ranr vwy "i mw " saw1 L " "i "r "f'-'' v, "TP'f ' '- ,'"'i, fi (j.-k a . ji 'AjVfl VsTV ; -. -fr ' -7V , iX y'fjr " xv THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOER, WEKEDAAI'MIO, 1890. V E-l V 1ST" " MORATORY BIRDS. IX IE1TE ULDllli Tl FK1TMER S3? milXESTSISTIE WEST. t vT " . . J "Jtettlmore Je," the irreptesaiem. TarHM V9 te Pat Fee Inte the rock- ($' Hqt nd Constable. -- , . .1 Columbia, April 10.-A P0Ci meenB ' council was hW " evening .or as of Inspecting-tue nuisance. ... nf itm enera house, MemMf nt: Mewn. Cuariea, wining, r, E lu.-"..,i wn.nn Council adleurnexl u rXtnr Ue premlaes. The matterwaa referred ,a. tk w,iip(lar and chief burce te net HwJnct,enw,ihU, i,rPcrty "m,t taewith power 10 act. VA number of boy a of town hae placed 'iU.miIi n a at nl n or imminent uy kHvlng town without giving any knewl- in of their whereabeut. " "- the boy. are Frank Welsh, Will Halter, Will Gabriel, Clinten MWiey, Daniel Badman, Harry Fry, Jehn Llveley 1 trod David Henry. Gabriel la rcpertea e :kiM returned home, lining beceme I J kind of bin runaway rxperlenccs. A few "..nntha am vennir Welh ran away, tut ktoturned home In a few day. Over n year 'i'MO young Fry thoegbt he would aee the ' HZZL-l. -n.i !. r.r the WnU He remained .fa.beut nlne months before he aougbltlie i:ntrenui roei. n i"' , -rLev met v. Ith nn accident nt Alteena, but llnquhy by rctcr Mlshcy, father or ene or Mlhe runawajs, failed te verify the truth of u&Uie report. The oeys "" Fsn...i,i .l.mit thn matter for aame months, $!$tai tbey pofce te ether boys during the ai winter aueuv iui"" ...., --- - feMeft en Monday morning oiitnewiiiu Srgtlienghl or tlielr nofencoHuin jt.-.--v. r . r ,. i-...,,i l,tr llin narenls that Kgtbey had geno Wwt te acck their fortune Site .' ....... i r. in ilm nrvllcn na Jlal- fe'Umere Joe," n arretted early thli morn- inir by Ofllcer WltllcK ter eeingurumv .m ,,?-.. ..I.. Culm I'.mn, ine 111 111 flve r?' ... ftt u,.ti limn nrrn It AH r0 Hvu!l3Blll Jill, u". ....v D- -- i peried Uiat Joe wna dead. L-t Inter he Ki-...iSeuili. but he has returned with the .blaeb!rda,andvlllbo"ple for the blue- f4?ceat for an Indefinite porled. 1i m.u i-i- fiml muipr In llie west yarda of the P. iL'R., was standing en the rr . . I .tM linn A allfl '- topefaoox carims ""'K. "-" jSden.tep threw lilm etr. He as badly lafaaken up nnu enww j. KThe nuahap ni cej mi" " ""j teseverai uays. fAS"nt,n, Mntmn. nn emnloye of the Chlck- Iviea rolling mill, was en a rauket last night, i"- t .A1 Ttnar If n WftM BtliashtniT Will- &?,j .i .i. .liAtt lin iv AM nrreHtivl hv m. Officer WUtick and Mnt te Jail for thirty Ghi$ .. I.m (liiilra V.vntlH. ITS? 'n.-VeilitvlUt Hecletv of Christian Kn- Kdaavorhatlttseclalmoctltigln the church fh parlors last night and hnd a goeil time. uif Kefreshmenis, mmiannu Becmi gumva nue satheprogramme. NS The Black Diamond company will lie In 4the opera bouse this evenlng and prosent fthe border drama " ranners ler win 4 The Franklin and Marshall Glce club S''WU1 be In the opera heuse en Friday night T4tet the benefit or the JLocemouvo r,ngi 1 r, ni ......AAr Ilia fivfnnr fntlfirt .'ireera. iubbuccwvi ...,..... -...... Bf i;SWll D repeaiea en m ww" i K Jehn Oable, an empleye or the ueiumuia 8','lmn mmnanv. had Ills left cve painfully burned yesterday afternoon. He was 'Working at the rolls and was struck in me '" with a flask of molten Iren. pifdlaaae Pickle, of MUldletewn, wa sued I, y hia w Ife Harriet for desertion. He was v-?. a ..! ...Im ITnlllnmia Ian. ft rrestcu iui iiiuiuuik ," " '''. hv omeur Wlttlck and taken te Ft -fviddlptewn bv Officer Baker, efthat town. JM Harry La Marrand company will be In tbe opera Iieumj en Saturday night in ;?' Widow BedetU" is? THE BVVNiJ TABLET. ;4ftr Has UMn l'lacvd In'tlie jl'reabytcrlau bT Chapel te BotJnelled TbUKvcnlnir. S;a.The tablet erected te the memory of llie tfis late Rebert A. Uana has been placed In sfr thenowPresbjterlHU chapel. It will be Sypunvelled this evenlng ftl tue ctose ei uiu RlsSrBilarervlce. It Is ncillist the cast wall Of the hall aud rests upon the brick wain- ;-. Booting. In aize tue lauiei is i teei if lnchcii by 3 feet 0 Inches. The outer xIke te the ilent'i or six Indies is SSaf'ef Tcnuessee marble, enclosing tue ,-r, -.-1.1. .....,.. l.lnl, I- .-.t l,n.. Tl.nrn .a feH nanrln of Ivy leaves In relief. In each Lcxrner Is a rosette with a maltese cress. On VWitbe tablet are tuose weras "iius cuapei IM&waa crcctwl byBebert A. Kvans, te the fr memory of his boteod mother, Ann Mar- Stfgaret Evan a, bem February 11, 1794, died May 7, 1833." The tuuiet was selected and & put Inte position by the beard of trustees MManuracturinir ceinnauv of New Yerk. !$, The manufacturera conslderod it audi a fhandsome piece of work that tliey had It ,en exhibition lu their wludew rer ever feibree weeks. 'w . . :..'.. . . . i .. . Ly;-t Kurpriscu liy i'liiiautiipuin rrieiiuw. r Yesterday a number of Philadelphia BHrienda of M. T. Cenneny, projirietor of uitbe reitaurant under Leclier's bank, agreed ; te surprise the gentleman by paying him a KjSB visit. A large number ortiieinarnvea nert f.cii the 7:10 train. Tbev had arramred for r. 3 ttA T.u.i,nta lintnl In tnAfll tlimn. unit K'5 beaded by that organization tliey marched W"ti 1 !r Cormeuy's place of business, '1 lie nS'JbieU plared a numuer et selections or con- WJ&'ctrt music, and after tliey left Dersum's br&erchestM made things qulte lively. Mr. yhfe (permeny gave the party an elegant set. Bsft oet, and it was a law hour uerere the res i ."UvUles were concluded. ''fc. Tha iiirnrlui was arransed bv Jacob fL-Denacher. of Phlladelnbla. and the fellow- fe"ing genllemcn were preent from New Mg- Yerk: J. i. iv i ley, . .iiuucr, riejiux v4 Smith, Win. Mosehute, Frank Harbc), Cd- Sffwanl Titus, Horate C'atlln, J. i. Itegers. v&ni follewlnir w ere Phlladelphlans : Frank ? .rfMaiUlnm Vn.u nlfinl kl.itnti n t IIia r.llinn -k AlPUllun, uu"fl DKtutiuu u alie aiiqwii La.nn Tl T7 T .nl.n. T XT T W... m? "IJ" " w 'flw"i ' ue " ' -tit'MftArfl. nr. YL. ft TtninnhnrtrAr IT. W : shir '"'- ..-...-., ... ., ftuJ , wiUh rviu ruu.k..i. ! a-.-. t .i $ Wm. Tansley and ethers. m i IenUlerMn. K. K, Zeek. Mrs. Kvcline K. Zeek, wlfe of Jescpti H. Irenk. died at her residence In Intercourse rUad been In peer health since lat fall, suf- . f mm xunuiv b tJiiiiikr:. huimi ian viijirw. n ;;j,laring from rheutnatutn and neuralgia. ;rf?rinally abe was taken with erysipelas kev- - vral weeks before her death. Hlie leaves a , i knaband and five children. Thern urn fun Ana HdAFini tt Tltpfl.1n.fi ind an.l lnl. WU., .,, v. ....-.......,.,...,. .u.,,., ;BrieacecK. Mpeuauguiersare .tirs.aieme L' jaaruu, vi Jari, ..isb. juit tu-ir, ui t-ura- Teliae, and MI us Hannali, who is single and 'Uvea at home. Mrs. Zeek was the eldest ? of Rev. J. V. Eckert, of this city. f.Ta: funeral will take place from her late . nnunim uu iwj uii'iiii.ig i .u.ir, .,,,, ijatennent at the U. II. church ut Inter- Hceurae. T ' T. AtVald of li Wuiuuli. j." Martha Metzger has been preeuited f before Alderman Hal bach by Samuel cfrWolf,ef Mlllersvllle, for halng threatened 'Ualioethlni. The parties had a dlffculty Cm ftw days age, wLl:h resulted lu a suit for axaMult and battery against Wolf and he ' Nmii remembered that Martha had threat-v-eadblm. Alderman Ilulbach will hear 'thceaveuii Saturday. i . L Thlevra Frlubtened err. i TWva breka into the Black Herse JmM, kapt by Mrs, vrn ueak in Millers ffUtj, Meuday night. Tbey ttele several of coffee rrein a table in ene or the .and then went te work le try and i tie eievl which contain til the silver- fcrar. They were irigbteneu en before at wcaaadad itt fatUsg any thing. ritK NKTV WTHKKT COMMITTEE. Titer Held Their Klrat Matlns; for Bitsl- The new street commlltee of city councils held their first meeting alnce their organ I I llen, last evening, and all of the inetn bera were present but Chairman Cummlngs and Mr. White. Mr. Wlse was called te thecbalra Clerk Eabywaa Instruded te advertise fcr blda te eenitruct a two-feet hewer tn North Mary street, between Chelnut and Walnut, after the plan made by the city regulator. A snli-cemmlttee, consisting of Messrs. WWe, Zeek and Freeh and Hegu Hegu later Herr, was appointed te anperlntend and arrauge a plan for the removal of the atene crusher from the quarrles of Freder ick Engleat GraelTe Landing te that of Jehn F. SUuffer, and report at the upecial meeting of April 22. The street commissioner was ordered te purchase spawls, for the purpese 01 mm tng repairs for 20 rents per lead at the qnany until the stone crusher Is removed. On motleirtt was agreed te give the same wages for werkmen, and horse and carts as last year. The laborers will therefore roeelve fl.25, and men with horses and carls 12.50. , The clerk was ordered te correspond with the superintendent or the Beading A Columbia railroad, asking him te widen the North Mulberry street bridge se that it will conform In width te the street. The clerk was bIse ordered te ad.crtlse for material for use en the streets. Orcat TrettliiK Event. MeOrann's Park w ill be the theatre, of a grand trotting tournament en tue minim 6th of July. Lnncaster has beceme a mem mem ber of the "Midway Circuit," which will open en the 30th and 31st of May, at Wav crly, N. J. Then w 111 fellow successively Paterson, N, J., ricmlngteii, N, J., mid Allentown ami Wllkcsbarre, Pa. Ph., winding up with lnncaster. A special purse w 111 be ofTered Tnr a match race betwoen two homes of na tional reputation. An effort Is new being made te bring together for this pnrwi a mare In an adjoining city with n record of 2:101, and ene of the most neted campaigners of New Jersey with record of 2.22. If this can be brought about thore will be a race which will warm the bleed of all these whose privilege It may be te witness It. Arrangements are already In progress for excursion trains at reduced rales for this occasion. The classes will be 2:24, 2.31, 2:29, 2.50 and 2:40, making, with 1 10 speclal, three races for each day. He la OutofTreublo. Oeorge W. Tshudy, the rag deulcr, was heard before Alderman Hcrshey this morn ing en n charge of larceny. The prosecutor was Isaac Ityan, who alleged that the accused remeved goals which bad been levled upon for rent. The case was dis missed, floergo bad lets of trouble, en hand te-day, us nfter that hearlng he was taken before Alderman Delict te answer a charge of drunkenness and dlsorderly con duct. He paid the costs and was allowed loge. m Financial Nete. P. F. Kochllne obtained ajiidgiiientsoine tline nge against the I-nncaster County Mutual Life Sleck and Chattel Theft In surant e company of Columbia for $192.75. The com jmny failed te pay the claim and te-day an oxecutlon was lssued. The persenal property of Jacob II. Hostetlor, of Maner, was sold by the shertff te-day. Mrs. Hestetter purclmsed all of It, and the prlca paid was $4331. AVnnted. Exertciicel Milliners, capable, of trimming, nt ASTRICH'S P. O. F, ltomeMilori.nwomoo. Wm. Lcamnn has reinecl his law oflleo from Centre Square te Ne. 43 North Duke street, 2l fleer front. ltd Te the Lndles t MIm Kate Hofmann, or Ne. 03 Locust ntrrel, detlres us te notify her lady cutteiners and the public generally, that owing te the demands made upon her tlmeand labor In millinery out fitting, she will be compelled In the future te lme stated hours for receiving customer., und Uicje hours will be from 8 n. in. te U in; the doers te be Invariably cle-icd from the hour of neon. She also takes this occasion te thank her frleuds for their Kencrmu patronage, and te beg of them te submit te this new rule, brought about by the Imperative ileimindi of biuluejw. The new practice will go into illect en Wedm-a day, April 16. aplMtd Scath0. 7xHik'. In the vlllnge (if Interceume, en the ISlli !nL, Mrs. Kcllne E. Zeek, In the Cjtli j ear of her nge. The relatives and friends of the family are ro re pcctfully InUUnl te attend the funeral from her late realdence, en Friday morning at 10J o'clock. Funeral ncr Ices lu the U. 11. church, of Intercourse. Miscdcu. In this city, en the lltli lint., Cyrus Mlnntch, tn the tilth ear of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from his late residence, Ne. 40 Campbell street, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. It Stiiimav. April lit ti. 1SU0, In thli city, Rncauna 11., wldo-ret IheliileJehn J.htehmau, In the eighty-third ear of her age. The rcl&lh c and friends of the family are re pectfully InWUvl te attend tha funeral, from her late residence. Ne. 310 Eimt Orange utrect, en Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. glrw &btcviiacmcttte. CHKAl'-PUKE RYE WH1KKIB. I1I.ACK berry, Ulngrr and Kuminel liranille. ROHRER'S LIQUOR BTOKE, Ne. 'il Centre Sqnare, irANTED-A (HRL TO ASSIST IN (IK.V VV cral nounewerK. APlily te EASTERN MARK LT HOI EL. OOTL1 fc.ll HOLTZWAHT. ZWAR1 all-3td Proprietor. CIGARMAKERS WANTED -TWO OR three geed clgarmiikers wanted atStau- ten, Del, AddreiM, U11AS. N. IlUHKItl'. ltu Stanten, Del. -TI7-ANTED- V TEN 8T0UT BOYS 0tr 10 curser aire. Apply at Ofllcoef THE HUllElt HOLMAN CO , aplMtd Cor. ChrUtlan and Oram sis "rANTKD. A Olrl te rte Oeneral Hourcwerk. APPLY AT St SOUTH PRINCE 8T. ptOK KENT. NO. 28 EAST 1CINQ STREET. Inquire within. npU iwdlt "lirANTKD-A MACHINIST, TO OO TO TV Jersey Cll) ul once. Uoej steiuly Jeb nint geed wajtii for a sober man. Apil "it" at wui Jiuix.iv, iruu. i iu v iiiia cieiiiiig WANTED-A HALK-OROWN UIRL. Apply at It NO. 510 EAST KINO ST. THE REQULAU MEET1NO OF THE CheMipeake Club will be held at the Ste vens Heuse this evening at 8 o'clock, te trans act bustneu irtalnlng te their trip ltd UYORDEROFTHE PRESIDENT. -p-llNLTAILORINUI ALL THE LATFAT NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS, AT ,-, ..., . I'-Wr.lKEL'H, apl8-9mdR Ne.4l Wust King Street. TTNEVERFAILSI JL Fralley's Vegetable Vormiruge Syrup noir falls te eradicate stomach, bowel and seal worms from the Infantile sjslem. It requires no purges after taklug. and will net sltkui the stomach like most of the candy and sugur tu.'r' r,",T"-lw".-,s"-, his rh id, said: "I would net tuke 8M and be witlieui yeursjrup. Our boy must ha Uii uim,..i eaten tip by worms." Frallej's Vegetable Vermifuge Syrup Is prepared und sold only bj WM.O. ntAILEY'HEAHT END PHARMACY. (Opposite Eastern Market). Price, 2ft cents u (Oppesli bottle. M.W.F-kw E NELETREE STOCK FARM. STORM KING (21610 RECORD 2 30. Sired by Happy Medium, slre of 60 perfenners from 2.1tff te 2JJ0. Dam Topsy Ta ler by Alex ander's Nerman, sire of Lulu, 2 H'. 4c. 4c. Terms for Hurlnir season of ISM. ISO for u rml- Fer tabulated pedigree and ether Information. address DANIEL O.ENULE. TiiVlPi r tti,, tj. ' aprlZ-lmd&w Marietta, Pa. XJARTICUiaR ATTENTION PAID TO JL Medel Making, PatUrns, Drawlugs nnd liluePrlnu, at prices reasonable, at JOHN ltMsrH.aafcast Fulton street. ' in7-tfd -lTIOlt CASTINGS, IRON OR BRASS. LIGHT sK-ui.or.J1!vrv,,ihuerl notice, go te JOHN BLur, its East Fulton street. ' WT-Utt fltftu aUutertlMtnent 1irANTED-A CURL TO f JCAttN DRH4M V making. Apply at Ne, &S0 Maner trmt, Lancaster. Pa. apia-Md WHAT IS TWKJtTY-riVK UKJTTB TO create a lleautlrnt tawn or Renew an Old One. IN riVK,TKN.TWBNTY-riVEANDrirry Pound rarkftfta, LAMCABTKirCHEMtOAfi COMPANY LA.WN KNRICHER. Beld everwhere. A. I.BD edition or the Ltftj, WrlUnfsand Hmche of llenrr W. llradjr, edited by Joel Chandler Harris (Unde ttemus.1 Raslesl eel liny hook In market. Geed torrltery can pe secared by writing at enee tn 7 CAHHKLL PUBMSIIINO CO , aprlt4td-eed let Fourth Ave., N. Y. 4 (IKKAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OR Nwl.wnahvulnrL.ANCARTF:itCltRM- AL COMPANY LAWN ENMCHKR. FTIHE TRIENNIAL CONVENTION OF X Hrhoel Directors for the election or a Ha prrtntendent of the tncntf city schools for a term or three ears. wilt be held In Common Council chamber, en the first Tuesday or May, t 7.30. o'clock In the erenlns, as provided for by law. Applicants dnilrlnf Information should nrtJreM the preldent or secreUry of school beard. I). 11. MtCenklck. M. D.. President. Atteat: Tiies. McEllioett, Bee'y. npril-3wil.M,w,s JQQQPHOVEALLTUINUHjyQQ EnUred te take a course In nnalheas Train Ine since March 1. at the LANCASTER IHMI NUMH COLI.KdK. Ne. 34 North Duke street, pnplls from tlellemonteCelnmbla, Dcrrs, Karl- llle, Kast Iterlln, Uettynburg, Islington. Lan dlnvllle, Manhelm, Mllleravllle, Meuntvllle, Nickel Mlnes.Hmyrna, Hunbury, Waihlniten Iloreugh. and ethers from the Immediate vl lnlty. This Is evidence of the geed sense of our people, and shows that they appreciate a reed thing. Nlnety-twe pupils enrolled up te date. April 12, rer this term. Pleased te have you call and spend a day with us. UlXIKVlMllV. mrS-tfd mlim II. il WHflif.Rn. I'rliirlnal. -yyiNEB. Fine Wine T I lme Jutreccled,Hlrect from Memrs. Osr cy, Jirci, Hjuiln, per 8. H. .urbaran, via Liverpool, und Iranefrrred te H. H. Hervln, ler New Yerk, March luth, a nne assortment of Oiirey Hlirrrlcs. Th cue Wines n re aiming the ery fluent that reach the United States. CALL AND EXAMINE. AtieOM and Yeung Madeira Wlnes.anden the wav Sj Cases lleuche Hecand SO Canes npeelal Orcat Western Wine. The above Cnampagnes nre the bent produced In France and the United States of America. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt., K VST KINU STREET. up!2-M,M,Wd T UK LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S.&Y. LOOK AT OUR MATTINGS. LAHUE STOCK, UE4T QUALITY, LOWUST I'llICLS. THE BEST EQUIPPED CARPET HOUSE. NO STAIRS 'lO CLIMII. EASILY REACHED. ONLY 1 MINUTES FROM fOMTOFFICK. SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street autfSMyd IORBENSITIVKAND WEARY FEET I Easy Slippers and Buskins: The few rwent warm days brought many Inquiring patrons for the best shapes In Footwear for tase and comfort jlie:s foreuUloor wear, as well as slip pers of larleus forms and In dlllerent soft, flexible materials for Indoor wear. It Is this fact that has suggested the tell ing of n slipper story slippers In cool, easy, comfortable shapes te rellee the puln of sensitise Joints, the stinging of ceru, the Inflammation and hurtful ucki which cmnualu-ifrem overheat and confinement In higher cut und cloie fit ting shoe). We haie u cry comfortable Opera sllvicr te m-11 ut 60c that Is well made mid warranted net te rip. lluiulrcili of pairs of them neld last summer and net u single ceimilaliit from them. Seft Kid Slippers with low heels and bread ides at 50c n pair. Serge Oere Uusklin, something very dcslrable lu their way, at 40c, 60c, 75c Heavy Grain Lace Slippers and Bus ktns for out-deer wear, at 75c and 11. Neat, Hand-Made, Slippers tn Kid Leather.celld throughout, ut 7Se and hm, Lew-Cut E.isy llusklns, hand-mode, no tacks or waxed threads te liuit the ftet, ntflfiO. Serge Lace Iluskln-i, lery comfortable mill tool, utjl M. This make Is kept In erj few stores. Lace Buskins In Purls Kid, widths II. te E. ; the best shoe of thu kind miule, has low bread heels andUcr flexible. Price, 12. All grades ranging in price from 8160 te J2 per pair are made with great care, being sewed entirely by hand the geed old time way. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 NOHIH CjUKKN STRECT, LANCAS TER. 1A. N TEW YORK STORi:. DRE53G00D3 'Watt & Shand CARRY A CLEAN STOCK OF THE NEWEST THIN03 IN Spring Dress Goods, With arlety cueuicli le supply the tastes of all and the prices are alwa)s right. MOHAIR lmiLLIANTINCS ev ar IHipular shadrs, ul 2Jc, 87Jc, 60c, sua tee u yaru. CASIIMKRE HEXHIKITAS In Old Rese. (Jray, Heliotropes, etc.. etc.. 23c. 87c,auc,75c tell u yard. We Open Te-day 60 Pieces STRIPHU PHUNELLE SUITINGS In all the new Shades, 38 In. wide, at37Kc: m. ported te sell at60c. UMNCII MOHAIR IlRILLIANTINI-S, New bhuilis, 75e n jnrd; neer sold for lens than 11.00. PANCY STRIPED SERQE SUITINGS, 45 Indus Wide, VOe u jard, Uiual ptlec,7Jc One Mere Cave All-Weel SCINCH CLOTH SUITINGS, 20c a yard ; wild elsewhere at 2 THOSE PIN CHECK SUITINGS In Sprln.. Shades. Yard Wide, at 12J cent, .r, New Yerk Stere, 6, 8 AND 10 E1ST KING ST, tn 9lfc(rtlf mt nt. Ki OUR OFFICE YOU CAN OKT ANY amount nf ' .. WOAHTKH CIIEMIUAIl nUHFAST LAWS inNUHEK, jO.0 TO OKO. H. LI CATO, ' NO. NORTH QUEEN HTREET, Fer Select Deviled Crabs, TartUe, etc. alft-1 wd E OltARANTER OUR OOLUEN LION and alia fluanita lliannlrf1Tffarana Filler Hand-Made Ctfare (Sc) la the city. DEMUTH'S OIOAK STORE, i . t HI East Kit ft tract. Telephone. aU-tMH A LAROR AND BEAUTIFUL VARIETY A --IN- OlMTteta, largM, Cfewiaert aadWor aadWer tedi, In Light, Medium and Dark Celers, at Ne. 1M North uueen Htreet. MtORANN NOWLEN. aptl-lyd The Tailors. OH Til K REST HOT AIR FURNACE IN the market, m In JOHN 11KHT. an East Pull ulten street. mMfd fTIREHIl IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CI JD gars, clear Havana cigars, our own man ufacture, In ', W and 100 a. DBMUTH-H CIOAR BTORE, KsUblUhed 1770. U Kaat King Btreek alS-Udh -r0BLt!3 BALE-ON THURSDAY, APRIL tT H, 180, at the late realdence of Mary Reneagr, deceased, at Ne. M7 North Prince street, Lancaster, a large variety or Household and Kitchen Furnlture of atl descriptions. Bale at one o'clock p. m. B. F, ItOW E, Auet , alMtd Ne. 4MBeuth Prince Street. rTUtOLT SHANK, J. f SHIRT MANUFACTURRR8 AND MEN'S tlUTriTTKlOi, Na 140 North Queen Street. Shirts made toerder as low as 11.00. Perfect fit guaranteed. al-lyd "TpOIl COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ' WILUAM ORTM.VN, Of Washington Borough Lewer District. Sub ject te Demecratle Rules. r ap2-tfd t20 T PC-Tl DAY COURSE, TILLVACA j $ tUU Hen In the Kcj stone Bust liens College, Including stationery. (20 Night Session, and we guarnutce you as much Book keeping and all business branches as you are able te master during that time. W. D. MOSSER, Prim, 18 North Queen St, 3d fleer, Lancaster, Pa. tfdAw A UCTION I AUCTION or BOOTS AND SHOES. The Auction at Oast's Old Stand will be con cluded this evening. Come Ifjeu want Bar gains. Positively the last sale. apr7-tfd TpUBHC HALE OF ' FURNITURE At Ne. 28East KlngStrcct, ON SATURDAY, APRIL 19th. 10 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNINO, will be sold at public sale a fine line of Bed Roem and Parler Furniture. ap!5-4td' -r ECTURE LECTURE BY Geerge Kennan ON "An East Siberian Convict Mine," IN THE COURT HOUSE, On Tuimsnpv Hvlnine, f Aritit. 17ru Under the auspices of the LADIES' AID SOOIKTY OF St. Jehn's Lutheran Church. Tickets, 50 cents. Reserved Heats, 25 cents extra. Fer sale at Fen Demmlth's Boek Stores apS,10,12,ll,15,10,17dR B ARUA1NS. BARGAINS -AT THE- All Silk Ulack Merlc, 75c. tS-lnth Wide Black Henriettas, 75c lllack Striped Sattn Ilerber, 60c. Silk Patches for Quilts, 2, 3, 4, 6 rents. All-Weel Tricot Cleth Cleth Deuble Width 25c Yard Wide Striped CaMimcrc. 2T,c. New Weel Plaids at 6c and 10c. Hamburg Edgings, 1,2,3,4,6,0,8, 10, UJJcls. White Aprons, 17, 20, 25, 37i, 60, 75 cent. Silk Ribbons, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12 te 25 cents. Ruchlngs, 3, i, 10, 12J, 17, 20. 25, V cents. Straw and Leather Belts, 25c. Orlental Laces, S, 8, 10, 12K. 17, ' cents. Felt Lambrequins, 25, Siyi, 60 cts a ) ard. Raw Silk Tidies, 25c. Rest lllack Corsets, II. Plush Balls and Ornaments, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 cts White Quilts, 75c, 11, II 25 up te V). Derk Calicoes, Z',, 4, 6,6 cents. Outing Cleths, 8, 10, 12 cents. Dress Olnghams, 6, 8, 10, 12 cent . 17 New Shade Cheese Cleth, 6c. Curtain Scrims, 6,10, 12); cents. Best Eiderdown, 25c a yard. Curtain Lace, 10, 12). 17, 20, 25 cents. Best Heavy Stripe Shirting, tiie. Tewsltngs, iy 4, S, C'4, 8, 10, 2 cents. Tickings, 8, 10, 11, 17, 20,25 cenU. 00-Inch Wide Ticking, 30 and 37J cents. Uest Chambray Olnghams, 10c Bead Checks, 10 and Uy, cants. Best Red Table Llnen, 20 and 25 cents. Linen Towels, 6, 8, 10, 12-j up te 60 cents. Haw Silk Table Cevers, II. Napkins, 60c, 75", II, II 25, tl 60 a dozen. Black Shawls, 11 25, II 60, 12 up te f 12. -FOR BARGAINS -QO TO- ii, 35 & 37 N. Queen St.1 LANCASTER, PA. BOM STORE Chares IMn 9HHiiMMt T HE BON TON MILLINERY HTORC THE BON TON Millinery Stert I i 13 East King Street. Artistic Millinery! 4 Weman's strongest beauty Cetnt is a shapely head with a ennet te suit it. We make the beauty our special study. There's an air and grace and character about our millinery that catch the eye and distin guish it from the commonplace styles of ether stores at a glance. Our Hats and Bennets give the magic touch of style and beauty te their wearers. Our prices are low enough te bring them within the reach of all. Our low prices are keeping us busy in straw shapes. Charming Lace Straws and Milan. Hats in youthful bread brims, turbans and toques (mere than twenty shapes and shades) at 48, 58, 73, 87 and 98 cents each. Handsome Tuscan Lace and "Van Dyke" Braids at 87c, 98c and $1.23 each. Our newest shapes are the " Bonheur" Toque and "Du chess of Fife" Hats, both in tended for ribbon trimming. Yeu can see them trimmed iri; ourkshev room. Flower Teques, 48c, 62c, 73c, 98c. and $1.23. French Flowers, 15c, 25c, 37c. and 48c. Newest Velvet Ribbons in all widths and colors. Children's Lace Caps and Hats, latest shapes and de signs. Everything that you may want in the millinery line at the lowest possible prices, at THE BON TON 13 East King St., inrST-SmdSAK LANCASTER, PA. A BEAUTIFUL LAWN, HOWEVER small it may be, Is a great luxury. LAN CASTER CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICHER IAUASOLS! PARASOLS! 14 East King St. PARASOLSI apr!2 3md c ARl'ET CLEANING WORKS. NEW LOCATION. NEW MACHINERY. NEW PROCESS. The only process by which you can have your Carpet thor oughly cleaned and ventilated with cold dry air without dam age and returned when prom ised, without regard te weather. Called for, cleaned and deliv ered same day. The airing and ventilation is, from a sani tary point, alone worth the price paid for cleaning. I WW m& LANCASTER STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS. Se-called Carpet Cleaning, te wit : (hand-beating) is a pesi tive injury te delicate carpets. It does net thoroughly c ean, nor does it brighten the co ors ; our process will. If we injure your carpet will replace it with a new one. Steam does net en ter the carpet as some suppose, merely drives the machinery. Send for Catalogue. Freight paid one way en Carpets out of town. Send orders te any of the agencies. works Cor. Christian & Woodward, Lancaster, Pa. Telephener VtM HVitrHmttt I lll ' 1 U iVl,!,.'. ft. rymueH HNSEBHOKsrrestK. , " ' ; i '"Jij mjf-t -riv 4a1 .,fti (V 4 ,4W& rt? 40 EAST KING ST., (OPFOIITB THI COURT B0VBB.) Yeu Can Save 10, 25,00, Stand $1.28 ON- Every Pair of Shoes PURCHASED IN OUR STORE. H.rfv Only Best Goods Sold and Every Pair Warranted. OUR GUARANTEE: A New Pair of Sbees Fer Every Pair Net As Represented. Can Yeu Ask Mere ? GIVE US A CALL! n 40 EAST KING STREET, (OPPOSITE TBS COURT HOUSE.) Common Sense m Stere Conimen m Stere Vtwr &terttMmsmt. SAssaUAsc.' DOMMM OAmUAMt WOMJ, uemer or wh a via il Nerbeek de Kan UaU a MiMlM j,uu uver wis vneqsana ;-i Aad alee agent ler the Ootenbas Bssaajy CsJifa ane Tenictes u pnes was i learaati iteea finest vehicles wnrM far te : Meney. Nene but thai chanlcs emolered. hneclst attention atvea I "I rrnalrlnr. Read Carta at almost any nrteaa theDocrsem Carriage Works, comer of Datel and Vine streets. da-lTdAWH inn HEVT-T1IK IMCM4nU PRtVATK iriiinff m,m. ih ann m iOKr sria i L will be rented In tssrts te suit aaaHcanta. Alse the Stere Roem and rsctnrjr, in Ota rear, ea Mifflin street. The DOKRSOM HALL-tha aaest ana best located nsu in trie city, be tea led for fairs,festl vels, suppers, te. aatea. Fer pattlcnlam. inquire or UEO.H.NORBECK, Preerlatnr nl the TVamunn rjarrlave Works. eref Duke and Vine streets. feblT-tM -VTKW LINE or PIPES-OKNUfNEOLIVf , XX French Briar and Meerschaum, from Me te H. All the Leading Brands of Rmeklna; .. .- - DKMUTHTI CIOAR STORK, J84MK lHEast Xing street. TH08. F. PERRETT. PRArrrtnAi. nirrrn. "AllklBds of HaU Cleaned, Re-TrlmiaM aa4 onaemsB w loes: use new. bub tuu aseelaltT. HatanlladrnrhaildTM.Inv ' isna euiuKT avknue, uincaster, pb- IOR RALK-nijv.tea. witpuui ivsr. etrv and FIvturM inltiiin a,ii MtatV 5fl wm. km uu w auureas. ,n..A n ABItAM MARTIN. alOOtd 3 N. Prussia SU, Manhslm, Pa, s Fil PEUAL ATTENTION I OR B ARO AINS-4 amllr Carrlaaes. l'hoitens and Ted Bnnlca win aen cdcbp uie remeimn tines; fu THE NORBECK ROAD CART, ALL MY OWN MANUFACTURE. I have lecaled temporarily my Office and) Wareroom at the Southern Maiket, corner ea south Qneen ana visa streets. feb28-tfd J. It. NORBECK, Agent -TsETtREDFROM IIUSlNUS-1. Is, Havltnr retlrrd from busluess I have sold my Grocery and Confectionery Stere at Rehl renrawn ie my son, anenw niecaer, who wiiu carry en the business as heretofore. Thanking) the public for past patronage,-! ask for my suc4 censer a eentfnuance or the same. All claims! will be settled by Andrew stocker. A full line of Groceries, Confections. Notions etc Alse neur ana reea. ait-jita TTAVINa LEASED THE L-I7VXEKI1-N Vtara D. M. MAYER. I im new nrenarnd I furnish this celebrated weed burned and coal uumea lime at snort notice and at reasenabli rates. Telephone connection, alt-lwd J. MARTIN ECKMAN. DOMINO I I I THE CONVERTED ROMANIST ' Mrs. Margaret Shepherd, OF BOSTON, Will Deliver Twe Lectures lu I'RQCTOR'I OS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1890. At S P. M.. Private Lecture, rer Ladles Onlv ou "THE SECRE1S OF THE CONFKS4 SIliNAL." At8P. M.. for both Lndles and Oentlemen Bubject " The Inner LIfe and Awful Penances Performed In Nunneries. Reasons why 1 left! we nunnery." 49 Admission te Each Lecture Reserved seats. Zuc. eallery. loc. Deers onen at 2 ana i p. ms) Come early. Buy your tickets at the boil onus new. . apriz,is,ie.iir TITK EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yen Think Your Eyes Are Geed ! I Hyou have them examined you will probably una inai were is semcwinR wrong wun mom, and that glasses will be a great help te you. W. usa Inimitable IMA MASTA1' lenses which are made only bv us. and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec- uve vision. - Solid Geld Spectacles, Vt.OO ( usual price. 95.00. Steel Spectacles, 6O0.: usual price, 91. OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, 91 ; usual price, ftie. 1. ZIKEMAX & BR0. 130 S. Ninth Street, OtTIClADB. 1'llll.AUt.lil-lllA. Retween Chestnut and Walnut Street. mviwyai -I71IS1IINO TACKLE I AWordteAnglers. Te-dn-(Anrll 151 bpElnsllie spasen for trout Ashing, which suggests te our minds a frank! uik en we suDjeci or FISHING TACKLE. We have been paying great attention te thlsi llDeef goods for seme time, and we new hue the Finest Assortment of Reds, Reels, Heeks, LUieSiiLTCVlB, m liner, nwiveiB, iawicii c hwm. Bait Bexes, together with full line or Red Mountings, ferrules; uuu iips, iteei neais, Tina. riirdiKlnirs. Etc. In Reds, we have varieties te suit the tastes or the most fastidious anglers ; Split Bamboo (several styles), Imported Lancewood, Japanese and Calcutta Bamboo, down the line te the ihMnMt reds In the market. Our Trunk Reds are worthy or special note. They are se arranged that they may be put Inte a compact bundle and carried In a trunk. These will especially recommend themseles te tourists. REILLTBROS.&MUB., 40 & 42 North Qnecn Street (NEXT DOOR TO rOTOFFICE.) SVECIALTIES.-Baby and Tricycles. Carriages, Bicj cles 1 aprllS-lmd M ART1N BROS. KprlngSultsare fully ready Children's. Beys' aud Men's. Ne lever or geed style cau fall tosce the true beauty peeping out at every turn of our garments. Cbil. dren's Kilt Bults, ene price, 11.50 te t3 50. Chil dren's Kilts Suits tunic nnd skirt, I2.M te 10. Beys' Serviceable Short Pant Suits, J1.03 tell Beys Handsome All-Weel Sliert Paut Suits. HMtellO. Beys' Leng Pant Suit, geed wearing-, U te $3. Big Beys' Leng Paut Suits, hand some styles, 15 te 115. Men's Bults, a large choice, te fit regular, stout ersllm mon,5te 125. Sprlug Overcoats are a Iicly topic. Ours have been lively sellers. Ooed,$5up. Hand some, 110 up. Visit our Underwear derartment derartment Yeu'll be pleased with the ihare or goodness dealt out there. Largest variety, lowest prlcss Coraparceur 50e grades for texture aud finish. See our French nnd English Balbrlggau. Fer Clothing te order, whether you're look ing or buying, It ill pay you le keep our Cus. tern Tailoring Department In jour mind's ejet Thoroughly practical, thoroughly geed, thor oughly reliable, a thorough selection, and bot tom prices. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS PORTABLE JL Engine and Beiler, en win-tin, cheap, as the following prices shew: (I hone-power, U75; & borse-pewer, 1323 ; 10 horse-power, 1575; 15 horse. werjs75t iO horse-power, tl,IT5, call at J OH N mri,m East Fulton street ml-tti True Beauty Pflfininff Out. v-j-jK -! - l,-J& "r--' i'4 sr r'.'za.'fcffiiUj