1TJ W I'ls ' ViV "' '.iiitv'Vii. tj . -., " , ,i f -' -y - t rj' ','");' s V i ,VV-'.'' t-'"V ti 1 'W T S, THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEIililGENOEB, FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 18S0. 1W S V ., n ..If A LfTTMC RAKD. Bfce tM her lltUe hattd la talae, O.jey, ir I might hop ta whs It; And, at the leach, Bash dtrlae ,j Thrilled all along th'eteetrietlae, r Fer J ut one brief aad blesssd minute. And then, aga' when at the sMIe Her Umld steps began te waver, She fare te me her haa the while. Ner gnseswd that I'd walk ntsr a mile, Delighted te repeat the fcver. She wm m Innocent of love The natter pasatea who can doubt It? Ai any tender-hearted dote That eoeei upon IU perch abere, Aad did net vex her eeal about IU She laid her little hand la latae. With net a tetnbidnee of emotion s Sat at the teBdrtlt of the Tina Unconsciously reach eat, aad twine , Around the symbol of devotion. And eh t her faith la rae awoke A sense of knighthood i aha had erewaed m j And though no word of love I tpeke, "" List I her enmity provoke, leader aadjrue the ever found me. And ee, one dr. her haad In mine Hhe laid for Jut one litre mlaate ; When, Jey I there thrilled along the line The iweet aMurance, ee divine, , That made me knew her heart waa In It. JetepMnt Pollard te Aew Yerk tedgtr. ,. A Der Hypaetlaed. Eddle Carten, aged 8, a newsboy, In at tempting te beard a cable train in St. Leuis, allpped and fell under the wheel of the rear car. which named ever hie left legiust below the knee. Frank L. Thaver. of Boa Bea Boa ten, picked the lad up, bandaged bis letr, and carried him Inte the office of Docter Ueuts, where he placed hi charge en a lounge and removed the bandage. The boy acrcamed with pain, and the doctor waa about te place httn under the Influence of chloroform when Mr. Thayer, who waa a atranger te both the doctor and Eddie, objected te chloroform belngadmlnUlered, remarking that he would hypnotize the patient. Suiting the action te the word, he placed his hands en the boy's eyes and com manded him te be quiet. Immediately the sobs ceased and the boy lay asone dead. He remained In this state for ever an hour, while the doctor examined and dressed the injured leg, which had sus tained a compound fracture. When the doctor was setting Eddie's leg the little fellow, though seemingly unconscious, allowed signs of pain by drawing up his lips. Mr. Thayer, noticing this, sternly commanded htm te close his mouth, lfe obeyed Instantly, and never moved a muscle again until the doctor had com- ?leted taU operation and requested Mr. haver te awaken (its patient, which he dtd by the snapping of nls Augers before the boy's oyes. A WocesMty of Health. It Is a prime necessity of health that the ac tion of the bowels should be kept regular. But the way te overcome a temporary fit of consti pation, or te remedy chronic ceitlvencis, U net te deluge the stomach and drench the bowels with purgatives of violent and painful action. The happy medium between an Inoperative and violent cathartic Is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, which nets Juat sufficiently upon the bowels te relax them, without pain, and which being a wholesome tonic, as well as aperient, has thn effrct of strencthenine both them and wen as aperient, 'both them and i effect of strengtbcnlni the stomach, and promoting the well being of the whole Internal economy. The removal of bile from the bleed. Increased activity or the liver, usually dormant In cases of cestlveness, beneflclcnt medicine, as thorough and genial In Its effects as It Is safe and pure in composition. Rheumatism, fever and ague, kldney troubles and debility are also remedied by It alSteZJ The Great American Chorus. Bneeslng, snuffing and coughing t This Is the music all ever the land Just new. "I've get such an awful cold In my head." Cure It with Ely's Cream Balm or It may end In the toughest form of catarrh. Ma be you have catarrh new. Nothing Is mere nauseous and dreadful. This remedy masters It as no ether ever did. Net a snaff nor a liquid. Pleasant, certain, radical. a!7-2wdAw Special gtottce, Dueklen'a Arnica Satve. Tbx Bbbt 8 alvx in the world for Cuts, Braises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Bbeum, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bain Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per per faetsaUsfactlen, or money refunded. Price 36 cents per box. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Drug gist, Ne. 187 and las North queen street, Lan caster, Pa. une37-lyd Don't Be Fnint-IIearted Ifveunreln troublelook up, held up, held up, gives the blues geed by. If you are In pain, bi iKoeauy. lryeu are in pain, nave a lameness, nave an nche of any kind, go te the druselst and ask him for Tltemat' Eclectrie Oil. It will de jeu geed every time. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, 137 and 139 Nerm Queen street. Lancaster. A Weman's Discovery. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady in this county. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermlnd and death seemed imminent. Fer three months she coughed In cessantly and could net sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and was se much relieved en taking first dose thut she slept all night and with one bottle has been miracuieusiy curea. iier niuue la Mm. Luther Lutz." Thus rite W.C. Ham tick 4 Ce- of Bhelby, N. C Get a free trial bot tle at W. T. 1 loch's Drug Bterc, 137 41J9N. Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. "Heme, Sweet Heme." This song Is very geed In 1U way, but Is there any sickness In the household T If se, home cannot be always pleasant. We take especial Sleesure In recommending Jturtleck Mloed ittcrt, u beiin fidennii certain cureferdyspeasla and all diseases of the liver and kidneys. Fer, salsrby W. T. IIech,J37and 1311 North Queen street. Lancaster. Mothers I Mether 1 1 Mether 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain el cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN8 LOWH SOOTHINO BYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that It will regu 1 its the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like maclc It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and . pleasant te the last, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and bestfemale physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 85 cents a bottle. lnne3MvdAw Put Ulen Ills Feet. " Bet up In bed and coughed until the cloth ing was wet wllh perspiration, My wlfe In sisted that I usu Themat' Eclectrle Oil. The first teospeonfui reueeti me, uiiu i.wu uum uutb have cured me. I can honestly recommend it." K. II, Penclns. Creek Centre, N. Y. Fer sale by W.T. Hech 137 and 139 North Queen stree Lancaster. The Verdict Unnntmeus. W.D.Sult, Druggist, Blppus, Ind testifies ii f mn lwnmmem u Clcciriu iii,icibb me ,cij best remedy. Every bottle sold has len relief In every case, une man loea six titles ana cured of llheumatlsm of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, drupglst, Bcllyllle. Ohie, af nrms:"The best selling medicine I hav e evr handled In my 1 jearsT experience, Is Electrle Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous tfeit Electrle Bitters de cure all diseases of the LlVer. Kidneys or Bleed. Only a half dollar a bottle at W. T. Kech's Drug Stere, 137 1 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. Berne Streng Minded Women Can regulate their husbands amazingly fast, should Uiey net de their duty. Iturduck lllued HUtcri are a geed regulator of the circulation. They are exclusively a bleed tonic, and come-, auently ttrlke at tht root of many serious all menu. Fer sule by W. T. Hech, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. Lancaster. e Ull LEADING HATTEB-J. YOUNG MEN YOURBPRINO HAT H AWAITING YOUR CALL. sra- Our Stock Is new Full and Complete and and we lme a hut that will pleasa jeu. DUNLAP & C0.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUriES All have made their appearance. Only ptace In the city where ) ou cau get them. Bfst 1100 and 1200 &TIFF FUlt HATS ever shown.- BOY'ANDCIlILDREN'SNelib) Uoejsand Fane) tltsu specialty. 8TAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Quaes Street, UUICAJnMM,, TTOOD-SBaltlarasULLA. PECULIAR That Heed's SanaaartBa possess earn Uv power PsealUr te Isssf I eeaetutlvely hewn by Mm wessasrral eons It ha effMted, niarpsssst I the history of medldae. This absetttt laerlt It possess by reason of ths feet thai It I prsparsd by a OosablaaUen, Froper. UeaasWl Piseiss rvewliar te Resa's Bartspa riHa,ksMwa , TOtTBBLr te ae ether medietas, aad by which the full sBSdlelaal pewsr of all ta lagrsdlmU ud la ntalaed. Heed's SarwBarllta ta a highly eon een eon eaatrated extract of Barsaparllla, Dandelion Mandrake, Deck, Jualpsr Barrlaa, and ether well kaewa vegetable resasdles. It has wen IU way te the leadlag plae asasssg medicines by Its ewa intrinsic, andUpated merit, and te-day HOOD'S SAMSAPAHILLA has a larger sale that) any ether similar prepa ration lath country, lryeahavaasvtr takes Heed's Bacsaparilla, try it this seasea. " Heed's BarsaparlUa haa w wad my grip. I am years of age and waa all run down aad dlseetwaged. I have taken Heed's Banepartlla aad en looking myself ever dad that I am mnt better, la sMtanlteacsaB. Ofceuneth madlela will net dJaaeaat sy years, but It cornea nearer te It than anything else." Caaa. B. Loe, Shrewsbury, Mass. Heed's 8araparilla Beldbyalldrugglsta. HialxrerlB. Prepared only by a I. HOOD CO, Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. HOD06BBONC DOLLAR (t) rK thtDKVCLOPKD PAtrrm tha RatAaa Hedv ISnUjiMt. IWiratnM. Btratheaed,te.,taaa latmaUag advarUss- nwi lime run ta ev quirie we will i hnmbn abent venisen are very persona may get asaiea eircalars giving all par--Ueulars. by wrlUng te the KRftc iftDICAL CO., t Swan St., Buflale, 21, T. AUw Tbtede Mm. ni-lydaYw "PILVB CREAM BALM. CATARRH, JIAY FXVXB. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Paaaags. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Restores the Seneea efTasts and Bmell, TRY THE OURE. A particle la applied te each nostril and I agreeable. Price &0 cents at Druggist ; by mall, registered, flO cents. ... . . . ELYBROTHERS, aepll-lydAw Ne. 68 Warren BU. New Yerk. 1 RAY'S BPKCIFIO MEDICINE. QRAY'B BFEOUTO MEDI01KE. , Tiik Okcat EMOLtsa RmcDr. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Irapetency and all Diseases that fellow a a se quence of Self-Abuse ; a Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption der Fer particulars In our In our pamphlet, which by mall te every one. dlclne Is sold by all drug- we desire te send free b; a- The Bneeltte Medi '.".u tl tl PV lcksgs or six packages for 5, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the THEQRAY MEDICINE CO., Buflale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, w have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Beld In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Uecu, mar3-lyd flalac' of fashion. TALACE OF FASHION. " ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AND 117 M. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. The Leading Stere in the City for Millinery. Have opened this week an other large invoice el New Mil linery "Goods. The grandest assortment of Flowers ever shown by us. Alse all the latest styles in Untrimmed Hats and Bennets. We will display these goods en Wednesday and Thursday, and invite you te call and see them. Alse will exhibit our latest in Trimmed Hats, all at our well known Lew Prices. We furthermore announce that en Wednesday we start a Special Ten-Cent Sale of Jew elry. Between two and three thousand pieces of Jewelry, consisting of Breast Pins, Lace Pins, Ribbon Pins, Bracelets, Earrings, Hair Pins, Queen Chain, Necklaces, Cuff Buttens and Cellar Buttens.Side Combs, Beads, and many ether articles, all at iec apiece. A Wonderful Bargain Sale. Come early. Anether let of goods from our purchase of Mrs. Wood ward has been put up, and we new offer the following : One let of best Filaselle at ic a skein. One let of Repe Silk at 4c a skein. One let of best Wash Silk at 2jc a skein. One of best Japanese Wash ing Fless at 2jc a skein. One let of Arazene, best colors, at ic a skein. One let of Embroidery Chenille at ic a skein. One let of Embroidery Silk, en spools, at 1 c a spool. One let of large spools of Embroidery Silk (ten-cent spools), best colors, at 5c a spool. One let of Linen Flourishing Thread, best colors, at 4c a skein. One let of Linen Bargarren Art Thread at 4c a skein. 25 dez. best Black Silk Gloves at 25c a pair. 100 dez. 5-hook Lacing Kid Gloves, in black, tans and slates, at 79c a pair ; worth $1. 50 dez. Ian Colored Un dressed Musquetaiies at 75c a pair. OetttUtvu. R.NATHORST, DENTIBT. 1 2B CENTRE SQUARE. Tfill Ultng Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe cialties. New Bets made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes, everything pertaining te DeutWtry will receive prompt attention, at ery Moderate Terras. Remember that Dr. Nalherstls the ONLY Dentist In this county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Dou Deu tlstry. an advantage that Is obvious. marS-lydiw Jktterney. T UTHEK B. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKt-AT-LW. sU141m,H0. Sild4w r TurrraesWjk haesuman. CHEHP GHRPETS. lMetzg;r A Haughmari. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Auction and from the Manatscturer. CARPETS ATM CENTS. ' CARPETS AT M CENTS. CARPETS AT U CENTS. CABI'K12.Al?lJJf2,TS!.J. CARPETMATUCKNTK ....SAR,KK.AT.SJi,KNTO' CARPETM AT CENTS. CARI "ETHAT CRNTB. CARPETS AT 9B CENTS. CARPJBTB AT 74 CENTS. Ovpet ltd TskM Is eluusf. Fleer (Ml Oletlui Okeap. Wlsdew KusIm. Metzgerft Haughman's Cheap Stere. 3840 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. . (OFPOSmCTHB COOPER BOUSE.) N JOLT DUOHTOTatX COURT HOUSE. BLACK 2fTOURNING GOODS. a . Ult BLACK OO0DS DEPARTMENT new possesses one of the best se lectiens of Black and Mourning Goods te tie found In the city, Black Cashmeres, All-Weel and Silk Warp Henriettas, Striped Henriettas, i . Figured Armures, Tamise Menairs, Lustcrs,Mun's veiling ana Merges. Special Bargains in Bordered Nun's Veilings aUS cenls and 11. A full line of Lupin's Black Cashmere Shawls, In Deuble and Single, from L75 te I1U0. Oeurtland's English Crape from 75e te UAQ a yard. Mourning Bordered Handkerchiefs. Faat Black Hese, and a full stock of Black Gloves. sa-Our Price-List of Carpets sent free en application. HNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East Kings ) 1 (ard a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Kes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Extra values In Tickings at 8,10, 2, IS, la and Me, Bed Checks from C4e lip. extra quality Indigo blue at 12c Bleached and unbleached Muslin, In yard wide, Pillow Oase or Sheeting widths, at low prices. FEATHERS Owing te the low price en the Best Feathers our trade haa grown beyond our ex pectation. A lower grade at 60c CARPETS If you wish te see the best value ever efTered see our line. New designs In Ingrain nets, stvlea as send as veu will rind In the Beat Brussels, that can be turned, and either aide Carpets, styles as geed as you will And In the Best Brussels, that can be turned, and either aide will leek like the right side, net striped en the one side like the old styles used te be, at 20, !, 80, 85, S7K, 40, 45,fi0e and up. Heme-made Kag Carpets, better values than ever, at 25, at, 37S. 0, 45. 600 am nuup. iarpet itaga laxen in exenange. An Carpet Han taken In exchance. An l ; large sizes at Hand 13 50; worth a geed deal OILCLOTHB The beat selection and alne In wide, suitable for halls and vestibules, or kitchen use. WINDOW BHADES-Plnln Opaque or Helland Shades, ate. Plain Oil Shades, 40 and fiOc Dade Opaque Hades, 40c. Dode Oil Hhades, 50c All our shades are the largest site, with spring nxtures. Paper Window Shades, Oil or Helland Bhadlng by the yard ; also spring rtxlures. REMNANTS We have just opened another let of these Heavy Glnghnm Remnants at fiKc Tills may be the last you will be able te get, as the prlce no doubt will ee higher. Lately they were hard te get. b jlre Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. fStfatchc. R OYAL WOUCE8Tr.lt AND CUf GLAS8 t In Renovating Your Hemes, This Spring, HAVE A THOUGHT OF YOUR TABLE AND PARLOR. THKE 7 LOOK HT OUR Royal Worcester 8c Cut Glass. Stock constantly renlenlshed- never nennltted .leweiry. Art work of various klnds Repairing of Fine Watches, Musical Bexes and H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. IWachittctrtt, ui usrnv . ii biiui nut r, 333 East Fulton street. or he&vv. nt short notice, ea te JOHN inT-tfd OARHY IN STOCK BEST CHARCOAL, Hammered Bar Iren, Deuble lteflucd Iren. Burden's Rivet Iren, Khets, Het and Celd Beiler Iren, Hteel, Hhect Iren 8-16 te Ne. 16, at JOHN BEsra.S&l East Fulton street. m7-Ud INJECTORS, HUE LITi'LE OIANT, HAN cock Inspiraters and Electors, Ebcrman iller Feeder, Fcnbcrthy Inspector, American Injectors, all In stock, at JOHN BEST'S, 333 tiljcvi!! as. nil nf East Fulton street. m7-tld "ITtOR PRATT & CADY ASBESTOS DISC Jj Valves, Jenkins Valvcs.Breu tllobe Valves, Brass Gate Valves, Iren Bedy Ulebe Valves. Lever Safety Valc. Pep Safety Valves, Air Valves. Radiator VaKcs, Pratt's Swinging Check Valves, Brass Check Val es.Foet Valves Angle Valves, cull at JOHN BEST'S, 333 Eas Fulton Street. mT-tfd TTIOR STEAM QAUOES, I1IUH OR LOW JD Pressure, Water Uiiuges, Uauge Cocks, weed Wheels or Weighted, alass Tubes, Whistles, Syphens for Steam Gauges, Cj Under Oilers Plain, Water Gauce Column. Cocks for Steam Gauges, call en JOHN BEST, 333 East Fulton street. m7-tfd A QENCY FOR CALLAHAN '" COB CE . ment te take the place of Red Lead. In bulk It makes fle times the quantity of red lead and Is far superior in making steam Joints, packing man and hand hole plates en boilers, itc, Ac, Price 2p cents per pound, at JOHN BESTS, S33 EasfFulUin street. m7-tfd ITIOR HOLTS, LAG SCREWS, BET SCREWS, ' Square and ilexugen Nuts, thcKe goods In stock, at JOHN BESrs, 333 East Fulton street. m7-tfd TRACKINGS, AB FOLLOWS : DIIUOO, FOR JT Steam and Hydraulic Packlng.AsbestRepe, Woven and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Sheathing, Gum Packlnr.Gum Kings for Water Gauges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As bestos, Lined Rectlenal Pipe Oner, at JOHN BESTS, 833 East Fulton street. m7-tfd OLD BRONZE, LIQUIDS AND SIZING fait for steam werx, ai juu.i BEST'S, za East ten street.' ra7-tfd FOR BOl LER 1 U BE BRUSH EH, BTILLSON Pipe Wrenches.PlpeandMeukey Wrenches cemDinea, rues, 1111 cans, etc., go te JOHN oui,ui&sHruiiea street. m7-tfd iTEAM HEAT IS THE COMING HEAT FOR k A waI 1 1 n.a r .. wjiIias ..l.iuil ,..... ...a ieugh successfully used one hundred years age. Whenyeu conlemplate a change call en JOHN BEST, who will gle you a satisfactory Jeb, at a fair price. m7-tid TjlO calE IOR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN- glnes, from 2 te 80 horse-power, and Vertl- Engines from 2 te 40 herse-newer. veu will find them at JOHN BESTS, KB East Fulteu street. I F IN WANT OF liltASH OR IRON 8TOP Cocks. Asbestos Packed Cocks. Pet and Bib 'ecks. Lever Cocks, Sning Joints, cull and set them, or send our order by mall, te JOHN BESt, 333 East Fulton streuU m7-tfd DUMP J0HlfB UMPB, BOILERS, MININO.CENTKIFU- 11 una nteam rureps, 01 any capacity, at BESTS, 833 East Fulton street. in7-tfd -IITUITE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY V the pound, 10c ; In lets of 10 pounds or ever, 9c. All goods delivered te any purt of the city Free. Cull en JOHN BEST, Ne. 333 East Fulton street. in7td FYOU WANT A FlItsr-CLAMSI-OItrAHLE Engine and Hener, en wheels, cheap, as the foil horse-power, K2j ; 10 horse-power, e7S; 15 horse power, (876: 20 horse-power, 11,175, call at JOHN BESTS, 833 East Fulton street. m7-tfd OR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL, TABULAR, Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, of any site or pewer, or the best material and workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 833 East Ful ton street. ie7-tfd ITIORAMERICANHirilirFEED CYLINDER J Lubricators. Ulas (ill L'uiw for Bearings, you can get them at JOHN IjLbTH, &b Km Fulteu street. m7tfd JfORCAHT IKON PIPE FI1TINOH, BOTH ' ., Pla.ln H.nd reducing, up te 6-Inch diameter, alleable Uttlngs, Manges, Flanje Unions Manifolds, Amerlrau Unions, Tube Supports. Hangers, loer and Celling Platw, go te JOHN BEMT-B. 833 East Fultenttreet. ' Tultfd rriANKBFOR WATEIt.OILH. Al'lli nnnu i wtMa . GOODS T St., Lancaster, Pa. : Opposite Fountain Inn. ciegani assortment ei nmyma uuks ai 700 ana decant assortment of Hmyrna lluus 1 mere. Btltched Carpet Lining only 5b a yard. Fleer Oil Cleth in the cltv from Vita ii varda Opposite Fountain Inn te run low. Beautiful Novelties In Enameled Jewelry by superior workmen, letlttttrj. F INE TAILORING. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Element Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would also anneunce ll" purchase of a Jeb Let of Kugllsh Suiting and Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we will sell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. s)a-Call early te secure a geed bargain In these H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TA1LORINTHECITY 4'N0RTH QUEEN 8TREET. dZT.tfd TyrVEHS A RATUFON. ATTRACTIONS in our- We've many attractions tin our Custom De partiiieul. S u are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING FOR Men's Wear FUOM $15.00 te Almest Any Price! Huch styles as these nre net elfcml iinj where In lincnsier for the prim, Huili un UMertiistnt you'll IliiU nowhere else. ELEGANT bTLYEH IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll care te leek at. Prices range from II te IU. We'll fit you, tee, Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors NO. 12 EAST KINQ STREET IANCASTEK. PA. SAWMILLS, HAIlK MILIX, COU MII.1.4, leather ltellert, Tan Puckers, Triple Hene Powers. Milling and Mining Mjichluery. at JOHN kLdrS.3 East Fulteu street, mf-Ud Uii Department. s. B.ri. e. e. e. In tlrtm M-ptring SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes for its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument. sftmittuvt. w IDHfER-B CORNER. MOST PEOPLE Who Intend te love, HAVE ALHEADYDONESOi BUT Heuisclsanlng Is Yst te Cerns With Melt or Us, aadlt Will Be a Ooed Tims te EsnevaU Oldrnrnlture, or Replace With Mew. CONSULT WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streets' LANCASTER, PA. F URNITURE. De Yeu Want The Best Furniture for the Least Meney ? If se, rome te see us. Our Elegant New Spring Bleck Is new en our floors ready te show. Nothing like It was ever seen here before. Parler and Bedroom Butts, designed by the best artists In Europe and America, and put to gether se substantially that we can give guarantee with each article. By the way (you must Just keep It te your self,) and hurry te see us, for we are ettering a few arllcleafif Furnlture carried ever from last year below prices that they could be bought for at auction. Fer Instance, a Bedroom Bult, 118. HEIMTSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street e CHBdOlBBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Ooed Things we might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's just the kind of Furnlliiru that fits a worthy name. All the New Htylcs. It's no treuble te sell such Furniture when It's known. Hera's tlin reason i We Hell Furniture for Here utatlenaa Well as for Heney. Ne thought of cheapness in a single piece, siaae ier ion tig wear and satisfaction, and yet sold cheap, what makes It se easy te sell. That's Ochs & Gibbs, Msnufacturcrs and Dealers, k Ne. SOUTH QUEEN BrREET. g-qypet. iAUFETBI OAllFETB CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing I Dyeing 1 Dyeing! LANCASTER FANCY HTEAM DYEINU WORKH Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish nt work of all kinds. Feathers 1) ed All Hhades. Orders will receive prompt attention, PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., NO. I.V)BOUTII WATER BTREET, LAHCA8TKB, PA, ftblMmd T HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S.&Y. LOOK AT OUR MATTINGS. LAllQE BTOCK, BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES. XHE BEST EQUIPPED CARPET HOUSE. 0 NOBTAIIIHTO CLIMB. EASILY REACHED. ONLY IK MINUTES FROM POSTOFFICE. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 Ic 22 East Orange Street augis-lrd Vhoteovavhti. K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FHOM' KeBiiigsbiirg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. fROTE.f se i-2 North Queen St., Next Beer t ta Pusteace, s: B.B. e. e. e. In the Spring Fer three years I was troubled with malaria, which caused my appetite te fall, and I waa greatly reduced In flesh, and life had lest all Us charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but te no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. 8. S.) A few bottles of this won derful medicine made a cemplete and permanent'eure, and I new enjoy better health than ever before. J. A. RICE, Ottawa, Kan. Treatise en Meed and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, Atlanta, Ct. gtwtltvm. JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GULL1 JK WELKR d: OJUDUA T OPTICIAN. Is the Meat Bensltlve Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and encn proves fatal. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that OrowTlred, Eyes that are Dim, Eyes that Burn or Itch, come under this head and should hae Immodlute attention. Eyes Examined Free I Ne Dreps Used I OHAS.. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w ALTER C.HEUR. Are your Eyes troubling you becaune your glasses de net suit T CALL AT TIIEJEWELEIt, And find out the cause. We supply the want by giving you a pair of Q00D GLASSES, PROPERLY FITTED. aa-pneF. LITTLE, EXPERT OPTICIAN, will be here this week. UllUCUIt IMK SV Helled. EXAMINATIOH FREE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER Of ORANOB. rVAHM'H CORNER. SPECTACLES 1 A NEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT OPENED AT ZAHM'SJIORNER. We have opened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connection with our retail busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE BECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this brunch, and have placed It In charge of a0 Regular Oraduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In tha best hospitals or the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propose te simply adjust correctly all cases of defective sight, and .fit them with the correct lenses, but te perform all BUROI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and te place under treatment these who by proper atten tion! need only treatment of the eye te restore their sight without the use of spectacles. At the same time we de net propose te mage me adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from the advantage el a proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATION FREE, excepting only these that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Being sole agent for the celebrated ASUNDEL TOTTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust tnent at a price within the reach of all, there will be no necessity for any ene using glasses that are uncomfortable or unsulted te their eyes. We shall be pleaced te have all suffering with any treuble of the eye, In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM '8 CORNER, aprMmd LANCABTER, PA. Ijinawnvc. H IOH MARTIN. China, Glass, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT Wx are new opening our Bprlng Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade or ware at Lewest Prices. Heuscstlre receive especial attention. HIGH sTmARTIN, 15 East King Street. Certl. UMHERANDCOAU .. .,. ..... 1 TlHAIMHIMlHXJItriAnLl..-Vr)ll. nc-ii HNHAUU WOODB. Wholesale and Retail, nS-lyd 421 Water Street. Lancaster, Pa. X AUMOARDNEKB COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OrncBS Ne. la) North Queen Btreet, and SM North Prluce stresU Tjgrsi norm rnuts eusvit uw awwuif Xm LAjiCAsrmt,FA, B. B. i S. S. S. In tht Sprin Fer two years I was affected general debility, and I waa fast lng a physical wreck. I took quant of every medicine I could hear of, I tney aiu net uave any enect en me. length I commenced taking 8 WI1 SPECIFIC (9. 8. S.). and I was a 1 man after taking a few bettiasv wiineut an equal for building P ' RV..V ""mi. ii au it net nean BWUTBWHJIHO (B. 8. 8.) I W Undoubtedly have been In my gim uy. u. x. iiniAfll', y IlcndeneaviUe, X. I Treatise of Dloed and Skin mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, iflii - mrsi-i sEvatftlev' tJute, iRNNBYLVAK IA RAILROAD BCHs Tfral in cueet rrem HOT. HLias, OT. M. IIS .IMS f.AW l.,niM'SM u.4 1ttA , iraavraiiaaeipniasa rhiewbi WESTWARD. Paelfle Bspresst..... Nsws Eipresstl...... Way Paasengert -. Philadelphia. AASn p. BB. 4:80 a. m. 4:30 a. as. MalltralnvlaMUeyt . a sit AO.II1T, Niagara Express, HanorerAeoom.. Fast Llnef via Columbia 8.-80a. m. Tla Columbia 1UCI luws. m. Frederick Aecmm via Columbia Hits sum. U t!4 Lancaster Aceem...... usneasier Aeoem vUMkJay.. Harrisburg Aoeem., xsup, m. 4:40 p. m, 5.Mp. ta. fcaepm. M S W SmiMMSNMtMS iieav Lancaster. ttaea. m. 4:45 a.m. 8.-J6 a,m 8:10 a. m. KSSa. m. M0 a. m. Hd6a.m. ixt8p.m. siAp. m. (.40 p. m. 4:46 p. m, t:4Sp.m. UBp. IB. 12:58 p. m. Columbia . SAl oeesn..... T:4Sl Harrlsbur in Express..! Ttsal Western Ezpresst, lt:M! Lancaster Aoce... &gei AM Mmv EARTWARD. Phlla. Expressf ..... raat LI net.. ........... Lancaster Aeee Harrisburg Espress... latneasier Accem... Columbia Aoeoui, Atlantle Kxpressf., Beashore Exnresa... Philadelphia Aoeonu Sunday Mall....... . Day Expresst... iiarrisearg Aoeom Mall Tralnt Frederick Aocem,,. The only trains which ran daily. wv v. ud Buneay ue ssaii train west Oelnmbla. J,' J. R. WOOD, Oeeerau CHAB. E. PUQH. General J J T3HIIiADKtPHIA RIsADIKUl READING A COLUMBIA Dr On &nd after Rnndar. Net ML IMaVt Iuimi Ihjui4h -1- " mm sValUsssssala i tK.s UuAlk,H . Ks.a-asfelllskik ausJsstssi tl s7ur ihwuhh wiu luvcyiugwwiwssn pvaaatsssf. OssVTiV, IW ssW VK09,9i9 9t SHei pnUNHil IU. H.OD Vita BBa . MtJr fl tot Philadelphia, week days, 7 Jt a. ati, r,ir New Yerk! v(s7vh11adalBbta.'ssat i 7:30 a.m., 12:as,S.'4S p. m. -:y- Fer New Yerk via Allentewm, wmki Fer AUeatewn, week days, 7 a. sa-l m. j Sunday, m pjn. a trot Petunile, week days, 740a, bl, Ml Fer Lsbanen. week days, 7.-09 a. tsu p. m. Bandav.liUa. m.H p. m. .s-t rer tuunseurg, wees nays, 7W a. i DTSB P i bsbeu , new ssu Fer ttuarryvllle, weetl sjp.m.;Bunaay,fciep.xa. $ TRAINS FOR IJtNCABTBa. tmm Rssvdlns'. week da vs. 74B. 11S1 'tSXtiWZVrZik m., 4:eep.m. . . i ..w Leave New Yerk via raiiaaetpMa,v r:ss sw isu, isan te. imia ni;ai. Leave New Yerk via AUetitewm, ' LsaveAUeaVewB, week aajrt, Mi p,Lsav FettsrlUa, week days, Mi Lai. tm. Leave Lebanon, week day. TiU a.'i 7:18 p. m, i Sunday, 7M a. m., stStja. at. -Leave Harrisburg, week days, HBa. I dajr,Meam. ,ve QuarryvUle. week dan, 1 JMk . SiirS. V,UI A- m. ' iffrivriiinivvntvHnMr 8 "" ry.'' "m". Leave rmiaeeipnia, unesiaat anit Menth straet wharf. trrw Atlantle Cltr. weak xs) a. m. and 4.-09 p. m.: Ae M0 a, m., Aeeommedatlon, (sW-a.'. Returning leave Atlantle City, dflset'i AUanUc and Arkansas Avenues. Wsakj Rxprc m. and 4 e. ssu i ledai uen.s.-u a. m. ana seu p. m. Express, t p. m. AccoramedaUou, 1 ah 4.011 M M Detailed Urn tables can be obtained all offlees. v a Mnr.snn. a a. ramc ViesPres.Aden'IM'gr. Oen'lPass'fl KBANON A LANCASTER JOUTT J RAIUWAD. &" Arrangements of Passenger Trains NORTHWARD. Leave A. at. r.M. King Btreet, Lane. 7:00 120H Lancaster....-...... 7.-07 If Columbia. ISM Manhelra-...:.........7: U Cornwall ....,... 1M htt Arrive at ... . Lebanon - S:ll 141 UBUmma SOUTHWARD. Leave a.m. r.x. Lebanen....w...-7:W 1M OernwaU.....-., 77 116 Mannstm... ..... 7M 1:1 Laneaster ... . S3T IM Arrive at mjm Columbia....... . 7 J Klna-utreet. Lane IdS MO A. M. WILBON, Bunt. R. a BsllrtslsVfi STsl. NEFF, BupU ti, K R. y?l jgnmy. N KW LAH18 AND ART OOOD. A i- J Call and. S -THE -AND HRT COOD! ON BECOND FLOOR JoMLArneld'sBuilc NORTH QUEEN STREET. X UMUINU.aAB FITTINO.dc Jetm P. Sehaum & ni I IKr1DIKir . wS GAS FITTING AND RC rjy 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST. LANCABTER Cl(tvviaac0 I. CJTANDAUD OARBIAQE WORK, EDW. EDGERL&i 0ARBIA0E BUHDsO, 40, 42, 43 A 45 MARKET BTREET. (Rear ' rosteace), LANCAOTsW, FAT AH the latest styles In Buggies. Fas 4.,Aa Plinlnn, HiimVf. OhrieUt. . lln.blln.nl. Trnttlnv WAVOIIS. BtAUOA Ne. Market Wagons, etc, new ready ter tthfl T Afllie Une of Becqnd-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Bprin,. ,i.u work sud sll work fully au My prices are the lowest In the county I amine my work. ... Bepalntlng and Repairing presai tended te and done In a drst-cTess saaal an of werkaMa sspeesally trnwlirW s. StSfS 7 v 1 tSasl PLaixr I ' FINE NEW LA T1. --''. .? it .., ,-i -r vsAfc"'. t -T . JiSsh'fl