu Incurable ConsumptUe. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en niKfinii bottle, and able le evercee the work en my farm. It is the fluent medicine Jesse Mlddleten, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would hove died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best of health." Try It. Bamiile bottles free at W. T. Hech' Drug Stere, Nes. IS and U N, Queen Ht.. Lancuster, Pa. (5) An Explanation. Nnnnn medlelnn n ill cure excrvthlllE. but It Is an lncente8tlble fuct that Tliemat' JCcleetrie Oil will euro a sprain, a bruise, a bite, or an actie, and Is also an uctle and pronounced cure for neunilgla and rheumatism. Held In Lancesttr uy w. i. itecu, ui una i.wnuriu ijneen street. Mothers 1 Mothers I ! Mothers 1 1 ! Are veu disturbed at night and broken of enr rest bv a sick child suffering and crying With the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle or mud. wins LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. 'It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend 'npen It; there Is no mistake about it There 1 net a mother en earth who ha ever used It, who will net tU you at ene that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te th mother, and relict ana neaiva wj uj ui,viui; magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the test, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female Physicians and nurses In the United Btate. Beld everywhere, 95 cents a bottle. tuneaSlydAw A Fine Hit. Wh.n Die nrnnrletnra of Jlurdeek Meed Hit' tirt put this renowned medicine en the market tney nit li exacwy. iuty uiv uj.iii "Mt gestien, ana liver nna aiuncy c hiijiiiimi hard blew, from which they, will never re cover. Sold In Lancaster by W. T. Hech. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Eleotrte Bltters. This remedv Is bccemlne se well known and se popular us te need no speclul mention. All who liae used Llectrlc Bitters sing the same long of praise. A purer medicine does netex 1st and it Is guaranteed te de all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bells, Bait Rheum and ether affections caused by lm- Rur Dloea. w ill uree fliwHim iium ma sy im and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. Fer cure of Headache. Constlpatleu and Indigestion try Electrle Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded- Price Me and 11.00 per bottle at Drug Stere, 137 and 139 Pa. Queen St., Lancaster. W A Geed Thing. "I sometimes wish I could take held of the sale of ThemaS Electric Oil for 1 tell you it s a Jrand thing, and I am conscientious In raying could de u geed work." Rev. E. F. Crane, Cerry, Pa. ....i.... jectnc uu cureu mi. acui.cuiuu ui wm.; v. manv years standing. .,,,. . , SeldlnLancasUrby W.T. Hech, 137 and 139 North North Queen street. arriaflc. S' TANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40. 42, 43 A 45 MARKET STREET. (Rear of th ' ' Potemce), LANCASTERPA. All the latest styles In Buggies, Tamily Car riages, Phstens, Surreys, Cabriolet, Phietens, Buckboards, Tretting Wagous.SUtlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc, new ready ler theapring Jflne line of Becend-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly first-class work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county fer th same quality of work. Give me a call and ex amine my work. Rnulnllnir and Repairing Promptly at tended te and den In a flrat-cTass manner. One ,i or werkmw veeialljr ecnpleyad for that TTOOD'S 8ABBAPAKILLA- Purify Your Bleed At the coming of spring the bleed should be purified, a Impurities which have been accu mulating ter months or even rear, are liable te manliest themselves and seriously aflect the health. Heed's Bars par Hl I undoubtedly the beat bleed purlBer. It expel every taint of Im purity, drive eat scrofulous humors and germ of disease, and give te the bleed th quality and tone essential te geed health. Heed's Sarsaparilla "Kvery spring for year 1 have mad It a practice te take from three te five bottle of Heed' Baraaparllla, because I knew It purine the bleed and thoroughly cleanse the system of all Impurities." W. H. Lawukci, Editor Agricultural Kpltemlst, Indianapolis, lad. ' Last (print I was completely Gigged out. My strength lea me and I felt sick and miserable all the time, se that I could hardly attend te my business. I took ene bottle of Heed' Bar mparilla, and It cured me. There I nothing like It." H. C Bboemc, Kditer Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggist. II; six for S. Prepared only by C I. HOOL A CO., Lewell, Bias. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR (3) M' cLANE'S LIVER PILLS. THE GENUINE DR. & McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS! FOR SICK HEADACHE i Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Ne. 2T8 Seventh street. N.Y., testify that they have both been suffer ing with liver complaint for about Ave year, during which time they have spent a large amount of money and uie ed many remedies, but te no purp nose. Klnallv. hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, Is. prepared by Flem ing Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., they purchased four boxes, which they took according te the direc tions accompanying each box, and new pre neunce uiemseives perfectly cureu ei viini uis tresalng disease. This is te certify that I have been subject at times te severe headache ; sometimes the pain would be se severe I could rest neither day or night. Hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's l.Her Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa., I sent and get a box, of which I took two pills en going te bed, for two nights. They relieved me entirely. Seme time has new claused and I have had no mere, trouble from sick headache. M. JOUNSTON, IIS Lewis street. N. Y. This is te certify that I have had the liver complaint for six years, and I never could get any meulclne te help me until I cemmencea using the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, u Aicuine s raver ruis. Bres., Pittsburg. Pa. I prepared by Fleming IK . can new say te the public, that they have corn- Filetely cured me ; and I de hereby recommend hem te nil persons afflicted with a diseased liver. Try them. They will cure. MARIA EVANS, Ne. 93 Lewis street, NrY. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc Lane's Liver Pllln, prepare by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa. Price 25 cent a box. Sold by all druggists. (S) Ml. ,1V , M4W fMUt.V. I....V .t ,. W..a- IS FINQER NAILS CAME OFF. "Fi 'or a year I was afflicted with a horrible case of bleed poison, and upwards of five months of that time I was unable te de work of any kind. My finger nails came off and my hair dropped out, leaving my head as clean and smooth as If it had Deen shaved. I con sulted the best local physicians, and spent hun dreds of dollars for medicines of different kinds, but without receiving the slightest benefit. I was advised Anally te visit Het Springs. This I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, commenced taking Swta's Specific (S. S. S ) The effect that B. S. S. had en me was truly wonderful. I commenced te recover after taking the first bottle, and by the tlme I had taken twelve bottle I was en tirely cured-cured by Swia's Specific (S. B. B.) when the world-renowned Het Borings bed icu net npnni WM. B. LOOM II fulled. Bhrevenert. La." FOUR YEARS ON CRUTCHES. Fer fifteen ears I was afflicted with rheuma tism, four j ears of which I was compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express the sufferings I endured during that time. Dur ing these fifteen years of existence (It was net living), I tried every known remedy without receiving any benefit. I Anally began en Swift's Bpeclfle(H.s.S., which from the Arstgavem relief, and te-day I nm enjoying the best of health, and am a well man. 1 candidly be lieve that S.S.B. Is the best bleed purifier en the market te-day. J. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me, Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., (3) Vtlanta 3a. H UMPIIIIEYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs AND POULTRY. GOO Page Boek en Treatment of Animals and uuart eem r roe. rcRESl Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. J Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.H. Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism CO. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. BeU or Grubs, Worms. E.E. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F. Celic or Gripes, Bellyache. G.G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I.I. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J K. Diseases of Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel Oil and Medlcater. S7.00 PRICE, Single Bettle (ever 60 doses) .. .OO Beld by Druggists ; or Bent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity en Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. 28. In nse 10 years. The only successful remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NESS, and Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether causes. II per viol, or 6 vials and large vial powder for 15. Beld nv Druoeism, or sent prepaid en re re celpt09ef prlce.-HUMPUREYS' MEDICINE COf, 1 Fulton St. N. Y. unt27-Tb.BAw 1 RAY'B BPEC1F1C MEDICINE. QEAY'S SPEOOTO MEDICINE. The GurAT English Remkdy. Anunfall Ingcure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetcncy and all Diseases that fellow a a se quence of Self-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption ana a rreraature urave, - Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which e desire te send free by mall te every one. Mf The Bpeclfle Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at f 1 per package or six packages for te, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. BuOale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Sold In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. HOCH. mar3-lyd T EETHING SYR0P. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. PerfecUy afe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Will re lteve Celic, Griping in wie neweis huu rruineie Difflcull Teething. Prepared by DIW. D. FAHR- NKY A SON, Hazerttewn, i, fliu. Prugglst seU it: 25 cent. Trial bottle tent by mair. 10 cent. lan4-lvdeedAw BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te u bilious state of the system, such as Dlsilness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain In the Hide, dc While their most remarkable success ha been shown in curing neadache. yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost prlceles te thea who sutler from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness doe net end here, and these who once try them will And these little pills valuable tn se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head is the bane of se many lives that here is where we make our ereat beust. Our pills cure it while CARTEliri 'LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very mall and ery easy te take. One or two pill make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. Ll vials at 25 cts ; flvterll. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. BMllPilL ftuUDew, aaflfrW fcttllPrk. Vrg TLTETZaXS HAUaUMAN. CHEKP GH AZtxffr & 3Hiu.gTlMatnM. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, Bough Bought at Auction and CABPETBATWCENTB.. CARPETS AT ttCt CENTS. CARPET ATI CENTK CARPETS AT 30CKNTH. CARPETS AT 26 CENTS. OuMt lui Take ia BxchaaM. Flew Oil Cleth Chea. Wlmiew Hu4m. Beat Steam FMtkan at Metzger&Haugh man's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) NJ KXT DOORTOTHK COURT HOU8B. May Bargains in 1,000 Yards New Challles, Ce. New Weel Challles. 30c. New Dress Ulnghams, 6L 8, 10, UUc New Outing Flannels, 8. 10, 12Wc White Plaid and Striped Nainsoeks, )f, 7, S, 10. 12K. 15, n.aic. Fast Black Henrietta Milanese, 20, 2537 Wc, Light Grey. Weel Henriettas, 25, 60c, 11. 40-Inch Black Weel Cashmeres, i5, 37K,5,60, 63,5c, 1 Cane Best Prints, fie. 2 Case Simpsen' Grey and Black Prlnts.SJ-fr. 1 Bale Appleton A Muslin Remnants, 6c FRHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ard Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Net. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, CARPETS Having cut down our profits en our Heme-made Rag, Ingrain, Chain and Stair Carpets, in order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere than any season since w opened, would be pleased te have you cull, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Rag taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarter for the Best Feather at the lowest price In Lancaster. A lower grade at 60c RUGS-Smyrna Rugs at a bargain : $1 size at 75c, JUSslie at 11,13 slse at 12,14 site at 2.30 Cocea Rugs at 25c, 35c and 50c OIL CLOTH Fleer OH Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the money in the city, all widths from H te 2K yards wide. Table oil Cleth, 4 feet wldeU)eper yard. Btair and Bhclf Oil Cleth. - WINDOW HHADES-Bargalns In Window by the yard in Paper, Ilellani nd and Oil, Alse spring WASH DRESS GOODS-The best llneef Outing Cleths In the city. Dress Ginghams In elegant style at 6J4c, 8c. 10c and 12Jc Men's Shirting at Sc, 6e and Be. th best style In panting for men and boy at the price ever offered. NAVY BLUE CALICO-One Case Navy Blue Calice at OWe never before told for less than Se One let or Skirting at 20e ; reduced from 25c. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier Safety Bicycles for ladles, men and children. Alse agents for the Sweeting Cycle Ce., of Philadelphia, Fa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High Grade Cycles at cut prices. See the 75c and 85c Coventry Rival Safety, ball bearing te part. Beys' Rival Safety at MX See It, compare It with any at 3!, and If any difference In f or of the Rival. b jlre St Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. SPntclte. TT S5. RHOADS BON. HKeuxxiizis RIBBON PINS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. CABLE AND LOCK BRACELETS IN STERLING SILVER. A Special Line or Leather Goods Ladles' and Gent's Card Ceses, Umbrella Straps and Ladles' Satcbvls, all Silver-Mounted. Beautiful goods, worthy of close Inspection. 49-Repnlrlng of fine goods of eery H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. Jlcfrfocrnter. F LINN A BRENEMAN. "CHEAP ICE!" THEN" ANY nErRTaimATOH WILL ANSWER. MUST HAVE TIIE 4 THE BEST AND ONLY PEHFECTLY BUY AIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. OREAT REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER STORE, NO., 152 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER, PA. S)nt0. e UR LEADING HATTERS. YOUNG MEN YOUR BPRINO HAT IS AWAITING YOUR CALL. t- Our Stock Is new Full and Complete aud and we hae a hat that will please ) ou. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All have made their appearance. Only place In the city wbere you can get them. Best $100 and 1200 STIFF FUR HATS ever shown. UOY'S AND CHILDREN'S Nobby Goods and Fancy Styles a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. lettr. T EVAN'S LOUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. WH AT MOUE DO YOUWANTTta T1I03.F.FEHRETT. - PRACTICAL HATTER, All kinds of Hats Cleaned, Re-Trimmed and Remodeled te leek like new. Hllk UaU a tpeeiaRy. Hat called for bv addressing i&im WKTAVaW OS, LajMMtMr.Ps. HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, from the Manuatctarer. nawpSelCKNwF CAOTm-tat an rNTH. t,pAS SMMN-nt CAR VmAT nicVTl. CARPiCTB AT T CENTS. Dress Goods 1 40-Inch Black Weel Henrietta, 75c., 87,c., II 00. New PUtd and Btrlped Dress doedi, lie, !0c, 25c. Btrlped Bummer Bilks, z, S7(c. Fast Black Organdies, li, 25c. Fancy India katuii lulls, s.kn. 1.7i.iL50,S.W. ind Wrans. K he te I New Cleth Cape. New Head Cape and Wraps, 2 up te J9.60. New Black Embroidered Fichues, $3 te 17. 1 Case 4-4 Hill Muslin, Re. I Cese Best Indigo Blue Print. Uc. 100 Dezen Ladles' Regular Mude Hese, llc Opposite FeuBtaia Zaa. Shades. A New number In Dade at 87c. Shading Fixtures. Opposite Fountain Inn Jewelry I HAIR ORNAMENTS, EVERY STYLE, description by skilled workmen. BUT TIIIS SEASON YOU gamp. N EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and. See -THE FINE NEW LAMPS -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JoMLsArneld'sBuildiiig, NORTH Q0EEN STREET. ds-trd T CM UINO. GAS FITTING, Ac. JeIul P. Schaum & Sen. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFING, 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., I.ANOAOTER I'A.H t&eal. X UMHKR AND COAL. J J TenACCOSHOOKM AND CASES. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by O. H. MARTIN CO., n3-lyd 424 Water Street. Lancaster. Pa. T AUMOARDNKKa COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Omcxs Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. 6W North Priuce treU . M. Yakd North Prince Street, near Heading Depot. auclMM I.ANOAMTKK. PA. TP IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRO." STOP I Cocks, Asbeste Packed Cocks, Pet ai..1 Ulb Cocks, Lever Cocks, Swing Joints, call anu .et them, or send, "your order by mall, teJOi. A SMl',WKM?rultAl4mL TH 5ry S0Ot N EW YORK STORE. WATT & SHAND OFFKIt THREE ELEGANT LINES OF SILKS,iALL OF WHICH ARE GUAR ANTEED AS FOLLOWS i "Thl Silk I warranted net te break, crock or shift, and wnwllt make geed any Justifiable claim made within Hlx Months from date of purchase." I e Ceifldeitly Recemieid TkeD. HASKELL'S BLACK nnEW H.K, SO Inches wlde.tl a yard ; 2 Inches wide, 11.25 and audll.37K a yard ; 24 Inches wide, ll.M a yard. HASKELL'S PF.AU HK SOIK, 11.21, 11.50 and 12 a yard. NATCnANG HEAWrAILLK SILKS, splendid quality, f 1 and $1.25 a ) artl. HLACK SURAH PRESS SILKS, warranted, at 50e, ei;e, 75c and II a ard. fully FIGURED PONGEE SILKS, ; Inches Wide, choice designs, beautiful colorings, II a yard. men BROCADED quality, 11.50 a jnrd. SATINS, supurb 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KINQ ST. -tlTlLLlAMBON A FOSTER. It V, Men's Bulls, that cannot be excelled for the money. Tbese are strictly all wool, fasW"elpr goods. The newest and best style round in the market. u A full line of Fast-Celer Weel Pant at U a pair. The best yet offered. ....,.. A great many ether styles found In the Cloth ing Department en Second Fleer. Suits for Men of Uirge Proportion una Fat Men at all prices; also, a full line of Extra Large Pants for some. THEHEABONFOR White Goods IS OPENING, and our great variety of Lace Stripes andillean- tlful Plaids, ut extremely low prices, caiiuet surpassed. Our assortment Is Immense, and the geeds must be seen te be appreciated. SHIRTS. Demct Flannel, 25e, SSc, BOe and 75c, Flannel Shirts, fl totibe. Madras Cleth, 11.50 te WUO. Hatlncs and Cheviots, 60e te f 1 75. Silk Shirts, t2 50 te 17 50. White Shirts, 2Sc, 88c, 50c, 75c and f 1. The Celebrated Shirts, 75e and II. Dr. Warner's Natural Weel and Camel Hair Underwear, f 1 25 ; ri GO per suit. NOTIONS. Ladles' Bummer Underwear, In Muslin, aause, Jersey Ribbed, Lisle Thread null Silk. Ladles' Ribbed Vests, beginning at 10c, and five styles at YZ'.c each. .. Bilk Vests at 75c, f 1 and $1 2Ti each. Ladles' Hosiery from Se tefl'.!3 per pair. Excellent values In Children's lle at fie, 10c, and 12'Ac. Alse, better grades In llermxderf, Onyxand Robinson's Fast D)cs. In All Styles, arades and Prices. Our Ladles' We Shoe Is ene of the neatest In the market. Tliey are made up of Dongola and Utuln Leather. See thorn. A Kergalnat$123 Ladles' Dongola Kid Shoes made up In Opera and Square 'J ee, Uulten and Lace. Alse, e Ladles' Grain Hut ten shoe at the same price, In Opera aud Square Tee. Ladies' Tailor-Made Jackets AT RIGHT PRICES. Corkscrew or Wide-Wale Worsteds, In lllack or Navy HI ue.M W leW. Girls' Cleth Jackets, In Navy Blue and Checks, tCO te $5. Beys' KIR Skirt Bulb), 12 te 15. Bojs'Kneo Bejs'Kneo Bojs'Knee Pant Hulls, r2: te 17. , . or ijaaics Morning wntmiern, tt "u iu. Ladles' Lawn Tennis Bulls, II 25. Beys' Shirt Walsu, 25c, Wc and 73c. Beys' Odd Pants, 25c, tiOc, 75c and II. STR35iA HHTS, Just received the last Invoice or Straw Goods for Men, Beys, Yeulhs and Children. Our stock Is com pleie In all classes. waimvnmnw almost unvtlilnir veu can ask ferlnClilldrcn'sStrawlIats, Caps.TiiniO'Hhen tcrs, Scotch Caps, Sailors and Turbans, In all colors and grades, from 25c te 12 60. Our prices en llaby Carriages, Velocipedes, Beys' and Girls' Blcj deand Trlcjek s are much lower than list prices, and tome direct from the beat makers. HOUSEFURNISHINGS. Planished Copper Teakettles ; Ne. li at II 13 ; Nickel-Plated Copper Teakettles ; Ne, 0 at il 23; Ne. Oat II 73. , , ., ,, Heavy Tin Teakettles, with Copper Bottems, at 75c and II. Bird 'aires. 75e te II 75. A complete line of Saws, Hquarrs, Braces, Chisels, Hammers, etc, at Ixiwenl Prices, A complete assortment of Table, Fleer, Hhclf and stair Oilcloth at I-ewest i'rlcxn. A Full Line of Candles. Try our W. & F. Caramels for 19c per ID, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., -AM NO. ai MARKET ST.. HAItltlHIlUltO. 1M. liteiuece. N J-OW IS THE TlilK TO SOW OUR FINE -S1IXED LAWN GRASS SEED AND Lawn Fertilizer. Themas' Lawn Mowers Are the Cheaiest First-Class Mowers Beld. Lawn Settees, Trce Quants, Plant Sticks, WlreTrellWe, Rubber Hese, Hene Reels, Rustic & Terra Cetta Vases. REFRIGERATORS. WOPUN EVENING'Ga SPREOHER'S 11A1tM flnwMAMA Un.iifn NO. SI EAST KINQ ST, 6rl7-tttTB,ThM Read the Guaiuntee ! NEW MR STORE Si 01 IMM. Williamson & Fester, Srcwclev. "y ATCHUS, CLOCKS, Etc. 9 CLOCKS, BPECTACLE3, Ac, SOLD AND REPAIRED, 150K NORTH QUERN BT.-WEBKIVH. -Wtchc carefully selected fur Farmers and Railroaders. aprM-lyd fEWELER AND URADUATK OPTICIAN. GILL! JKWKLKH ct OliADUATK OrTIOIAX. Is the Met Bcnslllve Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Eyes Hint Ache, Eyes that Grew Tired, Eye that are Dim, Ejes that Bum or Itch, come under this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free ! Ne Dreps Used I CHAS.S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w ALTER dlEIMt. REPAIRING! De you lmve Flne Wntch tlintuccda repairing? By leav ing It Willi us 11 will be In care ful hands and can premise you nplcndld results from work we de. All Cleck, Jewelry and Hpec Hpec tnele work done promptly. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANGE. rAHM'H CORNER. SPECTACLES I ANEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT OPENED ZAHMCORNER. We liave epened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De paitmcntln connection with our relall busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this branch, and have placed It in charge efa Regular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In the best hospitals et the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propose te simply adjust correctly all cases or defective sight, nnd .tit them with the correct lenses, but te perform all SURGI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, end te place under treatment theso who by proper atten tion! need only treatment of the eye torestero their sight without the use or sjwctacles. At the same tlme we de net propose te make the Adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from the advantage el a proper exami nation, nnd will make all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only theso that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Being sole iigcut for the celebrated ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best Iciimj for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at a price within the reach or all, there will be no necessity for any ene using glass tliut are uncomfortable, or unsulled te thtlr ej cs. Wc shall be pleased te have all suffering with any troubleof tlieeje. In whatever form, call ami Iks properly treated, by lu ADJUST MENT aud PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAIIM'H CORNER, apr5-:imd LANCASTER, PA. &avvctw. lARPETS I CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing 1 Dyeing I Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY SfEAM DYEING WORKS Are second te none In Pennsylvania for llnlsh el work of all kinds. FcathersDyed All Shade. Orders will reccle prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., NO. TO SOUTH WATER Hf REET, LANCAHTKll. 1'A. feblWmd T HEJ.ANCA8TER CARPET UOUHE. S. St M. ELECTED TO FURNISH Carpets, Curtains, Shades Begs, &c, IlyaLarge Majority llecause It is ltet Enulnricd and has Only On Price und Kulr Deullug. SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street. autfS-lvd Vhotenvrtt'lio. K OTK. I JUST RECEIVED . FROM KeBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photograph. ROTE se 1-2 North Queen St., Nzt Doer ta U Pcetaese. 1T- ffrattelcv' tut&. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADbOU JL In effect from Nev. 10, US. iiI,nJl.,'.,!Ay ikemttb and leave aai rive at Philadelphia a fellow i A -1 v J rsxs jm Ann. iPblladelphla. raaeaHy.:' raeine Kipresst.... New Kxnresst ii se p. mi 4:39. m, sa. m. Tana. tn. kj a. a. -,. MalTtratnvaMUeyt feMa.at i Mis.': nu.. jaaii rainT.., Niagara Express-.., Hanover Acoem...... Fast Llnef......... Frederick Aeeem.., Laucaster Accem...., Lancaster Accem..... Harrlsburg Accem.. Columbia Amrni via Columbia s.cea. m. via Columbia 11:40 a. m. KW5a."' use a, a r' via Columbia 11:45 a. m. SBSAi M1 . f vUMtJey. IMP,."' x:tup. m. 4:40 p. m. 5:90 p. m. top, m. satai Harrlsburg Expre.. TaSk a." vrcrii Aaxnivn ll:W.at. Lancaster Acce... ttAJL'i Leave Lancaster. 230 a. m. 4a.m. fca a. m 1:10 s, ra. Mts,B, M0, m. 11:96 a. ra, 12Mp.re. 8&6 p. m (.00 p. m. 4:46 p. m. :4ft p. m. 8 8ft p. m. l2Jp.m. "T1 . Hi RARTWARD. fhlta. F.xpresst.. FastLlnef.. L... Lancaster Aece. Uarrlsbnrg Express, Lancaster Accem...., Colombia Aemin Wfcii, . I'lata Atlantic Rxpresst ...... Seashore Kxnres. Philadelphia Accem. I Hanaay Mau........uu. Day Kxpreatt ............ Harrlnburt Accem.. Mall Tralnt ..... Frederick Accem..... MSptaa HMilla, H The only train which run dally. On Sunday th Mall train west mm byway t &' M voiuaieia. 1. H wnnn Cnmi Aaaa. f CUAB.B.PUGH. General stanager. : TJUILADEU'HI A READING RAILSOAV READINQ COLUMBIA D1VBUON. dl '$, On and after Hnnday, Nev 10. VSt, Fer Reading and IntermedUte point, vratt f days, 7 JO a. m., 12:36,8.48 p.m.; Banaay.leNa, m. 4w p. m. Fer Philadelphia, week day, 73) a, m., 2.M n. m.! Hnndavs. II M e. m. ij Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dan. 1 W ., 1AM 1 V HI. ,n Fer Nw Yerk via Allentown, week daft.') 12:H n. m. a Fer Allentown, week day, 7.30 a. m., : x mj Bunday, K55 p. m. 1 rer Petuvllle, week day, 7:30a. m., (: a, gA Bunday, S&6 p. m. ? Fer Lebanon, week day. 7.-00 a,a.,UdS,Mtf p.m.! Sunday, 8.06 a. m, 8 55 p. m. - Fer tlarrlaburg, week days, 7.-09 a. as., VtM,' S.-2rp.m.;Bunday,SASa.m. c rnrUnumllliL WMk dav. -Si a. MK1 (.09 p.m. I Bunday, 5:10 p.m. . 9 XtlAlPIS rUH iiAXIUAHTJUC . Jt I,eave Reading, week day. 7:20, HAS a. mut, 5M p. m. Snnday, 7.-20 a. m.; S:10 p. m. . J . ijeave rniiaaeipniB, wees uays, via, m., f-wp.re. '' UCKIV.ICW AU.. T..- .......yi.i, w wfcwy f ;.!! m., i;ai. p. in. i:ia iukiiw Leave New Yerk via Allentown, week i t-aa a. tn.. 1:00 n. m. Leave Allentown, week day, 54H a.m. Leave PetUvllle, week day, 50 a. sa, Ml p. m. Leave Lebanon, week day. 7:12 a. BL. UB 7:15 p. in. : Sunday, 7:55 a. m 8-iS p. m. . Leave Harrlsburg, week day, k26 a. Bv; mtt' uay , u.eu a. in. -.,.. " ijeave Huarryviue, wcgk eaSf wm ssab i hw : rlunaay , 7 iu a. m. eia Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut afreet WhtV aud Seuth street wharf. . "5 Fer Atlanua city, week day, IHM a. m. and 4-00 D. m.: Aceonuae 7: a. m. and 4.80 p. ra. ; Bunday, Kxa mi a. m., Aoeummooauon, kuu tuilnmlns- leave Atlantis City. aVmet i Atlantic and Arkansas Avenue. Weekdayay Kxprea 7iai a. m. ana p. mu jknass modatlen,8.-05a.m. and 4 JO p. m. Bundaje- einnu. s n. m. Accommedatloa. Taal a. aa, and4:P. m. ....... ."-' V DeUUed Ume table can be obtained m mm i jiintmn iTfi.TTANnenari s iJ Vice Pre. A den'l M'gr. Gen'l PaasT Afcr T EHANON A IANCAHTKH JOINT Luflfci' Dill ttfLl 1. K ff IMlUlMAJi, Arrangement of Passenger Train et til suniiAi, fiuveuiuvr av, i.6 NORTHWARD. W Ixave A P.M. 12:86 12:41 12.R5 WO 1:46 r.at. 6M King Street, Lane. 7:00 iAncaster 7KJ7 Columbia Mauhelm. ...,... 7:3a Cornwall 7.M Arrive at l I'M 6:WtaTI fi MUBUUU, ...;. ' 1JJ6 HUUlUWAIW, Leave a.m. r.x. Lebanon ............... 7:12 12j30 Oemwall..... - 737 12:45 Manbelm!.............. 7JS8 1:14 saw 738 8:M 8.-46 Bill 7 Laneaater........... . 837 1:61 iUli Arrive at Columbia 37 J06 Kin Street, Lane. 8:35 SK i. W 136 fc A. M. WIUWlN. Sunt. R.40, RaUread. H. M. NEFF, HupL 0. R. R. Clothing. S LOTUINO. ; uti 4 L. Gansman & Bre. j4 Men', Youth', Bey' and Cullilre&'i li 1 m:w nprinq styles, low prices, PEUKECT FITTING, WELL MADE NICKLM TRIMMED. S. Men' Suits utl3J0,H,$l.a),5,fl, l,10, M, sn.sin.iiB. tj Youth' Hulls at J3, f I, 5, W, 17. 18, . Uevs' SulU at 12.1J0. 13. KM. UJO. 15. M. 17. Oilldren'aSulMatSOc.fl, 11.23, 110, UJ<f 2J0,U,I4,,W. ' F1 Men' I'anU, 75, f 1, f 1.23, f 1 JO, 11.75, ft, 18, 1 inndUM. Knee Pants at23c, 3te, 40c, 60c, 00c, 7Se? & ' til Our stock is mere attractive tnis season u ver and prices at the lowest. ' rall nr wriln fur Bfininlva In mtr flrdur TWrnavav .v :"". ";i;:.rr .- meiu mm euniiuiru iriue wiui uuiui. s j y -, n ha l. uansman & Dro.,;i . ..... m Tailor and Mannracturers or Men', Bey av , Children' Clothing (Exclusive.) ' ftaadltMOftTHQUEIHIT., ;'k: i. w. ceRMia or ebanqb. tAXOAim. tk i ' W- Net connected with Any ether Clethlaf x1 Iieus la the city. - ig vnn unt i t)in rlirlit (iIucr fvtll M VERS A RATHFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We've many attractions ln our Custom D parlnieut. We are showing the "; Handsomest Line OF SUITING' -FOR Men's Wear FROM Custom Department! A 1 tffi-i: 15.00 te Almest Any PriceW ... tii Bucli styles a 'tics are net encrea snjwsws 17. in Lancaster for tie price. Uuclt aa auertmeat ,,.y 111 iAUIWKI .VI. ..v.'.aw you'll Cud nowhere else, eise, j .w ELEGANT 6TLYE3 IN Men's Treusering! Mera than you'll care te leek at. Price range vy from II te tU, We'imtjouteo. j Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12IASTKINGSTBM.T LAOISTWJ.PA, iw - Mi jum -arTO im 'I 'ft - .' 'JTSl )-'"J.X-T4l nf