A --ars-'V'W1;', A. U7 rc- ff-iK k p.' ' , XH TAHOA8TEB DAILY IKTBIiLIQEyOER, HtritSDAY. APRIL 3, 1890. s; h if r :slf" RHYMER. at my kitten i that ever purred; speller tnreugn ana r a single word ttten, Bitten, llMHi BMlede t I've written, itabearat. te rhyme with that I (Mr, te ST. ATeaefd. IK MISS. r little Miss f lat queen T luliuur iballbalaT en-dollar bats T iltaascataf I social chats t k crocheted mats I seta T srs starting the lire I Worthless wife. ion .RpttAKcan. Ibltlea. I movement in the s resulted en Wed - In Des Moines. pelegatea, repre- soiutiene were ' recognized the reauirea recti'- be object of aueh i iiiinimize in- jjewa, ei weli Mm. I. ..-.lis. conclusively Itlen, operating dike, without lltletis, clroum clreum ipted either te Pomote mernia, Ota aheuld be medlOed that leaire change nine for them llquera ahall lv." Aivin Incney, Iake Mabepac, N7v. Fer Hale by W. kiiecn.ij snu tev awlu vucvii niwh iir A Sound Legal Opinion. .Balnbrldgn Munday, Esq., County Ally. n., jex., says : "Jiave ukeu cicciric aw i tli most happy result. Sly brother also, Tj low wuu Aiaianai r evcranu .launun-e, IS cureu DY.wmeiy use ui uih meuiciac. lisfied Klectric Hitters saved his life." kj. Wllcoxsen, or Heme ive, ity.. aaas btimeny, saying: tie positively Beueves I nave aiea, uuu ivnuv uevii ler juwviu at nmpdv will ward off. as well as Mnlnrlnl Diseases, and for all Kidney. tTTd Stomach Disorders stands uneaualed. ImfiOc and f 1. at V. T. Uecli'i Drill: Stere. r and 1JU N.. Queen at.. Lancaster, Pa. (6) C Big; Thieves a. 1 YXU. ..... . .. ., ,nllll... .a ..nn (.1. ,l.l,..ma . they creep In and steal our health and comfort Derere we Knew iu iv us put a swp u meir Invasions with a bottle olJSurtleck JlUixl JIUlm te be bad at anv drug store. Fer sale by W, T. Uecb, 137 and U North Queen street, Lancas ter.! - Mothers I Mothers'! ! Mothers t 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain ei cutting teeth T If ae,gest once and get a bottle of MRS, WINS- LOW'S boethinu HjKur, it win relieve the peer little sufferer lmmedlately-depend epen It ; there la no mistake about It. There la net a mower de wriu wuu uu rrw uwu it, ehe will net ten you at once mat it wiuregu- ate the Deweis. ana give rest te me metner, ana ellcr atkt neuun te tne cnua, operating use nuie. IT Is ncrfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of the eldest ana Desi lemaie pnysicians ana l mates, oeia everywnere, J cents a bottle. luneZUydAw MMvnrandmtheVa Cleck," tr. . m vv nnitnlnr sniicf. but like manv fiber seiitlmental tuns It doesn't wear well. way all acUes, sprains and pains and repay Its purchaser a uuuurcu iuu. , , , loch, 137 aim hi norm vfuci-u ulpMiKr ler. The New Discovery Yeu have heard your friends and neluhbers alklng aoent it. ion mayyeurseu i ure ui lh irnv whn knew from nersenal experience fust hew geed a thing It is. If you have e er Tied it, you are one ui iu suiuiiirii inmui, - use the wonderful thing about It Is, that hen once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dls nrcrv ever flpr holds a nlace In the house. If ten have never used It and should be afflicted kith nceugti, cold or any Threat, Lung or hlipt trouble, secure a bottle at once and iflve ta fair trial. His guaranteed every time, or aeney reiunaeu. inui nemes rrce ui vt.i. loch's Drug Stere, Ne. 1! N. Quceu street, ancaster, ru. The Trnvrllnir HitltMiuau Is B Irrlststlble fellow, brim full of stories. lOKeS, Courage, khiwuibuw mm Km. lie IS Eery taking withal. Jlurdeek lllecxl ttuteri are V very taking medicine ; they take everywhere, Uh um uild evervwhere. Fer sale bv W. 'I'. Iloeh, 137 and 1W North Queen street, Laucus. er. ev gate or gent. OB IlENT-HANDHOMK FHONT HOOM I nn Oil fleer. Ne. 12 Wisl Kluestxeet: finest location in tbe city for office or light bumnesj. Inquire of W.W.AMCW.. S1UD-UU Aller's GHl'cry. flOn ItENT-A TKErSTOUY I1IUCK U ajw.iiiiik liuuM-'i nnii iiiuuviti iiuiuuiv jents, Ne. 817 East King street, with llrlek table en let. New occupied by Jehn W. Hoi Hei nan. Apply te GEO. I. Ht'ltECIIER, Ne. 213 A.uig sireeu 1viu rAREHOUSE FOR RENT-IN THE V1L laae of Conesteca Centre. LAnraitr cenn- I y. a Tobacco Warehouse, capacity, lM cases. liu rresses, ecaies, isuies, sc, irem new until Rni in, ibvi. renuriutr parucuiars canon .. B. S. KENDIQ. Ne. 22 Seuth Prince street. snraster, or the undersigned. OrA.W.UUILES, Va 4-K Vn.tti Murv Ut l.nnnn.l.. IV. tdmlnltraters of the estate of Wiu. Guiles, deceased, in.USwd )R BENT-ONE STORE ROOM AND RAMemnnt In Heuthern Market Hmu lulldlmr. fronting en Seuth Oueen street, and Kne Stere Roem in same building frontlngen flue street, suiiaeie ier any nutiness. lue semen i weuia ee an eiegani room ier a turner nep. Apply seen at PA1IW a (.bl.nill e Dry Goods Stere, SS and SS Seuth Queen Street. (arkeU held en Tuesday morning, Saturday raiag ana siataraaj evswiea. H OOD-8 SAMAPAIULLA. Spring Medicine Beeras mere thaa ever necessity this eeaaea, after the mild, uabealthfal wlater, and tb na nsaal prevaJeaeees Hst grip," pneemeela, ty ty phets fever, ete lesvlec nearly everybody weak, exhausted aad Ured. Itees'e BavaspaMlla. Is J set the medicine te overceaae that Urea feel lac, te betid up your whole system, parity rear Moes, Imparl a geed appetite sad prosaete healthy digestion. Try It this spring. " I have ter a long time been aslag Heed's Baraaparllta, and believe me, I would aet be without Ik As a spring medicine It It Invaln uable." E. A KHODas, IX OaUrie Street, Chi cago, III. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla "Early last spring I was very Btaeh.reB down, had nervous headache, H ssteerable and all that. I was very much heaealed by Iloed'a Barsaparllla and reeemmalsd It te my friends." Has. J. M. Tatujb, Ssfltuclld Avenne, Cleveland, O, " I take Iloed'a Barsaparllla as a spring tonic, and I recommend It te all who have that mis erable Ured feeling." C. I'akmelkc, SO Bridge Btreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. B. Be sure te get Heed's Barsaparllla. 100 Deses -vrcLANE-a uvxuriLLs. Mawaasssat ,, THBQENU1NBDR.C. McLANFS CELKBRATKD LIVER PILLS! Beld by druggist, or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Db. humphbby's Manual (M pages) richly bound in cloth and geld, mailed free. UuMriiBKYS' Mbdicinb Ce., 10B I ultenBL N. Y (2) BI'ECIFICH. Tu,Th3tw T'ljNDEVELOPED PABTB Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an' interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there U no evidence of humbug about Ibis. On the contrary, tbe ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL, CO., 6 Bwan HU, Buffalo, N. X. Daily ToUde Ret. m-fydAw rpEETHlNU SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Everv babe shenld have a bottle of DR. tUP. Perfectly FAHRNEVS TEETHING SYRUP. safe. iMoupiumer sierpnianuxiures. will) lleve Celic, Urlplng In Uie Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DRH. D. FAHR NEY4BON, Ilagerstewn, Md. rrugglsU sell It; 20 cents. Truu bottle sent by mall 10 cents. lant-tvdeedAw f HAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. QEAYS BPEOLTO MEDICINE. The Orkat Enelisk Rkmbet. Annnrall Ingcure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetencyandall Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Helf-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Sir- Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we ovslre te send free by mall te every one. stir The SpeclAc Medicine Is sold by all drug glsu at tl per package erslx packages for 15, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE QRAY MEDKINE CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the lellew Wrapper; the only genuine. Held In iJincusler, Pa., by W.T. tlecil. marJ-l) d DRUNKENNESS. LIQUOR HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. DB. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea, or In articles of feed, without the knowledge of the luttlent. if necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is aware, his complete reformation la effected. 43 page book of particulars free. OH AH. A. LOCI1ER, Druggist, Ne. e East King St., Lancaster, Pa. erU8 eed.TThdS T Gljlnatvavt. w QH A MARTIN. a hina, Glass, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- IWk are new opening our Spring li ports tleu of uueensware and will Iprepared te supply our customers me very best grade or ware at ivest Prices. Heusestlres receive (ipeclsJ attentleu. Hit H & MARTIN, l East Kins Street. The marked beaeflt which peopte In run dewfes- or weakened state or health derive from Heed's fJaraaparllla, conclusively proves the claim that this medicine makes the weak strong." It does net act like a stimulant. Imparting fle fle UUem strength from which there most fellow a reaction of greater weakness than Before, bat pe-aeetlag Just these element which the sys tem need and readily seises. Heed's Harsapa tilsa buHds up la a perfectly natural way, all tae weakened parts, acta upon the bleed as a parmeraad vitalise, atstotalte healthy action these Important organs, the kidneys and liver. ROOD'S SaVsaparilla " My daughter has been very 111 with ectcma. By reading about Heed's Barsaparllla I was In duced te, try this medicine, and was wonder wender fsHf ttirprised by IU effects. When she had taken halt a bottle she was like another child, and when the betUe was all gene, she was ca Urely cured and inperfect health." D.F.Kava mauqr, IS Daniel Mtreet, Albany, N. Y. Hoe's Sarsaparilla Is sold by druggists, f 1 ; six for ft. Prepared by C. I. Heed A Ce., Lewell, Mass. One Dellar tf eat ant 9 hoe. B OOTSANDSUOE8. The First of April and gieer Striking styles that plel Step In and see our Men's 11.00 shoes, 11.26 shoes, 11.60 shoes. There's lets or geed leather, geed sheemaklng and geed wear In them for se little money. SHAUB & BURNS, s 14 North Queen Btkeet, Lancas ter. Pa. B IQBARQAINS IN BOYS' WIQWAMS. Beys' $1.00 Wigwams -FOR- 75 Cts. I have Just purchased a Jeb Iet(d0 pairs) of Beys' Wigwams, sizes I u S, which I offer at 75e a pair, In order te sell them off before my regular line arrive. They are worth every cent of f I per pulr, the regular price. Wigwams are Lace Slippers, made of Solid Leather, with Seamless Uppers, shlch are meulded Inte a very pretty liux and being Seamless are very easy en tbe feet. They will outwear two or three pair of Fancy Slippers. They can be seen displayed en Iren column In front of store. The OnetPrice Cash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH.3 A 6 EAST KINO BTREET, LANCASTER, PA. dSrSterc Closed Every Evening at 0 o'clock Eseept Monday and Saturday. "JULY'S CREAM BALM, CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PrlceUeentealDrugglsts; by mall, registered, cents. ... ELYBK0THER8, asyU-lydw K. M Wanes Hh.llrwYerk. Dm jyrrrzeKR iiauehman., teHEHP, OH Ma txgrejr A Hamghtrirntn. BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, Beagat at Auction and from the Manufacturers. CAWKTH AT 10 CKNTB. CARPKTH AT 1 CstNTH. CARPETS AT IS CKNTB. CARPETS AT SD CENTS. CARPETS AT CENTS. Oarnt Riga TaktB ia txekafa. new OU Oletka Oheap. Wtadew DudM. Bwt sUeAMtMtsMn at Metzger&Haugh man's Cheap Stere. 3840 West Kinq 8t., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSrnt THE COOPER HOUSE.) T ard Mcelrey. BARD Sc Met. 83 ui 3S let Qmm Mmt, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Extra values In Tleklngsats,lXU, 15, II aidA. Bed Checks from c up. extra quality Indigo bine at HHc Bleacbeefand Unbleached Muslin, In yard wide, Pillow Case or Sheeting widths, at low prices. FEATHERS Owing te the low price en the Best Feathers our trade has grown beyond our ex pectation. A lower grade at flOe. CARPETS If you wish te see the best value ever offered see our line. New designs In Ingrain Carpets, styles as geed as you will find In the Beat Brussels, that can be turned, and either side wllf leek like the right Ude. net striped en the one side like the old styles used te be, at , Se, SO, S5,17H,0,46,80eandup. Heme-made Mag Carpets, better values than ever, at HV. iu, S7K. 40, u 60c and up. Carpet Rags taken In exchange. An elegant assortment of Smyrna Ruga at 75c and II ; large sixes at M ana IB te ; worth a geed deal mere, stitched Carpet Lining only (e a yard. OIL CLOTHS-The best selection and valne In Fleer Oil Cleth In the city from H te SK rrd wiav, suiwDie ier nans suu tsbuuuiss, or siuuivn WINDOW SHADES-Plaln Onaeue or Helland Shades, Xta. Plain Oil Shades, 40 and COe. Dade Opaque Hade. 40C. Dode Oil Shades, tee. All our shades are the largest site, with spring fixtures. Paper Window Shades, Oil or Helland Shading by the yard ; also spring fixtures. REMNANTS We have Just opened another may ee tne last you win no avie te get, iRD& th Qsmb Street. Satch. I SON. INITKTION. A SON, IV1TC YOUR SPECIAL s Appropriate te Easter. INCLUDING PAKEFULLY SKLECTED STOCK OP EXAMEIiEl) 1'INS, IN tAL FOIIMS, AND SKT . RHOADS & SON, fe. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. &0U cf ttcttiahtttn oeb. 'A BilENEMAN. 1000 Yards Fleer Oil Cleth, NEW PATTERNS AND'NEW GOODS, AT25ANDCJNT8PERYARI). OLD PRICE, 80 AND 40 CENTS. lemething New--" blstlevwhen Lamp Is filled. Everyone using A HRENEMAN, LINISr & BRErTEMAlSr. NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN jfttvttituve. QQ.DJAQ1 QIUB4. n MARIUAQE A FAILURE T NOT TT - ECONOMY IS USED IN'BUYINO NEW STYLE, RELIABLE, FURNITURE, Where Prices Are Lewest. as" We practice economy te be able te make prices low. Give us a chanee te show you our stock. Uoeds set aside. Ochs & Gibbs, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d A 4th Floers, Ne. 81 SOUTH QUEEN Sl'REKT. F UHN1TUHE. De Yeu Want The Best Furniture for the Least Meney ? If se, come te see us. Our Elegant New Spring Stock Is new en our floors ready te show. Nothing like It was ever seen here before. Parler and Bedroom Suits, designed by the best urtlsts In Europe mid America, and put to gether se substantially Unit we can ge u guarantee with each article. By tbe way (you must Just keep It te your self,) and hurry te see us, for we are offering a few articles of Furniture carled ever from hut year below prices that tbey could be bought for atauctlen, Fer Instance, a Bedroom Suit, lis. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, 27 & 29 Seuth Queen Street TIT1DM fER'S CORNER, Moving Time Is With Us AND IT ACTUALLY Suggests Heustires I It May HelWill te Further Suggest That Vtridniyer ' s STOCK OF FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD NOVELTIES IS UNEQUALED IN THE INTERIOR OI THE STATE QUANTITY, QUALITY, VARIETY ANI PRICE. WIDMYER, Cerner East King and Duke Streets, LANCASTER, PA. etoettst. OARPBTH AT CKNTB. MtHti sjs v Am utiiMti efa CARPETS AT M CENTS, CARPETS AT OS CENTS. CARPETS AT 74 CENTS. OypedU FeuUia Iaa. use. let of these Heavy 0 Ingham Remnants at tUe. as tne price no aeuDt win ee niguer, lAieiymey Opposite Fountain Iaa. Ne. 4 West King Street, ATTKMTtON TO THEIR WITH PUECI0U8 HTONKS. Intelligent Oil Can' Oil shenld have one. Price, SO Cents. PLINN Wholesale Agents. ST., LANCASTER, PA. Snatches. F INE AMERICAN WATCHES. t - Ja - r OSltiVC BarSaifl tO tflC -. " Watch Buyer. We offer Ri:LOWLL-iVi;n;iTU)N, a brsnd new Hue of fine American WitSbeJut purchased Jit a CUT PRICE. They are'Mtein Wlud, VVUj JEWELED, PATENTREOTJltA; TORS, BRKONKT HAIR SPRINUH, slid wlW give a uuarantee wim every uiuiviauai move ment, te run wunin uu seceuas a wees ana even better. In either Hunting or Open Pace Cases. InOOLDCASKS-WO and up, acccerdlng te weight and quality. In SILVER CASES, lit. In NICKEL CASES, III. In UOLD-KILLED CASES, gU U fa, U :., '11 year guarantee. In LewerQualltlcs of KILLED CASES, 118. Tbesbeve are all genuine American Manu factured Uoeds of a High tirade, with which we give our personal, as well as maker's, guar antee. CHAS.S GILL, JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN, NO. 10 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w ALTER C. IIERR. We would call uttentleu te our unusually large ;te.'k of Oeld, Pilled, Sliver and Nickel Cased Watclies at prices that cannot be s s preaLhed by anyone. Bring Us Your Repairing. WILLCIIVEYOUTIIEBEHTWOHK. PRICES MODERATE. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OP ORANQE. e-PROK. LITTLE, Optlclun, will be here April 17, IU and IU. iiltteic. milEMUUICHTOUE. THE MUSIC STORE. DECKER BROS. PIANOS, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS. RAND AND ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. STIUNOHANDTRIMMINaSOPALLXINDS. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. fTUtUK DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, X. propelled by a geed powder blower, Is tbe mast effectual destroyer of files and ether amah Insects. Feffeals AtaTTOUCY'SDRUasrTOHX, m was aiss amast Watches, Clocks, k tDlotltttte. TLTxTCRB RATHrON. OUR t -IS- FULL OP BARGAINS! Call and Inspect our line or Suits te Order at. $18! Mere than Thirty Styles In pick from. Tasty and fashionable. And Our Line at $20 1 Over Ferlr Styles In this line te lake your eye. Durable and handsome. And Oar Line at $22 and $23 ! Over Forty Styles at these prices. You'll pay MS for these same goods elsewhere. Handsome and stylish. Our Line at $25 embraces nearly ONE HUNDRED PATTERNS. This Is as large as the whole stock of any ether house In Lancaster. 128, $30, 132, $35, AND UPWARDS rovers a line of the Handsomest Nevell las of foreign Markets. Myers & Rathven, Leading Fashionable Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. S' I'KINO IHHKllh. L. Gansman & Bre. THE SPRING SEASON. De net wnll.tlin nprlng Season hss opened, snd we are shuwlng lu our extensive establish establish ment the finest and cheapest Una of Men's, Beys' and Children's Clothing In the city. A FEW SAMPLE PRIOES : Children's Knee Pants, ffl, 85, 40, 80. 75 els., II. Beys' long I'antsateac, 75c, fl.lliV u MensPauUat7e,Wc,l,llSMI7a, K. Ki IS, UW.lt. Men's Business Hulls nl 1275, H at, H 7S, ft, V. Men's All-Weel Casslmere Suits at K 60, td, 17, Men's All-Weel Chovlet Suits at fe 80,1710, Kten'stlne English Corkscrew Bulla at 18, 110, u. Men's Black and Blue Wide Wale Cheviot Stilts at 17 te, I. Ill, lis. , The Plnest Prluce Alberts SulU at 110, 112, IU, 118,118. Largest assortment of Beys' and Children's SnlUln the city. . . Beys' SulU at an, 13 78, l,l', tW, r- Children's SulU, HOe, II, II 2 II 60. . Ail-Weel Children's SulU at II 76, 12, 1380.13, 14 13. Spring OverceaU at reduced prices. sKVYeii save the prnflt here the middle man usually expecU te make L. Gansman & Bre.. Tailors and Mannfsctnrtrrs or Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) I a4 II X0T Q0KIH IT., a.w.courifteroaUxaB. lajteaitu, ri. sW Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In tbe city. sne cautions and make no mistake se that you get te the right place. H IRNII A BROTHER. Means te many the overhauling of lest Spring's and Summer's Clothing, and the Oiling up of a Suit, Pair of Pants, or a Light Weight Over coat. If you stand In need of any of the above LMUfles, please bear m mind that we can sup- I .Ti urltl, t,m Mlllinr ltAttllV.MArift flF Mui.ta!eMe1, at prices which are sure te please you In every r OUR- MADE-TO-ORDER DEPARTMENT Is feeling tbe usual Spring Impetus, notwith standing tbe unfavorable weather ; and it Is no wonder. Such handsome patterns as we can show are bard le resist buying. We wlllbe pleased te show them te you, INCUR Ready-Made Department The handsome patterns mu nre shewlug In Men's, Beys' and Children's Suits & Pantaloons Are without doubt the iuet desirable In Lan caster. A view of our C'ontre Siuar Windows will give you uu Idea of them. SPECIALTIES IN Sprieg Overcoats, $5 te $20. .Spring Neckwear, 26c and 80c. Spring Underwear, 25c and 50c. CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND UENTB' FURNISHERS. .Queen St.,. Centre Square, Market St., LANCASTKK. PA. gCtml. T UMIIERANDCOAU Jj TOHACCOHHOOKSANDCAHEH. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale aud Retail, by B.B. MARTIN A CO., nMyd 2t Water Street. Lancaster, l'a. -T AUMUAHDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orvicaa Na 12 North Queen Street, and Ne. iM North Prince street YAJtea fterut rrines ntreet, near iteaaiug HID MM MMM HIRSH d BROTHER, Vvattclcr' ffutlv. W!i JKNNHYLVANtARAILROADBCHKB , f t-VJiirii't. "a"i2"a -.. win, iium nor, iu, isev. !: .Trains lbavb LAjteAaram and lsava east a ,v AHM, m.-m .f.M .A .- U I nveatrhliadelphlaas fellows t "J twmrwARD. Paclfle Expressf.. Leave Philadelphia. "S p. ss. Mi, IB. Tifln a. hi. a35':t MalltralnvlaMUeyf Sy ! m miur....., ..btgara Kzpreas....... Haneyer Aeoem. ........ Past Ltnet........... FrederleJi Aeoem.. Launaster Aecem Lancaster Aeoem....... Haniibnrg Aoeonu... via Columbia tMm. m. via Columbia ll'l m MMB m. m. is. 11 a. SB.?) M.M m. . ..t via Columbia "KS. nits a. m. via Mt. lay. J 52 p. sa. sen p. m, 4:18 p. m. 1:30 p. m. med. m. am Visa IS SB. J Harrlsbura Kspreaa Western Kzpreast..., .Fsp-av: lAucaster Acce.. ZIH. t 1 ArttVA I Arrive A AHTWARD. Laaeaster. W0 a. m. 4: a. m. :'J a. m M0 a. m, fcMa. bu t-oea. m. lla.m. UM p. m. us p. m. fcoep, ra. .ftp. m. :p, m. fJSp, m. Uap. m. f laiia. Kspressr. FastLlnef. L, Lancaster Aeee.. Harrtsburg ElprtisT lt& 'ri OolumblaAccemj;;". MT-" ausdue jvipreest... liauj Phllad.lnhla Aoceinl! nuniwy stall. ...,.., pay Ezpreasf ... JjJlRaa.l Mall Trntnt-.....-.. J mKmX-A rreucncK Accem, A!,....... ... -.. .A imruui unu wmrn run asur, OnHnnday the Mall train west rnns by way jj Columbia. .JM J. R. WOOD, eenera, Psssengtr Agea , .8. E. PUOli. Oeneral laMcsr. CIIAS. E. PUU ! f-aUllslltfl mil a M. neaa(ati at.tt . .V us4nvikUs:iAallUAUlflfnAaassWsUi: tltflTllUflAfVltttUBTl ntUftltAl & sswuinu H VWWUMD1A ITsJUlfl iJ Y On and nfUr Rundr, Ner 10, 1M, tnhM J IBT UIDCMier (KIDff IITMI). U fOUOWtt r-'h rur iwmainf ana ii.um.Mift.f pemu. WMB , Amm Van at m lO.fMr. fj.asi w nw m faa-"" r i Per Philadelphia, week days, TdO a, m., UHf srfH n. m.: Mnndavs. Ia n. m ' -,Tv , rer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dayevva ,Fer 2w Yerk vl AUentewn, WMk te,vl Uh p. Ilia 4 ". tttv Allsifftlwra wvttstV At.m . a m . T. 1 m. f Rnnrtaiv. JL'fy n. tn. -.. "S Ker iMtunil, wtttk tUyi, TJOft. mM 1:48 p. miiM DUU1M.J, MID u. U,. r. Per Lebanon, week davs. 7.-00 a. m.. tfcss I.t m p. m. ; Sunday, 8i06 a. m, S.IA p. m. ii . Ker HarrtsBurg, weeli dsya, 7. a. m 1H,; rerquarryvllle, week days, MB a. .wp.m.; Bunaay,B:iep.m. ,,,. TRAINS FOR LANOARTIW. Tl ft fsive Readlnr. wselfdara. Ten. ll-SSa. as.' ):6Ap.m.t Sunday, 7:30 a.m.: i:10p.m. 5 jffl lirave Philadelphia, week days, itls, MM? m., '00 p.m. $& UQSTBli.w iws Tin 1 HiiaaeipuiB, SBVKSHVavr 7:U a. m.,l:ikp.m. 12:15 night. via lave New Yerk via Allentown, week dayt', : Ka.m., 1KB p.m. ,. lave AUeutewn, week days, bh a.m. Ml """Leave Pettsvllle, week days, fctt a. m M p. BO, f Leave Lebanon, week days, Till a. m., HaV 7:1a p. m,: Sunday, 7,-Ma.m.. 8:p.m. .. Ijeave Harrlsbun. week dara. 8HB a. as.! bbbi day, tM a. m. .,' Leave Uuarryvllls, week days, 6: Ilia! a. sa ssu nuuuy, isiub. in. x Atiiiinsiuuis 1 uivieiun, . Leave Philadelphia, Cheslunt 'Street and Seuth street wharf. ' V Per Atlantle City, week days, aipraaa. S40 a. m. and 4.-00 p. m.j Aeoemmodatieav 7:) a. m. and t-M p. m. i Sunday, Xxptbib.' BK a. m., Aeoemmodatlon, SMS a. as Ssf p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City, depot eerastr Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues. Wsekdays. Kxpreas 7:90 a. m. and p. as. Aeeea. mndatlen.H.'OSa.m. and 10 e. m. Sundays Espress, p. m. Aeoemmodatlon, 7M aasj4 Detailed time Ublea can be obtained at Usfe offices. p A. A.McLEOl). .-v CO. HANCOCK, ff vice rres. uen 1 M'gr. ueni rasa r abv T EltANON A LANCASTER JOINT UH XJ RAILROAD. Arrangements of Passenger Trains na aai alia . nunuszi naTeaiwr iu hip, r -4,i Ms mmmmmm Jt ' NORTHWARD. Icave a.m. r.lf. King Street, Lane. 7K' lfc Lancaster..,....... 7OT 12:tf Columbia . 1JM Maehelm............ 1M Utt CernwalL. ............ TM VM Arrive at ... . Lebanon .- Ml UI SOUTHWARD. Leave a-x. p.bt. Ibanen ............- 7:11 UH Cornwall - 7:37 Uaf Manbelm! 7M 1:1s Lancaater...n..M. . 137 ! Arrive at . Columbia .. Mt MB Kl 11s Street. Lane. s l hSKsasayv0-"""-- atttv. N EW LAM PS AND ART GOODS. ii & 1 Call and. TUB (31 "tn f- AND Jel Jehn F. Schaum & Sen; plumbing; .44 vSJvjf-'ai rmmS a fcujim f atJltdi M PI FINE NEW LAMPS M . GAS FITTING AND R00FMG.S t 3N 26 SOUTH QUEEN 8T., favbtvavc. TTARDWARE I ".-77 '.I PlAKUWAKtl If you want te buy a tfM Heuse-Stire GOTO Marshall & Rentier's, A 11 SOUTH QUEEN RT. There you can get STOVES, TINWARK, b CEDARWARE, CUTLERY, h . . ...... n Auaaiuu uueei v Heusefurnishing Goods. Alse, a Pull Stock of OENERAL. HABD-i.i' WAIIK anil Vv.4 PRIME NEW GL0VERSEED. 1 MllSHAItL&llEFGIBRl NOS. 9 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. asaMrA lhoteavath. ROT,t I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kcenigsburg, Prussia. Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bast as4 Three-quarter Length Photographs. fROTE.-f se i-2 North Queen St., WaztDgerMtka M ."B j. S-ti 1 Tl i at) m '.i- : -j-r . " .t i jrv