THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, APKIL 7. 1890. V VV v V --'" Itf ntUtficui?r '.I't- . i.wrarmtAiT. OKAnLMBTBtmiAlf WLW, BUtm ' IkOMBT CbAKK, ratuaar. ik DAILY ntrKUJaEKCKR-PabUibed wrdayln the ytsu, but Sunday. fcrwnfcw te thli ty n arfeui4ttr v tawtsiatteneenustweea. '""' v:jtn s yssw la advance ; eenU a month. rMKLtTNTKLLIOKNCEK-One dollar Oy cents a year, in advance, JTICB 10 SLflSCRlBKR-RnU r . - r nontefflc order, and where wiw fi"tJieea be procured Mad la ft wftrtertsl cmm. .- . ., t the Poleffloe,MteconaoiMBU"' , Matte. v asemm, m nrmuawcs. K Lancaster, Pa. LAJTOASraK, FA., Ayril 7, 1890. .' DeiralflthHIm! rtfEx-State Senater Lewl Emery, n Ite- bpblican leader of the northwest which ktticuiariy cemmanas me renuueu th neenle Interested In lta peculiar fedtiitrv. haa made a speech at Brad- icd In denunciation of the nomination .Delamater, and given very goeu laenawhv lionheuld net be nominated. tit charges htm with Infidelity te the interesta of the people and even with fraudulent practice in the discharge of "bk functions as senator. The attack Is of s Character that shows that the assault I will be continued upon Delamater both 7 a candidate for tne Republican nenunn- tten and as the Republican nominee. JW SUOWS mat me sweiu una uwu ui...i against htm and the scabbard thrown sway. It comes atauine wnen wi- wtii la alMttdv eilnnsMuw! in flAVe SO. k wired a majority of the Republican del- f aiea mreugu me rcmve mu eii Chairman Andrews ana me repmeu ,Jselp of Senater Quay. That lender Wnt ftway te nerma uccmniiK iv tit was n fair field for nil tue MandldAtpa. but when lie returns no ' flhds that his agents hnve been help- lag one of them with very dirty prno prne ila?a and that he Is be far committed .In nubile estimation te Delamater that rit' he should drawback from him, the wardlct would be that he was afraid : and last here comes this open assault from itin oil regions which Is the old-time s Mating ground of the Independent Re- - Mbllcans : and K euny cireps ueiauia- L far after this attack It will be a retreat lander fire that circumstances may illv make a rout, and if he does net fitreat, It does net take great prophetic tower te predict disastrous ueieat. hl1H.Hlli.HiiKlliian winnlliA In lntltlevl. . AUO XWUUUUVaU 11IUVI1UIV wu.a. Vania Is In better shape te be smashed an It has been for many a long year. ere are plenty of disappointed men fctady tejump at the threat of the leader, 'When they see a fair ennnce te down ihltn. There would be an elegant opper tunity with se unwholesome a cnudl Nlate ns Delamater, who has net u falngular popular attribute, and whose jv whole- strength lies In his con- etten with thess whom the people ' knew as their fees. This connection can t readily shown. And there appear :-A be fniftii In lie urircd ncralnst him. liahewing him te be a ready tool of ills- autable people and schemes. There no awcet saver about him te coin- id him te the voter. Mr. Quay and pfce party machine will have te elect im ; and tuey will net 1ms aule te stand I ;Tery strong guerilla fire, much less III they be likely te safely endure the ICty division that Delamnter's caudl- ' and Quays mastery threatens. kThe two new scum te be fairly joined ether te sink or swim. The light is i.much against Quay as Delamater. later 's odleusncss comes in te sun- mcnt Quay's, and the two together lll'make a lively stench. Quay will if back out from the association, uu- tunate ns ue may new esteem it. lie net been noted for retreating ; Mptclally when he finds retreat te tee late, He will Have te Btuy 60 the wave, even though it be & kut te be cast upon the reeks. Tt docs ?BOt de for a political leader te go te Fler ida, fishing, leaving turbulcut witters liMhlnd him and peer pilots lu his ret- n craft. Or perhaps It would be fnlrer i say that it is net possible in these primes for a thoroughly corrupt pelltlcluu successfully undertake teraalutaiu his bold upon politics even lu Pennsylvania. ,'&' . --. SujK m . . , t, , , ,. rower or me aew states. Itlt seems about as eertaln ns anything i can be tUat the bill muklnc states of jT'WjJbe and Wyoming will be passed by rsa eenate nnu aigned by the president, aiac ine triumph of party, rather than tlce or public welfare, is the supreme isidcratieu with the men in pewer, witn six new stntcs mur ed with mera or less firm- ! in the Republican column key may feel reasonably secure lu their : n narrow minds. The admission of r Idaho and Wyoming should draw a EHaietest from the elder stutcs against this usan scneme rer manufacturing tmenwealths which may with their jjjeanty population outweigh the great LJbateru states In the Scuate. The Xm SYerk Sun calls attention te the fact that J.1IM four new states and two in embryo arc an aggregate vote of eulv 7,213, and yet they will have ; i twelve senators, and se will be nulte us ffewcrful In the Senate ns New Yerk, Pennsylvania, Uhle, Indiana, Illinois rna juisseuri with their aggregate of iHKW five million voters. The new states ay have great expectations In the wuv IM' population, but their remote inland wyen and their physical features Mirage hopes of the r ever an- ;Meaching the states named In either enslty of population or wenlth. tten Inequality of the elder states In ten. aterial representation is tolerated as an erited evil made less by the cemmer. I Importance of the smaller cenimmi. pyaalths, but while waiting for a fitting unuuuy ie rectny this historical Ct a nnrtlann rewrnmnni ni...i.. iptfetes Its power te the creation of mere Diems or the same kind. Little ivi. rare is thought by many te have tee senatorial power, but In all but a iphlcal sense she Is a fur mere mi nt part of the nation than several ftfc new states. I growing power of the far Weat I Sy observable in the streusr ennmii. te public measures which seem tn 1 only the sea coast. River and ( Tll6 1. "v mvuu u, laartiiif? appropriations for unknown My,&. nvars, and Western members Aneirid oppesluir coast fartlflnaHn,, rfriun ffe'(Dg foreign commerce and u .awn iuui are uoyeuu the grasp uw provincial mind. daalraiit liwlrnnnlllan ...... ipelal news inspires them often te W wrongful meanef cttinir it 'ri.r, ri.VArlp lt.rf tfu. t.... . ifvuuiivi iiuiHUO!. nun a liMrlet, it ntl.A.. .!. i . i JL11 Ha flnntamtuiM.te. l..4... n avite attempt te get ahead of them. 1ILM ukll. . .. . . . . T .' ."",v" particularly in ant. hu 111.) j.. ?.. . "i " nnu seems w e a far worse thing; in printing an accusation against a young man awny off In Honduras of having stolen the 141,000 that a couple of years age was lest in transit by Adnms Express company te the treasury at Washington. The Adams Express company paid the 1cm, and employed Plnkerteu'a agency te catch the thief. After two years they seem te have determined te fix the crlme Upen this man new in Honduras, although they bad no evldcnce ngalnst him. Rebert rinkerten started down te sec him and persuade him te confess. He came home full of fever but without the con fession. The man declared he was Inno cent. The Herald prints Plukcrlen's letters showing hew much trouble he went te, hew llttle he knew and hew llttle he get. Since be has returned, the government down there seems te have been moved te arrest the accused man, who Is re ported te have confessed the crime. It is very remarkable Indeed if he did for them what he refused te de for l'ln l'ln kurten and reflects undue discredit upon that gentleman's persuaviveness. We doubt the confession. There Is nothing tn the reason of the cese te make It probable. The Herald has far mere probably been drawing a long bow te benefit Its circulation. Te-day begins a Democratic administra tion. That the new brooms will de geed sweeping there Is no doubt. Tne Senate en Hatiinlny piuiodeno hun dred and thlrteen pension bills In an hour. It would take mere tlmti an hour te care fully read the brief statement of each chre published lu the Cbngresttenal Jleenrd, and leglnlotlen se hurried and reckless cannot avoid blunders. True, theso pennlen bill had passed the Heuse, and might be sup posed te have received prelty thorough sifting In that body, but the approval of tbeSenate should be something mere than a formality, and lightning legislation by whelesale at the rate of two Mils a minute cannot easily be justified. Tiik Sioux have hctd a pew-wuw and dance and roielvoil net te take lauds In sev eralty, but te run the rink of starva tion and let Uncle Sam auppert them. Unde can stand It If Le can. Tun Hnuse pasNcd a bill en Saturday providing that appointments of civilians te be second lltuttenauts In the army shall be made by selections from members of the Inte militia and from graduates of institu tions of learning having military Instruc tion under the supervision of nn army officer. This will only epen the army te civilian appointments lu cane of rare emergency as the law new provides that vacancies iniut first be filled by appoint ments from the graduates of AVoet Point and" after they nre oxhausted by appoint ment from the ranks of meritorious non commissioned otllcerH. It Is only after theso two nourcesaro exhausted that the new law of civilian appointment would comb Inte pluy, .... Te-pay we ehoerfully say furowell te ox ex ox Mayer Kdgorley and welcome Mayer Clark. Tun first striking feature of the new city administration Is a pollce ferce that leeks llke buslness and Is net likely te he ho he leo Its leeks. Ruenn Island may be lu the Democratic pyramid of states In 1802. At the recent contest for state officers the Democrulle ticket had qulte a large plurality. The constitutional majority was net o e cured and thoreforo the election of state officers must be by .thp Leplt Leplt lature. A; number of legls'atlve dis tricts failed te elect representatives, and supplementary elections will be held en Saturday. The contest lu Newpert for First and Fourth district representative held last Saturday resulted In the election of two Domecrots William P. Clarke, by 73 majority, and Andrew W. Qulnn, by 33 majority. It Is possible that the election is net legal, as It was held under the old voting system, Instead of under the pro pre visions of the new ballet law. irthoIIeuRO of Representative Is Democratic, and it probably In, the Itepublicans may appeal te the suprome court te docide as te thelr legality. Vax Heutkm's Cocea "Ouce tried, always ueJ." (1!) Penny Wlwloni-l'euinl Full v. It Is foolish te lave the little that HOZODONT cot, ana luffcr what will result In bad twlh ntirt Ur,je payment te dentliU. I'lace a bottle of It en the toilet, me live drops only of It every tlmeufter eating, clcanae Ilia mouth, itml hew your trlidem. A Hepe About Our NecUm. A weuk etemach or enfrruleil circulation lj like h rer about our necks. We are Kirunic and unitruriK alternately until existence be comes unbearable, llurdeek lllaeit Jlll-lert will arrest nil this misery. Jlunleck Itlerut Uiltcrt are a been te the nick. Let us remember this (2St H!'.UU'" tt',K'r by V. T. Hech, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Tub only guaranteed cure for nil bleed taint! and humors, eruptions, pimples, blotches, sculp dlsensf nnd scronileus sores and swellings. Is Dr. l'lerce's Uelden Meil leal Discovery. Veu fetaciireer inouey paid for It promptly rt urned. M,Tnr Glud te Heur It. "Fer several months I endured a dull imln through my limes and shoulder; lest my spirit, appetlle and color, and could with nllll culty remnln from my bed. My nreiient lienttli rul condition Is due te llunleck Jlloed Jlilltri." Mrs. L. A. Hull, lllinjlmnipten, N. Y. held In l..ncster by ', T. Hech, 137 and 133 North Queen street. Frem Ilepubllcun Ilvadiiunrtera. MeaAVlA, N. Y., May 6, 18S7.0. K. Wood Weed ward : I have been using Kemp's Italtam and find It very enectlve In relieving n cough with which I have been afflicted of late. Our drug KtsU tell me they sell mere of this than any any ether cough remedy. I can cheerfully rec ommend tt. Yours truly, J. J. 1'ease, Editor llepubllcnn. At all druggists. Uirge bottles S0c and tl. m YA? AN HOUTEN'd COCOA. Better than Tea and CeOee for the Nerves. Van Heuten's Cocea, " ONCE TJilKD AI.WA VS UHKIV Ask your Orecer for It, lake ue ether. (C() Ante. e UH LEADING HATTEU. YOUNG MEN YOUHSI'IUNa HAT IS AWAITINQ YOUlt CALL. Our Stock Is new Full and Complete und and we have u but that will please jeu. DUNLAP & CO.'S Celebrated Hats AND THE WILCOX "BOSTON BEAUTIES ' All have made their apearanee. Only place lu the city where you cuu get them. Best 1100 and 12 W STIFF FUft HATS ever shown. UOV'H ANDCIf ILDKEN'S Nobby Ooeds aud Feucyatyhs a specialty. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCAHTJC. FA. ftatace of Jraahten. TALACK or FAHUION. THE GRAND SPRING OPENING AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST., Is announced for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and premises te be the Event of the Season. At no time before this have we made such extensive pre parations for an elaborate dis play as for this occasion. We intend te make this opening our crowning effort. By it we must show that our lines of Goods in every department arc complete beyond a doubt, that our prices arc right. Our Goods are stylish and new, and our assortment is larger than ever before. Te show our Goods and make our store the centre of attraction is our only aim. The decorations this time will be of such novel and conspicuous designs as will make it compare favorably with some of the finest exhibits ever shown anywhere. A World's Fair in Lancaster. Each department represented in a separate exhibit, and each one a Fair in itself. Your spe cial attention is called te our Millinery Parler, in the rear end of the store. There we will show about 300 opening Hats, trimmed and designed after the latest Paris and Londen fashion, besides our display of Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, Plushes and Millinery Laces and Ornaments will excel any of our former efforts. The whole front part of our store, from the deer te the Mil linery Department, will be de voted te the display of Laces, Embroideries, T rimminjjs, Fancy Goods, Corsets, Under wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry, Lace Goods, Parasols, Umbrel las, etc. ; and the way the Goods will be arranged will make it attractive as well as interesting te everybedy. We will net spare'timc-ner trouble te make this opening the grandest ever seen here, and extend a most cordial invitation te all. Four days : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2, 3, 4 and 5. One day like the ether ; the same display ; the same Decorations ; the same Hats. Come every clay, as it will take you four days te see everything. ItUoccllauceuQ TO POISON i ucdlli"P Olt lNJllltlOUrt COI (IKS Purity Heup," 1T10H PULt.EYH, FIIAFTINO, COI.I.AIW, - .!,nMr''r" t'lainn llexes. Couplings, etc., go te JOHN tlrWr, lid East Fulton MtreeU m7-tld rilllKOALLA LILY IS THETHADK MAKK JL efthe Finest Heiip en Earth, " PUUITY. ITlOllAMEltlUANHlGHTPEKDCYLINDEH J Lubricators, UIiksOII Cups for Hearings, you can Ret them ut JOHN HEHTH, act Wis Kill ten street. m"-tfd rnlMK. LAIIOK AND MONEY HAVKD 11Y X using " Purity Hean." Beld everywhere. IaoiineiLKit'iintuimuHiiKM, htillsen ripe. lunchcs.Pitionud.Meukcy Wrenches ceiumucii, rues, uu fans, etc, HEST, ail test Fulton slieet. go te JOHN m7-tfd CAjlllY IN KTOUK IIKKT CHAHCOAL, Hammered liar Iren, Deuble ltetlucd Iren llurden's ltlvet Iren, ltlvets, Het and Celd V"'.'.0 I"."1-Wert- Hheet Iren !U1 te Ne. 16, at JOHN llESFM. 33.1 East Fulton street. m7-td T70H HTKAM GAUmiH. Illflll mt inr ,1V Pressure, Vl'.lfll.. tlnnrmm l. ....... ft 1. Jeed Wheels ,)r Weighted, Ulaks Tubes JJ1J'lll.,yPhenfnrHt'aiii Uaugca, Cylinder Ollem Plulu u'iiIep llimA i.liit...,a r..,.- n. Hteurn Gauges, call en JOHN IlEbf, S.U Hint Fultenstrccu m7.tfd I7HIIE niUCICH, F1KR CLAY, AT LOW J Ilgures,goteJOHN HliST, S-U East Fulton street, m7.iw STEAM II EAT IS THE COMING I! EAT FOIt duellluie, churiht-s, school houses, etc., though successfully uswl one hundred years "". When veu contemplate a change call en JOHN ItlXr. wtiii will L.lin inn n Jeb, at u falrprkv. m7-tld TTOll IIOHIZONTAL HPATIOMA1IV PV, J glues, froiii'JuiMlhersp-iuwer, and Vcrtl- m i-.iiKiiu-n iruiii . iu,u fiorse-pow er, you Hnd them at JOHN HESI'H, &SS Eist Fi en win niten aiUTii Oil CAST IIION PIPE FITTINGS, UOTH alleable Flttlnirs. I- ruiiirps. frMmma iT,innD' Mantrelds, American Unions, Tube Hupperts! i.!5nW5,kJ:.l0?r Rm.1 Fe"'"e Plates, go te JOHN' llEaf8.!):i.l East Fulton street. m7-tfd IFIN WANT OF"itAWrbli"llt"e"N STOP C(K;ks, Asbestos Packed Cix-ks, Pet and Illb teeks.Iver Cocks, Hiving Joints, cull and get 'S'J iT, ,".elll?,.5'eur VT hymall, te JOHN HEsr,&n East Fulton street. m7-tfd ITIOIt 110LTH, LAG KCKEWH, 8ETKCIIEW8. Hiiuareand Hexagon Nuts, these goods In stock, at JOHN UEST'S, iltl Eust Fulton street. m7-tfd SAWMILLS, UAltK MILLS, COI1 MILIJS, Leather (toilers, Tan Packers. Triple Herse Powers. Milling and Mining Machluery. at JOHN llK.srn,fr East Fulton street , iiii-tM TK YOU WANT A FIIIST-CL.VSS IOHTAHLE ,. Kngine mid Heller, en nheels, cheap, as the following prices show; tl horse-power, (175: 8 neree-pawer, 51i ; 10 horse-power, 1575; Is hera llE8T'8, 838 East Fulton street. in7-trd TTIOlt CAHTINOS, IIION OH I1HA89, LIGHT I1 or henvv. nt sbnrt nnHiA an tn Inuu CE8 r, sal East Fulton street. go te JOHN 1H7-1 ra T! 1-tHOS. F PKUItFTTT, PHArrriPAi. rrAi-ri?!) All kinds flf lfnfB ninuttn.1 1,u.Trl....A.l -... llemedeled te leek like new. 811k HuU a specialty. HaU called for bv addressing liiiM-lind U CuUltT AVENUE. Lancaster, Pu. IriOH DOILEIW. HOItlZONTAL. TABULAR. ! Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Murine, of any tUe or power, of the best material and workmanship, go te JOHN II EST. SSi East Ful ton street. mT.U(1 TRACKINGS. AS KOI.l jiu'm JT Hteam and Hjilraullc Packing, Asbest Hepe. S?.n.'i?i)V,cl l !cU",. Hemp Packing. A: bestes Mill I eard. Asbestos Cement, Aklste HheathlDir. Gum Pucklng.Gum Hlngs for Water Cluuges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As bestos, Llne.1 sectional Pipe Cever, at JOHN 11E8T'8, va East Fulton street. ' m7-tfd A GENCY FOR CALLAHAN & CO'8 CK J ment te take the lare of lied I-ed. n, buTk It makes ne times the quantity of red lead and Is far suin-rler tn making steam Joints packtug inan and hand bole plates en boilers! SSii&Sr ?! ?Lt!?.nU Pr pound, at JOHN UEarSMKiitTrultonrtreti, ' mT-lM DIltlGO.FOU FOH I'll ATT A CADY AHHESTOS DIHC Valves, Jenkins Valvcs.llrass Glebe Valves. llrnssGate Valves, Iren lledy Glebe Vulves. Leersalety Vaies, pep Safely Vahes.Alr ales, ltaillater VaUes, Pratt's Hulnglng Check VaUes, llraks Cheek Valxes.Eoet Valves Angle Vnles, call at JOHN lll'.Vrs, 333 Kas Fulton Htrcet. m7-tfd F K0ttuamaitc, FRlLAtiCLrntA, Monday, April 7, 1&80. Tlie Summer Upholstery things for all ever the house are ready. Net a bit tee seen for you te be thinking of them. All the room fittings, from Car pets te Wall Paper will prove nearer te your mind if you take a little time in cheesing them and we like a little leeway in filling orders. Slip Cevers. If your furni ture is covered with Satin Dam ask you may have hesitated about using Slip Cevers, lest the linen injure the Upholstery. Ne fear of that if you use this soft, fine Drab Linen Damask, 34 inches wide, 6ec. Our best 66-inch Striped Linen for furniture slips is 50c. Very large assortment Eng lish Cretonnes and Chintzes, 51 te 40c. French Cretonnes (for cur tains tee), 40c te $1. Cttraits. All the misty, cob webby sorts and their thicker relations. Tunisian Curtains in soft tints with bayadere stripe en snewflakc ground, $3 a pair. Nottingham Muslin Tambeured Madras Irish Point Lace Tambeured llrusscls and that family arc in full force. Figured Swiss in coin spot, floral, geometrical and special designs, 25c te 45c favorites for sash curtains. Madras by the yard and by the pair ; in white, ecru, geld, and a great variety of ether choice colors. Nevel designs always. Awnings Sweltering days arc net far off. Will you wait till the crowd finds it out? Awning stripes in great variety. Goods and styles that last sea son were 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c, are new 20c a yard. All kinds of window and ver anda awnings made and put up. Of course prices are as low as anybody's outside, very likely lower. Estimates if you wish. Shades. Opaque Window Shades, with Hartshorn spring rollers, start at 50c each. Scotch Helland Shades made te order' from best goods at lowest prices. Hccend fleer, north of Transept. Eighteen patterns one hun dred and ten pieces) choice Ax minster Carpet, suitable for fine furnishing, at $1.50 a yard. These goods have been 2, they're worth $2 new as the regular market gees. We've been civiner veu some verv special bargains in Carpets, but this let of Axminsters wheels into line fully abreast of any of them in interest. In the same precession arc 289 Axminister Rugs. Hugs, 18 square feet, Si) from SH. Hugs, It square feel, 57 from ill. 101 Mecca Rugs: Hugs, 12 square feet, Ki from JI- Hugs. 15 square feet, 17.60 from (15. Second lloer, Market street, Curcl Stere. Jehn Wanamaker. avpete. "1ARPETS I CARPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY Well-kuewn Manufacturers of Genuine Coverlets, Ceunterpanes, Car pets, Blankets, Yarns, &c. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO, NO. KM SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa. feblMmd T 1HE LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. S.&V. Best Carpet Werk. Cheapest Carpets, Linole Linele ums, Certicines, Oil Cleths. One Price T 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 East Orange Street, au(2-lyd etVttovurue. T UTHER 8. KAUKFMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-h V. Beoend Fleer Kahlemau I North DulrKMirw,!. midline, Ne. 43 irl-lvrt."v OPRINQ NECKWEAR! Keur-lu-Hand,Tcck and Tycoon, At ER18MANU -lyiLLlAMSPORT Wire Buckle Suspender, AT EIUSMAN'H, Ne. 12 West King Btreet. -JTEW STYLE LINEN COLLARS, AT ERJSllAN'B. C' S. H. e. e. e. In tlie SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is a remedy whose frame is wide spread ever two continents, which has retained its popu larity for ever half a century, its demand increasing at home, and orders coming for it where the English language is never spoken. This speaks volumes for its efficacy, and is worth mere te a sick person than a shipload of argument. XUatchc. JEWEL ER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL.! JKWlU.Ell ,t QUA D UA TK OVTICXA X. Is tlm Most Sensitive Organ we Possess. If neulccted tba result Is serious aud often prove fatal. Eyes Hint Ache.Eyes that Grew Tired, Eye that are Dim, Eyes that Hum or Itch, come under this head and should have Immediate attention. Eyes Examined Free I Ne Dreps Used 1 OHAS. S. GILL, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCAHTER, PA. w ALTER CHERlt. Watches, Clods, k We would call attention te our unusually large stock of Geld, Killed, Hllver and Nickel Cased Watches nt prices that cannot be ap proached by no one. Bring Us Your Repairing. WILLOIVE YOUTIIEI1EST WORK. PRICES MODERATE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANUE. S-PIIOF. LITTLE, Optician, will be here April 17, 13 and 19. f3oet0 attb Htec0. B OOTcJ AND SHOES. The First of April HAS NO TERRORS FOR PEOPLE WHO 11UV THEIR SHOES FROM D. P. STACKH0USE, 23 AXI) SO KAST KIXQ ST. They're Always Happy Uecntisa They Uet Such Uoed Goods, and Always Able te Pay All Ullls llceause They Save He Much Meney By Ihiylng ut Stackhouse's, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. "OEAUTIFUL SHAPED SHOES ! Ladies' $3 Shoes. Something Entirely New and Very Pretty for no dress, shoes combining nearly or quite all he desirable features possessed by ft and 5 grades style, fit, material and excellence of make. See the prett'estja shoe sold In Lancas ter, then step here long enough te see these we have hew much better, prettier and finer they nre, The difference becomes apparent at once. The uppers are cut from a flue grade leather, stiierbly finished, closely resembling genuine French Kid, though'teugher In grain and much mere durable j Is soft and yielding In wear and presents a handsome appearance. Are made made ever latest Improved lasts and come in four dltrercnt widths II., C, D. and E. Have overlap vamps, opera tees, either plain or pat ent leather tipped, with common sensoer con cave heels, as may be preferred. The trimming, stitching and Mulsh bear evidence of superior workmanship. They are made by hand, net by machine, and areeasyand comfortable te wear, the soles being very flexible and yielding read ily te every action of the feet while In motion. Ne limp, no bait these shoes remedy these faults. Ladies' $1,60 and $2.00 Sbees. In these we've New and Pretty Shapes fe Spring, which need only te be seen te be appre ciated. Shaped te fit and te lend attractiveness te the feet ; made of leathers tlexlble te a de gree ns te Insure ease and grace In carriage. New this week and are sure te wtu mere than a few admirers. Have you teen them? SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Htrkkt, Lancas ter. 1'a. VfOriCE TO TRESPASSERS AND GUN ,L NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or L&neutar ueuntles, whether luclesed or nulncleswd, either for the mirrxe of shoetine or Qshlng, aath Uw will be ridclly enforced against sui in. niulnir en ". lands of the undersigned aft this uetlce in 4 A'M. rt.Pt I. COLEMAN FREEMAN i'ITIIIIV A I liLV Eli w. n. vuis'vu a v S."-"- O. w. e. , In the Spring Fer three years I was troubled with malaria, which caused my appetite te fall, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and llfe had lest all Its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but te no ctTcct. I could get no relief. I then decided te try SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. 8. S.) A few bottles of this won derful medicine made a complete and permanenteure, and I new enjoy better health than ever before. f J. A. MCE, Ottawa, Kau. Treatise en mailed free. Weed and Skin Diseases SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a, t?U Q3oeZi -VTKW YORK STORE. Spring Dress Goods I WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KINO ST. Are Showing nn Immense Sleck of LATEST SHADES AND NOVELIIES. CASHMERE HENRIETTAS, In Old Rore, Greys, Heliotrope, Gelden Brown, Ac, 4c, S5c, 37c, 60c, 70c te 81 a yard. MOHAIR I1RILLIANTINES, Spring Shades, 25, 3 SO te 75 cents a yard. The great depression In business has com cem tielled manufacturers te threw large, lets of goods en the market at less than cost. 100 PIECES ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, In Grays, Hlues and llrewns, 38 inches wide, 20c a yard. Cost 25c te make. NEW FANCY STRIPED SUITINGS, Yard Wide, Spring Shades, 12c i worth 'JOc. ONE CASE ALL-WOOL CASHMERES, 40 Inches wide, 35c a yard, worth 50c NEW PLAID AND STRIPED CLOTHS, Yard Wide, 25c a yard. 88 PIECES NEW STRIPED SUITINGS, 33 Inches wide, 37Jc ; made te sell at 00c. 15-INCH CASHMERE HENRIETTAS, Spring Shades, 37J a yard, ALL-WOOL SPRING SUI TINGS, Yard aud a-helf wide, only 60c a yard. -AT THE New Yerk Stere. w ILLIAMSON 4 FOSTER. On Saturday Morning Vft will be ready te Shew Yen Our NEW NOV ELITES 111 SPRING DRESS GOODS. In addition te our nlrcady large and carefully selected stock of Spring Dress Goods, we will open some of the most exqulslte novelties In the above named goods produced this season. Ladles desiring something new and novel In Dress Stuffs should net full te visit us and leek through our stock. We have styles of dress goods which cannot be found elsewhere tn the city. IMMENSE! IMMENSE! We have new open the Largest and Rest Se lected Stock of Infants' Leng mid Short In Cream and Ecru, Handsomely Embroi dered, that can be found in Lancaster city. Leng Ceat, 12 23, and Short Coats II 25. Ladles' Stocklnette Jackets, tl 50, S3 25, ft 25, Beaded Sll k Wraps, 2 50 te U 25. Girl's Sailor Jackets, $2 50 te M 50. Ladles' Cennemaras, ti GO. ChllOren's Twe-Piece Kilts, 82 00 te 13 00. Children's Short Pant Suits, 12 00 te 12 50. Children's Spring Weight Overcoats. Odd Pants and Shirt Waists, 25c, 50c, 75c and 11.00- NOTIONS. Among the many new things In this depart ment will be found Children's and Infant's White Dresses, long and short. Prices from 25c te 13 00. White Embroidered Caps for children and Infants' Carriage Afghans, Lace Curtains all prices from fOc te 13 per pair. LIGHT SHIRTS. Particular attention nas been given te our LlghtrWelght Shirts for the ceinlns Siirlmr and Summer. Our Silk, Cashmere, French and English Flannels, Zephyrs, Cheviots, Madras Cleth, Battues and Demel Flannels, arc the handsom est and cheapest ever shown te trade. Demet Flannel Shirts, 25c te 75c Satlnes, Cheviots and Madras Cleth, II 25 te (3 00. Cashmeres and French and English Flannel, f I te U. Silk and Bilk Stripes, f.1 te 17 60. A full line of Spring and Summer Underwear for men, that cannot be .surpassed, and ranging In price from 25c up. AMONG OUR SHOES Fer Spring and Summer wear Is One Speclul Line en which we have secured the Agency fur Lancaster and Harrlsburg. We are therefore prepared te give you the benefit of the low price for which these goods can be sold. They are made of tine selected Dongola stock, with narrow square tees and tipped with the same goods as upper stock, bund-turned soles, ele gantly stitched with silk. We curry these goods In all widths, from A. te E. Price, S3 50. The New Department this week Is Ready- Made Harness, and all kinds of prices for single from 5 50 a set up ter."), and all tlie extras te sell separate. We will have mere te say about this department later en, and you will learn something by seeing It. Prices will surprise you. The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps, with a complete assortment of Pockelbeoks nnd Um brellas, Trunks and Traveling Rags, at the Low Lew est Prices. Heusefurnlkhlng Goods, alasswure, China ware, Tinware, Woodenware, Wlllewware, Agate are. An elegant Clethes Wringer, 2 and 12 50. Fleer EatsU In Antique Oak, Silver and Cherry at very low prices. Lamp Chim neys for Ne. 1 and 2 Burners, at Sc We have just received an elegant line of Table and Fleer Oilcloths, Clethes Pins, le a deien. Williamson t Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., NO. SIS MARKET BT., HARR1SBURQ, PA. V A.stsii s. s. s. In tlie Spririj i-ur two years I was nflectcd wit general debility, and 1 was fast bccem-l lug a physical wreck.- I took quantities! of every medicine I could bear of, but! they did net have nny effect en me. Atl length I commenced taking SWIFT'S SPECIFIC (S. S. S.), and I was a welt man after taking a few bottles. Itl without an cqunl for building up tt general health. Had it net been rer SWIFf'S SPECIFIC (H. R. H. T weuM undoubtedly have liecn in my grave te-l day. J. T. UIIYANT, I Jicntleraenvlllc, N. C. Treatise of Weed and Skin Diseastal mailed tree. I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gt. mrsi-lmd reccrtcs. QPEN IN FULL BLAST. CLHRKE is Open In Full Blast. Goods having been bought In they will be I sold Wholesale and Retail nt Greatly Reduced I rrtccs. Will be glad te have nil my friends and pa trons cnll and secure Bargains. FULL LINE OF EASTER GOODS AT LOW TRICES. Samuel Clarke, Agt.,1 12 AND 14 SOUTH QUEEN ST. ATllUHSR'8. Easter Goods ! FINF. ORANGES AN BANANAS. CHOCOLATE RABBITS AND EGOS. Candies! Candies! Candies! Having bought out the Candy Stere nt 11 East Kins: St, we nre giving Big Bargains In Geed Candles. NO EASTER WITHOUT EGGS. FRESH EOOS AND BUTTER. FINE COFFEES AND TEAS. Andn Full Line of Rcllable Groceries of all kinds, at BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. A T REISTM. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Wanted at Once ! ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS NICE POTA TOES I Leading Day nt Cnr. THURSDAY, APRIL 10. 'Jaken lu ten or mere bushel lets. New for Easter ! Relst Is most nssurciTlv headquarters. Big Hams. Medium Hams and Utile l'ig Hams, Picnic Hams, Skinned Hams, Boneless Hams anu I'reparea iiams. EGGS I EGGS I EGGS ! We are headquar ters. Don't delay. Getting Scarce. EASTER GOODS ! All our penny Chocelato Egg", Rabbits. Carts, Ac. 8c a dozen. AH our 10c goods reduced te 8c. All our 5c goods reduced te 4c. Loek at at our Immense display. They must go. If at cost. FRESH INVOICE MEATS! Hams. 12Je. Picnic Hums, flc ; Boneless Hams, 12c ; rrepared Ham, l!!-c; Breakfast Bacen, 12Jc; Country Bacen, lOu : Knuckle Dried Beel, I'm; Fine Reg ular Beet, 10c ; Summer llolegiia.Sc FISH, Ac. I Finest Ne. 1 Deep Hen Bloater Mackerel, 20c. Large Ne. 1 Mackerel, 15c Geed Mackerel, (i for -r. Portland Herring, six pounds for 23e. Whlte Pish, (Je a pound. Plnes Brick Codfish, 10c; n geed one for lie. Fines White Heep Helland Herring per keg, II. DRIEU FRUITS! Dried Fruit Market is go ing " higher than a kite." We nreO, Kand can sell you at old prices, I.oek ut our Im mense display. Very tempting,! uiis.uut-.iui I i-inesi water crackers in the market, four pounds for l!5c. Snaps in the market, three pounds for V.c. Fit est Nlc-Nacs In the market, three pounds 25c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRIKCE8TS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin Jfc Ca's Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Sern Herse Hetel. diimiumvc. H IQH 4 MARTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE AT- China Mall. We are new opening our Spring Importation of Queeimi are and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. LEV. AN'S rLOUR. M Flittixigs " ARETHEORDEROFTIIE DAY. The great unnual mevln; tlme Is at hand. Hut while this occurs only once a year LEVAN'S FLOUR Is moving ALL THE TIME. Never Steps. Moving dally from Mill te Grocery, from Gro cery te Kitchen, there te gladden Die heart of the geed housewife who is se delighted te see a handsome, big white leaf of bread some out of the even, (A word te th wb Mler ten fbr k. W. oel.viun'i Htn 7" Fk ) 1A faVulh AnVMV. - ViarMst,. I NeTlU MAKKK1-HTi m 4MMf Of FA. - :-- "J55SL ty5j' ijHwirttliT VrTSSff- & (OPPOSITE POeTOmCE.) i- -W . H iv-"tsj- snn '