;vVr ,M.,'' MJ 'W-.v ' ULKO. 1 AIL THE raTELUGENCER, rESDA Kxioeo; s' rrwr LOOK BENEATH THE CASE. Beneath a atlr exterior A rascal often lark ; tt li true of men and watches ; Yeu may tell them by their works. Frem the Pttuburg BvlMin. ' The Clanger of an Alarm BtH a one by, In the stillness or the nit ht, eenia searcely lUrtle the ordinary Individual mere than de trifling noises the nervous Inratld. But once the nerves are braced and the system In In vlgerated with Hosteller's Stomach Bitten, Uil abnormal sensitiveness U succeeded by a tranquility net te be disturbed by trivial causes. Impaired digestion Is a fertile cause of nerve weaknem and unnatural mental gloom, and a Vigorous renewal of the action of the stomach Is one of the surest means of Invigora ting and quieting the nervea. Insomnia, or sleeplessness, a form of nervens dtacese, Is un questionably benefited by aedatlTOi, when It 1 prolonged, or of frequent occurrence-but IU permanent removal l mere etrectually achieved with the Bitten. Thle medicine ia alue signally efficacious for malaria, rheuma tism, constipation, liver complaint and torpid ity of the kidney and bladder. mOteU s , Loek Here, FrlenJ, Are Ten Btek f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heur Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, Fains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of Vawer, or any form of Cens umptlen T If se, go "te your druggist and purchase a bottle of rto rte rto raplrrien, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health. Floraplexien la a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies fall. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Iref. Franklin Uart, Warren street, N.Y. apr!7-lydAw Special stettce. Bneklen) Amies Salve. The BrrBAt.vin the world ferCuU.Bmlses Beres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per IVcl satisfaction, or money refunded. Price SB cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. Huch, Drug gist, Ne. 187 and ISO North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. lunelMyd First Revived and Then Cured. " Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and Indigestion, and after trying everything Imaginable used Burdock Bleed Bitter: The flrttoettle revived me and the second cured me entirely. .J. 8. Williamson. Itechester, N. Y. Held in Lancaster by W. T. llecli, 137 and 1SU North Queen street. Ia Cousumplen Intournblef Bead the following : Mr. C. H.Merrls, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends ami physicians pronounced me an Incurable CensumplUe. Began taking Dr. King's New Dlsceery for Consumption, am new en my firth bottle, and able le oversee the work en my furm. It Is the Quest medlclue ever made." Jesse Mlddlcten.Decntur, Ohie, snys: "Had It net been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new In best of health." Try It, Sample bottles free at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and liBl N, Queen Ht,. Lancaster, Pa. (5) An Explanation. Noeno medicine will cure everything, but It Is an incentcstlble fact that Themcu' Xclcctric Off will cure a sprain, a bruise, a bite, or an ache, and Is also an active and pronounced cure for neuralglu and rheumatism. Held In Lancaster by W. T. liech, 137 uud 1J North Queen street. Mothers t .Methera I ! Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying With the excruciating pain et cutting teeth r If ae, goat once and get a bottle of 11 IIS. WINS- LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upenlt; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that It wlllregu Itte the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like manic It Is perfectly safe te use In all case and pleasant le the Uistn, and Is the prescription of eue of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 13 cents a bottle. tuneXlydAw A Flue Hit. When the proprietors of Burdock Bleed Bit I'rt put this renowned medicine en the market they hit It exactly. They hit dyspepsia, Indl- KeMlen, and liver and kidney cmplatnlsa ard blew, from which they will never re cover. Held In Lnncuxtcr by W. T. liech, 1J7 and 1 ft) North Queen street. Eloctrle Hitters. This remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular an te need no xpeclal mention. All vha lime used Electric iillters slilir the name song of praise. A purer medlrlnc docs net ex ist and It I guaranteed te de all that Is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases et the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bells, Salt Ithcum and ether affections caused by Im pure bleed. Will drive Malaria from the sys tem Uilti prevent un wen iin curu un auuttriui fevers, Fer cure of Headnche, Constipation ', and Indigestion try Klectric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded" Price fine and sl.W per bottle at W. T. IliH'h's Drug Stere, 1J7 uud UV N. Queen St,, UitiCJister. Pa. (5) A Heed Thing. " I semellmcs wish I could take held of the suleef r.ieiimi' Klectric Oil for I tell you It Is a frand thing, and 1 am conscientious In saying could de u geed erk." Kcv. E. F. Crane, Cerry, Pa. Electric OH cured this gentleman efqulnsy of many years standing. Held In Lancaster by W. T. liech, 137 and 139 North North Queen street. te0t0 atb hoce. reB LOTS. LADIES' AND HISSES' $2.00. Shoes -FOB- $ 1 .75. I have Just purchased auethcr Large Let of Ladles' and Misses' Diamond Tip Butten Shoes, which were made te Retail at 12, but by taking the Whole Let I was enabled te buy them at such a price as te enable me te sell thm at 11.75 per pair. The Ladles run 2'J te 8 In Size. The Diamond Tips are made out of tame material (Dongelu) as the uppers. The MUses run 11 te 2 In size. The Tips are made out el Patent Leather and makes a neat and beautiful contrast with the uppers, which are made of Bright Dongelu. They cannot last long at these prlces. Only a few of these 12 Ladles' Bright Den- gela Butten Square Plain Toe Shoes lea which I advertised n short time age us selling at 11.75. AH of these Shoes were Positively 12 per pair. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FUEY & ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 A 5 EAST KINO HTIIEET, LANCASTER, PA. O-Slere Closed Every Eveninj at C o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. D RUNKENNESS. uuuun iiAmi. In All the World there is but One Cure. Dlt. HAINES" GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea, or In articles of feed, without the knowledge or the patient, If necessary ; It Is ubselutcly harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcohello wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he is aware, his complete reformation Is effected. 48 pnee book of particulars free. CHArt. A. LOCHER,'Druggst, Ne. V East Klug SU, Ijincasttr, Pa. oct28-eed-TTh&S 1 ri I'ER CHNT.DKnENTUREHTOCKCER X" lineal In multiple of llue, earning a guarantee cash dividend of 10 per ceut. perun num. pa) able semi-annually, are Issued by the Building and Lean Association orDuketaf Heme Office, Aberdeen, Seuth Dakota). Ne member ship fee or ether expense Incident te Issuance, of stock. Stock may be converted Inte cash at purchase price after two jeurs. Invester se cured by eal estate mortgages te double the amount of the linestment dunlted with a Trustee. Correspondence Invited. . w. w . n t Aiitiiiti u, Manager Philadelphia Office, Ne, til Walnut Htreit, janl-Smeed C WITT SPECIFIC CO. Scrofula in Children. "In the early part of 18t7 jrehls appeared en the head of eur little tandehlhl then only IS months old. Shortly arser breaking out ft spread rapidly all ever net body. The scabs en the sores would pea 1 offen the slightest touch, and the odor that would arise would make the ataeaafeere or the room sickening and nnbtsuableTTBa disease next attacked the eyea and we reared she would lese her sight. Eminent physicians of the country were con sulted, but could de nothing te relieve the little Innocent, and gave It aa their opinien.1 that the ease waa hopeless and impossible te save the child's eyesight,' It waa then Uiat wa de cided te try (twin's Specific (8. H. R) That med icine at once made a speedy and complete cure. Fer mera than a year past she ha been aa healthy aa any child In the land." Mrs. Reth liKHiu.KY, Selma, Kansas. Outer of the Nese. In 1875 a sere appeared mi my nose, and grew rapidly. A my faUier hud cancer, and my hus band died of It, I beramealinui-diiud consulted my physician. His treatment did no geed, and the sere grew larger and verse In every way, until I was persuaded le take H. S.s.. and ft lew bettlea cured me. This was after all the doc tors and ether medicines had failed. I have bad ne ratum of the cam er. Mrs. M. T. MAktit, Woodbury. Hall County, Texas. Treatise en Cancer mailed free, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. eK-lyd (l) M CLANE'B LI VEB PILLS. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS! FOR SICK HEADACHE i Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Ne. ?T8 Seventh street, N. Y., testify that they have both been suffer ing with liver complaint for about five yean, during which time they have spent a large amount or money and tried many remedies, but, te no purpose. Finally, hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's LlverPllls, prepared by Flem ing Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., they purchased four boxes, which they took according te the direc tions accompanying each box, and new pro nounce themselves perfectly cured of that dis tressing disease. This Is te certify that I have been snbjeet at times te severe headache; sometimes the pain would be ae severe I could rest neither day or night. Hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitta burg, Pa., I sent and get a box, of which I took two pills en going te bed, for two nights. They relieved me entirely. Seme time has new elapsed and I have had no mere trouble from sick headache. M. JOHNSTON, 118 Lewis street, N. Yi This Is te certify that I have had the liver complaint for six years, and I never could get any medicine te help me until I commenced using the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver PIUs. prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa. I can new say te the public, that they have com- filetely cured me ; and I de hereby recommend hem te all persons afflicted with a diseased liver. Try them. They will cure. MARIA EVANS, Ne. Kl Lewis street, N.Y. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mo Me Lane's Liver Pills, preparee by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa. Price 25 cents a box. Held by all druggists. (S) TT'UMPUREY8 VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs AND POULTRY. 500 Page Boek en Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. cures 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B. strains. Lameness, Rheumatism CO. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Bets or drubs, Wenns. E.K. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F. Celic or Urlpes, Bellyache. O.Q. M Isearrlage, Hemorrhages. H.H. Urinary and Kidney Dlseusas. I.I. Eruptive Diseases. Mange, J.K. Diseases of Digestion. STABLE CASK, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel Oil and Medlcater .SLOO PRICE, Single Bettle (ever 50 doses) ,UO Sold by Druggists ; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity en Receipt or Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., 100 Fulton 8U, N. Y. HUMPHREYS', HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. 28. In use 0 years. The only successful remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NESS, and Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether causes, tl per vial, or G vials and large vial powder for 85. Hei.n nr DnuoeiSTft, or sent prepaid en rc rc celptOOer price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., 1 Fulton 8L. N. Y. une27-Tb,S&w V Undeveloped parts Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply le In quiries we will sny that there la no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving nil par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan SU, Buffalo, N. Y.Ditilu Teledo Hee. r.l-ljddiw G It Y'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. QUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tub Uiikat Esemsh ItKJiKnr. An uiifkll. Ing cure for Seminal Weakness, hpcrmuterrliea, 1 in potency and all Disc ises that fellow as a se quence of Self-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Burl:, Dimness of Vision, Premnture Old Ase, unJ many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. as-Fer particulars In our mruphlet, which we deshe te send free by mull te eery one. The Specific Medlclue Is sold by nil drug gists at 1 per package or six package for le, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE QUAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Vrapcr . the only cenulne. Sold In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Hecu. mar3-lyd T EETUIMU SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorplilamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote DlfflcultTccthlng. Prepared by DRS.D.FAHB NKY&SON, Hagerstewu, Md. PrugglsU sell It; 25eenU. Trial bottle sent by raairiO cents. lant-lvdeedw -tARTER'H LITTLE LIVER PILLS, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Pain lu the Side, dc While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing Hrtrtache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER I'll. IX are cquully Billable. In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suiter from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who once try them will find these Utile pills Valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of se many lives that here is where we make our great boost. Our pills cure It while ethers de net,' CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them, l.i lets at 25 cU ; five ler 11. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small PilL Small Dese. auglS-lydeed Small Priee. CIARRY IN STOCK-BEST CHARCOAL, i Hammered liar Iren, Deuble Refined Iren, Burden's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Heller Iren, hteel, Sheet Iren 3-18 te Ne. IB. at JOHN BEsPS. Sil East Fulton street. iii7-tfd TTIORTHE BEST HOT AIR FURNACE IN X? the market, go te JOUN BEST, SSt East Fulton street. m7-tfd IF IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Bib Cocks, Iver Cocks, Swing Joints, call and get them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BESl', SCI East Fulton street. m7-tfd E OR CAST IRON PIPE FITTINOH. BO HI plain and reducing, up te U-Inch diameter, Unable Fittings, I lunges. Flange Unions, Manifolds, American Unions, Tube Supports, lluueers, rloer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BEMI"S. SO East Fulton street. m7-tfd J7IOR PRATT CADY ASBESTOS DISC Valves, Jenkins Vulies.Rrass Glebe Valves, iirassuaie vanes, iron luxiy uiene vanes. Lever baft-ty Valves, Pep Safety Valves, Air Valves, Radiator valves, Pratt's Swinging Check Valvts, Brass Check Valves.Foet Valves fc .nai iTN.mi si jun.i uuu e. mi rai Ulten Street. nMM Utfeff rruus SON TON MILLINERY BTOKJC. -THfe- BONTON MILLINERY STORE, 13 East King Street. -OUR- Trimmed Hats Are at the Tep of Fashion. Loek in our Shew Roem to day, a garden of the brightest, prettiest, daintiest head-gear will there delight you. OUR STYLES Attract marked attention where ever worn, and our prices are very little indeed. Bare Hats as in Trimmed i Our styles are always ahead of the crowd. New shapes every day. Prices far below any ether store. New Styles Children's Hats. New Styles Lace Hats and Caps. New Styles Outing Hats. HEW FLOWERS. New designs in Wreaths and Bequets, Coronets and Mon Men tures latest importations. French Flowers at remarkably low prices. Everything in the Millinery Line you'll find at our store. Give us a call, it will pay you. 4 THE- HUM Ml 13 East King St., inr27-.tmd.SAK LANCASTER, PA. janivf, NE EW LAMPS AND ART UOODS. Call and See THE FINE NEW LAMPS -AN ART COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JoliiiL.Ariield'sBiLildiiig, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dS-tfd UMUINO, OAS FITTINO.AC Jehn P. Schaum & Sen. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND ROOFING. 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA.J QEIjinantarr. .TTIUH MARTIN. China, Glass, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- We are new epenlgg our Spring Importation of Quenware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. or l. TUMUERANDCOAU i 'lYIHAffnUfflUL'U TOBA (x-O SHOOKS AND CASES. WEST. ; r . m- .. vx . . .sv.K nn .- Jin n.. Mf J I a LRN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, bv D U UA,1.,.J u. es-lyd 2 Water Street. Ijincastsr, Pa. "T AUMUAKDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. vSirTl ., and Ne. YAJUi-NerU Friuia Street, near Readlnf ftOfU-tM UUrOASTSmrA, INUUntett Vrg jrffiQX HAVQUMAN. CHEKP GHRPETS. lvXtzcr A HsWAghLman. BRUSSELS, ingrain; RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, BeagM tt Auction and CARPETS AT M CENTS. UArtrKTB AT HH UKNTH. CARPkTTM AT M CENTS. CARPETS AT W) CENTS. CARPETS AT H CENTS, Otuyet Baft TakM ia Bxcluuf. Fleer Oil Oletka Okwp. Wutdew Uutdei. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. 38-40 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. (oppesrnc i-hk oeopxr heusk.) T ARD MeELROr. BJURD Sl Mm. S3 aai M Iwrtk Qmm Mmt, CARPETS Havlne cut down our profit en our Heme-made Rag-, lutmln, Chain and Htalr Carpets, In order te Increase our sale, we have told mere than any sensen rnca we opened, would be pleased te have you call, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Hag taken In exchange. FEATHERS-Headquarter for the Best Feathers at the lowest price In Lancaster. A lower trade at 80s. RUOS-Smyrna Rug at a bargain: $1 site at 7Sc.tl.aasl seal tl, W site at 13,11 Ue at B.80' Cocea Rugs at He, Me and SOc OILCLOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the money In Uie city, all widths from i U2)i yards wide. Table Oil Cleth, 4 feet wide. 12,'ic per yard. SUir and Shelf Oil Clelh. fc WINDOW BUADES-Bargalns In Window Bhades. A New number In Dade at J7c. Shading by the yard In Paper, Helland and OH. Alte Spring Fixture. WASH DRESS GOODS-The best llneef Outing Cleths In the cllr. Dress Ginghams In elegant styleatc.c.l0eandl2Hc. Men' Shirting at 5)Jc,8Jie and c the best styles In pentlngfer men and beya at the prtea ever offered. ' NAVY BLUE CALICO-One Case Navy Blue Calice at two never before sold for les than Be One let of Skirting at 30c; reduced front tfc. BiqyCLES-AgenU for the Pretnler Safely Bicycle for Indies, men and children. AtseacenU for tlie Sweeting Cycle Ce., et Philadelphia, Pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High Urade Cycle at cut prices. See the 75c and Me Coventry Rival Safety, ball bearing te parts. Heys' Rival Safety at 130. Bee it, compare It with any at , and If any difference In favor of the Itn al. BARD& Nef . 33 and 35 Seatb Queen Itreet, latcltc. TT Z. HUOADS A SON. NLexxming Jewelry T RD3B0N PINS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, HAIR ORNAMENTS, EVERT STYLE, H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. CABLE AND LOCK BRACELETS IN STERLING SILVER. A Special Line of Leather Goods Ladles' nud Gent's Card Cases, Umbrella Straps and Ladles' Satchels, all Silver-Mounted. lieautlful goods, worthy of close Inspection. WRcpalrlng of fine goods of every description by skilled workmen. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. f?Du F LINN A BRENEMAN. Lew Priced Baby Carriages, Beys' Velocipedes, Little .Giant Bicycle. THIS IS THE FINEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOR REACH'S BASE BALL AND LAWN TENNIS GOODS. FLUTIST & BREISTEM AIM, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCASTER, PA. jfurnituve. w IDM iER'S CORNER. Three Things Te Be Considered -IN- Buying Furniture AT WIDMYER'S OLD CORNER : Quality and Variety of the Stock, Quality and Style of the Goods, Reasonable Prices and One Price te Everybody. WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streets LANCASTER, PA. H EINITSM'M FURNITURE DEl'Of. What De Yen De With Your Old Stock ? Was This Wctlc Asked by a Custenur. We sell It for what It will bring, was our an swer. We allow no shopkeepers here. FLUSH ROCKERS areaway down. REDROOM SUITS ere an ay down. COUCHES and LOUNGES. Well, anyone can rest easy en such nice ceuds fur se little money. Lets of Other Geed Things at Popular Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street ec CHS&U1UI13. FIVE MINUTES LoeklnK Outdoes All the flood Thing we might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Furnltnm that nu a worthy name. All the New Styles. It's no trouble te sell such Furniture when It's known. Here's the reason : We Sell Furniture for Itop Itep utatlnnas Well us fur Meney. Nnthouichtef cheapness In a single piece. Made ler lung weir and tntlnfuctlen, ana yet told chcup, 1 hut's what makes It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers aed Dealers, Ne. 11 B0UTU QUKXN 81-REET, Wb. 1 : I ,1 .1 ,.! from the Manufacturers. .OARFETB AT SB CENTS. CARPKT ATauF..Nl I.NTS. CA UPKTrt AT SO CENTS. CAKPKrs AT85CK.NTS. UARPH.TS AT 7i CENTS. Offosite FevsUia lu. Opposite Fenataia Iaa tXeacltc. 3$l0UCC0. W-OW IS THE TIME TO SOW OUR FINE MIXED LAWN GRASS SEED AND Lawn Fertilizer. Themas' Lawn Mowers Are the Chi'uiwsl First-Class Mewers Sold. Lawn Settees, Tree (Juards, 1'lunt Sticks, Wlre Trellises, Rubber Hese, Hese Reels. Rustic & Terra Cetta Vases. REFRIGERATORS. ar-OI'EN EVENINOS.-S SPRECHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KINO ST. aprn-tfdTulh&H R E1LLY11ROS.4RAUI1. Lawn Mowers ! BOLE AGENTS FOR THE GREAT AMERICAN. A Light, Well Made Mower, Easy Running and Simple In Construction. Ne reiuieii for uny one nut havlns a Fine Luwn when you cuu buy u First-Class slower FOR $5.00. EVERY MOWER FULLY GUARANTEED. Alse, n Full Line of Pennsylvania Mowers AT LOWEST I'llICES. EEILLTBROS. &R1TIB, 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te I'ostefllce. npl2-lmd piNELEntEK STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2.30. Hired by Happy Medium, sire of SO performers from ft UK te 2.30. Dam Toisy Tayler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire of Lulu. 2:Ufi, Ac, Ac. Terms for Spring season of ltsue, Vti for a foal. Fer tabulated pedigree and ether Information, address DANIEL U. ENULE, uprl'MuidAw MMrlctta, Pa. OTIOK.TO TRESPASSKiW AND OUN N EIOJ. All persona are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the eruwsil nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or unluclosed, either for the purpose of tboeUng or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all tree- Ksslng en said lands of the undersigned arte Is neUca WM. COLEMAN FHKEMAN E, PERCY ALDEN. EDW.UFHEXMAN, AManayi far Hi wVOataua,i Kaua. fftnir. cSEpckir CLOCKS, SPEcfA'CLES, Ac, SOLD AND KEPATJtSD, IMK NORTH QUEEN ST.-WKBKR'S: "eV.,h5 wnjllr selected for Farresrs and Railroaders. aprjt-ljd JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! JK WKLKlt AOUADUATK OrTIGIA N. la the Most Rensltlve Oman we Possess. If neglected the result la serious and often prerrs sauu. ..Eyea that Ache, Eyes that Grew Tired, Eye that are Dim, Eyes that Hum or Itch, coma tinder this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free I Ne Dreps Used i OHAS.S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINd STREET, LANCASTER, FA. XyALTEU a HERE. REPAIRING! IX) you have a Flne Watch that needs repalrlng? By leav ing It with ub It will b lu care ful hands and cau premise you splendid results from work we de. All Cleck, Jewelry and Spec tacle work dene promptly. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. Z AHM'S CORNER. SPECTACLES I ANEWANDFERMANFNT DEPARTMENT OPENED ZAHMSCORNER. We have opened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connection with our retail busi ness, and have FITTKD Ul' AN OKriUG UI4 THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this branch, and have placed 1 1 In charge et a Segular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In the best hospitals of the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propose te simply n dj us t correctly all cases of defective sight, and .fit them with I he correct lenses, but te perform all SURGI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and te place under treatment these who by proper atten tion! need only treatment of the eye le restore, their sight without the use of spectacles. At the same time we de net propose te make the adjustment se expensive aa te debar our cus tomers from the ed vantage of a proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only theso that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect, lielng sole agent for the celebrated ARUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for the money In the country, and having the advnuUgcs of a proper adjust ment at a price within the reach of all, there will be no necessity for any ene using glasses thai are uncomfortable or unsulled te their eyes. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with any trouble of the eye, lu wlmtever form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'S CORNER, aprS-3md LANCASTER, l'A. &avtct. c ARPETSI CARPETS CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTV Dyeing I Dyeing I Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM DYEINQ WORKS Are second te none lu I'cmuj IviinU for finish el work of ull kinds. Feathers Dyed All Shades. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHDhT SON & CO,, NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCASTER, Pa. feblMmd milE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S. St V. ELECTED TO FURNISH Carpets, Curtains, Shades Rugs, &c, IlyaLarge Majority llecaui e It Is Rest Equipped nnd has Only One Price and Fair Dealing. SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street. angS-lrd Vhoteovaplte. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KeBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. ROTE, 60 i-2 North Queen St., Nut Doer U the Postesloa. JanT-tsaa . tiNNSY'LVAiilX KAiLAsWfca IT IneirertfrosBNeT.W, uK r Jtl "Trains imava Lajreaarsm a Hve at n,iudeTilSuSsril rW PhlOTphU. fMlBeEspreast w iSSSr" USA IB. a a. aa, Staaa. . MantralnvlaMt-Jert 7.a.a. ttaattsMfcl puiHl xrai&T.i. Niagara Exprees HanovarAeeeBKi.'.t. E&2i Frederick Aemn!!' Lancaster Accem... Laneaster Ammm IIOSl m via OelanbU inssasm, VlaMUay. Harrlsbnrg Aeeem.u Gelnmht Amabi. fSSSJ! Harrtsbnrt Expream- nMwrn aspiwa ..... Lancaster Aece.. EASTWARD. 551ft.Sr fcSp.m. p.JJ , Lanesar. MO a. m, t!itm.m. a.m 2.SB. .1Mb. m. 1248 p. BV. LaneasverAece Harrtsburg Kxprea.. Lancaster Accem.. OolnmtilsvAeeenu.... AllanUe Expreset Philadelphia Aeecm; Monday Mall.....! f)v TTTlir.Bal Hanlsburg Aeeem.J ii iraiirMIWM Frederick Acoem. iih.ubi; inns wnicn tub eaiiy. t , (ht Sunday Uie Kail trala watt nusiby wa J. R. weed, ctentvw nasaatar CRAB. E. PUOH. Oenaral slanagir. XniLADELPHIA as KBABIXOl svimiMAiiniiilnti in iii.iia'r , ea and after Bnnday, Ner ML vm, .MM leave LaneasUr (King street), aa fellow J , ... days, tje a. m., UM, M p. as.; afSS&t Fer Pnlladelphla, wmk days. 1M.HXM X.-4R p. m.; Bnndays, I AS p. m. t6.'4i,n Fer New Yerk rl PhVladlphla,.1l!aalt.MSI ..Fer New Yerk via Allentown.' ixp.m. . . ,.,,itj Fer Allentown, wwdt days, TM a. aa-M sWi auuuafKt p &a " ' (-, & 5SL5,SSISW Waia aa aw jva. jK iv m. Rnnti . aWl tf. m. FerliuarryvlUe, week days, ai'at,' a.uup.xn.1 aunaay,e:iup.m. . - . ..i.,m,..,a trainr ma r.AWfiAsri'SiaL. . .V' Leave Beading, week daya. 7M, HsMa. ii J:5 p. m.t Sunday. 730 a. nrYfcwi! s, ""' Leave Philadelphia, week .daya?. t, MM in., sww v in. 3 .t... !- . Leave New Yerk via " - - JrT"l1 . iflllr 7! a. m., 1:80. p. m. 12:14 night. " MSTSwjwiers via AUSUiqwBv,wasT,.eMp 4.'O0a.ra..lKx)p.m. , . '-' Lav Allentown, week dayt Mi a. .' P,fD. , r . . , ,.,!. lieave reiuviue, wesi; ,My, we . aa, rjk fa. "" ' ' Leava Lebanon, week daya,.t)ia aw-aaaMI 7:16 p. m, : Sunday, 7:86 a. ., let p, as. TTi ZHT Leave Harrtsburg, week,4aya, AHiHi lM day, 640 a. u. ' t"t m ,ljp?1 tieava ttnarryviue, wmk eaja, ates, ltiai 8.-00; Sunday, 7:10a.m. ... AlUmilUVUI AllVABAUn. Leave Pnlladelphla. Chestnut i ajiaNeuwttreetwnart.. j, J-UT AWMIHQ 7. WV.S MO a. n. and 'MB 'fa. 'm.! Aa n k ha ah4 am . aHH.M M a. m., AoaeamooaUoa, SSTkSl paAiiaaai i.tmj aa us miu w jp ai modAtleD.BKKa.rn. and 40 iw m- KKpreMi, 1p.m. Aoeonmo4i.Uosv 1 Dtelld Um Ublte can b ebiaimAMt A.A.MOLKOP, .... ..aO.H4 vice Pre. AOeniM'gr.' l . .r T KnADUn S UAfliUUIAJUe 4UUVBX. " " """ " t JJ,,) Arrannments of Faasemrer Tralna aa i . H - .b. iaaV- TTTT'' ft I . ! Y"-TT Vm.1 rjrTTT ,,,,7f,.J NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. p.m. rA fVilntnhli .?.'.. lli t2rM-'tf F7-i Manbeinu.M... itm.'.i urn, i ijeoanen ... i. ....... .eit-'. xaei SOUTHWARD. i iara ' a:m. f. k". r. Lebanon ...........'...-Vila (It"- ft! Cern wall... ............ 732 . laBfa,, ManhelmJ..... . 731 1:1 Lancaster... MT 1 Arrive at . u., i Columbia.. 9fB1..9m , King Street. Lane, 8:S",Mfl'' A. M. WIIJBON, Banfa B, a 1 S. N. NEFF. Supt. a B. M., . Clethings , i IV .1 J'.I'M'l '.I'l1" e IX1TH1NO. -- ...nii! k it, L. Gansman & Brc ' Ji-S t &$ Men's, Youth's, Bey's aad CUlaraa'a"'"', i i .j . lirm f - NEW SPRINO STYLES, - tfjj 1)W PRICES, '" J'i2 PERFECT FITTINO, WELL MADE NIOBsVi TRIMMED. , "i Men's SulU at , $1,840,15, 88, 81, Ijai 114.116,118. ! Youth's HulU at J, 14, 85, W, V. H, . ,. ,,v: Beys' SulU at 82.M, 83, 13.30, Utt, 86, C, 17, '''S Lnuarensttuiuaiwc.il. 81 JO. 8Lea 81.78.1 K0,t3,t4,l8,M. V? Men's PauU, 75, 11, 11.25, 11.50. 11.75, aLM,l 14 and 84 60. r,,.-;Ui Knee Pants at 23c, 35c, 40c. 80c, 80c, 7c, Nunv uurstecK is mere attractive thui ever and prices at the lowest. Call or write for samDles In enr Order 1 reent and compare prices with ethers. - ff (VlitK k -, taTS. Ilaas' fa.am , Mi a ialaft.at sf9a la Bag a. aa mCss.' IP aTqIiJI lAmva ; Fer Lebanon, week days. 7.- iluLaim, p. m. Sunday, 8.-08 a. m,g:eS p. m. ' ' nni Fer Hanisbunr. week dava. 7.-00. a. asl i PWgl SS BWSk'hII llresK.'yi -.i )t't, '','? rS l. bansman & orem t. i - --t-m Tatlemand Mnnafectnrenef Mrn'i, Beti J l-llllilfdn'AI I l(kllllltO VMltSSLltaSk i " VUIIUIH B VIWVHIU Mktuaiii A and IS M0KTH QTJIZB IT.. sr; .W.COBKEEOrOBAHai. LABTOAITIB. lifJ i 49 Net connected with any ether Heuse In the city. -I!e cautious and make no mistake ee I you set te the right place. M YERS HATUFON. " ATTRACTIONS IN OUR .l(t) if I iinIhiii Deariei '''"71 m We've manv attractions tin our Custom De- ; pertinent, w e are snowing tue Handsomest Line OF ' $fj vi..'i; ' 2 $4 SUITIN-Q ,Tv' -FOR- '.IMft, KM V4il nffan'c UflH ''" w - .M FROM- r... - $16.00 te Almest Anj Prictf Such styles as these are net offered any in Lancaster mr ine price, nucn an I you'll nud nowhere else, ,. ,,,. ELEOANT feTLYES IN i v,vw eA Men's Treusering'!; "S Mere than yen'll care te leek at. Prices from tl te iu. we'll nt you, tee. i..' trl !., .i i. e t'rl Myers & Rath von, . Hi i.. Leadinir Fashionable Taikrt.v v ' fN rjV NO lQCAHTKINUH'iKKT . w. m.mm- -ir fP--. ULNOASTEKiPA, i .Imv 'ifj vma ite ."! f A.S V f i i. ' .,l4W.VAL5feW' JLiZi3.J-:r1t'? I-),, : j: 4- i- J-rk' 'h$