VWr '"'h' . V7 r." ' IV w '' &. , TV , i - r i OKI'S TAM-Orr DAT. Om fcr-esT day, when Time waa young, AM flfwlnc a new-born ntfry, About Um world hf mantle Bung With weay a sweet vagary, Tba cUbIb of the Illy bells, Her dainty footsteps after. The busy brook, where rippling dwells Sen echo of bar lmuthUr, woke young Lere, who sleeping lay ; , Then ap the urcbf a started, AM rowed by all the bade or May They'd never mere be parted. Her heart beneath 1U golden one Urew lighter than a leather; If Leve and Spring are fair alone, What must tliey be together A power that earUt te heaven uplifts Ah, wisely Was It fated, , That two of Jove's dlvlnett gifts Should be forever mated I Hithuv Urry, in A. 1'. Tribunr. e.vtixg vmu THE JrAPPg. Amusing Experience or Traveler la the Land of the Heladeer. Frem the Newcastle, Baglaaa, Chronicle. I waa taken Inte one of the Lapp's hutr. In tbe centre a weed fire waa burning brightly en nema atones, and at flrat the smoke waa very unpleasant j but aeen one became accustomed te It. and tt served lb the -"Useful purpose of driving away the winged plague, which bad followed tie all day. The man proceeded te bell some oeffoe, which In a few minutes was set before me, together with wooden bowlful of. reindeer's milk. The coffee was net very palatable, but underthe circumstances worse fare w6uld have proved acceptable. The milk I round te be tee thtek and rieh te drink much of. A sugar leaf was pro duced from beneath some clothes In a cor ner, and a few pieces were chipped off and handed tome. 1 accepted them with my politest smile, accompanied by a bow ; but when I proceeded te sugar my coffee in the orthodox style, the action caused much amusement te the juvenile Lapps, who reared with laughter, and appeared te en en Jey tbe fun immensely. I found that I ought te have eaten the sugar separately, as tlier did. and they evidently considered I '.My fray of sweetening coffeo Inexpressibly fHtrtTW Cakes were Ihen scrved te each one. These wero about the size of a penny bun, but of the consistency of putty or dough, which they somewhat resembfe in appear ance. Sour cream was eaten with them. Se nasty wero they that a mouthful gave me what Mrs. Brown would call " quite a turn," and I was glad te smuggle the re mainder uiulorneatlt the rug en which I was sitting. I did net llke te threw it away for fear of offending my hosts, but trusted te tbe sharp neses of the dogs te get me out of the difficulty. m If Your 1.1 vor Reminds Yeu I tOf Its existence by dull pain or sharp twinge in tne right side, or beneath the dexter shoulder blade, accept the reminder as a warning, and regulate the organ without less of time, by the use of Uestetter's stomach Bitters. The above symptoms are usually accompanied by yellow ness of the skin, constipation, furred tongue, disorder of the stomach, sick headache and morning nausea. But a reform Is promptly Instituted by the Hitters, the best possible sub stitute forcalemel.bluo pill, and ether super potent and hurtful drugs erroneously designa ted as remedies for biliousness. Appetite and digestion nre restored, and the bowels resume activity, when an Impetus Is given te the func tions et health by this sterling antl-bllleus medicine, which also has the eirect of enriching and purifying the circulation, and rertlfylng the system against malarial Infection In air or water, ii is aise nigniy uenenciat Kir rnouma rneuma tlsm, kidney and bladder troubles. a-VtemO The Great American Chorus. Sneezing, entitling and coughing I This Is the music all ever the land Just new. "I've get such an awful cold In my head." Cure It with Ely's Cream Halm or It may end In tbe toughest rerra or catarrh, juaybc you novo catarrh new. Nothing Is mera nauseous and dreadful. This remedy masters It as no etlicr ever did. Net a snuff nor a liquid. Pleasant, certain, radical. al7-2wdAw Ieek Hore, Friend, Are Yeu Slek f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heur Stomach, LI er Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, ullleusness, Tired reel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less of Power, or uny form of Consumption 7 If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of t'lo t'le t'lo raplezten, which will quickly restore you te sound physical health, ytoraplezien Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science. and cures where nil ether remedies bill. Valu able book, "Things Werth Knewing," sent free. Address, Prof. Franklin Hart, warren street, N.Y. eprl7-lydiw Special Jlettcce. Ruekleu's Arnlea Salve. The HeaTBALVEinthe world for Cuts. Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Malt Itheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bklu Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglveper teglveper toglveper fdCtsatlsfactieu, or money refunded. Price 25 eeuu per uex, rersaie uy v. i. uucii, urug gist, Ne. 1J7 and 1M North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. uneZ7-lyd It Equal Yet te Hear Freu. The movements of a mula'sliliul lees are verv variable and uncertain, but Dr. Themat' ctee Me Oil takes but one course It heals and cures. Its equal re'astumn, uipniiicria, catarrh, cold and sere threat has na cr vet been sold. Fer sale by W. II. Ilech, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Scrap of l'nper Saves Her Life. It was lust an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but It taed her life. Who was In the last stages of consumption, told b. she was Incurable and could by physicians Uiat ld live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds, On a niece of v rapping paper s King s New Dlsee ery. and geta It helped her, shcbeURiitnlarget sue reau ui ur. iu miii.iu uu.tici true Dettle, unelnea ,.Ai-.niMt kminlil miniliav nnrTirr.nr tiril f nv rr at U,I ir.WIV. nrwuii. e.iu.art.. ....,.. whrm II. ., continued it use and Is new strong, healthy. rosy, piump, wcigmii iw pound, reriuucr particulars send stamp te w. it. cele, Druggist. Fert Hinltli. Trial bottles of this wonderful Disco. cry Free at W. 1 . ueeh's arug store. 1J7 and 1J North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. M Let Truth Prevnll. lret the facts be known. Let us understand lllulHUUII,urmt uiu:i,ui i. luiuuuut'i ur Ulljr eruption or blemish of ihe skin Is sure te wear RVfnyunn uiNupiiear wueu jsuwikk jhoeu jhi itra nre cmDluted. This wonderful medicine acts directly upon the circulation and the rea sons ter Hi use are incrciere ouvieus. r or sale by W. T. Ilech, 137 und 131) North Queen street, Ijtncuster. Mothers I Mothers I I Mothers I I I Are you disturbed at night and broken of Tour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tbe excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get bottle efMUS. WINS- LOW M boetuimu- binur, u win relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there ts no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late tbe bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict ana neuitu te vue cuuu, epenuing use tYiarrin. nil neriecuy buie lu uim iu hii uamum avnii pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of i one of tbe eldest and best female physicians and nurses in tne uniiea aiaies. bold everywhere, I IS cents a bottle. lunexiyai&w A Very Old Man, Jehn Funk, of Springfield, Ohie, writes s ' I was tramped upon by a horse, and for a year the tatn tnreugn my nips was se eaa i coma net rlie en my feet. Themat' Eclectrtc Oil helped me beyomldeteriptlen. It will de wonders lOruiuwnuu.uiiiT irum uuiuri, rur rutin uy W. T. Ilech, 137 and 1JU North Queen street, Lancaster. KtipepHy, ra-l. Is Is an tin, vnil m.rrlr, tntinr rm In tt ... .mi. I J.lll .rv juir uubur nrunrr.iii r.i. jm. must hae It, te fully enjoy lire. Thousands are I unrrhlne for It dally, and meurnlns because I they And It net. Thousands uien thousands of the use iwrslsted in, w 111 bring you Ooed Diges tion and oust the demon D) spepsla and Install Instead Eupepsy. we recemmena tiecirie mi. ters for D)x)M-la, and all diseases et Liver (Stomach and Kidneys. Beld at Kta and f I per bottle by W.T. Hech, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. W "Flrenim Out." This Is ft common remark when retighi and rewdys Insult public decency by tlielr un seemly ways. Dyspepsia Is n horrid bore. Hre tt out with lluriinct Heed Jlttlert. Voucande IU Ver sale by W .T. Ilech, 1J7 and IJU North Queen street, .Lancaster, Er EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE U ff WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFFS. At ERIHMANU WILLIAMBPORTi Wire Buckle Suspender, AT EULSMAN'B. s ULPUUlt STONE JEWELRY I dollars ure huiii uiiiiuun u mir uvuuiutniue hope that tlicy mai-TatUiln this been. And yet It may be hud by all. We guarantee that Eire-irir- itlitern. If uned accerdunc te directions and Complete Line of Emblematic Marks AT ERIHMAN'H. Nn 12 WHtKint-Street, B OWK BABSAfAWlJUL- A Senater's Opinion He. Brown HAL, United StsteaBeaater from Maine, was a life-long friend and conpaate of Dr. Was. H. Hrews. Se ecaptersd him profsesleeally ; bad oppertunlUes of ebeervlag hiss st practlee, and eesdsrea him one of the ablest asm of his time. Mr. Hale had eeeaates), after the death of Dr Brown, te ass his preparation or Barsapariila, and teat a message worn Washington requesting that a case of the great feaslly medicine be forwarded, which was complied with at e.k. In dae season Mr. Hate acknowledged the receipt of the Brown's Barsapariila, and at the same time said i I had great confidence in the late Dr. Brown's medical sagacity and skill. - Yeursvery truly, EUGENE HALE. Aran., int. If this preparation was only a common jnlxture, we should net call yeui attention te It, but tt Is unlike any ether ever formulated ; has been In Use by eminent physicians for years, and Is te-day the best remedy, la every sense of the word, In the world, for all forms of kidney, liver and bleed disease, and never falls te ears. New Is tbs time te cleanse the system, purify the bleed, revive the liver and give tone and elasticity te the whole body. Yeu can de It with a bottle of Brown's Sarsapariila All at Druggists f 1 ,00. 6 bottles for 8.00. DONTUke8emsthlngelse"Justas geed," IT IB NOT. Aba Wabbbn b Ce., Bele Proprietors, Banger, Me. Vvil TtrTKTZOKK A HAUOUMAN. CHEHP GHRPETS. BRUS8ELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Auction and from the Manufacturers. CARPETS AT 10 CENTS. OAKl'ETH AT 35 CENTS. CARPETS AT Vt CENTS. CARPET AT W UKNTH. CARPETMAT15CENTH. OARPETH ATMCENTB. CARPETS AT 20 CENTS. CARPETS AT 05 CENTS. CARPETS AT 25 CENTS. CARPETS AT 75 CENTS. Carpet Ran Taken in Exchange. Fleer Oil Cleths Cheap. Window Shades. Best Steamed Feathers at Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 3840 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) TVA.UD a Mcelrey. BARD Sc lVTC-ET-ROY, Net. S3 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, CARPETS Having cut down our profits en our Heme-made Rag, Incrnln, Chain and Htalr Carpels, In order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere than any season since we opened, would be pleased te have you call, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Hags taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest price In Lancaster. A lower grade at 60c, RUQS-Smvrna Rugs at a bargain t II sixe at 75c, 11.25 sire at II, J sire at ,. sire at J2.501 Cocea Rugs at &c, Sic and GOc. Oil. CLOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best soeils for the money In the city, all widths from 4 te thi yards wide. Table OH Cleth, feet wide J2Je per yard. Htair and Bhelful. Cleth. WINDOW SHADES-Bargntns In Window Hhadrs. A New number In Dade at 37c. Shading by the yard In Paper, Hellandand Oil. Alse Hprlng Fixtures. WASH DRESS GOODS Tbe best line of Outing Cleths In the city. Dress Ginghams In elegant styles at 6Kc, 8c, 10c and 12Hc Men's Shirting at 6c,6e and 8c. The best styles In punting for men and boys at the price ever offered. NAVY BLUE CALICO One Case Navy Blue Calice at 6e ; never before sold for less than 8e One let of Skirting at 30c ; reduced from tic BICYCLES Agents for the Pramler Safely Bicycles for ladles, men and children. Alsesgents for the Hwecllng Cycle Ce., of Philadelphia. Pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High (Trade Cycles at cut prices. Bee the 75c and 85c Coventry Rival Safety, ball bearing te parts. Beys' Rival Safety at 130. Bee It, compare It with any at 135, and If any difference In fnver of the Rhal. BARD & McELROY, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn cCJrtUH ojeacltCB. F ulNN A BRENEMAN. Lew Priced My Carriages, Beys' Velocipedes, Little Giant Bicycle. THIS IS THE FINEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOR REACH'S BASE BALL AND LAWN TENNIS GOODS. & NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN DPatchC0. H. Z. RHOADS A BON. H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Royal 'Worcester Ware. SPECIAL LINES IN STERLING SILVER, GOLD FINISH. ENAMELED FINS AND BROOCHES. LOOSE AND MOUNTED DIAMONDS. TAULEWARE-KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. SjrFlrat-Class Repairing In all Its Ilranches Receives Special Attention. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. PavaBela. lARAHOLS AND UMHUELLAH I PARASOL AND UMBRELLA HEADQUARTERS ! ROSE BROS. A HARTMAN, 14 East King St. apri: Smd Ceal. T' UMIIKIl AND COAL. J TOBACCOSIIOOKSANDCABES. WEST KRN HARD WOODS. Wtefwl. nnd Retail, OV M. . .I... ... . ruv. a. H. JlAUlin IX IA.. 421 Water Street. Luncaster, Pa. nl-lyd B AUMQARDNERa COMPANY, COAL. DEALERS. OrncwtNe. 13) North Queen Street, and Ne. 651 North Prince street. YAKOs-NerUi Prince Street, near Reading agVei LAJI0AlsTU,FA. () fSoehm, Opposite Fountain Inn, ST. LANCASTER, PA. ART GOODS, CUT GLASS, jttletueca. R E1LLY BKOa.ARAUU. Spring Is Here -AND SUMMER IS COMING. In LAWN MOWERS, we sell the GREAT AMERICAN and the PENNSYLVANIA. ! IIAHV RAItltlAGEH. we have the cele brated WHITNEY COACHES. In BICYCLES, TRICYCLES and VELOCI VELOCI FKDE,eur prices will startle you. In GARDEN HOSE, we have all varletlrs, In cluding tbe wire-wrapped, most durable In the market. In HEFRIOERATOI18, we keep the famous LEONARD CLEANABLK, which pOMses merits unattainable by any ethers. In FISHING TACKLE we carry a II tie of goods te satisfy the taste of the inejl exacting augur. And se with the ether Seasonable Articles; LAWN GRASS SKED. FIlKEZKItH, HAM MOCKS. CROQUET, TENNIS GOODS, ICE COOLERS, Etc. KEIILYBEOS. &H1UB, (Hardware and Heusc-FurnUliIng Uoejn), 40 and 42 North Queen Street, Next Doer te I'ostertlce. apl'J-lmd 9ltternej. J- UTUElt H. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-L W. Second Fleer Eshleman La Werth DtUeMUasfa ulldlng, Na (yaw -: ; -1; rtcwTtt. vumsTifiiT Tn nm RBKPKRR-TIIR 1 seeelUHaUefTea Pafces ssd Orecerlea still mat! wins at CLARKavs. OTBArKWUC: , Choice TakJs Syrup at Me and eSe a sail?"- 4 aWfWraaea OMsn fcrtte. Mastsrds4essl8srlm, Me far Urge betes. tsw w IrUldns enTa Ism rin let Me. m Kvsperated Apples and 1 New Pranel- Isa-Kc. it nmliier'a Tomatoes reduced te Sle can. Wl can. Windham Cern tbe best Cera packed, UHe in. A Prettv Little Tea Pet cenlalnlns afeTea A Few Buckets Ne, 3 Mackerel ai TOe. Ne. 1 Mackerel reduced te lie Der tb. Oanslle Med in s M ketues, at se r1 Kstra Meds Blsenlts enlr SWa BIS II VI fi KXira r amny VTBCsrrs, ee or e aw ler ac. . - --.i. . -..'- (K ! 4 tm Pearl or Flake Tapioca for c- e As Arena. OalmMt or Farina ler 28c Washing l-ewder. an pack. And all ether goods throughout the stock will be sold at the above proportionally low prices. Samuel Clarke, Agt, TKA.COFFSF.ANDOROCKRY ftTORE, AND It SOUTH QUEEN ST. ATBUHtUCB. , Special Bargain t. HKE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR CENTS. 4 cans Ooed Cern, 24c t cans Ooed Blackberries, Xc i cans Strawberries, Sfie. 4 Ha Dried Peaches. 86c 4 quarts Dried Apples, Sic. 5 cans Ooed Hiring Beans, Xc. 3 cans Whortleberries, Sfie, S cans Cherries, 26c, 5 cans Tomatoes, Up, a lis California Malslns, 23c. 8 fee Figs-SBc 4 qnarta Green Peaa,2!rC. 2 lbs California Kn hums, tie, 3 fcs Evaporated Peaches, tbe. 4 ts Hpenge Water Crackers, 23c. 6 ls Rtee, raC 4tbsRlce,ae. s lie Choice Carolina Rice, 25c. 5 lbs Best Lump Starch, 35c 8 lbs Lump Starch. Sk, 6 lbs Rolled Oat, 26c 6 tbs Oat Meal, 2Sc 6 Hchumscker Rolled A vena, 25c 6 Dm Cracked Wheat, r A full Hue of the best Uroeerles In the city. BURSKS GROCERY, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET. A TKEISTB. Rloeker's Dutch Cocea we are Headqtiartars. Twenty barrels of Fine Evaporated Sngar Cem, six pounds for 2Sc. MEATS AND FISlI.-IMcnle Hams, 9c; Hum mer Dolegnn, Be: Dried Ueef, 10c; Knuckle Beef, 15c; Breakfast Bacen, 12c; Boneless Hams, I2e; Fine Mackerel, 8fbr2&u; LargeNe. 1, 15c per pound ; Deep Mea Bloaters, 20e nor pound; llerrlnr. 0 Bs, Sfie; White Fish, Sea pound ; Helland Herring, f 1 a keg. A big line of Wall Brushes at all prices. A big let of Caustic Seda boxes, 0c a pound ; kettles, 7e a pound. FOR RENT 'Ihree rooms en second fleer store building. Call seen. Alse ene two-story brick house en Ceral street. Rent, M. Leng no time. Just vacated for geed reasons, CANNED GOODS. Three large cans New Pie Peaches, Sic. Three cans New Cherries, 25c. Four cans New Strawberries, 21c. Four cans New Blacklierrles, 25c. Three cans New Apples, 25c Four cans Fancy New Cern, every can guar- SnfMMl. 25c. Twe cans French Pens, 25c Three cans Flne Marrowfat Pens, 21c. Twe cans Soused Mackerel, 25c Three cans New Blueberries. 25c Twe cans New Raspberries, 20c. One large can Fancy California Egg Plums, 28c One large can Gelden Drep Plums, 28c. One large can Fancy Apricots, We. One large can Fancy Apricots, 25c, One large can Tomatoes, 8c One large can Yellow Pared Peaches, 15c DRIED FRUITS. Twe pounds Sliced New Pared IVachrs, 2V. Five pounds Sliced New Unpared Peaches, One pound New Pitted Cherries, lfle. One pound Fine few Pared Hair Peaches, 22c One pound Geed New Pared Hair I'encheK.lHe. Twe pounds Unpared Fancy HalfPeuches,25c. Three pounds Fine Apricots, 2x. Three cans Flne Large Prunes, 25c Five pounds Geed Prunes, 250. One pound Large Silver Prunes, 20c Twe pounds Fine Gelden Egg Plums, 25c Three pounds Evaporated Apples, 25c Four pounds New Dates 25c One pound Fine Bartlctt Pears, 15c WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRIFCESTS., Directly Oppesl te J. B. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. 7-Loek for the Big Sign across the pave ment. jrimtituYC. TTENRf WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 13S East Ring street, having a full line of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. a8-tfdR H. WOLF. 13e East Ring Street. e CHS A GIBBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Geed Things we might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Furniture that fits a worthy name. All the New Style. It's no trouble te sell such Furniture when It's known. Here's the reason : We Sell Furniture for Rep utation as Well as for Meney. Ne thought of cheapness In a single niece. Made ler lengwear and satisfaction, ana yet sold cheap. That's what makes It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, Ne. 31 SOUTH QUEEN HlltEhT. w IDMfER'H CORNER. NOW. New Is tbe Time of All Times -TOQET- The Best Values in Furniture -FOR- THE LEAST MONEYI WIDMYER, Coner East King and Duke Streets i.ancastj:u, va. (Cawiancs. OTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40,l2,CIAtt MAHKKT STREET. (Rear of the Fusteffice), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest styles In Uuirglrs. Family Car liaces, Phietens, Murreys, Cabriolet, Phietens, Iluckbenrd, Tretting Wagonii.Hlatleii Wagons, Market Waguni, etc, new ready ler tbe Spring A tine line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring, Strictly flrst-clafc work and all work fully guaranteed Mv prices are the lowest In tbe county fur th Same quality m wuu, uiieiudhchu miiu va- amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done tn a flrst-class manner. One set of workmen especially empleed for that purpose. B J. KRESS, MANUFACl'URER OF SUR- ft,,i f.r Uninui f'pl.t. Iiui ("l tit.fun liliraui faa 4iuaatH aita;. vmvsiv( ..luunv, 'umsi, a .IIMnlr,! I Iml.a L'lasilM Uluiblliifu uln Unlnul II J Abdominal and Uterine Supporters, etc. Lady attendance, W7 WMl King street, mzj-imd . s. B.8. e. e. e. In the Spring SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes for its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument. rfentflev. in ! HI nil 11 - IS w ATC1IE8, CLOCKS, ETC. 9 CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, Ac, SOLD AND REPAIRED, 1MW NORTH QUERN 8T.-WEI1F.IV8, rSyWatchca carefully selected for Farmers and Railroaders. apr2l-lyd JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! JKWXLKll A aiiADUA TK OfTJOfAX Is the Most Sensitive Organ we lNwsess. If tieslectcd the result Is serious and often proves fetal. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that GrewTlred, Eyes that are Dim, Eyes that Bum or Itch, come under this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free ! Ne Dreps Used I OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. w ALTER 0. HERR. Are your Eyes troubling you because your glasses de net suit T CALL AT HERR'S, THE JEWELER, And And nut the cause. We supply the want by giving you a pair or GOOD GLASSES, PROPERLY FITTED. a-PROF. LITTLE, EXPERT OPTICIAN, will be here this week. DIMlcult cases so licited. EXAMINATIONS FREE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANGE. rjfAHM'H CORNER. SPECTACLES I A NEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT OPENED ZAHM'S CORNER. We have opened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connection with our retall busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE HECOND FLOOR OF OUR IIUILDINO exclusively devoted te this branch, and have placed It In charge, of a Regular Oraduate Optician, wIIavltiK hed 10 years experience. In the best hospitals of the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net proimse te simply adjust correctly all cases of defective sight, and ,ut them with tbe correct lenses, but te perform all HURUI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, nnd te place under treatment theso who by proper atten tion) need only treatment of the eye te restore their sight without the use of scctac!cs. At the same time we de net propose te make the adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from the ndvuntace el a proper exami nation, and will make all EXA-MINATIONH FREE, excepting only these that require spo spe clal treatment te remedy any defect. Uetng sole agent for the celebrated AKUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for the money in the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at a price within tba reach or all, there will be e necessity for any ene using glasses that are uncomfortable or unsulted te their eyes. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with any trouble of the eye. In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by lu ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'S CORNER, sprOJmil LANCASTER, PA. QUjittatuare. H IUH A MARTIN. China, Glass, -AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Chiixia Mall. We are new opening our Spring Importation of Queeiiswure una will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware ul IrOYTesl Prices. Heusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. -w-nii nnni'rtNTAi. RTATinNAItY ES- A glues, froiu'Jte()0liorM-pir.cr, and Vcrtt cel Engines from 2te0 hone-pouer, ou nnd them at JOHN UESTS, isi East Fi ulteu ItTMt, s.8-8- s. s. s. In tne Spring Fer tbrce years I was troubled with nmlarln, which caused niy appetite te fall, and I was grcntly reduced lit flesh, and life had lest nil Its chnrini. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but te no eflect. I could Ret no relief. I then decided te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. H. S.) A few bottles of this won derful niedlclne made a complete and permanent'eure, and I new enjoy better health than ever before. J, A. MCE, Ottawa, Kan. Treatise en Illoed and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga, ytttlacc of .Cushion. TJALACE OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AMD U7N. QUEEN -?T. We have been making exten sive preparations all week, and will be ready te-morrow, Satur day, with the Grandest Display of New Millinery Goods and Flowers ever shown by us. We invite all te come and in spect our goods. A genuine surprise is in store ler you. Never in the history of our business have we been able te show se large a variety and prices se low. We have a large line of Mil linery Laces, in black, white and all colors, and a full line of Col ored Netting, Crepes and Malincs, and are fully prepared te please the most fastidious customers. Our assortment of Children's Hats, in Canten, Fancy Straw, Black and White, Leghorn and Chip, is very large. We furthermore try te call your attention te our immense stock of Laces, Laces, Laces. The largest line of Black. Chantilly Laces ever shown by us. Prices, 10 te 50c. White Oriental Laces, 5 te 50c. White Beige, Vandyke Point Laces, 10 te 75c .1 yard. Black Drap ery and Fish Netting, in large variety. Real Torchon Laces. Special values at 5, 8, 10 and I2C. Dress Trimmings, black and colors, Passamenteries, Steel Points, Geld Points, Black and Colored Points, Black Silk Fringes, Girdles, in all colors, at 25, 50 and 75c ; Steel Sets at $1.50 and $1.75 ; Black Bead Sets at 75c and $1 a set. A new line of Imitation China Silks at I2jc a yard; all the Newest Patterns. A new line of Dotted and Figured Swisses. A full stock of White India Linens, at 8 te 25c a yard. Lisle and Silk Gloves. Fine Lisle Gloves, at 10, 12, 15, 19 and 25c a pair. Taffctc Silk Gloves, 15, 19 and 25 te 50c a pair. Pure Silk Gloves, 35 te 7;ca pair. Finest line of Kid Gloves in the city. Anether in voice of Lupin Lacing Kid Gloves, in tan colors and slate, at 79c a pair. Undressed Mus quetaires, in tan colors, at 75c a pair. Bargains in Ladies' Ribbed Lisle Vests at 10, 12 and 17c. Sate. e UR LEADING HATTKUH. YOUNG MEN YOUR SPRING 11 AT IH AWA1T1NU YOUR CALL. Our Bleck Is new Full and Complete and ami we hate a hut that will please you. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES ' All have made their appearance. Only place In the city where you can gut tlicui. Rest It 00 and 1200 STIFF FUR HATS ever shown. . . . HOY'H ANDCIIII.DRKN'H Nobby Goods and Fancy Styles a spcclulty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. nnHEMT.aRETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sutner season en MONDAYJttAY 5th This read extends from the entrance of the Park te the summit of the Seuth Meuutulu (Governer Hick), a distance of ulwut four miles. Its miniature trains connect with all the rciju lar passenger trains en the Cernwull A Leou Leeu Leou nenVallroad airltlng nt the Park, and return, lng from the summit of the mountain In time inrrauiHt with trains leaving the Park. .. . . ?T, 1? flSOTA wfe -SSlKi E in the world, It1 .'"the net VkJW - VftMlS'i TION, It has ale the MOST COMPLETE EQUIPMENT, its engines are lK-rfcct little models of the staiuturd engines of the drst-clus-, nnd Its cars are specially adapted te uflerd au Unobstructed view of the iniiifnlflcent scenery along the line. Steel Ralls. SleueUalU.it. It Is eue of the features of Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Central Pennsylvania. Church and Scheel, Military and ClNloorgunl ClNleorgunl ClNloergunl rations, Clubs and Tourist l"artles cun secure the exclusive ums of Mt. Ore tn Jark en . appll. catien te N ED I RIa ll, al-aua Bup't C. A U Itallread, Lebanon, Pa. will B. e. e. e. In tne Sprin H Vt "iV Fer two years I waa afleeted wit general debility, and I was fast lng a physical wreck. I took qaanti of every medicine I could hear of, 1 tucy uiu net uave any effect en me. iciiKtli I commenced taking 8WII SPECIFIC (8. S. S.), and I was a' man after taking a few betttai. Ill wuneui an equal for building 1 general health. Had it net bw, SWIFT'S HPEClFin m. tt. sn t . undoubtedly have been In my gray 1 unjr. J.l.flHIAHT, ,7j- HenucnenvUle, N. C. Treatise of Bleed and Skin mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AtltttL mrtl-lmd ' tfrewt Ur' (( u -i PKNNHYLVANIA RAILROAD8CHJD , In eflhet from Nev. 10. 1KB. ..4 ' .TralnsLKriyB LAMCABTa and laaT aaC .j trvKbrniiwieipniaas nuiewsi l ii Leava twTBBTWARR Pacific lExpressf News Kxpresst... Way Pasaencert Philadelphia. imp, in. fcma. ra. una. m. 7:00 a. m. 11.1 Mia.aa.Ji Mall train vIsMUeyf i SI:S rnu. rl Alan niinT....M. Niagara Express...... Hanover Acoem.... Fast Ltnef . Frederick Aoeem.a... Lancaster Aorem Lancaster Aocem...... Harrtshnra- Aceera... Columbia Aocem...... Harrlsbunr Express.. Western JCxprnMf..... Lancaster Acce..... via Columbia Mia. m. via Columbia 11:10 a. m. utZ. via Columbia u.ift a. m. vlaMt.Jey. letup, m. 4:40 p, m. MO p. m. a) p. m. Visits 11:Mh,bv AAA Leava Lancaster. Staea, m. :a.m. fc a. m MO a. m. t-Mn. m. M0 a, ra. 11'Jtta.m. 1L58D, m, :Mp. m, &KJ0p, m. t:i& p. m. e:4Ap. m. :p. m. 12-A1 p. m. hts':v ; EASTWARD, raua Phlla. Kipresst-.. Fast Liner.............. Lancaster Acce.. Harrlsbunr Einreas. aiaa. itaTii Lancaster Accem....... mm Oelumbla Aoeoui. Atlantle Kxnresst. KZ Henshare Rxnress Philadelphia Aocem. l2' Hunday Mall ... Day Expresaf.......... Harrlsburg Accem. Mall Tralnt......... Frederick Aocem,,., sanp, SB lOtttplas. tThe only trains which run daily. v UnHnndav tba Mali train wast renabTWa, i Columbia. -Si j. n. weed, uenenu Finminr t . CKAH. E. PUUH. General slanacer. ,, TJIHLADELPHIA AltEADlNUl A. ..... -..M. I'll hkauidu muuiivm.Bi& uivssuvm.-.; ; On and after Rnnday. Net le. Uat. I lH,B IrrUinWlflr IVIUI .UWIh H IUI1UWB1 V.b. Fer Heading and Intermediate pelnta, wm days, 7-M a. m., 13:l, S: p. m.j Sunday, Mil in Ken Pf m Fer Philadelphia, week day, 7Mt,av,l, I:tt p. m.j Sundays. SM n. m. . , Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week U 7:a0a.m.,12JB,S:ap.m. .. . . , Fer New Yerk Via Alientewn, week m$ or Aiieniewn, wnea uaya, enw as sax i. ! Sunday. 8:4ft n. m. -", v. . i.j Sunday, s-m p. m. rorrei nnrfav. R 'or I'etuvnie. week aars. 730 a. H- avi nnnaay, n p. m. Fer Lebanon, week day. 1M a.mlMsVI lis (la I DUUUwJl KVB a. alMJsV a m T n -c Fer Ilarrtsburv. week days, 1M VZi p. m.t Sunday, 8:06 a.m. li.-u. Fer tluarrrvllle. week days. Mi svmlTI s.00 p. m. j Sunday, 5:10 p. ra. " vy j " mS. V I ra r. 1111. rLirr. r.. rs rv.r-.rrr. , i A, (ieava Readlnc, week day, T. UtHsV sjj 11p.m. s Huaday, TOD a. m., 3.W n, as. ,? Leava Philadelphia, week day, AMMy 5-M Li m., 4HD p. m. ueave, 7:46 a. m, lrave New Yerk Tta Phlladalphlsv wtaka ., lae. p. m. lais night. -- . New Yerk via Allen town, waak, i 4-m a. m.. 1KB D. m. rr' w, Leave Alleulcwn, week daym, htt a,n,(i rUVr.T 'TU.if.iai.v, mwmm IHgt, trTrTrV w arMg I n.m. - -r. tt.W.. -- rlr,-. .tf m m tJBmVW JWWrr,UU, Wrw UHjrrr, ,,r w.ffrr, 82 Ill IH UUl OUim, , rUVM. n,,. ,rrvr, trTM rr- Leave HarrUburf , week days, tm a. as. ( I a. hi.. a;i K n -h - - . laaVT. KMJ ML. ID. - Leave Uuarryvllle. week days, fcUL UM a I 8.00 1 Sunday, 7:10 a. m. .. Leava PhtladelDhla. Chsstuut atftat ' aim Beutn iireet wnan. Fer AtUutie City, week day, tue a. in. ana .w p. ra,; Aoeenu 7: a. m. and 4:H0 p. m. ; Sunday, til -uu a. m., Acoemmouauon, n n. tn. Rtnrnln lsava Atlantis Cttv. daaet'i Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues. Weak d!- KinrMi 7:.n r. in. and 4 n. m. Aattxa' modaUen,8.'0Sa.m. and 4:30 p. m. Bunnay-nj Express, 4 p. m. Accoremodatloa, TM ts.aaV ii i ll I ili'i lul 1 i. i an liri iililriliinil ! Haifa s.,a- rrrrr,rrrw m.v rrrrH.v. mm rr -" ' ' ' r w II r 7 ofilees. -fr A.A.MCLEOD. , C.tl.HANCOCf. S Jk Vice rres. a ucui at ar. uvu nwcasi, LEHANON A LANCASTER JOINT RAILROAD. Arrangements of Passenger Trains ea aaa Um ; niinusr, nuvnuuw iv, wt, ,; NORTHWARD. Leava a.m. r.w. King Street, Lane. 7.-00 UM Lancaster.... .... 7.07 12:4s Columbia . iaJ Manhelm., TM 130 Cornwall............ TM 1: Arrive at Lebanon - fcll IM SOUTHWARD. leave a.m. r.n. Lebanon .........7:12 1KB Cornwall............. 7fl7 l!fc5 Manhelm... TM 1:1 Lancaster........... , 837 IM Arrive at mM Columbia 9:71 tM I Bandaf. r. ...I. r. fcStlM ailtur tflM P.M.A.M. 7:15 7:1 IM, S:M 7 Me s-UftU King street. Lane, sae xwu K9M fcl A. M. WIfiON, SupL K.4C. Railroad. Jl S. ts. NEFF. SupL C. R. B. Satnpm, N TEW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and See -THE FINE NEW LAMM -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR TWUT A -nTIil:.'n'Dni1r1'inrwf d UiUlil..lilUlU O JJIU1U1X15,J NORTH QUEEN STREET. UMBINQ.GAS FITTING, Ac, Jehn P. Schaum & Sen. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND R00FIM6.J 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCAjSTK PA.CJ yitotenvttph. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Koenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially ter Burt aa ., Three-quarter Length Pbotegrapai. fROTB.4- 60 1-2 NORTH QUEEN 8T., Next Doer W tba Pottaatee, jai.7-H.d ,1.1 r sia AM ! .? 2 1 't,. -1 :iiiMaJ Jls-dUi. S JUU- .-: afi: jmSiJtfW-T.t.s, v . 4,-t 1 iSx Vaw ' -& "-, k'3 tr..