. fe .'- ',i' Atj.- n - .' 4. THE LANOABTER DAILY DjTrBIJJJQteyQBa- WEDNESDAY MAY 7, 1890. Ik 'Sft. r. K If. -f . - r WITH WCX AND INK. With pm sad Ink n might ted, te A sonnet, or Indeed might writs A billet-deux, or, eke te valss The wind, a kote ter tktrty days. Het mlae the poem i they'd Mt It bark Or crowd It Inte Brle-a Srac Mr sipaaat mate li never teen WltUlatheelMKatMM. - And net ter me the blllet-denx Indeed, whom saeald t write It tot 1 would net thus tmpley my pea, Ualeai te wee my wile agate. Ah me t the while I step te think ' WhalBbakspcre wrote with pen aad lak, I wonder hew his Ink was made, Ifblae or purple ni the shade Hie fjea-bread4ilbbed and rather tiff, Like this, or (ImT Iweaderlf . He tried a Olllett," thlrty-alae. iOr.ased a ceaner pea, Uke mlae T Orwaattbralas? Ne Ink I knew Will really make Ideal flew, ' Korean the most Ingenious pen Make wile and peeta of dull men. He thli the miracle explains, He need hi pen and ink with brain, Mine U the harder teak, I think, Te write with only pen and Ink. WalUr Learned M Boe Marl. A Charitable Bequest te be Refused, Philip Marett, a Frencfaman,dled several ear age, and among ether legacies led 130,000, the Interest of which waa te fro te the city of New Haven upon the death of bla daughter, te care for Inn peer of the rlty. She baa died, and en Monday a committee of the city government discussed a te whether or net the city will accept the legacy. There la very little doubt that It will be refused, as the members of the committee are practically agreed that the fund would simply be at the- disposal of the ruling political party, as no previsions or condition were Imposed. The daughter, Mrs. Clifferd, leftf300,000 with her lawyer, fie Income te be tised as he thinks best for tie lessening of the sufferings of all kinds 0' animals. The Clanger or an Alarm Dell Clese by, In the stillness of the night, could scarcely startle the ordinary Individual mere than de trifling noises the nervens Invalid. But once the nerves are braced and the system In vigorated with Hestetter'a Stomach Bitters, this abnormal sensitiveness Is succeeded by a tranquility net te be disturbed by trivial causes. Impaired digestion Is a fertile cause of nerve weakness and unnatural mental gloom, and a vigorous renewal of the action of the stomach Is one of the surest means of tnvlgora tnvlgera tlug and quieting the nerves. Insomnia, or sleeplessneHs, a form of nervous disease, Is un questionably benefited by sedatives, when It Is prolonged, or of frequent occurrence, but Its nermanpnt remove! Is ninre efltectuallv achieved with the Bitters. This medicine also signally cfllcacieus for malaria, rheutna ttsm. ronntfrmtien. liver complaint and ternld- 1 ty or me moneys ana Diaaaer, ..-....." ' . . m . muieij A large Estate. A bread land Is this in which we live, dotted se thickly with thrifty cities, towns and vll- ges I Amid them all, with ever-Increasing popularity and helpfulness, Is Dr. Pierce's Gelden Medical Discovery, giving hope and cUecr whem there Is disease and despair. Wher ever there Is humanity there Is suffering: wherever there Is suffering there Is he best Held far this greatest American remedj Consump tion (which Is lung scrofula), yields te It, If em pleyed In the early stage of the disease unrenic, nasai lauirrn yie and Llver diseases vleld I Kldnev If you want the best known remedy for alt diseases of the bleed, ask for Dr. fierce s Gelden Medical Discovery, and take no ether. It is guaranteed te cure In all cases of diseases for which It Is recom mended, or money refunded. W,Thaw n. Loek Here, Frlend, Arc Yeu Sick f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, 1'ulns In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of Power, or any form of Consumption T If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of t'lo t'le t'lo rapttxlen, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. Ftoraptezten Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies full. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N.Y. aprl7-lvdw Swcctrtl JteHce. Unckien's Arnica Salve. Tna BnrrBALvatn the world ferCuta, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt lthenm, Fever Bena, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all nam no feel cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. Hecli, Drug gist, Ne. 1S7 and Ml North tiueen street, Lan caster, ra. luucxciru First Itovlved nnd Theu Cured. " Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and Indigestion, and nllcr trlng everything imaginable used JlurdecK Jlloed Jllttert. The ftrit &ecrclcd mound the icceiui cured me entirely. J. H. Williamson. Rochester, N. V. Held J ii Lancaster by W. T. Uech, 137 and 13V North Queen street. Is Consumplen Ititcurablef Head the follewing: Mr. C.H.Merris, Newark, Ark., 8a s : " Was down with Abuccss of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced tne an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New I)lsceery for Consumption, am new en my nrtli bottle, and able te oversee the work en my farm. It Is the Quest medicine ever made." Jesse Mlddleten, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would lime died of Lung Trou bles, was given up by doctors. Am new In best of health." Try It. Sample bottles free at W. T. Hech's Drug Hterc, Nes. 1J7 and 139 N, Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. (S) An Kxplanutlen. Ne one medicine will cure eerj thing, but 11 Is en InceuUwtlble fuct that Themat' Ecleclrie Oil will cute a sprain, a bruise, a bite, or an ache, and Is also an active and pronounced cure for neuralgia atd rliuumutUin. Held In LanceMer by W.T. Hecli, 1.17 mid US) North Queen street. t Mothers i Mothers I I Mothers I I t Are you disturbed at nlgbt and broken of your rest by a alck child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'8 BOOTH1NU BYBUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Iramedlately-depend npen It ; there la no m Intake about It. There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of One Ol UlOUlurffbUUil un,reiuaiu,iuiuiaiu nurses In the United States. K ceuU bottle. beiu everywnere, luneOSLvd&w A Flne Hit. Whpn Iho nronrleters of JIunlecL Illoed Bit- IT! put this renowned medicine en the market tney nil lv exuciiy. nicy mi uBjjcmiu, iiiui- flV irMtinn. nna liver aim K kidney emplalntsa hard blew, from which thev will never re- cover. Held In Lancaster ny w. r. iiecn, vsi and 1 North Queen street. Electric llltters Tills remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular as u neea no siiecini uicniMin who tuwe used Electric lil tiers sing the All same song of praise. A purer medicine does net ex ihi ina il is Kuuraiiicvu iu uu itii uiut ,e vusiiiiii Electric Bitters will euro all diseases el the Liver end Kidneys, will remn e Pimples, Bells, Salt Rheum and ether affections caused by lm- Sure bleed, Will drive Malaria from the sys mt end prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers, Fer cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bittern. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded' Price 60c and 11.00 per bottle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, 137 end 138 N. Queen St., Lancaster. PS; (5) A Geed Thins. " I sometimes wish I could take held of the sal or Theuvut' Klectrie Oil for I tell you It is e frond thing, and i am conscientious In saying could de a geed work." He v. E. F. Crane, Cerry Pa Elec'trle Oil cured this gentleman efqulnsy of manv years standing. Held In Lancaster by W.T. Hecli, 137 and 130 North North Queen street. ' Javaac, -DaRABOLS AND CMBIIELLAH I Uubrellas& Parasols AT THE MAKERS, Re Be (St He iJirge Atertinent of FINE PARASOLS. NET PARASOLS Hade te Order. 43-llcpalrIngand Recovering Neatly Dene. ROSE BR0S7& HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprll Smd TOOR THE BEST HOT AIR PUHNACE IN tj the market, go te JOHN BEST, 3B3 East Fulton stmt. RtT'tld MOWMtt AsWarMUl.Ut. es t, V Baehseka wllk a Drewlng-dewa Fata, Wsary, Tired Feeltat, DMadlaatlea te Laber. Beaaty sad Msjh Colored Vrlaet If yea have aay of these troubles yea aay be sure you have Kid aey Disease. Are yea bilious T Have you jaaaeUcef De yea have a sallow complexion T Are you troubled with constipation T If se, yea have Liver Complaint and should read the fcl. lowing testltaeelals : Back Ache Mae.CHAa.KATH0RX,el Pearl St, Banger, has been very low with Kidney Disease t she has bees coedned te her bed for some Urns. Had a constant audlntenae backache with all othersympteBU) of Kidney Disease. Bar hus band bought Brown's Sarssparilla ; she was cured by It, and Is new In belter health taaa for yean. Her Wends aay Brown's Baraaparllla saved her life. Jehn Philuts, of Tayloratewn, Washing ton Ce., Pa., says 1 1 had suffered dreadfully from Btemsch and Liver trouble and waa re duced te 117 pounds, when I commenced te us Brown's Bar pari Its, and new weigh I a pounds. I consider It la bat Medicine Ttver tud, and had tried a great many, without relief before taking Brown' Baraaparllla. Yeu may refer te me whenever you please. The railroad men of the United State are among the most capable, Industrious and faithful of her cltlxen. Te them B Dd t Brown's Sarsaparilla AllatDrugglststl.OO. 8 bottles for 8. OO. DONT Uke Bemethlng els just a geed," IT IS NOT. Ana Wambsw A Ce., Bele Proprietors, Banger, Me. (S) 5r Vf-KTZUEll HAUQUMAN. CHEAP CHRPETS. . ft Sletzger A Haughman. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Anctlen and from the Manufacturers. CARPRTH AT 10 CENTS. OARFETH AT 85 CENTS. CARPETS AT 12H CENTS. CARPETS AT 40 CENTS. CARPETS AT 16 CENTS. CA RPKTS AT SO CENTB. CARPETS AT 30 CENTS. CARPETS AT 6 CENTS. CARPETS AT 25 CENTS. CARPK1S AT 75 CENTS. Carpet Bags Taken in Exchange. Fleer Best Steamed Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. 3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) N EXT DOOKTOTHE COURT HOUSE. May Bargains in 1,000 YflrdH New Clialllen, 6c. New Dress Ginghams, W, 8, 10, 1 New Outing Flannels, 8. I0j2i'c, Whits PltiTd and Hlrliiwl WlT,. tjw wum liiiuuics, auc 2Hc alnsoeka, 6'(, 7, 8, ",t."0."'''.'?c- " uiecb iicnrieiia Milanese, ze. -a, etkc. Light Grey, Weel Henriettas, 25, 50c, II. 40-Inch Black Weel Cashmeres, 25, S7X, 45, 60, 1 Cese Best PrlnU, 5c. 2 Ceses Simpsen's Urey and Black Prlnts,&c. 1 Bale A ppleten A Muslin Remnants, 6Jic FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. .... i .I--.. M. i .. B AKD McELHOV. bjlrd Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, CARPETS Having cut down our pretlts en our Heme-made Rag, Ingrain, Chain and Stall Carcts, In order te Increase our soles, we hove sold mere tnan nny season since we opened, would be pleased te have you call, tee and Judge for yourself. Carpet Hags taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers At the lowest price in Lancaster. A lower grade at 60c RUas-Smrrna Rugs at a bargain : f 1 size at 75c, IU25 size at II, S3 size at 12, $4 site at CHr CHr CHr Cocea Rugs at 25c, 35c and 50c. OII.CLOTH-Floer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods fur the money in the city, all widths from iUi2)ii erd wide. Table Oil Cleth, 4 feet wide, like per yerd. Stair end Shelf Oil Cleth. ,.!- WINDOW SHADES-Ilnrgalns in Window uy iiieyara in raper, iieimnu unu un. Alse spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS OOODS The best line of Outing Cleths In the cltv. Dress Ginghams In elegant les at Kc 8c, 10c and 12c. Men's Shirting at 5c, 6Je and c. The best styles In panting for n end boy at the price eer etlered. styles men NAVY BLUE CALICO-One Cese Navy Blue Onq 1st cf (Skirling at aw ; j; reduced from 25c. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier Safety for the Sweeting Cycle Ce, ycioue., ei riiiiaoeipiua.pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High Grade S. SeC the 75c Hlld 85(1 OOleiltrv HlV.l HaIv. hnll henrlncr f,inrB Il.v IMtal uycies in cm prices. eaieiy ai ju. See It, com pure It with any at 135. bard Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. SPatcltCB. TT Z. RUOADS & SON. Mourning Jewelry T RIBBON PINS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, HAIR ORNAMENTS, EVERY STYLE, H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. CABLE AND LOCK BRACELETS IN STERLING SILVER. A Special Line of Leather Goods Ladles' and Gent's Card Ceses, Umbrella 8 traps and Ladles' Satchels, all bll er-Meunted. Beautiful goods, worthy of close Inspection. 49-Repalrlng of fine goods of every description by skilled workmen. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Carcianc. OTANDAHD CARRIAGE WORK, EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40, 42, 43 A 45 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the Postemoe), LANCASTER, FA. All the latest style In Boggle. Faintly Car. rlages, Phietens, Surreys, Cabriolet. Pliietens. Iluckbeards, Tretting Wagons.Stallen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc., new ready ler the Spring A One line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly flrit-clas work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In tbe county for tlis same quality of work. Give me a cell and ex amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a nrst-clau manner. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. ' Ceal. & IIMIIERANDCOAU 1 TnllAIXXJSIIOOKSANUUAHB. WKHT. ,RN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Ketall. br e. u. HAKll.t A ve., nS-lyd 431 Water Htreet. Incaster. Pa, -D AUMOARDNKRU COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricas Ne. 128 North Queen Street, and Ne, 5&t North Prince street. Yabbs-Nerth Prlnes Street, near Heading tStkm LAMOaJiTKJk,rA, Your Immense Interest art Intrusted, aad wtthsat them we should make little or Btusjrss-. la their dalty tell, there I called seed Jaagatawt, honesty, fldelity, ealckasas of thaaaikt, hand and sye.aadeeaptrd with Uew, tkey are re quired te de an Ihmmmb ameaat of labor. There Is little or be work ceaaseted with the bnlldlng and malntalnlag of a railroad that dost net bear heavily en the Kidneys. Oath track, tn laying rails aad la sradragt shops where the marvakm englaea, and pala Ua ran are pet together i la Ue baggage room, at the desk, ea ib snglBes, or whenver the railroad men may be, his work pea a path for Kidney trouble. Railroad men there, eanaet fall te be Interested In the ttatsmsat efa sua, who, far yean, has been a readraatier oaths big Beaten Maws railroad, and new having charge of ever HO miles of roadbed. Read the following i Use aacAT FAiM, N. H., May li, lav?. GasTUuicN-I have used Brown'aBartapa Brewn'aBartapa rllla for Kidney and Liver trouble, and can truly aay It haa done mers for m than all ths doctors I ever employed, and I have had occa sion te require the services of th best physi cians In tli state. My wife has also been greatly benefitted by It use. Respectfully, K. A. SMITH, Headmastcr Bosten dt Maine R. B. tSoeb. Oil Cleths Cheap. Feathers at Window Shades. Dress Goods I 40-Inch Black Weel Henrietta, 75c 87'c., Ne'w Plaid and Striped Dress Goods, 15c, VOc, 25c. Striped Bummer Rllks, 25, Xiyic Fast Bleck Organdies, 15, 25c. Fancy India Hulls. WHc New Cleth Capes, S1.75. S2.&0, H, 14. New Bead Canes and Wraiw. U nn te 18.50. New Bleck Embroidered Flthues, H te 7. 1 Case 4-4 Hill Muslin. 8c 1 Case Best Indigo Slue Prints, OUe. 100 Dezen Ladles' Regular Made Hese, 12; Opposite Fountain Ian. Shades. A New number In Dade at 37c. Shading Calice at 6Me : never before sold for less than 8c Bicycles for ladles, men and children. Alse agent and If any dllference in fu or of the Rival. Opposite Fountain Inn flat. e Ult LEADING HATTEIIS. YOUNG MEN YOUR SPRING HAT IS AWAITING YOUR CALL. - Our Stock la new Full and Complete and and we lm e a hat that u 111 please j en. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All have made their appearance. Only pises In the city where you can get them. suewu1100 Bml ,2a,H,'i' 'u" "ATS ever BOY'S ANDCIIILDUE.VS Nobby Goods and Fancy Styles a specialty. ' STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, FA, mats A. at. r. FRUIT JUICES Far rrH s Water ieea, lee Craw Syrups, gwa&wrb ahiaittsta """GREAT BARGAIN8 In Oafleea, Taaa, Retars. Unices, Caaaed and tea Cases wltheat Ml, 4e and Yflp each. Ureat Hargala tn Mackerel, Spired Mustard aad Oil nardlas at 6c per ean lea thaa the same qaallty bought etsewaere. AtaNMT.at tSe. pwlb. steadanarter IbrR., Marvin dt Co-'sHuperler Cakes aad Crackers. Extra Family Crackers, saner ax. or a aw per Se. FLOUR t FLOVRI-We hare ehsapest and beat In the market. Will par yen tecafland ex amine all our goods and learn our prices en nest quail 'y oTgeod. Samuel Clarke, Agl, TEA, OOrFCK AND GROCERY STORE, 11 AND 14 SOUTH QUEEN rTT. ATBUjsHkVB. Special Bargains. BEE WHAT YOU CAM BUY FOR 2ft CENTB. 4 eaas Geed Oern, He, . 4 cans Geed Blackberries, 9Sc t eaas Strawberries, Sae. 4 a Dried Peaches, ate. 4 quarts Dried Apple, 24c II can Geed suing Beans, 25c 8 cans Whortleberries, see. Scans Cherries, 25c, a can Tomatoes, 24c. 5 da California Raisins, 25c. aneKlgs.ltV. 4 quarts Green Peaa. 25c. 2 ft California Kgg Plums, 25e. 2 ft Evaporated Peaches, He 4 Spenge Water Crackers, 25c 5 la RleeWe. 4 a Rice, 15c. 5 Choice Carolina Rice, 25c 5 fca Best Lump HUrch, 25c 0 1 Lump SUrch. 23c M Rolled Oats, 25c da Oat Meal, 26c. 6 Schemacker Rolled A vena, 25c 6 Ba Cracked Wheat, 2&c A full line of the best Groceries In the city. BURSKS GROCERY, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. TRKISTS. Hradquartcra for Bloeker'a Dutch Cocea. Ask for Sample It has no Equal. Try It, See A'eviAVafOr Biggest Bargains In Fruit ever offered. Alse Nete Display in Frent of Stere Saturday. Then take up the Ktaminer and see what we offer there. CRACKEKH-a Ra Fresh Nlc-Nac for !Sc a It Freeh Ginger Snap for 25c. 8 R Fresh Water Crackers for 25c DRIED CORN 20 bbls. Fine Kvaporeled Dried Oern at 6 1 for 25c Thl I a big bargain. It cost some one much mere money te evapo rate It. Bnt their less will be your gain. CURALINE-Cerellne at 5 and 10c a pack Is a bargain. Wheat Germ, Oat Meal and Rolled Oats, t fts luraeci Rice at 8,8 and 10c Jellv In buckets, a 10et. s, a bargain, tl. ilered Pickles, S. Vina n.(tlal itnln. liT.WIa. Cm . ab Kignt tub geed sweet Butler at 15unBby the tub. Tea and Cnflee at price that will cause you te wonder. Remember, weare agents for Chese A Sanborn' famous roasted cetJVe. Ask ter them ana you will always have a uniform cof fee as well as roost. Coustle Seda 0c v ft In boxes and 7c In ket tle. Gulden' Finest Herse Radish Flavored Mus tard, lSeyqU 1LW."? !". .W,. & .KIC-B, W .JlfK. , rinerureignixiceanuu aieanaac Carload Fine and Coarse Salt nt whelesale Klccs. Piled en side pavement, com enlent for idlng. Ac Wall Brushes, UandBcrubs and Breems at nil price. Garden and Flower Seeds fresh and all war ranted te be new. Flake and Pearl Tapioca, new, 8 1) s for 25c Candy at 8 and 12c lb. Large beans, 8c qt. Green Peas. 7c vqi. Lentils, Split Peas, Hern-. Iny and Finest Beans. Olives, Mushrooms, Pickled Oysters, French Mnstard, High Grade Catsup, French Peas In bottles, Drtsy and Dur kee' Salad Dressing, Mushroom Catsup, BeU msing, a les. Cudi tied Strawberries uupres, iinirerd and ia a Perrln'i Sauce, Deviled Crab and Shells, SDlced Clams. Shrlmm and Ovsters. (!lsm Juice, Oyster Bouillon, Clam Chowder, Bottled Lebster, Maple Syrup, Anchovies In Oil, Sal Sal eon Stock, Extract of Beer, Fruit Juices, Fruit Jams, Spanish and French Pickles, c, Ac. Anchovy nnd Bloater Paste, Petted and Dev iled Meats, Parmesan Cheese and all kinds of Sardines. REISTT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRIFOESTS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ce.'a Dry Goods Stere, end Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel, Htxvnituvt. w IDM ITER'S CORNER. Tbree Things Te Be Considered -IN- Buying Furniture AT WIDMYER'S OLD CORNER: Quality and Variety of the Stock, Quality and Style of the Ooedn, Seasonable Prices and One Price te Everybody. .tn- IIWOBt WIDMYERw 7 Jacob n .i ir, ti-- anhelui uerner tasi &mg anu xiueb ou the co from LANCASTER. PA. Uosale, TTEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEl'OI"" X1- nly the ceuple ich wna .... . ...... 11. The wnat ue von ue wham, tifih the Old Stock ? le coast. I weeks. Was This Week Asked by a Ciutei jjjj. n asluep We sell It for whut It will bring, war again. wer. We allow no shepkeciers here. , iayn it tarter 1 PLUHH R0CKEI18 nrceway dewnak)ng REDROOM SUITS are away dew ,0 COUOIIKH andLOUNOKS. Well, anyone can rest easy en such nice goods for se little money, Lets of Other Geed Things at Popular Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street e CHS A GIBBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Geed Thing we might say obeut OUR FURNITURE! It's Juit the kind of Furniture that fits a worthy name. All the New Htjle. It's no trouble te tell such Piintltiira when It's known. Here's the reaseu : We Sell Furniture for Kep Kep utatleuas Well as for Meney. Ne thought of cheapness In a single piece. Made ler Ions wear and satisfaction, and yet sold cheap. That's what makes It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturer and Dealers, Ne. SI SOUTH QUEEN St'REET. Vm Nw YORK STORE. WATT & SHAND OFFER TIIHUH KLKCUNT LINKS OF SILKS,. ALL OF WI1 ICII ARE GUAR ANTEED AS FOLLOWS i 'This Silk la warranted net te break, crock or shift, and we will mnke geed any Justlflabls claim made within Six Months from dale of purchase." We Cntdeitly RmewmiI Tkw. HASKELL'S BLACK MtKSS SILKS, 20 Inches wlde.tl a yard : 23 Inches wide, WSS nnd and II.37H a ) ard ; 21 Inches wide, II M a yard. HASKELL'S PKAU BE SOIK, 11.23, tl.M and W a yard. TfATCItANG IIRAVy FAtt.LK SILKS, splendid quality, f 1 and f 1.25 u yard. BLACK StTltAn DRESS SILKS, warranted, at 50c, 2c, 75e and II a yard. fully FIGURED PONGEE 81LKS, 25 liirhts wide, clielce designs, beautiful colorings, tl a yard. RICH BROCADED quality, II. DO a ard. SATINS, suiurb 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST w 1LLIAMSON A FOSTEIL In It you will Ond a few of our 110 nnd 112 Men's Suits, that cannot be excelled for the money. These are strictly nil wool. Tint-color reeds. The newest and best styles found In the market. A full line of FasUToler Weel Pant at 13 n pair. The best yet ettered. A sreai many euier siyica leuna m me 1.10111- In iir ueparunemonnecena fleer. Suit for Men of Larra Proportions nnd Fat lulls for ; Men at all prices; also, a full line of Extra Large Pent Ter same, THE SEASON FOR White Goods IS OPENING, and our great variety of Lace Stripes nndiltcau Uful Plaids, at extremely low prices, cannot be surpassed. Our assortment Is Immense, and the goods must be seen te be appreciated. SHIRTS. Domel Flannel, 25c, 38c, 50a and 75a. Flannel ShlrU. II te 12.50. Madras Cleth, 11.50 te I2.M. Saline and Cheviot, 60c te tl 75. Silk Shirts, 12 50 te 17 50. White Shirts, 25c, Sfte, 60c, 75c and II, The Celebrated ShlrU, 75e and II. Dr. Warner's Natural Weel and Camel Ualr Underwear, f 1 25 ; 12 60 per suit. NOTIONS. Ladles' Summer Underwear, In Muslin, Uauxe, Jersey Ribbed, Lisle Tlireml und Silk. Iadlcs' Rlblied Vests, beginning ut 10c, und five styles at 12Ke each. Silk VesU at 75c, II and It 25 each. Ijidlcs' Hosiery from 3a te II 21 tier pair. aruhlt j trtliiLS I "!. Hal tl.hi. .. S Fm IA.4 nud 12?f. AIhe, better Krmlei la lUrmtulurf, Onyx und Robinson' Kant Dyvn, Ladies' Sliees lu All Styles, arades and Prices. Our Indies' KOc Blioels one of the iiciitestln the market. They are made up of Dongola and Uiuln licathcr. See them. A Iiargalnetll25 Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes made up In Opera and Square loe, lliilten and Lace. Alse, u ladles' Grain Uutten Slioe at the same price, In Opera and Square Tee. Ladies' Tailor-Made Jackets AT RIGHT PRICES. Corkscrew or Wlde-Wr,le Worsteds, In Black n Maui, 1I1.1A SI Ul InSll Girls' Cleth Jackets, In Navy Blue and Checks, 12 50 te 15. Beys' Kilt Skirt Suits, 12 te 13. Beys' Knee Patit Suits, 12 te 17. Ladles' Morning Wrappers, fl and 1125. Ladles' Lawn Tenuis Suits, l 25. Heys' Shirt Waists, 25c, 50c and 75c. Be)' Odd PanU, 25c, 60c, 75a and II, STR7SW HHTS. Just received the last linelce of Straw Goods Milfc .8W.v?!'.!.An.d ai'?ren- ur but thoie la Heme hepe of the wemat.nn jj cevery. It In thought that tUey klovshan klevshan klovshan the bus when they retired en M,ln all nlle connection oflhe Arlr-ena antjfj fernln wings or tlie Rrnat cantllever t fr0ln at Needles, Cal., waa Mulshed en day, and a celebration wan held. Aiikq of visitors partlelpnled. The brldge JO. te have the largest unsupported .na. any cantllever brldge In the wer ' feet long and the total length of the e. 0 at U 1HJ0 Feet. Nearly 10,000,000 ikiui ntcel nnd Iren wcre used In the uipttem, tlen. Threo men wero killed und t' llve Injured during the work. Braces, The new torpedo beat Cushlng en,, nesday gave a trial for her speed, (r, Shelf bcnellt of Beveral members of the oemmlttoo en naval allalra. She nt partofthetltno, a speed ofnearly iT n hour, the emrliieH wero revorsed beat backed at the rate of 18 mllea at i She also turned in nor own lungti' m trip te Meutit vornen, wuicu usuai the rlver beixta two hour, was tnaue uvi t r't.nhlnfr In Al mlmiteH. ' Kodger May nes en Wednesday the arrest of President Leuis K. Jt. Cashier Jatne 8. Dungan. Assistant Jeshua Pfelfler and Teller Will Ileraesheimcr, of the Hank of A NO. 'IIH MIHKKT ST.. IIAItlllHIlIllKl, PA Utetucce. TKILLY HUOS.ARAUB, Lawn Mowers ! SOLE AOF.NTS FOR TIIF. GREAT AMERICAN. A Light, Will Made Mower, Easy Runulng and Hlinple In Construction. Ne riuneii for any one net having a Fine Lawn when jeutuu buy u l"lmt-Clut Mower FOR$5,00. EVERY MOWEIl FULLY GUARANTEED. Alse, a Full Line of Pennsylvania Mowers AT LOWEST PRICKS. REIILTBEOS. &RATJB, 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te PoetoMlce. apl2-lmd OR PULLEYS, HHAFTINO, COLLARS, Hangers, Clemp Uexcs, couplings, etc, go JOHN BEST, m foil Fulton street, niT-Ud tuJ Kd the Guarantee NEW MK STORE I WINDOW. JTentclcv. WATC11ES, CLOCKS, Etc. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, Ac., BOLD AND TaBTATRTD, 1MK NORTH QUERN ST.-WEBER'S. M-Walchr carefully selected for Fermer and Railroaders. aprM-lyd (EWELER AND GRADUATB OlTICtAN. GILL! JKWJiLKtt&OnAnVATE OPTICIAN. Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If nralected the result I serious and often prove total. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that Grew Tired, Eve that are Dim, Kjes that Burn or Itch, come under this head and should have immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free I Ne Dreps Used 1 OHAS.. GILL, NO. .10 WrST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w ALTER C. II Ettn. REPAIRING! De you linve n Kine Watch Hint needs repairing ? By leav ing It with us It will be lu care ful lmtxls and can premise you splendid results from work we de. All Cleck, Jewelry ami Spec tacle work done promptly. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. r7AHM'S CORNEIl. SPECTACLES I A NEW AND PERMANENT DF-PARTMiNT OPENED ZAHMSJCORNER. We hne opened e DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connecUoii with our retail busi ness, nnd hoe FITTKD UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this branch, and hav placed It In charge efa Regular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In the beat hospitals et the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In tbe state. Wedonetproposotoslmply adjust correctly all cases of dcfecUve sight, and flt them with the correct lenses, but te perform all SUHGI OAL OPERATIONS necessary, end te place under treatment theso who by proper atten tion) need only treatment of the eye te restore theh sight without the use of spectacles. At the same time we de net propose te make the adjustment se oxienslve a te debar our cus tomers from the advantage et n proper exami nation, and .will make all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only these that requlr spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Helng sole agent for the celebrabxl AEUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best Iciike for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at n price within the reach or all, there will be no necessity for auy ene using glesses that are uncomfortable or tinsultcd te their eyes. We shall be pleased te have alt sulfuilng with any trouble of the eye, In whatever form, call and lie properly treated, by lu ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'SCORNKIl, upr5-3md LANCASTER, PA. etrtrpct. flARPKTHI CARPETS CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEING WOIIKH Are second te nnne In Pennsylvania for finish nt work of all kinds. KealliersDyed All Shades. Order will receive prompt attention, PHILIP SCHUmT SON & CO., NO. 1.7) SOUTH WATER STRUCT, Lancahtkr. Pa. feblMmd T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S. St V. ELECTED -TO FUIINI8II- Carpets, Curtains, Shades Rugs, Ac, llyaLarge Majority Iljcatite It Isllest Kntiluped and has Only One Prltvaud Fair Dealing, SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street. autfJMyd Votenvaplt. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED . FROM KcBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially far Bait and Three-quarter Length Photographs. ROTE. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Ntzt Doer te th Pastesiss, JaaT-sma gymwUf1 gttWrsy 5S lENNSYLVANIA RAlLROASBCBJsTft 7 lnclfromNev., MH,. - r ImT. nCTrrVT """i" assail ..uiuwwpnmi sbuwwsi ngFBBTgssVTsW sV fB i i FailaeMBMa, 225JEE"t" - siaapv sa, 5a,sa, tin a. sa, TaflbaSrtRfb; NalliallTralnt- eyt vU Columbia fi?!f?-- via Colombia i Fast i.inr...--...... Frederick Aeeem.. lAucaster Aeeecn..... lAneastjtf jlMnn. ium a. as. via Columbia iifMrn. tn vteMLJey. Harrlsbnrg Aceem.. Colombia Aeeem. ...... Harrlsbnrg Eipreaa. Ktep. m. Hei, a. Mip.m. ."ni B.zpret Lancaster Aoce.,.1 r EASTWARD, fhlla, Kzpreut.... FastLlnef- ..,., Lancaster, sae a. as. 4:46 a.m. a, as W.m. Mta.ta, me a. a. UMa. as. km p. as, rap. as. JH6p.m. :4Sp. as, Bdla sa. viaW4 iaai . i Harrlsburg Express J innsssilsisi Aaa..M OelamblA AcoetoS AUjuiUe Kiprewf. I II SBBI UWI W JUUItBB,H, PhllwMBhls. Aoeom. PWaWMy Jaaaal U wtt4f Ma, Zjsajr ExpfW?.! MaajafsfaftiMMai s nfbrun Mall TralB-....M....M" rreaenca Acoem. 4TIMI mil v trains wnfftli nt dtntlv. On Snneav lha Mell train wnat nsiManri J. R. WOOD, eeaerai I vnna. a ruua, uenerai i pniI.ADKI.PHIA dt RCADWtJ 1 READING COLUMBIA DIVBUOltV . On and after Runday, laavs lAneaaUr rKtn str Bnnday, Nev H. Vtt, (King street), as fellow I snd Interraedlat petata , US,i.'Stp.Bi.;Haaaarl Fer Reading and Interraedlat potato, ' ".'-' m uw, KBi p. IB. rruvsv. nMKnn a. FerPhlladel adelahla, week days, Ms.a, Sunday, MB p. ra. , r Yerk via Philadelphia, weak x.'n p. m.j s Fer New TaO a. BO.. Uda. 8:4R n. m. ..Fer Nw Yerk via Allentown, Fer AUentewn, week days, TM a. atMI , B.J SHDHT, 0O p. m. Fer Petuvtlle, week days, 7:a. as., k a. I BHHWi SS09 p. m. Fer Lebanon, week davs. 7KB lbuUIL p. m. ; Sunday, a. n.&H p. m. ' Fer Harrlsbnrg, week days, 7:09 a.attMI a p. in. I naeix, ke a. m. , Feranarryvllle, week days, MB sv m I in . m HMii4ap lUlfi ti' TRAINS FOR LANOABTBB. $ usn swsuung, wees nays. Tan, uaia ' aae p. m. i nunoey, itsj a. m.; kvi p, bb. Leave Philadelphia, week day; I'M, : m., nsip.in. Ieav Nsw Yerk via Philadelphia, 1 Leave New Yerk via AUentewn, weak 4:00 a. m.. IKxl n. tn. Leave AUentewn, week days, fee a. aa.il p.m. j Lav reiunue, week aay, ksb a, as i v. te. t i ! Ihanftn. mus dav. MI a. as.. ! Tiis p. m, : nnnnay, 7:no a. m.. :an. n. -;' sg rz-' -r-.r.:-' ;:.- rr-- zi .ltt r .. ijeave namsDurg, weea aay, sta,BB,:sB dir.uai.si. "' ir usn Quarryvllle, wak days, Ms, lMI as! 9,-uu ; Munaay,T:iea.m. AlUAfl.JUUil VlfiOlUflt Leav Philadelphia, Chestnut strsst ' aud Seuth street wharf. i& rer Atianue mty, week .says, saw n. in. ana s.iw p. m.) Aerxasu unu n. hi. Mm iw H ui. , BBnmy,. jaansi M a. m., AoeommodaUon, hw a. aa, I Returning leave AUantle City,-tee AtUnUe and Arkansas Avenues, wsski xpreat 7) a. m. ana p. madotlen.H.'OA a. m. and 4M D. at. Express, 4 p. m. AoeommodaUoa, TtV) avi Butt s.su p. in. ' Detailed time table ean be eMatasaat eflleea. . "' A. A. MCLEOD, A O. HA' VleaPre.AUen'lM'gr. uenl T" KBANON A LANCAHTKR JOWT. jUi kailhead, .;; Arrangements of Passenger Trains at) i Sunday, November 19, ham jv -1 NORTHWARD. Laavs a.bt. r.ar. 9.U.U King street. Lane. 7.-09 1 J: lew i lneaster.... ..... 7.-07 raw Columbia... -. W Manhslm. 7:3B lfl Cornwall 1-M l:f Mi I Arrtvs at Lebanon .... :11 IM SOUTHWARD. Laavs A.M. P.M. P. ST.; Lebanon ........7:11 lfc T: 1 Cornwall.,..M 77 Vti IM l Mauhetmj..... 7 UK IM i Laneaater....... , W7 LU fcld I Arrive at . Columbia 9i7l Ms Kins Street. Lane, 1 Hit A. M. WILSON, BUM. H. U III Sag,?, S.H.NKFF.SUPLO.R.K. . ,s; 0lethttt0t - -ILOTIIING. L. Gansman & Bi Men' j, Youth', Bey's and CkUdrra's V 12 NEW SrillNQ STYLES, U3W PRICES, fW: fit PERFECT FITTING, WELL MADE NIC TRIMMED. Men's Hulls ultSM,tt,HMtVi,l,.W,i Bll SIS SIS s"..v,rr....-. .. - -. . i uuui a nuiia at .i.e.a. .. ;j- Beys' BuiU at ZB0, $3, t3J0, aue, 16, te, ViV? vnuuren nuiu at we, si, tijgt, tux, 1,7s, 1 FiW, 3, f I, B3, HI. Men's PnnU.7S.tl. II -2S. 11.SO. !.. at.n,S UandftfiO. . S& Knee PanU at 23c, Sic, 40. T'Oc, 80c, 1 our stock is mere attraCiv this l ever and price at the lowest. Call or write for sample In our Order 1 ment nd compare prices with ethers. 2i a 4 am i; l. uansman & bro Tallem atirt MAnnfectnrerfl of Men', Bey rl.ll.lnu.aiu S1..I.Ih P.aln.ltM 1 VlallUltTU VlUUIIUi KaVVlUllVJ -i. 'J HI I and S M0BTH QtTEBH IT., B.W. COBBER Or 0BAHQI, LaBOABTBB.ft Net connected with any ether detal ueuse in tee ciur. Sa-Ile cautions and make no mistake se t you gel te tne runt place, -asryiuts A itATUFON. ATTRACTIONS IN OUR We've many attractions tin our Custom Ds. partment. We ere showing the '3 Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FROM $16.00 te Almest Anj Mm Such stvlea nt these tire net offered anrwaert? in LuncaDler for the price. Hucli au assertaaeal you u tlnd newnere else, ELEGANT ETLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Ueui Department! Mere than you'll care te leek at. Price rang & troiuHteiu. we tint you, we. asai.Aa DBiAlsIta M mverd anauifuiii Leading FaaftieaaMe Tailen, : m NO. 12 BAST &Ulli BTUIT U LAN0A8TBJVPA. y r. J t i jJj t.CJt 'w. i-J . . i rfV M- & 'A .? CtVJv' -tf wij KV -i. '-.. V ,. i-nEiw