Hw ' ji .,? -pr "( n , 7',ji"i'" ,: -"... ',1 .i-s..' ,t .jx-h .v a-Hi n1; Vfii'rT' " . - I A T 1 "' IV. --v..J- ... i . .'"'a..'' J,, ts TUB ULKOA8TBR W;EBKLY DJTgliLtKyiOERt WEDKESDAY APKIL 1 , 1890. i i r . 1 u. , . .. . a -a k i DwUi of aeewM MtaateMrjr. Rav. Alexander Maestajr, Ike faaneas mis sionary In Uganda country, has dlad from fever. Mr. Mackay waa thamaa warns name Stanley linked with Ul Br eton and Moffat aa among the meat tl neat mletlenariea who kave labored la Central Africa. He had remained thirteen year oenunnously In Africa, and had (WM gnat and geed reunions work, UaMea which he round time te puraae ecleoUfle labor en the ahere and aaseng the Manda of the Victeria Hyansa, the result or whteh made him known te all geographer. Iter Fermer Story Denied. Maud Kelse, or Clereland, Ohie., the 15-year-aid blonde beantr who told each an Scitlna yam last Friday about having been kidnaped, chloroformed aud annulled by unknown mert'en Thursday evening, ew admlta te the police that aha lied, as ahe had only gene away and stayed at a neighbor's Tieuas ever night a frighten bar atep-alaUr, who kadTangered her. A yeeeaelty of Health. It In a prime necessity of health that the ac tion of the bowel should be kept regular. But the war te overcome a temporary fit of cenU patlen, or te remedy chronic cesll veness, li net te aeiuge tne iiemacn ana arencn tne oewei with purgative of violent and painful action. The happy medium between an Inoperative and violent cathartic I Hestetter'a Stomach Bitten, which acta Juit infflclently upon the bowel te relax them, without pain, and which 'being a wholesome tonic, aa well a aperient, ha the effect of strengthening both .them and the atemach, and promoting the well being of the whole Internal economy. The removal of bile from the bleed, increased activity of the liver, usually dormant In com of cestlveneas, and ennd digestion fellow the uie of thl beneflelent medicine, a thorough and genial In It effect a It 1 are and pure In composition, nbeumatlim, fever and ague, kidney trouble and debility are alae remedied by It. al&te2l An Engineer's Fast nun. An engineer en one of the read entering here In peaking hut night of tut run cald: " Although my machine 1 net alew, one It a cold get ilx hour the itart or we, and my ma chinery U no match for it. I have for years kept a bottle of Kemp' Balsam constantly In my cab, and when a Cough or Celd get a start of thl standard remedy It 1 Indeed a cold day It I old by all druggists. (6) . m Don't give up, there Is a cure for catarrh and cold In the head. Thousands testify that Ely's Cream Balin has entirely cured them. It Is a safe and pleasant remedy. It Is applied Inte the nostrils, it is net a liquid or snutr, it cures by cleansing and healing. Trice, &0c. mZ7-2wd Hrptclal Stettre. Bnoklen'a Arnica Salve. Tax Burr SALvamthe world for Cuts, Bruise gore, Ulcers, Halt Bheum, Fever Bere, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Cern, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It 1 guaranteed te give per per taetsatlifactlen, or money refunded. Price at cant per box. Fer sale by W. T. Huch, Drug gist, Ne. 137 and 1KB North Queen street, Un easter. Pa. InneZMyd Don't Be Faint-Hearted. If you bte In trouble leek up, held up, gives the blues geed by. Kyou are In pain, have a lameness, nave an ache of any kind, no te the druggist and ask him for Themat' Eelectrie CM. It will de you geed eery time. Fer sale by W. T. Ilecb, 137 and 1J North Queen street, Lancaster. A Weman's Discovery. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady In this county. Dtsease fastened 1U clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were unacrminu ana ucaiu Bwmea Imminent. Fer three months she coughed In cessantly and could net sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and waa se much relleved en taking nrsi aese mai sne siepi nil nigm ana wim one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C Ham- rlck A Ce., of Shelby, N. C Oct a free trial bot tle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, 137 A 139 N. Queen SL, Lancaster, Pa. "Heme, Sweet Heme." Tills nenff Is very iroed In lis wav. but Is there any sickness lu the household 7 If soheine cannot be always pleasant. We take especial Sleasure In recommending JiunlecK Weed Utter; a benajlcteand certain curaferdyspcasla and all diseases of the liver and kldnejs. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, 137 and '13D North Queen sireeu ijancasier. Mothers 1 Mothers I! Mothers! II Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a lick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINS- LOW'S SOOTHING BYBUF. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It ; there 1 no mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who ha ever used It, who will net tell veu at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict ana neaiin u me cuna, operating use magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all case and nieasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in tne unuee. amies, oeia every wnere, M cents a bottle. Iune251vdxw VutUpen Ills Feet. " Set up In bed and coughed until the cloth ing was wet wim perspiration, aiy wire in slated that I use Themtu' EcUctric OU. The first tcasnoennil relloNeame, ana two Deme nave h:u cured me. I can honestly recommend it," E. II, perains. men i-cnire, is. i . r or saie ey W.T. IIikIi, 1J7 uud 1J0 North Queen street, Lancaster, The Verdict Unanimous. W. D.Hult. Druggist, lllppus. Ind.. testifies " I can recommend Klectrlc Bitters as the ery best remedy. K cry bottle sold has given relief lneery cese. One man took six bottles and ..itftirt it llhnumntlKm of 10 enrs stnndln?." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohie, af firms t ' ill" eesi selling meaicine 1 nave ever handled In my 'JO yeanrexperlencc, Is Eleclrle Bitters." Thousands of ethers haveadded their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous that fclectrle Bitters de cure all diseases of the Liver. Kldnes or Bleed. Only a half dollar a bottle at Vfe T. Hech's Drue-Stere. 137 A 138 N, Queen BU, Lancaster, Pa. Seme Streng Minded Women Can regulate their husbands amatlngly fast, should they net de their duty, liurdeck Bleed nuieri are a geed regulator of the circulation. Tbey at? exclusively a bleed tonic, and conie cenie aueullunrtAe at the root or many serious all- H..M. I.m. .nlA hit Uf T If.tlt I IT n.irf X1 IIICilMl "J . ., V. MUM M North Queen street, Iancaster. SJtttB. O UR LEADING HATTEKS. YOUNG MEN YOURSPIUNQ HAT M AWAITING YOUR CALL. WOitrHteckls new Full and Complete and and we lm a a liat that v, 111 please ou. DUNI.AP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES All ha e made their appenranre. Only place In the city where J ou cun get them. Best 1100 nnd 1200 STIFF FUR HATS ever shown. BOY'8 ANDCHILDHEN'S Nobby Ooeds and Funeyatjltui special!. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA Sleuv. T EVAK'efLOUK. 99 ARE THE OHDElt OF THE DAY. The great annual nlelilj time Is at hand. Butwblle this occurs only once a ear LEVAN'S FLOUR Is moving ALL THE TIME. Neer Hlejis. Moving dally from MM te Grocery, from Gro cery te Kitchen, there te gladden the heart of the geed housewife who Is se delighted te see a handsome, big white leaf of bread come out of the even. (A word te the wise, ete.1 TBUE DALMATIAN INMUUT POWDER, propelled by a geed powder blower, la the most effectual deslre) er of flies and ether small tatscu. Fer sals XtH lUBLBVaDRUOwTOBJC ss if win. BHOWKaaAMUrAsULLA. , f Screfu la & ""se heritage of which every human being I alasesCa certain a he I of air, sunlight and breath, I Scrofula Humer. Far away In the realms of history we catch glimpse of what a ears upon the peepWhls all-prevalent con tamination made Itself. Peer diet and Insuffi cient feed, 111 ventilation, filth and dampness, all assist the slumbering germ of Scrofula te overpower the vitality of the body and run riot In the system. The . loed In Its process of renewing the waste cannot expel any Inherited taint of weakness or Impurity, It can only be removed by the action of some purlfylngmedl elaal agency, which assisted by nutrllteaa feed, well digested and assimilated Inte bleed, gradually Insure the possession of sound health. Such a renovating remedy ha Brown' Cur;ecl by K1 2 Sarmparllla proved Itself te be, whether thl taint ha given rlee te Scrofula, Salt Rheum Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver C JapUlnta, or Kidney Disease, which are the nest frequent manifestation of It presence, all nave readily yielded te the clean and purifying acties of Brown' Barsaparllhv ! Mil or Scrofula, cered by Briewn'a. Banaparllia, ha excited the people living In and around the town of Lee, Me. Mr. AverlU writs u aa fol fel lows : " My son ha new taken fourteen bottle or Brown' Baraaparllla, and I am sure It ha completed a cure. HI ease waa the worst I ever saw. Ill turn twa covered with what eemed te be scale, and the Itching was se Int tolerable that he tossed about In agony through Brown's Sarsaparilla AUatDrugglsUSl.OO. 0 bottles for 5. CO. DONTUkeSomethlngelso-'Juita geed," IT IS NOT. Aba Wakkbw A Ce., Sele Proprietor, Banger, Mc (3) Clethtna H ACER A BROTHE1L MERCHANT Fit The range of Style In Trouser Fabric for Spring Wear Is unusually Varied and Hand some. A full representation will be found en our tables. Single Patterns only are shown In many styles. The obvious advantage a far larger assortment and no duplicate patterns. An examination and comparison of prices In vited. $5 TROUSriRS.TO OEDEE. n unusual showing In Stylish A11A Tics. Usual price elsewhere, W and 17. $6.50 TROUSERS, TO OREER. I Excellent Stiles in Casslmere and .Worsted Effects, and their quality la far abeai ft the $8 TROUSERS, TO ORDER. The latent In Fine Worsted and Casslmere Effects, and a special quality In the popular " Shepherd Plaids ;" easily worth 110. $10 TROUSERS, TO ORDER. Larire and Handsome Line of Imported Trou ser Fabrics. Usual price elsewhere, tlA $11 TROUSERS, TO ORDER. Finest Imported Fabrics, with Side Bnnd Stripes, Entirely New. Usual price, IH. LjVTEBT STYLES AND HHGER&BROTH 25, 27, 29, 31 West King St. Stu 05 -VTETGER: HAUQ1IMAN. CHEHPGKRPETS. Me tzger A Haughman. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, .RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Bought at Auction and CARPETS AT 10 CENTS. CARPETS AT 12U CENTS. CARPETS AT 15 CENTS, i CA RPETS AT 93 CENTS. CARPETS AT 25 CENTS. Carpet Rags Taken in Exchange. Fleer Oil Cleths Cheap. Window Shades. Best Steamed Feathers at Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, " "3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) N EXT DOOKTOTHE COURT HOUBE. BLACK. JVSQiURMING GOODS. OUR BLACK OOOD1 DEPARTMENT new possesses one of tlie best se se lectiens of Black and Mourning Geed te be found In the city. Black Cashmeres, All-W vel and Hllk Warp Henriettas, Htrlpea Henriettas, Figured Armures.Tamlse Mehairs, Lusters, Nun's Veiling and Merge?. Hpeclal Bargains In Bordered Nun's Veilings at 75 cent and II. A full line of Luplu's Black Cashmere Shawls, In Deuble and Single, from 11.75 te tl2 50. Courtland's Eugllsli Craws from 75a te M.50 a yard. Mourning Bordered Handkerchiefs. Fast Black Hese, and a full stock of Black GIecs. 4y0ur Price-List of Carpets stut free en application. ...... "! I" . " M" l .IM ' rr: FRH'N'ESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. ' - - ..- -!, ... . ., -,..- , lll,,..l -.- ..-..-, .,.,.. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Qaeen Itreet, Opposite Fountain Inn. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Extra values In Tickings at 8, 10, 12; 15. ia and 3ta. Bed Checks from 6U0 np, extra quality Indigo blue at Uf'c Uleached and Unbleached Muslin, in )urd wide, Pillow Case or Sheeting HUlu,,fliun f,.vv-. FEATHERS Owing te the low price en the Best Feather our trade has grown beyond our ex pectation. A lower grade at 50c. CARPETS If you wish te see the best alue eer offered see our line. Newdeslgns In Ingrain CarpeU,stylesasgpodasjeulllnndlnthelestUriisH.l,tliat can be turned, and either side wtlf leek like the right kldf, net striped en the one side tlUe the old style uwl te U, at DO, 25, JO, Ji, S7Ji, 40, 15,50c and up. Heme-made Itac Carpels, better values thnnecr.at?a4,37K 40.45, 50eauiiup. Carpet Rags token In exchange. An Hcgant axserlment of Hmj rna Rugs at ,5e and II; large slics at and 1250; worth a geed deal mere, htlttlit-d Urt i.lnln only & ujard. OILCI)THH The best selection andaltleln FlrmrOll Cleth In the city from; te 2X yards wide, suitable for halls and vestibules, or kitchen uke. WINDOW SHADKS-PIalii Opnque or Helland Shades. Sic. Plain Oil Shades. 40 and 60c Dade Opaque Hades. 40c. Dode Oil Hhadei. 50c, All our shades are Die Urgent ulie, with sprlug nxlures. Paper Window Shades, Oil or Helland shading by the yard; ale spring fixtures. REMNANTS We have J nit opened another let or these Heavy Gingham Remnants at KKie. This may be the lest you will be able te get, as the price no doubt will be Uglier. Lately they were bard te get. BARDiSc Km. M ui 81 ImU Qmm MrMt. Salt Rheum asfi sleepiest night, lie commenced some jwege louse Bres a', Saxseperllla la eon een 'e4tlpn wllh th salve you sent te allay the' b b "rltatien, and new he (I se far recovered that we consider his complete cur as certain." Mr. J. W.jBurke, of Lea, chairman of PeaoaeeetOo. Commualeneta, say: "It 1 wonderful what Brown's Sarsaparllla haa done for yenng Aver Ill." 4n thl case Brown' Sarsaparllla threw open the. bowel end pores of th skin, at the same time entering the bleed, beginning a vigorous warfare en the- Impure matter found there, and which we a constant source of sup ply for the scrofulous humor en th eutalde. In time thl was expelled from the system, and only pure matter entered we nioeo, tne'tise of HALT RUKUMj On Davis street. In Banger, resides Mrs. Ed win Wiley, whose daughter was badly afflicted With Salt Rhenni. 'At times her face and hand would be covered with blotches. Se Intense was the Itching sensation that applications of aalt ware mad te destroy It. Fer a long time no relief cenld be obtained. One day some one suggested Brown' Sarsaparllla, and a bottle was purchased. Later Mrs. Wiley brought her daughter te the establishment of Mr. Ara War ren, where Brown' Baraaparllla hi made. The face that a short time previous was covered with blotches, burning and Itching, presented a fair and smooth an appearance a that of any yenng lady. Lass than one bottle was USJUl. t TAILORING! Guaranteed! BLACK FRENCH WORSTEDS. We purchase direct from Importers In large quantities, with consequent advantage of Low Lew est Piece Price, nnd offer complete lines of the Latest Fabrics In Finest and Medium Grades. Oar Prices Will Interest Ten. Excellent Black Worsted Cutnwav Hulls, In Corkscrew and New Diagonal Weaves, War ranted as te Celer and Wear, at I, $a, fUS and Excellent Black Worsted Denble-Brensted Freck Suits, In Corkscrew and New Diagonal 'Wen vet, Warranted as te Celer and Wear, at 124, KUandrs. English Black Wale Diagonal Worsteds, for Coats and Vests. Stylish Large Assortment. Excellent Wearers -115 te order; usual price for the quality of fabrics Is 118. t . V Special Showing jti ' OF WEST SUITING FABRICS. FANCY CHEVIOTS, WORSTEDS AND CASSIMERES, At 20, f21 and 25. COLORINGS, III TO Hi 0Ob e. from the Manufacturers. CARPETS AT 35 CENTS. OARFETrt AT40OKNTH, OARPf.TS AT ft) CENTS. CARPETS AT 65 CENTS. CARPETS AT 75 CENTS. GOODS T OffMti TtWltsin I&B b. a O. O. O. ,1 In tlx Spring 1 SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes for its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument. Sfttvtltvm, fEWELEIt AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! JKWELRtl Jt QltADUATK OPTICS A K, Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Eye that Ache, Eye that Grew Tired, Eye that ace Dim, Eyes that Burn or Itch, come under this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free 1 Ne Dreps Used I CHAS.. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WAr .TERC.1IERR. Are your Eyes troubling you Ucausoyeur glasses de net sultr CALL AT HERR'S, THE JEWELER, And And out tbe cause. We supply the waut by giving you it pair of 000D GLASSES, PROPERLY FITTED. 9-PHOF. LITTLE, EXPERT OPTICIAN, will be here this week. Dllllcult cases so licited. EXAMINATIONS FREE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANQE. , z AHMS CORNER. SPECTACLES I ANEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT OPENED ZAHM'SjCORNER. We have opened a DIHTINOT OPTICAL De portment In connection with our retail busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exelushcly deeted te this brauch, and have placed It In cliarge of a Regular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years experience In the best hospitals of the country, aud recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propose te simply adjust correctly all case of dofectlve sight, and .fit them with the correct lenses, but te perferin all SURGI CAL OPERATIONS) necessary, and te place under treatment these who by proper atten tion! need only treatment of the eye te restore their sight without the use of spectacles. At thekame time we de net propose te make the adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from the advantage of a proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only these that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect. Being sole agent for the celebrated AETJNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The bestlcnse for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at u price within the reach of all, tliere will be no necessity for any ene using glasses that are uncomfortable or unsulted te their ey es. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with any trouble of the ej e, In whatet er form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'H CORNER, upr5-Jmd LANCASTER, PA. ev grate or glent. I mrytt niUff. in uituntti. tlirivrT. unm. j en 2d fleer. Ne. VI WtwtKlnitstrcet! flne.it location In the city for office or light business. Inquire of w. w. Aiur, mze-ua Aller's Uallery. TTIOR RENT-ONE HTORK ROOM AND V Basement In Keutheru Market Heuse Building, fronting en Meuth Queen street, and one Hteru Roem In sume building fronting en vine Mutt, suitable for any business The basuiient would bean tleganlroem for a Barber H lien. Apply seen at BARD A McELROY'H Dry Ooeds Htere, aland 35 Houth Queen Htreet. Markets held ou Tuesday morning, Haturday morning and Huturday evculng. m8-tfd SECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, FOR SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling lien, lets 130 feet deep, en Lancaster acnuc, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets HI feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut aud Walnut streets. Twe-story brlrk dwelling houses with f-ent yards, Iren fences, lets ISO fct deep, en West Walnut, between Mary aud l'tne sereets. Two4lery brick dwelling houses, lets US feet deep, en West I-euien slrtt-t, between Charlette ana Mary street. Tbree-stery brick dwelling houses, lets ISO feet deep, with all the modern linpruwii'ents, front yards, en West Chestnut street, betwicn Pine and Nevln streets. Alse houses ou East Walnut, North Lime North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, aud Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All thoabeehouMareln geed order, newly pupcred, go fixtures In all the rooms, water In Die kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call aud sue for jeurMlf, no trouble te show yU' JNO. F. ORIEL.1 JACOB ORIEL, Executer. prtS-lyd.W.H. m Nertmtarr atmU S. s. B.B. O. O. W. In tlx Mprixkg Fer three years t waa troubled with malaria, which caused niy appetite te fall, aud Fwaa greatly reduced 1b flesh, and 11(6 had lest all Its charms. I tried Biercurlal aud potash remedies, but te no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (8, S. 8.) A few bottles of this won derful medicine made a complete and permaBeutJeure, and I new enjoy better health than ever before. J, A. RICK, Ottawa, Kau. Treatise en bleed aud Sklu Diseases mailed free. SWIFTSPEGIFIG CO., Atlanta, 6a. sfftmtttttvt. w DM f MB CORNER. MOST PEOPLE Who Intend te Move, HAVE ALREADY DUNE SO j HUT ReuiseltaalBf Is Tat te Cem With Most or Us, and It Will Is a Geed Tim te EsnevaU Old FuraUur., erKeplac With Kswl CONSULT WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streete LANCASTER, PA. F URNITUHE. De Yeu Want The Best Furniture for the Least Meney ? If se, coma te soe us. Our Elegant New Spring Hteck I new en our fleer ready te (hew. Nothing like It was ever seen here before. Parler and Bedroom Bulls, designed by the best artists in Europe and America, and put to gether se substantially that we can give a guarantee with each article. By the way (you must Just keep It te your self,) and hurry te see us, for we are offering a few rtlclos,ef Furniture carried ever from last year-belew price Uiat tbey could be bought for at auction. Fer Instance, a Bedroom Suit, 118, HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 ft 29 Seuth Queen Street -VCUHAQ1BBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Geed Things we might say ubeut OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Furniture that fit a worthy name. All the New Htyles. It's no trouble te sell such Furniture when It' known. Here's the reason : We Hell Furniture fur Ret- utatlen a Well a for Meney. Ne thought of cneapness in a single niece. Matte ler long wear and satisfaction, ana yet sold cheap. That' what make It se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, Ne. 31 SOUTH O.UEEN HI'REET. Kavptt, O ARPETHt CARFETH CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets AHFECTALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing I LANCASTER FANCY HTEAM DYEINO WORKS . Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish et work or all kind. FeatheraDyed AU gbadvs. Ordrs will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SGHUM, SON & GO,, NO. 19) SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa. feblMmd gjrtuctc. R EINIIOLD'S BARGAIN STORE. Music I Music I JUST RECEIVED I 8,000 COPIES OF POPULAR MUSIC I Held at 5 A 10 Cents Per Copy, Vecal and Instrumental I Violin aud Piane. Cornet and Plaue Duetts. Four-J land Pieces. ALSO LATEST BOOKS OF INSTRUCTION. catalogues can be had at Stere or MAILED FREE. - A Discount te Societies or Musical Or Or Cauliutlens. REINHOLD'S White Frent Bargain Stere, NEAR PENN'A It. It. STATION. nilO-lyd NOTIUK TU TREHPAHSERH AND UUN NEKS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespas en any of the lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster uuintlea, whether Inclesed or uutnclesvd, either for the purpose of sheeting or Cubing, aa th law will b rigidly enforced against all tres passing en said land of the undersigned all lulaaeUca WM.UOLKMAN FREEMAN K. PERCY ALDKN. wars Igf .W.finlsssan's Hairs. s. B.B. e. e. e. In tli SpzUxicc Fer two years I was afTectcd with Rcneral dcbllttv. and I was fast benem- lng a physical Wreck. I took quantities ei every meciicine i ceitui hear or, but they did net have any effect en me. At length I commenced taking SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (8. H. 8.), and I was a well man after taking a few bottles. It is without an equal for building up the Sjneral health. Had It net been for WIFT'B SPECIFIC (S. 8. 8.) I would undoubtedly have been In my grave to day. J. T. BRYANT, HeudersoirviNe, N. C. Treatise of Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ? tioehm rpu B PBOPLBTS CASH 8TORK. SPECIAL DRIVES IN Table Linens, Towels & Napkins. Fine Table Cleths and Napkins te Match. Whlte Goods In the Latest Strlpesaud Plaids. Flouncing, Panel and Al lever Erubrel dories. A specially geed assortment of Narrow Edg ings In Cambric, Nainsoek and Swiss. Our Remnant Counter Include geed from all department. Among the remnant may be found some of the best style and qualities all at Meney-Saving Price te you. 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. marOMydR "liriLLIAMSON A FOSTER. MEN'SFURNISHING GOODS. We call special attention te a fact of great Importance te you. The Celebrated Elgbmls Shirts, six patent combined, I mads better than ever before, and I reduced te It oldprle Ne. 1, 1, or M0 perene-balf dextn. Elgnmle ill, a win de reaae no mere, anu wsneiugap nrlsed of the fact, nurchaaed a larse euan liny, which we clone at 73c, or R06 per halMeien Fermer nrlee. SI anlece. ... . i-..r..: ... ... .... . tspiec . Hllk. rine r isnnei, nua, trneviei, uaurss uievn snu Men' and Beys' Demet Shirts, 25c te 7Sc. One let of Men' Extra Heavy Ulue Overalls, Me. Neckwear, In Teck and Feur-ln-IIands, 2Se tefl. A NEAT OVEIICOAT or Light-Weight Material, la what you want for these cool evenings, l'rlcts from let tot 10 and upwards. Men's Cutaway Coats and Vest are the New est In Worsted and Che lets. 110 te 119. see form In window. Suit lis. Our line of Pant for Fine Dress can't be equalled. We have them In Light or Dark Celer, for men of all waist and lengths. In Reys' Suits for Dress we have a complete assortment. A few te be In the windows this week. Don't fall te see them. Prices tesult all. OUR REMNANT SALE will begin en Wednesday, April IS, and con tinue three days. Re suie te come and soe what we have for you. IVeiu new te llie sule we gh a a few quotations t ItllU-s Muslln.Sc. PrulWr-Loem Muslin, 0c. Tobacco Muslin, yard wide, ilc. Appleton '"A " Remnants, (c. Persian Mulls. HH. Extra Quality Seersuckers, 7c. A UKeTJress Olngham, 10c. Turkey Red Table Cevering, 20r. A complete line of sheetings, Pillow Casings, Table Linens, Napkin and Tewel. A SPECIAL BAROAIN In Ladle' and Misses' Ready-made All-Weel Suit. Ladles' Breakfast Wrappers, Light and Dark, only II. Indigo Blue Prints. Fast Celers, only II 211. Infants' Leng Robes, Silk Embroidered, SiM and S3. Infant's' Short Coots, Silk Embroidered, f 1.3J te 3. Ladles' Silk, Cleth aud Lane Capes, Beaded and Silk Wraps. Jacket and Traveling Coats. Beys' Cambridge Tunle Hulls, 12, lift) and t. Beys' Corded Tunle Suit, Light or Dark Celers. M te m. Demet Shirt Waists, 25c and 60c. A Callope given away with every Knee-Pant Suit purchased from April 1st te J uly 4lh. OILCLOTH 1 OILCLOTH I We hare Just receUed a line of Table Oil cloth, XVi yards wide, at 17e a yard, uever befere sold anywhere for les than 2eC. A full line of Table Oilcloth, 1 and IV. yard wld,at2Se. Fleer Oilcloth In all the Newest Pattern and of the best quality, at 23, 30 and 40 cent per square yard. A choice or Fine Candles at all prices. Woedenwaru, Olassware, Tluware, China ware. Refrigerators at Lewest Prices. NOTIONS t Twenty-seven and 15-Inch White Embroidered Fleunclngs, Hemstitched, only We per yard. Black Silk Lace and Silk Net Fleunclngs. Point De Gene, Point De Uaze, Cream and Black Silk, Oriental and Torchon Luces, at all price from 10c up, Hamburg, Swiss aud Van Dyke Embroidery at all prices. A full line or Ladles' aud Children.' Oleve and Hosiery. SHOES t SHOES ! We have lecured a line this season which cannot rail te tnret with your approval. Our popular Men' bhee Is a Uessamer Calf, try light soles, thus making them soft and pliable te the feet. They are made en the Latest Style Last. and the price, IJ60, brings them within uiacK nils nniru. reacn ei an, a STRAW HATS ! STRAW HATS 1 Beys' and Children's Straw HuU'ef etcry a rlety new ready. The Handsomest Line of 25a aud 60c Sailor Hats ever shown. Our Line of Light Ht Iff, and Seft Hat 1 com plete In all colors and shapes. Our 75e Seft and II SO Stiff Hat In light color are special values for the money. A full line of Ladles' Parasols from 8&e up. Ask te see our SS llaby Carriages. Ask te see our Full Set of Harness for 1 w. Williamson & Fester. N03. 32-38 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA., AND NO. SH MARKET ST., HARRISBURQ. PA. CeaK J- UMHEHANDCOAU J TOBACCOSHOOKSANDCASES. WEST. 11N HARD WOODS. Wholesale aud Retail, by B. B. MARTIN A CO., nS-1) d 124 Water Street, Lancaster. Pa, 1AK, n. a The People s Cash Stere The People s Cash Stere r AUMUARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricaa Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne, 664 North Prince street Yards North Prlne Street, near Baadlnf ISfstVUI LAJtCAJTsa,PA. -1 TMaTMVt.VlWft faittMAtTAsWaa JCln effect from Ner. M, UCt, rlva at Philadelphia as fellows i 3 : iw...... I .May!.. TBS fWi?J5iPTet-" "! lias p. aa, HP" "FrT-....l jb a. fa. MailtralnvJaatUeyt Ne.MallTralBt..... Niagara Kspreau. Hanover Aeeeea.... Fast Ltnef . V4W rlaoetajabla 1IJS ak saw. vim Colembta Lancaster AcceaiL""! 1 iiins.fi. uincaater Aoeon.. TlaMUsy. ffarrlsbnrf Aeeem Columbia Acoewi. ...... Harrlsbarg Express.. Western Exprestf Lancaster AoceL. KAfyrss-Aiu fctp.m .-9 n. m S:Mp,ra, fcSBp.sa. Jirssi.w. fsstLlnef....MM.w Harrlaburg Express.. I ATlABBJitASa Asasasfca OolumblaAeeouuZl MBa.a. HMa.aa. SAip. m. 4:4tp.m. :4Sp.m. tMp. m. lieSp, m. nuaoue jbxpressf Beasaers Express. phlaAeeeml rHIHHlWPDIS . Sunday MalL TlAV Kvnraaa Harrlsbnrf Aoeeuu. Mall Tralat..-.... Freeerlck Aoeotn...... Tinsuiuy HsinswnicnruBasiiy. tiV CetambuT """ ""'i J. R. WOOD. (Inmi - 1mi M CHAD. K. PUOH.' Oeneral slanamr. T .f. PHILADELPHIA RsUDUIUBAiUsMsyl tUEADUfU 41 COLUMBIA SXVBUOaT. .LR J?!5!! ! t. "- " ",IL'7W' "s w. mm minrai rwimaiui ana iniermeaiat peiata, ' i..SaSB.n. i m. ei., mta, .SS p, Uk, OBSMBfiS Fer l'hllallrliU auk An t.mnm I S-4L m . I1mm1mZ t .' il?S?Hi?Si' Phliadslphla, i TJ a. as., IMS, KsS p. aa. Tat New Yerk via Allentown, Fer AUisitawa. smak dava. -0 a. is . j !,i ta.iBaaday.SMB.Bi. ft Bi&ir"'7,,m'' V1 Fer beauje weak eTaya, U a.mRssa, p.m.;Rnnday,S!eSa.BM6p.m. Fer Harrisburg, week day, 7.-0S .BaHH h ss bus DHmnyi fjtMV n Fer Quamvltl,' week days, Ml S. u : awPiBhl SSDST.KIVnB. .e. TBAIN8 FOR LANOASmtH. "JH J . Leav Reading, week days, 73S, 1141s. : sua p. m. i Hunaay. 7ae a. m.; tn p. as. .v, jisstTs i-niiaasipi Leaveew Yerk via Philadelphia, wsk ( ill n4iiiViM i il9 Illlllks LvWwYerlt vi AUtntewa, ' liW ssks laa CtW Vw sua LeavAllsnlewn, week days, Saw a.a,l Lsars PeMsTUla, wsk days, fcss a. rn'i Lsav Lebaaea, wssk days, 7:11 a, aa. M TilS p. m. : Sunday, r a. m.. Kst a, as. '- arsHarrteburg, wssk day, aBS. Lsavs QuarryTllla, weak days, Ms, Ursfa. 1 MB! Bunday, 7:10a.m. i m ATLANTIC CITY DIVI8I0IT. , sua south street wharf. , srer Auanup uity, wees: nays, M0 a. aa. and H p. m.i Aoeeeas VA Mt ..4 4.SA k. M aHH.H W a. aa., AoeommodaUoa, Sttrs, ssT P.J". . . .. luterningisavsAuanue city, (Upet I AUantle and Arkansas A vsnues. Wsakd txprsss 7:80 a. m. aad 4 p. as, A noaatien.sieBa.m. ana 4 JO p. m. in Kxprsss, t p. m, Aocemmoaaw and ae n. in. Detailed Ume tab! can b ebtaJaad at I "i.-. lfi VlesPrea.4kdn'IM'aT. Osn'lPaarrAs Llu?S!btiiA,,CAOTBR rewx K . Arrangement of Passenger Tralas est aad l busbsi, nuTcmecr iu, UBS, i', NORTHWARD. King street, Lane. 1M IMS sS i if -! Laneastsr........... T.-ST w4B r)elnmhla. i!kM '?.( Manhalnu....M... 1M IM Ml I Oernwail............ 7 1.-4S trill Siaa 5i HIT; Arm at 1"HOirniw!AW,i" Lav a.k. r.w. r, ::r.:?i ilS ..... 1M 1:1 M sMOTrwllUu miWil'U UOftaWa-ll t Maabeta. LaBeastsr.... R . sar urn Amve at nelnmbhi S:7T 9M hi M tUnm Street. lAna. SdS SjSS IkdKI !l a- A?AWf V a WS. .-.,,.-x..-. ,'J'v itampt f?a 'S.TKW'I.AMIII AND ARTnOODSL A 1 s n . -. ji ... w- m WsSLXX SLiXJL j9ft TUK $ FINE M LAM) AND , en sirnnwn vtrvtt l JotaLAraeld'sBuili j unDim nmmf mimPLwi -' - VMuun UiAWmmmAt T UMUINa.OASFITTINO.Ac. m Jehn P. Schaum & Sei m -? Tfs if PLUMBING, ffl 1 &m GAS FITTING AMD R00 26 80UTH QUEEN 8T., fi LANOAJSTER T Gljinaivavt. TTIUU 4k MARTIN, China. Glasi -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- . W are new opening our Spring Importation of Queenswaraand will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of wars at Lewest Prices. Heiuwstire receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTINI 15 East King Street. tfctrrtagvan STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDIR, ; 40, 12, 43 .5 MARKET HTREET. (Rear Of MM Postefflce), LANOASTXbVPA All the latest styles In Boggle. Family Cat- , rlages, Pbtetens, Surren, Cabriolet, Phi t'SSSRWKES' jiucaDearus, iretung vagou,niauen wi Market Wagons, etc., new ready ter lasttprkaf Trade. A fine line Af Soeond-lTand Werk. New Is the time te order for Sprlug, rUrtwf flrsUclas work and all work fully giiarantsai My prices are the lowest In the county tWHsai -same quality of work. Ulve me a caU aad sa amine my work. Kepainung ana nepairiug promptly tended te and deas lu a (IrsUeTas wiaaaar. Osss sst w werasasa assaaiaiiy i lS "aa. a.aa. fa.ss aM 4k sam Mim scs ss : I... .....IM.....IHM SISV S. S immMwwM. nT.tXSaBSSJ Leav sVmti Laeeastsr. VMss 2fta,m SiBa.'BBT liua.sa, mm.m IMbV M. vIssvMtlaaSab iff raraeas, 3r JV v-rt?i V v siMVv h V rr 4 sV VA .