V Ts -: TB& liAKOAWl 1A1L JKlMAtCHSyOgtt, SAttUftPAY, APRIL 26, 189ft. THX MAXIA rOA atONWaUCKTS. Cmpni IU4 We Xad te Um laritadeM te Xroet Then at Pabtle Xxpeaa The lateet contribution te te nvmerea project for expending the Mrpltia ob statues and monument cornea from Sen ter Sriulre. who nroneeea teat $109,000 hall 1st devoted te an equestrian effigy- of Grant tithe national capital. In the laat Cencreaa eomebedy wanted a bridge ballt cress the Potomac, which waa te be called a a rant memorial bridge: but the new aenater from the Air Northwest, In pre nnnlncr In aIil te tha ramarkabla collection of marble and brense heraea and their rldera at Washington, at least coniern ceniern plates a leaa expensive structure than the bridge. a iriDute te ueianmus - n " -ten, te Include net only . a la.ue but a building, wbeaj foundations are te be laid In 1802, la another re- recent protect. In Mr. Merrill's version or the plan, for there are several, the linage of tsa anal riiawiverer ii te be brente. and tae naval menumeut is te make wav for It, going te a new site. Anether costly prc prc pMalef this sort la the erection of a me morial hall InFi lr neunt Park b an appn Sriatien rrem uungress, in noner 01 ine rat century of American independence. Mr. Greut, of Vermont, has pretentei a bill te erect a centennial monument te our national existence. AfUW.OOO monument for which something can be said is tbe one which la proposed te erect at e!d Fert Groeuo, In llroeklyn, in honor of the victims of the Jersey and the ether British prison nuiasei me iioveiuuon, mat usea te be moored In the Wallabeut b)lew. These victims, with these or the ether New Yerk military prisons, numbered mere tnan an ine patriots mat uuu en an tne battlefields of the war. An J yet It must net be forgotten that the Tammany Society long age erected a tine monument te their memory In New Yerk. The fact Is that a cemDletelv nealected snhlect for a really Important monument is hard te And now adays, se that the committee en the library has a genuine sonsatleu when It stumbles unen one. The Dronescd Grant menu ment, for example, must lake into account the one projected in New Yerk, and the rniiaacipuia memorial niu cuuuei. iguuru New Yerk's memorial arch. However, the Revolutionary field is still worked ever with dllleiice, and some sup Jects are still found there in which new monuments and statues will net be simply ethor honors added totheso atready render ed. Such is the battle of Point Pleasant, which, te be mre, preceded the Revolution a little, but is allied te its era and asks a monument. The Senate has passed a bill te contribute ?J(),000 te a menument for the battlelleld of Trenten, provided the local association raises as much. A like bill Is pending te put a menument en the bitllcfleld of Princeton. Sonater Daniel, or Virginia, who makes rather a specialty of anch matters, lias a bill appropriating iu 000 for a stntue of Patrick Henry, te be erected in Charlette county of that state, and another bill of $20,000 for the comple tion of the monument at Fredericksburg te Mary Washington, tue uioiner or tne first president, which has been unfer- tunaieiy mixeu up wuu a very uuier suit at law. North Carolina is doslreus te have two Revolutionary memorials en her neil, one te Hen. Grecne. te be nlaced en the field of Guilferd Court IIouse, from which he was obliged te rotreat, but net without Inflicting severe less oil CernwallU, and the ether te Orig-Geu. Davidsen, who was killed while commanding her militia at Cowan's Ferd, thou tuere is a uiu rer a monument te Gen. Knox, te be erected at riiomasten. net that he fought any battles there, or even that he was born there, but en tne ground mat mere no uieu anu was buried. Wben we once leik, howevor, at tue levolutienarv menument bills, the story becomes a long one. Mr. MelIUt proposes te erect a memorial te Ethan Allen en the site of Fert Tluonderega, whose surrender te that here is certainly a pleasauter in cident te recall than Us later abandonment Burgeyne with a couple of bundred annen. Anethor bill cans rer a memorial j Warren at Bosten : and that there is any txlstinx lrck of suitable honors te the atriet or uunner uiu win atriae most eple with surprise, 'mere are mi in aise commemerato Mergau and Sevier, of patriotic renown. men tuere are tue presiucnia 10 ue pro vided for. The Senate has voted slO.OOO for a menument te Madisen, and there are bills pending for monuments te Harrison the elder, and te Kacharv Tayler, as well is a bill appropriating $15,003 te buy Mr. C. IW. F. Travis' portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Statues are also proposed for Secretary Stanten, rer juaury, rer torameaora .nicker, ler i-rancis a. i.ey, Because ua rrotethe "Star Spangled Bannerj" and lest oddly or all, for old Mr. J. uray, en the ground that he was the last survivor jftlie Revolution. VON' MOLTKE ON HIS KNEES. lie Grent Warrior Helps the Emperer nnd Empress Hunt Easter Eiata. Frem the D;rllner Borsen-Ceuricr. In the court news of the first Easter Iiell- Jay was the announcement : "After break- ir.mt the emnorer and empress went out te Bellevue te hunt Easter eggs." This egg luntlnir was accompanied witn some burleuti and Interesting scenes. The general neui marshal, count nieiiKe, naa teen Invite 1 by the emperor te uke part In the sport, anu appeareu in me aueruuuu kit Caatle Bellevue with a Dig easaet ei jlored eec"), 1 no emperor anu empress and the old field marshal bid the eggs, Rnil Hum lullowed the little princes about in the shrubbery, te watch them capture the gay prizes. That lasted three-quarters of an hour. At length the children were called in and the emprexshid some mag nificently decorated eggs ler iue great ninitkn 'himself. The famous strategist concentrated every one of his wits en the eirff hunt. Indeed, be was net asnameu te nTelc liia wav en bis hands and knees through the flower gardens, where the empress naa cenceaieu mom in w kks. He worked conscientiously till almost 0 o'clock. At 0 the pedestrians in the Thler garten saw the omperor and empreta leave the castle with Moltke in his carriage close behind thorn. On the Beat besides the dlgni flei field marshal was a big basketful of fancy colored eggs. Every one stared at the eggs and wonderea new tuey gei en the same seat with Count Moltke, but few, ifauy.guessed that his venerable excellency nail earneu mom wuu iue yei. , u brew. Effects of Alcohol Upen Longevity. iFrem Science, Thn Ttrltlih Afedlcal association ap pointed a commission te inquire and ascer tain the avcragoerthreo classes of drinkers; te wit, total abstalners from alcoholic Leverages, moderate urinicers, uuu uuu. The isoinmUslen reported its observations upon 4,231 deaths, dlvldeu into nve caie- frerles: 1. Total abstainers; 2. Habitual, emperate drinkers, these who cei.sume a moaeraie imeuni ui uiuuuuuu unuun, u. Careless drinkers, these wne ae neimean te net drunk, but are simply imprudent j.i.!..u . A 17... nH httl final Hfinkini 6. Decidedly Intemperate drinker', aet. According te mis ciassinrauen, iuu avernae age reached by each of thetie categories is u fnltnivH Aral elfliua. M VMrfi 22 davs second, C3 years 13 daysj third, 69 years 07 days; reunn, e years ey uaya; nun, ai years days. Frem this the curious fact Is brought out that the teetotalers are the shortest lived, the sets having but a alight advantage ever them in the average dur ation of life. The moderate drinkers reach the most aevancca age. An Examination In the Seuth. I Freui the N. V. Tribune. Tha burnlni of the Whlttltr school building at Fortress Menreo a sheit time since recalls te mind the amusing Inuideiit which occurred tuore about the close of the war. At that ttme mere was n mama among colored peeple for education, and the school was made up of all sexes and ages. At the end or a year, an exmuuiuu waa given te snow wnai progress uu ucun made, te which a number of prominent people were invited. The tcavuer Ktateu that if anv nersena in the audience wished te ask the students any question they could de se. A strapping big fellow, who wnrs enlv a shirt, trousers and pair of Sivernment shoes, war called en te read, e get along very well, until he reached the word ' biped." Here a gentleman In the audience interrupted, wnen tne fellow ing dialogue eccurreu. "Myman, what Is the meaning of the word biped?" " A biped is a beast." " Why is a beast a biped ?" " Because it has four feet." "Are you a biped?" "Ne, sir." "Why?" "Because I hasn't get four feet." "What are you then?" 'I'aeacupedl" Tha shout of laughter which greeted this I anieti broke up Uaaxbibltlen, fJERlUI OF MODKRW UrT5. Xlaetrietty -Vahaalthy plaiaHeaaata, rrem the Jt.T. Star. 'Modern life, wMh iu new pleasures and neaaiblllltae, brlnga new dangera and eausaa F death," aald William J. Holbero. the aaaitanr eaginaer, te a party of friends at Um Fifth Aveama hotel Mat evening. "la toy prsfeeslea I centlnaally an counter new and curleua featurea. Dae of the oddest la whan an electrle-llght current eta loose and entcra the plumbing of a building. Meat baaam an dry and warm, and the laths, mortar and woodwork act aa geed Insulatera of the pipaa. In one case of thla sort the current knocked down, In aucoeaalen, the head of the family, who tried te naa the bathtub j the wife, who turned the faucet of a wash bandbasln, and a servant who waa working at a alnk. On another occasion, a stray current ran Inte the burglar-alarm current wires and knocked down the head of the house the moment he touched the doorknob. Similar te theee accidents are tbeaa when a loose wire or au alactrle storm will set off a burglar alarm, ring a telephone Jlngler, or aet all the eleotrle belle of an apartment house going. AU of these are dangerous, but seldom are deadly. The worst that usually happena la te aet tha house afire. It la net altogether pleasant te have a con flagration, nor te receive a severe shock when yen are unprepared for it. In the fear or malaria and eewer gaa many timid heusekeepera go te an extreme of careful ness which often werka harm. Fer ex ample, the moderate use of disinfectants In any building la a very geed thing, but when, aa la tee frequently the case, vast quantities or powerful chemleala are thrown everywhere indiscriminately, there Is danger of these injuring human health. The wholesale use of white vitriol, green copperas and blue vitriol te purify the aewer pipes of houses la very objectlenablo, aa these compounds are ae strong and cor rosive that they will eat holes through al most any kind of pipe that la made of metal. The best disinfectants are pure air and water; a aewer pipe requires ventilation and any amount or clean water. In this respect it Is very much like a human being. I am glad te soe that there is a growing re turn te the old-fashioned practice of having a pitcher, bowl and ewer In a bedroom, rather than a washbasin with a direct sewer attachment It la better from an artistic standpoint, and much better as a matter of sanitary science. When the latter Is used It should be well tapped and ventilated, with a inetalllc alnk beneath it The latter and the interior of the case should be net only kept dry, but should be thoroughly scoured and dried once in a fortnight Unless this is done, either a meld will form or else there will be a grad ual accumulation of ammeniacal emana tions, which are destructive. If net poison ous. It Is hard te overestimate the cor rosive power of these Intangible gases. At the Beard of Health last month I saw a piece of finely enameled Iren which had been made by oneef the best manufacturers In the trade. Yet these gases in the course of a few years had attacked both metal and porcelaln glsze, and had eaten them up, se that they were crumbling honeycombs. Frequently I have seen cast-iron, and even wrought-Iren pipes, that had been gradually converted Inte shells of rust by this Invisible action of pernicious gases and vapors. Anether odd fact worthy of being remembered Is that the mere deadly gases have no color and little or no odor. The great majority of these which smell bad are net Injurious. The gaa formed by burning Bulphur is almost unbearable, even In the smallest proportion. But it Is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant On the ether band, aewer gas and carbonic oxide, which comes from burning charcoal, are almost colorless, odorless and tastel ess, and are deadly as a rattlesnake." 'GET BACK IN DE IUBBEn." lloceptlon of a Mississippi Steamer that Get Out of Its Course. The prevailing high water and the danger of a sweeping flood recalls te mind a humorous Incident of the great flood of 1882, which is geed enough te repeat, says the Nashvllle American. A certain beat coming up the Mississippi lest her way and bumped up against a frame house. She hadn't mere than touched it before an old darkey rammed his head up through a hole in the reef where the chimney once came out and yelled at the captain en the roef: " Wbar de bell ia yer gwine wid dat beat? Can't you see nuftlnr Fust thing yer knows yer gwine te turn die house ober, spill de ole woman an' de cbil'en out in de flood an' drown 'em. Wat yer dein' out here in de country wld yer dam beat, any how? Ge en back yonder froe de ce'n field an' get back Inte de rlbber wbar yer b'lengs. Ain't get no business sev'n miles out in de country foelln' reun' people's houses nohew!" and she backed out. A Great Bird Story. The Buffalo Courier is responsible for the following contribution te tbe ever in creasing list of stories about animals: In a certain family In Buflale there Is a caged robin which has been the household pet for 10 years. The robin is new aged, lie has lest all his teeth and one eve. and his plumage wouldn't be looked at twice by a milliner. His legs are weak and se are his tees, and he can no longer cling te his perch and warble hilariously. Se he Bits en the fleer of his cage, and llke the dove in the song, mourns and mourns and mourns. At any rate he did until a lew days age, when a cardinal bird was put in a cage with him. The cardinal bird is lu the heyday or youth, and from the first he cast a pitying oye en his aged companion. Alter observing uim a wuue u occurred te him that he might fill up some of his spare ttme waiting en him. Se be new takes the bread and things that are put in the cage and moistens them and rolls them into wads or pellets and rams them down the robin's oesephagus. Every Menl Is a Trial Te the dyspeptic. Flatulence, heartburn, op pressive fullness of the stomach, are the In evitable sequences of his use of the knife and fork. Te say of him that lie gratifies the crav ings of appetite would be genuine satire. He only appeases them. Is relief attainable? Cer tainly, and bv the use of a pleasant as well aa thorough remedy, Hestettcr's Stomach Hitters. Will It cure Immediately? Certainly net-lt does net effect miracles. But It does gle prompt and unspeakable relief, and will, If per sisted In, produce an ultimate cure. Net only does It Impart relish te the feed, but promotes Its conversion by the stomach Inte rich, health and strength-sustaining bleed. Huper-censl- uvenesset me nerves, mental uepressieu, aaa produced by Interruption or i digestive functions, are also remedied by It Ills the finest preventive and curative of ma larial disorders, and relieves constipation, rheu inatlsm, kidney liver complaint, ana eisaarr Mimenu, ana apiutea) aiftaflCsK OTANIIABD CAKHIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, OAERIAQE BUILDER, 40, 12, 43 A 4& MARKET BTrtEET, (Rear of the ' roatefflce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest styles In Buggies, Family Car liure. l'hictens. Harrcvs. Cabriolet Phetens, rlugcs, l'hrclens, Harrcvs, Cabriolet Phetens, liucKuearas, ironing w aguns.nutueii nmuiu, Market Wagons, etc. new ready tot the Spring Ituckbeards, Tretting Wagons.Hlalien Wagons, A fine line of Hccend-ttand Werk. New Is the time te order for Bprtng. Strictly first-class work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county rer the same quality or work. Give me a call and ex. amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a first-class manner. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. r F YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS PORTABLE Engine ana ueiier, en wheels, cheap, as tne low lug prices show; 8 horse-power. 1475: 8 ITtOR HTEAM QAUOES, HIGH OR LOW ' Presiure, Water Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tubes! Whistles, Syphens ter Steam Gauges, Cylinder Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Cocks rer Strain Guugcs, call en JOHN BEST, KM East Fulton street. r)7-tfd T ET EVERY MAN EXAMINE THE J if, tf WATERPROOF COLLARS AND CUFF. At ERISMAN'S. 1ltOICK NECKWEAR I WILLI.VMBPORT, Wire Buckle Suspender, AT ERISMAN'S. (SULPHUR STONE JEWELRY I Complete Line or Emblematic Marks AT ERISMAN'S. Ne, 8 West King surest, TtlliOWN SAMAPAaUMiA. . P1 I Dull and kagnld, have a peer apptUte, M " ' If YOU FPIM cfaaaUlaUefia.HlaaalalcaMcttatttayitem II I WH I 5I u weakened, aad rendered liable te ceatraet euitl- Tk Meed needs purirylng. aad the general system reaulres a tmlMtnf up by the best af all Beting tualee-Brewn't Sanaparllbu ...... ,.u . - jcrnta,N.It.,Mayth,iM. Brown's Barsaparllta la a feed medicine. I knew this as It has been la Iheheuse of my folks and It Is pronounced by them te be the beat of all the larsaparllta ter the Weed, and will wee wonders after ethers have failed, and were I In need of any asedlelBe ter the bleed I would take "" Dull and Languid Sr - Evaarra 8. smith, Care I D. atanvllle, Bpplng, N, U. In the Utter part of the winter and 'spring of IMS, I Ml-I don't knew hew ; no Ilk : no am am bltleu; no strengths drowsy; no appetite worth naming, and ae relish for what little I did eat I bought a bottle of Brown's BaraaparlUa. It seemed te de no geed until nearly gene, when a tremendous Itching of my feet and legs commenced ; I continued till I had used alx bottles t my appetite returned, my feed tasted natural, and I, though new M years of age. feel as well and lively aa I have for twenty years. I cannot speaa tee J Yours truly, Bknjajiin Him., Yerk Cerner, Ms. A very strong case ahewlng what.Brewn'a Banaparllla will de for the children la that of tha lltUe daughter or Ben A. H. Powers, esq., of Hoallen, Maine, brother of ex-Ceagresamau Powers, aad one of the leading lawyers of Aroostook county. His little flve-year-eld girl had been la delicate health, pale and with little appetite, for some time. Mr. Powers had never tried any patent medicines, and had little faith in them, but ae numerous and strong were the words uf eommendatlen that came te him rrem neighbors try a bottle of Brewn'a BaraaparlUa for the little a second one purchased. What was the result T says the variable appetite gave war te a natural desire for reed, increased vigor and vivacity were glowing cheeks and bright eyes took the place of the pallid face and sallow leek, and the heart of the parents were gladdened beyond expression by the wonderful change which had takeu place In their darling. Annie B. Blodgett, of Lisben, N. H., writes t My husband and my niece have both taken Brewn'a Barsaparllta by my advice, and we would net be without a bottle of It In the house. It has relieved me of many pains which I have suffered from for years. Ihsve great faith In your medicine and wish I could commend It personally te all who are auflerlng from the many com plaints or women caused by peer bleed. Brown's Sarsaparilla AllatDrugglsteVl.OO. 0 bottles for B.OO. DONTtakeSomethlngelse"Justas geed," IT IS NOT. Aba Warmcx A Ce., Rele Proprietors, Banger, Me, (V 5Ta "mf-ETZGEIl A HAUUIIMAN. CHEHP GARRETS. Me tzger A HaAiglixxistxi, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG. HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Auction and CARI'ETH AT 10 CENTS. CAIIPKT8 AT HW CENTS. CARI'ETH AT 15CENTH. CA RPKTrt AT 21) CENTS. CARI'ETH AT 85 CENTS. Carpet Rags Taken in Exchange. - Fleer Hest Bteamea reamers at Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) NJ EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. MOURNING GOODS. 0' k UR BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT new possesses one of the best se lectiens of Black and Mourning Qoeds te be round In the city. Black Cashmeres, AU-Weel and Silk Warp Henriettas, Striped Henriettas, Figured Armures, Taralse Mehairs, Lusters.Nun's Veiling and Serges. Special Bargains in Bordered Nun'a Veilings at 75 cents and ft. A hill line or Lupin's Black Cashmere Shawls, In Deuble and Single, from 11.75 te I12J0. Ceurtland'a English Crapes from 75c te ttfiO a yard. Mourning Bordered Handkerchiefs. Past Black Uese, and a full stock or Black Cleves. ir-Our Price-List or Carpets sent free en application. IFKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ard a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Nea. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, CARPETS Having cut down our profits en our Heme-made Rag, Ingrain, Chain and Stall Carpets, In order te Increase our sales, we have sold mere tnan any aensen since we opened, would be pleased te have yen call, see and Judge for yourself. Carpet Rags taken In exchange. FEATHERS Headquarters for the Best Feathers at the lowest price In Lancaster. A lower grade at 50c HUQS-Smyrna Rujrs at a bargain : tl size at 75c,1.25slreatll,rtslieatt2, tlsUeatriM' Cocea Rugs at iSc.SSc and 50c. OILCLOTH Fleer Oil Cleth, the largest line, the best seasoned, and the best goods for the money In the city, all widths from iaiy. yards wide. Table Oil Cleth, feet wide, 12;e per yard. Stair and Shelf Oil Cleth. .. WINDOW HHADES-llnrcalns In Window Shades. A New number In Dade at 37c. Bhadlng by the yard lu Paper, Helland and Oil. Alse Spring Fixtures. WASH DRESS OOODS-Tbe best line of Outing Cleths In the cltv. Dress Olnghnms In elegant styles at OHe, 8c. 10c and WJic Men's Shirting at 5c, BJic and 8c. The best styles lu punting for men and boys at the price ever offered. NAVY BLUE CALICOOne Case Navy Blue Calice at 6fe ; never before sold for less than 8c One let or Skirting at 20e ; reduced rrem 7Sc. BICYCLES Agents for the Premier Safely Bicycles for ladles, men nnd children. Alseagents for the Sweeting Cycle Ce., el Philadelphia, Pa., for the Celebrated Rival Safeties. High (Trade Cycles at cut prices. Sec the 75c and 85c, Coventry Rival Safety, ball bearing tepnrts. Heys' Rival Safety at S3Q. See It, compare It with auy at 135, and If uny difference In favor of the Illvul. BARD & McELRO Y, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn gabu Coachce. INN Jt DRENEMAN; Lew Priced Baby Carriages, Beys' Velocipedes, Little Giant Bicycle, THIS IS THE FINEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOR REACH'S BASE BALL AND LAWN TENNIS GOODS. FIIlSriSr St BRErSTEMATSr, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. yat-aaels. T)ARAH01.HANI UMIlRELLASt PARASOL AND UMBRELLA HEADQUARTERS ! ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. apr!2 Smr TN FIVE.TEN.TWENTY-FI VE ANU FIFTY Pound Package. LANCASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICIIKR. Sold everywhere. 100,000. IN BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR IN VESTORS, IN SUMS OF 1100, 1300, 1500, 11,000 te 120,000. nends per cent. Interest, payable quarterly. Mortgages 4 per cent. Interest, payable half Bend or call rer full Information. JOHN 11. MET7.LKR, Je. US, Duke St, nigaiy os nvwu emmiaMiim. Build Up the nigniy Brown s Bsraianus. ana uireugn tne preee, un ne was inaucea ui one. This was used according te directions, and xniawas useu acceraing mj uirvcuww, u S System with Mr. aad noticeable, Ceet. rrem the Manufacturers, CARPETS AT 85 CENTS. CABPETM AT 40 CENTS, CARPKTM AT M) CENTS. CARPETS AT S CENTS. CARPETS AT 75 CENTS. Oil Oletha Cheap. Window Shadea. Opposite Fountain Inn. tteturca. TJAUY CAHRIAUES, LAWN MOWERS, 4c WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK, lOO DIFFERENT STYLES BABY CAEBIAGES, AT PRICES UNEQUALLED. ROY'S SAFETY RlCYCLES, 112 te ViX UIRL'S TRICYCLES, te te 112. IRON VELOCIPEDES, LAWN TENNIS AND.OASE'BALL UQOVH. LAWN MOWERS! SPREOHER'S Baby Carriage Bazaar, NO. 31 EAST KINO ST. aprntfd TTH1S TF IN WANT OF IIRASS OR IRON STOP I Cocks, Asbestea Parked Cocks, Pet und lllb TT. IVuk. l.if..tVub. Uwlnif Tnlnl. ull ..nt val WW1 them,' or send your order by avail, Ui JOHN X KHtrM East Fulton atreet. tnT-IM , te UMUtuerfc T iltlt BON TON MILLINERY STORE. THE- BONTON Millinery. 13 East King Street. 1 he Prettiest Bennet Fashions Originate Here. 'Yeu get the first leek in the ever changing mirror of fashion right here. Our Bennets are liked be cause they are "newer" and prettier and unlike the hack neyed styles you sec en the street. The work of our trimmers is a luxury, our low prices a joy. With one of our hats or bon nets; you'll be " right in the fashion," and net much "out of pocket." We Trim te Order With distinguished success. We suit your individual style and taste, and our prices satisfy your notions of economy. Neie Straw Shapes. Many new styles en our coun ters te-day. New shapes and colors in Lace Straws and Mi lans. Pretty Turban Teques, 58c, 73c, 87c. Open Werk Large Hats, 48c, 63c, 73c. and 98c. 'each. "Van Dyke" Straws, 87c, 98c. and $1.23 each. Children's Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed. Hundreds te select from ; every shape and. color. Prices remarkably low. Lace Caps,25c, 37c, 58c. and 75c. New Styles and New De signs. Hat and Bennet Trimmings. Ribbons, Flowers, Crepe Lisse, Laces, Geld and Silver Bullion Galleens, Geld Laces and Braids, etc., etc, at less than any ether store in the city. THE BON TON MUM Ml 13 East King St., mrZ7-3mdSAF LANCASTER. 1A. (Stothitte. F INE TAILORING. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment or SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also announce the purchase or a Jeb Let or English Suiting nnd Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we will sell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. WChII early te accure a goods. bargain In these H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTINO TAILOR IN TIIECITV 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d2MM jpumiiNu. L. Gansman & Bre. Clothing Made te Your Measure AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. All wemler at our nrlces. Howdeyoudoltls )VO elm asked by all. Our answer Is, we purchase direct rrem the manufacturers for spot rash utid turn them ever rnnldly en small profits, and thereby save you at least from 25 te S3 per cent. Wide-Wale Cheviot Salt, te Order, Black or Blue, at 111,118, $18, l. English corlucrew Suits, te Order, at tie, 118, 120, KB, tit. All-Weel Wide-Wale Worsted Suits, te Order, at 117, 118, 120, li. $21. Fine Casslmere Suits, te Order, at 112, $M, fie, $18. Fine Diagonal Ceat and Vest, te Order, at 110, 112, $14, $16, $18. Imported Treuserings, te Order, at $7, $4, ftt, . All-Weel Casslmere Treuserings, te Order, at IS . H.H f. 15, W, 17. All-Weel Worsted Treuserings, te Ordtr, $1 W, $o,e,WCio. A WELL SELECTED STOCK AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION. CALL FOR SAMPLES AND COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH OTHERS. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's. Hey's and unuareu s uuiutui imviu.i.v.; I ul NORTH QUEEH IT., I.W.WIHM0F0BM0I. LAH0AITSS, ri. If Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. e-Ile cautious and make no mlsUke se Uiat you get Ui the rlvht place. etterneu T UTHER B. KAUVFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-L. W. Bwend Fleer Eshleman La North DnkeMtnwk II ulldlng. Ne. pr-lyd" air UNVUinill UTATKItClf. 4 Al'IDDlt UAS . or any shape or capaclt) at fair prices, go JOHN BEST. W3 East ulle.t street, m7-tfd tf oet anb Mtee. B' OOTS AMD SUOES. SPBIKa SUGGESTION S ! IF YOU WANT TO m: 1'ERrKCTLY COM. PORTABLE, OO TO STACKHOUSE'S, AND PerchiseaPair of HisLatest Shoes Men, Women and Children Supplied. Ladles' Fine low Oxford and IhePatlnlane Tep Shee for Ladles. "Just the Thing." vniivlng rer Cash nnd Selling for Cah, I will yield te nemau In the trade In the matter or Lew Frlces. STAOKHOUSE 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. FA. H ANDSOME SHAPED FOOTWEAR I Hand-Sewed Shoes. Among the recent arrivals of Ladles' Shoes here Is n superb linn of hand. sewed shoes, adapted rer either every day or flue dress. There Is an air or grace and beauty about tnem that at tracts and pleases at sight, uppers are cut from a superior grade of bright fin. tshed kid, a llltle heavier than French Kin, wmcli adds mucli te their wearing qualities : ere fitted, trimmed and lined excellently. Seles are very flexible, en. siirlugease and comfort In weart sufll clentiy stout, tee, for satisfactory ser vice; are noiseless and de net creak. Many pretty shaped feet frequently ap liear untidy and slip-shed because ul net bclngproperly fitted. There's no reason why any should be Imperfectly clad If selections be made from this line of shoe. We have them In all widths from U. teE. Incluslte,and rarely expo rlcnce trouble In fitting, whether the feet be extru narrow or extra wide, whether It be size ler site 7, All sizes and widths between are here, of ceurse. These shoes are certain te become popu lar among young ladles exacting In dress. They are matchless lu finish, high class styln and grade at a prlte se reasonable. U per riulr. New lines or Misses' and Children's Shoes made from correct models for tha growing feet. See them, te see hew much better we cater te your wants than de our competitors lln style, In grade, In price. Pointed Toe Shoes rer MEii'S WEAR will again be In the fashionable swim this season. We've semcthlngnew and firctty In Congress and Hals. Ter young eller te leek at nebby, stylish, cheap. Ought le be tf, they're marked 11.75. Hew will that suit? SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Qcekn Street, Lancas ter. Pa. D ON'TIIE HUMIlUCiaEIM Don't Be Humbugged ! it has often been said by strangers who have been here working their questionable,' but profitable, methods or advertising their busi ness, that the pceplu or Lancaster are easily Humbugged. Is This True? t.'un any business house In Ijincruter or any titer cltv afford te tlve loner cent, off en all goods purchased of them for 00 dnys of the best season of the year, te merely (a claimed) test the efficiency of advertising, end teascertaln the number who read and believe advertise ments. There Is net 10 Per Cent. Clear Profit In the Shee Iluslness In Lancaster today. There may have been In WurTlmee, hut with romiietltleu se strong all means ure resorted te te catch trade. Granting that tha house would de a business of 12,000 per month, rer the Rest Three Months of the Year, or H.00O In all, It would mean 1000 would show ft Impossible te de except by put ting net less than 10 per cen Uen the goods before purchased. A One-Prlce System does away with these questionable methods, as all customers are charged alike for goods, which are marked In Plain Figures, ana net In (.otters or Characters and sometimes net at ull, where a (Jet-All Yeu Can-system prevails. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FRKV A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. O-Hlera Closed Every Evening at tt o'clock Except Meuduy and Suturday. gev gale ev fSent. F OR IIENT-HANUHOMB FRONT ROOM en 2d fleer. Ne. 12 WestKlnicslrcet: finest location In the city for ofllen or light business. Imiulreef w. Atn, iujs-iiu Aller's Uallcry. QECURE A UOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOlt BALK ON THE MOST MUKKAI. TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man. sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Plue, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fences, lets ISO feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Plue tercels. Twosterv brick dwelllmr houses, leta 115 feet dee: ep.c dM - .;r . . -. . . ... .. en wesi uuiuu sireei, ueiween cnarieive ary atreeu. Three-story brick dwelllnghnuses, leta ISO feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Limn North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All the above beuses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, wnter lu the kltcheu.and the cellars warmuted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, ue trouble te show ,0U' JNO. F. ORIEL, 1K,ecuterI JACtiUOlUEL. Kxecuiers. apraWyd.M.W.S. aa) North Mary Street, FOR flOILER, HORIZONTAL. TABULAR, Vertical. Portable. Cylinder, Marine, of hiiv slxe or power, of the beet material and workmanship, go te JOHN llr&r. 3.0 East Ful ton street. infrtM TpNELETREE STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161) RECORD 2:30. Hired by Happy Medium, sire orse performers from fcllU te i-M. Dam Topsy Tayler by Alex, under' Nerman, slra of Lulu. !fcHJ. Ac. dc. Terms for Wprlug season of 1SW. $50 for a foal. Fer tabula tcpedlgree and ether formation, address DANIEL a.ENOLb,-. apria-lmdJtw Marietta, Pa. ..'! ti I ALACE OF FASHION. M ASTRICH'S . t PALACE OF FASHION,! 110 AND 117 M. QTJZnrtT. We have been making exten-fj sive preparations an weeic, ana; will be ready te-morrow, Satur-v day, with the Grandest Display of New Millinery Goods and J;! iiuwcrs ever snewn dv us. xt T . It - .W vv u invite an te come ana in.:?. spect our goods. & jjv-nuuniauiJJIlbC is in 3iure?,i ler you. in ever in the history of our business have we beetitl able te show se large a virietyjj ana prices se low. IV 1 4 Vm n I n 1 a sst t k RjT.I .. V C IIUVC d IcllL'C: I111C Ul Ulll-v linery Laces, in black, white andti an coiers, ana a iuu line ei -ei-, j eretl Netting, Crepes and; Malines, and are fully prepared J tel please the most fasUdieu&ll customers. Our assortment of Children's; Hats, in Canten. Fancy Straw.b Black and White, Leghorn and..! vnip, is very large. yr We furthermore try te calf your attention te our immense stock of Laces, Laces, Laces. The largest line of Blackll'J Chantilly Laces ever shown byf-J us. Prices, 10 te 50c. White wiuiwiuau:B,3wjw- w '""j Beige, Vandyke Point Laces2 10 te 75c a yard. Black Drap-J ery and Fish Netting, in large; variety. Real Torchon LacesCj! bpcctal values at 5, 0, 10 and, i22c. k Dress Trimmings, black and M coiers, rassamentencs, eteei Points, Geld Points, Black aridJ Colored Points. Black Silk P-Innr,.., flll-e Xr. 11 mImI & tlllg.3, VIIIUO. lit Ull WSWSVf J at 25, 50 and 75c; Steel Sets j at &itKe and fti.75 : Black Bcadi Sets at Tc and i a set. ' A new line of Imitation Chinaif Silks at I2c a yard; all the Newest Patterns. A new Urie of Dotted and Figured .Swisses; ,; rv iuu aiucrk ji ,v lic auusa Linens, at 8 te 25ca.yw4.tjy Lisle and.Sikruleves. Fiiici Lisle Gloves, at ie( 12, Ijfe 10 and 25c a pair. Taffete Silk.' Gloves, 15, 19 and 25 te 5pc eair. Pure Silk Gloves, as 'n-M 75c a pair. Finest line of KiaO Gloves in the city. Anether tn voice of Lupin Lacing Kfdf; Gloves, in tan colors and slate, at 7Qc a pair. Undressed Mm quctaircs, in tan colors, at 7" a nair. k Bargains in Ladies' Ribbedl Lisle Vests at 10, 1254 and 17c; tSuvtain. J." MARTIN & CO. ta ?' J. B. Mvl k k MATERIALS -FOR '.s-i QTrWHrCD nTTDrn rffQ tf UUilLJILXJXU VUUlXJUMWMl & Madras Muslin, cream erA'S lemon, 36-inch wide, i6c.ayard.; Swiss Muslin, with side-band, -f 30 and 36-inch wide, 25c ; large? I11-m ne r? nrirl Ann lfi 3 s umu jui, j .. w.. ,& Licht and Heavy Scrims, new:? patterns, sc te 25c a yard. Wa V1niirc r1rnVlp.farr1 tViitfli-. f ", ! - ' -i . .V. t ww.fcw a. my.mmr.-f. rn nrc rruinrn w np ii.cn TMvt .v.vr.., jw ...w.. ...w, ..jw w,-jj yard. These goods will be very, popular ier reruere urapery. Madras and Lace Curtains. i Silk Curtains. 'M Silk and Canvas Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. - Cluny Lace Curtains. Antique Lace Curtains. TiitlTi ftnn T nnt Pttrtaine llalace of g acklstit Sasn and Vestibule Curtains, M in Swiss Muslin, Florentine W C11L Tnn-e. CHI- Curiec T9m..y VrtirH I ir-r -.tiUi """ " . , ',. , 1 ir 3 materials ier sasn ana ves- -m tibule Curtains by the yard. Expert Draper for all kinds of certain work. Ne Fancy Prices. J. B. Martin t fkf. Cor. Prince & W. King Sts., LANCASTER, TA. rpHEMr.ORETNA Narrow Gauge Railway will be opened for the sumer season ea MONDAY, MAY 5th., Thi rnrni nxtends from the entrance of the vi Tark te the summit of the Seuth. Mountain A,i,j (Ooveruer Dick), a distance of about four nil. ; te miniature trains connect with all tke rscrt-iri'lb lar passenger trains en the Cornwall AMM-Vj non Railroad arriving ai ine rara, luininu- J"-,J5 lng from the summit or the mountain In time 'ii-i-3 te connect with trains leaving the Park. w ' rruili UU1UIA uu reuiu. X n..uviuwnw- v m phla A Reading H, .. within 100 miles, the ulf '$'1 CSnwxoippLiiuimuueuj. ia V'i It Is the meatFERFECTINlTOOONOTiWO. new, ii nas ae me aiue v iT.Mi T" fiUUirnGfli, us enguim "!""'". ; tffi models or the standard engines of the nrslrctaat, and IU cars are especially adapted te aterda unobstructed view of the magnlflwnt aceaery K f along me line. ewiit Ww .... -j is eue ei lue ieiurr . , Mt. Gretna Park, the nnesiaay n?or. m uhum ?"-; .. j Church andSchoel, Military and Clvloerganl. ...:.' .i.ii.j ..n,i Tnurl.t 1'artlM can sacura i ihi exclusive use of Mt, Oretua . IJrU .en .oeplU - ; m -t 7fX i? Jl'fl'VT, 'i'I-ij5-i4 r r , 5 f.. ( V ,t . ., T-. V .-l,t 1 i' t- . . ,' ef