T-. "-- aO('.M V T.i '"J ::? V-Ai?3,i.'- ; J It '" 3 ti.. ft- i I "X.'1,MtlM ,Vwm,1'iC iVMiv ffW X . f t.'"S .r--!. KW --'M H J; THE XAKOABTER .fcAlLlr IKOTtitAQNpBt flCPffpAYAPML 14, 1890 1 A-h'& "..( ' . 'i SO. . ... .. -.ill ' TlMPUitibVLrKChrenMe-TtlegTapKtlltp, m Ratnrriasr t ub 1 thed th folio wine which was telegraphed from l'MladelphTa by IU AUlilK editer: ',Wht will be the reantt eMhe HRbt f i Held umlnst Delamater? " I asked that nwil veteran. James MeManes. thia Wt-Mlll,. "irthaantl-nelantatar Moele combine, and are actively backed by the mayor, Dalamabtr will net ret ever elx deieratee in Philadelphia. The men of Influence are kit asalnat Uuav'a man unleM it may be lfV.11.Ai, Tk. MaHln w..,uw. "?".". - .. . ,. .., ."VVIiatwlH bethe remit in tne iiwwi". " I de net tninic ueiareater wm w "- I Bated. I am aere he cannot be elected." Thla la also the view taken by x-SherlC Leeds. Tax Collector Tayler la outspoken ftinat Delamater, and Ulty cnainnan Perter will help the mayor. ... . Ti MntuuKAn wiih nne or tile- men ne trust, Senater Quay was heard te say yesterday: " I Ud two months age that nothing short of an insurrection would atop me from nominating Delamater, and I say the same thing new." . ,,.,.. " But It loeKa nae ireuDie aneaa, w, - Jil tila tvimnanlAn. Net se much as you think, "was the tart real v. "I smooth seme of It away and light the rest We've get the country KUD." The fanny cart of It all Is, as Mr. Mc- Msnet remarked te-day : "If Qusy hasn't eta candidate, and Is keeping nia nanus T, what is he doing at these conferences th the mayor, and wny is ne trying te t Fltler te sdDDert DelamaterT" Several of the morning mners have amusing Interviews with Delamater and msrienas in tneir local political columns. TbjfVadmlt that Delamater Is utterly room in Philadelphia in the most unex- lected manner and then in the next Dream ieclare that new Mr. Delamater la sure of his nomination. In ether words the mere ielegates he loses the surer he is or nemi- siien. Mr. Quav went te Washington in a very id humor Inst nlnht. but Will return dur ing the day te de what he can te offset the Philadelphia delegation, a Dei 01 11, even was made at the Continental last night hat if Delamater was nominated ne would be beaten. An organization is being rapidly fnrmml amnner the indeDAndenta here te stir up the central and northern counties. Biuce tne investigation 01 me Aiiuruws Delamater methods began I have made reneated charges of corruption en the part of both these men. I new add another .count te the already lengthy indictment. 1 First IchargethatOoerge W. Delamater told a certain man after the Oilllngsley bill passed the Heuse that he has spent fcu.euu of the Standard Oil company's money in attemntinir te defeat the bill ! that he feared 'it would pass the Senate, and be would be uineu iinanciany anu peiiucauy, uu ue egged for neip. Second I charge that the man te whom e told thla and te whom he annealed for id, was no ether than Matthew Stanley uay. The Blessluir of Stroll? Nerves as recoverable, net by the use of mineral seda tives, but by a recourse te effectual tonic treat Went. Opiates and the like should only be used at auxiliaries, and then ax sparingly as esslble. Vigorous nerves are quiet ones, ana be most direct way te render them se li te re- llnferce the vital energies. That sterling In In Ivlgerant, llestetter's Btemach Bitters, will be found all-sufficient for thla purpose, slnce it en tirely removes Impedimenta te thorough (11 breatlnn nnd assimilation of the feed, se that The body Is Insured Its due amount of nourish neurish kment. and.conaeanentlv of stamina. Klieu- lunatic tendencies and affections of the kidneys and bladder ars also counteracted Dy me Hit ters, which la bmldes a nleesant medicinal stimulant. Infinitely purer than the raw ex citants of commerce, whlcli react Injuriously upon the nervous system. a-SlelS Frem Republican NUtllqunrter. MenxvtA, N. Y May 5, 1887.-0. F. Wood Weed rard: I have been using Kemp's Balsam and Snd it very effective In relieving a cough with which I have been afflicted of late. Our drag- gists tell me they sell mere of this than any any ether cough remedy. I can cheerfully rec emmend It. Yours truly, J. J, Pkase, Editor epubllcan. At all druggists. Large bottles lac and SI. (2) Don't gle up, there Is n cure for catarrh and fceld In the head. Thousands testify that Ely's Cream Balm has entirely cured them. It la a safe and pleasant remedy. It Is applied Inte Hue nostrils. It la net a llquia or snuir. it cures luy cleansing and heallng. Price, 60c. taa-iwa gyycctal jjlottcce, Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. Seres, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Kevcr Beres, Tetter, Ohapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or .:. hI .uu, T la nnarantMul t 0 1 Vtt VUktt. fnt tttlafnj-tlnn. or menev refunded. Price 25 senU per box. Ker sale by W. T. llech, Drug- xist. Pies. isi ana i-r, nuriu 4uuv11 w"jh -u-caster, Pa. Inne27-lyd Don't He l'nleit-llenrtcd. If vounre In troublelook up, held up, gives the blues geed by. If you are In pain, have a liamnnn,,. hn.vfl tin nche of nnv kind. CO te the druggist and ask him for Themat' EcUctria Otl. Ill Will UO you KUUU cvvij iiuic, rui nuie wj W. T. Hecli, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A. "Weman's DIsceveiy. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady In this county. Disease fastened its ciutcues upon ult uu iur ec years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital ergaus were underralnd and death seemed imminent. Fer three months she coughed In cessantly and could net sleep. Bhe bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's new Discovery ter uon uen uon sumpttenand was se much relieved en taking . .. ... I.nln... ll nlnht anil mt t h nna. nnlfc uese Vliub mre nici, ii nig" ,., wuw bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name li Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hara rlclt 4 Ce., of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bot tle at W. T. Hech's Drug Htere, 137 A 139 N. Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. Heme, Sweet Heme." Thin Bnnir is very eoed In Its way. but Is th-re any sickness In tbe household T If se, home cannot be always pleasant. We take especial Slcosure in receraineuning jinruecx usioea titters, a fcenakfeand certain cure for dyspeasla and all diseases of the liver and kidneys. Fer sale by V. T. flecli, 137 and lJt) North Queen street. Lancaster. Mothers 1 Mothers I I Mether 1 I I Are veu disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying With the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MILS. WINB- LOW'B SOOTIIINU Binur, it win relieve th peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about IU There Is nnt.meihar en earth who has ever used It. who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the DOweis, ana give ivm uj wv uiui-uvr, miu relief and health te the child, eperatlug like magic it la perfectly safe te use In all eases and IUU 35 cents a bottle. lune2SlvdAw l'ut Upen Ills Feet, up In bed and coughed until the cloth "Set ing was wet with perspiration, aiy wire in sisted that I use Themanxiectrie vtt. i no nrst teaspoonful relieved me, and two bottles have have cured me. I can honestly recommend it," E. H. Pentlns. Creek Centre, N. Y. Fer sale by W.T. Hecu, 1S7 ana ie norm iueen street, Lancaster. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D.Bult, Druggist, Blppus, Ind., testifies I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief In every case. One man took six bottles and cored of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohie, af firms : " Tbe best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 yearsT experience, Is Electrle Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous that Electrle Bitters de cure all diseases or the Liver. Kidneys or Weed. Only a half dollar a bottle at W. T. Hech's Drug Stere, 137 4 13 N. Queen BU, Lancaster, Pa. Some Streuic Mtuded Womeu nan i,niniA their husbands nmazlnely fast. should they net de their duty. Jlunleck tlluwi JIUteri are a geed regulator of the circulation. They are exclusively a bleed teulc, and couie ceuie QuentlylrWa'""r0' of many serious all menta. Fer wl by W. T. HecU, 137 and 1J North Queen street. Lancaster. (Senl. J- UMlir.RANDCOAU J TOHACCOHHOOKHANDCA8E8. WEST UN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by B. B. MARTIN A CO.. u3-lyd 421 Water Street. Lancaster, Pa. XVAUMGARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricw N0.T20 North queen Street, and Ne. 5S4 North Prince street. YAW North Prince Street, near Reading Tie Det. .n.'Is-tM I,vnrtTI!'R.HA. TTENBf WOLr, FURNITURE STORE, baa removed te 136 East King street, having a full line of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. gjHMIt. H, WOJ-F.lM last king Street. b Dm BAtWAPARILLA. BPinre mDieim Is a Bsessslty with earty eratybesly. Thenm down, Uradeesrtlltfett Mils season is te Imparities la the Meesl whUh have accnmala tsd darts the wlatsr, an whk mast be x patledlfyesi wis te iart vssl.- Meed's Bana arllla theraathljr imrtllea aa vltallsss the Meei, areatet a geed BVtHMIte, ewsa hHleasasss and haadaehe, gives healthy action te the kM sys and liver, and IssparU te thevwhele body a feeling of health and strBth. Thlisprtaf try y BOOfys SAIkBAlARIUJ. " I take Heed's Raraapaiilla every year as a spring tonic, with most saUsssetery results." C, Pamkuk, M Brides street, Breeklya, X. X, " Meed's Harsaparllle punned my bleed, gave me strsagth, and overcame the headaehe and dlESlaesa, se that Z am able te work again. I recommend Heed's Barssparllla te ethers whose bleed is thin or impure, and who feel worn eat or ran down." Ltrmcm Nasen, Lewell, Msss. . -. CHEATBB AN APPETITE With the ftrst bottle or Heed's BarsapartU my headaehe entirely disappeared; tad where betsrs I could net master ap aa aagMtte far say meals, I cannot bow get eneMli meals te satisfy say appetite. I am at preMt taking my second bottle and feel like a dMerent per son." WlIAtAX Lamsike, Pest AB.A.B. Neenah, Wis. N. B.-If you decide te take Heed's Barsapa rllla de net be Induced te bay any ether. Heed's Sartaparlll BeldbyalldraggUM. tlislxibrat, Prepared only by a I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. lOODOSneNH DOLLAR (1) WKA Of the H dKDKVieLOPlCD PARTS the Hnsuu Bedy Balaned. DevaleBed. Btrentthesed, etc., Is an interesting advertise ment lefur ran In enr ssmmt. In renlr te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On tbe contrary, the ad- vertlsers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving: all par Uculars, by writing xa the ERIE MEDICAL CO, van BU, Boirale, . X. -Daily Teledo My I-firi 17M. fll-lydAw "piLY'a CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAT FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price U cents at Druggtata ; by mall, registered, (0 cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydAw Ne. 60 Warren BU. New Yerk. mEETHlNQ SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Everr babe should havs a bettla of TJR. lAunnisie tjuuuihu siKur, . ......... . i V . J - . IT" PaHanUr safe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DHS.D.FAHR- NKY A BUN, Hagerstown, Hd. rrugglaU sell NEYASON. Hagerstown. Md. lrurrli It; -0 cents. Trial bottle sent bymalllO cents. lan4-lvdeedw pi RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. OEAYS SPEOEElb MEDICINE. Tna Grkat Emqlisu Rntcsr. Annnrall Ing cure for Bemlnal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence efSelf-Abuse ; aa Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption uu n rnruiaiuiu uniTe. - Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which sire te send free by mall te every one. The Bpeclfle Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at SI per package or six packages for 15, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Held In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Hecil. marS-lyd l!Kttic. -J-EW PIANOS AND ORGANS. LANCASTER'S Leading Music Heuse We wish te call attention te our Unusually Large Bteck of SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS. Heme of these leek like new, and are practi cally as geed. We want the room they occupy, and are selling them at prices that will sur prise even a " Cheap Jehn." In addition te these Becend-Hand Bargains we have, as usual, a fine assortment of N EW PIANOS AND OROAN8, which we sell at prices as low ns the lowest. We have also a full line of Small Musical In struments and Musical Merchandise In General. KIRKJ0HNS0N&C0., NO. 21 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. T HE MUSIC STORE. THE MUSIC STORE. DECKER BROS. PIANOS, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN ORGANR. BAND AND ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. STRINGS ANDTRIMMINGSOFALLKINDS. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. TEINHOLD'S BARGAIN STORE. Music I Music ! JUST RECEIVED I 3,000 COPIES OF POPULAR MUSIC! Beld at 5 A 10 Cents Per Copy. Vecal and Instrumental I Violin and Piane, Cernel and llane Duetta. Four-Hand Pieces. ALSO LATEST BOOKS OF INSTRUCTION. Catalogues can be bad at Stere or MAILED FREE. - A Discount te Societies or Musical Or ganization. REINHOLD'S White Frent Bargain Stere, NEAR PENN'A R. R. STATION. in 10-1 yd SAW MILLS, BARK MILLS, COB MILLS. Leather ltellera, Tan Packers. Triple Herse powers. Milling and Mining Machinery, at JOHN BEsrs, 333 East Fulton street. lu7-tfd -piXCUUSlONS AND PICNICS. Mt. Gretna Park ON THE Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, ker Excursions and Picnics I FREE TO ALL. It contains everything needed fera pleasant day's outing. Ample shelter, lovely walks and rambles, romantic drives, mountain springs, crystal streams spanned by rustic bridges; beating oil Lake Conewago, a beautiful moun tain lake, 20 acres In extent; Tennis, Carousal, Croquet and Base Ball ground; Bowling Alley, HhoetlugGalltry. a spacious Danciiig Pavilion, Dining llall, Kitchen, (provided with fuel); Toilet, Basket and Baggage rooms and an ex cellent restaurant In charge of a competent caterer. Tables, Benches, Swings and Rustic Seals are" scattered throughout the weeds for the free use of excursionists. Tbe Marrow Oauge Railroad and Ooverner Dick ars Special Attractions. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en tbel'rem- r Fer excursion rates and general Informa tion, apply te NEU 1 1UHU, al-Smd Sup'tCAL, Railroad, Ltbanea, Pa, ltht!ta. nritsas RATmre. ATTEA0TI0NS IK OUR snr i partment. We are showing the Handsomest Line OF- SUITING -POB Men's Wear PROM- $15.00 te Almest Any Price! Such styles aa these are net offered anywhere in Lancaster for ths price. Such an assortment you'll find nowhere else. ELEGANT BTLYES IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than yen'tl care te leek at. Prices range from H te f IS. We'll nt you, tee. Myers & Rathven, LMdiag Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12EASTKINGSTREET LANCASTER. PA. CLOTHING. L. Gansman & Bre. BARGAINS UPON BARGAINS. Intelligent buyers of Clothing (people that have looked through ether stores) will tell you that our New Spring Bteck or Clothing for Men, Yeung Men, Large and Small Beys, contains the largest assortment of well-made garments In the city, and that our prices are decidedly the lowest. We have advantages In manufac turing net possessed by ether dealers. We are using them for yem benefit. A Bargain Feast! COME BEFORE THE GOOD THINOS ARK ALL GONE. HEBE ARE A FEW ITEMS FROM THE BILL OF FAKE: Men's and Yeung Men's Hulls at W, 1360, , tVe, R,tlO, 112, IU. 110 and tl8. Beys' Suits at ft 35, CI GO, S3, M. 5, W, 17 and 18. Children's Bulls at SOc, f 1, tl 25, tl 75, ti, S3 tl and Mi. Knee Pants at 25c, 85c, SOc, 75c and f 1. Men's Pants , 75c, fee, 11, 1 25, tl 75, 12, ti SO, S3, S3 50, SI and Si 60. Hprlng Overcoats at SI, $5, Sfl, S3 and 110. Ths above Is enough te give you an Idea of what we are doing. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) and K0RT1 QVS1H IT., .W.OORMXBOrOBAMOE. LAMOAITBX. FA. -KS-Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city, -Be cautious and make no mistake se that yen get te the right place. H IRSH A BROTHER. -ONTHE- Face of a Customer Is what all clothiers desire. We hue seen It se erten of late that It has become proverbial with us. If you wish TO BE FITTED. PLEASED AND WELL DRESSED, WITH THE SAVING OF SEVERAL DOLLARS, VISIT HIRSH & BROTHER, AND YOU WILL FIND OUT HOW LOW WE DO IT. The many Handsome Designs, Patterns and Styles for SUITS AND PANTALOONS In our MADE-TO-OKDEIt DEPARTMENT have had the iflect of crowding It with orders. Take a leek at these three North Queen Street Windows and see a FEW of our Patterns. We use ONLY the BEST TRIMMINGS andGUAR ANTEE A FIT. -IN- READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR Men, Youths, Beys and Children. Our Line of SUITS AND OVERCOATS csn csn net be equaled In LANCASTER COUNTY. Our stock la always open for Inspection, and we shall be pleased te ahew you through any time you may call. Men'a Suits, St. S5. SA, 7, W, SIP. 112. 1 11,116, etc. Men's Pants, 75c, 90c, SI, SI uO, W te 15. Beys' Hulls, 12 50, S3, U, Sfl. S6, ST. i te f 12. Beys' Pants, 85c, 75c, 00c, SI 25 te l. Children's Hutu, tl, ti, S3, St, te, etc Children's Pants, 20c te ti.50. EVERYTHING IN Men's Furnishings. fe CLOTIIIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. I. Queen St., Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTER, PA. SIOO-OOO.- IN BONDB AND MOKTOAOES FOR IN. vsuaiuna, i eujua ur 1100,1200,1500. 1,000 te 130,000. Bends-e per cenMuterest. payable quarterly. Mortgages t) per cent. Interest, payable half yearly. Bend or call for full Information. JOHN H. METZLKR, We. tt. Duke lit, Mm DeDarH. Te Real Satisfaction HIRSH BMIR S. B.& s. s. s. In tli Sprixif SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes for its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument. 9entUr. JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL! JKWELKR A OR ADVA TK OPTICIAN. Is the Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If neglected the result Is serious and often proves fatal. Eyes that Ache, Eyes that Grew Tired, Eyes that are Dim,- Eyes that Burn or Itch, come under this bead and should have, Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free 1 Ne Dreps Used ! CHAS. 3. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w ALTER C HERB. We would call attention te our unusually large took of Geld, Filled, Silver and Nickel Cased Watches at prices that caunet be ap proached by anyone. Bring Us Your Repairing. WILLGIVEYOUTHEBEHTWORK. PRICES MODERATE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St, CORNER Or ORANGE. 9-PROF. LITTLE, Optician, will be here April 17, IS and IS. rfAUM'S CORNER. SPECTACLES I ANEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT OPENED AT ZAHM'SC0RNER. We have opened a DISTINCT OPTICAL De partment In connection wltn our retail busi ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDING exclusively devoted te this branch, and have placed It In charge of a Begul&r Graduate Optician, Having bad 10 years experience In the best hospitals of the country, and recommended by the best medical authority In the state. We de net propose te simply adjust correctly all cases of defective sight, and .fit them with tbe correct lenses, but te perform all SURGI CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and te place under treatment these who by proper atten tion! need euly treatment or the eye te restore their sight without the use of spectacles. At tbe same time we de net propose te make ths adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus tomers from ths advantage of a proper exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATIONS FREE, excepting only these that require spe cial treatment te remedy any defect Being sole agent for the celebrated ABUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES, The best lense for the money In the country, and having the advantages of a proper adjust ment at a price within the reach of all, there will be no necessity for any one using glasses that are uncomfortable or unsulted te their eyes. We shall be pleased te have all suffering with any treuble of tbe eye, In whatever form, call and be properly treated, by In ADJUST MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'SCORNEIt, apri-3md LANCASTEIt, PA. Ihotearaphw. R one. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBuigsbiirg, Prussia. Twe Backgrounds made especially for Beat and Three-quarter Length Photographs. ROTE. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Nsxt Doer te the Postefflce. Ian7-6md gerttUtvit. TVt. NATHOR8T, DENTIST. J 28 CENTRE BQUARK. Filling Teeth and rainless Extraction Hpe Hpe elaltles. New Bets made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes, everything pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, at very Moderate Terms, Remember that Dr. Nalberstls the ONLY Dentist In tills county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den tistry, au advantage that Is obvious. mar3-!yd&w D1 ENTIBTRY. 2( Tears Practlceln One OBcs." J. B. McCASKEY, NO. 11 EAST KINO 8TRKET, Over First National Uank. Dentistry In all IU branches, (las administered. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain. All work warranted. el34mdM,BAw TRUE DALMATIAN INBEOT POWDER, propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the most effectual destroyer of flies and ether small Insects. Ferssle At H UBLEY'H DRUG STORK, HWssHKlaciMreet laws, Clocks, k 8.S, ' e. e. e. Ixx the Spring Fer three years I was troubled with malaria, which caused my appetite te fall, and I waa greatly reduced in flesh, aad life had lest all Its charms. I tried mercurial aud potash remedies, but te no eflfcet. I could get no relief. I then deckled te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC 2. S. 8.) A few bottles of thlswon thlswen rful ssMdietM made a eempktteand permanent!ure, and I new enjoy better health than ever before. J. A. RICE, Ottawa, Kan. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AtitnU, Ga. JFutmttuvt. w DM rERB CORNER. II til iU . i! -.''tV.,!-1 MOST PEOPLE Wlie Mend te Move, II AVR ALREADY DONE SO j BUT ensecleaalag it Yet te Come With Most of Us, aad It Will Be a Ooed tubs te KeneyaW Old furniture, erXeplaee With Mew. CONSULT WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streets LANCASTER, PA. TjWRNITURE. De Yeu Want The Best Furniture for the Least Meney ? If se, come te see us. Our Elegant Nsw Spring Stock Is new en our floors ready te show. Nothing like It was sver seen here before. Parler and Bedroom Salts, designed by the best artists In Europe and America, and put to te gstbsr se substantially that we can (ire a guarantee with each article. By the way (you must just keep It te your self,) and hurry te see us, for we are offering a eVaas- atss-SI.-J.fcai -? taM ate I t s-at sasass-afaut Adas swews Istsst ivw sMMViesjiirsaiHieuiMNiWM ws num year below prieat that they oeuld t bought for I lanatlnn sTnat I Mai Sates. Mat aa llawt wwm (litis) ftlat I '"""" "l IIMIStUVS, M MVWIWSM WslS7as- HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street e CHBAaiBBS. FIVE MINUTES Leeking Outdoes All the Ooed Things we might say about OUR FURNITURE! It's Just the kind of Furniture that Ills worthy name. All the New Htylea. It's no trouble te sail such Furniture when It's known. Here's the reason : We Hell Furniture for Rep utation as Well as for Menty. Ne thought or cheapness In a tlngla plsea. Made ler long wear and satisfaction, and yet sold cheap. That's what makes 11 se easy te sell. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, Ne. SI BOUTU QUEEN fllRKET. gev $al or ftent. F OR RKNT-HANDftOMK FRONT ROOM en 2d fleer. Ne. U West Kins street : flnsst location In tbe city ler etllce or light business. Inquire or H. . AMUO, uu-uu Aller's Oallsry. TTIOR Ji Ba Bulldlui RENT-ON K HTORE ROOM AND Basement In Southern Market Heuse illdlusr. fronting en Beuth Ousen street, and ie Btera Roem In same bulldlnc frentlna en Vine street, suitable for snr business. The basement would be an elegant room for a Barber Bliep. Apply scen at HARD 4 MCELROY'S Dry uoeda Htere, 33 and SS Beuth Queen Htrest. Markets held en Tuesday morning, Baturday morning and Baturday evening. ms-tfd s KCURK A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON TUB MOST LIBKBAIj TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 test deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard root, perches In front, lets Its feet deep, en North l'lne, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling yards, Iren fences, lets 1M I walnut, between Mary and Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front iuu iwji ueep, en west ana j-ine sereeis, Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets Its feet deep, en West Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. ThrM-aterv b-lflB Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets ISO feet deep, with all tbe modern Improvements, front ires, en nest bucsuiut sireei, ueiweeu 1'iue and Nsvln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut. North Lime North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and fine streets. All the above heuaea are In geed order, newly Bspered, gas fixtures In all tbe rooms, water In is kitchen, and ths cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show you, JNO. F. ORIEL.1 --,., JAUOli ORIELT 1 Kxecul0' aprtft-lyd.M.W.H. KB North Mary Street jflettv. li' EVAN'n t LOUR. ARK THE 011DER OK TUE DA V. Tbe great annual moving time Is at hund. But while thla occurs only once a year LEVAN'S FLOUR la moving ALL TUE TIME. Never Steps. Moving dally from Mill te Grocery , from Gro cery te Kitchen, there te gladden the heart of the geed housewife who la se delighted te sec a handsome, big white leaf of bread come out of tbe even, (A word te the wise, etc.) s. B. 8. e. e. e. In. tKe Sprixisflr Fer two years I was affected with general debility, aud I was fait becom ing a physical wreck. I took quantities of every medicine I could hear of, but they did net have any effect en taei At length I commenced taking SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. S. 8.), and I was a well man after taking a few bottles. It Is without an equal for building up the Seberal health. Had it net beeu for WIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. 8. S.) I would Undoubtedly have been in my grave te day. J.T.UHI AIM T, HendersenvlUe, N. C. Treatise of Bleed aud Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. 6a. mrSl-lrad sPtac mf Smmhien, TALAl CE Of FASHION. ASTRICH'S 116 & 117 N. Queen St. GREAT BARGAINS THIS WEEK! BEGINNING SATURDAY AfORNING. Having purchased the whole stock of Mrs. Woodward we offer te our customers an array of Bargains unprecedented in the history of our business. All the goods will be offered at a quarter and a half the cost of manufacturing, and it will pay well te come early and get the best choice. The stock comprises the fol lowing, of which we mention but the smallest part : Elegant Fancy Tidies and Scarfs in Linen, Bolten Sheet ing and Silk. Fine Fancy Baskets, Pin- I cushions, Workbaskets, Werk- boxes. Any amount of Fancy Orna ments and Bric-a-bric. Linen Handkerchiefs, Ruch ings, Linen Cellars, Spanish Scarfs and Fichus. Ribbon, plain and fancy. Plush Ornaments, and hun dreds of ether useful as well as ornamental articles which we efler at given-away prices. In addition te the above we put en sale one let of Stamped Washstand Cevers, with knot ted fringe, size 52x18, at 20c apiece. One let of Stamped Side board Cevers, 72 inches long, knotted fringe, at 25c apiece. One let of Sideboard Cevers, 72 inches long, openwerked all around, sewed fringe all around, pure linen Memie Cleth, at 43c. One let of Drawn-Werk Handkerchiefs at 5c. We also open en this same day one large invoice of New Millinery Goods. The latest styles just brought from New Yerk. We invite inspection. Gavpti. T U E LANCABTJ.lt CAItl'KT HOUSE. a&v. Remnants, Fillings, Borders, MATTINGS, LARUEHTAND 11EST BTOCK. Carpet and Curtain Werk BY BEBT WORKMEN. ONE PRICE. SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 ft 22 East Orange Street augV-lyd -lARPETBI OAItrETO CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Dyeing ! Dyeing ! Dyeing ! LANCASTER FANCY STEAM WORKB DYEING Are second te none In Pennsylvania for finish nt work or all kinds. Feathers lj-ed All Mbadts. Orders will receive prompt attention. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO,, NO. 1 SOUTH WATER BTREET, LANCASTER, 1'A. feblWmd ISTOT1CK TO TRESPASSERS AND OUN N N Kits. All persons are hereby forbidden ie trespass en any of ths lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell aweu uauiuai iu muwiuu u, uiiiwwr whether Inclesed or unlnclesed, either ueun fertt lues, v for tbe purpose of sheeting or tubing, as the 01 iewuus ur usuiug, aa uie Idly enforced against all tree. Uw will be LI ne rigiaiy euieneu ihp.iu--i mii mm nasslngen saiaianas 01 uie uuaersignea ane Ihla nntifia WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, AWsnwsffavV.lasniii's HsU. s. Palm of Fashion. , IRNNRYLVANIA RAILROAD BCHBD In effect from Ner. IS. US). mm uuya iMHCAerm. ana leave SM a ' Mve at Philadelphia as fellows t taasss LaavT Philadelphia. gaejaejespresat.... NewsJCrpreastl... uas aw as. en a. am. :la.m. ?s. as. att-lert Fannv.11 ' siiSsii.""' Tta Columbia! Haoevef AeeeBB.... Fast Llnef............... Frederick Aeeem...., Lancaster Accem...., Laaeastsr Aeeetsw... Harrtsburc Aeeem., Columbia Aeeem s:se a. m. TlaOelusabla! ii:tu a. m. rla Columbia ft n: s. m. via Mt, Jay. xfup. m. tM p. m. ISO p. as. UK p. m. Harrlsbnnr ExpressJ n-awrn upnstr Lancaster Acce....... ,A8TWARD. Fast Llnet............ SesessessaaasaeSssSsalsmaTal Leave Lancaster. MO a. at. C'sa.a. X a.m 1:10 s, as. fcs.ss. .MO a. as. lla.m. 16 p. as. !iSl',l" tKOp.m. 4:45 p. m, H6p.m. S4Bn. sa. AMBeaeter AeeeMM.w Harrlsburg Express. Laaeastsr Aeeem..-. Colombia Aeeem. Atlantic Rxprcaat.. Seashore Eicmt... Pblladelpfala Accem. anaay saau....ru DajrJExpresst Harrljburg Acoem., Mall Tralat, 1T0O ifMlett A room., UMp. m. I fThe only trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train wsst runs by war fltklseesMsklsk w J. R.WOOP,OensrmrHstssBerAfleji. J-1 WMV.M. WHMW.HMMJHna, ,pC PHILADELPHIA liaUDWaftAIUsOAA- 1UIAD11W COLUMBIA DIVING. :ii' , ob in after Bnnday. Bnnday, Ner W, MM, I r (King street), as follewai and intermediate petals, itaje utneasier (s.li Fee Raadlna and days, 7 JO a. au ISM. MS p. m.1 m..BJSD.m. . - . .. , Fer PtUadelBhla, week day T a. a, im, fcp.m.;nndays,:p.m. 7, i&SUSSff i? PnTJadeiphte, week aya, 730 a. , lxK, KM p, m. Fer New Yerk fu Allentewn, week ten, Up.B. i. rur&iisswwn, wees aays, 7u a. mwsa yi a. f Bnis. SHU. s&vatreterat' dulfrt la7sa. fa a, as Ml a, as .Ma.a sasja. tilsBa.sa isfcas. 5&eWdW7:"'--',,-i!i y ui. . -".SMSfrJSff SWi. " uM,4fi 0 ini nnausuiKWRi nil .v u. me z. Ver'HarriaBurf. wees' days, MO a. MniMaV MS p. m.i Sunday, MS a. m. '.. "TerQaiiryvllla, week days, Ml a. m m, S.00 p.m. Sunday, SWp.as. .. TRAINS FOR LANCABTBK. X Lmvs Rsadlnr. week dava. 7L llMa. nail iM p. m. s Sunday. 7 a. m.; fcM p. as. ; Leave Philadelphia, week days SUS, 1M& Bass USJ IUe Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, week! Leave New Yerk via Allentewa. WO a. m., 1KB p. m. - Leave Alienlewn, week days,-l! a.a.t Mis ah. aa. - 4 "Leave PetUvUle, week days, MS a. ak, Ml'i Leav Lebanon, week da; ys, 7tU a. m MM'" ..8:ttD.IL. rtj? 7:u p. m. i auneay, vae a. m. Leave 1 re tii anisburw. weak dava. US a. sa. s day.SHa.aa. "-,' Leave Quarryville, week days, l UM b, w mundTnem. . fi4 lisava rniiaesipnia. unsawas swwes ' -;7-T:.r-..: . r "-jir:.. j :, s ana aeutn street wnan; Fer Atlantte City, week days, HO a. m. and MS p, m.; Aeeeasi OX a. m.,- Aeoemmodatton, tM a. .m. . . t Returnmg.leaveAtlanue city, mm Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues, witak Finisas 7iO a. m. and 4 a. aa. Aa moilatlen,SOSa.m. and 4:W p. aa. Saadaya Express, i p. au AcoemmodaUoa, lM,.m, and iu p. m. Detailed Urns Ubles ean ba obtained at Uelu. VST,. v,n ,-, -, mTnrtrttr S 4k. I4 jiujuiAJ-U, uwiaitnuvvBt ys V ice rrss. a ueu-i at-ar. uwi rasrr an ;; LEBANON A LANCASTER JOINT UMK RAILROAD. p !t Arrangsments of Passenger Trains en teuffSiAX, JE1UTU1U-T sv, NORTHWARD. Leave a.u. f.m. King Btreet, Lane-750 i&as IsvnSaster.,.. HOI 1 Oelumbla .., Iris Manhelnu............ TM 130 OerawalL.............. IM IM A"1 ... .. BOUTiiVARD. Lsatre a.m. fjt. Lebanon ......... 7:1J IM pernwatl.............. 7T ww Maabelsi!....,M...... 7sss l:M Laaeaster........ . SJIT Md Arrive at Oelumbla............. Ml MS KlagBUeet, Lane. B.-SS y A. M. WII0N. SUM, K. e. Muueaau yp 14 m, S. xiswr, nupu u, n. js. SatnV' w W LAMPS AMD ART GOODS. f All eVI4 Cstl: aAA CSk7 Swai F'ra; a'a -THE i'ft. HRT COODS ON BECOND FLOOR JohnLAmeld'sBuilding,, NORTH QUEEN STRUT. (7MBINQ, OAB FITTING, Ac :u: JebiL P. Se-haum ft Sen. 1. PLUMBING, 4tCS GAS FITTING AND ROOFM 26 SOUTH QUEEN 8T., LANCASTER PA ) Crjtuantave. H IGH MARTIN. China, Glass, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- Wi are new opening our Spring Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very beat grade of wars at Lewest Prices. Heusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN 15 East King. Street. Carriage. S" TANDAHD CABRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, ; CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40. 42. IS A 3 MARKET STREET. (Rear of that Postefflce), LANCASTER, 1'A. All the latest styles in Buggies, .Family Oar. riages. "''....HJiSnSjSS!: "; Markst Wagons, etc., new ready ler ths Myrlag A Hue line of Second-Rand Werk, Nnv ti ilia time te order for spring. Btrletly flrsuclass work and all work fully guana llsfsMa My prices are the lowest In the county fee tke f um quality of work. Give ine a call and e f I ium. rt SJS FINE NEW LAMP$ AND .- Repalnllng aud Repairing promptly at- -iS tended te and deue In a flrsWcTass manner. One S1 ; tat of weramen especHuur !; n an . puraess, : "! mi 41 Si iSrir xrr. ChthXJ l HrA.i&- vhK -if riVA-iP-. - r " ... v .- Vfjffli &r .M-.,' f"0