nrrrw)rT.,r7' "- Ta"7i-:' r ,-r ,-B rr'A"' ..f ; .. .. t ..( ..v,.. . . -i j--,': " ."r-t-v '?r ' . ' t.-ijv, v .- l.':"i'"' ' . ' '"-v vvtNi T . " r.j- j"- JS-vn. -rmn- -i-t V V i T - , . - . J ' ' " K ,( LL V - f --4C .:. ., iA'V THE IiANO ASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1800. vX ; m&-m"ZT,Zi .vt"i"'',t",xv" " -' 'f'-' t-s. v-x -v-'' - " ,ui" ;" ." ,&: T ViV L 1 rftUu jntcUtecucc ri , CHAtlLlWBTEINMAN rOLTX, Wllwa. 5. BOBERT CLA UK .Publisher. (TUB UAlUt .4 " - JU vmt day in Uie ytt , but Sunday Heryca tgtMMtflNeiaUtvwk. BymaMnyedei- - ana nar 10 wiriuiaii wwu ...-- iit.."f.. ' J WttRKLY INTELLIGENCER-One dollar and fr k, IBTWm'wrliniHnuTO gOnCS TO SOflSCRIBERS-Renilt bfte k t - . .-. ...' m4 wtiprs neither or r Cummmb be procured send In a registered 5 Wler. '-- - t Ida PiMiuiKee. as second dm reatl f' Walter. .... ffk Lancaster. Pa. )WUIOArE,PA. April U, 1690. U,y ItltMLyin?. & Se II seems that the New erk Ain Um out alrlntr acuta It Inveracity pwlwn it published that story about cx- Birreslaeanjievciauu'8 rajim reci"' elght, and his resort te a specialist for retire, we nau luciineu m u-in. i" f.Sun't talc as true, us It in no way In- Jured Mr. Cleveland, but gave the namr namr nce that he was the hopeful object of n pdeilrabte leanness. Stoutness Is net dis creditable, eulv uncomfertable: and If Athens Is an easy read te leanness, as the Mfwn'a account assured us, tt was n goeu hthlnc toknew. g We greatly fear, however, that It has Kbeea lytacr about the whole thing, as B4Mr. Cleveland says It certainly has been Spying about him. He Is net coiiituiriicii ceiiituiriicii PUry te the Sun' editor, who deserves. ipliewever, all that he says of hliu, If he fet up this story without foundation In truth and only te annoy him. Tlie.SW example shows what a habit of lying &wlU bring n newspaper te. n is a nneit frwhlch the Sim has practised for n long tlme te delight Its readers with wouder weuder ful tales that would le interesting if j& true, but very stupid if otherwise. The Sunday edition has been for many plycars adorned with wild tale of BVWlld animals dated In rike county rnd ether wildernesses; and the re re Seewcs even of Lancaster county have VilRJTCU uwu itti tin; i:ivuiiuu ei nemu ui rathem. The readers of these stories may dhs been se long and stcaily a stream ef(hcm that ene would think that the S'jnest credulous by this time would have- rteeguu te ba auspicious of their truth. A iBewspancr which starts Inte lying te resimusa lis rcadcrs,ls likely seen te practice ft'iuc nns ter mere oejccuouaiuo purpees, Itis'a very silly thing te de, bcslde Its Sfrrvlcletisuesa. It certainly fulls te accom accem Spllsh its purpose. There Is nothing te L?be made by the Suu.Ter Instiiiiee.ln seek- ping te bring Mr. Clevcland Inte derision Kiritli stupid falsehood. wVlhe &un seems te have been se much .tickled by the succesi of Its nllusieu te sWneral Hancock's weight In defeating . ntm for tlie presidency, that It can- Kpzui reiraui ioeni unng me Mime gun henstantiy ntir. Cleveland. It said of nauceck that he was a geed man weitfli- NjInfcSOO iwunds; and ltprebably con- uvea mat me snot nau sunk iiiin in m campaign ; auif it possibly did de blm Injury'. Itidicule is an effective reapen often j but net when it is clearly ikllcleus. Mr. Cleveland Is tee well IBewn te the country te be dumaged by tteuiptcd ridicule of his appearance. le does net need te bank upon ids geed eki, when his conspicuous deeds spcn'i iWhitn. fm . a - .'-'- Z Jlniitliir Dew. telrerseual hUterv- and criticism fccnw fclww te be the devotion of the New Yerk Journal seeking teMimuIate its eircula- iipieu. The World has given us u mini mini fevlieref interesting chanters upon Ouav : fcnd li new printing dally columns, Kywuofte Hwectness is lung iirawn out, Simoom mat euier uau man, Hilten, SJirne managed te get eulslde of ,'A. T. fetewart's millions in n ery com- pplcte nud wonderful way. The Hvcnlny f-JfMt lias taken up Quay, In succession kie the HWf. and lflves us its own ae- 6unt of the way In which he manipu lated the Pennsylvania treasury uud 5 lHvue journals will de n geed publle rerk, at the sanie time that thev arc rateamlug up their subscription list, if iHhey take care te nlake their stories true iH well as interesting. Tlie libel laws kfwight te suffice te secure rcasouable vc k'neity in the tales: for it Is assumed b'iUat any man charged with leli)g a 5pflei, win inaue tlie newspaper prove &K, u me rnct is deniable. pjPretty safe subjects are taken In Quay ttMd Hilten, aud there Is no rumor of mUt by either. They seem te have fMselved te submit te being hunted and klredeu: deeming such discretion te be gitbe better part of valor under the cir- gtvumstaucts. mf-i jvicpnuue Jiiscrj. ETiv 1 smr illafuiien mlatJ.rL rn,.i-..l .. trv ""O --.t.M.. iwijjjjuilln UIO IHIW :;w:iuB ejtumiicu in .M)v Yerk, uud the t Jeng bulTering users of tbe erdlmirvi.i. Stniments are astonished te find that IXaey can talk te jweple in Uosteu with- ?FMt nnv nf flm flimni'mtm .. geonversatien at a few (squares distance, FariH i-IHi Mi.,lrr,.i ...,,. t . iwt " TiiminHNiumc, v jiiuii siaiiu- Ving six feet from n jierfeeted long dh ttance receiver iu the centiu of a room Sfefully twelve feet seuare. lieanl III. .,. lifectdUtiuctnehs tlie words of uc-aker , uiuus away, in an onice in JSosten. ' The telephone people may attumjit te Kexeuse the Inferieritv of ilwir wn-iw. i... ifcagnirying the difficulties of telephou telepheu &,ing In neUy cities where there aie many k'., , , ' i"'uil " w circuit, but mvuiiuuiuuiii. earned messages from renire le cutra of two big eltics Ukllll- if is ' t-tiltl'd Hint II.,,,- ' Sghty telephones en the same circuit SVTT .. " "" "' operas, as sung at fthe theatres in New Yerk,aro audible in Kibe neighborhood of that wonderful t'lnttunmier. lien the reader has oc ec oc giwsleii te talk te borne enu ever the ueue, let Ulm remember thebe things d rellect u neu the kiiiw r ti,,. i,.i.. bone monbpely. Think of the vast buuui, ei preiauuy, meugiit, sjiekeu Id acted. for which the tclenhrm,. ,. kIWy are resnensible. Think r 1 1. i,wt WBe te le charged te their account, and e .urn, icinjier, iiet lest money aud lnen. k' -The rcejrd aualnst ttii-m u .,..,.ii ..ttsbud enough te have te sillier from ijm uumau luiiterfectleiis of the central w, wuere excuanges are managed rith miraculous rapidity und accuracy , - .iwv ui j-euug women drawing arles stramrelv nrri.w.i-n,,.,,..! ... ., i li . "I""""" i inn t of the borvlee te the subscriber. u nam eueugij te have te lure a break-dekvu whenever a demoralizes the overhaul u-ir... when we knew that te theKe p iicceanary evils are nd.i..i easily nvolduble unra .lim i t iiMtrumeut. It is iiich ttnm i.. AieUOe. Ne doubt llm uniul..rfi.l nl'ttcr Is cestlv. but u u .,!,.),,.., "V1 lf ,henn who are celalng '-ysi-j v money from the control of telephone patents had a proper nense of public rights they ive-uhl eagerly keep pnee with every Improvement. Mentaaa. The Mentana senators have liccn seated ; and the Itepubllcnu senators have let the public knew that they se fenr for the security of their majority, that they are ready te cat men net duly elected; and that they se distrust the fact of thce men being the choice of their state that they refuse te send them back te stand the risk of another election. Mentana has shown signs In her recent elec tion of being decidedly turned te the Democratie side ; tills senatorial question having been the means of securing te the Democracy the sympathy of the Meutaua people. Aud it inn fact that the Republican con trol of the United States Hcnatc is In a very sickly state. The Republican states are turning from their nnclent mooring, bath In New England nnd the North west; and it Is easily te be predicted that the Senate will be Democratic as seen ns the present state of political feel ing in the states can be represented In the body. Tiinni: was a roinnrksbleKccno In a New Yerk tnneincnt house en Tuesday. A very old llntictnlan woman, with a heavy head of hair, long and mew white, was left at home en the sixth lloer of the building te caroferayoar-old grandchild. Soen after the neighbors were attracted by erics of 11 re and found the old woman " standing up right In tlie centre of the room, with up. turned face, praying, ller bunds w'ere clasped obeo her head. Jler long white hnlr was ablaze, and the fire surrounded her from the waist upward." A blanket was quickly thrown around her and the II re extinguished, but she was se badly burned that llfe is dlspalred of. She was making flre in the stnve when a spark jumped into her lap and set 11 re te her dress, and rcmomberlng that te run would fan the thunes, she Just steed Mill and prayed aud shnuted. If she had rolled en the lloer or used a blanket she might hnve saved hnr llfe, but the pain of burn ing usually scorns te drlvothe victims se wild that tliey de net evon stand still. At the April meeting of the tancastcr County Agricultural and Horticultural society tlit) proMdent, Hen. Jehn H. Iiiudls, of Maner township, stated that foreign corn and wheat must be excluded from this country te revive agricultural Interest". Here Is somethlng for Jehn's contemplatien: During the last II seal year we exported liU,C02,0J) huslmls of corn and imported i!,:is$ bushels. We exported 31S,180 busholsef corn meal and ImjtorteU DOrt bushels. Our exiHirts of wheat amounted te 10.11 1,1211 hushels and our imports amounted le 1,!H0 bushels. The smallainoiintefgrnin Imported Is for need, anil It is hard te mce why It should plense tie fiirmer te pay a tux en it. Sens of tlie American Hoveliillon. Se tlie member of a growing pntrletlu seelety aru (itylcd, mid their success Indicates the prevalence of an ambition te be a Hen-of;ii-gun ofsemoisoit. The Iynl legion, whleh hisJiiHt been holding its tweuty-flfth Jubi Jubi Jubi loe iu l'iitliidelphla, provides 'for its own perpetuation by appealing te (this uatuinl prlde of ancestry, and membership U passed down from futher te eldest4 son, after the plan of the famous order of the Cincinnati. It Is te be congratulated en escape from the party management whleh hts troubled and discredited the Grand Army. The societies of civil war veterans and their sons all claim te make military Horvlcea rcipiiimueut for admission; but tlie revolutionary sous threw out a big solne net te drug In anyene whose ances tors en cither slde happened te llve iu Amerlca In i evolutionary times nud gave evldcnce of sympathy with the movement for lndopendonee. Any person may be eligible te member membor momber ship who Is above the age of twouty-euo years, and Is descended from an ancestor who assisted In es(uhlihtng American In In In dopendenco during the devolution, either as a military or naval olllcer, a soldler or a siller. an elllclnl In the sorvlre of any of the thirteen original colonies or of the united colenics, a momber of a committee of eorre-.H)tidence or of public safety, or a rocegnlaxl patriot who icndetcd material sorvlee. They are eclcbratlng te-day, April 17lh, thoccntennlalanulvorHiryoftho death of llenjainln l'runkllu by organizing tlie l'ennsylvaula hranch or thtlr society and cidllng for mombers. Perhaps ene Jtun died jears from new the descendants of the men who held postetllces aud clerk ships during the war will be posing as sous of the ilvll war. Van IIoetk.n's Cocea " llet A Clees Knr tlienU" iriienltlinnil beauty jmi'd mnlntnln Ami keep our lireatli a iK-rfect rhurm, llMSHOZODONTwItli mlKlitnnd umlii j Fer It nlone ji-eents tlie liiinu 1 lint mars a woman' teulli ami hrrath And leii)es her memli n dark in Ueutli, Tlie Munly Art or Self Itarbiice." aivliiB ''blew for blen" U enen mere thought or, llinn than Unit oilier " art or self defcucu." wlilcb ceimUU In defcndliiK unu's awn k- klriu from tlie akkiiulu of dUeuve nnd neelect. W'lien dyhiwiiilu . ceitktlHitluti. lillleiihiK'sx, "liver ceiii.uliu,"JuiindU'e,und the llke lnylioidef the JkU.'Ui i. the best di-irnwi u lliolmmcllate use of Dr. l-ifrre'a rienkiuit 1'clleU ; tiny, miKar coated drniiule, iniiile from ceiuentraied M'ko M'ke tnblu uxtrucU ; enu u done. V,1 hlw 1'rem Syracuse, X. V. " IMt weak nnd laiiKuld j had imlpnluHen i: the heart and mimbnrku of the llinb. Jiur. litvhJllewl Jllittn liiie rertnlnly rrlluw-d me. lliey ure limjl rxctlhiu." Mr. J. M. Wrlitlit. Ker kaleby W.T.lliwh, W mid I & North 4uis.ii street, hnucuttrr. lvleUeil Out. Hew many h-ei then, urn who nre Ktrn K hiK ler e In II, U world tliutiire klck.M ft, und out by ujvliius rhnlk. T!,um.' ni,"tr,c 'iieer" kicked out" in Iuitr,m. uu bl le. Fer lUvtlen. nslhinn nnd emarrl II .Uncertain and rapid euro, for kali b, W II.IIeeh,l37nu.tl3U North iieeu htnt-t. Ijii,. A Method or Ail vei-IIhIiii;. t?Tt V-" ,1!"",J,V, 'heiikandrr-.i.,i;,;f hot het ths of Kemp's Iulkuin,.ue lenrii. frui:lw'i i!u'.', ."..""r,"!"'0 'J81 r- '' " "'rretpeSil ,s kale en the li.ib.niii ha neer Ihwi .in alk.1 or uppnwclie.1 b any ether runedy. 'i l,eN ""'"."fhini. great merit or tlie rreiki i tj IamIz Here, IVIuml, Are Yeu SleU I De jeu kurter from DiKp,lii. lndluetlen HourHten,aeh,l.lxer CV.mplalnl.'NoneVs I)?: blllty. UkUAiMwllte, I!IIIe,ih-:, Tire r" lutr.I'al,.. I,, ,he Cit. Night ;, ur 1' or any form or Con.ui.iptlei, 1 . . toyeurdriirfuUtuiid purctia.e u l.oltle of j'e. ration, hlch quickly rektore ,, t keund phyklcut health. W;0,, l n I hlhl conciliated fluid extruel of the u.en In, ,Ve luedlelnul roots nad ,i te",' ,,. and run here all ether reinedh-k fall, v ,! able b.k.k . riihiKs Werth Kii0lli ". k " ' Aldrek-, Prof. 1'rai.klh, url, y & "' "I'rIJ-ljdiw 1 O ' .W c.,:n.t' "K"bn raitKHiecK cm. XJ linisiUklnmulilplei. of fitti. mrnliw" fuaniutee ea.l, dh ,eJ 'of 10 f VnU I'eV i n -."IK""1 lAIU" Akk.K-lullJii of Jtaketallli,! S eillre Aberdeen. Houth Dakota). Ne mei K of .'bii? "L,?11? 0J"."ie Incident te iMuan TrJ,.Vil.1 Uie Invwtment deisulted wlili u Trustee. Correkpeudeiieelnvlti. "" u M.n..JiXvSYA"."n. J.nWmeed "-'"'"Ne." llV.e1,, IcA. reeU 1uiiwsr IKON I'lI'IS FITTING iTTTrTT Manifold., Amerfw. ffi, Tuft Bun?,'!:' SPauamakt'. I'liiLAnKLrniA, Thnrsday, April 17, ISM. Brnndcnburgs. Of the bleed royal if ever a cotton stuff was. Put a scrap under a magnifier. Sec hew clean and smooth every thread is. Ne knots, no lumps. Combed cotton. That's what docs it. 30 inches wide, 20 cents. Almest two hundred styles of the I2lc American Ginghams. Such stripes and plaids ! You'll say the Scotch Scetch men have had a hand at them. Nothing in the market better for the money, that's sure mere likely it's the ether way. Ne buster Dress Goods counter in the store than the long stretch where the tjlc Crepclincs are flying out. The fame of them has get ever town. Half of last season's rices and net a whit behind ast season's quality or styles. Misses' and Children's Wash Dresses have taken en fresh 'beauties. Ginghams and White Lawns, but with such happy turns in the cut or with such originality in the finish that there's a pleasant surprise in almost every one. As cute Kilts the bit of a boy need ever hope for. Reefers and Jackets for the big girls and little just as you'd cheese. A room full of hints and helps for every mother. Heeend fleer, Chestnut Mrcet. Bicyclers should see a Gleve we have had made for them, which we sell at 75c. Middle Mnrkct street entrance. If you miss a day in the Trimmed Millinery you miss some newness. The wonder where all the loves of Mats and Bennets go te is only half as great as where they all come from unless you've had a peep into our workrooms. A little Paris in all that stands for taste and within the get up of wo men's headwear. Thirteenth street klde, north from Cheitni.t ktreet. Here's by odds the best Ar tist's Outfit that we ever had for the money. Twenty-one tubes of Winser & Newton's best colors ; oils and varnishes ; palette and palette knife, and S brushes, all in a neat japanned tin case, and the whole thing complete for $5 ! At the little counter 'round the corner from Jap goods are a hundred ether things for artists. Near Juniper and Market streets corner. Jehn Wanamaker. (Cnvpcte. -lAltl'irr CLEANING WOltKS. NEW LOCATION. NEW MACHINERY. NEW PROCESS. The only process by which you can have your Carpet thor oughly cleaned and ventilated with cold dry air without dam age and returned when prom iscd, without regard te weather. Called for, cleaned and deliv ered same day. The airing and ventilation is, from a sani tary point, alone worth the price paid for cleaning. LANCASTER STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Se-called Carpet Cleaning, te wit : (hand beating) is a pesi tive injury te delicate carpets. It does net thoroughly clean, nor docs it brighten the colors ; our process will. If we injure your carpet will replace it with a new one. Steam does net en ter the carpet as some suppose, merely drives the machinery. Send ler Catalogue. Freight paid one way en Carpets out of town. Send orders te any of the agencies. WOUKS Ceu. Chiustian- & Woodward, Lancaster, Pa. Telephone. TAnr';i!M"l!u wA'rnt.eius, ACIII Olt IU teJOH v iiri'eV."..'''''"'" "' r'r prleeN, , '"lUH.MII.M'.iUJUutKiuteiiklrM-t. Jna-t 1AH IM I IH7-I fil QM'IUNU ' NECKWEAR! Four.ii.IIand,TeckiindTieon, AtF.ltlHMAN'ri. "yil.M.Mal'Olti' Wire Buckle Suspender, AT KKIHMAN'H, mi - Ne- Wen KnV street. Tkw htylJ: LINEN COLLARS, AT ERIHMAN'B. rtl JIOUTEN'S COCOA. TIIISSTAXDAltD COCOA OK KUItOl'K, THK COMING OXrj OF AMCKtUA. Van lletilcn'it haalY per cent, mere of the flesh-forming elements of cocoa than Is obtained by the bent processes of ether manufacturers. Van Heuten's Cocea " Best and Gees Farthest." Docter nnd nnaljBtg of the highest standing all ever the world, rertlfy te this Immense saving, and by Van IIeu-Tp-'s special process wily can this be attained. -Vaj Heutkn'h Cocea ("ence wy ucd ") petwefwek the great uiHantaKe of leaving no Injurious effect en the nerreun ny lem. Ne wonder, therefore, that In all part of flic world, thla fntvnor'tCecoii In recommended by medical men, InMend of ten and corTee or oilier cocoon or chocolate, rer dally una hy children eradultn, hale and kick, rich and peer. Auk for VaxHeutbn'h and tale no ether. mnraklydBiTUiH ()I) ttalace of jraelticm. AUACK OK KA81I11K1. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST., I.ANCA8TUK. The Leading Stere in the City for Millinery. Have opened this week an other large invoice el New Mil linery Goods. The grandest assortment of Flowers ever shown by us. Alse all the latest styles in Untrimmed Hats and Bennets. We will display these goods en Wednesday and Thursday, and invite you te call and see them. Alse Avill exhibit our latest in Trimmed Hats, all at our well known Lew Prices. We furthermore announce that en Wednesday we start a Special Ten-Cent Sale of Jew elry. Between two and three thousand pieces of Jewelry, consisting of Breast Pins, Lace Pins, Ribbon Pins, Bracelets, Earrings, Hair Pins, Queen Chain, Necklaces, Cuff Buttens and Cellar Buttens.Side Combs, Beads, and many ether articles, all at 10c apiece. A Wonderful Bargain Sale. Come early. Anether let of goods from our purchase of Mrs. Wood ward has been put up, and we new offer the following : One let of best Filaselle at ic a skein. One let of Repe Silk at 4c a skein. One let of best Wash Silk at 2jc a skein. One,efbest Japanese Wash ing Fless at 2c a skein. One let of Arazene, best colors, at ic a skein. One let of Embroidery Chenille at ic a skein. One let of Embroidery Silk, en spools, at ic a spool. One let of large spools of Embroidery Silk (ten-cent spools), best colors, at 5c a spool. One let of Linen Flourishing Thread, best colors, at 4c a skein. One let of Linen Bargarren Art Thread at 4c a skein. 25 dez. best Black Silk Gloves at 25c a pair. 100 dez. 5-hook Lacing Kid Gloves, in black, tans and slates, at 79c a pair ; worth $1. 50 dez. Jan Colored Un dressed Musquetaiies at 75c a pair. itliocrUiutceuo DKUNKKKNKSS. " JiUitJOltllAHIT. Ill All the World there la hut One Cure. nit. iiAixi'is uemi:n snx'ikic. It can l.ocUen In a cup of codeenr tea, or In articles or reed, without the kuouledKcnrthe imtlent. If neecsiiry ; It Is uhxelutcly harmless anil Hill etreet u perinnncnl and iccily cure. Mhclher the imtlent U a moderate, drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT 'i:vi:it KAILS, u eiierate se quietly and with kiich certainty that the patient imdcrKncfl no IncenNeulencn. and i re he Is aware, hUeomplete reformation in eirected. ti paue hook or particular free. CllAH.A.u'MJIIKIt. IlnnrK'kt, , .Jhi!;.l) biai Wi"1 HU l-aneiikter, l'a. ocO-ek.TThAH IXCUIWIONS AND 1'ICNICS. Mi Gretna Park ON THE Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, ou Excursions and Picnics 1 KIIKE TO It contain eerythliiK needed mm pleasant rta a outing. Ample, khelter, lovely walkHand '"""I r,"""'r'"'i i untrue or u competent caterer. '1 utiles. Ilcnclicx, ShIihth nnd Itiiktle KeaU are kcattend throughout thuuoedt for the free iike oruxcurkleiiuu. The Harrow Otuge Railroad and doverner Blclc are Special Attractleni. NoIntexleatlngDrtnkf Allew ed en the rrcni Uer. . rKorexcurklen nitcsand general Infoima Infeima Infoima lien, apply te NKI) lltldll nl-1nid Hup't C. A U Itallread. U'luinen.'l'a. ctttitru; D' K.MATIIOUHT. OKNTIHT. 'ai'i.'vriii. uniiAifE? .uiLMi-a, iuuiiiiiiiu untc, mountain kprlnnii. rryMul ktreunu (.panned hy rustic hrlduc' xxatlmt en ijike Coneae. u henutlfiil meuni 11I11 lake, ai acres In extent j Teuhlk, CiiretiMil, Lrenurluml lliike Dull ground; llimfhnf Alley IiiiiT. .'"$ f Vi'iUe k?V." ." ' -"'ou " 1-"VK 1'nvlllen lulling Hull, hltehen, (preiied with fuel) J Ollet. Illlkket and Il.lirL'llirft nuunaiihil! 1-llllnK Teeth und l'alnlusi Kxtructlen Hpe rlultle. New Hetn made, broken ones mended aud remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plate aud pivoted, etc. Ye, everything iiertalnlin; tel)cntUtry will reeehu prompt attention, at very Mint era te Terms. Ilememher that l)r. Nkllinr.tlk the ONLY DentUt tn thU county who U a graduate of Medicine an well as of Den. tlitry. an advantage that ti obvious. marJ-lydAw Clothing MX KfWAKATHreif. ATT1A0TI0M8 IN OCR We'va many attract Ien (In our Custeei De lurlmenl. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF SUITING Fen Men's Wear FROM .00 te Almest Any Price ! Hueh styles a thene are net offered anywhere In linucaster for the price. Much an assortment you'll dud nowhere else. EtiKOANT BTLYEH IN Men's Treusering ! Mera than you'll rare te leek at. Prices range fromflteJH. We'll Mt you, tee. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. QU .OTH1NCJ. L. Gansman & Bre. BARGAINS UPON BARGAINS, Intelligent buyer of Clothing (people that hu e looked IhreiiRli ether stores) wilt tell you thnl our New HprlngHUwkeY Clothing for Men, Yeung Men, Large and Hmall Ileys, contains the largest assortment of well-made garments In the city, nnd that our prices are decidedly the lowest. We lime advantages In manufac turing net possessed by ether uenlcrs. We are using them foryem benefit. A Bargain Feast! come ncreitK THE oeod thineh are A 1.1, GONE. HERE ARE A FEW ITEMS FROM THE llllil. OK FARE: Men'i nnd Yeung Mcn'sSulUat t-1, H50, Jl, !j, J(!,ts, $10. J12.SU. 8111 nnd SIH. lle) ' SulU) lit K !. $2 50, S.I, M. ti, M. 7and W. Children's HulU at VUc,Sl,S125, S173,f2, JiJI and S3. i Knee I'iiiiIm nt 25e, !e, k, 75c and (1. Men's l'ants,75c, hjc, Sl,l 25, Jl 75, 12, S250, t-t, !30,lnndltt). Hnrlng Overcoats nt 81, K, $fl,?8 and 110. " The above U enough te gle you no Idea of what no are doing. L Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Clilldren'a Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 and 68 N0ETH QUEEN ST., 8. W. CORNER OF 0RAH0B. LANCABTEB, PA. ir- Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. a-Ue cautious nnd make no mistake se that you get te the right place. H TIKSH A llROTUEIt. SPRING SURPRISES In Stere for Everybody, Until In Weather nnd Clothing. The Quality of the Weather Is Variable, but net se our CLOTHING. We aie turning out iivinj- HI! ITS and UANTA. LOON In our Made-te-Order Department, And they nre plenslns our customers im mensely; if you Mould no served us well, call und see our line and wc lll suit your taste lu pattern, st) le and price. OUR READY-MADE SUITS, PANTALOONS -AND- SPRING OVERCOATS Are bounties in e cry respect nud j en will en dnrsu It hen J en see them. MEN'S KNOCKA1IOUT HUITrt. II, a, JO, $7. MEN'S DIlIsShUITri,t,I0,ll2. til. MEN'S EXTRA FINE SUITS, S15, tit). 117, 118. MEN'S KNOCK-AUOUT l'ANIH, 75c, We, M EN'S DRESS PANTS. $ 1 00, 12 60. $3 00. MEN'S 1'EKFKCT DRESS FA NTS, IS 60, $ I, HOY'S SUITS, $250 te J12. HOY'S FANTS, OJoteJI. CIIIIiDREN'S SUITS, Jl e$s. CHILDREN'S l'ANTS,20ate8l50. Flannel, IVrcnlc, Madras, White, Demctand SllkSIURIS. Our Bieclal 25e and Mte N EC1C WEAR. See our FURNISHINGS. & CLOTHIER, MERCHANT TAILORS AND C1ENTS' FURNISHERS. N. Queen St., Centre Square, Marttt St., IiANCASTtilt, PA. 8100,000. IN 110NDS AND MORTOAflES FOR IN VEsrORS, IN SUMS OF ltH,tX),t,W, f 1,000 te rX,000. Ilends-a er cent. Interest, payable quarterly. Mortgages flpcr rent. Interest, payable balf yenrlv. Bend or call for full Infornintlen. JOHN II. METZLKR. se,!. Dukeuu liisliim Department BIO BROTHER ffru (Seak. N KW YORK STORK. 8. ' DteSSSOODS Watt ic Shand CARRY A CLEAN STOCK OF THE NEWEST TUINOSIN Spring Dress Goods. MOUAIR DniLIilANTINES Are taklne the lead. Here they are In all the popular shades, at 25c, S7ke, sec. and Tie a yard. CASHMERE HENRIETTAS In Old Rese, Omy, Heliotropes, fctc, etc., 23c, s:ic, 60c, 75c te f I a yard. We Open Te-day GO Pieces STRIPED PRUNELLE SUITINGS In all the new Shades, 33 In. wide, at 37c ; Im ported le sell nt&Oc 60-INCn MOUAIR BRILLIANTINES, New Shades, 75e ft yard j neTcr sold for less than 11.00. FANCY STRIPED SERGE SUITINGS, 45 Inches Wide, 60c a yard , nsual price, 75c. One Mere Case All-Weel M-INCII CLOTH SUITINGS, 20c a yard ; sold elsewhere at 25c. THOSE TIN CHECK SUITINGS In Spring Shades, Yard Wide, at 12V cents are Only Half Price New Yerk Stere, 6. 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. TJARGAINS. BARGAINS -AT THE- All Silk Black Mede, 75c. 40-Inch Wide Black Henriettas, 75c. Ulack Striped Satin Berber, 60c Silk Patches for Qulltx, 2, 3, 4. S cent. All-Weel Tricot Cleth Cleth Deublo Width 23c. Yard WIde Striped Cashmere. 25e. New Weel Plaids at 6c and 10c. Hamburg Edgings, 1,2, 8, 4,5,0, 8, 10, 12)cts White Aprons, 17, 20, 23, 37i 60, 75 cents Silk Ribbons, 2, .1, 6, 10, 12 te 25 cents. Ruchlngs, 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 20, 2i, 37 cents. Straw and Leather Belts, 2c. Oriental Laces, S, 8, 10, U, 17, 23 cents. Felt Lambrequins, 25, 37, 50 cts a ymd. Raw Silk Tidies, 23c. Best Black Corsets, f I. Plush Balls and Ornaments, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 0, 7 cts White Quilts, 75c, 51, tl 23 up te Se. Dark Calicoes, 3, 4, 6,6)f cents. Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12 ecu If. Dress Ginghams, 0, 8, 10, 12 ccntr. 17 New Shades Cheese Cleth, 5c. Curtain Scrims, 6, 10, 12 cents. Best Eiderdown, 25e a yard. Curtain Lace, 10, 12. 17, 20, 23 cents. Best Heavy Stripe Shirting, 0c. Tewellngs, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 cents. Tickings, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20,25 cents. 00-Inch Wide Ticking, 30 and 37 cents. I5et Charabray Ginghams, 10c Bead Checks, 10 nnd 12 cents. Best Red Table Linen, 20 and 25 cents. Linen Towels, 5, 8, 10, 12 up te 50 cents. Raw Silk Table Ceders, Jl. Napkins, 60c, 75c, Jl, SI 23, Jl 50 a dozen.' Black Shan Is, Jl 23, Jl 50, J2 up te 112. ' -FOR BARGAINS -GO TO- i, 35 & 37 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. Vavaoela. tAttASOLS I PARASOLS! 1 14 East King St. PARASOLS! eprl23md Sltterttcu. T UTHEUB..KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LW. Second Fluer Kshlwan 4 North DnSut, BOSTON STORE Charles Miiimi $ft&S tDUthtne M AKT1N SHOO. True Beauty Peeping (hit. Spring Sultsare felly read; Children's, BeyaV Men's. Ne leer of style can fail tosee Uie beauty peeping out atevi turnofeurgaruicuu. Call dren's Kilt Suits one price, IIJS0 te f&SO. Chit' dren'a Kilts Suits tnnle and skirt, J3J0 te 11. Beys' Csrylceable Short Pant Hulls, I1.S0 ter Beys' Handsome All-Weel Short Pant Baiul fLSO te J10. Beys' l.eng Pant SulU, geed wearij Inf. 13 tela, nir rtniV tjvnr Vunl Hnlla fa.fMjl erae styles, 6 0 J1J. Men's SulU, a large choice, te lit regular, stout or slim men, Je te 123. Spring OrrrceaU are a IWely topic Oun have been lively sellers. Geed, JS up. Handl some, (10 up. Visit our Underwear derarttnent ! You'll be pleased with the (hare ofgeodneei dealt out there. Largest variety, lowest prices Compare our 60a grades for texture and flnlab. Sec our French und English Balbrlggan. Fer Clothing te order, whethcr yeu're leek ing or buying, it will pay you te keep our Cus-I tern Tailoring Department In your mind's eye Thoroughly practical, thoroughly geed, thor oughly reliable, a thorough selection, and bet tem prices. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. (ftveccvtc. SWEEPING REDUCTION AT Half Peaches, unpared. reduced from 9c te tlle Fine California Apricots reduced from ISotelOc. .Evaporated. Apples reduced from 10a teflUc. Finest Half Peaches reduced freni......2Tc te 21c. French Cherries reduced from -..15c te He Finest French Prunes reduced from 15e te 12c Rolled A vena reduced from ...12c te 10c. uuurncicageser washing renuer reduced teSc 500 Cakes of 10c Toilet Seap reduced te Se 600 Teapots, contain lib Tea, reduced te 49c WW ns Yerk Ce. Buckwheat reduced te Jle 60 Buckets Mackerel reduced te 11.00 I 600 ms stewing Figs reduced te.....4 lbs for 25c. 199 lbs Tobacco smoking or chewing... 21c, 6,400 lbs Caustic Seda, In 3 nud 5 lb kettles Samuel Clarke, Agt, 1ZAND 11 SOUTH 11UEKN ST. A TBUltSK'B. THE FINEST IN THE MARKET I The Yenlzer Evaporated Sugar Cern. Tlie Finest In the State. Tender, Sweet and Elegant. Try It. Sold Only by Us In Ijincas ter. Jellies and Preserves. Jellies by the bucket, Iu tin cups, in tumb lers. In gloss Jars, and by the pound; retail at Cc per pound. Flne Pure Fruit nnd Sugar Pre serves ; equal te home-made. McGAW'S CANNED CORN. EVERY CAN aUARANTEED.-Thlnk of It, hew cheap ; Cc a can, or 17 cans for ene dollar. Werth u great deal mere, hut we have tee much. The price must lnake It go fester. We ure bound te sell It. Our less Is your gain. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET. A T HEIST'S. J. FRANK REIST, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, LANCASTER, PA., renucsts the pleasure of every man, woman and child In the city of Lancaster, und outslde of U. at his store, northeast corner of West King and Frlnce btreets, from April 14lh te 19th, Inclu sive, te taste a cu p of Bleeker's Famous Dutch Cocea, which he has Just Imported direct from Am sterdam, Helland. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. Put a spoonful of granulated suear Inte your cup and then add a spoonful of Cocea ; mix them well, dry then pour en belllm; water (or boiling milk) and stir well ; you then have a cup of this unrivaled Cocea ready. " THREE W1NDOWS-WESTSIDE, will be used for display and the serving of this famous Cocea. Ample room for nil who wish te take ndvautnge of It. Remember. It Is our direct Importation, nnd e have cone te much trouble und quite nn expense In bringing this Cocea before tbe people of Lancaster, we will serve from Monday morning until Saturday ee. An obliging lady. Mill verted In IU usages, will hae charge of the tables. REMEMBER, we de net expect you te purchase anything at allasan excuse tegeta cup, but want you te valk In and get It, and we knew that you will pass an opinion that will be reaching. This Is net nnniUertlhlng scheme. It will be, In plain English. A GRAND COCOA SOCIABLE. Then come along, both old and young. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PIWCKSTS., Directly Opposite J. II. Martin A Ce.'sDry Goods Stere, aud Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. Olletlttnn. TjlINE T. TAILORING. I l89O--SPRING.--.89O Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elifiint Assortment of SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready .'or Your Insrcctlen. We weulif-iiKn announce Ihe purchase of a Jeb Let of Kngllkh Milling and Treuterlugat a great mcrllli-e, whleh wen 111 n II at Astonishingly hew- Prices. -nill early te secure n birgaln in these geed. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILORINTHECITY 43 N0R1H QUEEN STREET. d27-tfd TTKNMl- WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, ?7metd'u.1M Eat King street, having a full una of Furniture of every description at Uie lowest price. Alse Undertaking promptly at- 3S& "4lTI ,r... .r ,, .-AV &- ,...- yi Sstf j4fr 1 ,3s.v 1 r 1 r . V l t vy ,rt! i - TK y keSt-A. - F .rjf