'J v-;.r rC yt C. :. $1 . V 4s i wl t- v- v ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELMOEKOER, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 18901 v ' V...L rf ' 21 m 1$ & SP? (SEVERELY INJURED. m j IH MIT, Mil mi THIS, H8W IAS A IINE!I LEO. ... L.. r a rhtla tt-Mrln tTpen line er . - V. I" Crmhed By Wel. fc Accidents te Twe iwin WvitftiA. April, 1.-Harry Ruby, .P?ft A f n.nrv K. Ituby. en Mm street, met with very aerleue aecl- i yesterday afternoon. e - ii.i rrlw-'s bread wagon, aim Vwn manner bad tale leg andarme ght In the rear wheel. A person alUl ng r? m a iinnr man saw tee pnjuiuiii" -. ---- 'hey wd called te the driver te atepbla E mktrm. The wagon was steppeu w - .ndtli child releawHl. " w Woken above thekaee ana " """" . ww wrr bad It bruUe.1. Dr. Mw was gammened te attend te the Injurea ehlld. The" te n the dtel vthat bad the wagon gene a u- - ' ehlld'a neck would bave been broke n. is Geerge L Meyers, unnuiu.u .. yJXe. 23. of the l. it. m iiuiihb '-- etcrday afternoon wnontne pewum.. ',Vij .u.v him en tbe breast. lie waa painfully brulscil and will be kept effduty ifibraomeaaya. I 5. i..iir vUh. lirakeman en crew Ne.D, E'f'Ot the P. U. K., bad bin right hand caught - i4aa,i two cars nnuuceuiHiuK j wv.w-j . "?f tn.. hn was Boverolv bruised and will VJ'prevent hlra working for aeveral days. , It ban been reported about town that the Tdvecatei! of an up-town location ir Prthe postetnoo are enymg w !'- ... ?. a . rm ii .l.... I Ilm nnnnr O her places nnu bciihik uu. ... i-r-ji Tilm inwn. It Is net the Inten :. ., ai.-. nnriiau in .In Iniurv te tlie il postmaster, buttopxpresstholrdlsHatlsfac. hv finn at ihe course of thoirevcrument In dls- ?"-ii' li.. tlelmatlllnn te meVO the office. rai- Th, people soiling the tamp any It la a lr convenience. Tuelr aalea will reduce the IM revenue of the local ofllce and will prob preb liKt ably postpone a free dell very and affect W'the aalary or the pestmacr. ine rwi iw maater la relucUnt te talk of the tnetter.bul 't',v iu. .I.I1II ivltl nn( IIfnt liim. IlenlsO '.Wted that netwlihstandlng thin fact he will jf't thew later that the piei m raenm i iu f. iiMvlsat In uelnl of revenue than any &".'' , au .l..l l.ltt titem nf nfllnn. ff ueaui uuun(j iiti . v...- The ruucrai 01 rujcuv euuvuiu BU5f held yeatoruey auernoen nnu was mrKeiy &"-,4 attended. Servlcea wire held at Trinity 14s Befermel church. Liberty Clrele Ne. 23, B. D. CH. 1) C. A., attonded the ruuerai In a body. The Franklin and Marshall Olee club Will give a concert In the opera heuse this evening for the benefit of tbe Brotherhood ofLecomollvoKnglneors. The box sheet 'K' Indicates a large audience. t Kev. F. J. Clay Meran IeR at 12:25 p. m. $, te-day for his new Held of labor as arch f deacon of Annapolis. On Sunday he will ikpreach In St. Qoergo'a church, Baltimore, 4X' "Kar..w llin Rt 2nnpirA rtMfltV- TIIE U. S. MARINE BAND. They Gire an Entertainment Te the Vahcrs nud a Few Mere. There was a very small audlonre at Fulton opera heuse last evening, when the Marine band, of Washington, which Is one of the finest musical organizations In this country, appeared. There were several causes for the small attendance There was a very large, party going en at the time, which was attended by s great many society folks, while ethers attended the tocture or Kennan at the oenrt house. These are Just tb, people who would have gene te the opera beuse. The members or the band were astonished and disgusted at thelr slight patronage, yet it mast be said that but few people knew that the bind would visit Lancaster until a ttwr days age. It would be but llttle wonder if attractions or this kind would give Lancaster the go-by for geed. Twe years ae Gilmero brought his big band here and played te a few dozen people. It la net likely that he or the Marine people will ever be bore again until they have some assurance of an audience. la tbe smtll sullencj of Ut e renins were a number of musical critics of the city, and there were delegstleus from dif ferent bands in the county. The entertain ment was one of the beat or its kind ever given here. The selection were all of the best and were admirably produced. A feature of the pregramme that was very fin, was the darlenH sole or Felix lradella. It really is a wonderful band, composed of the finest musicians, and they are a credit te the government. Miss Maria Decca, a young lady with a strong soprano voice, aang several selections that pleased. llOUUEU OF 810. Herace Roberts Leses That Amount Uy a Beld Theft. Herace Roberts, who Is at present acting as deputy clerk or the quarter sessions, waa the victim efu thief en Thursday after noon. Ills overcoat and auotber coat was banging en the hook he was accustomed te place them, en the Jamb of the deer leading te the orphans' court room. In the pocket of one coat was a large pockclbeok con taining two (20 bills und six 81 bills, sev eral promissory notes and e.her papers or value te him only. Several limes during the afternoon he was In the corridor or the court house, but at no time was away Trout the ofllce mere than a few minutes. When the tiine came te close the office he reached Or his coat and found It was gene, lle thought souie of the court beuse clerks had secreted it for a Jeke and he made inquiry of all of them and learned that they had net done se. lle then ceucluded that a thief bad get bis work in and be reported the theft te Chief Berger. Ne suspicious characters were seen loiter ing around the corridor during the after after after uoen and the officers have net the slightest idea who committed the theft. Bad Beyt te Reoelvo Attentleu. Mayer Clark has been complained te a great deal by geed citizens w he are annoyed by gangs of boys who gather at different street corners during the evenings and make a terrlble nulse besides otherwise acting badly. A number of people state that they have had their windows broken by these young rascals, whlle ethers say that they are constantly being insulted. The mayor will station policemen at what ever corners crowds gather and the bad boys will be arrested. Attention will also be given te the gang that make the reservoir grounds their headquarters for leafing In the evening. Damages Aasessed By Vlowers. The viewers appointed by the court tons tens aeas damages caused by the proposed widening of West Orange street, from Marietta te Columbia avenues, filed thelr report te-day. They awarded the follow ing damages te be paid by the county : Jehn C Hager, $330: Benjamin Sclisube), 325) A. G. Brosey, 8225; Frank flemly, 1300, aud Geerge Kemly, 850. Te be paid by the city t A. G. Brosey, 175; Frank Kemly, 1325, The viewers report that there is no necessity for the widening of the street. This was the date designated for the meeting of viewers te assess damages te Philip Rudy by reason or the widening of North Queen atreet between Chestnut and Walnut Owing te the absence of Dr. Ureff, through sickness, nothing was done. Get rive Days. Coeetable I'yle last evening arrested JaM Williams, 'Wlilllam Yeung and TfeetBM Kelly, three bums, who were up slang the railroad track near the Peunsyl- -, i. U--.I -.i, Thar bad a bottle "' '-----" weee draek. AUteriaan PMISffMrtMiitsiw sei. vnejviait BR? Majer It. Frank Braneman la New Spoken or Aa Congressional Candidate. Fer aeme time the Itepublleana who are dlasatlaflad with Congressman Brealua, nd there are a great many or them, tee have been trying te get candidate te ran against the honorable Marrlet, Se far their efforts have been unsuc cessful, although many geed men have been incntloned. Among Iboto thought of at the beginning of the week were P. J. Iteebnck and Samuel M. Myers, ex-county commlsalenor. The latter, It li aid, would like te ben candidate, but seme of the leading politicians de net want him. lie baa a wide acquaintance through the county and when he gets his bleed up he is a hustler. A man whose name Is new la the months of all the politicians Is Majer n. Frank Breneman, of the firm of Fllnn Sc. Breneman. Although the major has naver been an active politician he Is well known and very popular. If he is put In the ring the men who put him out will stand by .him. a ' Entertained Thelr Friend. A very elegnnt and delightful social on en tnrUlnment was glven last evenlng by Mr. b: and Mrs. Oca. Nautnan, at their home at Ne. 439 Kat King street, te their many friends In lancaster and elsowhero. Frem 7 p. in. te 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Naumnn, as sisted by her sister, Mr. Spencer Gilbert, efllarrlsbiirg, Miss Xautnan, the Misses Cexc, of Itarrlsbtlrg, nnd ether friends, rocctved a most Driiimni company or 1110 hwt .known society peonle of Lancaster ; and until 1:30 a. in. tbe strains of Tayler's orchestra accompanied the flying feet of merry dancers. The spacious parlors, halls, library and dining rooms of the Naiiman mnnslen wero beautlfully decora decera UhI with flowers and growing plants, and the niollew light or waxen tapers was ro re ro flpcted from many tinted shades. Within the dining room, from a table that was elaborately decerated.Calerer Payne sorved a sumptuous collation ; and, all In all, the party was one of fie mwtnotable successes of Laneaster'a oventful social season. That Stelen Violin. The violin stelen by Temmy Tinker, tl.e colored boy, from a band or gypsies a few days ege, was recovered en Thursday by Olllcer Klseman, wliere the darkey had sold It for (I. City Controller Vorbekc, or Uarrlsuurg. heard or a violin being fennd In this city nnd he came te Lnncaster, thinking It might be the vnluable or.e atelen from bis ofllce a short tlme age. Up examined the violin at the mayor's ofllce, but It was net bis. A Itiirtlnu Tarty. This morning a party of a dozeu ladies and gentlcmen left this city for Marietta, whero they took a ran nnd uiaue tne trip down the Susquehanna. a TimiK will be a free lccturaeu the JolmMewn flood toliegUenhy llev. Bate, of Jolinitewn, In the Firit Reformed church thli evening. In connection with the lecture a collection will be taken toward rebuilding the church which wns destroyed by the flood. The Weman's Indian society will held It rrgulsr monthly meeting In tliu Meruxlnti church te-morrow afternoon ut 3 o'clock. CURED IN THREE DAYS. The Marvelous EnVotenioko's Electric Belt en a Chronle HulTbrer. Harry Edward Fltzgernld, of Sll Woedwnrd street, who l a watchman at Ne 3 cotton mill, says that bis wife has been a suflerer from rheu matism for twelve long weeka. Se Intense win her pain that sbe was unable te lift hand or feet, and It caused her excruciating agony te even move her head. She hud te be raited en and off her bed In a thcet, as the slightest touch en her body Increased her pain ten fold. On the Stb of the prcseut month Mr. Flligcrsld purchased one or C U. Hoke's Electric Medica ted Belts, which ha applied te his suffering wife, and the effect was Indeed electrical. In three days Mrs. Flligcrald was nble te leave her bed and meve about with cafe and freedom and without the slightest pain. Ycstcrdny the wet out of doers vltltlng the neighbors. ' I cried for cry Jey," concluded Mr. Fitzgerald, 'when I came home from my work te-day and saw my wife come te meet me. I ran net express my thankfulncu for the marvelous rettoratlen of my wlfe's health and bodily trcnglh through the use of the Hoke licit." C. U.Heke, linenter, will be at Herr's Fur niture Stere, 3t1 North Queen street, ewry Wednesday and Saturday. nprl7-3td catlte. lleturi. In this city, en Ajirll 10, lisUO, I'lcd trick llwful, In the 43d) ear or his uge. The relatives and frlcndi, alto the Ijincntter Miennerchei1, are redpectfully Invited teuttend hit runersl, from hit lain residence. Ne. 1X1 Knst Walnut street. en Huturdny afternoon at '2 o'clock. luteriuent at Laucatter cemetery. 2td Mii.leh. In l'Aradlte, en Thumday, April 17, IS'JO, Henry Miller, lu the 81th j ear of hit axe. The relatives and frlendi of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late retldence, In Paradlte, en Sunday ufter ufter ufter uoen at 1 o'clock, at the house, ami at 2 o'clock at the I'retbyterlan church. 21 J-ttarhct. Philadelphia Prodiice Market. PUItADCtruiA, April K-Noen-Hloiir dull ; Peuu'a supers. 2MtfiW. extra. 2lHVil?0; family, 3Wi3 75; roller, $3 701 B; patent, Si 7tV45 B. Wheat dull; Ne. 3 Red new. KdJUic : Ne. 1 Penn Red. KKile ; Ne. 2 de, lKVU7c. Cern quiet; Ne. 2, new, H;ilu; old, 4H iie. OaU quiet; Ne. 2 White B.'c; Ne. 2 mixed, 3Asyfi!. Bran firm; Winter 117 00 17 00; BprlugJlOUU 9IB50. Haled hav dull: U0 0CKMS 0 as te Quality; timothy 10 noai.me for choice; mlxed,l0&0; baled rye straw, new, IIG.316 W. llutter steady; Penn'a creamery ''xtra lSffllUe; Penn'aOrtU extra, Be; Jobbing, 'Jii.. Fks steady; Penu'a flrsts, liiJc; held luts, Httlif, at te euallty. Cheebe steady; part skims, 78)e; full skims lft'ie. i'elrelcum dull ; refined lu bbls., t7 10. Potatoes steady ; GUiSOe per but. as te quality Ictu .buevttflcmcttte. IOHEST OF ALL IN LEAVENINH POWEit-U. S. Oev't lUpert, Aug. 17, ROYAL BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. aprl5-l)disw CHEAP-PURE RYE WHIHKIEX. HLAL'K-U-rry,Olngeraud Kuinmel llrandlcs. ROHRER'S LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 22 Centre Square, -llfANTED-A Mll)DLlAal) MAN y wants a situation at laborer or gem-nil worker ou a small farm. Apply at It NO.DU FREMONT BT. WANTED-A U1HL TO DO OKNEItAL housework ; reference wanted. A Duly at Ne. 140 East Lemen St., Lancaitcr, Pa. ta OT1CE-T1IE MEMBERS OF THE LAN. custer Munnercber are respectfully In. vlifd te attend tbefuneral or our late Brellicr, Frederck HwrVpntomeriowlSaturdaylarter. noenat o'clock ireui tlie Hall. Uy order of rtd, HENRY HCHM1TT, Secretory. JANCASTER I'LANINQ MILL CO. W. HOLyAX, V. H. U.rtiieiWkw, Kiunk Sf iceu. ' FRAMED, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH MOULDINUU, Etc. -'"" HARDWOOD WORK A SPECIALTY. Enltmates furnished en all class or work en appJIcaUeu. Ooyd work and prompt dell v try. Hew dlfcrHmentc J. TEimtOM)'H WHITE FRONT BARGAIN HTOnB, Opposite Penn'a R. K. BUtlen. "rANTED-A OIHI, TO LKRN DRK ?V making Apply at Ne. Me Maner strrct, Usncaster.fa. apl-d XN FIVK,TXN,TWENTY-FIVE AND FIFTY LAMCABTEiTcilgMIOAT. COMPANY 1.AWN KMIUUHKR, Held everywhere. TEINIIOLDi WHITE FRONT BARGAIN 8TORK, Opposite IVnn'a R. It. Btatlen. XTIOn HALF. OR RENT. tJ A two-siery lirlck Bhep, with power. Ccn- t.-lly located. ;.-ally let alMtd tpplrat NORTH WATER BT. OKINHObDS WHITE FRONT BAttaAIN STORE, Opposite I'enn's R. R. BUtlen. TTIINKTAILOniNUI ALli THE LATEST NOVBI.TIEH IN FINE WOOLENH. AT 1' WFIKEfjH nplO-Jmilil Ne. 41 West King Htrrct. OCK UEK.K. FRANK A. RIKKER'H CRLKtlRATEU UUUK. HKKIl will been tap at the Bars of his Customers an and alter Hsturdny, April lUi. apl-2td P ARTICULAR ATTENTION 1'AIH TO and Medel Maklnr, ratterns, Drawing; Blue Prints, imhhii.) ", "";,.v;v i, at prices reasonable, at jum East Fulton Mreet. m7tM iiKrH,sa XJEINHOLUH WHITE KttONT HAKOAIN HTORE, Oppeiiltn I'cnn'a It. It Htatlen. TAI)IAT()lt. OK AN" MAKE Olt UK Av slcn, rnii Im) furiillielntressoiiaWeniriirmi. by JOHN IIIT, SSI KnH KultensUccU lm7-tfd 17IIIIK ItHICKH, HIKE HLAY. AT LOW v flgures, gote'jOHN UhMT.-tl East Fulton street. mMM tSeinheldh white front bargain 8t0ue, Oppwilte Venn's R. R. Btatlen. 1UHLtO HALE-ALL THE MATERIALS In the buildings en the let at Ne. SB North Queen street (late Gee. K. Krltman's fonfto fenfto fonfte tlor.ery), will be sold at public sale en HATUR UAY. APRIL lt, IKU0, at 10 R. III. aprlO,l2,lS JOEL L. HAINEH, Auct. -T710R RENT. NO. 28 EAST KINO nTRKET. Inquire within. nplft lwdR TJEINIIOhUa WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE. Opposite IVnn'a R. R. Station. WHAT IS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO create a Ucautlful Lawn or Renew an Old One. , INSTATE OF FRANCIS IIRINKM AN. L.ATE it of lncetcr city, deceased. letters testamentary en said clat having been grant; ed te the undersigned, ull persons Indebted thereto are requested -te make Immediate payment, and theso having claims or demands iignlnst the same, will present tlinm without delay for settlement te the undersigned, resid ing In the city or Lancaster, ink J w. A. BltlNKMAX, Executer. Jehn E.8NYtKii. Attorney. apUWJtdF a LAKOB AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY IN Cheviots, Serges, Oassimeres and Wor steds, lu Light, Medium and Dark Celers, at Ne. 136 .North urn" B"g1IlANM 4 NOWLEN. apl2-lyd The Tailors. lAHi:ilAI.L! McORANN'S PARK, FlIIIMr AMI) SATUHDAY. AI'IIIL 18 AND 10, RICHMOND vs. ACTIVE I O AME CALLED AT 8:30. ADMISSION 15 AND B CTS. LADIES FREE. n- portion of the Clmnd Stand Itcucned for ladles. Ud s HOEHI SIIOKSI A Change in Location. llalng dltpesed of nllmy old and unulnble etk atuuclien. I am prepared te eiler mi cu re NEW STOCK OF FRESH AND CLEAN oeis ANlt H1IOK. ut nrlccu that nil I milt ull Hiliallbemy aim te keep my uteck full u nd complete at all limes, and purcbiiMjrs can reiy upon geiungwnai iney uarguin mr. My facilities In my new place will enable me mere fully te pleane my customers In ordered work, of which I make 11 specialty. -t'ull and tee me In my new place or busi ness. wm. hTgast, NO. 123 NORTH QUEEN bT. 4OpKiilte the Franklin Heuse. WAF IMPORTANT TO UOUSEKEEPERH-THK Hieclitl Sale of Ti as, Coffees and Groceries silll leulluues at CLAKKE'tJ. NOTE A FEW PRICES : Choice Tulile Syrup at 3eaud AOc a gallon. Uenulne Maple Hyrup alTic wr quart can. IMam Clieeie, Wc, 75c and SJc ler Edam In Feil. Pineapple Clitvui reduced te 4Uc each. 4 lb Part Cream Clieee for Be Hiss Cheese enl v 'He per lb. M ustard rrHplcel Harulnes, 10c for large boxes. "Vbn new RaUliii and 2 Ibt new Flc for 2.V. 2tb EvaKrated Apples and 1 Si New Prunel las. 2jc. Feul Brether's Tomatoes reduced te O'ic can. Wliidliam Cern the bett Cern lucked, lic can. A Prctly Llttle Tea Pet centalulug a lb Tea for 4 "c. A Few Uurkctt Ne. 2 Mackerel at 70c. Ne. t Mackerel reduced In lie Kr lb. L'atittlc Seda lu 3 B8 kettleii, at Dc per lb. Kllni Hmla IIIm'uIU only be iht fb. Extra Family Crackers, lie or 5 tb ferBi'. 4 lbs Pearl or Flake Tapioca for B (J Iba Avena, Oatmeal or Farlua fur Be. Washing Powder, 3 pack. And all oilier kcxhIs throughout the stock will be sold at the above proKrtleually low prices. Samuel Clarke, Agt., TEA, COFFFU AND OROCERY STORE, 1J AMIUHUUTll QUKENSr. rpilE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. MERCHANT TAILORING AT Cle tiling: OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDKR IN THE UESTPOSSIULE MANNER, At the Lewest Possible Prices. -SATISFACTION IN EVERY 1ARTICU LARQUARANTEED. 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. msrae-iydli THUE DALMATIAN INHECT POWH. propelled by geed powder blower, Is the most vfectual destroyer of files and ulhar small liisseu. Fer sals The People'sGashStere ThePeople'sCashStere gem jHrttMtncnt B. MARTIN A CO. CHINA MATTINGS. JAPANESE MATTINGS. All Samples of Mattings shown in Carpet Department. We have added 10 mere pat terns te our line, making 55 dif ferent patterns, all of this sea son's importation, te show you. Fancy China Mattings. Every roll contains 40 yards, full. 9 cents a yard or $3.20 a roll ; 10 cents a yard or $3.60 a roll; 12 cents a yard or $4.00 a roll : 17 cents a yard or is-75 a roll ; 20 cents a yard or $6.50 a roll. The famous Jeintless Pagoda Brand China Mattings at 25c a yard, $8.80 a roll of 40 yards. Extra value in a heavy, seam less China Matting at 30 cents a yard. Ne discount by the roll. Obelisk Brand, close weave, and will wear better than any China Matting ever imported. 45 cents a yard, (16.00 a roll. Damask Patterns, Geometri cal and Carpet Designs in new and bright patterns. Japanese Mattings, . These Mattings have beceme very popular, and we have them in the latest novelties from 25 cents a yard up. Remnants of Mattings at Half Prtce. Odds and ends of last year's stock in pieces from 2 te 30 yards, at 8, 12, 18 and 20c. For Fer mer price double present price. 'J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cerf West King and Prince Sts., LANCASTER, PA. -lAHRIAUKac. D0ERS0M 0ABRIAQE WORKS, Cerner of Duke and Vine Streets (formerly turvern an icy j, UKU. H. NOR IDECK, Prep. d.OOO Over Six 'Iheusand Dollars vu.uuu In Flue Buggies, Carriages, Ac, new en Ex hlbltlen. of mv Own Manufacture. And also agent for the Columbus Buggy Ce.'t fine enicies at prices mat asieman everv- body. All k world for tli All euarnnteed finest vehicles In the for the money. Nene but the best iue chanlcs cmplejcj. Heclal attention given te repairing. Read CnrU nt almost any price at thnDoersem Carrlage Works, corner or Duke and Vine streets. ' dMvdAwR "WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TV In city or country wlthlng te earn 13 te t5 u day at their own homes ; no canvassing ; work furnished and sent by mall any distance. Address with stamp, Crjslullzed Photo. Ce., 112 W. 6th St., Cincinnati, O. marlG-3uicedR TAUUAINS IN SHOES I Read This Advertisement If Yeu Want - Bargains in Shoes! A Jeb Let or Heys' I Jice and ButtonSheesat 75c I.et or Men's Lnce and Butten Dress Shoes, tl 00 ; some of these ere worth 12 W. Men's Heb Nails, f 1 0U. Children's Spring Heel Uutlen bhees, 48c, 50c andtUc 1 Ait of I idles' Kid, Dongola nnd Pebble Hliees, 1100. Children's Rubbers, 20c. Men's Rubber loots, Jl 25. Lets of ether giKxlsat Reduced Prices. Jehn Hiemenz Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET.I feblO-tfdF H IRSII A nilOTHKIl. What WE nre doing lu the way or Clothing Is Something that ALLHbeuld Kuew, IN READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN. Excellent Values In ICNOCK-AUOUT SUITS at SI, 13, fb, 7, $7 60 Haiku or Cutawa r. Our Special Price---$8.00. We can show you j:i DIFFERENT PAT TERNS, lu Sack or Cutaway Coats, and they are equal te ether's 110 Suits In every way. MANY HEAUT1FUI. DKHinNM ut sin ill 114, 115, fltt nnd uuwards, Hack. Cutaway or Prince Albert Ceals. Light and Dark Fancy Caulmerea. plain and lap umiii, in stripes, checks, plaids, mixtures aud silk dots. IN HOIS' .iND YOUTHS' SUITS. Many Styles lu Hacks and Cutaways; prlres raiicefronit'.'lJOteSriaault. Uer liSUIlfcrciit patterns. IN OHILDREN'S SUITS. The nebbiest and neatest suits are te be had here. Cheviots, Casslmeres, Worsteds and many Imported goods lu the most fastidious designs. Prices begin at f 1 a suit ; from that up te S3. MEN'S EXTRA PANTALOONS. All say we have never shown us handsome a Hue. Twe wludowseu Centre Square side show wbatwecaude. Everyday 70e te 31 50. Dress Il75te$500 BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S PANTS. Reys' Leng Pants, 23 U Si Inch walat, 63c te II a pair. Children's Knee lants, 20c te tl SO a pair. FURNIHHIN-SOF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Flannel Hhlrts, Demct HlilrU, White Shirts, Percale Hhlrts, Madras and Silk Shirts. See our 2&e aud 600 NECKWEAR. A OLANCK AT OUR NORTH QUEEN STREET WINDOWS Olxes the reason why OUR MERCHANT T.V1LOR1NU DEPARTMENT Is se very busy. Sl'RINQ OVERCOATS, 15 TO 118. fe CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND UENTls' FURNISHERS. I. Qwu UMn Squire, lafteT St., Something te mew ! HIRSH BROTHER Hm &k$vtimani; CIOMMON BKMS WOBKeBK. S5 ".; vSjV -ev ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT or- 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE 00DRT BOUBB.) A TEST CASE,! Hew Many People Read Adver tisements ? In order te test the efficiency of advertising and ascertain the number who nWand believe ad vertisements, we make the fol lowing substantial offer, which means hundreds of dollars te be m given aivay Free te the people el y Lancaster and vicinity. Save This Paper! Bring a copy of it te our store and receive Free of Charge, a card which will entitle you and your family te a discount of te per cent, en all goods bought from us in the next 90 days. Ne discount without a copy of the paper. We want hundreds of new customers and we mean te have them, if fair treatments, low prices, geed goods and liberal inducements will bring them. 40 EAST KING STREET, (OPPOBITE COURT BOUSE.) LANCASTER, PENNA, llir tOIDM w Shee Site The him Sense Shee Stere, Ititw aifrrttHttt. taunx BRKNBMAN. Lit Me Btby Ctrriis, Beys' Velocities, Little GiutJNcffc THIS IS TUB riNEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. AGENTS FOR Vb REACH'S BASEBALL AND LAWN TENNIS GOODS. A M0. ttlNOWI OUTWIT. LiNOlffin, PA. ln &irittttnt. AT Ol l am Tan our erncE you CAM H AMY amount or CARTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LA WW Esaicugg. ' -VsTE GUARANTEE OUR OOLDEN LION TV and Mia Quends.theenly Clear Havana Filler Hand-Made Cigars (5c) In the city. UEMUTH'H CIOAR BTORS, 111 East King HtrML Telephone. alS-tWR IJIORTHK I1E4T HOT AIR FUIINACB'IN C the market, go te JOHN BEST, SKI East Fulton street m7-tfd TflOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM ORTMAN, Of Washington Borough Berough Boreugh Ject te Democratic Rules. Lewer District Rnb-ap3-tfd DAT COURSE. TILLACA tlen In tha KvslAnn Itnal. ness College, lncl includlnr atatlennrv. Sl Nlnlil Session, and we guarantee you as much Book keeping and all business branches as you are able te master during that time. D- MOSSER, Prln., Id North Queen HL, 2d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. tiaftw A BEAUTIFUL LAWN, HOWEVER small It may be, Is a irreat luxury. LAN s5RH ch-MicAl Company' lawn EN RICHER "VTEW LINEOP PIPES-GENUINE OLIVE, K French Briar and Meerschaum, from 25c U K. All the Leading Brands or Smoking Tobaccos. .. .-. DEMUTH'8 CIOAR STORE, -U-1MB 114 East King street. TEINHOLD'S WHITE FRONT BAHOAIN STORE, Oppetlle Penn'a R. R. Station. TT NEVER FAILS! I Kralley's Vegetable Vermifuge Syrup never falls te eradicate stomach, -bowel and seat worms from the Infantile system. It requires no purges after taking, and will net sicken the stomach like most of the candy and sugar cures. A gentleman who gave It te his child, said: "I would net take 150 and be without your syrup. Our boy must have beer, almost eaten up by worms." Fral ley's Vegetable Vermifuge Syrup Is prepared and sold only by WM. O. FRAILEY-HEAST END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market). Price. 25 cents L 2a cents a M.W.Fw CLOTHING. L. Gansman & Bre. Clothing Hade te Your Measure AT WONDERFULLY LO)V PRICES. All wonder at our Drlces. Hew de you de It Is asked by all. Ouranswer Is, we purchase direct from the manufacturers for spot cash and turn tlittiu ever raDldlv en small nrefUs. nnd thereby save you at least from 26 te -8 per cent. Wide-Wale Cheviot Suit, te Order, Black or Bloc, at 114, 110, US, 120. English corkscrew Suits, te Order, at tl, f 18, rae.tiJ.r24. All-Weel Wide-Wale Worsted Suits, te Order, atSi7,18,t20,t22,f24. Fine Casstmere Suits, te Order, at 112, 114, f 18, 118. Fine Diagonal Ceat and Vest, te Order, at f 10, $12, 114, I6, list. Imported Treuserings, te Order, at 17, 13, 19, 110. All-Weel Cesslmere Treuserings, te Order, at 3&0,$4,40.f5,t6,l7. All-Weel Worsted Treuserings, te Order, 14 60, 5,W,WH. A WELL SELECTED 8TOCIC AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION. CALL FOR SAMPLES AND COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH OTHERS. L. Gansman & Bre.. Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) - e and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., i.W. CORNER OF OEANOB. LANCASTER, PA. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. 49-Be cautions and make no mistake-se that you get te the right place. TITE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE1 Ten Think Tour Eyes Are Geed ! If TO en have tliera examlaed you will probably And that there Is something wreug llh them, and that glasses will be a great lieinte you, we use inimiiaeie "iiiA iav reu whi-h eta miuiA nnlv hv tifl.nnd recommended We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA" lenses. by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. . . Solid Geld Spectacles, 93.00 t usual price, S.OO. Steel Spectacles, BOe.i usual price, l.OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, 91 ; usual price, 10. H. ZIKEIAK & 6R0.1130 S. Rlntb Street, OPTICIANB. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut aud Walnut Streets. ravB-lyd M AHTIN BROS. The most fashionable col cel lar Is medium high nud has self turned, peluts. All the latest are here, 10c, 13c, 23c A shirt that will fit Is the giver of much Jey. Em broidered and Pique besoms are latest, open back and front. Many styles here. 11.23 te S2. Try our Dayton Shirt for en " all around geed value, tl each, or 90e In haUdeien lets. Ask te see our celebrated 50c shirt, three lengths or sleeves. Our new arrivals In fancy Hair Hese comprise many ueveltlcs. Fast black, new blues, greys and modes are the new colors for low shoes. '.See choice at 25c. Men's and Beys' Spring Underwear. All the geed points under wear should have has been seen te In ours, 25c te f 2 GO apiece. II you haveu't seen our cellee, tlen or elegant Neckwear you are missing the best or the sort lu the market. The chance ta net ever yet Shades or pearl aud blue are latest, 13c te II 25. Our Ready-Made Clothing is cut en scientific principles, made with the utmost care, and appears in countless designs el fine cloths. MEN'SSUnVMoteJiJ. BIU BOYS SUIT8.5I te $13. LITTLE BOYS' 8UIT3.JI.03 te 110. Attractiveness In dress Is net se much a mat Ur or money as It Is of taste and attention. The best or both te had at MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. B, J. KRESS, MANUFACTUHEU ur BUIt I. Kh-lnud urlhenaxllcal Appllauces.such aa TrusssaTliraces, Crutches, Clubreet Shoes, .Ti . a"s a.- l-.tlUI,,irln .trt Unknot . KRESS, MANUFACTURER OF BUR- -ti,yic Hints. rA I Wl fi--' lm 3lwr!Bmnt. TUBUC SALS OF FURNITURE AtNe.3EaatKlngStet, ON SATURDAY, APRIL ilth. 10 O'CLOCK IM THE MORNINO, will be sold at public sals aflne tins or Bed Reekl mwM imiw v ariiez- apie-tia RK8H IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CI imr tuiTana uigars, our own mi uaetu: re, in WMnsMm, UAIUIAll IIIHAK HmU. KaUblUbed 1770. in mmt rfnitmL Airi4IASl TEINHOLD'S WHITE FRONT BARGAIN STORE, Opposite Penn'a R. R. Htatleal mllULT A HITANK. X SHIRT MANUFACTURERS AMD MEN1 uurrii'iKitn, Ne. 110 North Uneeii StrreL Shirts mads te order an low iw J1.00. Perfsel fit guaranteed. al-lyd ; S' TRONO, BERVICEAULE AND CHEAP I EVERY -DAY SHOES! FOR- WORKINQMEN AND FARMERS. We've many grades or Shoes specially adapted for svery-day wear shoes strongly mads of geed, serviceable ma terials and at such low figures aa te make them wonders In shoe values. We meet a great many men these days we come this way for shoes or this sort, and examination or them convinces the meat MonemlA hnvr ftint w n htmlha cheapest and best l'lneefevery -day shoes I sold In Lancaster. ' I Be sure te see our tl Lace Shoes, some thing neat and shapely looking, net rough or clumsy ; have seamless vamps, are well made, trimmed and finished. They'll wear strongly, tl 25 doesn't buy m vaticr iuHiiy any waereeise. Aims a pair we've nner srradea! an neat looking, strong and have p'enty of style about Them. Of these we sell tmv ', areas ei pairs ; mey 're always right rer service never go wrong, wearers se icuus. i uai s me Dest or proei. Brerans and Plew Shoes at llanalp te see the leather and sheeinaklnv In these Is, te make you a buyer. Fer se I mm money mere are raw makes in the rearaei 10 equal mem. Attl 25 a pair we have better bregans: eoed mechanics make them, md leather tn them, strong and stout wear u uieui. ut u eniy te ee iriea ions iisea. niliu, PlrtwblinM t,i hnM.Ml u. cheap; Just the sort or shoe te keen out! dirt. . I "Stitch Downs "are bread, flat. next. I ble soled sbees, great for ease and em-1 fort In wear. Geed makes attl 26. Ifl your rest trouble you try a " Stitch I Down " Shee. They'll cure the com-1 IJiaini. SHAUB & BURN9 14 North Queen Htbeet, LaneaeI tkr. Pa. W1 LIAMSON dc FOSTER. It lu Full Blast. Don't Miss the Immense gains We Are Offering. An Unexpected Bargain -IN- Cleth Jacket! FOR LADIAS. Ilandseinelv Made. Full PnfT Sleeves. Ss and Deuble Breasted, In Ecru. Navy and Rl Heed Green. Ladles have only te see thel appreciate the bargain. Bey's Cambridge Tunic Suits, f2,t32SH nciiiaing inn laiiepe. Shirt Walsti and Odd PanU'2'jc te tl. Ladlrs Morning Wrappers, Light and Celers, II. Ladies' Handkerchiefs Special Values In 2c, Se and 4cUandkercrM jsii luc nanaaercnieie new ,c All 15c and 17c Handkerchiefs new white and Coleiod Embroidered Hand chiefs, excellent values, 17c Regular Soe and Stc iliandkerchlefs, 2Ce. Better Grades, 38c, 43c, 4&c. A GREAT DEMAND FOR SPRING OVERCOAT A larire selection of Men's Sack Suits, t! colors, 17 te 112. ) Cutaway Suits. In alt the new styles, 8 tB Dark Fancy worsteds for Dress wear. I dtum and Llirht Celers ler Uusincss Wear, i A full line of Beys' Suits from 10 te tll up ie me eesu The largest and Finest Assortment of 1 Wfr found anywhere. Light and Dark Colored Teck Scarfs, M 11 2a. Feur-ln-TIands. all colors, 23c te tl 25. nint.HIniKiA tilnilcnH TirAnnn and I VlUUjUWmvi unmvie,jwuvii sivsuus HtrAlffht and Htran Hews. In irreat vartetv. A fine line of Oeut'a Hair-Hese, In PlaJn Wl kd M VrtlABs i l- .1 Ifn lima Os aA m K'ghmle Hhlrt. ', or 85.40 per hair deaenjM 2. 75c. or II 05 uur half dozen, former I rice, i s - - - - i -HARNESS I HARNESS We have u full line, from the Cheapest t a ..n a.t rtth TtivAit Tlttnrl. for t-.sX A Full Set! wR Oellar end Hames, for ti Alse any em pin -" V ,7 2S;i llnes, Traces, anuauyiuuia j" .- t th verv lowest prices. " Z w .a s . 1Ia a4F Tl jwb Anil all Blcyeles, Tricycles and Velocipedes. Our Popular Men's Shoes Is a Gossamer t. ,. nr .!.. lliht .elea. which is lust tbe We nae aeueu " v , J, ii tSHI for Under feet te go out doers. Price, t2jm HOUSEFURNISHINQ "urami xiupiu. tvrjc,rwi.pHr, c.i. . Novelty Clethes Wringer, Ne. U'A, best ' rubber rolls, B.W. Atitetn&tlcHnrlnir WrlncrAr. W Art ..a , I.I-It r- . a ... MIS am Wash Boilers, rust proof, sbeet Iren txrl Ne. ft, 7c j Ne. 7, 8 la ; Ne. 8, 11.11. tl I Cheaper Grade Tubs, same s'ze as quality, SOc, Mc, 7S& Wash Baskeu, SOc, C5c, 75c. Wash Beards, lie. Wash Beards, solid sine, Xe, Vic, 00c. llllillMlll ( 32-38 East King Street jii LANCASTER, PA., Dili' Remnant Sal IlT'll w iv -3U- V KT AtnuvLKra .. ,. :i 'j- , . ' mym ivfi basswiH mr. f ,