Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 29, 1890, Image 1

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A Peculiar Salt Grewing Out or tha As'
algntaentef a Mortgage-Other Cases
Tried lu Common Plena Court.
Tbemltaef Edwlu Ditfenbaugh vs. II.
B. Greff and Geergo 8. Broeme vs. James
Broeme's estate were marked settled, when
called for trial en Monday afternoon.
The suit of Jehn Klebavs. BmmaDlfTen
baagh was attached for trial en Monday
afternoon before Juilge Livingston. Plain
tlQ showed that he was in the employ of
defendants for two years from April 1, 1887,
t a compensation of $70 per year, beard
and house rent and during this time he had
received only a few dollars en account.
In 1880hedemaudcdasoltlement,andnet
being able te get any brought this suit.
The defense presented us an offset a bill
of 100 for necessaries of life furnished te
plaintiff's wife
The Jury rendered a verdict In favor of
plaintftr for $75.83. Jehn E. Snyder for
plaintiff f II. U. Brubaker for defendant,
The. suit or Geerge Tepper, Sarah-Pepper
and Win. Pepper, Si. I)., surviving
trastees for Emily Pepper, under the will
or William Pepper, M. I)., deceased, as
elgnecs of Ilenry M. Watts vs. Etholbert
Watts, Anna Watts and Matilda Omered,
was attached for trial this morning.
Prier te the case being epened, Wm.
W. Wlltbank, or the Philadelphia bar
assoclnte counsel for defendants, was ad
mitted te practice in the Lancaster courts.
Plaintiff otrercd In ovldcnce the mort mert mert
gaeo for 828,0.17.00 in 1873, by Ethelbcrt
Watts te Ilenry M. Watts and assigned by
Henry M. Watts te plaintiffs and rested
their case. The mertgage was en the
Watts mansion in East Denegal township.
The dofenso udinitted the execution of
the mertgage and assignment, but claimed
that the ussignment was made as collateral.
The history of the ease, from the defen
dant's standpoint, was this: In 1874 Ethelbcrt-
Walts borrowed $1,000 from the
Pepper cstnle and gave his note in
payment. Henry M. Watts assigned
the mertgage lie held ns collateral
for the payment of this note. Later Ethel
bert borrowed $5,000 mere from the estate
andapaper was executed by Henry M.
Watts setting forth that this mertgage was
for the use of the Peppers as collateral for
the $9,000 borrewod by Ethelbcrt. This
Jiaper was net rocerdod at the time and se
r as the records thou showed Henry M.
Watts was the holder of it. Shortly after
this Henry M. Watts took n deed for the
pretierty from Ethelbcrt and he was then,
se fur as the records showed, the owner of
the property as well as the mertgage en It.
Henry SL Watts ut this tlme was In
debted te Ills wife In the sum of $50,000,
and in 1885 he conveyed this property te
his wile. She bocame the owner without
any kuowlcdge that this mertgage had
bcen assigned te anybody. She took the
preperty for a valuable consideration with
out notfee or knowledge of an existing in
cumbrance. The consideration given by
her for the property was an endorsement
en the bend held against her husband of
the receipt of $30,000 en account of the
Ethelbert Watts continued te nay his In
terest en theso notes held by the Pepper
estate regularly.
A short tlme age Jehn H. Shoenbergor,
a wealthy iron manufacturer, of Pittsburg,
died and left a bequest of $100,000 te his
sister, Annie M. Watts. Under.that be-
auesVlf-fAunie M, Watts died. in the life
me of her husband, the bequest was te be
equally divided between her eight children.-
She died befoie her bretticr, uud
by the 'terms of the will the children wero
entitled te the $100,000. Etholbert's share
of the bequest was $12,600.
The defendants notltled the Peppor estate
of Etholbert's inheritance and te leek for
the pavment of the $0,000 due en the notes
held against him from that source. They
called upon Ethelbcrt and he transferred te
thorn enough of the principal te pay their
claims. This was subsequently returned
te him after an examination of the transfer
of the mortgagp,because it wasthore recited
luai me reppcrs were oengeci nrsi te pro
ceed against the property en which the
mortgage rested, bofero attempting te col cel
lect.the money In any ether way.
Defendant's counsel said their position
was that us Anna M. Watts had purchased
the preperty without; notice of oncutn encutn oncutn
brance she took It frce, the transfer net
having been recerded, when she bought it;
and second, that when EtholberL Watts
made an agreement in the transfer adverse
te the surety it was void and that the plain
tiffs had no right te return the money nld
by Ethelbert Watts, te the Injury of the
The Jury, under the instructions et the
court, found in favor of plaintiff, for $10,
710. Win. Aug. Atloe, Geergo Nuiiiiiun
and D. B. Case for plaintiffs ; 11. SI. North,
Geergo SI. Kline and W. W. Wlltbank for
The suit of Ueniamin 11. Wertz vp. A. S.
Delthor, was attached-fer trial en Monday
afternoon befere Judge Palterseu. This
casocume Inte court en an appeal of the de
fendant fromjudgment of a justice of the
peace. The facts showed by plautlff were
that Wert, owned a wagon which he
leaned te Emanuel Lehr, who took It te
Dclthcr for rep.-itrs. In a few weeks Wert,
sent for the wugen and offered te pay for
the repairs, but Delther refused te gtve it
up until they paid him an old bill that he
owed for work done. Subsequently the
wagon was sold by the alie riff as the pro
perty of Delther, and this suit was brought.
The dofense was that no tender was made
for the bill due for repairs.
The Jury found In favor of plaintiff for
$29.28. W. N. and J. WVppln for plain
tiff j Emlen Franklin for defendant.
Grunted By the Iteslster.
The following letters were granted by
the register of wills for the week ending
Tuesday, April 20:
TKsrAMUNTAnY Abratu SI. Kllllan, de
ceased, late of Lancaster city ; tawrence C.
Kllllau. citv. executer.
Fred. Heefel, deceased, late or Lancaster
city; Elizabeth Hecful, city, executrix.
Martin Auiuent, deceased, late of West
Hcninlleld township; Frank Slilllet and
KatoBliillet, West lloinplleld, executer.
Slary A. SIcDonell, deceased, late of East
Earl township; Win. SIcDonell, East Earl,
Jacob S. Wltmer. dcceaicd, late of Slaner
township ; A. It. Wltmer, Sluner, execu execu
eor. Jacob Waltz, decoased, late of Laucasler
city; Anna SI. Sarah A. Waltz, vlty,
Jacob SI. Huber, deceased, late of East
Hemptleld township; Murtlia II, and SI.
Lizzie Hubcr.East llenipfleld, executers.
Slurgaret Klugli, deceased, late of East
Denegal; E. V. Beeth, Slarletta, executer.
Administuatien. C'arollne Benner, do de
ceased, late of Lancaster city ; Geerge
Smith, city, administrator.
Jehn B. hberlv. deceased, late of Enhrata
township; II. It. Blngamaii, Clay, admin
istrator. . , , .
Samuel Llchtenthaler, deceased, late of
Warwick township ; Nathan C. Fry, LitlU,
administrator d. it. n. c. t. a.
SlarV A. Ebcrinan, deceased late of
Strusburg borough; Ella L. Ebcrinan,
Strasburg, administratrix.
B. f). Sioyer. deceased, late or . Strasburg
township; A. W. Sleyer, and A. Lincoln
Steyer, city, administrators.
A Mail Who AVu., Frightened While
Enjoying lllmseir lu it Heuso.
Last evening a thief broke into the heuse
of Jacob Eckert, u salesman in William
Bllckcndorfer's grocery, he lUcsat Ne.
121 North Queeu street. Sir. Eckert and
his h Ife w cre away uud between 7 and 8
o'clock the heuse was eulered through a
jear window. Tlie hhuttcrs had bcen left
eiien and the Intruder broke a panoef
glass out and onened the window. Sirs.
Eckert returned home shortly before eight
o'clock and she then made the discovery
that the house had been entered. The
drawers el a side cupboard and the
sewing machine had been opened but
nothing as missed. There Is no doubt
tliat the patty wa frightened oil". Mia.
Harry Bituer, who lives next deer, went
(e the pump In the rear te get a bucket of
water, and the belief Is that te thief upon
hearing her ran swsy. Mrs. Bitner heard
the party walking around lathe house, but
supposed It was Mrs. Eckert. It wssne
denbt the Intention of the party te ransack
the whole house, and It Is pretty certain
that he was a tramp, as he left behind,
lying upon the table, a white Jersey, such
as nre worn by women, two urge cinna
mon cakes and a piece of bologna. Frem
appearances the man mast have been en en
Jeying himself eating when he was fright
ened. Constable Nehr was notified of the
occurrence, and he searched high end low
for the party until sn early hour this
morning without success.
The Grand Ledge Knights of Pythias, or
the Eastern and Western Hemispheres,
began its semi-annual session In Chester en
Jacksen A Ce.'s mills In Nashua, N. H
were started up en Monday and nearly 800
men returned te work at the same schedule
of prices that prevailed before the strike.
A lascivious letter In a sealed envelope Is
held, by the supreme court of the United
Slates, net te be obscene "writing" within
the meshing of the law prohibiting the
mailing of such matter,
A two-horse team leaded with straw, be
longing te Furman Kepler, or Pottsgrove,
while passing en the street In Pottstewu, a
bev Inflated a paper bag and exploded it,
which started the team en a dead run. They
finally sprang ever a steep embankment
and both were killed. The driver escaped.
Majer Jehn S. Lewis, uncle of the wife of
Governer Gorden, of Georgia, died en
Monday at the oxecutive mansion in
Atlanta, aged 84 years. He is said te have
been the chief Inspircr of the building of
the Wostern it Atlantic railroad. He was
the founder of the Wcsleyan female semi
nary. St. Paul's Lutheran church, of Masslllen,
Ohie, gave notice en Saturday that hence
forth no person connected with a secret
society could retain membership in the
church. The reason given is that theso
ordets require the acknowledgment or a
Supreme Being, but net of Christ, which is
held te be a "sin of idolatry."
At Newark, N. J., en Monday, Corener
W. W. Vrceland was sentenced te one
year's improvement in the penitentiary,
lie was convicted of having received $2,000
from the cashier of the National Newark
Banking company en a $200 check. He
had refused te refund the difference, but
under pressure made partial restitution.
He is said te be prostrated by the sentence.
Geerge Harris, a colored local .preacher,
was arrested lu Chambersburg en Slenday
upon the charge of larceny and was placed
in Jail in default of bail. Harris bad been
employed in a tiu store and the proprietor
suspected tltat he had been robbing him.
A search of Harris' house by the police en
'Slenday rovealedvSOveral wagon leads of
f feeds all taken from the same store. Harris
lad intended starting a store en his own
The Philadelphia Ltdycr says the Demo
cratic leaders who have control of the pres
ent city organization en Monday announced
their belief that ox-Governer Rebert E.
Paltlsen would be the strongest candidate
whom their party could nominate Ter gov
ernor. It Is claimed that, in consequence
or this, Sir. Pattlsen will have the votes or
nearly all the delegates from Philadelphia.
With such a prospect, It is stated, en geed
authority, Sir, Pattlsen will be a caudldate.
Michael II. Kitsen en Slenday nut strych strych
nine in the sugar bowl at Barrett's restaur
ant at Burlington, Iowa, and liberally
dosed his coffee Then he died. In the
mcantlme what was left of the coffeo, was
thrown out and a deg licked it up and ex
pired. Then Benjamin Barrett, the pro
prietor of the restaurant, sat down te sup
per, supplied his ceffee with the doctored
sugar and was saved only by hard work.
Kitsen was led te self destruction by des des des
pondency produced by drink.
A remarkable leap from a moving train
was made en Sunday by Vluces Story, an
escaped convict, who had been recaptured
iu Georgia and having been extradited was
being conveyed by au ofllcer te the Seuth
Carolina penitentiary. The hands or the
convict wero tied behind him with a repe.
Passing through Edgefield county, the
home of Story, the guard left his slue for a
moment. The window near the convict
had been left open te admit air, and the
u'uard had hardly turned his back when
Sterv sprang head first through the win
dew". The train, which had been running
ut the rato'ef forty miles an hour, was
stepped and backed, but nothing could be
round of the daring convict.
Important Opinion by the Suprome
Court Agntust Invasion.
An important decision was handed down
by the state supreme court en Slenday
concerning the rights of a preperty holder
against the violent invasion of his home by
the agents of a creditor. The opinion was
given upon the appeal of William SIcClung
against the decision of the common pleas
court of Philadelphia county in the suit
brought against him by Goerge E. Dear
born, a doaler in musical instruments en
the instalment plan.
In December, 1881, Sir. SIcClung bought
a cabinet parlor organ from a woman
named Hamilton, and retained the Instru
ment in his possession for nearly two
years without his title being questioned,
lu the autumn of 18S0 Dearborn found that
the organ was in Sir. SIcCluug's dwelling
and decided tegiiln possession of it en the
ground that it had been sold or leased te
ene of his customers three years bofero,
and that the instalments had net bcen paid
en it.
On the 11th of Oclober, 1686, he sent two
of his cinployes with a team te Sir. SIc
Cluug's rosidence en North Tenth street te
gain possession of the iustiument. He In
structed tliem, hew ever, net te act ruddy
towards the Inmates of the heuse or other ether
w ise break the law.
Upen their arrival at the dwelling of Sir.
SIcClung, the ageuts forced their way into
tlie parlor, whero the organ was kept, and
attempted te remove It. Upen the ro re ro
slstance of Sirs. SIcClung and her seu the
men struck the woman and threw her
against the wall and lilt the boy, threat
ening te sheet him If he lnter-
loreu. un me Rireugui ei iiiuse iiircais
the organ was forcibly remoed from
tlie house, leaded en a wagon and taken
te Dearborn's store. Sir. SIcClung brought
suit against Dearborn for this act of vio vie vio
leneo in the court of common pleas. Ne. I,
of Philadelphia, but tlie Jury decided that
the defendant could net be held rosponsl responsl rospensl
blo for the violence of his agents, which
was committed contrary te his instructions.
This decision was roversod by the su-
iiroine court eti Monday and a new trial or er or
lered. Crazy, Hut Net n Thief.
Casper Secr, the alleged Newark post pest post
efllce embezzler, is still in the county Jail
in Trenten. He was visited by Boveral
Newark men en Slenday and was euerea
the amount of money demanded for his
ball, but he positively rpfused te accept it.
He prefnrs te remain In Jail, whero he can
see no ene but ills friends. He says he Is
much happier than he was a week age,
prier te his confession.
Inspector Parhain, of Philadelphia, had
a long talk with Seer. He lias been In
Newark exaiululng the books and cannot
find anything wrong.
There is new a general belief that Sir.
Secr's mind is uflected. He claim te have
taken $0,000 within the past five weeks, but
mac is H.UU te no inipessinic.
The l'elltlclans Made Illin Uruuk.
This morning the mayor had two cases:
ene was that efPctcr est.u lie applied for
lodging. Tlie ether was Israel Gillespie,
who cume from the Nickel Mines'. He was
found very drunk floundering around en
North Queen street, near tlie railroad, by
Olllccr Hcldlg. He was taken te the station
house. When called upbeforetho mayor this
morning he said that he had ceme te town
te attend te some businCHS and missed the
train home. He then fell In with the poli
ticians, who were giving out rree drinks,
and he became very drunk. The mayor
discharged hlni upon his premises te pay
tlie costs and keep sober.
Waived a Hearlnsr.
Clement Badorf charged with raise pro pre pro
teiuo before Alderman Halbach, appeared
before that magistrate ou Slenday evening,
waived u hearing and gave ball in the sum
of f I.0O5 for trlafat the August term of the
quarter sessions court.
The Execution Expected te Occur Early
en Wednesday Mem tng-The Warden
Preparing Fer His Terrible Task.
Auburk, N. Y., April 20. Kemmlerhss
net yet been summoned te the chamber of
death, llcportsfrera his cell this morn
ing de net Indicate any change In his de
meanor. It Is related that he was asked a
few days age If he had any request te
make as te the day of his death
within the week appointed. He replied
that he did net care te be consulted
In the matter and that the warden could
suit his own convenience! It made no
difference te him when the affair took
place. He did net knew but what It would
be better for all parties concerned te have
It ever early in the week.
Nothing Is positively known as yet, as
te the day Warden Durston has fixed upon
for the execution, but from preparations
going en and arrivals of physicians and
scientists who are te be present the Im
pression has become well grounded that
Wednesday morning Is the tlme.
It also seems reasonable that the execu
tion will take place bofero the convicts are
astir, and as Uie rising gong sounds at 6:30,
the tragedy may be enacted bofero day
Auburn, N. Y., April 20. It is reported
that Circuit Judge Wnllrtce has granted a
writ of habeas corpus, returnable In June,
In the Kemmler case. This would cause
postponement of the execution.
SvnACUSK, N. Y., April 29. Judge Wal
lace has granted the writ lu the Kemmler
case en the ground that the manner of ex
ecution Is lu violation of the constitution of
the United States.
They Arc Net As Cholcey an They Wero
Tbroe Mentlin Age.
Dealers were tee busy the past week In
roceivlng goods te pay much attontlen te
the sale of old leaf tobacco. The transac
tions were net numereus or heavy, and
the sale of old goods will net aggregate 500
cases. There Is an active domain! for cheap
goods for oxpert, and the market Is getting
bare or this grade.
SI. SI. Fry has purchased 18,000 pounds
el Havana tobacco raised en the Wilsen
farm, near Ulghsplre, und this crop is said
te be unusually fin.
Dealers had a full ferce of buyers In the
field the past week and considerable was
bought. Buyers are net as particular as
they were three months age, and crops
that they would net nut a price en
then they new eagerly buy at the
price put en it by the growers. Fully
three-fourths or the crop has been bought
up, and it leeks as If the balance would be
secured by packers within the next two
weeks, at a price greatly In excess or that
offered in the early part of the season.
TheSalunga correspondent roperls the
following sales recently made : Walter
Eshleman, acre Havana, 10, 3, 2, te A. B.
Krelder & Ce.; Jehn Herr, 1 acre Havana,
15, 4, 3, te A. B. Krelder it Ce.; Ames
Hershey, 4 acres seed, 0i round ; Si
men Horsbey, 2 acres seed 10,
i, 3, 2 : 1 aero Havana, 13, 4, 2 ;
Andrew Kanffman, 2 acres Havana, 10, 4,
2, te A. B. Krelder A Ce. ; SI. B. Sillier, 2
acres soed, 4 round, te Stauffer it Kendfg ;
Frank Miller, 1 acre secd, 3 round, Stauffer
& Kendlg ; Wm. Gensamcr, 3 acres Havana,
13, 0, 4, 2; Henry Hlestand, 2 acres secd, 5,
1, te Stauffer A Kendlg.
New Yerk' Market.
Frem tlie U. H. Tobacco Journal.
Sumatra seems te be king. The Im
pression that the $2 rate of duty will pass
appeais te have taken held of the trade
and everybody who can uffeid it is supply
ing himself with Sumatra, as far as bis
casli or credit will reach. Sales for the
week about 1,200 bales. But while the
prospects of tlie $2 are both accelerating te
sales of the Sumatra and driving up its
price, the soed crops remain as neglected
as ever. If the oxcessivo rate should actu
ally pass, there will be no serer and mere
disappointed persen than the domestic to
bacco grower. The new domestic cieps
are principally in demand for oxpert,
and that means that they are rated at the
lowest possible price. Old scud stock,
however, is in fair demand. The market
disposed of about 000 cases for filler and
blnder purpeses.
The next inscription will take place Slay
2 and will be attended by almost the entire
contingent of American buyers.
The demand for Havana Is as active as
ever, and prices rule high. Havana Im
porters still seem te doubt the possibility
or the new tobacco schedule being carried
out against them. But that doubt will cost
thorn eventually a big fertune, and drive
many of them entirely out of the business.
Frem the Tobacco Leaf.
Considerable activity was displayed In
tlie sced leaf business during the week,
and all varieties were purchased. Tliore
was an cager demand for '88 Pennsylvania
bread lcafB's.and fully 1,000 cases changed
hands. Buying of the new crop gees en at
the Name pace. In seme sections nothing
is done at all.
(Jans' llcpert.
Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J.
8. Gaits' Sen, tobacco broker, Ne. 131
Water street, New Yerk, for the week end
ing April 28, lWW :
SOOoases 1887 Pennsylvania Havana, p. t,;
150 cases 1888 Pennsylvania Havana, 12 te
13c ; 200 cases 1887-88, Pennsylvania seeil
leaf, CI te 13c. ; 310 cases 1888 Wisconsin
Havana, 01 te 13c; 120 cuses 1888 New
England Havana, 10 te 37c. ; 135 cases 1888
state Havana, 12) te lie; 100 cases 1&88
Dutch, . t. ; 150 cases sundries, 0 te 35c.
Total, 1,105 cases.
The I'lilladelplila Mnrket.
Frem the Tobacco Leaf.
Sales are being dally made, but confined
largely te binders, which, IT they contain
quality and nre light in body, command a
price well up iu figures. Just new Wis
consin Havana old is having the call. Geed
old llllers are In demand, but they must be
sound. Occasionally u kuIe of domestic
wrappers Is reported. Prices are unsteady
and unprofitable
Sumatra shows no abatement in sales. It
is clesely examlncd.
Havana still receives the usual call.
Quality as well as cleanliness is deslred.
Receipts for the week 09 cuses Cennecti
cut, 209 cases Pennsylvania, 42 cases Ohie,
51 cases Llttle Dutch, 419 cases Wisconsin,
87 cases Yerk state, 137 bales Sumatra, 237
bales Havana and 219 lihds Virginia and
Western leaf tobacco.
Sties show 30 cases Connecticut, 323
cases Pennsylvania, 29 cases Ohie, 37 cases
Llttle Dutch, 501 cases Wisconsin, 48 cases
Yerk state, 118 bales Sumatra, 210 bales
One Toe Amputated.
The injuries of Jehn Ktiluiz, the repair
man who was struck by a train between
Hohrerstenn and Dlllervllle, wero net as
serious as first rationed. At first it was
believed that the greater part of the feet
would have te be amputated, but it wus
only found necessary te take oil one tee.
IlUhUl'tlUll Cuses.
Heward llcmmig, uu uttache of the
American heuse, lias bcen prosecuted be
fore Alderman Halbach Ter desertion. He
gave ball for trial. The dolendaut formerly
resided in Heading, and the desertion took
place there. The question of the court's
jurisdiction, that helug the fact, will be
raised by the defendant's counsel.
Murtiu ilurshbergcr is in Jail lu default
of ball te answer u chnrge of desertion
ending before Aldunnan Halbach.
llorshberger te-day wuhed u hearing
und gave ball for trial.
Had a Finger Smashed.
Henry Bransby, who resides at 123 Nevlu
street, nnd is employed at J. Gun Zeek's
tobacco warehouse, was assisting te lilt h
case yesterday when it fell upon his hands,
badly smabiug the nit finger of the right
A Meeting te Perfect Um Organisatien
la Pennsylvania.
A Hsrrlsburg dlspateh dated April 28
ays: There wss quite a gathering of the
leading spirits in the National Farmers'
Alliance In this city en Saturday, and it
was learned that thr Alliance had made
considerable progress In Pennsylvania.
Celcnel L. L. Polk president of the
national organization, and Majer Gray, of
Louisiana, lud come from the national
headquarters at Washington te consult
with the farmers of this state and ethers in
relation te the growth of the order In Penn
sylvania. Frem Colonel Polk It was
learned that the organization hew numbers
nearly 3,000,000 farmers
At b private meeting held en Saturday,
Hen. C. D. Eldred, of Lycoming county,
wm the president (the gentleman who pre
pared the first Pennsylvania State Grange
constitution) ; Isaac Garretsen, vice presi
dent, member of the Btate Beard of Agri
culture from Adams cenntvi secretary,
Rev. Wilfred M. Kellogg, or Lancaster
county, well known there as a most ef
fective talker en agricultural subjects.
Among otlier members present of the
alllanc wero Colonel James Yeung, of
Sllddlotewn, member at large of the State
Beard or Agriculture; Henry C. Snsvely, a
promlnent horticulturist el Lebanon county
and ex-county deputy or the Patrons or
Husbandry; Hiram Yeung, or Yerk, vice
president or the Pennsylvania State Agri
culture society, and a member or the Na
tional Weel Grewers' association : Messrs.
C. F. Kohres, Saiu'l Sheets, Enech Bunkle,
Jehn Brinlen, W. SI. Ke tires, E. O. Has Has
aler and otlier prominent farmers In
Dauphin county. It was unanimously
agreed that the subject of organization In
Pennsylvania be loll In the hands or Colonel
H. C. Demmlng, of this city, ox-stnte
deputy of the grangers, master or the first
Pomona grange In Pennsylvania and presi
dent of the alliance In Susquehanna town
ship. Letters or sympathy In the movement or
premises or co-eporatiou wero received
from twenty counties in the state, includ
ing such prominent farmers as Captain F.
SI. SIcKcehan, or Perrv county; Oliver D.
Sheck, of Berks; Bev. K. II. Clare, of
Menree; U. S. Steole. of Susquehanna;
Jehn McDowell, of Washington; Samuel
G. Tayler, of Denver, and ethers. Steps
are being taken te organlze 200 alliances In
Pennsylvania lu sixty days, when a state
alliance will be formed.
The organization, which started in the
state of New Yerk lu 1873, moved westward,
then southward, aud thou up along the
Atlantic coast states, until Its membership
ombraced officially, a few weeks age, 2,000,
000, uud alliances forming at the rate of ene
u day lu seme or the states. Over 1,000
alliances wero formed In a siugle year In
Georgia, which new has 2,500 local organi
zations, und Texas nearly 3,000.' It Is said
that Kansas has the largest membership or
any Wostern stute, numbering evor 100,000
farmers, fanners' wives, or thelr sons and
They Will Contest nt McOrann's Park
On July 1 nud 0 Circa t Trettara
te Be Brought Hore.
Lancaster Is new in the Slidway racing
circuit, and the first races will be held here
ou July 4th and 6th. The meeting premises
te be the best evor occurring nt McOrann's
park. Some of the finest uerses will be
brought bore, and tliore is a treat in store
for Lancaster. .Noted horsemon will be
attracted te Lancaster and racing will be
?;iven new ltfe. Arrangements are new bo
ng made te have ene of the greatest races
that has been seen hore lu many years. It
will be between two prominent New Jersey
horses, both of which have been very suc
cessful campaigners.. gThe ene U Cloen,
wlni was fermerly owned by J. B. Ogden,
orsierristown, N. J., and Is new the prop
erty erSIr.C. It. Hedden, or Ntwurk. The
herse's record Is 2:22. He was ene el the
most successful horses In 1888, und bid fuir
te rival the best of them. In the early part
of last season he trotted well, but met with
uu nccideut in Detroit which laid him up
for the romalnder of the year. He is new
lu line fettle, aud has all of his speed. E.
II. SIcGonigle, of this city, is his present
The ethor herse 1h Charley Gibsen, a gtay
animal, who has shown himself te boa great
racer. He came originally from Canada
and for a tlme was considered n rlnger.
II. J. Cook, ofOrunge, N. J., the prosent
owner, purchased and trotted him. Ue was
first In the 2:30 class and then iu tlie 2:21.
He is nnw-nnlv uliulble for the 2:22 class.
having made n record or 2:22J ut Paterson
last rail. Ne race Is tee long for the herse,
and he is very gamy.
Tliore has been u great rivalry between
theso horses and the admirers of each think
theirs the better. Some time age Sir. Cook
heard that seme partles wanted te mutch
Cloen against his herse aud lie agreed te let
Gibsen go for freln $1,000 te 85,000. Sir.
Hedden agreed te inake a match, but there
has been u hitch about the truck. It has
finally been agreed te trot at Waverly,
New JerHey, en Slav 30 or 31, when tlie
meeting will be held there. Each ewner
has agreed if lie wins te glve the ether a
return race and that ene Is te take place lu
Lancaster en July 4th. The Ianeuster peo
ple offered the ewners of the horses geed
inducements te ceme here mid they have
acconted them. The race will be for $1,000,
and It will be n great eveut.
Bids Opened Last Night Tlie Annual
Inspection Next Friday.
At a meeting of flrocemmltteo of coun
cils held last evening the bids for shoeing
horses and furnishing feed for the de
partment were openod. There was but
ene or each, Edward Walker ollerod te put
en four new shoes for 81.50 and change old
min for itn emits. Joel Eabv ollerod te
furnish straw for $10 per teu, and eats (32
pounds) 30 cents per bushel. Tliean parties
will be uwarded the contracts.
The committed has agreed te make the
annual inspection of the department en
Friday afternoon. Tlie chief englnoer and
Sluyer Clark will accompany thorn. They
will visit all of the englne houses ns well
ns the old Empire heuse recently pur
chased by the city, and will examine all
the apparatus, stock, Aa They will loave
the mayor's olllce at half-past ene o'clock.
After the rninmlttee had finished Its
business Jehn E. Sebum, the new chair
man, invited the members te Cermeny's
Central hotel, whero he ontertalnod them
with lunch and refreshments.
A supreme Court Decision.
A curious csise was develeped In the do de do
tisleu of the stute suprome court lu the ap
peal or Obcrheitzcr and Obcrholtzer's oxo exo oxe
eutor ugaliibt Evanx. which wus oppcnled
from tbn common pleas court of Lohuueu.
This suit was brought en n Judgment nete
held by tlie plalntllls ngalnst the farm of
Jehn "W. dibble, which was situated
partly In Lobauen und partly in
Luiicaster county. Sevcnil years age
Glbble became Inselvent and con
fessed Judgment in favor of the plalntllls
en a mertgage which they held. Other
creditors who had an equul clulm were
given corresponding Judgments, which
wero onterod lu the courts of both Ijiii
caster and Lebanon counties. On ucceunt
nrthenetilcct of Obcrheltzer te niuke a
similar entry his Judgment was dishonored
bv thu mil
rlni lAitiaiieii county. mu "
cislen of the lower court lu
this case was
A Big Surprise Iu the Country.
I,ast evening Al Hurst, u well known
milkman and farmer, who Hies en the
Bridgeport turnpike ubnut n mlle cast of
this city, was given u surprise. It wus his
birthday and tlie airalr was gotten up by
his wife while he wus nbumt from home.
When he returned lie found the heuse
filled with friends from the surrounding
country und this" city. Tliore wero ubetn,
forty couples und they had a royal time,
Including a line mipper und dancing te
Miller's orchestru.
Ceat Feiiiul.
At the station heuse there Is an overcoat
which wus found last night ou East King
street, between Duke and Christian. Tliore
wus a book and seme ether articles In tlie
pockets, and they indicate that me coat De
longed te an insurance agent.
.Made an Assignment.
David Stene, of Dart township, made an
assignment te-day for the benetit of credi
tors te Lawyer D. F. Magee.
Sharp Replies Frem Beth te the Speaker.
The Cellequy Over an Allegation of
Fraudulent Election by Mr, Evans.
Washington, April 29. In the Heuse
te-day Mr. Pierce, of Tennessee, rising te a
question of personal prlvllege, denied the
statement made a few days age by Mr.
Evans, of Tennessee, te the effect tbst
there had been ballet stuffing in his dis
trict. The spoaker ruled that this did net
present a matter of ersenal privilege.
Fierce responded sharply that be
thought It did.
The speaker said that the gentleman, had
net the right te make, such response te the
Mr. Stills, of TexasWhy did net the
speaker step the gontleman from Tennes
sce (Mr. Evans) the ethor day?
The speaker The Speaker was net pres
ent when that occurred.
Sir. SI I lis Then you ought net te step
the gentleman from Tennessee new.
The speaker That does net fellow.
Sir. Slllls-lt doea fellow.
The speaker The chair does net doslre
te enter Inte any personal controversy with
the gontleman and he tlithks that If the
genllemun will reflect he will net persist
In the Impropriety.
Sir. Stilts I de net see the Impropriety
when one gs&ipmau charges another with
fraud. "
The speaker The gentleman from Texas
will please be in erder.
Sir. Mills I am In order; and the
spoaker Is mere out of erder than the gen
tleman from Texas. The ruling is simply
an eutnign.
The matter was then dropped.
Simen Merris Pnulshed for Hauling
Baggage oil n Pavement He Is
Fined B3.03.
Columbia, April 29. An ordlnnnce was
enacted by council en Octeber 10, 1881,
prohibiting the hauling or whoeltng el
baggage trucks ou pavoments en a line of
f 1, costs or proseoutlon or Imprisonment
for net mere than 24 benis in tlie lockup.
The erdinance has been a dead letter and
this pavement traffic has bocemo a
nuisance. A lest cuse was made last ovo evo ove
nlng befnre Squire Hershey, when com
plaint was made against Simen Merris, a
colerod perter. Wheu remonstrated against
Slerris retorted with lmpudonce and the
suit followed. Merris wus compelled te
pay $3.02. ,,
BerlFitzgerald, a young wheelman, met
with an accident while out en his bicycle,
resulting In the breaking of his right arm.
A little girl was walking ou the stone cop
ing near the round house, and as -ilie
lumped te the pavement Bortcelllded with
her. She was knocked down and he took
a header. The girl was badly shaken up
and young Fltzgerald has put away his
wheel until his arm gets out of the allng.
Slaggle Yolletts was before Squire Selly
last evening for disorderly conduct, and
was uiscnargea upon paying costs.
Jacob 11. Hestetter, a farmer, had some
trouble with Jehn Krepflle, olaneror.whlch
ended In n froe fight. Hestetter was sued by
Kroptlle bofero Sqlilre Brush, or Washing
ton borough, for assault and battery. A
cress suit for felonious assault followed
before Squire Evans. The case was heard
bofero Squire Eyans last night, and the
difficulty setlled. The ethor suit will be
Ben Kundalls has sue.1 Ames Slater, be bo be
eore Squire Evans, for assault and battery.
The case will be heard te-night.
W. U. Burr is In Philadelphia, attending
a meeting of tlie advisory committee of the
P. A H. roller association.
The new plpe organ Ter the Prosbyterlan
church arrived from Brooklyn yosterdny,
nnd is being placed In position. Tlie organ
wus the gift, of Sir. nnd Sirs. Churles Feil
Dersmitli, of Lancaster, lu memory of Sir.
and Sirs. Samuel Trtiscett, fattier and
motlier of Sirs. Feil Dersmitli.
Council will meet this evening.
Geergo II. Adams and SI Ins Teina
Hanleu will appear In the opera house to
night iu ' He, She, Him, Her. " Thocom Thecom Thocem
nanv will he if reeled Ijv a lsrtre audlonce.
as It deserves te be. Beth leading peeple
are great favorltes in town, and tlie name
of Goe. II. Adums Is a sufficient guarantee
for u geed show.
Dr. and Sirs. J. B. StoBrlde contemplato
u trip te Europe in the near future.
A son of Jehn Duy, who was drewned
yesterday, came te town for the remains
and they wero taken te Carltsle this morn
ing at 10:05 o'clock.
A Manifesto Frem the Aiuerlean Feder
ation of Laber Is Issued.
The general oxectltlve beard of the
American Federation or Laber issued a
manifesto en Slenday night addressed te
the telling masses. Tills is In part as fol fel
lows! "The executive council of the
American Federation or Laber having so se so
lected the United Brothorheod or Car
pouters uud Joiners of Amerlca te make
the demand for the enforcement of the
eight-hour work day, I ask you te re
frain from any sympathetic strikes.
Bather remain at your work and
aid the cai ponters and Joiners le win
lu the contest. Te the carpenters
undjoluersmy udvlce Is te demand uud
Insist upeu the enforcement of the eight
hour duy. In the demonstrations te be
held Slay I, turn out lu vast uumbers and
by your' presence manifest your utialtera-
uie uciermiuaueu w navu uiu cigui-nuur
work day enforced, though by ene trade at
u time, yet for all as the ultlmate result.
Allew no ene te proveko you te a breach
of the peace. Maintain order, refrain from
all violence, ongage In no riots, let the
watchword be the enforcement of theelght- jlrt.. . fl..l U. , 1 1 1 ft R ml IUI.I.
ilUlll nilllV tll.jr , .,.((,, jrv.ivi.UMlv . .vr.-
tive, with stout hearts and clear heads, let
us concentrato all cllerts for victory en the
carpenters uud loitiem. Si en of labor,
btcudy along the line te the achlevpiiieut of
the eight-hour work day."
Itesult oriluse Bull Gumen.
The games of ball en Slenday wero as
follews: National Leaguo Pittsburg 0,
Cincinnati 2j Bosten i, New Yerk 2;
Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 0; Clevclsud i;
Chicago 5. Players' Lcugue -Bosten fl,
New Yerk lj Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia 1 j
Buirulel, Chicago 12 1 Pittsburg 16, Cleve
land 10. American Association Becliester
5, liroeklyn 1; Syracuse 1, Athlotle 2;
Ioulsvllle2, Teledo Oj St. Leuis 0, Colum
bus 8.
The Kensington club went te Harrlsburg
vosterdoy and were defeated by 0 te L
'Bauswiue, Vogt, Jehn Hofferd, Grcen and
ethers wero ou the Kensington. They hail
ten hits oil' Slclklcjehti.
The Intorstate seuoen opens next Thurs
day. .loe .Simmons Is strengthening the Wll-
tiilngteiiclub. He has signed Johnny Gal
ligau and his brother, Coeguu unit otlier
geed men. Joe will bring the taiu out.
Vogt, of last yearH Lancaster club,
would llke te come back here.
In Canten, Ohie, yesterday, the Alteena
club wen two games by the scores of 1 te 0
and 1 te 2. Billy Zocher made the hit that
droNe In the winning run In the ninth
inning of the first game umld the greatest
" Whltey " Gibsen has caught en In great
shape with the Alteena people, who swear
by Ills work behind the bat.
The Actlve uud Koysteuo clubs will play
al SlcOrunn's park te-morrow, as. the
grounds vi ere tee damp yesterday.
Euriortted Caudldutes.
The Licensed Lliiuer.Dcalcrs' association
met yesterduy afternoon aud hud u talk
evor the coming primary election. They
decided te stand by the candidates who tire
faverable te them und their Interests.
Broke Her Arm.
Mr. Jehn Slgle fell dewu a pair of stuirs
several evenings age, breaking ene of her
arms. Dr. Mlllwr attended her,
Its Sale lu Prohibition States Cannet
Be Stepped.
An Important decision te prohibition
states was rendered in the United Slates
supreme court ou Slenday. The case was
that of Leldy vc Hardin, which was ap
pealed from tlie supreme court of Iowa.
The quostlen Involved was whether the
law or Iowa prohibiting the sale of liquors
In the original packages In which they are
Imported Inte the state Infringed en the In
ter-state commerce clause of the constitu
tion. Chief Justice Fuller read the decision.
Ue said "the plalntltrs.hadtbe right te Im Im
eort this beer into that state and they had
the right te soil, by which aclalone It
would beceme mingled In the common
mass of property within the stats. Up te
that point then we held that In the absence
of congressional permission te de se, the
state had no right te Interfere, by seizure
or any ether action. In the prohibition of
Importation and sale by the foreign and
non-resldent Importer.
Whatovereurvlowsmay be as te the
doleterlous or dangerous qualities of par
ticular articles we cannot held that articles
which Congress recognlxes as subjects of
lntcr-slate commerco are net such or that
whatevnr artlcles are thus recognized can
be controlled by state laws amounting te
regulations while they retain that charac
ter although, at the same tlme, If directly
dangereus lit themselves the state may
appropriate meuaures te guard against In
Jury before It obtains complete jurisdiction
ever them.
" Te concede le a state the power te ex
clude, directly or Indirectly, articles se
situated, without congressional permission
Is te concede te a majority orthe peeple of
a state, represented In the state Legisla
ture, the power te regulate commercial In
tercourse bctwoen the states by determin
ing what shall be Its subjects, when that
pewer was distinctly grunted te be exer
cised by the peeple of "the United States,
represented in Congress. The Judgment
of the suprome court of Iowa is reversed
and the cause remanded for further Pro
ceedings net Inconsistent with thelr
opinion. "
Justices Gray, Harlan and Brewor dis
sented, Iu summing up the dissenting
opinion Justice Grav saldi "The power of
regulating or prohibiting the manufacture
and sale of Intoxicating liquors appropri
ately belengs as a branch of tlie police
pewer te tlie Legislatures of the several
stales and can be Judiciously and effectively
exercised by them alone according te thelr
vleWB of public policy and local needs, and
cannot practlcally,lf it can constitutionally,
be wielded by Congress as part of a national
and uniform system."
They Enter Houses Pretending te Beg,
But Really te Steal.
Fer seme time peeple, eiteclally theso
residing In the northeru part of tlie city,
have been greatly nnnoyed by sneak
thloves. Boveral persons lest sued things
us deer mats and ethor articles, nnd quite
n number have lest children' savings
banks containing small sums of money,
which were taken from the houses. Last
week the heuse of Jeuus Eaby, who
lives ou North Llme street, was
onterod by seme parties who crawled
through the kitchen window while Sirs.
ICaby was up stairs. They stele two small
banks belonging te the children, each one
or which had nbeut $2 In It. The matter was
given into the hands or Dctoctlve Barnheld
te leek up and that ofllcer has succeeded In
arresting the guilty partles. He at oneo
suspected a number or young girls who
navu uoen running aoeui iue sirecis Dog
ging cold victuals and making them
selves nulsanoes gencrally. This morn
ing he arrested Fanny Franklin,
Kate Klnnard and Llzzle Hoever,
three girls, probably 12 or 13 years old,
who llve indhe southern section of the city.
The ofllcer had neon watching mom for
seme daya,but only succoedod In capturing
them this inernlmr. The ulrls all admitted
that they wero guilty. One of the banks
was found In the Klnnard girl's heuse arid
the ethor had been breken and thrown Inte
a water closet. A plush work box, taken
ut the sumo tlme by the girls, was found lu
the possession or a istrcet car driver, te
whom it had been given by the Franklin
girl. c
Heme tlme nge Sirs. J. W. Dolllnger, re
siding en Easl James street, hud a pocket
book, will) a small sum of money, stelen
from her table by seme ene who snonked
into the house. The lady traced the thert
te the Franklin girl, who afterwards gave
up the pockotbeok, without the money,
which she had spent, and acknowledged.
Alderman Deen has held the girls for a
hearlng. When the Hoever girl wus before
the magistrate this afternoon, she said that
they stelo rubber deer mats at different
times aim seiu litem te juini ucuiets.
Electricity Frem a Street Railway Wire
Knocks Down un Unllnn.
One of the Iren peles supporting the wires
of the Second Avonue clcctrre railway, at
the corner of Fourth avonue and Grant
street. I'lllsburs. ou Slendav morning be
came strongly charged with elcclriclty,
and the fluid travoled te an nwnlng pest at
the corner, heating the pest te such au ox ex
tout that It begun te smoke and steam
where It onto red the ground, A pelice
omcer'B attention was called te the mutter,
and he reported It te the company's office.
While the ofllcer was waiting for n reply
an Italian, whofce nuine could notbelenrned,
came along and caught held or the eloctrl electrl
fled iiest. He was thrown upon his back
with grout fnrce, but ufter awhlle was re
vived; nnd was uble te walk away. Later
an empleye of the company came and dls
connected the wires.
Judgments Etttered nnd Executions
Issued en Twe Slora Notes.
Frem the Philadelphia l'rctn.
Judgments aggregating $1,830 74 were
yesterday erdered ugalnst the bankrupt
firm or Atkinson Bres. Upen twoefthoni,
that or the Brooklyn Watch Case company
for $1,027.70, und that of the Wlltnet A
Hebbs Slutiufacturlng company, rer$3 14.17,
executions were Issued te the sberlff. The
remaining Judgment wus In favor of the
Illinois Watch company mr $2,558.78. All
were upon Judgment notes dated April 25,
lfcliO, payable ou demand.
Iu the suit ngalnst the Koysteno Watch
Club company by F. S. SI. Blum A Ce,, en
n nole for $2,300, Jehn SlacDenald, nsslgnoe
or the company, yosterday flled In court of
common pleas, Ne. 2, mi affidavit or tlo tle
rnnnn. Mr. SlcDenald says that the nete In
quostlen wus given te Atkinson Bres, for
the accommodation or the Watch Club
company, and by Atklnaeit Bres, te J. A.
G. Slallulr for tlie pttrpose of having It
negotiated. While It wus In Sir. Slullalr's
possession, it Is ullcged, the nete wus
stelen, In conscquence of which the Wutch
Club company nover received any consid
eration or value for the nole in any manlier.
The Scutded Child Dies.
Jehn G. Shrem, son tif Frcderlck T.
Shreni, the little boy who was se terribly
scalded en Slenday forenoon, died shortly
bofero four o'clock yesterday nftoriieoii.
The flesh came elf the greater part of the
child's boil v. und the iiet wnter had also
otitercd his mouth. Corener Ifenainaii
impanelled ujury uud held nil liiquest, the
Jury rendering u verdlctln accordance with
the racts. Tlie funernl will take place to
morrow aftomeon ut 4 o'clock.
Death of nil ex-Laltcr Currier.
William A. Keimcdy, a well known
young man of this city, dled this morning
at nine o'clock or puoumenla, at the resi
dence or his fatber, Sllchael Kennedy.
Ne. 351 Beaver street. The decoased
wus 20 years old und was born In
this city. He uttended the public schools
,i ,,fiftrvnrcls worked for seme tlme
at plumbing for Fllnn A Breneman.
Fer several years he wni a letter-carrier
under Postmaster Slay maker. After eftv-
I.... (I. nnulnMlcn lin WOllt te PIlllauelPlllA
ami was working for the Pennsylvania
railroad company up te lebrnnry last,
when he came home en account of hick
ness. He leaves u wife and two small
children. He was a popular young man,
having ninny friends.
WAHiiiKciTas. D. a. Anrll 2.
I Baltt te-night ; stationary tempera
Uurei 6euthweterly winds.
Every Organisatien la the
mand a Shorter Say M
The Movement la kiwi,'
C JiXsf J
liosTex, April a. xne Al
Society of Carpenters and, Joia
meeting last night formally deskled
HMntn with thA 14fvtfiihftvt rfl fli
ters. The action of the body, walefc;
been regarded as the most censarrattV
ganlzatlen In the city, brings every
ration in Bosten In line for tM i
movement nn M I.
A Fruitless Conference Igj
DtTnerr, April 20. Unless thwtj
unexpected ohange daring the
neurs a generat strike of
Joiners of Detroit wilt occur i
morning. Seven hundred tr
tended a meeting of Carpenters' TTg
10 last evenlng, and acemtnluaa
pointed te wait en the CarpmUf A
liuuciera' association. Later In
lug this committee had a confer ci"
representatives of the Carpenters'
Builders' association and presented;!
demand for an eight-hour day at,
cents an hour. The committee
agree and It is net thought last a ttrUttj
be avoided. ,.?:
The Chicago Strike . '
Chicago, April 29. The JeiinM
that an agreement for rssumptiea of 1
by striking carpenters and the new, I
association has actually been reaei
that the men will resume work en
Sleantlmotlie leaders are endeave
keep seeret, net merely the terms
ngreement, but the fact of it, in
nnihnalaam among the striken
cool, se that they may turn 6t..!l ;
lurve ler me iimy uy paraee. i n rJ
want the istrAMMNic
WAsniNQTO.v. Anrll 39. Senater!
te-day presented the petition oleeall
Ne. 307, united Brothorheod ec
and Jotners of America, calllnge
le the fact that In I8ea Congress
law making eight hours a dsy's '
all governmont work, and thaVa
public opinion baa compelled
ocutlve dopartutent of government
force the law en all work dena;
by the government, no attention H
paid te the law In letting government
tracts. ThepetlUnnersthenaaktMM
or encouraging a general sdeptM I
eight-hour ystem. if It Is oenele
justice ana our repuuticaninsw
have the law se amended as te i
Insertion of an eight-hour eUMMt i
contracts for government work.'l
Sleat Paokers Faver Sight
Kansas City, Ma, April 39. A 1
of packing house empleyes of thin I
held last night, Hpeeehes wenlMWJ
several labor leaders advocating tfeej
hour day. Resolutions were,
favoring eight for a day's work,;
derslng a threatened strike in.
May l by nacklng-benee mm.
meeting will be held te discuss Hit I
blllty of a strike in this city. "- ri
Foreign Laber Matters; M
of railways, work shops and
.and. ea4lng.manufscturera have.
refute werk'TtTmen who art dli
taking part in May celebrations. H,
Behlin, April 20. The SoeiaW
Sllesla have decided net te observe
1 ns a holiday. ' 'J$
BKM.W, April 29. The miners:
pleyed In the Zurlkan district, at a,
Ing held yesterday, adopted a 1
declaring that the Federation of Mia
F.urope should neud delegates te UH
national congress te be held in Bres
Paws, April 29. Twelve At
wero arrested in (bis city yesterday.
these taken Inte custody were
DoSIeros, his secretary, M. MendagjriJ
ana sa. I'rovesi, secretary ei uw i
dresser's union. A number of)
arrests have been made at varteMI
throughout France of persons
charged with Inciting werklngmen l-
and pilings en May I. Forty wern m
tedav In Paris. The Paris "Ai
have agreed te obey the police erdetn j
Ttiursuay. ..
m n.
Billy Mahan and Billy Shannen,
middle weights, fought in the
Athletic club. San Francisce, last nil
a nurse of 11.250. Shannen was kl
out In the 15th round after a bard flgnl. 1
Thrnn men were drowned in the
Newnnrt. Vt.. bv the capslslBgi'ef
beat. "$,
The eourtefflpnealsbavogranteai
Mniivane. the Brooklyn murderer, a
trial. X
, . .
A furnace at the Edgar Tnomsen ,
works at liraddeck exploded this mer
Four Hungarians were severely bur
ene fatally. The less win de ueavj
A delegation of colored men.
them W. J. Heward, of Harrlsburg. I
presented a petition te the president
lug for cietneucy in iue cues in
llnwVInu am! Lewis Williams. .
colored, who are te hang In Washington
Friday. 7
Wm. Lambert eged 72, the richest I
ered man in Silchlgan, committed i
in iifitreit. In 1850. iwhen Jehn Br
..., in nntrnll. Lambert met him
i. ...iif.iriif Ilrewn's attack en Hars
i.'ft,. ..! nlimniHl nnd discussed. Hal
ft ftinlft ftminitante of Brown's all the tti
and during later years a leader of bis m
Tlie Welsh Brethers' Shew. $ T
a nrn ulimnf snrlnir Is the anneal
of the dlrcus, and whenever It corneal
small boy is Uappy. ine weisn joret
...i.ft .uitf nnin tlirlr Hoaseii here with is ass - -- .-- -- .-, -
tent show, pitched their canvas en tMl
ii.n nnrni.r nf Vine and Mulberry siren!
The ilrkt performance will be given ;
UltirHtiav ationieuii, uu" wmi.w,
neon the street paiade will be mad,W4
the stock paraphernalia, xc., are in H
lass condition, and the performer , J
nil here. The proprietors or the saewj
r..fttttata. i.nvfti who have always M
bustlers In any kind of business tbeyj
tnreii. 'riinv nave uau miuiui.
-.... .. ihn mad. and Lsn
Lie. nniimibt turn out and pair
them. &
The Ex-Folleeinen'e Ball.
Lastovenlngaball was given In.
nercher hull under the suspjees or a -i.
..- ftii who were policemen
Sluyer L'dgerley. The attendance was
farge aud the politicians turned etlu
force. They were from both tee eBy
,0rVt... .. .f l.ft.l Iftllte tim. It w
COUlllj mm uu. jj -" " i-"
masqtiorade, and there were many In
X .... it... it,, i-. al luldtiluht all m
wcra removed und the managers of
affair furnished refreshments once
cakes. Ac. Everything passed off
ut the bull.
..... g,
iiBid tn Slavery." v I
t.. .,..i,ini Mmtln Havden
nanv appeared In Fulton opera hew
a small audience In the piay, -w
Slaverv." It is a sensational play
Martin as the hore right ftraignt i
He did well eneiigb.but the majority
company uiu net. ;
A lirldge Completed. ,
The flue arched stene bridge wresa
completed uud Indus ran ever It feri
S,1 ,.v..iMlw. It 1ft ever 270 (Set
Mill creek, wesi et uiru-ni-i
IIIfc J " j . -.i..Aj
encth and Is sliulUr la connrueuon snj
big Coneeteg btWge.
,t' & .
? .. i t JJtH.r-j.,,-
1 p
,- l.
la - t U-