.- -A. U'J 'L( U " --. "J- -- s , THE tAtfOAfcttEB DAILY tmtm&X&EtiCEB, MOKDAY, APBIL 7, 1090. ' l$ wumtm. 'Tgy KjV K PHEEASTER FESTIVAL. fit WAS OBSERVKI IS THE CHl'R.HES tin mm1!. R, :k- , - :' . . .. . tfcrv let Well AttMHlcsI-i .miim.e Md Pretty liocemtlonn-Scliool clill !& Urea Receive Knjstcr l'rencntis. iTh weather was nil that would have n desired for nu Easter day. me air i ebel enough te be bracing, but net loe i ix. OT...v.ri. Tlie churches wero wded en this K""1 festal da' euwrved later rears with a tnucii ceremony ... . .a , II .. .. Ill It Heng ChrHtlan uenorenwiioin w i niiv-nt Christmas. The manner In rhlch It u observed will be found noted 'Wew. ! W St. .Tames' Kpiacepni. -TAt.su James' Episcopal church me nut Pastcr morning service, with cemmu- 'len. wa conducted by Keva. uoepor ! Bhroedor, with a sermon fy former en " wnwi n"' ifffctM Bays in Hades." Tlie roiiewinR juleal programme wa a Clie one and Mwell rendered tinner uie uirmwu Prof. Mats: Voulte, Tours; Te Deum in Wtfi Hanks: llenedlctus, Wilsen ; uyr e, l Mendelssohn; Easter Gesper, Htoiner. me ?leist were a. ueioerson, winm neu., Daniel II. Sensenlg, O. Vatter. K&The decorations wcre unusually line. On the baptismal font, en use i n'" "IttUrwined with hyacinths and tullpi, was im . r erttntlnn rnsn. TllW floral (le- ft Vlfcn wm the gill of Itk-hard .Tenkini, esq., if'.'-'i. . nimnrlii tn hln motlier. Ill front of kSthe Inrtnrn was a beautiful arch surmounted tby floral tar of whlte and red carnation Fiwwm. This was tlie irlR of If. I'rnnk rEshlenian, esij., as a memerliil te his ilo ile ii? i ..!i r.n II. n ..ll.it- u-nrn halldBOmn l"lboquets of flewers.tlie gifts of Mrs. Samiiel Hpl. Itcynelds, and In tlie chancel wero Implants and palms. K At G:I5 thore was evcning imji Fsseveral fine musical selection. St. Jehn's Eplsoepni. At SU Jehn's Episcopal church the musical programme en tinnier morning ... . ii niirlat. llin r.nnl is Risen Te-tlav." fevMnh'rlst Our Pasiever." "Gleria l'alrla," jSjfTeT)cuni." Hely communion was nd- Ire ministered and a sermon preacueu l&mernlng by Hew J. K. Pratt en " The $?Rosurrectlen." In tlie afternoon me cmi Plten'i festival was held and the programme .-'was maue up pmu.-.M.iijr ui wwu,i .. sljresponslve readings. In the oventng the Krwrular service was held with special fmuslc by the choir. The decorations wero m tasty at this cliurcli. KiBing from 1110 ieih, "wbJch steed In the midst or plains, was a s? floral and everu-reen cress. The altar and 'ehanecl werodecerated wlthealU Ulles and .plants. xrinity i.iiiiicrnii. At 0:S0 o'clock, en Knster morning, (here was a special sorvlce of song at Trinity Lutheran church, participated in uy vtu .members of the Sunday school, 'ine ex- 9rcises ended with serinture readluu and nu fir address by Hev. Fry. IPS The regular service was held at 10:50 K4o'cleck, at which ever 700 recolved com cem com ITninnlen. The munlcal Holcctleiis connlHted O7jef "Praise Ye the Father," itoei's eiai TeDeum and an Easter carol at the offer effer offer ilery. There was no sormeu at this servlre. JKev. J. II. liumpie assisted 1110 jinsier in ;-the communion sorvlce. '). Jn theanorneon the Sunday scnoei una .'TlU Easter service It was entitled "The S'icter's Triumph," and was made up of 'freadlngs and an address by Hev. J. Max VvHark. In the evening soverni line musical rfaelectlens wero renJerwl and mi ICnster 'ermen preaclied by ltev, try. neiy s j'eommuiiien was admlntsterrd nttlilsser- evlce. 'y The floral decorations wero n rich feast 'far the eve. Hestlnir unen the nulnlt was cress of spruce boughs. Ferns ontwined f the cress nui a', its base wero tne rarest 01 ftBerchlds. In the recess there was a dense Ofmass of orchids. On the front of the pulpit f't-larKe. stalely Easter lilies were no less con- pTwanlpiinna than tlin crnwn and hurl) 111 the K?" tl, a n.1 Hit Itulu tf tlin ..ri.lllr.ut flf.U'firu S""'"s " "'"" w. -.".- iSesIdcs the liinsulllreni ucsigns in cm p Bewers tnere wns n wonunei iiviugpinniH; V-- rantn,ii In full lilnnlll. hnvllll.. 1)9011 f-nr " "."" .. .'.... .. placed along the cups or inn iinicenies. tn Iftfe InO wans wcre Komeiices mini mu nuii. fSm lures. The letters wcre In ltlucK, Minuru. II, IU lllUltt.lllJlllulli UIW ii". w- u." i" V upon fermer occiislens, they made n ?p most pleasing effect. t Grni-e I.iitluran. . ,. , i, ,, . ... fi'f 1110 urcenuiuim iu unire i.iuiiuntii T'Vliiirfl, wnrn finn. At llie nllnr ttitetl fi .flguroeriinangolnboiitto rUe In a circle fAofgeId and wavlnttu flaming swerif. 'J he "Hlscn." I'lie nllar fe was arranged like a grotto nnd close te 11 SK.CTf'was a liL'iire of Christ. At the 10:0 borvlce Te Deum l.iuiiiuiuis 'was finely rondercd, Miss Aimle Hwiirlz- Pwelder and llewnrd Shcnk ns solelstH. iKev. Ilaupt preachel en the resurrection. BJ5 A children's service was held in the allor aller allor Ifeneon, at which an address was delivered by the pastet r-nd two iTymns sang that ijlrwei cdihpesed by him. Kr . a. . ..r... tl IT.. ,!. P lllllie evening, uner nu niiiiiuiu njr inu 6S choir."! Knew tiiat my lusit'emcri.ivciu, Bfcfts, Miss Anuie Swnrlzwelder, Bilelst, Hev. Swnrlzwelder, Bolelst, MIsupt preached an Easter sermon. f'litlMt l.iillifirnn The decorations at this church consisted of blooming plants, tnstefully arranged in front of the pulpit. The morning sorvlce opened with the niitliem " I will inoiitlen thy loving klndness," with sole by Mr. Bfei. Oeorge Ackermnu. The borinen wns ) preacheti by Jtev. noeu from .Maiiuew.i: tj J te 8; after which holy communion was JSR dralulstered. in the evening tne r-asier Sff Sunday school festlval was held. It was S entitled "The dawn of glory," nnd wns made up or responi-ive readings, singing and addresses by Hev. Heed mid Supt. Butlirlc. The anthem rondere.1 by the choir at this service was "Hark, the Hengs efJubilee." ZItu's l.uthuran Cliurcli. There were no decorations at ion's Lutheran church oil account of the com munion service. The exercises en Easter morning opened with an organ duett by Charles Whltmer and Harry Mayser, two very apt pupils of Prof. Iienkcrt. The selection played by these young men was a difficult one, from Dr. Velkaincr. The & special selections by the choir wcre "Prulse m, the I.erd" and " Hallelujah," In w filch the C--'. Ul.1. ...A.A. II... UMIII.ni lV.1.1t.n. PU1U1UV n,e. -, ii iiii.iii iiMiiwiii Charles Schletzhauer; soprano, Misses fev Mary Achmus and Kate Diukelberg; alto, ?X; Mia Annie Hess; tenor, Jacob .Helbert and (i Wrn.1 Vnllmer. Ks The sermon by Hev. Mayser was from i c 'Itamsn. fl : 4. and the theme, duties result. & lug from resurrection of Christ and a cele- yj br&tlen. The communion was tne largest Ktn tlm hlsterv of the church. In the even- l-i"l there was special Easter service. r St. Stepnen's j.utuerun. At Sf. Stephen's Lutheran church there ?: wu .neclal Easter music at the ineruiiu; ;, iwrmen, followed by a cermen by He v. y. Jteiwcr, ireui main 10 ; a iu v, uuer wiuru iv hnluwminniilnn wn, AflmlfllKtnr",! tn n ' (-.V.large number, among them being the class -A confirmed last weeu. I he decorations con- f'i elated of an arch above fbe pulpit, In which 5 fWM the Inscription In bronzed letters "The ieru is niMii, Aiieiuia. r mere were kV1e flowers en the altar attractively nr- J'. ranged. In the evening the Sunday school 'h. tf.., AAlntirnllntl wns liplil mill AnnLt.luil J , v..- ........A, r of Easter carols, recitations and addresses ly Rev. Melnter and several members of ',15 M,a Hll.U rliu. f TUn CAthnila Churches. Ill the Catholic churches there were no V decorations beyond the usual floral display -en the main altars, but with their numer eus caudles and many handsome bequets '44ury presented u flue a)ieuraticc. The 'jNttsic is always a special feature iu these t. - 1IH. Uiry't mawt-a were celebrated at 8 and 10 o'clock by Hev. Dr. McCullagh. At the last named hour the choir sang Mozart's Twelfth Mans, with Lnmbllotle's Alleluia, with thn following ns the soleists: Misses Heckle Hheads, Mnze Malene, Margaret K-llly, Annle Iiwell imd Miss Judith, Dr. W. If. Tiwcll, Philip V..l,nr. Pmnk It. McClaln. nnd W. O. Fralley, leader. Millard's vescrs vns sung In the afternoon. A sermon en the gnscl of the dny was preached by Hev.Dr. McCullagh at the late mass. AtSU Antheny's Father Oanss' second mass was sung at 10 o'clock nnd Mcmera rle's vespers In the afternoon. The soloists wero Mrs. uclla Mcurnnn, soprano; Mrs. Jehn lllemciiz, nltn; Harry Drachbar, tenor, Matthew Derloy, bass, with Feul. Weber lender of the choir. At St. Jeseph's Cntholle church the snme mass was sung and Wolse's vesper. Tlie soloists were: Hass, Fred. 11 rail el and Anselm Klrchner ; tener, Loe Heuscr and Geerge Knoeland ; soprano, Annle Matlern; Mary Oanss, Clara Kress; alto, Lizzie Klrchncr and Mary iiouser. At tne ouor euor ouer tory In the mass " Hegina Coells " was well rondered. Tlie early mass was colebrated by Father Schmidt and the late mass by Father Christ, with a sermon by Father Sclunelz, of ,St. Jeseph's hospital. The number of communicants nt the above three churches was very lnrge nnd grenlly In oxcess of the number In nny re cent years. Ml. i.uke'n Iter.irnuMl, The decorations at St. Luke's Heformed church wcre en the chancel and altar nnd consisted of Heriiiudn lilies and smllnx entwined. The first sorvlces or the day were at 0 o'clock and wero conducted by Hev. Ltchlltcr. At 10:.'10 there wns holy communion, at which the '.- catccliumens confirmed en Pulm Sunday recelved thelr first comuiuiileii. In the evening tlie Hun day wlieril festlvnl wns held. After a baptism of children, the rocltntleu of the short catechism, a short sormeu by the p.ister, the children of the primary depart ment received glftf. 'llioen'urlugsol the day were for goneral bonellccnco. The music was under the direction of Jehn A. MiJJeinsny, organist. Mt. l'ftiil's ftoreriiicd. The doceratlons nt St. Pmil's Itcfermcd church censl&teil of flowers nnd petted plants about tlie pulpit. At the morning services Hev. F. A. Oust preached the sermon nnd nssistcd Hev. J. AV. Mcmliiger In administering communion. In the evcnlng tlie Sunday school fcsllvnl wns held. It consisted of singing, icuiUtlnus nnd an address by Hev. Mcmliiger. The infants wero given bnskets containing can dles and rabbits. First ftefbrinnil. At the First Hefermed church holy com munion was admlnistored by Hev. I'll. De Lyre, of Napa, California. Thore was bap tism In the nfleriumn, but no Sunday school cclobrntieii. The children were prosentod with lCanter gifts. At the Moravian. The decorations nt the Moravian 'church were very olnberate nnd costly. Llturglcnl sorvlce was held nt 0 o'clock in the morn ing. After an opening nntliem by the choir and tlin recitation of the litany, Hev. Hark rend the biblical account of thnresiir thnresiir thnresiir roctleu. This sorvlce clesed with the Te Deum. At 10:30 the regular morning sorvlce was held. It consisted of a special Easter litany and eiithcm bj' the choir ns nu oflertory and a sermon by Hev. Hark en the resurrection. In the evening the children's celebration was held. It consisted of singing nnd ro re ro spensivo readings. The infant depart ment sang " Lily Hells," and whlle soven llttle girls wero singing they swung calla lilies. A feat u re of the ontertaliimont wns a rocltalleu and tableaux by two llttle boys and two llttle girls about u mess-covered reclining cress, the girls strewing llowers ever It as they recited. After nu nddress by Hew Hark the children wero presented with Easter gifts. The music at all these oxerelsos was very flue. Mtmwburry St root M. H. Church. At thoStruwberry stroet colored church tlie altar wns decorated with plants, and ever the pulpit wns a cress nnd In front of It in grcen letters were the words " He Is risen." In the morning there wns mi Easter levu feast, nnd Iu tlie afternoon n Sunday school Jubilee. Iu tlie evening Hev. Seth D. V. Smith preached from tlie toxV'Helsrlson." This evening there will be u grand mis sionary ciiteitaliuueiU and en the pro pre pro grameo nre Easter lllble wanes with tub tub leaux, " Easter Dawn," "The Tomb of Jesus," "Angels' Visit," te conclude with a gr.mil Easter march around the tomb. ProHhytei-luii .Moiuerlal. Special Easter anthems wero rendered morning and evening nt the Memerial Prosbyterlau church. In the morning Hev. Themas Thompson preached from Luke 12: I!', after which 11 ve wcre baptized. In tlie evcnlng the sacrament or the Lord's supper wns administered te a large number nnd eight members wero udded te the church membership. In the afternoon iu tlie Infant department of tlie Sunday school the 150 pupils were prosentod with K inter gifts. Union llothel Church. An Easter sermon was preached Iu the morning by the pnstoref the Church ofOed. In the afternoon the Sunday school held n celebration iu the main uudionce room. The programme wns made up efnuthems by the choir, responsive rending by . Superin tendent NtoveOvvons anil the Sunday school children nnd recitations by Paul Owens, Albert Dener, Ida Wccliter, Edith Leng, Dollle Fate, Llzzle Coulter, Jehn Htirkli.it t, Heme Abraham, Annle Veber,bnss sole by Jehn Lulier and duett by MUs I.lllie llnkur and Mrs. Jehn Lellor. The decorations consisted by flewers, petted plants about the pulpit mid ubove it, an arch with the words in green letters " He is Klsen." At the First Evangelical church, Hev. F. P. l.elir pastor, Easter sermons were preached morning and ovening. There was no Sunday school festlval, but the children were presented with Easter eggs. At the Second Evangelical chinch services appropriate te the day wero held morning mid evening. There wero no special Sunday school exercises. At Covenant U. B. church, Hev. C. W. Ilutsler pastor, communion was admin istered at the morning services. In the uftorneon thore was a Sunday school Easter festival and a pregramme undo up or iiiusle and addresses by pastor and Super intendent S. It. Urablll, afler which the children were prosentod with rabbits and eggs. At the First HaptUt there wero no special services uud at the Olivet Ilapllst church Hev. Frayne preached sermons appre prlate te the day eclebrnted. There was no spechtl services at the First Presbyterlau church en liister. At St. Jehn's Lutherau church appro priate services were held en liisler morn ing. At the Heckland Street Mission Sunday school there woie special Euster services, consisting of carols. There was u distribu tion of eggs. Mr. Croemo sang severul se lections, Mr. Curl Wltuier presided at the organ. Mr. Stonebrokcr conducted the exercises. At the Eabter morning service at St. Jehn's (Jenmiti Hefermed, the sormeu was preached by Hev, O. 1'. Seibcl, after which a class of eleven was cemtlrined. In the evening missionary servlcts were held. At Gottwald chapel church Extension Day was observed, and the offerings re ceived will be devoted tn that purpose. At the Duke sheet M. E. church special Easter music was rendered under the direction of Dr. J. L. Witheiew. Hew DrJ Vernen preached morning and evening. Easter nt Mnnhetm. Mamikim, April 7. The bright sunlight or Easter morn, streaming in through the memorial windows of the church, fell In beautiful and mellowed colors en the profuse decorations In St. Paul's Hofermod church. Hlslng above the plauts were a i lnrge nrrny or cnlla lilies. The sermon of the pastor, Hev. V. J. Jo'msen, was tlpen "Tlie Stone Holled Away." Hely com munion was celebrated, a larger nuniber of communicants partaking of the olcmenls thnn upon any former occasion In the hit hit tery ofthe congregation. Twenty-six new members were secured, or which nineteen wero confirmed. , In the evcnlng early choral sorvlce wsa held by the school, at which tlme also nlne children wero baptized. This evening llie infant school glvean egg-brcaklnp cnloi cnlei cnloi talnment in the lecture room. HEATH OF AX AOEO WOMAN. Mrs. Lena Zecli Succumb te Vnrelysls. A Hen or Emery Itlchl Dies. Cel.UMiitA, April 7. Mrs. Ixma cell died en Saturdny nt the house of her son-in-law, W. II. Ollbert, Fourth and Union streets, aged 09 years. The death was due te paralysis, afler an Illness of seme time. Sovernl children survive The funeral wns held this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from Saleme U. II. church. Leen Hlehl, infant son or Emery Hlehl, en Seuth Frent stroet, died this morning nftorabrlerillnosx. Tlie funeral will be held en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. onieer Scliill was taking three lieyslii blue uniform towards the leckuplast oven even lug when he was met nt Third and Cherry streets by Councilman Orove nnd llenry Mullen. Theso gentlcmeu are Grand Army men, and after Inquiry learned that the boys were runaways from Mt. Jey orphan school. They hed been arrested by Olllcer Schlll, who Intended taking thorn In the lockup until the nuthorltles of the school could be notified. Messrs. Mullen nnd Grevn protested against placing the boys III the lockup, nnil nfter n short cenference It wns decided te prnciire n loam ami take the boys te Mt. Jey. They were well clothed and wcre rein 12 te 1,1 yours old. They said thny were en their way te Coatos Ceatos Coates vlllo nnd wero plcked up by the olllcer en the Pert read, The Y. M. S. A., n new social club, dedi cated thelr new rooms, nu Walnut street, en Saturday night. The rooms nre nlcely fitted up nnd the club numbers about .1.1. The Metie)lltan baud was prosent nnd C. C. Kaull'iiinii,os(.,made an nddress en "The millionaire In iielltlcs must go." The Koysteno Seelnl club will held a bnll lu the nrmery te-night. Easter Day was n bright and beautiful ene, and the streets worn well filled. The churches held appropriate sorvlces, accord ing te the programme previously pub lished, and wero Inrgely attended The floral decorations In all the churches wero very bountiful and the music of a special character. Thore Is goneral regret at the closing of the shirt factory, which occurred en Satur day afternoon, and the small stockholders are very Indignant ever the niatter. The matter will most likely bollxed up, and the works are ex pocted te be In running orderou Tuesday. Sipilre Evnusseiit Win. Dew and Henry Daniels te jail this morning for 10 days each. They wero drunk nnd disorderly. Mrs. S. S. Detwller has prcsonted St. Paul's P. E. church with the west window. The window will be designed and placed nt nu early dny and will be valued nt $500. l'rer. E. II. Snenth, or the chair of philosophy of Vule uollege, Is visiting Ids parents iu town. Jns. 1). Slade left this morning te accept n position en the Satiidc Utttclte at Spring Lake, N. J. The grand spectacular production "She" will be presented In the opera heuse en Saturday night. The Kenncdy Comedy company closed n successful week's eugagnmenl In the opera heuse en Satin day night. Mrs. Dinah Celin sued Andrew Stucknm bofero Sipilre Evans for assault uud bat tery. Mrs. Celin went te Stuckam's house te collect n bill, and alleges that Stucknm struck her. Tlie case was held ever uud will be settled. V. V. Slieubeiger left this morning for his home at Aurera, Xeb. A parlor eiitertalninent will be held en Tuesday ovening nt the home of Mrs. A. M. Mehrkaui, for the benefit of St. Jehn's Lutheran Sunday school. Council will meet eij Tuesday night. IIEATI OF lir.NHV L. riCAII.KY, The Sccrelnry of the l.iucaster Ileiiu Mill mi 1 liisiii-Miice Ceiiipiiny 1'llSHCH Awiij. Henry I,. Frnlley, ene of Lincastei's well known I'ltlens, died at his residence, Ne. I'M Seuth Queen street, this morning, aged CO yea is. He had been III fur seveud woeks, but it was only within a day or two that he was eensliUued te lie dangerously III. Deceased was a native of Lmcnstcr mid was iu the ical estate business. Upen the death of Christian l-efevre, he was elected secretary of the l.-mcnster Heme Mutual Insurance company. He assumed the duties of that nlllce, but was only in the ofllce a few weeks when he was taken 111. Fer many years he was nu active member of Lancaster Ledge of Odd Fellows, nnd for a long tlme he wns janitor nt Odd Fel lows' hall. He was connected with llie Chinch of (ted slnce early manhood and was ene of its elllceis. He leaves te survive him the following biethers: Peter, living tit Woestor, Ohie; Christian, William, Charles It., Jacob and Andrew, of this city. Ills children nre Wm. (., druggist; Harry L., iwlnter; Mrs. Frank UlllemleilVer, and a single daughter at home. MiihIi'iiIii nt Cliclstlanii. Ciiuisii.v.NA, April 7. A grand imisicule and literary ontertaliiment was given iu the M. E. church en Saturday evening. It was under the auspices of the choir or the church. Tlie heuse was quite well filled und the exercises woie appreciated. Miss Emma Frelui recited "The Lightning Hed Dispenser," which wns well rondercd and elicited considerable applause, ltecitutiens wero also rendered by a number of little girls representing the nations. Their sing ing wus excellent. The music, was under direction or Mr. Ansen Simmons, who led with the cernet accompanied by llie organ. He was assisted by Docter Paxton with tlie violin and Mrs. Orr and Miss Dellle aille-jjiln provided at the organ, Mr. Hast ings uud Mrs. C. I .ee Gaul sang sules. Duetts were snug by MissSkeen, Hev, C. L. Gaul, Mrs. Helm and G. W. Oronderf. A ipinrtette, consisting or Mrs. C. L. Gaul, MUs Skeeu, Mr. II. II. Hamilton nnd G. W. Oronderf, sang " Xearer My Ged te Thee." The eiitertalninent was u success. Twe Hey Thleyes. William Clinch und Edward Harris, colored boys, were nrre&ted en Saturday evcnlng Ter stealing handkerchiefs from fu front of Charles J, Stamm's dry goods store, en North Queen street. The boys took the handkerchiefs and wcre caught doing se. They went te Centre Square, where they endeavored te sell thokaudkerchiofs. Mr. Stimuli has brought charges against them before Alderman Spurrier. The pair under arrest nre very bad boys. Yeung Clinch has been lu quite n number of scrnjMis, and only last week he was arrested for stealing soap. He blacks shoes and Is impudent and saucy te everybody, while he will steal anything that comes his way. Many peeple of the city are com plaining that this boy is allowed te run at large, as they think the Heuso of Hofuge the best place for him. VUItlujr Fi-UmiU, Martin Kuehnle, a fermer resident of Liucabter, who has been living iu Dakota for the past Hftcen years, is visiting friends in this city. He resides at Aberdeen and Is greatly pleased with his Western home. He Is engaged iu the cigar busines?, Execution IhsiiuU. Au execution was issued te-day against Israel Steucr, of Hphrata, for (2,480. Death efMm. MaryA. Eekmnn. Mr. Mary Eckninn dled en Sunday nt the rosldenco or her sen-ln-Uw, Samuel Delict, at Ne. 718 Seuth Queen street, after a long Illness. Mrs. Ecknian wns the widow or Henry Eckmnn, who rer many years wns, proprietor or t'ie hotel nt Druinore Centre, nnd wns ene of ha host known men lu the township of Drumerc. Mrs. Eckman was formerly a member of St. Catharine's church near Quarryvllle, but slnce she came te town seme years age alie has been connected with St, Mary's church. The deceased was CO rears or age and leaves four sons and ene daughter. The daughter Is Mrs. Laura Delict nnd the sons nre James, Henlamin, Harry nnd Jehn. The fun- oral will lake place Tncsdny with sorvlce nt St. Mary's morning church. Vestry Elected The following wero elect ed veslrymcii of St James' cliurcli at the meetings this after noon! Wm. Aug. Allec, Wm. A. Morten, Jehn 11. Livingston, Francis Shrndcr Dr. M. L. Herr, Goe, M. Franklin, J, P. McCaskey, mitcrM. Franklin, Gee. H. Wilsen, Samuel II. Dlllcr, Goe. N. Hoy Hey Hoy nelds, James II. Marshall. Officers Iwem In. This nftorneon Mayer Clark wns found nt his ofllce nnd very busy. The street com cem com mlslener, superintendent of wnter works nnd ether ofllcers as well ns the secn.td nlne of appointed policemen worn sworn lu, and the ofllcers wcre told te order their uniforms at oneo. A clear complnxlen. bright eyes mid Mnn, solid lli'li arc n few evidences of lis health. Klvhiv properties. "While net (Irtrnetlni; one whit from the mother's rare, T cannot lay Inn Krral stress en the merlin of Mcllln's Koe.1," wrltcan father. The Wilbur Opera Company. This evcnlng llie Wilbur ept-m company will commence a week's enirtiKcment In lliues-ra hoime for the bencllt of the Ijnieantcr Ixslgcef Elks, nu order that la nne of the strnngentaiid best In the United Htntex. This e cuing tlie eicra of "Ermlnle" will Im given and there will be a chnnjce of hill nightly. gcatlte. Fiuit.Rv.-In this city, en April 7, Henry 1-enuril Krallcy, In llie (Oth jenref MlnnKe. The relatives and friends of I lie family ; also Washington Kncampmcnt, Ne. II, Lancaster l-rfxlgc, Ne. 07, I. O. O. V., and Inlnnil City Lislue, K. of P., and ether member of these orders nre respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his Inte residence, Ne. 120 Hnuth Queen Btreot.enThurHdny nfleriioen at 2 o'clock. Services nt Union llethel Church or Ged at 2::W o'clock, 3td OiiKKMWOen. April fi, 1(00. n't .Mlllersvllle, Mrs. Tracy Greenwood, mother of Clm. J. llhmlrs, esq., In tlie filth year of her age. The relative! and friends of the family nre re gretfully Invited te attend the funeral, fiem her Inte residence, en Tuesday, April 8, ntVa m. Interment at Hteliinan's meeting house Maner township. IUNN Kit. April 5, 1MO, at New Urlghten, Pn., at the resldence or her son, T. J. l).inner, Cor Cer Cor nella, widow of the Inte Gee. thinner. lU'lntlves and friends nre Invited te attend the funeral from the I'enn'a. It. H. depot nt 11:35 Tueiday nieriilni,', te proceed te Umcastir ceinetcry. $Ivju bticvtioctttcttte. CIIEAP-I'lf RE RYK WH1HKII. IILAUIC hcrry, (linger and Kununel llrandlcs. HOUllER'S LIQUOR HTOllE, Ne. 22 Centra Mfiuare, GRAND MAHQUKUAIIK HALL TjItH evunlnirnt Ilia M.ENNERCHOR HALL. Hiney's Full Orchestra. mi ri-mul.'T.tHUANK, S 1 SHIRT MANUKACTURKRS AND MEN'S UUll-irifillM, Ne. 110 North Queen Street. Shirts tnndn loonier as low as $1,(10. Perfect lit guaranteed. nl.ljd LlTeUR NEW M'ltlNG OOODsitEADY and the finest ever had. McOllANN NOWLUN. Merch mt Tailors, hill North Queeu St. "irillTl-' COTTON WASTE. COPI'IM) 11Y TV the Hiiiiid, 10c ; In IntH nr in iiiiiiiwlu n, ever.Oc. All tiecsls ih-lUcrisl titniivpnrt or the cjlyKree. Call en JOHN REST. Ne. iKI I'jist Knllen street. ni7-td TENDKIt YOUR SKIN SOFT, SMOe'l H .IX and Whlte hy nslns Purity Himp." rkUUMAKKOK GOLDEN LION AXII M I A r uncriaaMi.-iir. viiienaauc Uigurs cannot lie exeellisl. IIKMUTII'H CIGAR STOKE. Established 1770. als-tfdlt 1H liutKliiL' Street. BILLY WAIT. HAS THK HKSTTWO I'OR 5e and 5c Cigars In the state, nt NOS.fi A Ittl NORTH QUEEN ST. decrC!nd.M,Tu,Th,S A IICTION ! AUCTION"! COMMENCING TUP-SDAY EVENING AT 7 O'CIiOCK, AT NO. 10J NORTH QUEEN STREET. (Oast's Old Stand.) ROOTS AND SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. npr7-trd I 71 STATE OFMltH. REIIECCA CAMERON, li lain of Lincaslcr city, (Iccea e 1. Ix'llers tCAtaiiienlary en said eslale lm Ill's been (.lantisl te thn luiderslgncil, nil persons In (lcliled thereto nre rciiucMcd In inalie hnme illntii ayin"iit, and thesu having cliihns or de mand against the same, will prcnenl them without delay for t-etllcincnt le the under dgticd residing hi Ijiucaslcrellv. uiaUtd.M A, C. HKINU'llL, Executer. DT, AUOUSTfNK A'fi 1IOCIC HEElt. " : m. mr miss St. Augustine and Beck Beer Will he en tap at all saloons of his customers, commend ui; SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1MU. uprUltd Q'T frB'' COURSE TILL VACA Val I tfJXJ Hen In the KejMone liusl-iii-ss College, liicludliig stationery, fj) Night Session, and we gun rautee ou as much Hoolc Heolc Hoelc keoplng and alt business branches nsjeti uiu able te master during that time. W. I). MOSSER, Prln., Ill North Queen St.,2d tluer, I juicasler, Pn. tfdAw 13ATENTS. During March, April unit May m. fee due only en allewnuce if desired. Write WM. 11. IIAIICOCK, .IU Seventh St., Wnshlngloii,l).c..l'.0.1le2-Al. rerinerly Exiiiuhier In I'ntenumiee. KOURTEEN YEARS PRALTH'li mnrlO-lwtlM&Th IXlUieil'ftBALnTTl'AI.vnTXTrfAT. Id perty. Ox WhnsKsnAV, Al'iui, P, KOii, the undentgiied, executer of Rebccai Came Came eon, deccased, will etrer at public wile the fol lowing valuable real estate, te wit; The two. tery brick hoime and let, Ne. 21 East Walnut ttreet, containing It feet freut and ftSj feet In depth, hale at the Koysteno Heuse nt 7 o'clock, hen terms of sale will be made known bv A. C. RKlNtEHL, Executer. A. K. Rkiniviii,, Aucu upili-ltd TJROCTOH'S OPERA HOUSE. WALL THIS WEEK.t MATINEES WENESDAY AND SATURDAY. WILBUR "OPERA CO. AND SUSIE KIRWIN. MONDAY ' Ermine." TUESDAY ..'Ninen- WEDNKSDAY, Mntlnw. . .. " Merry War." WEDNESDAY, Eening Grand Duchess." THURSDAY . " llelienilan Girl." Milium " beggar Student." SATURDAY' Matinee. Km Diavnle." SATURDAY Evenhig," Clduies of Neriuandjv" This Engnseuicnt under the Auspices of the ELKS LODGE. PRICES ,.15, 25, SI, 50 and 75 CENT M AIIN EE 15, 20 und UI CENTS. upj-lwd AITE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed t If you have them examined you will probably find Unit there Is something wrong with them, and that gluues will be u grout help te you. We ua Inimitable "DIA MANTA'" lenses, which are made only by in, and recommended by leading OeulliU a the bet aids te defec tive vision. Solid Oeld BpecUclts, 3.00 ; usual price, 91.00. Htcel Spectacles, GOe.t uual price, 91.00. Artificial Eyes I uiertcd, 9 1 j usual price, 9 1 0, M. ZIMEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OITICIANS. PHILAPEU'HIA. ' Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. m lily d Stctu 9tbcrt!cment -lAltlllAUKdc. D0EB80M OAftMAOS W01KS, Cemer of Diike and Vine BtrccU (formerly Nerbpcfc Mile), l. . .. .. .. .OBO- " HORBECK, Prep. il,0( OvrrHlx'iKeiuanit Dollars M.IMM) In r hie ItuKgle, Usrrlacni. Ac, new en Ex hibition, nt mr (lira llunfemnia Ami te agent for llie C'otamhes Biwcr Ce.' nne vcnirira at prices that astealh evei iHMiy. ah Biinrntiiefxi rnini retiiMes In ly. irld the world for th tnenrv. Nena but Ui twwt. tn. in rhanlM employed. Hpcclal allesUen given te rcwlrliiR. jtend Carts nt almost any price at the I)ocretn CArrlnge Works, corner nf Dnke nnd Vlntitrectii. da-lrdAwR I 71011 IIKNT-THE HOEIHOM- PRIVATE j Dwell ItiR, Nes. 1 and 1 Kast King mrivt, will lie rented In parts te suit applicant. AIe Hie mere lloeni and Factory, In the rear, mi MIIMIn street. The DOK1WOM HALL-Uis llnct unit lct located hall In the city, can new I e runlet for fulrs.fmttlvnls, uppers, Ac Hecure dates. Fer particulars, Inenlre of GEO. H. NORBECK, , Proprietor of the Docrsem Carriage WOTksJ cor ner of Duke and Vine streets. febl7-tfd rpen'iTt-JsT NO. 20 EAMV KING KTltECT. Inquire within. Bptt-lwdH -1JKST TWO KOH F1VKCKNT.UIOAHH J J the city, at I1II.I.Y WA1T7H, Ne-. 5 A 101 North Queen 8t. (lCdVfiindM.Tii.Th -1EORUE FLICK, TAXIDKltMIST, Ne. 15 West German Htrwt, Birds and Ani mals shill'cil In a superior mniiiieratrctuiennble prices. apt-lwd Ol t COUNTY COMM183IONK11, WH.I.IAM OHTMAN, Of Washington lloreugh Iewer District, sub ject te Democratic Kulcx. Bp2-tfd BJ."KHliSH,MANUFACrUnER OF HUR . Rlcnl and Orthnpnsllcal Appliance, such is Tnisi.es, Ill-neon. Crutches, Clubfeet Blieen, Arllllclal Llmlis, i:lastlcHleckhiK.etc., Hplnal, Alxleinlnnl anil Uterine Hnppertcrs, etc. Lndy nttcnilntice, .107 West King street. niZMmd -GIAItLKS M. HOWELL, MARI1LE AND GRANITE WORKS, Ne. 135 North Queen BL Menmnents, Grave Stones and Building Werk. A large and complete stock en hand te select from, which will be sold at prices less than elsewhere. Designs, lettering and Carv ing specialties. Omxf work and satisfaction guaranteed, l'lease call and examine for your selves. inr2Mwd 11 EINIIOLD'SIIARUAIN STORE. Music! Music I JUSTRF.CKIVEDI S.OIIO COPIES OP POPULAR MUSIC I Sold at 5 A 10 Cculs Per Copy. Vecal and Instrumental I Violin and Piane. Cornet and Piane Duetts. Keur-Iland Pieces. ALSO LATEST HOOKS OP INSTRUCTION. Catalogues can be had at Stere or MAILED FREE S- A Discount te Societies or Musical Or ganizations, REINHOLD'S White Frent Bargain Stere, NEAR I'ENN'A R. R. STATION. mlO-lyd y iaiiT WEiaitT shoes. Kangaroo Shoes FOR Comfert and Tender Feet. I haa the Larneit Stock and Assortment of Men's KuuguroeShou lu the City. My SI Genuine Kangaroo Shoe is made en a Neat Plain Toe In Ijice anil Cehltcsh. SIzchS te'). I!i8 te match In t'sund V,i'n. Thlnidiee Is sold eluewhere III this city ut JJM) und St. I could neverKetftHhoe heretofore like It Ui re tail for lesN than St. My SI Genuine, KaiiKiiroeShoo In a Goodyear Welt mid possesses hoiiie of the merlin of a Hand Sewed Shee. It can be sewed Instead of PCKKed In repairing them. HlzeHflteD. Uuyg in match iu I's uud V,'a. ThU shoe Is Held elucu here In this city as hlfh us K. My $5 line of ICaiiRiiroe's In the most complete lu the city. In Plain Narrow, plain liread. Plain Square, und Smuire Toe Tips, lu Luce and Cou Ceu Krcfcs uud all WldtliH. Heys te match In t's und lJ'n. Sold ns high us fu elsuu licVe. My td Kangaroo Haml-MadoNliee Is made out of llie best Nidus obtainable, and Is madeeii the Nen Glace Tim, mine lust ns the SO Cordovan Uiceiiud Congress, en which I have such a large trade. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te EREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.:i 4 5 EASr K1NQ HTRECT. LANCASTER, PA. BB-Store Closed Every Evening at U o'clock Except Monday uud Saturday. M ARl'lN 11ROS. SATL'UDAl'H llUDluess In our Custom Tailoring De partment tilled pages of our order book. Such handsome tailored garments of hand- Merit Speaks for. Itself. '.some cloths and handsome Hiving by our prices Is the merit that speaks for Itself. Suits te Order, $15 and up. See our Neeltles at SJ0, fil and Jij. TucmcrchtindLe In our 1'urnlshlng Depart ment U talking. We mean the prices shall talk loud enough te be heard. Men's Ilulf-lle-.c, tegular made from best English makers, S pairs ler 23c; maker's naine en every pair. Men's I) eiuet riauuct Shirts, 2V, !&-. See our Spring Underwear at X7e, fjOc and We. Such softness and beauty In Welsh nnd French Flannel Shirt as here for the money will open u tightly grukped purc, 100 te Se 00. Kid Gloves, thor ther thor eughl geed, M)c uud II 25 ; flncst, f X 00. There's Ilargaln News and News of Latest Novelties at our Neckwear Counter, 15 te J I CO. Men's Suspenders, 1?, IS, 25 and SO Cents. Fer Goed"Aii-Around"Shirts TRY OUR PRICE, SI 00. YOU'LL NEVER WEAR ANY OTHER AFTER. MApTIN'BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St Utu bueHlsrtttettt. T UK BON TON MlI.LINi;ilY 8TOUK, LEHDINCSTYLES NL.Y. THE BON TON MILLINERY STORE. Our Oncntnt irt Bmnrn. tilll vm iln. i .n ntianln. Hnti .villi ti nnw. Wn nr AnlXtf Mivlim 1 wv7..i.. e. -v.v..rL.:-TV '"?:' -.'".v."l: uviiiimi.iiw i urn uiiuiuiiinrei ncir .rtnveiiics Triimed Hats and Bennets, rjicw ANDMlLLtNKItY WEAR AT THE ndfiS,i.o?KM.,?tewwk!!flrfcTO"ndTOBty,,l'TrlrninedHatsut2J01 n.00, WJ0,M. J and tfi.00 each that would cost double the money elsewhere. frail .. URIRIMMED HATS thanlwholcleplc'l,the,UU,ln"Uce,OT,4 " n,,a Va ct,,,1 THE LAROK8T AND FINEST 8TOCKOF EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY In fmmeiue Variety at bottom Prices. Give us a 60 per ALL NEW GOODS, ALL PRICES THE BON TON MILLINERY STORE, 13 East King St., 3-STORE OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. Stem SlbwcrtiBcmcnte. UDQES HAVE LONG SINCE DECIDED tlmtllllly Walti's Cigar Is the Rest In the State. Fer sale at NOS. 6 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. dec5-flmdM,Tu,Th.S CJPEUAL ATTENTION JOR 11AROAIN8 (j Will sell cheap the remaining stock of Family Carriages, Phteteiis and Tep Uugglcs, THE NORHECK ROAD CART, ALL MY OWN MANUFACTURE. have located temporarily my Office and Wareroom at the Southern Market, corner of Seuth queen and Vine streets. fcb'-S-tfd J. II. NORUECK, Agent. -T71.INE TAILORING. 1890 -SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and Most Elegant Assortment of ' SPRING NOVELTIES New Ready for Your Inspection. We would ulse annoimee the purchase of a Jeb Let of English Suiting and Treusering at a great sacrifice, which we wilt fell at Astonishingly Lew Prices. WCall early te secure a bargalu In these goods. H. Gerhart, ONLY DIRECT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THECITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dZMfd c UT PRICES. 35 & 37 North Queen St. NEW GOODS! CUT PRICES. Silk braid Trimming, 13c te 75c a yard. Black Silk Fringes, 50c, 75c, SI. Dress Ruckles, 100 up te SOe. 45-Inch Lace White flouncing, bOa a yard. Hemstitched Lawns, 37c, 50e, 75c a yard. Torchon Laces, 1, 2, S, t, 5, fl, 7, 8, 9, 10 cents. Ne. 9 and 12 Silk Ribbons ut5e and 10c a yard. Reys' Sateen Ties, 5c. Lace Cellars, 5, 6, 10, U. 17, 20, 25 cents. Tucked Yoking, 50e a yard. Silk MRU, U, 17, 20, 25, 37J, 50 cents. Cotten Gloves, 10c, 12e. Best Lisle Thread Gloves, 25c. Ulack Hosiery, 10, 12f, 25, S7j; cts up te tl. Colored Hosiery, fi, 8, 10, 12i cts up te SI 50. New Corsets, 25, S7K, 50, 75 cts, tl. 10,000 New Handkerchiefs at 6c. New Handkerchiefs at 10, 12, 17, 20, 25 cts. Silk Garter Web, ie and 25c a yard. New Shades In Knitting silks. Fine Reads at lOe a String. Best Hern Buttens, Se and 5c a dozen. New Pockets, 5, 10, 12,'-J cents up te SI. Best Ammonia, 6c and 7c a bottle. Dress Shields, 8, 6, 10, 12 te 2j cts a pair. Ladles' Silk Underwear, SI. Men's Half Hese, 6, 8, 10, 12 j te 60 cents a pair. Linen Towels, 5, 8, 10, 12 te 50 cents each. Umbrellas, 25c, 60c, 75c, b7'c, SI 00. up te St 00. Geld Head Umbrellas, 87c, SI 00 up te S2 50. Game Underwear, 10, 12, JO up te 50 cents. 3r" Don't give it away, but Sell It Cheap." Stamm's advke te his clerks about the new stock. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER. PA. CHARLES STAMM'S, BOSTON STORE. (OPmslTE reSTOFlfcE.) "" - " " -" - " in- Untrimmed Hats and Bennets, LOWEST POSSIBLE I'UICIit. , Ri AND BONNETS. tsl AT BARGAIN PRICES. call nM be convinced. cent. We can save you fully ALL NEW STYLES, THE LOWEST. t Lancaster, Pa. . sd mr27-3mdSJkF f' fctctu SVbucrtiscmcut. ASH EVERYTHING TIIAT NEEDS TO, mi cvr.aiiiiieu uiai uniiixi iu be washed wllh" Purity kteap." Yeu'llO like It. mHEY CAN ALL COPY RUT NONE CAN, JL Equal llllly Waltz's Havana Killer Clear at NOS. 6 & Ittl NORTH QUEEN ST. dec5-6mdM,Tu.Th.S -TJEST 6c HAVANA FILLER CIGAR IN J llie city, at Bll.liY WAIT.'H, Nes. S it 103 North O uceu HL deeWlmdM.Tu.Th,S PRIVATE. LANCARTKB BUHIIEM Cel.MCOB, Ne. at Nerlli Duke Street, April 4, WW. Mkssiw. E. C. J. L. A L. D. II Urntlemen: I Yes. If yen enter new you can complete the course of Instruction tlllxacntlen. June SO. at a total cost of about SID for tuition und stationery, ii. VOiirseei siuuy complete as r.garusa iiiim ness Education. Ill, As many pupils enrolled during the past March as were enrolled during the.feur preceding Marches. IV. Our gain In aiienaance mere man sj per cent, ever any pre redlne Year, and three months net counted lu. V. We have placed mera YeungMcn and Ladlesf In nosltlens this term than ever before. VII Don't delay; visit College Reems adjoining! leuri iiiuisu, unu juugu lur yuurscives. Respectfully, inr29-tfd H. C. WEIDLER, Irlnrlpal. fVAHM'S CORNER. SPECTACLES! A NEW AND PERMANENT DEPARTMENT Ol'EKKU ZAHM'S CORNER. We have opened a DISTINCf OPTICAL De4 partmentln connection with our retail bust ness, and have FITTED UP AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF OUR BUILDIN exclusively devoted te tills branch, and havif placed 11 In charge of a Regular Graduate Optician, Having had 10 years cxpcrlcnre In the best. hospitals of the country, und recommended ex the best medical authority in the state. We de net propose te simply adjust correctly all cases of defective sight, and fit them wit the correct lenses, but te perform all SURG! CAL OPERATIONS necessary, and le plai under treatment these who by proper atten tlenl need only treatment of the cye toresten their sight without the use of spectacles. A1 the samu time we de net propeso te make th adjustment se expensive as te debar our cus temers from the advantage el a preicr exami nation, and will make all EXAMINATION! FREE, excepting only theso that requires clal treatment te remedy nny defect. Doing sole agent for the celebrated AEUNDEL TINTED SPECTACLES The best lenfce for llie money in the country J and having the advantages of n proper adJustH ment at n prtce within the reach of ii'l.thcrtl will be no necessity for any one using glusscil that are uncomfortable or unsulted te Ihetiil eyes. We shall be pleased te have nil suffering with any troubleoftliocyc, in whatever ferml call and be properly treated, by In ADJUbT-J MENT and PRICE. ERNEST ZAHM, ZAHM'S CORNER, uir5-:lind LANCASTER, PAJ J. II. MARTIN A-CO. EPZCIAL SALE -OF- -AT- J. B. MARTIN & CO.'S DURING MARCH A APRIL, Cor, W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. QUEENSWARE DEPARTMENT ! IN BASEMENT. Lirgcst Assortment In Lancaster. 7 STHTEMENT We claim that we can sell Quccnsware of all descriptions ut lower rates than any house In similar business In this city, for the reason that our Queensware Roem does net occupy expen sive quarters, und you aie net compelled te imp iniy uu exifuvagnui rem wnen purcnasing Decorated Dinner Sets. A Urge ste;k te select from lu English Porce lain, French China nnd Geruinn China. Geld Hand Dinner Bets at 10, 912.50, 117.50 and "Decorated Porcelain Dinner Sets, J10, 15, 120 and U0. Decorated French China Sets at $23, 135, f50 and 175. Decorated Ironsteno Dinner Sets ut t. $10, $12 and 111. Loek at tba Bargains in Dlnmr Sets. $8.90 a Set. apeciui eargain in ririi ijinnkh Decorated English Were, containing 2 1! Cups und Saucers, I dez. Soup Plates, 1 di ner Plates, 1 dez. Tea 1 'lutes, 1 dez. l)e Speclul bargain In FIFTY DINNER SET?, s.a.w-1.. Infl Lt .illcVl lTnvA nAnlnlhlh-n.l m - . UUZ. 1 CI. dez. Din l)tujrls. 1 dez. Putters, 2 Covered Illshes, I Covered But ter, 1 Sugar, 2 Steaks. 1 Pickle, 1 Gravy lkut.1 Cream, 2 Bakers, 1 dez. Brcakfust Plates, 1 Hew I, at tt.D0ael. With every Decorated Dinner sold the cus tomer Is huudtsl a printed slip which reads as follews: "We guarantee this Dinner Set for 5 years net te craze or sui Caci crack, Slgucd, J, II. MARTIN 4 CO." WHITE DINNER SETS I jflf the best English Iren Stene, guaranteed for Mtlve ) ears, net le craze or surface crack, et H.W, ti.M, tejju, v, tm ana iu'.du. wuuot'erce lain Dinner Sets, Ilrldgewoeds 4c Ce.'s Best. English Porcelain, at Si, f 10, tl2 uud 115. t5adiaters7 of a'ny "jiaTce"er DE- IV sign, ran be furnished at reasonable figures, CyJOllNDESf, 313 East Fulton street. (m7-lftC Housekeeping Goods L 1 :cv y j -.- t .' 41 Aii Mwb. ' " -"""" 'fXfSV9lV