"8J!Py i v,rr7 7?355?! vw''K Ottfc iiAffCASTElt DAILY INtfELLlGtSttOfiR. WEDNESDAY, APBIL 30. 1890. ,4 a " 1 1 JOINED IN WEDLOCK. (till Mfff l ' W. RCSSEL ., ', iar a vnvtllT. Jv iLi'i ..rv.a.nj A ftiM ftrldc'v JLWTfWvB -srr -'" Tmf-lndr Shade Entertain" " lruhra of the Red Men. v r -if-... . .. .-". ..... , :fiuui. Anrll 90. Mr. JOlin It. ; v..y '"' ----" .--'. ,.,. Ml. manager ei me Acmu vu wm i; . ' Md MlM CUra Beeth, daughter 01 n.r lUry JJoeth, were married ycsterdaT fter Simimb M the home of the brlde'a mother en tClMtnatvtreK. The ceremony veu wr- 'tartan church, und wu witnessed by Um fceilly and few Intimate friends. L1 newly married ceuple left at 0:29 p. " : tot waeiitngten cut. . .ha niMitnv nf nhtmiesalnnEra K Tribe of Red M-n laet nlctit. the nieinber her they were enterUlned. The ecca- klM Sraa In hnnnr of bin 4Cth birthday. . itx-,-. .. ......., tiin resiiiar TV rn.W, will be bcld in the ;erlnf, s ,. . i ,. . - .tuarandenc enjoy ca tne perirni" Jf.Adfttne kept tbe audience In rear or uSilr, and the alngln or Mlaa Teum Hanlen Ttcelred hearty applauae. ' ".'-,...... .int irntrmmi and Director TT2, mttrt Marietta last nletit t" t- ""end the Meb achoel commencement. They kn Uiey reached the tunnel they found an overnew 01 wuer. imv "- , ' " , Mm te the brldKe at Henry Clay fi rnai-e, ndthen took the railroad. The ipntlriiien Proceeded e carefully that It was 2 o'clock ti.tm m..mintr wlinn tliev reaehcd home. ?,VMU Zlen A. M. K. church Is holding irle of entertalnmenU this week. Te- right the "Yeung Defender will given concert and to-tnerrow night tlip HRii tatwet grammar school, unucriue irei " f IT -? a i. rr..titm. tvtll rnrtiltlll the ?tm inr. ii. v, ,;viivj, pregramme. . 4,r Th inmi of the nrcsPilt iMMlmaMer ex- f Blrea en May ISth, nml pcciilntlen Is rile iiWrlghL U. a. Cenklln audJere Kech are iftlie candidate-rer uie oiure. r & At the meeting of school beard last even- KClark. Kaalg, May, North, Hlntlc, Urlmn ;;:aniJ woire; auMsm, .mouth, ah 'v rUi a .. .......itlfA. .nlm.lni1 fl fll ' tnwa? ltepciutn (liirlnn month. J-l.TULW: t Paxpendlturc-, $.1,745.70; balance en hand, t T?!"'" ''.";" ,"... ?i".r ...7. .J.l f... It. a iiA BuperinM'niieui uuiiuwu ii"" "" i'mentli. Bill ameuutlnB SlWl.ia were said iThe anrvlvers of the Fifth HcaervcH will held tneir reunion in mwn mi i"y " Htlaana will dlnjilay Hugs uml bunting for , this occasion. ........ V. r. a.l.liiinn n fir nml Mr Miillruln. the felfenrnnnsn teurlKtM will tliclude Mr8. A. J. S'Xautfman and Mra. Samuel Wright. LS Jehn W. uernlhelzel, lainerei ur. uern- Lttelael, la norleut-ly IU at ins nema in : Vfmt,i,t.llln !n rvci wnEnc is jeiin i.ehman i , K&t, r ....1 -tlAH.. IIaII.mi fflluram.nfi ut lllf, '& Sume Tlllie, '55-' Jehn Jjehman, a well known newa agent . ftl.ta ..!.. .llBit,riAtirfMl rntlinr aiulilnlllv en TiiAadav nflorneoii. and the Imnresaleu Pj'la that he left for parts unknown, with tbn )Jntet.tten or remaining nway ier """ Blncc last October Lehman mis uecu cu saged In the newspaper anil IwKik business ' 5a little stand en West Orange, near North Queen atreel. His partner was J. Heward Welchans, a young nrlnter, who ftlrnlshed the capital whlle Jehn looked after tbe bualnesa. They dealt In all the (Sally papers, which Jehn delivered te aub 'arlbers through the city und sold at his aland en week dava and Sunday. Jehn lived with hit muther en North Water atreet On Monday afternoon Mr. Welchans give him ever $10, with which lie was te pav a bill that was owing for ewspapers In Philadelphia. Instead or Battling this debt Jehn put the money In kit pocket and bla partner has net neon klm alnep. He wan xeun at the Delicemeii'g ' Ball' en Monday evening, wheie he was having a geed tune urinKitig "uoezo" -wlth a mtaiber of Jovial comiiauleiis. He 5s lafttewn. ai waa autnxiscd. ou fast Line yesterday afternoon, but he must have "paid his fare en the cars, as he did net pur 4kaaa a ticket. '' Before leaving home Lchmnii told hla nieiuer tnav ii iiiiuuui.'u uuuikj uwn. hit told her te go te Mr. Welciiaua una loll hlm te conduct the business hiiuself anil vtrv and cot out of it what he had Invested. 'itftsald if hocet work he would try and if pay back the meney he owed lilin. The fc mother told this te Sir. Welcliaim utter he Vb..hait wilt for her. Ilia melhur deea net - ;knew whatLehuinn mcanx, but alie HiIiiUh hehaslert te May. Who says that he lias Im.ii I.Al.n.rtmv ttitlir limllvnf lutn lln k 'Swas drinking and citne Iieniu at alt hours T.ef me nialiu mie iricu m roierm nun, uui "tt was of no use. K,' It is bolleved that I.eliniau went te Iluf Iluf jAfale, as bospeko about celng tliore te sov sev ieral differetit pceplp. lie nslted a ceuple .'Sef veunir men te acceiiuiaiiv him. Mr. -J-Welchans will evainlne further into the 'is matter and eHcertaln whother or net he -( collect ed any money that waa owing the "ameunt8 at the Ullleretit dally nowapuper seruces. l;t; Jhman is a man that would be cr' 4'easlly rocegnled if elhcers were te get Rafter blni. llolsabeut'J'Jyearaofago and ;"hasa defect In oue eye which makes him 'A almost blind. On this account he was unlit .',;leraiiytliliig but the tiews business. He usually wears a uiue ami ei cieiuing. w Among sirangera no id iiii'iiiicu iu uu quici; fjlfbc becomes acuualnlod.esnoclallv wheu 'idrlnklug he will talk ntiynue te de.itli. S ALMOST A RIO VI RE. At j in Acter Falla AhIoep Sinehlnu; und l HuriiH the Hed. There was almost n very M'rleim tire at V ,; the Franklin house. North Queen atrevt, ' wkept by Michael Hums, en Tuesday after after after "fenoen. it occurred In room Ne. 13, en the tvjthlrd fleer, vthlch was occupied bv :the male members of Murtlu Hi oue of nyu eii'h L"h dramatic company. The man must have Iwrt ly'nK ' lH)l1 sineklng when he foil Bt 'aalaan nllfl llin ImhI CJlUcllt llrn. lln uivu !'-1that he lighted a match and lu throw threw Lining it down the bed clothing caught R-ViIm. wh chaver story is rlglit It is R-j-'feertuIn tliftt there was a flre. Nearly all w i'ihe clethlnir en the bed was almost entirely g' '.destroyed, whlle ihe mattress was very E",d. badly damaged. The man who had the v room caueu toiuiiew uieuiuurs ei ins com- l fny who were near u, ami tneyHtic-p-'ifeeeded In putting out the lire by the hunleat 'Cklndef work and use of the water from 5,'lbe pitchers of their ioeiiih. Tim ixnlstead XwlU be about i0, and lie Is hiKiired with hHa,Hamflit .I' Iinmie 'Pltn m.tnr. .11.1 .. 1.11 - -ffllPUimaHl U.UHUin. AII7 UtiUin UIU UUI lull fitksk nsHnnrlntrir nf IliA i-a till satin !..... ."?i"",r,',",,,v' ' " ssw ju V l VI I UIICI tUCJ "gkad extinguished It. M -y. 1.1 VIS I. X 1.11 11.1. J.IJCAJ.M. yT imn uiuiuiiiK w iiuiei-a iiiienu4i iu (.Gruel's ice uauen became frlglituned ut KaemetliliiB en North I'riuce btivct abeve "iWM King, t ney ran uewn tne hi ret t at a "xapld rate and were caught In the oxticme lower part of the city. '& Archie Sands, advertiMnu: aecnt of the BtfMlten and Dlkle land companies, of v.am, Virginia, Is In town te-day arrant;- -MMC ler an excursion te eaiem en June 3d. ..jTba bodies of three mero electriu cars have arrived, and the truck nnd meter for U also here. The dynamo te be used Ineparatliig the liis-t Kl iik street line will a here by this e veiling. .'.'Anether of Fercpaugh's ltd vertlslng cars MTlved, ever the Heading rallreud, lrem banen this morelng. i:Tbe police elncers are new making a re re re Mrtofallthebad ravements lit tliu city. Darners will be notified, and if net repaired Mtln a'reasenable time they will be re- awnad te councils, who will no doubt the street commissioner te have tliu renal red at the expense or the nreu- wner, as directed by ordlimnce. Twe Breker' enicus Clesed. , The suspension of Prlce's bucket shop in auaaeipnia irns cieseu 1110 eniy tun eslab tameuts In this county that received Prira'a quotations. The places closed w ere MOW, 11, issiey, 111 Aianueilu, and snrMueser, at Kphtrata, They say the ikamtMlen Is only temporary and that t mlntsg will be resumed lu a day or two. P if rJ"' ' A.HAa IJMliiHiitfe.inlMi, I, nSI.V4..IMM,VM..W. f'TlMurtullng committee or city councils bids le-dar for tbe printing of each of75ceDlca of the Journal of ceuu- VoUewIns were bidders: W. A. baet," II cciita per pake: the Intixlp !, 44 s .Vajai'nrr, 68 ; J. I I.vie, CO ; 3faker, 03; tbe A'ew Era. 67. Tbe was awareeu te n. a. timtimca. Tneedar'a Ball Oamca. The championship gamM played yolor yelor yoler tar reanUe"M,0WSl National Ieagne Philadelphia 8, New Yerk 4 Brooklyn B, noilenat Chicago 0, I'ltUburg 4; Clove Cleve lami 5 ndnn& 2. Vteu League Phlladei?hla 14, Brooklyn 7 J Bosten 15, New Yerk JJt Cleveland 7, Plttaburg 0; Buffalo-Chicago tln).Amerj,nAaw- atlen-flyracuae-AthletW ('") -Y0"' 6, Columbus 1 1 IymlMllle,Tlle 2 (Win nings)! Bocheater-IJrooklyn (). W. & Dean, of thla city goea te Alloena te umpire the game between that club and liarriauure le-umrrun . . The Active bae ball club la playing lie Keyatenc" at Mcf J rami's park te-ilay. The rermer will lcae for Kaaten at ,:30 to morrow morning te one" """n ,V?' the lnterntate championship with the E Jehn Kane, acalcher.and Dennis Meehan, secend tiaaeman, of Trey. Xjew"1;!,0 arrived In Umcastertojelntho Active cluli. An Indian will peaB. The executive committee of the Women In dian association met last evening and decided tolmveapubllc tneellni In TiSnlty V1"'"," clmpel en Tuesday evening, May IS, te bend bend dretwd by Thes. J. Miles, an Indian about te graduate from the University of renusvlvanla. A Safe Inveatment. Ijincapiter city 30 year 4 per rent. Coupon bends. Interest payable quarterly. Iree from all taxes, l'rlee 1105 and accrued Interest, her Unicby JACOII II. WNO, Breker. apra-lfdAw Laiica.ter, I'a, THE XIV SWITCH It ACK. n,ndtnirH Meuntnln Jtallread n lid IlH Mnny Uoeutlos. The Wecce of tourists and pleasure ni-kers during the seaseu new i)nlng lll be Ml. 1'cnn at Reading. Tlie new Uravlly Ballread, wlilch Is new In full operation, starts en the ,.,,i.i,iri. nf tiin city of Reading and readies the summit of the lefty mountain by n series of grades winding around and around the steep slopes. The view as the train glides up and ever the mountain Is superlatively and Hide scrlbably beautiful. It Is doubtful If there li nny series of views In America that equal In grandeur and extent thew herenblaluable. The Ucndliig railroad company extends spcclnl fa cilities te these desirous of seeing this new won derland. Hecliil excursion ticket costing :I5 cents for adults mid 2", cents for children, are en sale at Rending rullread ticket unices and stations. Tlioxe tickets carry you by street car through Reading's Intcri-stlng therniiglilarca f.m ii. n P. A IL depot te the station fifths Gravity K. It., thenee te the summit or Ml. lmn and back te tlui Reading's stntlen. Ex cursien parties or nny or mere are currim uv n duced rates, making this a deslrable trip for churrliCH, Uslges. Ac Arrangements for special excursions may be nrnde with Have Dickin Dickin eon, Kxcurslen Agent, Reading, Pa., or Mr.!!, O. Hanreek, General Passenger Agent of the Rpadlng Bystein. I'lillartelphla. Scathe. KKNNinr.-Aprll 29. !), In this city. Win. A. Kennedy, son of Mlclinel uudUluihcih Ken neily, in his aitli years. The relatives and friend, of the family also tlioeldletterciirrlers and Bt, Michael's society are resjiectrully Invited te attend the funeral from his arciiU' tesldence, Ne. 8.11 Seuth Heaver street, en Frldey morning at 8:10 o'clock High Muss at Ht. Mary's chnreh at 0 o'clock. Interment atHL Mary's cemetery. iijktrtvitete. stock Markeln. Quotations by Reed, JlcGrann A Ce., banker. Lancaster, Pa. W YOKST MST. II A. st. 12 M. 8 !. M (Canada Pacific. tt C. C. A I. Oolerado Cisil Central I'aclflc. Cunada Southern Chl.SUUAl'bg Den. A Rie G Del. L. A W Erie Erie 2nd... tay, KM Wi M'i ii ni H1i itrtj lifji r.il Jer C K. A T I.011. A N L. Hhore U0 Mlcb. Cen Missouri I'scltlc. &H Heck. Valley N. P. !'i N. P. I'rtf. li N. WesU. HIjJ It0 h-v.'J IH UNI? M'f Hl N. Y. V New Euglaud East Teuuessee Omaha Oregon Transcontinental., Ontario A W. Pacific Mall Richmond Terminal r.. St. Paul -.m. Texas 1'scltlc Union Pacific Wabash Cem Wabasli PreL Western U West Shere Bends.. t-iur.AiiKi.ruiA list. Leh. Val II. N. Y. A l'blla Fa. R. K. y. u , ..1J ' miij: Hi" 7SU if2 ml 3lli(J isi'?'j 7,n2 t5 BIJ a.i 7iJ 2lj (W i:pj iinj bHJ I liri 10!, WIS 2l'J :vit. Reading.. 21 t-1 :i no lli. Nav -. Hestenv. Pass P. A It N. Cent. roepics l'OSN Hdg I'l Oil...... a; Grulu ami i-roviateus Closing l'rlccs2:l& o'clock p. in. Wheat Cern Oats. I'nra. April May 8' 32'5 2Hf PI 10 June S1HJ !LU 2J. U 27 July- 87 Hlji 2IJJ 13 .tf August - 83J Stf! September. ;il, . October Year Consels Crude Oll-Mureh ., Und il'i'i u 12 1167 U GO si; I.OC.VI. HOUSE IIOI.I) MAUKF.T. I.ANCASTKlt. April M, liJW. There was a large attendance of buiur and sellers ut te-day's uiiirkel. Everything was cheap but potatoes. This artlrlu of reed has greatly advanced within the ust ten days, unit choice lets sold readily at this morning's mar ket at II per bushel. (If butter Iheie wiisini ever supply, and before the ciiwe plenty wu te Me nuu ui e cciiis. Apples, ticrHpk Apples, deled, KI qt , ... . . .liaH Apple-butler, isr pt , Iixs.12 Apple-butter, is?r crock ceTU As)anigus je licet MtciK, lierre 12M18 neer neasi per m I.M1I Beef Dried (chlpcd), icr lb.. Beef Cernell, per tt Bologna, per m Butter, per lt Cabbage, iht head Cheese, Dutch Chickens (spring) per pair... Chlckens (cleani-dj, er piece.. Cermneul, per tb Eggs, per dez risli Shad, each Fish Cut, per tb., ,.,, Ham, per lb Ham (sliced), per tb Heminy, per quart I.amb, jer tb Ijird, per tb Mutten, pcrtb Onions, per bunch I'lgteus, per pair 1'oUiteek, jH-r Lushel , Potatoes per ) pk l'uddlng, per It, Rhubarb, r bunch Kauer Kraut, per qt Sausage (fresh), pertb Sausage (Smoked) t tb Scrapple, iertt Tripe, per tb Veal Steaks, V lb .:i.:!a ..101412 , li ..KTJ22 ...l.j)U) . .....5 ..t'.W.I ..-.iJQl'i I ..uai:! .. 111310 .. rA.iir, is ,..iu&u ...IvalO ...li.V'Jll ....twie ...Heiltl 6 ...MVlll ...l.vsia i.'."i'.ii45 ikas 10 .. li&lS ....Mil) 10 ....12.911 itctu bucvttertitiMtte. 11 OYAL BAKING POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. cream of tarlur baking pewihr, Hlnliest of all In leavening strength K UeKrumrnl jtrjwn, sivy, 11, iw, uprl5-l)dAw HOTEL BRUNSWICIC, ATLANI'IU CITY. N.J. New, Mederu, First-Class, Complete, l'aclnc avenue, between New Yerk and Teuursste avenues, will epeu May 31. aprtl-Siud . J03EI-H8. DAVIS. P his UILDING STONE FOR BALEATtsX-.A rerch. runhuserte remove the. same st ewiiexpeme. Apply ut once. aprtu-21 211 WEST KINO bT. piRHTOFTUEBEABON, SU3QUCHANHA SMOKED IIERRIKQ, At WEAVER'S GROCERY. Ne. J01 WtstKlngHt. lld tcw bucrt(stcmcttf . jpAUUlAOKac. D0XS80M 0AKUA0E WOKKfl, Cerner of Duke and Vine Htreeu (formerly Norbeck A Mlley), OX). H. NOnBECK.Prep. an.OOO Over Hlx 1'heusand Dollars afl.fHK) In rtne Burgles, Carriages. Ac, new 'en F.s- e And also agent for the Columbus Briny fes niuuien, ei mj uwn manuiHi-nm-, fine vehicle at price that astonish every- flnnt vrlilclps In the None but Hie best me- u bedv. All vuarati i teed nnv. world for tlis inenc: chanlrs employed. Mpcclal attention given te leimlriiig, the Peers lietta inn m inijfc tmj i".-- in ihnnrriem uu-riaee Works, corner or Iinke and Vine streets. dtUvdAwIt BK Errrklf than tka'anh cekki:e i-'eii THKNKilVIW. Van Heuten's Coeoa I.AHOE3T HALE IN THK WOlll.U " Ask your Grocer for It, lake no ether. 2 ANKHKOIlWATKIl,qtl.M, ACID Oft HAH nranvshapenrrapaeltr, at fair prices, go te JOHN IIElT.Kt) KaslKullen street. ImT-tld AT ANTKD-A TOONO MAN CAPABMCOF llunuing circuisr nni", jxvvij hi "n and 429 WEHT UKANT BT. lid T Sl nil 011CAHT IKON 1'11'K KITTINOH, BOTH ntitlii and reducing, up te 6-Inch diameter, inii.M.i.in viitiinru. Klntixps. Manse unions. Munlrelds, American unions, iuee nupperw. " "'." -. r -.-. -. a- IUIUF. iillltlllMH uii'"l , '"'.- llnm-prs. K iHirnnil tilling rialcs, go teauiin 17..:. .T.... '.-... .i.. .....i . ... lllj.tfd I11.H1 ft, &ll lUlAb r lllKMi mri-vi. TTIOR PRATT A OADY AHUKHT1M UIHO Ij Valves, Jenkins Vulvcs.tlraiis Glebe Valves, ItrnssUala Valves, Iren Bedy Globe Valves. lvcrHfty Valves. Pep Halety alves, Air Velves, lludloter Valves, 1'ratt's Hwlnglng Check Valves, llress t'lieek Volvis.Keot Valves Angle Vnlvns, call ut JOHN IHMT'H, act luis Fulton Hlrrut. iiiclfd InOR BOILER 1 UHK BlttlHHKH, HTILUSON ' I'll Wrenehcs.l'ltieiiiid Menkey Wrenchea cembhifHl, Flics, till Calls, etc., go ti JOHN BEST, Stl FjuiI Fulton street. lu7-tfd -NAIlltV IM HTOOK IIFWT CHARCOAL, li Hiiiumercd Bar Iren. Deuble Refined Iren, liar iron, ihhiihs iicnuea iron, lliirdrn's Rivet Iren, Rivets, Het anil Celd Heller Iren, Hlenl, Hhwt Iren S-10 te Ne. Id, at JOHN BEMrM.Kn East Fulton street. ln7-lld ACKINGH, AH POLIXIWH! DIR1GO, FOR 1 Hteaui nml HydrutillR I'nrklng.Asbestlteiic, ; rin IL'. I Woven and wick rucKing, iicnip i-aeKing, ai Hemp Tacking, As- bestes Mill Beard, Asbestos Hbenthlnir. Gum Pai'klng.Gum lilting for Water l ni'UVnM-l VVIII" 11 jirinnnm Gnugcs, Plumbago t'eeklng, Keed'sT.itent As As In'sIes, Llneil Ki-etleual lle Cever, at JOIIN lllXI-rf, KCI East Fill Ien street. m7-tfd i'mtNlM VA NTKllFtlR THE AtJTHOIt- A. I.EI) eilltleii of tlie Life, Writings mill Hpcerlics of Henry W. Grady, edited by Joel Cliaudler llnrrlslllnele Ueinus.) Kinicnt kOIMnij uneie iieiniiR.) risieiheiiuiK Geed territory can ie secured biKik In market. (J by writing at once te OAHSKI.I. PIIRLISIUNUCO.. mi i. . ..A V nprll-fitdMWAFj nil ruuim a,.,.it W i-Htn Is new III the hands orihe3liyTrca urcr for collection of Water Rents. An a'mto a'mte a'mto nieiitef live iierfsMiU will bemada for prompt payment. Olllce heurs: 8 n. in. te 12 m. audi f!i p. in., dally. On Monday nnd Saturday the olllce will be open 111 the evening from 7 te 8. J. II. HATH PON, np'iO-2'ldR City Treasurer. T HIE LANCASTER TRUST COMPANY SOLICITS CURRENT ACCOUNTS, TIME DE- POSITS AND TRUST ESTATES. Acts as Assignee Executer.Gimrd Ian, Agent etc. Ilents Bexes lulls Fire and Burglar Proof Steel Vaults. Stores Valuables at modcrate Tnie' Sim. M and M NORTH QUEEN ST. apl2-lmdeiMl OMinflntBWNMlTLAYING AND FIT ting, Mattresses made te order, Similes, l4ice und Heavy Curtains hung, French Dra peries. Upholstering In all Its branches. NOTICE Harry Heeinlller, lute with linger .1 Brether, tins taken rooms In the Trust Com Cem iwniy'a lliuldlng. North Queen street, where lie will gle satisfactory und prompt attention te llinillUVreiit tirunchesef his trade. CrMull Orders Solicited. HAItUYSEEMILLEIt, Trust Company Building, North Queen St. nprtl.M,V,HIf rililM TRIENNIAL CONVENTION OF X Scheel Directors fortlie election of a Su perintendent ei the Lancaster city schools for u term of till en tears, will beheld In Common Council chnmticr, en the lint Tuesday of May, iil7:J0,o'eleek In the evening, ns provided ferliy Ptw. Applicants desiring Information should nildress the president or secretary of school beard. D. R. il-CUIlMll.H. Al. I'. PreililenL Attest Tlies. Mt'El.i.triOTT. Sec'y. nprll- Jwd.M.W.H A SECOND HAND SODA WATER COUN- ter Aiinariilus w III lie sold ut ft Imrirulii If called for ut once. Alse u six-feel Sliver Framed Shew Case, with a three-feet high tower en each end ; trout glass convex orevul. FRAILEY'S EAST END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market), as Fralley's Harsuparlllu CeiniKiund Is the best bleed purl Her. Fralley's Hitter Wlne el Iren Is Iho best spring tonic. GOcuudtl, M.W.FAWi jTxECUTOR'H PUBLIC HALk'ef'aN EAST J KIiik street Duelling und Stere Property en Tliurmlny, May l", 1MJ, at the leopard hotel, the one and a halfstery brick Stere and Hwell Ing. Nes. SHandilull FUist King street, fronting en lisl King sl reel 1" feci, theiice along Jehn street 1 IU feel, thence north 22 feel, thence north west li feet, thence west I feet, thcuce north ISO feet. This properly Is located Iu a neighbor hood tmpieilug rapidly iu line stores and dwellings. Hale te begin at 7:.'K) p. m. L.C. KILI.IAN, Executer nfAhmni M. ICIIlliin, ileccastd. Juki. I.. IIainis, Auctioneer. up2H,W,iiiy3,7,10,lld TNELKTREEftlOCK FARM. STORM KJNG (216!) ' RECORD 2u10. Sired by Happy Medium, slre of 50 iierfermers fn)in2:l('i te2:.lX DamTepsyTu) ler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire of Lulu, 8:11 Jf, Ac.. Ac. Terms for Snrliur season or lv.m. tM for a fenl. rer eiiniiaieii pcuigiceuim oilier ...... .-.. .. -.- . ...... lifnrinittliiii. uddress DANIEL, O. ENGLE, Murlettu. I'u. nprllS-lmd.lw fllKllIFF'S BALE. Oil SATURDAY. MAY 17. ISO. nt one e clock p. in., bv virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphans' Court or 1 jincaster county, I'a., will be sold ut public sale, ut the Court Heuse lu Ijiucaster city, the following descrlbeii real estate, Nix: All that certain let or piece of laud. suiiateii en in cast side or North Mulberry street, between West Chestnut and West Wal nut streets. In tlm city of Ijiucaster aforesaid mid numbered 1117 nml ISO en snld North Mul berry street, en which Is cre-ted two two-story Irame duelling houses, containing In front en suld North Mulberry street H2 feet nnd one Inch, mere or less, te u ten-feet wide common allei, together with the right leu 2; feet wide com mon alley en the north from North Mulberry ftrceirnra distance or 12 feet, adjoining lands of Mary Ferrlcr en the south uiul Andrew M. H'ninUen the north. Inte the esiateef Carolina (iiiuiilen, deceased. Terms, ."i0 und 10 iier cent, of puichase money te be imld cash and the bal ance te be paid before .May 21th. Is'M. D. K. IIUIlltHOLDEIt, ShelllU npZI,2tl,'Ulm:i3,7,10,l I, tiki rR01'OSAIA FOR REMOVING AND 1111- ealrilii! stone crusher. Sealed iireniumU will Iw received by theStnet Ceinmlin-e, up te day. Mny tl, lsiO, nt 5 o'clock p. in., ut the iiiiH-eiii iiiu ut'ts, . ii.v nan, ier ine removal or the stuiui crusher from Frederick Engle's oiiur eiiur rles, 1 1 raid's Ijuullug, te the quarries of J. F. Slaulter, en the Groll'slewn read, near the no city water works; also, for reuilrlng crusher, and boiler of same, mid putting them In flrst class condition for use, work tube done lu thirty das lrem date of award, PiopeMils te be accompanied Willi a geixl bend, or cert I tied check of ten per cent, of amount of bid. Proposals te lie addressed te Street Commit tee, for " removing und repairing stone crush er." By order of the e - - ,., K'KE-Vr COMMITTEE. (Ine. W. IU11V, Clerk; upUma'l,5d OIU1POSALS FOR Si:WERtsT:ALEiTp7 X pesals will tie received by the Street Com Cem mlttee.at theoillceer the Clerk, City Hull, up te Tuesday, May 0, Isiw, ut 5 o'clock p, m., for Iho construction of a two-feet sencr 011 North .Mary street, from West Chestnut te West Wul liut street. All bids must be accompanied with Iho, sleuii. lures of two or mere responsible parties, will ing te Income security, ulse wllli a certltlcd check tothciimnunler ieu iwrrent.ef the bid, which will be forfeited te Iho city In cusoef failure te accept the contract, ir uwaideil. The Committee reserve tliu right te reject any or all bids. l'luus and specirlciitlnns ran lie seen at the eltlce of A. A. Herr, City Regulator, Ne. lUtJ Eust King street, city. PreKkals te be uddrcsed te Street Commit tee, for " construction of sewer,' By order of the STREl.T COMM ITl'EE. JJee. W. UMir, Clerk. ap30ina3,5.l LJttOlMSAI.sVlMt's'niEET MATERIAL Staled preKalls will be received by the street Ceminittece, ut the olllce of theCleik, City Hall, up te Tuesday, May tl, lv.0, at 5 o'clock p. m., for the tollewlng muteriul und work for the ensuing j ear ! Cressing stone, te be of host Pert Deposit granite, net less Ihuu 18 inches wide, tl Inches thick and 1 feet long aud upwards. Packing stone, te be four iuches thick, te be delivered where, needed. Uriel:, per thousand at yard. Brick, er thousand wiiere needed. terhif"8 gullers, per feet, city te furnl.li ma- La'ng gutters, per feet, contractor te furnish laying' rreslng, pi r I ueal root, city te fur ulsli muierlul. ' Handler curt loud, delivered where needed. Sand ier carl hud, ut sand hole. Belgian block, by the square urd, per thou- All bids must lie accompanied with security The cemmltWeri serve the right te n-Jeitauv or all bids. ' 1'repikutl te be tiddretscd te Blrect Commit, lee, for street uuierlul." By order of the ... vHTUEETCOilMtlTEE. Gte. W, Eabt, CTtrk. p0Am3,5 Slew atfrtl(mtnt. IIHAI'-rtmK BYKWHWKIKli.Bl.ACK- berry, uinger ana ikumiuai xrBiiiim. KOHftSB-B UftUOB BTOKE, He. Centre Bquars. JOH OKKAT lMl'ROVKMENT TO OLD. Oft fihu NewMwesbyuslngIiS.ICAHTKRCIIKM- ivsrAiii laAWii itnniv.il civ. T7IOMCAKTINOH.IBONOR BftABS.I.lOHT JJ or heavy, at short notice, go te JOHN BH4T, SB Baal Vulten street. m7-tfd OEINHOLUH WlllTKKRONTBARUAINBTOItK, Opposite renn'a It. It. Htotien. CIOII KKNT. NO. EAHT KINO HTUKKT. Inquire within. apZMwdlt TlUI'PERT'a. BUPPERT,'8 CKLKBRATED BEER AtCIfAS. E. HOSTER'H CORNER HAIXON, Every Hay and Evening. aprSfMM JOHT-A GOLD BREAHTPIN-A (1RNTLR J man was seen pick It up In trout of Ne. North Charlette street en Tuesday after noon. A liberal reward will be paid Ter returti ofsamatelHTKLl.iOEML'KK Office. It -TOTICE TO TOBACCO TRADE. Nkw Yerk. April 30, IMO. On and after May I, 1800, the firm or Char. Fluke A Ce., tobacco Inspectors, will be known under the name of Ruscher A Meller. HimCHEH A MKLI.OU. Hucccssera teChas. Fluke A Ce. npr:2w(l' yNJECTORH, HUE I.ITl'LE GIANT. HAN- I exs-k Inspiraters and Electors, Kberman Beiler Feeder, Penberlhy Initpnetfir, AiuerlrAii Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN BKSTH, :: Kjist Fu I ten street. Iii7-tld TltOCTAHHANk, 811 HIT MANUFACTURER! AND MEN'B OUTFirfEllH, Ne. HO North 0.ueeu Btreel. Hhlrlsmade murder a low as 11.00. Perfect lit guaranteed. ul-lyd TTtOll PULLEYS. SHAFTING. COLIiARH, J Haugers. Clamp Bexes, Couplings, etc., go ete., go m7-lfd e juiici lil'-ni , a.u l-ul v uneu sire C1AWMII.IJ4, BARK MILtX, COB MII.I.H. I leather Rellers, Tan 1'iickers. Triple Herse Powers, Milling and Mining Machinery, at JOIIN ilEST'S.XVt East Fulton street. Iii7-tfd PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Medel Making, Patterns, Drawings and ing, line moo Prints, at t reasonable, at JOHN IIKSTS. xa East Fulton street. IIW-lIll JuT, 1(11,1) BIIUN.E. LIOUIDS AND SIZING rersieam work, at junaiii-ai n,su r.nsi . .- . .. ...... ...... . . . ten street. Iii7-tfd TJIOH BOLTS, LAG SCIIEWH, SEP SCREWS, Square and Hexagon Nuts, these gixsU In stock, ut JOHN BUST Ail l-ul r uneu street. in7-tfd XftOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM ORTMAN, Of Washington Borough Berough Boreugh Jcct te Democratic Rules. Uiwcr District, lub-apS-tfd TADIATORS, OF ANY MAKE OR DE IV sign, can he byJOHNIIIXT, n, can be furnished nt reasonable figures, en fjisi union sin-el. im,-irii TEINHOLD'S WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposlte Penn'a R. R. Station. -- EINlieLD'ri WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, OpHstle Penn'a R. It. Station. A BEAUTIFUL LAWN, HOWEVER siiuili It may In', Is a great luxury. LAN CASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN KN HI 01 1 EH T5EINHOLDS WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'ii R. IL Station rpiIOH, F.l'ERRETT, JL PRACTICAL HATTER. All kinds of Hots Cleaned, Re-Trlmmed and Remodeled te leek like new. ' Silk Hats a specialty. Hats railed for hv addressing inZi-liiid 0 COURT AVENUE, Ijincaster, Pa. TJEINHOLD'S WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite renn'a It. It. Station T 1IIE HON ION MILLINERY STOKE. THE- BONTON MILLINERY STORE, 13 East King Street. -OVR- Trimmed Hats Are at the Tep of Fashion. Loek in our Shew Roem to day, a garden of the brightest, prettiest, daintiest head-gear will there delight you. OUR STYLES Attract marked attention where ever worn, and our prices are very little indeed. ; Bare Hats as in Trimmed Our styles are always ahead of the crowd. New shapes every day. Prices far below any ether store. New Styles Children's Mats. New Styles Lace Mats and Caps. New Styles Outing Mats. NEW FLOWERS. New designs in Wreaths and Bequets, Coronets and Mon Men tures latest importations. French Flowers at remarkably low prices. Everything in the Milliner)' Line you'll find at our store. Give us a call, it will pay you. -THE- 13 East King St., warn swi, mrfl-amdSAF LANCASTER, FA. Itctu SsbveHUcmrnt. yVMVH, ItOILRIlM, MtNtNO.UKNTRirU- N mi nnn mmm i-uraps, 01 any capacity, at NKMrH,3-Kaatiralten street. mT-tM IOR nOH.KR., HORIZONTAti, TABTTLAR. t Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, or any size or power, of ilia best material and workmanship, go te JOHN BHBT, m East Kill Kill ten street. mMfd X7IHEHH IMPORTED AND KEY WERT CI JM gars, tjlrar Havana .Cigars, ear ewa man utacture, In 25 s, M'a and Mfrii. DEMUTU'H CIOAR HTORB, Eslahtlshed 1770. HI Kaat King Btreat aia-trdh TJKINlieLirs WHITE EKONT BARGAIN BTORK, Opposite Penn'a R. R. Butten. NEW LINEOFPH'EK-GKNUINKOMVE, French llrlarand Meerschaum, (Tem 15c te aj. All tliu Leading lira nds or Bmeklng Tobaccos. DEMUTH'S CIOAR RTOHK. alMfdR HI Beat King street TJEINHOI.DH WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a It. R. Station. WING TO THE ADVANCE IN PRICEOF Wheat we have this day advanced the re tall selling price of the PllUbury XXXX Fleur me. vi v nncas uii2CMia roe zs?fi sui ts ntS'e. A. M..OAKHER. Iks Backs up2Wtd Wholesale Selling Agent, Balunga, Pa. tUil'OHALH-SEALED PROPOHAIX FOR Wlillewashing the Fences at the City Res ervoir will be received at the Mayer's ufflee up te 7 o'clock p. in., en Thursday, Mays, law. Bids te be addressed te Chairman Water Com mittee. EtlWARDF. FRAII.EY. a r'JKlUt Hupt. Water Works. T OOK I LIFE INSURANCE AT COST, SEE King' fniurance nntl Rral Eilate Igtntjr, Representing Lire, Accident, Fire, Reller, Plate Glass and Then Insurance. Olllce-lWJj EA8T KING BT., ad Fleer Freut. ap'-lmd A. T. BALZIQER, Manager. PUBLIC SALE-UN THURSDAY, MAY I, Ibis), will be sold at Ne. 8 East Walnut St., Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Bureau Bedsteads, Lounge, Cerk Shavings, Half-barrel Copper Kettle, Ne. H Cook Steve nnd ltpe : a se, Vine gar liv tliu barrel, te, Hnleatl:JOp in. a3-2Ul REBM AN A SON, Auctioneers. THE ILLUMINATING LIGHT OIL COM PANY. Customers receive us a lean from the Illuminating Light Oil Company one of Clark's patent five gallon oil cans te beused for the storage of nllpurc based only of the Illumin ating Light Oil Cempanv,and te be replaced by the Mild Cem pan v with full one when empty or returned te the Illuminating Light Oil Company In geed order, oil te tie paid for en delivery, Iu ense of remeial I further agree te give notice at least two days befere leaving my present ad dress, postein.ee box Ne. 31. In case customers lese ilieir postal cards they can leave word nt the olllce nnd wureroems or J. 11. Nerbeek, Southern Market, or postelllre box Ne. 2W. The best Head Light and Crystal Heal Oil sold at li und 15 cents tier gallon. Oil delivered te all parts of the city free or charge. i.r.v IS NORBECK, Agent. BlCtMwd FOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OR LOW Pressure, Water Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tubes, Whistles, Syphens for Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cocks for Steam Gaugcs,call en JOHN BEST, KH Pest Fulton street. m7-tfd iiniiTK COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY V the pound, 10c; 111 lets or 10 Hounds or ever, He. All goods delivered te any part of the city Free. Call en JOHN BEST, Ne. 3M East Fulton street, in7-td rOUNO MEN AND LADIES I Te Dreve the ureal success nchlnved bv tiie KEYSTONE BUSINESS COLLEGE In 11 months, visit the College nnd leek at our regis ter; besides, our course Is far superior and bet ter adapted te attain te u geed position. W. D. MOSSER, ITIn., 10 North Queen HU,2d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. IfdAw M AKTtN BROS. One of the brightest aud most nctlve parts of the store Is the Children's Clothing Department, Be much com fort te the ladles te find Just whaV.they want at prices Better Clothing Lewer Prices Than Yea See Around. they 111(0. I-atest of everything. Nothing slighted. Pleated Tunic Suits, Fast Casslmere, 81.05, U'J5 and f2C. All-Weel Suits, S3, I3.W aud !l. Finest Suits, JI.W te tl. Waists and Bleuei,2Jc, 37c up. Koe our Fast Black Hele, 10c, lie, U5c. All the new "Star" Waists ar ready, SOc, 7Jc,l. Beys' Underwear fiem Knickerbocker up. Navy rigs for the boys between the ages of 1 and S years who would uppear like sailors. Blouses uud Punts, 81.S0, S2, S'.'.SO. Handsomer Suits for Dudlsh Sailors, 11.50, SI, JO. Onu and Twe Piece Kills, (--'. r.'.SO, U. Was tlieie ever a time when se much real beauty lu dress could be had forselltlle money. Glad te tay most aid lu tills cun be had AT MARTIN BROS, 2G and 28 N. Queen St. J." MARTIN A CO. J. R IWn & Ce. MATERIALS FOR SU1IER OURTAINS! Madras Muslin, cream or lemon, 36-inch wide, 1 6c a yard. Swiss Muslin, with side-band, 30 and 36-inch wide, 25c; large I'elka Det, 25 and 40c. Light and Heavy Scrims, new patterns, 5c te 25c a yard. Velours, double-faced, four colors, 50-inch wide, $1.50 a yard. These goods will be very popular for Portiere Drapery. Madras and Lace Curtains. Silk Curtains. Silk and Canvas Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Cluny Lace Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. Bulgarian Lace Curtains. Sash and Vestibule Curtains, in Swiss Muslin, Florentine Silk, Pongee Silk, Swiss' Tam Tam eoured Lace. Materials for Sash and Ves tibule Curtains by the yard. Expert Draper for all kinds of certain work. Ne Fancy Prices. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. Prince & W. King Sis., LANCASTER, PA. ltw ebttcrttnemeniB. KXT DOOItTOTHB COURT HOITHR. May Bargains in 1.000 Yards New Chaltles, e& New Weel CHallles. aDc New Dress Ginghams, i, 8, t(l, 121c New Gating Fiannels!8.ie. Iz;r. ' 102TM7.?.nd alasoeks, CJf , 7, 8, kasjhBlark'HenrletU Milanese, . 25, 87Ke- FH' Llght.Grey, Wfel Henrietta. S.fibe. tl. 40- iiicii uiexK wool ussnmere Cashmeres, iii, inyi, 15,60, ,aic. r i 1 Case Best Prints, Se. t , ? Saaea Bhnpsen'a Grey and Black Prlnt,5Mc. 1 Bale Apple ten A Muslin Remnants, flJic. FHHNESTOCK'S 35 and 37 East Kin Jtcu btjeviisemctttB WANTED-HOltSES TO PASTURE. Tt Address, npr23-tfd W. W. GHOSH, NcnsVllle, Pa. TJEINI10LD8 WHITE FRONT UARGAIN STORE, Opjwwlle Penn'a R. It. Station. irANTED-HONEST, TEMPERATE, EN VT ergetle men te solicit orders for our Nursery stock; men with knowledgeor farm Ing preferred. Reference required. State age. tt. u. tnsnn a: iju,. U" Beeth Penn Square, Philadelphia. " " a2J-2wdlt TC1INE TAILORING I 'ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS. AT P. WEIKEL'S, aphKlmdlt Ne.lt West King Street. E GUARANTEE OUR GOLDEN LION nnd Mia Ouenda. the nnlr Clear Havana Filler er Hand-Made Clears (.'.) In the city. UKMUlll H CIUAK BlUltK, HI East King Street. Telephone. aU-tfdH K T OUR OFFICE YOU CAN GET ANY amount of ANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY IjAWK en richer. OfTi iff FEET OK PIPE, FROM V, OXjfXJyJyJ Inch te (J Inch diameter, for sale at a low figure, and the only house In the city with n plpe cutting machine, cutting up te Olnch diameter, at JOHN BESTS, .U3 East Ful ton street, tn7-tfd T7IORTHE BEST HOT AIR FURNACE IN JC the market, go te JOHN BEST, 3.M East Fulton street. m7-tfd IF IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON STOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks, Pet and Bib Cocks, Lever Cocks, Swing Joints, call Budget them, or send your order by mall, te JOHN BEST, 3X1 East Fulton stieet. ui7-tfd liiiii'. uiiicivH, riur; i;i,vv, at iajw JJ figures, go te JOHN BEST, SBIlist Fulton street. m"-tfd EOR AMERICAN BIGHT FEED CYLINDER Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Bearings, you can get them at JOIIN DUST'S, 3.EI KIIS m7-tfd unen street. T-OTICE. OFFICE SL'.sqUF.IIANNA COAI, COMPANY, llAI.TlMOUK, April O), ism f Netice is hereby given tlmta general meeting of the HtoPkheldersof this company w 111 be held nt tbeoftlceef the Philadelphia and Reading iianreaa company, xsn. 'i i-nuiu rourinsireei, Philadelphia, en Monday the 12th day of May, 1800, at UH0 o'clock p. m., for the election of (jui cers and Managers for the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed fiem Mon day, the Slh of May, until after the election. By order lOtd ROBERT D. BROWN, Treasurer. AL RaE AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY IN Cheviots, Sergcs, Cassimeres and Wor steds, In Light, Medium ana Dark Celer;, at Ne. 130 North Ciueen Stieet. MCORANN A NOWLEN. ap!2-lyd Tlie Tailors. TITE EXAMINE EYE3 FREE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Ooed 1 If yen have them examined you will probably And that there is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable, "DIA MANTA1 lciipes. which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists ns the best aids te defec tive vision. Solid Geld Hpcctacles, fttt.00 ; usual price, ft .OO. Bteel Spectacles, COc; usual price, 91. OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, 91 1 usual prlce, (flO. M. ZINEMAN & BRO.i.30 S. Hintb Street, urnuiAnn, t iiiin.Aiir.i.i-jiiA. Between Chestnut and Waluut Streets. mM-lvd TTEINIISH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. What De Yeu De With Your Old Stock ? Was This Week Asked by a Customer. We t-ell it for what It will bring, Mas our an swer. We allow no shopkeepers here. l'LUHU ROCKERS are away down. REDROOM SUITS are away down. COUCHED and LOUNGE;. Well, anyone can rest easy en such nice geed for ke little money. Lets of Other Geed Things at Popular Prices HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth QuDea Street. T HE PEOPLE'S CA'tli STORE. The Choicest Stock -Oi'. IN THE CITY, Ranging in pi Ice fiem 10c a yard up te the llnet goods Imported at 51V1. '1 lie regular price of thee liniKirted goods being (esl jy from uc te75c lu Hie largercitles. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- White Quilts i The best II, 11.2.), and Jl.50 Pomestle White Otillts In this city. M , The best Marseilles Quills from 11.50 te J5.V1. These Quilts lime lust been purchased from a maiiufsriurer and Importer nnd ire the best goedo for tlie money ever offered anywhere. s 26 East King Street, LANCASTEKTVA. Tl FLANNELS People Cash Stere, uarW-lydR Dress Goods I 40-Inch tl no Black Weel Henrietta, 7S&, 7fJ., New Plaid and Striped Dress Goods, 15c, I Hlrped Bnmm-r Bilks, 55, R7c runs' i in. a umuiiuim. ie. !. Fancy India Mulls. 1 Jkc. rnni. i men, urKunuim. ie. xuc. new uiein uapes, i., sz.au, n, n. New Head Capes and Wraps, 9tl up te New Black Embroidered Plchues.ts 98.68. ten. 1 Case 14 IHUMnsliu.sc. I Case Rest Indigo Blue Prints. Olie. 100 Dezen Ladles' Regular Made Hei ."He, St., Lancaster, Pa. Went 3lbtirtBemcnt. TFYOII WANT A riUKTJ'r.iui nnsT, ai JL Engine and Beiler, en wheels, cheap, as the following prices shew: 8 horse-power. $4T Knw,err,M25; S9 norse-pewer, 11.175 call at JOHnI BESTS. XU East Fulton street. re7-tM I mrllAT IS TWENTV.vivw I'ekmi sra 1 create a Beautiful Lawn or Renew an Old une. N Kw" YORK STORE. bargains! -IN- WATT & SHANDl AREALWAYH ON THE OUTLOOK FOR BARGAINS. One Case Rest Quality TOILE IWINOBDSl 10c a yard ; never sold for less than 12lc NEW POINTED CIIALLIEH at 0,ei, 10 andl 12)4 cts a yard. A few mero pieces Weel-Faco FIN CHECK I SPRING SUITINGS, 12c a yard ; only halt price. FINE ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, 10 a yard made te sell at 2Jc. FINE INDIA PONGEES, 32 inches wlde,20cl a yard. AMERICAN PRINTED FLANNELETTO,! riiic a yarn ; leek as well as French, at Dee. CO-Inch ALL-WOOL SPRING SUITING, 39c a I yard ; regular price, 60c, FINE STRIPED SERGE SUITINGS, 3701 yard ; usually Beld at DOc. Sdlnch NEW MOHAIR PLAIDS, beautlnill colorings, zc a yard. 160 Dezen GENTS SPRING SCARFS, SScl each ; many of them are worth bec LADIES' NEW CLOTH CAPES In Black, I Tan, Grey, Gebelin, etc., J1.50 each, worth fl. NEW YORK STORE, C. 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. TOS10N STORE. NEW DRESS GOODS -AT THE- BOSTON STORE. Black Henrietta!), 37, 60, 73, 87'J", f I. 48-Inch Black Henrietta, 75s 87 c, II te 11.75. Silk Warp Black Henrietta, 11.25,11.50,11,75, 12.0). Fancy Black Goods, 37J, 60, 75, 87c, tl. Black Cut Cashmere, 50, 75c, SI. 60-Inch Black Serges, 75c, 11. Black Silk, 75, 87c, II, tl.25. Black AlUSllk Silk. Satin Luxnr,8l,tl,'i5. Black Surah Silks, 37, 60, 61, S7c. Black Satin, 50, 75c, II. RlackUlrecade Silks, II, 11.25, 31.50. Best Colored Dress Silks, 75c. Black Morle Silk. 87Je, II, 11.25. Large assortment of Bead Trimming. Large assortment of Braid Trimming. Cream Henrlettas, 'H, 37K, 50, 75e. Pink and Blue Henriettas, 37c. Red Dress Ooeds, 25, 37, 60, 75e. 50-Inch Colored Serges, all colors, II. Silk Finish Colored Henriettas, 37JS, 50, 7Je, tl Black Silk Fringes, 7ic nnd II. Yard Wide Striped Cushmercp, 23c. New Plaids, 5, 10, 12Jc. Plain and Fancy Black Liwns, 12ttiid 17c White Plaid Dress Ooeds, 7, 10, 12, 17, 20,2Jc. Victeria Lawns, 10, 12J, 17, 30, 2c. Hemstitched I.awns, 37J, 50, 75c. Dress Ginghams, 6J, 0J,8, 10, 12Jc. Outing Cleths, 8. 10, 12c. Best Chambray Glugliams, 10c. Cheese Cleths, 5c a yard. Dark Calicoes, 3,', i, 8, C4'c. Aliever Laces, 17 and ffic. DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY I 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. DR MD Char es Stain, ' V-4te V - Ui.VU,' 5- v .. -l!Ti..r. W--w?