Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 06, 1890, Image 2

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    i,.JfJV w "
V 7-
imetww J.xnamtAV, .
HIA.M.MSnHNXAR rel.Tii, wmura.
t fT in ttw yes. Sunday, 8rvl
I 111 I mi in u wiy.'wm urreuu
- alien cents t.wefc. Br mal 111 veewl
xtMaartwr In advance! U cent a nieulli.
tLYlHTlU.LKllCNCKR-One dollar nnd
cmt a year. In Mvaaefi.
I tO HbBSCRIBKHS-IUuiIt br fbeeK
-'.MMMmi order, nna wuern amuiir
;MMnn t preenrad (end iu ft review
r.v . ..
i ml Mm rorternee, tu iccoea bhmi
lmncMlcr. Fa.
;LAirOAiTM.PA., May 6, 1J90.
TIm PMMdnlila Bemeerur.
N'Thr Philadelphia Democrat arequlle
tl te enee mere buew tueir emiueui
Ability In agreeing te dUngrce, In the
ag election foratuccesser te Mr.
ill. Twe Democrat, neither of
l remarkably well equipped for the
B are candidates for the nomination,
id seeking It with be much beat that It
ptmlble the decision or the primnry
Jeb win net kin eitucr ei mem en ;
the Republicans, In expectation of
aeeh result, are bringing forward Bertie
'Adams, who new adorns tlie United
lies diplomatic corps as minister te
Brazil, aa then man for Mr. Raudalrs
R&T-.Z" .. ......... .
:.!,,Tue exeeeuing uuproperiion ei any ei
their feet te the measure is interesting if
ttttet amusing. Mr. Adams, who is, we
lieve, fender of line apparel than he is
tr het'Brazll, would never think of put-
Ijtlng era a pair of shoes that were net a
"perfect flt; ana yet lie is eager te step
Mntn Mr. Hnndall'd tilace. which tlie
y pfabllc recognize as very much tee big
fcr him. Be Is it wltu Messrs. uenincr
t . -. . -. it
and MCAJeer,iue ucniocratie aaiurania.
Ifye presume that there is no question
ittnat AieAieers quaiiucaiieu ur iuu
pest is superior te that of either
( the ether two. He is ' quite
tibia the ordinary size of the Peiiimvlva
rala congressman; and while iu ierneiiul
.qvallflcatlen the IUtent caudldate
amed, It is clear cneugn inai lie is
' net the ablest that might bu uameil
t'iir the representation of tlie Democracy
glbf Philadelphia In Congress. Tlie whole
liiasTf i altmiM I in 4 lin fin lit ft!!!! avlitttll tin
WV. """"" '"" '"" """- "
chosen; and for sucli n. constituency
Land for such a succession there is cer-
.talnly a woeful lack of quality In tlie
Jiaaber presented for selection.
i But nothing discreditable te Philsdel-
.In a political way, done by either
kdMMty, need cause surprise, and we have
srWOg tlnce caessd te feel that emotion at
? JJaOiecratlc doings, 'lucre are certainly
rygoed Dunecrats In Philadelphia,
t'vtry, able men and able leaders ; but
-tbirhave se steady a run of ill success
; la their efforts te combine and harmen-
itlM party tuat mere is evidently a
Ileal disease at the root of things. The
able seems te be among the leaders,
rlth some of whom devotion te the
' interest Is a secondary censidera
te if indeed it is a consideration at all.
ijjntiw pending contest we will be agree-
gtHtyy aurpnseu ii me customary iviiKcuuy
cHvitlcs are net displayed. It Is as
geed time for the exhibition as can be,
the question or wnn snail be Itan-
I'd ucoesser.for the rest of the session
f Mr. Reed's Congress is net one of great
tat te the Democratic parly ; and
i fact that se great lack of wisdom Is
n in the district Is one which the
ty in the state can ponder te itrf pre-
Tne failure te improve the opiter-
inlty te elect a successor te Mr. Randall,
Korthy of the great Philadelphia con-
ituency and worthy te weur Mr.
Sandall's mantle, will demonstrate
'fencluslvely te the Democracy of the
tat the utter werthlessucss of l'hlla-
'Vlphla Democratic leadership, and will
. 'greatly aid te cllmluate Philadelphia
innuenee from the state ceuucils. Time
adgaln the party prospects in the
-Ute have been spoiled by wretched
' .Philadelphia conduct aud counsel. The
tote Democracy have again and again
.gene down te the Philadelphia bound-
ary with a majority te be overwhelmed
' br its vote. Philadelphia is net a sweet
I' Oder te the Democracy of Pennsylvania ;
mua If It loses Randall's seat It will be a
s$ ""
,jfj" me ai-n iwi iinii,'.
' iucid as u suuuh; vucakiun in iuu
fnreaent political situntleu that New
ITerk, which can command the Demo Deme
Veafatlc nomination fur presldeut always
rwllh a candidate te whom she can
iftadge the state, may net be in
pit ion te claim tlie coming cun-
because of her Inability te
,dMtrer te him the state at the clec
? Han. We de net thluk that there are
, naany people who de net thluk that
Governer Hill sacrificed the electoral
- 9te of the state fet Cleveland te his
fnrpese te secure Bis own election for
dnrerner, if net te a further malevolent
r4topeltlon te back Cleveland oil' the
fteurae for the future.
& Governer Hill is evidently for himself
rat. last and all the time: and while
Ukfe avowed candidacy for the presidency
-m in tne view or nearly every eue but
himself, nothing if net silly, his own
14 aiieeiu win nui lei uuu juuk in H iu
itld light. He is enough of a'caudidate te
duaturb the New xerk waters probably
t a degree that may endanger the
StToteef the state te another New Yerk
k Mndldate, whom the thugs may desire te
, atay. Wltn Cleveland beaten once by
treachery, it will be a serious question
K whether it will de te give it again a
rwiance. inere uees uai seeut te be
;eugh honor among New Yerk pellti-
i te trust te them thu Domeerutic
tlenal fortunes. Hanceek came te
tgfief there before Cleveland.
t Vl s iss
?& The IleAlheu t'liluce.
frtiuMug i.uug uug wus iiurieil uy
i Chines In New lerk en Meudav
ceremonies that were truly re
able. A big proct-ssieu of Chlua-
in full costume with flags and
iners.marched through the streets,at.
tiug tne attention or surprised mid
nested crowds. Bun Francisce Is
LtftdUdtemed te siectacles of the kind,
t in Chicago the Celestials arejequully
rprmug, but Eastern cities are
waklug up te the Chinese ques
m a matter couccrulner tbem.
: Tbd persistent enterprise of the Cliinese
t Amarlca In spite of hostile letrUIutien
I worthy of attention. Every steamship
m MMAuwcry Kiuguem carries crowds
fthn,andyetthe number lu theceun-
r, wm" nei. seem ve uecrease in the least.
-arowaever tue ieuk unnretecl
i at the north and south, and if
r aheuld be mere rigidly excluded the
It might be that ether American na-
would be overwhelmed lu the flood
F Chinese Immigration.
Tbayaeem detenniued te crowd iute
Thd mevemeut bears some
M&rvPT ? vvr '"'" t'
''' ' ' "
RMmblanee te the great westward ml ml ml
gratlonsef Asiallcs, that Bo'eften threat
tened and almost overwhelmed the
Europeans of early ages. Their immense
strength iu numbers, the abject poverty
aud misery of the mass, aud tlie low
value act upon human life, all make the
Chinese, as a people, a very important
factor lu the problem of future events.
The missionaries of Christianity have
made little Imprcsslonlupen them ; the
Americanizing forces of our system none
at all. At home aud abroad they are
the same persevering, intelligent, indus
trious barbarians, without sympathy
for our institutions or civilization, proud
of thclrewn. Rut tlie foreign experience
of be many Chlnamen who return
again te their country must have
a marked effect en their material
development. The Chinese tu the near
future may learn the use of machinery
and the management of the various
institutions that new g've Western
nations supremacy. Pacific mall steam
ers are new manned by Chinese Bail
ors under their own petty officers. They
have rolling mills, steel works and
ship building plants In China, and
when popular prejudice Is overcome
there will bomereof them with railroads
and telegraph lines besides. It is worth
while te ceuslder what may happen
when the millions of heathen China
learn te use the discipline and weapons
of Christian notions. It will net be In our
time, but events move rapidly and an
other great race conflict seems le be ap
proaching from Asia.
Tiiksk sre line days for trout nslilng.aml
suglcrs report tlie fish unusually plentiful.
Tin: New Tene JlcraUl announces Hint
Kdwlu Arneld is In Teklo, Jnpnn, writing
a new epic poem called " Tlie Light of tlie
World." Tlie thotne will be tlie feunder
of Chrlbtlanlty,and It Is wild that tlie method
of Ircatment Is decidedly original. It Is
nelel as rather curious that wlille "Tlie
Light of Asia" was wrltten lu n Christian
country this poeiuvn Christianity should
be written In olio of the beutrcs of Orlenlul
Tin: French army costs mero than n
hundred and olevnu millions a yesrnnd the
German army nearly nlnety-twp mlllletiH
The army Hint the United. States had
twenty-five years nge 111 eest a hundred
and forty six 11111110118 this year If the
polishing bills that hnve passed the IIouse
beceme laws.
TilR city of llultluiere Is proud of the
cruiser bearing Its iiame. The A'iei, always
en'erprlslng, lus published four enthu
siastic stanzas set te music Hint Is overflow
ing with the most sentient notes. The
iiiul is entitled: " Ilnltlmore, dedicated
by the S'mii of Ilnltlmore te thegnllanl wor
ship Hint bears the iiame of the Monu
mental City."
Anetim'.k nurvel Is described by the
Louden Timci lu a mero pluuslble way. It
is an autoinntle drop-a-nlrUel-ln-tho-slot.
and-gct-your-iln-type - portrait -maehtne.
Tiie orsen te be photographed takes his
stand In fiotitef tlie lens.wlth his back te a
pest llxed at thrce feet, and adjusts hlmsetf
se that his full fnca shall be roltccted lu a
mirror. He then puts a penny In the slot,
and remain motionless for live secends,
w lien a bell announces that the Impres
sion Is cemplete. In forty seconds mero
the finished photograph, en a plate, drops
through the delivery hele en te a shell. An
extra halfpenny will procure a sultable
frnine. A rotary arm carries the pinto
through a Merlcs of vhemleul baths till thu
linpresHleu U doveloned.
FlteM Paris, whero the marvelleus In
sclonce Hoeuntn thrlve, thore comes a story
of the euro of a fat man by simply slicing
hi if 1 down te his preper proertlous. The
correspondent of the Louden An7y Xvw.i
says that degnilssnge, or the remeval of
fat from tlie body, Is the Intestsurglral son son
Hatlen. "Or. Marx and Honiara have car
ried out the operatiou upon a llterary man,
M. lliroguella. Thny raised the skin and
cutaway II pounds of the adlpose tissue.
The pitleut was uuder chloroform whlle
thus belng pared away. The skin was then
stitched up. More Hutu a week bus passed
sluce the opeintlon, mid M. lllreguulla new
feels quite well, and Is overjoyed at the
Improvement lu his llgure. He says he
only suiVored from he id nlie, the offect of
the chloreforui. It Isarrnuged that he Is
te underge fitrtlier parlngV The only
trouhle about this tale Is that It U qulte tee
simple. If the operation Is se easy and
satisfactory It would have beceme common
long age, and thin poeplo would be made
fat and stout poeplo slender by wholesale
In works established for the purpose.
Tin: IIouse of Commens conimlttee en
colonization has recommended that aaslsted
emigration from Great Itrltatu should be
discontinued except te Australia. The
Canadians will hardly be pleased at this,
but as there is a steady flew of jMipiilallen
from Canada ever the border te Hie Males,
the mother country can hardly be blamed
for refusing te pour water into a slove.
Thecomuitttee's figures show that sluce
1815 twelve and a-half million oeplo have
loll the United Kingdom, and of thene nlue
million since 186.1, of which soven million
were of llrltlsh and Irlhli origin. Two Twe
thirds of einlgrauts went te tlie
United States. Britishers and Kuropeans
generally irslst In belching that most
of this country Is 11 trackless wilderness
and the cemmittee has caused pro
found astonlshiuent by declaring Hint
only a hundred thousand square niiles
suitable for sottleuiont remained In the
United States, while Australia and Mani
toba offered five and four Hines that area.
As the area of this country Is 3,581,385
square uilles It will be hard for the Hrltlsh
govermuent te persunde emlgrnnts that we
have net plenty of room for them. With a
population or 05,000,000 there would only
be eighteen te a square mile.
Wilmam Wai.peiip Asteu has L'ivcu a
check for f5,000 te the New Yerk Press
club, te be luted for ber.evulent poreses.
ReiuutT Adams. Jr., minister te llrazll,
will probably be the Itepuhlieaii candidate
for Congress lu the Third Pennsylvania
Kx-Pniim:M' Ci.r.VKi.AM) did net at
tend the funeral of hl.s uncle, Itev. Dr.
Allen, in IluUale, teUgraphingthat he wus
sutrjring from rheumiittsiu.
Jamk.h II. Ciuitix, a nephew of Oovernor
Curtln, uud ineiiilHtr of the firm of Cuitln.
& Ce., large Iren manufacturers of Hello Helle Hello
lente, died suddeiily en Monday. aed
about 40. "
State llevim took the oath
of office en Monday. He retains ex-Stato
Treasurer Llvsuy as cashier and will muke
no changes lu the clerical force as at
present censtllutbd.
William McCeumick, son of J. Mc
cormick, of llnrrlsburg, the well known
Iren manufacturer, and nephew of Sonster
J. Donald Cameren, has been elected te
the editorship of the llctlilehein Timet.
Jehn Duiuiam, who has been appointed
consul at St. Dominge, 1h a colored iimu
at present eimaned en the stair or the Phil
adelphia Jlulletm. He U 11 graduate of the
aclontlfle deiiartinent of the UuUcrsltver
Pennsylvania. '
M. Jeseph Nicholas llenKriT-Fi.Euiiv
an eminent French painter, Is dead. He
had received all the decorations of tlie
Lesien of Hener. He was a very prolific
(winter, and his son, M. Teny llobort llebort llobert
PJeury, has also acquired distinction.
MiMbTEit Kmehv Smith
mlnlbtcr le ltusala, has arrived In Kerllii
M.r,.?ml'.h ' u, 'HWHt t M". William
Walter Phelps, the American minister te
Germany. He dined Monday evening with
Count SchouvaleH', the ltuisluu ambassa
dor at lierlln.
Ijimiep TunsEit, or the African Mcllie.
illst amference, complains of the ill-treat-meint
which the colored delegates receive
t the bauds of the hotel-keepers at New
Ilrunxwlck, N. J. It is very dlflleult and
In many esse actually Impossible for them
te secure rooms because of their color.
PmcMiKn Cmsn en Monday announced
In the Italian Henate that he would resign,
because the Senate In the debate en the
charities bill rejectcd the clsttsa providing
for church ex pensus. II resigns in order
te dcclds a question of the .dissolution of
the cabinet or Its reconstruction under
Slgner Saracce. Ills announcement caused
great excitement.
KiiWAnu D. Wai.kkr, associate editor
and former owner of the Cattnopelitan
Magazine, who died last week, was just
entering the thirties, but had already made
a name fcr himself as a rlevsr and capable
writer and a geed all-round man In the
newspaper world. When onaaged with
the llarpers he displayed a high auibltlen,
and overworked himself In the preparation
of artlcle. In 1KI7 be went upon the On On
tiw))elitan, and long age was warned by
his friends and physicians that be was
working himself te death.
Hkiieit Ai.i.nx raised a smalt breeze In
metropolitan society some years age by
appearing as an apostle of palmistry, but
he could net make It pay, and he Is new at
home In Knglsnd trying te turn hlmaelf
Inte a novelist. When I10 landed In New
Yerk he charged liny dollars a hand for
examining a palm sud delineating charac
ter and dcatlny. Tlie Mar of that city says:
"He was the fashion and the sensation for
nearly six months, and then he hied him
self away for practice and money-getting
among the society poeplo of Philadelphia.
The grave nnd economical damsels of the
Quaker City did net rush frantically te
Srcft him. Itodrepped his price te$5, and
is moment he did the fashionables all for
nook him. lie wasadlgnlfied little fellow,
of an intensely loud English patleru, fine
looking, talented, and If he had been six
feet tall, might have marrled an holress.
He at last accepted a place as an Interpreter
at Castle Garden at $1,200 a year."
Auk for VAN
llOUTENH COCOA-tnke no
There are bright budi of April uinl Llosnemi of
Uut they're net hnlf no t wcet n the hrratli of
That with BOZODONT bruslies her teeth every
Tlltlikepenrln through hrrbcautlrul llHithey'ra
OHOZODONTt whit an encliantmint In thine
That glvt Uelh llke tlie iuu, aud I! I von lips rtd
a wine.
Feil Cenntlpsllnn, Hick, or Dillen Heartache,
Ue llr. I'le eti'a 1'fllrU, or Antl-bllleiiM Urnu
idea; I'urtly Vegebilile and perleetly lmrmleiw.
One a done. M,Tu4w
llvery I'erwin Te He n Itt-nl Siieccm
In thin life miint bnve h unerlnlty ; that la. mukt
concentrate Hie abllltleanf Ixxly and mind en
some one purault. lliirilixk lllixit Jllttert have
llielr NMH'(ally una complete nnd ru1 leal 'cure
(ifdyaiH-pxIa, mid liver nnd kidney nllectlent.
Meld In Umeaater by V. T. Hech, 137 and LIS
North Queen atreet.
Aak Your l'Vleiiils About It.
Your dlntrcatlng rough can be cured. We
knew It bet'Aiiae Kemp's Ilataani within the
pant few yearn has cured mi many rough kiuI
cold In till community. IU remarkable tale
ha been wen entirely by Ha genuine merit.
Ak tome friend who ha unvd It what he
think of Kemp' llalxnni. There lauomedl lauemedl lauomedl
clneiopurc, none se cUecllve. lairge bettlet
Wa and it at all drugglit. (2)
Truth Crushed te Kurth
I bound te rlae. Crowd down mid amether the
iriilh ueu mny concerning Tlwmut' iMectrlc
Oil, yet the fucW wlllrlneup that It 1 one of the
bent reined lea for uc'Iicm, apruln and pain that
linn ever yet been Invented, Held lu Lancaster
by V. T. Mecli, ITT und l.BI North IJiueti ttreet.
I a nccealty with nearly everybody. The run
down, tired condition of till acaaen 1 due te
Impurities In the bleed which have accumula
ted during the winter, and whtrh limit be ex
pelled If) 011 vvlah te feel well. Heed' Hara
purllla thoroughly purine and vltiilUes the
bleed, create a geed appetite, cure bllleuaneii
nnd hcadnclie, give healthy nctlen te the kld
neya and liver, and Impart te the whole body
a feeling of health and atrength. ThWaprlug try
"1 Inke Heed's Kiimnparllla every year a a
aprlug tonic, with most mitlifuctery rcaultH." i
1'ARMKi.KR, 319 llrldgeitreet, llroeklyn, N. Y.
" HiHMl'a Hnrfuiimrllla purified my bleed, gave
me strength, and ovcrcame the heartache und
dUflnesi, ae tliut I am able le work again. 1
recommend Hoed'a Bnraiarllla te ether
Hhose bloel I thin or Impure, and who feel
Mern out or run down." l.u'Tiikit Nahon,
1-OHell, Ma1.
" Willi the llrat bottle of nel'Har.amrllla
my headache entirely dlsnpcared, and where
before I could net luuiter iipttnnppctlta for my
ineiila, I cannot new get enough meal te
aatlsfy my npprlltc. I am at in f sent luklng
my aeeend buttle mid feel llke a Ullfeient per per
aeu." WII.1.IASI I.ASal.NU, l'esl !, (J. A. It.,
Necnali, Vla.
N. II. If 011 decide te take Heed' Sursapa
rllla de net be Induced te buy any ether.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Held liyulldrilKgltU. II ; alx for ". Prepared
only by C. 1. 11001) kt CO., lxiwell. Mash.
ioeuohimoni:doli..u (i)
Van Ileutuit's tJfty per cent, mere
of the lle-ili-feniilii!; elemeuts of cocoa
than is ebtulned by the host jireccsscs of
ether iitfitiiifiictiircrs.
Van Heuten's
Best and Gees Farthest."
Doctors und analysts of the highest
staiidltn; all ever the wei Id, certify te
this Immense saving, and hy Van llou lleu
tkn'h spcclul process only can this lie
SVa.v HeurtN'.s Cocea ("once tried, al
wn aiued ") piKseav Hie great udvaiitiige of
leaving no lujurleimctlecta en the nervem y.
tern. Ne under, therefore, that lu all part of
the world, Hit imrnrur'i Cocea I recommended
by medical meu, limtead of tea and reflee or
ether cocoa or chocolate, for dally uuu by
children or adults, hale and lck, rich nnd peer.
Ask for VanIIeutk.n's und MA no ether.
iniir,J-l)ils,Tii.S i)
(i:."MA 'M'.")
Till Htundard Itrand of I'lug Tobacco I ao-kueMledgi-dtobothebekt
chew and the largest
piece for the money In the inarUet. Vincetm
tjy uii rac)i tueii), Iu ejtcnslve sale formally
yearhaeiitiibllnied IU reputation. There U
uethlug better. Try It. Fer aule by dealers and
aprlt-:s)tend-eemA13tw "
O dnellln
HAT 1M Till: COMINfl HKAT wilt
uga. rhurclit-a. t.eliiu.1 i,..u.. A,n
"'""i .ru-wiuiiy uM.11 one iiuimrH.1 .i
ucccMfully used one hundred 'leurs
WwiiiSrfrS,.c"" f,nl'lne change rail oil
JQUN HKHT, who will give you a mtUIactery
Jeb, at s fair price. m7.ud '
ruiLADsi.rniA, Tuesday, May 7, 1W.
Heaps of new things in the
Women's Muslin Undenvear
store the dainty, snowy sorts
that you have in mind as Spring
blossoms into summer.
Ne need te waste words.
Yeu l?new hew our underwear
business is done material,
style, finish, all looked te, and
prices whittled down until home
work seems extravagance.
Gowns :
Kins Minlln,) ft no plaltx en yoke, nerk.
yoke and sleeve trimmed with Hamburg
Ft no Mutlln, V-nlmped yoke, IS ptnltf en
yoke, yoke, neck and uleevc trimmed Willi
line Hamburg edge and beading.
At US cente
Finn Cmnlirlc, Ml flne plaits en yoke, trim
med with 11ns Hamburg edge and beading.
At il.t5, Ihttl kind.
Very Hue MiiMIn, prlnccw front with 2 rows
Hamburg Insertion nnil 6'i line plnltn.clouhle
rume and Hue llumburg edge en berk, yoke
tind sleeTen.
Drawers :
AttS ttntt
l'lne Muslin, hem nnd 3 plntts.
At IScrnti
Finn Meulin, uent llainburg rullle und 2
Rtyles plaiting.
KlneCumbrtr, wide Vult-nclcimes rilllluuml
Corset Cevers :
FlneMiKlIn, V front, trimmed with llnm-
burg edge.
Fine Cambric, V buck nnd front, trimmed
with wide Hamburg edge, trimmed Mccvcx.
Aprons :
At lOcenti
A limited iiiantlty of Ijiwii Apron with
hem mid tMeplalti.
At Met nil
KlncCumtirle, deep hem nnd ft plalln, with
wide Hwla Kinbreldi r.v.
At M eentt
I'lne Mmilln, wlde hem and 8 plait, yolte
At$l ,
MuOln, wide blind embroidered rullle and
I plultK.
At (!, the LI kind
Kxtra line nnd heavy Muallii. flne wide
Hamburg rullle with tf plait above, joke
De you keep an eye en the
New Boek Table ? It's a magic
mirror in which you can see at
a glance whatever the pub
lishers are turning out. Mere
are two or three armsful uf the
Nevels and Tales :
When We Were Hey, William 0'llrlcn...l 10
The Master of the Maglcluna. Kllzubclh
Htuart I'hclpi und 11. 1). Ward te
HlKterHalutBulplee. Viildca.' 1'rem the
HnanUli 1 10
A Foreign .Mutch, lllget... '."
TuleKefNeu-Kuglnud. HarahOrnc JeHctt.. W
Itaphael. Ijimartlne, New Kdltlen.. 73
l.lttleHalut hllzalR'th. Mr, llurnctl 110
History and Biography :
Bchouler'alllitery el the United State.
New Kdltlen $0 7i
The Wire of the I'lrsl Cenaul. Malut
Annand 110
lllitery of .Mexico. Nell 73
Hlaraell. F.Carrell llreter 2 0U
The 1,'omiMwlllen of the I'eur Oepeli.
Wright ! SI Sj
The Umgiiage of the New Testament.
Hlllleex ,., mj
Nature and Mcthetl of Hevelatleii. (Jee.
I. Kliher , IKl
(led 111 III World. Au Interpretation.. . DO
Miscellaneous :
Old Friend. Andrew l.nng
ltecollectlena hvdeerire W. Chllda ..
,..J1 CO
The Vlllage()uimunlty. (lemaie
I.thenil Living Upen Narrow .Means,
rerlclea and Aspaala. ljinder. New Kdl Kdl
teon. 2 vel
New in the Camelet Series :
Hpenru'i Anecdote
I 00
Mere a Utopia
Hjdle'a (liillatnu..
Hterle fiein Curleteu s.'.
Just such a Bookstore as you'd
leek for behind such a New New New
Boek table no proper book
Thirteenth street entrance,
Brandenburgs are holding
breezy court in the Cotten
Dress Goods camp. 20 cents
a yard seems absurdly little for
se much quality and loveliness.
All the Cottens are crowned
with the same price-graces.
Se are Woolens and all the
seasonable stuff.
All around the circle.
We have large facilities for
doing Accordion Plating
promptly and well. 25c a yard.
DrcsMuultlnir i'arler, second Meer, Cluatniit
Jehn Wanamaker.
S-Our Stock It new Full and Complete and
nud te hate a lint that will pleuw jeu.
DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats
All have made their nppearanrc. Only place
hi the city w here j ou can get llieiu.
lleKt $100 and fJOO STIFF FUlt HATS ecr
Fancy Mt) lea u eclaliy.
stauffFr & CO.,
31 and 33 North Queen Street,
X Medel Muklui.', l'atternii,
blue Print, nt price reiuseiii
llr-STS. an Fuikt Fulton HrecU
Druwlui: nnd
reasonable, ut JOHN
street. iu7-tfd
cock Inspirater nud Klecters, Klxriiian
ltellerl-ecder, 1'euberthy Itmiecinr, Aiuerlcuii
Injector, all In iteek, ut JOHN IltST'S, SB
ji-viie, hi, ,,, a)
Kut Fulton ttreet.
X Ir.nuliie and Heller, en wheel, cheap, aa the
herhe-iHin er, Ji
iuiwir M1 'tll
,..t,un ,11,. tiv alum
.I..W J u UUIMHIHrr, tlli), O
; It) liorke-ewer, 575; IS tien-e-
rbikiuuiui ill I C k-bII .. a litl tvT
wer. IS73: U) liorse-iiow er, 11,175, call at JOHN
i.u), e,iiui.i r uiiuii ftireei.
Klnea. from '2 te M) herk-ixm rr. und V.n i.
EiikIiiv from '.'low linre.ivuir vmi tvin
flndtheui at JOHN UKara. iil k'sl Kultnn
JL) Frftuure, Wuter Cuukc", Uuuge Ceck.
Weed Whetla or Welshted. Uliu Tube.
Whittle, K)phen for Steam Oautc. Cylinder
Oiler Flulu, Water Uance Column, Ceck for
Steam Gauge, call en JOHN BKsT, 833 Eat
Fulton itreet. m7-tm
115'AlfD 117 Mi QUEEM ST.
All our finest Diagonal nnd Cork
screw Jackets aud Coats at the uniform
price of t2.W.
Many new things have come in this
We call your special attention te a
few of Our Leaders.
A big line of Children's Trimmed Hat
at 00c apiece ; worth from 00c te $1.25.
All tne newest styles in Black and
Colored Canten and Milan Hats.
Ulack nnd White Leghorn, Milan and
Chip Flats,
shown hy us.
the largest variety ever
A full line of Cheap Flowers nt 10, 16
and 2c.
Hpcclal value in Nice Flewers al 50c a
Our display of Trimmed Hats and
llennets is larger aud liner than ever,
uud our prices much lower.
Our siMcial efforts are directed toward
furnishing the nicest and most stylish
goods the market can afford at the low
est tiesHlble prices.
Luce Cntis fremlOc tin.
Large l.awn aud Surah Whirred Hats,
In white, pink, light blue, black, old
rose, olive, etc.
Bjicclal llnrgnlus in Lisle Thread
Gloves, nt 10 nnd loc.
Fine llrilllnnt Lisle, seamless, at 25c,
iu black, tun and slate color.
Fine Tullbtii Silk Gloves, In black, tan
nnd slate, at 15, 20. ii", 37 and 50c a pair.
Hllk Mitts nud Lnce Mitts, In black
nnd colors, 12, 15, 10, 2ec te 1 a pair.
4-htitten, 50, .c and $1.
5-hook Lacing, 70c, tl uud $1.2.5, iu
lilnck, tan colors nud slnte.
Meusiiietaircs, lu undressed, at 75, $1
nnd $.2."i.
Dressed Meusqtielnire at $1 a pair.
Warranted Fast lllack Cotten Hese,
ribbed, for Ludics uud Children, at 10
uud 12Jc a pair.
Ladles' llcst Ileynt Ulack, staluless,
full regulnr made, ut 25c a pair.
Fancy Striped Hese for Ladles nt 10,
121 nnd 15c a pair.
Medes, Tans and Slates, at 10, 12, 15
and 25c a pair.
lilnck Lisle Thread Hese, 07 and 50c ;
royal black.
An Immense line of Beys' Tlald nud
Fancy Tics at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 37c.
Ladles' Jtlbbetl Lisle Vests, 10, 12, 17,
25 nnd He apiece.
Clicmlfcc, 25, 29, 37, 50 te $1.50.
Skirts, with embroidered rullle, 50, CS,
75, 83c, 51, $1.2.5, $1.37 und $1.50.
Curat Cevers, 25, 20, 37, 50, 02, 75 nnd
Drawers, 25, 37 nnd 50c.
JJIght Gowns. Special llnrgnlus 37,
50, 75, OSc, $1.25 nnd $1.50 apiece.
Gent's Night Gowns, 50, 75, &5c and $1
Most excellent value for the money.
Sideboard Cevers, 72-lucli, 25, 20, 37,
Jjl) tuul 7eC.
Stttiul Cevers, W-lueli, 120,25,
Hplitsliura, with fringe, 10, 15, 18, 20,
IK, ft" mill 60e.
Tidies, 5 anil 10 ; oiMMiwerked, 17c.
Metnle Linen, 2, 31, 37, 50 uml 75c.
Stuniiicil iJaniswk Linen Deylies,
fringed, nt Ge.
Rinali Memie Linen Deylies, Htampcd
and sewed fringe, 4c itpieec.
Sivy (Soebe.
The Choicest Stock
ItmiKliiK hi prlce from 10c a yard up te the
Illicit kihkN Imported nt S0e. The rcKiilnr-iirtce
of thckeluiHricdi;oeda belna te-day from 1.5c
le I'm lu the lurer clllcx.
White Quilts!
The lH't 11, tl.tS, nnd 81 M Demcatlc White
Quilt In tills city.
The bct Marseilles Quilt from fl.50teSri.50.
These Quilt" have iintlccn purclnifceil from a
manufacturer and Importer nud are tbebeit
giKKtx for the money u er elfered any n here.
25 East King Street,
10, '-', l.ttf MARKI'TrRTRrr.IRear of the
1'o.teUlce), LANCASTER, l'A.
Alt the latent styles In Uuegle. Fa:
laEcu, l'liaden, Surrey, Cabriolet,
lucklMinnl, Tretting Wagons Htatlei
'umllv fiir.
rlani-, l'liaden, Surrey, Cubrtelet, l'hteteii,
iiiicKiMinni, ironing WHgon,siatlen Wnireu,
Market Wuuetis. etc. new ready ler the Hnrlmr
A tine line of Second-Hand Werk.
New I lliu time te order rerSprtiiK. Strictly
flrst-ehiM work and all work fully ttuaranteeu
My price nre the lewett In Hie county for th
name quality of work. Ulvetneacall and ex
amine my work
Repalntlni: nud Repairing promptly
tended te and done In a drat-ela manner. One
et of workmen ejeclally
employed for that
or LOUR.
Makes a GOOD Leaf of Bread.
Makes a BIG Leaf of Bread.
' Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread.
1 IL1W
People s Cash Stere,
UK A. JI. V.
Fer Krult or Water low, fro Cream Brnp,
l"aitrv HaiirM.
ren,Jcnie,eU5. nuiipin oz. oev
.,... LA. ..! , f'l.k IMI.-'ri Try
for aunlly.
fUl KMB..VI.H""""' w
In Coffee, Tea., Hugars, Pplce, Canned nnd
llettled Uoed. Hyrnp. Dried and Evaporated
California Prull. Ham, Pried lleef and llolog llelog lloleg
na, Kdam Cheese In roll, nnestn.uallty.HSc each;
Kdam Clieeae without foil, 4!e and 7iC each.
Ureal bargain lu Mackerel, Spiced Muitard
and Oil Hardlne at Ac tier can les than the
nine quality bought elsewhere.
A Geed Blended Tea at 25a per lb.
Headquarters for H.H. Marvin A Co.'Hiierler
Cakes and Crackers. Extra Family Cracker,
Ce tier ft..or fi Bs per 25c,
K LOUR I FUnmt-We hare cheanext nnd
beat In the market. Will pay you te call and ex
amine all our reed and learu our price en
finest quail yofreod.
Samuel Clarke, Agt,
Special Bargains.
4 can Geed Cern, 21c.
4 can Uoed blackberries, 2e.
1 ran Strawberries, 25c.
4 ft Dried Feeches, 25c
4 quarts Dried Apple, 21c.
5 can flood Htrlnir Ucan,2c
3 can Whortleberries, 25c.
D cans (therrle. 23c.
.1 can Tomatee. 21c.
a Tut California ltalalu, 25c.
d vm r iks, e.
4 quart Green l'ea,2,"c
2 lbs California Kzic l'liim. 2"ic.
2 lb Evaporated l'caehe, 2Th.
4 Bis Spenge Water Crackers, 2jc
6 lbs Rice, Vic.
4 lbs Rice, 2"c.
3 lb Choice Carolina Rice, 25c
& lbs Dest LumpSbirch, 25c.
e id i.uinp DLnrcil. ec.
(I lbs Rolled Oat. 25c,
B lbs Oat Meal, 25c
& Hchumncker Rolled Avcna, 25c,
e id uracaeu m ileal, jc.
A full line of the beat Groceries In the city.
A T REisrs.
jT"IIradrtiartcrs for Uloekcr's Dntch Cocea.
Ak for Sample. It has no Equal. Try It, Sen
.Vne.Vufer Iilturcsl bargain In Fruits ever
elfered. Ale Nole Display in Frent of Stere
Saturday, Then tuke up the JCxttmtner nud see
what we offer there.
CKACKKRH-3 lbs Fresh Nlc-Nnc for 23e.
3 lb Freh Ginger Snap for 25c 3IbFreli
Water Cracker for 25c.
DRIED CORN 20 bbN. Flne F.vnperatcd
Dried Cern at 0 lbs for 25c. Thlslsablgburgnln.
It cost some one much mero money te eapo eape
ratclt. Hut their less will be your gain.
COR ALINE Corallne nt Gauil 10c n pack tsn
Wheat Germ. Oat Meal and Rolled Oats. 0 lb
for 25e.i
Rice nt 0, 8 and 10c ? lb.
Jelly lu buckets, a bargain, SI.
Fine natural colored I'lcltle. Sc 1I07.
Eight tubs geed Kucct Butter ntlSCHIbby
the tub.
Tea and Ceflee at price that will cauc you
te wonder. Remember, w e are agents for Chase
A Sanborn's famous roasted collies. Ask ler
them ana you will always have a uniform cor cer
fee as well as roast.
Caustic Seda flc V 8 In boxes nnd 7c In ket
tle. Gulden's Finest llorse Hadlsh Flavored Mus
tard, 15nyqt.
. Fine Foreign Cocea Nuts nt 0 nnd 8c,
Carload Fine nnd Coarse Salt ut wholesale
price. Filed en side pavement, convenient for
leading, Ac.
Walt brushes, Hand Scrubs nnd Ilroeins at all
Garden and Flower Seeds fresh and all war
ranted te be new.
Flnke and I'enrl Tnpleca, new,31b fer25c
Candy nt 8 and 12llc V lb. I jiree benns. 8c IX al.
Green l'eas. 7c Vqt- Lentils, Split Peas, Hern-.
my ana finest itenns. uucs. .MUMiroetns,
Pickled Oysters, French Mustard, High Grade
Catsup, French Peas lu bottles, Drlsy and Dur-
niiir, iuuRuroem a
. Canres. llalferd i
dsun. ltet-
tied Strawberries,
llalferd nnd Lea
1'errln s Sauce,
Deviled Crabs and
Spiced Clams, Shrimps nud Oysters, Clam
Juice. Oyster Bouillon, Llain Chowder, llettled
IihRter. Munle Hvrun. Anchovies In Oil. Sal.
men Stock, Extract of lleef. Fruit Juices. Fruit
Jams, Spanish und French Pickles, dc, s.e.
Anchovy and llleatcr Paste, Petted and Dev
iled Meats, Parmesan Cheese aud all kind of
Directly Opposite
J. II. Martin Jt Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and
Next Doer te Serrel Herse Held.
Fine Tailoring.
The Largest aud Most Elegant Assortment
New Ready for Your lnsiKCtlen.
We would also nnnnunce the purchase of a
Jeb Let of KubIIkIi Sultlnt;niid Treusering lit a
great sacrifice, which we will sell at
Astonishingly Lew Prices.
3-Call early le kccure n bargain In these
H. Gerhart,
d j-tfrt
Werth Wins
Praise !
New customers every day telling us hew their
friends have been pleased and Hint they've been
recommended te us te see our Clothing uud
Furnishings for style and money's north.
Remember This Is a Hew Stere Yet.
Fiirnlkhlng Goods Department twnmid a-half
years, Ready-Made Clothing Department two
years, aud Custom Tailoring Department ene
and one-half year pleasing the people and
making friend dully. This store wnssUrted
en the merit of geed values and low prices,
Heys' Knee Pants, from geed te flue, 11.03 te
llejs' Leng Pant Suit', from geed te fine, (3
te 115.
Children's Kilt Suits a'l the latest styles,
$1.50'te J.1.
Men's Very Popular Suit, JS, Sl(, 112, J15.
Men's Finest DreshulU, 811 tejij. A large
Men's Fast Celer Calniere Suits, t, ffl, fj.
Yeu need only te see our Hosiery nnd Under
werwear te knew of the alues here. Many
new things, cen novelties. The beginning of
the week is a geed time for ordering your Make-te-Measure
Suit for Saturday delivery.
26 and 28 N. Queen St.
Filling Teeth und Painless Extraction 8no 8ne
dallies. New Sets made, broken one mended
and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates
ami pleted, etc. Yes, eerythlng iertHliilug
te DcntMry will recele prompt attention, at.
ery Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr.
NHlhnrstls the ONLY Detulit Inlhlsceunty
who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den
tistry, an advantage that is obvious.
9rM 9mehB.
Corsets. '
During this week we" offer
Dr. Warner s Flexible Hip Cor
set, 79c. Dr. Warner's Cora Cera
line Corset, 79c. Dr. Warner's
Health Corset, $1.05. Ball's H.
P. Corset, 79c. Ball's Circle
Hip, 79c. Thompson's Glove Gleve
Fitting Corsets at$i and $1.50.
25 dozens of the best 50c Cor
sets ever shown.
Table Linens.
Attractions this week that
will please the closest buyers.
Great bargains in Bleached and
Half Bleached Table Linens.
Full Damask German Linens a
Fleer Linens Carpet Depart
ment. Stair Damasks
plain or bordered,
22 and 27 inches
and Drills,
14. 16. 18,
wide. Fleer
Linens, new pattern;;, 86 inches,
104 inches, 120 inches, 158
inches, and 5 yards wide.
Remnant Counter-.
Contains remnants of Linens,
Dress Goods, Upholstery Goods,
&c, at one-half price.
China Mattings.
The largest stock ever shown
in this city. 10c a yard up.
Special prices by the roll.
Cor. West King and Prince Sts., ;
Ill It you will find a Tew of our tlOandtH
Men's Suit, that cannot be excelled for the
money. These are strictly alt wool, fust color
goods. The newest and best styles found In
the market.
A full line ofFnst-Celor Weel Pants at 13 a
pair. The best yet ellercil
A irrcnt man v ether stvl
A great many ether styles found tu the Cleth-1
lng Department en Second Fleer.
15 uepartmcui en second Fleer.
Suits for Men of Lnree Proportions and Fnt
Men nt nil prices; also, a full line of Extr-t
Large rants ler Mime.
White Goods
and our great variety of Lnce Stripes andiReau
tlful Plaids, nt extremely low prices, cannot be
surpassed. Our assortment Is Immense, and
the geed must be M?en te be appreciated.
Demetlpniiel, 25e, s, 50c and 75c,
Flnim Tuesdu'jfU0--"0-Madn'....,....i...,Aiin,'vO850.
Si'.V'L'Vy street, from- Me te $1 75.
Silk Sb 8treet.
Whlteu bids must be accei0""'1 "
TheCOfc, oflwe or adjl. , ,
Dr. aite become seen-"1, .nud Camel Hair
Underwcik te the arawr' 8""
th will
Ladles' Summer Underwear, In Muslin,
Gaiue, Jersey Ribbed, Lisle Thread and Silk.
Ladles' Ribbed Vests, beginning at 10c, und
five styles at VlV,a each.
Silk Vests ut i.ic, SI nud 81 25 each.
Ladles' Hosiery from :tc te 81 i!" per pair.
Excellent values In Children's Hese nt 5c, 10c,
and Viae Alse, better grades In Hermsdorf,
Onyx nnd Robinson's Fust Dyes.
Ladies' Sliees
In All Styles, Grades nud Prices.
1 1 WW.
Our Undies' tWc Shee Is one of the neatest In II
the market. They are made up of Dongola nnd
(jialu Leather. .Hec them.
A IlnrgalnatSltS Indies' Dongola Kid Shee
marie up in Opera and Square loe, button and
Uice. Alse, a Ladles' Grain Ilutten Shoe at the
same price, tn Opera and Hquare Tee.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Jackets j
Corkscrew or Wlde-Wnle Worsteds, in lllack
or Navv lllue. 81 iSO te f.s.
Glrlsr Cleth Jackets, in Navy lllue and
lles" Kilt Skirt HuIU'.SJIeSj.
Heys' Knee-
rnniMuus, i-j iest,
IjuIIes' Morning Wrappers, fl and 1125.
Ijidles' iJiwnTen
ins nuns, 51 '.v.
ues' snirt waisu, 'iv;, fiennd7jc,
Odd Pauts, 'iic, 60e, 75c aud 81.
Just received the last Invoice of Straw Goods
for Men, Uejs, Youths and Children. Our
stock Is complete In nil classes.
We have new almost anything veu can ask
for In Chlldren'sStraw Huts, Caps, Turn O'Shan
ters, Scotch Caps, Sailors und Turbans, lu all
colors uud grades, from 2c te 8- 50.
Our prices en Il.iby Carriages, Velocipede,
Heys' and Girls' Iiicjdenud Trlcj cies are much
lower than list prices, and come direct from
the best makers.
Planished Copper Teakettles ; Ne. U nt 81 13 :
Ne. 8 at 8123. '
Nickel-Plated Copper Teakettles; Ne. 6 at
8121; Ne. Out 81 7S.
Heavy Tin Teakettles, with Ceiuicr bottoms,
at 75c and 81.
bird Cages, 75c te II 75.
A cempleie line of Saws, Squares, brace,
Chisels, Hammers, etc., t Lewest Prices.
A complete assortment of Tublc, Fleer, Shelf
and stair Oilcloth ut Lewest Prices.
A Full Line of Candles.
Try our W. F. Caramels for 19e per lb.
Williamson & Fester,
32-38 East King Street,
Uubrellas& Parasols
Large Assortment of FINE PARASOL.
PARASOLS Made te Order.
"iRepntrlngnnd Recovering Neatly Dene.
14 East King St.
aprl'.'3iud f
ev pale ev iicnt.
S en 2d llelir, Ne. 12 WestKlngstrect; rluest
location In tint city for elllce or light business.
Inquire of J ' W.W.AMOS,
mM-tfd Aller'i Gallery,
f" ,
Jh& tf..